Norms For Rural Roads: Construction, Rehabilitation and Maintenance
Norms For Rural Roads: Construction, Rehabilitation and Maintenance
Norms For Rural Roads: Construction, Rehabilitation and Maintenance
Norms for
Rural Roads
Construction, Rehabilitation
and Maintenance
Work Norms
for Construction, Rehabilitation and Maintenance
of Rural Roads
2. 1-1.5(c) Cutting of trees having girth of above 30 cm when measured at 1 m above the 5. Axes
and 1-1.6 ground including the removal of trunk, branches and stumps up to a lead of 100 m 6. Khukuri
along the lead route for trees of size : 7. Saws
8. Crowbars
I. above 30 cm to 60 cm girth Each 0.30 0.30 9. Wheel barrows or bullock carts
II. above 60 cm to 90 cm girth Each 0.40 0.40
III. above 90 cm to 180 cm girth Each 1.50 1.50
IV. above 180 cm to 270 cm girth Each 3.00 3.00
V. above 270 cm to 450 cm girth Each 10.00 10.00
VI. above 450 cm girth Each extrapolate extrapolate
3. 1- 2 Dismantling of culverts, bridges, pavements and other structures. The 10. Pickaxes
operations covered are : 11. Spades
VII. dismantling 12. Crowbars
VIII.excavation 13. Shovels
IX. back filling 14. Hammers and chisels
X. stacking 15. Doko/Baskets
XI. disposing 16. Wheel barrows or bullock carts
XII. handling and
XIII.haulage up to a lead of 100 m along the lead route.
The activity includes safety precautions and incidentals.
4. 2-1.3.2, Stripping of top soil for a minimum depth of 150 mm including storing or 1 m3 0.80 0.80 18. Picks
2-1.8 reapplication within a lead up to 100 m along the lead route. 19. Shovels
and 2-1.9.5 20. Kodalo
21. Doko/Baskets
22. Wheel barrows or Bullock carts
5. 2-1.2.2, Excavation in roadway and drain including removal and satisfactory disposal 23. Picks
2-1.8 of all materials up to a lead of 50 m along the lead route. This includes handling and 24. Shovels
and 2-1.9 stacking or hauling (to sites of embankment construction) of suitable cut materials 25. Kodalo
as required and also the disposal of unsuitable cut materials in specified manner. 26. Doko/Baskets
This further covers trimming and finishing of the road way. For, 27. Wheel barrows
28. XXI.Ordinary soil 1 m3 0.50 0.60 29. Crowbars
XXII.Hard soil 1 m3 0.60 0.70 30. Drilling machines
XXIII.Ordinary rock 1 m3 2.00 2.00 31. Petrol for plants
XXIV.Medium rock 1 m3 4.00 4.00 32. Blasting materials required for (d):
XXV.Hard rock (requiring blasting) 1 m3 2.00 0.05 2.00 0.05 33. gelatine = 0.25 kg
XXVI.Hard rock (chiselling, wedging, tempering, etc.) 1 m3 17.00 (blaster) 17.00 (blaster) 34. detonator = 2 nos.
XXVII.Marshy soil 1 m3 1.00 1.00 35. fuse wire = 2 m
7. G-13.2, Transporting material from roadway and drain excavation including all 41. Shovel
2-1.3.10, incidentals beyond the specified initial lead distance for every additional haulage of 42. Doko/Baskets/Wheel barrows
2-1.9.6 XXXIV.50 m, for distances up to and including 200 m 1 m3 0.50 0.40 43. Picks
and 2-5.7.2 XXXV.200 m, for distances exceeding 200 m but not exceeding 1 km 1 m3 1.50 1.20
For Hill Area For Terai/Plain Area
S. Respective
No. Clause of Description Unit Unskilled Skilled Unskilled Skilled Materials and
Specificatio Labour Labour Labour Labour Tools/Equipment
ns (personday (personday (personday) (personday)
) )
8. 2- 3 Pre-splitting work
Required blasting materials :
XXXVI.For the establishment of a specified excavation slope in rock by employing 1 m2 0.50 0.02 0.02 0.01 For (a) For (b)
the pre-splitting technique (with a blaster as skilled labour). Gelatine = 0.01 kg 0.25 kg
XXXVII.Additional work for extracting the quantity of rock material through the pre- 1 m3 2.00 0.05 2.00 0.05 Detonator = 2 nos. 2 nos.
splitting operation (with a blaster as skilled labour). Fuse =2m 2m
9. 2- 4 Excavation for structures including cutting of slopes, shoring, shuttering, Blasting material for (d) :
planking, ordinary sealing and disposal of materials up to a lead of 50 m along the Gelatine = 0.50 kg
lead route in: Detonator = 4 nos.
XXXVIII.ordinary soil 1 m3 1.00 1.00 Fuse =4m
XXXIX.hard soil 1 m3 2.00 2.00 44. Picks
XL. ordinary rock 1 m3 4.00 4.00 45. Shovels
XLI.medium rock 1 m3 8.00 8.00 46. Kodalo
XLII.hard rock (requiring blasting) 1 m3 6.00 0.10 6.00 0.10 47. Crowbars
XLIII.hard rock (chiselling, wedging, tempering, etc.) 1 m2 30.00 (blaster) 30.00 (blaster) 48. Doko/Baskets and/or Wheel
XLIV.special provision for preparation of rock foundation 1 m3 0.50 0.50 barrows
XLV.marshy soil 1 m3 3.00 3.00 49. Drilling rods
10. 2- 5 Construction of roadway in embankments and miscellaneous backfilling 1 m3 0.25 0.25 50. Picks
areas with approved material obtained either from 51. Shovels
XLVI.excavation for road construction or 52. Doko/Baskets
XLVII.borrow pits or 53. Wheel barrows
XLVIII.other sources 54. Rollers as specified in S. No. 6.
excluding the excavation (which shall be covered separately under S. No. 5) and
transportation (which shall be covered under S. No. 6 or 11) components. In this
case, initial lead is 50 m.
11. 2-5.7.2 Transporting material required for embankment and sub-grade 1 m3 0.50 0.40 55. Picks
construction including all incidentals for every additional haulage of 50 m beyond 56. Shovels
the specified initial lead distance (same as S. No. 7). 57. Doko/Baskets
58. Wheel barrows
12. 2-5.7.3 Works in the preparation of embankment and sub-grade construction, 59. Picks
as required : 60. Kodalo
XLIX.Stripping of top soil including storing or stacking within a lead of 100 m along 1 m3 0.80 0.80 61. Shovels
the lead route. 62. Doko/Baskets
L. Stripping and re-application of top soil within a lead of 100 m. 1m 0.80 0.80 63. Wheel barrows
LI. Reapplication of top soil materials (stored earlier) up to a depth of 150 mm with 1 m2 0.04 0.04
light compaction within a lead of 50 m along the lead route.
For additional haulage beyond the specified initial lead, S. No. 11 shall apply.
For Hill Area For Terai/Plain Area
S. Respective
No. Clause of Description Unit Unskilled Skilled Unskilled Skilled Materials and
Specificatio Labour Labour Labour Labour Tools/Equipment
ns (personday (personday (personday) (personday)
) )
13. 2-5.3.3, Loosening and re-compacting the embankment foundation. (same as S. 1 m2 0.10 0.10 64. Picks
2-5.3.5 No. 6.a) 65. Kodalo
and 2-5.7.4 66. Shovels
67. Doko/Baskets
68. Wheel barrows
14. 2-5.7.5 Removal of unsuitable materials and replacement with suitable 69. Picks
materials (same as S. No. 5) 70. Kodalo
For, 71. Shovels
LII. Ordinary soil 1 m3 0.50 0.60 72. Doko/Baskets
LIII.Hard soil 1 m3 0.60 0.70 73. Wheel barrows
LIV.Ordinary rock 1 m3 2.00 2.00
LV. Medium rock 1 m3 4.00 4.00
LVI.Hard rock (requiring blasting) 1 m3 2.00 0.05 2.00 0.05
LVII.Hard rock (chiselling, wedging, tempering, etc.) 1 m3 17.00 (blaster) 17.00 (blaster)
LVIII.Marshy soil 1 m3 1.00 1.00
15. 2-5.7.6 Scarifying existing granular/bituminous road surface for carrying out the 1 m2 0.20 0.20 74. Harrows
and 2-5.4.3 required operations necessary to complete the work. This includes handling, 75. Picks
salvaging, stacking and disposing of scarified material up to a lead of 100 m along 76. Shovels
the lead route. 77. Doko/Baskets
78. Wheel barrows or Bullock carts or
Tractor trailer
16. 2-5.7.7 Dismantling and removal of existing cement concrete pavement (same as 1 m3 3.00 3.00 79. Harrows
S. No. 3.a) 80. Pickaxes
81. Shovels
82. Doko/Baskets
83. Wheel barrows or Bullock carts or
Tractor trailer
17. 2-5.7.8 Providing and laying filter material adjacent to abutments and other 1 m3 2.00 2.00 84. Graded aggregates as specified in
structures including all other operations required to complete the work as per the the Specifications
Specifications. 85. Shovels
86. Picks
87. Doko/Baskets
88. Wheel barrows