Heirs of Tomas Arao vs. Heirs of Pedro Eclipse 2018
Heirs of Tomas Arao vs. Heirs of Pedro Eclipse 2018
Heirs of Tomas Arao vs. Heirs of Pedro Eclipse 2018
J. REYES, JR., J.:
The Case
Before Us is a Petition for Review on Certiorari1 filed
under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court assailing the Decision2
dated June 7, 2013 and the Resolution3 dated January 30,
2014 of the Court of Appeals (CA), in C.A.-G.R. CV No.
93660, which
Respondents moved for reconsideration, but the said
Motion was denied by the RTC in its Order21 dated May 18,
2009. Thus, respondents filed an appeal with the CA.
Ruling of the Court of Appeals
On June 7, 2013, the CA issued the now appealed
Decision22 finding that the doctrine of laches is not
since respondents’ cause of action is imprescriptible
pursuant to Article 1410 of the Civil Code. But nonetheless,
the CA upheld the RTC’s findings that there was forgery
and irregularities in the execution of the deed to Tomas,
such that it conveys no title either to Tomas or to his
children. The dispositive portion of the CA’s Decision reads
as follows:
WHEREFORE, the instant appeal is hereby
GRANTED. The April 23, 2009 Decision of the
Regional Trial Court, Branch 5, Tuguegarao City,
Cagayan is REVERSED and judgment is rendered:
1. Declaring null and void the Deed of Absolute
Sale dated September 5, 1969 being fictitious
and inexistent and without any legal force and
effect; and
2. Ordering the Heirs of Tomas Arao, particularly
Eulalia Arao-Maggay and Felipa Arao-Delelis, to
surrender possession of and reconvey to the
Heirs of Pedro Eclipse title to Lot No. 1667.23
Petitioners filed a Motion for Reconsideration24 of the
aforesaid June 7, 2013 CA’s Decision. The said Motion was,
however, denied by the CA in a Resolution25 dated January
30, 2014.
Aggrieved, petitioners, on April 15, 2014, filed the instant
petition with this Court.
In their appeal, petitioners argued that respondents are
barred by laches from pursuing their cause of action
against the petitioners given their inaction for more than
30 years, despite being fully aware of the petitioners’
adverse possession and claim over the subject property.
They also averred that their claim of ownership is not
based on the forged Deed of Sale allegedly executed on
September 5, 1969, but on the
23 Id., at p. 38.
24 Id., at pp. 108-114.
25 Id., at pp. 41-43.
26 Id., at p. 15.
Records of the case reveal three different Deeds of
Absolute Sale which directly and indirectly conveyed title
to Tomas over the property in question.
issued by virtue of the said spurious and forged document
are also null and void.33
It was the registration of this forged Deed of Absolute
Sale dated September 5, 1969 that caused the cancellation
of OCT No. 1546 in the name of Policarpio and the issuance
of the new title — TCT No. T-13798 in the name of Tomas,
and subsequently, TCT No. T-39071 in the name of Tomas’
children, petitioners’ predecessors-in-interest. As admitted
by petitioners, it was the 1969 Deed of Absolute Sale which
they used to facilitate the transfer of the Certificates in the
name of Tomas and, thereafter, in the name of their
predecessors-in-interest, in order to cut short the circuitous
process of registration.
Notwithstanding the fact that petitioners have in their
favor the said certificates of title in their name, the same is
of no beneficial effect on them. Their title cannot be used to
validate the forgery or cure the void sale.34 Verily, when
the instrument presented is forged, even if accompanied by
the owner’s duplicate certificate of title, the registered
owner does not thereby lose his title, and neither does the
assignee in the forged deed acquire any right or title to the
property.35 As held:
33 See also Gambito v. Bacena, G.R. No. 225929, January 24, 2018, 853
SCRA 93 (Resolution).
34 Romero v. Singson, 765 Phil. 515, 532; 764 SCRA 620, 639 (2015).
35 Dizon v. Beltran, 803 Phil. 608, 627; 815 SCRA 47, 69 (2017).
Needless to state, all subsequent certificates of title,
including petitioners’ titles, are also void because of the
legal truism that the spring cannot rise higher than its
Petitioners’ invocation of good faith is likewise
unavailing. Petitioners admitted that they knew that the
1969 Deed of Sale was a forgery.38 They justified resort to it
(1969 Deed of Sale) not for the purpose of claiming title to
the land, but only to cut short the circuitous process of
transferring the title of the property from the original
registered owner to Tomas, considering that the genuine
Deed of Sale was executed as early as 1940 and Tomas is
the fourth transferee of the property from the original
owner. This candid admission on their part negates their
claim of good faith. Good faith consists in the belief of the
possessors that the persons from whom they received the
thing are its rightful owners who could convey their
title.39 Petitioners’ claim of good faith is debunked by their
knowledge that the registration of the subject land in favor
of their predecessor is procured on the basis of a fraudulent
Going back to the preliminary issue of whether laches
has set in, the answer is in the negative. To reiterate,
laches cannot be set up to resist the enforcement of an
imprescriptible right.40 With the 1969 Deed of Sale being
null and void ab
Indeed, registration is not a requirement for validity of
the contract as between the parties, for the effect of
registration serves chiefly to bind third persons.46 The
principal purpose of registration is merely to notify other
persons not parties to a contract that a transaction
involving the property has been entered into. Thus, it has
been held that “registration in a public registry creates
constructive notice to the whole world.”47 Hence, if the
conveyance is not registered, it is not valid against any
person. But there are recognized exceptions.
The conveyance is still valid as to (1) the grantor; (2) the
grantor’s heirs and devisees; and (3) third persons having
actual notice or knowledge thereof.48 No doubt, respondents
are the grantors’ heirs. Petitioners, on the other hand,
are third persons within the contemplation of the
registration rule. Apart from them being the heirs of
Tomas, they have actual notice/knowledge of the
conveyance. Hence, registration is not required to bind
respondents and petitioners.49
As to the November 14, 1949 Deed of Sale, we cannot
determine for sure the objectives of the parties in executing
the said document. The RTC even suspected the
genuineness and due execution of the said Deed of Sale
when it observed:
Moreover, as the RTC added, it cannot be known if
indeed Gavino exists, especially in the light of the
averments in petitioners’ Answer that Tomas’ brother,
Paulino, died without issue.51
If it turned out that Paulino had an heir (in the person
of Gavino), then the November 14, 1949 Deed of Sale,
which the latter executed in favor of Tomas, would merely
strengthen the intent of the parties to transfer the title of
the subject property to Tomas. As it was not fully
established in this case whether Gavino was indeed
Paulino’s heir, then the said November 14, 1949 Deed of
Sale would serve no other purpose, but a mere superfluity.
With or without the said 1949 Deed of Sale, the title has
already been passed in favor of
48 Id.
49 Id.
50 RTC’s Decision; Rollo, p. 47.
51 Answer with Counterclaim; id., at p. 71.
52 Records show that petitioners are in actual possession of the lot
since 1940.
53 G.R. No. 225808, September 11, 2017, 839 SCRA 354.
The assailed Decision dated June 7, 2013 of the Court of
Appeals, in C.A.-G.R. CV No. 93660, is AFFIRMED with
MODIFICATION, to read as follows:
1. Declaring as NULL and VOID the Deed of Absolute
Sale dated September 5, 1969 for being fictitious,
inexistent and without any legal force and effect.
2. Consequently, Transfer Certificates of Title No. T-
13798 and T-39071 are likewise declared NULL and
VOID for being issued based on the aforesaid forged
and fictitious Deed of Sale dated September 5, 1969.
3. Declaring as VALID the Deed of Sale dated June 25,
4. Declaring petitioners to be the LAWFUL owners and
possessors of the subject Lot No. 1667 by virtue of the
valid Deed of Sale dated June 25, 1940.
5. Directing the parties to EXECUTE pertinent
documents required by law to effect the issuance of a
new Transfer Certificate of Title in favor of
petitioners, heirs of Tomas Arao represented by
Proceso Arao, Eulalia Arao-Maggay, Gabriel Arao and
Felipa A. Delelis.
54 Id.