General Conversation Core: Brief Recap On The Speaking Part

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 Core
During this stage of the oral interview, some of the following sub-stages can be
 Description – The candidate is asked to describe people, objects, places, etc.
 Comparison and contrast – The candidate is asked to compare and contrast
people, places, events, facts, etc.
 Narration – The candidate is asked to narrate past, present or future events or
personal experiences.
 Giving directions and instructions – The candidate is asked to give direction for
reaching a place or instructions how something should be done or achieved.
 Role play – A dialog with one of the examiners. The candidate is asked to choose
a situation card and is expected to adopt a role in a routine situation.

Comparison and contrast

 how to use the comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives:

Your turn! After studying the theory, you can practice here:
 how to compare and contrast:

Your turn! Complete the sentences:

When you compare things/people, you say what’s the ________about them. When you
contrast, you say what’s ________________________________________ about them.
A Venn diagram is ______________________________________________________.
We can compare and contrast: _____________________________________________.

Your turn! Complete the sentences with some useful language for
comparing and contrasting:
If you can use _______ structures well, try to take one step further and be more precise in
your descriptions with the use of __________. For example, when answering the
question: What’s your hometown like, say: Well, my town is _________
__________than where I’m living at the moment. Here’s another example: Things are
_______ ________ _______ in London than where I’m from. Another example: The
roads in my country are not ______ ____ ______ _____ here. There are lots of adverbs
you can use to give precision to your comparisons. If there are small differences use
adverbs like: ___________________________________________________; if the
differences are larger, then use words like:
_____________________________________. Among the expressions you can use to
explain that differences are very small or even non-existent there are: _______,
________, ________.
The useful expressions to use if the differences are quite large are: ______, _________,
Language also used to compare and contrast also include phrases like: _______,

Your turn! Take out examples of:

- comparative structures: ________________________________________________
- structures for showing similarities: _______________________________________
- structures for contrasting: ______________________________________________

Your turn! Go to Fact Monster page
Choose two countries and compare and contrast them in accordance to 4-5 criteria of
your choice (size, population, economy, etc.)
Talk (to your classmates) about your findings.

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