Science7 Q2 M7 v2

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Pro E
nt L

Second Quarter – Module 7
Effect of Changes in the
Abiotic Factors on the

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

Science – Grade 7
Alternative Delivery Mode
Second Quarter – Module 7: Effect of changes in the Abiotic Factors on the
First Edition, 2020
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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand

names, trademarks, etc.) included in this module are owned by their respective
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Published by the Department of Education – Region 10

Regional Director: Dr. Arturo B. Bayocot, CESO III
Assistant Regional Director: Dr. Victor G. De Gracia Jr., CESO V
Development Team of the Module
Author/s: Daisy S. Amparado
Reviewers: Helen G. Marcellana, Bonito Ferdinand L. Taclob
Evaluators: Carmen S. Madrio, Crystalyn S. Ledesma,
Marecel B. Compania, Grace Marie S. Do-ong
Illustrator and Layout Artist: Daisy S. Amparado

Management Team
Chairperson: Dr. Arturo B. Bayocot, CESO III
Regional Director
Co-Chairpersons: Dr. Victor G. De Gracia Jr. CESO V
Asst. Regional Director
Edwin R. Maribojoc, EdD, CESO VI
Schools Division Superintendent
Myra P. Mebato,PhD, CESE
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Mala Epra B. Magnaong, Chief ES, CLMD
Members: Neil A. Improgo, EPS-LRMS
Bienvenido U. Tagolimot, Jr., EPS-ADM
Samuel C. Silacan, EdD, CID Chief
Maritess A. Caguindangan, EPS - Science
Rone Ray M. Portacion, EdD, EPS – LRMS
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Second Quarter – Module 7
Effect of Changes in the
Abiotic Factors on the

This instructional material was collaboratively developed and

reviewed by educators from public schools. We encourage teachers and
other education stakeholders to email their feedback, comments, and
recommendations to the Department of Education – Region 10 at

Your feedback and recommendations are highly valued.

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

Introductory Message

For the learner:

Welcome to the Science 7 Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on the
Effect of changes in the abiotic factors on the Ecosystem!

The hand is one of the most symbolized part of the human body. It is often used
to depict skill, action and purpose. Through our hands we may learn, create and
accomplish. Hence, the hand in this learning resource signifies that you as a learner is
capable and empowered to successfully achieve the relevant competencies and skills
at your own pace and time. Your academic success lies in your own hands!

This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities
for guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled
to process the contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.

This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:

What I Need to Know This gives you an idea of the skills or

competencies you are expected to learn in the

What I Know This part includes an activity that aims to check

what you already know about the lesson to
take. If you get all the answers correct (100%),
you may decide to skip this module.

What’s In This is a brief drill or review to help you link the

current lesson with the previous one.

What’s New In this portion, the new lesson will be

introduced to you in various ways such as a
story, a song, a poem, a problem opener, an
activity or a situation.

What is It This section provides a brief discussion of the

lesson. This aims to help you discover and
understand new concepts and skills.

What’s More This comprises activities for independent

practice to solidify your understanding and
skills of the topic. You may check the answers
to the exercises using the Answer Key at the
end of the module.

What I Have Learned This includes questions or blank

sentence/paragraph to be filled in to process
what you learned from the lesson.
What I Can Do This section provides an activity which will help
you transfer your new knowledge or skill into
real life situations or concerns.

Assessment This is a task which aims to evaluate your level

of mastery in achieving the learning

Additional Activities In this portion, another activity will be given to

you to enrich your knowledge or skill of the
lesson learned. This also tends retention of
learned concepts.

Answer Key This contains answers to all activities in the


At the end of this module you will also find:

References This is a list of all sources used in developing

this module.

The following are some reminders in using this module:

1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the
module. Use your science activity notebook in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities
included in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.

If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate
to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are not alone.

We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and
gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!

Table of Contents
What I Need to Know ---------------- 1

What I Know ---------------- 2

Lesson 1 ---------------- 5

What’s In ---------------- 5

What’s New ---------------- 6

What is It ---------------- 7

What’s More - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11

What I Have Learned - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12

What I Can Do - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13

Assessment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14

Additional Activities - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 17

Rubric for Essay - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 18

Answer Key - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 19

References - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20

What I Need to Know

“ Rain, rain, go away... Come again another day, little children want to
play. ” Sounds familiar, isn’t it?
In line with the song, what might happen when too much rain is being
poured into the land? What will happen if there’s no rain for how many days?
What will happen to the organisms living on land and even to bodies of water?
If one factor is changed or removed, it can affect the whole ecosystem. Can
you still remember the abiotic factors of the ecosystem?

After going through this module, you are expected to predict the effect
of changes in the abiotic factors on the ecosystem. (Learning Competency
Code: S7LT-IIj-12)

Specifically, you are also expected to:

1. identify the effect of changes in the abiotic factors on the ecosystem.
2. evaluate the effect of changes in the abiotic factors on the ecosystem.
3. name ways to protect the abiotic factors on the ecosystem.

Just a reminder, as much as possible read and understand the directions

before answering and in doing the activity. You may ask assistance from your
parents if needed but bear in mind that you are the one studying and wanting
to learn. So, good luck!

What I Know

Directions: Read the questions carefully and choose the letter of the best
answer. Write your answer in your science activity notebook.

1. The introduction of materials into the atmosphere which produces

adverse effects especially to humans and their daily activities is known
as ______________.
A. air pollution
B. soil pollution
C. thermal pollution
D. water pollution
2. Increasing population, vehicles, and the growing number of factories
and establishments are the main contributing factors of ___________.
A. erosion
B. extinction
C. pollution
D. population
3. The following are diseases from infectious organisms carried by the
water EXCEPT:
A. amoebiasis
B. arteriosclerosis
C. cholera
D. dysentery
4. The following are effects when abiotic factors changes on the
ecosystem EXCEPT:
A. air pollution
B. toxic chemicals
C. water pollution
D. death to living organisms
5. Which of the following is NOT a man-made activity that increases the
atmospheric heat?
A. burning
B. deforestation
C. dumping of waste
D. reforestation

6. What will happen to organisms when there is sudden change in
temperature beyond their limits?
A. Organisms will die.
B. Organisms will survive.
C. Some organisms will be harmed and may result to death.
D. Some organisms may eventually adapt to the environment.
7. The following are abiotic factors that may affect the population of
organisms EXCEPT:
A. drought
B. earthquakes
C. predators
D. typhoons
8. What is the result when there is overproduction of nitrates, phosphates
and potassium in the soil?
A. The soil becomes dry.
B. The soil becomes acidic.
C. The soil becomes fertile.
D. The soil becomes humus.
9. Which of the following is NOT a natural disturbance to the abiotic
components in an ecosystem?
A. earthquake
B. landslide
C. quarrying
D. typhoon
10. Which of the following is a man-made disturbance to the abiotic
components of an ecosystem?
A. disease
B. earthquake
C. mining
D. wildfire
11. What will happen to the organisms when there is water pollution?
A. Organisms will die.
B. Organisms will survive.
C. Some organisms will be harmed and may result to death.
D. Some organisms may eventually adapt to the new environment.
12. What is considered as a major environmental disturbance to the abiotic
components of an ecosystem?
A. earthquake
B. flood
C. landslide
D. wildfire

13. The following are considered as contaminants to bodies of water,
A. animals
B. factories
C. humans
D. soil
14. Which of the following can help reduce the effects of climate change?
A. Take a bath daily.
B. Plant more trees.
C. Stop building homes.
D. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day.
15. The following are human activities to help lessen the effects of air
pollution EXCEPT:
A. Planting of trees
B. Burning of garbage
C. Multiple crop farming
D. Segregation of wastes

Effect of Changes in the
Abiotic Factors on the
1 Ecosystem

What’s In

Activity 1. Self-Assessment

Directions: Put letter ( A ) if the following components of an ecosystem is

abiotic and letter ( B ) if it is biotic. Write your answer in your science activity

1. rain _______________
2. grasses _______________
3. alcohol _______________
4. oxygen _______________
5. sunlight _______________
6. mask _______________
7. soil _______________
8. bird _______________
9. face shield _______________
10. stones _______________

What’s New

Figure 1. Conditions of the ecosystem

Activity 2. Let Me Know

Directions: From the pictures in Figure 1, write at least five (5) observations in
your science activity notebook. (No. 1 is done for you.)

1. Smoke is coming out of the chimneys of a factory.

2. ________________________________________
3. ________________________________________
4. ________________________________________
5. ________________________________________

What is It

“Mask? Face shield? Alcohol? Personal Protective Equipment or PPE?

Out of stocks! Not Available! ” Those were common lines heard during the first
phase of coronavirus disease or CoVid 19 health crises as it hits the country
early March this year. What’s the result? It caused panic to Filipinos and the
fear of being transmitted by the deadly virus, a natural disturbance.

True to the situation above, there is a cause and effect relationship. In

the course of our study, we will focus on the possible effects when abiotic
factors of an ecosystem changes. We are part along with nature of this change,
and if we will not do something, then, we will suffer such change.

Air Pollution
Air is an invisible mixture of gases (such as nitrogen and oxygen)
that surrounds the Earth. Without air, plants, animals, and humans will
not survive. However, as time goes by, the quality of air changes, due to
the increasing population, vehicles, growing number of factories and
establishments, continuous burning of plastics and other garbage,
resulting to pollution. Air pollution is the introduction of materials into the
atmosphere that produces adverse effects especially to humans and
their daily activities.

Fig.1.1. Dark smoke from factories

Soil Pollution
Soil is the basic medium for land base ecosystem where plants
grow and some organisms live. It provides plant with essential nutrients,
minerals, and humus from decayed plants and animals.
Human activity is the number one contributing factor like throwing
and burning plastic containing garbage, pollute the soil by making it
acidic. The soil and the plastics contain compounds like nitrates (NO 3),
phosphates (PO4) and potassium (K). When there is overproduction of
these compounds, the soil becomes acidic. Also, burning of woods and
grasses loss the organic matter (topsoil), making the soil dry and not
suitable for planting.

Fig. 1.2. Dumped plastic garbage

Extreme atmospheric heat
Sun is the main source of energy. But, when there is too much heat
coming from the sun, what will happen to the plants and animals?
Without sunlight also, what will happen to the living organisms?
Humans have become the biggest source of change. The act of
cutting down or burning of trees (deforestation), dumping of waste
materials anywhere, using plastic products over reusable materials, and
over population are practices of man which causes an extreme
atmospheric heat.

Fig. 1.3. Extreme sun’s heat

Death to living organisms

An increase or decrease of the temperature has an impact on
organisms living on earth. Despite having adaptive abilities to suit with
the kind of ecosystems organisms are dwelling, a change of temperature
limits reproduction and survival rate. Therefore, organisms must cope
with the change in temperature in order to survive.

Fig.1.4. Dead animals

Water Pollution
This is essential to life on Earth, however, when the quality and
quantity changes due to natural and man-made disturbances, greater
problems have been produced, such as:
1. diseases from infectious organisms carried by the water like
cholera, dysentery, and amoebiasis;
2. growth of plankton (small plant and animal life in bodies of
water like seas and lakes), resulting to less dissolved oxygen
which may threatened the water organisms;
3. toxic chemicals are carried by the water making it harmful for
both biotic and abiotic organisms in the water.

Fig. 1.5. Trashes on the water

What’s More

Activity 3. Pic Connect

Directions: Connect pictures from Set A to the pictures in Set B. Predict the
possible effects to organisms living in this kind of ecosystem. Write your
answer in your science activity notebook.


Possible effects




Possible effects

What I Have Learned

Directions: Complete the statements in the paragraph by writing the

appropriate word/s in the blank. Refer to the word box below. Write your
answers in your science activity notebook.

pollution harm quality

water factories change
population quantity suffer
soil temperature air

Abiotic factors will undergo ______(1.)_______ . So, whether we like it

or not, we are part, along with nature of this change, and if we will not do
something, then, we will ________(2.)_________ such change.
As time goes by, the ______(3.)______ and ______(4.)______ of air,
______(5.)_____ , sunlight, temperature, and _______(6.)________ changes.
The following reasons caused abiotic factors to change; increasing
_______(7.)______ , vehicles, growing number of _____(8.)_____ and
establishments, natural disturbances like typhoons, earthquakes and
landslides, man-made disturbances such as logging, mining and quarrying. As
a result, ________(9.)________ in the air, soil and water take place,
_____(10.)_____ and even death to biotic organisms in the ecosystem.

What I Can Do

Directions: In your science activity notebook, write one (1) simple way you
can do to reduce the effects of air, soil, sunlight, temperature and water as it
changes on the ecosystem. Refer to the pictures below.

Fig. 1. Pollution on air, soil, and water


Directions: Read the questions carefully and choose the letter of the best
answer. Write your answer in your science activity notebook.
1. The following are abiotic factors that may affect the population of
organisms EXCEPT:
A. drought
B. earthquakes
C. predators
D. typhoons
2. What is the result when there is overproduction of nitrates, phosphates
and potassium in the soil?
A. The soil becomes dry.
B. The soil becomes acidic.
C. The soil becomes fertile.
D. The soil becomes humus.
3. Which of the following is NOT a man-made activity that increases the
atmospheric heat?
A. burning
B. deforestation
C. dumping of waste
D. reforestation
4. What will happen to organisms when there is sudden change in
temperature beyond their limits?
A. Organisms will die.
B. Organisms will survive.
C. Some organisms will be harmed and may result to death.
D. Some organisms may eventually adapt to the environment.

5. The following are human activities to help lessen the effects of air
pollution EXCEPT:
A. Planting of trees
B. Burning of garbage
C. Multiple crop farming
D. Segregation of wastes

6. What is considered as a major environmental disturbance to the abiotic

components of an ecosystem?
A. earthquake
B. flood
C. landslide
D. wildfire

7. Which of the following is NOT a natural disturbance to the abiotic

components in an ecosystem?
A. earthquake
B. landslide
C. quarrying
D. typhoon

8. Which of the following is a man-made disturbance to the abiotic

components of an ecosystem?
A. disease
B. earthquake
C. mining
D. wildfire

9. The following are considered as contaminant to bodies of water

A. animals
B. factories
C. humans
D. soil

10. What will happen to the organisms when there is water pollution?
A. Organisms will die.
B. Organisms will survive.
C. Some organisms will be harmed and may result to death.
D. Some organisms may eventually adapt to the new environment.

11. Which of the following can help reduce the effects of climate change?
A. Take a bath daily.
B. Plant more trees.
C. Stop building homes.
D. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day.

12. The following are diseases from infectious organisms carried by the
water EXCEPT:
A. amoebiasis
B. arteriosclerosis
C. cholera
D. dysentery

13. The following are effects when abiotic factors changes on the
ecosystem EXCEPT:
A. air pollution
B. toxic chemicals
C. water pollution
D. death to living organisms

14. Increasing population, vehicles, and growing number of factories and

establishments are main contributing factor of
A. erosion
B. extinction
C. pollution
D. population

15. Which of the following protects plant from erosion and other destructive
physical, biological and chemical activity?
A. Air
B. Soil
C. Sunlight
D. Water

Additional Activities

Directions: A. Arrange the jumbled letters to make the word correct. Base

your answer on the given statement. Write your answer in your science
activity notebook.

1. An act of cutting down or burning of trees (N O I T A T S E R O F E D)

2. A large amount of waste material being dumped and covered with soil.
( F A I L LL N D )
3. Something that makes the land, water and sky dirty (L U T I O N P O
4. To use again ( U S E E R )
5. A large number of water covering an area. ( D L O F O )
6. Keeping someone safe from injury, harm, or destruction.
7. Nurturing and caring the ecosystem. ( T E C T O R P )
8. The process where soil is worn away. ( S I O N O R E )
9. To make something new from used item ( C Y C L E E R )
10. Keeping something from being wasted ( V E S A )

B. In your own little way, cite ways on how to protect the ecosystem. Write
your answer in your science activity notebook.

The single The presence Order The choice, Grammar,
controlling of ideas developed and use and mechanics,
point made developed sustained within arrangement spelling, usage
with an through facts, and across of words and and sentence
Earned awareness of reason and paragraph sentence formation
task about a explanation structures
specific topic that tone and
Sharp, distinct Substantial, Sophisticated Precise, Evident control
Controlling specific, arrangement of illustrative use of grammar,
point made and/or content with of a variety of mechanics,
4 about a single illustrative evident and words and spelling, usage
topic with content and subtle sentence and sentence
evident demonstrating transitions structure formation
awareness of strong ideas appropriately
Apparent Sufficiently Functional Generic use of Sufficient
point made developed arrangement of a variety of control of
about a single content with content that words and grammar,
3 topic with adequate sustains a sentence mechanics,
sufficient elaboration or logical order structures spelling, usage
awareness of explanation with some that may or and sentence
task evidence of may not formation
transition create writer’s
voice and tone
appropriate to
No apparent Limited Confused or Limited word Limited control
point but content with inconsistent choice and of grammar,
evidence of a inadequate arrangement of control of mechanics,
2 specific topic elaboration or content with or sentence spelling, usage
explanation without structures and sentence
attempts at that inhibit formation
transition voice and tone
Minimal Superficial Minimal control Minimal Minimal control
evidence of a and/or of content variety in of grammar,
topic minimal arrangement word choice mechanics,
1 content and minimal spelling, usage
control of and sentence
sentence formation

Additional Activities Assessment Assessment
11. B 1. C
2. LANDFILL 12. B 3. D
4. A
4. REUSE 13. B
5. B
6. PRESERVE 14. C 6. A
15. B
8. C
9. D
10. SAVE
B. ( Answer for the Essay
may vary. Refer to the
Rubric in checking )
What’s More What I Know What I Know
1. The body of water (river) 1. A
will not be good for swimming.
11.C 2. B
Disease-causing bacteria may
increase in number, resulting 12.A 3. B
to threat in eating fishes and
4. B
other organisms from the 13.D
river. 5. D
2. The soil will become acidic 14.B
6. A
and may not fit for planting
15.B 7. C
vegetables and other plants.
8. B
9. C
10. C
Answer Key

Asuncion, Alvie J. Science Grade 7. Manila: Department of Education, 2017.

Capco, Carmelita Murphy. Biology. Phoenix Publishing House, 2003.


For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Region 10

Zone 1, DepEd Building Masterson Avenue, Upper Balulang

Cagayan de Oro City, 9000
Telefax: (088) 880 7072
E-mail Address: [email protected]

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