Integrating Factors

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Jim Lambers

MAT 285
Spring Semester 2012-13
Lecture 13 Notes

These notes correspond to Section 2.6 in the text.

Integrating Factors
If a first-order equation of the form
M dx + N dy = 0
is not exact, then it can often be made exact by scaling the equation by a function µ(x, y), known
as an integrating factor. We have previously used this approach for linear equations that are not
separable. Now, we generalize this technique to nonlinear equations.
We need to find µ so that the scaled equation

µM dx + µN dy = 0

is exact. This requires that (µM )y = (µN )x , or, by the Product Rule,

µMy + µy M = µNx + µx N,

or, upon rearranging,

µ(My − Nx ) = µx N − µy M.
In general, this equation is difficult to solve for µ. However, we can solve it in two special cases.
First, suppose that we require that µ is a function of only x, so that µy = 0. Then, µ satisfies the
My − Nx
µ0 (x) = µ(x),
where (My − Nx )/N must be a function of only x. It follows that
g(x) dx My (x, y) − Nx (x, y)
µ(x) = e , g(x) = ,
N (x, y)

where g(x), in its simplest form, does not depend on y.

Similarly, suppose that µ must be a function of only y, so that µx = 0. Then, µ satisfies the
Nx − My
µ0 (y) = µ(y),
where (Nx − My )/M must be a function of only y. It follows that
h(y) dy Nx (x, y) − My (x, y)
µ(y) = e , h(y) = ,
M (x, y)

where h(y), in its simplest form, does not depend on y.

Example We will solve the equation

y dx + (2xy − e−2y ) dy = 0.

In this case, M (x, y) = y and N (x, y) = 2xy − e−2y . Because

My = 1, Nx = 2y,

the equation is not exact. To find an integrating factor, we examine

My − N x 1 − 2y Nx − My 2y − 1
= , = .
N 2xy − e−2y M y
Because the second function depends only on y, we can use the integrating factor
2y − 1
µ(y) = exp dy
= exp 2 − dy
= e2y−ln y
= e2y eln y
= .
Now, the scaled equation

e2y e2y
y dx + (2xy − e−2y ) dy = 0
y y
should be exact. First, we simplify the equation to obtain

e2y dx + (2xe2y − 1/y) dy = 0.

In this modified equation, M (x, y) = e2y and N (x, y) = 2xe2y − 1/y. From

My = 2e2y , Nx = 2e2y ,

we confirm that it is indeed exact.

To solve the equation, we first compute
M1 (x, y) = M (x, y) dx = e2y dx = xe2y .

Note that we do not add a constant of integration. Then, we compute

∂ 1 1
N (x, y) − M1 (x, y) = 2xe2y − − 2xexy = − .
∂y y y
Note that this function does not depend on x.
The solution y therefore satisfies the equation
Z   Z
∂ 1
M1 (x, y) + N (x, y) − M1 (x, y) dy = xe2y − dy = xe2y − ln |y| + C = 0,
∂y y

where C is an arbitrary constant. It should be noted that by rewriting the original equation in the
form dy/dx = f (x, y), it can be seen that y = 0 is also a solution. 2

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