Research Proposal

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The document discusses selecting a good research topic, sources to find topics from, factors to consider when choosing a topic, and common mistakes in proposal writing.

Research topics can be selected from the researcher's own problems or interests, finding research gaps in previous work, ideas from conferences or experts, newspaper articles, government priorities, technological changes, and case studies.

When selecting a topic, one should consider their interest in it, its worthiness and manageability in scope, their background knowledge on the topic, and ensuring the topic is flexible and can be described through key words.

Unit 6: Research Proposal and Report Writing

Topic Selection
A subject or issue or event that is selected for conducting research is known as a research topic. The research
topic is the main theme of research. Selecting a good topic may not be easy. It must be narrow and focused
enough to be interesting, yet broad enough to find adequate information. A good research topic should be
something that one is deeply interested in, is scientifically original and significant, and is manageable in
terms of availability of time, resource and data.
Any research topic comes from an existing unsolved problem. Research topics in management come from
problems in business such as: management techniques and practices; administrative policy formulation and
review; product development and marketing; relation between the private and public sectors; relationship of
HR practices to performances; and many other areas.

Sources of Research Topic

Research topic can be selected from the following sources:
 Researchers’ own problems or interest based on past experience
 Finding research gap while going through the books and previous research reports
 Previous theories to confirm the results in different contexts
 Ideas throw by seminars, conference and others
 Newspaper and articles
 Suggestions by academic supervisors
 Consultation of experts
 Day to day practical experience
 Government priorities
 Technological changes
 Discussions with executives,
 Case studies (observation),
 Company news,
 Problem of competitor,

Factors to be Considered While Selecting Topic

The ability to develop a good research topic is an important skill. It provides direction to the research. An
instructor may assign you a specific topic, but most often instructors require you to select your own topic of
interest. When deciding on a topic, there are a few things that you will need to do:
1. Brain Storming: - Researcher should select few possible topics and have deep thinking over such topics.
If researcher select the topic in hunches without deep thinking, it will be hard to complete the research
work. Thus, researcher should think deeply and whatever the topic or issue, he thinks better he should
select as research topic.
2. Deep Interest: - Research is an irritating job. Thus, researcher should select the topic or area where he/she
has keen interest. Deep interest makes research work more interesting and helps to complete the research
work in time.
3. Knowledge of General Background: - Researcher should take preliminary information about the
research area and issues. Researcher has to find out whether the issue is researchable or not. General
background helps to determine the method of doing the research.
4. Worthy: - The issue whatever is selected as research topic must be valuable to the society or business
sector. It must be able to solve the burning issues of the society or business sector.
5. Manageable: - The scope of the research topic should be manageable. If the scope of the research topic
is vague then such research cannot be completed. Thus, the scope of the topic should not be vague and
narrow both. As well, topic must be manageable from the prospective of availability of time, resource and
6. Flexible: - It is common to modify your topic during the research process. You can never be sure of what
you may find. You may find too much and need to narrow your focus, or too little and need to broaden
your focus.
7. Make a List of Key Words: - Researcher should make a list of main words, concepts and variables that
best describe your topic. Such key words help to collect the further information and define the research

Before selecting your topic, make sure you know what your final project should look like. Each class or
instructor will likely require a different format or style of research project.

Research Proposal Definition/Concepts

A research proposal is a presentation of an idea/formal plan/road map (way to go to the destination) of a
research. Research proposal is a brief but comprehensive proposition that describes the research design,
schedule and budget as well as time frame of proposed research. It is blue print of proposed research.
Research proposal simply means a plan of action or tentative structured schedule of an investigation proposed
for the accomplishment of intended research job. "A research proposal is a document that provides a detailed
description regarding the future actions to be taken for attainment of the proposed objectives of research. It is
like outline of the entire research process that gives a summary of the information discussed in a project".
Hence, research proposal constitutes overall plan or design of the proposed study.
A research proposal is a concise and coherent summary of your proposed research. It sets out the central issues
or questions that you intend to address. Regardless of your research area and the methodology you choose, all
research proposals must address the following questions: What you plan to accomplish, why you want to do
it and how you are going to do it.
The proposal is the most important document that you submit as part of the application process. A research
proposal is intended to convince others that you have a worthwhile research project and that you have the
competence and the work-plan to complete it. Thus, the purpose of the research proposal is to explain and
justify the proposed study to an audience of non-experts on the researcher’s topic (Maxcell, 2005).

A proposal should contain all the key elements involved in designing a completed research study, with
sufficient information that allows readers to assess the validity and usefulness of your proposed study. The
only elements missing from a research proposal are the findings of the study and your analysis of those results.
Finally, an effective proposal is judged on the quality of your writing and, therefore, it is important that your
writing is coherent, clear, and compelling.
Purpose and Function of Research Proposal
Major purpose of every research proposal is to provide tentative outline or blue print of an intended research.
Besides this, some important purposes of research proposal are listed below:
1. To justify the rationale: Proposal is prepared to justify the rationale and importance of proposed
research. It proves that the research is essential in the subject selected by the researcher as topic. Such
work increases the value of research.
2. To provide Information: Researcher prepares proposal to provide the information regarding the
population and sample, source of data, data collection techniques, tools and techniques of data analysis,
decision criteria, etc. It provides information to the research committee which evaluates and approves the
research proposal.
3. To prepare plan: Research proposal is a plan for action that explains the purpose/objective, area, process
and estimated results of the research. It also makes easier to the work of research to be conducted in future.
4. To form base for contract: Research proposal is a contract that will form the basis of agreement between
the parties involved e.g. the researcher, supervisors, donors, institutions (i.e. universities and colleges).
5. To provide the judgment tools: It provides the judgment tools for the judgment of quality of research
and strength of researcher organization to make decision regarding whether the proposal should be
accepted or not.
6. To remind: proposal reminds to the researcher about research objective, proposed objective, proposed
methodology and research area. Thus, it helps to the researcher to do the work being within the limit of
research scope.
7. To provide overall roadmap of the proposed research work.
Steps of Proposal Writing
Every proposal accompanied with certain procedural steps for its fulfillment. Every essential step in proposal
writing demands fulfillment of some pertinent ingredients. Basic steps of proposal writing are almost same
for all research though area or topic of the research may differ. Such essential steps of research proposal are
described briefly as below:
1. Title: Title of the proposed study should be written in brief as far as possible but must be clear and specific.
The title is a vital component of every research proposal because it reflects the entire content of the subject.
Every reader can estimate the tentative result output from the research title. It gives clear picture regarding
subject matter of study, tentative population and sample, area of study, etc.
2. Introduction or Background of the study: Introduction or background of the proposed study must be
described clearly so as to track the right information of the topic. In this segment, introduction and
background of research problem is incorporated. Review of literature will be helpful to provide additional
knowledge and information previously identified by other research scholars on the same or similar
research problem. While preparing background information and statement of the problem equal emphasis
have to be given in regards of identification of related variables and their interrelationship. This helps to
make empirical observation and test. Additionally, in this section, some key terms used for the purpose of
investigation should be defined. In some instances, it is necessary to develop operational definition for the
measurement too.

Essential steps in Research proposal writing

o Selection of research topics.
o Selection of resource person.
o Background study of the topic.
 Theoretical background
 Literature review
 Objectives of the study
 Definitions of technical terms
o Clarifying the importance of the study
o Assessing research procedure
 Methods of data collection
 Sampling technique
 Analyzing the data
o Time scheduling
o Budget estimates
o References
3. Research Design/Methodology: In this segment, the possible ways or methods of data collection, tools
and methods of data analysis and decision making criteria are dealt. As we know, there can be various
tools and techniques. Hence, appropriate and feasible tools and techniques must be selected which are
mentioned briefly. Dealing with the methodological aspect, in proposal, following things are mandatory
to mention:
o The universe of the population
o Sample design
o Unit of sample required
o Size of the sample
o Sampling methods
o Data collection method, tools and instruments
o Post field data processing and analysis plan, tools and techniques
o Proposed statistical test etc.
4. Time Scheduling: Time scheduling is a time plan estimated for proposed study. It includes tentative time
required for initiation, approval, execution and completion of research. While proposing time schedule for
the study, it is suggested that rational and practical flexible time plan is better than that of short and
pressured deadline scheduling.
5. Budget estimates: Financial resources is inevitable for the successful completion of every research.
Assurance of financial availability is prominent aspect of research proposal. Budget estimates includes
budget requirements or cost incurring to time, labor, administrative task, tools and techniques, logistic
requirement, etc.
6. References: Reference materials used while developing research proposals are clearly mentioned in
reference section. It reflects the researcher's insight in terms of capacity, skills and knowledge in depth of
subject matter. It further assures and asserts the ability and knowledge in regard of research matter of
7. Research report plan: Report is a professional deliberation of research work. Generally report is
produced after the completion of research but it is equally important to make general plan regarding when
and how to generate and publish the report at the stage of proposal writing.

Dos and Don'ts while Proposal Writing

 Use simple and communicative language.
 Proposal must be informative and interesting.
 Make it clear, concise and precise.
 Use the heading and sub-headings clear wherever necessary.
 Produce in a professional format and layout.
 Reference the work fully using an acceptable style and format.
 Do not use difficult and more technical words but not over simplify the language.
 Do not make unrealistic and impractical budgetary and time plan.
 Do not overload the proposal using unnecessary explanations and figures.
In practice, it is common to submit bio-data of primary researcher and team involved in the research. If
proposal is submitted by research agency, profile of such agency is necessary to submit instead of bio-data of

Types of Research Proposal

Typology of research proposal is based on to what kind of project does it dealt with and what will be the terms
and conditions to follow for it. In broader sense, research proposal can be classified into two types as Internal
proposal and External proposals.
1. Internal Proposals:
If it is plan to conduct research from the in-house members or staffs of an organization then the proposal
prepared for such purpose is called internal proposal. Generally, such research is conducted to seek out the
solution of emerging or ongoing problems within an organization. Hence, internal proposals have problem-
solving orientation. This means, internal proposals are prepared for action research intended to solve the
organizational problems.
2. External Proposals:
External research proposals are prepared to conduct extensive or comprehensive research in broader issues
which cannot be carried out by the internal researcher of organization because need of high level expert. This
means, external proposals are prepared by professional researcher or research agencies. In simple words, the
proposals announced to submit from external consultants or research agencies are called external proposals.
External proposals can be further divided into two types as solicited proposals and unsolicited proposals.
1. Solicited proposal: A solicited proposal is that which is developed when the funding or sponsoring agency
or institutions or person call for a proposal with details of own. Sponsor announces the RFA (Request for
Application) or RFP (Request for Proposal), EoI (Expression of Interest) in national newspapers or in own
websites with detail of sponsor, objectives of research, terms and conditions to be applied etc. A solicited
proposal is prepared with fulfilling detail description of what the sponsor wants. In most of the cases, many
sponsors provide with formatting instructions for proposal and the evaluation criteria that will be used to
make a selection. Hence, in the solicited proposal it generally includes standard terms, conditions and
2. Unsolicited Proposal: An unsolicited proposal is sent to a potential sponsor who has not published the
request or expression of interest of the researcher or research agencies. Unsolicited proposals are submitted
with the hope of acceptance or approval by the agency to conduct research not guarantee whether the
proposal will be accepted or not. Such proposals must be especially convincing as the customer has not
anticipated, planned, or budgeted for the any research proposal. Acceptance or rejection of submitted
proposal greatly depends upon the objectives of the research that will be beneficial for the funding agency
in terms of problems solving assurance, cost effectiveness, relevancy as well as performance improvement.
An unsolicited research proposal has the advantage that it does not require to compete with other
researchers or research agencies like a solicited proposal.

Content of Research Proposal

It is quite difficult to propose one and only one format of research proposal universally. It depends upon the
requirements of the funding agency. In solicited proposal, it is bounded by the format proposed by the agency.
In case of unsolicited proposals, researchers are a bit free from such basic requirements. Despite such
limitations and difficulties, research proposal constitutes some essential components that are inevitable to
make it complete. In general, research proposal constitutes only three chapters in organized format with well
established sections on each chapter on the basis of requirement. Research proposal is written in future tense
because it is tentative or proposed action plan. For example: Researcher will select thirty percent samples from
the population using stratified sampling technique in the study. It is preferred to use third person pronoun like
researcher, the research team, the study team etc. while writing research proposal.

Chapter plan of research proposal is given below:

Chapter Plan of Research Proposal
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Literature Review/Background
Chapter 3: Research Methodology
Proposal for Funded Research
Many organizations call research proposals from consultant researchers or research agencies in order to solve
prevailing problems in organization or in concern business area. Such organizations provide attractive
financial assistance to researchers and agencies. Such research is called funded research. For funded research,
proposal should be prepared carefully as the proposal should fulfill the technical and financial requirement of
sponsor. Thus, more than in academic research proposal, funded research proposal should cover budget, time,
researcher's qualification along with other personnel, resources requirement, expected outcomes and other
related issues if necessary should be included.

They are discussed in brief as below:

Main research design:
As in academic research proposal, introduction or background of the study, problem statement, objectives of
the study, significance of the study, research design, limitations, etc. are commonly dealt. In research design,
tools and techniques to be used in data collection and analysis are addressed on the basis of requirement of
sponsor organization.
It is most important element of the research proposal in funded research as every sponsor wants to achieve it
objectives as reasonable budget. Researcher should carefully include the cost centers and rate accurately as
far as possible. Research export, assistant researchers, surveyor, vehicle rent, fuel, office rent and stationery,
etc. are some common sources of cost. Total estimated cost of research should be included at the proposal. In
many funded research, one of the basis of proposal evaluation is taken as budget. It should neither to be too
high nor be too low.
Time Schedule:
In most of the cases, sponsor allocates the total time duration within which the proposed research should be
completed. Researcher should manage the time for each activity of research in such a way that whole research
can be completed at the right time comfortably. Such time frame is normally presented at bar chart drawn at
interval of time.
Human resource management:
Primary researcher's name, qualification, previous experiences etc. along with personal bio-data must be
addressed. Likewise, assistant researchers should also be mentioned along with their qualification and
experience. Field surveyors, data entry assistant, enumerators, data specialist, etc. are the major components
of the research work. Thus, at the proposal, such key human resources need to be addressed.
Instruments and equipment:
On the basis of nature and objective of the research, we need to use different instruments and equipment.
Printers, phones, vehicles, photocopy, video camera, voice recorders, experimental equipment, etc. should be
mentioned clearly.
In some cases, funding agencies demand specific format or structure of the proposal. In such cases, researcher
should prepare the proposal addressing all the basic elements of their requirements.

Criteria of Evaluating Research Proposal

The common criteria of evaluating research proposal are to check and evaluate whether a proposal constitutes
the basic components of proposal as content, format, layout and presentation in professional standard. Another
basis of evaluating research proposal is that whether the research will attain the proposed objectives within
the proposed time frame and resources. It is the evaluation of proposal whether it is realistic and achievable.
Evaluation criteria are set by the funding agency as per the objectives and requirements. In general practice it
is found that research proposal can be evaluate on the following three broader bases.

Basis 1: Quality of proposal content, format, layout and presentation.

Research Methodology (Weight: 30 Percent)
 Is the population clearly defined?
 Is the procedure for sampling (if used) clearly explained?
 Is the size of the samples stated?
 Is there a clear description of the instruments that will be used to gather data?
 Are the stated limitations actual limitations to the study or merely delimitations?
 Are the stated definitions legitimate in the context of the study (operational, unusual connotation, or
restricted meaning) rather than being obvious or commonly used words?
 Is the research design (if needed) clearly explained?
 Are the procedures for collecting data clearly stated step-by-step?
Quality of research proposal (weight: 30 percent)
 The rationale and justification are presented coherently and logically within the research context or as
 The research objectives are clearly stated.
 The methods and research tools are clearly defined.
 The methods and research tools are appropriate.
 The expected results and outputs are clearly defined.
 Ethical considerations have been identified and addressed.
Basis 2: Capacity of researcher or Research Agency (Weight: 20 percent)
 Academic qualification
 Training and experience
 Language proficiency of research area
 Past record of researcher
 Availability of capable human resources
 Capacity, skill and experience of enumerator
Basis 3: Technical Feasibility and Resource Availability (Weight: 20 percent)
 The overall project concept is viable
 The time line is comprehensive
 The budget is realistic
 The objectives appear achievable in the time frame stated
 The proposal demonstrates an understanding of the challenges in implementing the project.
Common Mistakes in Proposal Writing
Proposal writing is a technical job which is most important as a panel of experts evaluates and decides whether
the proposal will be accepted or not. Every researcher wishes that the proposal will be accepted. Thus,
researcher should understand the reasons of rejecting the proposals. Following common mistakes in proposal
writing become the reason for rejection of proposal.
 Fail to include all the requirement content of research proposal.
 Fail to identify the research problem.
 Fail to specify the research objectives.
 Fail to provide sufficient background of proposed research and justify the significance of the study.
 Fail to propose the appropriate theoretical framework.
 Fail to delimit the boundary condition of the research.
 Fail to justify the research design, instruments, universe, sample, etc.
 Fail to address the basic focus of funding agency.
 Fail to justify the budgetary expenses for each cost center.
 Fail to cite required information.

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