Pelagio-Drug Study-Newborn

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Name of Drug Dosage, Route, Mechanism of Indication Adverse Reaction Special Nursing
Frequency and action Precautions Responsibilities

Generic:  0.5 to 1 mg Vitamin K is an  Prophylaxis Neonatal side This may cause  Check
Phytonadione  single dose, IM at essential cofactor and treatment of effects: fatal and severe brand name
(Vitamin K) for the gamma- Pain and edema hypersensitivity
the vastus vitamin K- labels for
carboxylase may occur at reactions,
lateralis within 1 enzymes which deficiency bleeding injection site. including administration
hour of birth. catalyze the (hemorrhagic Allergic reaction anaphylaxis, have route
Brand: posttranslational disease of the such as rash and occurred with restrictions.
AquaMEPHYTON  If the gamma- newborn) uticaria may also intravenous or  Protect
mother receives carboxylation of occur; anaphylaxis, intramuscular the drug from
glutamic acid hemolysis, or administration of
anticoagulant Contraindication light until just
residues in hyperbilirubinemia AquaMEPHYTON.
during inactive hepatic Phytonadione is , especially in a Reactions have before admin,
CLASSIFICATION: pregnancy, an precursors of contraindicated in preterm infant or occurred despite as it
Vitamin additional dose coagulation phytonadione when a large dose dilution to avoid decomposes
may be ordered factors II hypersensitivity, is used. rapid intravenous and loses
by the physician (prothrombin), VII, hereditary infusion and potency after
and is given 6-8 IX and X. Gamma- hypoprothrombinemia upon first dose.  exposure to
hours after the , heparin over- light.
converts these
first injection, inactive anticoagulation.  Observe
IM/subcutaneou precursors into newborns for
s concentration: active coagulation signs of
1 mg/0.5 ml factors which are Vitamin K
(neonatal secreted by deficiency
hepatocytes into
strength) can use (bleeding
the blood.
10 mg/ml from any site).
concentration to  Observe
minimize volume for signs of
ejected. local

 Observe
for allergic
 Documen
t the giving of
medication to
newborn to
prevent an
doubling of
the dose.

Name of Drug Dosage, Route, Mechanism of Indication Adverse Reaction Special Nursing
Frequency and action Precautions Responsibilities

Generic: For prophylaxis of Binds with the 50S Ophthalmic ointment  The most After application,  Cleanse
Erythromycin neonatal gonococcal ribosomal subunit frequently eye ointments the infant's
ointment or chlamydial  of the 70S  Treatment of usually cause
reported eyes as
conjunctivitis, a ribosome in many superficial ocular vision to blur for
ribbon of 0.5% of types of aerobic, adverse a few minutes. needed before
infections caused reactions are application. 
Brand: erythromycin anaerobic, gram-
Ilotycin ointment positive, and gram- by susceptible minor ocular  Hold the
approximately 1 cm negative bacteria. strains of irritations, tube in a

in length should be This action inhibits microorganisms; redness, and horizontal

instilled into each RNA-dependent prophylaxis of hypersensitivity rather than a
lower conjunctival protein synthesis in
ophthalmia reactions. vertical
CLASSIFICATION: sac. bacterial cells,
Macrolide causing them to neonatorum position to
antibiotic die. caused by N.  Ointment prevent injury
gonorrhoeae or C. may cause to the eye
trachomatis temporary from sudden
blurred vision movement.
 Administ
er from inner
 Contraindicate
canthus to
d with allergy to
outer canthus.
erythromycin; viral,
Pull the lower
eyelid down
gently and
infections of the
squeeze a
ribbon of the
ointment into
the sac, avoid
touching the
eye or lid.
 Do not
touch the tip
of the tube to
any part of
the eye
 The

should not be
flushed from
the eye
 Observe
for irritation
 Use a
new tube for
each infant to

Name of Drug Dosage, Route, Mechanism of Indication Adverse Special Nursing

Frequency and action Reaction Precautions Responsibilities

Generic: 0.5 mL, IM at Hepatitis B  Prevention Pain and Compromised  Administer

Hepatitis B Vaccine the vastus immunoglobulin of infection  tenderness at cardiopulmonary dosage correctly
lateralis s contain specific site, fever status, serious
caused by all (vaccine must be
neutralising active infection
Brand: antibodies known subtypes or fever; administered
Engerix-B, (mainly IgG) that of hepatitis B virus. thrombocytopeni intramuscularly)
Recombivax HB provide passive a or other  Monitor for
immunisation for bleeding allergic response
individuals Contraindication disorders. (Anaphylactic
exposed to the
Hypersensitivity; reactions have
hepatitis B virus.
CLASSIFICATION: It is used for severe allergy to been known to
Vaccines post-exposure gamma globulin or occur.)
prophylaxis in anti-immunoglobulin  Monitor
persons who are therapies. IM inj in temperature.
not vaccinated, patients with Some patients
or whose prior thrombocytopenia or develop a
coagulation disorders. temperature
regimen is
incomplete or elevation of
when the 38.3° C (101° F)
antibody level is following
<10 IU/ml. It vaccination
may also be used
in haemodialysis
patients and
receptors of
certain blood
products who
are unable to

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