Cupay, Gaius Jade - Bar Menu

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Submitted by:
Gaius Jade T. Cupay

Submitted to:
Mr. John Tes Tesaluna
Bar and Beverage Instructor
Ingredients: Ingredients:

1 2/3 oz. gin 2 ½ ounces gin

1/3 oz. dry vermouth ½ ounce dry vermouth

1 olive 1 or 3 cocktail onions for garnish

Procedures: Procedures:

Stir gin and vermouth with ice in a mixing glass. Pour the ingredients into a mixing glass with ice
cubes. Stir well.
Strain into a cocktail glass, add the olive, and
serve. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with
a cocktail onion.


2 ounces rye whiskey Ingredients:

½ ounce sweet vermouth 1 oz. vodka

2-3 dashes Angostura bitters 1/2 oz. triple sec

Maraschino cherry for garnish 1/2 oz. lime juice

Procedures: 1/2 oz. cranberry juice

Pour the ingredients into a, mixing glass with

ice cubes.
Stir well. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.
Shake vodka, triple sec, lime and cranberry
Garnish with the cherry. juice vigorously in a shaker with ice. Strain into
a martini glass, garnish with a lime wedge on
the rim, and serve.
½ ounce (1 tablespoon)
Chambord or crème de cassis
5 ounces chilled brut (dry)
Optional garnish: 1 fresh
Pour the Chambord into a Champagne flute.
While holding the glass at a 45-degree angle
(this helps preserve the bubbles), gently pour in
the Champagne. Garnish with a raspberry, if
you’d like. Serve immediately.
Ingredients: Ingredients:
1 oz. green crème de menthe 1-1/2 oz Coffee Liqueur
1 oz. white crème de cacao (Kahlua)

1 oz. light cream Club Soda - to fill

Procedures: Procedures:

Shake all ingredients with ice, strain into Fill a highball glass with ice.

A cocktail glass, and serve. Add Kahlua and fill with club soda.
Stir gently and serve.

1 ½ oz. brandy
1 oz. crème de cacao 2 oz. vodka
1 oz. Fresh Cream 1 oz. coffee liqueur light cream
1/4 tsp. granted nutmeg Procedures:
Procedures: Pour vodka and coffee liqueur over ice cubes

In a shaker half-filled with ice cubes, In an old-fashioned glass.

Combine the brandy, crème de cacao, Fill with light cream and serve.

and half-and-half. Shake well. Strain

into a cocktail glass and garnish with the

1 oz. Galliano

2 oz. white crème de cacao

1 oz. light cream


Combine all ingredients with 1/2 cup crushed


in an electric blender. Blender at low speed for


seconds. Strain into a champagne flute and

Ingredients: Ingredients:

7 oz. tequila 2 oz. whiskey

2 oz. triple sec/Cointreau 1/2 lemon juice

1 oz. lime juice 1/2 tsp. simple syrup

Procedures: 1 cherry

Rum the rim of a cocktail glass with 1/2 slice lemon

lime juice, and dip in salt. Shake all ingredients
Shake blended whiskey, juice of lemon, and
with ice, strain into the glass, and service.
simple syrup with ice and strain into a whiskey
sour glass. Decorate with the half-slice of
lemon, top with the cherry, and serve.
1 1/2 oz. gin
1/4 oz. lemon juice
1-2 dashes grenadine
1 ounce mezcal
1 egg white
3/4 ounce Aperol
Maraschino cherry for garnish
(bitter orange Italian aperitif)
1/2 ounce maraschino liqueur
Pour the ingredients into a cocktail shaker with
3/4 ounce fresh lime juice
ice cubes. Shake vigorously. Strain into a chilled
1 grapefruit twist, preferably spiral-cut, for
cocktail glass. Garnish with the cherry. garnish

KAMIKAZE Fill a cocktail shaker with ice. Add all of the

remaining ingredients except the garnish and
Ingredients: shake well. Strain into a chilled coupe or
1.25 oz. Vodka martini glass and garnish with the grapefruit
0.25 oz. triple sec

0.25 oz. lime juice


Add lime juice, triple sec and Vodka. Shake and

strain into a shot glass.

BRANDY ALEXANDER Add the light and dark rums, lime and orange
juices, passion fruit puree, simple syrup and
grenadine into a shaker with ice and shake until
1 ½ oz. brandy well-chilled.
1 oz. crème de cacao Strain into a large Hurricane glass over fresh ice.
1 oz. Fresh Cream Garnish with an orange half-wheel and a
1/4 tsp. granted nutmeg preserved cherry.


In a shaker half-filled with ice cubes, COSMOPOLITAN

Combine the brandy, crème de cacao, Ingredients:
and half-and-half. Shake well. Strain 1 oz. vodka
into a cocktail glass and garnish with the 1/2 oz. triple sec
1/2 oz. lime juice

1/2 oz. cranberry juice

Shake vodka, triple sec, lime and cranberry juice
1 oz. green crème de menthe vigorously in a shaker with ice. Strain into a
1 oz. white crème de cacao martini glass, garnish with a lime wedge on the
rim, and serve.
1 oz. light cream

Shake all ingredients with ice, strain into VIRGIN COLADA

A cocktail glass, and serve. Ingredients:

1 (10-oz.) bag frozen pineapple chunks

4 large scoops of ice cream (about 1 cup)
1 c. Coconut milk
1/2 c. pineapple juice
2 ounces light rum
Pineapple wedge, for serving
2 ounces dark rum
Maraschino cherry, for serving
1 ounce lime juice, freshly squeezed Procedures:
1 ounce orange juice, freshly squeezed
In a blender, blend together frozen pineapple,
1/2 ounce passion fruit puree ice cream, coconut milk, and pineapple juice.

1/2 ounce simple syrup Divide between glasses and garnish with a
pineapple wedge and maraschino cherry.
1 bar spoon grenadine

2 ounces rye whiskey 2 teaspoons brown sugar

½ ounce sweet vermouth 1 tablespoon butter (soft)

2-3 dashes Angostura bitters 1 dash ground cinnamon
Maraschino cherry for garnish 1 dash ground nutmeg
1 dash ground allspice
Pour the ingredients into a, mixing glass with
ice cubes. 1 splash vanilla extract
Stir well. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.
2 ounces rum (dark)
Garnish with the cherry
4 ounces water (hot)

GIBSON Procedures:

Ingredients: Gather the ingredients. Place the sugar, butter,

spices, and vanilla extract into the bottom of
2 ½ ounces gin
an Irish coffee glass or mug and mix well
½ ounce dry vermouth or muddle. Pour in the rum and top it with hot
1 or 3 cocktail onions for garnish water. Stir. Serve and enjoy.

Pour the ingredients into a mixing glass with ice PIMM’S CUP
cubes. Stir well.
Strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with 2 ounces Pimm’s No. 1
a cocktail onion.
1/2 ounce lemon juice, freshly squeezed
Ginger ale, to top
WALDORF Garnish: cucumber slice
Ingredients: Garnish: mint sprig
Absinthe, to rinse Garnish: strawberry
2 ounces rye whiskey Garnish: lemon wheel (optional)
3/4 ounce sweet vermouth Garnish: orange wheel (optional)
3 dashes Angostura bitters Procedures:
Garnish: lemon twist (optional) Add Pimm’s No. 1 and lemon juice into a highball
glass over ice, then top with ginger ale and stir
briefly to combine.
Rinse the inside of a chilled coupe with Garnish with a cucumber slice, mint sprig,
absinthe and set aside. skewered strawberry and optional lemon and
Add whiskey, vermouth and bitters to a mixing orange wheels.
glass with ice and stir until well-chilled.
Strain into the coupe.
Garnish with a lemon twist, if desired.

Ingredients: Pour lime juice into a highball glass over ice

cubes. Add rum, fill with cola, stir, and serve.
1/2 ounce grenadine

1/4 ounce lime juice, freshly squeezed

5 ounces ginger ale BLOODY MARY

Procedures: Ingredients:

Fill a Collins glass with cubed ice. 2 Parts Vodka

Add the grenadine and lime juice. 3 Parts Tomato Juice

Top with the ginger ale and gently stir to ¼ Part Worcestershire Sauce
combine. ¼ Part Lemon Juice
Garnish with two skewered Luxardo maraschino 2 Dashes Hot Sauce
1 Teaspoon Horseradish

1 Pinch Ground black pepper

1 Pinch Salt
1 Stick Celery
2 oz. gin
1 oz. lemon juice
Stir all ingredients in a mixing glass. Pour into a
1 tsp. sugar syrup chilled highball glass filled with ice cubes.
Garnish with celery.
3 oz. club soda

1 maraschino cherry

1 slice orange DRY MARTINI

Procedures: Ingredients:

In a shaker half-filled with ice cubes, combine 1 2/3 oz. gin

the gin. lemon juice, and sugar. Shake well. 1/3 oz. dry vermouth
Strain into a Collins glass almost filled with ice
1 olive
cubes. Add the club soda. Stir and garnish with
the cherry and the orange slice. Procedures:

Stir gin and vermouth with ice in a mixing glass.

CUBA LIBRE Strain into a cocktail glass, add the olive, and

2 oz. light rum

Juice of 1/2 limes

Fill Cola
SMASH Ingredients:
4 oz. White Rum
3/4 cup sugar
3 oz. Fresh Lime Juice
3/4 cup water
6 pcs leaves of Mint
1 cup fresh lime juice
2 tsp. Sugar
3 cups white rum
Fill Soda Water
4 cups seedless watermelon chunks one-
quarter of a watermelon
Place the limes, mint and sugar into a sturdy
1 cup raspberries
highball glass and ‘muddle’ or mash with the end
Sparkling soda or water chilled of a clean rolling pin, to bruise the mint and
release the lime juice. Add the ice and pour over
the rum. Add soda water to taste and stir well.
In a saucepan, combine the sugar and water. Garnish with a mint spring and serve.
Bring to a simmer over moderate heat, stirring
until the sugar dissolves. Remove from the heat
and let cool. WHISKY SMASH
In a blender, combine the sugar syrup, lime Ingredients:
juice, rum and watermelon chunks and 3 lemon wedges
raspberries and blend until combined; strain 2 ounces bourbon
over a large bowl to remove raspberry seeds if 3/4 ounce simple syrup
desired. 4 mint leaves
Pour into chilled glasses filled with ice, top with
sparkling soda and garnish with watermelon, Muddle the lemon wedges in a shaker.
raspberries and lime. Add bourbon, simple syrup, mint leaves and ice,
and shake until well-chilled.
Double-strain into a rocks glass over fresh ice.
Garnish with a mint sprig.
8 mint leaves
1/4 ounce simple syrup CAIPIRINHA
2 ounces bourbon
1 lime quartered
In a Julep cup or rocks glass, lightly muddle the
2 teaspoons fine sugar
mint leaves in the simple syrup.
2 ounces cachaca
Add the bourbon then pack the glass tightly with Procedures:
crushed ice. Stir until the cup is frosted on the
Place the lime wedges and sugar into an old-
fashioned glass. Muddle well. Fill the glass with
Top with more crushed ice to form an ice dome, ice cubes. Pour in the chacaca. Stir well.
and garnish with a mint sprig and a few drops of
bitters (optional).
Ingredients: Ingredients:
3 oz. light rum 1 1/2 oz. light rum
3 tbsp. coconut cream 1 tbsp. triple sec
3 tbsp. crushed pineapples 1 1/2 oz. lime juice
Procedures: 1 tsp. sugar
Put all ingredients into an electric blender with 2 1 cherry
cups of crushed ice. Blend at a high speed for a
1 cup crushed ice
short length of time. Strain into a Collins glass
and serve with a straw. Procedures:

Combine all ingredients (except for the cherry)

in an electric blender and blend at a low speed
for five seconds, then blend at a high speed
Ingredients: until firm. Pour contents into a champagne
3 cups frozen peach slices flute, top with the cherry, and serve.
1 cup mango nectar
1 (750-mL) bottle Prosecco, chilled
Procedures: CHI - CHI
Combine peach slices and mango nectar in Ingredients:
blender until smooth.
1 1/2 oz. vodka
Pour peach mixture into champagne flutes until
half full. Fill glasses with Prosecco. 4 oz. pineapple juice

Serve immediately, garnished with peach slices, 1 oz. cream of coconut

if desired. 1 slice pineapple
1 cherry
Ingredients: Blend vodka, pineapple juice, and cream of
coconut with one cup ice in an electric blender
3 oz. rum at a high speed. Pour into a Poco Grande glass,
1 1/2 cups ripe mango decorate with the slice of pineapple and the
cherry, and serve.
3 tbsp. fresh lime juice
1 oz. triple sec
4 tsp. granulated sugar
2 cups ice cubes
Mango Slice

Blend all ingredients in a blender until smooth.

Pour in a Poco Grande Glass.
Ingredients: Ingredients:

3 oz. tequila 4 oz. White Rum

fill orange juice 3 oz. Fresh Lime Juice

dash grenadine syrup 6 pcs leaves of Mint

Procedures: 2 tsp. Sugar

Pour tequila in a highball glass with ice, and top Fill Soda Water
with orange juice. Stir. Add grenadine by tilting
glass and pouring grenadine down side by
flipping the bottle vertically very quickly. The Place the limes, mint and sugar into a sturdy
grenadine should go straight to the bottom and highball glass and ‘muddle’ or mash with the end
then rise up slowly through the drink. Garnish of a clean rolling pin, to bruise the mint and
stirrer, straw and cherry-orange. release the lime juice. Add the ice and pour over
the rum. Add soda water to taste and stir well.
Garnish with a mint spring and serve.
2 oz. gin
1 oz. lemon juice
1 tsp. sugar syrup HARVEY WALLBANGER
3 oz. club soda Ingredients:
1 maraschino cherry
1 1/4 ounces vodka
1 slice orange
Procedures: 1/2 ounce Galliano L'Autentico liqueur
In a shaker half-filled with ice cubes, combine 3 ounces orange juice, freshly squeezed
the gin. lemon juice, and sugar. Shake well.
Strain into a Collins glass almost filled with ice
cubes. Add the club soda. Stir and garnish with Fill a tall glass with ice, then add the vodka and
the cherry and the orange slice. orange juice and stir.
Float the Galliano on top.

2 oz. light rum
Juice of 1/2 limes
Fill Cola
Pour lime juice into a highball glass over ice
Add rum, fill with cola, stir, and serve
VIRGIN MARY Procedures:
Gather the ingredients. In a tall glass half-filled
with ice cubes, pour the three juices.
3/4 cup tomato juice, chilled
Top with the ginger ale.
a dash of tobasco sauce
Garnish with orange and lemon slices. Serve and
3 dashes of worcesterchire sauce enjoy.
a dash of fresh lemon juice
a pinch of celery salt (optional) FOUR SEASONS
pepper to taste
salt for frosting
1/4 cup Grenadine syrup
For the garnish slice of lemon
Ice cubes
Dip the rim of the glass in lemon juice shaking off
the excess. Then roll the glass in salt and allow
the frosting to dry. Shake all the ingredients in a ORANGE
cocktail shaker and pour into glass. Tips: Serve
cold, garnished with a lemon slice on the rim of
the glass. Procedures:
Combine all juice in a high ball glass. Add
grenadine syrup and mix well. Add ice cubes and
SHIRLEY TEMPLE serve cold.
3 ounces lemon-lime soda FREDDIE BARTHOLOMEW
3 ounces ginger ale
Dash grenadine Ingredients:
Maraschino cherry for garnish 1 dash sweetened lime juice
(such as Rose's)
Pour the lemon-lime soda and ginger ale into a
Collins glass with ice cubes. Add a dash of ½ cup ice cubes
grenadine, Stir. Garnish with a cherry.
½ (12 fluid ounce) can or bottle ginger ale

1 twist lime
Fill highball with ice.
2 ounces (or 1/4 cup) cranberry juice
Add sweetened lime juice and ginger ale
1/2 ounce (or 1 tablespoon) lemon juice
Garnish with lime twist
1 ounce (or 2 tablespoons) orange juice
2 ounces (or 1/4 cup) ginger ale
Lemon slices and orange slices
1870 SOUR 1 ounce Gragnano vino (sparkling red wine
similar to lambrusco)
2 oz George Dickel Old No. 8 Tennessee
Add all ingredients except wine into a rocks
1 oz Meyer lemon juice
3/4 oz Maple syrup Add one large ice cube and stir to chill.
1 Egg white Float the wine over the top of the drink by
1 tsp Blueberry jam pouring it slowly over the back of a spoon.
1 oz Ravenswood Sonoma County Old Vine
Add all the ingredients except the wine to a Ingredients:
1 oz St. George raspberry brandy
Shake vigorously (without ice) for 10 seconds. 1 oz Red wine
3/4 oz Fresh lemon juice
Fill with ice and shake for an additional 15 1/4 oz Small Hand Foods gum syrup
seconds. 1/4 oz Small Hand Foods grenadine
Fine strain into a chilled 8-ounce Mason jar or a 1/2 oz Sparkling wine
Bordeaux wine glass. Garnish: Mint sprig
Float the wine on top using a spoon.
Add all ingredients except the Champagne water
into mixing tin with ice, and shake briefly.
KALIMOTXO Strain into a Collins glass over ice, and top with
the sparkling wine. Garnish with a mint sprig.
3 ounces Rioja wine
3 ounces Coca-Cola
1 squeeze lemon
2 tablespoons sugar
Garnish: lemon slice 1 orange, cut into wedges
Procedures: 1 apple, cored and diced
1 lemon, cut into wedges
Add all the ingredients into a wine glass or rocks 1/2 cup brandy
glass with ice. 1/2 cup orange juice
1 bottle dry red wine (like Rioja)
Garnish with a lemon slice.
Garnish: orange wheel

BITTER TEMPTATION In a large pitcher, add the sugar, orange, apple

and lemon and muddle for 30 seconds.
Add the brandy and orange juice and muddle
3/4 ounce Fernet-Branca again for 30 seconds. Add the red wine and stir.
1/2 ounce Tempus Fugit crème de cacao Serve in a red wine glass with ice, and garnish
1 ounce cold-brew coffee with an orange wheel.

3/4 ounce vanilla syrup

Ingredients: SLUSHIES
2 cups frozen unsweetened Ingredients:
sliced peaches, thawed
1/2 cup brandy 2 cups white wine
1/3 cup honey (chilled fruity, like Sauvignon Blanc or Moscato)
1/2 lemon, very thinly sliced 3 cups frozen peaches
1 bottle (750 milliliters) dry white wine Sliced peaches (for serving, optional)
1-1/2 cups carbonated water, chilled Procedures:
Ice cubes In a blender, combine the wine and peaches.
Procedures:In a 2-qt. pitcher, combine the
Puree until smooth.
peach slices, brandy, honey and lemon slices;
stir in wine. Refrigerate for 2-4 hours or until If the mixture is too warm and liquefied, place
chilled. Just before serving, stir in sparkling it in the freezer and stir every 30 minutes until
water. Serve over ice. a perfect slushy texture forms.
You can make these in advance and defrost for
15 minutes at room temperature before
SPARKLING CELEBRATION serving. You can also double the recipe and use
PUNCH the entire bottle of wine to serve 4. The cups in
Ingredients: the photo above hold about 1 cup of slushy.

1/2 to 1 cup brandy

1/2 cup light corn syrup WATERMELON WHITE WINE
1 bottle (750 milliliters)
Riesling or other sweet white wine, chilled SPRITZER
1 bottle (750 milliliters) champagne, chilled Ingredients:
Ice cubes
Orange, lemon or lime slices 2 cups watermelon (cubed)
Procedures: In a punch bowl, mix brandy and
1 tablespoon agave nectar
corn syrup until blended. Stir in riesling; add
champagne. Serve over ice with citrus slices. 2 cups white wine
2 cups club soda
COCKTAIL WITH Watermelon wedge
Ingredients: Add the watermelon and agave nectar into a
3-4 fresh strawberries diced food processor or blender, and pulse until
1/4 lime smooth. If desired, pour through a cheesecloth
2 oz. white wine I used sauvignon blanc to strain.
Unsweetened lime-flavored seltzer (like Crystal
Divide the mixture among 4 rocks glasses.
Geyser or La Croix)
Procedures: Top each glass with equal parts white wine and
Fill a tall glass halfway with ice. club soda (about 1/2 cup each).

Add wine and strawberries, and fill glass nearly Garnish each glass with a watermelon wedge.
full with seltzer. Squeeze in lime juice, and
gently stir with a long spoon.
Serve with a skewer for eating the berries if
Ingredients: MIMOSA
2 oz. London dry gin Ingredients:
1 tsp. superfine sugar
1/2 oz. lemon juice 2 oz. orange juice
5 oz. brut champagne 4 oz. brut champagne
1 tsp. Grand Marnier (optional)
Shake gin, lemon juice, and sugar well with Procedures:
cracked ice in a chilled cocktail shaker. Strain Fill champagne flute 1/3 full of fresh-squeezed
into a glass half-full with ice, then top off with orange juice. Top up with brut champagne, then
champagne. add Grand Marnier.

Ingredients: BARBOTAGE
2 oz. golden rum Ingredients:
1/2 oz. lime juice 1/2 oz. cognac
1 tsp. honey
5 oz. brut champagne 1 tsp. Grand Marnier
4 oz. brut champagne
Mix rum, lime juice, and honey thoroughly with
cracked ice in a chilled cocktail shaker, then pour Pour cognac (or another brandy) and Grand
unstrained into a Collins glass. Fill with Marnier into a champagne flute. Top up with
champagne. (We recommend using Puerto brut champagne.
Rican rum.)

1 1/2 oz. brandy
1 1/2 oz. Bénédictine
1 1/2 oz. Cointreau
4-6 oz. brut champagne
Combine the brandy, Bénédictine, and
Cointreau in an old-fashioned glass. Top off with
room-temperature brut champagne.
Serving White Wine to guests

General standards to remember while serving white wine:

White wine must be always served chilled at 10 to 12 degrees °C.

Always serve white wine in a bucket, stand, wine opener and a wine napkin.

The host should taste the wine before serving other guest, Server should pour 30ml for tasting.

Always ladies to be served first and then Wine to be poured evenly for all guests.

All glassware must be clean and free of dirt, chips, and watermarks.

Refill all guests’ glass as soon as it is below 10% of the glass.

When a second bottle of the same White wine is to be served, ask guest if fresh glasses are
needed for everyone.

White Wine Service Procedures:

1 - Presentation of the Bottle

Always place the White wine bottle in a clean and polished wine bucket.

Fill the wine bucket with 1/2 ice and 1/3 water.

Have a service napkin available to wipe the body and neck of the bottle.

Carefully carry the wine bucket to the guest’s table.

Always wipe the bottle before presenting it to the guest for approval.

Present the bottle to the host, holding the bottle in the palm of your left hand, with the label
facing to the guest.

Announce the name and the vintage of the wine, and obtain confirmation from host. “Excuse
me, Mr. Bond; this is your SAUVIGNON BLANC Bordeaux 2006.”
Upon confirmation, ask the guest if you may open and serve the wine.

2 - Opening the Bottle of White Wine

Place the White wine in the ice bucket at an angle of 45 degrees.

Place wine napkin on the left for arm.

Hold the neck of the bottle with your left hand and the wine opener with your right hand while
the knife is opened and between your thumb and index finger.

Always cut the seal below the neck when opening. Never turn the bottle, turn your movements
by making 2 clean cuts from left to right with the knife of the corkscrew.
Put the seal into your pocket and close the knife by using the index finger of your right hand.

With your right hand's index finger placing on the screw and the fingertip resting on top of the
screw opposite the insert point.

Press the point and insert into the center of the cork and turn clockwise.

Screw into the cork until almost one and a half swirl is left unscrew

Tilt the wine opener towards your left-hand side, with the thumb of your left hand press the
bottle rest (wing) to rest onto the top of the bottle's mouth.

And then with your left-hand thumb placed firmly on the side of the bottle rest (wing), to
secure position. Pull the cork out of the bottle.

Unscrew the cork from wine opener and put both opener and cork into your pocket.

3 - Offering a Taste of the White wine

Offer tasting to the host or the person who ordered the wine.

If yes, then pour 30ml of wine into the host's wine glass.

Then show the label to the person in the same time, by holding the shoulder of the bottle with
your right hand, and the bottom of the bottle with your left hand.

Always label should be facing outside and the napkin at the back.

4 - Pouring White wine

Ladies should be served first.

And then begin with the person to the left of the host.

Continue serving in a clockwise movement around the table.

Pour the wine evenly, so that every person at the table gets an equal portion.

End the serving of the wine by pouring for the host/hostess.

Says “Please enjoy your wine” after finished pouring the wine for each guest

When finish pouring the bottle, ask if guest would like to order another one.

If the wine bottle is finished, and no further bottle is need, then take away the empty bottle
and ice bucket.
PART 1 Tasting the Wine

1. Get a recommendation. If you're a new wine drinker, go to a store that specializes in wine to ask for
help in selecting the wine that is right for you. If there isn't a specialty wine store near you, don't panic.
Most liquor and grocery stores have a large variety of wine, so you should have no problem finding the
right wine for you.
Explain to the wine expert or store employee what flavors you enjoy so that they can help you choose
the best wine.
If you're planning to have wine with food, tell them what food that will be on the menu so that they
can help you pick the right wine.

2. Choose a wine. Knowing what qualities, you're looking for in a wine is very important, as there are
numerous types of wine. Do you want a full-bodied or light-bodied wine? Body equates to how heavy
the wine actually feels in your mouth. Or do you prefer a dry or sweet wine? In wine-speak, dry is the
opposite of sweet. Do you want a crisp or soft wine? A wine with refreshing acidity is crisp, whereas a
wine that feels smoother is considered soft.
The most popular red wines include Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, and Pinot Noir.
Try a white wine. Popular white wines include Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio, and Sauvignon Blanc.

3. Pour 1-2 ounces of wine into your glass to taste it before deciding on a full glass. It's common to try
a few sips of wine before committing to a glass. Proper wine tasting is a great way to determine
whether or not you like the overall flavor of the wine.

4. Experience the aroma. Swirl the wine in your glass to expose it to a larger surface area. This
increases wine’s contact with air and intensifies its aroma. Swirl your wine by holding the glass by the
base or by the stem. Smell your wine as you swirl it to take in the aromas. Common aromas include
different fruits, spices, herbs and flowers.
• Be sure to smell the wine several times, swirling before each smell. A complex wine will offer
multiples scents, and taking in each scent will intensify the wines flavor.
• The overall taste of a wine is a combination of smells and flavors, so it's important that you
don't skip the smelling stage.

5. Taste the wine. Taste your wine in small sips. Roll the wine across your taste buds by lightly swishing
it around your mouth. Hold the wine in your mouth for 5-10 seconds before swallowing to really
absorb the flavor. After swallowing, notice the aftertaste, or finish. High quality wines tend to have a
more defined the finish. A good finish will linger on your palate for quite some time
PART 2 Drinking the Wine
1. Sip your wine. Wine is best when sipped and savored, as opposed to being gulped down. Take a
small-to-medium sized sips of wine, and hold the wine in the center of your tongue before swallowing.
This will allow you to taste the complex flavors of the wine.
• Red wine is typically rich in flavor and is much better when sipped and savored. It can be served
with dinner or dessert, or be sipped on its own. Drink your wine slowly so that you can truly
appreciate its flavor. Swirl your wine before taking every sip, this will allow your wine to oxidize
even more.

• White wine can be sipped on its own, but also goes well with a variety of meals and desserts.
White wines tend to be more refreshing than reds, so they balance out rich flavors nicely. Take
one small sip of wine at a time, and let the flavor of the wine settle on your taste buds before

2. Pair your wine with the proper food. There are a few factors to consider when pairing your wine
with food – it's easiest to think of pairing as a balancing act. For example, sparkling wines go perfectly
with salty, fried foods. The carbonation and acids emulate beer and clean the salt from your palate
with each sip.
• Choose silky white wines with foods like fatty fish or cream sauces. Chardonnays, for example,
are delicious with fish like salmon or any kind of seafood in a lush sauce.
• Pair a dry Rosé with rich, cheesy dishes. Some cheeses usually go better with white wine, and
some are best with red. However, almost all cheeses pair well with dry rosé, which has the
acidity of white wine and the fruitiness of a red.
• Red wines such as Cabernet and Bordeaux are terrific with red meats like steaks and chops.
They refresh the palate after each bit of meat.
• With desserts, make sure that the wine tastes as sweet, or sweeter, than the dessert. For
example, pair a bitter, dark chocolate and a red wine with some sweetness, such as a late
harvest Zinfandel.
• Check out Pair Food and Wine for details on the best foods for different kinds of wine.

3. Switch wines. When drinking and tasting wine, it is common to try a variety of reds or whites. You
should move from lighter, sweeter wines to fuller, drier wines. If you want to try both reds and whites,
start with white wines and work your way to the reds. If you're drinking wine with a meal, drink a
chardonnay with your dinner, and move to a red wine for you’re after dinner drink. You could also
choose a sweet red wine to have with dessert.
PART 3 Serving the Wine

1. Open your wine. There are a few different types of wine bottles – most have corks or screw caps.
Wines with screw caps are easy to open, you simply open them like a regular bottle. Corked bottles are
a bit trickier.
You'll need a simple corkscrew to open a corked bottle of wine. Start by removing the foil on top of the
cork. Next, twist the spiral of your corkscrew into the cork. Once half of the corkscrew is in the cork, lift
the handle of the corkscrew to remove the cork from the bottle.
If you don't have a corkscrew, you can use a sommelier knife or even a shoe to open your wine bottle.

2. Serve your wine at the proper temperature. To get the best taste out of your wine, make sure you
serve it at the ideal temperature. Red wines should be served closer to room temperature, whereas
white wines are much better when chilled.
• Most red wines taste best between 55 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit; which is just a bit cooler
than room temperature. To get your wine this temperature, cool room-temp reds in an ice
bucket or the freezer for 10 minutes right before serving.
• White wines typically taste best between 41 degrees and 48 degrees Fahrenheit. For this
reason, you should normally store white wines in the fridge. To get your white wine to reach
these temperatures, remove chilled whites from the fridge 20 minutes before serving.

wine glasses tend to be smaller than red wine glasses. This is because white wines do not need to
oxidize like reds do. When drinking white wine, choose glasses that have narrower bowls with a
tapered top. This will allow for greater aromatic concentration, making the intensity of the smells and
flavors of your wine last longer. Red wine needs to oxidize in order for its flavor to fully develop, which
is why red wine glasses are typically larger than white wine glasses. Because of their bowl shape, red
wine glasses allow more of the wine to come into contact with the air. As the red wine breathes, the
character of the wine becomes richer and more pronounced.
• When drinking wine, always hold the wine glass by its stem and never by the bowl. Holding a
wine glass by the bowl will warm it too quickly.
4. Pour your wine into your wine glass. Red and white wines are served slightly differently. Be sure to
pour the proper amount of wine into your glass to get the best possible wine experience.
When drinking red wine, bring the bottle to the glass and gently pour your red wine until your glass is
half way full. This should be roughly 4 ounces of wine. To stop your pour, slowly twist the bottle
upward over the glass to avoid drops and spills.
When serving white wine, wrap a napkin around the neck of the bottle for insulation before pouring.
This will keep your hands from warming the bottle. Then, slowly pour your wine until the glass is one-
third full – roughly 3 ounces. To stop pouring, slightly twist the bottle upwards to avoid any spills.

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