What Are The Considerations in Patient Selection and Timing of Risk-Reducing Mastectomy

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Holly J. Pederson, MD Allison W. Kurian, MD, MSc Zahraa Al Hilli, MD

Director, Medical Breast Services, Cleveland Clinic Breast Departments of Medicine and of Epidemiology & Department of General Surgery, Digestive
Center, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH; Department of Population Health, Stanford University, Stanford, CA Disease and Surgery Institute, Cleveland
General Surgery, Digestive Disease and Surgery Institute, Clinic, Cleveland, OH; Clinical Assistant
Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH; Associate Professor, Professor, Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of
Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Medicine of Case Western Reserve University,
Reserve University, Cleveland, OH; Former Member of the Cleveland, OH
BRIEF National Comprehensive Cancer Center Committees for
ANSWERS Breast Cancer Risk Reduction and Genetic/Familial High-Risk
Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic

Q: What are the considerations in patient

selection and timing of risk-reducing
A: In patients with pathogenic or likely patho-
genic genetic variants in high-risk genes
(BRCA1, BRCA2, PALB2, PTEN, TP53, and
least 90%.2 No randomized studies have compared
enhanced surveillance with surgery. Modeling studies
have suggested a 6% to 8% mortality reduction for
CDH1), compelling family history, or a history of tho- patients with BRCA1 carriers and 3% for BRCA2
racic radiation therapy before age 30, risk-reducing carriers.3,4
mastectomy is an option to be discussed in addition
to effective screening and risk-reducing medications. ■ HOW TO DISCUSS WITH THE PATIENT?
Owing to possible morbidity, impact on body image,
psychological distress, and loss of chest-wall sensa- The decision to undergo risk-reducing mastectomy is
tion, patient selection and shared decision-making highly personal and should not be introduced as a cli-
are critical to determine optimal patient choices. The nician’s recommendation. Rather, patients should be
option of risk-reducing mastectomy is for those at the presented with the risks and benefits of each option
highest levels of risk, and multidisciplinary conver- including effective screening for high-risk patients,
sations setting patient expectations are critical for risk-reducing medications, and risk-reducing mastec-
optimal patient outcomes. tomy to make their own informed choice. Further,
risk-reducing bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy has
■ BREAST CANCER RISK AND RISK-REDUCING been recommended for BRCA1/2 carriers as screen-
MASTECTOMY ing is neither sensitive nor specific enough to detect
early-stage ovarian cancer.2
Breast cancer remains the most common solid tumor
in women, making it critical to identify patients with Guidelines
highly penetrant germline genetic variants early, as According to guidelines from the National Com-
cancers often begin to develop at age 30.1 The 3 pil- prehensive Cancer Network, the National Cancer
lars of risk management for high-risk women include Institute, and the American College of Obstetrics
enhanced surveillance (the addition of contrast-en- and Gynecology, risk-reducing mastectomy should
hanced magnetic resonance imaging to mammogra- generally be considered only in individuals with a
phy, often alternating every 6 months), risk-reducing pathogenic or likely pathogenic variant (not a vari-
medication (selective estrogen-receptor modulators ant of uncertain significance) conferring a high risk
such as tamoxifen or raloxifene, or aromatase inhib- for breast cancer, compelling family history, or possi-
itors such as anastrozole or exemestane), and risk-re- bly with a past history of thoracic radiation therapy
ducing mastectomy. under age 30 (such as mantle radiation for treatment
Patients may be over-treated with surgery; it is of Hodgkin lymphoma).5 The value of risk-reducing
critical for both clinicians and patients to under- mastectomy in individuals with pathogenic or likely
stand cancer risks and recommendations. That being pathogenic variants in moderate risk genes (such as
said, most surgical patients are satisfied with their CHEK2 or ATM) in the absence of a compelling
decision given the reduced risk of breast cancer of at family history of breast cancer is unknown.6 While
risk-reducing mastectomy has been previously con-
doi:10.3949/ccjm.89a.21114 sidered for lobular carcinoma in situ, the preferred

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approach currently is risk-reducing medication given ■ BRCA, OVARIAN CANCER, AND BREAST CANCER
its effectiveness.5
Women with BRCA mutations who have devel-
Gene carriers and risk oped ovarian cancer, the most lethal gynecologic
There are 6 gene carriers for which a discussion malignancy,18 have an overall 5-year survival rate
about risk-reducing mastectomy is indicated due to of 45.6%.19 Experts suggest that women with stage I
their absolute estimated risk of developing breast ovarian cancer who are disease-free for at least one
cancer: BRCA1 (72%),1 BRCA2 (69%),1 PALB2 year, are most likely to benefit from risk-reducing
(up to 53%),7 PTEN (up to 85%),8 CDH1 (43%),9 mastectomy.7,18,20 In patients with stage II/III disease,
and TP53 (85%).8,10 Some patients have clinical BRCA mutation carriers have a relatively low risk of
features of Cowden syndrome but test negative for a breast cancer and their prognosis is largely determined
PTEN mutation (clinical Cowden syndrome). These by their ovarian cancer diagnosis. Studies show a 2%
patients are felt to be at lower risk for breast cancer,11 to 6% incidence of breast cancer in the first 5 years
and consideration of risk-reducing mastectomy should and an approximate 10% risk in the first 10 years fol-
be based on family history.6 Excellent long-term lowing epithelial ovarian cancer diagnosis.7,18,20,21 The
results have been reported for bilateral nipple-sparing risk of breast cancer is lower in ovarian cancer survi-
mastectomy for breast cancer risk-reduction in appro- vors who carry BRCA mutations than that reported
priate patients.12 for BRCA carriers who have not developed ovarian
Genes for which evidence is insufficient for risk-re- cancer (possibly due to oophorectomy or use of che-
ducing mastectomy and those to be managed based on motherapy that could eliminate microscopic breast
family history include CHEK2, NF1, STK11, ATM, cancer at the cellular level).
and BARD1. Genes for which there is insufficient
data, where management (including magnetic reso- Consideration of risk-reducing mastectomy after
nance imaging screening) is based on family history ovarian cancer diagnosis
include BRIP1, RAD51C, and RAD51D.6,13 In a modelling study by Gamble et al,20 the added gain
in survival benefit in months following risk-reducing
Treatment determination mastectomy, if performed in the first several years after
The risk associated with many genetic variants an ovarian cancer diagnosis, was small and greatest in
decreases with age,1 and patient selection is criti- women under 50.20 The study also noted that risk-re-
cal. Regarding timing, the risk of breast cancer is ducing mastectomy is not indicated within 5 years
quite low under the age of 30, and the residual risk of an ovarian cancer diagnosis due to a high rate of
decreases after the age of 50.1 Older women should ovarian cancer relapse.20 It has been suggested that
be advised that their residual risk declines with age, consideration of risk-reducing mastectomy for BRCA
informing decision-making. The benefit of risk-re- carriers be reserved for those who remain in remission
ducing mastectomy may be offset by operative risks for 5 years,7 and possibly for women age 50 or younger
and other causes for mortality.1,14 There is no absolute at ovarian cancer diagnosis.18,22 Furthermore, a study of
age at which risk-reducing mastectomy is no longer 1,455 women who developed primary breast cancer after
recommended. However, it is important to provide ovarian cancer showed mean time from ovarian cancer
age-specific cancer risk estimates to determine appro- diagnosis to breast cancer diagnosis of 7.3 years.23
priate interventions.1,14 In a recent study, the cumula-
tive risk of invasive breast cancer in women ages 60 ■ TAKE-HOME POINTS
to 80 was 20.1% for BRCA1 carriers and 17.3% for
BRCA2 carriers.1,14 • Discuss the option of risk-reducing mastectomy in
Chemoprevention is a risk management alterna- patients with pathogenic or likely pathogenic vari-
tive, although BRCA1 carriers under age 50 are predis- ants in BRCA1, BRCA2, PALB2, PTEN, TP53
posed to triple-negative breast cancer, and preventive and CDH1.
medication is likely to offer little benefit.1,5,13,15 Older • Consider risk-reducing mastectomy in patients
women with BRCA1 are more commonly diagnosed with compelling family history or with a past his-
with estrogen-receptor−positive disease,16 and it is tory of thoracic radiation therapy under the age of
reasonable to offer preventive medication to BRCA1 30.
carriers over age 50.2 RAD51C and RAD51D carriers • Discuss the option of risk-reducing mastectomy in
are predisposed to estrogen-receptor−negative disease BRCA carriers following an ovarian cancer diag-
and may not benefit from preventive therapy.17 nosis only after 5 years of remission.

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■ THE BOTTOM LINE critical for optimal results. Shared decision-making

is key. Risk-reducing mastectomy is for patients with
Although most women who choose to undergo the highest levels of risk, and multidisciplinary con-
risk-reducing mastectomy are generally satisfied with versations setting patient expectations are critical for
their decision, many report adverse impact on body optimal patient outcomes. ■
image and sexual relationships, and emotional distress
due to a sense of loss and abnormal chest-wall sensa- ■ DISCLOSURES
tion. Despite constant improvements in reconstruc-
Dr. Pederson has disclosed consulting for Myriad Genetics. Dr. Kurian and
tive cosmetic outcomes, there is considerable morbid- Dr. Al Hilli report no relevant financial relationships which, in the context
ity related to the procedure, and patient selection is of their contributions, could be perceived as a potential conflict of interest.

■ REFERENCES nipple-sparing mastectomy. BJS Open 2018; 3(2):169–173.

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