Lecture 2: Constitutive Relations: E. J. Hinch

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Lecture 2: Constitutive Relations

E. J. Hinch

1 Introduction
This lecture discusses equations of motion for non-Newtonian fluids. Any fluid must satisfy
conservation of momentum
ρ = −∇p + ∇ · σ + ρg (1)
where ρ is the density of the fluid, u is the velocity field, p is the pressure and σ is the
deviatoric stress tensor (the trace-free component of the stress). 1 We can absorb the body
force ρg into a modified pressure, and in turn we can absorb the modified pressure into the
stress giving ρ Du
Dt = ∇ · σ. Much of the modeling in non-Newtonian fluids concentrates on
finding a constitutive relation between σ and the flow velocity distribution.
The fluids we use are incompressible unless stated otherwise, so we have assumed

∇ · u = 0.

In many practical applications of non-Newtonian fluids inertia is also negligible. So we will

often use the Stokes equations:
∇ · σ = 0.

2 Phenomenological
2.1 Simple materials
In a simple material the stress σ depends on the deformation and the rate of deformation.
To understand this relationship we begin by considering how the fluid deforms. Using a
Lagrangian fluid description we follow a fluid particle in the flow. The flow u maps a
material element to a new position x that depends on its initial position X

X → x(X, t).

If we follow a material line element, δX, it is stretched and rotated in the flow according to
δX → δx = A · δX, AiJ = .
∂X J
In these notes σ is used for either the stress or just the deviatoric stress. It is usually obvious from the

We assume that the system is local and causal. That is, the stress at a material point
depends only on the history of that material point, and the stress cannot depend on future
time. This gives a functional for stress

σ(t) = σ{A(τ )}τ ≤t . (2)

We now adopt the assumption of material frame indifference which states that our
constitutive equation should not depend on the translation, rotation or acceleration of the
frame of reference. Except in extreme cases this should be a good approximation. Thus,
we should get the same result if we calculate our stress before or after rotating the frame
of reference.
Consider a change of frame of reference given by

x0 = Q(t)x + a(t), (3)

with Q(t) a rotation matrix and a a translation vector. The stress in the new frame of
reference is given by

σ 0 = σ {Q(τ ) A(τ ) QT (0)}τ ≤t

≡ Q(t) σ{A(τ )}τ ≤t QT (t).

We require σ{A} to obey this identity for all Q(t).

2.1.1 Perfectly Elastic Materials

A perfectly elastic material responds instantaneously to an applied stress. All that matters
is the present strain which depends only on the present position and the relaxed position.
The history of how it arrived into its current position does not matter. The functional
σ{A(t)} becomes a function σ(A).
We can decompose the deformation tensor A into a rotation tensor R and a stretch
tensor U such that
A = R · U with RT R = I and U2 = AT A. (4)
Then setting Q ≡ RT in material frame indifference gives

σ{A} = RT (t) f (U(t)) R(t), (5)

thus reducing the problem to determining the unknown function f (U ). It is convenient to

express the constitutive law in erms of the potential energyw(U ) instead of the function f .
The principal of frame indifference leads to the constitutive law. For an elastic material
that is isotropic in its rest state, and has potential energy w for elastic deformations, this
1 ∂w 1 ∂w −T −1
σ= AAT − A A (6)
γ ∂α γ ∂β
where α = 21 (λ21 + λ22 + λ23 ) , β = 12 (λ−2 −2 −2 2 2 2
1 + λ2 + λ3 ) and γ = λ1 λ2 λ3 (=1 if incompressible),
and λ2n are the eigenvalues of AT A

2.2 Time derivative problem
In a new reference frame the stress is given by

σ 0 = QσQT

and so
σ̇ 0 = Qσ̇QT + Q̇σQT + Qσ Q̇T .
Thus the transformation from σ̇ to σ̇ 0 does not follow the same relation as the transformation
from σ to σ 0 . We will try to find some other derivative that does.
The new flow velocity is
u0 = Qu + Q̇x + ȧ
and the velocity gradient is
∂u0 ∂u
= Q QT + Q̇QT . (7)
∂x ∂x
The velocity gradient can be separated into symmetric (strain rate) and antisymmetric
(vorticity) parts The transformed strain rate is E0 = QEQT and the transformed vorticity
is Ω0 = QΩQT + Q̇QT .
Putting these elements together we can show that the co-rotational (Jaumann [1, 2])
time derivative
◦ Dσ
σ≡ −Ω·σ+σ·Ω (8)
has transformation 0◦ ◦
σ 0 = Q σ QT ,
(where σ 0 denotes the co-roational derivative of the stress in the new frame of reference,)
as does the co-deformational (Oldroyd [3] or upper convected) derivative

5 Dσ
σ≡ − ∇uT · σ − σ · ∇u. (9)
◦ 5
Note I = 0 but I 6= 0.
The co-rotational time derivative is the rate of change as observed while rotating and
translating with the fluid. The co-deformational derivative is the rate of change as observed
while deforming and translating with the fluid.

3 Exact approximations
3.1 Linear viscoelasticity
Linear viscoelasticity is valid in the limit where AT A ≈ I. The most general form of the
history-dependent linear constitutive law is
Z ∞

σ(t) = R(t) G(s) AT A (t − s)ds RT (t). (10)

This is a co-rotational time integral. G(s) represents the elastic memory. It is the Fourier
transform of the frequency dependent elastic modulus G∗ (w) defined in section 3.3 of Lecture
1. For a Newtonian fluid G(s) = δ(s) and for an elastic solid, G(s) = 1.
For simple shear with shear rate γ̇
Z ∞
σ(t) = G(s)γ̇(t − s)ds (11)
and since for steady shear γ̇ is constant, the steady shear viscosity is given by 0 G(s)ds.

3.2 Second order fluid

The second order fluid is derived through a retarded motion expansion and is valid for
slow, weak flows. Considerable care must be used because this model can have instabilities
in regimes where it doesn’t apply (e.g., high frequency), and these regimes can arise from
poorly chosen boundary conditions.
The stress is Newtonian with small terms added:
σ = −pI + 2µE − 2α1 E + α2 E · E (12)
Z ∞
µ= G(s)ds
Z0 ∞
α1 = s G(s)ds.
In simple shear the second order fluid has constant viscosity µ = 0 G(s)ds and normal
stress differences N1 = σyy − σxx = 2α1 γ̇ 2 , N2 = σzz − σyy = − 14 α2 γ̇ 2 , where x denotes the
flow direction, y is the velocity gradient direction.
In uniaxial extensional flow the viscosity is
µext = µ + (α1 + α2 ),
˙ (13)
where ˙ is the elongation rate.

4 Semi-empirical models
Many fluids are too non-linear to be described by the linear viscoelastic or slightly non-
linear second order models discussed above. For these fluids there are no exact solutions or
exact approximations and other models must be considered.

4.1 Generalized Newtonian Fluid

The generalized Newtonian fluid follows the √same equations as the Newtonian fluid but
the viscosity depends on the shear rate γ̇ = 2E : E. As for Newtonian fluids, the stress
depends only on the instantaneous flow and not the flow history. The constitutive law is
σ = −pI + 2µ(γ̇)E. (14)
The generalized Newtonian models were developed to fit experimental data and the form
of µ(γ̇) is usually derived empirically. Some common expressions used to fit data are:

• Power Law [4]
µ(γ̇) = k γ̇ n−1 , (15)
where k and n are fit parameters.

• Carreau, Yasuda, Cross [5, 6, 7]

µ(γ̇) = µ∞ + (µ0 − µ∞ )[1 + (λγ̇)a ] a (16)

where µ0 and µ∞ are the viscosities at the limits of zero and infinite shear rate,
respectively; a, n, and λ are fit parameters.

• Yield fluids: the fluid flows only above some critical stress σy .

– Bingham [8] 
∞ if |σ| < σy
µ= σy
 µ0 + if |σ| > σy
– Herschel Bulkley 
∞ if |σ| < σy
µ= σy
k σ̇ n−1 + if |σ| > σy

4.2 The Oldroyd-B and FENE Models

The Oldroyd-B model [3] is one of the simplest models that includes the history of the flow.
We use the following equation for the evolution of the deviatoric stress,

5 5
σ + λ1 σ = 2µ(E + λ2 E), (17)

where λ1 is the relaxation time and λ2 is the retardation time. For a given pressure p, the
Oldroyd-B model often appears in an equivalent form for the total stress:
σ = −p∗ I + 2µ∗ E + A (18)
5 1
A = − (A − I) (19)
where p∗ = p + 2(1 − λ2 /λ1 )µ/λ1 , G = 2(1 − λ2 /λ1 )µ, τ = λ1 and µ∗ = λ2 µ/λ1 . The
Oldroyd-B model reduces to Upper Convective Maxwell (UCM) when λ2 = 0 and viscous
Newtonian when λ2 = λ1 .
In simple shear an Oldroyd-B fluid has constant viscosity µ = G/2 + µ∗ and the normal
stresses are
N1 = 2µ(λ1 − λ2 )γ̇ 2 , N2 ≡ 0. (20)
The uniaxial extensional viscosity is

µ(1 − λ2 ˙ − 2λ1 λ2 ˙2 )

µext = . (21)
(1 − λ2 )(1
˙ + λ1 )


Extensional Viscosity: µext






0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5

Elongation rate: ˙

Figure 1: The extensional viscosity for λ1 = 2, λ2 = 1. The extensional viscosity is negative

for elongation rates slightly above 1/2λ1 .

This gives negative viscosities at some elongation rates (figure 1) which is unphysical. This
happens because the Oldroyd-B model is derived using Hooks Law springs which are in-
finitely extensible.
The Oldroyd-B model can be reformulated to eliminate the negative viscosity. Assuming
that the microstructure is not infinitely extensible, we get
5 f
A+ (A − I) = 0 (22)
for some function f (A). The stress σ is then

τ = −pI + 2µs E + (A − I). (23)
Occasionally f appears only in Equation (22) and not in (23).
The FENE (finitely extensible nonlinearly elastic) modification keeps A from growing
too fast by setting
f= 2 , (24)
L − trace A
where L represents a nondimensional length scale for the stretching of the microstructure.
The more A stretches, the stiffer it becomes.

4.3 Other Consititutive Equations

Below are a few of the many other costitutive equations, which are derived to match exper-
imental data.

• The White-Metzner model [9] is used for shear-thinning fluids. It is a modified

Maxwell model that allows incorporation of experimental data on viscosity as a func-

tion of shear rate. The deviatoric stress is given by
µ(γ̇) 5
σ+ σ = 2µ(γ̇)E. (25)
The shear thinning viscosity µ(γ̇) often follows a power-law.

• The Giesekus model [10] adds quadratic nonlinearity and divides the deviatoric stress
into a solvent contribution (σs ) and a polymer contribution (σp ).

σ = σ s + σp
σs = µ s E
5 αλ1 2
σp + λ 1 σ p + σ = 2µp E
µp p

• The PTT (Phan-Thien-Tanner) model [11] is similar to Giesekus but has a different
nonlinear term

σ = σ s + σp
σs = µ s E
5 λ1
σp + λ1 σ p + exp trace σp − 1 σp = 2µp E

• The Kay-Bernstein-Kearsly-Zappa (K-BKZ) equation [12] combines linear viscoelas-

ticity and nonlinear elasticity via a memory integral constitutive law:
Z ∞  
∂w T ∂w −T −1
σ= Ġ(s) (ÃÃ − 1) − (Ã Ã − 1) ds (26)
0 ∂α ∂β

where à ≡ A(t)A−1 (s), and w, α and β are as in Section 2.1.1.

In simple shear
∂w ∂w
µ= Ġ(s) + ds,
0 ∂α ∂β
while in extension
∂w 2s ∂w s
˙ ˙
−s ˙ ˙
µext = Ġ(s) (e − e ) + (e − e ) ds.
0 ∂α ∂β

The Wagner model [13] is a special case of the K-BKZ model with
∂w ∂w √
= 0 (N2 = 0) and = e−k α−3+θ(β−α) .
∂β ∂α

• One can choose σp to be the sum of several components each of which has its own
relaxation time. This allows us to introduce multiple relaxation times into most of
the above models.

Notes by Joel C. Miller and Alison Rust

[1] G. Jaumann, Grundlagen der Bewegungslehre (Springer, Leipzig, 1905).

[2] S. Zaremba, “Correlation of dynamic and steady flow viscosities,” Bull. Acad. Sci.
Cracovie 594 (1903).

[3] J. G. Oldroyd, “On the formulation of rheological equations of state,” Proc. Roy. Soc.
London 200, 523 (1950).

[4] de Waele, “Viscometry and plastometry,” Oil Color Chem. Assoc. J. 6, 33 (1923).

[5] P. Carreau, “Rheological equations from molecular network theories,” Trans. Soc.
Rheol 16, 99 (1972).

[6] R. A. K. Yasuda and R. Cohen, “Shear-flow properties of concentrated-solutions of

linear and star branched polystyrenes,” Rheol. Acta 20, 163 (1981).

[7] M. Cross, “Rheology of non-newtonian fluids: a new flow equation for pseudo-plastic
systems,” J. Colloid 20, 417 (1958).

[8] E. C. Bingham, Fluidity and Plasticity (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1922).

[9] J. L. White and A. Metzner, “Rheological equations from molecular network theories,”
J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 7, 1867 (1963).

[10] H. Giesekus, “A simple constitutive equation for polymer fluids based on the concept
of deformation dependent tensorial mobility,” J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 11, 69

[11] N. Phan-Thien and R. I. Tanner, “A new constitutive equation derived from network
theory,” J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 2, 353 (1977).

[12] B. Bernstein, E. A. Kearsley, and L. J. Zapas, “Thermodynamics of perfect elastic

fluids,” J. Res. Natl. Bur. Stand. 68, 103 (1964).

[13] M. H. Wagner, “Network theory of polymer melts,” Rheol. Acta 18, 33 (1979).


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