Pillow Shaker Marcom

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The Dreamland history began in Muar, Johor, in 1976 as a small business

manufacturing foam mattresses. Eventually, this business grew to become Malaysia's
pioneer innerspring mattress manufacturer in 1979. By 1987, Dreamland Holdings Bhd
was listed in the KLSE.

To tap into the global market, Dreamland joined hands with Pacific Dunlop which
is now known as Pacific Brands, Australia's largest bedding manufacturer and marketer.
In the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney, Pacific Brands was the Official Bedding Supplier
to the Olympic Athlete Village. For the first time, one bedding manufacturer supplied a
record breaking 24,000 mattresses to accommodate one single order. Pacific Brands is
also Asia's largest bedding supplier.

Today, Dreamland has three factories on five acres of land in Muar,

manufacturing not only spring mattresses but also a wide range of products including
cushions, bedding and polyester fibers.

Research and Development

Equipped with superior manufacturing and quality systems, as well as R&D

resources available through Pacific Brands at their research facility in Sydney,
Dreamland has emerged as a market leader in Malaysia and throughout Asia.

To ensure that each of the mattresses meets the highest requirements of

manufacturing standard, every step of the production is put under close scrutiny, from the
selection of coils to the foams or fibers and fabric of the mattress. Thus, Dreamland is
confident to produce the highest quality in spring mattresses and bedding components.
Technology is also constantly upgraded to facilitate the development of better and more
durable products that are environment-friendly.


Furniture Retailer
- Mattresses
- Bedding Accessories
- Furniture
- Bedroom & Sofa Bed

Mass Merchant

- Polyester Accessories
- Foam Accessories
- Mattresses
- Others


As we known, Dreamland has a wide range of product. Now they are planning to
design and create new product under the bedding accessories product category. Their
existing products which in these bedding accessories are such like:

Premium Pillows and Bolsters Premium Mattress Protector

Ovation pillows and bolsters Fresh Comfort Fitted Mattress Protectors

Fresh Comfort Pillows and bolsters

The innovation of product in Dreamland was given a name as ‘Pillow Shaker’,
this has backed by well-researched technology and quality materials with variety and
attractive features. The features are having an alarm to wake up people by giving the
vibration. The vibration also can use for head massage. People can do the head massage
before get to sleep or after get up from sleep. Besides that it also has usb port Mp3 sound
player so people can do the massage and get to sleep while listening to the music. It only
can be used by using battery.

The design of this Pillow Shaker is it is a plastic that cover with the fabrics. It
provide with the remote control to control the air that will blow inside the pillow. It is
convenient because it can bring to anywhere because it can be fold. Moreover they have
been using a series of anti dust mite protection such a HealthGuard, Ultra-Fresh and
Bioguard on fibres to safeguard our health. HealthGuard treated products help prevent the
spread of disease and infection caused by contact with fabrics which have been
contaminated by sneezing or coughing. HealthGuard also maintains odour-free surfaces
by killing the moulds which produce the smells. Ordinary mattress fabrics can provide an

ideal breeding ground for bacteria, fungi, mildew and mold. However, these unwelcome
critters cannot grow in our mattress fabric with BIOGUARD anti microbial treatment.
Ultra-Fresh is a unique and growing family of antimicrobials for use in products ranging
from woven and non-woven textile fabrics to diverse polymer, plastic and rubber-based
systems. These versatile and multifunctional antimicrobials inhibit the growth of a wide
spectrum of bacteria, fungi, molds and mildew to preserve the hygienic freshness of the
products treated

The company has make the advertising budget to advertise this new product
where they has assume of total budget around RM 120 000. The Pillow Shaker will be
advertised in various TV channels which are TV3, 8TV, NTV 7, and TV9. Besides, the
company has decided to advertise the product in newspaper which is METRO newspaper.


Dreamland has decided to make a price skimming technique. This technique is

designed to allow a business to charge each potential customer the most that he or she
would be willing to pay for a given product or service. The product or service is offered
at the highest price that customers will pay, and the price is incrementally dropped until it
reaches a level designed to be viable for the long term. Dreamland has decided to give the
price of “Pillow Shaker” is only RM99.90. This is a reasonable price for a pillow that has
variety attractive features like “Pillow Shaker”


Dreamland has made an analysis and research that there is no similar product with
this Pillow Shaker from any other brands. They belief with aggressive promotion it will
help to attract customer attention because it has an interesting features and offer an
affordable price.

One of their competitor brands such like Slumberland Sdn Bhd has never made
any innovation such like this Pillow Shaker. So this is a great opportunity for Dreamland
to reach their goal of target market.

By looking at the market, the customer will buy this product because the
innovation of this type of product has never invented by any other market and brands.
This product has high and well researched technology that has been design by the well-
known brand, Dreamland. The features are very interesting because it has vibrate to make
an alarm to wake us up and also has the head massage to make you feel more relax and
refresh after get up from sleep while listening to the mp3 sound player. Since most
customer in Malaysia and also customer in abroad have their own interest to try any type
of new product that have fascinated design and features, Dreamland belief their product
will be well-accepted by their customers.


SWOT analysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the Strengths,

Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a project or in a business venture. It
involves specifying the objective of the business venture or project and identifying the
internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieve that objective.

Dreamland has made an SWOT analysis for this new product which are:


• Dreamland Company is a very profitable organization, it has listed in KLSE

• It is a global manufacturing foam mattress technology and has good reputation for
fine products and services. Dreamland has three factories on five acres of land in
• The organization has strong ethical values and an ethical mission statement as
follows, “Giving You More”.


• It has competitor which is Slumberland. Slumberland has achieved its position as

a premier international bed manufacturer after decades of hard work, innovation
and strategic investment.


• Dreamland Company is very good at taking advantage of opportunities. They

have their own brilliant idea and high technology in the new product
• The company has the opportunity to expand its global operations. They are
always targeting of new markets to enter.


• Who knows if the market for Dreamland will grow and stay in favor with
customers, or whether another type of similar brands will replace Dreamland in
the future?
• Dreamlands’ success has lead to the market entry of many competitors and copy
cat brands that pose potential threats.




a. Male and Female

Target market for Pillow Shaker does not focus on gender segmentation. Both gender of
male and female can use this product Pillow Shaker for their personal purposes. Pillow
Shaker design does not segmented on only one gender, it is suitable for male and female

b. Age group

The age group for Pillow Shaker is more focus on the young adults, middle-aged and
mature consumers. It is actually designed for the purpose of give a head massage while
listening to the mp3 sound player and also has an alarm to wake up people. Most of the
buying decision will be on the adult age group that has their own income and working
people because they need this kind of product to make them feel relax and refresh
because of the tiring of their work. Besides, working adults are able to purchase Pillow
Shaker due to its affordable price. However teens group also are able to get this product.
This is because the pillow will help them to wake them up to go to school with fresh


a. Lifestyle

Working Adults with Family (Men and Women)

Working adults with family will be the suitable target market of Pillow Shaker. For
people with family, Pillow Shaker can be used as their home use for head massage inside.

b. Personality : Malaysian Culture

People in this group usually prefer to try a new product with this kind of new and
attractive technology that has provided useful and high quality features. This pillow
shaker can suits their style and preferences of lifestyle and personality.


Pillow Shaker is suitable to be used by people that lived in city or urban area. This group
of people tends to use high technology innovative product in their lifestyle.


Benefits: Quality, Design, Comfort, Perceived Value

This product has the ability to make an alarm by give a vibration. Beside that, it also has
the special feature of head massage. Other than this features, it also has usb port for Mp3
player so that the people can do the massage and get to sleep while listening to the music.
Besides that, this product believed to offer health benefits to the user. Such benefit gained
by using the head massage. The design of Pillow Shaker is unique, attractive, fun, and
interesting. Besides that, the quality of the product is high because of the product been
produced only by professional with well-researched technology with high quality


“Shake Till You Wake”

Dreamland tries to position its product by differentiation of their product from its
competitors. The company will offer a high quality product that ensures product can last
long accepted by the customers and reach the target market. They also used a good

material to produce where it will go several processes to ensure durability and quality of
Pillow Shaker

Pillow Shaker produced by Dreamland can be link to its benefit and product
function. This product is used by people to help them get up from sleep and give head
massage while listening to the music. This is the positioning strategy that we see from
Dreamland Company.


Dreamland has made their marketing communication objectives which are:

- They facilitate their successful introduction of new product, “Pillow Shaker”
through the media advertising which is television and newspaper and also do a
trade promotion.
- They are planning to build their sales of “Pillow Shaker” by provide the variety of
- They are going to inform their wholesaler, retailer, and consumers about the
Dreamland improvements.
- They will create brand awareness through the successful advertising and attractive
packaging of the new product.
- The “Pillow Shaker” is able to enhance the Dreamland image.


Dreamland has made their advertising budget. Below is the budgeting table:

TV3 15sec X 30spots @ RM1500 45 000

8TV 15sec X 40spots @ RM600 24 000

NTV 7 15sec X 40spots @ RM600 24 000

TV9 15sec X 40spots @ RM500 20 000

METRO Newspaper 1/2 page (259mm x 16mm) 3500

Fixed price: RM 4,500

Promotion price: RM 3,500
Save up: RM 1,000 (22%)

TOTAL(advertising expenses) 116 500



i) Television

Television can be one of the best medium to promote and market a product.
Television usually used by marketers today to promote new product. Beside the ability to
reach large target audiences, it is also rich with interactive communication message.
Message from advertisement in Television can create more powerful positioning strategy
to large number of target audiences.

With a large number of target audiences can be reach, it can increase the public
awareness about Pillow Shaker. Television advertisement can deliver message of
marketing communication and inform potential customers about Pillow Shaker. The mass
advertisement of this marketing tool can boost interest of Television viewers. We think
that Dreamland should starts promoting their Pillow Shaker through television
advertisement to gain more awareness of this product since most of new generation has
interested with high technology and fascinated product design.

Dreamland has chosen the Media Prima Berhad Televisyen Network value
package to advertise the “PillowShaker”. The company has chosen to advertise in several
tv channels which are TV3, 8TV, NTV 7, and TV9. Below are the
Media Prima Sales Fixed Packages:

Station Packages Day Time Spots RM Savings%
TV3 15sec X 30spots @ RM1500 Mon-Fri 0600-1800 14 45 000 50

Sat-Sun 0900-1800 16`

8 TV 15sec X 40spots @ RM1500 Mon-Fri 0800-1300 8 24 000 70

Mon-Fri 1300-1500 6

Mon-Fri 1500-1900 12

Sat-sun 0800-1900 14

NTV 7 15sec X 40spots @ RM1500 Mon-Fri 0800-1300 8 24 000 70

Mon-Fri 1300-1500 6

Mon-Fri 1500-1900 12

Sat-sun 0800-1900 14

TV 9 15sec X 40spots @ RM1500 Mon-Sun 1430-1800 20 20 000 75

Mon-Sun 2300-0100 20
MP Government/ministries 30

30% discount on total spends

TV3 : RM 45,000 for 15second x 30 spots per campaign package


(30spots across 2 weeks) (30spots across 1 week)

Mon-Fri 0600-1800 7spots x 2wks 14spots x 1wk

Sat-Sun 0900-1800 8spots x 2wks 16spots x 1wk

NTV 7: RM 24,000 for 15second x 40 spots per campaign package


(40spots across 2 weeks) (40spots across 1 week)

Mon-Fri 0800-1300 4spots x 2wks 8spots x 1wk

Mon-Fri 1300-1500 3spots x 2wks 6spotsx1wk

Mon-Fri 1500-1900 6spots x 2wks 12spotsx1wk

Sat-Sun 0800-1900 7spots x 2wks 14spotsx1wk

8TV : RM 24,000 for 15second x 40 spots per campaign package


(40spots across 2 weeks) (40spots across 1 week)

Mon-Fri 0800-1300 4spots x 2wks 8spots x 1wk

Mon-Fri 1300-1500 3spots x 2wks 6spotsx1wk

Mon-Fri 1500-1900 6spots x 2wks 12spotsx1wk

Sat-Sun 0800-1900 7spots x 2wks 14spotsx1wk

TV 9 : RM 20,000 for 15 second x 40 spots per campaign package


(40spots across 2 weeks) (40spots across 1 week)

Mon-Sun 1430-1800 10spots x 2wks 20spots x 1wk

Mon-Sun 2300-0100 10spots x 2wks 20spotsx1wk

ii) Printing Media Advertisement (Newspaper)

Printing Media advertising or press advertising can be described as advertising in

a printed medium such as a newspaper and magazine. This includes everything from
media with a very broad readership base, such as a major national newspaper or
magazine, to more narrowly targeted media such as local newspapers and magazine on
very specialized topics.

Dreamland also has decided to advertise the “Pillow Shaker” in the METRO
Newspaper. Harian Metro is not only the Malay language daily newspaper in the
country's number one, but now leads all newspapers in terms of the number of readers
controlled 15 percent of the total 14,289 million readers. Based on that percentage, the
number of Harian Metro readers are 2,143,350 people daily, Berita Harian (1,143,120),
Star (1,000,230) and Kosmo (428.670).Below are the price lists to advertise in METRO:

METRO newspaper:(National Edition) Black & White:


1/8 page (64mm x 16 mm) RM 1125 RM 1000 RM 125 (11%)

¼ page (128mm x 16 mm) RM 2250 RM 1800 RM 450 (20%)

½ page (259 mm x 16 mm) RM 4500 RM 3500 RM 1000 (22%)

1 page (259 mm x 33 mm) RM 9000 RM 6800 RM 2200 (25%)


A trade fair (trade show or expo) is an exhibition organized so that companies in a

specific industry can showcase and demonstrate their latest products, service, study
activities of rivals and examine recent market trends and opportunities.

We recommend that Dreamland should actively participate in a cultural trade

shows. In this event, the company salespeople can promote and explain the benefits and
specialty to the visitors. This opportunity can encourage the market to know how Pillow
Shaker is produced when they visited the booth. Salespeople can interact with the
customers in order to gain customers interest about Pillow Shaker.


A pioneer in spring mattress technology, Dreamland offers an extensive range of

high quality mattresses that meet the needs of your nightly comforts and individual

With more than 20 years of experience in the mattress industry, Dreamland

assures you great comfort, superior quality and durable mattresses that will accompany
you throughout your years of dream-filled nights. In conclusion, this new innovation
product of Dreamland which is “Pillow Shaker” is believed will achieve the target


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