Use and Maintenance of Gear Unit

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Use and maintenance of gear unit

MDI-180-A-EN 20.02.2007


1. DEPLOYMENT OF INDUSTRIAL GEAR UNITS ................................................................. 2

1.1 PRE-DEPLOYMENT MEASURES.............................................................................................. 2
1.2 GEAR LUBRICATION ............................................................................................................. 2
1.3 RUNNING IN THE GEAR UNIT ................................................................................................. 2
2. MAINTENANCE OF INDUSTRIAL GEAR UNIT .................................................................. 2
2.1 INSPECTION DURING OPERATION .......................................................................................... 3
2.2 INSPECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE CARRIED OUT DURING DOWNTIME ........................................ 3
2.2.1 External gear assembly cleaning .................................................................................. 3
2.2.2 Changing the lubrication oil........................................................................................... 3
2.2.3 Secondary lubrication of grease-lubricated bearings.................................................... 4
2.2.4 Oil heater maintenance ................................................................................................. 4
2.2.5 Lubrication system maintenance................................................................................... 4
2.2.6 Replacing spare parts ................................................................................................... 4

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Use and maintenance of gear unit
MDI-180-A-EN 20.02.2007


1.1 Pre-deployment measures 1.3 Running in the gear unit
Before deployment, check the following items Before the actual deployment of the gear unit, it must
according to their separate instructions: be run in. In the run-in, the load and, if possible, the
Gear assembly cleaning: MDI-130 rotation speed of the gear unit is increased to the full
capacity in 23 steps. This process takes
Correctness of operating unit installation: MDI- approximately 810 hours. During run-in, monitor the
150/MDI-160/MDI-165 smoothness of the gear units operation, any
Safety: MDI-120 vibration, sounds of operation, temperature, possible
leaks and lubrication. If something suspicious is
In addition to these, also check the following:
detected, the cause of the anomaly must be
Correct direction of rotation and electrical locking determined and eliminated.
of the electric engine In demanding installations and particularly with large
Safeguarding rotating parts gear assemblies, tooth contact must be checked after
the run-in executed at the rated capacity using a
Connection of any monitoring devices used
permanent colour and the inspection covers of the
1.2 Gear lubrication gear assembly. For the inspection, the gear assembly
The operating principles for gear lubrication are must be stopped and locked properly. The
presented in more detail in the guide MDI-170. requirement is almost 100% lateral contact. If the
contact is less than 100%, the gear unit may have
If a splash-lubricated industrial gear has been
been skewed while tightening with the foundation
warehoused for more than year prior to
bolts or the alignment has been incorrectly carried
deployment, all rolling bearings should be lubricated
through the inspection hole and all mouth gaskets
should be lubricated with a suitable manual Nowadays virtually all steps have a side direction
lubrication device. After this, rotate the shafts adjustment option. If the run-in is carried out with only
manually to spread the lubrication oil throughout the partial load, the contact print must be compared to
bearings. the model provided in the assembly drawing.
For pressure-feed lubricated industrial gear
assemblies, you need to check before starting the 2. MAINTENANCE OF INDUSTRIAL
unit that the pressure-feed lubrication works properly GEAR UNIT
using a test run. Also ensure that the electric motor of The primary task of the maintenance is to proactively
the pump has the correct direction of rotation, is prevent damage. All major events related to the gear
properly safeguarded, that the operating engine of unit must be marked in the preventive maintenance
the gear assembly is electrically locked and any job card. The gear unit maintenance job card must
monitoring devices are connected. As the start-up is start to be filled in already in the installation stage.
the most critical phase with respect to lubrication, you Central issues to be entered in the maintenance job
need to monitor the operation of the pressure-feed card include:
lubrication devices and ensure that the pump sucks
oil and causes pressure on the pressurised side. Date of completion of the installation and
measured installation accuracies
We recommend that you connect the electric engine
of the pump in such a way that it must be started first First oil fill date, oil quality and oil quantity
before the operating engine of the gear assembly can Run-in start and end time and any observations
be started. We also recommend that you protect the made during run-in
electric engine of the pump with an overcurrent relay.
Time of start of production use as well as power
measurement results
First oil change and any checks and
observations made during it, such as tooth
contact surface condition check
Oil changes actualised and the next planned
time of oil change
All repair and maintenance tasks carried out as
well as spare parts replaced

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Use and maintenance of gear unit
MDI-180-A-EN 20.02.2007

It is important for both the user and manufacturer of 2.2.1 External gear assembly cleaning
the industrial gear that an inspection carried out at The external surface and the fan, if any, as well as
the end of the warranty period is done carefully. the electric engines of the gear unit must be kept
Maintenance and inspection measures can be clean because stain accumulation increases the
divided into two groups: operating temperature. When using an air-operated
inspection during operation oil cooler, the cells of the cooler must also be kept
clean. During pressure wash, do not aim the jet to the
inspections and maintenance carried out during shaft gaskets or breather. The functionality of the
downtime breather must always be ensured during oil change.
2.1 Inspection during operation 2.2.2 Changing the lubrication oil
During operation, observe the following: We recommend that a pump unit (not included in the
heating gear assembly delivery) that also filters the refill oil be
used in oil changes. When the oil refill cover is
sound of operation and vibration (vibration opened, make sure that impurities do not enter the oil
measurements) tank.
oil pressure and flow
Oil change interval
operating power and load peaks
The first oil change must be carried out after 500800
any oil leaks hours of operation. The used oil must be removed
The operating temperature of the gear unit should be while it is still warm. During oil change, the oil tank
+40..+80 C measured in the oil sump. With synthetic must be washed with rinsing oil if necessary.
oils, temperatures up to +90 C can be allowed, For mineral oils, the following oil changes are needed
however, also in these cases there may be isolated every one (1) year. The operating temperature
areas on the surface of the casing where the measured at the bearing housing should not exceed
temperature is higher. +80 C. For large gear assemblies with large
If the gear temperature exceeds the allowable limit, quantities of oil, the useful life of the mineral oil may
check: be extended based on the results of the annual oil
analysis results. A permission for extended use of the
whether the oil type used is one of the oil is usually granted by the oil company.
recommended types
For synthetic (PAO) oils, the following oil changes are
oil level when the gear unit is stopped needed every three (3) years. If the operating
whether the valves in the coolers waterline are temperature measured at the bearing housing is +90
open C or higher, the oil change interval is 12,000 hours
of operation (ca. 1.5 years). Also with synthetic oils, it
whether the cooler is clogged is recommended that the oil quality be monitored with
the setting of the thermostatic water valve regular oil analyses during the oil use period.
The normal range for the oil pressure is 0.53 bar. In particular, monitor the water concentration of oil in
Any changes in the oil pressure may indicate clogged gear units used outdoors or in damp places. The
pipelines, nozzles, filters or heat exchangers or water concentration should not exceed 0.03% (300
damage to the pump. ppm).
Observing the power values helps assess the useful If a backstop has a separate oil compartment, its oil
life of the gear unit in the operating environment. must also be replaced every one (1) year.
2.2 Inspections and maintenance carried out Cleanliness of lubrication oil
during downtime The cleanliness of industrial gear oil is defined
It is very important that also the condition of the gear according to the ISO 4406 standard. The cleanliness
wheels and, if possible, bearings is checked during class of a gear unit that has been in operation must
the inspection and the results are marked in the be 20/17/14 (2/5/15 m) or better. The oil sample is
preventive maintenance job card. if there is clearly taken from the oil compartment immediately after
increasing wear or flank damage (dents) in the teeth, stopping the gear unit, however not from the sump.
you need to determine the cause immediately. In pressure-feed lubricated units, the oil sample can
Excessively short useful life may indicate a failed be taken from the pressurised side before the filter
foundation, overload, wrong lubricant, water in the through a sampling valve while the gear unit is in
lubricant, clogged oil pipeline or wrong load operation or immediately after stopping.
assessment during the gear specification stage.

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Use and maintenance of gear unit
MDI-180-A-EN 20.02.2007

Significance of correct oil quantity In secondary lubrication objects, such as the bearing
In spatter-lubricated industrial gear assemblies where housing or cover, there is a grease nipple, which is
the operating power is close to the thermal power, marked with a plate. In most cases, it is sufficient to
the correct amount of oil is of great importance. In add grease during oil change. Beware of excessive
certain cases, the operating temperature may rise greasing, as it will increase the operating temperature
+15..+20 C higher than normal because there is of the bearing. The secondary lubrication instructions
approximately 15% too much oil. are provided individually for each gear unit.
This will result in decreased lubrication capacity of 2.2.4 Oil heater maintenance
the oil and, in the worst case, damage to the When the oil heater gets stained, it must be detached
industrial gear assembly. If the oil surface is lower and cleaned during oil change. Always make sure
than the arrow that indicates the oil level, there is the that the heater is powered off before removing the oil.
risk that the gear wheel does not reach the oil and A heated resistor element may cause the gasified oil
does not therefore splatter oil where lubrication is to explode. You can effectively prevent the staining of
needed. In case of any leaks, the oil quantity and the resistor element as well as the aging and staining
level must be carefully reviewed. Any leaks must be of the oil if the resistor element is powered off,
repaired. according to instructions, at a temperature
approximately +8..+10 C higher than the power-on
Oil refill
The oil quality must be as recommended by us or
The resistor element may never be powered on when
identical, and the oil quantity must be correct. Each
the oil temperature exceeds +40 C. The qualities of
spatter-lubricated industrial gear assembly and those
the additives in the oil will deteriorate at temperatures
with a separate lubrication system are equipped with
higher than this because of the surface temperature
a plate that lists the oil types recommended for the
of the resistor element, accelerating the formation of
assembly. These gear units also have an oil level
an explosive gaseous mix.
indicator, an oil glass or a dipstick with a mark for the
required oil level. The oil surface must reach to the 2.2.5 Lubrication system maintenance
marked level when the gear assembly is stopped and Parts that require maintenance and monitoring are
the pump, if any, and pipelines are full of oil. The oil the electrical lubrication pump, oil water cooler, filter
fill must be done according to the oil level mark and breather.
because the quantity marked on the plate is only a
recommendation. It should be noted that it is often The most common maintenance task for electric
impossible to determine the correct level of oil while pumps is external cleaning of the engine to attain
the gear assembly is in operation. thermal balance. If necessary, the fan must also be
cleaned. In connection with the above, check the
2.2.3 Secondary lubrication of grease-lubricated gear units breather and replace or clean it, if
bearings necessary.
For grease-lubricated bearings, the free access of During oil change, it is recommended that the oil
grease to the oil compartment has been prevented, water cooler be opened, checked and cleaned, if
and therefore there is little need for secondary necessary. A used filter element must always be
lubrication. The first grease fill of the bearings has replaced during oil change.
been carried out at our factory. The grease type we
use is indicated on the grease recommendation plate 2.2.6 Replacing spare parts
in the gear unit, as are the alternative greases The replacement instructions for industrial gear
recommended by us. assemblies are presented in a separate guide.

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