2 Flows Without Inertia: I I J Ij
2 Flows Without Inertia: I I J Ij
2 Flows Without Inertia: I I J Ij
These notes are heavily based on lectures delivered by Keith Moffatt in DAMTP. Much
of the material should be found in any sufficiently mathematical textbook on the subject.
The books by Batchelor and Acheson are good references for the material in this and later
sections of the course, and some precise references are given where appropriate.
A small number of proofs are included here, but they are non-examinable. All non-
examinable material is indicated by being surrounded by brackets: [** · · · **].
2.1 Introduction
Recall, from previous courses, the momentum equation
Dui ∂
ρ = ρFi + σij (1)
Dt ∂xj
due to Cauchy, where ui is the ith component of the fluid velocity, and σij is the stress
tensor. For a Newtonian fluid we propose that the stress tensor is linearly related to the
velocity gradient tensor ∂ui /∂xj . Assuming that the fluid is isotropic, and proposing the
most general relation between σij and ∂ui /∂xj we are lead to the constitutive relation for
an incompressible Newtonian fluid:
where µ is the shear viscosity of the fluid and p is the pressure. Inserting (2) into (1)
leads to the Navier–Stokes equation:
ρ + u · ∇u = ρF − ∇p + µ∇2 u . (3)
When µ = 0 this reverts to the Euler equation already seen, but the limit µ → 0 is not
a straightforward one: immediately we can see that this involves ignoring the highest
derivatives of u and therefore it is a singular perturbation.
Consider a rigid sphere of radius a whose centre moves at a velocity U0 ez cos ωt, sur-
rounded by fluid at rest at infinity. Appropriate choices are then L = a, U = U0 and
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T = 2π/ω. Then, considering the orders of magnitude of the terms in (3) we have
∼ U
∂t T
|u · ∇u| ∼
ν∇ u ∼ νU
Now we can investigate the relative importance of these terms. Firstly,
|u · ∇u| UL
∼ (4)
|ν∇2 u| ν
defines the Reynolds number Re ≡ U L/ν which measures the relative importance of the
nonlinear and viscous terms. Secondly,
∂t L2
∼ (5)
|ν∇2 u| νT
defines the Stokes number S ≡ L2 /(νT ) which is the ratio of the unsteady to the viscous
terms. Note that if T ∼ L/U then S ∼ U L/ν and so S and Re are equivalent.
If Re 1 and S 1 then we should be able to neglect the material derivative term
on the LHS of (3) which would yield the Stokes equations (in the absence of body forces):
0 = − ∇p + ν∇2 u (6)
0 = ∇·u (7)
There is a special case in which the inertia terms are not approximately small, but
identically zero. This arises for unidirectional flow where the velocity is a function only
of a second coordinate.
Consider a steady pressure-driven flow between two planes y = ±b. Assume that the
velocity field is u = (u(y), 0, 0).
Then a simple calculation shows that both parts of Du/Dt are identically zero. Therefore
such a flow must satisfy
0 = −∇p + µ∇2 u
∂p d2 u ∂p ∂p
= µ , = =0
∂x dy 2 ∂y ∂z
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Remark: Linearity.
The Stokes equations (6) - (7) are linear: if {u1 , p1 } and {u2 , p2 } are any two solutions,
then {λ1 u1 + λ2 u2 , λ1 p1 + λ2 p2 } is also a solution (and satisfies the linearly combined
boundary conditions on all boundaries).
Remark: Reversibility.
The Stokes equations are reversible. This is the case λ1 = −1, λ2 = 0 of the remark above,
in fact. Reversing the boundary conditions implies that the flow is reversed everywhere
and is still a solution.
Theorem 1 (Solutions to the Stokes Equations are unique) . Suppose that {u(1) , p(1) }
and {u(2) , p(2) } are two solutions satisfying the same boundary condition, i.e. u(1) = U(x)
on S and u(2) = U(x) on S. Then u(1) = u(2) and p(1) − p(2) = const everywhere in V .
[** Proof: Consider the velocity field ũ = u(2) − u(1) , so that ũ = 0 on S. Similarly, let
(2) (1) (2) (1)
p̃ = p(2) − p(1) , ẽij = eij − eij and σ̃ij = σij − σij . Then from the consitutive law we
(1) (2)
Hence ẽij ≡ − in V , and so eij = eij .
Now, we can also compute, using ũ = 0 on S, that
|ω̃|2 dV = 2 ẽij ẽij dV
and therefore this quantity is also zero, implying that ω (1) ≡ ω (2) everywhere in V .
(1) (2)
Putting these two results together implies that ∂/∂xj (ui − ui ) = 0 everywhere in V ,
and, since the velocity fields coincide on S they must therefore be equal everywhere in V .
From this it follows also that the pressure fields can differ by at most a constant. 2 **]
Theorem 2 (The Minimum Dissipation Theorem) . Let u(1) be the unique Stokes
flow satisfying u(1) = U(x) on S. Let u(2) be any kinematically possible flow, i.e. one
that merely satisfies ∇ · u(2) = 0 in V and u(2) = U(x) on S. Then
(1) (1) (2) (2)
eij eij dV ≤ eij eij dV
with equality only if u(2) ≡ u(1) . In other words, the Stokes flow has a smaller rate
of viscous energy dissipation Φ than any other flow in V (recall the definition of Φ =
2µ V eij eij dV ).
[** Proof: Consider the velocity field ũ = u1 − u2 as before. Then we can compute that
(1) (1) ∂ ũj (1) ∂ (1)
2µ ẽij eij dV = ẽij σij dV = σij dV = − ũj σij dV = 0
V V V ∂x i V ∂xi
(2) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1)
eij eij − eij eij dV = ẽij eij + eij dV
= ẽij ẽij dV + 2 ẽij eij dV ≥ 0,
with equality if and only if ẽij = 0, i.e. if and only if u(1) = u(2) . 2 **]
ρ = −∇p + µ∇2 u
subject to the steady boundary condition u(x, t) = U(x) on S. Then the kinetic energy
of the flow decreases monotonically to its minimum value which is attained when the flow
becomes steady Stokes flow.
[** Proof: Consider the rate of change in time of the viscous energy dissipation:
d ∂
eij eij dV = 2 eij eij dV
dt V ∂t
1 ∂
= σij eij dV since eii = 0 ∀ t
µ V ∂t
1 ∂ ∂ui
= σij dV note that σij = σji
µ V ∂t ∂xj
1 ∂2
= σij σik dV (8)
µρ V ∂xj ∂xk
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substituting in the Stokes equation again. Now suppose that we maintain the steady
boundary condition u(x, t) = U(x) on S for all t, so that ∂u/∂t = 0 on S, i.e.
∂/∂xk σik = 0 on S, then, integrating (8) by parts we obtain
d 1 ∂ ∂
eij eij dV = − σij σik dV ≤ 0.
dt V µρ V ∂xj ∂xk
so that Φ decreases monotonically to its minimum value, obtained when ∂σij /∂xj ≡ 0 in
V. 2 **]
∇2 ω ≡ ∇2 ∇2 ψ = 0
(a) (b)
(a) Paint scraper in the frame where the wall is stationary and the scraper moves at velocity U .
(b) In the frame where the scraper in stationary and the wall moves at a velocity −U .
Choosing a frame of reference in which the scraper (the line θ = α) is steady and the
wall (at θ = 0) moves with velocity −U in the x-direction we have to solve ∇4 ψ = 0 in
the wedge 0 ≤ θ ≤ α subject to the boundary conditions ur = −U , uθ = 0 on θ = 0 and
ur = uθ = 0 on the line θ = α.
From dimensional analysis we see that ψ has dimensions of length × velocity, and
given that there is only one variable with each of these units available, i.e. r and U
respectively, we propose a solution in the (variable-separable) form ψ(r, θ) = rU f (θ)
since θ is dimensionless. Now we reduce the biharmonic equation to an ODE for f (θ) and
apply the boundary conditions.
First, it is convenient to introduce the notation F (θ) = f + f 00 since
∇2 ψ = (f + f 00 ) = F (θ)
r r
So then
∇4 ψ = (F + F 00 ) = 0
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which implies
for some constants A0 and B 0 . Then we find the general solution for f :
Two further boundary conditions are given by the fact that we require the lines θ = 0, α
to be streamlines on which ψ = 0, since ψ = 0 at r = 0. Therefore
f (0) = 0, f (α) = 0.
Applying these four boundary conditions determines the four constants of integration
A, B, C, D:
from which we see that p → ∞ as r → 0, so an infinite force is needed to keep the scraper
in contact with the wall.
In this section we will investigate the generation of steady flow in a corner, between
rigid boundaries fixed to be at θ = ±α. We suppose that there is some remote device,
e.g. a rotating cylinder, that drives the flow, see sketch.
We ask for the structure of the flow near the corner, i.e. at small r.
Similar to the previous problem, we guess that there is a separable solution for the
streamfunction, and take ψ(r, θ) = rλ f (θ) - taking the leading-order term in the r-
dependence. Then, defining F (θ) = λ2 f + f 00 in a manner also similar to the previous
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subsection, we have
∇2 ψ = (λ2 f + f 00 )rλ−2 ≡ rλ−2 F (θ)
⇒ ∇4 ψ = (F 00 + (λ − 2)2 F )rλ−4 = 0
⇒ F (θ) = A0 cos(λ − 2)θ + B 0 sin(λ − 2)θ
⇒ f (θ) = A cos λθ + B sin λθ + C cos(λ − 2)θ + D sin(λ − 2)θ
which has four linearly independent functions as long as λ 6= 1. Now we need to satisfy
the boundary conditions f (±α) = 0 and f 0 (±α) = 0. Symmetry considerations imply
that ur (r, θ) is odd in θ and uθ (r, θ) is even in θ. Hence ψ(r, θ) must be even in θ, and so
B = D = 0. Now we are left with the pair of equations
f (α) = A cos λα + C cos(λ − 2)α = 0
f (α) = −λA sin λα − C(λ − 2) sin(λ − 2)α = 0
So, for a nonzero solution for A and C we see that we require
sin 2µα = −µ sin 2α (9)
where µ = λ − 1. There is no obvious solution to this except λ = 1 which is degenerate
(we ruled this case out earlier in the computation in fact). Graphically it is clear that
real solutions to (9) exist as long as α > αc where the critical value αc ≈ 73◦ , see figure.
When α < αc we can continue the search by looking for complex solutions for λ = p+iq.
What does this mean physically? To begin with, linearity means that we are allowed to
consider ψ = 12 rλ f (θ) + c.c. = Re(rλ f (θ)).
We have that
uθ = − = −Re λrλ−1 f (θ)
λ p+iq
Let λ − 1 = p + iq, so that r = r = rp (cos(q log r) + i sin(q log r)). Then on θ = 0 we
have that
uθ |θ=0 = Crp cos(q log r + δ)
for some constants C and δ. Sketch (a) and (b) below indicate how this function oscillates
infinitely often as r → 0.
eddies in the flow, rotating in alternate directions and (rapidly) decreasing in strength as r → 0.
The sketch in (c) illustrates that the flow describes an infinite sequence of eddies
as r → 0. For example, in the case 2α = π/6 we can compute that 2αp ≈ 4.72 and
2αq ≈ 2.20. In this case the ratio of intensities of successive eddies as r → 0 is ≈ 1/412.
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[Acheson, section 7.2, pages 223- 226; Batchelor, section 4.9, pages 230 - 233]
This and the next section summarise a classic problem in Stokes Flow. The material
is included because the result is widely quoted and used, but we won’t rely on it later in
the course. We take a fixed frame of reference F so that the fluid at infinity is at rest,
and the sphere, of radius a is moving at a constant speed U (wlog in the z direction) and
is instantaneously located at the origin r = 0:
We naturally make use of spherical polar coordinates (r, θ, φ) and introduce a ‘Stokes
streamfunction’ ψ(r, θ). This is a like the streamfunction for 2D flow in Cartesian coor-
dinates, but for axisymmetric flows in 3D. It is defined as the function ψ such that
1 ∂ψ 1 ∂ψ
ur = , and uθ = − (10)
r2 sin θ ∂θ r sin θ ∂r
(and uφ = 0). It can be seen straightforwardly (Acheson section 5.5, page 173) that
Dψ/Dt ≡ u · ∇ψ is zero, and hence ψ is constant on streamlines. The velocity field is
computed equivalently from writing
u = ∇ × 0, 0, . (11)
r sin θ
Now we need to specify the problem mathematically: we first discuss appropriate bound-
ary conditions and then the governing equation to solve.
Boundary conditions:
u →)0 as r→∞
ur = U cos θ
on r=a
uθ = −U sin θ
i.e. on r = a we require ψ = 21 U a2 sin2 θ and ∂ψ/∂r = U a sin2 θ. From (10a) we see that
we also require ψ = o(r2 ) as r → ∞, i.e. ψ/r2 → 0 as r → ∞ so that we guarantee that
|u| → 0 as r → ∞.
From (11) we find that
ω = ∇ × u = (0, 0, − D2 ψ
r sin θ
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∂2 sin θ ∂ 1 ∂
D2 ≡ 2
+ 2
∂r r ∂θ sin θ ∂θ
is known as the ‘Stokes operator’. Then ∇2 ω = 0 becomes
2 1 4
∇ ω = 0, 0, − D ψ
r sin θ
where D4 ψ ≡ D2 (D2 ψ). This is therefore the version of the biharmonic equation that we
are required to solve in the axisymmetric case.
We look for solutions in the separable form
which implies
f 00 − = Ãr2 + C̃/r
and therefore
The boundary conditions then imply that A = B = 0 and we have f (a) = U a2 /2,
f 0 (a) = U a which yields two linear equations for the coefficients C and D. These have
the unique solution
3 1
C= U a, D = − U a3 .
4 4
And so, finally we have the solution
D 2 1 2 3r a
ψ(r, θ) = Cr + sin θ = U a − sin2 θ. (12)
r 4 a r
The term ∝ r dominates for large r and is known as the ‘Stokeslet’ term. The term ∝ 1/r
does not contribute to the vorticity of the flow, and is a ‘dipole’ contribution. The ‘dipole’
term decays much more rapidly at large r.
It is now also easy to compute the pressure field around the sphere. Since the vorticity
ω = (0, 0, ω(r, θ)) is given by
D2 vψ 2C
ω=− = 2 sin θ
r sin θ r
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which, using the divergence theorem on a large but finite volume of fluid confined between
the sphere S and a large sphere S∞ ‘at infinity’, is equal to the expression
Fi = σij nj dS
because ∂/∂xj (σij ) ≡ 0 in V. Then, as r → ∞, the contribution from the dipole term
vanishes and we need only integrate the ‘Stokelet’ terms:
u∼ (2 cos θ, − sin θ, 0)
So that the force (acting in the −z direction) is given by
F = |F| = − (σrr cos θ − σrθ sin θ dS. (14)
We now need to substitute in for the components of the stress tensor, and then for the
pressure from (13):
∂ur 6Cµ
σrr = −p + 2µ = −p∞ − 2 cos θ
∂ uθ 1 ∂ur
σrθ = 2µerθ ≡µ r + = 0.
∂r r r ∂θ
We obtain
Z π
1 z}|{ 2
F = 6Cµ cos2 θ 2π r| sin
{zθ dθ}
0 r2
where the is from the φ integral and the |{z} is the usual element of surface area in
spherical polar coordinates. So
i.e. the drag force on the sphere is F = −6πaU. This is sometimes known as Stokes Law.
In fact we could have deduced all of it from dimensional analysis apart from the constant
6π. So the integration work above is all in aid of computing that coefficient of 6π.
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Let h0 be a typical thickness (for example, an average value of h(x, t)). Let L be the scale
of variation of h(x, t) in the x-direction. For example, define
L ∼ min .
since the LHS is O(U/h0 ) and the RHS is O(U/L). Since we know that
∂ψ ∂ψ
u= ,− , 0 = (u, v, 0)
∂y ∂x
we must have
∂ψ .
∂y ∂x
(there are small cross-terms here that we ignore). We can integrate this once to obtain
∂ 3ψ ∂2u
≡ = −G(x, t)/µ
∂y 3 ∂y 2
where G(x, t) is some function of x and t. Therefore we must identify G(x, t) with ∂p/∂x,
a function only of x and t but not of y. So we can integrate twice more with the boundary
conditions u = 0 on y = 0 (a rigid boundary) and u = U on y = h(x, t) - a prescribed
velocity. This yields the ‘locally parabolic’ profile
1 Uy
µu(x, y, t) = − y(y − h)G(x, t) + .
2 h
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The volume flux of fluid (per unit length in the third dimension) is given by
Z h
G(x, t) h3 Uh
Q(x, t) = u(x, y, t) dy = +
0 2µ 6 2
so the relation between Q(x, t) and h(x, t) is roughly cubic. Incompressibility supplies the
further condition that
∂Q ∂h
∂x ∂t
which can be seen immediately from considering the flow between two points x and x+δx:
Notes: [
(ii) We can justify the neglect of inertial forces a posteori as follows. Let U0 be a
typical velocity, then
|u · ∇u| ∼ 0
2 ∂2 U 0
ν∇ u ∼ ν
∂z 2 u ∼ ν h2
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While the fluid remains entirely within the gap (which we assume) we suppose it occupies
a region 0 ≤ r ≤ a(t), giving a (constant) fluid volume of V0 = πa2 h. Note that we really
require a h to use ‘lubrication theory’. Note that the pressure p(r, t) = pa atmospheric
pressure at r = a. We are also neglecting surface tension forces at r = a. Integrating (16)
w.r.t. r twice, we obtain
∂p 12µ dh r2
r = + C(t)
∂r h3 dt 2
∂p 12µ dh r C(t)
⇒ = 3
∂r h dt 2 r
6µ dh r2
⇒p = + C(t) log r + D(t).
h3 dt 2
Since p is finite at r = 0 we must have C(t) ≡ 0. Using atmospheric pressure at r = a we
can determine D(t) and hence we have
3µ dh 2
p = pa + (r − a2 ). (17)
h dt
Having computed the pressure in the fluid we can now use this expression to compute the
excess force F exerted by the fluid on the hammer:
Z a
F = p(r, t) − pa 2πr dr
Z a
3µ dh
= 2π r3 − a2 r dr
h3 dt 0
3µπ dh 4
= − 3 a (18)
2h dt
where we note that dh/dt < 0.
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Now, if we neglect the inertia of the hammer (i.e. it is just sitting on top of the fluid
drop) then F = Fe , constant. In this case we may integrate (18) again, after substituting
V0 2
for a4 using the fact that a4 = πh . This gives
3µV02 1
h(t) =
8πFe (t − t0 )1/4
where t0 is a constant of integration. Thus the height of the drop decreases very very
slowly ∼ (t − t0 )−1/4 as t → ∞.
The hammer, of course (why?) never makes contact with the table.
In this example we consider how a drop of viscous liquid spreads out axisymmetrically
on a horizontal surface under gravity. This is motivated, for example, by the spreading
of hot lava from a volcano.
The drop lands on the table as a sphere, say (so that the flow is axisymmetric):
...and then ‘very quickly’ becomes a ‘thin film’ occupying the region 0 ≤ r ≤ a(t):
In contrast to Example 1, here the pressure is not constant in the layer, it is hydrostatic:
p = pa + ρg(h − z) (19)
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where the free surface Γ is given by z = h(r, t). We now have two expressions for ∂p/∂r:
one from differentiating (19) and one from the thin film approximation of the Stokes
∂p ∂h ∂p ∂2u
= ρg , and =µ 2 (20)
∂r ∂r ∂r ∂z
since u = (u(r, z, t), 0, 0). For this case, since the upper boundary is stress-free, the
appropriate boundary conditions for the velocity are
u=0 on z = 0,
=0 on z = h.
Combining the two equations in (20) and integrating twice w.r.t. z we obtain
ρg ∂h
u(r, z, t) = z(z − 2h)
2µ ∂r
which is a ‘semi-parabolic’ profile for the velocity:
where the exponents α and β need to be determined. We use the evolution equation (22)
and the (constant) volume condition:
Z a(t)
V = h(r, t)2πr dr = constant (23)
We see that the derivatives of the similarity variable η w.r.t. r and t are given by
∂η ∂η βη
= t−β , and =− .
∂r ∂t t
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α+1 = 4α + 2β
⇒ 3α + 2β = 1 (25)
2β − α = 0. (26)
Solving the two equations (25) and (26) we find the unique solution α = 1/4, β = 1/8.
Therefore a(t) ∝ t1/8 .
which is a nonlinear ODE for H(η). It integrates once in the form given, multiplying
through by a factor of η, to yield
dH 3ν 2
ηH 3 + η H = constant
dη 8g
but in fact this constant of integration must be zero since H and dH/dη are both finite
(in fact for a smooth solution we would expect dh/dη = 0) at η = 0. So we can cancel a
factor of ηH and obtain
dH 3ν
H2 + η=0
dη 8g
which can be integrated w.r.t. η to yield
1 3 3ν 1 2 3ν 2
H + η = constant = A
3 8g 2 16g
since A is defined to be the value of η at which H(η) = 0. Therefore the shape of the
drop is
9ν 1/3
H(η) = A2 − η 2 .
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Further, the drop size A can be directly related to the volume V since
9ν 1/3
V = 2π A2 − η 2 η dη
0 16g
3π 9ν
⇒V = A8/3
4 16g
or equivalently, in dimensional units, we have
1/3 t
a(t) = CV (28)
where T = ν/(gV 1/3 ) is the characteristic viscous timescale for the spreading under
gravity, and C is a pure number that we have computed via the thin film theory:
10 1/8
C= = 0.77921...
35 π 3
The 1/8th power law relation (28) for the increase in the horizontal size of the drop over
time has been verified experimentally (Huppert, 1982).
we assume that there is a locally parabolic velocity profile between the rigid upper and
lower boundaries.
We then examine the thin film flow around objects placed in the cell. If we assume
that the scale of the obstacles L is much greater than the plate separation h then the thin
film equations are valid.
Recall that the volume flux Q = − 12µ h3 ∇p in the thin film. Therefore, since the film
height h is constant, the average velocity is given by
1 1 2
ū(x, y) = Q=− h ∇p = ∇φ(x, y)
h 12µ
where φ = −h2 /(12µ)p is a 2D potential! So the averaged flow is potential flow, at least
as long as L h.
A further limitation of the Hele-Shaw cell is that we cannot sustain flows with non-
zero circulation κ. Mathematically, such flows contained additional contributions to the
potential φ such as φ = κθ/(2π) which is not single-valued (but this did not matter in
the section on potential flow since the only quantities with physical meaning were the
derivatives of φ). In this context we have φ = −h2 /(12µ)p and so φ is proportional to
the pressure field and has a physical significance. So we cannot have solutions where φ
has a contribution ∼ θ. If we attempt to generate circulation by, for example, rotating
the cylinder, then the circulation is killed off by viscous effects within the boundary layer
around the cylinder, leaving the flow outside this with zero circulation.
(a) (b)
In (a) the sketch shows viscous liquid with a pressure field pL (x, y) on the left and air,
within which the pressure pA < pL is constant, on the right. The lines show contours of
constant pL , with the rightmost one being the liquid-air interface at which pL = pA . Since
ū ∝ ∇p in the liquid, the middle section, where the contours are closer together, movs
faster to the right than the top and bottom sections and so the flat interface is stabilised
(the sinusoidal perturbation decays).
In (b) we suppose that pA > pL and the air is pushing the liquid back towards the
left. The fast motion in the liquid is still in the centre and so the sinusoidal perturbation
is amplified and the interface is no longer flat, but contains a (large) deformation in the