Function Family Album

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Function Family Album

Task: Create a family album of the functions listed below. Your family album pages should be neatly
organized in a binder, photo album, or some other type of book/notebook. Neatness and organization is
key. The content for each function family must be accurate and will be graded accordingly. This
family album should serve as a review of the functions covered in Algebra II and will provide an
excellent resource for your future math courses.

Note: Creating this album does NOT require you to purchase scrapbook supplies or to spend a
lot of money. You can use an old binder (decorate it to make it look nice), construction paper
for the pages, and magazine pictures. Your grade will be solely determined by meeting the
rubric requirements.


1. Choose a theme for your album.

2. Create a title page for your album.

Title page should include your name and a title for your album. This should be typed or
NEATLY handwritten.

3. Create at least a page for each of the following functions. Feel free to use more than one page for
each function, but please make sure that any pages related to one function stay together. Do not put
information about multiple functions on the same page. Your album should be in the following order:

A. f(x) = x Linear Function

B. f(x) = x2 Quadratic Function
C. f(x) = x Square Root Function
D. f(x) = a x , a > 1 Exponential Growth Function
E. f(x) = a x , 0 < a < 1 Exponential Decay Function
F. f(x) = log a x Logarithmic Function

4. For each function, you need to include the following:

a. Graph of the parent function (must be done by hand on graph paper)
b. The equation must be written neatly or typed above the graph
c. T-chart for the parent function graph with ordered pairs listed for x-values -2, -1, 0,
1, 2
d. Domain and Range of the parent function (this is not the x-values you are choosing
for your T-chart!)
e. X-intercepts and Y-intercepts of the parent function (if there are none, state that
there are none!)
f. The graph must be done by hand and include the points from the T-chart.
g. A description of a real world setting where we may find this family (similar to an
application/word problem).
h. You should find a picture of a real-world example of each of the functions and
include those pictures with the appropriate function. These pictures should coincide
with your theme.
5. For the linear, quadratic, and square root functions you will also include 3 of their “children”
(different transformations). For each different child (transformation) you will include the
a. Graph of the function (must be done by hand on graph paper)
b. The equation must be written neatly or typed above the graph
c. Description of how the transformation affected the parent function
d. T-chart for the function graph with ordered pairs listed for 5 different x-values
e. Domain and Range of the function (this is not the x-values you are choosing for your T-
f. X-intercepts and Y-intercepts of the function (if there are none, state that there are
g. The graph must be done by hand and include the points from the T-chart.

6. Decorate the front cover of your binder/notebook/album to reflect your theme.

7. You are allowed to use your calculator to help you generate accurate information, but ALL



10. Grading:

Six Functions:
Graph and T-chart: 4 points
Domain: 1 point
Range: 1 point
X-Intercepts: 1 point
Y-Intercepts: 1 point (6 Functions at 10 points = 60 points total)
Real world example 2 points
9 Children (transformations) of the linear, quadratic, and square root family:
Graph and T-chart: 4 points
Description 2 points
Domain: 1 point
Range: 1 point
X-Intercepts: 1 point
Y-Intercepts: 1 point (9 Children at 10 points = 90 points total)
Pictures: 10 points
Neatness, Creativity, Theme 15 points

Total: 175 points possible

Project will be entered in as a percentage (out of 100) on Achieve.

Projects are due on ________________________

Projects turned in one day late will result in a loss of 20% credit for your points earned. Projects more
than one day late will lose an additional 20% for each day late.

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