Practice T-Test (12 Sample)

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Students’s t test – paired and independent t test

Test for single Mean (n<30)

1. Form the null hypothesis

Ho: µ=µo
(i.e) There is no significance difference between the sample mean and the population
mean ie., µ=µo
2. Form the Alternate hypothesis
H1 : µ≠µo (or µ>µo or µ<µo)
ie., There is significance difference between the sample mean and the population
3. Level of Significance
The level may be fixed at either 5% or 1%
4. Test statistic


Where s =

5. Find the table value

ttab=t(0.05,(n-1) d.f
1. Inference
If tcal<ttab
(i) We accept the null hypothesis H0
(ii) There is no significant difference

(or) if tcal> ttab

(i)We reject the null hypothesis H0 (ie) we accept the alternative hypothesis
(ii)There is significant difference between the sample mean and the population mean.
Example 1
Based on field experiments, a new variety green gram is expected to given an
yield of 12.0quintals per hectare. The variety was tested on 10 randomly selected farmers
fields. The yield ( quintals/hectare) were recorded as
14.3,12.6,13.7,10.9,13.7,12.0,11.4,12.0,12.6,13.1. Do the results conform the
Null hypothesis H0: µ=12.0
(i.e) the average yield of the new variety of green gram is 12.0 quintals/hectare.
Alternative Hypothesis: H1:µ≠ 12.0
(i.e) the average yield is not 12.0 quintals/hectare
Level of significance: 5 %
Test statistic

From the given data

s= = =

= 1.0853


Table value
t(0.05,9)=2.262 (two tailed test)
We accept the null hypothesis H0
We conclude that the new variety of green gram will give an average yield of 12
F-test is used to test the equality of two means


where is the variance of the first sample whose size is n1.

is the variance of the second sample whose size is n2.



We accept the null hypothesis H0.(i.e) the variances are equal.
Test for equality of two means (Independent Samples)
Given two sets of sample observation x11,x12,x13…x1n . Similarly x21,x22,x23…x2n
of sizes n1 and n2 from the normal population.
1. Using F-Test , test their variances
(i)Variances are Equal:
Ho:., µ1=µ2

H1 µ1≠µ2 (or µ1<µ2 or µ1>µ2)

Test statistic


Variances are equal

(a) When the samples have unequal variances and equal number of observations(n1=n2),
the test statistic is

(b) When the samples have unequal variances and unequal number of observations
(n1≠n2), the test statistic is

This statistic follows neither t nor normal distribution but it follows Behrens-Fisher test.
The Behrens – Fisher test is laborious one. An alternative simple method has been
suggested by Cochran & Cox. In this method the critical value of t is altered as tw (i.e)
weighted t test

Where t1=t(n1-1) d.f
t2=t(n2-1) d.f
Example 2
A group of 5 patients treated with medicine. A is of weight 42,39,38,60 &41 kgs. Second
group of 7 patients from the same hospital treated with medicine B is of weight 38, 42,
56, 64, 68, 69, & 62 kgs. Find whether there is any difference between medicines?
Ho:., µ1=µ2 (i.e) there is no significant difference between the medicines A and B as
regards on increase in weight.
H1 µ1≠µ2 (i.e) there is a significant difference between the medicines A and B
Level of significance = 5%
Before we go to test the means first we have to test their variability using F-test.
Ho:., σ12=σ22
H1:., σ12≠σ22

∴ if

Ftab(6,4) d.f=6.16
⇒ Fcal<Ftab
We accept the null hypothesis H0.(i.e) the variances are equal.
Test statistic


Table value
ttab[(5+7-2)=10]d.f at 5% l.o.s = 2.228
We accept the null hypothesis H0
We conclude that the medicines A and also B do not differ significantly.
Example 3
The summary of the results of an yield trial on onion with two methods of
propagation is given below. Determine whether the methods differ with regard to onion
yield. The onion yield is given in Kg/plot.

Method I Method II

n1=12 n2=12

SS1=186.25 SS2=737.6667

Ho:., µ1=µ2 (i.e) the two propagation method do not differ with regard to onion yield.
H1 µ1≠µ2 (i.e) the two propagation method differ with regard to onion yield.
Level of significance = 5%
Before we go to test the means first we have to test their variability using F-test.
Ho:., σ12=σ22
H1:., σ12≠σ22

∴ if

Ftab(11,11) d.f=2.82
⇒ Fcal>Ftab
We reject the null hypothesis H0.(i.e) the variances are unequal.
Here the variances are unequal with equal sample size then the test statistic is


table value
at 5% l.os = 2.201

We accept the null hypothesis H0
We conclude that the two propagation methods do not differ with regard to onion yield.
Example 4
The following data related the rubber percentage of two types of rubber plants,
where the sample have been drawn independently. Test for their mean difference.
6.21 5.70 6.04 4.47 5.22 4.45 4.84 5.84 5.88 5.82 6.09 5.59
Type I
6.06 5.59 6.74 5.55

Type II 4.28 7.71 6.48 7.71 7.37 7.20 7.06 6.40 8.93 5.91 5.51 6.36

Ho:., µ1=µ2 (i.e) there is no significance difference between the two samples.
H1 µ1≠µ2 (i.e) there is a significance difference between the two samples.
Level of significance = 5%

n1=16 n2=12

Before we go to test the means first we have to test their variability using F-test.
Ho:., σ12=σ22
H1:., σ12≠σ22

∴ if

Ftab(11,15) d.f=2.51
⇒ Fcal>Ftab
We reject the null hypothesis H0.(i.e) the variances are unequal.
Here the variances are unequal with unequal sample size then the test statistic is


t1=t(16-1) d.f=2.131
t2=t(12-1) d.f =2.201

We rejectthe null hypothesis H0
(i.e) there is significant difference between the two rubber plants.

Equality of two means (Dependant samples)

Paired t test
Null hypothesis
H0 : µ1 = µ2 ie the increments are just by chance

Alternative Hypothesis

H1 : µ1 ≠ µ2 ( µ1 > µ2 (or) µ1 < µ2)

test statistic

Where ,

di = Xi – Yi (i = 1, 2, ……n)

Example 5

In certain food experiment to compare two types of baby foods A and B, the
following results of increase in weight (lbs) we observed in 8 children as follows.

Food A(x) 49 53 51 52 47 50 52 53

Food B(y) 52 55 52 53 50 54 54 53

Examine the significance of increase in weight of children due to food B.


H0 : µ1 = µ2 , there is no significant difference between the two foods.

H1 : µ1 ≠ µ2, there is significant difference between the two foods.

Level of significance = 5%

test statistic

x y d=x-y d2
49 52 -3 9
53 55 -2 4
51 52 -1 1
51 52 -1 1
47 50 -3 16
50 54 -4 16
52 54 -2 4
53 53 0 0
Total -16 44


Table value:

t(8-1) d.f at 5% l.o.s = 2.365


We reject the null hypothesis H0
(i.e) there is significant difference between the two foods A and B.
Learning Exercise
1. 10 samples of leaves of the plant are chosen at random from a large population and their weight
in grams are found to be as follows

63 63 64 65 66 69 69 70 70 71

From this data mean weight in universe is 65 gm. Can we assume this mean weight?

2. A health status survey in a few villages revealed that the normal serum protein value of children
in that locality is 7.0 g/100ml. A group of 16 children, who received high protein food for a
period of 6 months had serum protein values shown below. Can we consider that the mean
serum protein level of these who were fed on high protein diet is different from that of the
general population.

Children 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Protein level g % 7.1 7.70 8.2 7.56 7.05 7.08 7.21 7.25 7.36 6.59

Children 11 12 13 14 15 16

Protein level g % 6.85 7.9 7.27 6.56 7.93 8.5

3. The following data related to the rate of diffusion of CO2 through two series of different
porosity, find out whether the diffusion rate same for both sides.

Diffusion through fine 20 31 31 23 28 23 26 27 26 17 17 25

soil (x1)

Diffusion through 19 30 32 28 15 26 35 18 25 27 35 34
coarse soil (x2)

4. A new variety of cotton was evolved by a breed. In order to compare its yielding ability with
that of a ruling variety, an experiment was conducted in Completely Randomised Design. The
yield (kg/plot) was observed. The summary of the results are given below. Test whether the
new variety of cotton gives higher yield than the ruling variety.

New Variety n1 = 9 =28.2 S12=5.4430

Ruling Variety n2 = 11 =25.9 S22=1.2822

5. The iron contents of fruits before and after applying farm yard manure were observed as follows.

Fruit No: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Before Applying 7.7 8.5 7.2 6.3 8.1 5.2 6.5 9.4 8.3 7.5
After Applying 8.1 8.9 7.0 6.1 8.2 8.0 5.8 8.9 8.7 8.0
Is there any Significant difference between the mean iron contents in the fruits before & after the
farm yarn manure?

1. 10 samples of leaves of the plant are chosen at random from a large

population and their weight in grams are found to be as follows

63 63 64 65 66 69 69 70 70 71
From this data mean weight in universe is 65 gm. Can we assume this
mean weight?
2. A health status survey in a few villages revealed that the normal
serum protein value of children in that locality is 7.0 g/100ml. A
group of 16 children, who received high protein food for a period of 6
months had serum protein values shown below. Can we consider that
the mean serum protein level of these who were fed on high protein
diet is different from that of the general population.
Children 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Protein 7.1 7.70 8.2 7.56 7.05 7.08 7.21 7.25 7.36 6.59
level g
Children 11 12 13 14 15
Protein 6.85 7.9 7.27 6.56 7.93 8.5
level g

3., The following data related to the rate of diffusion of CO2 through two

series of different porosity, find out whether the diffusion rate same for both
Diffusion through 20 31 31 23 28 23 26 27 26 17 17 25
fine soil (x1)
Diffusion through 19 30 32 28 15 26 35 18 25 27 35 34
coarse soil (x2)

4. A new variety of cotton was evolved by a breed. In order to compare its yielding
ability with that of a ruling variety, an experiment was conducted in Completely
Randomised Design. The yield (kg/plot) was observed. The summary of the results are
given below. Test whether the new variety of cotton gives higher yield than the ruling

New Variety n1 = 9 =28.2 S12=5.4430

Ruling Variety n2 = 11 =25.9 S22=1.2822

5. The iron contents of fruits before and after applying farm yard manure were observed
as follows.

Is there any Significant difference between the mean iron contents in the fruits before &
after the farm yarn manure?


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