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Questions1 – 3 are about the following news.
California wildfires have destroyed more than 1,000 homes

(CNN)One person died and 10 homes burned in a fire that started Saturday in California's Carmel Valley south of
Monterey, fire officials said. Two nearby communities are under evacuation as the fire has burned 1,200 acres so far
and is only 10% contained, according to the state wildfire fighting agency, Cal Fire.
Three other people have died so far in this summer's wildfires: a 72-year-old woman with multiple sclerosis who couldn't get
out of her house, a 66-year-old man who didn't follow evacuation orders, and an elderly person who was found by cadaver
Two more large wildfires burning for days in Northern California have destroyed more than 1,000 homes and
hundreds of outbuildings, fire authorities said.
The Valley Fire has consumed 585 homes as while raging through Lake, Napa and Sonoma counties over the course
of a week. It has destroyed hundreds of other structures and scorched more than 70,000 acres of land, according to
Cal Fire.
Another wildfire burning in a nearby area, the Butte Fire, has destroyed 511 residences and more than 330 outbuildings in
the course of at least 10 days. Cal Fire's data was posted late Saturday.
Late Saturday, many of the other current fires burning in California were nearly 100% contained, and the Valley Fire and
Butte Fire were mostly contained.
The American West has seen one of its worst fire seasons this year, burning through a particularly large area of the
landscape, according to the National Interagency Fire Center. Nearly 9 million acres have gone up in flames so far
this year compared with close to 3 million over the same period in 2014.
This year's tally is already higher than any other in the last decade. Four years of exceptional drought in California in
particular have provided a lot of dry tinder for the flames.
CNN's Tony Marco contributed to this story.
1. What made the wildfire in California higher than the year before?
A. Due to exceptional drought C. Due to difficulties in evacuation E. Due to a lot of fires
B. Due to crowded housing D. Due to late firefighters
2. It has destroyed hundreds of other structures and scorched more than 70,000 acres of land. (paragraph 4). The
word ‘it’
refers to:
A. Lake county C.Wildfire E. The Butter fire
B. Sonoma county D.The Valley fire

3. Late Saturday, many of the other current fires burning in California were nearly 100% contained. The word
‘contained’ has the closest meaning with:
A. Consisted C.Unbounded E. controlled
B. Flamed D.Closed

Student Volunteers Needed!

.M. until 4 P.M., Carverton Middle School will be holding a music festival in the school gymnasium. The special event will feature a var


Make posters 1 P.M.–4 P.M. December 5th
Set up gym 11 A.M.–4 P.M. December 11th
Help performers 9 A.M.–4 P.M. December 12th
Welcome guests 10 A.M.–2 P.M. December 12th
Clean up gym 4 P.M.–7 P.M. December 12th

should speak with Ms. Braxton, the music teacher. Students who would like to help at the festival must have written permission from

4. What time will the festival begin?
A. 10 A.M. C. 1 P.M. E. 9 A.M.
B. 1 A.M. D. 2 P.M.
5. What job will be done the day before the festival begins?
A. Making posters D.Cleaning up the gym E. Welcoming
B. Setting up the gym E.Helping the performers guests
6. Who is told to talk to Ms. Braxton?
A. Parents C. Teachers E. Performers
B. Students D. Guardians
Questions 7 – 10 are about the following text.
A tornado can do a lot of damage. The wind of tornado rushes at great speed around a funnel-shaped cloud. It travels in a
path a few hundred feet wide and about twenty-five miles long. As the wind circles counterclockwise, the funnel spirals
higher and higher. The force of the wind sucks tip water, dirt, and objects, and carries them along with it. It may drop
them again many miles away. Houses and huge trees have been drawn into tornado funnels. At sea, ships have been
nearly sunk by tornadoes dropping water on them.
East of Australia people talk about a rain of blood. This is caused by a tornado picking up red dust and mixing it with
water to make red rain. There are even stories about a rain of fish and frogs caused by a tornado sucking them up
and then dropping them.
7. A tornado is a …
A. Rainstorm C. great circling wind E. a rain of blood
B. dust storm D. huge funnel of water
8. The path of tornado is usually …
A. short and narrow C. as long as its width E. a and b
B. wider than its length D. as long as its width
9. The wind in a tornado usually travels …
A. straight up C. Down E. Spiral
B. up and around D. Down
10. The “rain of blood” east of Australia made of …
A. fishes and frogs C. rusty water E. sea water
B. red dust and water D. real blood
Questions 11 – 15 are about the following text.
Ki Hadjar Dewantoro, original name Raden Mas (Lord) Suwardi Surjaningrat (born May 2, 1889, Yogyakarta, Java-
died April 26, 1959, Yogyakarta), founder of the Taman Siswa school system, an influential and widespread network of
schools that encouraged modernization but also promoted indigenous Indonesian culture.
Dewantoro was born into a noble family of Yogyakarta and attended a Dutch-sponsored medical school but
failed to complete the course. Active in the nationalist cause, he belonged to a faction favouring direct action and the
use of Western methods to destroy the power of the Dutch. He was also a member of the Bandung chapter of
Sarekat Islām (“Islamic Association”) and a founder of the Socialist Indische Partij (“Indies Party”). An article he
wrote during this period, “If I Were a Netherlander,” published in the Indische Partij’s De Express, led to his exile to
the Netherlands between 1913 and 1918.
In the Netherlands he became converted to the idea of using Indonesian cultural traditions to cope with the problems
posed by Dutch colonial rule. He felt that education was the best means to strengthen Indonesians, and he was deeply
influenced by the progressive theories of the Italian educational reformer Maria Montessori and by the Indian poet
and philosopher Rabindranath Tagore.
The first Taman Siswa schools were established in Java in July 1922. Instruction, carried on informally,
emphasized traditional skills and values of Javanese life, particularly music and dance. Western subjects were taught, too,
in order to help students cope with the demands of modern life. Overcoming initial official hostility, the Taman Siswa
schools had spread throughout the archipelago and were by the late 1930s subsidized by the Dutch colonial
government. Based on traditional Javanese concepts, the Taman Siswa schools appealed primarily to those segments of
Indonesian society termed abangan, in which the Islamic faith is less deeply entrenched. Dewantoro continued his
leadership of Taman Siswa after the war and upon his death was acclaimed a national hero.
11. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?
A. Dewantoro’s background C. Dewantoro’s birth E. Dewantoro’s activities
B. Dewantoro’s royal family D. Dewantoro’s education

12. What is the purpose of Taman Siswa?

A. To fight Dutch colonial rule C. To promote Indonesian culture E. To emphasize traditional skills
B. To strengthen Indonesian D. To make Indonesia famous
13. Why was Ki Hadjar Dewantoro exiled to the Netherlands?
A. Because of his article in the Indische Partij’s De Express
B. Due to his activities in the socialist Indische Partij
C. Because he was a member of Sarekat Islam
D. Because of his relationship with western country
E. Because he was born into a noble family
14. What IS NOT TRUE about Taman Siswa?
A. Ki Hajar Dewantoro was founder of Taman Siswa
B. The 1st Taman Siswa was established in 1922
C. In 1930 the Dutch colonial government subsidized Taman Siswa
D. Western subject was prohibited for Taman Siswa
E. Ki Hajar Dewantoro was deeply influenced by Maria Montessori
15. Dewantoro continued his leadership of Taman Siswa after the war and upon his death was acclaimed a national
hero. The underlined word has the closest meaning with ...
A. Praised C. Declared E. emphasized
B. Criticized D. announced
Questions 16 – 20 are about the following text.
Why Children Should Be Encouraged to Play Outside
About twenty years ago, when the Internet was not so easily accessible, and daily life was not spammed with all
kinds of gadgets and electronic toys, children used to spend much more time outdoors. Nowadays, however, children
prefer to spend free time at home, as this way they can watch more TV, play XBox or Playstation, play games on
their parents’ tablets, and so on. Although this may also be more comfortable for parents, as they can watch and control
their child easier when at home, for a child’s sake, it is better to encourage him or her to play outdoors.
According to a new study held in Australia, teenagers who are regularly engaged in moderate-to-vigorous outdoor activity
tend to have better health and easier social interactions than their peers who prefer to stay at home and play games.
On average, the difference in time spent outdoors for these two groups was about 2.5 hours
Indeed, as it has been discovered, outdoor activity does not just generally improve the way a child feels; there are a
number of specific benefits a child or teenager receives from playing outdoors. Spending a lot of time outdoors helps
teenagers avoid or reduce stress and feel more relaxed, have more confidence in themselves, boosts self-esteem and
allows them to keep in touch with old friends and also make new ones.
What is also important, spending time outdoors helps children to develop skills connected to creativity and invention.
According to Robin Moore, an expert in the design of play and learning environments, the objects of the outdoors
grant children with limitless possibilities for playing, and each time a child steps outside, these games change, or new
ones are invented. Creative skills that a child develops when playing outside can help him or her in the future – for
example, when there is a need to solve a non-standard task, or come up with a new idea.
Although the popularity of gadgets and gaming consoles is beneficial for parents (since it is easier for them to control and
watch their children when they are at home), for children’s sake, it is better that they spend more time outdoors.
Playing outside not only improves a child’s general physical and psycho-emotional condition, but makes him or her
physically stronger, more flexible, and self-confident. Playing outdoors positively affects self-esteem, helps a child to
maintain a healthy weight, and develop social contacts. Moreover, playing outdoors contributes to the development of
creative thinking and imagination. Therefore, parents should encourage their children to spend much more time
16. What does the text tell us about?
A. Differences of children activities in the past and at the present time
B. How to spend free time wiith children
C. The needs of physical activity to boost children’s health
D. The benefits of playing outdoors for children
E. The objective of playing outdoors for children

17. The followings are some advantages for children playing outdoors, except:
A. Parents can control their child easier
B. Children tend to have better health
C. Children can have more confidence
D. Children can be more creative
E. Outdoor activities help children avoid stress

18. How can playing outdoors help children in the future?

A. By having more confidence
B. By developing their creativity
C. By building stronger bones and muscles
D. By spending their free time with others
E. By playing game in front of screen

19. What is the thesis of this essay?

A. Outdoor activities encourage children to do social interactions
B. Indoor activities help parents to control their children
C. Parents need to accomodate outdoor activities for children
D. Comparing children activities in past and at the present time
E. It is better to encourage children to play outdoors
20. Rearrange the following sentences into the correct and meaningful paragraph!
1) If you don’t have an account yet, create one.
2) Sign in to get into your account in your mail provider.
3) Click compose message button to start writing your email.
4) Type the message you want to send just like typing a letter.
5) You may add a title for your email by typing it in the subject bar below the address.
6) When you finish typing, click send button. Your email will be sent to the desired address.
7) Prior to writing, decide the receiving mail address by typing it on the address bar or browsing it in your
contact database.
The best arrangement of sentences above is ....
A. 1-2-4-5-7-3-6 C. 3-7-4-5-1-2-6 E. 7-3-4-2-1-5-6
B. 2-1-3-7-5-4-6 D. 4-3-2-1-5-7-6
Questions 21 - 24 are about the following letter
The following are letters to the editor of a school newspaper.
Students should be allowed to study without worrying about grades. Fortunately, most educators are becoming aware of
the fact that students have different interests and abilities. However, the regimentation resulting from grades still exists.
Grades often stifle creativity. Competing for better grades causes many students to turn down success on everyone. I do
not demand as some extremists do, that grades should be abolished immediately. However, I do believe that less
emphasis should be placed on grades. I hope that someday grades will become optional at Village High School,
opportunities to pursue music, dramatics and sports. Grades impose an arbitrary standard.
Magdalena Smith, President,
Drama Club
Let's face the facts about grades. Grades perform three basic functions. First, grades motivate students to work at their
highest level of competence. Second, they act as a reward for hardworking students and as a reprimand to students who
do not work hard. Finally, grades are used as an effective standard by which to measure student achievement. Good
grades help students to get jobs and to get into university. I've spoken with a number of students who have jobs, and most
of them say that they were hired primarily on the basis of their grades. My grades helped me land a part-time job and
will help me get into university next year. I think grades are extremely important at Village High School.

Simon Harper, Member,

Science Club
21. Simon Harper writes from the viewpoint of someone who:
A. wants business to hire more students
B. believes in the benefits of good grades
C. is concerned about students' creativity
D. supports students' interests and abilities
E. doesn't work too hard at his studies

22. Which of the following statements is a fact about grades at Village High School?
A. They are not useful C. They foster unnecessary competition E. They are currently in use
B. They stifle creativity D. They should be optional
23. Which of the following is NOT an opinion expressed by Magdalena Smith?
A. Grades should be abolished.
B. Regimentation results from grades.
C. Grades impose arbitrary standards of success.
D. Students should be able to learn without worrying about grades.
E. Competition may discourage students from pursuing subjects such as drama and art

24. Grades often stifle creativity. The underlined word means:

A. Stimulate C. Restrain E. boost
B. Encourage D. Enhance
Questions 25 - 26 are about the following invitation
will hold a whole-day team-building exercise at the Claremont Beach Resort in San Diego.
following order: bounty-hunting, tug-of-war, boat-building, and team relay. After lunch, we will do puzzle-solving exercises in separate
llowing skills in the organization: creativity, innovation, flexibility, and teamwork. The full participation of everyone is encouraged.
ill have breakfast there at 6:30 a.m. and the company bus will leave at exactly 8:00 a.m. Casual dress and sports get-ups are musts. We

25.What should participants bring?

A. Snacks C.Lunch E. boat.
B. Casual clothing D.Crossword puzzles
26. What is the purpose of the
A. activity? To improve company C. To come up with new product E. To refresh the
teamwork. ideas employee
B. To improve employee well-being. D. To foster company loyalty.

Questions 27 - 28 are about the following explanation

All butterflies have "complete metamorphosis". To grow into an adult they go some through its stages and each
stage has a different goal.
A butterfly starts life as a very small, round, oval or cylindrical egg. The coolest thing about butterfly eggs,
especially monarch butterfly eggs, is that if you look close enough you can actually see the tiny caterpillar growing
inside of it. Butterfly eggs are usually laid on the leaves of plants, so if you are actively searching for these very tiny eggs,
you will have to take some time and examine quite a few leaves in order to find some.
When the egg hatches, the caterpillar will start his work and eat the leaf they were born onto. This is really
important because the mother butterfly needs to lay her eggs on certain type of leaf which the caterpillar will eat - each
type of caterpillar likes only certain types of leaves. Since they are tiny and cannot travel to a new plant, the mother
caterpillar needs to hatch its egg on the kind of leaf it wants to eat. Caterpillars need to eat and eat so they can grow
quickly. When a caterpillar is born, they are extremely small. When they start eating, they instantly start growing and
expanding. Their exoskeleton (skin) does not stretch or grow, so they grow by "molting" (shedding the outgrown
skin) several times while it is growing.
The pupa stage is one of the coolest stages of a butterfly's life. As soon as a caterpillar has reached its full
length or weight, it changes itself into a pupa, also known as a chrysalis. This is the stage of developing.
Finally, when the caterpillar has fully grown adult if you are lucky, you will see an adult butterfly emerge.
When the butterfly emerges from the chrysalis, both of the wings are soft and folded against its body. The butterfly will be
able to fly after the blood circulation reaches its wings.
27. The text is about ....
A. the growth of a butterfly C. the lifecycle of a butterfly E. the reproductive system of a butterfly
B. the characteristics of a butterfly D. fully grown butterfly
28. What will happen if the caterpillar has reached its full weight and length? It will ....
A. lay eggs C. search for food E. emerge a beautiful butterfly
B. start eating D. form a chrysalis
The following Text is for questions no. 29 – 31
Everybody likes home sweet home however making office at home is possible and recommended. Of course
office will have both advantage and disadvantage. Therefore it is wise to consider the strengths and weaknesses to
have a home office.
Some people will agree that having an office at home will make benefit. It saves time. We need no commuting
which occasionally takes a long time. Besides we are free to set the work schedule. Having home office will save
money as we need not to purchase or lease of office space from rent companies. What make it more flexible is that we
can set part or all parts of our home just as a real office. What we need is only a wireless router to cover all parts
of our house with Internet. We can run our business wherever part of house we want, from living room, bed room,
veranda, etc even we can make sales or purchases by online shopping for things we need. Furthermore working at
home might reduce stress, effort and time and divert it to other more productive things because while working, we
are close to our families.
However making home as office also has some disadvantages. For some people, keeping the schedule is hard in
flexible time. Such people type wills harder if they are working just from home. There will no clear border between
working and breaking. Working just from home also reduces the possibility to meet new people. It is true that
computer and Internet connection possibly relate people every time and everywhere but we will interact with them in
a dimension which is not real face.
So considering carefully what we actually need in running our business is much recommended before choosing to have
office at home or not.
29. What is the communicative purpose of the text?
A. To tell about advantages of a home office
B. To persuade readers to have a home office
C. To explain how to do a home office
D. To discuss about having a home office
E. To critics a home office
30. The followings are people’s opinion about home office, EXCEPT:
A. We do not need to set the work schedule
B. Home office means we work at our home.
C. We will have no border between working and breaking.
D. We will get closer to our families
E. Keeping the schedule is hard in flexible time.
31. We need no commuting which occasionally takes a
long time. The underlined word has the closest meaning
A. Travelling C. Transferring E. driving
B. Changing D. riding
The following Text is for questions no. 32 - 34
Last night I caught “Eclipse” on PPV TV and a sillier, more inane movie I’ve never watched in ages. The back stories
add nothing to the plot, Kristen Stewart is even more irritating if that’s possible, and the whole “triangle” between Bella,
Jacob and Edward is such a farce I couldn’t help laughing. There is no triangle to speak of, actually; only Jake’s
inability to accept no for an answer. There were two things I liked about this film: one was the new actress who
plays Victoria, and the other was Edward’s touching explanation of why he insists on no sex before marriage:
he wants to re-live the old- fashioned way of courtship he was cheated of when he was made a vampire. Kind
of sweet, when you think about it.
Taken as a whole, however, “Eclipse” adds up to two hours of nothing. Even the intrusion of the evil Volturi
toward the movie’s end seems more like an afterthought tacked onto the story. “Twilight” and “New Moon” still occupy a
place on my

Crappy Movies You Can’t Help Watching list, but “Eclipse” has earned a spot on my other list of Crap y Movies I
Don’t Care If I Never Watch Again.
32 What does the writer think about the movie?
A. It’s not an interesting movie
B. The movie lasts too long
C. The writer wants to watch again
D. The plot was in a good sequence
E. It’s kind of sweet memories
33 What is the good thing about the movie according to the writer?
A. The back stories and the plot
B. A triangle speak between Bella, Jacob, Edward
C. The intrusion of the evil Volturi toward the movie’s end
D. When Edward became Jake’s friend
E. Edward’s explanation on no sex before marriage
34 … and the other was Edward’s touching explanation of why he insists on no sex before marriage. The underline
words means:
A. Need C.Challenge E.agree
B. Enforce D.approve
The following Text is for questions 5 – 37
One afternoon, a mouse deer was sitting in a pit, eating nuts. He heard a tiger was coming closer and he thought the
tiger was going to eat him. The mouse deer was very scared and his heart beat so hard. Then, an idea came to his
mind and he made a loud noise of chewing nuts, saying, "Wow, how delicious is this tiger's eye!" He repeated it for
five times.
Tiger, the king of jungle, was so scared to hear that and he moved back.
Tiger met a bear on the way and he said, "Hey, Bear. Do you hear what is the anim l on the pit over there, eating
tiger's eyes?" Bear said, "I don't know, Your Majesty,"
Tiger said, "Then let's see."
Bear replied "But I'm scared, Your Majesty"
Tiger said, "Don't worry. Let's make a deal with me. We're going to stay together, uniting our tails. If anything happens,
both of us will face it."

Tiger and Bear tied their tails and moved into the pit with full cautions because they were expecting to see a big enemy.
The mouse deer was surprised again. He thought quickly and yelled, "Oh, that's the glutton tiger! His father owes us a
white bear, now he will pay us with a black bear. Come on black, over here."
Bear was so surprised. "Hey, it's a Tiger's t ick! He wanted to use me to pay his father's debt!"
Bear went into a panic, which also made Tiger panic because they were tied each other.
Accidentally, Tiger stepped on the Bear's tail, and then jumped. tiger?
Bear off That's why Bear doesn't have long tail.
Thus the mouse deer escaped from the tiger twice.
35 What does the last paragraph tell us about?
A. The mouse deer can save himself from the bear
B. Both tiger and bear tied their tails
C. The panic tiger made the bear’s tail cut off
D. A poor bear was left by the tiger
E. The tiger jumped on the bear’s tail

36 Which of the following IS NOT the characteristic of the

as beaten on the ground hard, and his tail was cut
A. Foolish C.Nervous E.Arrogant
B. Coward D.Selfish


37. What can we learn from the story?

A. Be calm in facing any problems. C. Don’t worry be happy E. Don’t be selfish toward others
B. Be careful before steping a head D. Frightening kills yourself
The following Text is for questions no. 38 – 39
8th January 2004
Dear Jane.
I hope you are feeling better Are you able to sit in the garden and enjoy the sunshine?
We all miss you in the office and look forward to your return. There have been a few changes since you went into hospital.
Eric Johnson has now retired (lucky man) and Matthew has taken over Eric's job. He is struggling at the moment. He
hopes you will return soon to rescue him from the muddle.
I thought you would like the book I'm sending you with this letter I saw it in the bookshop and thought it would make you
laugh. I know you’ve always wanted to live in Greece. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it and find time to read it before you
return to work Take it easy and look after yourself I'll write again soon.
Best regards
38. Why did Sheila write that letter to Jane?
A. Sheila informed Jane that Mathew has taken her job
B. Sheila encouraged Jane to get well soon
C. Sheila wanted Jane to read a book in the hospital
D. Sheila told Jane that everybody missed her
E. Sheila hopes Jane would help Mathew
39. Which of the following sentences is NOT stated in the text?
A. Jane was in the hospital quite a long time
B. Mathew is a new employee who takes Eric’s job
C. Eric Johnson was retired from that office
D. Sheila sent Jane a letter, roses and a book about Greece.
E. Jane enjoyed sitting in the garden under the sunshine
The following Text is for questions no. 40 – 42
Birds are interesting flying animals. They are vertebrates and warm blooded animals. They belong to aves class and they
can be found all over the world.
Birds breathe with their air pocket. Beside as respiration organ, air pocket also can enlarge or reduce their weight when flying
or swimming.
There are many kinds of birds. Each bird has special characteristics. They have different morphology according to their
food and their habitat. Some of them eat seeds, pollen, fish or meat. There are some species that live in land and the
others live in water. Land birds live on their nest.
Female birds have specific tasks. They lay eggs and feed their baby, beside that they look for foods for their baby.
40. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To report about kind of birds C. To tell a story about birds E. To describe a flying animal.
B. To inform us about birds D. To explain how birds fly
41. Which of the following information IS TRUE about the birds?
A. Birds are vertebrates and cold blooded animals
B. Birds can be found all over the world except in South Pole
C. The air pocket help birds to breathe and to save their weight
D. The air pocket will adjust their weight when flying or swimming
E. Male birds look for food for their baby while the female feed them.
42. They have different morphology according to their food and their
habitat. The sentence means ….
A. Each birds has its special food and habitat
B. The birds species depend on their characteristics
C. Birds with different food and habitat have different species
D. All birds have different food and habitat
E. The birds’ food and habitat determine their existence

The following Text is for questions no. 43 - 45
Nusa Dua is a lovely commune devoted to tourism. The most exclusive and well-known remedy in Bali offers the
best in terms of tourist structures and services, well-built and efficient hotel complexes with exclusive facilities, golf
course with international standards where worldwide competition are also held, luxurious shops and exclusive
beaches for tourists only. Nusa Dua differs from the rest of the Bukit Peninsula. In place of cliffs, sandy soil
descends to a long white beach stretching from Nusa Dua proper all the way to Tanjung Benoa harbor, five
kilometers to the north. The beach at Nusa Dua is sheltered by coral reef which creates an ideal family beach,
while Tanjung Benoa specializes in water sports.
43. What is the main idea of the text above?
A. The devoted commune of Nusa Dua C. The lovely beach of Nusa Dua E. The Tanjung Benoa in
Nusa Dua
B. The exclusive remedy in Bali D. The Bukit Peninsula in Nusa Dua

44. Tourists who want to enjoy banana boats and snorkeling should go to ….
A. Nusa Dua C. Tanjung Benoa E. Family beach
B. Bukit Peninsula D. Coral reef

45. This clause is taken from the sentence “… which creates an ideal family beach” The word which refers to ….
A. Nusa Dua beach C. Tanjung Beno E. Sandy soil
B. Coral reef D. Bukit Peninsula

Questions no. 46 and 47 has no relation with the text above.

46. Rearrange the sentences below to make a coherent paragraph.
1. He lives in a small town and knows every family on his route.
2. Neil Moore has been a postman for 20 years.
3. At Christmas many families give him presents.
4. They appreciate his dedication and good service.
5. He has carried mail in heat and in cold, in rain and in snow.
6. He has delivered thousands of letters to homes on his mail route.
A. 1-2-3-4-5-6 C. 2-5-6-1-3-4 E. 2-6-5-1-4-3
B. 6-1-3-5-2-4 D. 4-5-6-3-2-1
47. 1. I answered reluctantly, "Because he is not Phil Collins!".
2. Willy is very inquisitive. He likes asking me everything he wants to know.
3. Willy asked me at once, "Dad, why is the policeman using a whistle, not a drum?"
4. Last week I took my five-year old son, Willy, to a musical instrument store.
5. On the way, he saw a policeman blowing his whistle to regulate the passing cars and other vehicles.
6. I wanted to buy him a set of junior drum because his drum teacher advised me to buy him
one. A good order of the sentences above is:
A. 4 – 6 – 2 – 5 – 3 – 1 C. 6 – 4 – 2 – 5 – 3 – 1 E. 5 – 3 – 1 – 4 – 6 – 2
B. 4 – 6 – 2 – 3 – 5 - 1 D. 6 – 4 – 2 – 1 – 3 – 5
The following text is for questions no. 48 to
50 Complete the text with appropriate
Nuclear power seems in some ways much (48) … than other sources of energy. Take oil or coal as an example.
they are used in power stations, a great deal of smoke is (49) …. The smoke contains a great deal of acid. Even
if the smoke is cleaned by filters, a lot of the acid still escapes into the air. This can be carried by clouds from
power stations in England to Scandinavia. When it rains there, the acid comes down with the rain. (50) …, the
fish, in lakes and trees in forests begin to die.
48. A. Cleaner C.Easier E. dirtier
B. cheaper D.harder
49. A. Inhaled C.Produced E. combined
B. performed D.destroyed
50. A. However C.Due to E. As a
B. Moreover D.In spite of result

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