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Ovarian massedifferentiating benign from

malignant: the value of the International
Ovarian Tumor Analysis ultrasound rules
Jacques S. Abramowicz, MD; Dirk Timmerman, MD, PhD

various diagnostic modalities, of which

Ovarian cancer, the fifth most common cause of cancer death among women, has the ultrasound is an integral part.8
highest mortality rate of all gynecologic cancers. General survival rate is <50% but can The major reason to try and differen-
reach 90% if disease is detected early. Ultrasound is presently the best modality to tiate benign from malignant tumors is the
differentiate between benign and malignant status. The patient with a malignant mass recommendation to refer the patient with
should be referred to an oncology surgeon since results have been shown to be superior a malignant mass to a specialized center
to treatment by a specialist. Several ultrasound-based scoring systems exist for or an oncology surgeon since therapeutic
assessing the risk of an ovarian tumor to be malignant. The International Ovarian Tumor results have been shown to be superior to
Analysis group published 2 such systems: the ultrasound Simple Rules and the treatment by an obstetrician/gynecologist
Assessment of Different NEoplasias in the adneXa model. The Simple Rules classifies a specialist (previously called gener-
tumor as benign, malignant, or indeterminate and the Assessment of Different NEo- alist).9,10 Many scoring systems for
plasias in the adneXa model determines the risk for a tumor to be benign or malignant assessing the risk of an ovarian tumor to
and, if malignant, the risk of various stages. Sensitivity of the Simple Rules and be malignant, based on ultrasound find-
Assessment of Different NEoplasias in the adneXa model (using a cut-off of 10% to ings, have been proposed.11,12 Two,
predict malignancy) are 92% and 96.5%, respectively, and specificities are 96% and originating from the International
71.3%, respectively. These models are the best predictive tests for the preoperative Ovarian Tumor Analysis (IOTA) group,
classification of adnexal tumors. Their intent is to help the specialist make management are simple to use and extremely effective:
decisions when faced with a patient with a persistent ovarian mass. The models are the ultrasound Simple Rules13 and
simple, are easy to use, and have been validated in multiple reports but not in the United the assessment of different neoplasias in
States. We suggest they should be validated and widely introduced into medical practice the adnexa (ADNEX) model14 to predict
in the United States. the risk of malignancy of an ovarian mass.
The Simple Rules classifies a tumor as
Key words: ADNEX model, International Ovarian Tumor Analysis group, ovarian cancer, benign, malignant, or indeterminate and
scoring systems, Simple Rules, ultrasound the ADNEX model determines the risk
(in percent) for a tumor to be benign or
malignant and, if malignant, the risk of

T he numbers are known and

appalling: ovarian cancer is the fifth
most common cause of cancer death
new cases of ovarian cancer in the United
States, an incidence of >12 per 100,000
and 14,240 deaths from the disease.2
various stages (borderline tumor, stage I,
stage II-IV, or metastatic). The sensitivity
of the Simple Rules and ADNEX model
among women1 and has the highest Worldwide, the number of newly diag- (using a cut-off of 10% to predict ma-
mortality rate of all gynecologic cancers. nosed cases is presently approximately lignancy) are 92% and 96.5%, respec-
in 2016, there were an estimated 22,280 240,000.3 General survival rate is 46.2%, tively, and specificities are 96% and
but can reach 90% in stage I of the dis- 71.3%, respectively.15,16 The Simple Rules
ease.4 Unfortunately, only 15% of and the ADNEX model are not in-
From the University of Chicago, Chicago, IL (Dr
Abramowicz), and Leuven University, Leuven,
ovarian cancers are detected at this stage. struments for screening for ovarian can-
Belgium (Dr Timmerman). In later stages (III and IV), when cer but are the best predictive tests for the
Received April 22, 2017; revised July 10, 2017; approximately 70-75% of cancers are preoperative classification of adnexal tu-
accepted July 15, 2017. detected,5 the 5-year survival drops to mors. Why have they not penetrated the
Dr Abramowicz receives author royalties from 28%.6 United States?
UpToDate. Dr Timmerman reports no conflict of Ultrasound, alone or in combination
interest. with serum markers, appears to be the Screening for ovarian cancer or early
Corresponding author: Jacques S. best modality to detect the presence of diagnosis?
Abramowicz, MD. [email protected]. early ovarian cancer and to differentiate Screening for the risk of cancer is an
between benign and malignant tumors obvious clinical goal, successful in
when an ovarian mass is present.7 In fact, several cancers, such as the uterine cer-
ª 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ajog.2017.07.019 there has been improvement in the vix. This, however, has not, so far, been
numbers quoted above with the use of very effective in ovarian cancer, where a

652 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology DECEMBER 2017

ajog.org Clinical Opinion

better approach, at the moment, is an surveillance with transvaginal ultra- serum levels of CA-125 and human
attempt to diagnosis at early stages sound (TVS) and CA-125. However, epididymis factor 4.18 It classifies pa-
(preferably stage I). there are no current recommendations tients with a pelvic mass as being at a low
The only modality to determine who for less commonly identified mutations or high risk for malignant disease. It does
is at risk for ovarian cancer is patient and there is limited evidence to guide not, however seem to be much better
medical or family history: women with a them in expected cancer risk and than serum CA-125 alone,19 and is not,
strong family history of breast or ovarian appropriate risk reduction strategies.17 per se, a screening test. Similarly, other
cancer (1 first-degree relative [mother, Furthermore, these account for an esti- screening methods, employing various
daughter, sister] or inheritance of a mated 10-15% of ovarian cancers and serum markers, are also early diagnosis
particular faulty mutation in a gene population screening is currently not tools.20-22 A recent study23 reviewed and
associated with breast and ovarian can- recommended due to low prevalence of reanalyzed previous data from 4 studies:
cer susceptibility, eg, breast cancer gene the disease as well as the prohibitive cost the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and
[BRCA]1, BRCA2, and a mutation in the of such a large-scale screening policy. Ovarian Cancer Study24; the United
epithelial cell adhesion molecule gene Thus, a better concept is screening for Kingdom Collaborative Trial of Ovarian
[MLH1, MSH2, PMS1, PMS2, and early cancer, as opposed to screening for Cancer Screening Study8; the Kentucky
MSH6]). Risk is higher in women with 1 the risk of developing cancer. Screening Study25; and the Shizuoka
first-degree relative and 1 second-degree As stated by American Congress of Cohort Study of Ovarian Cancer
relative (grandmother or aunt) and even Obstetricians and Gynecologists Screening.26 The new study23 seems to
higher with 2 first-degree relatives. (ACOG)6 currently, there is no effective indicate that the prognosis for the
Risk is also very high in women with a strategy for ovarian cancer screening. In screening group is significantly better
personal history of breast cancer age <40 the United States, the only recom- than that of the control group (P ¼
years or who are diagnosed with hered- mended screening modality for high- .0017). Furthermore, the screening
itary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer or risk women is yearly serum testing for group contained significantly fewer stage
Lynch syndrome. CA-125 glycoprotein antigen and TVS, IV cases than the control group (P ¼
Based on this history, selective genetic although this method is far from ideal6 .005). It is important to specify that the
testing may be offered to women with an and, clearly, the ultrasound is used as a word “screening” in the various studies
estimated elevated risk. Women with tool for diagnosing ovarian pathology can be confusing: some subjects are
BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations are and not precursor signs. The Risk of screened, some are not, but “screened”
at most increased risk of developing Ovarian Malignancy Algorithm is an means examined to detect early cancer,
ovarian cancer and are currently ovarian malignancy risk stratification not “undergoing a screening test to
advised to have a 6-monthly or yearly tool that includes a combination of predict cancer.” Furthermore, there is no

Simple Rules sonographic images for features of ovarian masses

Simple Rules: sonographic images for benign (B) and malignant (M) features of ovarian masses.
Abramowicz. US IOTA ovarian tumor rules. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2017.

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ultrasound contrast agents.35 Color and

TABLE 1 spectral Doppler were originally
Simple Rules acclaimed as excellent differentiators
Benign features Malignant features between benign and malignant masses,
Unilocular cyst (B1) Irregular solid tumor (M1) specifically for decreasing the false-
positive rate of cancer diagnosis,
Solid component <7 mm in diameter (B2) Ascites (M2)
because of the neoangiogenesis present
Presence of acoustic shadows (B3) 4 Papillary structures (M3) in malignant masses, with creation of
Smooth multilocular tumor with largest Irregular multilocular mass >10 cm in low-resistance new vessels and, thus,
diameter <10 cm (B4) diameter (M4) clear Doppler patterns.36-38 Overlap be-
No detectable color Doppler signal (B5) Strong color Doppler signal (M5) tween normal and pathological values
Abramowicz. US IOTA ovarian tumor rules. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2017.
made this modality less successful than
originally thought,39 with false-positive
rates of almost 40%.40 It is possible that
the use of ultrasound contrast agents
evidence that screening for ovarian almost 6 years showed a specificity of may rekindle the excitement, particu-
cancer in the general and high-risk 98.5% for primary invasive epithelial larly with the use of agents targeted to
populations with any of the above ovarian cancer but a positive predictive tumor-growth factors.41
methods actually decreases mortality.27 value (PPV) of only 8.9%.25 In another
large (>202,000) United Kingdom Earlier ovarian masses scoring
Early diagnosis of ovarian cancer by study, asymptomatic postmenopausal systems and predictive models
ultrasound women, aged 50-74 years, were Together with simple observation and
Transvaginal sonography with Doppler, randomly assigned to no screening, description of the ovarian masses, many
described almost 40 years ago,28 gener- annual screening with TVS, or with CA- diagnostic algorithms have been gener-
ally has a sensitivity of <90% for early 125, followed up, if abnormal, by TVS.8 ated, based on scoring systems for ul-
ovarian cancer and a specificity of 94- Among screened women, the PPV was trasound findings,42-57 including IOTA
99%,29 with less than optimal general 5.3% for all primary ovarian and tubal ultrasound Simple Rules58 and, most
availability precluding annual screening. cancers and 2.8% for primary invasive recently, IOTA ADNEX model,14
The University of Kentucky study of cancer with no significant mortality detailed below. One of the earliest algo-
>37,000 asymptomatic women evalu- reduction compared to unscreened rithms considered whether an ovarian
ated annually with TVS in an expert women and with 10 women undergoing mass was unilocular, unilocular solid,
center and followed up for a mean of (arguably) avoidable surgery (for benign multilocular, multilocular solid, or
findings) for every ovarian cancer diag- solid.45 In addition, papillary pro-
nosed. In a study of 83,000 Japanese jections, if present, were counted.
TABLE 2 women,26 33 surgeries were performed Sensitivity and specificity for malignancy
ADNEX model criteria to detect each case of ovarian cancer, an was 82% and 92%, respectively. The Risk
Age unacceptable large number. In high-risk of Malignancy Index (RMI), incorpo-
women TVS did equally poorly with no rating ultrasound findings and levels of
Serum CA-125a
early disease identified.30 In a study of CA-125, was introduced in 199046 with
Type of center (oncology referral center or high-risk patients, however, PPV of CA- a specificity and PPV for primary inva-
general hospital) 125 plus TVS screening was 25.5%.31 sive cancer of 99.8% (95% confidence
Maximum diameter of lesion (mm) All tests do better in symptomatic interval, 99.7e99.9) and 19% (95%
Proportion of solid tissue (diameter of women,32 but, often, this is too late with confidence interval, 4.1e45.6), respec-
largest solid component divided by cancer diagnosed at advanced stages. At tively.59 It is beyond the scope of this
maximum diameter of lesion) the moment, the most important role of opinion piece to describe the specifics of
Presence of >10 cyst locules (yes/no) TVS is the differentiation between ma- each one. They are considered in detail in
lignancy and benignity when an ovarian several important publications.11,12,60,61
No. of intracavitary papillary projections
(0, 1, 2, 3, >3) mass is detected by ultrasound.10,33
Several ultrasound modalities alone or Performance of predictive models
Presence of acoustic shadows (yes/no)
in combination have been employed Previously, and before the publication of
Presence of ascites (yes/no) with various degrees of success to the IOTA Simple Rules, RMI was found
ADNEX, Assessment of Different NEoplasias in adneXa. attempt and precisely define the nature to outperform 82 other models.60 The
Although software will also calculate risk if no value for of ovarian masses: from 2-dimensional RMI I and the RMI II (product of the
CA-125 is available.
gray-scale, color Doppler,28 spectral serum CA-125 level, an ultrasound scan
Abramowicz. US IOTA ovarian tumor rules. Am J
Obstet Gynecol 2017. Doppler,34 3-dimensional ultrasound result, and menopausal state) had a
(with or without Doppler), and pooled estimate for sensitivity of 78% for

654 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology DECEMBER 2017

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Results of ADNEX model for benign tumor

Chance of tumor to be benign is 96.6%.

ADNEX, Assessment of Different NEoplasias in adneXa; IOTA, International Ovarian Tumor Analysis.
Abramowicz. US IOTA ovarian tumor rules. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2017.

a specificity of 87%. The RMI IV had a gynecologists, radiologists, and oncol- published recommendation on terms
sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and negative ogists, as well as many “basic” scientists: and definitions.63 Later, IOTA developed
predictive value (NPV) of 86.4%, 91%, physicists, clinical biologists, civil engi- the Simple Rules and mathematical
63.5%, and 97.5%, respectively.56 As neers, mathematicians, psychologists, models based on logistic regression 1-2,
opposed to the IOTA group’s recom- and biostatisticians. which are very easy to use in clinical
mendations, no standardized method of Large cohorts of patients with a practice to estimate the risk of malig-
describing sonographic findings or clas- persistent adnexal mass were recruited nancy.64 The Simple Rules15 consist of 2
sifying ovarian tumors based on these by the various centers. Research has sets of descriptors: benign and malignant
findings is implemented in the United focused on the development of predic- (Figure 1 and Table 1). Based on sono-
States, as recently pointed out by the tive models to estimate the risk of ma- graphic findings, 3 rules are applied: if
First International Consensus Report on lignancy (eg, various regression 1 malignant features are present, in the
Adnexal Masses.62 models64,65 and the use of artificial net- absence of benign features, the mass is
works51). These models are not intended classified as malignant; conversely, if 1
What is IOTA? to be used to screen for ovarian cancer benign features are present in the mass
The IOTA group was founded in 1999 but to determine, when an ovarian mass and there are no malignant features, it
by Dirk Timmerman, Lil Valentin, Tom is detected by ultrasound, the risk that can be confidently considered benign. If
Bourne, William Collins, Herman Ver- this tumor is malignant. This extensive both malignant and benign features are
relst, Sabine Van Huffel, and Ignace database and the close involvement of present or none is, the findings are
Vergote. Its first aim was to develop the civil engineering department at the inconclusive. This occurs in up to 24% of
standard terms, forms, definitions, and University of Leuven enabled previously cases.67 Other methods, including
measurements to describe the sono- developed prediction models to be tested various ultrasound criteria and mea-
graphic features of adnexal masses.63 and novel prediction models to be surements of CA-125 are not helpful68,69
IOTA is a network of approximately developed and externally validated. and the recommendation is to refer for
50 contributing clinical centers Because of lack of standard vocabulary an expert ultrasound.70 When this oc-
throughout the world (but mostly in and large variations between examiners curs, the sensitivity is 91% and the
Europe) coordinated from the Univer- in scoring sonographic findings specificity is 93%,15 yielding the best
sity of Leuven, Belgium. The group is as well as results less optimal results compared to other models.71
multidisciplinary and involves than initially suggested,66 IOTA first Application of the Simple Rules in

DECEMBER 2017 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 655

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Results of ADNEX model for malignant tumor

Risk for tumor to be malignant is 92.6%. Within this group, risk of tumor to be borderline is 9.1%; stage I, 14.5%; stage II-IV, 61.6%; and metastatic, 7.4%.
ADNEX, Assessment of Different NEoplasias in adneXa; IOTA, International Ovarian Tumor Analysis.
Abramowicz. US IOTA ovarian tumor rules. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2017.

asymptomatic postmenopausal women benign, borderline, early-stage malignant receiver operating characteristic curve for
with an ovarian mass resulted in fewer (stage I), late-stage malignant (stage II- the discrimination between benign and
surgical interventions than when using IV). or metastatic.14 The model is based malignant tumors was 0.94 (0.93-0.95).16
the RMI, without added delay in diag- on clinical and ultrasound data from Figures 2 and 3 are examples of results, as
nosing malignancy.72 almost 6000 women recruited at 24 cen- generated by the software for a benign
The gold standard for diagnosis of ters in 10 countries14 and uses 9 pre- (chance of tumor to be benign: 96.6%)
malignancy is, naturally, histopatholog- dictors. There are 3 clinical criteria and 6 (Figure 2) and a malignant (chance of
ical confirmation. In a meta-analysis ultrasound descriptors (Table 2). All tumor to be malignant: 92.6%) (Figure 3)
comparing the power of 19 methods to subjects included had surgery, since, as tumor. It should be noted that the level of
discriminate between benign and ma- stated, the gold standard is pathological CA-125 was identical in both patients.
lignant adnexal masses before surgery, diagnosis. If only patients presumed to The intent of both the Simple Rules and
the Simple Rules had a sensitivity of 93% have a malignant tumor were operated the ADNEX is to help the specialist to
and a specificity of 81% when incon- on, this would clearly introduce a selec- improve triage and make more educated
clusive tumors were all considered ma- tion bias and prevent a false-negative decisions regarding management and/or
lignant.12 The model was prospectively assessment of the model. The model has referral to a subspecialist (ie, a gynecology
validated, and proved to have perfor- also been validated in several clinical oncologist) when faced with a persistent
mance close to that of subjective assess- studies.73-77 In clinical practice, when ovarian mass.
ment by an expert sonographer. using this model, the results are expressed As noted on the IOTA group website
Furthermore, users with different levels in percent probability that the tumor is (http://www.iotagroup.org/) ADNEX
of ultrasound experience were shown to benign or malignant and, if malignant, (or any model or software) cannot
obtain similar good results. The Simple what is the percentage risk of it being replace adequate training and experi-
Rules model is available at http://www. borderline, stage I, stage II-IV, or meta- ence in ultrasonography, nor can it
iotagroup.org/simplerules/. static. Results are presented both in compensate for poor-quality ultrasound
Recently, the ADNEX model was graphic form and numbers. This software equipment. The Simple Rules and the
introduced. This is the first predictive is also available to all on the IOTA website ADNEX model fare better than any
multiclass model, able to estimate the (http://www.iotagroup.org/adnexmodel/ other model, including the RMI.72 For
probability/risk that an adnexal tumor is site%20iota.html). The area under the a 1% risk cut-off, sensitivity was 99.7%,

656 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology DECEMBER 2017

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specificity 33.7%, likelihood ratioþ 1.5, committee opinion states that evaluation conservative treatment, including ex-
likelihood ratioe 0.010, PPV 44.8%, includes tumor size, morphology, wall pectancy and observation, if the diag-
and NPV 98.9%.13 A comparison of characteristics, and presence of septae, nosis can be made with a relatively high
several methods of analyzing ultra- offering a sensitivity and specificity of degree of confidence; (2) the patient who
sound finding is presented in Table 3. 86% and 99%, respectively, but very few is at higher surgical risk secondary to
technical details are given. When the associated cardiac, pulmonary, or other
Why IOTA algorithms are not widely mass is suspected to be malignant (in conditions; and (3) distance a patient
implemented in the United States and postmenopausal women: elevated CA- may have to travel to a specialized center,
why they should be 125 or presence of ascites, nodular or particularly in remote areas.
Medicine in the Unites States tends to be fixed pelvic mass, or evidence of In these 3 types of patients, a method
more defensive than in many other abdominal or distant metastasis; and in to classify ovarian tumors with a high
countries, mostly because of the liti- premenopausal women: very elevated degree of confidence would alleviate
giousness of the US society. In the vast CA-125, ascites or evidence of abdom- many of the uncertainties and avoid
majority of cases, the presence of a inal or distant metastasis), referral to a unnecessary referral to a sometimes
persistent ovarian mass, particularly in a specialist trained in oncologic surgery is distant center, which may be burden-
postmenopausal woman, but also in recommended.6 some with respect to travel, cost, and
younger patients, will be an indication to Using IOTA Simple Rules would yield anxiety. The type of surgery (eg, lapa-
recommend active intervention. Many better results. In a recent study, the roscopy vs laparotomy) may need to be
unnecessary procedures may be per- Simple Rules, followed by expert altered, based on the risk of a tumor to be
formed if the diagnostic test employed opinion, had the best NPV (94.9%).80 In malignant. No model or biochemical
cannot differentiate between benign and addition to the risk of morbidity and marker of ovarian malignancy has been
malignant conditions with a sufficient mortality present in any surgical inter- shown to be superior to assessment of
degree of certainty. vention (10% in 1 publication: 8% in gray-scale images and color Doppler
The prevalence of ovarian cancer in patients with benign pathologies and findings by an experienced ultrasound
postmenopausal women is approxi- 19% in patients with malignancy81), 3 examiner.80 There is, however, a rela-
mately 1 in 2500. To be effective, a test very specific conditions may be particu- tively low number of ultrasound experts
for diagnosing ovarian cancer should larly problematic: (1) finding of an (radiology or obstetrics/gynecology)
have a minimum PPV of 10%. With a ovarian mass in a young woman desirous able to screen a large number of patients
prevalence of 1 in 2500, for a PPV of of maintaining her fertility, without and, furthermore, experience of the
10%, a sensitivity of 75% for early- recourse to freezing eggs or embryose examiner plays an important role,84,85
stage disease and a specificity of 99.6% while fertility-sparing (less than radical) and this is not easily transmitted to
are needed. Furthermore, the final surgery is an option in some of these newer end-users.
diagnosis of ovarian cancer is direct patients with early-stage invasive disease This is precisely why a simple method,
histopathological examination of tissues or borderline ovarian tumor,82,83 a such as the IOTA Simple Rules, is so
obtained at surgery and a PPV of 10% number may opt for even more valid. The first reason why these should
implies 10 surgical interventions for
each case of cancer detected.78 This is an
accepted number in the United States,
although some report 19.5 surgeries per TABLE 3
diagnosed case.79 According to the IOTA Comparison of Simple Rules and ADNEX model with pattern recognition
data, this number is 5.9 surgeries per by expert and Risk of Malignancy Index
diagnosed cases in general centers and Sensitivity Specificity Negative predictive
2.3 in oncology centers.13 The RMI is a (95% CI) (95% CI) value (95% CI)
good test, although, to our knowledge, Pattern recognition by expert85 91 (88-94) 96 (94-97) 90.9 (81.3e96.6)75
also not commonly employed in the 12,15 a
Simple Rules 93 (89-94) 76-96 (94-97) 92.0 (87.8e95.1)75
United States. The ACOG/Society of
Gynecologic Oncology committee Subjective assessment after 91 (88-93) 93 (89-94) 91.7 (88.1e94.6)75
opinion “The role of the obstetrician- inconclusive Simple Rules70
gynecologist in the early detection of ADNEX model 96.5 71.3
ovarian epithelial cancer” is the recom- RMIb56,60 75-86.8 85-91 97.5
mended approach in the United States 5
RMI with CA-125 78 (76-80) 87 (85-89)
but is, in fact, somewhat unclear on how
ADNEX, Assessment of Different NEoplasias in adneXa; CI, confidence interval; RMI, Risk of Malignancy Index.
to screen.6 For low-risk women, no a
Different studies; b Four models, RMI1-4 RMI4 is best, with sensitivity of 86.8%, specificity of 91.0%, positive predictive value
strategy seems effective. For high-risk of 63.5%, negative predictive value of 97.5%, and accuracy of 90.4%.
women, CA-125 and TVS are recom- Abramowicz. US IOTA ovarian tumor rules. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2017.
mended every 6 months.6 The

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