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I am = I’m You are = You’re


He is = He’s She has = She’s
Let us = Let’s
We put an apostrophe in the position of
He would = he’d
the letter(s) we have dropped!
That is = That’s
Will not = won’t
Does not = Doesn’t

In writing, the apostrophe takes the position of the missing letters.

1. (I am) I’m often late for school. 12. He (could not) He couldn’t have done
anything about it.
2. (Are not) Aren’t they the daughters of Mr and
Mrs Collins? 13. (They are) They’re very different from the
3. (They are) They’re all going to wait for the
results tomorrow. 14. (John is) Jhon’s not calling me.

4. (had not) Hadn’t it been for you, I (would not) 15. (He would) He’d help if only he could.
wouldn’t have been around anymore.
16. You (could not) couldn’t help it.
5. (I would) I’d love to visit you one summer.
17. (You would) You’d have talked to him if you
6. (Peter is) Peter’s not willing to do it. thought it would make a difference.

7. (where did) Where’d she go? 18. Matt (could not) couldn’t find his books.

8. (I have) I’ve never been to the USA. 19. I know he (will not) won’t be late.

9. (Let us) Let’s wait another hour before we 20. I (did not) didn’t eat breakfast.
make a decision.
21. We (should have) We’d have paid right away.
10. (We have) We’ve never done a thing like
that. 22. (You are) You’re often right.

11. (He would) He’d have bought a present had 23. The (bee is) bee’s in the bottle.
he known it was your birthday. 24. Who cares? You (do not) don’t!

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Singular (subject/verb agreement) Plural (subject/verb agreement)
Write the right
I talk /go form of the we talk / go
you talk / go you talk / go
he, she, it talks /goes they talk / go

1. (drive) My dad drives his car to work 21. (sell) The woman sells newspapers.
every day. 22. (catch) It never catches birds.
2. (swim) She swims in the morning before 23. (buy) I buy candy once a month.
school. 24. (like) My brother and his friends like to
3. (eat) We eat three meals a day. play golf.
4. (watch) He watches television in the 25. (be) There is oil on the floor.
morning. 26. (walk) I often go to the library.
5. (ride) My sister rides her bike for school. 27. (go) They often go to the cinema to watch a
6. (listen) They listen to their iPods when film.
they run. 28. (drink) The boy drinks milk every day.
7. (sleep) A cat sleeps many hours every 29. (speak) He speaks good English.
day. 30. (work) They work in the big factory on the
8. (practice) The football team practice corner of the street.
every Wednesday. 31. (look) The animals in the zoo look hungry.
9. (shine) The sun shines every day. 32. (ride) The postman rides his bike when on
10. (eat) They eat too much. work.
11. (do) Mum does the dishes. 33. (play) My father sometimes plays soccer
12. (go) I go to school five days a week. with his friends.
13. (own) He owns many cars. 34. (like) We like to do our homework
14. (sing) She sings beautifully. together.
15. (like) I like to ride my bike. 35. (leave) The plane leaves in an hour.
16. (type) You type too little. 36. (wash) My neighbor washes his car every
17. (read) She reads a book every week. Sunday.
18. (be) Nate is a naughty boy! 37. (iron= Planchar) Mom irons the clothes
19. (see) He sees nothing! every week.
20. (make) I make them a cup of tea. 38. (go) I always go to bed before 10 pm.

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some any
Write the
is used in correct option is used in
in the space
 positive sentences  questions where you don’t
 in questions where you expect know the answer
a positive answer  and negative sentences

1. Do you have any siblings? 14. Do you like some kinds of sport?

2. He came up (salir, surgir) with some good 15. I would like you to buy some bread and milk
ideas on how to expand the business. for me.

3. Do you see any road (Carretera) signs (signos, 16. There have been some problems with the
senales) here? oldest students.

4. I haven’t any candy left (izquierd@, Sobrante) 17. Some people like it hot others like it cold.
for you. Sorry!
18. Some passengers fell ill (enfermo) on board
5. Oh, I am sorry. I don’t have any money for the (aborar, tablero) the plane.
19. There isn’t any help around. (alrededor,
6. Some of us have been on a most interesting cerca)
vacation to the USA.
20. Some of the students are too old for the youth
7. There weren’t any eggs left for the people who (juventud) ticket.
had breakfast at 9.30 am!
21. I have decided not to do any of the jobs you
8. It won’t do any good. want me to do.

9. I couldn’t play with any of my friends. 22. Do you know where I can find some matches
to light the candle?
10. Have you been to some European countries?
23. I will do some thing for you!
11. No, I don’t have any spare (de repuesto,
Sobrante, disponible) money to give to you. 24. How come you can’t help me any more?

12. Our friends have some really nice 25. I need some assistance right now.
26. I don’t know any one (cualquiera, nadie) by
13. __________ problems here? that name.

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Verbs in the weak form: - about what -some verbs with one syllable double
happened the consonant when adding –ed
Always end on –ed in the yesterday! nod – nodded
past. Write the right form Remember y following a vowel is
-if a verb ends in –e only add d of the verb: changed to ies

like - liked

1. (wash) I ________ my hands after 16. (chop) Dad ____________ wood last week.
getting back from the outing to the forest. 17. (like) He ______________ her very much.
2. (cook) Mum __________ the food before 18. (cry) The child _________ all night long.
the guests arrived. 19. (fry) I ___________ two eggs for lunch.
3. (finish) We ____________ breakfast at 20. (live) You ___________ in the USA, right?
10.00 am. 21. (stop) Ann _________work at five o’clock.
4. (clean) Who __________ the windows? 22. (play) Peter __________ soccer with his
5. (rain) It ___________ cats and dogs all friends yesterday afternoon.
day yesterday. 23. (hurry) We ____________ home.
6. (look) He _________ at the girl. 24. (close) He ___________ the door in front
7. (smoke) Mr Hansen ___________ two of her.
cigars after the dinner. 25. (invite) She always ___________ us for
8. (carry) He _________ the baby. Christmas.
9. (arrive) Dad ___________ very late last 26. (want) Nobody ___________ it to happen.
night from London. 27. (wait) They _________ for ages before the
10. (promise) She _____________ to do it. bus came.
11. (bake) I ___________ 10 buns yesterday. 28. (park) They __________ the car two blocks
12. (play) She ___________with her away.
children all day. 29. (start/expect) The match ____________
13. (stay) I ___________ away for three later than _____________.
months. 30. (borrow) I ____________ 10 dollars from
14. (study) They ____________ at Oxford him.
15. (telephone) Who ________________ at
2 pm yesterday?

[email protected] Page 8
How to make singular nouns plural: Examples:
Write the right
Rule 1: add –s plural form of Rule 1: car – cars / ball – balls
the noun:
Rule 2: add –es (if the singular form Rule 2: kiss – kisses /
has an –s sound at the end)
house - houses

1. I have two book___. 23. There are many bear____ in Canada.

2. Todd has a lot of ball___. 24. There are no mountain_____ in
3. Do you like to read book____? Holland.
4. How many day___ has a week got? 25. Almost all kid___ in Denmark have
5. A year has twelve month_____. bike_____.
6. I like cat_____. 26. The fruit vendor sells orange__.
7. He has four lamp____ in his room. 27. He drinks four beer____ every day.
8. There are two poster_____ on the wall. 28. There are many palm tree____ in
9. My house has got white wall____. southern California.
10. Can you take the two glass____ for me? 29. Sometimes there are fox____ in our
11. We will have apple_____ for dessert. garden.
12. 3A has 27 student_____. 30. Can you put the dish_____ on the
13. There are 14 boy______ and 13 table?
girl_____. 31. How many door____ are there in your
14. I got three pencil_____ from my house?
grandmother. 32. Please, bring your computer____
15. I have lost my key_____. tomorrow.
16. My sister doesn’t like snake_____. 33. The woman has two shopping bag___.
17. Do you want bacon and egg_____. 34. Will you light the candle___, please?
18. There are 10 school bus_____ waiting to 35. Walmart sells radio___,
take the kid_____ home. television_____, and DVD player___.
19. Do you like peach______? 36. I took many photograph_____.
20. We have many beach_____ in Denmark. 37. Where are your shoe___?
21. He will order three family pizza__. 38. Don’t throw the stone____ at him!
22. I have fifty-two dollar____. 39. How many T-shirt____ are there?

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How to make singular nouns plural: Examples:
Circle the
Rule 3: y – ies (if there is a consonant right plural Rule 3: cherry – cherries
before y) form of the
noun: Rule 4: half - halves
Rule 4: f – ves

23. How many citys / cities are there in the Write the plural forms:
24. I would like some cherrys / cherries, 1. baby - _______________________
please. 2. cherry - _____________________
25. Can I have both halfs / halves? 3. half - ________________________
26. He knows many storys / stories. 4. leaf - ________________________
27. I like the colour of the leafs / leaves. 5. story - _______________________
28. How many boys / boyes are there in your 6. boy -________________________
class? 7. toy - ________________________
29. I want toys / toyes for Christmas. 8. lady - _______________________
30. Two more daies / days and it is my 9. day - ________________________
birthday. 10. lilly - ________________________
31. My mom has two babys / babies. 11. strawberry - _________________
32. Her body / bodies is very nice. 12. calf - ________________________
33. Ladies / ladys and gentlemen…. 13. knife - _______________________
34. There are several kinds of monkeys / 14. body - _______________________
monkeys in the zoo. 15. life - _________________________
35. She got a bunch of lillys / lilies for her 16. monkey - _____________________
birthday. 17. key - _________________________
36. The cow had two calfs / calves. 18. lolly - ________________________
37. I want a lolly / lollies. 19. wolf - ________________________
38. Do you like strawberrys / strawberries 20. thief - _______________________
with cream?
39. He has many sharp knifes / knives.
40. Canada is home to many wolfs/ wolves.
41. Many lifes / lives were lost in the war.
42. The thiefs / thieves stole a car.
It was a piece of cake!

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Singular Plural
Write the right
I am form of the we are
verb ”to be”:
you are you are
he, she, it is they are

16. Scott ______ a boy. 46. My cat _____ black and white.
17. He ______ seven years old. 47. He ____ inside the house.
18. Maria ______ a girl. 48. Mum and Dad _______ away.
19. She _______ Scott’s sister. 49. Grandma _____ here.
20. You _______ in my house. 50. Grass _____ green.
21. I like it when you ______ here. 51. The sun _____ yellow.
22. He _______ a good footballer. 52. ______ the sea blue?
23. They ________ from Germany. 53. New York ____ a city in the USA.
24. We _______ from Denmark. 54. Canada ______ north of the USA.
25. It ______ hot today. 55. A horse ______ an animal.
26. Tinker ______ a dog. 56. The bike _____ from my father.
27. He ______ my dog. 57. The poster _____ from John.
28. A football _______ often white. 58. The plane ______ late.
29. It ______ my bike. 59. The people _______noisy.
30. Muzzy _______ a monster. 60. Nobody _______ here.
31. We _______ happy. 61. John, Mike and Bo ______ sick.
32. _______ you from America? 62. An egg _____ white and yellow.
33. She ______ is from Canada. 63. Rome ___ the capital city of Italy.
34. I _______ from Australia. 64. Beans _______ green.
35. He ______ tall. 65. They ______ healthy.
36. They _______ new here. 66. I ______ hungry.
37. Today _______ Tuesday. 67. Sylvia ______ in love with Bob.
38. And tomorrow _____ Wednesday. 68. The queen _______ fat.
39. Peter _____ in grade three. 69. The king ______ strong.
40. Sarah and Derek ______ at home. 70. You _______ brave.
41. We ______ going to eat now. 71. They ________ mad.
42. I ______ good at math. 72. Coffee ______ hot.
43. You and I ______ good friends. 73. Ice-cream _______ cold.
44. ______ you his friend? 74. Pancakes _________ good.
45. Hockey _____ a winter sport. 75. It _______ a super job!

[email protected] Page 1
An adjective tells you about a noun (people or things):

They go before nouns: A big house - A new bike - An old chair - A white T-shirt

You can say: Iam_________ or to be ________ = adjective 

Below you find a lot of word. You have to identify the ones that are adjectives by circling them,
highlighting them or add colour to them:

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Subject form Object form
I Write the Me
You correct option You
He, she, it in the space Him, her, it
We Us
You You
They Them

I like Pepsi. Peter helped me. They did some shopping for her.

Mind the words in the brackets and write the Write the correct object form of the personal
correct form of the pronoun: pronoun:

1. ______________ likes Coca-Cola. (Pete) 1. Do you know Brian? Yes, I know _____.

2. ______________ like tea. (My parents) 2. That book is mine. Give it to ________.

3. ______________ like milk. (My brother) 3. The car is dirty. Do you mind washing
4. ____________ are going to the USA for the
summer holidays. (My family and I) 4. It is his football. Why don’t you give it to
5. __________ is watching TV. (My sister)
5. We are going to Canada and Nicole is coming
6. __________ drives to school every day. (My with ___________.
6. Caroline loves chocolate, so why don’t you
7. __________ often reads books. (Susan) give __________ the whole box!
8. Is your mother in? Yes, _______ is in. 7. It is my parents’ anniversary tomorrow so I am
going to buy _________ a present.
9. __________ should not tell such stories. (Peter
and you). 8. Louise is here. Do you want to talk to
10. _________ couldn’t come to the party.
(Thomas and Lucas). 9. We had back luck but don’t feel sorry for
11. _________ are gone for the weekend. (My
family and I) 10. Here are two knives. Put ________ in the
12. _________ are moving away next week. (My
neighbours) 11. I want some bread. Where is ______?

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Singular Plural
Write the right
I do form of the we do
verb ”to do”:
you do you do
he, she, it does they do

76. _______the boys like football? 25. We ________ not like to eat cold soup.
77. I ____ not like coffee. 26. I ______ not like mushrooms.
78. My aunt Rose _______ not like to sing. 27. _______ you like chocolate?
79. Where ______ you hide your candy? 28. _______ he work on Mondays?
80. He ______ his best. 29. Where _____ they go for their holiday next
81. They like to ______ their best. month?
82. I like to _____ a good job. 30. When ______ the bank close?
83. They ______ not like to do homework. 31. They _______ know the answer of the
84. _______you come from the USA? riddle.
85. ______ Paul live with his mother? 32. ______ she know how to read?
86. ______ you ride your bike to school? 33. You _______n’t like this, _____ you?
87. ______ you think cats are cute? 34. _____ you like fish?
88. He _______ everything you tell him to 35. I can ______ it and you can _____ it.
_______. 36. I _____ not know what to buy her for
89. _______ they play outside? Christmas.
90. _______ she wear a T-shirt? 37. _______ they live here?
91. ______ you like homework? 38. You know Mike. Yes, I ________.
92. He ______ not like to run. 39. ______you understand me?
93. What ______ you think of the game? 40. ______n’t tell anyone. It is a secret.
94. When _______ Nancy go to school? 41. _______ he go there often?
95. I ______ not know. 42. I am not sure if he _______.
96. ______ you? 43. When _______ he come back?
97. No, I _____ not. 44. Which colour ______ they like?
98. I can ______ it faster than you. 45. Why ______ you write an email?
99. _____n’t ______ that! 46. Why _____n’t you call him?
47. Where ______ you think he is?
48. I ______ n’t want to know.
49. What _______ you want?
50. She _______n’t do very well.

[email protected] Page 4
An adjective tells you about a noun An adjective can come in three forms:
(people or things): Write the right
form of the Positive adjective: strong
They go before nouns adjective on
the lines: Comparative adjective: stronger
A big house
Superlative adjective: strongest
A new bike
Short adjectives (one-syllable) add: -
An old chair (e)r old – older - oldest
A white T-shirt and -(e)st nice – nicer - nicest

Write the comparative and superlative adjectives:

1. warm - ___________ - ___________ Write adjectives that could be used to describe

2. late - _____________ - ___________ the words:
3. safe - ____________ - ____________ Mum
4. small - ___________ - ____________ Sweet / tall / beautiful / fast / young
5. high - ____________ - ____________
6. near - ____________ - ____________ Car
7. fine - ____________ - ____________ ________ / ________ / ________ / _______
8. rich - ____________ - ____________
9. new - _____________ - ____________ T-shirt
10. odd - _____________ - ____________ ________ / ________ / ________ / _______

Write the comparative form of the adjective on

the lines:
________ / ________ / _________ / _______
1. Today is __________ than yesterday
(warm). Brother
2. The taxi arrived ___________ than _________ / ________ / ________ / _______
expected (late).
3. This car is ___________ than that one Film
(safe). _________ / _________ / _______ / _______
4. I am ___________ than you are (rich).
5. My bike is ___________ than yours House
(new). _________ / _________ / _______ / _______
6. You are ________ than me (old).
_________ / _________ / _______ / _______

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who which

Write the correct refers to groups or things or

refers to people
option on the empty animals

21. They are the trousers __________ I told 14. Do you know Victor _______ plays soccer?
you about. 15. I am listening to the new CD _______ I got
22. The shoes, __________ I got for my for Christmas.
birthday, have disappeared from my phys 16. This is the girl __________ asked to
ed bag. borrow 500 dollars from my father.
23. My cat, _________ I got last year, has 17. I have a horse __________ I got from my
broken its leg. granddad.
24. Do you know the boy _______ is sitting 18. This is Mrs Hansen ________ is my Music
next to me? teacher.
25. Once upon a time there was a king 19. I have a puppy _________ has got sharp
_________ had a daughter. teeth.
26. The house, __________ has orange 20. The man, _________ is living next door,
windows, is next to ours. has got visitors from the USA.
27. Peter is the one __________ saved my 21. I like the dinner ________ we had last
life. night.
28. Casper is on the team _________ won 22. Can you think of a person ________ has
the prize. cheated?
29. She showed me her hand _______ was 23. This is the car _________ has had its tires
hurt in the accident. changed.
30. Look! This is the new dress ________ I 24. A man, _________ shot a horse, was jailed
will be wearing for the wedding. yesterday.
31. The knife in your hand is the one 25. Her youngest son, _________ was born in
__________ needs sharpening. 1995, has gone to America.
32. The girl, ________ had a budgie in a 26. I have seen bad examples _________ has
cage, has moved. scared me.
33. I go to the school __________ has had 27. Monkeys, __________ live in freedom,
the best results for three years. have shorter lives.
28. This is the best thing _________ has
happened to me.

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