Simulation Analysis of Full Protected in

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December 31, 2019 Project Report 1

Research Paper covers following chapters:

Chapter 1: Introduction p.3

Chapter 2: Mathematical Formulation of Induction Motor p.9

Chapter 3: Mathematical Formulation of Protection System p.12

Chapter 4: Test System Of an Induction Motor p.13

Chapter 5: Graphical Results p.21

Chapter 6: ETAP Simulation Work (Practical Work) p.26

Chapter 7: Conclusion p.45

Chapter 8: References p.46

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December 31, 2019 Project Report 2

Simulation Analysis of Fully Protected

Induction Motor

Abstract:—With the passage of time, induction motor is becoming

essential for both home appliances and industrial drives. Most of the industry
depends on induction motor. Therefore, reliable operation of induction motor
is much necessary for long term continuity of services associated with it. For
reliability purposes, different types of protection relays are used such as
over-current relay, under-current relay, over-voltage relay, under-voltage
relay and thermal relay. In this research, induction motor is simulated in
Matlab / Simulink and different types of protection circuits are attached with
it. Effects of protection system on induction motor working and under faults
are analyzed in this research work.

Index Terms:— Induction motor, power system protection, over-current

relay, under-current relay, over-voltage relay, under-voltage relay, Matlab/

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Introduction:— An
electrical motor converts electrical energy into
mechanical energy. Most of the electric motors operate through the dealings
of magnetic field of electric motor and winding currents to generate force.
Induction motor is one of them. An asynchronous or induction motor is an
AC electric motor in which electric current in the rotor, needed to produce
torque, is obtained by electromagnetic flux from the magnetic field of the
stator winding. In such machines the rotor voltage is induced in the rotor
winding.The main feature of an induction motor is that no external supply is
required to rotate the rotor. There are two types of rotor of induction motors.
Wound or slip ring rotor motor is a type of induction motor where the rotor
winding are connected through slip rings with the external resistance. Speed
of the rotor can be controlled by adjusting the resistance. Squirrel-cage rotor
motor consists of a cylinder of steel lamination, with aluminium or copper
conductors combined in its surface. Squirrel-cage induction motor is widely
used due to its simple construction. Therefore, its protection is also easy as
compared to wound motor. Induction motor consists of following parts:

Stator:—Stator is a stationary part of induction motor. Stator winding is

placed in the stator of induction motor and three phase supply is given to it

.Rotor:—Rotor is a rotating part of induction motor. Rotor is connected to

the mechanical load through the shaft.

Drive Shaft:—Shaft is made up of steel. This shaft is used for transmitting

the torque to the load.

Terminal Box:—Terminal box is used for receiving the external electrical


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Cooling Fan:—Cooling fan is used for the constant temperature for the

Bearings:—Bearings are used for supporting the rotating shaft.

More commonly, induction motor in use is a squirrel cage induction motor. A
cage induction motor rotor consists of a series of conducting bars laid into
slots carved in the face of the

Fig.1.1 Squirrel Cage Induction Motor

rotor and shorted at either end by large shorting rings. Rotor is made from
punched lamination of steel or iron core with slots to provide rotor winding
while bars are made of aluminium or copper metal. The conductors are often
skewed slightly along the length of the rotor to reduce noise and smooth out
torque fluctuations.

When a three phase voltage is supplied to stator winding, a three phase ac

current flows through this winding which induces EMF in the stator and helps
in the rotation of the rotor. This is the main advantage of squirrel cage
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induction motor over wound induction motor. It means no other external

supply is required for rotor. Speed of induction motors depends on the
magnitude of current in the stator. If current is high, then the speed of
induction motor is high. Induction motor is becoming an essential part of
business. The most important advantage of an induction motor is that its
construction is quite simple.The working of motor is independent of
conditions of an environment. This is because of that fact that the induction
motor is strong and robust. With the protection of Induction motor, it is
necessary to monitor and control induction motor.

Industry depends on induction motor. Therefore, it is essential to make motor

protection and control more efficient.The control of monitoring of induction
motor with programmable conditions must be well aware about voltages,
currents, speed and temperature values of the induction motor with
commercial or industrial appliances.

A squirrel-cage induction motor does not contain brushes, slip rings or

commutators. Due to this advantage, the cost of this motor is quite low. Due
to absence of brushes, there are no sparks in the motor. This motor has high
speed torque and good speed regulations.Power system is very much sensible
of faults.

When an error occurs in a power system, protection module does not go for
unwanted tripping of lines and distribution system, In this way, power system
remains healthy and can maintain the stability.

Single-phase induction motor is used in home appliances while three-phase

induction motor is used in industrial drives. Therefore, highly efficient
protection is required against abnormal Conditions.Power system protection
deals with the protection of electrical machines such as induction motor from
the faults. For the safety and longer life of induction motor, protection is
essential for motors. So, different types of protection relays are used for
different types of faults. The power system protection agreement is
mandatory for the reliability and security of the electrical system.

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Over-current relay:—operates when current exceeds its predetermined


Fig.1.2 Over Current Relay

Under-current relay:—operates when current remain low than its lowest

bearing value.

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Fig.1.3 Electronic Under Current Relay

Over-Voltage relay:—operates when voltage exceeds its predetermined


Fig.1.4 Over-Voltage Relay

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Under Voltage relay:—operates when voltage remain low than its lowest
bearing value. These are some important relays which are used for the
protection of a machine. These relays should be sensitive because when a
fault occurs, relays should operate quickly before motor gets damage.

Fig.1.5 Under Voltage Relay

Thermal relay:—It is used in abnormal temperature conditions. Due to

over-speeding or over-heating, the temperature increases which affects rotor
and stator winding, in result, it causes great damage.

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Fig.1.6 Thermal Relay

For avoiding this damage, thermal relay should be used in protection system.
Some electrical induction motors without enough protection devices are not
disconnected but they are damaged by the thermal effect of a relatively high
negative sequence current component .

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Mathematical Formulation Of Induction Motor:—An induction

motor depends for its operation on the induction of voltages and currents in
its rotor circuit from the stator circuit. The equivalent transformer model of
an induction motor is shown in fig. 2.1

Fig.2.1 Transformer Model on Induction Motor

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Rotor circuit is helpful in measuring voltages and currents of induction motor

and is shown in fig. 2.2

Fig.2.2 Rotor Circuit


IR is the rotor current

jXR + RR is the total impedance of the rotor

ER is the voltage which induces from the stator.

So from the circuit, the equation of current and voltage can be written as:

Voltage can be measured from:

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When the current in rotor increases temperature increases and when current
decreases temperature decreases. So, torque T has directly relation to the
current I and voltage V.

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Mathematical Formulation of Protection System:—As
discussed four type of relays above for the protection, so, there are four
different types of conditions that must be applied for the operation of relays.
Ipick-up current takes as a reference current and I takes as source current.

Over-current relay: I > Ipick-up

Under-current relay: I < Iminimum

Similarly, Vpick-up voltage takes as reference voltage and V takes as source


Over-voltage relay: V > Vpick-up

Under-voltage relay: V < Vminimum

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Theoretical Discussion
Test System of Induction Motor:—Simulation model of three
phase induction motor is developed in Matlab/Simulink. Voltage and current
waveforms are observed under healthy and normal conditions. Different types
of protection modules are developed for protection system for induction
motor. These modules are tested under normal and faulty conditions to ensure
reliable operation of induction motor. Induction motor with over current
protection module is shown in fig. 4.1

Fig.4.1Connection of over Current Protection with Induction Motor

Over-current limit for this system is set at 16A which means that this relay
will operate when the value of current exceeds from pick up value (16 A) of
current. The subsystem which is handling this operation is shown in fig. 5.
Pick-up value of any voltage and current is set as reference value. When high
current (more than pick-up current) is supplied from the source, relational
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operator compares it to pick-up value and for over-current relay condition, it

becomes true so 1 receives on S flip flop. Output Q=0 terminates and Q! = 1
receives on AND gate. If all inputs on AND gate are 1, then over-current
relay operates and cut off the circuit from the source voltage.

Fig.4.2 Sub System of Over Current Relay

Under- current relay protection module is connected to induction motor and is

shown in fig.4.3 Under-current limit for this system is set at 12A which
means that this relay will operate when the value of current remains below
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from reference current. The subsystem which is handling this all operation is
shown is fig. 4.3

Fig.4.3 Connection of Under Current Protection with Induction Motor

Fig.4.4 Sub System of Under Current Relay

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Over-voltage relay protection module is connected to induction motor and is

shown in fig.4.5

Fig.4.5 Connection of Over Voltage Relay with Induction Motor

Over-voltage limit for this system is set at 240V which means that this relay
will operate when the value of voltage exceeds from reference voltage. The
subsystem which is handling this operation is shown in fig.4.6

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Fig.4.6 Sub System of Over Voltage Relay

Under- voltage relay protection module is connected to induction motor and

is shown in fig.4.7

Fig.4.7 Connection of Under Voltage Relay with Induction Motor

Under-voltage limit for this system is set at 180V which means that this relay
will operate when the value of voltage remains below from reference voltage.
The subsystem which is handling this all operation is shown in fig.4.8

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Fig.4.8 Sub System of Under Voltage Relay

All the protection modules are simultaneously applied on three phase

induction motor in order to check the reliability of modules. It is required that
for a specific condition of fault, specific protection module designed should
operate only. Circuit diagram of fully protected three-phase induction motor
model is shown in fig.4.9

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Fig.4.9 Fully Protected Three-Phase Induction Motor Model

Subsystem of protection module works for this system. This subsystem

consists on all relays which are using for the protection system. This is shown
in fig.4.10

Fig.4.10 Sub System of Relay Module

Under and Over Current Relay Module:—If over-current relay

works them all remaining relays will be disconnected from the circuit and so
on. Other lower half part of this subsystem consists on over and under current
relay and it is shown in fig.4.11

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Fig.4.11 Under and Over Current Relay

Under and Over Voltage Relay:

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Fig.4.12 Under and Over Voltage Relay

This upper half part of under and over voltage relay system is shown in
fig.4.12 If over-voltage condition happens, then only over-voltage relays will
work. All other relays will be disconnected from the circuit.

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5.1 Graphical Results:—Voltage and current values are used for
analyzing operation of protection modules for three phase induction motor
graphically. Table 1 shows the values of components that is incorporated for




Serial Number Element Value

01 RMS Voltage 230V

02 Source Voltage 230V rms

03 System Frequency 50 Hz

04 System Time Period 0.5 s

05 Over-Current (Reference) 12A

06 Under-Current (Reference) 16A

07 Over-Voltage (Reference) 240V

08 Under-Voltage (Reference) 180V

When a current increases from the pick-up value (16A) set in the relay, relay
will respond to the abnormality happened in the system in order to protect
induction motor. Such type of behaviour is known as over-current protection
and it is shown in fig.5.1 and fig.5.2 without and with protection module

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Fig.5.1 Graphical Result of Over-Current without

Protection Module

Fig.5.2 Graphical Result of Over Current with Protection

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When a current decreases from minimum (12A) value set in the relay, relay
will respond to the abnormality happened in the system in order to protect
induction motor. Such type of behaviour is known as under-current protection
and it is shown in fig.5.4 and fig.5.3 without and with protection module

Fig.5.3 Graphical Result of Under Current without Protection Module

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Fig.5.4 Graphical Result of Under Current with Protection Module

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Value of source is changed from 230V to 270V, then relay operates at time of
12.43ms and circuit breaker cuts off the supply. Sensing and sending tripping
command time of protection module is about 13ms. Circuit breaker operating
time is 0.5s. Such type of behaviour is known as over-voltage relay and it is
shown in fig.5.5 and fig.5.6 without and with protection module respectively.

Fig.5.5 Graphical Result of Over Voltage without Protection Module

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Fig.5.6 Graphical Result of Over Voltage with Protection Module

For under-voltage, value of voltage source is changed from 230V to 140V. At

time period of 12.43ms, the relay operates quickly to sends a command of
disconnection. Circuit breaker cuts off the circuit in a time period of 0.5s. In
this situation, only under-voltage relay operates and other remains off and it
is shown in fig.5.7 and fig.5.8 without and with protection module

Fig.5.7 Graphical Module of Under Voltage without Protection

Fig.5.8 Graphical Result of Under Voltage with Protection Module

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ETAP Simulation Work(Team’s Practical Work)

Explanation through pictures

6.1 3-Phase Induction Motor Over Current Protection

Simulation Diagram:

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6.2 Devices Ratings Used in 3phase Induction Motor Simulation:

6.2.1 Synchronous Generator:

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6.2.2 Bus-Bar1:

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6.2.3 Current Transformer 1:

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6.2.4 Bus-Bar 2:

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6.2.5 Transmission Line:

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6.2.6 Bus-Bar 3:

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6.2.7 Current Transformer 2:

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6.2.8 Back Up Circuit Breaker (CB2):

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6.2.9 Back-Up OC-Relay(Relay2):

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6.2.10 Bus-Bar 4:

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6.2.11 Primary Circuit Breaker (CB1):

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6.2.12 Primary OC-Relay (Relay1):

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6.2.13 3Phase Induction Motor:

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6.4 Short-Circuit Summary Report:

6.4.1 Part1(3Phase Fault):

6.4.2 Part2 (LG,LL,LLG Faults):

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6.5 Sequence Impedance Summary Report:

6.5.1 Part1 (+ve sequence, -ve sequence):

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6.5.2 Part2( Zero sequence,Fault Zf):

6.6 Sequence-of-Operation Event Summary Report:

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6.7 Operating Protection System during 3Phase Fault


6.8 Protection Zones Analysis:

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6.9 Primary and Back-Up OC Relay Operating Waveforms:

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----Ch.06 End

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Conclusion:—Induction motors are the favourite candidates of industries
and home appliances. Most of the applications installed that have rotary
component are equipped with induction motor. Because of its large scale
usage, there is a need to ensure continuous and non-interrupt able operation.
For this, different type of protection system must be mounted on motor. In
this research, four type of protection system are simulated to make induction
motor highly protected. It is noticed in the simulations and results that
abnormalities and faults are fully rectified with developed protection system
for induction motor.

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