Design and Layout of Subdivisions. The

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Article 2
Subdivision Rules and Regulations

§3201. Design and Layout of Subdivisions.

§3202. Same: General.
§3203. Same: Streets.
§3204. Same: Lots and Blocks.
§3205. Same: Easements.
§3206. Same: Variation.
§3207 Road Classifications and Standards: Road Classifications.
§3208. Same: Road Standards.
§3209. Same: Typical Sections.
§3210. Agricultural Subdivisions.
§3211. Same: General.
§3212. Same: Specific Requirements.
§3213. Data and Map Requirements.
§3214. Same: Preliminary Sketch Plan.
§3215. Same: Tentative Subdivision Map.
§3216. Same: Final Subdivision Map.
§3217. Other Maps Requiring Recording: General.
§3218. Same: Definitions.
§3219. Same: Design and Access Requirements.
§3220. Same: Map and Data Requirements.
§3221. Same: Special Requirements for Parental Estates and Land
Registration Surveys.
§3222. Improvement Plans.
§3223. Same: General.

NOTE: Rule-making authority cited for formulation of regulations

by the Territorial Planning Commission, 21 GCA §60405, §61103
and §62106.

§3201. Design and Layout of Subdivisions. The

following design standards shall apply to all subdivisions,
agriculture subdivisions, lot parcelling, decedents estates
and parental subdivisions submitted to the Territorial
Planning Commission or its legally authorized agent for
approval under 21 GCA Chapter 62.
The Subdivider shall observe all design standards for
land subdivision as hereinafter provided. These standards
shall be considered minimum standards, and shall be
varied from or waived only as provided in 18 GAR §3206.
§3202. Same: General. (a) Conformance with Master
Plan. Any proposed subdivision shall conform, as far as
practicable, to the proposals and intention of the Master
Plan for the territory of Guam as formally adopted in
whole or in part by the Territorial Planning Commission,
unless substitute proposal may be shown to the
satisfaction of the Commission or its agent, to better serve
the general area of the subdivision and the island.


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(b) Protection of Natural Features. Due regard shall

be shown for all natural features such as trees, water
courses, scenic points, historic locations and similar
community assets, which, if preserved, will add
attractiveness and value to the subdivision.
(c) Reserve Strips. Reserve strips prohibiting access to
streets or adjoining property shall not be permitted, except
where, in the opinion of the Commission or its agent, such
strips shall be in the public interest.
(d) Further Subdivision. In cases where a tract is
subdivided into larger parcels than ordinary building lots,
such parcels shall be arranged so as to allow the logical
further subdivision and economic extension of streets,
utility easements, drainage ways and public areas into
such parcels.
§3203. Same: Streets. (a) Arrangement. The proposed
streets shall be considered in their relation to existing and
planned streets, to topographic and geologic conditions
and to public convenience and safety. They shall provide
(1) Appropriate continuation of existing arterial
and collector streets;
(2) Extension of arterial and collector streets into
adjoining land;
(3) The discouragement of through traffic on
residential streets;
(4) The maximum attractiveness, livability and
amenity of the subdivisions; and
(5) Subdivisions of one hundred (100) or more lots
will normally be required to have more than one (1)
access to an existing collector or arterial street or to a
proposed collector or arterial street which is to be built
in conjunction with the proposed subdivision.
(b) Street Jogs. Street jogs in arterial and collector
streets of less than five hundred (500) feet shall not be
allowed. Street jogs in residential streets of less than two
hundred (200) feet shall not be allowed.
(c) Rights-of-Way Widths and Alignment. Rights-of-
way widths and alignment shall conform to the standards
adopted by the Territorial Planning Commission within
the "Road Classifications and Standards" as attached
hereto; and made a part hereof. (See 18 GAR §3207.)
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(d) Intersections. Rights-of-way centerline shall be

laid out so as to intersect as nearly as possible at right
angles. No right of way shall intersect any other right of
way at less than seventy-five degrees (75_).
(e) Cul-de-sac. All cul-de-sac streets shall:
(1) Not exceed seven hundred (700) feet in length;
(2) Not provide access to more than twenty-five
(25) lots.
§3204. Same: Lots and Blocks. (a) Block Lengths.
Unless specifically approved by the Territorial Planning
Commission, block lengths shall not be less than two
hundred (200) feet, nor more than two thousand (2,000)
feet. Where blocks exceed one thousand (1,000) feet,
crosswalk ways may be required.
(b) Lot Design. No lot shall have a length to width
relationship that exceeds a three (3) to one (1) ration.
(c) Panhandle Lots. No panhandle lot shall exceed
nine thousand five hundred (9,500) square feet in area
except in "A" zones.
(d) Lot Area. Lot sizes shall meet all requirements of
the Zoning Laws.
§3205. Same: Easements. Wherever possible, all
easements shall be continuous from block to block, and
their layout shall create as few irregularities as possible:
(a) Water Courses. Drainage conduits and
channels when not located in a public street, road or
alley, or within a public drainage easement, must be
located in a recorded and dedicated public easement
when on private property. Necessary dedication for
construction on private property not owned by
applicant must be recorded before the improvement
will be approved for construction.
Where a minor improvement of a drainage
channel falls on adjacent property (such as daylighting
a ditch profile), written permission from the adjacent
property owners for such construction, and a copy of
the approval of the adjacent owners shall be submitted
to the Director of Public Works prior to approval of
the improvement plans.


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In general drainage easements will have simply

described boundaries (described in brief) and simple
form and referenced to a well defined point or line:
(1) Easements for closed conduits shall meet
the following requirements:
(A) Minimum width of fifteen (15) feet,
with the pipe located at quarter point on
north or west.
(B) On pipes of twenty-four (24) inches
diameter and greater or trenches exceeding
five (5) feet in depth the easement will have
additional width to provide ample working
space as required by the Director of Public
(2) Rights-of-way for major Open Channels as
defined in Public Works standards shall have
sufficient width to contain the open channel with
side slopes, and a fifteen (15) foot service road.
(b) Utilities. Utility easements shall generally
follow lot lines and shall not be less than ten (10) feet
in width.
(c) Access easements:
(1) All access easements shall be separate lots,
reserved exclusively as public access and utility
easements and recorded by separate document
(Declaration of Easement) attached to the map.
(2) Any adjacent property that is land-locked
must ordinarily be served by a dedicated street or
§3206. Same: Variation. Strict compliance with the
requirements of these Rules and Regulations may be
waived only when, in the judgment of the Commission,
such action is in the public interest and not inconsistent
with the Subdivision Law. In waiving strict compliance,
the Commission may require such alternative conditions as
will serve substantially the same objective as the standards
or regulations waived.
§3207. Road Classifications and Standards: Road
Classifications. The streets and roads are classified on the
basis of use and importance. In the classification of various
routes, which have been established in order of relative


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importance, both the present and future uses have been

(a) Classes of Streets:
(1) Class "A" Streets - proposed street
improvements for residential developments
having a minimum size of less than ten thousand
(10,000) square feet per lot shall be Class "A." The
net square footage of said residential
developments shall be considered to be that
portion of the total square footage less the area of
parcels required for street purposes. Class "A"
streets shall have an asphalt concrete surface and
an aggregate base with concrete curb and gutter.
Sidewalks and side slopes as recommended by
the Soils Engineer or an approved retaining wall
within an expanded right-of-way line. Permanent
slope easements may be used upon approval of
the Director of Public Works.
(2) Class "B" Streets - proposed street
improvements for all residential developments
having a minimum size of more than ten
thousand (10,000) square feet but less than twenty
thousand (20,000) square feet per lot shall be Class
"B" and shall have the same components as Class
"A," except that sidewalks may be omitted.
Permanent slope easements may be used upon
approval of the Director of Public Works.
(3) Class "C" Streets - proposed street
improvements for all residential developments
having a minimum size of more than twenty
thousand (20,000) square feet and less than forty
thousand (40,000) square feet per lot shall be Class
"C" and shall have the components as Class "A,"
except that curbs and gutters and sidewalks may
be omitted.
(4) Class "D" Streets - proposed street
improvements for all residential developments
having a minimum size of more than one (1) acre
(or forty thousand (40,000) square feet) per lot
may be Class "D" and shall have the components
of Class "A," except that curb and gutters, asphalt
concrete surface course and sidewalks may be
omitted. Class "D" streets shall only be allowed in
agriculture zoned area.


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NOTE: In Hillside Area - where cross slopes exceed ten percent

(10%) of the rights-of-way widths, pavement width may be
reduced on approval by the Director of Public Works.

(b) Types of Streets. All streets within the

Territory will also be considered within the following
street types:
(1) Type of M.R. Street - a minor residential
street with a right of way width of forty-four (44)
feet and a face to face of curb width of twenty-
eight (28) feet; or
(2) Type C.R. Street - a major arterial street
with a right-of-way width of sixty (60) feet and a
face to face of curb of forty-four (44) feet; or
(3) Type M.A. Street - a major arterial street
with a right-of-way width of eighty (80) feet and
improvements as required by the Department of
Public Works with the approval of the Territorial
Planning Commission.
(4) Alley - a street depressed in the center,
with a right of way and surface width of twenty
(20) feet.
(c) Traffic Demand. The following standard of
design for width of paved portion of streets based on
traffic demand shall be used:
(1) A road serving less than one hundred
(100) dwelling units, with its entire length
devoted to residential uses, shall be considered a
"minor residential" type street.
(2) A road delineated on the approved Master
Plan of Highways as a primary access road shall
be considered a "Major Arterial" type street.
(3) Any road not within the above two (2)
descriptions shall be considered a "collector
residential" type street.
§3208. Same: Road Standards. The following
standards for the design of geometric and profiles shall
govern the preparation of plans for road related
(a) Minimum Grades and Cross Slope:
(1) Minimum grade on new streets shall be
0.33% where curb and gutter are used, and 0.15%


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where drains and side ditches are used; maximum

grade shall be 10% unless approved by Director of
Public Works.
(2) Minimum grade of gutter section
constructed on existing streets shall be 0.33%.
(3) Minimum cross slope on new streets shall
be 2.0%.
(4) Minimum cross slope on widening shall
be 1.5%.
(5) When two (2) streets intersect neither
street shall have a grade greater than 3.0% for
major and 6.0% for minor, for a minimum
distance of forty (40) feet measured from the curb
line of the intersected street, except in unusually
rough terrain with approval of Director of Public
(6) The lengths of vertical curves at the
intersections of two (2) street grades shall be in
accord with AASHO Standards. However, in
minor residential streets, vertical curves may be
omitted where the algebraic difference in grades
does not exceed 2.0%.
(b) Street Patterns. The street pattern in the
subdivision shall be in general conformity with a plan
for the most advantageous development of adjoining
areas and the entire neighborhood. The following
principles shall be observed:
(1) Where appropriate to the design and
terrain, proposed streets shall be continuous and
in alignment with existing planned or platted
streets with which they are to connect. The
centerline of streets, if not in alignment, shall be
offset at least two hundred (200) feet for minor
residential streets and five hundred (500) feet for
arterial and collector streets.
(2) Proposed streets shall be extended to the
boundary lines of the land to be subdivided
unless prevented by topography or other physical
conditions, or unless, in the opinion of the
Commission, such extension is not necessary for
the coordination of the subdivision with the
existing layout or the most advantageous future
development of adjacent tracts.
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(3) Proposed street centerline shall intersect

one another as nearly at right angles as
topography and other limiting factors of good
design permit. However, no right-of-way
centerline shall intersect any other right-of-way
centerline at less than seventy-five degrees (75_).
(c) Design Adjacent to Major Arterial Streets.
Subdivision design adjacent to major arterial streets
shall be as specified in the General Plan and as
determined by the Commission. The following
principles and standards shall be observed:
(1) Street design shall have the purpose of
making adjacent lots, if for residential use,
desirable for such use by cushioning the impact of
heavy traffic and by minimizing the interference
with traffic on such thoroughfares.
(2) The number of intersecting streets along
major arterial streets shall be held to a minimum.
Wherever practicable, such intersections shall be
spaced not less than one thousand (1,000) feet on
(3) Frontage roads, if required, shall conform
to the requirement of Department of Public Works
and shall be separated from the major arterial
streets by means of bulb-type intersections
capable of stacking at least two (2) cars between
the frontage.
(4) Where frontage roads are not required,
residential lots adjacent to the major arterial street
shall be required to be served by a minor
residential street paralleling such major arterial
street at least one hundred seventy-five (175) feet
therefrom, or by a series of cul-de-sacs or loop
streets extending towards such major arterial
street from a collector street at least six hundred
(600) feet therefrom. In such cases, a wall-fence of
a design approved by the Commission shall be
required at the rear of properties adjacent to the
major arterial street.
(5) Where the rear of any lot borders any
major arterial street, the subdivider may be
required to execute and deliver to the government
of Guam an instrument, deemed sufficient by the
Attorney General, prohibiting the right of ingress
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and egress from such major arterial street to such

(d) Curbs, Sidewalks and Pedestrian Ways. The
following principles and standards shall apply to the
design and installation of curbs and sidewalks and
pedestrian ways:
(1) Vertical curbs and gutters shall be
required in all subdivisions.
(2) Sidewalks shall be required on both sides
of the street in any subdivision, or portion thereof,
having lots with an average area less than ten
thousand (10,000) square feet.
(3) When required for access to schools,
playgrounds, shopping centers, transportation
facilities, other community facilities or for
unusually long blocks, the Commission may
require pedestrian ways not less than ten (10) feet
in width. Such pedestrian ways shall be provided
with a concrete walk of suitable width.
(4) Cross Gutters Will Not be Allowed
Crossing Type M.A. Streets. Cross gutters will be
permitted to cross Type M.R. and C.R. streets only
with the specific approval of the Director of Public
(e) Curve Data:
(1) The curve data for all centerline curves,
excluding knuckles, shall be computed and shown
on the plans. Radii of curvature on centerline shall
not normally be less than five hundred (500) feet
for M.A. streets; one hundred seventy-five (175)
feet for M.R. streets and three hundred (300) feet
for C.R. streets, unless otherwise approved by the
Director of Public Works.
(2) The radius for right-of-way lines in cul-de-
sacs shall be a minimum of forty-five (45) feet
unless otherwise specified by the Director of
Public Works. A curve of thirty-seven (37) feet
radius shall connect the tangent and the radius
curve. The radius of face of curb shall be a
minimum of thirty-seven (37) feet.
(f) Roadbed Design. The roadbed will be
designed in accordance with and on the basis of the


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standards adopted by the Department of Public

(g) Driveway Design. All driveways hereafter
constructed shall comply with the following
(1) In all commercial and industrial zoning
districts, the driveway openings shall be not less
than twelve (12) feet in width or more than thirty-
six (36) feet in width.
(2) In residential districts, the driveway
openings shall be not less than twelve (12) feet in
width nor more than twenty (20) feet in width,
provided, however, a driveway serving two (2) or
more parcels may be twenty-nine (29) feet in
width. For the special case of a four (4) unit
residential building, the driveway opening may
be twenty-seven (27) feet in width.
(3) Driveways serving a single parcel of
property or serving any of the several adjacent
parcels under single ownership shall be separated
by at least twenty-five (25) feet of full vertical
(4) Driveways serving separate but adjoining
parcels under different ownership shall be
separated by at least ten (10) feet of full vertifical
curb in residential districts.
(5) Driveways serving corner lots shall be so
located that:
(A) a driveway on either street shall be
twenty-five (25) feet from the projected curb
line of the intersecting street; and,
(B) no part of the driveway shall be
located closer than five (5) feet of a curb
(6) Driveway shall form an angle of thirty
degrees (30_) or less with a line perpendicular to
or radial to street alignment for a distance of
eighteen (18) feet behind property line measured
along the shortest side of said driveway.
(7) Any two (2) driveways in a commercial
development must be separated by ten (10) feet of
vertical curb.
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(8) Concrete driveways shall not be allowed

within the right-of-way lines when entering Class
C streets. Driveways entering Class B or C streets
shall meet the property lines at such a grade so as
to permit conversion to Class A street without
regrading beyond the property line.
(9) Where a portion of front yard area is used
or intended to be used for the purposes of
vehicular movement, storage or parking safety
curb of portland cement concrete six (6) inches
wide, fourteen (14) inches deep and extending six
(6) inches above the surface of ground, shall be
formed along and inside of the property line to
full extent excepting driveway openings. Such
curb may be omitted if the sidewalk area is
blocked off from such area by a thirty (30) inch
minimum height fence. Construction of
driveways shall also conform to the requirements
of standard drawings.
§3209. Same: Typical Sections. Attached, and made a
part hereof, are drawings showing the typical sections to
be used in subdivision improvements.
NOTE: The drawings referred to in §3209, above, were not
included within these Rules and Regulations at the time of the
original publication. However, they are available from the
Territorial Planning Commission.

§3210. Agricultural Subdivisions. The following

definition, design standards and procedure requirements
shall apply to all agriculture subdivisions submitted to the
Territorial Planning Commission, or its legally authorized
agent for approval under 21 GCA Chapter 62.
§3211. Same: General. (a) Waivers. The Subdividers
shall observe all definitions, design standards and
procedure requirements for agriculture subdivision as
hereinafter provided - these provisions shall be varied
from or waived only as provided in 21 GCA Chapter 75.
(b) Zone. Agriculture subdivisions are only allowed in
rural "A" zoned areas.
(c) Other Requirements. In addition to this Chapter,
the following regulations, laws and standards apply to all
Agriculture Subdivisions:
(1) All applicable laws contained in 21 GCA
Chapter 62.


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(2) 18 GAR §3201-§3206. of these Rules and

(3) Chapter 2 of these Rules and Regulations,
excepting all improvement requirements. (18 GAR
§3212. Same: Specific Requirements. (a) Map
Requirements. The specific rules and regulations
concerning the following are contained in 18 GAR §3213-
(1) Preliminary Sketch Plan.
(2) Final Map.
(b) Roadway Requirements. Whenever a lot or parcel
is not served by a public street, a graded street shall be
established within the public access easement. Such street
shall be constructed in such a manner so as to be readily
transversed by ordinary vehicles. This usability shall be
demonstrated by the Subdivider.
§3213. Data and Map Requirements. The following
data and map requirements shall apply to all materials
submitted to the Territorial Planning Commission or its
legally authorized agent, for approval under 21 GCA
Chapter 62.
The applicant shall observe all requirements for map
or data submissions as hereinafter provided. These
standards shall be considered minimum standards, and
shall be varied from or waived only as provided in 18 GAR
§3214. Same: Preliminary Sketch Plan. All persons
applying for any subdivision or lot parcelling approval
shall first submit a sketch plan to the Planning Division,
Department of Land Management:
(a) General. Such sketch plan shall indicate the
location of the existing and proposed subdivision, lots,
blocks, streets, topography (U.S.G.S. if no other
suitable topography), easements and other relevant
(b) Owner's Name. The name of the proposed
subdivision owner and subdivision planner shall be
(c) Interview. Person (or agent) applying for
subdivision approval shall accompany the submission


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of the sketch plan in order to discuss the proposed

subdivision with the Planner-in- Charge of
subdivision review. At this time, applicable
requirements will be discussed and explained to
applicant and Planner-in-Charge will make his
recommendations and identify issues.
(d) Scale. Sketch plan shall be submitted on one
(1) or more sheets having dimensions of twenty-four
(24) inches by thirty-six (36) inches. The scale shall be
one (1) inch = four hundred (400) feet or larger, as may
be applicable.
§3215. Same: Tentative Subdivision Map. All persons
applying for the approval of a regular subdivision shall
submit six (6) copies of a tentative map to the Planner-in-
Charge of subdivision approval. Such map shall include
the following information:
(a) Vicinity Sketches. Vicinity sketch shall show
the streets and tract lines of all the existing
subdivisions within approximately one-half (1/2) mile
of the boundary of the proposed tract together with
the names and/or numbers of all tracts between the
proposed tracts and the nearest existing highways or
(b) Elevations. Proposed design elevation of every
street intersection and along all streets and show
finished grades and elevations on:
(1) Pads (not required for Agricultural
(2) Along streets at every linear two hundred
(200) feet intervals;
(3) At all street intersections; and
(4) Percent grades along all street with
elevations at each B.C. and E.C. shall also be
(c) Horizontal Curves. All horizontal curves must
be labeled with the length of curve and radius.
(d) Zoning and Land Use:
(1) Existing zoning, also zoning of adjacent
property, must be shown.


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(2) Show approximate location of all existing

structures within one hundred (100) feet of the
boundary and land use, for adjacent property.
(e) Letter of Intent to Subdivide. Two (2) copies
of statements of intent on form supplied by Planning
Division shall be submitted. This form shall include
the proposed source of water supply and sewage
disposal method. (Not required for Agricultural
(f) Storm Drainage Information. The
approximate boundaries of areas subject to inundation
or storm water overflows, the location, width and
direction of flow of all water courses to an existing
water course.
(g) Landscaping:
(1) All trees in excess of six (6) inches
diameter measured at two (2) feet above the
existing ground, must be shown and saved
wherever possible.
(2) A statement of the type and location of
proposed street trees.
(3) A statement as to the intention of the
Subdivider in regard to slope planting and
erosion control.
(h) Restrictions. An outline of any conditions,
restrictive reservations or covenants existing or
§3216. Same: Final Subdivision Map. All persons
submitting final subdivision maps shall abide by the
following requirements:
(a) Map Form:
(1) If ink is used on polyester base film, the
ink surface shall be coated with a suitable
substance to assure permanent legibility.
(2) Sheet Numbers. The particular number of
the sheet and the total number of sheets
comprising the map shall be stated on each sheet,
and its relation to each adjoining sheet shall be
clearly shown.
(3) Border. The exterior boundary of the land
included within the subdivision shall be indicated
ART. 2 - SUBDIVISION RULES & REGS. - 1997 - P. 19

by a blue- colored border. The map shall show the

definite location of the subdivision and
particularly its relation to surrounding surveys.
(b) Required Information and Accompanying
Data. Areas Subject to Inundation. The boundaries of
any areas within the subdivision which are subject to
usual inundation by water must be shown.
(c) Certificates and Acknowledgments.
Surveyors's. A certificate by the surveyor responsible
for the survey and final map is required. His certificate
shall give the date of the survey and state that the
survey was made by him or under his direction, and
that the survey is true and complete as shown. The
certificate shall also state that all the monuments are of
the character and occupy the positions indicated, or
that the improvement bond includes the cost of
(d) Recording:
(1) Copy of final approved Subdivision Map
or other maps described in Chapter 5, shall be
recorded by Department of Land Management
prior to returning approved tracing to surveyor.
(2) Cost of recording shall be borne by owner
or applicant.
(3) A separate document (Deed) must be
recorded describing the offer and acceptance of all
parcels to be dedicated to the Government.
§3217. Other Maps Requiring Recording: General. (a)
Signatures. All the maps described in 18 GAR §3218 as
follows, require the signature of the Territorial Planner (or
the Territorial Planning Commission) except: Land
Registration Surveys, Remnant Parcel Surveys and
Retracement Surveys.
(b) Combination Maps. These surveys are checked by
the Planner-in-Charge of subdivision for the data
indicated. The applicant must apply for approval of these
surveys separately. Combination maps are only permitted
for "consolidation and parcelling" or "retracement and
(c) No Combination With Registration. No maps
involving registration may be combined with other types
of maps.


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§3218. Same: Definitions. (a) Consolidation Survey shall

mean the voiding and combining of lots, parcels or
portions thereof, in order to create new lots.
(b) Decedents Estate shall mean the division of land
(owned by the decedent) by court order.
(c) Land Registration Survey shall mean a survey and
investigation of presently unregistered land in order to
establish a legal title to land.
(d) Parental Subdivision shall mean the division of land
by the applicant among his living children or their
(e) Real Estate Requirements Survey shall mean a survey
prepared in anticipation of government acquisition of land
to establish description and ownership.
(f) Remnant Parcel Survey shall mean a survey
describing the unsurveyed remainder lot or parcel of a
larger completely subdivided tract.
(g) Retracement a survey based on existing documents
to reestablish monuments or to redraw property map.
§3219. Same: Design and Access Requirements. (a)
Public Access Easement. A forty-four (44) feet wide public
access and utility easement shall be recorded by separate
document (Declaration of Access) to serve any lot or parcel
not served by a public street.
(b) Graded Street. Whenever a lot or parcel is not
served by a public street, a graded street shall be
established within the public access easement. Such graded
street shall be constructed in such a manner so as to be
readily traversed by ordinary vehicles. This usability shall
be demonstrated by the Subdivider.
(c) Lot Size. In accord with zoning ordinance,
however, where public sewer is not available, a minimum
of ten thousand (10,000) square foot lot shall be required
unless specifically approved by the Administrator of
Environmental Protection Agency. A larger lot may be
required if determined by the Administrator of the
Environmental Protection Agency.
§3220. Same: Map and Data Requirements. (a)
Retracement Map:
(1) See Final Map Requirements, 18 GAR §3216(a)
and (c) are applicable.


ART. 2 - SUBDIVISION RULES & REGS. - 1997 - P. 21

(2) References: source documents used as basis

for survey shall be clearly indicated on the map.
(3) Signatures: Territorial Surveyor, Land
Surveyor, Owner and Lessee, if any. (Note: Territorial
Planner Signature not required.)
(4) Basic Lot Data - indicate the following:
(A) Basic lot number.
(B) Certificate of title number, if any.
(C) Date of land registration.
(D) Owner's name and agent, if any.
(5) Required date for adjacent properties:
(A) Lot numbers.
(B) All utility and access easements.
(C) All dedicated rights-of-way.
(D) Most recent document numbers for all of
the above.
(b) Real Estate Requirements Data:
(1) See Final Map Requirements, 18 GAR §3216(a)
and (c) are applicable.
(2) Topographic map (U.S.G.S. 1" = 400').
(3) Basic Lot Data - indicate following:
(A) Basic lot number.
(B) Date of land registration.
(C) Certificate of title number.
(D) Requesting agency's name and purpose.
(4) Signatures: Territorial Planning Commission
(Executive Secretary), Territorial Surveyor, Registered
Land Surveyor and Requesting Agency.
(5) Required data for adjacent properties:
(A) Lot numbers.
(B) All utility and access easements.
(C) All dedicated rights-of-way.
(D) Most recent document numbers for all of
the above.


ART. 2 - SUBDIVISION RULES & REGS. - 1997 - P. 22

(c) Consolidation Survey:

(1) See Final Map Requirements, 18 GAR §3216(a)
and (c) are applicable.
(2) Supporting information and document
(3) Basic Lot Data - clearly indicate the following:
(A) Basic lot numbers.
(B) Certificate of title numbers.
(C) Date of land registration.
(D) Owner's name.
(E) Signatures: Territorial Planner, Territorial
Surveyor, Registered Land Surveyor, Owner and
all Lessees.
(4) Required data for adjacent properties:
(A) Lot numbers.
(B) All utility and access easements.
(C) All dedicated rights-of-way.
(D) Most recent document numbers for all of
the above.
(d) Remnant Parcel Survey:
(1) See Final Map Requirements, 18 GAR §3216(a)
and (c) are applicable.
(2) Reference: source documents used as basis for
survey shall be clearly indicated.
(3) Basic Lot Data - indicate the following:
(A) Basic lot number.
(B) Certificate of title number.
(C) Date of land registration.
(D) Owner's name.
(E) Signatures: Territorial Surveyor,
Registered Land Surveyor, Owner and Lessee, if
any. (Note: Territorial Planner signature not
(4) Required data for adjacent properties:
(A) Lot numbers.
ART. 2 - SUBDIVISION RULES & REGS. - 1997 - P. 23

(B) All utility and access easements.

(C) All dedicated rights-of-way.
(D) Most recent document numbers for all of
the above.
(e) Land Registration Map Data:
(1) See Final Map Requirements, 18 GAR §3216(a)
and (c) are applicable.
(2) Basic Lot Data - indicate the following:
(A) Basic lot number.
(B) Claimant's name.
(3) Signatures: Territorial Surveyor, Registered
Surveyor and Claimant.
(4) Required data for adjacent properties:
(A) Lot numbers.
(B) All utility and access easements.
(C) All dedicated rights-of-way.
(D) Most recent document numbers for all of
the above.
§3221. Same: Special Requirements for Parental
Estates and Land Registration Surveys. (a) Parental
Estates. All applicants for parental divisions of property
shall be required to submit the following:
(1) A certified copy of a deed for the basic lot
indicating ownership by the applicant in fee simple for
at least five (5) years prior to the application.
(2) A notarized statement by the applicant listing
all his living children or their descendants.
(3) A map, drawn in accordance with all
applicable provisions of the Government Code of
Guam, indicating a number of lots not to exceed the
number of living children and their descendants listed
in the notarized statement above.
(4) Deeds for each lot shown on the above map;
such lots shall be deeded in fee simple and each deed
must contain alienation clauses to the effect that the
children or descendants shall not sell, lease or
otherwise alienate said lots for a period of at least five
(5) years.
ART. 2 - SUBDIVISION RULES & REGS. - 1997 - P. 24

(5) Upon final approval by the Territorial Planner,

all such deeds and maps must be filed for record
within five (5) days of said approval. If deeds and
maps are not filed within this period the Territorial
Planner's approval shall become null and void.
(b) Land Registration. Any survey for land
registration shall include the entire contiguous interest of
the claimant where such estate or claim is less than five (5)
hectares. If an estate or claim is more than five (5) hectares,
then the minimum allowable survey is five (5) hectares.
(c) Recording. All maps discussed in this Chapter
shall be recorded by Land Management prior to being
returned to the surveyor. The current fee for recording
shall be charged for this service.
§3222. Improvement Plans. The following standards
shall apply to all improvement plans submitted to the
Territorial Planning Commission, or its legally authorized
agent, for approval under 21 GCA Chapter 62.
The Subdivider shall observe all the requirements for
improvement plans as hereinafter provided. These
standards shall be considered minimum standards, and
shall be varied from or waived only as provided in 18 GAR
§3206 of these Rules and Regulations.
§3223. Same: General. (a) Time Limit. Within the
legal time limit, the Subdivider may cause the engineered
improvement plans of the subdivision or any part thereof
to be prepared by a registered professional engineer in
accordance with the tentative plan as approved. All streets
and other improvements, which in the opinion of the
Commission are necessary for the development of any part
of the subdivision, will be required.
(b) Form. The improvement plans shall conform to the
following provisions:
(1) They shall be legibly drawn, printed or
reproduced by process guaranteeing a permanent
record on white paper and shall incorporate all the
design, calculations and engineering reports as
required for comprehensive design.
(2) Size and Scale. The size of each drawing sheet
shall be as provided in the standard engineering
specifications of Public Works. The scales of maps
shall be as demanded by good engineering practice.


ART. 2 - SUBDIVISION RULES & REGS. - 1997 - P. 25

Engineering calculations and reports shall be made

out on 8½ x 11 sheets and submitted bound in folders.
(3) Title sheet shall show the name of the engineer
designing the improvements, tract numbers, name of
the subdivision, title of improvements shown
thereupon and the particular sheet number and the
total number of sheets comprising the improvement
(c) Certificates and Acknowledgments. The following
certificates and acknowledgments shall appear on all the
sheets of the improvement plans:
(1) Engineer's Certificate - name of the registered
civil engineer submitting the plans.
(2) Recommendation for approval by the
subdivision control section of the Department of
Public Works.
(3) Approval by the Director of Public Works.
(d) Required Information. The improvement plans
shall show the engineered details of the improvements
required by the Commission and shall be in accordance
with the approved tentative plans. These plans shall
(1) Layout of subdivision including but not
limited to the dimensions of the exterior boundary of
the subdivision, blocks, lots, curves, rights-of-ways
and all other easements granted on the final map.
(2) Grading Plan and Soil Report. With the
submission of a soil report and grading plan sufficient
in detail to meet the requirements of the Department
of Public Works, the Subdivider shall be exempt from
the requirements of Chapter 70 of the Uniform
Building Code.
(3) Street construction plans shall include, but not
be limited to: street grading, road sections, location of
curbs, gutters and sidewalks and all construction
required in connection with the control of traffic.
(4) Sewer Plans - shall include, but not be limited
to: sizes, profiles, locations and details of sewer mains;
sewer laterals, manholes and clean outs and any other
structure or plant required from collection to disposal
of sewage.


ART. 2 - SUBDIVISION RULES & REGS. - 1997 - P. 26

(5) Water plans shall include, but not be limited

to: sizes, profiles, locations and details of water mains,
water laterals, blowout valves, fire hydrants or any
other reservoir structures required for the distribution
of water.
(6) Storm Drain Plan shall include, but not be
limited to: sizes, profiles, locations and details of
storm pipes, catch basins, surface drains or any other
structure required from collection to disposal of storm
(7) Electrical and Telephone Plans - shall include,
but not be limited to: sizes, profiles, locations and
details of underground cables, conduits, hand holes,
transformers, poles or any other connected structures.
(e) Accompanying Data. The following additional
data, agreements, fee and reports shall be submitted with
improvement plans:
(1) Soils Report. The Subdivider shall furnish a
soils report prepared by a registered civil engineer
skilled in geology and soils engineering. The report
shall be sufficient in detail to enumerate the
investigatory soils engineering procedures, analyses,
conclusions and recommendations of the soils
engineer to provide a safe, stable improvement at all
times during construction and after final completion.
Underground drainage shall be specifically included
in the report analysis as well as earthquake
(2) Calculation Sheets. The Subdivider shall
furnish sheets showing all the engineering calculations
to arrive at the design of road sections, sewer facilities,
storm drain, electrical installations and water supply
(3) Improvement Agreement and Bond.
Whenever a bond is required, the Subdivider shall file
an agreement for the improvement of the subdivision
by him as set forth in this Subsection and as may be
further required by the Director of Public Works. The
Subdivider shall secure the performance thereof by a
good and sufficient surety bond, or a cash deposit,
which bond or cash deposit shall be an amount equal
to one hundred fifteen percent (115%) of the cost of the
improvements as estimated by the Director of Public
ART. 2 - SUBDIVISION RULES & REGS. - 1997 - P. 27

(f) Filing. The Subdivider shall file eight (8) blueline

copies of the final plans with the Director of the
Department of Public Works.
(g) As-Built Plans. Complete "as-built" plans shall be
filed with the Director of Public Works upon completion of
subdivision improvements. Such "as-built" plans shall be
ink on linen or polyester base film. Upon receipt and
acceptance of such plans, the Director of Public Works
shall release the performance bond.
NOTE: As published in the 1975 edition.


ART. 2 - SUBDIVISION RULES & REGS. - 1997 - P. 28

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