Jdcortor - Actividad 4 Análisis de Circuitos en AC

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SECTION 15.2 Impedance and the Phasor Diagram
1. Express the impedances in Fig. 15.120 in both polar and rec-
tangular forms.

L = 1.2 H L = 0.05 H

R = 6.8  ω = 377 rad/s f = 50 Hz

(a) (b) (c)

C = 10 μ F C = 0.05 μ F R = 220 

ω = 157 rad/s
ω = 100 rad/s f = 10 kHz
(d) (e) (f)

FIG. 15.120
Problem 1.

2. Find the current i for the elements in Fig. 15.121 using com-
plex algebra. Sketch the waveforms for y and i on the same
set of axes.

i i i

+ + +
R 3  v = 15 sin(qt + 10°) XL 7  v = 56 sin(qt + 10°) XC 100  v = 25 sin(qt – 20°)
– – –

(a) (b) (c)

i i i

+ + +
R = 5.1 k v = 4  10–3 sin(qt – 120°) L = 0.2 H v = 16 sin(377t + 60°) C = 2 mF v = 120 sin qt f = 5 kHz
– – –

(d) (e) (f)

FIG. 15.121
Problem 2.

3. Find the voltage y for the elements in Fig. 15.122 using

complex algebra. Sketch the waveforms of y and i on the
same set of axes.

i = 4  10–3 sin qt i = 1.5 sin(1000t + 60°) i = 2  10–3 sin(157t + 40°)

+ + +
R 22  v L 0.016 H v C 0.05 mF v
– – –

(a) (b) (c)

FIG. 15.122
Problem 3.
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SECTION 15.3 Series Configuration

4. Calculate the total impedance of the circuits in Fig. 15.123.
Express your answer in rectangular and polar forms, and
draw the impedance diagram.

R = 6.8  R1 = 2  XC = 6  R1 = 1 k XL1 = 3 k

XL 8.2  R2 10  R2 4 k

XL2 = 7 k
(a) (b) (c)

FIG. 15.123
Problem 4.

5. Calculate the total impedance of the circuits in Fig. 15.124.

Express your answer in rectangular and polar forms, and
draw the impedance diagram.

R = 3 R = 1 k XL1 = 2 k R = 470  L1 = 40 mH

XL 4 XL2 6 k C = 0.1 mF
f = 1 kHz

XC = 5  XC = 4 k L2 = 200 mH
(a) (b) (c)

FIG. 15.124
Problem 5.

6. Find the type and impedance in ohms of the series circuit el-
ements that must be in the closed container in Fig. 15.125
for the indicated voltages and currents to exist at the input
terminals. (Find the simplest series circuit that will satisfy
the indicated conditions.)

I = 60 A ∠ 70° I = 20 mA ∠ 40° I = 0.2 A ∠ –60°

+ + +

E = 120 V ∠ 0° ? E = 80 V ∠ 320° ? E = 8 kV ∠ 0° ?
– – –

(a) (b) (c)

FIG. 15.125
Problems 6 and 27.
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7. For the circuit in Fig. 15.126: 10. For the circuit in Fig. 15.129:
a. Find the total impedance ZT in polar form. a. Find the total impedance ZT in polar form.
b. Draw the impedance diagram. b. Draw the impedance diagram.
c. Find the current I and the voltages VR and VL in phasor c. Find the value of C in microfarads and L in henries.
form. d. Find the current I and the voltages VR , VL , and VC in pha-
d. Draw the phasor diagram of the voltages E, VR , and VL , sor form.
and the current I. e. Draw the phasor diagram of the voltages E, VR , VL , and
e. Verify Kirchhoff’s voltage law around the closed loop. VC , and the current I.
f. Find the average power delivered to the circuit. f. Verify Kirchhoff’s voltage law around the closed loop.
g. Find the power factor of the circuit, and indicate whether g. Find the average power delivered to the circuit.
it is leading or lagging. h. Find the power factor of the circuit, and indicate whether
h. Find the sinusoidal expressions for the voltages and cur- it is leading or lagging.
rent if the frequency is 60 Hz. i. Find the sinusoidal expressions for the voltages and
i. Plot the waveforms for the voltages and current on the current.
same set of axes. j. Plot the waveforms for the voltages and current on the
same set of axes.
R = 8 XL = 6 

+ +V – + V – XC = 10 
R L R = 4 XL = 6 
E = 100 V ∠ 0° I
– + + vR – + vL – + vC –
e = 70.7 sin 377t i

FIG. 15.126
Problems 7 and 48.
FIG. 15.129
8. Repeat Problem 7 for the circuit in Fig. 15.127, replacing VL Problem 10.
with VC in parts (c) and (d).

XC = 30  11. Repeat Problem 10 for the circuit in Fig. 15.130.

R = 6

+ +V – +V –
E = 120 V ∠ 20° I R = 1.8 k XL = 2 k XC = 0.6 k

ZT + + vR – + vL – + vC –
e = 6 sin(314t + 60°) i
FIG. 15.127 –
Problem 8.

9. Given the network in Fig. 15.128: FIG. 15.130

a. Determine ZT . Problem 11.
b. Find I.
c. Calculate VR and VC .
d. Find P and Fp . 12. Using the oscilloscope reading in Fig. 15.131, determine the
resistance R.
+ vR – + vC –
+ R
+ 2.2 k +
0.2 mF
e = 20 sin qt E = 20 V(rms) 80  Scope = 45.27 V( p -p)
f = 1 kHz
– – –

FIG. 15.128 FIG. 15.131

Problems 9 and 50. Problem 12.
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*13. Using the DMM current reading and the oscilloscope mea- 29.94 mA(rms)
surement in Fig. 15.132:
a. Determine the inductance L . I
+ R
b. Find the resistance R. +
E = 10 V(rms)
f = 1 kHz L Scope = 21.28 V( p -p)
– –

FIG. 15.132
Problem 13.

*14. Using the oscilloscope reading in Fig. 15.133, determine the Scope = 8.27 V( p - p)
capacitance C. + –

+ 10 k
E = 12 V(rms) C
f = 40 kHz –

FIG. 15.133
Problem 14.

SECTION 15.4 Voltage Divider Rule

15. Calculate the voltages V1 and V2 for the circuits in Fig.
15.134 in phasor form using the voltage divider rule.

2 k 8 k 6.8  40  22 

+ + V1 – + V2 – + + V1 – + –
E = 120 V ∠ 60° E = 60 V ∠ 5°
– –

(a) (b)

FIG. 15.134
Problem 15.

16. Calculate the voltages V1 and V2 for the circuits in Fig.

15.135 in phasor form using the voltage divider rule.

20  40 
20  4.7 k 30 k 3.3 k

+ + V1 – + V2 – +
E = 20 V ∠ 70° E = 120 V ∠ 0° V1 V2 10 k
– –

(a) (b)

FIG. 15.135
Problem 16.
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*17. For the circuit in Fig. 15.136:

a. Determine I, VR , and VC in phasor form.
b. Calculate the total power factor, and indicate whether it
is leading or lagging.
c. Calculate the average power delivered to the circuit.
d. Draw the impedance diagram.
e. Draw the phasor diagram of the voltages E, VR , and VC ,
and the current I.
f. Find the voltages VR and VC using the voltage divider
rule, and compare them with the results of part (a) above.
g. Draw the equivalent series circuit of the above as far as
the total impedance and the current i are concerned.

+ vR – + vC –

+ 30  L = 0.2 H L = 0.2 H
C = 4 mF
e = 2(20) sin(377t + 40°) i

FIG. 15.136
Problems 17, 18, and 51.

*18. Repeat Problem 17 if the capacitance is changed to 220 mF. + VR –

19. An electrical load has a power factor of 0.8 lagging. It dissi- R
pates 8 kW at a voltage of 200 V. Calculate the impedance
1 k
of this load in rectangular coordinates.
*20. Find the series element or elements that must be in the en- + +
e = 7.07 sin qt 20 mH VL
closed container in Fig. 15.137 to satisfy the following E = 5 V ∠ 0° L
conditions: – –
a. Average power to circuit  300 W.
b. Circuit has a lagging power factor.

I = 3A∠v FIG. 15.138

? Problem 21.
E = 120 V ∠ 0° *22. For the circuit in Fig. 15.139:
– a. Plot ZT and θT versus frequency for a frequency range of
zero to 10 kHz.
b. Plot VC versus frequency for the frequency range of
part (a).
FIG. 15.137
Problem 20.
+ VR –
SECTION 15.5 Frequency Response for Series ac R
*21. For the circuit in Fig. 15.138: + +
a. Plot ZT and uT versus frequency for a frequency range of e = 2(10) sin qt C 0.5 mF VC
zero to 20 kHz. – –
b. Plot VL versus frequency for the frequency range of
part (a).
c. Plot uL versus frequency for the frequency range of part
d. Plot VR versus frequency for the frequency range of FIG. 15.139
part (a). Problem 22.
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PROBLEMS ⏐⏐⏐ 707

c. Plot uC versus frequency for the frequency range of part 24. For the series R-C circuit in Fig. 15.141:
(a). a. Determine the frequency at which XC  R.
d. Plot VR versus frequency for the frequency range of b. Develop a mental image of the change in total impedance
part (a). with frequency without resorting to a single calculation.
*23. For the series R-L-C circuit in Fig. 15.140: c. Find the total impedance at 100 Hz and 10 kHz, and
a. Plot ZT and uT versus frequency for a frequency range of compare your answer with the assumptions of part (b).
zero to 20 kHz in increments of 1 kHz. d. Plot the curve of VC versus frequency.
b. Plot VC (magnitude only) versus frequency for the same e. Find the phase angle of the total impedance at f  40 kHz.
frequency range of part (a). Is the network resistive or capacitive at this frequency?
c. Plot I (magnitude only) versus frequency for the same R
frequency range of part (a).
ZT 220 
+ +
I R L E = 40 V ∠0°
C 0.47  F VC
f : 0 to 40 kHz
1 k 20 mH – –
ZT 8 nF VC
E = 120 V ∠0° C

FIG. 15.141
Problem 24.

FIG. 15.140 SECTION 15.7 Admittance and Susceptance

Problem 23.
25. Find the total admittance and impedance of the circuits in
Fig. 15.142. Identify the values of conductance and suscep-
tance, and draw the admittance diagram.
26. Find the total admittance and impedance of the circuits in
Fig. 15.143. Identify the values of conductance and suscep-
tance, and draw the admittance diagram.

R = 91  XL = 200  XC = 0.2 k

(a) (b) (c)

10  60  22  6 2.2  3 k 6 k 9 k

(d) (e) (f)

FIG. 15.142
Problem 25.

33  70 
R= 4.7  0.2 k 0.5 k

XL = 8  20  0.6 k

(a) (b) (c)

FIG. 15.143
Problem 26.
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27. Repeat Problem 6 for the parallel circuit elements that must 30. Repeat Problem 28 for the circuit in Fig. 15.146, replacing
be in the closed container for the same voltage and current E with Is in part (c).
to exist at the input terminals. (Find the simplest parallel cir-
cuit that will satisfy the conditions indicated.) Is
SECTION 15.8 Parallel ac Networks IR IL
28. For the circuit in Fig. 15.144: + YT
a. Find the total admittance YT in polar form. E = 60 V ∠ 0° R 12  XL 10 
b. Draw the admittance diagram. –
c. Find the voltage E and the currents IR and IL in phasor
d. Draw the phasor diagram of the currents Is , IR , and IL ,
and the voltage E. FIG. 15.146
e. Verify Kirchhoff’s current law at one node. Problems 30 and 49.
f. Find the average power delivered to the circuit.
g. Find the power factor of the circuit, and indicate whether
it is leading or lagging.
h. Find the sinusoidal expressions for the currents and volt- 31. For the circuit in Fig. 15.147:
age if the frequency is 60 Hz. a. Find the total admittance and impedance in polar form.
i. Plot the waveforms for the currents and voltage on the b. Draw the admittance and impedance diagrams.
same set of axes. c. Find the value of C in microfarads and L in henries.
d. Find the voltage E and currents IR , IL , and IC in phasor
Is = 2 A ∠ 0°
e. Draw the phasor diagram of the currents Is , IR , IL , and
IR IL IC , and the voltage E.
+ f. Verify Kirchhoff’s current law at one node.
g. Find the average power delivered to the circuit.
E R 10  XL 20 
h. Find the power factor of the circuit, and indicate whether
– it is leading or lagging.
i. Find the sinusoidal expressions for the currents and
j. Plot the waveforms for the currents and voltage on the
FIG. 15.144 same set of axes.
Problem 28.

29. Repeat Problem 28 for the circuit in Fig. 15.145, replacing

IL with IC in parts (c) and (d). + iR iL iC

Is = 2 mA ∠ 20° is = 3 sin(377t + 60°) e R 1.2  XL 2  XC 5


E R 10 k XC 20 k
– FIG. 15.147
Problem 31.

FIG. 15.145
Problem 29. 32. Repeat Problem 31 for the circuit in Fig. 15.148.

+ iR iL iC

is = 5  10–3 sin(377t – 20°) e R 3 k XL 4 k XC 8 k

FIG. 15.148
Problem 32.
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33. Repeat Problem 31 for the circuit in Fig. 15.149, replacing e is

with is in part (d).
iC iR iL
+ YT
e = 35.4 sin(314t + 60°) XC 5 R 22  XL 10 

FIG. 15.149
Problem 33.

SECTION 15.9 Current Divider Rule

34. Calculate the currents I1 and I2 in Fig. 15.150 in phasor form
using the current divider rule.

I = 20 A ∠ 40° I1
XL1 60  I = 6 A ∠ 30°

R 22  XC
R I2
XL2 20 
12  6

(a) (b)

FIG. 15.150
Problem 34.

SECTION 15.10 Frequency Response of Parallel IR IL

Elements + ZT
*35. For the parallel R-C network in Fig. 15.151: E = 40 V ∠0° R 5 k L 200 mH
a. Plot ZT and uT versus frequency for a frequency range of –
zero to 20 kHz.
b. Plot VC versus frequency for the frequency range of
part (a).
c. Plot IR versus frequency for the frequency range of part FIG. 15.152
(a). Problems 36 and 38.

37. Plot YT and uT (of YT  YT ∠uT) for a frequency range of zero

+ to 20 kHz for the network in Fig. 15.151.
40  38. Plot YT and uT (of YT  YT ∠uT) for a frequency range of zero
I = 50 mA ∠0° R C 2 mF VC
to 10 kHz for the network in Fig. 15.152.

39. For the parallel R-L-C network in Fig. 15.153:
a. Plot YT and uT (of YT  YT ∠uT) for a frequency range of
zero to 20 kHz.
FIG. 15.151
Problems 35 and 37. IL
ZT +
I = 10 mA ∠0° R 1 k L C 4 nF VC
*36. For the parallel R-L network in Fig. 15.152: 100 mH
a. Plot ZT and uT versus frequency for a frequency range of –
zero to 10 kHz.
b. Plot IL versus frequency for the frequency range of part
c. Plot IR versus frequency for the frequency range of part FIG. 15.153
(a). Problem 39.
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b. Repeat part (a) for ZT and uT (of ZT  ZT ∠ uT).

c. Plot VC versus frequency for the frequency range of
part (a).
d. Plot IL versus frequency for the frequency range of part

SECTION 15.12 Equivalent Circuits

40. For the series circuits in Fig. 15.154, find a parallel circuit
that will have the same total impedance (ZT).

20  40  2 k 6 k 3 k


(a) (b)

FIG. 15.154
Problem 40.

41. For the parallel circuits in Fig. 15.155, find a series circuit
that will have the same total impedance.

XL 60 
8.2 k
ZT ZT R 68 
R XC 20 k
XC 20 

(a) (b)

FIG. 15.155
Problem 41.

42. For the network in Fig. 15.156: f. Find the current IC for each capacitor using only Kirch-
a. Calculate E, IR , and IL in phasor form. hoff’s current law.
b. Calculate the total power factor, and indicate whether it g. Find the series circuit of one resistive and reactive ele-
is leading or lagging. ment that will have the same impedance as the original
c. Calculate the average power delivered to the circuit. circuit.
d. Draw the admittance diagram. *43. Repeat Problem 42 if the inductance is changed to 1 H.
e. Draw the phasor diagram of the currents Is , IR , and IL ,
44. Find the element or elements that must be in the closed con-
and the voltage E.
tainer in Fig. 15.157 to satisfy the following conditions.
(Find the simplest parallel circuit that will satisfy the indi-
cated conditions.)
a. Average power to the circuit  3000 W.
b. Circuit has a lagging power factor.
is = 2 sin 2p 1000t

iR iL I = 40 A ∠ v
+ 220  L = 10 mH
e R C 1 mF C 1 mF
– E = 100 V ∠ 0° 20  ?

FIG. 15.156 FIG. 15.157

Problems 42 and 43. Problem 44.
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PROBLEMS ⏐⏐⏐ 711

SECTION 15.13 Phase Measurements a. e and yR2

b. e and is
45. For the circuit in Fig. 15.158, determine the phase relation-
c. iL and iC
ship between the following using a dual-trace oscilloscope.
The circuit can be reconstructed differently for each part, but 47. For the oscilloscope traces in Fig. 15.160:
do not use sensing resistors. Show all connections on a re- a. Determine the phase relationship between the wave-
drawn diagram. forms, and indicate which one leads or lags.
a. e and yC b. Determine the peak-to-peak and rms values of each
b. e and is waveform.
c. e and yL c. Find the frequency of each waveform.

SECTION 15.15 Computer Analysis

+ vR – + vL –
PSpice or Multisim
+ 48. For the network in Fig. 15.126 (use f  1 kHz):
a. Determine the rms values of the voltages VR and VL and
e C vC
the current I.
– – b. Plot yR , yL , and i versus time on separate plots.
c. Place e, yR , yL , and i on the same plot, and label ac-
49. For the network in Fig. 15.146:
FIG. 15.158
a. Determine the rms values of the currents Is , IR , and IL .
Problem 45.
b. Plot is , iR , and iL versus time on separate plots.
c. Place e, is , iR , and iL on the same plot, and label accord-
46. For the network in Fig. 15.159, determine the phase rela- ingly.
tionship between the following using a dual-trace oscillo-
scope. The network must remain as constructed in Fig. 50. For the network in Fig. 15.128:
15.159, but sensing resistors can be introduced. Show all a. Plot the impedance of the network versus frequency
connections on a redrawn diagram. from 0 to 10 kHz.
b. Plot the current i versus frequency for the frequency
range zero to 10 kHz.
is +
R1 iC *51. For the network in Fig. 15.136:
+ R2 vR2
– a. Find the rms values of the voltages yR and yC at a fre-
e C quency of 1 kHz.
– L iL b. Plot yC versus frequency for the frequency range zero to
10 kHz.
c. Plot the phase angle between e and i for the frequency
range zero to 10 kHz.
FIG. 15.159
Problem 46.


Vertical sensitivity = 0.5 V/div. Vertical sensitivity = 2 V/div.

Horizontal sensitivity = 0.2 ms/div. Horizontal sensitivity = 10  s/div.
(I) (II)

FIG. 15.160
Problem 47.

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