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Name of Drug Classification Indication Contraindication Adverse effect Nursing Responsibility

Methergine is This drug is Cardiovascular: • Monitor blood

Generic Name: classified as It is Contraindicated Hypertension pressure before
methylergonovine an ergot indicated for to Patient with and after
alkaloid and is the hypersensitivity GI: Nausea and administration.
Brand Name: commonly prevention to ergot vomiting • Assess for
Methergine used to or control of alkaloid, contraindications
prevent or postpartum hypertension Neurological: such as
Stock: control hemorrhage, and toxemia Headache hypertension and
10 units/mL postpartum specifically toxemia.
hemorrhage. in the • Educate patients
treatment of about potential
uterine adverse effects
atony after and the
childbirth. importance of
reporting them
Drug Name Classification Indication Contraindication Adverse Effect Nursing
Generic name: Pharmacologic: To prevent This drug is Eyes: Cleanse the
Erythromycin Macrolide neonatal contraindicated in blurred vision infant’s eyes as
antibiotic conjunctivitis patients with a Body as a whole: needed before
Brand name: and history of Fever, application.
Erylex Therapeutic: ophthalmia hypersensitivity to eosinophilia,
Anti-infective neonatorum erythromycin urticaria, skin Hold the tube in
Dosage, eruptions, fixed horizontal rather
Frequency and drug eruption, than vertical
Route: Topical anaphylaxis, position.
2% Superinfections by
ointment(Apply no susceptible Do not touch
0.5–1cm ribbon bacteria, yeasts or the tip of the
in lower fungi tube to any part
conjunctival sacs Skin: (topical use) of the eye
shortly after Erythema, Administer
birth) desquamation, from the inner
burning, canthus to the
tenderness, outer canthus.
dryness or oiliness, Apply 0.5–1 cm
pruritus ribbon in lower
sacs shortly
after birth
Observe for
Name of drug classification indicatio contraindicactio Adverse effect Nurisng responsibilities
n n
Generic antifibrinolytics For the Hypersensitivity • nausea • monitor patient
name: . It works to treatment to tranexamic • diarrhea Vital Sign
Tranexamic improve blood and acid • stomach • monitor for overt
Acid clotting. control pain or bleeding
of discomfor • monitor platelet
Brand name: excessive t count and clotting
Hemostan bleeding • vomiting • monitor neurologic
• chills status (pupils,levek
Dosage:100m • fever of
g (each mL of • severe consciousness,mot
a 2.5 or 5 mL headache or activity)
solution for (throbbing
injection )
• back or
Frequency: joint pain
8hrs • muscle
Route: IV • muscle
• difficulty
• runny or
Drug Name Classification Indication Contraindication Adverse Effect Nursing
Generic Therapeutic class: Used to In patients' CNS: headace, • Frequently
Name: Antihypertensives manage hypersensitivity to peripheral monitor patient's
Hydralazine hypertensive drug. neuritis, dizziness BP standing,
Pharmacologic emergencies sitting, and
Brand Name: class: Peripheral related to Drug may contain CV: palpitations, supine; HR; and
Apresoline vasodilators pregnancy tartrazine and tachycardia, body weight.
which is cause allergic angina pectoris
AVAILABLE eclampsia or reactions, • Instruct
FORMS pre- especially in GI: anorexia, patients to take
eclampsia. patients nausea, vomiting, oral form with
Injection: 20 hypersensitive to diarrhea meals to
mg/mL in 1- Essential aspirin increase
mL vial hypertension GU: difficult absorption.
and to Contraindicated in urination
manage those with CAD or • Tell patient to
severe heart mitral valvular Hematologic: report all
failure rheumatic heart blood dyscrasias adverse
disease. Hypersensitivity: reactions
rash, urticaria,
pruritus • Tell female
patient of
Other: nasal childbearing
congestion potential to
flushing, edema. notify prescriber
muscle cramps if she suspects
Name of Classification Indication Contraindication Adverse Nursing
the drug Effect Responsibilities
Epinephrine Bronchodilator non- Acute Hypersensitivity to CNS: Vasopressor:
selective adrenergic asthmatic sympathomimetics, Tremors, ECG during
agonist, vasopressor attacks, hemo- sulfites, closed- anxiety, administration
• B1- and B2- stasis, angle glaucoma, insomnia, continuously; if
agonist causing bronchospasm, nonanaphylactic head-ache, B/P increases,
increased levels anaphylaxis, shock during dizziness, decrease dose;
of CAMP, allergic general anesthesia. confusion, B/P, pulse q5min
thereby reactions, Precautions: hallucina- after parenteral
producing cardiac arrest, Pregnancy, tions, route; CVP,
bronchodilation, adjunct in breastfeeding, weakness, ISVR, PCWP
cardiac, and CNS anesthesia, drowsiness during infusion if
stimulation; high shock CV: possible; Allergic
doses cause Palpitations, reactions,
vasoconstriction tachycardia, bronchospasms
via a-receptors; hyper-tension, (swelling of
low doses can dysrhythmias, face/lips/eyelids,
cause increased T rash, diffi-culty
vasodilation via wave Gl: breathing):
2-vascular Anorexia, withhold dose,
receptors. nausea, notify prescriber
Sweating, dry
Drug Classification Indication Contraindication Adverse Nursing
Name effects Responsibility
Generic Anticonvulsan • To • Parenteral CNS: • Check
name: t prevent administration drowsiness, Magnesium
Magnesiu or contraindicate depress sulfate level
m Sulfate control d in patients reflexes, repeated
seizure in with heart placid doses.
Brand pre- block paralysis, • Disappearanc
name: eclampsi myocardial hypothermia e of knee. Jerl
Magwell a damage. and patellar
• To • Use cautiously CV: reflexes are a
Stock: manage in patients hypotension, sign of
500mg/ml pre-term with impaired flushing impending
labor. renal function. brachycardia magnesium
• Use cautiously , circulatory toxicity.
in pregnant collapse, • Monitor urine
woman during depress intake and
labor. cardiac output
function • Observe
neonates for
Skin: signs of
diaphoresis magnesium
Drug name Classification Indication Contraindications Adverse effect Nursing Resposibility
Generic: Hepatitis ENGERIX-B is Severe allerg8c Hives, difficulty -Prepared the right
Hepatitis B vaccine a vaccine Reaction (e.g.. breathing, dosage of medication.
Vaccine indicated for anaphylaxis) after a swelling of the
immunization previous dose of any face, lips, tongue, -Monitored vital signs
Brand: against hepatitis B- or
Engerix-b infection containing vaccine, throat ,injection- -Administered
heplisav-b. caused by all or to any component site soreness complete course of
pediarix known of ENGERIX-B, drug to get full
recombivax, subtypes of including yeast. beneficial effects.
twinnix, hepatitis B
vaxelis virus.

Route: IM
Dosage 0.5
Drug Name Classification Indication Contraindication Adverse effects Nursing
Generic: corticosteroids. treat hypersensitive to • Upset • Observe
Dexamethasone It decreases conditions, any components stomach or for signs
your immune such as of this product. throwing up. of
Brand Name: system's inflammation Systemic fungal • Restlessness. infection.
Cordex 5 response to (swelling), infections, • Trouble • Monitor
various severe cerebral malaria, sleeping. blood
Stock: 5mg/mL diseases to allergies, tuberculosis • Sweating a pressure 8
reduce adrenal disease of eye. lot. hourly for
symptoms such problems, • Hair first 3
as swelling and arthritis, thinning. days, then
allergic-type asthma, • Headache. 12 hourly
reactions. blood or bone • Weight gain. for the
marrow • Increased duration
problems, appetite. of
kidney treatment.
problems, • Monitor
skin blood
conditions, glucose
and flare-ups 12 hourly
of multiple for first 3
sclerosis. days, then
Drug Classification Indication Contraindication Adverse Nursing Responsibility
Name effects
Generic: Laxative Morelac is Use with care in Common • Assess the
Moringa recommended for individuals with adverse patient's medical
oleifera lactating mothers, history of allergy to effects of history, including
leaf & vegetarians. any component of Morelac allergies and
Morelac is Also the product. include gastrointestinal
indicated for the abdominal conditions.
Brand relief of occasional discomfort, • Monitor for signs
Name: constipation. It can cramps, of dehydration or
Morelac also be used to diarrhea, and electrolyte
cleanse the bowel electrolyte imbalance.
Stock: before certain imbalance • Encourage the
300mg medical procedures patient to
hydration while
taking Morelac.
• Advise the
patient to seek
medical attention
if they experience
severe abdominal
pain or persistent
Drug Classification Indication Contraindication Adverse Nursing
Name effects Responsibility
Generic: Oxytocic agents oxytocin is Significant -Sinus o Ensure fetal
Oxytocin indicated in the cephalopelvic bradycardia, position
Also a cyclic antepartum disproportion tachycardia, o Regulate
Brand nonapeptide, period to premature oxytocin
Name: activates G- initiate or Unfavorable fetal ventricular delivery in
Pitocin protein-coupled improve uterine positions or complexes & between
receptors at the contractions for presentations, eg, other contractions
Stock: uterus, which vaginal transverse arrhythmias o Monitor
10units/ml causes an increase delivery in lies,which are Fetal uterine tone,
in intracellular Ca situations undeliverable hypercapnia involution
levels in uterine where there is without conversion Severe and amount
myofibrils, thus fetal or prior to delivery decreases in of bleeding
promoting uterine maternal maternal o Monitor B/P,
contractions. concern systolic & pulse,
diastolic blood respirations,
pressure, • Notify physician of
increases in contractions
heart rate, that last longer than 1
systemic min, occur more
venous return frequently than every
& cardiac 2 min, or stop.
output, & o Check for
arrhythmia blood loss.
Drug Name Classification Indication Contraindication Adverse effects Nursing
Generic: Vitamin,Hemostatic, Vitamin K Hypersensitivity In infants Monitor for any
Phytonadione Fat-soluble And helps to to vitamin k (particularly bleedings (usually
used to treat treat and premature babies), occurs on second
Brand Name: hemorrhagic prevent excessive doses of or third day).
Vit k conditions in infants unusual vitamin K analogs Bleeding may be
and coumarin bleeding during the first few seen as generalized
Stock: overdoses. by days of life may ecchymoses or
2mg/ml increasing cause bleeding from
10mg/ml the body's hyperbilirubinemia; umbilical cord,
production this in turn may circumcision site,
of blood result in severe nose or
clotting hemolytic anemia, gastrointestinal
factors hemoglobinuria, tract.
kernicterus, leading Monitor for side
to brain damage or effects: e.g., pain
even death. and erythema at
the injection site,
skin rash or
Document the
giving of the
medication to
newborn to
prevent an
doubling of the
Apply pressure to
the injection site to
prevent further
Provide comfort
during and after

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