Business Licence Guide en

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Agency for Promotion of Investment and Exports (APIEX) is a public
institution that results from the extinction of the Investment Promotion NOTICE:
Centre (CPI), the Special Economic Zones Authority (GAZEDA) and the This Mozambique Business Licencing Guide has been prepared by the Project Team for
Institute for Export Promotion (IPEX), whose purpose is to promote Enhancing Capacity of Investment Promotion and Facilitation in Mozambique, sponsored by
and facilitate private, public investment and exports, special economic Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), with the contents drafted in consultation with
zones, industrial free zones and rapid development zones. Agency for the Promotion of Investments and Exports (APIEX). This Business Licencing Guide
is intended to assist foreign potential investors, interested in investing in Mozambique, in
understanding procedures to obtaining licences from government authorities.

This Business Licencing Guide is compiled with reference to the applicable laws and
The document has been compiled as a reference guide for foreign
regulations governing the licencing procedures. This laws and regulations are listed in the list
and domestic companies or individuals considering investing in the
of references in the document.
Republic of Mozambique compiled by the Project for enhancing
capacity of investment promotion & facilitation sponsored by the Japan
International Cooperation Agency (JICA), for and inconjunct ion with the
Agency for Promotion of Investment and Exports (APIEX).
Acronym list 6
1. Introduction 7
2. One-stop shop (BAU) 7
2.1 Authorising Authority 7
2.2 Type of Licenses Issued by BAU 7
2.3 Procedure 7
2.4 Industrial Licensing 8
2.5 Commercial Licensing 10
2.6 Simplified Licensing 10
2.7 Length of Time 12
2.8 Costs 12
2.9 Additional Information 12
2.10 Contact Information 12
3. Sectoral Licenses 13
3.1 Agriculture 13
3.2 Communication 14
3.3 Construction 18
3.4 Education 23
3.5 Energy 28
3.6 Environment 36
3.7 Finance 39
3.8 Fisheries and Aquaculture 44
3.9 Forestry 48
3.10 Health 48
3.11 Security 55
3.12 Tourism 57
3.13 Trade and Industry 63
3.14 Transport 68
3.15 Mineral Resources 76

JULY 2019

ACRONYM LIST 1 | Introduction departments. BAU offices have been established

Mozambique has become an ideal destination in all provincial capitals throughout the country,
AD District Administrator INAMAR National Maritime Authority for investment on the African continent. As such, and its services can therefore be accessed
ADNAP Administração Nacional de Pescas/ INCM National Institute of Communications
National Fisheries Administration INP Instituto Nacional de Petróleo/National the government of Mozambique has introduced at local, provincial and national levels. BAU
AIA Agro Industria Associadas/Agro Petroleum Institute legislation that provides a framework in which functions are managed through Electronic-
Industries Associates INSS Instituto Nacional de Seguranca Social/ investment can take place. The legislative One Stop Shop (E-BAU), an electronic system
APIEX Agência para Promoção de Investimentos National Social Security Institute framework provides for a range of requirements or platform through which applications are
e Exportação/Agency for the Promotion IPEX Institute for Export Promotion
of Investments and Exports which investors or business entities must processed. Applications are submitted to BAU
ISP Internet Access Service
AT Autoridade Tributária de Moçambique/ ISPC International Signal Point Code comply with to conduct business in the country and administered through E-BAU, after which
Tax Authority ISSM O Instituto de Supervisão de Seguros de legally. Specifically, legislation makes provision it is submitted to the relevant ministry for
BAU Balcão de Atendimento Único/One Stop Moçambique/Institute of Insurance for various sectoral licences, which are issued approval. The Ministry of Trade and Industry, via
Shop Supervision of Mozambique
by relevant government (sector) departments the National Directorate of Support for Private
BI Bilhete de Identidade JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency
BoM Bank of Mozambique km kilometres or by the One Stop Shop (BAU). These licences Sector Development, manages E-BAU.
CAE Classification of Economic Activity kVA Kilovolt-amps are referred to as licences, which are company
CPI Investment Promotion Centre MIC Ministry of Industry and Commerce trading or operating licences. Licences enable 2.1 Authorising Authority
CV Curriculum Vitae MIMAIP Ministry of the Sea, Internal Waters individuals or entities to legally conduct and The licences are subject to be approved and
DG Director-General and Fisheries
DINAF National Directorate of Forests MITADER Ministry of Land, Environment and operate a business in Mozambique. issued by the following authorities:
DINAGECA Direcção Nacional de Geografia e Rural Development  The Minister of Trade and Industry (large size
Cadastro/National Directorate MMDS Multipoint Multichannel Distribution Ensuring that one engages in economic activity of industrial and commercial entities, Foreign
of Geography and Cadastre Network in a manner that is compliant with the law can Trade Representation)
DIRE Documento de Identificação e Residência MVDS Multipoint Video Distribution Network
become complicated given that a single entity  The Provincial Governor (small size industries
para Estrangeiros/Foreigners’ MZN Mozambican Metical
Identification and NSPC National Signal Point Code may have to secure numerous licences from and commercial)
Registration Document NUIT Unique Tax Identification Number different departments to achieve full compliance.  Provincial Governor (micro and small size
DLA Automatic Location Device PRM Police of the Republic of Mozambique industries and commercial)
DNA National Directorate for the Environment RLAC Regulamento do Licenciamento
The purpose of this document is therefore to  In places where there are no Municipalities,
DNC National Trade Directorate da Actividade Comercial/Regulation
DoP Department of Pharmaceuticals of the Licensing of the Commercial provide guidance on sector specific licensing the licensing is done at the District Services
DSPI Department of Planning and Activity Licence procedures that entities/individuals wishing to for Economic Activities (SDAEs)
Infrastructure SADC Southern African Development operate a business in Mozambique must adhere
DUAT Direito do Uso e Aproveitamento da Community to. It is hoped that this document will become a 2.2 Type of Licenses Issued by BAU
Terra/Right of Use and Land Utilisation SCPS Personal Communication Service by
credible guide for foreign and national investors  Industrial Licenses – small and medium
E-BAU Electronic-One Stop Shop Satellite
EDM Electricidade de Mocambique/Electricity SDAE District Services on Economic Affairs wishing to invest in Mozambique. enterprises; large scale enterprises
Company SEZs Special Economic Zones (application only).
EIA Environment Impact Assessment SM State Employee  Commercial Licenses – trade; business

Estudo de Pre Viabilidade Ambiental e
Definição do Âmbito/Environmental Pre-
Global Mobile Service by Satellite
Mobile Service with Shared Resources 2 | One-stop shop (BAU) establishment; stores; services; foreign
Feasibility and Scoping Study SMS Satellite Mobile Service BAU is a service office established by Decree commercial representation; and foreign trade
FDI Foreign Direct Investment SNS National Health System nº. 14/2007 of 30 May. Its objective is to be operators.
GABINFO Government Information Bureau t tonne a one stop shop to rationalise procedures for  Service Licences
GAZEDA Special Economic Zones Authority TV Television
the licensing of economic activity and other
ha hectare USD United States Dollars
ID Identification Document VoIP IP Telephony Service related services. BAUs primary function is 2.3 Procedure
INAE National Inspectorate for Economic licensing economic activities given that other 2.3.1. BAU General Approval Process
Activities services are delivered by the relevant sector  Figure 1 below outlines the general licensing


Figure 1: BAU General Licensing Approval Process Table 1: Category of Industrial Activity

INFORMATION DESK Categories Initial Investment (Meticais) Power Installed or to be Number of

Verification of Documents, Payment and Access to Information Installed (KvA) Employees
Large Dimension Equal or more than Equal or more than 1000 More than 100
FRONT DESK 300,000,000.00
Application Process and Receipt of Reference Number and Date of Collection of License Media Dimension Equal or more than Equal or more than 500 50 to 100
From 75,000,000.00
BACK OFFICE Small Size Equal or more than 750,000.00 Equal or more than 10 From 5 to 49
Digitisation of Documents and Processing of Application Micro Dimension Less than 750,000.00 Less than 10 Less than 5

By the Head of the BAU Office
2.4.3 Application furnaces, forges, greenhouses, tanks,
Procedure hoists, conveyors, cranes, winches and all
APPROVAL  Applicants must submit their applications, other dependencies and fixed and mobile
Executive Director of BAU with the applicable form attached, together equipment which are relevant to the work
with the industrial project and copies of of the industrial establishment.
COLLECTION OF LICENSE the following documents whose veracity, if  Descriptive memory of the project
Applicants are Informed of When to Collect the License Via Text Message or a Phone Call not authenticated, shall be verified at the mentioning:
time of delivery, upon presentation of the • Operational and manufacturing diagrams;
respective originals. raw material to be used, its specifications
Required documentation: and quantities; production capacity
 The application must be delivered in and conformity of products with legally
approval process that applicants have to  The modification or expansion of small and duplicate and must contain the following established standards or characteristics;
undergo at BAU. medium-sized industrial establishments documents and elements: apparatus, machines and other equipment;
depend on the approval of the industrial • Topographic plan of the industrial with the respective specifications;
2.4 Industrial Licensing project by the competent authority for the establishment and information on the estimated number of operators to employ;
2.4.1 Type of Industrial Activity licensing, whose decision must be taken buildings, the respective access roads, as electrical requirements; safety devices and
Industrial establishments are classified in large, within a maximum period of 12 working days. well as the urban properties, public roads means to mitigate risks associated with the
medium, small and micro dimension according and water infrastructure, whether the work; safety, first aid and social facilities;
to the following criteria (See table 1): 2.4.2 Authorising Authority construction is new or an expansion of an water supply system; approximate number
 For an industrial establishment to be  Industrial business for large companies (e.g. existing industrial establishment. of toilets, showers and sanitary facilities;
classified in a given category it must meet at manufacturing companies) which licence • Plan of the industrial complex, including sewage network and rainwater drainage
least two of the criteria listed in Table 1. are issued centrally, i.e. by the Minister of workshops, warehouses, depots and system; treatment of effluents; and initial
 For the purpose of classifying industrial Trade and Industry, through the National offices, washrooms, cafeterias, sanitary investment.
establishments whose parameters are at Directorate of Industry. The application is facilities, sewage and communications, • License for the operation of electric
three different levels, the intermediate level submitted through BAU and goes through as well as elevations and cuts for roof installations issued by the entity that
shall be considered. E-BAU, but the issuance of the licence is done inspections, chimneys, stairs, stair wells, oversees the energy area to be submitted
 Small and medium-sized industrial manually. firing installations, power forks or steam only at the time of request for inspection
establishments are exempt from industrial  The Governor of the Province issues licences production; storage of liquid, solid or or issuance of the licence.
project approval. for small and medium sized businesses. gaseous fuels, pressure gas containers, • For national natural persons: identity

8 9

card or passport or driver’s licence fire department. simplified licensing can be applied. 2.6.2 Procedure
or voter’s card, and, for foreigners: Refer to Appendix A for specific amounts  It is incumbent upon the BAU to process and  Presentation of the completed application
Foreigners’ Identification and Registration applicable. issue simplified licences and certificates, as form, duly completed, and accompanied by
Document (DIRE) or valid temporary well as the suspension and revocation of one of the following documents:
residence authorisation, provided that the 2.5 Commercial Licensing business activities. • Copy of valid identity document (ID) card,
respective authorisation term allows him/ 2.5.1 Requirements  In places where there are no BAUs the passport, driver’s licence, professional card
her to carry out economic activity.  Sole proprietorships: identity card, driver’s District Governments are competent for the or voter’s card for nationals.
• A certificate of registration for the legal licence, valid voter card, passport (for locals), processing and issuance of the simplified • Identification and residency document for
entity. DIRE or passport with a valid business visa or licence. To this end, the district authorities foreigners or passport with business visa or
 If the environmental licensing process has not permit of permanent residence for foreigners, must coordinate with BAU to ensure temporary authorisation of residence, valid
yet been completed, the applicant must add Unique Tax Identification Number (NUIT), compliance with the licensing procedures. for a minimum of six months for foreigners.
only the approved Terms of Reference, and and the certificate of name reservation if you  The simplified licence is valid for an indefinite  Applicants must also attach the certificate
the environmental licence must be submitted want to use a commercial denomination. period. of registration of a legal entity or copy of
later upon inspection.  In the case of companies, the business’s proof  Simplified licensing in various sectors, as the publication of the statutes/articles of
 License to operate electrical establishments are of registration or registration certificate, shown in Table 2 below: association of the commercial company in
to be submitted only upon inspection. the power of attorney giving the subscriber the Bulletin of the Republic (Government
 When the application is submitted at BAU, powers if it is not specified in the certificate
E-BAU generates a statement/ receipt, which of registration as an administrator or
contains the following information/references: authorized representative.
Table 2: Simplified licensing for various sectors
• Where the application was submitted: e.g.  When the process is submitted at BAU the
BAU – Maputo City platform E-BAU generates a statement in Sector Description
• The name of a clerk/employee attending to terms of a receipt (see above for contents of Agriculture Agricultural activities - irrigation systems (for areas up to 350 ha), livestock
the process the receipt). (cattle breeding up to 500 heads, pig farming - farming up to 3000 boars and /
• Date of submission  Fees will be payable for the licence and for the or up to 100 breeding sows).
• Application reference number inspection in the case of commercial licensing Trade Retail (class 10 and subclasses of class 12 of Classification of Economic Activity
• Brief description of the contents of the of food products and chemical products. (CAE)).
process Refer to Appendix B for specific amounts Industry Micro and small manufacturing facilities with the exception of the food,
• Payment made applicable. pharmaceutical and beverage industries.
• Means of payment: transfer/deposit slip Construction Micro and small property developments, building activities in civil engineering,
• List of items in a table format: e.g. licence 2.6 Simplified Licensing and Civil works bridges, water projects and small construction materials yards.
fee/amount 2.6.1 General Information Communication Internet cafés.
• Signature and stamp  Simplified licensing applies to
Culture Video rental services, crafts sales, arts and dance schools, craftsmen, artists and
Costs economic activities (i.e. for small/micro art dealers and exhibitors.
 Amounts will need to be paid for the entrepreneurships) which may have
Fishery Artisanal fishing / small-scale fishing.
following to licence small and medium-size negligible, insignificant or minimal negative
industries, although the amounts will differ: impacts on the environment, and therefore Consulting and Hairdressers and beauty salons, decoration and entertainment events,
Services photocopying, translation and interpretation services, marketing and
• Permits do not require an Environmental Impact advertising services, accounting and management consulting and consulting in
• Inspection Assessment (EIA) usually required big the legal field.
• Renovation industries or traders. Tourism Hotel establishments such as restaurants, 1 and 2 star guest houses and 1 star
 For medium-sized industries, the applicant  The size of the business is important to motels, tea rooms, pubs (1 and 3 class), coffee shops and patisseries.
must request an assessment from the classify the licence and to determine whether
Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MIC) 2015
10 11

Gazette) and proof of the position of the • For simplified licensing, a single rate is Xai; Caixa Postal 83; BAÚ LUMBO
applicant, in the case of legal persons, and applicable. The fee for the simplified Tel. (258) 28 225399; E-mail: [email protected] Ilha de Mocambique; Bairro de Murromone –
the NUIT. licensing corresponds to 50% of the Lumbo
 For activities whose exercise is authorised by minimum wage in force in the public BAÚ MANICA Tel. (258) 266 110 03
professional orders or by another entity, a service. Rua do Barue; No 112 E-mail: [email protected]
copy of the document issued by them must • The costs and related information listed Tel. 251-23327; Fax. 251-23327
be attached to the application. above are as noted in Decree nº. 22/2014 E-mail: [email protected] BAÚ CABO DELGADO / BAÚ MONTEPUEZ
 The request and the documents that instruct of 16 May. Avenida 16 de Junho; No 253; R/C
the application may be presented in hard Refer to Appendix C specific amounts BAÚ SOFALA Tel/Fax: (258) 27 221 398
copy or electronic format. applicable. Av. Rua Armando Tivane No 1502; R/C; BEIRA E-mail: [email protected]
 Prior notice is required for real estate Tel. +258 23327551; Fax. (258) 23323697
activities and cultural, accounting, 2.9 Additional Information BAÚ NIASSA
management and consultancy services in  Simplified licences normally do not require BAÚ ZAMBEZI / BAÚ MOCUBA Av. Samora Michel; R/C
the legal, architectural, engineering and approval from other entities because it does Travessa 1 de Julho No 39; E-mail: [email protected]
related areas by natural persons, the annex not have the environment or public health Tel. (258) 24217684
of a residence may also be considered as a impact. E-mail: [email protected]
residential address.  Only industrial licences have an application 3|Sectoral Licenses
 Prior notification of an applicant who already form. BAÚ TETE Several sectors require sector specific licences
holds a previous simplified licence for new  Some officials are based at BAU to assist with Av. Eduardo Mondlane; Edificio da DPIC; No 27; in order to operate in Mozambique. The
activities shall not require the documents the approval of industrial licences but the R/C sections below provide information on the
referred to above. applicant might have to go to the relevant Tel. (258) 252 24 164 relevant sectors and the relevant procedures
department to get approval before the E-mail: [email protected] for each licence.
2.6.3 Requirements licence application can be undertaken.
 The requirements of simplified licences are BAÚ ANGONIA 3.1 Agriculture
the same as those applicable to commercial 2.10 Contact Information Av. Robert Mugabe; R/C Nr 2 3.1.1 Type of License
licences. BAÚ MAPUTO Tel. (258) 86 34 83 647 / 25 25 20 69  Livestock Transportation
Av. Josina Machel, nº. 151 E-mail: [email protected] • Transit license
2.7 Length of Time Maputo – Mozambique • Sanitary certificate
 BAU must issue the certificate of application BAÚ CHANGARA • Import license
in the presence of the applicant (in person) BAÚ MATOLTA Vila de Luenha; Barri Emilia Dausse • Export license
and within a maximum period of one day. Av. Marcos Sebastiao Mabote; No 1225; Matola E-mail: [email protected]
 Legally BAU needs to issue a licence within 12 “C”; Cidade da Matola 3.1.2 Authorising Authority
days; but most licences are issued in two to BAÚ DE MUTARARA  Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security –
five days. BALCÃO INHAMBANE Vila de Nhamayabwe; Biarro Samora Moises National Veterinary Directorate:
Avenida da Revolução/ Praça dos Heróis, Bairro Machel • Import licences for livestock are only
2.8 Costs Balane 2 E-mail: [email protected] available at National level.
 Rates / fees are charged based on the Inhambane, Mozambique 1300 • Import licences for meat and meat products
minimum wage in force in the civil service: +258 29 320 806 BAÚ NAMPULA/ BAÚ NACALA and other Southern African Development
• Normal licensing, fees are linked to Av. 25 Setembro; No 651; R/C Community (SADC) products can be applied
the minimum wage of a government BAÚ GAZA E-mail: [email protected] for at Provincial level and are accordingly
employee. Av. Samora Machel; Bairro 1 (Coca-Missava) Xai- E-mail: [email protected] authorised at Provincial level.

12 13

3.1.3 Procedure 3.2 Communication frequencies. • Articles of Association.

Applications are submitted to the National 3.2.1 Telecommunication • Public telecommunications services are • Any other business licence.
Veterinary Directorate. Each application must Type of License subject to registration, except for the fixed  Upon receipt of the application, the INCM
include the following:  Unified licence – valid for 25 years. telephone service and services that use may require the entity to supply the following
 Application form, specifying details and This licence is for the establishment of radio frequencies. additional elements:
nature of livestock. telecommunications businesses involved in • Clarification of any information submitted
 Transport routes and itinerary. any activities related to telecommunications, Procedure by the entity to be licenced.
 Quantities of livestock to be imported or including any communications branch, Requirements • Additional information considered by the
exported. independent of technology; the import,  Applicants must comply with the following INCM as necessary for the application of
 For the import of livestock or other animal establishment, sale and maintenance requirements: the licence.
products applicants must submit a sanitary of telecommunications equipment; and • To cover the nature of any type of  The application is reviewed by the INCM
certificate from the veterinary authorities of television broadcasting. commercial company incorporated and technicians. Following the technicians’
the country of origin.  Class licence – classes A and B are valid for registered in Mozambique, whose activities review, the project is analysed by the INCM
 For the export of live animals or animal 15 years while class C is valid for five years. include providing telecommunications Administration Council. The INCM will
products applicants must obtain a sanitary These licences are for telecommunications services for public use and / or establishing, assign the licence for the establishment,
certificate issued by the Mozambican networks and services. managing and operating public operation and management of a public
veterinary authority. telecommunications networks. telecommunications network or for the Authorising Authority • To cover the nature of any type of Have provision of services within a period of 30
3.1.4 Length of Time  Ministry of Transport and Communications – adequate technical and financial capacity days from receipt of the application.
15 days. National Institute of Communications (INCM) to fulfil the specific obligations of the  Only the INCM (national level) authorises
Council of Administration. licence that it proposes to obtain, having applications.
3.1.5 Costs in particular a staff qualified to carry out License Content
 Costs may range from 150,000.00 MZN – General Information the activity.  Identification documents (ID) of the
500,000.00 MZN depending on the nature of  Relevant legislation:  When the entity to be licenced is applicant.
the license. • Regulation of telecommunications licensing headquartered outside of Mozambique, the  Identification of the service and / or network
 Additional costs for inspection of Business and scarce resources: Decree nº. 26/2017, documentation required to comply with this covered by the licence.
and livestock are due. June 30. requirement must comply with the provisions  Terms and conditions for providing the
• Regulation of Telecommunications: of the Investment Law. service.
3.1.6 Additional Information Regulatory Fees Decree nº. 68/2016, Application  Conditions for the establishment, operation
 The company must be fully registered to December 30.  Applications are submitted at provincial level and management of licenced networks,
apply for these types of licences. • Telecommunications law: Law nº. 4/2016 or to the INCM Director-General (DG), and including, where appropriate, the technology
 Licenses and sanitary certificates are only of June 3. need to include the following: and frequency bands used.
valid for 30 days. • The above legislation was replaced by • Project proposal: a detailed description  Obligations of a licenced entity.
 The relevant legislation is currently under Decree nº. 33/2001 of 6 November Decree of the business’ activities, including  Geographical area, including the scope
review. nº. 44/2004. the respective technical project, which of services or networks – local, regional,
 The legislation listed above applies to includes the characteristics of the national or international.
3.1.7 Contact Information telecommunications services for public use system, the development of the system  Deadline for starting the activity.
Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security and public telecommunications networks. and subsequent coverage plan, the  Applicable fees in accordance with the
National Directorate of Veterinary  The following are subject to licensing: management and operation of the system relevant legislation.
Rua da Resistência, 8th Floor • Fixed telephone service. and the quality of the service to be offered.
Maputo. Telephone: +258 21 41 56 33 • Services and networks using radio • Proof of tax registration/NUIT.

14 15

Validity Length of Time shall be addressed to the Regulatory Authority Costs
 Licenses a valid for a maximum period 30 days. accompanied by the following documents: Telecommunications
of 25 years. • Updated certificate of registration of the  Telecommunications Regulatory fees decree n
Renewal 3.2.2 Postal Service company, or statutes or business licence or 68/2016, December 30.
 Applicants must submit a request to the Type of License copy of the applicant’s identity documents.  The telecommunications licence is issued
INCM for renewal minimum one year before  The licenses to operate the postal service are • Applicant’s NUIT. when proof of payment is provided.
the expiry of the licence. as follows: • Company agreement or public deed of  The licensing fee for telecommunications
 The INCM will renew a licence, except if, • Provincial licence incorporation of the company or statutes networks and services is paid in a single
during the term of validity of the licence, the • Interprovincial licence published in the Boletim da Republica. instalment.
licenced entity: • National licence  The company’s objective must include  The value of the licensing fee for
• Fails to comply with the obligations set • International licence providing postal services. telecommunications networks and services is
forth in their licence  The postal service licence must contain the charged individually for each type of licence.
• Does not pay the respective renewal fee Authorising Authority following information:  Annual telecommunications fee:
Amendment  The Regulatory Authority (INCM) grants a • Identification of the licenced entity. • the fee shall be levied on all entities
 Licenses may be amended in the following licence to operate postal services within 30 • Terms and conditions for the provision of licenced by the Regulatory Authority
cases: days from the date of receipt of the request. the service. for the establishment, operation and
• By mutual agreement and in writing, • Conditions for the establishment, management of public telecommunications
between the INCM and the licenced entity. General Information operation and management of the postal networks and the provision of
• If the INCM initiates it, following the  The following services require a license: network. telecommunications services and the
publication of standards that are approved • Postal services for addressed or • Rights and obligations of the licenced provision of telecommunications services
and that establish now obligations not unaddressed mail, whether or not by entity. for public use.
stated at the time of granting the licence. express mail. • Geographical area of activity, including  Settlement and payment period:
• At the request of the licenced entity, which • Postal services for sending books, the scope of national or international • Entities licenced to provide
must be duly substantiated and subject to catalogues, newspapers and other postal services or networks. telecommunications services for public
authorisation from the INCM. periodicals. • Date of activity initiation. use and the establishment, operation and
 If the INCM initiates it, it must notify the • Postal services for sending registered • Expiry date of licence. management of public telecommunications
applicant of the proposed change to the correspondence and correspondence with • Fees applicable under current legislation. networks shall submit their annual financial
licence, granting it a period of 45 working declared value, including sending a judicial Validity reports to the Regulatory Authority.
days for it to resend. summons.  Licenses are valid for ten years and may be • The financial reports need to be audited
Transfer • Postal service for sending parcels including renewed for equal and successive periods. by entities competent for the purpose of
 Licenses are transferable with prior written registered and declared value services. Renewal settlement of the amount of the annual
authorisation from the INCM.  Licensed entities may enter into contracts for  The licences subject to this Regulation may be fee until the last working day of May of
 The INCM will normally accept the transfer of a the transportation and distribution of postal renewed, subject to the following mandatory each year.
licence if the entity to which the licence will be items with third parties other than postal conditions: • Within 10 days of receiving the audited
transmitted meets the requirements described service providers. • Compliance with the obligations of the financial reports, the Regulatory Authority
above (see section on “Requirements” above).  Applicable legislation: Decree nº. 67/2016 of licence. shall invoice the percentage of gross
 When the licence includes services or 30 December. • Compliance with tax and social security revenue payable by each licenced entity.
networks that use radio frequencies, the charges.  The amount of the annual telecommunica-
INCM will assign a new licence to the licenced Procedure • Payment of regulatory fees. tions fee shall be paid by the last working day
entity corresponding to the use of the new Requirements  The licence renewal fee is equal to the postal of June of each year, in a single instalment.
frequency.  Applications for the licensing of postal services licensing fee (see costs below).  The value of the annual telecommunications

16 17

fee payable by licenced entities for the • Television (TV) licence – applicant must foreign consultants holding more than a 50% providers with the public service provider,
establishment, operation and management obtain authorisation from the Council of shareholding of the business. taking into account complementarity.
of public telecommunications networks Ministers.  This licence is issued to foreign consultants
and for the provision of public use • Electronic money – applicant must who have won international tenders and 3.3.3 General Information
telecommunications services is 2% of its obtain authorisation from the Bank of to investors covered by the foreign  Applicable legislation: Law 3/93 of 24 July;
gross revenue. Mozambique (BoM). investment law. Decree nº. 94/2013 of 31 December; Decree
Refer to Appendix E for a detailed breakdown • Vehicle tracking – applicant must obtain nº. 33/2001 of 6 November.
of the licensing fees applicable to network and authorisation from the Ministry of the 3.3.2 Authorising Authority  Public works – this licence is granted to:
telecommunications services. Interior (only in the case of vehicle  Ministry of Public Works, Housing and • Mozambican contractors/consultants.
Postal Services recovery, normal tracking operations is not Water Resources - Commission for the • Foreign contractors/consultants
 The fees for the provision of postal services required by the Ministry of the Interior). Licensing of Contractors and Consultants incorporated and operating in private
are as follows:  In the near future the INCM will issue two for the Building Industry. products in the Republic of Mozambique
• Licensing fee more licences, including:  Respective Commissions at provincial and for more than 10 years.
• Annual fee. • A telephone numbering licence. national levels. • Contractors whose local shareholders
 The following licensing fees are applicable: • A radio frequency spectrum licence.  There are seven classes of licences own greater than 50% of the company’s
• National and International  A company must be fully registered to apply categorised as follows: shareholding.
• Interprovincial for these licences. • From 1st to 2nd classes – small business • Branches of foreign consultants established
• Provincial • From 3rd to 4th classes – medium in the countries of origin and who have
Refer to Appendix F for a detailed breakdown of Contact Information company been legally operating in the national
the specific amounts applicable. Ministry of Transport and Communications – • From 5th to 7th classes – large company territory for more than 10 years.
 Postal operators must submit the report of INCM, Director-General (DG)  The class corresponds to a maximum value of  Private products – this licence is granted to
accounts to the Regulatory Authority by June, Praça 16 de Junho, nº. 340. Bairro da Malanga. work or consulting service that the company contractors/consultants whose shareholding is
for the purpose of calculating gross revenue C.P. 848, Maputo can execute and determines the minimum greater than 50% foreign owned.
for the previous year. Telephone: +258 21 227 100 / 21 227 134 eligibility requirements in terms of technical
 The fees listed above will be updated by a E-mail: [email protected] and economic-financial capacity, which 3.3.4 Procedure for the Authorisation for the
joint statement of the ministers that oversee and/or applicants must satisfy. Exercise of Contractors’ Activities
the post and finance sectors. Government Information Bureau (GABINFO)  Classes 1 to 4 are applied for at Provincial Required Documentation
 Payment of the licensing fee: Av. Francisco Orlando Magumbwe, nº. 780, 5th Commissions. These Classes are also licenced  Application addressed to the Minister of
• The licence fee must be paid upon the Floor, Maputo – Mozambique at National level, provided the applicants Public Works, Housing and Water Resources
granting of the postal licence in one reside in Maputo City. with proof of the applicant’s legal existence
instalment and is non-refundable. 3.3 Construction  Licences for Classes 5 to 7 are applied for at and nationality (recognised by a notary).
• The annual fee is fixed at 1% of gross 3.3.1 Type of License the National level and licensed by the Central  Statutes or Articles of Association (recognised
revenue, corresponding to the postal  License for public works – issued to Commission. signature).
services rendered. Mozambican consultants:  The National Water and Sanitation  Certificate of Commercial Registry
• The annual fee shall be paid, in a single • Foreign consultants that are based in or Directorate should be included as a licensing (companies in a collective name).
instalment, by the last working day of July have been operating in Mozambique for entity for private water suppliers under  Declaration of own assets including
of each year, by means of an invoice issued more than 10 years. Decree 51/2015 which aims to establish supporting documents and their value (for
by the Regulatory Authority. • Branches of consultants who are based in a the regime, requirements and practical individual company).
foreign country but have been operating in procedures applicable to the provision of  List of Shareholders, Board Members, Additional Information Mozambique for more than 10 years. water supply private providers and ensure Administrators, Directors or Managers with IDs,
 Licenses require approval from other ministries:  License for private products – issued to the harmonious coexistence of private including curriculum vitae (signed and dated).

18 19

 Permanent Technical Staff, with the following  List of the permanent technical staff of the supporting documents and their value.  Production volume map / list of products and
documentation attached: company.  List of shareholders or members of the board, values (certified).
• Certificate of literacy (certified copy).  For the minimum permanent technical staff, administrators, directors or managers with  Social Security certificate of discharge.
• Curriculum vitae (signed and dated). the following documents must be presented: IDs, including CVs (signed and dated).  National Treasury certificate of discharge.
• Declaration of exclusivity (recognised • Certificate of literacy (certified copy).  Identification and CV of the owner (individual  Certificate attesting that the company is not
signature). • CVs (signed and dated). company), indicating his/her marital status bankrupt.
• Certificate of registration with the • Declaration of exclusivity (recognised and marriage regime (if applicable) duly  Certificate of Registration.
Ministry of Public Works, Housing and signature). signed. In case he/she is married, the spouse
Water Resources or the respective Order • Certificate of registration with the must also present his/her ID (certified copy) Application
(certified copy). Ministry of Public Works, Housing and and CV (signed and dated).  Applications are addressed and submitted
• ID/DIRE/Passport (certified copy). Water Resources or the respective Order  List of the permanent technical staff. to the Minister of Public Works, Housing
• Work contract. (certified copy).  Regarding the permanent technical staff, the and Water Resources. The application must
 Minimum equipment which consists of a set • ID/DIRE/Passport (certified copy). following documents must be presented: include the following:
of tools, machinery and motor vehicles. • Work Contract.  Certificate of literacy (certified copy). • Articles of Association.
 Plan of the facility (blueprint).  CVs (signed and dated). • Certificate of commercial registration. Renewal  Professional liability insurance policy.  Declaration of exclusivity (recognised • Certificate of final registration.
Required documents: application; list and signature). • Affidavit of property ownership.
documents of the technical staff; organisation If the company is already operating, the  Certificate of registration with the Ministry of • List of shareholders, administrators,
chart of the main managers and permanent following documentation should be also Public Works, Housing and Water Resources directors or managers with their ID
technicians (only for the 1st renewal). It is attached: or the respective professional order (certified documents and CVs (signed and dated).
important to include the IDs of technicians as  Company Chart. copy). • Permanent staff with their IDs and CVs.
well as partners. Outdated documents should  List of products and value for the last three  ID/DIRE/Passport (certified copy). • Residence permits as well as certified
be updated. years and/or last year.  Work contract. copies of certificates of registration with
 Social Security certificate of discharge.  Plan of the facility (blueprint). the Ministry of Public Works, Housing and
3.3.5 Requirements for Access to operate as  National Treasury certificate of discharge.  Professional liability insurance policy. Water Resources.
Civil Construction Consultants  Certificate attesting that the company is not  Company chart. • Proof of work permits or contracts. Required Documentation bankrupt.  Production volume map. • Proof of minimum equipment required.
 Application addressed to the Minister of  Certified copy of the balance sheet, income  Social Security certificate of discharge. • Proof of tax registration and social security.
Public Works, Housing and Water Resources statement account and other statements  National Treasury certificate of discharge. • Three years of financial records, including
with proof of legal existence and nationality presented for tax purposes.  Certificate attesting that the company is not proof of liquidity.
of the applicants (recognised by a notary). bankrupt.
 Statutes or Articles of Association (recognised 3.3.6 Authorisation for Individual  Certified copy of the balance sheet, income License Content
signatures). Companies statement account and other statements  The licence identifies the owner, the type of
 Certificate of Commercial Registry proving Required Documentation presented for tax purposes. work, public or private, the categories and
that the company operates exclusively in the  Application addressed to the Minister of subcategories and the classes of work that
civil construction activity consultancy. Public Works, Housing and Water Resources Additional documentation for public works in can be carried out under it.
 Certificate of Definitive Commercial Registry with proof of legal existence and nationality cases of companies with a majority of foreign  The licence also mentions the place and date
(companies in collective name). of the applicants (recognised by a notary) share capital: on which it was issued and is signed by the
 List of shareholders or members of the board,  Articles of association (recognised signature).  Copies of gazette proof that the company has head of the Central Commission or Provincial
administrators, directors or managers with their  Certificate of registration. been involved in the activity for more than 10 Licensing Commission.
ID documents and CVs (signed and dated).  Declaration of own assets including years.

20 21
MOZAMBIQUE BUSINESS LICENCING GUIDE JULY 2019 Access to the License continuation of the licence but must prove Provincial Commission, until thirty days 3.3.10 Contact Information
 The contractor or construction consultant that they have the necessary technical and before the last day of its validity. Ministry of Public Works, Housing and Water
must submit an application to the competent financial means to continue.  Required documents: application; list and Resources. Commission for the Licensing of
authority indicating the class and categories  In the case foreseen in the previous documents of the technical staff; organisation Contractors and Consultants for the Building
in which it intends to be registered. number, the Licensing Commission issues chart of the main managers and permanent Industry. nº. 606, Karl Marx Avenue
 The application must be accompanied by temporary authorisation, which is valid technicians (only in the 1st renewal). P.O. Box 268
evidence that the company, its managing until the completion of the work.  It is important to include the IDs of Telephone: +258 21 31 0009 / +258 23 05 6064 /
bodies and responsible technicians comply technicians as well as partners. +258 43 09 4610
with the licensing requirements and Amendment  Outdated IDs of technicians as well as Fax: +258 21 32 13 67
consultant activities, as set out above.  At the request of the contractor and within its partners must be updated. Provincial Commissions – located in the
 The Licensing Commission will visit the period of validity, the licence may be altered, Provincial Directorates of Public Works, Housing
applicant’s premises prior to granting the in particular in the following cases: 3.3.7 Length of Time and Water Resources.
licence. • Change in the name of the company or 15 days.
individual undertaking. 3.4 Education Validity • Alteration of company headquarters. 3.3.8 Costs 3.4.1 Type of License
 The licence is valid throughout the national • Increase or reduction of the share capital  Fees are due for the issuance, amendment  Licensing of scientific investigation activities
territory and for a period of 36 months. that implies a change of the class in which and renewal of licences. and registration of national and foreign
 The expired licence shall be renewed the company is registered.  The fee is still due when the following Scientific Investigation Institutions.
at the request of the party concerned • Transmissions of shares. situations occur:  Registration of foreign legal and natural
by means of an application addressed • Any other elements of the licence. • The applicant does not proceed with the persons, which apply to render services
to the competent authority together  The amendment of the licence may be collection of the licence under contracts or signed with public
with evidence that the undertaking, its imposed by the Licensing Commission • The amendment of the authorisation institutions of scientific investigation.
responsible management bodies and based on the finding of the reduction in the has been initiated by the contractor or  Classification:
technicians meet the requirements of this technical or economic-financial capacity of consultant • Institute for scientific investigation.
Regulation. the contractor.  The rates of the fees vary from 1 per • Scientific investigation centre.
 The amendment is imposed when within thousand to 0.1 per thousand of the • Station for scientific investigation. Non-Transferability 30 days set by the Licensing Commission, maximum value of the licence class or, in the • Laboratory for scientific investigation.
 The licence is non-transferable under any the contractor or consultant does not case of a licence, the value of the contract.  Higher education institutions.
title or for any purpose. demonstrate that it has recovered the  The fees must be paid within 30 days of
 The licence expires in the case of death, technical and economic-financial capacity the date the granting of the request is 3.4.2 Authorising Authority
prohibition, disqualification or the compatible with the licence it holds. communicated.  Ministry of Science and Technology, Higher
insolvency of a contractor or consultant  The issuing of a new licence resulting from a  There are seven different classes of licences Education and Professional Training – National
in an individual name, or in the case of change implies a new period of validity. and the cost varies. Directorate of Communication, Dissemination
bankruptcy, The expired permit under the  The costs and related information listed and Promotion of Technology Transfer.
terms of the previous number, as long as Expiry above are as listed in Decree nº. 94/2013 of  Applications are only received at national level
there are works in progress at the date The licence shall expire at the end of its validity. 31 December 2015. and authorised by the relevant minister.
of death, interdiction, disqualification,  The Minister of Science and Technology can
insolvency or bankruptcy, as long as there Renewal 3.3.9 Additional Information delegate to the Governor of the Province his/
is a written agreement with the owner, the  The application for renewal of licences The licence is valid for three years and is issued her power to licence Regional Centres for
heirs, the guardian, the conservator or the must be made, depending on the class, at for both private and public works (for the latter, Scientific investigation.
creditors, respectively. They may request a the Central Licensing Commission or at the resulting from public tenders).

22 23

3.4.3 General Information the proposed activity and available suspension of the activity and non- • In case of authorisation, the applicant shall
 Applicable legislation: infrastructure. compliance with applicable legislation. be notified about the inspection date.
• Decree nº. 25/2007 of 10 July. - Human development plan. • A copy of the notification shall be
• Regulations for the Licensing and - CV and nationality of the researchers or Recording in the Registry submitted to the Department of Science
Functioning of Higher Education investigators.  The licenced institution shall notify the and Technology.
Institutions. - Origin of the funding. licensing authority in the following events:  Notification of the decision regarding the
- Lease agreement or title deed of the • Legal incorporation. application for the foreign organisation’s
3.4.4 Procedure for Scientific Investigation property proposed to be used for the • Transfer or termination of activity. representative will be issued by the
and Registration of Foreign Persons scientific investigation activity. • Dissolution of institution. instructing authority no later than three Eligibility - Authenticated copy of the NUIT. • Amendment to the memorandum of working days from the date of issuing a
National companies or individual entrepreneurs  Foreign applicants need to submit the incorporation. decision.
and individual entrepreneurs, who are foreign following additional documents: • Temporary or definitive closure.
citizens. • Certified copy of certificate of  The temporary closure referred to above Costs
incorporation, licence and registration in shall not exceed 90 days from the date  Licensing fees are applicable for: Requirements the country of origin or in Mozambique. of notification, with the possibility to be • Issuing, reissuing and endorsement of
 Application for licensing, addressed to the • Power of attorney and its sworn extended for another 90 days based on licence .
Minister of Science and Technology, including translation, duly issued to a singular person serious grounds. After 180 days, the licensing • Inspection.
the following: or company, authorising them to be the authority will make a decision based on the  Registration of Institution for Scientific
• Certificate of incorporation (publication in institution’s representative in the Republic inspection commission’s recommendation. Investigation or foreign natural persons.
the Government Gazette of the Articles of of Mozambique, stating the respective Note: Refer to Appendix G for specific
Association (Estatutos da Sociedade) or a powers of representation. Length of Time amounts applicable.
copy of the Status). • Certified copy of ID (for nationals) or DIRE  The application for a scientific investigation  The fees are revised from time to time by the
• For duly authorised representative – copy (for foreign citizen) of the representative. activity licence shall be analysed and the Ministerial Order of Ministry of Science and
of valid ID or Passport or Driver’s licence or licence issued 20 working days after the Technology and Ministry of Economy and
valid voter’s card for nationals and valid for Inspection submission of all documentation as required Finance.
more than six months.  The licensing authority shall be responsible by this regulation.  The Ministry of Science and Technology
• Supporting documents: for organising and leading the inspection.  The licensing of foreign representation may, upon proof of lack of financial capacity,
- Description of the field of scientific  The start of the activity is subject to shall be finalised, and the decision issued exempt the institution from payment of
investigation activity. inspection carried out in respect of 25 working days after the authenticity of licensing fees.
- Indication of the line of scientific infrastructure, local and public health the information has been confirmed by the  The costs and related information listed
investigation. compliance, which is confirmed by an country of origin of the foreign institution. above are as noted in Decree nº. 25/2007 of
- Indication of the geographic areas for inspection report.  At the end of the above deadline, if there 10 July.
proposed activity, depending on the are no technical obstacles, the licensing
nature of the institution. Issuing of License and Validity authority shall issue the applicant with a 3.4.5 Procedure for Licensing and
- Description of the procedures to be  After the inspection report approves the temporary declaration, valid for no more than Functioning of Higher Education Institutions
followed if the proposed activity involves scope of activity, the instructing authority 60 days, for the purpose of advancing with General Information
experiments with humans/ animals, submits the process to the licensing authority administrative issues.  Institutions of higher education include:
genetic modification, substances harmful for the issuing of the licence.  Notification of the outcome is issued by the • Academies, Higher Education Institutions
to human health and environment, or  The licence is valid for five years and it is instructing authority no later than three (legal entities governed by public or private
highly pathogenic microorganisms. renewable, except in the case of changes working days from the date of issuing the law), Faculties, Public Higher Education
- Site plan and technical description of in the nature institution, unauthorised decision. Institutions, Private Higher Education

24 25

Institutions, Higher Education Institutions • Name and class of the higher education common to different courses (library, certificate of incorporation, licence and
(affiliated or not with a university, a higher institution. computer facilities, laboratories, etc.). registration of the requesting entity in its
institute or an academy), Higher Institutes, • Copy of the applicant’s CV. • Proposed Organic Statute. country of origin or in Mozambique.
Polytechnic Higher Institutes, Pro-Rector • Proof of the applicant’s residence. • Certificate of company name reservation - Power of Attorney in favour of the
(academics) and Universities. • Proof of identification of the legal • Description report of the property where natural or legal person accredited as
 The licensing process comprises two phases: representative. the institution will be constructed. the agent of the requesting entity in
• Authorisation for its establishment, • IDs of the proposing entity. • Description report of the building, indicating Mozambique, where their powers of
including the preparation of conditions for • Headquarters of the higher education the area, piping, surface of all rooms representation are set forth.
the construction, equipping of facilities institution. designated for classrooms and others. - Authenticated photocopy of the
and all activities leading to the start of • The above applies to all submissions, • Building plan made on ozalide paper and in representative’s ID, or residence permit
operations. excluding those related to public higher the scale of 1/100, in the case of a building for foreigners (DIRE).
• Authorisation for teaching activities to education institutions. to be adapted for school premises, or a copy - Proof of tax registration issued by Tax
begin, which requires that the minimum  The following documents must be annexed/ of the plans and elevations/details if it is a Authority (AT).
educational facilities and basic hygiene attached to the application for the creation of building already constructed or to be built  An inspection must be carried out by a
requirements have been met and verified the higher education institution: for the same purposes. committee, as part of the evaluation process.
by an inspection. • CV, certificate of criminal record and • Title of ownership of the property or lease  The licensing entity is responsible for the
 No higher education institution may identification of the highest office bearer of the premises for a period of five years. institution and direction of the inspection,
start operating before the authority has proposed for the institution of higher • Articles of association of the proposing as well as for any other measures that may
communicated its approval. education, when it is a private higher entity published in the Boletim da prove necessary to evaluate the compliance
 Applicable legislation: Law nº. 27/2009 of education institution. Republica/Government Gazette. of the application with the minimum
29 September on Higher Education, and • List of the courses to be given and the date • Construction/building project/plans of new requirements for teaching and learning,
Ministerial Diploma nº. 48/2010 of 11 the courses are scheduled to begin. facilities for the higher education institution hygiene and public health and safety.
November regulate the licensing of Higher • Indication of the fields of study and • An economic and financial plan to cover  Authorisation must be obtained from
Education Institutions. curricular structure by course. the costs of the initial investment and the the Ministry of Higher Education before
• Academic qualification that the institution operation for a period corresponding to operations start. Authorising Authority intends to confer. the number of years of the longest course
 The Council of Ministers establishes public • Description of the student evaluation duration. 3.4.6 Length of Time
higher education institutions by authorising system. • Completed application form corresponding  The application must be submitted to the
their establishment, based on the advice of • Description of the didactic and technical to the class of the institution. ministry 12 months before the date of
the National Council of Higher Education. means and equipment to be applied to each • Foreign entities that wish to request commencement.
 The Higher Education Ministry processes course. authorisation for the creation and operation  The instruction of the licensing process,
applications for authorisation for the • Description of the initial core staff of the of higher education institutions may do so including the corresponding decision, must
establishment of higher education institutions faculty, distinguishing full-time teachers only in the context of foreign investment be completed within six months, from the
to the Council of Ministers, accompanied from part-time teachers, as well as their legislation in force in the country, but always date of completing the application.
with the opinion on the application. training. in partnership with nationals.  The Ministry shall notify the applicant within
• Description of the teaching staff training • The application for authorisation for the 30 working days from the date of the decision Application plan in the short, medium and long term. creation of a higher education institution on the application.
 Submit application, with a notarised • Constitution of the Commission, including by a foreign entity, in addition to all of
signature, to the Higher Education Minister. CV and certificate of criminal record of each the information listed above, shall be 3.4.7 Costs
 The application form must contain the member of the Commission. accompanied by the following documents:  The values of the fees are revised and
following information: • Description of the means of support teaching - Authenticated photocopies of the updated, whenever it is necessary, by a Joint

26 27

Ministerial Order of Ministers that oversee  The Provincial Government: establishments, fed directly or indirectly by shops and offices with less than ten workers
the areas of higher education and finance. • Issues the licences for the establishment an already authorised low or high voltage or employees, temples of any kind, trade
and operation of 6th category of electrical electrical network, which are not included unions, mutual aid associations, boarding
3.4.8 Additional Information business involved in electric fences. in any of the previous categories and are schools, irrigation, retention warehouses,
The company has to be fully registered and • Issues the operating licences for the intended for the distribution of electric where there is no trade, recreation or
the application must be accompanied by the 9th and 10th categories of electrical energy for any public or private use such as sporting activities and other similar places,
Articles of Association. establishments. transformer stations and substations. and those established on the façades or roofs
• Issues the operating licences for the  5th category: permanent electrical of buildings for luminous advertisement.
3.4.9 Contact Information distribution and use of electricity with a establishments, powered by own energy,  9th category: temporary electrical businesses
National Directorate of Communication, power above 20kVAs and up to 315kVAs. whose lines do not exceed the limits of a for a duration of a maximum of three months,
Dissemination and Promotion of Technology  The local State organs at District level or particular property. fed by an existing low voltage distribution
Transfer local authorities issue establishment and  6th category: permanent electrical businesses network, intended for any works, or used
Cnr. Av. Tomas Nduda and Ahmed Sekou Toure, exploitation licences for distribution and use fed by an existing low voltage distribution on public roads or premises of any nature
Maputo of electrical business with a capacity of up to network whose lines do not exceed the limits frequented by the public for celebrations,
Head of Licensing Department 20kVA. of a particular property and do not fall into demonstrations, shows or the like.
Cell phone: +258 82 449 9660/84 554 4770/86 any of the previous categories, such as those  10th category: additional temporary and
151 8070 3.5.3 License for Electrical Businesses established for profit, in venues for public short-term electrical establishments, set up
Telephone: +258 21 35 28 77/ 21 35 28 00 General Information shows, theatres, cinemas, bullrings, circuses, in concert halls and other places frequented
Fax: +258 21 35 28 60 Electrical businesses are divided into ten stadiums, casinos, gaming houses and by the public, for scenic or other similar
Email: [email protected] or categories, namely: other similar places and also in explosive or purposes.
[email protected]  1st category: electrical businesses of flammable materials and electrified fences;
Website: general public interest, such as those for  7th category: permanent electrical Inspection of electrical establishments: all
the establishment of electric railways, the establishments, powered by an existing low electrical establishments, regardless of category,
3.5 Energy production of electricity on the basis of voltage distribution network, the lines of are subject to the permanent technical
3.5.1 Type of License fossil fuels, biomass or any other renewable which do not exceed the limits of a particular supervision of the Ministry of Energy.
License for Electrical Establishments: source, including the use of mechanical property and are not included in any of
Establishment and Operation – subdivided into energy from water courses, winds, solar the preceding categories, such as those 3.5.4 Procedure for the Establishment
medium and low energy. radiation and hot underground waters, for established in hospitals or houses, as well of Electrical Business
the production of energy and distribution. as factories, workshops, warehouses, shops Request for a License to Establish
3.5.2 Authorising Authority  2nd category: electrical businesses of public and offices with more than nine workers an Electrical Business
 Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy, interest, comprised in the area of jurisdiction or employees, boarding schools, banks,  Applications must be addressed to the
National Directorate of Energy – Department of a local state body or local authority and companies, hotels, public garages and other Ministry of Energy, accompanied by details of
of Licensing and Oversight. designed to service areas such as public similar places. the respective project, including all elements
 The Ministry of Energy: lighting, urban and suburban electric traction.  8th category: permanent electrical businesses and clarifications necessary to explain ​​the
• Issues the licences for the establishment  3rd category: electrical businesses powered fed by an existing distribution network in low nature, importance and function of the same
and operation of an electrical business by own energy, whose lines exceed the limits voltage or by isolated systems, the lines of businesses and, in particular, the following
above 315 Kilovolt-amps (kVAs). of a particular property, that are not included which do not exceed the limits of a particular documents:
• Authorises the establishment of electric in any of the previous categories and are to property and are not included in any of the • General plan of the establishment on
fences. supply electric power for any public or private previous categories, such as those established a user-friendly scale, never less than
• Approves the types of metres to be used. service. in private dwellings and their premises, as 1:8 000, with the tracing of electric power
• Approves the type of poles.  4th category: permanent electrical well as factories, workshops, warehouses, transmission lines indicating the situation

28 29

of the main works, such as production which routes pass higher, dimensions of which drivers are going to work, in the and attachments.
workshops, substations, sectional stations, all points where poles were implanted, most unfavourable case, whenever the • Types and characteristics of electric power
such as public roads, railways, waterways, distances between each two consecutive size of the spans or topographic layout generators, transformers and any other
urban constructions, electric traction poles and distance from each pole to the of the terrain make it necessary. electric machines.
lines, transmission lines or distribution of origin of the route. - Calculation of each type of pole used • Types and characteristics of accumulators,
electricity belonging to another existing • Plans of the locations, on a scale of not and their respective foundation masses, their ampere-hour capacity and their
establishment and telephone lines less than 1:2 000, or places, on a scale taking into account the maximum effort function.
located in the vicinity of the proposed of not less than 1:500, served by electric they can normally bear. • Nature and section of the conductors of
establishment. Projects of high voltage power distribution networks, indicating • In projects involving high voltage lines electric, aerial and underground lines and
lines must contain the necessary reference the exact layout of the same and the main or low voltage lines intended for the networks, details of their construction.
elements so that the line layout can easily branches, the number and sections of the transport of energy and passing through • Types of supports and insulators.
be located in a map of the region that it conductors employed, designating the non-urbanised areas in the vicinity of • Types and characteristics of the receiving
crosses. aerial and underground part, with the which telephone lines exist, the descriptive facilities in which the electric energy must
• Partial plants, on a scale not less than probable distribution of the ampere loads, document shall contain a spatial chapter be harnessed.
1:5 000, of the line or lines of high or low the location of the distribution centres, separate from the rest, concerning • Wiring diagrams of the projected
voltage which are intended for energy distribution boards, processing and feeding interference with telecommunications lines, establishments, with indication of all the
transport and pass through undeveloped stations, switchboards, motors and other which shall contain the following elements: machines and apparatuses accessories of
areas, clearly indicate all accidents of the essential appliances and such as the layout - Electrical characteristics of the projected measurement, protection and command,
land and constructions of any kind existing of existing telephone lines, situated at a line. using the graphic signals approved by the
in the land, in particular the division of distance of less than 15 metres from any - Indication of all existing legislation in force
the rustic properties crossed by the line, projected network lines. telecommunication lines on one side  All parts of the project shall be delivered in
the names of their owners, the nature or • Drawings of major works, the longitudinal or the other side of the route within triplicate.
cultivation of the land and telephone lines profiles being in scale not less than 1:500 the range considered in the parcel plan  If the establishment to be established covers
in a band with a width equal to one and a for heights and 1:5 000 for distances, cross- referred to in point b). more than three districts, the number of
half times the minimum distance which, sections not less than 1:200 for heights and - The average and minimum distances copies of the plan proposal referred to
for each type of line to be fixed in the 1:2 000 for distances. between the route to be established and above shall be equal to the number of
safety regulations concerning interference • A description and justifying report each of the telecommunications lines districts crossed by the lines or where land
between telecommunications lines and indicating the nature, importance referred to in the preceding paragraph, is occupied. This obligation may, however,
power lines, with that width being counted and function or destination of the as well as the length of the section along be waived if the transferee, irrespective of
for each side of the route. establishments, the general conditions of which those distances are maintained. the previous paragraph, sends two complete
• Longitudinal profiles of the same profiles its establishment and its operation, as well - Indication of all crossings of copies and the third one fragmented in as
referred to in the preceding subparagraph as the main provisions for the production telecommunications lines specifying for many parts as the districts crossed, each part
on a scale equal to that of parcels for of mechanical energy or electric energy, its each of them the crossing angle, the comprising the route located within each of
distances and on a scale not less than transformation, transportation and use. length of the crossing gap, the minimum those districts.
1:500 for heights. These profiles shall • Calculation of the projected lines, made vertical distance between conductors at  In the case of installed power businesses with
indicate, in addition to any other elements with the necessary clarity and necessary the crossing point, the indication of the a total capacity exceeding 50kVA (including
of interest, all communication channels development so that the results can be protection system employed and the any others previously established in the same
and waterways crossed, buildings duly appreciated, and in particular, in the distance horizontal from the crossing point place and belonging to the same owner)
situated in the vertical plane of the line, case of high voltage lines, whose extension to the closest supports of the two routes. or of a voltage greater than 250 volts, the
intersections with other lines, both and load justify it: • Types and characteristics of boilers, motor project shall be accompanied by a term of
telecommunications and energy, showing - Calculation of the maximum range to machines, as well as accessory appliances responsibility.

30 31

 In addition to these documents, whenever be attached to the project, with the document Grant of Establishment License followed, but the request in which the
the occupation of any public or private recognised by a notary, declaring that he / she Given the Ministry of Energy’s decision granting application is made shall be accompanied
domain is required for the execution of the is responsible for carrying out the work and for the licence for the establishment of an electrical only by the following documents in
proposed works, the applicant must submit operating the establishments. establishment, it will initialise the parts of the triplicate, according to the importance of the
the authenticated authorisations, written by  For businesses with a power output of not project and notify the interested party to make establishments:
the competent owners or entities or their more than 50kVA and a voltage of less than an advance payment of the expenses incurred • General plan, in a convenient scale, of the
legitimate representatives. 250 volts, the Ministry of Energy may waive by the publication and display of the edicts. property or building in which the facility
the declaration of responsibility for the is located, with the layout of the main Other Documents Accompanying the operation. Issuance of the Establishment License lines, indicating the location of the most
Application  The responsibility for the operation of all  Once the payment referred to in the previous important works, such as workshops for the
 The application, together with the respective the businesses belonging to a plant or of article has been made, the Ministry of Energy production of a transformation post, as well
project plan, shall be submitted to the a network as a whole and its processing will pass on the relevant licence, mentioning as public roads, railways, waterways, urban
Ministry of Energy, accompanied by a list, in stations must be carried out by a single in it the general conditions and special buildings, electric traction lines, substations
duplicate, of all documents submitted, the technician, while different technicians clauses imposed on the concessionaire for or distribution lines belonging to another
original of which, with the note of the date of responsible for successive extensions may be the establishment of the establishment, as existing establishment and telephone lines
receipt attached to the file, and the duplicate, accepted for an establishment deemed very well as the amount to be paid annually, in located in the vicinity of the proposed
with the appropriate receipt, must be handed important. accordance with respective tariff. establishment.
to the interested party.  In addition to these documents, whenever  The establishment licence shall contain the • Supporting report, indicating the nature,
 Transmission line projects, the the proposed works require the occupation following elements: importance and function or destination of
concessionaire, who has authorisation of any public or private domains and the • Identification of the holder the establishments, the general conditions
granted by the competent authority for the respective concession has not been given with • Nature of establishment and their exploitation,
production, transportation, distribution and a declaration of public utility, the applicant • Deadline as well as the main provisions for the
commercialisation, including the import and must submit a declaration, recognised by a • Identification, location and technical production of mechanical energy and
export of electrical energy, as well as the notary, that he/she is obliged to obtain the characteristics of the establishment electric energy, their transformation,
construction, operation and management authorisations for the occupation of these • Rights and obligations of the holder distribution and use.
of electrical establishments, jointly or domains, given by the owners or competent • Special conditions • Types and characteristics of boilers, motor
separately, by public or private entities entities or their legitimate representatives, and  The licence, with one of the copies of the machines, accessory devices and annexes,
granted in accordance with the Law, must only after obtaining these authorisations can respective project, will be delivered to the electric power generators, static or dynamic
present documents proving that the tracings the assembly of the proposed establishment concessionaire. Another copy of the same transformers and plants, elevations and cuts
to be built have obtained prior approval from be carried out. project shall be filed with the Ministry of of the locations of their establishment.
the administration of the respective district Energy with a copy of the licence in which • Electrical scheme of the establishment,
or local authority, which is an essential Verification of the Application the date of delivery or remittance of the with indication of all the machines and
condition for the licence to be granted. Upon receipt of the project, the Ministry original shall be recorded and the third copy apparatuses accessories of measurement,
 It is essential for the acceptance of the projects of Energy will, within 15 days, verify that it of the draft shall be delivered to the official in protection and command, using the graphic
that they are submitted in triplicate and with has been presented with all the essential charge of the technical inspection. signals approved by the legislation in force.
each of the sheets of the drawings or of the documents and clarifications for its assessment  The establishment of a 6th category operation
original, written, instructed, drawn up and and, failing that, it will be requested that it be 3.5.5 Request for a License to establish 5th consisting of an electrified fence requires prior
signed by a qualified electrical or mechanical presented to it by the applicant within between and 6th Category Electrical Companies authorisation from the Ministry of Energy.
engineer. They need to have a degree, duly 15 and 60 days. Failure to submit the required  In order to grant the licence for the  The request for the establishment of an
registered by the competent authorities, in documents within the prescribed period may establishment of the 5th and 6th category electrified fence shall state the reasons
accordance with the rules in force. This needs to result in the file being closed. facilities, the same procedure shall be justifying the request, such as the importance,

32 33

nature, vulnerability of the businesses to be • Electric scheme of the electrified fence public safety and the safe exploration of the Operating License for 5th, 6th, 7th and
protected, the number of persons normally and all power supply, electrical protection, establishment and pre-existing telephone and 10th Category Businesses
resident within the protected area and their signalling and alarm devices. other plumbing.  In order to obtain the licence for the use
location. • Detailed drawings of the fences.  In the case of low-voltage networks, it should of the 5th, 6th, 7th, and 10th categories
 Once the authorisation referred to in the • Drawings of the respective access points generally be done if service requirements of electrical establishments, the permit
previous bullet has been obtained, the and gates. allow for voltage measurements at the holders or owners must proceed in the same
interested entity shall require a licence from  Military and paramilitary establishments endpoints of the network and at its points manner as for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th
the respective Provincial Directorate. The may install electrified fences in accordance of supply, where possible at the time of category establishments, applying what was
application shall be accompanied by the with the preceding articles but are exempted maximum load, to ascertain whether the fall established in relation to these.
following documents: from obtaining the prior authorisation by in the conductors exceeds the permissible  In the case of the establishment of an
• Certificate issued by the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Energy and presenting the tolerances. electrified fence, once the inspection has
authorising the setting up of the business. project of the establishments, when security been carried out and if the establishment is
• Project plan, in triplicate, the original being or confidentiality is required. They must, Start of Project Implementation found to be in good condition, the operating
duly authenticated, of the electrified fence, however, provide a copy of the project to Only after obtaining the licence for the licence swill be issued, and in no case may
the protection fences, the feed, alarm, the technical supervision of the Ministry establishment of an electrical establishment it start operating without the said licence
protection and third party prevention of Energy for on-the-spot consultation for may its legitimate possessor have the works being granted.
devices. inspection purposes. carried out for the execution of the respective  This licence, with one of the copies of the
• Term of responsibility for the business project, with the express condition of project, will be delivered to the interested
and its maintenance, signed by an electro- 3.5.6 The Operation of Electrical Businesses communicating the fact with at least three days’ party, who is required to present these
technical engineer or technical agent of Request for Inspection of the Business notice, by letter, to the Ministry of Energy. documents to the technical supervision of
electromechanical engineering, who has Once the works for the establishment of a 1st the Ministry of Energy, when required by the
been duly licenced. or 2nd category electrical company, except a Grant of Operating License Ministry.
 The project plan should include: 3rd or 4th category electrical business have  Upon the supervisor’s assessment, the  Projects that are a distance from the
• Documentation indicating the location of been completed, its concessionaire or owner Ministry of Energy shall decide whether to headquarters of the Ministry of Energy,
the electrified fence to be established, must request its inspection from the Ministry grant an operating licence. requests for the inspection of the 5th,
describing the main provisions for electric of Energy.  The operating licence will be granted by 6th, 7th, and 10th categories of electrical
power supply, the characteristics of the means of a title, which will be sent by the businesses may be delivered to the Provincial
energy consumption and the electric The following apply during inspection of Ministry of Energy to the interested party, Governments, which will forward them to the
voltage of the permanent and short- facilities: which will contain a summary description of Ministry of Energy.
circuit sealing, alarm devices, exterior and  The Ministry of Energy will, within a period of the establishment, stating:  The requirements for 7th and 10th grade
interior protection, access and types and 21 days, carry out an inspection, in which it • Its power; voltage; destiny; length of facilities, which do not require a prior
dimensions of supports, insulators, cables shall be verified whether the establishment of power lines and other clarifications licence for their establishment, should be
and other materials to be used in the the operation complies with all the technical necessary to identify it. accompanied by a triplicate scheme of the
development. and safety regulations, and that the necessary • The date on which the establishment facility.
• General plan on a scale not less than 1:500 measures and tests are carried out to properly licence was granted.
with a detailed indication of all ground assess the conditions of its operation. • The entity that granted it. Duration of Licenses
accidents and location of electrified and  The official(s) carrying out the survey will • The date on which the first inspection was  In the case of a licence for premises subject
non-electrified fences, power lines or draw up a report, which will include the carried out. to a concession, the licence shall be for the
communications lines located on said results of the assessments and tests carried • The date of dispatch of the entity granting duration of the concession.
fences, power supply and alarm equipment out and their opinion and project proposals the operating licence.  In the case of businesses which do not
and of the feeding cables. on the subject, with a particular regard for • Any special conditions. require a concession, the licence shall be for

34 35

a duration required by the nature of 3.6 Environment  It is this Commission that decides what type 3.6.3 General Information
the operation. The Ministry of Land, Environment and Rural of project it is, i.e., A+, A, B or C (refer to the  Applicable legislation: Decree nº. 54/2015 of
 If the same entity has at the same time Development (MITADER) issues licences for next section for a description of the different December 31.
one or more licences that are in some way the drafting of Environment Impact Studies type of activities).  All licences are issued for four types of
interdependent, the respective duration (EIA). These environment licences are essential  Licenses for activities A+ and A are submitted activities that can impact on the environment,
periods may be harmonised in order to for the development / implementation of any and approved at ministerial level after namely Activities: A+, A, B and C:
ensure greater coordination and rationality project that has an impact on the environment. assessment and recommendation of the • Type A+ activity is for complex projects that
of means in the exercise of the licenced Consequently, these licences are not for National Technical Commission. involve major irreversible environmental
activities. the exercise of any economic activity. The  Other institutions may be included in the changes and/or the relocation of
EIA is a necessary compliment for almost Commissions, depending on the nature of the people and / or a significant impact on
3.5.7 Length of Time all development projects insofar as such project and its social, economic or political biodiversity.
The length of time depends on the size of the projects have an impact on the environment impact. • Type A activity is for projects that impact
establishment but could be between 45 to (infrastructure, roads, bridges, mining,  The environmental licencing is covered in significantly on living beings (including
90 days. agriculture, tourism, dams, irrigation, etc.). Article 15 of Environmental Law Nº 20/1997 people) and sensitive environmental areas.
from 1st October and in Environmental, • Type B activity is for those projects
3.5.8 Costs 3.6.1 Type of License Mining and Oil Regulations. that do not have a significant impact
 An initial fee is payable. The costs thereof  Provisional Environmental Licence.  Licenses for activities Type B are submitted on the environment and/or people or
varies according to type and size required.  Environmental License for the establishment to and approved by the Provincial Governor environment sensitive areas.
 Afterwards there is a fixed annual fee. (setting up) of the project. and C by the Provincial Director of MITADER, • Type C activity is for those projects
 The formula to calculate the fees can be  Environmental Operating Licence. after assessment and recommendation of the that have or may have a negligible
found in Decree nº. 51/2013 of 13 September respective Commission. environmental impact.
and Decree nº. 42/2005 of 29 November. 3.6.2 Authorising Authority  The National Directorate for Environmental  The environmental licencing is covered in
Applicants must have approval from the local (DINAB) has indicated that under Decree Article 15 of Environmental Law Nº 20/1997
3.5.9 Additional Information authorities (district and province) about the Nº6, Article 2 of Decree 54/2015 from 31 from 1 October and in Environmental, Mining
 Companies have to be fully registered in identified / required land: December, the Provincial Environmental and Oil Regulations.
order to apply for this licence.  MITADER – National Directorate for the Impact Assessment Authority has the
 It may be necessary to obtain licences from Environment (DNA). power to: 3.6.4 Procedure
MITADER. For example, it may be necessary  Locally, the environment authorities, i.e., the • Proceed, review and decide on the specific  The environmental licensing process consists
to obtain a licence for cutting trees for the Inspection for Economic Activities and the terms of reference reports for simplified of three stages, namely:
power lines, an EIA or a licence if the lines are provincial directorate of MITADER have to environmental studies (EAS) and on good • Provisional Environmental licence –
to interfere with the ecosystem, etcetera. advise, instruct and follow closely the process practice environmental procedures. licence is issued after approval of the
until the environment study is complete. • Issue licences for Type B and C projects/ Environmental Pre-feasibility and Scoping
3.5.10 Contact Information  Terms of reference are drawn during this • Approve Environmental Management Report (EPDA) for the Agro Industries
Head of Licensing Department process and submitted to the provincial Plan (PGA’s/Plano de Gestão Ambiental) Associates (AIA/Agro Industria Associadas).
3660 Milagre Mabote Avenue directorate of MITADER. for all mining projects classified as B The issuance of this licence is optional.
EDM quarters, Maputo City Client Services Area  At provincial level there is a Commission under the environmental regulation for • Environmental licence for the
Maputo composed by representatives of the mining activities. The district government establishment (setting up) of the project
E-mail: [email protected] ministries the Housing and Construction, issues approval for Type B and Type C – licence is issued after the approval of
Telephone: +258 84 645 4956 / 82 967 4910 Health, Environment, Municipality and a projects, which will be implemented in the the EIA and presentation of the approved
Information also available at Provincial district representative for the Infrastructure respective jurisdictions. Resettlement Plan, in case there is a need
Directorates for Mineral Resources and Energy. and Environment. for resettlement.

36 37

• Environmental Operating licence – licence  When the analysis of the environmental • Licensing of temporary concrete plants or collective environmental consultant is not
is issued upon verification / survey of viability of the activity results in the partial located within the construction area, a fee allowed.
full compliance with the EIA versus built rejection of the activity, the EIA Authority of 200 minimum wages is applied.  All licences have to be paid within 90 days
project and full implementation of the may condition the environmental licensing  Fees are charged for the renewal of of date of issue. The costs and related
Resettlement Plan, where necessary. to changes and / or to the reformulation of environmental licences, including for the information listed above are as noted in
 The payment of the Environmental Licensing the proposed activity, submitting to a new following: Decree nº. 54/2015 of 31 December 2015.
fee is made after the approval of the evaluation and subsequent decision. • Category A + Environmental License. Refer to Appendix H for specific amounts
Environmental Establishment License. • Category A Environmental License. applicable.
 It is prohibited to start the operation of any 3.6.6 Validity • Environmental License of Category B.
activity without the Environmental Operating  Provisional Environmental License – is valid • Category C Environmental License. 3.6.9 Additional Information
License having been issued. Failure to comply for two years, not renewable.  Fees are charged for registering Licenses for environment impact studies are
in this regard will result in a fine.  Environmental licence for the Establishment environmental consultants, including the only issued by the MITADER.
(setting up) of the project– valid for two following:
3.6.5 Decision on Environmental Viability years, renewable for two years. • Registration of individual consultants. 3.6.10 Contact Information
 When the environmental viability of the  Environmental licence for Operations – valid • Registration of consulting companies. Ministry of Land, Environment and Rural
activity has been proven: for five years, renewable for an equal period  Fees are charged for updating the register Development (MITADER) – National Directorate
• The competent body shall notify the of time. of environmental consultants, including the for the Environment (DNA)
applicant for him / her to pay the  All licences expire after two years of following: Av. Acordos de Lusaka, nº. 2115
appropriate fees within 90 days from the inactivity. • Updating of registration of individual Maputo – Mozambique
date of receipt of the notification. consultants.
• The EIA Authority issues the respective 3.6.7 Length of Time • Updating of registration of consulting 3.7 Finance
environmental licence within 15 working 30 days for assessment and approval of licenses. companies. 3.7.1 Type of License/Authorisations
days, after receipt of proof of payment of  If the applicant intends to transfer the  The BoM authorises according to area of
the appropriate fees. 3.6.8 Costs Environmental License to another entity or activity. Consequently, there are no licences,
 In case of a serious objection that makes  For the purpose of initialising the process, the change the name of the entity holding the only authorisations for the following classes:
it impossible to accept and licence the applicant must pay a fee. Environmental License, a fee must be paid. • Banks.
proposed activity, the EIA Authority takes one  For the purpose of environmental Licensing,  The request for transfer must be • Leasing companies.
of the following decisions: fees will be charged in the terms and values accompanied with the correct updating of • Factoring companies.
• Total disapproval of the implementation of set out below: the Environmental Management Plan, in • Investment companies.
the proposed activity, with due technical- • Licensing of Category A + Activities – a accordance with all environmental legislation • Micro-finance institutions only need to be
scientific and legal basis, accompanied by percentage of the investment value of the in force at the time of transfer, without which registered at the BoM. They will be issued
the final assessment report and statement. activity. the request cannot be accepted. with a confirmation of registration.
• Partial disapproval of the proposed activity • Licensing of Category A and B Activities – a  The request to change the corporate name • Insurance companies: “life and non-life
with due technical and scientific and legal percentage of the investment value of the contained in the Environmental License must insurers”, “reinsure” and “micro-insurance
basis, accompanied by the report and final activity. be accompanied by the Government Gazette companies”
evaluation statement. • Category C licensing – is applied at a that publishes the said amendment.
• Change in the category of the proposed percentage of the investment value of the  For the purpose of issuing the replacement Authorising Authority
activity. activity for projects with an investment copy of the Environmental License, the  Bank of Mozambique (BoM).
 The total disapproval to implement the value of more than MZN 5 000 000 and a applicant must pay the fee equivalent to its  Authorisations are granted, on a case-by-
proposed activity implies the non-licensing unit value for projects with an investment renewal. case basis, by the Minister of Economy
thereof. of up to MZN 5 000 000.  The transfer of the certificate of individual and Finance, after input from the BoM

38 39

(Governor of the BoM). demonstrated that the amount of share of authorisation or if it does not commence de Supervisão de Seguros de Moçambique)
 The Finance Minister issues licences for capital required by law is deposited with a the activity within 12 months. in triplicate, and addressed to the Minister
insurance companies. credit institution operating in the country.  In exceptional circumstances, and if so of Economy and Finance, together with the
 The following information must also be request of the institution, the BoM may following documents: Procedure submitted regarding founding shareholders extend the activity start-up period by a • Minutes of the meeting approving the
Requirements who are jointly-owned companies with further six months. incorporation of the company.
 Credit institutions based in Mozambique qualifying holdings in the institution to  The authorisation will also expire if the • Draft of the articles of association of the
must meet the following requirements: be formed: institution is dissolved, without prejudice company to be formed.
• Correspond to one of the types provided • Statutes and list of members of the to the practice of the acts necessary for the • Identification of the founding shareholders,
for in Mozambican law. administrative body; liquidation. whether natural or legal persons or
• Adopt a form of a joint-stock company. • Balance sheet and income statement for companies, direct or indirect holders of
• Have a share capital not lower than the the last three years; Length of Time shares, specifying the subscribed shares
legal minimum and mandatorily registered • List of members of the participating 90 days by each one of the shareholders and the
by registered bearer shares. collective person who are holders of origin of the respective funds.
• At the date of incorporation, the capital qualifying holdings; Costs • In respect of all founding shareholders,
stock of credit institutions and financial • List of companies in whose capital the There is no cost for the authorisation. indication of their qualifying holdings
companies must be fully subscribed and participating legal person holds qualifying in other companies and the respective
paid in an amount not lower than the legal holdings, as well as a diagram of the 3.7.2 Insurance Companies group’s structure.
minimum. structure of the group to which it belongs. Authorising Authority • Details of the structure of the group
• The capital of the same entities must be  The BoM may request additional information  The licence is issued by the Minister of in which the company to be formed is
fully fulfilled within a period of six months from applicants and carry out any inquiries it Economy and Finance, and subject to the expected to be integrated.
from the date of incorporation or the date deems necessary. opinion of a supervisory body. • Minutes of the meeting of the
of subscription, in the case of a capital  Only after authorisation from the BoM’s  Licenses are also subjected to prior shareholders’ competent corporate
increase. Governor has been secured can the applicant authorisation issued by the Minister body, which represents a legal person
Application constitute / register the company / enterprise. of Economy and Finance, in case of or a partnership about the decision to
 Applicants must submit proposal of the  Applicants must also register the company at establishment of branches or any other form participate in the company.
project to the Governor of the BoM. the BoM’s Notary, in addition to registering of representation of insurers, reinsurers • Police Clearance Certificate not older than
 Description of the type of institution to be the entity at the Public Notary and Registrar and micro insurance companies in a foreign 90 days of the founding shareholders,
constituted and substantiated explanation on of Companies. country, if the company has its registered in case of a natural persons, and their
the adequacy of the shareholder structure for  Establishments, equipment and internal head office in Mozambique. respective administrators, directors or
its stability. policies must be inspected and approved. managers, in case of a legal persons or
 Draft statutes.  Applicants have three months from the General Information partnerships.
 Programme of activities, geographical, Governor of the BoM’s approval to constitute Applicable legislation: Regulation on Access to • Declaration by the founding shareholders
organic structure and human resources, the legal entity, i.e., constitute the company. and Exercise of Insurance Activities and their that neither they nor the companies
technical and materials to be used;  After submitting all documentation and final Respective Mediation. whose management they have been
 Provisional accounts for each of the first approval, applicants have up to one year to part of or have been performing duties
three years of activity; start operating. Procedure as directors or managers for, have been
 Identification of the founding shareholders, Expiry of Authorisation  Applications requesting incorporation of an declared insolvent or bankrupt because of
specifying the subscribed capital for each one;  Authorisation shall lapse if applicants insurance company with limited liability must their actions, and that they have always
 Declaration of commitment that at the time expressly waive it, or if the institution is not be submitted to the Institute of Insurance exercised prudent management in the
of incorporation and as its condition, it is established within three months of the date Supervision of Mozambique (ISSM/O Instituto same companies.

40 41

 In the case of foreign nationals, the police applicable to the insurance activities.  Two copies of the file referred to above of gambling in Mozambique; Decree nº.
clearance certificate may be replaced by an • The forecast of the number of workers, by must be sent to APIEX for investment project 64/2010, of 31 December - regulation of the
equivalent document, issued in the country nationality and the respective wage bill. authorisation. Law of games of chance.
of origin and not older than 90 days. • The forecast of the cash flow statement.
• Should there be in the company to be • The forecast of the necessary financial Costs Required Documentation
formed, founding shareholders with resources for the technical provisions. Refer to Appendix I for specific share capital  Name of the project.
qualified holdings that are legal persons or • The forecast of the required and available amounts required for the incorporation of  Identification of the investors.
partnerships, the following relating to each solvency margins calculated in accordance an insurance, reinsurance company or micro • Identification of foreign and national
one of them must be submitted together with the applicable legal provisions. insurance company. investors (name, headquarters, data relating
with the application referred to above:  If the application does not meet all the to the establishment of the company and
- Articles of association. requirements above, the ISSM informs the 3.7.3 Additional Information its registration, proof of guarantees of the
- Financial report for the last three fiscal applicants’ representative of the detected  Applications may be submitted at provincial availability of financial resources, bank
years. irregularities, allowing a period of 30 days to level (BoM delegations) but are authorised at reference of the constituents).
- Indication of the members of the correct them, under penalty of expiration of national level only.  Identification of the location and size of the
management bodies, with relevant the request, at the end of that period.  Although it takes 90 days for authorisation, if casino.
biographical information.  In addition to the above, the ISSM may further documentation is requested the time  Object of the project, associated goods and
- Shareholders’ structure, indicating the require the submission, within a period of frame starts again at day one. services.
holders of shares equal or higher than 30 days from the respective notification, of  The licensing laws are currently being reviewed.  Value of the investment (domestic and
10%. additional details that it deems necessary foreign).
 The application should also be accompanied for the assessment of the application for 3.7.4 Casino Projects  How the investment is going to be carried out
by a programme of activities which include, authorisation, under penalty of expiration of General Information (domestic and foreign).
among others, the following: the application, at the end of that term.  The relevant legislation establishes two  Projected start date of the investment.
• General policy conditions corresponding  The applicants must: concession schemes for gambling operations,  Name of the implementing company of the
to the insurance fields and activities to be • Appoint a representative who resides, namely: project (a public limited company with the
exercised and their technical basics. in the case of a natural person, or has a • Exclusivity regime, which grants the proposed statutes of the company).
• Guiding principles for the proposed registered head office in Mozambique, in concessionaire an exclusive area within which  Social capital.
reinsurance activities. the case of a legal person or a company; no other competitor can be authorised, in a  Distribution of the capital between foreign
• Organisational structure of the insurer, • Indicate, together with the corresponding radius of less than 25km; and and national shareholders.
specifying the available human, technical professional curricula, the professionals, • Special Regime, which allows two or more  Map of the phasing-in of the realisation
and financial resources. namely the financial officer, the lawyer and concessionaires, within a given concession of the social capital and investment (in
• An estimate of the incorporation the actuary, responsible for the financial, area, to be authorised, subject to a accordance with the legislation on games of
costs, especially the administrative legal and technical aspects of the process; competitive radius of 100m. chance).
and commercial ones, as well as the  The documents that instruct the application • The exclusivity regime is granted to  Technical and economic feasibility study of
appropriate financial means for their process, as well as any other documents concession areas that are located in areas the implementation of the casino.
fulfilment. addressed to the ISSM, must be submitted in of tourist interest while the special regime is  Forecast of the employment levels and
 For each one of the first three financial Portuguese. granted to urban centres, namely: vocational training programmes and other
years, the following shall be included in the  Upon compliance with the legal - Cities of Class A – four licenses social benefits associated with the project.
information accompanying the application: requirements, the ISSM submits the duly - Cities of Class B – three licenses
• The balance sheet and profit and loss informed authorisation process to the - Cities of Class C – two licenses Procedure
accounts, in accordance with the models Minister of Economy and Finance for a  Applicable legislation: Law 1/2010, of 10  The application for approval of the casino
set forth in the Chart of Accounts decision. February - concessions related to exploration project should begin with the completion of

42 43

the forms available at the APIEX, attaching 3.8 Fisheries and Aquaculture the competence is delegated to the Land, Environment and Rural Development
the following documents: 3.8.1 Type of License Directorates of Agriculture with the (DPTADER) to obtain an environmental
• Proposal of the draft statutes of the  Industrial fishing licence exception of the following areas: Lake license.
company to be set up and registered  Scientific and experimental research fishing Niassa in Niassa Province, Lake Cahora  In the case of a partnership, it must be
in Mozambique to carry out the licence Bassa, in the Province of Tete, Lagoa legalised in the Registry Office.
implementation and exploitation of  Semi-industrial fishing licence Chicamba Real in the Province of Manica,  An application must be submitted to the
projects integrated in the concession,  Recreational fishing (game fishing, surface or Lake of the Massingir Dam, Gaza Province, Ministry of the Sea, Inland Waters and
when it is a company to be started. underwater) licence Corumana Dam Lake, in Maputo Province. Fisheries for a technical project approval,
• Statutes of shareholder companies and  Artisanal licences (non-professional fishing which must comply with the General
documents proving their legal existence. licences) 3.8.3 Authorisation for Acquisition or Aquaculture Regulation and the Terms of
• Draft amendments to be introduced in the The type of licence issued depends on the type Construction of Fishing Vessel and Fishing Reference for Aquaculture Projects, approved
company’s articles of association, if it is an of fishing, which varies with respect to the License by Decree nº 35/2001 of 13 November.
existing company. specific designation, conditions, characteristics Procedure  In the case approval is received, the Institute
• Documents proving suitability, including and obligations. Industrial Fishing, Semi-industrial and Related for Fisheries and Aquaculture Development
criminal record, certificate of tax discharge, Operations: (IDEPA) issues a provisional license on a trial
CV and technical and financial capacity, 3.8.2 Authorising Authority  The acquisition of fishing vessels, whether in basis, which is valid for a year.
including proof of financial resources Ministry of the Sea, Internal Waters and the country or abroad, by both nationals and  Regarding the commercialisation and export
availability, bank references issued by a Fisheries (MIMAIP) – National Fisheries foreigners, requires authorisation from the of products, authorisations are required from
bank of recognised capacity and reputation Administration: Ministry of Fisheries, which is requested at the Ministry of Industry and Commerce and
of the shareholders.  National Fisheries Administration (ADNAP) the same time as the application for a fishing from the Fish Inspection Institute (INIP)
• Economic feasibility and EIA. – industrial licences and scientific and licence.  In applications for industrial, semi-industrial,
• Reports and balance sheets of the last experimental research fishing.  The application must be addressed to the artisanal and related fishing licenses, the
financial year, as well as any brochures,  Provincial departmentSea, Internal Waters Minister of Fisheries and delivered to the applicant must be compliant with Decree No.
catalogues and other publications and Fisheries (MIMAIP) – semi industrial and Provincial Fisheries Administration Authority 74/2017 of 29 December, which approves
illustrative of the activities carried out, recreational licences: of the relevant province. the Regulation of Concession of Rights and
when it is a company already incorporated. • Maputo Province: Catembe, Muntanhana,  The same applies if the case is for fishing Fishing Licensing.
• Gambling for the form to be completed to Costa do Sol, Inhaca vessel construction.
apply for this licence. • Province of Inhambane: Inhassoro District,  Depending on the investment value, Requirements
Vilankulo district, Barra, Tofo, Závora, particularly relating to foreign investments,  Required documentation:
3.7.5 Contact Information • Sofala Province: Praia Nova, Estoril, a proposal must be submitted to APIEX for • Full identification of stakeholders.
Banco de Moçambique Nhangau approval purposes. • Description of fishing vessels and fishing
Av. 25 de Setembro • For Recreational and Sports Fishing:  An application must also be submitted gear to be used.
Chief of Licensing Department • It is the responsibility of the Provincial to the Geography and Cadastre Services • Plan of general arrangement and
Telephone: +258 21 31 8000/9 Fisheries Administration Services of the to obtain the property title for the use of description of the vessel (industrial and
Website: Province where the vessels have their land; to the Autarchic Councils to obtain a semi-industrial fishing).
home port or, in their absence, the entity DUAT if the business intends to invest in the • Information on the general condition and
Ministry of Economy and Finance to which the competence is delegated Autarchic Territory; and to the National Water location of the vessel.
Praça da Marinha Popular by the Minister of Fisheries shall be Directorate to obtain private water use. • Indication of the areas where it intends
P.O. Box 272 competent.  A submission must be made to the Ministry to operate and the fishing resources to be
Maputo – Mozambique  District (SDAE) – artisanal fishing licenses: of Land, Environment and Rural Development operated.
• For artisanal fishing in inland waters, (MITADER) or Provincial Directorates of • Draft of the contract by which the vessel

44 45

is to be acquired or the draft of the article 22 of Decree 51/99 of 31 August, which if it has been acquired abroad, it must for the licensing of commercial activity and in
construction contract, as the case may be. approve the Regulation on Recreational and add a certificate of slaughter, issued and article 39 of Decree 22/2014 of May 16 and
• Documentation proving that the vessel Sportfishing, including the Model VII to the authenticated by the competent authority in Annex VI of the same Decree, for industrial
meets the requirements of the regulations Annex to Regulation, recommended. of the country or the flag that the vessel licensing.
on the inspection and quality of fishing displays at the time of its registration.  In assessing the amount to be paid for the
products. 3.8.7 Authorisation for Chartering and • Once the licence is issued, it will only be fishing licence, the following shall be taken
• For the issuance of the licence, the Fishing License delivered in the port, after presentation of into account:
identification of the applicant, title deed The chartering of national or foreign fishing the following: • Industrial fishing licence fees are charged
property in the name of the applicant, valid vessels may only be requested by national ship - Shipboard records; fishing board; on a quarterly basis during January, April,
certificate of seaworthiness, certificate owners, to the Minister of Fisheries. verification of compatibility between the July and October, except for those for
of operational capability of the valid  The request shall be accompanied, in addition vessel and gear and the type of licence shallow water or industrial shrimp fishing
Automatic Location Device (DLA) shall to the above-mentioned elements in the case granted; health authorisation; certificate which are collected in April, June, August
be added. of acquisition or construction of vessel, of of minimum stocking; and valid DLA and October.
other elements that follow: operational certificate, if applicable. • The fees for semi-industrial fishing are
3.8.4 Artisanal Fishing (with or without • Complete IDs of the contracting parties.  The transfer of Mozambican fishing vessels collected every six months during the
vessel) • Certificate of minimum stocking (this with a valid fishing licence is permitted, months of April and October. Application requirement is waived for the National and the new owner must apply for a new • Fees for artisanal fishing are charged in a
 IDs of the applicant. Institute for Fisheries Research, when fishing licence within 30 days of the vessel single instalment annually, in the period
 DUAT, if applicable. chartering is for research purposes. It registering on her / his behalf. Failure to coinciding with the Licensing Act.
 Previous fishing licence of the fisherman or may also be waived, at the request of the comply with the deadline may result in • The fees for recreational and sport fishing
of the fishing vessel if it has been already charterer, in situations expressly provided for the refusal of the licence of the vessel are charged until the 10th of the month
licenced, and it is a renewal. in the General Marine Fisheries Regulation). transmitted. following the month of collection.
• Draft of the charter contract.  In the case of contract with foreign ship-  The information above is as per regulation
3.8.5 Experimental Fishing • Commercial and financial clauses that owners or chartering of foreign fishing vessel, from July 2016.
 The licence application. guarantee the deadlines and forms of the Minister of Fisheries shall demand a bank
 IDs of the applicant. payment. guarantee issued by an institution approved 3.8.10 Additional Information
 Proof of the existence of the approved  If this charter involves payments abroad, the by the BoM, valid for a period equal to the  Subsistence fishing – only used by nationals
experimental fishing project. charter contracts shall be submitted to the duration of the licence. and does not require a licence.
 DUAT of the property in the name of the Minister of Economy and Finance and must  Boats must be registered with the maritime
applicant, or, in the case of chartering, be accompanied by the authorisation of the 3.8.8 Length of Time authority.
registration of the vessel and authorisation of Minister of Fisheries, referred to above.  Project approval – five working days,  Industrial fishing licences must be renewed
the charter.  For the issuance of the licence, the provided all is in order. annually for tuna and every six months for
 Valid seaworthiness certificate. identification of the applicant, the fishing  License approval – three working days, prawns.
 Certificate of valid DLA operational capability. vessel registration certificate and charter provided all is in order and the vessels passed
authorisation, valid seaworthiness certificate, inspection. 3.8.11 Contact Information
3.8.6 Recreation and Sports Fishing valid DLA certificate of operating capacity ADNAP Licensing Department
 License application to be completed in the must be added. 3.8.9 Costs Rua Conseglieri Pedroso, nº. 347, 5th floor
appropriate form. • Inspection of the general conditions of the  The fees charged in the licensing process Maputo - Mozambique
 Authenticated photocopy of the applicant’s ID. vessel, made by the competent Fisheries must be based on the percentages or number E-mail: [email protected]
 Compliance with the requirements and Administration. of minimum salaries, according to the plan Telephone: +258 021 358 000
procedures set out in paragraphs 1 and 2 of • For the definitive registration of the vessel, in section 20 of Decree 34/2013 of August 2, URL:

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3.9 Forestry 3.9.4 Length of Time for each establishment. It is applicant application, according to Article 24, Decree nº.
3.9.1 Type of License Six weeks to three months specific and lapses in the event of a transfer. 21/99 from 4th May:
 Growing (farming) licence License can also be issued to social security  Technical Manager
 Cutting (indigenous species) licence 3.9.5 Costs institutions or in the absence of such, to • A pharmacy may not be licenced or
 Exploration licence Fees vary based on tree species and according similar associations. The pharmaceutical operate without a qualified in-pharmacy
 Export authorisation (need to register with to volume. services in hospitals and military structures Technical Manager, which shall be the
the Ministry of Industry) licence are not considered pharmacies when they owner or one of the shareholders, who
 Transport licence 3.9.6 Additional Information are rendered exclusively for their operational resides close to the pharmacy.
 Authorisation to cut and clear trees  Timber and export licences require needs. • The Technical Manager shall submit,
registration with the Ministry of Industry and  The localisation for a new pharmacy will be together with the pharmacy licensing
3.9.2 Authorising Authority Commerce (MIC). proposed by the Provincial Department of application, certified by a notary, copies of
National Directorate of Forests – DINAF  The company must be fully registered to Health and Municipalities according to the the following:
 Simplified licenses – Provincial government apply for these licences. requirements of the above laws. - IDs.
 Concessions:  New chemist may NOT be established: - Certificate of qualifications (diploma in
• Area up to 20 000 ha – Provincial 3.9.7 Contact Information • In a radius, less than 150 metres (m) from a pharmacy).
government Direcção Nacional das Florestas Moçambique / hospital or a clinic (except in localities with - Certificate of exclusive commitment (no
• Minister (MITADER) – 20 000 ha to 100 000 ha DINAF population less than 5 000); and in the case other occupation).
• Council of Ministers – Over 100 000 ha nº. 537 Avenue Josina Machel, where there is an existent pharmacy in a - Health clearance certificate.
Maputo radius of 1 kilometre (km). - Registration certificate with the Ministry
3.9.3. Procedure • In a radius less than 400m from an existent of Health.
 Identify area and apply for authorisation 3.10 Health chemist. • The Technical Management of two
• Must specify nature of license: 3.10.1 Type of License • In new suburbs or where human traffic pharmacies performed by the same Technical
- Growing / farming  License for pharmacies justifies it, the minimum distance to Manager shall be authorised, provided that
- Cutting indigenous trees  License for laboratories and medicine depots existent pharmacy may be 300m. a second pharmacist with minimum four
- Exploration licences  License for imports • The establishment of a medicine years of experience is employed, and the two
- Export licences  Establishment of private health institutions dispensary as part of an existent pharmacy pharmacies are situated no more than 20km
- Lumber transport may be authorised in locations situated from each other.
- Authorisation to cut and clear trees 3.10.2 Authorising Authority 5km or more from an existent pharmacy. • ID of the applicant.
 Present management plan (After  Minister of Health The terms shall be determined by an order • Certificate of incorporation for companies.
authorisation, the applicant has six months to  Health Ministry – Department of issued by the Minister of Health. In certain • Site location plan issued by the Municipality
draw up a management plan). Pharmaceuticals (DoP) cases, when the public health interest or District Administration certifying that the
 Apply for licence  Provincial Department of Health and justifies it, the Minister of Health may, after prohibitive conditions in 1. a) (Regarding
• Apply at provincial level for simplified Municipalities considering the Medicines Control Council, Technical Manager) and 1. b) are satisfied.
licences and small concessions.  Medicines Control Council authorise the establishment of medicine • Description of the minimal areas with sizes
• Apply at national level for large dispensary station at a shorter distance. according to Article 8, Ministerial Diploma
concessions. 3.10.3 Procedure: Licenses for Pharmacies  The pharmacy must have 24-hour direct nº. 39/2003 from 2 April.
 License applications can only be submitted General Information access to public roads, except in the case of a • Certificate of exclusive occupation for the
between 2 January and 15 February.  Applicable legislation – Ministerial Diploma shopping centre. Technical Manager.
 License are issued by 1 April. nº. 39/2003 from 2 April and Article 28, • Proof of Mozambican residence for the
 Licenses must be renewed annually. Decree nº. 21/99 from 4th May. Requirements applicant or the Technical Manager (for
 License is issued to natural or legal persons Documents and requirements attached to the foreign citizens).

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• Any other documents as requested by the  The owner shall apply all corrections as Procedure which are not covered by the National
Medicines Control Council. requested by the Medicines Control Council  The application must be addressed to Medicines List.
under the terms established. the Minister of Health, accompanied by • The private medical establishments may Minimum Area Requirements two copies of the establishment plan and prescribe the use of medicines which are
 Minimum pharmacy area – 85m² Cost description of the operational conditions. not covered by the National Medicines List,
• Public area - 30m²  Fees as per the Joint Ministerial Act: Ministry  After establishment, the applicant must apply provided that they are registered in the
• Lab /verification area – 17m² of Health and Ministry of Finance, nº. for inspection under the terms of Article 27 country.
• Offices – 8m² 125/2008 from 31 December. of Decree nº. 21/99 from 4th May. • The cost of medicine registration is
• Ablution – 3m² with ample basin and toilet,  Fees are payable for the issuing of licence to  Technical Management – the number of established by the Joint Act Ministry
connected to water supply and sewerage private operators, including for the following: qualified pharmacists must be determined by of Health and Ministry of Finance nº.
system (or septic tank) • Urban pharmacy. the Medicines Control Council (see sections 125/2008 from 31 December.
• Storage – 20m² • Pharmacy in expansion zone. above on requirements). • Production units – only a legally licenced
• 24 hours chemist collection area – 6,5m² • Medicine Dispensary station. • The Technical Manager of the establishment shall be authorised
 Minimum area Medicine Dispensary station –  Fees are payable for the licencing of production unit must have a diploma in to manufacture medicines and their
30m² commercial establishments. pharmaceutical manufacturing. components or their division and packing.
• Public area – 17m²  Fees are payable for the renewal of licences  The sale of medicines and other products to
• Lab /verification area – 10m² to private operators, including for the the public is not authorised.. Procedure
• Ablution – 3m² following:  The application must be submitted to the
• Urban pharmacy. 3.10.5 Licenses for Imports and Exports Minister of Health, accompanied by certified Application • Pharmacy in expansion zone. Authorising Authority copies of the following:
Application, establishment and licence: • Medicine Dispensary station.  Minister of Health – Department of • ID of the applicant for natural person.
 The application shall be submitted to the • Commercial establishments. Pharmaceuticals (DoP). • Certificate of incorporation for companies.
Provincial Health Department for verification  Fees are payable for annual operational  Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MIC). • ID of the Technical Manager.
 The file is then submitted within 15 days to licences for private operators, including for  The production, distribution and • Certificate of exclusive commitment
the Medicines Control Council. the following: commercialisation of medicine is subject to (no other occupation) for the Technical
 The decision is communicated to the • Urban pharmacy. the authorisation of the Minister of Health Manager.
applicant with carbon copy (cc) to the • Pharmacy in expansion zone. through registration or, for extraordinary • Certificate of qualifications of the Technical
Provincial Health Department. • Medicine Dispensary station. reasons related to the public health, manager (diploma in pharmacy).
 After establishment, the applicant shall apply • Commercial establishments. without registration, and subject to the • Registration certificate with the Ministry
for inspection under the terms of Article 27. Refer to Appendix J for specific amounts recommendation of the Medicines Control of Health Plan of the establishment with
 Upon receiving a successful inspection report, applicable. Council. description and sizes of the areas.
authorisation for the pharmacy operation • Any changes in the composition, labelling
will be issued by the Provincial Health 3.10.4 Licensing of Laboratories and Depots or form of the registered medicine is Cost
Department. for Medicines subject to a registration process.  Licences fees are applicable to natural or legal
 The inspection report is examined by the General Information • Authorisation permits the circulation only persons, including for the following:
Medicines Control Council, which issues the Legal Framework – Law 4/1998 of 14 January. of medicines contained in the National • Cost Issuing licence.
licence or the respective endorsement. Medicines List (Formulário Nacional de • Renewal licence.
 The owner shall open the pharmacy to Authorising Authority Medicamentos), issued and updated • Operational annual licence.
the public no later than 15 days after the The licence is issued by the Medicines Control periodically by the Ministry of Health. • Fees are determined by Ministerial Order nº.
authorisation for the pharmacy operation is Council, subject to the Regulation of Industrial • In exceptional cases, the Minister of Health 125/2008 from 31 December of the Minister
issued by the Provincial Health Department. Licensing. may authorise the circulation of medicines of Health and the Minister of Finance.

50 51

Refer to Appendix K for specific amounts Application 3.10.7 Licensing of Distributor of of private health institutions:
applicable. Submit application to DoP. Pharmaceutical Products • Presentation of the project of the
 Every production unit shall have a qualified  Application submitted to the Minister of Notwithstanding other current legislation, the establishment/private practice.
pharmacist as a Technical Manager. Health, accompanied by certified copies of licensing of natural or legal persons are subject • Plant and description of the facilities
 Certain production phases or their control the following: to the following conditions: (nature, type, capacity, functions and
may be done via a legally licenced third party. • ID of the applicant for natural person.  The applicant shall own the establishment, activities to be carried out).
• Certificate of incorporation for companies which is compliant to the requirements for • Description of the water supply system.
3.10.6 Import and Wholesale Licensing • ID of the Technical Manager. the safety, security and storage of medicines. • Description of the energy/electricity Requirements • Certificate of exclusive commitment  The operation shall recruit a Technical supply system; the system for the disposal
Notwithstanding other current legislation, the (no other occupation) for the Technical Manager with the necessary qualifications of waste and hospital waste, as well as
licensing of natural or legal persons shall be Manager. and techno-professional profile approved by wastewater and, where necessary, the
subject to the following conditions: • Certificate of qualifications of the Technical the Ministry of Health. means used for its purification.
 Exclusivity of activities – shall be dedicated manager (diploma in pharmacy).  Application and cost of licence – see 1 above. • Detailed description of the medical-surgical
only to import of pharmaceutical products. • Registration certificate with the Ministry of material sterilisation system.
 The applicant shall be in possession of a Health. Costs • Staff table specifying the professional
warehouse, which shall be compliant to the • Plan of the establishment with description  There is a fee payable for a licence to export qualifications of the technical director and
requirements for safety, security and storage and sizes of the areas. permit of medicines, vaccines, biological health technicians.
of medicines.  DoP conducts pre-inspection and submits and other health products to importers per • List of surgical medical material and
 The operation shall recruit a Technical opinion to the Minister of Health. product. equipment.
Manager with the relevant qualifications and  Minister authorises.  There is a fee payable for an export permit • Opinion of the Provincial Governor
techno-professional profile approved by the  Applicant then informed of fees for the for medicines, vaccines, biological and (must be acquired during the processes;
Ministry of Health. licence. other health products to manufacturers or submitted to the Health Ministry).
 The applicant shall operate as an importer  After setting up operations applicant pays industries per product. • Information from the Provincial Director of
and wholesaler, keeping enough stock of fees.  There are costs associated with quality Health.
medicines and associated products.  Submit for final inspection. assurance inspections and the issuing of • Certificate of the criminal record, if
 Notwithstanding other legal requirements  License is issued. certificates of good production practices. applicant is an individual acting personally
only shall be authorised the import of  After licence is issued, applicant must register  Fees are determined by the Ministerial or certificate of the criminal record of
registered and ready for use medicines. what items they wish to import with the DoP. Order nº. 125/2008 from 31 December of the legal representative or manager, if
 In exceptional cases, the Minister of Health  Receive authorisation certificate. the Minister of Health and the Minister of application is submitted by a legal person
may authorise the import of medicines which Finance. or an individual representative. If a foreign
are not registered yet, namely: Cost Refer to Appendix M for specific amounts citizen, the certificate of the criminal
• When the medicines are justifiably proven  Licences fees are applicable to natural or legal applicable to each of the above. record must cover the whole period
to be indispensable for the treatment or persons, including for the following: outside the country.
diagnostic of certain pathology. • Cost issuing licence. 3.10.8 Establishment of Private Health • Photocopy of the ID or passport.
• For science research subject to the • Renewal licence. Institutions • Certificate of physical and mental fitness.
approval of the scientific research protocol • Operational annual licence. Authorising Authority • Certificate of literacy.
by the Ministry of Health.  Fees are determined by Ministerial Order nº. Ministry of Health. • Civil, commercial and professional
• Individuals travelling with non-commercial 125/2008 from 31 December of the Minister registration document.
quantities of medicines are exempt from of Health and the Minister of Finance. Procedure • Authorisation from Building / Housing and
requirement for import/export licence; Refer to Appendix L for specific amounts Required Documentation Urbanisation Services.
 Licensing – by the Ministry of Health and MIC. applicable.  Documents required to authorise the creation • Certificate from the Commercial Registry

52 53

Office (Registrar of Companies). establishment to which they are assigned,  Applicants must pay for the inspection team’s 3.11.2 Authorising Authority
• Draft articles of association. indicating the period allowed to engage expenses (accommodation, travel, food, etc.) Minister of the Interior.
• Commitment of honour from the Technical in private activity outside normal working and a licence fee.
Director. hours.  The time for the issuance of the licence 3.11.3 General Information
• For ambulances or other medical • Proof of compliance with the employee’s depends mostly on the applicant, therefore  Private security activity may be carried out by
equipment, a description of the same is contractual conditions. the amount of time spent completing the individual security companies or organised in
necessary. • For health technicians who did not following: construction time, setting up the form of commercial companies.
 Documents required to start (operations) the graduate in Mozambique: the necessary equipment, number and  The following modalities and forms of private
private health institution: - Certificate of equivalence passed by the complexity of health services to be provided, security services are permitted:
• Application requesting technical-sanitary Ministry of Education of Mozambique. compliance with health requirements, etc. • Protection of persons and property
inspection of the facilities. • Health professionals dismissed or expelled  A form is required to apply for this licence: through guarding.
• Applicant must present evidence of from the National Health System (SNS) Minutes of Incorporation of an Individual • Security of economic, social and cultural
professional recognition and registration of need special authorisation from the Health Company/Minuta de Constituicao de objectives, by means of garrison, guard,
the technical directors and sanitary/health Minister to exercise their profession Empresa em Nome Colectivo (Sociedade). patrol and electronic security systems.
technicians. (private practice). • Drafting of security assessments.
• Approval of the licensing of the • The following professionals are exempt Costs • Establishment and maintenance of security
establishment. from providing 20 hours a week in the License fee: MZN 200.00 material and equipment.
 Documents required for recognition and Public Sector:
professional registration: - Basic level health professionals. 3.10.9 Additional Information 3.11.4 Procedure
• Proof of civil suitability (criminal record), - Retired Mozambican health  Forms are available and submissions should Application
professional suitability, and continuous professionals. be made to the DoP offices.  Individual private security companies may
professional experience for five years or - Health professionals that the public  Mozambique does not currently offer licences only be owned by national citizens and in
more. sector intends to dismiss. for pharmaceutical manufacturing as the commercial companies the participation of
• Certificate of professional aptitude in the • All documentation must be sealed and country has no such facilities. foreign partners may be allowed provided
health sector of recognised validity in the acknowledged by a notary.  Company must be fully registered if it is that the majority of the capital is of
Republic of Mozambique. • The applicant covers the daily allowance a partnership. If the company is privately Mozambican citizens.
• Compliance with the presentation within of the inspection team, i.e. trips, owned it does not require Articles of  Applicants must address their applications
90 days of the service contract in the public accommodation, food, etc. Association / registration before applying for to the Minister of the Interior, with the
sector or document indicating that it has Application Process this licence. following:
been dispensed from that service.  Applications to set up a private health  Export of medicines – authorised only to • Name, age, marital status, affiliation, place
• Have a permanent address in the locality practice are submitted through local health legally licenced manufacturers. of birth, nationality, literary and technical-
where the health assistance/service will be authorities (provincial health directorates) professional qualifications and residence of
provided, except in cases duly authorised who must give their opinion. 3.10.10 Contact Information the applicant or applicants.
by the Health Ministry.  Following acquisition of the opinion, Ministry of Health – Department of • Place where the company is intended
• CV. applications are sent to the Ministry of Health Pharmaceuticals to operate, with the indication of the
• Two passport photos. along with the provincial Governor’s opinion. Agostinho Neto Avenue province, district and any other necessary
 Additionally, health professionals in the  After getting the authorisation, applicants Maputo – Mozambique indications for its location.
public sector have to present the following: must proceed with the construction and • Type of activity.
• Proof of their status as a public sector setting up of all the equipment (medical, 3.11 Security  Furthermore, the following must be added:
employee. surgical, technical, etc.), after which he/she 3.11.1 Type of License • Birth certificate.
• Authorisation from the director of the must apply for inspection. Private security services. • Certificate of criminal and police record.

54 55

• Residence certificate.  If, during the period of validity of the 3.11.7 Contact Information  In the administrative areas not covered by the
• Technical and operational study and other licence, changes are made to the items Ministry of the Interior municipality, the competence is exercised by
data considered useful. on the licence, the applicant must request Av. Olof Palme, Nrs. 46/48 the respective District Administration.
• Draft statutes, in the case of a company to the endorsement of the new facts, and an Maputo – Mozambique  Private accommodation, rental of rooms
be formed. endorsement fee will be charged. and farms for tourist purposes can only be
• The foreign partner must also add the  The transfer of the private security company, 3.12 Tourism operated by national citizens or companies
certificates of criminal and police record only becomes effective after approval by the 3.12.1 Type of License whose capital is owned mostly by nationals.
of the country of habitual residence and Minister of the Interior.  Categories 4 and 5 star hotel licences
confirmed by the respective diplomatic  Travel agencies and tourist guide licences Application
representation in Mozambique. Length of Time  Residential tourist (hotel) licences  Applications for authorisation to build,
 Whenever other elements are considered  Applicants will be informed of the status of  Camping licences renovate, or rent businesses for the
necessary, the Minister of the Interior or his application within 21 days from the date  Casino project licences development of a business related to the
the Provincial Commands may order the of the application submission to the Ministry  Games of chance licences industry must be submitted with a certified
notification of the applicants for those to be of the Interior. signature (recognised by a notary) to the
included in the application.  In case of a refusal, the applicant may 3.12.2 Residential Tourism (Hotels) relevant authority which is determined by the
 The applications, duly instructed, will be only file a new application after one year Authorising Authority type of licence applied for (see “Authorising
delivered to the Provincial Commands from has lapsed from the date of the previous Ministry of Culture and Tourism – Studies and Authority” above). The application must
where they will be sent with their opinions to unfavourable decision. Investment Department mention:
the Ministry of the Interior.  The establishment, alteration, expansion, • Full name, affiliation, nationality, ID,
 The issuance of the licence and its terms 3.11.5 Costs change of location and closure of tourist Passport and/or Residence Permit, NUIT,
will be communicated to the Provincial  Security and liability insurance – once the enterprises, establishments for catering address, in the case of a singular person,
Command of the Police of the Republic of authorisation has been granted, the applicant and drinks and dance halls, as well as the or identification of legal representative
Mozambique (PRM) where the applicant has company shall be notified of the respective suspension of their activity, require the and company headquarters, in the case
the headquarters of the company. order, within 60 days, to prove the following: authorisation of the Minister who oversees of a company, the Government Gazette in
 The unauthorised exercise of the activity • A guarantee to the Ministry of the Interior the tourism sector, and the Provincial which the statutes of the company were
of private security is punished with a fine by means of bank deposit, bank guarantee Governor or the President of the Municipal gazetted and attach a photocopy of it and a
and the consequent seizure and loss of all or surety insurance in institutions with Council, as described in this section. The definitive registration certificate as a legal
equipment employed in favour of the state. headquarters in Mozambique, of an Ministry is responsible for authorization in entity and proof of financial capacity.
amount to be fixed by the Ministry of the cases of 5 and 4 star hotels, tourist complexes, • Place where it is or will be developed. License Interior. campsites, agro-tourism establishments and • The category and provisional classification
 The authorisation for the opening of a private • Have civil liability insurance for unlawful country houses, while the Provincial Governor in which it intends to be considered for the
security company shall be given in the form acts and damages to third parties. has responsibility for 3 and 2 star hotels, food initiation of the process.
of a licence.  The fees and related information listed above and beverage establishmentsand 1st class  In addition to the elements set out above, the
 The permit authorises the respective holder are as noted Decree nº. 9/2007 of 30 April. luxury dance rooms, catering and pizzeria. The applicant must add to the request referred to
to exercise the activity of private security, and Refer to Appendix N for specific amounts President of the City Council or the District in number 1 above:
cannot, in any case, be replaced by any other applicable. Adviser has responsibility for 1 star hotels, • Opinions of the local resources of the
document, nor transmitted to third parties, private accommodation for tourist purposes, State or of the Municipal Council, of the
under penalty of forfeiture. 3.11.6 Additional Information rental of rooms and catering establishments respective area.
 The licence is granted for a period of five Financial guarantees – private security and dance clubs and dance halls.2 and 3 in • Opinion on EIA by the body responsible for
years, renewable for an equal period, subject companies must offer financial guarantees, accordance with paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of the environmental area.
to payment of a fee. through security and liability insurance. Article 11 of the abovementioned Decree. • Number of employees to be employed and

56 57

the value of the investment. conditions set out in the management plan, community conservation and others, the maximum prices in national currency.
• DUAT. tourism development plan and other legal application for the implementation of tourist - Proof of the payment of the Inspection
• Hard copies and electronic versions of instruments applicable to conservation areas, enterprise must, in addition to the elements fee, name of the establishment and
blueprints of buildings (in 1:100 scale). as well as those contained in the following referred to in article 14, where applicable, be issuance of the permit.
• Indication of the time frame for the numbers. instructed with the following documents: • Applicants may only apply for the licence
construction or renovation.  The licensing authority may authorise the • Opinions referred to in paragraphs a) and after the inspection has been completed.
• Terms of responsibility initiation of licensing processes for tourist b) of 3 and a) of paragraph 4 of article • Hotel and restaurant must complete
• Descriptive document, which includes; enterprises in the conservation areas, 15 of Decree 49/2016, of November 1, application form for licence.
- Physical characteristics of the site: relief, with exemption from some requirements, which approves the Regulation of Tourist
geographic orientation, hydrography and described in Chapter VI of this regulation Enterprises, Restoration and Beverages and 3.12.3 Travel Agencies and Tourism
landscape;  In national parks and national reserves, Dance Rooms. Operators (Guides) Licenses
- Integration of the building in the place the application for the implementation of  If the project is to be installed within a General Information
and the region in the architectural and tourist enterprises must, in addition to the conservation area, it has to have the opinion  Applicable legislation: Decree nº. 49/2016 of
landscape aspect; elements referred to in sections 1 and 2 (see of its Administrator, proof of payment of 1 November and Decree nº. 53/2015 of 31
- General party of essential building “Procedures” above, where applicable, be the licensing fee and the minutes of the December.
composition and characteristics of instructed with the following documents: meeting with the local community and / or  The application, including all the other
building construction: • Opinion of the Administrator of the the Maritime Administrator of the region. documents must be in quadruplicate; it must
- Operation of the different services National Park or National Reserve. (Decree nº. 49/2016 of 1 November) be signed and notarised and it must include
and installations provided and their • Opinion of the body that oversees  In the official conservation area, the request electronic versions of the architecture plans
connections, horizontal and vertical the maritime administration, if it is a for the implementation of tourist enterprise (floor, furniture and location).
circulations, ventilation processes, air- conservation area that contemplates the must, in addition to the elements referred
conditioning installations and the like, sea. to in the section above (“Submitting an Application
generally considered to be a convenient • Minutes of the consultation meetings with Application”), where applicable, and be  Applications submitted to the Minister
understanding of the solutions the local resident communities. instructed with the following documents: of Tourism, and include the following
presented;  In the buffer zone, the request for the • Opinion of the Administrator of the information:
- Typology, classification and category implementation of tourist enterprises must, National Park or National Reserve. • Full name, parents names, nationality;
proposed for the establishment; in addition to the elements referred to in the • Opinion of the State agency that supervises name and social headquarters of the
- Expected deadline for start and finish of section above (“Submitting an Application”), fire safety. business/company/entity that is going
construction; and where applicable, be accompanied by the  After obtaining the authorisation, applicants to explore the travel agency’s activity; ID
- Capacity of tourist accommodation and following documents: must start the project (construction, etc.) and number and its validity.
investment value. • Opinion of the entity that supervises the apply for inspection. • Localisation of the travel agency, identity of
 When submitting the application to the conservation areas. • The request for inspection must be the legal representative and headquarters.
licensing entity, the applicant must provide • Opinion of the State body that manages submitted to the responsible authority, i.e. • Number of jobs to be created, the
proof of payment of the fee corresponding the buffer zone. National Directorate of Tourism/Provincial minimum required is four job posts.
to the analysis and approval of an executive • Opinion of local State bodies. Directorate of Tourism/President of the • Value of the investment, the minimum
project. • Opinion referred to in point b) of the Municipality or Administrator of the requirement is currently MZN 200 000.00.
previous number and of the State body District). • If it is an enterprise, indicate its inscription Requirements to Establish the that supervises fire safety. • The following documents must be number at the Registrar of Companies.
Operation • Minutes referred to in point c) of the attached:  Applications submitted to the National
 A tourist project to be established in previous number. - Price and accommodation table Directorate for Tourism. The application must
conservation areas must comply with the  In the farm or wilderness, in the areas of presenting the proposal of minimum and include the following:

58 59

• Authenticated copy of the NUIT; final or 1:200, showing the area for administration MZN 100 000.00. processes were decentralised giving more
registration of the Company; Articles of and the area for the public/clients. • Proof of payment of the inspection fee leeway to the Provinces and Municipalities.
Association, if it is a society.  Technical plan and justification of the of MZN 13 000.00, with the name of the  In the near future BAUs will provide licences
• CV of the Manager of the Travel Agency and opportunity of the travel agency within establishment/business and issuing of the for small scale boarding houses and room
Tourism. the framework of the tourist activities of licence. rentals.
• The Manager’s diplomas or certificates from the region and of the country, taking into  Public consultation:
tourism industry schools. account national tourism development Length of Time • The consultation of resident local
• A bank guarantee, currently at (recognised signature).  Authorisation takes between 15 to 90 days: communities shall be made, with the
MZN 200 000.00 for Travel Agencies or  Descriptive report and justification of the • The technical instruction for the decision- necessary adaptations, in accordance with
MZN 500 000.00 for Tourism Operators. project (recognised signature) making process must be completed within the provisions of land legislation and other
• Insurance, currently MZN 100 000.00.  Authenticated copy of the NUIT. five working days of the date of receipt of relevant legislation.
• Proof of payment of inspection fee,  Authenticated copies of ID cards or passport the dossier. • The objective of the consultation is to
currently MZN 13 000.00. with a valid business visa or DIRE for the • The licensing authority will decide on the enquire of the resident local communities
 Applicants must submit four copies of all shareholders. request within a maximum of two working whether the planned tourist development
documents.  Authenticated copy of the lease contract of days after the instruction of the process. would affect, or negatively, their socio-
 In addition to the above, a request for the the premises or title deed of the place where • The authority that instructs the process will economic structure.
exercise of the activity of tourist information the activity is to take place. notify the applicant within three working
must be submitted to the Tourism Minister.  Proof of payment of the fee of MZN 7 000.00. days of the decision about the application. 3.12.4 Games of Chance
 The application must include the following: • Applicants must allow for time to carry out Authorising Authority
• CV. Inspection the proceedings or to request opinions  Minister of Finance (for social games – see
• Certificate of literacy.  Applicants must submit an application/ that are deemed necessary. below)
• Updated residence declaration. request to the National Directorate of  Also, licensing depends on the length of time  President of the Municipality or to the
• Two passport photographs. Tourism asking for inspection of the premises applicants take to construct infrastructure. District Administrator (AD) (for fun games –
 Holders of educational certificates obtained and licence for travel agencies and tourism see below)
abroad may also have access to the activity and tourism information professionals. Costs
of tourist information professional, provided  The following documentation must  The information below is in Decree nº. General Information
that they are legally recognised by a accompany the application: 28/2003 of 17 June and Mining Law nº.  Social games: bingo, lotteries, totobola,
competent national authority. • Registration Company Certificate. 14/2002 of 26 June. totoloto, lotus, raffles, mutual gambling,
• Authenticated copy of the NUIT. Refer to Appendix O for specific amounts contests and virtual games. Required Documentation • CV of the tourism and travel agency’s applicable.  Fun games: billiards, foosball, prize exhibitors
 Application form – Refer to Annexure III B. manager. and fun machines.
 Certificate of the name reservation of the • Certificate of literacy. 3.12.7 Additional Information  Applicable legislation: Law of Social and Fun
business company. • Certificate attesting that the Manager  Depending on the extent of the Games, Law nº. 09/2012 of 08 February,
 Government Gazette where the Articles attended a course related to the tourism environmental impact, applicants may and the respective Regulation approved by
of Association of the company have been industry for at least three years. have to request approval from MITADER to Decree nº. 17/2012, of July 5.
published. • Bank guarantee valid for at least one conduct an EIA.
 Minutes of the General Assembly of year in the amount of MZN 250 000.00  Authorisation may also have to be sought Procedure for Contests and
the company that empowers the legal for travel agencies and tourism and from local authorities for a DUAT. Virtual Games
representative if it is a shareholding company. MZN 500 000.00 for a tourism operator.  The process is dynamic and the actualisation  The application for authorisation to operate
 Plan of the building to be used for the • Civil Responsibility insurance valid for at of the legislation is a permanent feature. the gaming activity is made in an application
activities of the business to the scale of 1:100 least one year of a value not less than Recently the authorisation and licensing signed by the applicant or his / her legal

60 61

representative, addressed to the Minister the share capital of at least 10% of the Telephone: +258 84 644 3089 • the enabling law, for example DA to the
of Finance (for social games) or to the total investment that is proposed to invest. Or/And Director of the SDAE or the BAU Executive
President of the Municipality or to the AD • Specific regulation of the desired game Department of Economic Activities Director to the Licensing Services Director,
(for fun games) accompanied by the following modality (all conditions of player access to Av. Albert Luthuli, 59/63, 2nd floor or
information, duly documented: the game and prizes). Maputo • According to the general rule of authority
• Proof of the legal existence of the • Models of equipment and game material Telephone: +258 84 950 7442 delegation to the immediate inferior in
requesting entity’s (Government Gazette) to be used (system operation manual, the chain of command, for example the
permit. business continuity plans, data hosting 3.13 Trade and Industry Minister to her/his deputy, etc.
• Proof of the capacity in which the agreement, last system certification made 3.13.1 Type of License
application is signed (credential, minutes of by an independent and reputed entity).  Industrial Property License Authority responsible for the analysis and ruling
appointment). • Plans for the training of the staff in the  Commercial Activity License (RLAC – recommendation
• Representative’s ID. case of Bingo. Regulation of the Licensing of the Commercial  On the commercial activity licences
• Specific regulation of the desired game • Guarantee of the availability of financial Activity Licence) application – National Trade Directorate
modality (all conditions of player access to resources for its operation (bank guarantee (DNC) for foreign company representation
the game and prizes). of MZN 3 000 000.00, by modality, in 3.13.2 Establishment of Industrial Property or the BAU for wholesale and retail trade,
• Models of equipment and game material favour of the General Inspectorate of and License rendering of service and external trade
to be used. Games and bank references issued Authorising Authority operators (importers and exporters) or the
• Guarantee of the availability of financial by a bank of recognised capacity and Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MIC) SDAE for wholesale and retail trade, services
resources for the payment of game prizes reputation).  Local Authority – MIC. rendering and external trade operators in the
(invoices or receipts for the purchase of • Documents proving the suitability,  Minister of Trade and Industry. The absence of BAU offices.
prizes or letter of guarantee signed by the technical and financial capacity, including Department will verify and approve the  The head the respective instructing
representative of the applicant for cash criminal records of the members, application. Final approval is granted by the authority is responsible for issuing the final
prizes). certificate of tax discharge, CV, on-site Minister of Industry and Commerce. recommendation/opinion for consideration
• Prize Plan composed of at least three verification of the operation, etc.  The National Inspectorate for Economic by the superiors.
prizes. • Investment plan, to be realised in the Activities (INAE).  The instructing authority is responsible for
 This application must be filed with the acquisition, set up and furnishing of the  The Minister of Industry and Commerce, coordinating with the relevant local authorities
licensing entity, 15 days before the start of equipment and game material (schedule). the Director of One stop shop (BAU), AD to verify if the licensing is in line with the
the activity. take decision and sign the authorisation, regional territorial and urbanisation plans. Costs endorsement and renewal of licences and Procedure for Bingo, Totobola, Refer to Appendix P for specific amounts external trade operator identity cards. General Information
Totoloto, Mutual Bets and Raffles applicable.  The Director of BAU is responsible for the  Applicable legislation: Decree nº. 34/2013
 Submit the application to the authorising approval of wholesale and retail trade, dated 2 August.
authority, along with the following 3.12.5 Additional Information rendering of services and external trade  The licence authorises commercial activity
documents: Type of business activity determines the operators (import and export) licences. (wholesale and retail sale, services rendering,
• Proof of the legal existence of the licence/s that is required – National Economic  District Administrator (AD) – in cases where representation foreign trade of foreign
requesting entity (Government Gazette). Classification. there is no BAU office, the AD is responsible company and external trade operator).
• Proof of the capacity in which the for the approval of wholesale and retail trade,
application is signed (credential, minutes of 3.12.6 Contact Information services and external trade operator licences. Inspection
appointment). Head of Department  The above-mentioned authorities can  The licensing authority determines the
• Representative’s ID. Ministry of Culture and Tourism delegate their powers (always in writing); and potential risk carried by certain products and
• Constitution of the applicant company with Av. 10 de Novembro, Praceta 1196, nº. 40. applying: components, resorting to the Environmental

62 63

Law and decides whether the inspection the date of issuing the licence under the entity registration certificate is issued processed. Upon submitting the payment
needs to be carried out. RLAC. after the commercial licensing and tax receipt, the applicant shall receive a stamped
 The timeous licence renewal application registration and its actual issuing is and signed copy of the application form with
submitted by the foreign company’s Procedures for Wholesale and Retail confirmed by the overseeing authority, the receipt date and reference number. The
commercial representation does not require Trade and Services Rendering Licence the INAE. receipt and screening of the application shall be
a new inspection, even if the original licence  The applicants shall submit directly to the • Authenticated copy of the NUIT. done in the presence of the applicant.
application required one, except in the cases licensing authority (BAU or SDAE): • Power of attorney duly issued to the  Step 4 –
of a change of premises. • Filled and signed application form. applicant if he/she is not a designated • If doesn’t require inspection, the
• Certified or ordinary copies (show the director or authorised representative of instructing authority carries out the Validity originals at the time of submitting) of the the company mentioned in the certificate evaluation and prepares its opinion.
 The licence has unlimited duration, while the following documents: of incorporation. • If does require inspection (this is decided
licence for a foreign company representation Nationals • The Power of attorney for company upon information supplied by the applicant
is valid for a maximum period of five years, - ID or Passport or Driver’s licence or valid applicant can be replaced by a company or as a result of application evaluation), the
although it is renewable. Voter’s card resolution, which is stating the scope and inspection is scheduled.
 The identification card for external trade Foreign citizens object of the mandate and contains the • For this step, it is assumed that:
operator is valid for: - DIRE (Mozambican residence document company authorised signatures, certified - The SDAE or BAU (responsible – the
• For an importer – one year. for foreign citizen) or passport with by a notary. Head of Licensing Services) knows if
• For an exporter: valid business visa or authorisation for  Step 1 – the employee (BAU or SDAE) shall the site for the establishment is within
- For commercial activities – five years. residence for more than 90 days and check if the application form is duly filled and an area permitted for the proposed
- For other sectors activities – coincides less than five years. If the DIRE is being signed and if all supporting documents are commercial activity, based on the
with the sectorial licence, could be less processed, the applicant must supply submitted. The application must be registered coordination with the local authorities
than five years or even unlimited. a stamped receipt from the Home in a dedicated register. If the employee has (zoning information is included in the
 The payment of the licensing fees is done Affairs Department with the expected doubts related to the applicability of the municipal urbanisation plans and the
before the application is processed, while the collection date. RLAC, he/she shall ask the applicant to return district land use plans).
payment date for the inspection is notified at - Refugees are not issued with a DIRE the same time the following day to receive - The members of the commission are
the time of the application by the instructing or business visa, but need to submit the answer. designated:
authority. a refugee status document, which is  Step 2 – document screening, which aims * The instructing authority may at any
issued by the National Institute for to establish if the submitted information is time request further details from the Length of Time Refugee Support. complete and if the establishment requires applicant.
 Between the date of submitting the  The above documents should be valid for inspection (list of products which require * The inspection may make a positive or
documents and the date of communicating more than 15 days after the date of their inspection of premises is included on page 40 negative assessment in the inspection
the decision / issuing the licence, declaration submission, given that the time frame for of guide for application of the RLAC. In BAU report. The applicant shall be notified
and card: a licence authorisation, start of operation step 1 and 2 shall be performed by the same when to collect the inspection report
• 8 business days for activities which do NOT declaration and tax registration in the employee, while at the SDAE the receiving from the licensing authority.
require inspection. National Social Security Institute (INSS) is employee might ask the applicant to supply a * The instructing authority prepares the
• 10 business days for activities which do approximately 15 days. contact number for notification of the prompt file with their opinion to be presented
require inspection. • For companies - certificate of incorporation receipt of his application. for consideration by the superiors.
• 3 business days for issuing a declaration (publication in the Government Gazette of  Step 3 – the applicant shall be verbally informed  Step 5 – It is issued by the licensing authority
with the import/ export codes. the Articles of Association or a copy of the of the licence fees payment, followed by the in the form of a notification order with the
• 8 business days for issuing the external Articles of Association) is required submission of a proof of receipt/ proof of opinion of the instructing authority or by
trade operator identity card, counting from • For Individual entrepreneurs - the legal payment, which allows the application to be signing the licence.

64 65

• A rejected application cannot be of their submission, given that the time frame duly issued to a singular person,  Step 2 – document screening. It intends to
resubmitted without submitting new for a licence authorisation, start of operation entrepreneur or company authorising to establish if the submitted information is
information and shall be treated as a new declaration and tax registration in INSS is be the company representative in the complete.
application with regard to the required approximately 15 days. Republic of Mozambique, stating the  Step 3 – the applicant shall be verbally
documentation, procedures, time frames • Authenticated copy of the NUIT. respective powers, form of representation informed of the licence fees payment
and charges. • Power of attorney duly issued to the and the duration: followed by submitting a receipt/ proof of
• The issue of licence or the rejection applicant if s/he is not a designated - If the application is submitted by a payment, which allow the application to be
notification shall be registered. director or authorised representative representative, which is a proxy singular processed. Upon submitting the payment
• The decision and the signature of licence of the company in the certificate of person, it is not required to submit a receipt, the applicant shall receive a stamped
shall be concluded within two days. corporation. certificate of incorporation and licence. and signed copy of the application form with
• Positive opinion of the entity, governing - The representatives which are the receipt date and registered reference Procedures for Foreign Company the sector of the applicant’s proposed singular persons can only apply for number. The receipt and screening of the
Commercial Representation Licence activity. Representative Office and not Agency. application shall be done in the presence of
 For a foreign company commercial • External trader commercial licence or  The applicant is responsible for obtaining in the applicant.
representation licence, the applicant shall equivalent and its sworn translation 15 days a positive opinion from the entity,  Step 4 – the instructing authority (the DNC)
submit directly to the licensing authority from the company applicant’s country of governing the sector of the requested by will carry out the evaluation and prepares its
(MIC): origin, stating the external trade operator the applicant activity. In case of industrial opinion.
• Filled and signed application form. reference and capacity. This licence, in the activity, which is under the MIC, (the National • The instructing authority may request
• Certified or ordinary copies (show the form of authorisation or a declaration, etc. Trade Directorate – DNC) should receive the further details from the applicant.
originals at the time of submitting) of the often coincides with the tax registration application without opinion, which is to be • The recommendation shall be written on
following documents: or company incorporation certificate and obtained within two days from the National the application form itself.
Nationals serves to prove that the foreign company is Industrial Directorate via an internal liaison. • The evaluation process shall be concluded
- ID or Passport or Driver’s licence or valid legally licenced to exercise the pretended  The power of attorney for purpose of in two days.
voter’s card activities in their country of origin. application and the power of attorney to the  Step 5 – decision. It is issued by the licensing
Foreign citizens • New applicant company – the legal representative, when given to a company, authority in the form of a notification order
- DIRE (Mozambican residence document registration certificate (company can be replaced by a company resolution, with the opinion of the instructing authority
for foreign citizen) or passport with incorporation certificate) in Mozambique which is stating the scope and object of or by signing the declaration. The order
valid business visa or authorisation for for representation of foreign commercial the mandate and contains the company authorises the issue of the card.
residence for more than 90 days and company is issued after the commercial authorised signatures, certified by the notary. • The decision and the declaration signature
less than five years (residência precária). licensing and tax registration are completed The duration also must be stated, as the shall be concluded within one day.
If the DIRE is being processed, the and its actual issuing is confirmed by the licence for foreign company representation is • The card shall be issued within five days
applicant must supply a stamped receipt overseeing authority, the INAE. valid for a maximum period of five years. from the date the declaration is signed. In
from the Home Affairs Department with • Existent Mozambican registered  Step 1 – the employee (from the MIC) shall the event an application is rejected, the
the expected collection date company or registered and licenced check if the application form is duly filled and application cannot be resubmitted without
- Refugees are not issued with a DIRE individual entrepreneur applying for signed and if all supporting documents are submitting new information and shall be
or business visa, but need to submit representation, is required to submit submitted. The application must be registered treated as a new application with regard to
a refugee status document, which is certificate of incorporation (publication in in a dedicated register. If the employee has the required documentation, procedures,
issued by the National Institute for the Government Gazette of the Articles doubts related to the applicability of the and time frames charges.
Refugee Support. of Association or a copy of the Articles of RLAC, he/she shall ask the applicant to return • The issuing of a declaration/identification
 The above documents for foreigners should Association) and licence (simplified) the same time the following day to receive a card or the rejection of an application shall
have validity more than 15 days after the date • Power of attorney and its sworn translation, response. be registered.

66 67
MOZAMBIQUE BUSINESS LICENCING GUIDE JULY 2019 Procedures for External Trade  The payment of fees / costs are done via  Only registered commercial companies may  If it is a legal entity (company), it must be
Operator Licence deposit at a commercial bank and proof obtain a licence to operate public transport. constituted in the form of a commercial
 For external trade operator licence, the supplied to BAU. company, which is duly registered.
applicant must submit the application directly 3.14.3 Authorising Authority  Certificate of measurement inspection of the
to the licensing authority (BAU or SDAE): 3.13.3 Contact Information  Minister of Transport and Communications meter and the odometer, or only the latter, as
• A completed application form. Ministry of Industry and Commerce  Provincial Directorates of Transport and the case may be.
• Entities, already licenced in other sectors Praça 25 de Junho, nº. 300, 8th floor Communications  The driver of a rental car must be a holder of
or submitting application following the Maputo – Mozambique  National Maritime Authority (INAMAR). a driving licence for public services.
commercial licensing are required to  If it is a heavy-duty passenger rental car, it
submit certified copies (show the originals 3.14 Transport* 3.14.4 Public Transport for Renting can only be operated by a concessionary of
at the time of submitting) of the operating 3.14.1 Type of License Procedure regular passenger vehicles of this type or
licence and the NUIT.  Public transport for renting  The application must be addressed to by organised tour companies with vehicles
 The foreign company’s commercial  Collective public transport Minister of Transport and Communications, approved for this purpose.
representation shall be issued with only  Sea ​​transport (maritime transport) and must include:
one licence by the entity which governs  Stevedoring activities in national commercial • Name and address of the applicant, 3.14.5 Collective Public Transport
the activity. If it requests to be licenced for ports. in the case of a private individual, or, Procedure
other subclasses of CAE, which is governed identification and registered head Regular and Temporary Carriers
by other Ministries, the positive opinion 3.14.2 General Information office, with the necessary proof of being  Application for the granting of regular or
from this Ministry is required for issuing an  Transport by motor vehicle may be private constituted commercially and duly temporary carrier license, which must
endorsement to the original licence. or public, for passengers, for goods or mixed registered, if it is a legal person. contain:
cargo. • Transport type (passengers and goods) for • Full identity documents and address of the Costs  Public transport includes an individual / which the licence is required. applicant or his legal representative and
 Wholesale and retail trade or services entity that is not classified as private and • Indication of the Province or district where proof of being incorporated commercially
rendering or external trade operator can be operated in a rented transportation it intends to transport passengers or the if it is a legal entity.
licence (irrespective of the groups, classes system (at the service of a certain entity, operation headquarters where goods are • Schedules and tariff.
and subclasses in CAE) – 1 minimum state according to itineraries of your choice) or transported. • Parking locations (start, end and
employee salary (SM). collective transportation (obeying itineraries • Indication of the parking place (terminal), intermediate).
 Representation of foreign company – 2 SM and schedules previously established). where the vehicle will normally be • Indication of buses’ itinerary.
per year  Type A licence – granted when the transport available to the public. • Map of the route with indication of the
 External trade operator identity card – 25% of takes place in two or more provinces or cities  Proof of physical fitness and certificate of distances between the intermediate stops.
the SM belonging to distinct provinces. criminal record for private individuals. • Economic or exploration study.
 Endorsements – 25% of the SM  Type B – granted if the transport is limited  Certificate of residence proving that the  Vehicles of national registration (national
 Reemission of the licence – 50% of the SM to the province where the company’s applicant is a national or a resident for plate numbers).
 Inspection – 50% of the SM headquarters is located. Cross-border more than one year in the national territory  Publication of the request for concession in
 Payment of fees / costs are done via deposit transport may be included if previously (private individual). public notices in the Government Gazette,
at a commercial bank and proof supplied to authorised.  Vehicles with national registration and if it is in the most frequently read daily newspaper
BAU.  Private individuals (nationals or aliens a legal person, must also indicate the number and in the diary of the Province.
 The fees, applicable for services rendered by residing in Mozambique for more than one of vehicles, including trailers, carrying  Vehicle inspections.
BAU are included in the table on page 47 of year) or legal persons (duly registered in capacity or approximate capacity.  Insurance policies for the vehicles in use.
the guide for submitting an application to the Mozambique) may apply for a licence to  Have a civil liability insurance policy. Temporary Transport Carrier
RLAC. operate transport activity.  Presentation of vehicles for inspection.  The request for a licence application made

68 69

by the owner of the vehicle, which should • Certified copy of the Company Registration Procedure development.
contain: Certificate or the Official Publication in  Applications must be submitted to the  Report of the means of transportation.
• The applicant’s ID. which the intended activities are recorded INAMAR DG, specifying in it the activities  For private individuals, a copy of their ID
• Residence certificate. as a corporate purpose. and ports or terminals, as well as the routes and a company registration certificate for an
• Certificate of criminal record. • Authenticated copy of the NUIT. in which the requesting entity intends to individual entrepreneur.
 Insurance policy to guarantee civil liability • CV of the responsible technician. operate.  Proof of ownership of the means of
resulting from traffic accidents. • Location and description of the company’s  Application must include a letter to request a transportation to be used.
 Drivers with drivers’ licences for public facilities (plant facilities). visit to the premises for inspection.  Description of the means of transportation
services. • Proof of payment of the value of the  Authenticated copy of the Company to be used, its year of manufacture, model,
 Inspection of the vehicle, which must licence (deposit slip). Registration Certificate or the official capacity and the make and the state of
present: Costs publication in which the intended activities conservation.
• Bodywork covered.  Ship agency. are stated as a corporate purpose.  Indication of the location of the parking
• Ladder to access the bodywork.  Merchandise transit agency.  Authenticated copy of the NUIT. where the transport will normally be
• Fixed seat stands with minimum separation  Freight and chartering of goods.  Authenticated copy of the Notary Registry. available to the public.
of 70 centimetres (cm).  Conference.  Proof of ownership of the means of  Civil liability insurance for passengers, third
• Distribution of seats inside that ensures  Expert and superintendence. transportation to be used. parties and environmental damage.
the safety and comfort of passengers.  Auxiliary services of stevedoring.  Description of the means of transport to  Assessment from the Ministry of Tourism.
• Lighting inside the bodywork of the  The licensing of the above-mentioned be used, its year of manufacture, model,  Investment value.
vehicle. modalities can be granted cumulatively. For capacity, make and state of conservation. Procedure
licence renewal, the fees charged do not  Civil liability insurance for passengers, third  Applications to use foreign vessels must be
3.14.6 Sea Transport change. parties and environmental damages. submitted to INAMAR and will be based on Agency Refer to Appendix R for specific amounts  Proof of payment of the value of the licence the unavailability of suitable ships with access
Types of Agency Services applicable. (deposit slip). to the respective traffic.
 Ship Agency Costs  All applications must be accompanied by the
 Merchandise Transit Agency Maritime Transport  Commercial maritime. following:
 Freight and Chartering of Goods Agency Three Types of Maritime Transport Services  International maritime. • Copy of the charter agreement.
 Conference Agency  Commercial maritime  Five-year local traffic transport for vessels • Identification of the ship-owner and the
 Expert and Superintendence Agency  International maritime with more than 50 t. loader / unloader, if applicable.
 Auxiliary Services for Stevedoring  Five-year local traffic transport for vessels Refer to Appendix R for specific amounts • Identification of the ports of origin and
 Warehousing of goods in international transit with more than 50 tonnes (t). applicable. destination and the dates foreseen for the
General Information General Information start and end of the trip, if applicable.
 Applicable legislation: Decree nº. 53/2006  Applicable legislation: Tourist Maritime Transport • Identification of the cargo and the
of 26 December and Ministerial Diploma nº. • Decree nº. 35/2007 of August 14 and General Information quantities to be transported, if applicable.
218/2013 of 30 December. Ministerial Diploma nº. 218/2013 of  Applicable legislation: Decree nº. 41/2007 of  Of the authorisations granted, according to
Procedure December. August 24 that regulates tourism transport. the previous point, INAMAR will inform the
 Applications must be submitted to the • Decree nº 49/2014 of 22 September, which Required Documentation applicant or his representative.
Director General (DG) of INAMAR, specifying regulates diving activity.  Authenticated copy of the NUIT.
in it the activities and ports or terminals • Decree nº. 45/2006 of 30 November, which  Technical and justified plan of opportunity of Stowage
in which the requesting entity intends to regulates the licensing of maritime space the applicant in the framework of the tourist General Information
operate; Additionally, the application must and other activities in the maritime sector. activities of the region and of the country,  Clarification on the activities of: Auxiliary
include the following documentation: taking into account the national tourism Services of Stowage:

70 71

• Auxiliary Services of Stowage are the Costs Costs Costs

activities of peeling, strapping, unitisation,  The value of the subscribed licence is  Licensing fee.  Diver’s training (diving school).
stowage in containers, palletising of goods dependent on the location (port) where the  Inspection of diving facilities.  Diving centres.
and also, cleaning of the ship holds, carried service will be performed:  Inspection of diving equipment. Refer to Appendix R for specific amounts
out inside the port area, or in the bonded • Port of Maputo. Refer to Appendix R for specific amounts applicable.
warehouses; • Port of Beira. applicable.
• Stowage is the execution of all cargo • Port of Nacala. Dredging
handling operations on board vessels, • Port of Quelimane. Amateur Diving General Information
moored (berth-in-port) or anchored in • Port of Pemba. Types of Services  Applicable legislation: Decree nº. 44/2006
port areas (sea), including the use of • Remaining commercial ports.  Divers training (diving school) of 29 November and Ministerial Diploma nº.
equipment and apparatus appropriate  For this activity, a bond should be paid  Diving center 218/2013 of 30 December.
for cargo handling and application of the as recommended in Article 3, letter a) of General Information Procedure
devices necessary for their establishment Ministerial Diploma nº 28/2003 of 5 March.  Applicable legislation: Decree nº. 44/2006  Applications must be submitted to
and fixation in the places assigned in Refer to Appendix R for specific amounts of 29 November and Ministerial Diploma nº. the Director General of INAMAR and
such a way as to satisfy the applicable applicable. 218/2013 of 30 December. accompanied by the following elements:s:
safety standards, as well as the opening Procedure for the Licensing of Diving Schools/ • Company profile.
and closing of the holds of the ships and Professional Diving Diving Centres • List of equipment for the exercise of the
also all the formalities necessary for this General Information  Applications must be submitted to the dredging activity.
operation, excluding loads and discharges  Applicable legislation: Ministerial Diploma nº INAMAR DG, specifying the type and nature • Letter of recommendation from the CFM.
in port trays and warehouses. 218/2013 of 30 December. of the intended activity. All applications must • List of projects carried out.
• Applicable legislation: Decree nº. 5/98 of Procedure be accompanied by the following elements: • The projects to be rescheduled in
24 February and Ministerial Diploma nº.  Applications must be submitted to the • Authenticated copy of the Company Mozambique.
218/2013 of 30 December. INAMAR DG, specifying in it the type and Registration Certificate or the Official • Authenticated copy of the NUIT.
Procedure nature of the activity and the ports or Publication in which the intended activity is • Company registration certificate.
 Applications must be submitted to the terminals in which the requesting entity recorded as a corporate purpose. • Proof of payment of the licence.
INAMAR DG, specifying in it the activity and intends to operate. All applications must be • Authenticated copy of the NUIT. Costs
ports or terminals in which the requesting accompanied by the following: • Opinion of the competent entities of the  The fee to pay for the exercise of the
entity intends to operate. All applications  Authenticated copy of the Company National Defence and the Environment. dredging activity is valid up to five years.
must be accompanied by the following: Registration Certificate or the official • Programme of the courses to be  The value of the licence must be paid in full
 Letter requesting an inspection to the publication in which the intended activity is ministered. and proof of payment submitted with the
premises. recorded for business purposes. • Certificate of qualification of the monitors application form.
 Authenticated copy of the Company  Authenticated copy of the NUIT. and the health personnel. Refer to Appendix R for specific amounts
Registration Certificate or the Official  Opinion of the Ministry of the Environment. • Indication of the diving equipment to be applicable.
Publication, stating, as a social object, the  Opinion of the Ministry of Defence. used during the courses.
activity intended.  Certificate and CV of professional divers. • Plant or outline of the School’s facilities. Ship Chandling
 Authenticated copy of the NUIT.  Letter requesting a survey of the facilities • Map of the area to perform the practical General Information
 Proof of payment of the value of the licence and equipment to be used in the diving part of amateur diving, with the limits  Applicable Legislation: Ministerial Diploma
(deposit slip or check). operations; indicated by coordinates. nº. 218/2013 of 30 December
 The value of the licence must be paid in full  Proof of payment of the value of the licence  For the licensing of diving centres only, Procedure
at the time the application is submitted into and inspections must be submitted with the applicants must also include the programme  Applications must be submitted to
INAMAR’s account. application. of the courses to be ministered. the Director General of INAMAR and

72 73

accompanied by the following elements: 3.14.7 Stevedoring Activities in National payment for a deposit of MZN 50 000.00 Procedure
 Certified copy of the company registration Commercial Ports to the Ministry of Transport and Required Documentation for Licensing
certificate or the official publication in which General Information Communications, by bank deposit or by  The requirements for granting the license are:
the intended activities are recorded as a  Access to the stevedoring activity is subject bank guarantee from a financial institution • Proof of certificate of registration of the
corporate purpose. to licensing. The stowage activity can only which has headquarters in Mozambique. aircraft.
 Authenticated copy of the NUIT. be carried out by individuals who offer • The guarantee will only be released once • Proof of legal existence.
 Location and description of the company’s guarantees of technical and financial capacity proof of payment has been received. • Guarantee that the operation is carried out
facilities (plant facilities). for their execution. under safe conditions as demonstrated by
 Proof of payment of the value of the licence Length of Time a systematic aircraft maintenance record.
(deposit slip). Authorising Authority 30 to 60 days. • Use of aircraft eligible under the
Costs  INAMAR is responsible for licensing the regulations.
 The fee payable for this activity is exercise of stevedoring activities. Costs Required Documentation of Authorisation of
MZN 40 000.00 Refer to Table 5 in Appendix S for specific Operation Procedure amounts applicable.  The authorisation for operation issued Maritime Tugging  The application for the licensing of by the Aeronautical Regulatory Body is
General Information stevedoring activity is addressed to the 3.14.8 Civil Aviation Licensing a requirement without which no private
 A licence for towing is to be granted to Minister of Transport and Communications General Information operator can start an air service or continue
national ship owners who carry out their and must be submitted to the National  This licence applies to domestic and an operation.
activity with vessels registered and licenced Directorate of Marine and Ports or to the foreign private air operators operating in  The requirements for granting authorisation
in Mozambique. Provincial Directorate of Transport and Mozambique. for the operation of private aircraft are as
Procedure Communications where the applicant has a  The private air operator licence, according to follows:
 Applications must be submitted to INAMAR’s professional address or headquarters. its validity, is: • Private air operator’s licence.
DG, detailing the activities and ports or  The applicant must indicate the port (s) • A temporary licence - valid for a maximum • Guarantee of provision of maintenance
terminals, as well as the routes in which where he/ she intends to carry out the of 30 days. services, in accordance with the provisions
the requesting entity intends to operate. All activity of stevedoring. • A definitive licence. of specific legislation.
applications must be accompanied by the  Additionally, the application must include the  The licenses are granted to: • Flight material approved by the
following: following: • Private air transport; Aeronautical Regulatory Body and its lease,
 Letter to request a visit to the premises. • Public deed of the location where it is • Private air work. if the aircraft is not directly owned by the
 Document proving the inspection of tugs. stated as an object or one of its objects,  The licence and authorisation of the private operator.
 Authenticated copy of the company the exploitation of activities of stevedoring, air operator are non-transferable. • Valid insurance contracts.
registration certificate or the official if it is a legal person (company).  The private air operator is required, as a  Authorisation for operation is valid for one
publication in which the intended activities • Document proving that the company is condition of the operation, to contract the year and may be renewed upon request by
are stated as a corporate purpose. registered in the individual name of the following types of civil liability insurance: the holder up to one month before the expiry
 Authenticated copy of the NUIT. stevedoring business, in the case of an • Third parties; and date.
 Proof of ownership of the means of individual person. • Crew members.
transportation to be used.  The decision on the licence application shall  Insurance must be obtained and proof Length of Time
 Characterization of the means of transport to be made within 30 days of the date of the thereof provided along with the application.  Temporary license – three working days.
be used, its year of manufacture, make and application.  Definitive license – 15 days.
model, capacity, and state of conservation. • Once the authorisation has been granted, Authorising Authority
 Civil liability insurance for passengers, third the company will be notified within 60 days.  Aeronautical Regulatory Body. Costs
parties and environmental damages. • The applicant must then provide proof of  Fees, jointly defined by the Ministers

74 75

responsible finance and civil aviation, must mining concession licence: the Minister other application for the same site or no of the prospecting and research licence, if
be paid. responsible for mineral resources. The ongoing exploration) to their application. any; target period (not exceeding 25 years);
request is submitted to the National economic feasibility study and mining plan;
3.14.9 Contact Information Directorate of Mines or the Provincial Reconnaissance License an EIA (once it belongs to activity level three
Ministry of Transport and Communications Directorate of Mineral Resources. Procedure of the environmental classification of mining
(INCM) Council of Administration  Mining certificate: The National Mining  License application, with the following data: activities).
Director: Postal and Telecommunications Director is competent; the application is • If an individual / natural person: complete  The licence is valid for 25 years and
Praça 16 de Junho, nº. 340. Bairro da Malanga. submitted to the National Directorate of identification; if a legal entity: capital, renewable for an equal period.
P.O. Box 848 Mines or to the Provincial Directorate of identity documents, nationality and address
Maputo Mineral Resources and Energy. of legal representatives (foreigners), address Mineral Certificate
Telephone: +258 21 227 100 / 21 227 134  Mine Tickets: The Provincial Director of Mineral and legal agent (national).  All requirements referred to under
E-mail: [email protected] Resources is competent in the area under her / • Mineral resources to be included in the “Reconnaissance License”.
his jurisdiction (the assignment is made in the licence.  Additionally, applications must include data
Alameda do Aeroporto designated areas of the mining ticket). • Desired area. of the prospecting and research licence, if
C. Postal 227 • In the cities of Quelimane, Tete, Pemba and • Operating time (not exceeding two years). any, data of the prospecting and research
Maputo Inhambane (and in other places where they • Completion of the licensing form. licence, if any; technical economic evaluation,
Telephone: +258 21 465416 may be created), it may also be required • Basic norms of environmental including: plan of production, plan of
Fax: +258 21 466272 from BAUs offices which are supporting management. production, an environmental management
Website: the implementation of new enterprises,  Documentation of the technical and financial plan, date to start production, characteristics
providing services by providing information resources available to the applicant. and nature of final products.
3.15 Mineral Resources and Technical assistance and processing  Certified copy of the certificate of the register  The licence is valid for 2 years and renewable
3.15.1 Type of License registrations and licence applications with or of the statutes, in the case of a legal person. for an equal period.
 Mining the relevant public entities.  Payment of processing fee.
• Reconnaissance license  The licence is valid for two years and non- Password Mineira
• Prospecting and research license General Information renewable.  The application must include the following
• Mining concession (exploitation of mineral  The reconnaissance licence, the mining elements:
resources) certificate and the mining ticket will be Prospecting and Research License • Identification of the applicant;
• Mining certificate (exploitation of small- granted at the request of the applicant.  All requirements referred to under • Payment of the issue fee;
scale mineral resources)  The prospecting and research licence and the “Reconnaissance License”. • Mineral to be included in the license;
• Mining ticket (artisanal mining activity) mining concession are granted at the request  Additionally, applications must include a • Basic environmental management standards.
 Petroleum operations of the owner or through a public tender minimum work programme and budget, with  It is a condition to obtain the mining ticket,
(when there are overlapping rights). a target period of no more than five years, that the applicant resides in the area
3.15.2 Mining  The exercise of the mining activity without and an environmental management plan (if designated by mining ticket and that it is Authorising Authority title deed or authorisation constitutes an mechanised methods are involved). proven by the local authority.
Ministry of Mining and Energy – National offense punishable by a fine varying from  The licence is valid for five years and  The licence is valid for one year and
Directorate for Mining/Provincial Directorate for MZN 5 million to MZN 100 million, depending renewable for an equal period. renewable for an equal period.
Mineral Resources on the gravity of the particular case, seizure
DINAGECA – Direcção Nacional de Geografia of the product extracted and confiscation of Mining Concession Length of Time
e Cadastro/National Directorate of Geography the equipment used.  All requirements referred to under  In the framework of the licensing procedure,
and Cadastre  Applicants must ensure that before submitting “Reconnaissance License”. the applicant must respect the following
 Reconnaissance licence, prospecting, and the application, there is no impediment (no  Additionally, applications must include data deadlines:

76 77

• Being notified of the availability of the demobilisation plan. Authorising Authority experience and financial capacity to carry
area, the applicant has 15 days to pay  All concessionaires must, after the date of  The National Petroleum Institute (INP/ out or manage oil operations.
for the publication of the edicts in the approval of any development plan, be listed Instituto Nacional de Petróleo). • Identification of the required area,
newspaper, otherwise the application will on the Mozambique Stock Exchange, in  The Ministry of Mineral Resources and including geographical coordinates and
be considered void; accordance with the applicable legislation. Energy, who oversees the area of petroleum, map(s).
• If it is necessary to correct errors and / or  Concession contracts must be written in has responsibility to: • A description of the purpose, nature and
provide any information, the maximum Portuguese. • Approve the concession contracts for anticipated period of the activities.
period will be 15 days, under penalty of  Applicable legislation: Decree nº. 34/2015 of surveillance.
being considered null and void. 31 December. • Approve the indication or change of Research and Production
• After the communication of the allocation  The concession contracts for the operator.  The allocation of the right of research
of the licence, the interested party has accomplishment of petroleum operations • Authorise the burning of petroleum and its and production is made by application,
30 days to proceed with its collection; result from a public tender whose procedures use as fuel for the purposes of production. addressed to the Minister who oversees the
otherwise it will be cancelled. must be published either in newspapers • Authorise the transmission of participatory petroleum sector.
• From the date of issuance of the licence, with a wide circulation in the country, or interests in the concessionaire companies,  The application must be submitted to
the holder has 180 days to demarcate the electronically in the Government Website. actions, rights and obligations of the the INP and contain at least the following
granted area, under penalty of revocation  The tender procedures for the award of concessionaire in the exercise of petroleum information:
of the respective licence. concession contracts will include, as a operations. • The name, address and nationality of the
 In case of imprecision of the demarcation, a minimum, the following: • Authorise infrastructure. applicant.
maximum period of 90 days is established for • The terms and conditions under the tender • Authorise the delimitation of discovered • Being a foreign legal entity, the
its correction. (which are negotiable). areas. identification of its legal representative in
• The minimum deadlines for submitting Mozambique. Costs applications, which should not be less than Reconnaissance/Surveillance • A description of the nature of the
Refer to Table 6 in Appendix T for specific three months in the case of the survey  Applications to request the right of survey applicant, including the relationship and
amounts applicable. contract and six months for the other must be addressed to the Minister. identification of the mother company and
concession contracts.  The application must be submitted to other subsidiaries, place of incorporation
3.15.3 Petroleum Operations  Concession contracts for the performance the INP and contain at least the following and registration, identification of members General Information of petroleum operations may also result information: of the applicant’s administration, place of
 This licence applies to petroleum operations from simultaneous or direct negotiation in • The name, address and nationality of the residence and nationality.
and to any infrastructure owned or held relation to: applicant. • If the applicant is a partnership of legal
by concessionaires or third parties used in • Areas already declared available as a result • Being a foreign legal entity, the persons, the nature and conditions of the
connection with petroleum operations. of a previous public tender that have not identification of its legal representative in partnership.
 Petroleum operations are carried out on the been granted. Mozambique. • The applicant’s experience in the oil
basis of a concession contract which may be: • Areas declared available as a result of • A description of the nature of the industry, in particular in the area of oil
• Reconnaissance/surveillance. termination, waiver, revocation and applicant, including the relationship drilling, production and transportation in
• Research and production. abandonment. and identification of the parent circumstances similar to those in which he
• Pipeline or pipeline systems. • The need to join adjacent areas to an area undertaking and other subsidiaries, intends to carry out business in the required
• Construction and operation of of the concession agreement when justified place of incorporation and registration, area, as well as on petroleum production,
infrastructures. by technical and economic reasons. identification of members of the refining and marketing activities, including
 The concession contract must provide for • Concession of infrastructures and pipeline applicant’s administration, place of information on activities related to the sale
the orderly cessation of oil operations and systems, not covered by an approved residence and nationality. of oil or its subsidiaries and other market
their demobilisation under an approved research and production development plan. • Demonstration of technical competence, access conditions.

78 79

• A description of the applicant’s technical Pipeline or Pipeline Systems developed according to the concession persons, the nature and conditions of such
and operational competence, including  The right to construct and operate pipeline agreement/contract. partnership.
his research, development and production systems for the transport of oil or natural gas • Environmental pre-feasibility study and • The financial situation of the applicant,
capabilities; shall be granted by means of an application programme to carry out the feasibility study. including the value of its share capital,
• The description of the organisation and addressed to the Minister who oversees the • Proposal for a pipeline development plan. shareholder structure and financial
technical resources that the applicant will petroleum sector. • A proposal for State participation. documentation, including its last three
have available in Mozambique, as well  The application must be submitted to • Proposal of financing agreements, audited annual reports and accounts, as
as in any other place, for carrying out the INP and contain at least the following allocation of the right to participate, well as those of its mother company.
the activities in the areas covered by the information: management and use of pipeline, terms • Experience of the applicant in the oil
application. • The name, address and nationality of the and conditions of transportation and industry, in particular in the oil transport
• The financial situation of the applicant, applicant. access of third parties. activity in circumstances similar to those
including the value of its share capital, • Being a foreign legal entity, the • Any other terms relevant to the required in which he intends to work in the area
shareholder structure and financial identification of its legal representative in concession agreement. covered by the application.
documentation, including its last three Mozambique. • A proposal indicating the operator. • A description of the organisation and
audited annual reports and accounts and • A description of the nature of the • Any other additional information that may technical resources that the applicant will
those of its parent undertaking, where applicant, including the relationship and be required by the Minister who oversees have available in Mozambique, as well as
applicable. identification of the mother company and the area of petroleum. elsewhere, to carry out activities in the
• Identification of the areas covered by other subsidiaries, place of establishment areas covered by the application.
the application, including geographical and registration, identification of the Construction and Operation of • Feasibility study of the Project to be
coordinates and map(s). applicant’s management, place of Infrastructure developed according to the concession
• Information on the geological and residence and nationality.  The allocation of the rights of construction agreement/contract.
geophysical data supporting the request, • If the applicant is a partnership of legal and operation of infrastructure for the • Environmental pre-feasibility study and
including structural maps of prospective persons, the nature and conditions of such petroleum operations is made through an programme to carry out the feasibility
horizons in the area covered by the partnership. application addressed to the Minister who study.
application. • The financial situation of the applicant, oversees the petroleum sector. • Proposal for a pipeline development plan.
• The proposed work programme, including including the value of its share capital,  The application must be submitted to • A proposal for State participation.
its schedule and other proposals. shareholder structure and financial the INP and contain at least the following • Any other terms relevant to the required
• Proposals for each of the negotiable items documentation, including its last three information: concession agreement.
identified in the proposed concession audited annual reports and accounts, as • The name, address and nationality of the • A proposal indicating the operator.
agreement that is the subject of the well as those of its mother company. applicant. • Any other additional information that may
application. • Experience of the applicant in the oil • Being a foreign legal entity, the be required by the Minister who oversees
• A proposal indicating the operator. industry, in particular in the oil transport identification of its legal representative in the area of petroleum.
• A proposal for State participation. activity in circumstances similar to those Mozambique.
• Any other additional information that may in which he intends to work in the area • A description of the nature of the Length of Time
be required by the Minister who oversees covered by the application. applicant, including the relationship and  The research and production concession
the petroleum sector. • A description of the organisation and identification of the mother company and contract is granted on an exclusive basis,
 The allocation of rights for the production of technical resources that the applicant will other subsidiaries, place of establishment divided into two periods:
and research into methane gas associated have available in Mozambique, as well as and registration, identification of the • Research period, up to a maximum of eight
with coal is dealt with in specific regulations. elsewhere, to carry out activities in the applicant’s management, place of years, divided into sub-periods as provided
areas covered by the application. residence and nationality. in the concession agreement; and
• Feasibility study of the Project to be • If the applicant is a partnership of legal • Development and production period,

80 81

up to a maximum of 30 years, from the

Annexure A - Education
date of approval of the corresponding
development plan. A. Letter/Application Form Requesting authorisation for the creation of a higher education
 The contract for the concession of pipeline or institution / Sua Excelência, Ministro da Ciência, Tecnologia, Ensino Superior e Técnico
pipeline systems or infrastructures shall be Profissional
for a maximum of 30 years from the date of
approval of the development plan. Excelência,
 The construction and operation of
infrastructures requires a licence under the (Dados do requerente – Applicant’s data), vem mui respeitosamente requerer a V. Excia. Se digne
applicable legislation. autorizar, nos termos da Lei nº. 27/2009, de 29 de Setembro, a criação de uma instituição de ensino
superior denominada (indicar o nome e sede da instituição – name and location of the higher
education institution). Costs
Refer to Table 7 in Appendix U for specific
Pede deferimento
amounts applicable. Maputo, aos ____ de _______________ de 20
3.15.4 Contact Information Pelo proponente (applicant’s signiture)
Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy,
National Directorate of Energy – Department of
Licensing and Oversight B. Letter/application form requesting authorisation for the operation of a higher education
Corner Av. FPLM and Av. Milagre Mabote institution/Carta solicitando autorização para funcionamento de instituição de ensino
Maputo – Mozambique superior Sua Excelência, Ministro da Ciência, Tecnologia, Ensino Superior e Técnico Profissional
(Dados do requerente – Applicant’s data), vem mui respeitosamente requerer a V. Excia. Se digne
autorizar, nos termos da Lei nº. 27/2009, de 29 de Setembro, a entrada em funcionamento de
DINAGECA – Direcção Nacional de Geografia e uma instituição de ensino superior denominada (indicar o nome e sede da instituição – name and
Cadastro location of the higher education institution) que ao abrigo do Decreto nº. ____/20__ de _________,
Josina Machel Avenue, 537 foi autorizada a sua criação e emissão do respectivo Alvará.
Maputo – Mozambique
Or Pede deferimento
Av. 25 de Setembro, 1218 3 Andar, Maputo, aos ____ de _______________ de 20
Maputo, CP 1381, _____________________
Mozambique Pelo proponente (applicant’s signiture)
Phone: +258 21 303265
Fax: +258 21 313971
Email: [email protected]

82 83
Mozambique Investment Guide: Part II – Sector Specific Licensing Procedures October 2017


B. Travel Agencies
Annexure B - Health Annexure C - Tourism

A. Minutes of Incorporation of an Individual Company A. Hotels and Restaurants

Mr. Minister of Health
Maputo B. Travel Agencies

F ____________ (name of applicant) de nacionalidade ___________(nationality), estado civil

______ (marital sstatus), de ___anos de idade (age), Profissao ______filho de ____(father’s name)
e de _______(mother’s name), natural de ________(birth place, locality, disstrict and province),
residente em __________(residence), portador do BI nº.____ (ID nº.) emitido em ______(place of
issuance) on_______(date), desejando constituir ______________ em nome individual denominada
_________, com ssede em (address of the private practice), para exercer actividades constantes do
artigo 8 da Lei nº. 26/91, vem mui respeitosamente requerer a Vossa Excelencia se digne autorizar a
criação do referido estabelecimento e o respectivo licenciamento.

Espera deferimento,
Date and signiture.

Minuta de Constituicao de Empresa em Nome Colectivo (Sociedade)

Senhor Ministro da Saúde

F ____________ (name of applicant) de nacionalidade ___________(nationality), estado civil ______

(marital sstatus), de ___anos de idade (age), Profissao ______filho de ____(father’s name) e de
_______(mother’s name), natural de ________(birth place, locality, disstrict and province), residente
em __________(residence), portador do BI nº.____ (ID nº.) emitido em ______(place of issuance)
on_______(date), e
F ____________ (name of applicant) de nacionalidade ___________(nationality), estado civil
______ (marital sstatus), de ___anos de idade (age), Profissao ______filho de ____(father’s name)
e de _______(mother’s name), natural de ________(birth place, locality, disstrict and province),
residente em __________(residence), portador do BI nº.____ (ID nº.) emitido em ______(place of
issuance) on_______(date) desejando constituir entre si uma sociedade ______________ por quotas
de responsabilidade limitada (ltd) denominada _________, com sede em (address of the private
practice), com o capital social de ____________MZN, correspondente a soma de __________
quotas pertencentes a (indicar os nomes e o valor de cada quota de cada socio) para nela exercer
actividades _______________constantes do artigo 8 da Lei nº. 26/91, vem mui respeitosamente
requerer a Vossa Excelencia se digne autorizar a constituição e o respectivo licenciamento.

Espera deferimento,
Date and signiture.

84 85

Annexure D - Trade and Finance

Annexure E - Simplified Licence
A. Gambling

THE MINISTER OF FINANCE LICENSE nº. ____/___/____/ DECREE nº. 39/2017, of 28 July
Name of Holder: _______________________________________________
Or NUIT: ____________________
ADMINISTRATOR OF THE DISTRICT OF ............ Main activity: __________________________________________________
Address: _____________________
A ................... (name of the applicant), constituted by public deed of ... / ... / ..., whose articles Validity: No time limit
were published in BR nº .......... of ..... / ... / ...., with its head office at Rua / Av .............. (address), Entrepreneur: _________________________________________________
(name of representative, naturalness, type, number and validity of the ID), you are requested to
authorise the exploitation of the Contest ..... (name of the Contest) , and the consequent issue of
the licence, pursuant to articles 12 and 13 of the Regulation of the Law on Social and Fun Games, For record purposes, this Licence was issued and signed and is duly authenticated.
approved by Decree nº. 17/2012, of July 05.
Maputo City, date, year
Asks for Deferment
Maputo, of ................ 2016 _______________________________
Signature of the BAU Executive Director

There is this notice at the back of the Simplified License:

_______________________________________ The holder of the simplified licence, considering the type of activity, is especially obliged to:
(Name and Signature of Company Representative) a) Report a change of address;
b) Have the appropriate equipment or instruments for the business activity;
c) Ensure hygienic work conditions;
d) Comply with the labelling and consumption regulations for product packaging;
e) Do not use advertising slogans or designs that may mislead buyers and / or consumers as to the
nature, content or quality of the product;
f) Observe national terms of employment for domestic and foreign workers;
g) Observe national safety and fire regulations;
h) Collaborate with all public institutions for the best performance of the activity;
i) Comply with tax and social security obligations;
j) Do not manufacture, manipulate, pack, store or sell products and / or substances that are
prohibited by law;
k) Comply with sector specific legislation.


The licensee must:

REPUBLIC OF MOZAMBIQUE 1. Comply with the conditions and legal requirements of labour, hygiene, safety, health, and public
MAPUTO CITY GOVERNMENT safety and environment and land use planning;
BAU – MAPUTO CITY 2. Observe the working hours of the establishment;
COMMERCIAL (TRADE) ACTIVITY EXERCISE 3. Keep on file the documentation pertinent to the constitution and registration of the legal entity
as well as the property or lease of the commercial establishment;
Licence nº. ____/___/____/ DECREE nº. 34/2013, of 2 August 4. Collaborate with the licensing entity by providing the information and data requested to it for
and during the inspection;
5. Notify the licensing authority at least 10 days in advance of:
Name of Holder: _______________________________________________ a) A change in licence information, the name and address of the licensee (including the transfer),
NUIT: ____________________ the object of the articles of association, any changes to the property where the establishment
Main activity: __________________________________________________ operates, and those of the legal representative in the case of foreign commercial
Address: _____________________ representations;
Validity: No time limit b) The temporary or permanent closure of any of the businesses’ establishments and/ or the
Entrepreneur: _________________________________________________ suspension of its business activities; and
c) A change in the business’s operating hours.

For record purposes, this Licence was issued and signed and is duly authenticated
Maputo City, date, year

Signature of the BAU Executive Director

At the back of the Licence, there is this notice:

Secondary Activities:
46105 – Commercial Agents involved in the wholesale of mixed products (without any dominant
46101 – Commercial Agents involved in the wholesale of agricultural raw materials and textile raw
materials, live animals and semi-finished products
46102 – Commercial Agents involved in the wholesale of Mineral Ores, Metals, Chemicals for
Industry, Machinery, Industrial Equipment, Vessels and Aircraft
46103 – Agents involved in the sale of Wholesale of construction materials, furniture, articles for
domestic use.

Establishment ______________________________

Address ___________________________________

88 89

APPENDIX minimum wage in force in the civil service: Class A (Telecommunications Networks)
Appendix A: 2.4.3. Industrial Licencing • For normal licensing, fees are linked to the Validity of License Fee (MZN)
Network Category Scope
Application Costs minimum wage of a government employee License Each Class
 Amount to be paid for the licensing of i.e. MZN 3 278.00; inspection: MZN 1 Underwater Cable Network 56,000,000
medium-size industries: 639.00; endorsements MZN 819.50. Satellite Transport Network International 15 years 4,500,000 54,000,000
• MZN 15 984.00 – for the permit • For simplified licensing, a single rate of Micro-Waves Transport Network 2,000,000
• MZN 23 996.00 – for the inspection MZN 1 639.00. The fee for the simplified Transport Network (Micro-Waves, Optic
• MZN 3 996.00 – for the renovation licensing corresponds to 50% of the Fibre, Satellite)
 For medium-sized industries, the applicant minimum wage in force in the public Fixed Radio Access Network 540,000
must request an assessment from the fire service. Multipoint Multichannel Distribution
National 15 years 540,000 3,600,000
department. • The costs and related information listed Network (MMDS)
 Licensing fee for small industries: above are as noted in Decree nº. 22/2014 TV Signal Distribution Network 540,000
• MZN 7 992.00 – for the permit of 16 May. Multipoint Video Distribution Network
• MZN 15 984.00 – for the survey (MVDS)
• MZN 3 996.00 – for the renovation Appendix D: 3.1.5 Agricultural Sector Transport Network (Micro-Waves, Optic
Licencing Costs Fibre, Satellite)
Appendix B: 2.5.1 Commercial Licencing  Costs may range from MZN 150 000.00 – Fixed Radio Access Network 216,000
National 15 years 1,440,000
Requirements – Costs MZN 500 000.00 depending on the nature of MMDS 216,000
 Amount to be paid: the licence. TV Signal Distribution Network
• MZN 3 996.00 – for the licence  Additional costs for business and livestock Other Networks
• MZN 1 998.00 – for the inspection (in inspections are due. Transport Network (Micro-Waves, Optic
the case of commercial licensing of food Fibre)
products and chemical products) Appendix E: Communications Sector Fixed Radio Access Network 86,000
Licensing Costs MMDS Local 15 years 86,000 576,000
Appendix C: 2.8. Costs Tv Signal Distribution 86,000
 Rates / fees are charged based on the Multipoint Video Distribution Network 86,000
Other Networks 86,000

Table 3: Licensing fee for Networks and Telecommunications Services

Unified License (establishes networks and renders all services in all segments) Class B (Telecommunications Services)
Network Services Category Scope Validity of License License Fee (MZN) Validity of License Fee (MZN)
Class B Scope
Gateway International License Each Class
Underwater Cable System National and Gateway Service 11,250,000
international IP Telephony Service (VoIP) International 15 years 6,750,000 20,250,000
Mobile Cellular Telephony Traffic Control Service 675,000
20 years 70,000,000
Fixed Telephony Fixed/Mobile Telephony Service 35,000,000
Data Transmission and Internet Local and National Virtual Telephony Service (Mobile and
TV Signal Distribution 2,475,000
Fixed) National 15 years 36,000,000
Other Networks Internet Access Service (ISPs) 270,000
Rented Circuit Services 1,575,000

90 91

Class B (Telecommunications Services) Cont. Class C – Supply, Establishment (setting up), Maintenance, Distribution and Sale of
Telecommunications Equipment
Validity of License Fee (MZN)
Class B Scope License
License Each Class Service Category Scope License Fee (MZN)
IP Telephony Service (VoIP) 270,000
Traffic Control Service 270,000 Establishment and Maintenance 113,000
SMRP - Mobile Service with Shared Resources 270,000 Import National 5 years 113,000
SMGS – Global Mobile Service by Satellite 270,000 Distribution and Sale 113,000
SMS –Satellite Mobile Service 270,000 Establishment and Maintenance 68,000
SCPS – Personal Communication Service by Satellite 270,000 Import Provincial 5 years 68,000
Private Telecommunications Service National 15 years 270,000 Distribution and Sales
Interconnecting Service – Clearing House 270,000 Establishment and Maintenance
Public Telephony Posts Services 270,000 Import Local 5 years 34,000
Internet Access Service - Internet Cafe 270,000 Distribution and Sales
Added value Telecommunications Service 270,000
TV Signal Distribution Service (cable, land, satellite) 270,000
Virtual Telephony Service (Mobile and Fixed) 270,000 Annual Acquisition and numbering Fee of Telecommunications
Other Services 270,000 Emergency, natural disasters and calamities numbers are exempt
ISPs 108,000
Numeric Resource Acquisition Fee (MZN) Annual Fee
SMRP 108,000
Subscriber’s identification number N/A 1
IP Telephony Service 506,000
SMGS 108,000 Network prefix (NDC & MNDC) 25,000 15,000
SMS 108,000 National Signal Point Code (NSPC) 25,000 15,000
SCPS 108,000 International Signal Point Code (ISPC) 25,000 15,000
15 years Green Line 25,000 15,000
Private Telecommunications Service Provincial 108,000 1,840,000
Interconnection Service – (Clearing House) 108,000 Operators’ selection codes 25,000 15,000
Public Telephony Station Services 108,000
Added Value Telecommunications Services 108,000
Numeric Resource Category Classification Acquisition Fee Annual Fee
TV Signal Distribution Services (cable, satellite) 121,000
Gold 25,000 15,000
Virtual Telephony Service (Mobile and Fixed) 990,000 Short Number Silver 20,000 15,000
Other Services 108,000 (3 and 4 digits) Bronze 15,000 15,000
ISPs 43,000 Ordinary 10,000 15,000
Gold 25,000 15,000
SMRP 43,000
Short number Silver 20,000 15,000
SMGS 43,000 C
(3 and 4 digits) Bronze 15,000 15,000
SMS 43,000 Ordinary 10,000 15,000
Satellite Personal Communications Service 43,000 Gold 50,000 25,000
Number with a Silver 40,000 25,000
Private Telecommunications Service 43,000 B
15 years Premium Fee Bronze 30,000 25,000
Interconnection Service – (Clearing House) Local 43,000 Ordinary 25,000 25,000
Public Telephony Station Services 43,000 Gold 25,000 15,000
Internet Access Service – Internet Cafe 49,000 Silver 20,000 15,000
USSD Access Code A
Added Value Telecommunications Service 43,000 Bronze 15,000 15,000
Ordinary 10,000 15,000
TV Signal Distribution Service (cable, satellite) 67,000 Gold 55,000 35,000
Virtual Telephony Service (Mobile and Fixed) 1,125,000 Silver 40,000 35,000
USSD Access Code B and C
Other Services 43,000 Bronze 35,000 35,000
Ordinary 30,000 35,000
92 93

Appendix F: Postal Services with an investment of up to MZN 5 000 that publishes the said amendment. • Pharmacy in expansion zone – MZN 2 500.00
Licencing Costs 000.00.  For the purpose of issuing the replacement • Medicine Dispensary station – MZN 2 000.00
Postal Services • Licensing of temporary concrete plants copy of the Environmental License, the • Commercial establishments – MZN 1 000.00
 The fees for the provision of postal services located within the construction area, a fee applicant must pay the fee equivalent to its  Renewal of licence to private operators
are as follows: of 200 minimum wages is applied. renewal. • Urban pharmacy – MZN 2 500.00
• Licensing fee  Fees charged for renewal of the  The transfer of the certificate of individual • Pharmacy in expansion zone – MZN 1 250.00
• Annual fee environmental licence: or collective environmental consultant is not • Medicine Dispensary station – MZN 1 000.00
 The following licensing fees are applicable: • Category A + Environmental License – MZN allowed. • Commercial establishments – MZN 500.00
• National and international: 80 000.00  All licences have to be paid within 90 days  Annual operational licence to private
MZN 200 000.00 • Category A Environmental License – MZN of date of issue. The costs and related operators
• Interprovincial: MZN 100 000.00 60 000.00 information listed above are as noted in • Urban pharmacy – MZN 300.00
• Provincial: MZN 50 000.00 • Environmental License of Category B – Decree nº. 54/2015 of 31 December 2015. • Pharmacy in expansion zone – MZN 200.00
MZN 30 000.00 • Medicine Dispensary station – MZN 200.00
Appendix G: Education Sector • Category C Environmental License – MZN 5 Appendix I: Capital Requirements for • Commercial establishments – MZN 100.00
Licencing Costs 000.00 Finance Sector
 Licensing fees are applicable for:  Fees charged for registering environmental  The minimum share capital required for the Appendix K: Health Sector Import
• Issuing, reissuing and endorsement of consultants: incorporation of an insurance or Reinsurance and Export Costs
licence – MZN 1 500.00, MZN 100 000.00 • Registration of individual consultants – Company is:  Licence may be issued to natural or legal
and MZN 500.00 respectively. MZN 20 000.00 • MZN 15 million in case of exercising of only persons:
• Inspection – MZN 100 000.00. • Registration of consulting companies – one of the following “non-life” insurance • Cost Issuing Licence – MZN 12 500.00
• Registration of Institution for Scientific MZN60 000.00 activities: “disease” or “assistance”. • Renewal Licence – MZN 6 250.00
Investigation or foreign natural persons –  Fees charged for updating the register of • MZN 33 million, in case of exercising of • Operational annual licence – MZN 750.00
MZN 1 500.00. environmental consultants: both activities referred above or any other • Fees are determined by Ministerial Order
• Updating of registration of individual “non-life” insurance business activities. nº. 125/2008 from 31 December of the
Appendix H: 3.6.8. Environmental Sector consultants – MZN 10 000.00 • MZN 67 million, in case of exercising of Minister of Health and the Minister of
Licencing Costs • Updating of registration of consulting “life” insurance activities. Finance.
 For the purpose of initialising the process, the companies – MZN 30 000.00 • MZN 100 million, in the case of exercising  Every production unit shall have a qualified
applicant must pay a fee of MZN 1 000.00.  If the applicant intends to transfer the cumulatively of “life” insurance activity pharmacist as a Technical Manager.
 For the purpose of environmental Licensing, Environmental License to another entity or with one or more “non-life” insurance  Certain production phases or their control
fees will be charged in the terms and values change the name of the entity holding the activities. may be done via a legally licenced third party.
set out below: Environmental License, a fee in the amount of  Share capital: the minimum capital of micro
• Licensing of Category A + Activities – 0.30% MZN 10 000.00 must be paid. insurance company incorporated as a limited Appendix L: Health Sector Import
of the investment value of the activity.  The request for transfer must be liability company is MZN 10 million. and Wholesaling Licencing Costs
• Licensing of Category A and B Activities accompanied with the correct updating of  Licence may be issued to natural or legal
– 0.20% of the investment value of the the Environmental Management Plan, in Appendix J: Health Sector Licencing persons:
activity. accordance with all environmental legislation Costs • Cost Issuing licence – MZN 9 000.00
• Category C licensing – is applied at a rate in force at the time of transfer, without which  Fees as per the Joint Ministerial Act: Ministry • Renewal licence – MZN 4 500.00
of 0.02% of the investment value of the the request cannot be accepted. of Health and Ministry of Finance, nº. • Operational annual licence – MZN 500.00
activity for projects with an investment  The request to change the corporate name 125/2008 from 31 December.  Fees are determined by Ministerial Order nº.
value of more than MZN 5 000 000.00 and contained in the Environmental License must  Issuing of licence to private operators 125/2008 from 31 December of the Minister
a unit value of MZN1 000.00 for projects be accompanied by the Government Gazette • Urban pharmacy – MZN 5 000.00 of Health and the Minister of Finance.

94 95

Appendix M: 3.10.7 Pharmaceutical Product Appendix N: 3.11.5 Security Sector Licencing Appendix O: 3.12. Tourism Sector Licences and Fees
Distributor Licencing Costs Costs Table 4: Fees of Licenses to Establish and Operate Business
 Cost for export permit of medicines, vaccines,  Security and liability insurance – once the
biological and other health products to authorisation has been granted, the applicant No. Activity Amount payable
importers per product – MZN 1 200.00. company shall be notified of the respective 1 Tourist Accommodation Activity
 Cost for Export permit of medicines, vaccines, order, within 60 days, to prove the following: Hotels, Residential Hotels, Hotels, Resort Hotels, Lodges:
biological and other health products to • A guarantee to the Ministry of the Interior Project Analysis 7.500.00
manufacturers or industries per product – by means of bank deposit, bank guarantee Inspection 9.000.00
1.1 30.500.00 MZN
MZN 2 500.00. or surety insurance in institutions with Permit 10.000.00
 Cost of quality assurance inspection and headquarters in Mozambique, of an Denomination 1.500.00
issuing certificate of good production amount of not less than MZN 250 000.00 Manager Registration 2.500.00
practices. to be fixed by the Ministry of the Interior; Pensions and Boarding Houses:
Project Analysis 6.500.00
• African countries – MZN 75 000.00 • Have civil liability insurance for unlawful
Inspection 8.000.00
• Middle East – MZN 87 000.00 acts and damages to third parties for at 1.2
Permit 9.000.00 24.500.00 MZN
• Asia/India – MZN 87 500.00 least MZN 750 000.00.
Name 500.00
• Europe – MZN100 000.00  The fees and related information listed above
Manager Registration 500.00
• USA and CANADA – MZN115 000.00 are as noted Decree nº. 9/2007 of 30 April. Campsites, Motels and Agro-Tourism Establishments:
 Fees are determined by the Ministerial Project Analysis 7.500.00
Order nº. 125/2008 from 31 December of Inspection 9.000.00
the Minister of Health and the Minister of Permit 10.000.00 17.500.00 MZN
Finance. Denomination 1.500.00
Manager Registration 2.500.00
Bed and Breakfast, Private accommodation, Farm for Holiday and Holiday Homes:
Project Analysis 3.000.00
1.4 Inspection 5.000.00
14.500.00 MZN
Permit 6.000.00
Name 500.00
2 Restaurants and Beverage Licensing Activities
Luxury Dance Rooms and 1st. Class, Luxury Bar and 1st. Class, Luxury Snack Bar and 1st.
Class, 1st Class Tea Rooms, 1st Class Pastry House, 1st Class Coffee Shops:
Project Analysis 5.000.00
Inspection 7.000.00
Permit 8.000.00 22.000.00 MZN
Denomination 500.00
Manager Registration 1.500.00
Dance rooms of 2nd Class, 2nd and 3rd Class Bars, 2nd and 3rd Class Snack-Bars, 2nd and
3rd Class Tea Rooms, 2nd and 3rd Class Beer Halls, 2nd and 3rd Class Pastries, 2nd and 3rd
Classes Coffee Shops:
Project Analysis 3.000.00
Inspection 6.000.00
16.500.00 MZN
Alvará 7.000.00
Denomination 500.00

96 97

No. Activity Amount payable

Appendix P: 3.12.4 Games of Chance Costs Maritime Transport Costs
1st Class Luxury Restaurants: MZN 3 000 000.00  Commercial maritime – MZN 200 000.00
Project Analysis 5.000.00  International maritime – MZN 300 000.00
Inspection 7.000.00 Appendix Q: Trade and Industry  Five-year local traffic transport for vessels
23.000.00 MZN
Permit 9.000.00 Costs with more than 50 t – MZN 80 000.00
Denomination 0  Wholesale and retail trade or services Stowage Costs
Manager Registration 2.000.00 rendering or external trade operator  The value of the subscribed licence is
Dance restaurants 2nd, 3rd. Classes and Catering: licence (irrespective of the groups, classes dependent on the location (port) where the
Project Analysis 4.000.00 and subclasses in CAE) – 1 minimum state service will be performed:
Inspection 6.000.00 employee salary (SM). • Port of Maputo – MZN 500 000.00
Permit 8.000.00 19.500.00 MZN  Representation of foreign company – 2 SM • Port of Beira – MZN 500 000.00
Denomination 0 per year • Port of Nacala – MZN 300 000.00
Manager Registration 500.00  External trade operator identity card – 25% of • Port of Quelimane – MZN 150 000.00
Pizzeria: the SM • Port of Pemba – MZN 200 000.00
Project Analysis 4.000.00  Endorsements – 25% of the SM • Remaining commercial ports – MZN
Inspection 6.000.00  Reemission of the licence – 50% of the SM 100 000.00
Permit 8.000.00 19.500.00 MZN  Inspection – 50% of the SM Professional Driving Licencing Costs
Denomination 500.00  Payment of fees / costs are done via deposit  Licensing fee – MZN 40 000.00
Manager Registration 1.000.00 at a commercial bank and proof supplied to  Inspection of diving facilities – MZN 20 000.00
1st, 2nd and 3rd Class Ice Cream Shops: BAU.  Inspection of diving equipment – MZN 35 000.00
Project Analysis 3.000.00  The fees, applicable for services rendered by Amateur Driving Licencing Costs
Inspection 5.000.00 BAU are included in the table on page 47 of  Divers training (diving school) – MZN 40 000.00
Permit 6.000.00 14.500.00 MZN the guide for submitting an application to the  Diving centres – MZN 50 000.00
Denomination 500.00 RLAC. Dredging Costs
Manager Registration 1.000.00  The payment of fees / costs are done via  The fee to pay for the exercise of the
deposit at a commercial bank and proof dredging activity is MZN 300 000.00, valid up
supplied to BAU.Order nº. 125/2008 from 31 to five years.
OTHER TAXES December of the Minister of Health and the Ship Chandling
3 By Altering the Permit Minister of Finance.  The fee payable for this activity is
Hotels, Lodges, Residential Hotels, Apartment Hotels, Resort Hotels, MZN 40 000.00
3.1 6.000.00 MZN
Resorts, Vacation Packages
Appendix R: 3.14.6. Transport Sector Costs
3.2 Boarding Houses, Residential Boarding Houses and Motels 5.000.00 MZN Sea Transport Costs
Rental of rooms for tourist purposes, guest houses, farms for tourism
3.3 4.000.00 MZN  Ship agency – MZN 50 000.00
purposes and private accommodation for tourist purposes
 Merchandise transit agency – MZN 40 000.00
Campsites, Country Houses, Agro-tourism Establishments and
3.4 3.500.00 MZN  Freight and chartering of goods –
Restaurants and Beverage Establishments
3.5 Dance Halls 3.000.00 MZN MZN 40 000.00
 Conference – MZN 25 000.00
4 For the Renewal of a Management License
 Expert and superintendence – MZN 25 000.00
4.1 Tourist Establishments 2.000.00 MZN
 Auxiliary services of stevedoring –
4.2 Restaurants and Beverage Establishments 500.00 MZN
MZN 20 000.00

98 99

Appendix S: 3.14.7 Stevedoring Activity Costs

b) Other Fees
Table 5: Fees of Licenses for Light Motor Vehicles Purchase of license files 5,000.00 MZN Or 5.00 MZN
Processing of license files 25,000.00 MZN Or 25.00 MZN
Light Vehicles Procedures of the mining title 150,000.00 MZN Or 150.00 MZN
Groups Fuel Electric Annual Tax According to Age Fees 250,000.00 MZN Or 250.00 MZN
Petrol cc Other Total Elaboration and Topographical Outline A4 750,000,00 MZN Or 750.00 MZN
1st Category 2nd Category 3rd Category
fuels cc Voltage Publication of Edicts 2,712,000.00 MZN Or 2,712.00 MZN
More than 6 More than 12 Stamps 50,000.00 MZN Or 50.00 MZN
Up to 1000 Up to 1500 Up to 100 Up to 6 years years, up to years, up to
A Publication in the Bulletin of the Republic
12 years 25 years 264,000.00 MZN Or 264.00 MZN
(Government Gazette)
200,000.00 100,000.00 50,000.00
Publication in the Bulletin of the Republic
MZN or 200.00 MZN or MZN or 50.00 728,000.00 MZN Or 780.00 MZN
(mineral water exploration)
MZN 100.00 MZN MZN
Plastification of the title 100,000.00 MZN Or 100.00 MZN
More than 400,000.00 200.000,00 100,000.00
1500 to More
B 1000 to MZN or 400.00 MZN or MZN or
2000 than 100 c) Production Tax Rate
1300 MZN 200.00 MZN 100.00 MZN
More than More than Description Percentage of the value of mineral products
C 1300 to 2000 to Production obtained from concession area or license:
1750 3000 Diamonds 10%
Precious and semi-precious stones 6%
Precious metals (gold, silver, platinum) 5%
Other mineral products 3%
Table 6: Fees of Licenses to Establish and Operate Mining Business
Production obtained from the certificate or permit area:
Precious and semi-precious stones 8%
Preparation Fees for Mining Title Deeds
Ornamental stones 6%
a) Rates for the Management of Mineral Securities
Precious Metals 5%
Type of Service Amount to be paid Mineral building resources 4%
Reconnaissance License 2,000,000.00 MZN Or 2,000.00 MZN Other products 3%
Application registration fee 850,000.00 MZN Or 850.00 MZN
Prospecting and Research License 2,000,000.00 MZN Or 2,000.00 MZN d) Tax on the Surface Tax
Application fee rate 850,000.00 MZN Or 850.00 MZN Rate per hectare (ha) Mozambican Company Foreign Company Duration Period
Rate of issue of title 600,000.00 MZN Or 600.00 MZN MZN USD USD
Late submission fee for the extension request 500,000.00 MZN Or 500.00 MZN 3,000.00 0,16 1 12 months
Mining Concession 2,000,000.00 MZN Or 2,000.00 MZN First extension of 12
5,000.00 0,27 1,5
Application fee rate 1,200,000.00 MZN Or 1,200.00 MZN months
Issue rate of the title 600,000.00 MZN Or 600.00 MZN Second and
Late submission fee for the extension request 850,000.00 MZN Or 850.00 MZN 6,000.00 0,32 2,0 subsequent extensions
Certified copy of any license / certificate 200,000.00 MZN Or 200.00 MZN of 12 months
Authenticated copy / extract of any archived
200,000.00 MZN Or 200.00 MZN
record (per page)

100 101

Appendix U: 3.15.3 Petroleum Operations

Table 7: Fees Payable Licensing of Petroleum Operations

Procedure Name Value of Fee

Presentation of the application for the attribution of the right to exercise
2,000,000.00 MZN
Petroleum Operations
Consideration of the request for renewal of the Concession Agreement 500,000.00 MZN
Consideration of the request for an extension of the Concession Contract
125,000.00 MZN
Search Period
Appraisal of the Development Plan 1,000,000.00 MZN
Review of Development Plan 125,000.00 MZN
Authorisation for the start-up of infrastructures 500,000.00 MZN
Approval of the Demobilisation Plan 500,000.00 MZN


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