Perspective On Covid-19 Pandemic Among Medical Imaging Students in Ghana

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Volume 6, Issue 4, April – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Perspective on Covid-19 Pandemic Among Medical

Imaging Students in Ghana
Gilbert Boabeng Prince Rockson, Mphil/ PhD Candidate/Principal
Bsc. Medical Imaging (Diagnostic Radiographer) Radiographer
Department of Medical Imaging Department of Medical Imaging
University of Cape Coast, University of Health and Allied Sciences
Cape Coast Ghana HO, Ghana

Edwin Nii Badger, MSc.

PhD Candidate/Engineer
Mechanical Engineering Department
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
Kumasi, Ghana

Abstract:- INTRODUCTION: As of December 2020, I. INTRODUCTION

many countries across the globe are still grappling with
the management and treatment of COVID-19. The first In March, the coronavirus became a pandemic with
case of COVID-19 in Ghana was confirmed on the 12th 27,737,453 globally confirmed cases and 937,391 deaths as
March 2020 with laboratory results of the confirmed cases of 17th September 2020 (WHO, 2020). Dr Tedros Adhanom
received from the Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Ghebreyesus (WHO, General Director) stressed that the best
Research of the University of Ghana. The aim of this way for countries to end restrictions and ease their economic
research is to assess the level of knowledge of COVID-19 effects was to attack the virus with an aggressive and
pandemic, its effect and panacea for students’ challenges comprehensive package of measures (Fahmi, 2020). As of
among medical imaging students in Ghana. March, 79 968 patients in China and 7169 outside of China
had tested positive for COVID-19(Baud et al., 2020).
METHOD: A purposive cross-sectional survey was Asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic individuals, by
conducted among medical imaging students in Ghana. definition, do not cough or sneeze to any appreciable extent
The study sampled students from six (6) educational (Asadi et al., 2020). At present, the main measures taken
institutions undertaking medical imaging as a course of abroad are to maintain hand hygiene, an appropriate social
study. A total of 476 study participants were involved in distance and wearing WHO approved masks (Chen et al.,
the study. Microsoft Excel 2016 version was used to 2020).
analyze the data.
The first case of COVID-19 to be reported in Ghana
RESULTS: Of the respondents, 335 (74.6%) were was confirmed on 12th March 2020 and the laboratory results
observing all World Health Organization (WHO) and of the confirmed cases were received from the Noguchi
Ministry of He\alth (MOH) protocols. Upon the closure of Memorial Institute for Medical Research. The first two cases
universities, most (n=407, 85.5%) of the respondents were imported and both patients returned to Ghana from
confirmed that it has really affected their studies. Most Norway and Turkey. As at November, they were 52,198
participants (n=236, 49.6%) “Strongly agree” that confirmed cases with 325 deaths in Ghana (GHS, 2020). To
imaging modalities should be part of COVID-19 respond to the pandemic, the Government of Ghana in
diagnosing tool. collaboration with the Ghana Education Service (GES)
imposed bans all on public and social gatherings. This
CONCLUSION: Medical imaging students in Ghana restriction thus affected University education for which all
confirm and aware of how COVID-19 is transmitted and universities were closed on 16th March, 2020 (Emmanuel,
the closure of schools have really affected students’ 2020; Francis, 2020). Due to this closure, various university
education. authorities issued a specific date for students to leave campus
and return home. Consequently, lectures, group studies and
Keywords:- COVID-19, Students, Medical, Imaging, other academic activities in the educational calendar were
Perspective. stalled. The aim of this research is to assess students’
knowledge on COVID-19, its effect and remedy for students’
challenges amidst COVID-19 pandemic among medical
imaging students in Ghana.

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Volume 6, Issue 4, April – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
II. METHODS promote the survey. The questionnaire (Appendix 1) was
developed and distributed online using Google form. The
A. Design and Distribution response time frame for the survey was seven weeks (9th May
A purposive cross-sectional survey was conducted to 1st July, 2020). Microsoft Excel 2016 version was used to
among medical imaging students in Ghana using their analyze the data for statistical interpretation and the open-
respective school WhatsApp platforms which includes five ended questions were coded in a simple table form. The
(5) public universities and one private institution. The overall findings are presented in the forms of pie charts,
platforms were purposively selected to include all imaging tables and bar graphs.
students’ platforms.
C. Ethical consideration
B. Study tool Ethical approval was obtained from the Ghana Society
The questions required for the survey were developed of Radiographers Ethics Review Committee (Ref. No.
by the research team using facts on COVID-19 as presented GSR/PSL-RE/05/2020). Electronic informed consent was
by the WHO ((WHO), 2020). Additionally, other questions obtained from all respondents. Respondents who were willing
were self-developed in order to unravel the real situation to participate in the study were to indicate so by ticking a box
students were encountering. The various developed sections on the form, which subsequently activated the next steps on
of the questionnaire included: 1) socio-demographic the Google Form. Confidentiality of the data was ensured by
characteristics of respondent, 2) knowledge on infection and not collecting information that will lead to identification of
transmission of COVID-19, 3) effect of COVID-19 on the respondent. Access to the data on the server was restricted
academic work, 4) measures taken by school authorities, by a two-way pass code.
Government of Ghana and the Ghana Education Service, 5)
students’ knowledge on imaging in the COVID-19 era and 6) III. RESULT
suggestion from students.
A total of 476 medical imaging students out of the
Before the distribution, the research team read through target population of approximately 929 students in all level
by discussing the questionnaire to rule out any bias by using (1st year to 4th year) participated in the survey, given a
simple and short questions, making use of interval questions response rate of 51.2%. The majority (n=269, 56.5%) of
and precise language. The link to the online questionnaire students were in the 21-25 age group. The male respondents
was distributed on many active students’ social media formed the majority (n=318, 66.8%). The responses from
platforms to maximize the response rate. Furthermore, marital status came out with single being the majority
representatives of the these six (6) institutions also helped to (n=433, 91.0%), (Table 1).

Table III. Socio-demographics Characteristic of the Study Population and Knowledge on Infection and Transmission of COVID-
Variables Frequency Percentage (%)
16-20 122 25.6
21-25 269 56.5
Above 26 72 15.1
Prefer not say 13 2.8
Male 318 66.8
Female 158 33.2
Marital Status
Single 433 91.0
Married 38 7.9
Co-habitation 5 1.1
(Source: Field data, 2020)

The respondents from the institutions offerings medical

imaging programs are six(6) institutions (Fig. 1) per the time 200
survey was conducted, however most (n=172, 36.16%) 150
coming out from the University of Cape Coast and with the
least responses from University of Health and Allied Science
(n=27, 5.7%). Diagnostic Radiography has greater response
rate of n=241 (50.6%) with a few (n=4, 0.8%) Radiotherapy.
Half of the respondents read Diagnostic Radiography (Fig. 2).

IJISRT21APR102 164

Volume 6, Issue 4, April – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Figure 1. Institution of Study Figure 3. Level of Study (level of study refers to year of
study. E.g.: level 100 refers to 1st year, level 200 refer to 2nd
year, etc.)
55 5 59
50 15


Figure 2. Programme of Study Eye Nose Mouth

Skin contact All Other parts
Fig. 3 presents the level of study and the response. The
level that responded most is level 200 (n=146, 30.7%) with Figure 4. Routes of Transmission
the least (n=94, 19.7%) from the level 400 students. Routes of
transmission (Fig. 4) has a greater response (n=319, 67.0%) Table 2 presents understanding of how COVID-19 is
of participants choosing eye, nose, mouth and skin contacts as transmitted and most (n=238, 50.0%) “Strongly agree” that
means of transmission with few (n=15, 3.0%) choosing only they are knowledgeable about COVID-19 transmission. With
mouth. respect to the infection and prevention of COVID-19, most
(n=221, 46.1%) “agree” that they are aware of the infection
and prevention of COVID-19. In table 2, respondents
“strongly agree” that they know how to wash their hand
properly (n=344, 72.2%) and also “strongly agree” pointed
out that their personal hygiene has tremendously change after
131 the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic (n=277, 58.2%).
Table 2 shows that majority (n=399, 83.82%) of the
respondents have the opportunity to educate their household
146 about the COVID-19 outbreak. Table 2 also presents measure
taken by these respondents on how to prevent themselves
from contracting the COVID-19. Of the respondents (n=355,
74.6%) were observing all World Health Organization
(WHO) and Ministry of Health (MOH) protocols.

Level 100 Level 200 Level 300 Level 400

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Volume 6, Issue 4, April – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Table 2. Knowledge on Infection and Transmission of COVID-19, Measures of Prevention and Knowledge on Infection and
Transmission of COVID-19
Variables Frequency Percentage (%)
Understanding of how COVID-19 is transmitted
Strong agree 238 50.0
Agree 205 43.1
Neutral 29 6.1
Disagree 2 0.4
Strongly Disagree 2 0.4
Understanding of the Infection and Prevention of COVID-19
Strongly Agree 73 15.3
Agree 221 46.4
Neutral 72 15.1
Disagree 26 5.5
Strongly Disagree 84 17.6
Enough knowledge about hand hygiene and how to wash my hands properly
Strongly Agree 344 72.2
Agree 121 25.4
Neutral 5 1.1
Disagree 2 0.4
Strongly Disagree 4 0.8
Personally, hygiene attitude has changed after COVID-19 outbreak
Strongly Agree 277 58.2
Agree 163 34.2
Neutral 25 5.25
Disagree 9 1.9
Strongly Disagree 2 0.4
Opportunity to educate your household about the COVID-19 outbreak
Yes 399 83.82
No 77 16.2
Measures taken to prevent contraction of COVID-19 (open-ended question)
Social Distancing 15 3.2
Wearing nose mask 17 3.6
Stay home 14 2.9
Avoiding handshake 1 0.2
Personal hygiene 5 1.1
Handwash/Use of sanitizer 27 5.7
No touching of face 2 0.4
Public education 2 0.4
Regular Exercise & Healthy Eating 8 1.7
Observing all WHO/MOH protocols 355 74.6

(Source: Field data, 2020)

Table 3. Effect of COVID-19 on Academic Activity, Measures taken by School Authorities & Issues preventing
continuous studies at home
Variables Frequency Percentage (%)
Closure of universities, has it affected academic studies/curriculum
Yes 407 85.5
No 21 4.4
Maybe 48 10.1
If yes, how has it affected studies/schoolwork (open-ended question)
No clinical work 38 9.3

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Volume 6, Issue 4, April – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Reading online is difficult 50 12.3
Home study is not effective 52 12.8
Delayed final year research work 52 12.8
Limited support from coursemates/school mates 64 15.7
Couldn’t finish course work 151 37.1
Finding it difficult to study at home
Yes 391 82.1
No 70 14.7
Don’t know yet 15 3.2
Department is making/has made provision for us to continue our studies at home
Yes 346 72.7
No 61 12.8
Uncertain 69 14.5
University modalities adopted to ensure continuous studies at home (open-ended question)
Google class 59 12.4
Home assignment 153 32.1
Myclass app 9 1.9
Webinar class 6 1.3
WhatsApp 120 25.2
University virtual class/ E-learning platform 17 3.6
Problem Based Learning (PBL) 2 0.42
Zoom meetings 6 1.3
Moodle app 3 0.6
Sakai Learning 2 0.4
E-learning platform
None 44 9.2
Issues preventing continuous studies at home (open-ended question)
Poor internet 173 36.3
Courses do not have permanent lecturers 44 9.2
Clinical nature of final year courses 86 18.1
Lack of student availability 93 19.5
No proper learning platform 15 3.2
Lack of finance 40 8.4
Lack of communication from University/Department 25 5.3
(Source: Field data, 2020)

Effect of COVID-19 on academic activity is shown in Table 3. Upon the closure of universities, most (n=407, 85.5%) of the
respondents confirmed that it has really affected their studies or curriculum. With the 407 respondents who confirmed, (n=151,
37.1%) of them says that they could not finish their course work. Majority of the respondents (n=391, 82.1%) are finding it
difficult to study at home. Table 3 shows that most (n=346, 72.7%) of the department in various institutions were able to make
provision for continuous studies at home since schools were closed and in view of that some of the universities adopted home
assignment for continuous studies at home according to the respondents (n=153, 32.1%). Issues on things preventing continuous
studies at home are shown in table 3. Response rate (n=173, 36.3%) of that respondents confirmed there is always poor internets
availability in their homes. Most participants “disagree” (n=195, 41.0%) on the fact the virtual/online learning (Table. 4) has
helped as compared to face to face studies with students and lecturers. Challenges respondents faced studying at home (Table 4)
pointed to the fact that most (n=121, 25.4%) respondents were distracted with home activities. Table 4 presents suggestions from
respondents in improving studies at home. Respondents (n=127, 26.7%) suggested that universities or departments should provide
them with study materials consistently to facilitate good studies at home.
Table 4. Challenges faced studying at home & Improving study at home
Variables Frequency Percentage (%)
Compared to face to face studies, has virtual/online learning helped
Strongly agree 16 3.4
Agree 56 11.8
Neutral 87 18.3

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ISSN No:-2456-2165

Disagree 195 41.0

Strongly Disagree 122 25.6
Challenges faced studying at home (open-ended question)
Distraction from home activities 121 25.4
Lack of focus/concentration 114 23.9
Lack of funds to purchase internet data 103 21.6
Unstable electricity supply 3 0.6
Internet connectivity issues 102 21.4
Laziness 3 0.6
Lack of ability to ask questions 3 0.6
Lack of motivation to study 18 3.8
Environment not conducive for studies 3 0.6
Lack of understanding 3 0.6
No practical sessions 3 0.6
Suggestions in improving studies at home or remedies (open-ended question)
Non-stop availability of study materials 127 26.7
Cancel online classes 13 2.7
Development of proper timetable 12 2.5
Preparation of lecture videos 84 17.6
Final students should be allowed to return campus 13 2.7
Distribution of internet data 99 20.8
Regularization of online examination 39 8.2
Ensure effective online meeting 25 5.3
Avenue for students to ask lecturers questions (Eg.
64 13.4
WhatsApp groups)
(Source: Field data, 2020)

The general idea about if imaging modalities should be part of the frontline diagnostic tools for COVID-19 are presented in
Table 5. Briefly, most participants (n=236, 49.6%) “Strongly agree” that imaging modalities should be part of COVID-19
diagnosing tool. Table 5 shows modalities mostly appropriate for diagnosing COVID-19. Half (n=239, 50.2%) of the respondents
chose CT as most appropriate. Reason for selecting a particular radiological examination is shown in table 5. From respondents,
majority (n=142, 29.8%) says their choice produce accurate results.

Table 5. Radiological Examination & Frontline diagnosis for COVID -19

Variables Frequency Percentage (%)
Imaging modalities should be part of the frontline diagnosis for COVID-19
Strongly agree 236 49.6
Agree 147 30.8
Neutral 69 14.5
Disagree 18 3.8
Strongly disagree 6 1.3
Radiological Examinations most appropriate for COVID-19 diagnosis (open-ended question)
Computed Tomography 239 50.2
Conventional X-ray 176 37.0
Ultrasound 56 11.8
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) 2 0.4

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Chest Tomosynthesis 7 1.5
Fluoroscopy 2 0.4
All examinations 2 0.4
None 7 1.5
Reason for selecting particular radiological examination (open-ended question)
From reviewed literature 31 6.5
Availability of examination 42 8.8
Indicates excess air and fluid around chest region 10 2.1
Provides detailed information on body 119 25
Provides accurate results 142 29.8
Detects changes in respiratory tract 83 17.4
Economic factors 19 4.0
Reduced exposure 9 1.9
No known reason 21 4.4
(Source: Field data, 2020)

IV. DISCUSSION working at a close distance and having intimate contact

with infected persons (Jin et al., 2020). In dental setting,
The study provides the assessment of knowledge and the virus can be transmitted through inhalation of
the effect of COVID-19 pandemic among medical imaging airborne microorganisms, direct contact with an infected
students in Ghana. When COVID-19 got to the shores of individual and propelled a short distance by coughing and
Ghana on 12th March, 2020 (GHS, 2020), the government of talking without a mask and indirect contact with
Ghana called the closure of all schools and public gathering contaminated instruments and/or environmental surfaces
(Emmanuel, 2020; Francis, 2020) and lockdown in some (Peng et al., 2020). However the decline in response rate
most crowded (Kaur et al., 2020) part of the country, it has on option “mouth” is in line with a study saying the
been suggested that schools may be hubs of virus outline of transmission routes of COVID-19 has not yet
transmission (Beam et al., 2020). This compelled all students been drawn and more efforts must be made to get full
to leave their campuses. COVID-19 is a global pandemic, picture of the transmission routes (Han et al., 2020) as at
spreading and affecting human life (Bherwani, 2020), so the the time of the survey.
knowledge and awareness was gradually increasing. The
President of Ghana, H.E Nana Akufo Addo and his governing
team have a preliminary strategy for updating the citizenry
about measures taken against the pandemic (Antwi-boasiako WHO had issued global guidelines and
et al., 2020) and in addition to that there were a lot of recommendations for hand hygiene in healthcare long before
constant updates on various websites, television stations, the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. They identified five
radio stations, social media, etc. Half of the respondents moments when to wash or sanitize hands in clinical routines
(n=238, 50.0%) were able to strongly agree that they which include (1) before touching a patient, (2) after touching
understand how this pandemic is transmitted because they are a patient, (3) before aseptic procedures, (4) after touching
constantly bombarded with information via the digital patient surroundings, and (5) after body fluid exposure risk
technologies around them. There was a below average (WHO Patient Safety Alliance, 2009; (Derksen et al., 2020)).
response rate (n=221, 46.1%) on the prevention of the During the survey, it was very interesting that (n=344,
COVID-19 pandemic since the preventive measures were 72.2%) confirmed that they can and properly know how to
being updated by the World Health Organization (WHO) at wash their hands. This finding is in line with other studies
the time the survey was distributed ((Yang et al., 2015); that promoting proper hand hygiene practices is a well-known
(Wathore et al., 2020); (Cai et al., 2020)). preventive measure to control COVID-19 since effective
treatment drugs and vaccines for COVID-19 are not currently
1) The study also provides or demonstrates the knowledge of available ( (Thi et al., 2020); (Chen et al., 2020); (Access et
route of transmission of COVID-19 among the al., 2020); (Mahdi et al., 2020)). Due to that there was a great
respondents with the majority (n=319, 67%) choosing all response (n=277, 58.2%) from the respondents that their hand
the options (mouth, nose, eyes, others parts) provided with hygiene has improved (Sadeq et al., 2017).
the least response rate (n=15, 3%) on only mouth. This is
in line with the recent studies by (WHO, 2020) saying There was opportunity for students to leave campuses to
COVID-19 virus can be transmitted through droplets of their home and with that respondent (n=399, 83.82%) took
different sizes when a person is in in close contact (within that opportunity to educate their family and friend at home
1 m) with someone who has respiratory symptoms (e.g., and their environment. In view of that about (n=355, 74.6%)
coughing or sneezing) and is therefore at risk of having were able to observe the WHO protocols WHO (2020) on
his/her mucosae (mouth and nose) or conjunctiva (eyes) COVID-19 and the directive of the Ministry of health in
exposed to potentially infective respiratory droplets. Other Ghana concerning COVID-19 safety and preventive measures
studies also confirm that the main factor affecting (Antwi-boasiako et al., 2020).
transmission was not using protecting equipment when

IJISRT21APR102 169

Volume 6, Issue 4, April – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
According a study in Canada, school closure will their department should provide them with non-stop
mitigate disease transmission during the COVID-19 availability of materials to enhance their studies at home.
pandemic when combined by other social distancing
measures, it may have markedly lower effectiveness in V. CONCLUSION
reducing attack rates and hospitalization (Moghadas, 2020).
According to Pradeep Sahu, university closure has also The results of this study indicated that the level of knowledge
caused a tremendous level of stress among the university about how COVID-19 is transmitted is well known among
fraternity, inclusive of students and this stress may lead to medical imaging students. The closure of schools has really
unfavorable effects on the learning and psychological health affected students and there is great awareness of the imaging
of students (Sahu, 2020). These findings are in line with our modalities to be used as a first diagnostic tool that is CT as
survey where respondents (n=407, 85.5%) pointed out that compared to RT-PCR test. Home assignment and online
closure of school has tremendously affected their studies and studies were approaching the six (6) institutions used to
curriculum to the extent that respondents (n=391, 82.1%) find enhanced continuous studies amidst the pandemic.
it difficult to study at home. The majority of the respondents
(n=151, 37.1%) in opened-ended question wrote that RECOMMENDATION GOVERNMENT OF
“Couldn’t finish course work”. This is because some schools GHANA/UNIVERSITY ESTABLISHMENT
did not have good online platforms (Sahu, 2020), some
students were not knowledgeable about online lectures (Ravi, Based on these findings it is recommend that
2020), and substantially reduced physical activity levels universities should consistently interact with the imaging
(López-bueno et al., 2020), these probably led to incomplete students and provide them with needed materials to facilitate
academic curriculum amidst the pandemic. effective studies at home. The universities should restructure
their curriculums in various levels of education to suit the
The study reviewed that since the closure of schools, academic activities the pandemic era and probably add
their department or faculty made provision for them to COVID-19 pandemic as a liberal course of study.
continue their education, however majority of the platforms
or means some of the schools were using are home GHANA HEALTH SERVICE (GHS)
assignment (n=153, 32.1%) followed by whatsapp messenger GHS should update the country with statistical update
group chat. This is challenging because applying online of the COVID-19 pandemic weekly or daily and continue to
assessment and academic activities is a very difficult task for education the citizens on the preventive measures.
some of the students(Sahu, 2020).

As students were of different backgrounds and Funding

locations, a large number of respondents (n=173, 36.3%) The author(s) received no financial support for the
commented on having “poor internet” in their location to research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
facilitate smooth online classes. In addition, students who do
not have an Internet facility will suffer a clear disadvantage Conflict of interest statement
while participating in the evaluation process, which would Authors declare no financial relationships with any
adversely affect their grade point averages (GPAs) (Sahu, organizations or institution that could have influence this
2020). On account of challenges student face at home, work.
respondents (n=195, 41.0%) disagree that online learning or
virtual education has helped them with majority comementing Acknowledgements
that “Distraction in learning by home activities”, and “Lack We thank all of the medical imaging students across
of focus/concentration”. This is because some activities at Ghana who participated in this survey even amidst COVID-
home are given to wards once they are away from school. 19 pandemic, the student’s representative of various schools
Furthermore, great proportion of the respondents (n=236, who helped in the survey promotion.
49.6%) suggested medical imaging modalities should be used
greatly in diagnosing COVID-19. The finding is in line with a VI. REFERENCES
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ban to fight Covid-19 disease. [24]. Nasir, M. U., Roberts, J., Muller, N. L., Macri, F., Mohammed, M. F., Akhlaghpoor, S., Parker, W.,
[11]. Fahmi, I. (2020). #Covid19 Coronavirus Disease 2019. Eftekhari, A., Rezaei, S., Mayo, J., & Nicolaou, S.
DroneEmprit, 2019(March), 1–19. (2020). The Role of Emergency Radiology in COVID- 19 : From Preparedness to Diagnosis. 71(3), 293–300.
[12]. Francis K. (2020, March 15) Ghana and Senegal close
all universities. [25]. Peng, X., Xu, X., Li, Y., Cheng, L., Zhou, X., & Ren, B. (2020). Transmission routes of 2019-nCoV and controls
20200315115142951 in dental practice. International Journal of Oral
[13]. Science, 12(1), 1–6.
[14]. Frimpong, E. D. (2020, March 15). Coronavirus: 020-0075-9
University of Ghana suspends lectures over confirmed [26]. Radiology, C. (2020). An update on COVID-19 for the
case on campus. Retrieved from Graphic Online: radiologist - A British society of Thoracic Imaging statement. 75, 323–325.
over-confirmed-case-on-campus.html [27]. Ravi, R. C. (2020). Lockdown of colleges and
[15]. GHS. (2020). covid_19_first_confirmed_GH.pdf. universities due to COVID-19 : Any impact on the educational system in India ? 1–3.
[16]. GHS. (2020, September 17). Updates on Coronavirus [28]. Sadeq, S., Nematian, S., Palenik, C. J., Kousha, S.,
Disease (COVID-19) in Ghana. Retrieved from Hatam, N., & Askarian, M. (2017). direct observation among Iranian hospital nurses. AJIC: American

IJISRT21APR102 171

Volume 6, Issue 4, April – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Journal of Infection Control, 94, 7–9. APPENDIX 1
[29]. Sahu, P. (2020). Closure of Universities Due to Do you consent to participate in this study?
Coronavirus Disease 2019 ( COVID-19 ): Impact on I consent to participate in this study
Education and Mental Health of Students and Academic
Staff Challenges. 2019(4), 4–9. Next page Demographic Data
[30]. Thi, L., Huong, T., Hoang, L. T., Tuyet-hanh, T. T., &
Anh, N. Q. (2020). Reported handwashing practices of 1) In which Institution do you study?
Vietnamese people during the COVID-19 pandemic and University of Ghana, Legon
associated factors : a 2020 online survey. 7(August), University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast
650–663. Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology, Kumasi
[31]. Wathore, R., Gupta, A., Bherwani, H., & Labhasetwar, University of Health & Allied Science, Ho
N. (2020). Science of the Total Environment College of Health, Kintampo
Understanding air and water borne transmission and KLINTAPS
survival of coronavirus : Insights and way forward for
SARS-CoV-2. Science of the Total Environment, 749, 2) What is your programme of study?
141486. Diagnostic Radiography
[32]. WHO. (2020, September 17).WHO Coronavirus Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Disease (COVID-19) Dashboard. Retrieved from Radiotherapy Diagnostic Imaging Technician

[33]. (WHO), W. H. (2020, March 30). Coronavirus disease 3) What is your level?
(COVID-19) pandemic. Retrieved from World Health 100
Organization (WHO): 200 300
coronavirus-2019 400
IMPLICATIONS- FOR-IPC-PRECAUTION- 5) What is your age range?
[35]. World Health Organization (2020) Coronavirus disease 6) Marital status of respondent
(COVID-19) advice for the public. Single
[36]. Available from: HYPERLINK Married
" Divorced
coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public" Cohabitation
coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public . KNOWLEDGE ON INFFECTION TRANSMISSION
[37]. WHO Patient Safety Alliance (2009). WHO guidelines AND PREVENTION ON COVID-19
on hand hygiene in health care: First global patient
safety challenge: Clean care is safer care, Geneva, 7) I have a great understanding of how the COVID-19 is
Switzerland: World Health Organization. transmitted?
[38]. WHO. (2020, September 17). HYPERLINK Strong agree
"" WHO Coronavirus Disease Agree
(COVID-19) Dashboard . Retrieved from Neutral
HYPERLINK "" Disagree Strongly disagree
[39]. Yang, C., Yang, X., & Zhao, B. (2015). Person to
person droplets transmission characteristics in 8) My understanding of the principle of infection prevention
unidirectional ventilated protective isolation room : The and control (IPC) as a medical imaging student is
impact of initial droplet size. adequate to deal with the COVID-19 at home? Strong agree

IJISRT21APR102 172

Volume 6, Issue 4, April – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Agree Assignment
Neutral Myclass app
Disagree Webinar class
Strongly disagree WhatsApp messenger
9) What is/are the route of transmission into the body? 19) If NO, what are some of the current issues preventing its
Eye start?
Nose ………………………………………………………………
Mouth ………………………….
Skin contact 20) I think studying at home is helpful and I am also getting
the adequate knowledge as compare to being in the
10) I have knowledge about hand hygiene and how to wash lecture room?
my hands properly? Strong agree
Strong agree Agree
Agree Neutral
Neutral Disagree
Disagree Strongly disagree
Strongly disagree
21) What are some of the challenges you face studying at
11) My personal hand hygiene has improved after COVID- home?
19 outbreak? ………………………………………………………………
Strong agree ……………………..
Neutral COVID-19 ERA
Disagree 22) Do you agree that imaging modalities should be part of
Strongly disagree the frontline diagnosis tool for COVID-19?
Strong agree
12) Have you had the opportunity to educate your household Agree
about the COVID-19 outbreak as Allied Health student/ Neutral
Yes Disagree
No Strongly disagree

13) What are some of the measures you have taken to 23) State your reason for the answer selected in Q22 above?
preventing the contracting the COVID-19? ………………………………………………………………
……………………………………………………………… …………….

EFFECT OF COVID-19 ON STUDIES 24) Which of the radiological examination in your view
14) Since schools are closed due to the COVID-19 outbreak, would be most appropriate to use in our country for
is it affecting your programme curriculum? COVID-19?
Yes Computed Tomography scan of the Chest
No Conventional chest x-ray
Maybe Ultrasound of the chest
Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Chest
15) State how it has affected your studies Other…..
……………………………………………………………… 25) Any reason to your above choice?
16) Do you find it difficult to study at home? …………………………………………………………
Yes ……………………………………………………….
26) What will be your suggestion to your institution which
MEASURES TAKEN BY AUTHORIES (universities can help you to effectively study at home?
heads, education system and government of Ghana) ………………………………………………………………
17) My department is making /have made provision for us to …….
continue our studies
Not certain

18) If Yes, what modality have they adopted to ensure

continuous studies while at home?
Google class

IJISRT21APR102 173

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