Illumina Accelerator: Frequently Asked Questions

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Frequently Asked Questions: Illumina Accelerator

Illumina Accelerator
Frequently Asked Questions

Why was the Illumina Accelerator created?

At Illumina, our mission is to unlock the power of the genome. We know we can’t do it alone. This program is our way of catalyzing genomics
innovation in the broader scientific community. By lowering the barrier to entry and accelerating the time to market for entrepreneurs, startup
companies, and early-stage companies that are working on scientifically and commercially promising next-generation sequencing (NGS)
applications, we hope to accelerate advances in genomics.

Schedule and Curriculum We have been working on our startup for a while. Is the Illumina
What is the curriculum? Accelerator appropriate for us?
The first three months include company setup, process mapping, and The Illumina Accelerator can support a given startup from the concept
pitch development with active mentorship throughout the process. level through initial seed funding, as long as it hasn’t already raised a
The fourth month culminates in a partner presentation by venture Series A round from venture capitalists. We suggest that startups do
capitalists and super angel investors. The fifth month is focused on not incorporate if possible. It is easier to start with our paperwork than
demonstrations. The final and busiest month is devoted to completing to transfer an existing limited liability company (LLC) or S Corporation to
all the experiments, following up with all interested parties, and finding a a C Corporation.
new headquarters for your startup.
How much do you invest in a startup?
How often does the program run? The Illumina Accelerator strives to provide enough financial support so
There are two, six-month sessions per year. companies can produce the data needed for their fundraising efforts.
With this goal in mind, the program provides:
Eligibility and Applications
• Up to $100,000 in convertible notes (provided by the
Who is eligible?
accredited angel investors)
Candidate teams are limited to four members. They must be genomic
• $100,000 (provided by Illumina) in the form of sequencing reagents
researchers, entrepreneurs, startups, or early-stage companies from
and sequencing instrument access
academia or industry that aim to take their promising NGS applications
• 20% of a technician’s time to help you run experiments
to market.
• An unsecured credit line of $20,000
How are applicants selected?
What is the valuation cap on the convertible notes?
The team’s dynamic and experience, as well as product characteristics
The valuation cap is $5 million.
(e.g. IP, demonstrated market acceptance), are considered during
the selection process. Factors also include the project’s go-to-market
Do I have to accept the convertible notes?
strategy, overall market potential, and total financial considerations.
No. Convertible notes are optional.
When is the best time to apply?
Does Illumina take equity in the startups?
Candidates should apply a few months before the deadline,
Yes, Illumina will take 10% common stock in the startup.
which is usually in July for the fall session and February for the
spring session. We have already accepted some funding. Can we still apply?
How can we receive funding for our startup? We don’t need funding, but can you give us advice?
Apply online for the next funding cycle ( Unfortunately, Illumina is unable to provide advice to companies that
We fund startups twice a year. are not enrolled in the Illumina Accelerator Program.

Do you only fund startups that are based on genomics? Can you recommend other investors who might be interested in
Yes. We feel that we bring the most value to these types of startups. our idea?
You’ll get the most value from an accelerator program that’s targeted to Illumina is unable to refer startup companies to investors. If you are
your specific area of interest. looking for investors, Illumina recommends contacting colleagues who
have founded or worked for startups and introducing your project to
their investors.
Frequently Asked Questions: Illumina Accelerator

Funding Intellectual Property

Should we apply even if we do not need the funding? Will we have access to your intellectual property (IP) portfolio?
The financial aid that Illumina provides is only one component of the Our goal is to empower the companies in our program with the
program. The real benefits are inherent in the program itself. freedom and resources they need to innovate. As such, we will
consider providing non-exclusive right to specific IPs on a case-by-
What if our project is expensive and large in scope? case basis.
We will still provide funding for your project. However, rather than
attempting to build a launch-ready product in six months, the goal will Proximity Requirement
be to build a mature proof of concept to present to later-stage investors Can we participate without moving to the Bay Area?
for additional funding. Unfortunately, no. Founders must be full-time and must live in the Bay
Area during the six-month funding cycle.
Do we need a business plan to acquire funding?
No, you do not. Illumina makes funding decisions based on International Considerations
applications and personal interviews. We consider concepts, but we do Do we have to start a company in the United States (U.S.) for you
not read business plans. to invest in us?
Yes, but it is not usually an obstacle. It is much easier for foreign
Can a single person apply for funding?
nationals to start U.S. companies than to remain in the U.S. physically,
Yes, but the chances of acceptance are much lower. A startup is often
and investors and acquirers prefer them.
far too intensive for just one person.
Do we have to be U.S. citizens?
Our group has two ideas. Can we submit two applications?
No, as long as you can reside in the U.S. for at least six months.
Yes, you can submit two applications as long as they are submitted
from different founders. Can you get us visas?
No, we do not secure visas for participants, but we can introduce you
Will you fund multiple startups working on the same idea?
to the right lawyers who can help you.
No, if they are in the same class, Illumina will not fund multiple startups
working on the same idea.
I have a great idea for a startup, but I’m not technical. Will you Is it possible to tour the Illumina Accelerator facilities in Mission
still fund me? Can you help me find programmers to implement Bay?
my idea? Tours can be arranged for selected candidates.
We will consider your application, but having a technical cofounder
I’m starting a startup. Can I meet with a program representative?
among your connections will greatly increase your chances of
Unfortunately, we do not have the resources to accommodate meeting
acceptance. Teams that are arbitrarily formed for the sole purpose of
beginning a startup have much lower chances of long-term success.
Personal connections can help teams stay together. Will you sign a non-disclosure agreement? How do I know that my
idea is protected?
No, we do not sign non-disclosure agreements. Our application
form contains an informal commitment to secrecy, which is a greater
commitment than venture capitalists traditionally guarantee.

Learn more or apply to the Illumina Accelerator.
Email: [email protected]

Illumina is a leading developer, manufacturer, and marketer of life science tools and integrated systems for the analysis of genetic
variation and function. We provide innovative sequencing and array-based solutions for genotyping, copy number variation
analysis, methylation studies, gene expression profiling, and low-multiplex analysis of DNA, RNA, and protein. Our tools and
services fuel advances in consumer genomics and diagnostics. With technology and products that accelerate genetic analysis
research and its application, we are paving the way for molecular medicine and ultimately transforming healthcare.

© 2014 Illumina, Inc. All rights reserved.

Illumina, and the pumpkin orange color are trademarks of Illumina, Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.

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