1.3.2 Forces 00-10

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Past Paper questions
2000 - 2010
2001 Q21.
(a) A box of mass 18 kg is at rest on a horizontal frictionless surface.
A force of 4.0 N is applied to the box at an angle of 26º to the horizontal.

(i) Show that the horizontal component of this force is 3.6 N.

(ii) Calculate the acceleration of the box along the horizontal surface.
(iii) Calculate the horizontal distance travelled by the box in a time of 7.0 s.
(b) The box is replaced at rest at its starting position.
The force of 4.0 N is now applied to the box at an angle of less than 26º to the horizontal.

The force is applied for a time of 7.0 s as before.

How does the distance travelled by the box compare with your answer to part (a) (iii)?
You must justify your answer.

2007 Q22.
A fairground ride consists of rafts which slide down a slope into water.

The slope is at an angle of 22º to the horizontal. Each raft has a mass of 8.0 kg.
The length of the slope is 50 m.
A child of mass 52 kg sits in a raft at the top of the slope.
The raft is released from rest. The child and raft slide together down the slope into the water.
The force of friction between the raft and slope remains constant at 180 N.
(a) Calculate the component of weight, in newtons, of the child and raft down the slope.
(b) Show by calculation that the acceleration of the child and raft down the slope is 0.67 ms-2.
(c) Calculate the speed of the child and raft at the bottom of the slope.
(d) A second child of smaller mass is released from rest in an identical raft at the same starting point.
The force of friction is the same as before.
How does the speed of this child and raft at the bottom of the slope compare with the answer to
part (c)?
Justify your answer.
2005 Q22.
A "giant catapult" is part of a fairground ride.

Two people are strapped into a capsule. The capsule and the occupants have a combined mass
of 236 kg. The capsule is held stationary by an electromagnet while the tension in the elastic cords
is increased using the winches. The mass of the elastic cords and the effects of air resistance can be
(a) When the tension in each cord reaches 4.5x103 N the electromagnet is switched off and the
capsule and occupants are propelled vertically upwards.
(i) Calculate the vertical component of the force exerted by each cord just before the capsule
is released.
(ii) Calculate the initial acceleration of the capsule.
(iii) Explain why the acceleration of the capsule decreases as it rises.
(b) Throughout the ride the occupants remain upright in the capsule. A short time after release the
occupants feel no force between themselves and the seats.
Explain why this happens.

2006 Q21.
A van of mass 2600 kg moves down a slope which is inclined at 12° to the horizontal as shown.

(a) Calculate the component of the van's weight parallel to the slope.
(b) A constant frictional force of 1400 N acts on the van as it moves down the slope.
Calculate the acceleration of the van.
(c) The speed of the van as it passes point A is 5.0 ms-1.
Point B is 75 m further down the slope.
Calculate the kinetic energy of the van at B.
2008 Q22.
A crate of mass 40.0 kg is pulled up a slope using a rope.
The slope is at an angle of 30º to the horizontal.

A force of 240 N is applied to the crate parallel to the slope.

The crate moves at a constant speed of 3.0 ms-1.
(a) (i) Calculate the component of the weight of the crate acting parallel to the slope.
(ii) Calculate the frictional force acting on the crate.
(b) As the crate is moving up the slope, the rope snaps.
The graph shows how the velocity of the crate changes from the moment the rope snaps.

(i) Describe the motion of the crate during the first 0.5 s after the rope snaps.
(ii) Copy the axes shown below and sketch the graph to show the acceleration of the crate
between 0 and 1.0 s.
Appropriate numerical values are also required on the acceleration axis.

Explain, in terms of the forces acting on the crate, why the magnitude of the acceleration
changes at 0.5 s.
2010 Q21.
A helicopter is flying at a constant height above the ground.
The helicopter is carrying a crate suspended from a cable as shown.

(a) The helicopter flies 20 km on a bearing of 180 (due South).

It then turns on to a bearing of 140 (50° South of East) and travels a further 30 km.
The helicopter takes 15 minutes to travel the 50 km.
(i) By scale drawing (or otherwise) find the resultant displacement of the helicopter.
(ii) Calculate the average velocity of the helicopter during the 15 minutes.
(b) The helicopter reaches its destination and hovers above a drop zone.
(i) The total mass of the helicopter and crate is 1.21x104 kg.
Show that the helicopter produces a lift force of 119 kN.
(ii) The helicopter now drops the crate which has a mass of 2.30x103 kg.
The lift force remains constant.
Describe the vertical motion of the helicopter immediately after the crate is dropped.
Justify your answer in terms of the forces acting on the helicopter.

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