HRM 4111 Individual Remote Interview Evaluation

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HRM 4111

Recruitment and Selection

Individual Remote Interview and Report Evaluation
Student Name:

Section Marks
Headings Awarded Grading Criteria Section Required Elements Feedback
Interview 4-5 excellent  confirmed candidate(s)’ names and program(s)
logistics 3.1-3.9 good  outlined day, time, and Zoom or Team invitation
2.5-3 satisfactory  rationale for each logistics decision
0-2.4 below  initial contact with candidate(s) within 48 hours
expectation of receiving candidate(s)’ coordinates
 each response to candidate(s) was within 48
business hours of receipt of communication
 include invitation, follow up, and confirmation
/5 emails in appendices
Interview 32-40 excellent  ten-12 original interview questions
question 26-31.9 good  job related questions
design 20-25.9  question related scoring and guides for each
satisfactory question
0-19.9 below  reliable, valid, and legally defensible interview
expectation questions
 rationale for interview question design, scoring,
and guides supported with theories and best
/40 practices
Interview 24-30 excellent  completed scoring for each question
question 21-23.9 good  job related interview notes
execution 15-20.9  completed interview questions, scoring, and
satisfactory notes in appendices
0-14.9 below
/30 expectation
Interview 24-30 excellent  personal challenges during the interview design
analysis and 21-23.9 good and administration
reflection 15-20.9  personal successes during the interview design
satisfactory and interviewing
0-14.9 below  personal lessons and areas of improvement
expectation interview design and administration
 support each point of analysis with theories and
best practices from peer reviewed academic
/30 journals
Report 8-10 excellent  submit via Turnitin
structure 6.1-7.9 good  formatted as per policy and APA
5-6 satisfactory  complete references of all work cited in APA
0-4.9 below
/10 expectation
Candidate(s)’ 8-10 excellent  emailed candidate minimum of week before
feedback 6.1-7.9 good interview with day, time, and Zoom or Team
5-6 satisfactory invitation
0-4.9 below  explained interview in a professional,
expectation informative, and clear manner
 began interview on time as scheduled
 greeted applicant a welcoming and professional
 explained role of interviewer
 explained interview process
 respectful and professional management of
candidates’ responses and questions
 empathetic
 articulate
 maintained eye contact
 professional
 familiarity with content
 industry appropriate word selection and
/10 behaviour at all times during interview
Yes/No I have read, understood, and am aware that the School of Business Procedures apply to this assessment and
Yes/No Acknowledgement of Confidentiality Agreement submitted

Total Mark /125

Final Grade /10

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