Exercise 5

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Design a project or task for each of the following learning objectives:
1. Analyze the events leading to Rizal’s Martyrdom.
Learning Competencies: The final product submitted by the students must:
a. Be placed in a short bond paper in a creative way using artwork materials.
b. Be pleasing and easily understood upon reading and looking.
c. Present the events in a chronological order in a complete and informative
way that leads to the Martyrdom of Rizal.

2. Differentiate between monocotyledon and dicotyledon.

Learning Competencies: The final product submitted by the students must:
a. Contains a real life examples of monocotyledon and dicotyledon that is glued
in an illustration board.
b. Contains labels and caption for easier identification of its differences.
c. Be presentable, complete, informative and easier to be informed about its

3. Find an approximate value of the gravitational constant g.

Learning Competencies: The final product submitted by the students must:
a. Possess the correct formula (g= 9.81)
b. Be presented in complete solution.
c. Be easily understood and answered correctly in a systematic way.

4. Illustrate the concept of “diffusion”.

Learning Competencies: The final product submitted by the students must:
a. Drawn in a short bond paper and it is colored properly.
b. Be labeled properly with its correct descriptions and captions.
c. Be presented in a manner that is easily understood and must contain brief
explanation on how does diffusion occurs.

5. Illustrate the concept of “osmosis”.

Learning Competencies: The final product submitted by the students must:
a. Drawn in a short bond paper and it is colored properly.
b. Be labeled properly with its correct descriptions and captions.
c. Be presented and well discussed on what is the concept of osmosis in a
concise manner.

6. Illustrate the cultural diversity in the Philippines.

Learning Competencies: The final product submitted by the students must:
a. Placed in 1/8 cardboard illustration board.
b. Be used with colored materials and pictures to show the cultural diversity
of the Philippines.
c. Be presentable, complete, informative and pleasing to the viewers of the

7. Identify similarities and differences of at least two major dialects in the

Learning Competencies: The final product submitted by the students must:
a. Be placed in a Venn diagram to show it directly to the readers.
b. Clear, concise and is free from any grammatical error.
c. Be researched based and is informative which is very pleasing and understood
well by the readers.

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