Ryan Fishcher Bodyweight (4weeks)
Ryan Fishcher Bodyweight (4weeks)
Ryan Fishcher Bodyweight (4weeks)
Ryan Fischer
Hi! I’m Ryan
I have spent the last 18 years in the fitness
industry, with a primary focus on functional
fitness. In 2010 I trained with the U.S. Olympic
Skeleton and Bobsled Team, qualifying for
Olympic Trials in both sports. I have also
competed at CrossFit Regionals seven times.
About this program
No gym membership? Stuck at home? Traveling with no access
to equipment? That’s no excuse to dodge a workout! In fact, some
of the leanest people I have ever met just follow bodyweight
routines and the last time I checked, those Greek statues weren’t
exactly created with barbells and machines. They did a ton of
bodyweight training! But what’s the first thing you see when you
search bodyweight training? It’s typically a workout that consists of
2-3 of the easiest movements you’ve ever seen, followed by a rest
break that you don’t even need, and then before you know it... You
hate it! It doesn’t give you results. You don’t believe in it. And now
you’ve given up on your fitness journey.
My goal was to make a bodyweight program so challenging that you
feel like you went to an actual gym and got your butt kicked! How-
ever, no equipment is needed, every day is significantly
different, and the workouts are just downright fun!
I can almost guarantee that you’ll be asking your friends to join
you - family members, parents, kids, and you might even be getting
on a video call with someone across the world to team up with you.
Get ready to be strangely addicted to bodyweight training!
Equipment needed:
1.) Yourself
2.) A partner for some workouts
50 Rounds for Time:
• 1 Butt Slap Burpee
• 1 Air Squat
• 1 Jumping-Jack
• 1 Sit-Up
• 1 Handstand Hold
(3sec. hold)
Buttslap burpee demo:
Click Here
This looks super easy, but it
does get spicy after a little bit :)
Metcon (AMRAP - Reps)
For As Long As Possible
From 0:00-3:00,
2 Rounds of:
10 Push-Ups
10 Jumping Squats
Then, from 3:00-6:00,
2 Rounds of:
12 Push-Ups
12 Jumping Squats
Then, from 6:00-9:00,
2 Rounds of:
14 Push-Ups
14 Jumping Squats
Add two reps to each
movement every 3 minutes.
Continue following the same
pattern for as long as possible.
RX+ can start at 14.
Score is total reps!
Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds
and Reps)
3min. AMRAP:
• 8 Mountain Climbers Metcon (Time)
• 8 Push-Ups • 10 Burpees
• 8 Hollow Rocks
• 8 Russian Twists • 10 Burpees
• 25 Shoulder Taps
Rest 1min.
• 10 Burpees
Repeat for 5 Total Rounds.
• 25 Shoulder Taps
(20min. total) Left + Right = 1
rep on russian twists. Make sure
• 50 Lateral Lunges
both hands touch • 10 Burpees
the ground on both sides for • 25 Shoulder Taps
every rep. No funny business! • 50 Lateral Lunges
• 100 Sit-Ups
• 10 Burpees
• 25 Shoulder Taps
• 50 Lateral Lunges
• 100 Sit-Ups
• 150 Air Squats
Complete each section and go
straight into the next one with
no rest between. Each section
adds 1 new movement. Can you
finish it all under 20min??
Shoulder Taps Demo:
(Left+Right= 2 reps) Click Here
Metcon (No Measure)
5min. Running Clock.
30sec. of Jumping Jacks
30sec. of Calf Raises
30sec. of Flutter Kicks
30sec. of Glute Bridge Hold
30sec. of Pike Push-Ups
30sec. of Supermans
30sec. of Plank
30sec. of Reverse Sit-Ups
30sec. of Plank Tricep Extensions
30sec. of a Squat Hold (bottom
Rest 1min.
Repeat for 3-4 Rounds
Plank Tricep Extensions Demo:
Click Here
Pike Push-Up Demo:
Click Here
Superman Demo:
Click Here
Metcon (No Measure)
Just Abs Today :)
• 1min. of Seated Ab Circles
• 1min. of Drunken Mountain
• 1min. of Seated Ab Circles
(other direction)
Rest 1min.
• 1min. of Star Plank (right)
• 1min. of Starfish Sit-Ups
• 1min. of Star Plank (left)
Rest 1min.
• 1min. of Bicycle Abs
• 1min. of Heel Touches
• 1min. of Russian Twists
Rest 1min. Seated Ab Circles:
Click Here
Repeat EVERYTHING 1 more
time with 30sec. stations and Drunken Mountain Climbers:
30sec. rest breaks. Click Here
Starfish Sit-Ups:
Total workout time is: 18min.
Click Here
Here’s a bunch of video demos
because there are some weird Star Planks:
names in there. Sunday is a rest Click Here
day, so don’t be afraid to leave Heel Touches:
it all out there today! Click Here
Bicycle Abs:
Click Here
12 Days of Christmas Style
Bodyweight Workout!
“10 Days of Quarantine”
1 “Butt Slap” Burpee
2 V-Ups
3 Squat Jumps
4 Starfish Sit-Ups
Day07BodyWork 5 Seconds of Handstand Hold
6 Plyo Lunges
7 Tricep Push-Ups
8 Mountain Climbers
Rest DAY! 9 Reverse Sit-Ups
10 Lateral Lunges
Complete the reps the same
way you sing the 12 days of
Christmas song. Start at 1, then
2-1, then 3-2-1, then 4-3-2-1 and
so on until you complete the
last round 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1.
* I know it’s only 10 movements
instead of 12! Trying to save
some movements for later in
the week!
Starfish Sit-Ups Demo:
Click Here
Butt-slap Burpee Demo:
Click Here
Metcon (Time)
For Time: Day10BodyWork
Accumulate a 10min. Plank Hold
Metcon (Time)
Every Time You Rest,
For Time:
• 10 Alternating Pistols 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Burpees
• 15 Push-Ups
* Before start this, complete 50 Chair Dips
Bodyweight Russian Twists as a
one time “buy in.” 30-27-24-21-18-15-12-9-6-3
Incase you’re confused... You Sit-Ups
complete 50 russian twists, then Goes like this:
try to chip away at a 10min. ac- • 10 Burpees
cumulated plank. Each time you • 20 Chair Dips
rest from the plank, you must • 30 Sit-Ups
complete 1 round of 10 Alter-
nating Pistols and 15 Push-Ups. Then;
9 Burpees, 18 Chair Dips, 27
Pistol Demo: Sit-Ups
Click Here
... And so on
Need to scale? Squat on one
leg to a chair and sit back up! You are essentially adding
the first number to the next
movement. Should take about
15min. You can make it a little
harder by putting some weight
on your lap for the dips and
adding some weight for the
Metcon (Time)
In Teams of 2!
Have a friend nearby or get
them on FaceTime or Zoom!
50 Rounds:
• 5 Air Squats
• 6 Jumping Lunges
• 7 Push-Ups
You must compete the entire
round before your partner can
go! You will both be doing 25
rounds each!
Metcon (Time)
I’m calling this Bodyweight
For Time:
250 Up Downs Metcon (Time)
“The Big Sexy”
Time CAP: 20min.
Video Demo: For Time:
Click Here 100 Jumping Jacks
90 Second Plank
You must: 80 Glute Bridges
1.) Stand up all the way at the 70 Russian Twists
top of each rep 60 Second Wall Sit
2.) Squeeze your core on 50 Sit-Ups
every rep as you shoot 40 Lateral Lunges
your feet back. 30 Chair Dips
20 Mt. Climbers
I worked this out to be about
10 Burpees
15-20min long. When testing
20 Mt. Climbers
it, 50 reps unbroken was about
30 Chair Dips
2:15 seconds. And then every
40 Lateral Lunges
50 reps after that got about 30
50 Sit-Ups
sec. slower for most people.
60 Second Wall Sit
Please stop at 20min. because if 70 Russian Twists
you aren’t done by then, you’ll 80 Glute Bridges
probably be WRECKED 90 Second Plank
tomorrow. 100 Jumping Jacks
Like the name? I thought it was
If you are one seriously BAD
appropriate :)
MOTHER FUCKER, you can try
and complete 500 with a 40min. Russian Twists - L+R = 1 rep
CAP! Lateral Lunges - L+R = 2 reps
Mt. Climbers - L+R = 1 rep
Rest DAY!
Metcon (Time)
The last Team Style workout
was a HUGE hit, so here’s
another one for you!
Have a friend nearby or get
them on FaceTime, Zoom, or
any other video source you may
50 Rounds: (You go, I go style)
• 1 Wall Walk
• 3 Air Squats
• 5 Sit-Ups
You must compete the entire
round before your partner can
go! You will both be doing 25
rounds each!
Wall Walk Demo:
Click Here
For you advanced people out
there, you can just hit it as a
20min. AMRAP and get as many
rounds as possible!
Metcon (AMRAP - Reps)
It’s up to YOU to make this one
hard today!
Every 60sec.
Complete 1 Round of:
• 6 Push-Ups
• 6 Up-Downs
• 6 Bodyweight Lunges
Repeat for 10min. for beginner
Repeat for 15min. for intermediate
Repeat for 20min. for advanced
Repeat for 30min. if you just like
gnarly challenges
Start with 6 reps and then ideally
I would like you to figure out how
hard you can go. After a few
minutes, see if you can 8s... And
then 10s... And once you get a
number that you know is going
to be perfect, just hang there and
go for a time period that suits your
fitness level.
My recommendation is to pick
something that takes between
35-40sec a round.
Up Down Demo:
Click Here
Metcon (AMRAP - Reps)
“Butts and Guts Marathon”
Min. 1) Plank
Min. 2) Max Glute Bridges
Min. 3) Max Russian Twists
Min. 4) Max Fire Hydrant (Right)
Min. 5) Max Fire Hydrant (Left)
Repeat for 4 Total Rounds.
I would like to ask a few things
of you:
1.) Do not rush the glute
bridges. Bring your hips up
and hold for a second before
you come down (like in the
video I linked)
2.) You can go faster on the fire
hydrants, but still, don’t go
crazy fast. And I know what
you’re thinking... This
movement looks “dumb.” I
thought so too, but it works
the side of your glutes like
nothing else if bodyweight is
all you’re working with. SO
GET EXCITED about some
damn fire hydrants :)
Fire Hydrant Demo:
Click Here
Glute Bridge Demo:
Click Here
Metcon (Time)
Get ready for the most fun
bodyweight workout you have
EVER done!
Teams of 2! You must complete
a full round before switching.
• 2 Alternating Crab Kicks
(L+R =1)
• 2 Alternating Birddogs with a
push-up (the 3 part sequence
= 1 rep)
• 2 Seated Toe Touches
(L+R =1)
Metcon (AMRAP - Reps)
Demo of all 3 movements:
“Chief” Bodyweight Edition!
Click Here
3min. AMRAP:
Beginners - 30 Total Rounds
• 3 Up Downs
Intermediate - 40 Total Rounds
• 6 Mt. Climbers
Advanced - 50 Total Rounds
• 9 Air Squats
Over Achievers - 60 Total
Rounds Rest 1min. x 5 Rounds (20min.
Mt. Climbers are L + R = 1 Rep
Up Down Demo:
Click here
Put your score in today and let
us know what you get!
Metcon (Time)
For Time:
• 100 Clapping Push-Ups
* At the start of EVERY minute
you MUST complete 20
Jumping Jacks
* START with jumping jacks!
For example:
Min. 1) 20 Jumping Jacks then
max clapping pushups in re-
maining time
Min. 2) 20 Jumping Jacks then
keep chipping away at you 100
clapping push-ups
ADVANCED Athletes: 150 reps
Intermediate: 100-150 Kneeling
Clapping Push-Ups
Beginner: 100-150 Regular
Time Domain you are shooting
for is 15-20min. if that helps you
choose which option to pick.
Clapping Push-Up Demo:
Click Here
Kneeling Clapping Push-Up Rest DAY!
Click here
Metcon (Time)
“Twisted Steel & Sex Appeal”
2 Rounds For Time and Quality:
• 50 Elevated Heel Air Squats
• 50 Table Pull-Ups
• 50 Seated Knee To Chest
• 50 Glute Bridges
• 50 Fly Push-Ups
• 50 Chair Dips
Today is a true full body work-
out that mimics a traditional
physique style training regime. I
Heel Elevated Air Squats: want you to move through ev-
(You can use a book or erything as quick as you can to-
anything around the house day, BUT with good controlled
that will comfortably raise form. You will need to break
the heel) from time to time and that’s
Click Here fine, but keep the rest breaks
short and get back on it!
Fly Push-Ups Demo:
Click Here Advanced athletes can do a
30X0 Tempo on everything.
Table Pull-Ups Demo:
(Which means: 3sec. on the way
Click Here
down, 0sec. spent at the bot-
Seated Knee To Chest Demo: tom, come up quick, and spend
Click Here 0sec. at the top. Repeat. Essen-
tially just the “lowering phase”
Chair Dips Demo:
is what matters most.
Click Here
Glute Bridge Demo:
Click Here
Metcon (AMRAP - Reps)
• 10 Burpees
• 10 Burpees
• 20 Lateral Lunges (L+R=2) Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds)
Upper body BURNER!
• 10 Burpees
• 20 Lateral Lunges Every 60sec. complete
• 40 Sit-Ups 1 Round of:
• 1 Wall Climb
• 10 Burpees • 5 Push-Ups
• 20 Lateral Lunges • 10 Mt. Climbers
• 40 Sit-Ups
Repeat for 10min. for beginner
• 60sec. Plank
Repeat for 15min. for
• 80 Russian Twists (L+R=1)
• 10 Burpees Repeat for 20min. for advanced
• 20 Lateral Lunges Repeat for 30min. if you just like
• 40 Sit-Ups gnarly challenges
• 60sec. Plank
• 80 Russian Twists 1.) Females can scale the
• 120 Reverse Lunges (L+R=2) push-ups to 3.
2.) Advanced athletes can add
Complete each section and go a vertical shoulder tap on
straight into the next one with each side. (shown in our IG
no rest between. Each section link below)
adds 1 new movement. Can you
finish it all under 25min?? My recommendation is to pick
something that takes between
Lateral Lunge Demo: 25-30sec a round. You will need
Click Here a little more rest on this circuit
Reverse Lunge Demo: than our traditional EMOMs.
Click Here Workout Demo & Explanation:
Click Here
Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds)
workout - Teams of 2!
Grab a friend, get someone on
zoom or FaceTime, and get ready
to have a BLAST!
15min. AMRAP:
• 4 Skater Lunge Taps (L+R=2)
• 4 Alternating Plank Toe Taps
• 4 Sumo Stance Air Squats
• 4 One Arm Up Downs
* After each round add 2 reps
to each station. How far can you
Rest 2min.
For time:
Start wherever you finished above
and work DOWN.
Subtract 2 reps after each
round and see if you can finish in
less than 15min :)
1.) MUST stay in sync
2.) Out of sync reps do not
Video Demo:
Click Here
Metcon (AMRAP - Reps)
25min. Running Clock...
Jumping Jacks
Chair Dips
Immediately into;
Straight Leg Sit-Ups
* After Each Set Complete a
1min. Plank (5 total)
Immediately into;
Max Chair Step Ups in
remaining time
Ideally you will use the same
chair for step-ups as you used
for the dips.
Advanced can make this work-
out 30min. OR until they hit 100
Step-Ups (L+R=1)
Straight Leg Sit-Up Demo:
Click Here
Chair Dips Demo:
Click Here
Chair Step Up Demo:
Click Here
Metcon (Time)
It’s up to YOU to make this
one hard today!
Every 60sec.
Complete 1 Round of:
• 4 Burpees
• 8 Air Squats
• 12 Russian Twists (L+R=1)
Repeat for 10min. for beginner
Repeat for 15min. for intermediate
Repeat for 20min. for advanced
Repeat for 30min. if you just like
gnarly challenges
If you want to add a warm up right
into this thing, all you gotta do is
start a little lower at say:
• 3 Burpees
• 6 Air Squats
• 9 Russian Twists (L+R=1)
and build as you go. That might
also be a good scaled option for
many of you.
Consider yourself a bodyweight
ninja? You can try:
• 5 Burpees
• 10 Air Squats
• 15 Russian Twists (L+R=1)
But that is gunna get ROUGH real Rest DAY!
You’re all done!
There’s a few places to go from here. You can decide to try
another volume of this book or you can try a new training style
all together (I have several). Just depends on how you’re feeling
and what goals you have going forward. I highly suggest
however, making your diet your number one priority. If you feel
like you’ve currently plateaued in making changes to your body,
I can almost guarantee that your diet is the culprit. My carb
cycling and keto cycling protocols have changed the bodies of
tens of thousands of people and are undoubtedly my most
popular programs.
If you’d like more information on these guides please visit
The information contained in this document is solely for general educational and informational purposes
only. The information has been prepared based upon our general educational background and our practical
experience over the past 15+ years. The products and information provided on this website have not been
evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration, or any other governmental authority. Gym
Ryan, LLC. is not a physician and the information and products provided are not medical advice and should
not replace medical advice.