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1 Types of schools

Nursery /
Boarding Primary

Grammar School Secondary

Comprehensive Independent /

2 Match types of schools with their definitions.

Type of schools meanings
1 Nursery / a pupils live and study during the school year.
2 Primary b 5-11years old.
3 Secondary c is paid for by the government
4 Independent / d from the age of 11, which the government pays for. They
private select their pupils using an exam.
5 State e 11-16years old.
6 Comprehensive f is not paid for by the government, your parents would
have to pay school fees
7 Grammar g 3-5years old.
8 Boarding h anyone can go to this school
3 Fill in the gas with do, make or take.
1 _______ an exercise

2 _______ an exam

3 _______ an effort

4 _______ one’s best

5 _______ a break

6 _______ notes

7 _______ mistakes

8 _______ an assignment
4 Fill in the correct words from the box.
concentrate on motivation abandon participate skills

issues tolerance concept merely approach

1 Reading and writing are two of the ____________ which are considered to be
the most important in life. (learnt abilities)
2 The Parent-Teacher Association meets monthly to discuss _________
concerning the school. (topics)
3 A very complex subject is best taught using a simple _____________. (method)
4 When reading a text, language learners need to ____________ the sentence
structure and prepositions, as well as the vocabulary. (pay full attention to)
5 Teaching a subject in a lively, interesting way increases a student’s
____________ to learn. (motivation)
6 Miss Lin has so much _____________ that she can handle even the most
difficult of students. (patience)
7 Many teachers want to ____________ continual testing and concentrate more on
teaching. (stop doing)
8 If you want to ____________ in his game, you must listen to the instructions
first. (take part)
9 Arithmetic is ____________ the introduction to advanced mathematics, but it
must be learnt thoroughly. (merely)
10 The ____________ of formal examinations dates back to ancient China. (idea)
5 Match the idioms with their definitions.
idioms definitions

1 learn by heart A there is always sth you haven’t experienced


2 learn one’s lesson B learn sth after making a mistake

3 learn the hard way C memorise sth

4 you are never too old to D learn sth (unpleasant) by experiencing it


5 read sb like a book E read with great concentration

6 have one’s nose in a book F understand sb’s thoughts, ideas clearly

6 Choose the correct answer.

1 I can find many useful __________ about gardening in Gardeners’ Weekly.
a) advice b) tips c) information d) news
2 after her illness, Susan had to study hard to __________ up with the rest of the
a) look b) go c) do d) catch
3 The teacher assigned a difficult ___________ for homework.
a) job b) task c) instruction d) work
4 She ____________ to be the best student in the biology class.
a) reports b) claims c) insists d) says
5 He is trying to make ___________ for all the physics classes he missed.
a) up b) out c) in d) off
6 There was an interesting article about the Internet in last week’s ____________
of High-tech magazine.
a) handout b) issue c) volume d) leaflet

7 Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.

1 I wasn’t paying attention ______ what the teacher was saying so I couldn’t
answer her question.
2 Students should not be punished _____ making mistakes.
3 Only one people put ______ her hand to answer the question.
4 She studied for three year to get a degree ______ biology.
5 You have to be good _____ science and maths if you want to be an astronomer.
6 “You have to multiply the number _____ ten to get the answer,“ the teacher said.
7 Bill wrote an essay ______ the effects of air pollution.
8 She bent down to pick _____ a book she had dropped.
9 Students had to learn the definitions of the words _____ heart for the exam.
10 He looked at the information _____ the computer screen to find the answer.

1 Have you got any study problems or tips to share?
2 Read problems and tips below.
Meg What should I say to my sister?
Hi, E-tutor. Unfortunately, I share a bedroom and a desk with my elder sister. She
continually distracts me because she's noisy and disorganised. I think she's
disrespectful. I’ve got exams in a fortnight and I desperately need to revise. I can’t
concentrate when she’s studying too and the desk is always overflowing with stuff so
I can’t find anything. If I try to have a dialogue with my sister, she gets annoyed.

E-tutor Re: What should I say to my sister?

Hi, Meg. That’s a common complaint between siblings. Why don’t you discuss a
rota system so that you use the desk at different times? Or maybe you could
study at the local library, cultural centre or community centre a few days a week.
Make sure you’ve got storage space for everything on your desk: folders and
containers for your paper and stationery. If everything has its own place, it will
be easier to keep orderly. It might even be enjoyable to do this together. If it’s
easier to write instead of talking face to face, try messaging her and explain how
awful you feel.

Rudy Against the clock

My problem is time – or lack of it! Next month I’ve got 12 exams in three weeks.
How can I possibly study for all of them? It’s complicated. I think it's impossible.

E-tutor Re: Against the clock

Hi, Rudy. It isn’t impossible but you DO have to get started NOW. Make a study
plan and highlight periods of study time for each subject. Make a detailed plan
for this week and then do the same for the weeks ahead. It’s better to study for an
hour or so a day than just once a week, all day. Your brain needs time to process

Hayley Disaster

My problem is silly and a bit embarrassing. I just find it hard to study. I always
stop and start and I keep getting the impression that I’m learning the wrong
things. I’m a disaster. I don’t think you can really help me.

E-tutor Re: Disaster

Hayley, your problem isn’t silly at all! It's very real and lots of people experience
the same thing as you. Sometimes things improve if they join a study group. Set
up a group and meet a couple of days a week after school to study together. Take
turns to give presentations and teach other what you know. It's called 'peer
teaching' and is an effective and efficient practice for lots of students.

3. Grouping Who is it about? Write the sentences in the correct group.

a) This person feels embarrassed about a problem.
b) This person is advised to study a little every day.
c) This person is panicking because of insufficient time.
d) This person isn’t sure about which things need to be studied.
e) This person has exams in two weeks’ time.
f) This person is advised to create a detailed plan for studying.
g) This person is advised to study outside the house.
h) This person is advised to study with other people.
i) This person shares study space with a member of the family.

Meg Rudy Hayley

4. Choose the correct answer (true or false).

1. Meg doesn’t respect her sister. True False
2. Meg finds it difficult to talk to her sister. True False
3. E-tutor thinks Meg’s problem is unusual. True False
4. Rudy believes he has an impossible task. True False
5. E-tutor thinks Rudy needs to start studying immediately. True False
6. Rudy needs to study a little and often. True False
7. Hayley is confident that her problem can be solved. True False
8. E-tutor recommends that Hayley studies with a teacher. True False

5 Complete the sentences with a word from the box.

lack improve storage rota process

peers distracts efficient revise siblings

1. He _______________ me by playing music when I’m studying.

2. I need to _______________ for my end-of-year exams.
3. I have two _______________ – one sister and one brother.
4. We have a _______________ system for housework and it’s my turn to do the
washing-up today.
5. I need to find _______________ space for my things while I am travelling.
6. Some plants may die when there is a _______________ of rain.
7. Slow down! I can't _______________ all the information if you speak too
8. If the weather doesn’t _______________, we won't be able to have a picnic.
9. My _______________ at school are quite competitive at exam time.
10. Sharing a car is a more _______________ way of travelling to work every day

Use of English
1 Choose the correct answer.
When children are two or three years old, they can go to a __________ (1)
school, where they learn simple games and songs. Their first real school is called a
_________ (2) school. In Britain children start this school at the age of five. The
_________ (3) year in Britain begins in September and is divided into three
_________ (4). Schools __________ (5) for summer holiday in July. __________
(6) education begins at the age of about eleven, and most schools at this level are
_________ (7) which means boys and girls study together in the same classes. In
Britain education is __________ (8) from five to sixteen years of age, but many
children choose to remain at school for another two or three years after sixteen to
take higher exams. Most children go to _________ (9) schools, which are
maintained by the government or local education authorities, but some children go
to _________ (10) schools, which can be very expensive. University courses
normally last three years and then students _________ (11), which means they
receive their __________ (12). At university, teaching is by __________ (13) (an
individual lesson between a teacher and one or two students), _________ (14) (a
class of students discussing a subject with a teacher), _________ (15) (when a
teacher gives a prepared talk to a number of students) and of course private study.
Most people who receive a university place are given a _________ (16) by the
government to help pay their _________ (17) and living expenses.

1 A primary B nursery C secondary D boarding

2 A secondary B primary C grammar D major
3 A academic B teach C compulsory D study
4 A degrees B forms C grades D terms
5 A finish B break up C run D over
6 A higher B private C secondary D compulsory
7 A nursery B boarding C co-educational D academic
8 A voluntary B forbidden C compulsory D free
9 A private B state C elementary D higher
10 A state B secondary C private D drama
11 A break up B graduate C leave D complete
12 A certificate B level C degree D fees
13 A tutorial B lecture C lesson D discussion
14 A seminar B meeting C discussion D conversation
15 A lecture B practice C meeting D discussion
16 A award B prize C grant D certificate
17 A money B fees C fare D scholarship
2 Fill in the gaps

The Internet has changed 1) __________ (communicate) as we know it.

From education to 2) __________ (advertise) this new 3) __________
(technology) advance has affected 4) ___________ (practical) every aspect of our
life. Magazines newspapers and even books are “online” and can be read on the
computer. You can find 5) __________ (inform) on any topic – the 6) __________
(possible) are 7) __________ (end). The Internet can 8) __________ (instant)
connect you to other computers, allowing you to “chat” with people all over the
world. It’s actually very easy to learn how to use the system, and once you are
online, you’ll never want

1 What qualities make a great teacher?
2 You will hear five young people talking about what makes a good
teacher. For the following question, choose from the list which of the
opinions each speaker expresses.

a) A good teacher is entertaining.

b) A good teacher is strict.
c) A good teacher is praises efforts.
d) A good teacher has experience.
e) A good teacher is available outside the classroom.
f) A good teacher knows the subject well.

Speaker 1

Speaker 2

Speaker 3

Speaker 4

Speaker 5

3 Listen to a radio show about the value of a university education.

Choose the statement that best represents the opinions of the callers.

1  Caller 1
a) University education should remain free so that everyone can benefit from
b) The cost of university education nowadays is greater than its value.   
c) She attributes her success in her career to her university education.  
d) In her experience, going to university was a mistake which she regrets.  

2  Caller 2
a) University gives intelligent people the opportunity to prove their worth
above others.  
b) University is only suitable for intelligent people, as only they can engage
fully in debates.  
c) University provides opportunities to delve deeply into a subject with peers
and experts.  
d) University gives you excellent study skills which will help you in your

3  Caller 3
a) Apprenticeships and college courses should be valued as highly as university
b) University provides little in the way of practical skills and financial
c) Young people choose university because apprenticeships are no longer
d) Attending university would have allowed him to progress further in his

4  Caller 4
a) A university education improves your career chances and broadens your
b) In many parts of the world, a degree is a necessary pre-requisite in finding a
decent jo  
c) University gives you the chance to meet interesting people who might offer
you a jo  
d) University allows young people to leave their home towns, but live in a safe

5  Caller 5
a) University is only available to the privileged, and that is unfair to poorer
members of society.  
b) Too many people are going to university these days -not everyone can be a
c) University education has given us politicians and inventors who have made
this country great.  
d) The insight that professionals developed when they were at university
affects the whole society.  

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