ITTC - Recommended Procedures and Guidelines: Free Running Model Tests

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Free Running Model Tests 2008 03

ITTC Quality System Manual

Recommended Procedures and Guidelines


Free Running Model Tests

7.5 Process Control

7.5-02 Testing and Extrapolation Methods

7.5-02-06 Manoeuvrability

7.5-02-06-01 Free Running Model Tests

Prepared by Approved

Quality Systems Group of the 28th ITTC 25th ITTC 2008

Date 06/2017 Date 09/2008

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Free Running Model Tests 2008 03

Table of Contents

2.4.1 Ship model.................................... 9

1. PURPOSE OF PROCEDURE.............. 3
2.4.2 Basin ........................................... 10
2. DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE .... 3 2.4.3 Restricted water model ............... 10
2.1 Preparation ........................................ 3 2.4.4 Ship model set-up ....................... 10
2.1.1 Ship model characteristics ............ 3 2.4.5 Measurement .............................. 10
2.1.2 Tank dimensions and water depth 4 2.4.6 Test parameters .......................... 10
2.1.3 Scale effects .................................. 4 2.4.7 Recording ................................... 10
2.1.4 Model inspection .......................... 5 2.4.8 Calibration .................................. 10
2.1.5 Model equipment and set-up ........ 5 2.4.9 Analysis procedure. .................... 10
2.1.6 Wireless controlled models .......... 6 3. PARAMETERS ................................... 10
2.1.7 Wire controlled models ................ 6
3.1 General ............................................. 10
2.1.8 Restricted water model ................. 6
3.2 Ship Control Parameters ................ 11
2.2 Execution of Procedure ..................... 6
3.2.1 Propeller rates of revolutions ..... 11
2.2.1 General considerations ................. 6
3.2.2 Steering devices.......................... 11
2.2.2 Initial test condition ...................... 6
3.2.3 Thrusters (lateral and azimuthing
2.2.3 Execution of tests ......................... 7 thrusters) ..................................... 11
2.2.4 Test types in shallow and restricted
water ............................................. 8 3.3 Test Dependent Parameters............ 11
3.3.1 Turning circle tests ..................... 11
2.2.5 Capture of model .......................... 8
3.3.2 Zig-zag or modified zig-zag tests. ..
2.3 Data Acquisition and Analysis ......... 8 ............................................... 11
2.3.1 Measured data............................... 8 3.3.3 Spiral and reverse spiral tests. .... 11
2.3.2 Specifics for shallow and restricted
water ............................................. 9 4. UNCERTAINTY ................................. 11
2.3.3 Data acquisition ............................ 9
5. BENCHMARK TESTS ....................... 11
2.3.4 Visual inspection .......................... 9
2.3.5 Analysis methods ......................... 9 6. REFERENCES .................................... 12
2.4 Documentation ................................... 9
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Free Running Model Tests

understood, and the larger the model the smaller

the scale effect.
Also the size of the actual test basin in rela-
Free running model test techniques are ap- tion to the required area for the tests to be carried
plied to predict manoeuvring characteristics of a out, as well as the capability of the test equip-
full scale ship in a direct way. The results can ment are governing factors.
also be used to develop a computer simulation
model for further studies. Generally stock propellers are used and the
scale is chosen with respect to a suitable propel-
Standard procedures for these types of tests ler design. First the diameter should be scaled
are presented, together with recommended correctly and then the propeller pitch and blade
quantitative guidelines in order to ensure the area ratio should be as close to the real propeller
quality and reliability of test results. The proce- as possible. According to an old rule of thumb
dure is to be used for surface ships only, where the sum of the diameter and pitch (P+D) should
Froude scaling law is applied. be as close to full scale as possible if the correct
diameter is not available. The number of blades
These guidelines are mainly based on the re- should be considered as third priority.
sults of a questionnaire distributed among ITTC
member organisations in 2000 and 2001 (23rd
ITTC Manoeuvring Committee Report, 2002). Ship model

The ship model must have sufficient mate-

2. DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE rial strength and geometric accuracy. The geom-
etry of the ship model, including rudder and pro-
peller, is to be checked by inspection of its man-
2.1 Preparation
ufacturing accuracy, and by inspecting it for any
obvious damage. All appendages should be
2.1.1 Ship model characteristics modelled according to their originally designed
The following considerations should be
made for selecting the scale and, therefore, the The turbulence stimulation device used, if
model dimensions. any (wire, sand strips, or studs), should be de-
The loading condition of the model (draft
Principally, the scale should be chosen as fore/aft and GM ) should be checked before ex-
large as possible, meaning the model size should periments and verified before and after the tests.
be as large as possible, keeping in mind that The GM should be within 5% accuracy and the
scale effects in manoeuvring are not yet fully roll period (if known) as near as possible to the
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desired corresponding full scale values. When tom. Also water recirculation around the bound-
contradictory, a correct GM should prevail. Ixx aries of the false bottom can jeopardize the
is usually tuned through roll decay tests at zero measurements.
speed in which the roll period is adjusted. The
yaw radius of gyration izz is usually tuned to a Shallow water implies a finite water depth.
typical value around 0.25 LPP. Lateral restrictions are also possible, which are
referred to as restricted water (e.g. banks, other
Since manoeuvring tests require similarity in ships, harbour layout). Restricted water mostly
the dynamic behaviour between the model and implies shallow water, but not always (e.g. ship
the full scale ship, the moments of inertia of the lightering or replenishment at sea).
model should be scaled from full scale.
In shallow and restricted water the blockage
(the ratio cross section of the ship to the cross
2.1.2 Tank dimensions and water depth section of the navigation area) has an influence
on the critical speed.
The size of the ship model should be selected
such that the tank width is sufficient to prevent
tank wall interference in the free running model 2.1.3 Scale effects
test. On the other hand, for finite width cases the
size of the ship model should be selected con- In manoeuvring tests with free running mod-
sidering the size of the restricted water model. els, the propeller(s) is used to give the model the
desired speed, i.e. to produce the thrust to keep
Tests in deep water should be performed the desired speed, and also to produce a propel-
with a depth to draft ratio that is large enough to ler induced flow over the rudder(s). Froude scal-
be free from shallow water effects. Referring to ing of speed is generally applied and a tripping
IMO (MSC/Cir 644), a minimum value of h/T = turbulence simulation device (wire, sand strips,
4 is considered as acceptable. This figure, which or studs) should be fitted, as it probably will give
accounts for practical issues of full scale trials, a more realistic boundary layer development
must be considered as a strict minimum for deep and pressure distribution along the hull.
water model tests. The critical speed is defined
as (gh)1/2. In deep water the test speed should be Two scale effect phenomena occur: the
below 50% of the critical speed. larger model wake fraction and the larger model
resistance. If the propeller is operated at the
For shallow water tests (h/T < 4) the depth model self propulsion point, the propeller load-
should be scaled correctly; this may impose a re- ing condition may be excessive, hence the rud-
striction on the maximum draft. At very small der effectiveness of a model may generally be
h/T, the vertical variations of the tank bottom larger compared with that of a real ship. Accord-
should be less than 10% of the under keel clear- ingly, free running models tend to be more sta-
ance, which may determine the minimum draft. ble (or less unstable) with respect to course
Some towing tanks use a false bottom to execute keeping ability. This effect is typically less sig-
shallow water tests. In this case attention should nificant for fine ships because of their inherent
be paid to a sufficient stiffness of the false bot- stable course keeping ability. It is possible that
the scale effects on the rudder can be neglected
for some cases since the two scale effects may
negate each other. This will be dependent on
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ship type and can be evaluated based on ship- 2.1.5 Model equipment and set-up
model correlation data.
The model should be free to move in all 6
Sometimes it might be necessary to compen- degrees of freedom and equipped with adequate
sate the larger frictional resistance of the model propulsion and steering arrangement. The direc-
with an additional propulsion device, e.g. a wind tion of rotation of the propeller should be ac-
fan or air jet device. Guidelines for this still need cording to the full scale ship. Generally the pro-
to be established and there is no worldwide con- peller is run at a constant rpm throughout the
sensus. complete test, except for the stopping test. How-
ever, the real engine characteristics may be sim-
Since the rudder(s) are normally positioned ulated by controlling rpm with computing dy-
in the wake field behind the ship and in the pro- namic response of the engine including torque
peller race, i.e. in a very disturbed and turbulent limit. In order to model the engine, an instanta-
flow, the Reynolds number effect for the rudder neous measurement of the propeller torque is
force may be neglected. Nevertheless sand strips necessary. For a sufficient accurate measure-
or studs are sometimes applied to the rudder. ment of torque, the propeller diameter should be
larger than 10 cm. The instantaneous measured
Besides the above mentioned scale effects, torque should be fed into the model control sys-
there are unknown scale effects. These affect the tem, which may reduce the RPM of the vessel to
side force and turning moment that a hull devel- achieve a constant torque, power or otherwise.
ops while drifting and turning. There is no The procedure of instantaneous modification of
worldwide consensus on the magnitude or influ- the propeller RPM is especially recommended
ence of these scale effects yet. for podded vessels.

2.1.4 Model inspection Free running models can either be designed

to run autonomously with wireless remote con-
The model should be inspected, prior to trol or be positioned under a carriage, which fol-
launching and testing, for: lows the model during the manoeuvre. Thus mo-
tor power, control and measuring signals can
• principal dimensions, easily be transferred between model and car-
• hull configuration, riage. In the latter case, the power, data, and con-
• model mass, trol cables should be arranged so that they do not
• longitudinal and vertical centre of gravity affect the manoeuvre of the vessel.
The range of measuring equipment should
• moments of inertia (about vertical z-axis;
be chosen to be appropriate to the expected val-
also about longitudinal x-axis if roll is im-
ues of the measurements. Calibration of sensors
portant and/or about lateral y-axis if trim or
and driving units should be carried out immedi-
pitch are important),
ately before and immediately after testing.
• appendage alignment.
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2.1.6 Wireless controlled models 2.1.8 Restricted water model

The testing system onboard a wireless con- For cases where finite water depth and/or fi-
trolled free running model may generally consist nite width are to be modelled using an artificial
of the following devices. bottom and/or wall(s) the depth and width
should be scaled correctly and the smoothness,
1. Driving and manoeuvring control units (pro- stiffness and water pressure tightness of the re-
pulsion and rudder operation) stricted water model should be sufficient to not
2. Computer which controls driving units and affect the results.
records measured results (when required)
3. Sensors for yaw angle, yaw rate, rudder angle 2.2 Execution of Procedure
and propeller rpm (and for roll angle if appli-
4. Telemeter with which control signals are 2.2.1 General considerations
transmitted from the shore
Distinction can be made between three
5. Batteries and/or fuel for power supply
phases of a free running manoeuvring test. The
first is to establish the initial conditions for the
In addition the position of the model has to
actual test, the second is the test itself and the
be measured by an appropriate system. In open-
last the capture of the model when the test is fin-
air facilities, DGNSS or KGPS can be used. In
enclosed facilities, optical or acoustic tracking
systems are used. The important point of these The waiting time between tests should be
measurements is the synchronizing between on sufficient to ensure that the next test is not dis-
board data and position data. turbed by residual waves, current or remaining
vortices in the water. It should be noted that the
2.1.7 Wire controlled models waiting time may be increased for restricted wa-
ter cases. The wind at outdoor testing facilities
The testing system on board a wire con- should be negligible.
trolled free running model may generally consist
of the following devices: The water temperature should be measured
at some selected points at a depth of T/2.
1. Driving and manoeuvring control units
(propulsion and rudder operation) 2.2.2 Initial test condition
2. Sensors for yaw angle, yaw rate, rudder
angle and propeller rpm (and for roll an- The initial test condition is important. The
gle if applicable) limits of allowable deviation from the target in-
itial test condition can be assessed following
In this case the data acquisition and driving ITTC procedure 7.5-02-06-05 (Uncertainty
unit controllers are installed on the carriage. The analysis on free running model test).
position of the model can then be measured
through optical or mechanical means from the Most manoeuvring tests start from a straight
carriage; the absolute position of the model is course condition with as steady as possible val-
then obtained by including the carriage position. ues of heading, speed, rpm and rudder angle or
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corresponding (pod angle, water-jet steering out by putting the rudder back to neutral an-
nozzle angle, etc.). Straight-line speed runs gle after completing the turning test i.e. after
should be carried out in order to find the propel- reaching a steady yaw rate.
ler rpm corresponding to the desired test speed. • The zig-zag test (10°/10°, 20°/20°, or modi-
fied), ideally the first two overshoots should
Different methods are used to accelerate the be accomplished when possible. These tests
model to the test speed: are conducted to port and starboard.
• The full astern stopping test is seldom car-
• by model’s own propulsion system, maybe ried out due to the scale effect (viscous re-
most common but requires relatively long sistance part) having a significant impact on
distance, the result.
• by catapult system, • The spiral test, recommended by IMO in
• by a carriage which follows the model after case of suspected course instability (could be
release. determined from the residuary yaw rate at a
pull-out test). The direct spiral test should be
The initial value of the rudder angle may not carried out as turning tests at a number of
be zero, but may be the value needed to sail rudder angles and the steady rate of turn
straight ahead (neutral angle). During the measured. The tested rudder angles are usu-
straight-line speed runs, the initial neutral rud- ally 25°, 20°, 15°, 10° and 5° to starboard
der angle is determined. This rudder angle is and port side. Smaller rudder angles may be
never exactly zero. For single screw vessels, this required for less stable and unstable ships.
can be explained by the asymmetry of the pro- • The reverse spiral test is performed to ac-
peller force. For a twin screw ship, this may be quire the complete hysteresis loop when the
a consequence of the asymmetry in model build, ship is found unstable. It can also replace the
fitting of appendages or a slight asymmetry in direct spiral test particularly if the test area
propeller forces. does not allow a steady rate of turn to be es-
tablished. For the reverse spiral test autopilot
The desired rudder angle for manoeuvres is used to steer at a constant yaw rate step-
should be taken relative to amidships and not wise similar to the above direct spiral test. In
taken relative to the neutral angle. order to assure that the complete spiral curve
is obtained, the rudder should be steered in
2.2.3 Execution of tests order to get sufficiently small constant yaw
The test is initiated by the order to the steer-
ing system to execute the actual test. The most Other common tests are:
common tests are those referred to in IMO Res-
olution MSC.137(76): • The pull-out test by going back to the steady
course rudder angle after a short execute of
• The turning (circle) test, generally started the rudder (some 10°) to port and starboard.
with a hard over rudder angle (generally 35° • The accelerating turning test starting from
starboard and port) and finished by a pull- zero or a low speed and using full propulsive
power. Maximum rudder angle to port and
starboard should be applied.
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For appropriate purposes free model tests the neighbourhood of a bank or in the neigh-
can be performed to assess the performance of bourhood of other ships. In that case, the
the ship in different conditions: model(s) are steered by an autopilot (which is
programmed in the ship control parameters) to
• bow thruster tests, keep a heading and/or a track.
• crabbing tests,
• manoeuvring in restricted waters, 2.2.5 Capture of model
• manoeuvring in wind and/or waves.
After the test run is finished the model
2.2.4 Test types in shallow and restricted wa- should be captured before preparing for the next
ter test run. This is a more practical problem and
can be solved in different ways and will not be
Types of tests typically carried out in shal- treated here.
low water are for the most part the same tests as
in deep water: turning circle and zigzag tests are 2.3 Data Acquisition and Analysis
being carried out regularly. Additionally, in
shallow water the “avoidance test” or “evasive 2.3.1 Measured data
test” for inland ships is being used. These spe-
cific manoeuvres for inland ships are valid for Performing free running manoeuvring tests
ships sailing on the River Rhine in shallow wa- requires direct or indirect measurement of the
ter (ITTC 2014). following data:
The evasive manoeuvre is to be carried out • time,
as follows: At a constant speed of 13 km/hr and
• model position,
the ship well on its straight course, the steering
• heading,
angle is laid to the desired angle of 20 or 45 de-
grees. That is at time t0. As soon as the rate of • model speed, (axial and lateral or along
turn has achieved a limiting value in degrees per track),
minute, the rudder is laid to the opposite side. • yaw rate,
This is time t1. When the rate of turn has become • and in some cases:
0 degrees per minute, the time t2 is clocked. • roll angle,
When the rate of turn has achieved the target • sinkage and trim.
value again, the time t3 is noted, and the rudder
is again reversed to the other side. When the rate The measurement of parameters characteris-
of turn has become 0 again, the time t4 is noted, ing the control of ship model steering and pro-
and the manoeuvre can end by steering back to pulsion equipment should be recorded:
the original heading. A criterion is used for the
value of t4 depending on type of convoy and wa- • rudder angle,
ter depth. • rpm of propulsor(s),
• action of other steering/manoeuvring de-
The specific manoeuvres for restricted water vices.
are usually so that the ships are sailing either in
The following data may also be important:
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• thrust/torque on propulsor(s), analysis. For the following standard manoeuvres

• forces and moments on steering devices the analysis is as follows:
(rudder(s), pods…).
1) Turning test
2.3.2 Specifics for shallow and restricted wa- Indices such as the advance, transfer, tactical
ter diameter, which represent turning characteris-
tics of a ship, should be analyzed on the basis of
Specifically for shallow and restricted water,
the turning trajectory measured. Change in ad-
it is important to measure the quantities as men-
vance speed and drift angle may also be ana-
tioned in the previous section, and in addition, it
lysed on the basis of the turning trajectory.
is important to measure the squat of the free sail-
ing model. Squat is characterised by sinkage and 2) Zig-zag test
by trim.
Overshoot angles (usually for the 1st and 2nd
2.3.3 Data acquisition oscillations), which represent course keeping
ability and yaw checking ability of a ship,
Data sampling rate and filtering details should be analyzed with the use of the time se-
should be determined on the basis of the re- ries of yaw angle change in the zigzag test.
sponse of the model, together with considera-
tions of the primary noise frequencies. Sampling 3) Spiral and reverse spiral test
rates may vary between 4 and 250 Hz, 20 Hz be-
ing a mean value. Sampling rate should be at 4) Stopping test
least twice the filter frequency according to the
sampling theory. The stopping distance can be obtained from
the trajectory of the test.
2.3.4 Visual inspection
2.4 Documentation
The measured real time data should be rec-
orded. After each run the data should be in- At least the following information should be
spected in the time domain to check for obvious documented. The most relevant data should be
errors such as transients caused by recording too included in the test report.
soon after starting, additional unknown sources
of noise, overloading or failure of one or more 2.4.1 Ship model
sensors. The records of the driving units should
be checked to verify that the correct orders were • dimensions of hull, rudder, propeller, etc,
applied. • mass of model,
• position of centre of gravity,
2.3.5 Analysis methods • achieved GM value,
• achieved roll period value,
Detailed analysis is to be carried out with the • moments of inertia,
use of stored data after the tests have been fin- • turbulence stimulation method,
ished, noting that data in transient regions of
• details of appendages,
starting and stopping should not be used in the
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• body plan and contours, 2.4.7 Recording

• engine/rpm control.
• equipment,
2.4.2 Basin • sample time,
• digitising rate.
• dimensions,
• water depth, 2.4.8 Calibration
• smoothness and stiffness of the bottom (for
shallow water tests), • details of all calibrations conducted,
• average water temperature. • information on linearity and repeatability of
all sensors.
2.4.3 Restricted water model
2.4.9 Analysis procedure.
• configuration,
• dimensions, • method of analysis,
• smoothness and stiffness of the restricted • filtering technique.
water model (walls and/or bottom).
2.4.4 Ship model set-up
3.1 General
• powering,
• transfer of control signals, The following parameters should be taken
• transfer of measuring signals. into account for all free running manoeuvring
model tests:
2.4.5 Measurement
• scale,
• measuring equipment, • model dimensions,
• capacity of load cells, • ratios of model to basin dimensions,
• filter characteristics. • water depth,
• hull configuration,
2.4.6 Test parameters • propulsion and steering arrangements,
• loading condition of ship model,
• test type, • model mass,
• model speed, • position of centre of gravity of ship model,
• rudder angle or equivalent, • moments of inertia of ship model.
• propeller rpm,
• water depth to draft ratio,
• location of ship in relation to restricted water
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3.2 Ship Control Parameters 3.3.2 Zig-zag or modified zig-zag tests.

The following parameters should especially

3.2.1 Propeller rates of revolutions
be taken into account in addition to those in Sec-
Most tests should be carried out either at the tion 2.3.4:
model self-propulsion point or at the full scale
self-propulsion point. The latter method requires • initial forward speed(s) u,
a towing force to be applied, which corresponds • initial propeller rate(s) of rotations n,
to the difference in viscous drag (friction deduc- • ordered and actual steering device angle δ
tion). However, this correction will depend on and heading angle ψ (δ/ψ i.e. 10°/10° or
the model scale and the ship type and it is not 20°/20°) ,
generally done (See Section • turning speed of steering device.

3.2.2 Steering devices 3.3.3 Spiral and reverse spiral tests.

The rudder turning rate should be scaled ac- Following parameters should especially be
cording to Froude’s model law. The maximum taken into account:
angle should be determined according to the
purpose of the tests, and in most cases coincides • initial forward speed(s) u,
with 'hard over', although a lower deflection • initial propeller rate(s) of rotations n,
could be sufficient for some purposes. • steering device angles δ or corresponding,
• yaw rate r.
3.2.3 Thrusters (lateral and azimuthing
The thrust or power developed by the in-
stalled thruster unit at zero speed is regulated to During free manoeuvring tests, a ship model
match the design ship value. If the thrust is not is free to move in all 6 degrees of freedom. The
measured, it is important that power and diame- manoeuvre is actuated by one or more steering
ter are correct. devices, propulsors and thrusters.

The accuracy of test results is influenced by

3.3 Test Dependent Parameters imperfections of the experimental technique.
This is addressed in a separate ITTC procedure
3.3.1 Turning circle tests 7.5-02-06-05 (Uncertainty analysis on free run-
ning model tests).
The following parameters should especially
be taken into account in addition to those in Sec-
tion 2.3.4: 5. BENCHMARK TESTS

• initial forward speed(s) u, 1. Preliminary Analysis of ITTC Co-oper-

• initial propeller rate(s) of rotations n, ative Tests Programme (11th 1966
• ordered and actual steering device angle δ. pp.486-508) A Mariner Class Vessel
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2. The Co-operative Free-Model Manoeuvring International Towing Tank Conference, 1996,

Program (13th 1972 pp.1000) "Manoeuvring Committee - Final Report
3. Co-operative Test Program - Second Analy- and Recommendations to the 21st ITTC",
sis of Results of Free Model Manoeuvring Proceedings of 21st ITTC, Bergen / Trond-
Tests (13th 1972 pp.1074-1079) A MARI- heim, Norway, Vol. 1, pp. 347-398.
NER Type Ship
4. Ship Model Correlation in Manoeuvrability International Towing Tank Conference, 1999,
(17th 1984 pp.427-435) Joint International "Manoeuvring Committee - Final Report
Manoeuvring Program (JIMP), a Working and Recommendations to the 22nd ITTC",
Group Called JAMP (Japan Manoeuvrability Proceedings of 22nd ITTC, Seoul/Shanghai.
5. Free-Running Model Tests with ESSO International Towing Tank Conference, 2014,
OSAKA, (18th 1987 pp.369-371) "Manoeuvring Committee - Final Report
6. SIMMAN 2008 Benchmark cases for and Recommendations to the 27th ITTC",
KVLCC1, KVLCC2, KCS and 5415M. Proceedings of 27th ITTC, Copenhagen.
7. SIMMAN 2014, Benchmark cases for
KVLCC2, KCS and 5415M Stern, F. and Agdrup, K.; Proceedings of SIM-
MAN2008, workshop on ship manoeuvra-
bility, Copenhagen, 2008.

International Maritime Organization, “Stand-

ards for Ship Manoeuvrability”, Resolution
MSC.137(76), 2002.

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