Art's Liq Vapor SeparatorRev1

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Calculation of a Gas-Liquid Separator or Flash Drum

The Mott Souders - George Granger Brown Equation is:

Vmax = (K) [ (rL - rV) / rV ]0.5

Vmax = the maximum allowable superficial vapor velocity through the vessel = 7.5 ft/sec
rL = the density of the liquid entering the vessel = 54.00 lb/ft3
rV = the density of the vapor entering the vessel = 0.06 lb/ft3
K = an empirical constant whose value depends on the type of vessel, the
use of internals, and the height of the disengaging space above any
mesh employed. = 0.25

Values of "K" are found in Ernest Ludwig's "Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical Plants",
Volume 1, chapter 4:
K Values for Knitted Mesh
(Bottom of mesh shuld be at least 12 inches above the liquid surface)
Service Conditions K" Value General type mesh

Clean fluids, moderate liquid load; fits 90% 0.36 Standard design
of process situations and applications. 0.35 High efficiency (?)
(the rating description is probably backwards…) 0.25 Very high efficiency (?)

High viscosity; dirty, suspended solids 0.40 Low density or Herringbone, high
Vacuum operations:
2" Hg absolute 0.20 Standard design
16" Hg absolute 0.27 High Efficiency
Corrosive chemical 0.21 Plastic coated wire, or plastic strand

Variations of K with Disengaging Height

Disengaging height above mesh,
Allowable "K" value
3 0.12
4 0.15
5 0.19
6 0.22
7 0.25
8 0.29
9 0.32
10 0.35
11 0.38
12 0.40
13 0.42
14 0.43
This table is from Otto H. York data.
Values based on 12 lb/ft3 wire mesh. Design practice
normally does not exceed k of 0.4 even for higher
disengaging height.
Additionally, the GPSA Engineering Data Book (11th Edition, electronic) states that vertical separators
have a K factor (in ft/sec) value of 0.18 to 0.35. It recommends adjustment of the K factor due to system
Pressure % of K
atm. 100
150 psi 90
300 psi 85
600 psi 80
1,150 psi 75

For Vertical Separator Design:

Maximum vapor flow rate = 100 lb/hr = 0.463 ft3/sec

Separator cross-sectional area = 0.062 ft2

Separator inside diameter = 0.28 ft = 3.37 inches

The GPSA states that separators without mist extractors are sized using the above equation with a K
that is typically 1/2 of that used for vessel with mist extractors.

John M. Campbell, in his book "Gas Conditioning and Processing", states: "(Separator sizing).. Is
a semi-empirical approach since one cannot measure things like droplet size and other variables.
Furthermore, many of the assumptions in the derivation of the Souders-Brown equation are not satisfied in
actual practice.

"The value of K depends on all factors that affect separation other than density - such as vortex action,
foaming, pulsating flow, liquid flowing in heads, presence of solids, degree of separation needed, separation
length, varying gas to liquid ratios, and the like. It is not surprising that K varies widely in different
applications. How does one predict it? From experience!

"Do not be naïve. Most published capacity curves are for ideal conditions. Use them cautiously. Consider a
factor like pulsating flow from a well head or a two-phase line. The liquid enters in "heads". During this time
the gas rate is low. Between "heads" the gas rate is normal but little liquid enters. Using some average 24
hour gas and liquid rate to size the separator would be criminal, or at least unprofessional. There must be
sufficient capacity to handle properly the instantaneous rates expected.

"The value of K used in the Souders-Brown equation thus varies. The normal range of values is:

K = 0.06 to 0.35
September 30, 2005
Art Montemayor
Rev: 0

Vertical Separator Sizing Calculations

Project: Santa Rosa Compressor Station - Anaco, Venezuela

Inlet Conditions: K Values

SGliquid 0.649 Separator (w/ mist pad) 0.334 ft/sec

SGgas 0.7709 Separator (w/o mist pad) 0.167 ft/sec
P 260 psig Compressor Separator 0.267 ft/sec
T 100 Fo

Q 5,000 MScfd
Z 0.9854

Vertical Vertical
Separator Separator Units
(w/o mist
(w/ mist pad) (Compressor)
rliquid = SGliquid*62.371 = 40.45 40.45 40.45 lbf / ft3

(P+14.69)(SGgas*28.9625) 1.04 1.04 1.04

rgas = = lbf / ft3
Z(10.73)(T + 459.67)

Qrgas 3.40 3.40 3.40

Mrate = = lbm / sec

Mrate 3.29 3.29 3.29

Vrate = = ft3 / sec

K rliquid - rgas 2.06 1.03 1.65

velmax = = ft / sec

Vrate 1.59 3.19 1.99

A= = ft2

fID =
12 4A 17.10 24.18 19.12
= inches

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WorkSheet: Vertical Nat. Gas Sep.
September 30, 2005
Art Montemayor
Rev: 0

The Specific Gravity of a liquid fluid is defined as the density of the given liquid (at a defined temperature) divided
by the density of water at the reference temperature of 60 oF ( 62.371 lb/ft3)

The Specific Gravity of a gas is defined as the density of the given gas (at a defined temperature and pressure) divided
by the density of dry air at the reference temperature and pressure of 60 oF and 14.696 psia ( 0.076322 lb/ft3 ). Usually
the Specific Gravity is given for a gas also at 60 oF.

The Molecular Weight of Dry Air is given as 28.9625 (GPSA Engineering Data Book; 1983)

One lb-mole of an Ideal gas yields a volume of 379.49 ft3 at 14.696 psia and 60 oF (GPSA Engineering Data Book.

Specific Gravity of a gas at 60 oF and 14.696 psia = (gas Molecular Weight) / (28.9625)

The equation used to calculate Natural Gas density is:

rV = (MW) (P) / (10.73) (T) (Z)

rV = Natural Gas density at temperature T, lb/ft3
MW = Natural Gas Molecular Weight, lbs/lb-mol
P = Natural Gas pressure, psia
T = Natural Gas temperature, oR
Z = Natural Gas Compressibility Factor

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WorkSheet: Vertical Nat. Gas Sep.
September 30, 2005
Art Montemayor
Rev: 0
Horizontal Separator Preliminary Sizing Calculations
Inlet Conditions: K Values

SGliquid 0.649 Separator (w/ mist pad) 0.334 ft/sec

SGgas 0.7709 Separator (w/o mist pad) 0.167 ft/sec
P 260 psig Filter Separator * 1.300 ft/sec
T 100 F o
* Filter Seps are Proprietary Designs. This is estimate only
Q 5,000 M Scfd
L 10.0 Feet
Z 0.9854

Horizontal Horizontal
Separator Separator Units
Separator *
(w/ mist pad) (w/o mist pad)
r liquid = SGliquid*62.371 = 40.45 40.45 40.45 lbm / ft3

(P+14.7)(SGgas*28.9625) 1.04 1.04 1.04

rgas = = lbm /ft3
Z (10.73)(T + 459.67)

Qr gas 3.40 3.40 3.40

Mrate = = lbm /sec

Mrate 3.29 3.29 3.29

Vrate = = ft3 / sec

K rliquid - rgas 2.06 1.03 8.02

velmax = (L/10)0.56 = ft / sec

Vrate 1.59 3.19 0.41

A = = ft2

12 4A 17.10 24.18 8.67 inches

f ID = =

Wet Gas in Gas out

Filter Separator

Liquid out

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WorkSheet: Horizontal Sep
August 21, 2005
Art Montemayor
Rev: 0
Vertical liquid-vapor separators are used primarily to disengage a liquid from a vapor when the volume of liquid is
small compared with the vapor volume. The maximum allowable vapor velocity in a vertical separator, to reduce
liquid carryover, is a function of liquid and vapor density and a constant, K, based on surface tension, droplet size,
and physical characteristics of the system. Usually these K values for vertical vessels vary between 0.1 to 0.35,
if mist eliminators are used to enhance disentrainment. Watkins(1) developed a correlation between separation factor
(S Fac) and K value which has proved useful in sizing process liquid-vapor separators. Watkins' data have been fitted
to an equation, and this correlation is used in this program for calculation of K values for a range of separation factors
between 0.006 and 5.0. However, other K values can be entered if desired.

Once the K value and maximum vapor velocity are determined, the cross-sectional area of the separator is calculated
using the equation for AV. Vessel diameter is calculated from cross-sectional area by the equation for D, and
maximum liquid level is calculated from liquid flow rate and surge time using the equations for Q L and LL.

It is normally recommended that 36 inches plus one-half the feed nozzle OD (48 inches minimum) be left above the
feed nozzle for vapor disengagement. Below the feed nozzle, leave 12 inches plus one-half the feed nozzle OD for
clearance between the maximum liquid level and the feed nozzle (minimum of 18 inches). At some value between
L/D ratios of 3 and 5 a minimum vessel weight will occur, resulting in minimum cost for the separator's steel material
of construction.

Equations employed:

S Fac=
WV √ ρL
2 3 4
K V =exp ( B + DX + EX + FX +GX )
ρ L−ρV
V Max= K
√ ρV
QV =
ρV ( 3600 )
V Max

4 AV
√ π
π D

Q L=
ρL (60 )

Q L (T )


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WorkSheet: Blackwell Method
August 21, 2005
Art Montemayor
Rev: 0

S Fac = Separation Factor

KV = Vapor velocity factor for vertical separators
VMax = Maximum allowable vapor velocity, ft/sec
WL = Liquid mass flow rate, lb/hr
WV = Vapor mass flow rate, lb/hr
rV = Vapor density, lb/ft3
rL = Liquid density, lb/ft3
QV = Vapor volumetric flow rate, ft3/sec
D = Separator's internal diameter, ft
A = Separator's cross-sectional flow area, ft2
AV = Separator's minimum cross-sectional flow area, ft 2

1. Watkins, R.N.: "Sizing Separators and accumulators", Hydrocarbon Processing; November, 1967;
pp. 253-256.

A. Kayode Coker, in his book "Fortran Programs for Chemical Process Design", gives the Watkins Curve which
relates KV to (WL/WV) (rV/rL)0.5. He qualifies the data as based on five percent of the liquid being entrained with
the vapor and at 85 % of flooding.

The data on the curve are as follows:

(WL/WV) (rV/rL)0.5 KV
0.006 0.23
0.008 0.25
0.01 0.27
0.02 0.41
0.04 0.45
0.06 0.44
0.08 0.43
0.1 0.42
0.2 0.35
0.4 0.28
0.6 0.2
0.8 0.17
1.0 0.14
2.0 0.07
4.0 0.033

I regressed this data using the Datafit program and got a much better equation in:
y = x/(a+b*x-c*x2)

a = 0.01746538478
b = 1.620701278
c = -5.47525025
WL = 1,288 lb/hr
WV = 314,500 lb/hr KV = 0.018266
rV = 0.26190 lb/ft3

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WorkSheet: Blackwell Method
August 21, 2005
Art Montemayor
Rev: 0
rL = 40.640 lb/ft3
X = 0.000329

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WorkSheet: Blackwell Method
August 21, 2005
Art Montemayor
Rev: 0


Dr. W.D. Monnery Dr. W.Y. Svrcek
Chem-Pet Process Technology Ltd. Department of Chemical & Petroleum Engineering
335 Ranchridge Bay NW University of Calgary
Calgary, AB Calgary, AB T2N 1N4

September 5, 2000


The purpose of this work was to establish the separation efficiency of flare knock-out drums and determine the
expected entrained liquid droplet diameter that is carried over to the flare. This was accomplished by using a
field pilot plant skid at the Prime West East Crossfield gas plant. The skid consisted of gas and liquid inlet test
separators and entrained liquid collection in a filter/coalescer. The raw test data was entrained liquid carryover
amount as a function of gas velocity data.

Experimental results provide incipient entrained liquid carryover velocities. The data show that carryover rises
sharply after the incipient carryover velocity and separation efficiency drops below 99.9%. Experimental results
indicate that entrained liquid carryover average droplet diameters are 200 to 600 microns for flare knock-out
drums at 10 to 100 psig. Calculations show that the maximum stable droplet size can be very large at low
velocities and the calculated liquid droplet size distribution indicates that there can be substantial variance in the
droplet size and that the latter may not be very uniform. In order to verify the estimated droplet sizes and
distributions, further experimental work must include the addition of online droplet size and distribution
measurement equipment.

Experimental results provide quantitative data for the relationship between horizontal and vertical K factors and
allowable velocities, which has to date been empirical and subjective. These results show that the factor between
horizontal and vertical K factors and allowable velocities vary from about 1.33 to 1.67 as L/D varies from
3.5 to 6.5.

Modeling results based on using the experimental data give entrained liquid average droplet diameters that are
consistent with API 521 for flare knock-out drums (300-600 microns) as well as other open literature. To
avoid carryover, flare knock-out drums should be designed using a droplet size of 300 microns.

This study is part of the Alternative Flaring Technologies program sponsored by Environment Canada, CAPP
and PTAC. This study focuses on the efficiency of gravity separation as it relates to flare knockout drum
design and operation.

One of the critical issues in facilities process design and operation is vapor/liquid separation. This is also an
important issue for the improvement of existing flaring systems. The problem for flaring systems is that with the
uncertainty of design and operating conditions, liquid carryover droplets may be of such a size and composition

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WorkSheet: V-L Separator Analysis
August 21, 2005
Art Montemayor
Rev: 0
that they are incompletely combusted. This results in the emission of many undesirable compounds to the
atmosphere, as has been outlined in previous studies and of the current Government and Industry study
aimed at mitigating emissions in flares.

There is an abundance of literature available on vapor/liquid separation and equipment design, yet there has never
been a systematic, comprehensive study to verify the accepted design methodology. Liquid vapor separator
design is described in several engineering and operating company guidelines, the GPSA Engineering Data Book
and recent publications such as Svrcek and Monnery (1993) and Monnery and Svrcek (1994). Other
publications of note are Watkins (1967) and Talavera (1990).

The present design philosophy is to simply attempt to be conservative enough so that separation equipment will
work. Unfortunately, the definition of how conservative these designs are remains in question. Furthermore,
equipment that does function properly at design rates may need to be re-rated for increased rates or at off-design
operating conditions and the above mentioned problem appears again (how conservative?). Although general
design methodology is well accepted, it is the subjectivity of some of the separation parameters used in the
models that are in question.

As such, the purpose of the research is to determine the efficiency of gravity separation. Specifically, it is to
determine the velocity at which carryover occurs and to estimate the liquid particle size going to flare. This data
can also be used to check current design criteria and estimate liquid carryover at operating conditions.


In a liquid-vapor separation vessel, there are typically three stages of separation. The first stage, primary
separation, uses an inlet diverter to cause the largest droplets to impinge by momentum and then drop by gravity.
The next stage is gravity separation of smaller droplets as the gas flows through the vapor disengagement section
of the separator. The final stage is mist elimination, where the smallest droplets are coalesced on an impingement
device, such as a mist pad or vane pack, followed by gravity settling of the larger formed droplets. In vessels
like flare knockout drums, we are primarily concerned with gravity separation since they typically have no
coalescing internals, such as mist pads.

For gravity separation, the allowable velocity is determined so that the required disengagement area can be
determined. For a vertical vessel, performing a force balance on the liquid droplet settling out provides the
necessary relationship. When the net gravity force, given by Eq.1,

M P ( ρ L−ρ V ) g
FG = ……….(1)
ρ L gc
balances the drag force, given by Eq. 2,

2 2 2
( π/ 8)C
(π / 8) C
DDD PDUP2VUρVV ρV ……….(2)
g cg c

the liquid droplets will settle at a constant terminal velocity, UT. Equating Eqs. 1 and 2 results in:

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Art Montemayor
Rev: 0

ental results

ance in the

tor between

hat with the

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August 21, 2005
Art Montemayor
Rev: 0

ere has never

Data Book


. This data

by gravity.
ment section

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WorkSheet: V-L Separator Analysis

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