Consumer Characteristics and Their Effect On Accepting Online Shopping, in The Context of Different Product Types

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Keisidou, Ellisavet; Sarigiannidis, Lazaros; Maditinos, Dimitrios

Consumer characteristics and their effect on
accepting online shopping, in the context of different
product types

International Journal of Business Science & Applied Management (IJBSAM)

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International Journal of Business Science & Applied Management (IJBSAM)

Suggested Citation: Keisidou, Ellisavet; Sarigiannidis, Lazaros; Maditinos, Dimitrios (2011) :

Consumer characteristics and their effect on accepting online shopping, in the context of
different product types, International Journal of Business Science & Applied Management
(IJBSAM), ISSN 1753-0296, International Journal of Business Science & Applied Management,
s.l., Vol. 6, Iss. 2, pp. 31-51

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Int. Journal of Business Science and Applied Management, Volume 6, Issue 2, 2011

Consumer characteristics and their effect on accepting online

shopping, in the context of different product types

Ellisavet Keisidou
Department of Business Administration, School of Business and Economics, Kavala Institute of Technology
Agios Loukas, Kavala, 65404, Greece
Telephone: +302510462219
Email: [email protected]

Lazaros Sarigiannidis
Department of Business Administration, School of Business and Economics, Kavala Institute of Technology
Agios Loukas, Kavala, 65404, Greece
Telephone: +302510462219
Email: [email protected]

Dimitrios Maditinos
Department of Business Administration, School of Business and Economics, Kavala Institute of Technology
Agios Loukas, Kavala, 65404, Greece
Telephone: +302510462219
Email: [email protected]


Online shopping is among the most popular activities of the internet, yet the reasons why consumers buy online
are still unclear. Although it is implied that consumer acceptance of online shopping is affected by different
products not many studies have adopted this view. This study attempts to examine consumers’ attitude when
making online purchases in the context of different product types. A theoretical framework is proposed based on
the determinants of consumer behaviour and user acceptance of online shopping, as well as online product
classification. The factors that were selected to be tested are Personal Innovativeness of Information Technology
(PIIT), Self-efficacy, Perceived security, Privacy, Product involvement and how they affect consumer attitude
towards online shopping. Correlation analysis, at first, to determine the relationships among the variables and
regression analysis afterwards to verify the extent of the variable interaction were used to test the hypotheses.
Based on the aforementioned analyses, results were drawn and compared to the results found by Lian and Lin
(2008) in a similar study. It has been found that PIIT, perceived security and product involvement have an effect
on the attitude towards online shopping, yet the results vary among the different product types.

Keywords: personal innovativeness of information technology (PIIT), self – efficacy, perceived security,
privacy concerns, product involvement
Int. Journal of Business Science and Applied Management /

The development of the internet has increased the number of online shopping activities (Hill and Beatty,
2011). The internet has been adopted as an important shopping medium with an increasing amount of online
sales every year (Kim and Forsythe, 2010). Still, many internet users avoid purchasing online due to privacy and
security concerns (Lian and Lin, 2008) deriving by their hesitation to send personal information through the
internet (Roca, García and de la Vega, 2009). In spite of this, online shopping is continuing to grow as online
enterprises become more sophisticated (Lian and Lin, 2008), which results in the dramatic change of how
consumers buy products and services (Hill and Beatty, 2011). Wu (2003) mentions that approximately half the
internet users have bought a product or service through the internet and according to Li and Zhang (2002) online
shopping is the third most popular internet activity. The most recent global report shows that global online retail
sales grew by 14.5% in 2009 to reach $348.6 billion, which yet only accounts for 2.5% of the total global retail
sales. By 2014 global online retail sales are expected to reach $778.6 billion, increasing at a 22.2% (IMAP retail
The USA, online retail sales of 2009 increased by 2.1% over 2008, reaching a total of $145 billion dollars,
and from 2002 to 2009 retail e-sales increased on average annual growth rate of 18.1% (U.S. Census Bureau,
2011). In the European Union of the 27 members, 37% of the internet users have made an online purchase in
2009, a 5% increase over the previous year. In the United Kingdom, Denmark, the Netherlands, Norway and
Sweden more than 60% of the internet users have made an online purchase, whereas the equivalent number in
Greece, Lithuania, Bulgaria and Romania is less than 10% (Eurostat, 2009). As it can be inferred from the
above, the magnitude of online shopping adoption varies between the developed and developing countries
(Çelik, 2011). Understanding the opportunities this new market has to offer is crucial for any business that wants
to participate in it and be competitive. Moreover, online consumer attitude is an issue that concerns many
researchers (Cheung et al, 2003; Wu, 2003; Liao and Shi, 2009; Darley, Blankson and Luethge, 2010). An
essential question in this area is, which are the factors that determine consumers’ decision to make a purchase
from a certain electronic shop (Lowengart and Tractinskky, 2001). Finding the characteristics of possible buyers
can help enterprises to accurately find potential target markets.
Furthermore, Peterson, Balasubramanian and Bronnenberg (1997) support the view that due to the special
features of the internet its suitability to market products and services depends on the features of the products and
services being marketed. Also, Liang and Huang (1998) showed that different products types affect consumers’
acceptance of online shopping. Cho et al. (2003) supported that the purchasing behaviour of customers in online
markets depends on what product or service they have in mind. Moreover, Korgaonkar, Silverblatt and Girard
(2006) and Hassanein and Head (2006) found that the type of the product which is being sold online is
responsible for the variations of customers’ buying online performance. Additionally, Girard, Korgaonkar and
Silverblatt (2003) in their study found that the variations that had been observed in shopping orientation and
demographics were based on the type of product purchased on the internet. Although many studies have shown
that consumer characteristics are important when it comes to online shopping, the majority of those ignore the
effect of different product types. Wanting to overcome this limitation, the purpose of the present study is to
examine how different product types affect consumer attitude.
In the first section a review of the literature is made, involving determinants of consumer characteristics,
factors that determine the consumer acceptance of online shopping, product classifications and previous studies.
Then, the research model and hypotheses are presented followed by the methodology that was used to conduct
the research. The empirical analysis, which includes the results of the research and discussions, is presented
afterwards based on the results.

The internet is developing rapidly and while its popularity is growing, more and more users become
familiar with it and adopt it as a medium to search for information and shop online (Farag et al., 2007; Pan,
Chaipoopirutana and Combs, 2010; Hill and Beatty, 2011). This section summarises the determinants that
construct the consumer behaviour, the factors that determine the user acceptance of online shopping and a brief
review of previously conducted researches concerning the aforementioned.

Determinants of consumer behaviour

Consumer behaviour is affected by four categories of factors: cultural factors, social factors, personal
factors and psychological factors.
The first category of cultural factors, includes terms such as culture, subculture and social class (Armstrong
and Kotler, 2003; Peter and Donnelly, 2001, Wu, 2003). The term culture is complex and involves the
knowledge, beliefs, arts, laws, ethics, customs and many other abilities and habits that are obtained by an
individual just by being part of the society (Hawkins, Best and Coney, 1995). Every culture consists of smaller

Elissavet Keisidou, Lazaros Sarigiannidis and Dimitrios Maditinos

sub-cultures which contain a more specific identity to their members. There are four categories of sub-cultures:
nationalities, religion groups, tribes and geographical locations (Kotler, 1991; Armstrong and Kotler, 2003).
Social classes are relatively homogenous and continuous subdivisions of a society, which are arranged
hierarchically and whose members have common values, interests and behaviour (Kotler, 1991).
The second category refers to social factors and includes reference groups, family, social roles and social
status (Armstrong and Kotler, 2003; Wu, 2003). Reference groups involve all those groups that have a direct
(personal) or indirect influence on the attitude or behaviour of an individual (Kotler, 1991; Armstrong and
Kotler, 2003). Family is considered the most significant social factor and has been widely examined (Armstrong
and Kotler, 2003). There are two types of families the orientation family which consists of the parents and the
family that someone creates for oneself (Kotler, 1991). The position of an individual in a group can be defined
in terms of social role and social status (Armstrong and Kotler, 2003). The term role contains the actions that a
person has to take in relation to the people that surround him / her. Every role is connected to a status which
shows the corresponding respect of the society (Kotler, 1991).
The third category, the personal factors, include: age and life circle stage, occupation, economic situation,
lifestyle, personality and self-concept (Armstrong and Kotler, 2003; Wu, 2003). People change their preferences
in products or services according to their age. Moreover, their purchases are formed throughout their life circle
stages which are the phases the families go through while they develop and mature over time (Kotler and
Armstrong, 1996). A person’s occupation is another factor that influences one’s buying behaviour. People of
different occupations have different needs and thus purchase different products and services (Kotler, 1991;
Kotler and Armstrong, 1996; Armstrong and Kotler, 2003). Many purchasing habits depend on the economic
situation of an individual (Adcock et al, 1995). The economic data of an individual involve one’s income,
savings, disposable capital, borrowing capability and attitude towards consumption regarding savings (Kotler,
1991; Armstrong and Kotler, 2003). Lifestyle is considered to be all the habits one has which are expressed
through one’s actions, interests, beliefs and small luxuries one indulges oneself with (Adcock et al, 1995).
Personality regards the psychological characteristics of a person that drive him to reasonable and stable
reactions towards one’s environment. Last, the presumed image a person has of oneself is complex. It consists
of the way a person perceives oneself, the way one wants to be and the way others consider him / her. According
to the overall image someone has of oneself, he / she forms his / her behaviour (Kotler, 1991; Kotler and
Armstrong, 1996; Armstrong and Kotler, 2003).
The fourth category consists of psychological factors like motivation, perception, learning, beliefs and
attitudes (Armstrong and Kotler, 2003; Wu, 2003; Saprikis, Chouliara and Vlachopoulou, 2010). Motivation is
an internal and complex process which influences people’s behaviour and is caused by particular motives such
as hunger, thirst, recognition and devotion. Consumers act and react based on their perceptions. The way a
motivated person acts is influenced by his / her perception of the given situation. The largest part of human
behaviour is learnt. It is said that a person’s learning is produced through the interaction of motives, stimuli and
reactions (Kotler, 1991; Kotler and Armstrong, 1996; Armstrong and Kotler, 2003). Through acting and
learning people form beliefs and attitudes that affect their purchasing behaviour. Beliefs are the descriptive way
a person thinks of something and are based on knowledge, opinion or faith and may involve sentimental
charges, while attitude regards the continuous evaluation, the emotions and the tendencies of a person towards
an object or idea (Kotler, 1991; Kotler and Armstrong, 1996; Armstrong and Kotler, 2003).

Factors which determine user acceptance of online shopping

Previous studies have defined four main factors of user acceptance of online shopping: consumer
characteristics, personal perceived values, website design and product. They are presented in Table 1.
Consumer characteristics involve personality traits like the knowledge of the internet and the social
environment (Li and Zhang, 2002), self-efficacy which refers to one’s belief of his /her ability and means to
successfully complete a certain action (Perea y Monsuwé, Dellaert and de Ruyter, 2004), demographic profile
which contains variables like age, gender, education and income (Dholakia and Uusitalo, 2002), and last
acceptance of new IT applications which refers to the user’s attitude towards the adoption of IT (Al-Gahtani and
King, 1999).

Int. Journal of Business Science and Applied Management /

Table 1: Factors which determine user acceptance of online shopping

Factor Variables References

Li and Zhang, 2002; O’Cass and Fenech, 2003; Hand et al., 2009; San Martín Gutiérrez,
personality traits
Camarero Izquierdo and San José Cabezudo, 2010

Bandura, 1997; Eastin, 2002; Li and Zhang, 2002; Perea y Monsuwé, Dellaert and de Ruyter,
2004; Lu and Hsiao 2007; Hand et al., 2009; Hernández, Jiménez and Martín, 2009; Chen et
al., 2010; Hernández, Jiménez and Martín, 2010; Hill and Beatty, 2011; Hernández, Jiménez
and Martín, 2011

Koufaris, 2002; Park and Jun, 2003; Dholakia and Uusitalo, 2002; Perea y Monsuwé,
Dellaert and de Ruyter, 2004; San Martín Gutiérrez, Camarero Izquierdo and San José
Cabezudo, 2010; Hernández, Jiménez and Martín, 2011
Consumer characteristics

Citrin et al., 2000; Childers et al., 2001; O’Cass and Fenech, 2003; Bhattacherjee, Perols, &
acceptance of Sanford, 2008; Kettinger, Park and Smith, 2009; Hernández, Jiménez and Martín, 2009;
new IT Roca, García and de la Vega, 2009; Close and Kukar – Kinney, 2010; Chen et al., 2010;
applications Hernández, Jiménez and Martín, 2010; San Martín Gutiérrez, Camarero Izquierdo and San
José Cabezudo, 2010

Senecal 2000; Ratchford, Talukdar and Lee, 2001; Han, Ocker and Fjermestad, 2001; Li and
Zhang, 2002; Gupta, Su and Walter, 2004; Pedersen and Nysveen, 2005; Mathews and
perceived danger
Healy, 2007; Lee, Kim and Fiore, 2010; San Martín Gutiérrez, Camarero Izquierdo and San
José Cabezudo, 2010; Kim and Forsythe, 2010; Kiang et al., 2011

perceived Wolfinbarger and Gilly, 2001; Eastin, 2002; Lim and Dubinsky, 2004; Wang et al, 2005;
convenience Hernández, Jiménez and Martín, 2009; San Martín et al., 2009
Personal perceived values

perceived web Gefen and Straub, 2000; Wolfinbarger and Gilly, 2001; O’Cass and Fenech, 2003; Poddar,
site quality Donthu and Wei, 2009; Hausman and Siekpe, 2009

perceived Childers et al, 2001; Eastin, 2002; Hernández, Jiménez and Martín, 2009; San Martín et al.,
benefits 2009; Hernández, Jiménez and Martín, 2010

Swaminathan, Lepkowska-White and Rao, 1999; Liao and Cheung, 2001; Belanger, Hiller
and Smith, 2002; Li and Zhang, 2002; Ranganathan and Grandon, 2002; Park and Kim,
2003; Kelly and Erickson, 2004; Mummalaneni, 2005; Flavián and Guinalíu, 2006; Chang
and Chen, 2009; Ha and Stoel, 2009; Roca, García and de la Vega, 2009; Zorotheos and
Kafeza, 2009; Pan, Chaipoopirutana and Combs, 2010; Kukar-Kinney and Close, 2010

Swaminathan, Lepkowska-White and Rao, 1999; Belanger, Hiller and Smith 2002;
Website design

Ranganathan and Grandon, 2002; Galanxhi-Janaqi and Fui-Hoon Nah, 2004; Flavián and
privacy Guinalíu, 2006; Dolnicar and Jordaan, 2006; Chang and Chen, 2009; Ha and Stoel, 2009;
Roca, García and de la Vega, 2009; Zorotheos and Kafeza, 2009; Kukar-Kinney and Close,
2010; Lee, Eze and Ndubisi, 2011

Peterson, Balasubramanian and Bronnenberg, 1997; Bhatnager, Misra and Rao, 2000; Liao
and Cheung, 2001; Perea y Monsuwé, Dellaert and de Ruyter, 2004; Lian and Lin, 2008; Ha
and Lennon, 2010; Cheema and Papatla, 2010; San Martín Gutiérrez, Camarero Izquierdo
and San José Cabezudo, 2010; Kiang et al., 2011

Elissavet Keisidou, Lazaros Sarigiannidis and Dimitrios Maditinos

Personal perceived values include perceived danger which refers to the uncertainty and the unpleasant
outcomes of purchasing a product or service (Pedersen and Nysveen, 2005; Mathews and Healy, 2007),
perceived convenience involves the time and effort savings and the twenty-four-hour accessibility of an online
shop (Lim and Dubinsky, 2004; Wang et al, 2005), perceived website quality contains values like the design,
reliability and the services provided by the site (Wolfinbarger and Gilly, 2001), and perceived benefits involve
the variety of products, the price savings and the speed of purchases (Childers et al, 2001). The third factor,
website design, includes security which refers to the customers’ fear that their online transactions are not secure
(Chou, 2007) and privacy which refers to the ability of the consumers to control the way their personal
information are gathered and used (Galanxhi-Janaqi and Fui-Hoon Nah, 2004; Flavián and Guinalíu, 2006).
Last, the product is defined as every good and service that is offered for purchasing. A consumer believes that
every product is a combination of uses that will offer him / her satisfaction (Lim and Dubinsky, 2004).

Online product classifications

There are several different product classifications. Lowengart and Tractinsky (2001) classified products
into high risk and low risk. Verhagen, Boter and Adelaar (2010) thought that products should be categorised into
goods and services and also into hedonic and utilitarian. There is a broad range of products and services
marketed online (Kiang et al., 2011), yet none of the above classifications refers to marketing products through
the internet. Peterson, Balasubramanian and Bronnenberg (1997) insisted that a different categorisation was
needed, one that would focus on online products. Based on the special characteristics of the internet, they
proposed a classification for online products which consists of three dimensions: cost and frequency of
purchasing, value proposition and degree of differentiation (Table 2).

Table 2: Product classification table. Adapted from Peterson, Balasubramanian and Bronnenberg (1997).

Dimension 1 Dimension 2 Dimension 3

High differentiation potential
tangible and physical goods
Low cost, frequently purchased Low differentiation potential
products High differentiation potential
intangible services
Low differentiation potential
High differentiation potential
tangible and physical goods
High cost, rarely purchased Low differentiation potential
products High differentiation potential
intangible services
Low differentiation potential

The first dimension ranges from low cost, frequently purchased goods to high cost, rarely purchased goods.
The second dimension involves from tangible and physical goods to intangible services. The third dimension
refers to the product degree of differentiation, which allows companies to gain a competitive advantage
(Peterson, Balasubramanian and Bronnenberg, 1997). The studies of Girard, Silverblatt and Korgaonkar (2002)
and Korgaonkar, Silverblatt and Becerra (2004) of online shopping suggest that the product classification model
based on search, experience, and credence products could provide a useful approach to investigate how goods
may influence shopping online. Search products are those whose qualities a consumer can determine without
any inspection prior to purchase. Experience products, on the other hand, require actual experience prior to
purchase in order to ascertain their quality. Credence products are those that are difficult to evaluate before or
even after their consumption (Korgaonkar, Silverblatt and Girard, 2006). Degeratu, Rangaswamy and Wu
(2000) classified the products on the web as sensory and non-sensory. Sensory products were defined as those
that have attributes that can be conveyed through our senses, particularly touch, smell, or sound, while non-
sensory products were defined as products with attributes that can be conveyed reasonably well in words (Cho et
al., 2003). Last, de Figueiredo (2000) examined whether quality is easy or difficult to judge in products on the
Web. Products on the Web are unequal due to the inability to deliver actual services or adequately detail the
specific nature of many products (Cho et al., 2003). Therefore, a product’s attributes are not evaluated equally
by customers on the Web. Thus, de Figueiredo (2000) categorised the products purchased on the Web in four
groups which include commodity products (e.g. oil, paper clips), quasi-commodity products (e.g. books, CDs,
videos, or toys), look-and-feel goods (e.g. suits, furniture, model homes, etc.), and look-and-feel goods with
variable quality (e.g. arts, produce, etc).

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Previous studies
Many studies have been conducted about online consumer behaviour. Most of them have tried to identify
factors that affect or contribute to online consumer behaviour. Researchers seem to adopt different points of
view and focus on different factors in different ways (Li and Zhang, 2002).
In a research carried out by Pérez-Hernández and Sánchez-Mangas (2011) it was found that having an
internet connection at home increases the individual’s probability to shop online up to 14%. Donthu and Garcia
(1999), during their research for consumer characteristics related to online shopping, found that consumers who
shop online seek convenience and variety. Moreover, they are more innovative and spontaneous than
conventional buyers. Also they are less aware of the brand of the product and tend to have a more positive
attitude towards advertising and direct marketing.
On the other hand, Siu and Cheng (2001) found that the most important factors in classifying online
shoppers are the economic benefits that derive from online shopping, the product availability, the security
dangers, their monthly income, the product technology opinion leaders and their attitude towards technological
development. Ho and Wu (1999) and Li and Zhang (2002) discovered that there are positive relationships
between online shopping behaviour and five categories of factors that include e-stores’ logistical support,
product characteristics, websites’ technological characteristics, information characteristics and homepage
presentation. Vellido, Lisboa and Meehan (2000) found nine factors that relate to consumers’ opinions on online
shopping. Among these factors, consumer risk perception was the one that defined users who had realised an
online purchase and those who had not.Jarvenpaa, Tractinsky and Vitale (2000) examined a model of consumer
behaviour towards specific online shops, in which perceptions about reputation and size affect consumer trust of
the retailer. The level of trust had a positive relationship to the attitude towards the shop and a negative
relationship towards perceived risk. Finally, attitude and risk perception affected consumer intention to buy
from a specific store (Jarvenpaa and Tractinsky, 1999; Lowengart and Tractinskky, 2001). Chiu, Lin and Tang
(2005), incorporated two additional variables in TAM with the view to enhance its ability to explain the
consumers’ attitudes towards online shopping. The new model suggested perceived usefulness, perceived ease
of use, personal awareness of security and personal innovativeness influence both online purchase intention and
attitude towards online shopping. Moreover, Lee, Fiore and Kim (2006) found perceived usefulness, perceived
ease of use, and perceived enjoyment to be very important in predicting a consumer’s intention to shop from a
particular online retailer. Regarding perceived ease of use, Hernández, Jiménez and Martín, (2010) have found it
to have a weak effect on potential online customers and it was rejected when examining experienced online
shoppers. Pan, Chaipoopirutana and Combs (2010) builded a model which includes individual perceptions,
subjective norms, incentive programmes, personal characteristics and demographics in order to explain the
customers’ online purchase intention. Their results verified their model, with perceived usefulness being the
most important factor. Contrary to the aforementioned research, Hernández, Jiménez and Martín (2011) in their
study found that the socioeconomic characteristics of the individual (age, gender and income) do not have any
significance in explaining the behaviour of experienced e-shoppers. Furthermore, San Martín et al. (2009)
conducted a comparative research between Spain and Japan and found that there are no significant differences
regarding the frequency of online purchasing in both countries; however perceived risk was found to be higher
in Spain due to the users being less experienced in e – commerce technologies. Another comparative study was
conducted by Constantinides, Lorenzo-Romero and Gómez (2010) about the factors that affect the users’ online
buying behaviour and the actual factors which affect their behaviour in Spain and the Netherlands. Their results
indicate that usability and marketing mix have a significant effect on the individual’s online purchasing
preferences. Additionally, the interactivity factor appears to have an insignificant effect upon the selection of the
online vendor. Although many studies have shown that consumer characteristics are important when it comes to
online shopping, the majority of those ignore the effect of different product types. Wanting to overcome this
limitation, the purpose of the present study is to examine how different product types affect consumer attitude in
the context of online shopping.

Research model and hypotheses

Based on the above discussion and the study of the research model implemented by Lian and Lin (2008), it
was decided that it could help examine how different product types affect consumer attitude towards online
shopping in Greece. Lian and Lin (2008) proposed an integrated model which involves the four most common
factors that define user acceptance of online shopping (see 2.2.) and that is the main reason for the selection of
this model. From these factors derived the five variables that were included in the research model (figure 1). The
critical consumer characteristic variables include personal innovativeness of information technology (PIIT),
Internet self-efficacy, perceived Web security, privacy concerns and product involvement.

Elissavet Keisidou, Lazaros Sarigiannidis and Dimitrios Maditinos

Figure 1: Research model

Personal innovativeness of information technology (PIIT)

Personal innovativeness was defined as the degree that one adopts new ideas faster than the other members
of a system (Rogers, 1995; Ηa and Stoel, 2004). Based on this definition Agarwal and Prasad (1998) applied the
term of personal innovativeness in the domain of information technology, named it PIIT and defined it as the
willingness of a user to experiment on new information technologies. Hwang (2009) stated that online shopping
is an innovative behaviour that is more likely to be adopted by innovators. Kim and Forsythe, (2010) supported
that one is more likely to adopt an innovation they are comfortable with. Online shopping is a new technology
for Greek consumers because e-commerce is less mature in Greece than it is in other industrialised countries
such as the USA. Consumer behaviour towards online shopping is significantly affected by PIIT and so users
with high levels of PIIT are more likely to accept online purchasing. The following hypothesis derives from the

H1: High levels of PIIT have a positive effect on consumer attitude towards online shopping.

Internet self-efficacy derives from the social cognitive theory proposed by Bandura (1997). Within this
perspective, one's behaviour is constantly under reciprocal influence from cognitive (and other personal factors
such as motivation) and environmental influences. Bandura calls this three-way interaction of behaviour,
cognitive factors, and environmental situations the “triadic reciprocality” (Bandura, 1989). Eastin (2002) and
O’Cass and Fenech (2003), Perea y Monsuwé, Dellaert and de Ruyter, (2004), Wei and Zhang (2008) and
Hernández, Jiménez and Martín, (2011) applied that term in the context of internet; they named it internet self-
efficacy and defined it as the belief in one’s abilities to use the internet effectively. In other words, self-efficacy
in online shopping describes the individual’s ability to apply their skills to complete a purchase on the internet
(Hernández, Jiménez and Martín, 2009). Moreover, Eastin (2002) and O’Cass and Fenech (2003) showed that
personal internet self-efficacy has a positive effect on user acceptance of online shopping. According to Perea y
Monsuwé, Dellaert and de Ruyter (2004) consumers who have low self-efficacy levels are insecure and feel
uncomfortable making purchases over the internet. Thus, the following hypothesis is inferred:

H2: High level of internet self-efficacy positively influences consumer attitude towards online shopping.

Perceived security
Perceived security was defined as a threat that creates an event with the potential to cause economic
hardship to data or network resources in the form of destruction, disclosures, modification of data, denial of
service, and/or fraud, waste and abuse (Roca, García and de la Vega, 2009). Another definition states that
perceived security is the consumer’s belief that his financial data is not visible, will not be stored or used by
non-authorised users (Flavián and Guinalíu, 2006). Security of online transactions is still the main issue of e-

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commerce (Elliot and Fowell, 2000; Szymanski and Hise, 2000; Liao and Cheung, 2001; Park and Kim, 2003).
According to Kesh, Ramanujan and Nerur (2002) and Chang and Chen (2009), security is one of the most
important factors in the success of e-commerce. Liao and Cheung (2001) found that security concerns affect
consumer behaviour. Moreover, security is the factor that often prevents users from shopping online (Li and
Zhang, 2002; Zorotheos and Kafeza, 2009). Furthermore, O’Cass and Fenech (2003) consider that the adoption
of online shopping is seriously affected by the user perception of security. From the above derives the following

H3: High levels of perceived online security positively affect the consumer attitude towards online

Privacy concerns
The term privacy is generally used to describe the state of being free from intrusion or disturbance in one's
private life or affairs which includes a group of values like people’s right to privacy of their own body, private
space, privacy of communications and information privacy (Collier, 1995). For the cyberspace it is defined as
the user’s ability to control the terms by which his personal information is collected and used (Flavián and
Guinalíu, 2006; Lee, Eze and Ndubisi, 2011). Perceived privacy in online shopping is the possibility that online
companies collect data about individuals and use them inappropriately (Roca, García and de la Vega, 2009).
Personal information privacy is among the most significant inhibitory factors on the internet (Cho, Rivera–
Sánchez and Lim, 2009; Zorotheos and Kafeza, 2009; Roca, García and de la Vega, 2009). Dolnicar and
Jordaan’s (2006) results show that privacy is a crucial issue for consumers and Pan and Zinkhan (2006) found
that privacy issues affect consumers’ trust towards the online retailer. In some studies it is found that privacy
concern is the main obstacle to the expansion of online shopping (Chang and Chen, 2009; Lee, Eze and Ndubisi,
2011). According to Sheehan and Hoy (1999) as privacy concerns rise, consumers are not willing to provide
personal information. Thus the following hypothesis is derived:

H4: High privacy concern levels have a negative effect on consumer attitude towards online shopping.

Product involvement
Product involvement represents a concern with a product that the consumer brings into a purchase decision
(Pedersen and Nysveen, 2005). Consumer involvement with a product reflects its relevance (Zaichkowsky,
1985), influences consumer motivation to make a purchase decision (Peter and Olson, 1996) and has an impact
on his shopping experience and behaviour (Koufaris, 2002).
Product involvement is an enduring type of involvement and levels of involvement with the same product
vary greatly across people. Therefore, consumers with high product involvement experience constant high
involvement with a particular product category (Ha and Lennon, 2010). In this study it is expected that high
product involvement levels positively influence consumer behaviour towards shopping online and thus, the
following hypothesis is stated:

H5: High product involvement levels positively affect consumer attitude towards online shopping.

Product categories
Many researchers (Bhatnager, Misra and Rao 2000; Peterson, Balasubramanian, and Bronnenberg 1997;
Liao and Cheung, 2001; Lian and Lin, 2008) have insisted on the importance of different product types when
being marketed online. Most of the previous studies have focused their attention on one product or one category
of similar products. For example Liang and Lai (2002) studied the online book purchase, Dahlen and Lange
(2002) examined the retail purchase of grocery products and Ruyter, Wetzels and Kleijnen (2001) focused on
travelling services. This type of researches restricted the generalisation of the results to few products at best.
Although Eastin (2002) used four common business-to-consumer activities (e-commerce, e-banking, e-
investments and e-payments) in order to understand the critical factors regarding consumer acceptance, these
four categories of products are similar. Thus, the role product category was expected to hold in the acceptance
of online shopping was eliminated. In this study, by employing different unrelated product types, an attempt is
made to examine their influence between consumer characteristics and consumer attitude towards online
shopping and from the aforementioned the following hypothesis is derived:

H6: Product categories affect the relationships between consumer characteristics and attitudes toward
online shopping.

Elissavet Keisidou, Lazaros Sarigiannidis and Dimitrios Maditinos


Sample selection
The sample of this study consists of Greek internet users, who know how to make an online purchase,
possibly have made one or are willing to make one in the future. In the following table (Table 3) the
characteristics of the participants are presented. 51.5% of the sample has more than 5 years’ experience on the
internet and 34.8% of the sample uses the internet for more than 14 hours weekly. Moreover, 46.6% were male
and 53.4% were female. The age of the majority of the sample (83.3%) is between 18 and 44 years old.

Table 3: User characteristics

Data Frequency Percentage %
Male 95 46.6
Female 109 53.4
< 18 16 7.8
18 – 24 69 33.8
25 – 34 75 36.8
35 – 44 26 12.7
45 – 54 15 7.4
55 – 64 3 1.5
High-school 71 34.8
Technological 43 21.1
University 73 35.8
Post-graduate 17 8.3
< 6 months 17 8.3
6 – 12 months 8 3.9
Internet experience 1 – 2 years 24 11.8
2 – 4 years 50 24.5
> 5 years 105 51.5
< 7 hours 86 42.2
7 – 14 hours 47 23.0
Weekly use of the internet
14 – 21 hours 32 15.7
> 21 hours 39 19.1
Yes 126 61.8
Online purchases
No 78 38.2
0 purchases 86 42.2
1 – 2 purchases 45 22.1
Online purchases during the last year
2 – 4 purchases 25 12.3
> 5 purchases 48 23.4
0 – 100 € 113 55.4
100 – 300 € 36 17.6
Amounts spent online (last year) 300 – 500 € 15 7.4
500 – 700 € 12 5.9
> 700 € 28 13.7

This study will try to resolve the relationships between consumer characteristics and their attitude towards
online shopping, in the context of different product types. A total of 232 internet users were selected to complete
a questionnaire.

Measurement development
The collection of the necessary data was done with the use of a questionnaire. The questionnaire consists of
three parts: the introduction where the purpose of the research is stated, the personal information section which
includes questions about age, education, internet experience and online shopping experience and the third and
main part where the questions for measuring the variables are. All 37 questions of the third part of the
questionnaire were adopted from various researchers (Table 4).

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Table 4: Research variables

Sources Questions
ΡΙΙΤ Agarwal and Prasad (1998) 4
Self - efficacy O’Cass and Fenech (2003) 4
Perceived security O’Cass and Fenech (2003) 3
Privacy Smith, Milberg and Burke (1996) 15
Product involvement Zaichkowsky (1994) 6
Attitude towards online shopping Taylor and Todd (1995), adapted by Lian and Lin (2008) 5

The research was carried out in Greece due to rapidly developing in the context of online shopping (Favier
and Bouquet,2009), especially in East Macedonia and Thrace, which is one of the largest geographical
departments in Greece, in August 2008, and all the questions were translated into Greek. Then a pilot testing
was conducted to avoid any miscomprehensions by the Greek users. All questions were measured in a five point
Likert scale. From the distributed questionnaires 28 were unsuitable and thus, excluded. A total of 204
questionnaires were entered in the S.P.S.S. (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) statistical programme.

Online product selection

Due to the special characteristics of the internet, in this study the classification proposed by Peterson,
Balasubramanian and Bronnenberg (1997) is used. Although many other studies have been conducted using
different online products’ classification (Degeratu, Rangaswamy and Wu, 2000; de Figueiredo, 2000; Girard,
Silverblatt and Korgaonkar, 2002; Korgaonkar, Silverblatt and Becerra, 2004), this model is thought to be more
suitable for the market it is being used for. This model consists of three dimensions: the cost and frequency of
purchase, the value proposition and the degree of differentiation.
In this study the last dimension is omitted because the Greek market is not mature enough with regard to
online shopping and it is even less mature in the high-low differentiation products since the amount spend for
online purchases in 2008 accounted for only 0.15% of the total online sales in Europe. Yet the increase of online
purchases in 2008 was 54.7% over the previous year (Favier and Bouquet, 2009), which indicates that the Greek
market is rapidly developing. It is considered sensible not to employ the third dimension in the study since
online shopping is still in a developing stage in Greece.
As a result the four products selected are based on the two dimension classification. Books are used for
tangible, low cost, frequently purchased products, e-tickets are used for intangible low cost, frequently
purchased products, TV set are used for tangible, high cost, rarely purchased products and subscriptions are used
for intangible high cost, rarely purchased products (Table 5).

Table 5: Products employed in this research

Low cost, frequently purchased products High cost, rarely purchased products

Tangible products Books TV sets

Intangible products E-tickets Subscriptions

Instrument validity
Before examining the hypotheses it is essential to examine the validity of the questionnaire that was used
for measuring the six factors of the research model. Validity is the degree in which variables measure accurately
what they are supposed to measure (Hair et al., 1998) and consists of content validity and construct validity.
The purpose of the instrument content validity is to eliminate or to correct those questions that have not
accomplished their research goal (Bock and Kim, 2002). Although, the content validity is confirmed from a
previous study (Lian and Lin, 2008), before the beginning of the present research a discussion with academic
staff and a pilot testing was made to avoid any miscomprehensions.
Construct validity was accomplished by using exploratory factor analysis and reliability analysis based on
the Cronbach Alpha statistical metre. The results of these two analyses are presented in the following section.

Elissavet Keisidou, Lazaros Sarigiannidis and Dimitrios Maditinos


Exploratory factor analysis

The exploratory factor analysis shows the number of factors that were empirically created and how the 37
questions employed in this study were distributed in those six factors. For that cause Principal component
analysis and Varimax rotation were used.
The results of this analysis (Table 4) show that the use of exploratory analysis was justified. Kaiser-Meyer-
Olkin (KMO) statistics range from 0.687 to 0.895 and Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity is significant at 0.00 level.
The analysis showed all items, except for six, had loadings greater than 0.45, which are acceptable considering
the sample size (Hair et al., 1998). The six items that were unacceptable were eliminated.

Reliability analysis
Reliability is one of the most important criteria for evaluating research instruments and refers to the
internal consistency of the factors (Chu & Murrmann, 2006). Cronbach’s alpha (a) is employed to test
instrument reliability. According to Nunnally (1978) any value above 0.7 indicates reliability. The results show
that all factors range between 0.811 and 0.915, which surpasses the criteria of reliability (Table 6).

Table 6: Factor and reliability analysis results

Factor Item Variable loading ΚΜΟ Bartlett's Test Sig. Cronbach's alpha
ΡΙΙΤ1 0.845
ΡΙΙΤ2 0.875
PIIT 0.791 p=.000 0.839
ΡΙΙΤ3 0.761
ΡΙΙΤ4 0.740
SE1 0.843
SE2 0.821
Self-efficacy 0.836 p=.000 0.874
SE3 0.825
SE4 0.858
PS1 0.628
Perceived security PS2 0.686 0.687 p=.000 0.875
PS3 0.788
P1 Eliminated
P2 Eliminated
P3 0.873
P4 0.850
P5 0.907
P6 Eliminated
P7 0.876
Privacy Concerns P8 Eliminated 0.867 p=.000 0.811
P9 0.836
P10 Eliminated
P11 0.890
P12 Eliminated
P13 0.891
P14 0.849
P15 0.842
PI1.1 0.904
PI1.2 0.884
PI1.3 0.916
0.895 p=.000 0.915
PI1.4 0.963

PI1.5 0.867
Product PI1.6 0.872
involvement PI2.1 0.891
PI2.2 0.851
PI2.3 0.867
0.865 p=.000 0.886

PI2.4 0.925
PI2.5 0.849
PI2.6 0.837

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PI3.1 0.913
PI3.2 0.870
PI3.3 0.854
0.867 p=.000 0.890
PI3.4 0.907

TV sets
PI3.5 0.822
PI3.6 0.849
PI4.1 0.911
PI4.2 0.899

PI4.3 0.907
0.892 p=.000 0.903
PI4.4 0.909
PI4.5 0.856
PI4.6 0.878
A1.1 0.774
A1.2 0.763
A1.3 0.904 0.815 p=.000 0.898

A1.4 0.815
A1.5 0.841
A2.1 0.809
A2.2 0.767
A2.3 0.871 0.810 p=.000 0.884

A2.4 0.807
Attitude A2.5 0.803
towards online
shopping A3.1 0.856
A3.2 0.866
A3.3 0.844 0.850 p=.000 0.899
TV sets

A3.4 0.845
A3.5 0.843
A4.1 0.809

A4.2 0.823
A4.3 0.871 0.832 p=.000 0.884
A4.4 0.822
A4.5 0.848

Correlation is a statistical method used for measuring or describing the relationship between two variables.
Finding correlations among variables is essential, yet it cannot be described as a relationship between cause and
effect. The information given can only be taken as an indicator (Dimitriadi, 2000). Correlations among the six
factors, in the context of four product types are presented in Table 7.

Table 7: Correlations between dependent and independent variables

A (books) 0.210** 0.109* 0.101* -0.055 0.594**
A (e-tickets) 0.028** 0.048* 0.130* -0.059 0.658**
A (TV sets) 0.205** 0.119* 0.167* -0.075 0.633**
A (subscriptions) 0.308** 0.147* 0.060* -0.048 0.684**

* Correlation is significant at the 0.05 (2-tailed)

** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 (2-tailed)

From the above it is safe to say that consumers’ attitude towards online shopping is affected by different
product types. Moreover the factors that are considered important are different for every product type.
Regarding books the factors that are significant are PIIT and product involvement while regarding e-tickets only
product involvement is significant. In terms of TV sets PIIT, perceived security and product involvement are
significant while in terms of subscriptions PIIT, self-efficacy and product involvement are significant. As it can

Elissavet Keisidou, Lazaros Sarigiannidis and Dimitrios Maditinos

be observed, privacy concerns are insignificant regardless of the product type, while product involvement is the
only factor that is significant in every product category.

Regression analysis
As mentioned before, correlation analysis cannot be described as a relationship between cause and effect
(Dimitriade, 2000). To overcome this limitation linear multiple regression was employed to describe the
association among the factors and to form a mathematic model. Attitude towards online shopping in the context
of different product types is the dependent variable (Υ 1 : books, Υ2 : e-tickets, Υ3 : TV sets, Υ4 : subscriptions)
and PIIT (X1), self-efficacy (X2), perceived security (X3), privacy (X4) and product involvement (X5) are the
independent variables. The mathematical models are displayed below.

Υ1 = b0.1 + b1.1*X1 + b2.1*X2 + b3.1*X3 + b4.1*X4 + b5.1*X5

Υ2 = b0.2 + b1.2*X1 + b2.2*X2 + b3.2*X3 + b4.2*X4 + b5.2*X5
Υ3 = b0.3 + b1.3*X1 + b2.3*X2 + b3.3*X3 + b4.3*X4 + b5.3*X5
Υ4 = b0.4 + b1.4*X1 + b2.4*X2 + b3.4*X3 + b4.4*X4 + b5.4*X5

Regression results are shown in tables 8 and 9. In table 8 computed F-values and R2 are displayed to
understand the overall significance of each equation. All of the models yield significant p-values (p < .01) and
R2 above 40% of the variance in attitudes toward online shopping was explained.

Table 8: Summary of regression analysis

Books E-tickets TV sets Subscriptions
F-value 27.831 30.878 29.900 39.102
p-value 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
R 0.413 0.438 0.430 0.497
Durbin – Watson 1.873 1.986 1.952 1.700

The results of significance testing of the study variables are listed in table 9. The regression results suggest
the following: In the context of book buying, perceived security (p = 0.043) and product involvement (p =
0.000) yield coefficients with significant p-value. In the context of e-tickets purchases, only product
involvement (p = 0.000) yield significant p-value for its coefficients. Furthermore, in the context of TV
purchases, p-values are significant for PIIT (p = 0.047) and product involvement (p = 0.000). Finally, in the
context of subscription purchase, two variables yield significant p-values including PIIT (p = 0.009) and product
involvement (p = 0.000).

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Table 9: Analysis of the four products

Standard error of Standardised regression

Regression coefficient Sig.
coefficient coefficient
Constant -7253*10-17 0.054
PIIT 0.211 0.060 0.211 0.000
Self-efficacy -0.058 0.060 -0.058 0.338
Perceived security 0.117 0.580 0.117 0.043
Privacy 0.004 0.570 0.004 0.941
Product involvement 0.611 0.550 0.611 0.000
Constant -4196*10-17 0.053
PIIT 0.013 0.058 0.013 0.822
Self-efficacy 0.000 0.059 0.000 0.996
Perceived security 0.062 0.056 0.062 0.270
Privacy concerns -0.026 0.056 -0.026 0.636
Product involvement 0.651 0.054 0.651 0.000
Tv sets
Constant 2594*10-17 0.054
PIIT 0.118 0.059 0.118 0.047
Self-efficacy -0.025 0.059 -0.025 0.671
Perceived security 0.110 0.057 0.110 0.053
Privacy concerns -0.009 0.056 -0.009 0.873
Product involvement 0.616 0.055 0.616 0.000
Constant -3474*10-17 0.050
PIIT 0.149 0.056 0.149 0.009
Self-efficacy 0.033 0.056 0.033 0.550
Perceived security 0.016 0.053 0.016 0.762
Privacy concerns -0.052 0.053 -0.052 0.329
Product involvement 0.647 0.052 0.647 0.000

This study developed a model for determining online shopping attitudes and tested it in the context of
different product types. Results demonstrated that the four regression functions were all significant in the
context of different products. The results are discussed below.
To begin with, in this study books were chosen to represent low cost, frequently purchased, tangible
products. The factors that seem to positively affect consumer attitude towards buying books online are PIIT,
perceived security and product involvement. This is probably due to the fact that books are inexpensive and are
the first thing that someone buys when he wants to experiment with online shopping.
Low cost, frequently purchased, intangible products are represented by e-tickets. The only factor that seems
to have a significant positive effect on consumer buying e-tickets online is product involvement. E-tickets are
inexpensive and consumers’ interest is focused solely on the purpose that it accomplishes to fulfil. That can also
be said for other low cost, frequently purchased, intangible products.
For high cost, rarely purchased, tangible and intangible products, TV sets and subscriptions were adopted
respectively. The factors that have a positive effect on them are the same and are PIIT and product involvement.

Elissavet Keisidou, Lazaros Sarigiannidis and Dimitrios Maditinos

This is probably because of the relatively high cost that these products have and the reluctance to buy them from
the internet. Users are not willing to experiment with buying high cost products online unless they consider
them important.
It is obvious from the above that self-efficacy does not have any effect on consumers’ attitudes towards
online shopping no matter what the product is. Viewing the answers given by the sample, it is safe to say that all
respondents consider themselves able to use the internet effectively (mean = 4.31). The only explanation for this
is that online shopping is a relatively new technology in Greece and whether they will choose it as a purchase
medium has nothing to do with their ability to use it effectively.
Moreover privacy concerns have no effect on consumer attitude towards online shopping. Consumers show
a high level of concern about their privacy (mean = 4.40) yet that does not prevent them from buying online.
This may be due to geographical reasons. It is possible that the local market does not have the products that
consumers need so they are obliged to search for them in the universal market, ignoring their concerns.
All product categories have in common the product involvement factor and this is probably because
consumers are reluctant and buy online only products that they really need and consider important.
Comparing the present study to the one carried out by Lian and Lin (2008) in Taiwan, it is observed that
they have similarities but are not identical. The only factor that is shown to have the same positive effect
towards online shopping is product involvement. Moreover the only product category that has the same results
in both studies is the one of low cost, intangible products that is solely affected by the product involvement
factor. In the rest of the results there are variations. This indicates that possible geographical reasons can explain
the different online consumers’ attitudes in the context of different product types.
These geographical causes are obvious, if we try to investigate the significant differences between the
online markets of the two countries. In Taiwan, internet penetration reached 70% of the total population in 2011
and the total growth rate of internet usage since 2000 is 257.94% (Internet World Stats, 2011a). Additionally, it
was found that despite the global economic recession, Taiwan’s e-commerce annual growth increased by 20%
and generated $15.4 billion in 2010 (Highbeam Research, 2011).
On the other hand, in Greece the situation is completely different. From a recent survey (Internet World
Stats, 2011b) it was shown that regardless of the growing numbers in the rest of its European counterparts,
Greece cannot adopt at the same rate internet and e-commerce technologies. The rate of internet usage in Greece
was 46.2% in 2011 and the total growth population reached 397.1% since 2000 (Internet World Stats, 2011b).
Moreover, 12% of the Greek internet users had realised their last online purchase within the last twelve months
(Eurostat, 2011).

From all the above, it is made clear that different product types are responsible for the differentiations of
the results. As a final conclusion it can be said that consumer attitude towards online shopping is affected
mainly by the product in question.
Additionally, it can be said that in Greece people are still experimenting with online purchases although the
annual growth rate is higher than 50% (Favier and Bouquet, 2009). In the Nielsen Global Consumer Report
(2010) it is stated that 23% of the Greek online shoppers did not intent to make any purchases in the following
six months, when the Europe’s average was near 21%. In the same report it has been found that Greek online
shoppers prefer electronic equipment and computer hardware which fall under the high cost, rarely purchased,
tangible goods which can justify the unwillingness of online shoppers to purchase online short-term (Nielsen
Global Consumer Report, 2010).
Overall, it is obvious that the product classification and type of products that were selected are responsible
for the variations in the results in the present study. Due to the different characteristics every product has,
consumers’ attitude shows variations. Consumers behave differently when buying inexpensive products and
differently when they are buying expensive products. Also, their attitude changes when it involves everyday
products and when they buy products and services they intent to use in the long-term.
The present study provides an understanding of what drives consumers to buy their products online and can
be used by companies that promote their products through the internet. However, no personal perceived values
such as perceived convenience, perceived danger, perceived website quality and perceived benefits, that could
alter the findings of the research, were raised.
Furthermore, the third dimension of the Peterson, Balasubramanian and Bronnenberg (1997) model, the
degree of differentiation, was not employed due to the Greek online market not being mature enough. If further
attempts were to be made to expand the present model and to further examine the consumers’ online buying
behaviour, it would be interesting if they included personal perceived values and website design characteristics,
as well as involve products and services that fulfil the degree of differentiation dimension.

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