Lecture 2 Principle of EMR

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Dr. Nor Aizam Adnan/ Dr Ainon

Remote Sensing Process
1. Energy Source or Illumination
(A) - the first requirement for
remote sensing is to have an
energy source which illuminates
or provides electromagnetic
energy to the target of interest.

2. Radiation and the Atmosphere

(B) - as the energy travels from
its source to the target, it will
come in contact with and
interact with the atmosphere it
passes through. This interaction
may take place a second time as
the energy travels from the
target to the sensor.
3. Interaction with the Target
(C) - once the energy makes
its way to the target through
the atmosphere, it interacts
with the target depending on
the properties of both the
target and the radiation.

4. Recording of Energy by the

Sensor (D) - after the energy
has been scattered by, or
emitted from the target, we
require a sensor (remote - not
in contact with the target) to
collect and record the
electromagnetic radiation.
5. Transmission, Reception, and
Processing (E) - the energy
recorded by the sensor has to be
transmitted, often in electronic
form, to a receiving and
processing station where the
data are processed into an image
(hardcopy and/or digital).
6. Interpretation and Analysis (F)
- the processed image is
interpreted, visually and/or
digitally or electronically, to
extract information about the
target which was illuminated.
◻ 7. Application (G) - the
final element of the
remote sensing process
is achieved when we
apply the information
we have been able to
extract from the
imagery about the target
in order to better
understand it, reveal
some new information,
or assist in solving a
particular problem.
◻ Light energy is fundamental in RS
◻ Interaction of light with the thing/features observed will
allow us to obtain information from a distance
◻ Light is a stream of subatomic particles known as
photons. Two components of light:
i. Electric
ii. Magnetic
◻ Photons of different energy values are distributed
through what is called the Electromagnetic Spectrum
Electromagnetic wave
◻ Electromagnetic radiation
behaves in part as wavelike
energy fluctuation travelling
at the speed of light (c).
◻ The wave is actually
composite electric and
magnetic fields fluctuating at
right angles to each other and
◻ Wavelength is measured in micrometres, each
to the direction of travel. of which equals one millionth of a meter or
◻ A fundamental descriptive of some factor of metres such as nanometres
waveform is its wavelength (nm, 10-9 metres), micrometres (μm, 10-6
metres) (μm, 10-6 metres) or centimetres (cm,
(lambda), or distance 10-2 metres).
between succeeding peaks.
Electromagnetic Radiation
◻ Frequency is normally measured in hertz (Hz),
equivalent to one cycle per second, and various
multiples of hertz.
◻ Wavelength and frequency are related by the following
◻ Understanding the characteristics of electromagnetic
radiation in terms of their wavelength and frequency
is crucial to understanding the information to be
extracted from remote sensing data.

◻ Therefore, the two are inversely related to each other.

i. The shorter the wavelength, the higher the
ii. The longer the wavelength, the lower the frequency.
◻ The variation in wavelength of EM radiation is vast
that is usually shown a logarithmic scale
The Electromagnetic Spectrum

Properties of light important in remote sensing

Wavelength Wavelength (μm) Applications

Gamma rays Shortest wl@ most Generated by radioactive atoms & in nuclear
energy explosition
Exp: Chemoteraphy @ kill cancer
X rays Small wl @ high • Xray use at the hospital
Ultraviolet 300nm-380nm • This region is beyond the via lot portion of the
(UV) visible wavelength
• Some earth’s surface material primarily rocks and
mineral emit visible UV radiation
• Largely scattered by earth’s atmosphere and hence
not used in the field of remote sening
Properties of light important in remote sensing
Wavelength Wavelength (μm) Applications
Visible 0.4 to 0.7 This is the light that our eyes can detect and spectrum
can be associated with concept of color.
Three primary colors of visible spectrum (Blue Green
and Red) also known as prime color where no single
primary color can be created from the other two but all
colors can be formed by combining the three in various
Blue (0.4 to 0.5) • For water body penetration, making it useful for
coastal water mapping.
• Useful for soil/vegetation discrimination, forest
type mapping, and cultural feature identification
Green (0.5 to 0.6) • To measure green reflectance peak of vegetation
for vegetation discrimination and vigor
Red (0.6 to 0.7) • to sense in a chlorophyll absorption region aiding
in plant species differentiation.
• useful for cultural feature identification
Wavelength Wavelength (μm) Applications
Infrared (IR) 0.7 -100 • Wavelength longer than red portion of visible
spectrum is designed as the infrared spectrum
• Discovered by British astronomer William Herschel
in 1800
• The infrared region can be divide onto 2 categories
on their radiation properties
Near Infra Red • Just beyond human vision
(NIR) • Very useful for mapping vegetation (will see later
0.7 to 1.1 why)
Shortwave Infrared • Suitable for determining the chemical composition
(SWIR) of objects on the ground (e.g., determining amount
1.1 to 2.5 of oxygen in tree leaves)
• geology
Thermal (25-35) • Radiation emitted from earth’s surface in the form
of heat Very sensitive to heat differences
• In a laboratory setting very useful for identifying
organic and inorganic materials

Wavelength Wavelength (μm) Applications

Microwave 1 mm to 1 m • Long wavelength allows these waves to interact
with materials differently than visible/infrared light
• Able to penetrate clouds
• Some wavelength able to penetrate dry soil and
tree canopies
• Very useful for measuring moisture differences

Radio waves (more than 1m) • This is the longest portion of the spectrum mostly
used for commercial broadcast and meteorology
Interaction Processes

◻ Remote sensors measure electromagnetic (EM) radiation that

has interacted with the Earth’s surface.
◻ Interaction with matter can change the:
i. Direction
ii. Intensity
iii. Wavelength content
iv. Polarization of EM radiation
❑ Interaction process between:
ii. EM vs. atmospheric constituent
iii. EM vs. earth’s surface

• Incoming EMR - the solar radiation arriving at the earth from all frequencies or
wavelengths, typically from 300 nm to 3000 nm wavelength. Meteorologists refer to
this band as short-wave radiation.
• Reflected EMR - the radiation from the sun which is reflected back into the
atmosphere after striking the Earth.
• Emitted EMR - outgoing long-wave radiation emitted by the Earth's surface and
lower atmosphere.
• Absorbed – amount of radiation being absorbed by different earth’s features
Basic strategy for sensing electromagnetic
◻ Everything in nature has its own unique distribution
of reflected, transmitted and absorbed radiation
◻ These spectral characteristics, if ingeniously
exploited can be used to distinguish one thing from
another or to obtain information about shape, size,
and other physical and chemical properties (add
Emitted EMR by the Earth’s

Infrared remote sensing makes use of infrared sensors to detect infrared radiation
emitted from the Earth's surface (within the thermal infrared region). These radiations
are emitted from warm objects such as the Earth's surface. They are used in satellite
remote sensing for measurements of the earth's land and sea surface temperature.
Thermal infrared remote sensing is also often used for detection of forest fires.
More on Concepts of Remote Sensing

And another part

One part of Another part of
of the sensor
the sensor the sensor
records the amount
records only records the
of red light
the amount of amount of green
blue light light reflected.
This information, also called data,
The data collected about the
is recorded as a series of
earth's surface is sent to a receiving
antenna at a ground station.
Computers are used to process the data. The data about the amount
of blue, green and red light reflected off the earth's surface is put
together to make a satellite image.
What we see?

• Different color appearance

• Different brightness
• Different color intensity
How a remote sensing image is created?

When we look at trees and This light is called infrared light. Special
grass, we see green. film is used to record infrared
The grass reflects green information. Since we cannot see infrared
light and absorbs all the light, scientists give it a color. Red is the
other colors. But grass and color most commonly used to show this
trees also reflect light we light, but it can be shown in any color.
cannot see. Special sensors on the satellites can also
record infrared light.
Scientists use data received
Which combination from
of data the you
would satellite
use ifinyou
were a farmer?

True color does not help This combination

scientists see differences This combination displays
between many of the of data shows concrete of city streets
earth's features. vegetation, like a as
Rock appears dark in farmer's crops. the color blue. This
this might
image and so do areas help a city planner but a
of vegetation such as farmer would not find
farmer's crops. this image very useful.
Farmers can use infrared images to identify healthy and
unhealthy crops.

Images showing the infrared light reflected off the plants

can identify plants that are sick or that need fertilizer. By
treating only the areas that are in need, farmers save
money and the environment by using less fertilizer and
How can we find a forest in the satellite image?

We know that the red areas in this satellite image show

vegetation, like trees.

A closer look at this satellite image shows differences in the red areas.
Scientists can study these areas on the ground to learn what type of
vegetation is there. Then, scientists can map the location of different
Why should you be interested in
remote sensing
◻ Because its interesting
◻ Part of the earth science (and climate change)
◻ Provides unique information about planet earth
◻ Use in dissertation (data is limiting factor)
Why use satellite remote sensing?
◻ A tool for global monitoring
◻ An objective and consistent tool for spatial
◻ At variety of scales (local and global)
◻ Largest measurements not possible by other
◻ Rapid update of data (every 15 min?)

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