Fosroc Solutions For: On-Shore Wind Turbines

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Fosroc Solutions for

On-shore Wind Turbines

Fosroc International
Since the company’s beginnings over 80 years ago, Fosroc has developed into an
International leader in delivering Constructive Solutions for projects across a broad
range of market segments including transport, utilities, industrial and general

Fosroc’s commitment to customer service and technical support is second to none.

We work closely with architects, structural engineers, contractors and owners to best
understand their requirements. Together we can develop a bespoke solution for a
construction project, adding value and becoming more than just a materials supplier,
but a solution provider.

Fosroc has an extensive network of offices and manufacturing locations across

Europe, the Middle East, Africa, India, North, South and East Asia, and is further
represented in other regions across the world by distributor and licensee partners.

Selecting from the full portfolio of Fosroc products and services and integrating
expert technical support, world class customer service and innovation, Fosroc goes
beyond just product selling to ensure that we partner with our customers to deliver
complete constructive solutions.

>>Admixtures >>Grouts & Anchors

>>Adhesives >>Joint Sealants
>>Protective Coatings >>Surface Treatments
>>Concrete Repairs >>Grinding Aids
>>Industrial Flooring >>Waterproofing


The need for energy to meet
increasing global demand is driving
CAD Details Project Specifications Site Support Seminar & Training
more and more innovative solutions.
A library of standard Dedicated specification Expert product and Comprehensive The world needs to utilise natural
CAD details are managers on hand application support programme of energy resources with solutions
available, bespoke CAD to assist with correct made available from seminars and training
details can be created system choices and our specialist teams. courses designed to
that can be installed quickly, close
for your specific project tailored solutions expand and reinforce to where they are needed.
your knowledge.
Wind turbines meet this
requirement, and the growing
industry demands products that
ensure the successful and durable
operation of these critical pieces of

Fosroc’s experience in concrete and

grouting enables us to provide
Leader in delivering bespoke solutions designed for
practical application in challenging
Constructive Solutions situations. We have been working
in the wind industry for many

Worldwide! years and have supplied most of

the leading turbine manufacturers
supporting projects in Europe, India,
Latin America, Africa and Asia.

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The construction of wind farms begins with
casting the huge base foundations. These
structures present a technical and practical
challenge to engineers and contractors.
Problems in casting bring high costs and
problematic time delays.

Concrete bases require high strength concrete,

Fosroc are familiar with providing admixtures
that will help produce high strengths and also
control cracking even when cast in mass. The
concrete must also be fluid to flow around the
heavy reinforcement without the formation of
voids and honeycombing.

Many wind farms are constructed in areas

that can be difficult to access, this means
that the concrete may have to spend a long
time in transit before it is cast. Workability
retention is critical in this environment, project
requirement that Fosroc can help with.

Fosroc’s range of admixtures and expert

technicians can develop a site specific mix
design to ensure that the concrete will achieve
the design strengths required as well as
meeting the challenge of application.

We can also offer high efficiency curing

compounds, mould release oils, repair
mortars, bonding agents and finishing mortars
to create a durable and blemish free concrete

A state-of-the-art PLC (programmable logic controller) installed in

Fosroc Denmark’s admixture plant providing a number of benefits
to the production of admixtures. The new process control system
will allow for higher capacity, greater stability and uniformity of the
finished products.

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tailor made grouting solutions

Because Fosroc understands grouts and understands wind

contractor support
turbines, we know that a single solution is not appropriate We firmly believe products that are market leading in their application properties,
for all. deliver the best real-life performance. Conbextra products have been developed
and tested in conjunction with manufacturers and experienced applicators to
Fosroc’s team of materials engineers have designed a range
ensure that the systems are robust and will achieve the right results on site as
of cementitious grouts that meet the strength, depth, fatigue
well as in the laboratory.
and durability requirements that are required by the major
turbine manufacturers. Fosroc runs certification schemes, sponsored by leading manufacturers, where
Depending on the product, strengths range above 100MPa . contractors can learn the skills that they will need to correctly apply Conbextra
Grouts can flow to depths of 400mm and with annulus cross grouts to the specifications laid down by the client. This is because we know that
sections of many metres, with no cracking or shrinkage. the skills of the contractor are key to successful application.
Fatigue resistance and durability results are excellent for Fosroc travels the world supporting and overseeing application, providing
Conbextra Wind Turbine grouts due to their high quality and contractors, engineers and clients with peace of mind.
excellent strengths.

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protective coatings
Fosroc has a wide range of protective coatings suitable for
use protecting concrete bases. They can be used above or
below ground level, providing resistance and protection
from , water, chlorides, sulphates, carbonation even physical

Coatings can provide an excellent enhancement to durability

in harsh environments and improve the visual finish at the
same time.

Fosroc can waterproof substations with it’s unique waterproof
membrane Proofex Engage or a whole variety of other
membranes to protect the infrastructure from unexpected
water infiltration that can lead to power outages.

If soil contaminants are an issue, turbine bases can also be

protected, with our range of liquid, adhesive and mechanically
bonded membranes.

segmental towers
Where concrete segmental towers are being used, Fosroc’s
experience in practicality and material handling is invaluable.

Our Epoxy sealer/adhesive can be used to create a very

strong line to bond the segments together and prevent gout
escaping when pumped under pressure.
concrete repair
We have bespoke grouts for the vertical sections of the rings,
requiring lower strength but good workability. Fosroc are experts in repairing concrete we have a range of
products to repair nearly every issue.
Our grouts for the horizontal sections can be pumped as high
as 100m without segregation, bleeding or voiding. Whether the damage is caused by long term deterioration
or is new as a result of casting, lifting or cracking. Mortars,
injection resins, re-profiling products are all available to help
restore the concrete to its intended state.

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constructive solutions in action Product range selector
Fosroc has been supplying to wind turbines projects in over 20 countries on five continents. Our solutions are based around A selection of common Fosroc Grouting and Fixing Products and their application. More products are available, consult your
practicality and meeting the unique challenges that construction in a tough environment brings. Below is a small selection of local Fosroc Company.

Application Product Material Characteristics

Turbine Base Grouting & Conbextra BB92 Cementitious
Concrete Tower Grouting Thickness 10-150mm
Ultimate Strength > 90MPa
Turbine Base Grouting Conbextra BB92-0 Cementitious designed to meet Siemens Gamesa
Thickness 10-150mm
Ultimate Strength > 90MPa
Fatigue tested
Turbine Base Grouting Conbextra VG Cementitious designed to meet Vestas specification
Thickness 25-400mm
Ultimate Strength > 120MPa
Fatigue tested
Turbine Base Grouting Conbextra TA Cementitious
Bothe - India Pen y Cymoedd - UK Thickness 25-400mm
Ultimate Strength > 120MPa
The project in India used Conbextra BB92-0 grout, specified This project in the south Wales Valleys spans 130 km² and Turbine Base Grouting Conbextra SG Cementitious designed to meet Siemens Gamesa
for high strength and fatigue resistance. Materials were the challenge was to cast over 50,000m³ of concrete and specification
Thickness 10-400mm
imported from our manufacturing base in Spain, but later transport it over hilly terrain.
Ultimate Strength > 100MPa
locally produced to reduce the shipping time and carbon
Concrete Tower Grouting Conbextra BB72 Cementitious
footprint. Fosroc Auramix 740SR was an ideal solution, providing Thickness 10-100mm
workability retention for 4 hours with high early and ultimate Ultimate Strength > 70MPa
Fosroc was locally supporting the project ensuring the strengths. Concrete Tower Segmental Nitobond PC20 Epoxy Resin
successful application of our grouts in hot and challenging Adhesive Ultimate Strength > 100MPa
conditions. Super Plasticiser for Auramix 740 High Early Strengths
Concrete Bases Excellent Surface Finish
Curing Agent Concure WB High efficiency water based curing agent for
concrete and cementitious grouts
Repair Mortars Renderoc Range Various thickness and strength repair systems
for damaged concrete bases

a powerful future
Fosroc is literally building the foundations for a green powered future.
Our product range, quality and service will ensure your projects are built to last and strengthen the works you construct. We
are proud to partner and work with some of the leading producers of global wind energy and travel the world to support it.

Ventica - Mexico Bornholm - Denmark

A complete system of grouting has been applied to this Fosroc developed Conbextra SG specifically to meet the
precast tower. The sections were sealed and bonded using design specification laid out by the manufacturer. The
Nitobond PC20, epoxy adhesive and sealer. sections were superior flow characteristics of Conbextra SG, means that
grouted using Conbextra BB92, selected for its strength and the material is easily pumped and worked into place, with
workability. less requirement to move pumps and hoses mid-works.
The material is suitable for the deeper section grouting
requirements often required for >3MW turbines.

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World leaders in construction solutions
Fosroc is a world leader in the delivery in virtually any type of
construction project, combining high quality products, expert
technical support, customer service and innovation.

AU 1800 812 864

NZ 0800 657 156

Parchem Construction Supplies Pty Ltd Concrete Plus Ltd

1956 Dandenong Rd 150 Hutt Park Rd, Gracefield,
Clayton VIC 3168 Lower Hut, NZ 5010

Fosroc, Conbextra, Concure, Proofex, Renderoc, and the Fosroc logo, are the trade marks
of Fosroc International Limited, used under licence.

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