D. Annie Did Not Use Her Given Name: A. Traditional Stories

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Questions 1-11

Sharpshooter Annie Oakley is a mainstay in the folklore of the Old West. Born Phoebe Ann
Moses in 1860, Annie Learned to shoot at a very young age out of necessity: she hunted for birds
and small game animals to help feed her family and to make some extra money by supplying the
local hotel restaurant with her catch. She soon became known for her excellent marksmanship and
began taking part in shooting competitions at a very young age. It was rather unusual for a young
girl not only to take part in such competitions but to win over older, more experienced male
competitors. At the age fifteen, she defeated Frank Butler, a professional marksman, in a
competition. She and Butler were married a year later, and together they look part in shooting
In 1885, they joined probably the most famous of all western shows, Buffalo Bill's Wild West
touring show. As part of their act. Annie shot a cigarette out of her husband's mouth; Frank Butler's
participation in this part of the act clearly demonstrated his faith in his wife's shooting ability.
Annie also accepted volunteers from audience to take part in her act, and on one occasion, while
touring Europe, she even shot a cigarette out of the mouth of Crown Prince Wilhelm of Germany.

1. Which of the following is closest in meaning to “Folklore” in line 1?

A. Traditional stories
A. Western stories
B. Children's stories
C. Cowboy stories

2. The Passage indicates that.

A. The name Annie Oakley was given to her at birth.
B. Annie changed her name to Phoebe at a young age.
C. The name phoebe Ann Moses was Annie's choice.
D. Annie did not use her given name

3. The passage indicates that Annie learned to hunt.

A. For pleasure
B. In order to survive
C. As part of a competition
D. Because it was a normal activity for someone her age.

4. The word “marksmanship” in line 4 indicated

A. Competitiveness
B. Ability to earn money
C. Ability with a gun
D. Attitude about work

5. How was the young Annie different from other girls her age?
A. She used a boy's name
B. She worked in a local hotel
C. She married at a much younger age than was considered normal.
D. She won shooting competitions.

6. According to the passage, what did Annie do one year prior to her marriage?
A. She defeated her future husband in a shooting match.
B. She learned to shoot.
C. She changed her name.
D. She joined Buffalo Bill's Wild Wesr touring show.

7. The pronoun “they” in line 8 refers to

A. Male competitors
B. Annie and Frank
C. Shooting exhibitions
D. Western shows

8. The word “demonstrated” in line 11 is closest in meaning to

A. Disprove
B. Showed
C. Tested
D. Demanded

9. The passage suggests that Annie took a shot at Crown Prince Wilhelm because
A. Wilhelm wanted her to do it
B. Annie dislike him tremendously
C. Germany was at war with the U.S
D. Annie disliked smoking

10. Where in the passage does the author describe one of the tricks in Annie's act?
A. Line 1-4
B. Line 4-5
C. Line 9-10
D. Line 10-11

11. The information in the passage

A. Lists a cause followed by an effect
B. Moves from general to specific ideas
C. Is in chronological order
D. Is in spatial order

Questions 12-20
To understand the forces behind thunder and lightning, one must recall basic information
about electricity, that things can become either positively or negatively charged with electricity
and that two things with opposite charges will attract each other, as the opposite charges become
stronger, the attraction becomes greater; eventually the attraction becomes strong enough to result
in a discharge that makes the two things electrically neutral again.
Lightning results when one could full of moisture develops an opposite charge in relation to
another cloud. The pressure continues to build until there is enough pressure to break down the air
separating the two clouds. A discharge occurs to neutralize the opposite charges in the two clouds,
and this discharge is what we see as lightning. As this discharge of lightning of occurring, the
lightning follows the “path of least resistance”; it therefore does not follow a straight line but
zigzags in order to find the easiest route.
Thunder occurs during the discharge of electricity. As the discharge occurs, the air in the
vicinity expands and contracts rapidly; the rushing air currents collide, causing the sound that we
hear as thunder. Light travels much faster than sound (the speed of light is 186,284 miles per
second, while the speed of sound is 1,100 feet per second), so we see the light first and then hear
the sound later. Of course, the farther away the thunder and lightning are, the greater the lapsed
time between the two. In fact the amount of lapsed time between the two can be used to determine
how far away the thunder and lightning are.

12. What does the passage mainly

A. Basic information about electricity
B. The causes of thunder and lightning
C. How lightning occurs
D. Why thunder and lightning do not seem to occurs together

13. Which of the following is NOT true about electric charges?

A. Something can have either a possitive charge or a negative charge
B. If one thing is possitive and the other is negative, they will attract each other
C. If two things have strong negative charges, they will attract each other strongly
D. If the attraction between two things gets very strong, a discharge can occurs
14. The word “moisture” in line 6 is closest in meaning to
A. Wetness
B. Electricity
C. Gas
D. Positive charge

15. The passage states that lightning occurs when opposite charges develop in two
A. Drops of moisture
B. Air currents
C. Paths
D. Clouds

16. The “path of least resistance” in line 10 is what type of path?

A. The easiest
B. The strongest
C. The brightest
D. The most electrically charged

17. The word “zigzags” in line 10 indicates that something

A. Curves
B. Moves directly
C. Proceeds with sharp turns
D. Shines

18. The word “contracts” in line 13 is closest in meaning to

A. Becomes larges
B. Associates
C. Speeds up
D. Reduces
19. Which of the following is implied in the passage?
A. The speed of sound is faster than the speed of light
B. If you see and hear something at the same time, it is far away
C. Humans can travel faster than the speed of light
D. Something that is very close will be seen and heard at roughly the same time

20. The paragraph following the passage probably discusses

A. Why lightning is not straight
B. The speed of light versus the sound
C. Further characteristics of electricity
D. Figuring out how far away thunder and lightning

Questions 21-30

The cliff dwellings of the southwestern United States provide another mystery to intrigue
Located in the Four Corners area of the U.S., where Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico
meet, the cliff dwellings were constructed during the Great Pueblo period, from approximately
1050 to 1300. The cliff dwellings are whole series of contiguous rooms built in layers into the
sides of cliffs. The sleeping rooms of the cliff dwellings were very tiny, often only one to two
meters wide and little more than one meter high, and they were built in complexes of up to
several hundred rooms together. The front rooms of the complexes were considerably larger.
These larger rooms were apparently the rooms where daily life took place.
When the cliff dwellings were first found by explorers, they had been abandoned. Archeologists
today are uncertain as to when or why they were abandoned and where the inhabitants went. There
some evidence, however, that the inhabitants left the cliff dwellings near the end of the thirteenth
century because   of a serious drought that is known to have occurred in the area from 1276 to 1299.
Archeologists believe that the inhabitants could have left the cliff dwellings to move southwest and southeast.
Today the descendants of the cliff dwellers are probably members of the Native American tribes of that area.
21. The paragraph preceding this passage most probably discussed
A. another puzzle for archeologists
B. the development of the Four Corners area
C. the explorers who found the cliff dwellers
D. today's descendants of the cliff

22. Which of the following best describes the topic of this passage?

A. The Great Pueblo period 
B. A description of cliff dwellings
C. What is known and unknown about the cliff dwellings
D. The Four Corners area of the United States

23. Why did the Four Corners area receive its name?
A. The area is a square with four corners
B. The cliff dwellings in the area each have four corners
C. The great Pueblos are four cornered
D. The corners of four states meet there
24. According to the passage, when were the clift dwellings built?
A. During the Great Pueblo period
B. After the drought
C. Sometime before 1050
D. At the same time that the explorers found them
25. The word "tiny" in line S is closest in meaning to which of the following?
A. Wide
B. Small
C. High
D. Large
26. The word "abandoned" in line 9 is closest in meaning to which of the following?
A. Thriving
B. Full of daily life
C. Empty
D. In a state of drought
27. A "drought" in line 12 is
A. A lack of food
B. Warfare with neighboring tribes
C. A desire to find a safer location
D. A shortage of water
28. According to the passage, which of the following are the authorities certain about?
A. Why the cliff dwellers abandoned their homes
B. That a drought occurred in the Four Corners area form 1276 to 1299
C. Where the inhabitants of the cliff dwellings went
D. When the cliff dwellers abandoned their homes

29. The word "descendants" in line 14 can bst be replaced by

A. Subordinates
B. Offspring
C. Inferiors
D. Ancestors

30. Which of the following is NOT discussed in the passage?

A. The life-style of the cliff dwellers
B. The size of the cliff dwellings
C. The mystery surrounding the abandonment of the cliff dwellings
D. The location of the cliff dwellings

Questions 31-40
Distillation, the process of separating the elements of a solution, is widely used in industry today. The two
most common methods of distillation are fractional distillation, used in the preparation of alcoholic beverages, and
flash distillation, used for the conversion of ocean water to fresh water.
In fractional distillation a mixture is separated into its various component parts by boiling. This method
makes use of the fact that different elements boil at varying temperature. For example, alcohol has a considerably
lower boiling temperature than water; the boiling temperature of water is 212 degrees Fahrenheit, and the boiling
temperature of alcohol is 172 degrees Fahrenheit. Thus, when a mixture of alcohol and water is heated, the alcohol
vaporizes more quickly than the water. The distillate is collected and the process is repeated until the desired purity
has been achieved.
Flash distillation does not require high temperatures but instead is based on pressure. In this process, a liquid
that is to be separated is forced from a compartment kept under high pressure into a compartment kept at a lower
pressure. When a liquid moves into the low-pressure chamber, it suddenly vaporizes, and the vapor is then
condensed into distillate.
31. The word "fresh" inline 3 could most easily be replaced by
A. Original
B. Modern
C. Inexperienced
D. Nonsaline

32. According to the passage, what makes fractional distillation occur!

A. Time
B. Pressure
C. Heat
D. Water

33. The word "thus" in line 7 is closest in meaning to which of the following?
A. However
B. Moreover
C. Furthermore
D. Therefore

34. According to the passage, what happens when water and alcohol are heated together?
A. Both the water and the alcohol evaporate at the same rate
B. The alcohol cannot evaporate because of the water
C. The alcohol evaporates at a temperature of 212 degrees Fahrenheit
D. The alcohol evaporates from the mixture first

35. The word "purity" in line 9 means

A. Godness
B. Cleanness
C. Righteousness
D. Thoroughness

36. According to the passage, in the flash distilation process, what causes the liquid to vaporize?
A. The pressure on the liquid is suddenly changed.
B. the liquid changes compartments
C. The addition of seawater to a solution causes a chemical change to occur
D. There is a rapid increase in the pressure on the liquid.

37. Which of the following processes would probably involve distillation?

A. Adding a new substance to a mixture
B. Dividing a pure element into smaller quantities
C. Mixing two elements together to from a new solution
D. Removing impurities from a solution

38. The word "vaporizes" in line 13 could bestbe replaced by

A. Becomes gaseous
B. Disappei
C. Becomes stressed
D. Solidifies

39. The main purpose of this passage is to

A. Axplain how salt water can be turned into fresh water
B. Give an example of fractional distillation
C. Describe a scientific process
D. Discuss the boiling temperatures of various liquids

40. This passage would most probably be assigned reading in which of the following courses?
A. Biology
B. Aquatics
C. Physiology
D. Chemistry

Questions 41-50
At first glance it might seem that a true artist is a solitary toiler in possession of a unique talent that
differentiates her or him from the rest of society. But after further reflection it is quite apparent that the artist is a
product of the society in which she or he toils rather than an entity removed from society. The genius of an artist
is really a measure of the artist's ability to work within the framework imposed by society, to make use of the
resources provided by society, and. most important, to mirror a society's values. It is society that imposes a
structure on the artist, and the successful artist must work within this framework. Societies have found various
methods to support and train their artists, be it the Renaissance system of royal support of the sculptors and
painters of the period or the Japanese tradition of passing artistic knowledge from father to son. The artist is also
greatly affected by the physical resources of her or his society. The medium chosen by the artist is a reflection
not only of the artist's perception of aesthetic beauty but of resources that society has to supply. After all,
woodcarvings come from societies with forests, bronze statues come from societies with available supplies of
metal, and woven woolen rugs come from societies of shepherds. Finally, the artist must reflect the values, both
aesthetic and moral, of the society in which she or he toils. The idea of beauty changes from society to society,
as seen in the oft cited example of Rubens' rounded women versus today's gaminlike sylphs, and the artist must
serve as a mirror of her or his society's measure of perfection. And society's moral values must equally be
reflected in art if it is to be universally accepted.
41. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. The effect of the artist on society
B. The role of the artist in improving society
C. The relation between an artist and society
D. The structure of society

42. The word “solitary” in line 1 is closest in meaning to?

A. Sociable
B. Monogamous
C. Sensitive
D. Lone

43. The author thinks that an artist is

A. Separate from society
B. A part of society
C. Differentiated from society
D. An entity removed from society

44. The word “mirror” in line 5 is closest in meaning to

A. Shine
B. Return
C. Reflect
D. Reject

45. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT a way that society imposes its structure
on an artist?
A. Society has found ways to train and support its artists
B. Society provides physical resources to an artist
C. Social imposes its value on the artist
D. Society allows the artist to use her or his unique talent to lead a solitary life

46. The word “medium” in line 10 could best be replaced by

A. Social milieu
B. Means of expression
C. Neutrality of position
D. Mediocrity o performance

47. Which of the following physical resources of art is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A. Stone
B. Wood
C. Wool
D. Metal

48. In the line with the authors point about resources, an area near an ocean might feature what type of art?
A. Shell jewelry
B. Water color portraits
C. Wood carvings of fish
D. Paintings of seascapes

49. A “sylph” in line 16 is probably someone who is

A. Artistic
B. Pretty
C. Curved
D. Slim

50. The example of Rubens' women is used to show that the artist
a. Has been supplied by society
b. Makes use of society's physical resources
c. Reflects society's aesthetic values
d. Reflects society's moral values

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