Lesson Plan: Healthy Habits Students: Time

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Lesson Plan: Healthy Habits

This lesson plan is intended for 2nd graders.
30 min-60 min a day for one week.

Teacher will need access to display videos: Wellbeing- Healthy Habits for Children and Sid Shuffle
Access to computers for linked game
Power point: power point
Printables: word searches
Habits Coloring
My Healthy Habit Promise
What Are Germs? By Katie Daynes : Hard Cover or Video
Other materials include crayons, markers, colored pencils, highlighters, paint, and glue.

Concept: Concept HE.2.P.7.1
The learning objective of this lesson plan is to promote physical activity, nutrition, hygiene, and
demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors.

Standard-based Learning Objectives:

The teacher will need to monitor and critique during assignments and evaluate final products. Students
should recall and record healthy habits in all three categories: physical fitness, nutrition, as well as
hygiene. Students will discuss and compare healthy suggestions throughout the week. Students will
apply and demonstrate their understanding throughout the week’s assignments and during the final
project. Students will assemble their own healthy habit promise in three categories: physical fitness,
nutrition, as well as hygiene during the final project. Finally, students will add value and support by
explaining why they chose these habits to commit to during their final project on day 5.

Day 1: General Health Knowledge

(Time: 30 minutes)
It’s Healthy Habit week! Students will start off the week by learning about overall health and how they
can implement healthy habits into their lives.
1. The teacher will start by questioning the class about what they already know about health and
what they think are some healthy habits, write these suggestions on the “Healthy Habit Chart”
this can be done on a section of the white board but must be displayed throughout the whole
2. After the open discussion play this short 6 min video: Wellbeing- Healthy Habits for Children
3. After watching the video, the class will return to an open discussion reflecting on what they
originally suggested and if they have any new suggestions on some healthy habits they can make,
add these suggestions to the “Healthy Habit Chart”.
4. Closing out the lesson students will then be given mini coloring books: Habits Coloring where
students will commit to some health habits.

Content areas covered: Visual, Nutrition.

Assessment: Teacher will need to observe student suggestions on the Healthy Habit Chart.

Day 2: Nutrition
(Time: 60 minutes)
Today’s healthy habit lesson will focus on the importance of proper nutrition.
1. The teacher will start the lesson by reflecting on some of the nutritious suggestions from day one
that are still written at the front of the class.
2. The teacher will go over the proper nutrition guidelines as described by health.gov and
3. For the next part of the lesson the room should be set up into three different stations where
students will go around to each station and do the associated activity. Allow 15 minutes per
 Station one will have computers where students can play a game that teaches students all about
different cultures and what they eat in their country.
 Station two will have printed word searches and highlighters for students.
 Station three will have MyPlate printouts where students will create their own properly
portioned nutritious plate by listing their food choices and decorating their own plate.
4. To close out today’s lesson reflect back to the “Healthy Habit Chart” and add any new

Content areas covered: Visual, Nutrition, Social Studies, Literary, Language Arts
Assessment: Teacher will need to observe student suggestions on the Healthy Habit Chart, observe as
students play the nutritional game, and evaluate the word search and MyPlate printout to make sure
they translate to today’s nutritional lesson.

Day 3: Fitness
(Time: 60 minutes)
1. Get the students excited for a day full of fitness by starting off the lesson getting all the students
on their feet. Push the desks back and give a good amount of space at the front of the class. Play
the Sid Shuffle via projector and dance along with your students. Let them know we are getting
our bodies moving.
2. After enjoying the dance have an open discussion about the importance of physical fitness and
what activities your students already enjoy.
3. Next the students will participate in an exercises game. Break up the students into four teams,
you can assign them team colors if you choose. The teacher will go over this power point
presentation, showing students physical examples of each workout. Then the game will begin on
the last slide. The teacher will proceed to ask an addition question, when a team believes they
have the right answer they raise their hand. The teacher will call on a student from that team to
give their team answer, if correct they get to pick one exercise for the other teams to do and
how many reps they must do as well. Then the next question will be asked and so on.
Background music can be played during this lesson to motivate students and keep them
4. Once again closing out the lesson by adding new fitness suggestions to the “Healthy Habit

Content areas covered: Dance, Music, Drama, Physical Education, Social Studies, Math.
Assessment: Teacher will need to observe student suggestions on the Healthy Habit Chart, as well as
how student’s complete each exercise that is given.

Day 4: Hygiene
(Time: 60 minutes)
1. Today’s lesson will begin by reading What Are Germs? By Katie Daynes Here is a link to a physical
copy: Hard Cover if you cannot access a physical copy here is a video link of the book read aloud:
2. After reading this book to the class, will begin a science experiment where students will learn
how germs spread. Students will line up around the room. The student at the front of the line
will stick their hand in paint until their entire palm is covered in paint. This paint will represent
germs. The student will then shake the hand of the second person in line. The second person will
shake hands with the third, and so on until ever student has shaken hands. Students will
examine the paint on their hands and relate the experiment to how germs secretly spread.
3. To close the lesson, have another class discussion about what healthy hygienic habits we should
be sure to do and write any new suggestions on the “Healthy Habit Chart”.

Content areas covered: Science, Literary.

Assessment: Teacher will need to observe student suggestions on the Healthy Habit Chart as well as how
students demonstrate and translate today’s science lesson to proper hygiene techniques.

Day 5: Healthy Habit Commitments

(Time: 60 minutes)
Today is assessment day. All previous work sheets should be collected and reviewed for creativity and
contain suggestions that were discussed.
1. As a class we will review our “Healthy Habit Chart” that should now be completed and contain
areas of nutrition, physical fitness, and hygiene.
2. Students will each be given a large printout called My Healthy Habit Promise where students will
commit to some of the healthy habits they have learned throughout the week.
 The center should represent themselves. If you would like to print out a picture of each
student for them to paste in the middle, you may. If not, they may draw a picture of
themselves in the middle.
 They need to add at least one promise for each of the following categories: Nutrition,
Fitness, and Hygiene.
 They must also decorate their promise sheet with pictures pertaining to their healthy
 In the bottom right corner, the student must write a sentence or two about why they
promise to make these healthy habit changes in their life.
3. Students who complete the assignment early may go on the computers and play this nutritional
4. Students will turn in their final projects to be graded. Use this assessment rubric. Once graded
return the projects to each student with the rubric attached.
Content areas covered: Visual, Physical Education, Nutrition, Language Arts.
Assessment: Using the rubric Teacher will evaluate final projects.

For ELL students monitor closely for any needed assistance and translations. Offer all worksheets with
translations available as needed.
For students with IEPs offer additional time and the option to take home assignments to complete as
homework. Asses only the completed work and class participation.

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