Quotation Request //: US Government Publishing Office JACKET:570-864

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Quotation Request //

US Government Publishing Office JACKET:570-864

San Francisco Regional Office Quotations are Due By:
536 Stone Rd., Suite I (Eastern Time)12:00 PM on 03/10/2021
Benicia CA 94510-1170
Submit Quotes Online, unless otherwise instructed, via: http://contractorconnection.gpo.gov/openjobs.aspx
Contractor must provide mandatory W-9 form before GPO makes payment.


QUANTITY: 1 total.

**FIXED PRICE-INDEFINITE QUANTITY CONTRACT: Award will be based on the largest quantity of
PLATE CARRIER for $4,620.00. Potential vendors must submit the fixed price of $4,620.00 plus the
quantity they will produce for the fixed price. In the event of a tie quantity, the award will be determined by
the overall lowest discounted cost. Additionally, a cost must be submitted for additional copies (per unit,
per 100 or per 1,000).

SUBMISSION OF QUOTES: Vendor to submit quotes via Quick Quote

(https://contractorconnection.gpo.gov/OpenJobs.aspx). Fax, email, and phone quotes are not acceptable.
Late quotes will not be accepted. All problems submitting quotes via Quick Quote must be reported prior to
bid opening time to the San Francisco Office at 707-748-1970, ext. 7.
Furnished Material will be available for pickup by 03/11/2021
Deliver complete (to arrive at destination) by 04/15/2021
F.O.B. destination
QUALITY LEVEL: 3 Quality Assurance Through Attributes (GPO PUB 310.1, effective May 1979 (Rev.
9-19)) applies.
PREDOMINANT PRODUCTION FUNCTION: The predominant production function is hereby waived.
Printing firms, manufacturers, dealers or brokers may submit offers for this solicitation.

BUY AMERICAN ACT - NOTE: In compliance with Contract Terms 310.2 (Rev. 01-18), Contractor must
state within quote submitted either that the end product is a Domestic end product or a Foreign end product
as defined in Contract Clause 37 for the requested promotional item. Domestic end product or Foreign end
product must be indicated [Indicate either: in the comments field when submitting Quotes using Contractor
Connect. or: on the face of the bid submitted for sealed bid procurements.] The contractor shall indicate
"product of unknown origin" when it is unknown if the product offered is a domestic end product; in that
instance, GPO will consider the quote as a Foreign end product, in accordance with Contract Terms,
Certifications C-2 (Buy American Certification), that components of unknown origin have been considered
to have been mined, produced, or manufactured outside the United States.

SUBCONTRACTING: The contractor may make contracts for the furnishing of all or any part of the
supplies or work specified. Accordingly, Contract Clause 6, "Subcontracts," of GPO Contract Terms (GPO
Publication 310.2, effective December 1, 1987 (Rev. 01-18)), does not apply to this procurement.

Page 1 of 6 GPO Contract Terms (GPO Pub. 310.2, effective December 20, 1987 (Rev. 1-18)) applies.
Reports of Fraud, Waste, and Abuse can be made in strict confidence to the GPO Inspector General toll-free National Hotline 1-800-743-7574.
Your Contract Administrator is: Jennifer Yarbrough Call: (707) 748-1970 Written By: jyarbrough Reviewed By:
PLATE CARRIERS VEST-- must be exact same - Veritas Lite Plate Carrier with no bundle options
(AR500Armor) for reference. No substitutions for brand, style or colored allowed. See Attachment A
--Durable: constructed of genuine 500D Cordura nylon and bar-tacked at all stress points
--Comfortable: padded and removable shoulder pads, front and rear Velcro Pontoon Pad attachments points
(sold separately)
--Customizable: optional cummerbund & side-plate pockets allow for full modularity.
--Fits sizes M - XXL.
--Rugged: military-grade, impact resistant American-made buckles
--Features: single kangaroo pocket with Hypalon easy-to-grip pull-tabs, front & rear Velcro ID Panels
--Color is Coyote Brown

EMBROIDERY: ARNG WY logo is embroidered in 3 colors (black, white and Pantone 123 Army Gold)
centered on the large Velcro ID Panel on the front of the vest. Size is approximately 3 to 3.5 inches wide.
See Attachment A.

NOTE: Prior to award, contractor may be requested to email photo/specifications of quoted product to
[email protected].
MATERIAL FURNISHED: Contractor to receive. An JPG and PNG file for the logo, and the Purchase
Order will be emailed to contractor upon award.

NOTE: The JPG and PNG file may require conversion, please include cost in your quote.

Prior to image processing, the contractor shall perform a basic check (preflight) of the furnished media and
publishing files to assure correct output of the required reproduction image. Any errors, media damage, or
data corruption that might interfere with proper file image processing must be reported to the contract
administrator within 24 hours of receipt of the Government furnished material.

The contractor will be creating or altering any necessary trapping, set proper screen angles and screen
frequency, and define file output selection for the imaging device being utilized. Furnished files must be
imaged as necessary to meet the assigned quality level.

When required by the Government, the contractor shall make minor revisions to the electronic files. Prior
to making any revisions, the contractor shall copy the furnished files and make all changes from the copy
unless otherwise indicated.
Contractor to submit one VIRTUAL PROOF that shows image area with margins and image orientation as
it will appear in relation to the product. VIRTUAL proof will be evaluated for text flow, image position, and
color breaks. Proof will not be used for color match. Contractor must call Jennifer Yarbrough at
707-748-1970 x7 to confirm receipt.

Email VIRTUAL proofs on or before March 15, 2021.

Page 2 of 6 GPO Contract Terms (GPO Pub. 310.2, effective December 20, 1987 (Rev. 1-18)) applies.
Reports of Fraud, Waste, and Abuse can be made in strict confidence to the GPO Inspector General toll-free National Hotline 1-800-743-7574.
Your Contract Administrator is: Jennifer Yarbrough Call: (707) 748-1970 Written By: jyarbrough Reviewed By:
The proofs will be checked for quality and compliance with these specifications, approved or approved with
comments and the contractor will be notified within ONE (1) working day after receipt. If, in the opinion of
the GPO and/or Department, the proofs are not a true representation of the furnished copy, or contain
noticeable defects they will be rejected must be corrected and reproofed at no additional expense to the
Government. The schedule stated elsewhere in these specifications CANNOT be extended to allow for such

Email proofs to [email protected] and [email protected]. Contractor must

also copy contract administrator at [email protected]. GPO jacket number 570-864 must appear on all

If the contractor cannot provide an acceptable set of VIRTUAL proofs by this date or within a reasonably
sufficient time to allow for proof review and printing BEFORE THE ESTABLISHED DELIVERY DATE,
he/she may be required to show cause as to why the contract should not be terminated for default.



IN ADDITION TO the proof identified above:


The sample requirement for this contract is ONE (1) EMBROIDERED PLATE CARRIER VEST. The
samples shall be laser engraved and constructed as specified and must be of the size, kind, and quality that
the contractor will furnish.

Samples will be inspected and tested and must comply with the specifications as to construction, kind, and
quality of materials.

Prior to the commencement of production of the contract production quantity, the contractor shall submit
samples to the department. All samples will be tested for conformance of material(s). The samples will be
tested for usage on the specified equipment and/or for construction. The container and accompanying
documentation shall be marked PREPRODUCTION SAMPLE/GPO jacket number 570-864. The samples
must be submitted in sufficient time to allow Government testing of the samples and production and
shipment in accordance with the shipping schedule.

The Government will approve, conditionally approve, or disapprove the samples within THREE (3)
workdays of the receipt thereof. Approval or conditional approval shall not relieve the contractor from
complying with the specifications and all other terms and conditions of the contract. A conditional approval
shall state any further action required by the contractor. A notice of disapproval shall state the reasons

If the samples are disapproved by the Government, the Government, at its option, may require the
contractor to submit additional samples for inspection and test, in the time and under the terms and
conditions specified in the notice of rejection. Such additional samples shall be furnished, and necessary
changes made, at no additional cost to the Government and with no extension in the shipping schedule. The
Government will require the time specified above to inspect and test any additional samples required.

Page 3 of 6 GPO Contract Terms (GPO Pub. 310.2, effective December 20, 1987 (Rev. 1-18)) applies.
Reports of Fraud, Waste, and Abuse can be made in strict confidence to the GPO Inspector General toll-free National Hotline 1-800-743-7574.
Your Contract Administrator is: Jennifer Yarbrough Call: (707) 748-1970 Written By: jyarbrough Reviewed By:
In the event the additional samples are disapproved by the Government, the contractor shall be deemed to
have failed to make delivery within the meaning of the default clause in which event this contract shall be
subject to termination for default, provided however, that the failure of the Government to terminate the
contract for default in such event shall not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to deliver the contract
quantities in accordance with the shipping schedule.

Manufacture of the final product prior to approval of the samples submitted is at the contractor's risk.
Samples will not be returned to the contractor. All costs, including the costs of all samples shall be included
in the contract price for the production quantity.

All samples shall be manufactured at the facilities in which the contract production quantities are to be

PRIOR TO PRODUCTION SAMPLES must deliver on or before March 29, 2021.

Deliver prior to production samples to:

WYARNG RRB Marketing

Attn: SSG Chris Rosentreter (307-772-5470)
5410 Bishop Blvd
Cheyenne, WY 82009
-----1 prior to production sample.

*Contractor must notify the ordering agency on the same day that the PRIOR TO PRODUCTION
SAMPLE ships/delivers via e-mail sent to [email protected] and [email protected].
The subject line of this message shall be "Proof Notice for Jacket 570-864 and Requisition Number
1-00006". The notice must provide all applicable tracking numbers, shipping method, and Title. Contractor
must be able to provide copies of all delivery, mailing, and shipping receipts upon agency request.

Prior to production sample will not be returned. Prior to production samples is in addition to the total
quantity requested.

**NOTE: The date of receipt by the Government is NOT considered the first workday.
Pack to ensure no damage occurs to product during transit. Mark Jacket number, title and quantity and sizes
on each box. Box in equal quantities.
Box Suitable Pack NTE 40 lbs per shipping container.
Contractor must notify the ordering agency on the same day that the product ships/delivers via e-mail sent
to [email protected]. The subject line of this message shall be "Distribution Notice for
Jacket 570-864 and Requisition Number 1-00006". The notice must provide all applicable tracking
numbers, shipping method, and Title. Contractor must be able to provide copies of all delivery, mailing, and
shipping receipts upon agency request.

All expenses incidental to picking up and returning materials, and furnishing samples must be borne by the

Page 4 of 6 GPO Contract Terms (GPO Pub. 310.2, effective December 20, 1987 (Rev. 1-18)) applies.
Reports of Fraud, Waste, and Abuse can be made in strict confidence to the GPO Inspector General toll-free National Hotline 1-800-743-7574.
Your Contract Administrator is: Jennifer Yarbrough Call: (707) 748-1970 Written By: jyarbrough Reviewed By:
contractor. Also, refer to Articles 5 and 6, Supplemental Specifications, GPO Contract Terms, Publication
310.2, revised June 2001.

All Shipments must be made via traceable means.

WYARNG RRB Marketing

Attn: SSG Chris Rosentreter (307-772-5470)
5410 Bishop Blvd.
Cheyenne WY 82009

PAYMENT: Submitting all invoices for payment via the GPO fax gateway (if no samples are required)
utilizing the GPO barcode coversheet program application is the fastest method of getting paid. The
information for using this method can be found at the following web address:

Invoices may also be mailed to: U.S. Government Publishing Office, Office of Financial Management, Attn:
Comptroller, Stop: FMCE, Washington, DC 20401.

For more information about the billing process refer to the General Information of the Office of Finance
web page located at https://www.gpo.gov/finance/index.htm
QUALITY ASSURANCE LEVELS AND STANDARDS: The following levels and standards shall apply
to these specifications:
Inspection Levels (from ANSI/ASQC Z1.4):
(a) Non-destructive Tests -- General Inspection Level I.
(b) Destructive Tests -- Special Inspection Level S-2.
Specified Standards-- The specified standards for the attributes requiring them shall be:


P-7. Type Quality and Uniformity Approved Preproduction Sample
P-9. Solid or Screen Tints Color Match Approved Preproduction Sample
PREAWARD SURVEY: In order to determine the responsibility of the prime contractor or any
subcontractor, the Government reserves the right to conduct an on-site preaward survey at the
contractor's/subcontractor's facility or to require other evidence of technical, production, managerial,
financial, and similar abilities to perform, prior to the award of a contract. As part of the financial
determination, the contractor in line for award may be required to provide one or more of the following
financial documents:
1) Most recent profit and loss statement
2) Most recent balance sheet
3) Statement of cash flows
4) Current official bank statement
5) Current lines of credit (with amounts available)
6) Letter of commitment from paper supplier(s)
7) Letter of commitment from any subcontractor

Page 5 of 6 GPO Contract Terms (GPO Pub. 310.2, effective December 20, 1987 (Rev. 1-18)) applies.
Reports of Fraud, Waste, and Abuse can be made in strict confidence to the GPO Inspector General toll-free National Hotline 1-800-743-7574.
Your Contract Administrator is: Jennifer Yarbrough Call: (707) 748-1970 Written By: jyarbrough Reviewed By:
The documents will be reviewed to validate that adequate financial resources are available to perform the
contract requirements. Documents submitted will be kept confidential, and used only for the determination
of responsibility by the Government. Failure to provide the requested information in the time specified by
the Government may result in the Contracting Officer not having adequate information to reach an
affirmative determination of responsibility.
Attachment(s): Attachment(s) is/are part of the specification, click 'Download Attachment(s)' link below
to view and print the attachments that are part of these specifications.
Download Attachment(s): http://contractorconnection.gpo.gov/download.aspx?Jacket=570864

Page 6 of 6 GPO Contract Terms (GPO Pub. 310.2, effective December 20, 1987 (Rev. 1-18)) applies.
Reports of Fraud, Waste, and Abuse can be made in strict confidence to the GPO Inspector General toll-free National Hotline 1-800-743-7574.
Your Contract Administrator is: Jennifer Yarbrough Call: (707) 748-1970 Written By: jyarbrough Reviewed By:

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