Administrative Assistant Interview Questions

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Top 30 Administrative Assistant Interview Questions & Answers:

1) What is administrative assistant?

An administrative assistant is a person responsible for performing various tasks. These

include assisting in keeping records, making appointments, and doing similar tasks. The
person who wants to work as an administrative assistant is also working for typing, filing,
and office related activities.

2) What are the most important qualities needed to become an administrative assistant?

The important qualities needed to become an administrative assistant are:

 Coordinating the team: It is an activity that ensures that the right action is taken at
the right time.
 Time management quality: It is a way how a candidate plans and manages activities.
 Meeting scheduling quality: This quality includes tasks related to organizing business
or project meetings.
 Communication quality: This quality includes both verbal and non-verbal
conversation among office colleagues.
 Knowledge in word processing: It is needed to make the report, creating and editing
documents, etc.
 Dealing with emails and telephone calls: The emails and calls can be of office
colleagues and clients.
 Creating and maintaining records in the system: This can be important information
related to business that admin should manage.
 Arranging appointments: It includes activities related to the appointment of client
candidate and other resource of the organization
3) How to handle multiple supervisors as an admin assistant?

Admin assistant can handle multiple supervisors by providing the needed support. It can
also include the distribution of a work portion to co-workers. In case if any priority tasks
come up, then the admin assistant should address them.

4) How to work as administrative assistance when faced with pressure?

When administrative assistance faced with pressure, it can be managed using:
 organizational skills
 Redirecting stress energy into useful creative energy.
5) How can administrative assistance manage the daily Task?

Administrative assistance can manage the daily task by:

 Making a to-do list.

 Ranking the list from the most important to least.
 Putting the to-do list somewhere where the employee can see.
 Avoid tasks that are not required.
 Set the deadline for priority tasks.
6) Explain the basic software needed for the administrative work

The basic software needed for the administrative work are:

 Scheduling Software: Outlook and Google Calendar.
 Email Apps and Software: Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, etc.
 Spreadsheet Software: Excel and Google Sheet.
 Presentation Software: Microsoft PowerPoint and Slideshare.
 Document creation software: MS Word, Google Doc.
7) Why verbal communication is important in administrative assistance jobs?

Verbal communication is important in an administrative assistant job because:

 Administrative assistants need to support the entire workplace. The person

corresponds with managers and co-workers regularly.
 It is helpful when having a conversation on the phone or with a person who is
participating in the meeting and conversing with customers.
 Verbal communications include listening and responding appropriately. It can be
done using the correct tone for the situation.
8) Who is the office manager?

An office manager is someone who ensures office duties are completed effectively as well
as efficiently. This person also allocates the Task to other members of staff.

9) What are the advantages of having an administrative assistant?

The advantages of having a specific administrative assistant are:

 An administrative assistant can free up the mind.

 The person who works as an administrative can streamlines clerical duties.
 Welcome other people are coming in the office.
 It can fill the weakness or gap of business.
10) How to juggle competing assignments in an administrative assistant role?

Administrative assistance can juggle competing assignments by properly managing the time
and prioritizing work. A person can also do this by involving more members from a team to
complete the assignment.

11) Why adopting adaptive skill in administrative assistant is important?

Adopting adaptive skill in administrative assistant is important because:

 It provides flexibility in changing and adjusting work accordingly.

 A person can manage and order conflicting priorities in a composed manner.
 It gives administrative assistants a positive attitude towards their Tasks.
12) What are the common challenges faced by administrative assistants?

The common challenges faced by administrative assistants are:

 Deal with various work strategies:

It refers to the plan of work where different situations require different strategies to

 Interruption in work:
Co-workers of the company expect to be available at all times. Many times administrative
assistant receives emails at all working hours. This situation might lead to an interruption in
completing important tasks.

 Adopting new project work:

An administrative assistant has to provide many services to different people of the business.
Therefore, in this scenario adopting new project work and priorities tasks can become

 Lake of privacy at the office:

Administrative assistants rarely have their office space, which is personal. Generally, they
have to sit near communal spaces. So there are high chances of a lake of privacy at the

13) What to do if one employee did not get on with other co-workers?

In case if one employee did not get on with other co-workers, then look at the actions to see
doing anything that can contribute to the current situation.

14) What is touch typing?

Touch typing is an ability in order to use memory without using sight sense to find keyboard

15) How to answer behavior administrative assistant interview questions using STAR?

Follow the following process to answer interview questions using the STAR technique.

 Find an appropriate example.

 Make a layout that can easily describe a particular situation.
 Highlight the Task in which the person was involved.
 Share what action a person took.
 Share the result administrative assistant got.
16) Explain about a team player

A team player is a person who can easily work with a member of a group or team. Business
teams require team players in order to accomplish their goals.

17) Explain the characteristics of a team player in administrative assistant work

The characteristics of a team player in administrative assistant work are:

 Understand the role: Team members of organizations should provide good results

and profitability performance. This can clear about the expectation about the goals.
 Taking decision: An administrative assistant is responsible for deciding whether the
team would be functional, dysfunctional, or high-performing.
 Committed to the team: The team a group of competent and dedicated people. The
leader of this team should obstacles related to the skills, training, and performance
 Future-focused and optimistic: The team should view their self as optimistically. A
good team approach can work strategically and anticipate various actions for business
18) What is a legal admin assistant?

Legal Assistants are professional people who support lawyers in a legal environment.

19) Mention the important characteristics of legal admin assistant

the important characteristics of legal admin assistant are:

 The legal admin assistant performs legal analysis and research.

 Interpret rulings, laws, and regulations in the documents.
 Create, proofread, and revise legal document drafts.
 Record keeping with hard copy and an electronic copy of documents.
 Obtain needed information from other agencies or companies to complete the Task.
 Create and manage information, and also generate reference tools that can make
work easy.
 Make and format legal reports related to management.
 Regularly maintain and update tracking systems and databases.
 Respond to queries that are related to a legal case.
 Make sure effective and efficient administrative information and assistance.
20) What are the requirements for a legal administrative assistant?

The requirements for legal administrative assistant are:

 Analytical thinker and research skill.

 Ability to understand and interpret documental that used for legal purposes.
 Good organizational skills.
 Ability to meet deadlines.
 Should be work independently or as part of a team.
 Written and communication skills.
 Proficient in Lexis-Nexis, USAO, Microsoft Office, and scheduling software.
21) What are the best project management applications needed for the admin assistant?

Best project management applications needed for admin assistant are:

 Rational Plan: Rational Plan is an easy to use software suite used to plan, manage,
and track business project. It is a desktop application developed by Stand By Soft.
 Trello: Trello is a web-based project management tool created by Fog Creek
Software in 2011. This collaboration tool helps the admin assistant to organize projects
on board.
 Airtable: It is a project management solution which is suitable for organizations and
businesses of all sizes. It offers organization and collaboration functionalities in an
effective and mobile-friendly Table solutions
 Backlog: A backlog is an excellent project management software that is feature-rich
while being easy to use. The plans are cost-effective with multiple subscription options
and are billed per company rather than per user. Both cloud-hosted and on-premise
versions are available, as well as a free plan.
22) How to anticipate business needs?

Admin assistant can anticipate business need by:

 Taking the initiative to support a business instead of waiting for direction or approval.
 Completing the crucial assignment without needing to ask anyone.
 Learn how to solve problems and their complications.
23) Explain resourcefulness

Resourcefulness refers to the ability to overcome difficulties. The person who likes to work
as an admin assistant should know the things that are needed to adopt. The business
requirements change at a rapid pace, and therefore, a person needs to adopt them quickly.

24) Explain the importance of emotional Intelligence in admin assistant job

The importance of emotional Intelligence in admin assistant job are:

 It helps the person to work with other co-workers of the company easily.
 Emotional Intelligence can allow a person to understand the emotions of others.
 It enables the admin assistant to manage the emotions of colleagues.
 Emotional Intelligence can help the admin assistant in finding and manage the
25) Explain effective communication

This is an important question asked by the interviewer. Effective communication means

communication between persons in a way that message is:

 Properly encoded and received

 Deliver through proper channel
 Correctly decoded as well as understood by the recipient.

In a business, communication is called effective when the data or information shared among
employees leads to business success.

26) Mention the qualification needed a legal administrative assistant?

The qualification needed legal administrative assistants are:

 Paralegal certificate.
 Bachelor’s certificate in law.
 Experience in a legal environment.
27) What do you mean by faxing documentation?

Faxing documentation refers to either transmitting or receiving word documents by a fax


28) What is the meaning of screening a call?

Screening a call is the process of evaluating the phone calls before deciding whether to
answer or not.
29) Why diary management is important?

Diary management is important to keep track of events or appointments.

30) What is Microsoft Excel?

MS Excel is a grid program that is used to create a grid of formulas, numbers, and text
specifying calculations.

Top 30 sales administrator interview questions and answers

1. sales admin interview question: Tell me a little about yourself.

Where to start? What do they want to know? Should I start in high school, college, first grade?
It’s one of the most frequently asked questions in an interview: Tell me about yourself. The way
you answer this question will set the tone for the rest of the interview. This can be a challenging
question to answer if you are not prepared for it, but it’s really asked as an icebreaker.

Briefly talk about your current employer. Discuss 2-3 of your most significant accomplishments.
Talk about a few of your key strengths as they relate to the job for which you are applying and
how they can benefit from your strengths. Then discuss how you see yourself fitting into a
position at their company.

Related posts: 10 tips to answer question: tell me about yourself?

2. Sell me this pen?

It stumps a room of salespeople when Leo asks it in Wolf of Wall Street, and it still trips up
people today. There’s no right or wrong answer to this question, interviewers just want to see
your approach to the problem and how you think on your feet.

A good place to start is by prioritising benefits over features. Don’t worry, you can make them up
in this scenario. So don’t talk about the pen’s fine tip, instead discuss how it’ll help make messy
handwriting more legible. The pen isn’t just metal, it’s a chrome fashion item to accessorise
with. It isn’t just a ballpoint, it’s a reliable asset that won’t dry up when called on to write down
that number.

Better yet, ask your interviewers what frustrates them about writing and how this pen can solve
it. Whatever your technique, speak with enthusiasm, use positive body language and remember
to close the sale. “So, can I wrap this pen up for you?”

3. sales admin interview question: What are your greatest strengths?

They are asking you this in a broad sense. So ask yourself:  What are you best at doing?

Are you a good leader?

Are you a skilled time manager?
Are you a great communicator?
Are you a detailed planner?
Are you good at convincing others?
Whatever you are best at doing, give the interviewer the top 2 or 3 things you excel at.

DO THIS when answering: What are your greatest strengths?

+ Research the job description to find out what they are looking for and leverage your strengths
to match.
+ If leadership is something they are looking for talk about your experience as a leader and
projects you have successfully led.
+ Your strengths should be aligned with the requirements of the position you are applying for.
+ Talk about your strengths as a solution to their problems.


+ Don’t rattle of a list of strengths that are out of context with the job.
+ Don’t list personal strengths, like that you’re a good parent.
+ Don’t list strengths that you are unable to articulate through work experience.
+ Don’t say you’re not sure.
+ Don’t tell them you don’t have any.
+ Don’t be modest when you answer because this is an opportunity to sell yourself.

4. Do you prefer a long or short sales cycle?

Here are sample answers for the interview question “Do you prefer a long sales cycle resulting
in the sale of a large ticket item, or a shorter cycle with more frequent sales? ”
Sample Answer: I think there are interesting points to both types of sales. I like a longer sales
cycle, as it gives me time to get to know the customer, and spend time educating them about
the benefits and uses of the product. Shorter cycles are more intense, since you typically don’t
have the luxury of too much personal knowledge of the customer, or the time for lengthy
explanations. You need to hit the high priority topics rather quickly.

5. sales admin interview question: Why did you leave your last job?

Unless you’re still working, you will get asked this question. Even if you are working, they will
ask you why you want to leave. But more often than not, if you are not working, chances are
that you were laid off, terminated, or quit. You just have to let them know the reasoning behind
why you are not working at your most recent job.
If you left of your own free will, then explain why you left and what your plans were in doing so.
If you were fired for performance reasons, a simple explanation is all that is needed, but make
sure this will not affect the requirements for this new job. If you were laid off, let them know
several members of your team were laid off due to the economy and slowing product sales. But
warm that up a bit and put it into your own words so it makes sense.

DO THIS when answering:  Why did you leave your last job?

+ If you left of your own free will, tell them why you left and reflect positively on your former
employer. Tell them it was a hard decision to make but you felt it was the right choice for you.
+ If you were fired, be as brief as possible in your explanation and accept responsibility for what
+ If you were laid off due to downsizing or the economy then tell them this as long as it’s true.


+ Don’t bad mouth your past company, boss or co-workers

+ Don’t say that the pay was bad and you wanted more money.
+ Don’t say that the hours were terrible.
+ Don’t say that you could not get along with your manager.
+ Don’t lie if you were terminated.
+ Don’t defend yourself or place blame on the employer.

6. How did you land your most successful sale?

When you answer questions about your sales successes, be sure to give a tangible example of
how and why you were successful. When applicants are interviewed for a sales job the
interviewer is looking for quantifiable accomplishments i.e. closing the sale, 56% increase in
revenue year over year, how you made the sale, etc.
Sample Answer: My most successful sale was one where I had taken over a customer from
another salesperson who had to leave suddenly. I immediately contacted the person, and let
them know the situation. I knew that my colleague was having a difficult time getting the client to
commit to the purchase of a large motor home. Part of it was circumstantial, but when I was
given the opportunity to take over the sale, I was able to give the customer some reflection time,
and was ultimately able to close the sale.

7. sales admin interview question: What do you know about the company?

Any candidate can read and regurgitate the company’s “About” page. So, when interviewers ask
this, they aren't necessarily trying to gauge whether you understand the mission—they want to
know whether you care about it. Start with one line that shows you understand the company's
goals, using a couple key words and phrases from the website, but then go on to make it
personal. Say, “I’m personally drawn to this mission because…” or “I really believe in this
approach because…” and share a personal example or two.
8. What do you find most rewarding about being in sales?

Here are sample answers for the interview question “What do you find most rewarding about
being in sales?”
Sample Answers
• I really enjoy making contacts, and spending time talking with people. The most rewarding part
of being in sales, for me, is the time spent with customers, helping them make the right decision
about a product.
• I think the most rewarding thing about sales is providing customers with the best service
possible. I pride myself on making sure that a customer knows about the product they are
purchasing, and has the ability to use it to its fullest potential.

9. sales admin interview question: What are your long term career goals?

This top 10 question is asked to see how goal oriented you are with your life and if you have a
short or long term goal or plan for your career. Don’t say that you don’t know.

This is a good chance to tell the interviewer how you progressed through your career, how you
started and where you are at, today, and that you are right on track. Be specific and to the point.
Again, this is a short answer question.

You can really turn this answer around any which way that works best for you. The basic idea
that you want to get across to the interviewer is that you have a plan for where you are going.
Most people don’t, they just wander around from job to job, but not you.

For what every position or qualifications you possess, identify the next logical step for that
position and use that as your answer. Try to avoid job titles and focus on gaining experience
and responsibilities.

“For the past 3 years, I have been working as a systems analyst and I see myself growing by
moving into more challenging roles, with greater responsibility perhaps in management, or
project management.”

Related post: 10 tips to answer question: Where do you see yourself in five years

10. What do you think are the most important skills in succeeding in sales?

You could put a number on the skills to structure your answer around this. For example, “In my
opinion, the three most important sales skills are…” Instead of referring to specific sales
techniques, you should mention competencies and skills which a salesperson need to get
Below are some skills including:
• Adjust your approach to different people and situations.
• Ask a right question and how to listen.
• How to communicate and handle dissatisfaction and rejection of customers.
• Make plan and comply with it.
• Make influence on and persuade customers.
• To be good at negotiating for common agreement.

11. sales admin interview question: What are your biggest weaknesses?

Every candidate knows how to answer this question: Just pick a theoretical weakness and
magically transform that flaw into a strength in disguise!

For example: "My biggest weakness is getting so absorbed in my work that I lose all track of
time. Every day I look up and realize everyone has gone home! I know I should be more aware
of the clock, but when I love what I'm doing I just can't think of anything else."

So your "biggest weakness" is that you'll put in more hours than everyone else? Great...

A better approach is to choose an actual weakness, but one you're working to improve. Share
what you're doing to overcome that weakness. No one is perfect, but showing you're willing to
honestly self-assess and then seek ways to improve comes pretty darned close.

12. What are the most important sales skills?

Not everyone can handle sales. You need to have the right attitude and abilities. At your job
interview, the interviewer will be looking for your sales skills, and the aspects of the process that
help close deals. An example of a good answer includes “The ability to recognize both verbal
and non-verbal cues to adapt the sales strategies you implement to impress the prospective

13. sales admin interview question: What do you consider to be your biggest

professional achievement?

Here's an interview question that definitely requires an answer relevant to the job. If you say
your biggest achievement was improving throughput by 18 percent in six months but you're
interviewing for a leadership role in human resources ... that answer is interesting but ultimately

Instead, talk about an underperforming employee you "rescued," or how you overcame
infighting between departments, or how so many of your direct reports have been promoted....

The goal is to share achievements that let the interviewer imagine you in the position -- and see
you succeeding.

14. How do you move on from a rejection?

Rejections are common within sales jobs, and one of the primary reasons that most
personalities could not handle sales roles. Try to downplay how hard you take rejections, but
feel free and be honest about a technique you use to handle rejection or answer with something
like, “I simply move on to the next prospect, because a rejection is simply a sign that the
individual was not yet ready for our solution.”

15. sales admin interview question: What was your salary in your last job?

This is a tough one. You want to be open and honest, but frankly, some companies ask the
question as the opening move in salary negotiations.

Try an approach recommended by Liz Ryan. When asked, say, "I'm focusing on jobs in the
$50K range. Is this position in that range?" (Frankly, you should already know -- but this is a
good way to deflect.)

Maybe the interviewer will answer; maybe she won't. If she presses you for an answer, you'll
have to decide whether you want to share or demur. Ultimately your answer won't matter too
much, because you'll either accept the salary offered or you won't, depending on what you think
is fair.

Related post: Tips to answer question: what are your salary expectations?

16. How will you introduce yourself to the customers?

Customers are the backbone of an organization. As a sales person, you should know how to
handle their queries in a proper way.

While introducing yourself to the customer, also introduce your company. For example, “My
name is Meera. I am working with CareerRide Info. We are an online magazine and we help
create awareness about various career options for our site visitors.”

Be gentle and try to pay attention to the needs of the customer rather than focusing on your

17. sales admin interview question: Do you have any questions for us?

Beware of candidates who say “no” or that everything has been thoroughly discussed, Enelow
says. Now is the time for them to re-emphasize why they’re the most logical choice for the
opening by asking key questions they’ve prepared and haven’t had a chance to voice. Those
who want to learn more about the company’s professional development opportunities or ask
what you personally like best about working there are looking for insights to help them decide
whether to accept an offer if it’s extended.
Related post:  10 questions to ask employer at an interview

18. How do you maintain your relationship with your old customers?

Tell the interviewer about the qualities that you possess and which help you build a strong bond
with the customers. The company would be interested to know the techniques or styles that you
would apply to maintain good relations with your customers.

Maintaining relations with the new and the existing customers is not an easy task. You should
never forget your old customers. They are the strength of your organization. Keeping good
relations with your old customers would strengthen the organization.

19. Tell us something about your creativity or methods to convince a customer for a big
Customers buy a product not only because of the product features that it possess but also for
the benefits they gain. The more you explain to the customers about the benefits, the more you
can sell a product
You should be a solution provider. Tell them about your creativity skills or the techniques to
convince a customer in your style. Explain how you would give the details about a product.
For example, if you buy a chocolate box, wherein the chocolates are stored in a bowl, convince
the customer about having a bowl free. You should think out of the box.
20. sales admin interview question: Out of all the other candidates, why should we hire

Since a candidate cannot compare himself with people he doesn't know, all he can do is
describe his incredible passion and desire and commitment and ... well, basically beg for the
job. (Way too many interviewers ask the question and then sit back, arms folded, as if to say,
"Go ahead. I'm listening. Try to convince me.")

And you learn nothing of substance.

Here's a better question: "What do you feel I need to know that we haven't discussed?" Or even
"If you could get a do-over on one of my questions, how would you answer it now?"

Rarely do candidates come to the end of an interview feeling they've done their best. Maybe the
conversation went in an unexpected direction. Maybe the interviewer focused on one aspect of
their skills and totally ignored other key attributes. Or maybe candidates started the interview
nervous and hesitant, and now wish they could go back and better describe their qualifications
and experience.

Plus, think of it this way: Your goal as an interviewer is to learn as much as you possibly can
about every candidate, so don't you want to give them the chance to ensure you do?

Just make sure to turn this part of the interview into a conversation, not a soliloquy. Don't just
passively listen and then say, "Thanks. We'll be in touch." Ask follow-up questions. Ask for

And of course if you're asked this question ... use it as a chance to highlight things you haven't
been able to touch on.

11. sales admin interview question: What can we expect from you in your first three

Ideally the answer to this should come from the employer: They should have plans and
expectations for you.

But if you're asked, use this general framework:

+ You'll work hard to determine how your job creates value -- you won't just stay busy, you'll
stay busy doing the right things.
+ You'll learn how to serve all your constituents -- your boss, your employees, your peers, your
customers, and your suppliers and vendors.
+ You'll focus on doing what you do best -- you'll be hired because you bring certain skills, and
you'll apply those skills to make things happen.
+ You'll make a difference -- with customers, with other employees, to bring enthusiasm and
focus and a sense of commitment and teamwork.

Then just layer in specifics that are applicable to you and the job.

21. At what point do you stop working with a potential client?

A hiring manager is going to want to know how dedicated to the sales process you are, but also
how well you can recognize when enough is enough. Sales is all about walking the fine line
between being persistent and being pushy and a hiring manager wants to make sure you
recognize that difference. A persistent sales person can sometimes help close a reluctant deal
but a pushy one can drive one away.

22. sales admin interview question: Why do you want this job?

Again, companies want to hire people who are passionate about the job, so you should have a
great answer about why you want the position. (And if you don't? You probably should apply
elsewhere.) First, identify a couple of key factors that make the role a great fit for you (e.g., “I
love customer support because I love the constant human interaction and the satisfaction that
comes from helping someone solve a problem"), then share why you love the company (e.g.,
“I’ve always been passionate about education, and I think you guys are doing great things, so I
want to be a part of i

23. How do you view collaboration within a sales team?

Being a part of a sales team means being a part of…well…a team, and a hiring manager is
going to want to know how you’re going to fit in and if you work well with others. While it might
feel like you’re on your own most days when working sales, you’ll still be expected to collaborate
on some level with other members of the sales team as well as your sales manager and the
marketing team.
An employee who is uncooperative can not only slow down the sales process but can also
contribute to hostile work environments and may ultimately cost potential clients.

24. sales admin interview question: What can you contribute to this company?

Often in job interviews, you will get a question about how you will contribute to or add value to a
company. This question gives you a chance to explain what makes you stand out among all the
other candidates and how you will be an asset to that particular company. If you're asked about
what you can contribute to the organization, you'll have the perfect opportunity to show the
interviewer why you're a good candidate for the job.

The company wants to discover how you can help and what you'll be able to accomplish, if you
were to be hired.

How to Prepare a Response

The best way to answer questions about your contributions to the company is to give examples
of what you have accomplished in the past and to relate them to what you can achieve in the
future. This is known as the STAR interview response method. It provides a simply way to
remember how to respond to interview questions: Situation (describe), Task (what you decided
to do), Action (how you completed the task), and Result (the outcome of the situation).

First of all, be sure to have researched the company prior to the interview, so you are familiar
with the company's mission. Try to identify the company’s specific needs, and then respond by
giving examples as to why your education, skills, accomplishments, and experience will make
you an asset for the employer in fulfilling these needs.

Take a few moments to compare your goals with the objectives of the company and the
position. Match your qualifications to the job, so you're prepared to share what you have to
offer. Also, be ready to mention what you have accomplished in your other jobs. Your goal is to
impress the interviewer with your accomplishments to date and what you expect to accomplish if
you were to be hired.

25. sales admin interview question: Why was there a gap in your employment?

If you were unemployed for a period of time, be direct and to the point about what you’ve been
up to (and hopefully, that’s a litany of impressive volunteer and other mind-enriching activities,
like blogging or taking classes). Then, steer the conversation toward how you will do the job and
contribute to the organization: “I decided to take a break at the time, but today I’m ready to
contribute to this organization in the following ways.”

26. sales admin interview question: How would your boss and co-workers describe you?

First of all, be honest (remember, if you get this job, the hiring manager will be calling your
former bosses and co-workers!). Then, try to pull out strengths and traits you haven't discussed
in other aspects of the interview, such as your strong work ethic or your willingness to pitch in
on other projects when needed.

27. sales admin interview question: Describe your dream job?

Three words describe how you should answer this question: relevance, relevance, relevance.

But that doesn't mean you have to make up an answer. You can learn something from every
job. You can develop skills in every job. Work backward: Identify things about the job you're
interviewing for that will help you if you do land your dream job someday, and then describe how
those things apply to what you hope to someday do.

And don't be afraid to admit that you might someday move on, whether to join another company
or -- better -- to start your own business. Employers no longer expect "forever" employees.

28. Sales admin interview question: What kind of work environment do you like best?

Maybe you love working alone ... but if the job you're interviewing for is in a call center, that
answer will do you no good.

So take a step back and think about the job you're applying for and the company's culture
(because every company has one, whether intentional or unintentional). If a flexible schedule is
important to you, but the company doesn't offer one, focus on something else. If you like
constant direction and support and the company expects employees to self-manage, focus on
something else.

Find ways to highlight how the company's environment will work well for you -- and if you can't
find ways, don't take the job, because you'll be miserable.

29. Sales admin interview question: What really drives results in this job?

Employees are investments, and you expect every employee to generate a positive return on
his or her salary. (Otherwise why do you have them on the payroll?)

In every job some activities make a bigger difference than others. You need your HR team to fill
job openings, but what you really want is for them to find the right candidates, because that
results in higher retention rates, lower training costs, and better overall productivity.
You need your service techs to perform effective repairs, but what you really want is for those
techs to identify ways to solve problems and provide other benefits -- in short, to build customer
relationships and even generate additional sales.

Great candidates want to know what truly makes a difference and drives results, because they
know helping the company succeed means they will succeed as well.

30. How could you improve our sales – in the first month?

Here’s where you’ll draw from your research. The interviewer is looking for specific examples –
but being the pro you are – you’ve already been covering these with your previous answers.

Now build on them. Start with what the company does well. Do they have great telephone
agents with customer-service awards? Great. Name drop those and talk about your experience
in telesales. Are their sales emails fun, informative and engaging? Awesome. Mention how you
loved that last subject line. Is their website a crushing disappointment? Now’s your time to
mention your e-commerce experience and how you help nudge customers through the
conversion funnel.

Whether you’re a face-to-face, telephone or digital Salesperson, bring solid examples of

previous successes and ideas for how to make or save your new employer money.

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