Uart Design

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The key takeaways are that the UART is designed using Verilog HDL for implementation in FPGAs. It consists of independent transmitter and receiver modules that can be combined and tested using a simulation testbench.

The UART is designed using two independent HDL modules - one for the transmitter and one for the receiver. These can be combined at the top level as required. The modules are implemented and tested using Verilog HDL and simulation.

The main components of the UART are the transmit and receive shift registers, transmit and receive hold registers, and control logic blocks. It supports features like parity checking, error detection, and interrupt signaling.


Digital UART Design in HDL

Thomas Oelsner: QuickLogic Europe
Defining the UART The use of hardware description languages (HDLs) is becoming increasingly common for designing and verifying FPGA designs. Behavior level description not only increases design productivity, but also provides unique advantages for design verification. The most dominant HDLs today are Verilog and VHDL. This application note illustrates the use of Verilog in the design and verification of a digital UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver & Transmitter). The UART consists of two independent HDL modules. One module implements the transmitter, while the other module implements the receiver. The transmitter and receiver modules can be combined at the top level of the design, for any combination of transmitter and receiver channels required. Data can be written to the transmitter and read out from the receiver, all through a single 8 bit bi-directional CPU interface. Address mapping for the transmitter and receiver channels can easily be built into the interface at the top level of the design. Both modules share a common master clock called mclkx16. Within each module, mclkx16 is divided down to independent baud rate clocks. FIGURE 1 Digital UART

mclkx16 reset parityerr framingerr overrun rxrdy txrdy read write data[7:0]
Application Notes




Features of the UART Full duplex operation Standard UART data format Even or Odd parity mode Parity error check Framing error check Overrun error check Receive data ready interrupt Transmit data ready interrupt UART functional overview Supported 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

A basic overview of the UART is shown below. At the left hand side is shown the transmit hold register, transmit shift register and the transmitter control logic blocks, all contained within the transmitter module called txmit. At the right hand side is shown the receive shift register, receive hold register and the receiver control logic blocks, all contained within the receiver module called rxcver. The two modules have separate inputs and outputs for most of their control lines, only the bi-directional data bus, master clock and reset lines are shared by both modules. Smaller functions, such as combinatorial logic synthesized from HDLs, are mapped in parallel into independent fragments, providing high gate utilization without sacrificing performance. Related and unrelated functions can be packed into the same logic cell, increasing effective density and gate utilization.
Bi-Directional Data Bus
write interrupt

FIGURE 1 UART block diagram

Transmit Hold Register

6 7 8

interrupts read

Receive Hold Register Control Logic Control Logic Receive Shift Register
MUX reset mclkx16

Transmit Shift Register




SYMBOL mclkx16 reset parityerr TYPE input input output DESCRIPTION Master input clock used for internal baud rate generation. Master reset input signal. Indicates whether or not a parity error was detected during receive of a data frame. Encoding can be based on Even or Odd parity mode. Indicates if the serial data format sent to the rx input did not match the proper UART data format shown in Figure 2. Indicates when new data are sent to the receiver, but data previously received is still held internally by the receiver, and has not yet been read out. Indicates that new data has been received, and are ready to be read out. Indicates that new data can be written to the transmitter. Active low read strobe signal, used for reading out data from the receiver. Active low write strobe signal, used for writing data to the transmitter. Bi-directional data bus. Data to be transmitted, or data that has been received, are transferred through this data bus. Transmitter serial output. tx will be held high during reset, or when no transmissions are taking place. Receiver serial input. rx should be held high (pulled-up), when no transmissions are taking place. TABLE 1 I/O Functions of the UART





rxrdy txrdy read write data[7:0]

output output input input inout





Figure 3 shows the UART serial data format. Serial data are contained within frames of 8 data bits, as well as coded information bits. Between successive transmissions, the transmission line is held high. A transmission is initialized by a leading low start bit. Next to the leading low start bit comes 8 bits of data information, beginning with the LSB and ending with the MSB. After the 8 data bits comes the parity bit, representing the parity result of the 8 data bits. The parity bit can be set true based on even parity or odd parity mode. Next to the parity bit comes a trailing high stop bit indicating the end of a data frame.

The UART standard data format

Application Notes


FIGURE 3 Digital UART data format
LSB 8 data bits start bit parity bit stop bit


UART timing diagrams FIGURE 4 Transmitter Timing

Figure 4 below shows how data written to the transmit hold register gets loaded into the transmit shift register, and at the rising edge of the baud rate clock, shifted to the tx output.

Figure 5 below shows how data gets shifted from the rx input to the receive shift register, and afterwards loaded into the receive hold register. Finally the receiver raises therxrdy flag. FIGURE 5 Receiver Timing

The Transmitter module

The master clock called mclkx16 is divided down to the proper baud rate (equal to mclkx16/16) and is then called txclk. Data written in parallel format to the module is latched internally, and shifted in serial format to the tx output at the frequency of the baud rate clock. Data shifted to the tx output follows the UART data format shown in Figure 3.


SYMBOL mclkx16 reset write data[7:0] TYPE input input input input DESCRIPTION Master input clock used for internal baud rate generation. Master reset input signal. Active low write strobe signal, used for writing data to the transmitter. Data to be transmitted is written to the transmitter through the data bus. At the rising edge of the write strobe, the contents of the data bus are latched into an internal transmit hold register. Serial data output. Serial data frames are transmitted via this pin. The tx output will be held high during reset, or when no transmissions are taking place. Indicates that the data latched into the transmit hold register now have been successfully loaded into the transmit shift register, and the transmit hold register again is ready for new data to be written. TABLE 2 I/O Functions of the transmitter module





mclkx16 reset txrdy


FIGURE 6 Transmitter module

write data[7:0]

Application Notes


TABLE 3 Internal signals of the transmitter module SYMBOL thr TYPE reg[7:0] INTERNAL FLAG & SIGNAL DESCRIPTION 8 bit transmit hold register used to hold the contents of the data bus, when new data is written to the module. 8 bit transmit shift register, used for shifting out the contents of thr. The value of this bit indicates the parity mode of the transmitter. Initialized to 1 => Odd parity mode. Initialized to 0 => Even parity mode. Signal that holds the parity result of the tsr. Tag bits used for decoding the state of the transmission. Baud rate clock used to shift the contents of the tsr register to the tx output. txdone is true when a transmit sequence has been completed. txdatardy is true when transmit hold register holds new data that is ready to be transmitted. Indicates the state of the transmission, when the tx output gets the value of txparity. Count register used for dividing the clkx16 down to txclk.

tsr paritymode

reg[7:0] wire

txparity tag1, tag2 txclk txdone txdatardy

reg reg reg wire reg

paritycycle cnt

wire reg[3:0]

Behavioral description of the transmitter

The transmitter waits for new data to be written to the module. When new data is written a transmit sequence is initialized. Data that was written in parallel to the module gets transmitted as serial data frames at the tx output. When no transmit sequences are in place, the tx output is held high.
data write reset idle mode load mode shift mode

FIGURE 7 Sequence of transmitter


MODE idle DESCRIPTION Active high reset forces the transmitter into idle mode, and the tx output is held high. The transmitter is waiting for new data to be written to thr. If txdone and txdatardy both are true, the transmitter enters the load mode. The contents of the transmit hold register are loaded into the transmit shift register. Tag bits are concatenated to the transmit shift register for monitoring the sequence of transmission. The low start bit is asserted to the tx output. The signal txrdy indicates that the transmit shift register has been successfully loaded, and the transmit hold register again is ready for new data to be written. Data is transmitted from tsr to the tx output at the rising edge of txclk. Generation of the parity bit value takes place during the transmission. During shifting of data, the transmit shift register is "zero filled". Decoding of tsr and the tag bits determines the state of transmission: shifting data => tx gets tsr[0] parity cycle => tx gets txparity txdone => tx gets stop bit TABLE 4 Behavioral modes of transmitter module



Creating logic in Verilog starts with the module port declaration. This section defines signals that are ported to and from the module. No directions are specified at this point.

Implementation of the transmitter d l

module txmit (mclkx16, write, reset, tx, txrdy, data);

Next to port definitions comes port directions. Directions are specified as input, output or inout (bi-directional), and can be referred to in Table 1. Next to the specification of port directions comes the declaration of internal signals. Internal signals in Verilog are declared as wire or reg data types. Signals of the wire type are used for continuous assignments, also called combinatorial statements. Signals of the reg type are used for assignments within the Verilog always block, often use for sequential logic assignments, but not necessarily. For further explanation see a Verilog reference book. Data types of the internal signals of the module can be found in Table 3. FIGURE 8 Transmitter module declaration

Application Notes


We have now covered all necessary declarations, and are ready to look at the actual implementation. Using a hardware description language allows us to describe the function of the transmitter in a more behavioral manner, rather than focus on its actual implementation at the gate level In software programming languages, functions and procedures break larger programs into more readable, manageable and maintainable pieces. The Verilog language provides functions and tasks as constructs, analogous to software functions and procedures. A Verilog function and task are used as the equivalent to multiple lines of Verilog code, where certain inputs or signals affect certain outputs or variables. The use of functions and tasks usually takes place where multiple lines of code are repeatedly used in a design, and hence makes the design easier to read and maintain. A Verilog function can have multiple inputs, but always only one output, while the Verilog task can have both multiple inputs and multiple outputs and even in some cases, neither. Below is shown the Verilog task that includes all necessary sequential statements to describe the transmitter in the shift mode. FIGURE 9 Transmitter Shift Mode

task shift_data; begin tsr <= tsr >> 1; tsr[7] <= tag1; tag1 <= tag2; tag2 <= 1'b0; txparity <= txparity ^ tsr[0]; end endtask

// Right shift tsr by one. // Set tsr[7] = tag1. // Set tag1 = tag2. // Set tag2 = 0. // Generate parity.

Here we see the two tag bits called tag1 and tag2 concatenated to the transmit shift register. Similar tasks were created to describe the transmitter in idle and load modes. By using these Verilog tasks, we can now create a very easy to read behavioral model of the whole transmit process. If txdone and txdatardy both are true, the transmitter enters the load mode. After the load mode, the transmitter enters the shift mode. At the rising edge of the baud rate clock, the contents of tsr are shifted to the tx output. Parity generation takes place during shifting of the tsr, as shown in Figure 10.


always @(posedge txclk or posedge reset) if (reset) idle_reset; else begin if (txdone && txdatardy) load_data; else begin shift_data;

// Reset internal bits of transmitter.

FIGURE 10 Transmitter Shift Process

// Load new data to tsr. // Shift contents of tsr to tx output.

// Shift out data or parity bit or stop/idle bit. if (txdone ) tx <= 1'b1; // Output stop/idle bit. else if (paritycycle) tx <= txparity; // Output parity bit. else tx <= tsr[0]; //Shift out data bit. end end

Its important to note, that the tsr is "zero filled" during transmission. The combination of the two trailing tag bits and the zero filled tsr indicates the different states during shifting. Paritycycle is high on the cycle next to the last cycle, i.e., when tsr[1] gets tag2.
assign paritycycle = tsr[1] && !(tag2 || tag1 || tsr[7] || tsr[6] || tsr[5] || tsr[4] || tsr[3] || tsr[2]);

Txdone is high when the shifting is complete, i.e., when tx gets tag2.
assign txdone = !(tag2 || tag1 || tsr[7] || tsr[6] || tsr[5] || tsr[4] || tsr[3] || tsr[2] || tsr[1] || tsr[0]);

Based on the different states during the transmission sequence, the data bits, parity bit or stop bit are multiplexed to the tx output. The contents of the data bus are latched into thr at the rising edge of write. At the next rising edge of txclk, the contents of thr are loaded into tsr, the active low start bit is asserted to tx, and the txrdy flag indicates that thr again is ready for new data to be written. At each rising edge of txclk, the contents of tsr are shifted to tx. Parity generation takes place during the shifting of data. Paritycycle is high one cycle next to the last cycle, and tx gets the parity result. The internal txdone is high when the shifting is complete, and the active high stopbit is asserted to tx. Simulation of a transmit sequence

Application Notes


FIGURE 11 Transmit sequence using a 2mhz Baud rate

The Receiver module

Further details on the implementation are available in the design source file available from QuickLogic. The master clock mclkx16 is divided down to the proper baud rate clock called rxclk, and equals to mclkx16/16. Serial data to be received at the rx input of the module, must follow the UART data format shown in fig. 3. Data received in serial format can be read out in parallel format, through the 8 bit data bus.
mclkx16 reset read parityerr framingerr overrun rxrdy data[7:0] rx

FIGURE 12 Receiver module

TABLE 5 I/O Signals of the receiver module

SYMBOL mclkx16 reset read data[7:0]

TYPE input input input output

rx rxrdy parityerr framingerr overrun

input output output output output

I/O DESCRIPTION Master input clock used for internal baud rate generation. Master reset input signal. Active low read strobe signal, used for reading out data from the receiver. Data that are received can be read out in parallel format through the data bus. At the falling edge of the read strobe, the data are applied to the data bus. Receives serial data. rx should be held high (pulled-up), when no transmission are taking place. Indicates that new data has been received, and is ready to be read out. Indicates whether or not a parity error has occurred. Encoding can be based on Even or Odd parity. Indicates if serial data sent to the rx input did not match the proper UART data format shown in Figure 3. Indicates when new data are sent to the receiver, data previously received is still held internally by the receiver, and has not yet been read out.


SYMBOL rhr TYPE reg[7:0] INTERNAL FLAG & SIGNAL DESCRIPTION 8 bit receive hold register used to hold the contents of the data that has been received at the rx input. 8 bit receive shift register, used for shifting in the data at the rx input. The value of this bit indicates the parity mode of the receiver. Set to 1 => Odd parity mode. Set to 0 => Even parity mode. Signal that holds the parity result of the rsr. paritygen is pre-loaded with paritymode. After receiving a data frame, paritygen is true if a parity error has occurred. Baud rate clock signal used for shifting in data. Holds the stop bit of a data frame received at the rx input. Receiver status bit. Receiver status bit. Indicates that new data has been received, and is ready to be read out. Count register used for dividing the mclkx16 down to rxclk. TABLE 6 Internal signals of the receiver module

rsr paritymode

reg[7:0] wire

rxparity paritygen

reg reg

rxclk rxstop idle hunt rxdatardy rxcnt

reg reg reg reg reg reg[3:0]

Between successive transmissions, the transmission line is held high, according to standard UART behavior. The receiver waits in idle mode for the rx input to go low. At the falling edge of rx the receiver enters hunt mode, searching for a valid start bit of a new data frame to be received. If a valid start bit is detected, the receiver enter shift data mode. If an invalid start bit is detected, the receiver returns to idle mode. During reception of a data frame, various parity and error checks are performed. When a complete data frame has been received the receiver returns to idle mode. The basic operation of the receiver is shown below:
falling edge of rx reset idle hunting shift data

Behavioral description of the receiver

valid start bit

FIGURE 13 Sequence of receiver

Application Notes



TABLE 7 Behavioral modes of receiver module

MODE idle


shift data

DESCRIPTION Active high reset forces the receiver into idle mode. The receiver is waiting for a falling edge of the rx input, to indicate the start bit of new data frame to be received. Generation of the internal baud rate clock rxclk is disabled, to ensure that invalid data is not received. All bits of the receive shift register are filled with all 1s At the falling edge of the rx input, the receiver starts hunting/searching for a valid start bit. A valid start bit occurs with eight clock cycles of mclkx16 with rx staying low. This ensures correct sampling of the start bit and following data bits, at their respective center points, and prevents noise spikes at the transmission line to be interpreted as a valid start bit. If a valid start bit is found, the receiver enables generation of rxclk, now synchronized to the center point of the start bit. At the rising edge of rxclk, data are shifted from the rx input to the receive shift register. When a leading low start bit reaches rsr[0], the next rxclk will preset the receiver into idle mode again, thereby disabling generation of rxclk. When the receiver is done shifting data and returns to idle mode, the contents of the receive shift register is loaded into the receive hold register. The output flag rxrdy indicates that new data in receive hold register are ready to be read out.

The frequency of rxclk is equal to mclkx16/16, and the first rising edge of the rxclk will always occur at the center point of the start bit. Figure 14 below shows how generation of the baud rate clock rxclk is synchronized to the center points of the start bit and the following data bits. FIGURE 14 Synchronizing rxclk to the center point of start bit
1 start bit 8 data bits 1 parity bit 1 stop bit

mclkx16 rxclk


In order to create an easy to read and easy to maintain behavioral model of the receiver, two Verilog tasks are written to describe the different modes of the receiver. The Verilog task called idle_reset holds all necessary sequential statements to describe the receiver at reset condition, and when the receiver is in its idle mode.
task idle_reset; begin rsr <= 8'b11111111; rxparity <= 1'b1; paritygen <= 1'b1; rxstop <= 1'b0; end endtask

Implementation of the receiver module

// All 1's ensure that idle stays low during data shifting. // Preset to high to ensure idle = 0 during data shifting. // Preset to 1 => odd parity mode, 0 => even parity mode. // Forces idle = 1, when rsr[0] gets rxstop bit.

FIGURE 15 Receiver at reset condition and idle mode

When the receiver is not in its reset condition, and not in idle mode, the receiver samples data at the rx input, shifts the data to the receive shift register, and generates parity based on the incoming data. The Verilog task called shift_data holds all necessary sequential statements to describe all the above actions.
task shift_data; begin rsr <= rsr >> 1; rsr[7] <= rxparity; rxparity <= rxstop; rxstop <= rx; paritygen <= paritygen ^ rxstop; end endtask

// Right shift receive shift register. // Load rsr[7] with rxparity. // Load rxparity with rxstop. // At 1'st shift rxstop gets low "start bit". // Generate parity as data are shifted.

FIGURE 16 Receiver shifting data

Using the two Verilog tasks described above, we are now able to create the behavioral level description of the receiver in its reset condition, idle mode or when shifting in data. All of these actions are synchronous to the baud rate clock called rxclk, and the implementation is shown below.
always @(posedge rxclk or posedge reset) if (reset) idle_reset; // Reset internal bits. else begin if (idle) idle_reset; // Reset internal bits. else shift_data; // Shift data and generate parity. end

FIGURE 17 Receive process

Application Notes


A complete data frame has been received when the leading low start bit reaches rsr[0], and the receiver returns to idle mode again at the next rising edge of rxclk. At return to idle mode the receiver raises the receive data ready interrupt to indicate that the new data received now can be read out in parallel format. Error flags are updated as well upon return to idle mode, and cleared when data are read out of the receiver. At the falling edge of read, the contents of the rhr are latched to the data bus. In Table 8 shown below are the various error checks supported by the receiver.

TABLE 8 Error checks supported by

ERROR TYPE parity check

frame error


DESCRIPTION Parity generation takes place when data are received. A parity generator register called paritygen was pre-loaded in idle mode (1 = odd, 0 = even). After a complete receive session, the value of paritygen will indicate whether or not a parity error has occurred. If the stop bit of the data frame received is not equal to 1, its considered to be a frame error. The data frame did not match the standard UART data format as described in Figure 2. When new data has be received into the rsr, but rhr holds previously received data that hasnt been read out yet, its considered an overrun error. The contents of the rsr are not loaded into the rhr.

Simulation of a receive sequence receiver

Between successive transmissions, the transmission line is held high. At the falling edge of rx input, the internal rxcnt starts counting up, synchronous to mclkx16. If the rx input stays low for 8 cycles of mclkx16, the internal status bit idle is reset, and thereby enables generation of rxclk. Rxclk is now synchronized to the center point of the low start bit. At the rising edge of rxclk, data are shifted from the rx input to rsr. When the leading low start bit reaches rsr[0], the next rising edge of rxclk forces idle high again, and there by disable generation of rxclk. During a receive sequence, exactly 11 cycles of rxclk are generated, in order to sample a total of 1 leading low start bit, 8 data bits, 1 parity bit and 1 trailing high stop bit. At return to idle mode, the contents of rsr are loaded into rhr and the status flags are updated. The flag rxrdy now indicates that the contents of rhr can be read out. At the falling edge of read, the contents of rhr are applied to the data bus.


FIGURE 18 Simulation of a receive sequence using a 2MHz baudrate

We have now studied how HDLs can be used for the behavioral level design implementation of a digital UART. While HDLs make the design implementation easier to read and hopefully to understand as well, they also provide the ability to easily describe dependencies between various processes that usually occur in such complex event-driven systems as the UART. This ability to describe dependency between various processes is extremely valuable for simulation purposes as we will see very soon. Simulation stimulus in Verilog HDL is called a test fixture. A testfixture is a Verilog module that holds all lines of HDL code necessary to generate the simulation stimulus, while it at the same time port maps these signals to the design that is to be simulated. The port mapping is done by hierarchical module instantiation of the UART top level module into the test-fixture, as shown below.
uart m (.mclkx16(mclkx16), .reset(reset), .read(read), .write(write), .data(data), .rx(rx), .tx(tx), .rxrdy(rxrdy), .txrdy(txrdy), .parityerr(parityerr), .framingerr(framingerr), .overrun(overrun));

Using Hardware Description Language for Simulation

FIGURE 19 Top level UART module instantiation

This allows simulation stimulus to be applied to the inputs of the design, while monitoring the outputs of the design. Input stimulus can be made conditionally to the response on the outputs. Figure 19 shows how the test-fixture port maps to the top level of the UART.

Application Notes


FIGURE 20 UART model and test-fixture
module t; wire ; reg .; uart m (.); // Enter test-fixture code mclkx16 reset parityerr framingerr overrun rxrdy txrdy read write data[7:0] rx





Within the test-fixture the tx output of the transmitter module is looped back to the rx input of the receiver module. This allows the transmitter module to be used as a test signal generator for the receiver module. Data can be written in parallel format to the transmitter module and looped back in serial format to the rx input of the receiver module, and data received can be read out in parallel format from the receiver module. In order to automate the testing of the UART as much as possible, three independent Verilog tasks were written as follows: The Verilog task write_to_transmitter holds all necessary statements required to generate a single parallel data write sequence to the transmitter module. Data that is written to the transmitter upon execution of the write_to_transmitter task, gets latched internally to the test-fixture for later analysis. The Verilog task read_out_receiver holds all necessary statements required to generate a single parallel data read out sequence from the receiver module. Data that is read out of the receiver upon execution of the read_out_receiver task gets latched internally to the test-fixture for later analysis. The Verilog task compare_data holds all necessary statements required to compare the previous data written to the transmitter module, to the corresponding and most recent data received and read out from the receiver module. If any discrepancy occurs, the compare_data task flags an error by writing out the data values that were written to the transmitter module, as well as the corresponding data values that were received by and read out from the receiver module. The simulation is immediately stopped by the compare_data task if any discrepancy occurs.


Besides the three above-mentioned Verilog tasks, the test-fixture holds the statements to generate mclkx16, the master reset signals, and the tx to rx loop back feature. These statements are considered trivial, and will not be illustrated here, but can be referred to within the test-fixture itself. The core of the test-fixture is a behavioral level for loop that executes the three above-mentioned Verilog tasks in order to write all possible data combinations to the transmitter and verify that same data gets properly received by the receiver. The "for loop" is shown below in Figure 21.
// Write every possible combinations to the transmitter. for (i = 8'h0; i <= 8'hff; i = i + 1) begin write_to_transmitter(i); // Write new data to transmitter. wait(rxrdy); // Wait for rxrdy. read_out_receiver; // Read out data from receiver. compare_data; // Compare "data send" to "data received". end

FIGURE 21 Core sequence of test-fixture

The above shown "for loop" uses the Verilog wait statement. The wait statement is a concurrent process statement that waits for the conditional expression to become true. Hence in this case, the "for loop" waits for the receiver to complete any current receive sequence indicated by the rxrdy flag going high. Conceptually, the execution of the "for loop" stops until rxrdy goes high. When rxrdy goes high, the for loop immediately executes the read_out_receiver task, followed by the compare_data task. According to the UART data format shown in Figure 3, the test-fixture has to process 256 different data combination to the UART in order to test all possible data combinations. When the "for loop" has processed all data combinations without any error flags from the compare_data task, the test-fixture finally completes and stops. FIGURE 22 Top level UART simulation sequence

Application Notes


Figure 22 shows a simulation sequence using a 2MHz baud rate frequency, and illustrates the execution of the "for loop" from Figure 21. 1. 2. 3. 4. Data is written to the transmitter upon execution of the "write_to_transmitter task. The data written is automatically latched into data_written[7:0] at the rising edge of the write strobe. The txrdy flag indicates when the transmitter is ready for new data to be written. At the selected baud rate the data written in parallel format to the transmitter now gets transmitted in serial format through the tx output. The tx output is fed back to the rx input of the receiver. The rxrdy flag indicates when new data have been received. At the rising edge of the rxrdy flag, the "for loop" executes the read_out_receiver task. Data received is automatically latched into data_received[7:0] at the falling edge of the read strobe. Data_received[7:0] gets compared to data_written[7:0] by the compare_data Verilog task.

5. 6. 7.


Different flavors of the test-fixture

We have now briefly discussed the UART test-fixture, as well as various simulation aspects of the Verilog language. The UART test-fixture described above uses generic read and write signal sequences chosen by the author, but for more specific system level integration and simulation of the UART, the write_to_transmitter task as well as the read_out _receiver task can easily be modified to reflect any given CPUs write and read cycles. Should any further simulation features than already explained within this application note be required, the test-fixture can easily be modified to add these.

Silicon for synthesis

While HDLs as design implementation method offers several advantages over traditional FPGA design entry approaches such as schematic capture, it requires great flexibility as well as high performance by the target devices for the synthesis flow. The synthesis flow for the UART has been targeted to two flexible and high performance FPGA architectures available from QuickLogic, called the pASIC 1 and the pASIC 2 families. The results after synthesis and place and route is shown below in Table 9.


The UART design and simulation files were entered using the HDL sensitive editor called TurboWriter from Saros Technologies, and the HDL source files for the design were synthesized using the fast and efficient Synplify-Lite synthesis tool from Synplicity. After synthesis, the design was placed & routed using the SpDE place & ROUTE tools from QuickLogic. After Place & Route, the UART design was simulated using back-annotated Verilog post-layout timing models. The fast Verilog simulator called Silos III from Simucad was used for the post-layout simulation. All of these tools are available within the QuickWorks tool suite from QuickLogic. FIGURE 23 QuickWorks Tool suite

Function Utilization Transmitter Receiver Full Duplex UART Transmitter Receiver Full Duplex UART

PASIC 1* 27 logic cells 38 logic cells 66 logic cells 0 - 5MHz 0 - 5MHz 0 - 5MHz

PASIC 2** 20 logic cells 34 logic cells 54 logic cells 0 - 5MHz 0 - 5MHz 0 - 5MHz

TABLE 9 UART utilization and performance


*) Device used was QL12x16B-2PL68C **) Device used was QL2007-2PL84C

All numbers shown above represent worse-case numbers within commercial temperature range, Automatic Place & Route.

Application Notes




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