Education Should Be Obligatory Until The Age of Twenty.: Functional Language Practice: Agreeing and Disagreeing
Education Should Be Obligatory Until The Age of Twenty.: Functional Language Practice: Agreeing and Disagreeing
Education Should Be Obligatory Until The Age of Twenty.: Functional Language Practice: Agreeing and Disagreeing
Exercise 1
• Give each student a handout and ask them to do
the exercise. You could elicit the first two answers as
examples. Ask students what they think of the new rule
discussed in the dialogue. Do they think it’s a good idea
or a bad idea?
1 unfair
2 It’s true that
3 I agree with
4 I disagree with
5 right to say that
6 impossible
7 irresponsible
8 inconvenient
Exercise 2
• Students work in groups of four to act out the completed
dialogue. Encourage them to use intonation and
sentence stress to make their dialogue more dramatic.
Exercise 3
• Still in their groups, students choose a controversial
statement and discuss their opinions. Give them time
to think about the arguments in favour / against the
statement and remind them to use the functional
language from this lesson. You could tell students to
discuss one of the statements as a class debate, inviting
opinions from all students. Finally they can vote in favour
of or against the statement.
Third Edition Pre-Intermediate photocopiable © Oxford University Press