AmazonCloudFront DevGuide

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Amazon CloudFront

Developer Guide

Amazon CloudFront: Developer Guide

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Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide

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Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide

Table of Contents
What is Amazon CloudFront? ............................................................................................................... 1
How you set up CloudFront to deliver content ............................................................................... 1
Use cases .................................................................................................................................. 3
Accelerate static website content delivery ............................................................................. 3
Serve video on demand or live streaming video ..................................................................... 4
Encrypt specific fields throughout system processing .............................................................. 4
Customize at the edge ........................................................................................................ 4
Serve private content by using Lambda@Edge customizations ................................................. 4
How CloudFront delivers content ................................................................................................. 5
How CloudFront delivers content to your users ...................................................................... 5
How CloudFront works with regional edge caches .................................................................. 6
Locations and IP address ranges of CloudFront edge servers ............................................................ 7
Accessing CloudFront .................................................................................................................. 7
How to get started with Amazon CloudFront ................................................................................. 8
AWS Identity and Access Management .......................................................................................... 8
CloudFront pricing ...................................................................................................................... 8
Choosing the price class for a CloudFront distribution ........................................................... 10
Setting up ....................................................................................................................................... 11
Sign up for AWS ...................................................................................................................... 11
Access your account .................................................................................................................. 11
Access the console ............................................................................................................ 12
Access the API, AWS CLI, AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell, or the AWS SDKs ........................ 12
Create an IAM user ................................................................................................................... 12
Set up the AWS Command Line Interface or AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell .............................. 14
Download an AWS SDK ............................................................................................................. 14
Getting started ................................................................................................................................ 15
Getting started with a simple distribution ................................................................................... 15
Prerequisites .................................................................................................................... 16
Step 1: Upload your content to Amazon S3 and grant object permissions ................................ 16
Step 2: Create a CloudFront distribution .............................................................................. 17
Step 3: Test your links ...................................................................................................... 18
Getting started with AWS for WordPress ..................................................................................... 19
Prerequisites .................................................................................................................... 20
Step 1: Install the plugin ................................................................................................... 22
Step 2: Configure and use CloudFront with the plugin ........................................................... 22
(Optional) Deactivate site acceleration ................................................................................ 24
(Optional) Remove site acceleration and delete the CloudFront distribution .............................. 25
(Optional) Deactivate and remove the plugin ....................................................................... 25
(Optional) Create a CloudFront distribution for Amazon Polly content ..................................... 26
Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................... 26
Getting started with a secure static website ................................................................................ 28
Solution overview ............................................................................................................. 29
Deploying the solution ...................................................................................................... 30
Working with distributions ................................................................................................................ 33
Overview of distributions .......................................................................................................... 33
Actions you can use with distributions ................................................................................ 34
Required fields for creating and updating distributions .......................................................... 34
Creating, Updating, and Deleting Distributions ............................................................................. 36
Steps for Creating a Distribution ........................................................................................ 36
Creating a Distribution ...................................................................................................... 37
Values That You Specify .................................................................................................... 38
Values That Are Displayed ................................................................................................. 61
Testing a Distribution ........................................................................................................ 62
Updating a Distribution ..................................................................................................... 63

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide

Tagging a Distribution ...................................................................................................... 64

Deleting a Distribution ...................................................................................................... 65
Using Different Origins ............................................................................................................. 66
Using Amazon S3 Buckets for Your Origin ........................................................................... 67
Using Amazon S3 Buckets Configured as Website Endpoints for Your Origin ............................. 68
Using a MediaStore Container or a MediaPackage Channel for Your Origin ............................... 68
Using Amazon EC2 or Other Custom Origins ........................................................................ 68
Using Origin Groups ......................................................................................................... 69
Adding CloudFront When You Have Amazon S3 Content ....................................................... 69
Moving an Amazon S3 Bucket to a Different Region ............................................................. 71
Using Custom URLs .................................................................................................................. 71
Adding an Alternate Domain Name .................................................................................... 72
Moving an Alternate Domain Name to a Different CloudFront Distribution .............................. 74
Removing an Alternate Domain Name ................................................................................ 77
Using Wildcards in Alternate Domain Names That You Add to CloudFront ............................... 78
Requirements for Using Alternate Domain Names ............................................................... 78
Restrictions on Using Alternate Domain Names .................................................................... 80
Using Websockets ..................................................................................................................... 81
How the WebSocket Protocol Works ................................................................................... 81
WebSocket Requirements .................................................................................................. 81
Working with policies ....................................................................................................................... 83
Controlling the cache key .......................................................................................................... 83
Understanding cache policies ............................................................................................. 84
Creating cache policies ...................................................................................................... 88
Using the managed cache policies ...................................................................................... 91
Understanding the cache key ............................................................................................. 93
Controlling origin requests ........................................................................................................ 95
Understanding origin request policies ................................................................................. 96
Creating origin request policies .......................................................................................... 97
Using the managed origin request policies ......................................................................... 100
Using the CloudFront HTTP headers ......................................................................................... 102
Headers for determining the viewer’s device type ............................................................... 102
Headers for determining the viewer’s location .................................................................... 103
Other CloudFront headers ............................................................................................... 103
Adding, Removing, or Replacing Content ........................................................................................... 104
Adding and Accessing Content ................................................................................................. 104
Updating Existing Content ....................................................................................................... 104
Updating Existing Files Using Versioned File Names ............................................................ 105
Updating Existing Content Using the Same File Names ........................................................ 105
Removing Content so CloudFront Won't Distribute It ................................................................... 106
Customizing File URLs ............................................................................................................. 106
Using Your Own Domain Name ( ................................................................... 106
Using a Trailing Slash (/) in URLs ...................................................................................... 107
Creating Signed URLs for Restricted Content ...................................................................... 107
Creating URLs for RTMP Distribution Media Files ................................................................ 107
Specifying a Default Root Object .............................................................................................. 107
How to Specify a Default Root Object ............................................................................... 107
How Headers Work With Default Root Objects ................................................................... 108
How CloudFront Works if You Don't Define a Root Object .................................................... 109
Invalidating Files .................................................................................................................... 110
Choosing Between Invalidating Files and Using Versioned File Names .................................... 110
Determining Which Files to Invalidate ............................................................................... 111
Specifying the Files to Invalidate ...................................................................................... 111
Invalidating Files Using the Console .................................................................................. 113
Invalidating Files Using the CloudFront API ........................................................................ 115
Concurrent Invalidation Request Maximum ........................................................................ 116
Paying for File Invalidation .............................................................................................. 116

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide

Serving compressed files ......................................................................................................... 116

Configuring a CloudFront distribution to compress content .................................................. 117
Using CloudFront to compress your content ....................................................................... 117
Configuring Secure Access and Restricting Access to Content ............................................................... 121
Using HTTPS with CloudFront .................................................................................................. 121
Requiring HTTPS Between Viewers and CloudFront ............................................................. 122
Requiring HTTPS to a Custom Origin ................................................................................ 123
Requiring HTTPS to an Amazon S3 Origin ......................................................................... 127
Supported protocols and ciphers between viewers and CloudFront ........................................ 128
Supported protocols and ciphers between CloudFront and the origin .................................... 130
Charges for HTTPS connections ........................................................................................ 132
Using Alternate Domain Names and HTTPS ............................................................................... 132
Choosing How CloudFront Serves HTTPS Requests ............................................................. 132
Requirements for Using SSL/TLS Certificates with CloudFront .............................................. 134
Quotas on Using SSL/TLS Certificates with CloudFront (HTTPS Between Viewers and
CloudFront Only) ............................................................................................................ 137
Configuring Alternate Domain Names and HTTPS ............................................................... 139
Determining the Size of the Public Key in an SSL/TLS Certificate .......................................... 142
Increasing the Quotas for SSL/TLS Certificates ................................................................... 142
Rotating SSL/TLS Certificates ........................................................................................... 143
Reverting from a Custom SSL/TLS Certificate to the Default CloudFront Certificate ................. 144
Switching from a Custom SSL/TLS Certificate with Dedicated IP Addresses to SNI ................... 145
Restricting Content with Signed URLs and Signed Cookies ........................................................... 145
Overview of Serving Private Content ................................................................................ 146
Task List: Serving Private Content ..................................................................................... 149
Specifying Your Trusted Signers ....................................................................................... 150
Choosing Between Signed URLs and Signed Cookies ........................................................... 156
Using Signed URLs ......................................................................................................... 157
Using Signed Cookies ...................................................................................................... 175
Using a Linux Command and OpenSSL for Base64-Encoding and Encryption ........................... 189
Code Examples for Signed URLs ....................................................................................... 189
Restricting Access to Amazon S3 Content .................................................................................. 209
Overview of OAI Setup .................................................................................................... 210
Creating a CloudFront OAI and Adding it to Your Distribution ............................................... 211
Granting the OAI Permission to Read Files in Your Amazon S3 Bucket .................................... 212
Using an OAI in Amazon S3 Regions that Support Only Signature Version 4 Authentication ....... 215
Using AWS WAF to Control Access to Your Content ..................................................................... 216
Geo-Restricting Content .......................................................................................................... 217
Using CloudFront Geo Restriction ..................................................................................... 217
Using a Third-Party Geolocation Service ............................................................................ 218
Using Field-Level Encryption to Help Protect Sensitive Data ......................................................... 219
Overview of Field-Level Encryption ................................................................................... 221
Setting Up Field-Level Encryption ..................................................................................... 222
Decrypting Data Fields at Your Origin ............................................................................... 225
Optimizing Content Caching and Availability ...................................................................................... 228
Caching with Edge Caches ....................................................................................................... 228
Improving Your Cache Hit Ratio ................................................................................................ 228
Specifying How Long CloudFront Caches Your Objects ........................................................ 229
Caching Based on Query String Parameters ....................................................................... 229
Caching Based on Cookie Values ...................................................................................... 229
Caching Based on Request Headers .................................................................................. 230
Remove Accept-Encoding Header When Compression is Not Needed .................................... 231
Serving Media Content by Using HTTP .............................................................................. 231
Increasing Availability with Origin Failover ................................................................................. 231
Creating an Origin Group ................................................................................................ 232
Controlling Origin Timeouts and Attempts ......................................................................... 233
Use Origin Failover with Lambda@Edge Functions .............................................................. 234

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide

Use Custom Error Pages with Origin Failover ...................................................................... 236

Managing Cache Expiration ...................................................................................................... 236
Using Headers to Control Cache Duration for Individual Objects ........................................... 237
Specifying the Amount of Time that CloudFront Caches Objects for Web Distributions ............. 238
Specifying the Minimum Time that CloudFront Caches Objects for RTMP Distributions ............. 240
Adding Headers to Your Objects Using the Amazon S3 Console ............................................ 241
Caching and Query String Parameters ....................................................................................... 241
Console and API Settings for Query String Forwarding and Caching ...................................... 243
Optimizing Caching ........................................................................................................ 243
Query String Parameters and CloudFront Access Logs ......................................................... 244
Caching Content Based on Cookies ........................................................................................... 244
Caching Content Based on Request Headers .............................................................................. 246
Headers and Distributions - Overview ............................................................................... 247
Selecting the Headers to Base Caching On ......................................................................... 247
Configuring CloudFront to Respect CORS Settings .............................................................. 248
Configuring Caching Based on the Device Type .................................................................. 248
Configuring Caching Based on the Language of the Viewer .................................................. 249
Configuring Caching Based on the Location of the Viewer .................................................... 249
Configuring Caching Based on the Protocol of the Request .................................................. 249
Configuring Caching For Compressed Files ......................................................................... 249
How Caching Based on Headers Affects Performance .......................................................... 249
How the Case of Headers and Header Values Affects Caching ............................................... 250
Headers that CloudFront Returns to the Viewer .................................................................. 250
Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................. 251
Troubleshooting Distribution Issues ........................................................................................... 251
CloudFront Returns an InvalidViewerCertificate Error When I Try to Add an Alternate Domain
Name ............................................................................................................................ 251
I Can't View the Files in My Distribution ............................................................................ 252
Error Message: Certificate: <certificate-id> Is Being Used by CloudFront ................................. 253
Troubleshooting Error Responses from Your Origin ..................................................................... 254
HTTP 400 Status Code (Bad Request) ................................................................................ 254
HTTP 500 Status Code (Lambda Execution Error) ................................................................ 255
HTTP 502 Status Code (Bad Gateway) ............................................................................... 255
HTTP 502 Status Code (Lambda Validation Error) ............................................................... 258
HTTP 503 Status Code (Lambda Limit Exceeded) ................................................................ 258
HTTP 503 Status Code (Service Unavailable) ...................................................................... 258
HTTP 504 Status Code (Gateway Timeout) ......................................................................... 259
Load Testing CloudFront ......................................................................................................... 262
Request and Response Behavior ....................................................................................................... 263
Request and Response Behavior for Amazon S3 Origins ............................................................... 263
How CloudFront Processes HTTP and HTTPS Requests ........................................................ 263
How CloudFront Processes and Forwards Requests to Your Amazon S3 Origin Server ............... 263
How CloudFront Processes Responses from Your Amazon S3 Origin Server ............................. 268
Request and Response Behavior for Custom Origins .................................................................... 269
How CloudFront Processes and Forwards Requests to Your Custom Origin Server .................... 269
How CloudFront Processes Responses from Your Custom Origin Server .................................. 279
Request and Response Behavior for Origin Groups ...................................................................... 282
Adding Custom Headers to Origin Requests ............................................................................... 282
Use Cases for Origin Custom Headers ............................................................................... 283
Configuring CloudFront to Add Custom Headers to Origin Requests ...................................... 283
Custom Headers that CloudFront Can’t Add to Origin Requests ............................................ 284
Configure CloudFront to Forward Authorization Headers .................................................... 284
How Range GETs Are Processed ............................................................................................... 285
How CloudFront Processes HTTP 3xx Status Codes from Your Origin ............................................. 285
How CloudFront Processes and Caches HTTP 4xx and 5xx Status Codes from Your Origin .................. 286
How CloudFront Processes Errors When You Have Configured Custom Error Pages ................... 287
How CloudFront Processes Errors When You Have Not Configured Custom Error Pages ............. 288

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide

HTTP 4xx and 5xx Status Codes that CloudFront Caches ...................................................... 289
Generating Custom Error Responses ................................................................................................. 291
Creating a Custom Error Page for Specific HTTP Status Codes ...................................................... 291
Storing in Different Locations .................................................................................................. 293
Changing Response Codes ....................................................................................................... 293
Controlling How Long Errors are Cached ................................................................................... 294
How CloudFront Responds When a Custom Error Page Is Unavailable ............................................ 294
Pricing for Custom Error Pages ................................................................................................ 295
Configuring Error Response Behavior ........................................................................................ 295
Video on Demand and Live Streaming Video ..................................................................................... 297
About Streaming Video: Video on Demand and Live Streaming .................................................... 297
Delivering Video on Demand .................................................................................................... 298
Configuring Video on Demand for Microsoft Smooth Streaming ........................................... 298
Delivering Live Streaming Video ............................................................................................... 300
Serving Video Using AWS Elemental MediaStore as the Origin .............................................. 300
Serving Live Video Formatted with AWS Elemental MediaPackage ........................................ 301
Working with RTMP Distributions ............................................................................................. 305
RTMP Distributions ......................................................................................................... 305
How RTMP Distributions Work ......................................................................................... 306
Task List for Streaming Media Files Using RTMP ................................................................. 307
Creating an RTMP Distribution Using the CloudFront Console ............................................... 308
Values that You Specify When You Create or Update an RTMP Distribution ............................. 309
Values that CloudFront Displays in the Console When You Create or Update an RTMP
Distribution .................................................................................................................... 313
Configuring the Media Player ........................................................................................... 314
Using an Amazon S3 Bucket as the Origin for an RTMP Distribution ...................................... 315
Creating Multiple RTMP Distributions for an Origin Server ................................................... 316
Restricting Access Using Crossdomain.xml .......................................................................... 316
Error Codes for RTMP Distributions ................................................................................... 316
Troubleshooting RTMP Distributions ................................................................................. 316
Customizing with Lambda@Edge ...................................................................................................... 318
Get Started Creating and Using Lambda@Edge Functions ............................................................ 319
Tutorial: Creating a Simple Function ................................................................................. 320
Setting IAM Permissions and Roles ........................................................................................... 329
IAM Permissions Required to Associate Lambda Functions with CloudFront Distributions .......... 330
Function Execution Role for Service Principals ................................................................... 330
Service-Linked Roles for Lambda@Edge ............................................................................ 331
Writing and Creating Functions ................................................................................................ 335
Writing Functions for Lambda@Edge ................................................................................ 335
Creating a Lambda@Edge Function in the Lambda Console ................................................. 336
Editing a Lambda Function for Lambda@Edge ................................................................... 337
Creating Lambda Functions and CloudFront Triggers Programmatically .................................. 338
Adding Triggers ...................................................................................................................... 339
CloudFront Events That Can Trigger a Lambda Function ...................................................... 339
How to Decide Which CloudFront Event to Use to Trigger a Lambda Function ......................... 341
Adding Triggers by Using the Lambda Console ................................................................... 341
Adding Triggers by Using the CloudFront Console ............................................................... 342
Testing and Debugging ........................................................................................................... 343
Testing your Lambda@Edge Functions ............................................................................. 344
Identifying Lambda Function Errors in CloudFront .............................................................. 344
Troubleshooting Invalid Lambda Function Responses (Validation Errors) ................................. 349
Troubleshooting Lambda Function Execution Errors ............................................................ 350
Determining the Lambda@Edge Region ........................................................................... 350
Determining if Your Account Pushes Logs to CloudWatch ..................................................... 351
CloudWatch Metrics and CloudWatch Logs ................................................................................ 351
CloudWatch Metrics ........................................................................................................ 351
CloudWatch Logs ............................................................................................................ 351

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide

Deleting Functions and Replicas ............................................................................................... 352

Event Structure ...................................................................................................................... 353
Dynamic Origin Selection ................................................................................................ 353
Request Events ............................................................................................................... 353
Response Events ............................................................................................................. 358
Working with Requests and Responses ...................................................................................... 363
Using Lambda@Edge Functions with Origin Failover ........................................................... 364
Generating HTTP Responses in Request Triggers ................................................................. 364
Updating HTTP Responses in Origin-Response Triggers ....................................................... 366
Accessing the Request Body by Choosing the Include Body Option ........................................ 367
Example Functions .................................................................................................................. 367
General Examples ........................................................................................................... 368
Generating Responses - Examples ..................................................................................... 371
Working with Query Strings - Examples ............................................................................ 373
Personalize Content by Country or Device Type Headers - Examples ...................................... 377
Content-Based Dynamic Origin Selection - Examples ........................................................... 381
Updating Error Statuses - Examples .................................................................................. 388
Accessing the Request Body - Examples ............................................................................ 390
Requirements and Restrictions ................................................................................................. 393
CloudFront Distributions and Associations ......................................................................... 394
CloudFront Triggers for Lambda Functions ......................................................................... 394
CloudWatch Logs ............................................................................................................ 394
Headers ......................................................................................................................... 394
HTTP Status Codes ......................................................................................................... 396
Lambda Function Supported Runtimes and Configuration .................................................... 397
Quotas .......................................................................................................................... 397
Microsoft Smooth Streaming ........................................................................................... 399
Network Access .............................................................................................................. 399
Query String Parameters ................................................................................................. 399
Maximum Size for Body with the Include Body Option ........................................................ 399
Tagging ......................................................................................................................... 399
URI ............................................................................................................................... 400
URI and Query String Encoding ........................................................................................ 400
Reports, Metrics, and Logs ............................................................................................................... 401
AWS Billing and Usage Reports for CloudFront ........................................................................... 401
AWS Billing Report for CloudFront .................................................................................... 401
AWS Usage Report for CloudFront .................................................................................... 402
Interpreting Your AWS Bill and the AWS Usage Report for CloudFront ................................... 403
CloudFront Console Reports ..................................................................................................... 405
CloudFront Cache Statistics Reports .................................................................................. 407
CloudFront Popular Objects Report ................................................................................... 411
CloudFront Top Referrers Report ...................................................................................... 414
CloudFront Usage Reports ............................................................................................... 416
CloudFront Viewers Reports ............................................................................................. 421
Monitoring CloudFront with Amazon CloudWatch ....................................................................... 428
Viewing CloudFront and Lambda@Edge metrics ................................................................. 429
Setting alarms ................................................................................................................ 432
Downloading data .......................................................................................................... 433
Getting metrics using the API .......................................................................................... 435
CloudFront logging ................................................................................................................. 438
Logging requests ............................................................................................................ 438
Logging service activity ................................................................................................... 438
Using Standard Logs (Access Logs) ................................................................................... 439
Real-time logs ................................................................................................................ 457
Capturing API Requests with CloudTrail ............................................................................. 466
Tracking Configuration Changes with AWS Config ....................................................................... 472
Set up AWS Config with CloudFront .................................................................................. 472

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide

View CloudFront Configuration History ............................................................................. 472

Security ......................................................................................................................................... 474
Data Protection ...................................................................................................................... 474
Encryption in Transit ....................................................................................................... 475
Encryption at Rest .......................................................................................................... 475
Restrict Access to Content ............................................................................................... 475
Identity and Access Management .............................................................................................. 476
Authentication ............................................................................................................... 476
Access Control ................................................................................................................ 478
Overview of Managing Access .......................................................................................... 478
Using IAM Policies for CloudFront ..................................................................................... 483
CloudFront API Permissions Reference ............................................................................... 487
Logging and Monitoring .......................................................................................................... 493
Compliance Validation ............................................................................................................. 493
CloudFront Compliance Best Practices ............................................................................... 493
Resilience .............................................................................................................................. 495
CloudFront Origin Failover ............................................................................................... 495
Infrastructure Security ............................................................................................................. 495
Quotas .......................................................................................................................................... 496
General Quotas ...................................................................................................................... 496
General Quotas on Web Distributions ....................................................................................... 497
General Quotas on Policies ...................................................................................................... 497
Quotas on WebSocket Connections ........................................................................................... 498
Quotas on Whitelisted Cookies (Web Distributions Only) ............................................................. 498
Quotas on Whitelisted Query Strings (Web Distributions Only) ..................................................... 499
Quotas on Custom Headers (Web Distributions Only) .................................................................. 499
Quotas on SSL Certificates (Web Distributions Only) ................................................................... 499
Quotas on Invalidations ........................................................................................................... 500
Quotas on Field-Level Encryption ............................................................................................. 500
Quotas on Lambda@Edge ....................................................................................................... 500
Size Quotas on URI and Query String ............................................................................... 501
Size Quotas on Request Body with the Include Body Option ................................................. 501
Request Timeout .................................................................................................................... 502
Quotas on RTMP Distributions ................................................................................................. 502
Related Information ........................................................................................................................ 503
Additional Amazon CloudFront Documentation .......................................................................... 503
Getting Support ..................................................................................................................... 503
CloudFront Developer Tools and SDKs ....................................................................................... 503
Tips from the Amazon Web Services Blog .................................................................................. 504
Document history ........................................................................................................................... 505
AWS glossary ................................................................................................................................. 508

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
How you set up CloudFront to deliver content

What is Amazon CloudFront?

Amazon CloudFront is a web service that speeds up distribution of your static and dynamic web content,
such as .html, .css, .js, and image files, to your users. CloudFront delivers your content through a
worldwide network of data centers called edge locations. When a user requests content that you're
serving with CloudFront, the user is routed to the edge location that provides the lowest latency (time
delay), so that content is delivered with the best possible performance.

• If the content is already in the edge location with the lowest latency, CloudFront delivers it
• If the content is not in that edge location, CloudFront retrieves it from an origin that you've defined—
such as an Amazon S3 bucket, a MediaPackage channel, or an HTTP server (for example, a web server)
that you have identified as the source for the definitive version of your content.

As an example, suppose that you're serving an image from a traditional web server, not from CloudFront.
For example, you might serve an image, sunsetphoto.png, using the URL

Your users can easily navigate to this URL and see the image. But they probably don't know that their
request was routed from one network to another—through the complex collection of interconnected
networks that comprise the internet—until the image was found.

CloudFront speeds up the distribution of your content by routing each user request through the AWS
backbone network to the edge location that can best serve your content. Typically, this is a CloudFront
edge server that provides the fastest delivery to the viewer. Using the AWS network dramatically reduces
the number of networks that your users' requests must pass through, which improves performance.
Users get lower latency—the time it takes to load the first byte of the file—and higher data transfer

You also get increased reliability and availability because copies of your files (also known as objects) are
now held (or cached) in multiple edge locations around the world.

• How you set up CloudFront to deliver content (p. 1)
• CloudFront use cases (p. 3)
• How CloudFront delivers content (p. 5)
• Locations and IP address ranges of CloudFront edge servers (p. 7)
• Accessing CloudFront (p. 7)
• How to get started with Amazon CloudFront (p. 8)
• AWS Identity and Access Management (p. 8)
• CloudFront pricing (p. 8)

How you set up CloudFront to deliver content

You create a CloudFront distribution to tell CloudFront where you want content to be delivered from,
and the details about how to track and manage content delivery. Then CloudFront uses computers—
edge servers—that are close to your viewers to deliver that content quickly when someone wants to see
it or use it.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
How you set up CloudFront to deliver content

How you configure CloudFront to deliver your content

1. You specify origin servers, like an Amazon S3 bucket or your own HTTP server, from which
CloudFront gets your files which will then be distributed from CloudFront edge locations all over the

An origin server stores the original, definitive version of your objects. If you're serving content over
HTTP, your origin server is either an Amazon S3 bucket or an HTTP server, such as a web server. Your
HTTP server can run on an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance or on a server
that you manage; these servers are also known as custom origins.

If you use the Adobe Flash Media Server RTMP protocol to distribute media files on demand, your
origin server is always an Amazon S3 bucket.
2. You upload your files to your origin servers. Your files, also known as objects, typically include web
pages, images, and media files, but can be anything that can be served over HTTP or a supported
version of Adobe RTMP, the protocol used by Adobe Flash Media Server.

If you're using an Amazon S3 bucket as an origin server, you can make the objects in your bucket
publicly readable, so that anyone who knows the CloudFront URLs for your objects can access them.
You also have the option of keeping objects private and controlling who accesses them. See Serving
Private Content with Signed URLs and Signed Cookies (p. 145).

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Use cases

3. You create a CloudFront distribution, which tells CloudFront which origin servers to get your files
from when users request the files through your web site or application. At the same time, you
specify details such as whether you want CloudFront to log all requests and whether you want the
distribution to be enabled as soon as it's created.
4. CloudFront assigns a domain name to your new distribution that you can see in the CloudFront
console, or that is returned in the response to a programmatic request, for example, an API request.
If you like, you can add an alternate domain name to use instead.
5. CloudFront sends your distribution's configuration (but not your content) to all of its edge locations
or points of presence (POPs)— collections of servers in geographically-dispersed data centers where
CloudFront caches copies of your files.

As you develop your website or application, you use the domain name that CloudFront provides for your
URLs. For example, if CloudFront returns as the domain name for
your distribution, the URL for logo.jpg in your Amazon S3 bucket (or in the root directory on an HTTP
server) is

Or you can set up CloudFront to use your own domain name with your distribution. In that case, the URL
might be

Optionally, you can configure your origin server to add headers to the files, to indicate how long
you want the files to stay in the cache in CloudFront edge locations. By default, each file stays in an
edge location for 24 hours before it expires. The minimum expiration time is 0 seconds; there isn't a
maximum expiration time. For more information, see Managing How Long Content Stays in an Edge
Cache (Expiration) (p. 236).

CloudFront use cases

Using CloudFront can help you accomplish a variety of goals. This section lists just a few, together with
links to more information, to give you an idea of the possibilities.

• Accelerate static website content delivery (p. 3)
• Serve video on demand or live streaming video (p. 4)
• Encrypt specific fields throughout system processing (p. 4)
• Customize at the edge (p. 4)
• Serve private content by using Lambda@Edge customizations (p. 4)

Accelerate static website content delivery

CloudFront can speed up the delivery of your static content (for example, images, style sheets,
JavaScript, and so on) to viewers across the globe. By using CloudFront, you can take advantage of
the AWS backbone network and CloudFront edge servers to give your viewers a fast, safe, and reliable
experience when they visit your website.

A simple approach for storing and delivering static content is to use an Amazon S3 bucket. Using S3
together with CloudFront has a number of advantages, including the option to use Origin Access Identity
(OAI) to easily restrict access to your S3 content.

For more information about using S3 together with CloudFront, including a AWS CloudFormation
template to help you get started quickly, see Amazon S3 + Amazon CloudFront: A Match Made in the

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Serve video on demand or live streaming video

Serve video on demand or live streaming video

CloudFront offers several options for streaming your media to global viewers—both pre-recorded files
and live events.

• For video on demand (VOD) streaming, you can use CloudFront to stream in common formats such as
MPEG DASH, Apple HLS, Microsoft Smooth Streaming, and CMAF, to any device.
• For broadcasting a live stream, you can cache media fragments at the edge, so that multiple requests
for the manifest file that delivers the fragments in the right order can be combined, to reduce the load
on your origin server.

For more information about how to deliver streaming content with CloudFront, see Video on Demand
and Live Streaming Video with CloudFront (p. 297).

Encrypt specific fields throughout system processing

When you configure HTTPS with CloudFront, you already have secure end-to-end connections to
origin servers. When you add field-level encryption, you can protect specific data throughout system
processing in addition to HTTPS security, so that only certain applications at your origin can see the data.

To set up field-level encryption, you add a public key to CloudFront, and then specify the set of fields
that you want to be encrypted with the key. For more information, see Using Field-Level Encryption to
Help Protect Sensitive Data (p. 219).

Customize at the edge

Running serverless code at the edge opens up a number of possibilities for customizing the content
and experience for viewers, at reduced latency. For example, you can return a custom error message
when your origin server is down for maintenance, so viewers don't get a generic HTTP error message.
Or you can use a function to help authorize users and control access to your content, before CloudFront
forwards a request to your origin.

Using Lambda@Edge with CloudFront enables a variety of ways to customize the content that
CloudFront delivers. To learn more about Lambda@Edge and how to create and deploy functions
with CloudFront, see Customizing Content at the Edge with Lambda@Edge (p. 318). To see a
number of code samples that you can customize for your own solutions, see Lambda@Edge Example
Functions (p. 367).

Serve private content by using Lambda@Edge

Using Lambda@Edge can help you configure your CloudFront distribution to serve private content from
your own custom origin, as an option to using signed URLs or signed cookies.

You can use several techniques to restrict access to your origin exclusively to CloudFront, including using
whitelisting CloudFront IPs in your firewall and using a custom header to carry a shared secret.

For more information and step-by-step instructions, including sample code, see Serving Private Content
Using Amazon CloudFront & AWS Lambda@Edge.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
How CloudFront delivers content

How CloudFront delivers content

After some initial setup, CloudFront works together with your website or application and speeds up
delivery of your content. This section explains how CloudFront serves your content when viewers request

• How CloudFront delivers content to your users (p. 5)
• How CloudFront works with regional edge caches (p. 6)

How CloudFront delivers content to your users

After you configure CloudFront to deliver your content, here's what happens when users request your

1. A user accesses your website or application and requests one or more files, such as an image file and
an HTML file.
2. DNS routes the request to the CloudFront POP (edge location) that can best serve the request—
typically the nearest CloudFront POP in terms of latency—and routes the request to that edge
3. In the POP, CloudFront checks its cache for the requested files. If the files are in the cache, CloudFront
returns them to the user. If the files are not in the cache, it does the following:
a. CloudFront compares the request with the specifications in your distribution and forwards the
request for the files to your origin server for the corresponding file type—for example, to your
Amazon S3 bucket for image files and to your HTTP server for HTML files.
b. The origin servers send the files back to the edge location.
c. As soon as the first byte arrives from the origin, CloudFront begins to forward the files to the user.
CloudFront also adds the files to the cache in the edge location for the next time someone requests
those files.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
How CloudFront works with regional edge caches

How CloudFront works with regional edge caches

CloudFront points of presence (POPs) (edge locations) make sure that popular content can be served
quickly to your viewers. CloudFront also has regional edge caches that bring more of your content
closer to your viewers, even when the content is not popular enough to stay at a POP, to help improve
performance for that content.

Regional edge caches help with all types of content, particularly content that tends to become less
popular over time. Examples include user-generated content, such as video, photos, or artwork; e-
commerce assets such as product photos and videos; and news and event-related content that might
suddenly find new popularity.

How regional caches work

Regional edge caches are CloudFront locations that are deployed globally, close to your viewers. They're
located between your origin server and the POPs—global edge locations that serve content directly to
viewers. As objects become less popular, individual POPs might remove those objects to make room
for more popular content. Regional edge caches have a larger cache than an individual POP, so objects
remain in the cache longer at the nearest regional edge cache location. This helps keep more of your
content closer to your viewers, reducing the need for CloudFront to go back to your origin server, and
improving overall performance for viewers.

When a viewer makes a request on your website or through your application, DNS routes the request
to the POP that can best serve the user’s request. This location is typically the nearest CloudFront edge
location in terms of latency. In the POP, CloudFront checks its cache for the requested files. If the files
are in the cache, CloudFront returns them to the user. If the files are not in the cache, the POPs go to the
nearest regional edge cache to fetch the object.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Locations and IP address ranges of CloudFront edge servers

In the regional edge cache location, CloudFront again checks its cache for the requested files. If the files
are in the cache, CloudFront forwards the files to the POP that requested them. As soon as the first byte
arrives from regional edge cache location, CloudFront begins to forward the files to the user. CloudFront
also adds the files to the cache in the POP for the next time someone requests those files.

For files not cached at either the POP or the regional edge cache location, CloudFront compares the
request with the specifications in your distributions and forwards the request for your files to the
origin server. After your origin server sends the files back to the regional edge cache location, they
are forwarded to the POP, and CloudFront forwards the files to the user. In this case, CloudFront also
adds the files to the cache in the regional edge cache location in addition to the POP for the next
time a viewer requests those files. This makes sure that all of the POPs in a region share a local cache,
eliminating multiple requests to origin servers. CloudFront also keeps persistent connections with origin
servers so files are fetched from the origins as quickly as possible.

• Regional edge caches have feature parity with POPs. For example, a cache invalidation request
removes an object from both POP caches and regional edge caches before it expires. The next
time a viewer requests the object, CloudFront returns to the origin to fetch the latest version
of the object.
• Proxy methods PUT/POST/PATCH/OPTIONS/DELETE go directly to the origin from the POPs
and do not proxy through the regional edge caches.
• Dynamic requests, as determined at request time, do not flow through regional edge caches,
but go directly to the origin.

Locations and IP address ranges of CloudFront

edge servers
For a list of the locations of CloudFront edge servers, see the Amazon CloudFront Product Details page.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) publishes its current IP address ranges in JSON format. To view the current
ranges, download ip-ranges.json. For more information, see AWS IP Address Ranges in the Amazon Web
Services General Reference.

To find the IP address ranges that are associated with CloudFront edge servers, search ip-ranges.json for
the following string:

"service": "CLOUDFRONT"

Alternatively, you can view only the CloudFront IP ranges here.

Accessing CloudFront
You can access Amazon CloudFront in the following ways:

• AWS Management Console – The procedures throughout this guide explain how to use the AWS
Management Console to perform tasks.
• AWS SDKs – If you're using a programming language that AWS provides an SDK for, you can use
an SDK to access CloudFront. SDKs simplify authentication, integrate easily with your development
environment, and provide access to CloudFront commands. For more information, see Tools for
Amazon Web Services.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
How to get started with Amazon CloudFront

• CloudFront API – If you're using a programming language that an SDK isn't available for, see the
Amazon CloudFront API Reference for information about API actions and about how to make API
• AWS Command Line Interface – For more information, see Getting Set Up with the AWS Command
Line Interface in the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide.
• AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell – For more information, see Setting up the AWS Tools for
Windows PowerShell in the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell User Guide.

How to get started with Amazon CloudFront

For information about getting started with Amazon CloudFront, see the following topics in this guide:

• Setting up Amazon CloudFront (p. 11), which explains how to sign up for AWS, how to secure access
to your AWS account, and how to set up programmatic access to CloudFront.
• Getting started with Amazon CloudFront (p. 15), which describes how to create a distribution that
can serve content to viewers from your origin, like an Amazon S3 bucket or a website, and then test
that it works.

AWS Identity and Access Management

Amazon CloudFront integrates with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), a service that lets your
organization do the following:

• Create users and groups under your organization's AWS account

• Easily share your AWS account resources among the users in the account
• Assign unique security credentials to each user
• Granularly control user access to services and resources

For example, you can use IAM with CloudFront to control which users in your AWS account can create a
new distribution or update cache behavior settings.

For general information about IAM, see the following:

• Identity and Access Management in CloudFront (p. 476)

• Identity and Access Management (IAM)
• IAM User Guide

CloudFront pricing
Amazon CloudFront is designed so you don’t have to pay any up-front fees or commit to how much
content you’ll have. As with the other AWS services, you pay as you go and pay only for what you use. For
more information, see Amazon CloudFront Pricing.

AWS provides two usage reports for CloudFront: a billing report and a report that summarizes usage
activity. To learn more about these reports, see AWS Billing and Usage Reports for CloudFront (p. 401).

The following diagram and list summarize the charges to use CloudFront.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
CloudFront pricing

Your monthly bill from AWS allocates your usage and dollar amounts by AWS service and function. The
following explains the charges that are illustrated in the previous graphic. For more information, see
Amazon CloudFront Pricing.

1. Charge for storage in an Amazon S3 bucket. You pay normal Amazon S3 storage charges to store
objects in your bucket. The charges appear in the Amazon S3 portion of your AWS statement.
2. Charge for serving objects from edge locations. You incur CloudFront charges when CloudFront
responds to requests for your objects. The charges include data transfer for WebSocket data from
server to client. The CloudFront charges appear in the CloudFront portion of your AWS statement as
region -DataTransfer-Out-Bytes.
3. Charge for submitting data to your origin. You incur CloudFront charges when users transfer data
to your origin, which includes DELETE, OPTIONS, PATCH, POST, and PUT requests. The charges
include data transfer for WebSocket data from client to server. The CloudFront charges appear in the
CloudFront portion of your AWS statement as region -DataTransfer-Out-OBytes.

Be aware of the following:

• You also incur a surcharge for HTTPS requests, and an additional surcharge for requests that also have
field-level encryption enabled. For more information, see Amazon CloudFront Pricing.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Choosing the price class for a CloudFront distribution

• You do not incur any additional CloudFront charges when you use origin groups. You continue to pay
the same request fees and data transfer rates as you do when you use CloudFront with any other AWS
or non-AWS origin. For more information, see Using CloudFront Origin Groups (p. 69).

Choosing the price class for a CloudFront distribution

CloudFront has edge locations all over the world. Our cost for each edge location varies and, as a result,
the price that we charge you varies depending on the edge location from which CloudFront serves your

CloudFront edge locations are grouped into geographic regions, and we've grouped regions into price
classes. The default price class includes all regions. Another price class includes most regions (the United
States; Canada; Europe; Hong Kong, Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore; Japan; India;
South Africa; and Middle East regions) but excludes the most expensive regions. A third price class
includes only the least expensive regions (the United States, Canada, and Europe regions).

By default, CloudFront responds to requests for your objects based only on performance: objects are
served from the edge location for which latency is lowest for that viewer. If you're willing to accept
higher latency for your viewers in some geographic regions in return for lower cost, you can choose a
price class that doesn't include all CloudFront regions. Although CloudFront will serve your objects only
from the edge locations in that price class, it still serves content from the edge location that has the
lowest latency among the edge locations in your selected price class. However, some of your viewers,
especially those in geographic regions that are not in your price class, may see higher latency than if your
content were being served from all CloudFront edge locations. For example, if you choose the price class
that includes only the United States and Europe, viewers in Australia and in Asia may experience higher
latency than if you choose the price class that includes Australia and Asia.

If you choose a price class that does not include all edge locations, CloudFront may still occasionally
serve requests for your content from an edge location in a region that is not included in your price class.
When this happens, you are not charged the rate for the more expensive region from which your objects
were served. Instead, you're charged the rate for the least expensive region in your selected price class.

You can choose a price class when you create or update a CloudFront distribution. For more information,
see Working with distributions (p. 33).

If you're creating or updating a distribution by using the CloudFront API, one of the AWS SDKs, or AWS
CloudFormation, see DistributionConfig Complex Type (search for PriceClass).

For more information about CloudFront pricing and price classes, see Amazon CloudFront Pricing.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Sign up for AWS

Setting up Amazon CloudFront

The overview and procedures in this section help you get started with AWS.

• Sign up for AWS (p. 11)
• Access your account (p. 11)
• Create an IAM user (p. 12)
• Set up the AWS Command Line Interface or AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell (p. 14)
• Download an AWS SDK (p. 14)

Sign up for AWS

When you sign up for AWS, your AWS account is automatically signed up for all services in AWS,
including Amazon CloudFront. You are charged only for the services that you use.

If you have an AWS account already, skip to Access your account (p. 11). Otherwise, create one.

To create an AWS account

1. Open
2. Follow the online instructions.

Part of the sign-up procedure involves receiving a phone call and entering a verification code on the
phone keypad.

Note your AWS account number, because you'll need it later.

If you plan to use CloudFront to distribute content that you store in an S3 bucket, make sure
that you also complete the steps to sign up for S3. For more information, see Sign Up for
Amazon S3.

Access your account

You use AWS services by using any of the following options:

• AWS Management Console

• API for each service
• AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI)
• AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell

For each of those options, you need to access your AWS account by providing credentials that verify that
you have permissions to use the services.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Access the console

Access the console

To access the AWS Management Console for the first time, you provide an email address and a password.
This combination of your email address and password is called your root identity or root account
credentials. After you access your account for the first time, we strongly recommend that you don't use
your root account credentials again for everyday use. Instead, you should create new credentials by using
AWS Identity and Access Management. To do that, you create a user account for yourself known as an
IAM user, and then add the IAM user to an IAM group with administrative permissions or grant the IAM
user administrative permissions. You then can access AWS using a special URL and the credentials for the
IAM user. You also can add other IAM users later, and restrict their access to specified resources in the
Some ad-blocking plugins for web browsers interfere with Amazon CloudFront console
operations, which can cause the console to behave unpredictably. If you installed an ad-blocking
plugin for your browser, we recommend that you add the URL for the CloudFront console,, to the whitelist for the plugin.

Access the API, AWS CLI, AWS Tools for Windows

PowerShell, or the AWS SDKs
To use the API, the AWS CLI, AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell, or the AWS SDKs, you must create
access keys. These keys consist of an access key ID and secret access key, which are used to sign
programmatic requests that you make to AWS.

To create the keys, you sign in to the AWS Management Console. We strongly recommend that you sign
in with your IAM user credentials instead of your root credentials. For more information, see Managing
Access Keys for IAM Users in the IAM User Guide.

Create an IAM user

Use the following procedures to create a group for administrators, create an IAM user, and then add
the IAM user to the administrators group. If you signed up for AWS but have not created an IAM user
for yourself, you can create one using the IAM console. If you aren't familiar with using the console, see
Working with the AWS Management Console for an overview.

To create an administrator user for yourself and add the user to an administrators group

1. Sign in to the IAM console as the account owner by choosing Root user and entering your AWS
account email address. On the next page, enter your password.
We strongly recommend that you adhere to the best practice of using the Administrator
IAM user below and securely lock away the root user credentials. Sign in as the root user
only to perform a few account and service management tasks.
2. In the navigation pane, choose Users and then choose Add user.
3. For User name, enter Administrator.
4. Select the check box next to AWS Management Console access. Then select Custom password, and
then enter your new password in the text box.
5. (Optional) By default, AWS requires the new user to create a new password when first signing in. You
can clear the check box next to User must create a new password at next sign-in to allow the new
user to reset their password after they sign in.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Create an IAM user

6. Choose Next: Permissions.

7. Under Set permissions, choose Add user to group.
8. Choose Create group.
9. In the Create group dialog box, for Group name enter Administrators.
10. Choose Filter policies, and then select AWS managed -job function to filter the table contents.
11. In the policy list, select the check box for AdministratorAccess. Then choose Create group.
You must activate IAM user and role access to Billing before you can use the
AdministratorAccess permissions to access the AWS Billing and Cost Management
console. To do this, follow the instructions in step 1 of the tutorial about delegating access
to the billing console.
12. Back in the list of groups, select the check box for your new group. Choose Refresh if necessary to
see the group in the list.
13. Choose Next: Tags.
14. (Optional) Add metadata to the user by attaching tags as key-value pairs. For more information
about using tags in IAM, see Tagging IAM Entities in the IAM User Guide.
15. Choose Next: Review to see the list of group memberships to be added to the new user. When you
are ready to proceed, choose Create user.

You can use this same process to create more groups and users and to give your users access to your AWS
account resources. To learn about using policies that restrict user permissions to specific AWS resources,
see Access Management and Example Policies.

To sign in as your new IAM user

1. Sign out of the AWS console.

2. Sign in by using the following URL, where your_aws_account_id is your AWS account number
without the hyphens. For example, if your AWS account number is 1234-5678-9012, your AWS
account ID is 123456789012:

3. Enter the IAM user name (not your email address) and password that you just created. When you're
signed in, the navigation bar displays "your_user_name @ your_aws_account_id".

If you don't want the URL for your sign-in page to contain your AWS account ID, you can create an
account alias.

To create an account alias and conceal your account ID

1. On the IAM console, choose Dashboard in the navigation pane.

2. On the dashboard, choose Customize and enter an alias such as your company name.
3. Sign out of the AWS console.
4. Sign in by using the following URL:

To verify the sign-in link for IAM users for your account, open the IAM console and check under IAM
users sign-in link on the dashboard.

For more information about using IAM, see Identity and Access Management in CloudFront (p. 476).

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Set up the AWS Command Line Interface
or AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell

Set up the AWS Command Line Interface or AWS

Tools for Windows PowerShell
The AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) is a unified tool for managing AWS services. For information
about how to install and configure the AWS CLI, see Getting Set Up with the AWS Command Line
Interface in the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide.

If you have experience with Windows PowerShell, you might prefer to use AWS Tools for Windows
PowerShell. For more information, see Setting up the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell in the AWS
Tools for Windows PowerShell User Guide.

Download an AWS SDK

If you're using a programming language that AWS provides an SDK for, we recommend that you use
an SDK instead of the Amazon CloudFront API. The SDKs make authentication simpler, integrate easily
with your development environment, and provide easy access to CloudFront commands. For more
information, see Tools to Build on AWS.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Getting started with a simple distribution

Getting started with Amazon

Get started with the basic steps to deliver your content with CloudFront by creating a simple CloudFront
distribution or by using the AWS for WordPress plugin. If you already have a WordPress website, we
recommend using the AWS for WordPress plugin to create a CloudFront distribution. If you aren't using
WordPress, get started with a simple CloudFront distribution.

With both of the following options, you can get started for free using the AWS Free Tier. When your 12-
month free usage term expires or your use exceeds the tiers, you pay standard pay-as-you-go rates for
the services that you use.

• Getting started with a simple CloudFront distribution (p. 15)
• Getting started with the AWS for WordPress plugin (p. 19)
• Getting started with a secure static website (p. 28)

Getting started with a simple CloudFront

The procedures in this section show you how to use CloudFront to set up a basic configuration that does
the following:

• Stores the original versions of your objects in one Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket
• Distributes content such as text or graphics
• Makes your objects accessible to everyone
• Uses the CloudFront domain name in URLs for your objects (for example, http://
• Keeps your objects in CloudFront edge locations for the default duration of 24 hours (the minimum
duration is 0 seconds)

Most of these options are customizable. For example, you can store your content on your own web server
instead of using an S3 bucket, and you can restrict who has access to the content by using signed URLs
or cookies. For information about how to customize your CloudFront distribution options, see Steps for
Creating a Distribution (Overview) (p. 36).

You have to complete only a few basic steps to start delivering your content with CloudFront. The first
step is signing up. After that, you create a CloudFront distribution, and then use the CloudFront domain
name in URLs in your webpages or applications to reference the content.

• Prerequisites (p. 16)
• Step 1: Upload your content to Amazon S3 and grant object permissions (p. 16)
• Step 2: Create a CloudFront distribution (p. 17)
• Step 3: Test your links (p. 18)

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide

Before you begin, make sure that you've completed the steps in Setting up Amazon CloudFront (p. 11).

Step 1: Upload your content to Amazon S3 and grant

object permissions
An Amazon S3 bucket is a container that can contain files (objects) or folders. CloudFront can distribute
almost any type of file for you using an Amazon S3 bucket as the source. For example, CloudFront can
distribute text, images, and videos. You can create multiple buckets, and there is no maximum for the
amount of data that you can store on Amazon S3.

By default, your Amazon S3 bucket and all the files in it are private—only the AWS account that created
the bucket has read/write permission to the files. If you want to allow anyone to access the files in your
Amazon S3 bucket using CloudFront URLs, you must grant public read permissions to the objects. (This
is one of the most common mistakes when working with CloudFront and Amazon S3. You must explicitly
grant permissions to each object in an Amazon S3 bucket.)
If you want to restrict who can download your content, you can use the CloudFront private
content feature. For more information about distributing private content, see Serving Private
Content with Signed URLs and Signed Cookies (p. 145).

To upload your content to Amazon S3 and grant read permissions to everyone

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon S3 console at https://
2. On the Amazon S3 console, choose Create bucket.
3. In the Create bucket dialog box, on the Name and region page, do the following:

a. Enter a bucket name.

For your bucket to work with CloudFront, the name must conform to DNS naming
requirements. For more information, see Bucket Restrictions and Limitations in the
Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide.
b. For Region, choose an AWS Region for your bucket. By default, Amazon S3 creates buckets
in the US East (N. Virginia) Region. We recommend that you choose a Region close to you to
optimize latency and minimize costs, or you might choose another Region to address regulatory
4. Choose Next.
5. On the Configure options page, choose options for versioning, tagging, and other features.
6. Choose Next.
7. On the Set permissions page, clear the following check box:

• Block all public access

You must allow public read access to the bucket and files so that CloudFront URLs can serve content
from the bucket. However, you can restrict access to specific content by using the CloudFront private
content feature. For more information, see Serving Private Content with Signed URLs and Signed
Cookies (p. 145).

Select the check box for I acknowledge that the current settings may result in this bucket and the
objects within becoming public.
8. Choose Next, and then choose Create bucket.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Step 2: Create a CloudFront distribution

9. In the Buckets pane, choose your bucket, and then choose Upload.
10. On the Select files page, drag and drop your files to the bucket. Or choose Add files, and then
choose the files that you want to upload.
11. Choose Next.
12. On the Set permissions page, for Manage public permissions, choose Grant public read access to
this object(s).
13. Choose Next.
14. Set any properties that you want for the object, such as encryption or tagging, and then choose
15. Choose Upload.

After the upload is complete, you can navigate to the item by using its URL. For example:

https://<bucket name>.s3-<AWS Region><object name>

Use your Amazon S3 URL to verify that your content is publicly accessible, but remember that this is
not the URL you'll use when you're ready to distribute your content with CloudFront.

Step 2: Create a CloudFront distribution

To create a CloudFront distribution

1. Open the CloudFront console at

2. Choose Create Distribution.
3. On the Select a delivery method for your content page, in the Web section, choose Get Started.
4. On the Create Distribution page, for Origin Domain Name, choose the Amazon S3 bucket that you
created earlier.

For the other settings under Origin Settings, accept the default values.
5. For the settings under Default Cache Behavior Settings, accept the default values.

CloudFront will:

• Forward all requests that use the CloudFront URL for your distribution (for example, https:// to the Amazon S3 bucket that you specified
in step 4 of this procedure.
• Allow end users to use either HTTP or HTTPS to access your objects.
• Respond to requests for your objects.
• Attempt to cache your objects at CloudFront edge locations for 24 hours, by default.
• Forward only the default request headers to your origin and not cache your objects based on the
values in the headers.
• Exclude cookies and query string parameters, if any, when forwarding requests for objects to your
origin. (Amazon S3 doesn't process cookies, and processes only some query string parameters.)
• Allow everyone to view your content.

CloudFront will not:

• Be configured to distribute media files in the Microsoft Smooth Streaming format.

• Automatically compress your content.

For more information about cache behavior options, see Cache Behavior Settings (p. 46).

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Step 3: Test your links

6. Under Distribution Settings, choose the values for your distribution:

Price Class

Choose the price class that corresponds with the maximum price that you want to pay for
the CloudFront service. By default, CloudFront serves your objects from edge locations in all
CloudFront Regions.

For more information about price classes and how your choice of price class affects
CloudFront performance for your distribution, see Choosing the price class for a CloudFront
distribution (p. 10). For information about CloudFront pricing, including how price classes map
to CloudFront Regions, see Amazon CloudFront Pricing.

Accept the default value, None.

Alternate Domain Names (CNAMEs)

Accept the default value—that is, leave the field empty.

SSL Certificate

Accept the default value, Default CloudFront Certificate (*

Supported HTTP Versions

Accept the default value, HTTP/2, HTTP/1.1, HTTP/1.0.

Default Root Object (Optional)

The object that you want CloudFront to request from your origin (for example,
index.html) when a viewer requests the root URL of your distribution (https:// instead of an object in your distribution (https:// Specifying a default
root object avoids exposing the contents of your distribution.
Logging (Optional)

Accept the default value, Off.

Enable IPv6

Accept the default value.

Comment (Optional)

Enter any comments that you want to save with the distribution.
Distribution State

Choose Enabled.
7. Choose Create Distribution.
8. After CloudFront creates your distribution, the value of the Status column for your distribution
changes from In Progress to Deployed. This typically takes a few minutes.

The domain name that CloudFront assigns to your distribution appears in the list of distributions. (It
also appears on the General tab for a selected distribution.)

Step 3: Test your links

After you've created your distribution, CloudFront knows where your Amazon S3 origin server is, and you
know the domain name associated with the distribution. You can create a link to your Amazon S3 bucket
content with that domain name and have CloudFront serve it.
Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Getting started with AWS for WordPress

You must wait until the status of your distribution changes to Deployed before testing your

To link to your objects

1. Copy the following HTML into a new file:

• Replace <domain name> with the domain name that CloudFront assigned to your distribution.
• Replace <object name> with the name of a file in your Amazon S3 bucket.

<head>My CloudFront Test</head>
<p>My text content goes here.</p>
<p><img src="https://<domain name>/<object name>" alt="my test image"/></p>

For example, if your domain name was and your object was
image.jpg, the URL for the link would be this:

If your object is in a folder within your bucket, include the folder in the URL. For example, if
image.jpg is located in an images folder, the URL would be this:
2. Save the text in a file that has a .html file name extension.
3. Open your webpage in a browser to ensure that you can see your content. If you can't see
the content, confirm that you performed all the steps correctly. You can also see the tips in
Troubleshooting (p. 251).

The browser returns your page with the embedded image file, served from the edge location that
CloudFront determined was appropriate to serve the object.

For more information about using CloudFront, see Amazon CloudFront Related Information (p. 503).

Getting started with the AWS for WordPress plugin

With the AWS for WordPress plugin, you can set up several AWS services, including Amazon CloudFront.
With CloudFront, you can provide visitors to your WordPress website an accelerated viewing experience
with content cached in edge locations around the world. When visitors come to your website, CloudFront
routes them to the edge location that provides the lowest latency for a faster, more reliable experience.

The AWS for WordPress plugin creates a CloudFront distribution that is optimized for WordPress
websites, using multiple cache behaviors to handle the different types of content on your website. The
CloudFront features of the plugin work with websites hosted on and with self-hosted
WordPress websites on Amazon Lightsail, Amazon EC2, or another web hosting platform.

You can also use the plugin to set up other AWS services like Amazon Polly and Amazon Translate, and
then configure CloudFront to accelerate the content generated by those services. For more information
about using the plugin to set up Amazon Polly, see WordPress Plugin for Amazon Polly in the Amazon

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide

Polly Developer Guide. For more information about using CloudFront to accelerate the content generated
by Amazon Polly, see (Optional) Create a CloudFront distribution for Amazon Polly content (p. 26).

• Prerequisites (p. 20)
• Step 1: Install the plugin (p. 22)
• Step 2: Configure and use CloudFront with the plugin (p. 22)
• (Optional) Deactivate site acceleration (p. 24)
• (Optional) Remove site acceleration and delete the CloudFront distribution (p. 25)
• (Optional) Deactivate and remove the plugin (p. 25)
• (Optional) Create a CloudFront distribution for Amazon Polly content (p. 26)
• Troubleshooting (p. 26)

To use the AWS for WordPress plugin, you need an AWS account, an AWS Identity and Access
Management (IAM) user, and a WordPress website.

• Creating an AWS account (p. 20)
• Creating an IAM user (p. 20)
• Creating a WordPress website (p. 21)

Creating an AWS account

If you have an AWS account already, you can skip this section. Otherwise, create one.

To create an AWS account

1. Open
2. Follow the online instructions.

Part of the sign-up procedure involves receiving a phone call and entering a verification code on the
phone keypad.

Creating an IAM user

To use the AWS for WordPress plugin, you must create an IAM user for the plugin. An IAM user is a person
or application under an AWS account that has permission to make API calls to AWS services.
If you don't use and instead have a self-hosted WordPress website on Amazon
EC2, you can use an IAM role instead of an IAM user. For more information, see IAM Roles for
Amazon EC2 in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.

The following procedure includes the steps to attach an IAM policy to the IAM user. An IAM policy is a
document that defines the permissions that apply to the user.

To create an IAM user

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the IAM console at https://

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide

2. In the navigation pane, choose Users. Then choose Add user.

3. On the Set user details page, do the following:

a. For User name, enter AWSForWordPressPlugin.

b. For Access type, choose Programmatic access.
c. Choose Next: Permissions.
4. On the Set permissions page, do the following:

a. Choose Attach existing policies directly.

b. In the search box, enter WordPress, and then select the check box next to
The AWSForWordPressPluginPolicy is an AWS managed policy that gives the user
permission to use all the features included in the AWS for WordPress plugin. When new
features are added to the plugin, AWS will update this policy to include the permissions
necessary to use the new features.
c. Choose Next: Tags.
5. Choose Next: Review.
6. Choose Create user.
7. Choose Download .csv to save the user's credentials (access key ID and secret access key) to your
computer. You need them to configure the AWS for WordPress plugin.
This is the only time that you can save the user's secret access key, so make sure to save it

Protect the IAM user’s credentials

The IAM user that you created in the preceding section can do the following in your AWS account:

• Create, modify, tag, list, and delete CloudFront distributions with the tag "createdBy" :
"AWSForWordPressPlugin", and create and list invalidations in those distributions.
• Request, tag, list, and delete AWS Certificate Manager certificates in the US East (N. Virginia) Region.
• Create AWS CloudFormation stacks in the US East (N. Virginia) Region, and modify, list, and delete
stacks with the tag "createdBy" : "AWSForWordPressPlugin".
• Use Amazon Polly to convert text into speech, and list the Amazon Polly voices that are available.
• Use Amazon Translate to translate text from one language to another.
• Determine whether a particular Amazon S3 bucket exists.
• Create Amazon S3 buckets whose names begins with audio_for_wordpress or audio-for-
wordpress, and create, delete, and list objects in those buckets.

To prevent unauthorized users from gaining these permissions, protect the IAM user's
credentials. Treat the secret access key like a password; store it in a safe place, and don't share
it with anyone. Like a password, rotate the access key periodically. If the secret access key is
accidentally leaked, delete it immediately. Then you can create a new access key to use with the
AWS for WordPress plugin.

Creating a WordPress website

If you have a WordPress website already, you can skip ahead to Step 1: Install the plugin (p. 22).

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Step 1: Install the plugin

If you don't have a WordPress website, you can create one using To use the AWS for
WordPress plugin, you need a Business or eCommerce plan.

You can also install the WordPress software on your own web server, using Amazon Lightsail, Amazon
EC2, or another web hosting platform. Hosting your own WordPress website involves more steps than
using, and requires the ability to configure and manage a web server, a load balancer,
DNS records, and web server certificates.

Regardless of how you set up your WordPress website, you need the following before you can use the
AWS for WordPress plugin:

• Your website must have its own domain name. A domain name, also known as a web address or a URL
(uniform resource locator), is the address that visitors use to go to your website. For example, Amazon's
domain name is In this topic, we use as a generic example domain name,
but you need a custom domain name for your website.
• Your website must work using HTTPS. This is a security best practice, and the plugin assumes that your
website works using HTTPS. To check, go to your website's address using HTTPS (for example, https:// and make sure that your website displays correctly.

For a step-by-step tutorial that explains how to create a WordPress website on AWS using Amazon
Lightsail, see Accelerating WordPress with CloudFront using the AWS for WordPress Plugin on the AWS
Networking and Content Delivery blog.

When your website has a domain name and works using HTTPS, proceed to the following section.

Step 1: Install the plugin

Before you install the plugin, make sure to complete the prerequisites (p. 20).

To install the plugin

1. Log in to the admin dashboard for your WordPress website, also known as WP Admin.
2. Choose Plugins.
3. • If you already have the Amazon AI (the plugin's previous name) or AWS for WordPress plugin:
1. Select the check box next to Amazon AI or AWS for WordPress.
2. In the Bulk Action menu, choose Update, and then choose Apply.
• If you don't have the Amazon AI or AWS for WordPress plugin:
1. Choose Add New.
2. In the search box, enter AWS for WordPress.
3. Find the AWS for WordPress plugin. Choose Install Now, and then choose Activate.

After you activate the plugin, proceed to the following section to configure and use it.

Step 2: Configure and use CloudFront with the plugin

When you use CloudFront with the AWS for WordPress plugin for site acceleration, the plugin uses a
subdomain, also known as an alternate domain name or CNAME, to send your website's traffic through
CloudFront. This can reduce latency and improve the viewing experience by loading resources faster.

Without the plugin's site acceleration, all the traffic of your website's viewers goes to the server that
hosts your WordPress website. After completing the steps in the following procedure, you can enable the
plugin's site acceleration, which gives viewers two options for visiting your website:

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Step 2: Configure and use CloudFront with the plugin

• When viewers use your website's domain name, such as, all the traffic goes through
CloudFront, except for the website's index page and a few small image files.
• When viewers use your website's alternate domain name, such as, all the traffic goes
through CloudFront.

Using either domain, your website's viewers get lower latency and a faster, more reliable viewing
experience. We recommend telling viewers to use your website's alternate domain name. The following
diagrams show your viewers' traffic with and without the plugin's site acceleration.

Without the plugin's site acceleration

With the plugin's site acceleration

To configure and use CloudFront with the plugin (enable site acceleration)

1. Log in to the admin dashboard for your WordPress website, also known as WP Admin.
2. In the left navigation, choose AWS.
3. Paste or enter the access key ID and secret access key that you saved previously (p. 20), and then
choose Save Changes.
If you host WordPress on Amazon EC2, you can skip this step and use an IAM role instead
of an IAM user. In that case, keep these two fields blank. For more information about IAM
roles, see IAM Roles for Amazon EC2 in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.
Regardless of what you choose for AWS Region, the plugin's CloudFront feature creates all
resources in the US East (N. Virginia) Region.
4. In the navigation pane, choose CloudFront.
5. On the CloudFront Setup page, do the following:

a. If necessary, for Origin Domain Name, enter your website's domain name, for example,

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
(Optional) Deactivate site acceleration

b. For CloudFront Alternate Domain Name, enter a subdomain that viewers will use for your
website's accelerated experience. We recommend using www in front of your website's domain
name, for example,
c. Choose Initiate Setup.
6. CloudFront uses AWS Certificate Manager to create a certificate for your alternate domain name,
and you must validate the certificate within 72 hours of the request. Do this by adding the DNS
record that the plugin shows on the setup page. The process for adding this validation record varies
depending on your DNS service provider. If you use hosting services, see their
documentation for information about how to update DNS records with a custom entry. If you use
Amazon Route 53 for DNS, see Creating Records by Using the Amazon Route 53 Console in the
Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide.

After you add the DNS record, return to the setup page and choose Check status of SSL certificate.

When you complete this step, CloudFront sets up a distribution that is optimized for WordPress. This
process can take some time to deploy globally. The setup page automatically refreshes every ten
seconds to keep you updated while the deployment is in progress.
7. After the deployment is complete, create a DNS record to point your alternative domain name
(for example, to your new CloudFront distribution. Do this by adding the DNS
record that the plugin shows on the setup page. The process for adding this validation record varies
depending on your DNS service provider. If you use hosting services, see their
documentation for information about how to update DNS records with a custom entry. If you use
Amazon Route 53 for DNS, see Creating Records by Using the Amazon Route 53 Console in the
Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide.

After you add the DNS record, return to the setup page and choose Check status of CloudFront DNS
8. Choose Activate Site Acceleration, and then choose Save Changes.

When you activate site acceleration, the AWS for WordPress plugin configures your website to serve
the website's resources—for example, CSS and JavaScript files, and images—from your CloudFront
distribution. You can verify that the plugin accelerates your website for viewers by viewing your
website from a private browsing window, or by using a different browser outside of WordPress's admin
mode. Make sure that you navigate to your website using the alternate domain name, for example,

(Optional) Deactivate site acceleration

You can deactivate site acceleration to serve all of your website's resources from your web server host,
bypassing the CloudFront distribution. This leaves your distribution intact and available for use when you
choose to reactivate the plugin's site acceleration.
Before you deactivate site acceleration, edit the DNS record for your alternative domain name
(such as so that it points to your website's domain (such as If
you don't do this first, you might experience downtime or problems with your website. After you
edit the DNS record, wait longer than the record's time to live (TTL) value before deactivating
site acceleration.
If you use hosting services, see their documentation for information about how
to edit DNS records. If you use Amazon Route 53 for DNS, see Editing Records in the Amazon
Route 53 Developer Guide.

To deactivate site acceleration

1. Log in to your WordPress website, and then choose WP Admin.

2. In the navigation pane, choose AWS.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
(Optional) Remove site acceleration
and delete the CloudFront distribution

3. In the navigation pane, choose CloudFront.

4. Clear the Activate Site Acceleration check box, and then choose Save Changes.

Deactivating site acceleration is reversible. To reactivate it, select the Activate Site Acceleration check
box, and then choose Save Changes.

(Optional) Remove site acceleration and delete the

CloudFront distribution
You can use the AWS for WordPress plugin to delete your CloudFront distribution. This is not
reversible. To use the AWS for WordPress plugin for site acceleration again, you must reconfigure the
plugin (p. 22), which creates a new CloudFront distribution.
Before you delete your CloudFront distribution, edit the DNS record for your alternative
domain name (such as so that it points to your website's domain (such as If you don't do this first, you might experience downtime or problems with your
website. After you edit the DNS record, wait longer than the record's time to live (TTL) value
before deleting your CloudFront distribution.
If you use hosting services, see their documentation for information about how
to edit DNS records. If you use Amazon Route 53 for DNS, see Editing Records in the Amazon
Route 53 Developer Guide.

To remove site acceleration and delete your CloudFront distribution

1. Log in to your WordPress website, and then choose WP Admin.

2. In the navigation pane, choose AWS.
3. In the navigation pane, choose CloudFront.
4. Choose Remove Site Acceleration, and then choose OK.

When you complete these steps, the AWS for WordPress plugin deletes your CloudFront distribution. This
can take several minutes to complete. After the process is complete, you can optionally open the AWS
Management Console to verify that the CloudFront, AWS Certificate Manager, and AWS CloudFormation
resources created by the plugin are deleted.

(Optional) Deactivate and remove the plugin

You can deactivate the AWS for WordPress plugin to stop using all of its features for CloudFront and
other AWS services. You can also delete the plugin to remove it from your WordPress website completely.
Before you deactivate and delete the plugin, edit the DNS record for your alternative
domain name (such as so that it points to your website's domain (such as If you don't do this first, you might experience downtime or problems with your
website. After you edit the DNS record, wait longer than the record's time to live (TTL) value
before deactivating and deleting the plugin.
If you use hosting services, see their documentation for information about how
to edit DNS records. If you use Amazon Route 53 for DNS, see Editing Records in the Amazon
Route 53 Developer Guide.
If you deactivate and delete the plugin without first removing site acceleration, the plugin does
not delete the CloudFront, AWS Certificate Manager, and AWS CloudFormation resources that
it created. These resources remain in your AWS account, and you are charged for any usage that

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
(Optional) Create a CloudFront
distribution for Amazon Polly content

exceeds the AWS Free Tier. To delete these resources before deleting the plugin, see (Optional)
Remove site acceleration and delete the CloudFront distribution (p. 25).

To deactivate the AWS for WordPress plugin

1. Log in to your WordPress website, and then choose WP Admin.

2. Choose Plugins.
3. Locate the AWS for WordPress plugin, and then choose Deactivate.

Deactivating the plugin is reversible. To reactivate it, choose Activate.

4. To completely remove the AWS for WordPress plugin, choose Delete.

(Optional) Create a CloudFront distribution for

Amazon Polly content
If you use the AWS for WordPress plugin with Amazon Polly, you can create a CloudFront distribution to
accelerate the audio content generated by Amazon Polly. For more information about using the plugin
with Amazon Polly, see WordPress Plugin for Amazon Polly in the Amazon Polly Developer Guide.

To create a CloudFront distribution for Amazon Polly audio

1. Log in to the admin dashboard for your WordPress website, also known as WP Admin.
2. In the left navigation, choose AWS.
3. In the Cloud Storage section, make note of your S3 bucket name. It will begin with audio-for-
wordpress or audio_for_wordpress. You need this bucket name to complete the following steps.
4. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CloudFront console at https://
5. Choose Create Distribution.
6. Choose Get Started for a Web distribution.
7. For Origin Domain Name, choose the Amazon S3 bucket whose name you noted in a previous step.
8. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and then choose Create Distribution.
9. Choose the distribution that you created in the previous step, and then make note of the
distribution's Domain Name. You need this domain name to complete the following steps.
10. Log in to the admin dashboard for your WordPress website, also known as WP Admin.
11. In the left navigation, choose AWS.
12. For Amazon CloudFront (CDN) domain name, enter the domain name that you noted in a previous
13. Choose Save Changes.

If you encounter problems with the AWS for WordPress plugin, the following topics can help you solve
them. To report bugs or to get help with other problems that are not covered by these topics, open an
issue on GitHub.

• Can't connect to AWS (p. 27)
• User is not authorized (p. 27)

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide

• CloudFront settings page is blank (p. 27)

• DescribeCertificate error (p. 27)
• AWS CloudFormation error (p. 27)
• CloudFront distribution deployment seems stuck (p. 28)
• Alternate domain is not working (p. 28)
• Can’t find AWS resources (p. 28)

Can't connect to AWS

The plugin might display the following error: Can't connect to AWS. Check your credentials and make
sure your AWS account is active. If you see this error, try the following:

• Make sure that you entered your AWS access key and AWS secret key in the plugin's General
configuration page. For more information, see Step 2: Configure and use CloudFront with the
plugin (p. 22).
• Make sure that the IAM user that you created for the plugin has the correct permissions. For more
information, see Creating an IAM user (p. 20).

User is not authorized

The plugin might display the following error messages:

• Error in Setup
• AccessDenied
• User: <user ARN> is not authorized to perform <action>

If you see one of these errors, make sure that the IAM user that you created for the plugin has the correct
permissions. For more information, see Creating an IAM user (p. 20).

CloudFront settings page is blank

When you navigate to the plugin's CloudFront settings page, the page might be blank. This means that
you haven't entered your AWS access key and AWS secret key in the plugin's General configuration page.
For more information, see Step 2: Configure and use CloudFront with the plugin (p. 22).

DescribeCertificate error
The plugin might display the following error messages:

• Error in Setup
• Found 1 error while validating the input provided for the DescribeCertificate operation:
[CertificateArn] expected string length to be >= 20, but found string length of 0

If you see one of these errors, choose Restart Setup, and then make sure that you enter a domain
name, not an IP address, for Origin Domain Name and CloudFront Alternate Domain Name. For more
information, see Step 2: Configure and use CloudFront with the plugin (p. 22).

AWS CloudFormation error

The plugin might display the following error messages:

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Getting started with a secure static website

• Caught exception in method AmazonAI_Cloudformation

• Stack is in an unexpected state. CloudFront Distribution state is: <distribution state> and Stack
state is: stack state

If you see one of these errors, choose Restart Setup to try again. If you're comfortable diagnosing errors
using the AWS CloudFormation console, you can open the console to see what went wrong.

CloudFront distribution deployment seems stuck

When setting up site acceleration, the plugin might show the CloudFront Distribution Deployment step
for a long time, and it might seem like the plugin is stuck at this step. This step can take several minutes
to complete. The plugin refreshes every ten seconds during this step, and displays a message like this:
Last updated at <date and time of last update>. Look for this message to see when the plugin
last refreshed the page. If it was within the last minute, we recommend that you continue to wait for this
step to complete. If the plugin has not refreshed in a while, you can try reloading the page.

Alternate domain is not working

If you finished setting up CloudFront with the plugin but your alternate domain name (for example, isn't working, make sure that you added a CNAME record to your DNS records. If you
use hosting services, see their documentation for information about how to update DNS
records with a custom entry. If you use Amazon Route 53 for DNS, see Creating Records by Using the
Amazon Route 53 Console in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide.

If you used the plugin to delete your CloudFront distribution and your alternate domain name (for
example, isn't working, make sure that you updated your DNS records to repoint
the alternate domain name to your website's apex domain (for example, and that you've
waited longer than the DNS record's time to live (TTL) value. If you use hosting services,
see their documentation for information about how to update DNS records with a custom entry. If you
use Amazon Route 53 for DNS, see Creating Records by Using the Amazon Route 53 Console in the
Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide.

Can’t find AWS resources

The CloudFront feature of the plugin creates resources in several AWS services, including CloudFront,
AWS Certificate Manager, and AWS CloudFormation. If you're looking for these resources in the AWS
Management Console or listing them using an API, make sure that you use the US East (N. Virginia)
Region (us-east-1).

Getting started with a secure static website

You can get started with Amazon CloudFront by using the solution described in this topic to create
a secure static website for your domain name. A static website uses only static files—like HTML, CSS,
JavaScript, images, and videos—and doesn’t need servers or server-side processing. With this solution,
your website gets the following benefits:

• Uses the durable storage of Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) – This solution creates an
Amazon S3 bucket to host your static website’s content. To update your website, just upload your new
files to the S3 bucket.
• Is sped up by the Amazon CloudFront content delivery network – This solution creates a CloudFront
distribution to serve your website to viewers with low latency. The distribution is configured with an
origin access identity (p. 209) to make sure that the website is accessible only through CloudFront,
not directly from S3.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Solution overview

• Is secured by HTTPS and additional security headers – This solution creates an SSL/TLS certificate in
AWS Certificate Manager (ACM), and attaches it to the CloudFront distribution. This certificate enables
the distribution to serve your domain’s website securely with HTTPS.

This solution also uses Lambda@Edge (p. 318) to add security headers to every server response.
Security headers are a group of headers in the web server response that tell web browsers to take
extra security precautions. For more information, refer to this blog post: Adding HTTP Security
Headers Using Lambda@Edge and Amazon CloudFront.
• Is configured and deployed with AWS CloudFormation – This solution uses an AWS CloudFormation
template to set up all the components, so you can focus more on your website’s content and less on
configuring components.

This solution is open source on GitHub. To view the code, submit a pull request, or open an issue, go to

• Solution overview (p. 29)
• Deploying the solution (p. 30)

Solution overview
The following diagram shows an overview of how this static website solution works:

1. The viewer requests the website at

2. If the requested object is cached, CloudFront returns the object from its cache to the viewer.
3. If the object is not in CloudFront’s cache, CloudFront requests the object from the origin (an S3
4. S3 returns the object to CloudFront, which triggers the Lambda@Edge origin response
event (p. 339).
5. The object, including the security headers added by the Lambda@Edge function, is added to
CloudFront’s cache.
6. (Not shown) The objects is returned to the viewer. Subsequent requests for the object that come to
the same CloudFront edge location are served from the CloudFront cache.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Deploying the solution

Deploying the solution

To deploy this secure static website solution, you can choose from either of the following options:

• Use the AWS CloudFormation console to deploy the solution with default content, then upload your
website content to Amazon S3.
• Clone the solution to your computer to add your website content. Then, deploy the solution with the
AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI).

• Prerequisites (p. 30)
• Using the AWS CloudFormation console (p. 30)
• Cloning the solution locally (p. 31)
• Finding access logs (p. 32)

To use this solution, you must have the following prerequisites:

• A registered domain name, such as, that’s pointed to an Amazon Route 53 hosted zone.
The hosted zone must be in the same AWS account where you deploy this solution. If you don’t have
a registered domain name, you can register one with Route 53. If you have a registered domain name
but it’s not pointed to a Route 53 hosted zone, configure Route 53 as your DNS service.
• AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions to launch CloudFormation templates that
create IAM roles, and permissions to create all the AWS resources in the solution.

You are responsible for the costs incurred while using this solution. For more information about costs,
see the pricing pages for each AWS service.

Using the AWS CloudFormation console

To deploy using the CloudFormation console

1. Choose Launch on AWS to open this solution in the AWS CloudFormation console. If necessary, sign
in to your AWS account.

2. The Create stack wizard opens in the AWS CloudFormation console, with prepopulated fields that
specify this solution’s CloudFormation template.

At the bottom of the page, choose Next.

3. On the Specify stack details page, enter values for the following fields:

• SubDomain – Enter the subdomain to use for your website. For example, if the subdomain is www,
your website is available at (Replace with your domain name, as
explained in the following bullet.)
• DomainName – Enter your domain name, such as This domain must be pointed to
a Route 53 hosted zone.

When finished, choose Next.

4. (Optional) On the Configure stack options page, add tags and other stack options.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Deploying the solution

When finished, choose Next.

5. On the Review page, scroll to the bottom of the page, then select the two boxes in the Capabilities
section. These capabilities allow AWS CloudFormation to create an IAM role that allows access to the
stack’s resources, and to name the resources dynamically.
6. Choose Create stack.
7. Wait for the stack to finish creating. The stack creates some nested stacks, and can take several
minutes to finish. When it’s finished, the Status changes to CREATE_COMPLETE.

When the status is CREATE_COMPLETE, go to to view your website

(replace with the subdomain and domain name that you specified in step 3). You
should see the website’s default content:

To replace the website’s default content with your own

1. Open the Amazon S3 console at

2. Choose the bucket whose name begins with amazon-cloudfront-secure-static-site-s3bucketroot-.
Make sure to choose the bucket with s3bucketroot in its name, not s3bucketlogs.
The bucket with s3bucketroot in its name contains the website content. The one with
s3bucketlogs contains only log files.
3. Delete the website’s default content, then upload your own.
If you viewed your website with this solution’s default content, then it’s likely that some
of the default content is cached in a CloudFront edge location. To make sure that viewers
see your updated website content, invalidate the files to remove the cached copies from
CloudFront edge locations. For more information, see Invalidating Files (p. 110).

Cloning the solution locally


To add your website content before deploying this solution, you must package the solution’s artifacts
locally, which requires Node.js and npm. For more information, see

To add your website content and deploy the solution

1. Clone or download the solution from

static-site. After you clone or download it, open a command prompt or terminal and navigate to the
amazon-cloudfront-secure-static-site folder.
2. Run the following command to install and package the solution’s artifacts:

make package-function

3. Copy your website’s content into the www folder, overwriting the default website content.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Deploying the solution

4. Run the following AWS CLI command to create an Amazon S3 bucket to store the solution’s
artifacts. Replace example-bucket-for-artifacts with your own bucket name.

aws s3 mb s3://example-bucket-for-artifacts --region us-east-1

5. Run the following AWS CLI command to package the solution’s artifacts as an AWS CloudFormation
template. Replace example-bucket-for-artifacts with the name of the bucket that you
created in the previous step.

aws cloudformation package \

--region us-east-1
--template-file templates/main.yaml \
--s3-bucket example-bucket-for-artifacts \
--output-template-file packaged.template

6. Run the following command to deploy the solution with AWS CloudFormation, replacing the
following values:

• your-CloudFormation-stack-name – Replace with a name for the AWS CloudFormation stack.

• – Replace with your domain name. This domain must be pointed to a Route 53
hosted zone in the same AWS account.
• www – Replace with the subdomain to use for your website. For example, if the subdomain is www,
your website is available at

aws cloudformation deploy \

--region us-east-1
--stack-name your-CloudFormation-stack-name \
--template-file packaged.template \
--parameter-overrides SubDomain=www

7. Wait for the AWS CloudFormation stack to finish creating. The stack creates some nested stacks, and
can take several minutes to finish. When it’s finished, the Status changes to CREATE_COMPLETE.

When the status changes to CREATE_COMPLETE, go to to view your

website (replace with the subdomain and domain name that you specified in the
previous step). You should see your website’s content.

Finding access logs

This solution enables access logs (p. 439) for the CloudFront distribution. Complete the following steps
to locate the distribution’s access logs.

To locate the distribution’s access logs

1. Open the Amazon S3 console at

2. Choose the bucket whose name begins with amazon-cloudfront-secure-static-site-s3bucketlogs-.
Make sure to choose the bucket with s3bucketlogs in its name, not s3bucketroot. The
bucket with s3bucketlogs in its name contains log files. The one with s3bucketroot
contains the website content.
3. The folder named cdn contains the CloudFront access logs.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Overview of distributions

Working with distributions

You create a CloudFront distribution to tell CloudFront where you want content to be delivered from,
and the details about how to track and manage content delivery. The following topics explain some
basics about CloudFront distributions and provide detailed information about the settings you can
choose to configure your distributions to meet your business needs.

• Overview of distributions (p. 33)
• Creating, Updating, and Deleting Distributions (p. 36)
• Using Amazon S3 Origins, MediaPackage Channels, and Custom Origins for Web
Distributions (p. 66)
• Using Custom URLs for Files by Adding Alternate Domain Names (CNAMEs) (p. 71)
• Using WebSocket with CloudFront Distributions (p. 81)

Overview of distributions
When you want to use CloudFront to distribute your content, you create a distribution and choose the
configuration settings you want. For example:

• Your content origin—that is, the Amazon S3 bucket, MediaPackage channel, or HTTP server from
which CloudFront gets the files to distribute. You can specify any combination of up to 25 Amazon S3
buckets, channels, and/or HTTP servers as your origins.
• Access—whether you want the files to be available to everyone or restrict access to some users.
• Security—whether you want CloudFront to require users to use HTTPS to access your content.
• Cache key—which values, if any, you want to include in the cache key. The cache key uniquely identifies
each file in the cache for a given distribution.
• Origin request settings—whether you want CloudFront to include HTTP headers, cookies, or query
strings in requests that it sends to your origin.
• Geo-restrictions—whether you want CloudFront to prevent users in selected countries from accessing
your content.
• Access logs—whether you want CloudFront to create access logs that show viewer activity.

For the current maximum number of distributions that you can create for each AWS account, see
General Quotas on Web Distributions (p. 497) and Quotas on RTMP Distributions (p. 502). There is no
maximum number of files that you can serve per distribution.

You can use distributions to serve the following content over HTTP or HTTPS:

• Static and dynamic download content, for example, .html, .css, .js, and image files, using HTTP or
• Video on demand in different formats, such as Apple HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) and Microsoft
Smooth Streaming. For more information, see the Delivering Video on Demand (VOD) with
CloudFront (p. 298).

You can't serve Adobe Flash multimedia content over HTTP or HTTPS, but you can serve it using a
CloudFront RTMP distribution. See RTMP Distributions (p. 305).

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Actions you can use with distributions

• A live event, such as a meeting, conference, or concert, in real time. For live streaming, you can create
the distribution automatically by using an AWS CloudFormation stack. For more information, see
Delivering Live Streaming Video with CloudFront and AWS Media Services (p. 300).

For information about creating a distribution, see Steps for Creating a Distribution (Overview) (p. 36).

Actions you can use with distributions

The following table lists the CloudFront actions that you can take to work with distributions and provides
links to the corresponding documentation on how to do the actions with the CloudFront console and the
CloudFront API.

Action Using the CloudFront Using the CloudFront Using the CloudFront
console API: web distributions API: RTMP

Create a distribution Web distributions: Go to Go to

See Steps for Creating CreateDistribution CreateStreamingDistribution
a Distribution
(Overview) (p. 36)

RTMP distributions:
See Task List for
Streaming Media Files
Using RTMP (p. 307)

List your distributions See Updating a Go to ListDistributions Go to

Distribution (p. 63) ListStreamingDistributions

Get all information See Updating a Go to GetDistribution Go to

about a distribution Distribution (p. 63) GetStreamingDistribution

Get the distribution See Updating a Go to Go to

configuration Distribution (p. 63) GetDistributionConfig GetStreamingDistributionConfig

Update a distribution See Updating a Go to Go to

Distribution (p. 63) UpdateDistribution UpdateStreamingDistribution

Delete a distribution See Deleting a Go to Go to

Distribution (p. 65) DeleteDistribution DeleteStreamingDistribution

Required fields for creating and updating

When you update a distribution by using the UpdateDistribution CloudFront API action, there are more
required fields than when you create a distribution by using CreateDistribution. Review the following
tables for a summary of the fields that are required for creating and for updating a distribution.


Members Required in Create API Call Required in Update API Call

CallerReference Y Y

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Required fields for creating and updating distributions

Members Required in Create API Call Required in Update API Call

Aliases - Y

DefaultRootObject - Y

Origins Y Y

DefaultCacheBehavior Y Y

CacheBehaviors - Y

CustomErrorResponses - Y

Comment Y Y

Logging - Y

PriceClass - Y

Enabled Y Y

ViewerCertificate - Y

Restrictions - Y

WebACLId - Y

HttpVersion - Y

IsIPV6Enabled - -


Members Required in Create API Call Required in Update API Call

PathPattern Y Y

TargetOriginId Y Y

ForwardedValues Y Y

TrustedSigners Y Y

ViewerProtocolPolicy Y Y


AllowedMethods - Y

SmoothStreaming - Y

DefaultTTL - Y


Compress - Y

LambdaFunctionAssociations - Y

FieldLevelEncryptionId - Y

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Creating, Updating, and Deleting Distributions

Creating, Updating, and Deleting Distributions

You can create, update, or delete a distribution by completing the steps in the following topics.

• Steps for Creating a Distribution (Overview) (p. 36)
• Creating a Distribution (p. 37)
• Values That You Specify When You Create or Update a Distribution (p. 38)
• Values That CloudFront Displays in the Console (p. 61)
• Testing a Distribution (p. 62)
• Updating a Distribution (p. 63)
• Tagging Amazon CloudFront Distributions (p. 64)
• Deleting a Distribution (p. 65)

Steps for Creating a Distribution (Overview)

The following task list summarizes the process for creating a distribution.

To Create a Distribution

1. Create one or more Amazon S3 buckets or configure HTTP servers as your origin servers. An origin
is the location where you store the original version of your content. When CloudFront gets a request
for your files, it goes to the origin to get the files that it distributes at edge locations. You can use
any combination of Amazon S3 buckets and HTTP servers as your origin servers.

If you're using Amazon S3, note that the name of your bucket must be all lowercase and cannot
contain spaces.

If you're using an Amazon EC2 server or another custom origin, review Using Amazon EC2 or Other
Custom Origins (p. 68).

For the current maximum number of origins that you can create for a distribution, or to request a
higher quota (formerly known as limit), see General Quotas on Web Distributions (p. 497).
2. Upload your content to your origin servers. If you don't want to restrict access to your content using
CloudFront signed URLs, make the objects publicly readable.
You are responsible for ensuring the security of your origin server. You must ensure
that CloudFront has permission to access the server and that the security settings are
appropriate to safeguard your content.
3. Create your CloudFront distribution:

• For more information about creating a distribution using the CloudFront console, see Creating a
Distribution (p. 37).
• For information about creating a distribution using the CloudFront API, go to CreateDistribution in
the Amazon CloudFront API Reference.
4. Optional: If you created your distribution using the CloudFront console, create more cache
behaviors or origins for your distribution. For more information, see To Update a CloudFront
Distribution (p. 63).
5. Test your distribution. For more information, see Testing a Distribution (p. 62).
6. Develop your website or application to access your content using the domain name that CloudFront
returned after you created your distribution in Step 3. For example, if CloudFront returns

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Creating a Distribution as the domain name for your distribution, the URL for the file
image.jpg in an Amazon S3 bucket or in the root directory on an HTTP server will be http://

If you specified one or more alternate domain names (CNAMEs) when you created your distribution,
you can use your own domain name. In that case, the URL for image.jpg might be http://

Note the following:

• If you want to use signed URLs to restrict access to your content, see Serving Private Content with
Signed URLs and Signed Cookies (p. 145).
• If you want to serve compressed content, see Serving compressed files (p. 116).
• For information about CloudFront request and response behavior for Amazon S3 and custom
origins, see Request and Response Behavior (p. 263).

Creating a Distribution
You can create or update a distribution by using the CloudFront console or programmatically. This topic
is about working with distributions by using the console.

If you want to create or update a distribution by using the CloudFront API, see Create Distribution or
Update Distribution in the Amazon CloudFront API Reference.
When you update your distribution, be aware that a number of additional fields are required
that are not required to create a distribution. To help make sure that all of the required fields
are included when you update your distribution by using the CloudFront API, follow the steps
described in the Amazon CloudFront API Reference.

To see the current maximum number of distributions that you can create for each AWS account, or to
request a higher quota (formerly known as limit), see General Quotas on Web Distributions (p. 497).

To create a CloudFront web distribution (console)

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CloudFront console at https://
2. Choose Create Distribution.
3. On the first page of the Create Distribution Wizard, in the Web section, choose Get Started.
4. Specify settings for the distribution. For more information, see Values That You Specify When You
Create or Update a Distribution (p. 38).
5. Save changes.
6. After CloudFront creates your distribution, the value of the Status column for your distribution will
change from InProgress to Deployed. If you chose to enable the distribution, it will be ready to
process requests after the status switches to Deployed.

The domain name that CloudFront assigns to your distribution appears in the list of distributions. (It
also appears on the General tab for a selected distribution.)
You can use an alternate domain name, instead of the name assigned to you by CloudFront;
by following the steps in Using Custom URLs for Files by Adding Alternate Domain Names
(CNAMEs) (p. 71).
7. When your distribution is deployed, confirm that you can access your content using your new
CloudFront URL or CNAME. For more information, see Testing a Distribution (p. 62).

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Values That You Specify

To update a distribution (for example, to add or change cache behaviors), see Updating a
Distribution (p. 63).

Values That You Specify When You Create or Update

a Distribution
When you use the CloudFront console to create a new distribution or update an existing distribution, you
specify the following values.

For more information about creating or updating a distribution by using the CloudFront console, see
Creating a Distribution (p. 37) or Updating a Distribution (p. 63).

Delivery method

You specify the delivery method when you create a distribution. You can’t change the delivery method
for an existing distribution. You can choose Web or RTMP. Choose Web, unless you’re using Adobe Flash
Media Server with RTMP.
Adobe designated Flash as end-of-life at the end of 2020. As a result, Amazon CloudFront will
no longer support Adobe Flash Media Server and will be deprecating Real-Time Messaging
Protocol (RTMP) distributions by December 31, 2020. For more information, read the full
announcement on the Amazon CloudFront discussion forum.

Origin Settings (p. 40)

The following values apply to all types of origins:

• Origin Domain Name (p. 40)

• Origin Path (p. 42)
• Origin ID (p. 42)
• Origin Connection Attempts (p. 42)
• Origin Connection Timeout (p. 43)
• Origin Custom Headers (p. 43)

The following values apply only to Amazon S3 origins (those that are not using the S3 static website

• Restrict Bucket Access (p. 43)

• Origin Access Identity (p. 44) (Applies only when you choose Yes for Restrict Bucket Access)
• Comment (p. 44) (Applies only when you choose Create a New Identity for Origin Access Identity)
• Your Identities (p. 44) (Applies only when you choose Use an Existing Identity for Origin Access
• Grant Read Permissions on Bucket (p. 44) (Applies only when you choose Yes for Restrict Bucket

The following values apply only to custom origins, such as Amazon EC2 instances, Elastic Load Balancing
load balancers, MediaPackage origins, MediaStore containers, or your own web server:

• Minimum Origin SSL Protocol (p. 44)

• Origin Protocol Policy (p. 45)
• Origin Response Timeout (p. 45)

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Values That You Specify

• Origin Keep-alive Timeout (p. 46)

• HTTP Port (p. 46)
• HTTPS Port (p. 46)

Cache Behavior Settings (p. 46)

The following values apply to the Default Cache Behavior Settings (when you create a distribution) and
to other cache behaviors that you create later.

• Path Pattern (p. 47)

• Origin or Origin Group (p. 48) (Applies only when you create or update a cache behavior for an
existing distribution)
• Viewer Protocol Policy (p. 49)
• Allowed HTTP Methods (p. 49)
• Field Level Encryption Config (p. 49)
• Cached HTTP Methods (p. 50)
• Cache Based on Selected Request Headers (p. 50)
• Whitelist Headers (p. 50) (Applies only when you choose Whitelist for Cache Based on Selected
Request Headers)
• Object Caching (p. 50)
• Minimum TTL (p. 50)
• Maximum TTL (p. 51)
• Default TTL (p. 51)
• Forward Cookies (p. 51)
• Whitelist Cookies (p. 51) (Applies only when you choose Whitelist for Forward Cookies)
• Query String Forwarding and Caching (p. 52)
• Query String Whitelist (p. 52) (Applies only when you choose Forward all, cache based on whitelist
for Query String Forwarding and Caching)
• Smooth Streaming (p. 52)
• Restrict Viewer Access (Use Signed URLs or Signed Cookies) (p. 53)
• Trusted Signers (p. 53) (Applies only when you choose Yes for Restrict Viewer Access (Use Signed
URLs or Signed Cookies)
• AWS Account Numbers (p. 53) (Applies only when you choose Specify Accounts for Trusted
• Compress Objects Automatically (p. 53)

The following values apply to Lambda Function Associations.

• CloudFront Event (p. 54)

• Lambda Function ARN (p. 54)
• Include Body (p. 367)

Distribution Settings (p. 54)

• Price Class (p. 54)

• AWS WAF Web ACL (p. 54)
• Alternate Domain Names (CNAMEs) (p. 54)
• SSL Certificate (p. 55)

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Values That You Specify

• Custom SSL Client Support (p. 56) (Applies only when you choose Custom SSL Certificate
( for SSL Certificate)
• Security Policy (p. 56) (Minimum SSL/TLS version)
• Supported HTTP Versions (p. 57)
• Default Root Object (p. 57)
• Logging (p. 58)
• Bucket for Logs (p. 58)
• Log Prefix (p. 58)
• Cookie Logging (p. 58)
• Enable IPv6 (p. 59)
• Comment (p. 59)
• Distribution State (p. 59)

Custom Error Pages and Error Caching (p. 60)

• HTTP Error Code (p. 60)

• Response Page Path (p. 60)
• HTTP Response Code (p. 60)
• Error Caching Minimum TTL (seconds) (p. 60)

Restrictions (p. 61)

• Enable Geo-Restriction (p. 61)

• Restriction Type (p. 61)
• Countries (p. 61)

Origin Settings
When you create or update a distribution, you provide information about one or more locations—known
as origins—where you store the original versions of your web content. CloudFront gets your web content
from your origins and serves it to viewers via a world-wide network of edge servers. Each origin is either
an Amazon S3 bucket or an HTTP server, for example, a web server.

For the current maximum number of origins that you can create for a distribution, or to request a higher
quota (formerly known as limit), see General Quotas on Web Distributions (p. 497).

If you want to delete an origin, you must first edit or delete the cache behaviors that are associated with
that origin.
If you delete an origin, confirm that files that were previously served by that origin are available
in another origin and that your cache behaviors are now routing requests for those files to the
new origin.

When you create or update a distribution, you specify the following values for each origin.

Origin Domain Name

The DNS domain name of the Amazon S3 bucket or HTTP server from which you want CloudFront to get
objects for this origin, for example:

• Amazon S3 bucket –

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Values That You Specify

If you recently created the S3 bucket, the CloudFront distribution might return HTTP 307
Temporary Redirect responses for up to 24 hours. It can take up to 24 hours for the
S3 bucket name to propagate to all AWS Regions. When the propagation is complete, the
distribution automatically stops sending these redirect responses; you don’t need to take
any action. For more information, see Why am I getting an HTTP 307 Temporary Redirect
response from Amazon S3? and Temporary Request Redirection.
• Amazon S3 bucket configured as a website –
• MediaStore container –
• MediaPackage endpoint –
• Amazon EC2 instance –
• Elastic Load Balancing load balancer –
• Your own web server –

Choose the domain name in the Origin Domain Name field, or type the name. The domain name is not

If your origin is an Amazon S3 bucket, note the following:

• If the bucket is configured as a website, enter the Amazon S3 static website hosting endpoint for your
bucket; don't select the bucket name from the list in the Origin Domain Name field. The static website
hosting endpoint appears in the Amazon S3 console, on the Properties page under Static Website
Hosting. For more information, see Using Amazon S3 Buckets Configured as Website Endpoints for
Your Origin (p. 68).
• If you configured Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration for your bucket, do not specify the s3-
accelerate endpoint for Origin Domain Name.
• If you're using a bucket from a different AWS account and if the bucket is not configured as a website,
enter the name, using the following format:

If your bucket is in the US Standard Region and you want Amazon S3 to route requests to a facility in
northern Virginia, use the following format:
• The files must be publicly readable unless you secure your content in Amazon S3 by using a
CloudFront origin access identity. For more information, see Restricting Access to Amazon S3 Content
by Using an Origin Access Identity (p. 209).

If the origin is an Amazon S3 bucket, the bucket name must conform to DNS naming
requirements. For more information, go to Bucket Restrictions and Limitations in the Amazon
Simple Storage Service Developer Guide.

When you change the value of Origin Domain Name for an origin, CloudFront immediately begins
replicating the change to CloudFront edge locations. Until the distribution configuration is updated in a
given edge location, CloudFront continues to forward requests to the previous HTTP server or Amazon
S3 bucket. As soon as the distribution configuration is updated in that edge location, CloudFront begins
to forward requests to the new HTTP server or Amazon S3 bucket.

Changing the origin does not require CloudFront to repopulate edge caches with objects from the new
origin. As long as the viewer requests in your application have not changed, CloudFront continues to

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Values That You Specify

serve objects that are already in an edge cache until the TTL on each object expires or until seldom-
requested objects are evicted.

Origin Path
If you want CloudFront to request your content from a directory in your AWS resource or your custom
origin, enter the directory path, beginning with a slash (/). CloudFront appends the directory path to the
value of Origin Domain Name, for example, Do not add a
slash (/) at the end of the path.

For example, suppose you've specified the following values for your distribution:

• Origin Domain Name – An Amazon S3 bucket named myawsbucket

• Origin Path – /production
• Alternate Domain Names (CNAMEs) –

When a user enters in a browser, CloudFront sends a request to Amazon S3 for

When a user enters in a browser, CloudFront sends a request to Amazon

S3 for myawsbucket/production/acme/index.html.

Origin ID
A string that uniquely distinguishes this origin or origin group in this distribution. If you create cache
behaviors in addition to the default cache behavior, you use the ID that you specify here to identify the
origin or origin group that you want CloudFront to route a request to when the request matches the path
pattern for that cache behavior.

For more information, see the following:

• Origins that you can specify: Using CloudFront Origin Groups (p. 69)
• Creating origin groups: Creating an Origin Group (p. 232)
• Working with cache behaviors: Cache Behavior Settings (p. 46)

Origin Connection Attempts

The number of times that CloudFront attempts to connect to the origin. You can specify 1, 2, or 3 as the
number of attempts. The default number (if you don’t specify otherwise) is 3.

Use this setting together with Origin Connection Timeout to specify how long CloudFront waits before
attempting to connect to the secondary origin or returning an error response to the viewer. By default,
CloudFront waits as long as 30 seconds (3 attempts of 10 seconds each) before attempting to connect
to the secondary origin or returning an error response. You can reduce this time by specifying fewer
attempts, a shorter connection timeout, or both.

If the specified number of connection attempts fail, CloudFront does one of the following:

• If the origin is part of an origin group, CloudFront attempts to connect to the secondary origin. If the
specified number of connection attempts to the secondary origin fail, then CloudFront returns an error
response to the viewer.
• If the origin is not part of an origin group, CloudFront returns an error response to the viewer.

For a custom origin (including an Amazon S3 bucket that’s configured with static website hosting), this
setting also specifies the number of times that CloudFront attempts to get a response from the origin.
For more information, see Origin Response Timeout (p. 45).

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Values That You Specify

Origin Connection Timeout

The number of seconds that CloudFront waits when trying to establish a connection to the origin. You
can specify a number of seconds between 1 and 10 (inclusive). The default timeout (if you don’t specify
otherwise) is 10 seconds.

Use this setting together with Origin Connection Attempts to specify how long CloudFront waits before
attempting to connect to the secondary origin or before returning an error response to the viewer. By
default, CloudFront waits as long as 30 seconds (3 attempts of 10 seconds each) before attempting to
connect to the secondary origin or returning an error response. You can reduce this time by specifying
fewer attempts, a shorter connection timeout, or both.

If CloudFront doesn’t establish a connection to the origin within the specified number of seconds,
CloudFront does one of the following:

• If the specified number of Origin Connection Attempts is more than 1, CloudFront tries again
to establish a connection. CloudFront tries up to 3 times, as determined by the value of Origin
Connection Attempts.
• If all the connection attempts fail and the origin is part of an origin group, CloudFront attempts to
connect to the secondary origin. If the specified number of connection attempts to the secondary
origin fail, then CloudFront returns an error response to the viewer.
• If all the connection attempts fail and the origin is not part of an origin group, CloudFront returns an
error response to the viewer.

Origin Custom Headers

If you want CloudFront to add custom headers whenever it sends a request to your origin, specify the
following values:

Header Name

The name of a header that you want CloudFront to add to requests that it sends to your origin.

The value for the header that you specified in the Custom Header field.

For more information, see Adding Custom Headers to Origin Requests (p. 282).

For the current maximum number of custom headers that you can forward to the origin, the maximum
length of a custom header name and value, and the maximum total length of all header names and
values, see Quotas (p. 496).

Restrict Bucket Access

This applies only to Amazon S3 bucket origins (those that are not using the S3 static website

Choose Yes if you want to require users to access objects in an Amazon S3 bucket by using only
CloudFront URLs, not by using Amazon S3 URLs. Then specify additional values.

Choose No if you want users to be able to access objects by using either CloudFront URLs or Amazon S3

For more information, see Restricting Access to Amazon S3 Content by Using an Origin Access
Identity (p. 209).

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Values That You Specify

For information about how to require users to access objects on a custom origin by using only
CloudFront URLs, see Restricting Access to Files on Custom Origins (p. 148).

Origin Access Identity

This applies only to Amazon S3 bucket origins (those that are not using the S3 static website

If you chose Yes for Restrict Bucket Access, choose whether to create a new origin access identity or use
an existing one that is associated with your AWS account. If you already have an origin access identity,
we recommend that you reuse it to simplify maintenance. For more information about origin access
identities, see Restricting Access to Amazon S3 Content by Using an Origin Access Identity (p. 209).

This applies only to Amazon S3 bucket origins (those that are not using the S3 static website

If you chose Create a New Identity for Origin Access Identity, enter a comment that identifies the new
origin access identity. CloudFront creates the origin access identity when you create this distribution.

Your Identities
This applies only to Amazon S3 bucket origins (those that are not using the S3 static website

If you chose Use an Existing Identity for Origin Access Identity, choose the origin access identity that
you want to use. You cannot use an origin access identity that is associated with another AWS account.

Grant Read Permissions on Bucket

This applies only to Amazon S3 bucket origins (those that are not using the S3 static website

If you want CloudFront to automatically grant the origin access identity the permission to read objects in
your Amazon S3 bucket, choose Yes, Update Bucket Policy.
If you choose Yes, Update Bucket Policy, CloudFront updates the bucket policy to grant
the specified origin access identity the permission to read objects in your bucket. However,
CloudFront does not remove existing permissions in the bucket policy or permissions on
individual objects. If users currently have permission to access the objects in your bucket using
Amazon S3 URLs, they will still have that permission after CloudFront updates your bucket
policy. To view or change the existing bucket policy and the existing permissions on the objects
in your bucket, use a method provided by Amazon S3. For more information, see Granting the
OAI Permission to Read Files in Your Amazon S3 Bucket (p. 212).

If you want to update permissions manually, for example, if you want to update ACLs on your objects
instead of updating bucket permissions, choose No, I will Update Permissions.

Minimum Origin SSL Protocol

This applies only to custom origins.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Values That You Specify

Choose the minimum TLS/SSL protocol that CloudFront can use when it establishes an HTTPS
connection to your origin. Lower TLS protocols are less secure, so we recommend that you choose the
latest TLS protocol that your origin supports.

If you use the CloudFront API to set the TLS/SSL protocol for CloudFront to use, you cannot set a
minimum protocol. Instead, you specify all of the TLS/SSL protocols that CloudFront can use with your
origin. For more information, see OriginSslProtocols in the Amazon CloudFront API Reference.

Origin Protocol Policy

This applies only to custom origins.

The protocol policy that you want CloudFront to use when fetching objects from your origin server.

Choose one of the following values:

• HTTP Only: CloudFront uses only HTTP to access the origin.

HTTP Only is the default setting when the origin is an Amazon S3 static website hosting
endpoint, because Amazon S3 doesn’t support HTTPS connections for static website hosting
endpoints. The CloudFront console does not support changing this setting for Amazon S3
static website hosting endpoints.
• HTTPS Only: CloudFront uses only HTTPS to access the origin.
• Match Viewer: CloudFront communicates with your origin using HTTP or HTTPS, depending on the
protocol of the viewer request. CloudFront caches the object only once even if viewers make requests
using both HTTP and HTTPS protocols.
For HTTPS viewer requests that CloudFront forwards to this origin, one of the domain names
in the SSL certificate on your origin server must match the domain name that you specify
for Origin Domain Name. Otherwise, CloudFront responds to the viewer requests with an
HTTP status code 502 (Bad Gateway) instead of returning the requested object. For more
information, see Requirements for Using SSL/TLS Certificates with CloudFront (p. 134).

Origin Response Timeout

This applies only to custom origins.

The origin response timeout, also known as the origin read timeout or origin request timeout, applies to
both of the following values:

• How long (in seconds) CloudFront waits for a response after forwarding a request to the origin.
• How long (in seconds) CloudFront waits after receiving a packet of a response from the origin and
before receiving the next packet.

The default timeout is 30 seconds. You can change the value to be from 1 to 60 seconds. If you need a
timeout value outside that range, create a case in the AWS Support Center.
If you want to increase the timeout value because viewers are experiencing HTTP 504 status
code errors, consider exploring other ways to eliminate those errors before changing the
timeout value. See the troubleshooting suggestions in HTTP 504 Status Code (Gateway
Timeout) (p. 259).

CloudFront behavior depends on the HTTP method in the viewer request:

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Values That You Specify

• GET and HEAD requests – If the origin doesn’t respond or stops responding within the duration of the
response timeout, CloudFront drops the connection. CloudFront tries again to connect according to the
value of Origin Connection Attempts (p. 42).
• DELETE, OPTIONS, PATCH, PUT, and POST requests – If the origin doesn’t respond for the duration of
the read timeout, CloudFront drops the connection and doesn’t try again to contact the origin. The
client can resubmit the request if necessary.

Origin Keep-alive Timeout

This applies only to custom origins.

How long (in seconds) CloudFront tries to maintain a connection to your custom origin after it gets
the last packet of a response. Maintaining a persistent connection saves the time that is required to re-
establish the TCP connection and perform another TLS handshake for subsequent requests. Increasing
the keep-alive timeout helps improve the request-per-connection metric for distributions.
For the Origin Keep-alive Timeout value to have an effect, your origin must be configured to
allow persistent connections.

The default timeout is 5 seconds. You can change the value to a number from 1 to 60 seconds. If you
need a keep-alive timeout longer than 60 seconds, create a case in the AWS Support Center.

This applies only to custom origins.

Optional. The HTTP port that the custom origin listens on. Valid values include ports 80, 443, and 1024
to 65535. The default value is port 80.
Port 80 is the default setting when the origin is an Amazon S3 static website hosting endpoint,
because Amazon S3 only supports port 80 for static website hosting endpoints. The CloudFront
console does not support changing this setting for Amazon S3 static website hosting endpoints.

This applies only to custom origins.

Optional. The HTTPS port that the custom origin listens on. Valid values include ports 80, 443, and 1024
to 65535. The default value is port 443.

Cache Behavior Settings

A cache behavior lets you configure a variety of CloudFront functionality for a given URL path pattern
for files on your website. For example, one cache behavior might apply to all .jpg files in the images
directory on a web server that you're using as an origin server for CloudFront. The functionality that you
can configure for each cache behavior includes:

• The path pattern.

• If you have configured multiple origins for your CloudFront distribution, which origin you want
CloudFront to forward your requests to.
• Whether to forward query strings to your origin.
• Whether accessing the specified files requires signed URLs.
• Whether to require users to use HTTPS to access those files.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Values That You Specify

• The minimum amount of time that those files stay in the CloudFront cache regardless of the value of
any Cache-Control headers that your origin adds to the files.

When you create a new distribution, you specify settings for the default cache behavior, which
automatically forwards all requests to the origin that you specify when you create the distribution.
After you create a distribution, you can create additional cache behaviors that define how CloudFront
responds when it receives a request for objects that match a path pattern, for example, *.jpg. If you
create additional cache behaviors, the default cache behavior is always the last to be processed. Other
cache behaviors are processed in the order in which they're listed in the CloudFront console or, if you're
using the CloudFront API, the order in which they're listed in the DistributionConfig element for the
distribution. For more information, see Path Pattern (p. 47).

When you create a cache behavior, you specify the one origin from which you want CloudFront to get
objects. As a result, if you want CloudFront to distribute objects from all of your origins, you must
have at least as many cache behaviors (including the default cache behavior) as you have origins. For
example, if you have two origins and only the default cache behavior, the default cache behavior causes
CloudFront to get objects from one of the origins, but the other origin is never used.

For the current maximum number of cache behaviors that you can add to a distribution, or to request a
higher quota (formerly known as limit), see General Quotas on Web Distributions (p. 497).

Path Pattern
A path pattern (for example, images/*.jpg) specifies which requests you want this cache behavior
to apply to. When CloudFront receives an end-user request, the requested path is compared with path
patterns in the order in which cache behaviors are listed in the distribution. The first match determines
which cache behavior is applied to that request. For example, suppose you have three cache behaviors
with the following three path patterns, in this order:

• images/*.jpg
• images/*
• *.gif

You can optionally include a slash (/) at the beginning of the path pattern, for example, /
images/*.jpg. CloudFront behavior is the same with or without the leading /.

A request for the file images/sample.gif doesn't satisfy the first path pattern, so the associated cache
behaviors are not applied to the request. The file does satisfy the second path pattern, so the cache
behaviors associated with the second path pattern are applied even though the request also matches the
third path pattern.
When you create a new distribution, the value of Path Pattern for the default cache behavior is
set to * (all files) and cannot be changed. This value causes CloudFront to forward all requests
for your objects to the origin that you specified in the Origin Domain Name (p. 40) field. If
the request for an object does not match the path pattern for any of the other cache behaviors,
CloudFront applies the behavior that you specify in the default cache behavior.
Define path patterns and their sequence carefully or you may give users undesired access to
your content. For example, suppose a request matches the path pattern for two cache behaviors.
The first cache behavior does not require signed URLs and the second cache behavior does
require signed URLs. Users are able to access the objects without using a signed URL because
CloudFront processes the cache behavior associated with the first match.

If you're working with a MediaPackage channel, you must include specific path patterns for the cache
behavior that you define for the endpoint type for your origin. For example, for a DASH endpoint, you

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Values That You Specify

type *.mpd for Path Pattern. For more information and specific instructions, see Serving Live Video
Formatted with AWS Elemental MediaPackage (p. 301).

The path you specify applies to requests for all files in the specified directory and in subdirectories below
the specified directory. CloudFront does not consider query strings or cookies when evaluating the path
pattern. For example, if an images directory contains product1 and product2 subdirectories, the
path pattern images/*.jpg applies to requests for any .jpg file in the images, images/product1,
and images/product2 directories. If you want to apply a different cache behavior to the files in the
images/product1 directory than the files in the images and images/product2 directories, create
a separate cache behavior for images/product1 and move that cache behavior to a position above
(before) the cache behavior for the images directory.

You can use the following wildcard characters in your path pattern:

• * matches 0 or more characters.

• ? matches exactly 1 character.

The following examples show how the wildcard characters work:

Path pattern Files that match the path pattern

*.jpg All .jpg files

images/*.jpg All .jpg files in the images directory and in subdirectories under the images

a*.jpg • All .jpg files for which the file name begins with a, for example, apple.jpg
and appalachian_trail_2012_05_21.jpg
• All .jpg files for which the file path begins with a, for example, abra/

a??.jpg All .jpg files for which the file name begins with a and is followed by exactly two
other characters, for example, ant.jpg and abe.jpg

*.doc* All files for which the file name extension begins with .doc, for example, .doc,
.docx, and .docm files. You can't use the path pattern *.doc? in this case,
because that path pattern wouldn't apply to requests for .doc files; the ?
wildcard character replaces exactly one character.

The maximum length of a path pattern is 255 characters. The value can contain any of the following

• A-Z, a-z

Path patterns are case-sensitive, so the path pattern *.jpg doesn't apply to the file LOGO.JPG.
• 0-9
• _-.*$/~"'@:+
• &, passed and returned as &amp;

Origin or Origin Group

Enter the value of an existing origin or origin group. This identifies the origin or origin group that you
want CloudFront to route requests to when a request (such as matches
the path pattern for a cache behavior (such as *.jpg) or for the default cache behavior (*).

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Values That You Specify

Viewer Protocol Policy

Choose the protocol policy that you want viewers to use to access your content in CloudFront edge

• HTTP and HTTPS: Viewers can use both protocols.

• Redirect HTTP to HTTPS: Viewers can use both protocols, but HTTP requests are automatically
redirected to HTTPS requests.
• HTTPS Only: Viewers can only access your content if they're using HTTPS.

For more information, see Requiring HTTPS for Communication Between Viewers and
CloudFront (p. 122).

Allowed HTTP Methods

Specify the HTTP methods that you want CloudFront to process and forward to your origin:

• GET, HEAD: You can use CloudFront only to get objects from your origin or to get object headers.
• GET, HEAD, OPTIONS: You can use CloudFront only to get objects from your origin, get object
headers, or retrieve a list of the options that your origin server supports.
• GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, PUT, POST, PATCH, DELETE: You can use CloudFront to get, add, update, and
delete objects, and to get object headers. In addition, you can perform other POST operations such as
submitting data from a web form.
CloudFront caches responses to GET and HEAD requests and, optionally, OPTIONS requests.
CloudFront does not cache responses to requests that use the other methods.

If you use an Amazon S3 bucket as the origin for your distribution and if you use CloudFront origin
access identities, POST requests aren't supported in some Amazon S3 Regions and PUT requests in those
Regions require an additional header. For more information, see Using an OAI in Amazon S3 Regions that
Support Only Signature Version 4 Authentication (p. 215).
you might need to restrict access to your Amazon S3 bucket or to your custom origin to
prevent users from performing operations that you don't want them to perform. The following
examples explain how to restrict access:

• If you're using Amazon S3 as an origin for your distribution: Create a CloudFront origin
access identity to restrict access to your Amazon S3 content, and grant permissions to
the origin access identity. For example, if you configure CloudFront to accept and forward
these methods only because you want to use PUT, you must still configure Amazon S3
bucket policies or ACLs to handle DELETE requests appropriately. For more information, see
Restricting Access to Amazon S3 Content by Using an Origin Access Identity (p. 209).
• If you're using a custom origin: Configure your origin server to handle all methods. For
example, if you configure CloudFront to accept and forward these methods only because
you want to use POST, you must still configure your origin server to handle DELETE requests

Field Level Encryption Config

If you want to enforce field-level encryption on specific data fields, in the drop-down list, choose a field-
level encryption configuration.

For more information, see Using Field-Level Encryption to Help Protect Sensitive Data (p. 219).

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Values That You Specify

Cached HTTP Methods

Specify whether you want CloudFront to cache the response from your origin when a viewer submits an
OPTIONS request. CloudFront always caches the response to GET and HEAD requests.

Cache Based on Selected Request Headers

Specify whether you want CloudFront to cache objects based on the values of specified headers:

• None (improves caching) – CloudFront doesn't cache your objects based on header values.
• Whitelist – CloudFront caches your objects based only on the values of the specified headers. Use
Whitelist Headers to choose the headers that you want CloudFront to base caching on.
• All – CloudFront doesn't cache the objects that are associated with this cache behavior. Instead,
CloudFront sends every request to the origin. (Not recommended for Amazon S3 origins.)

Regardless of the option that you choose, CloudFront forwards certain headers to your origin and takes
specific actions based on the headers that you forward. For more information about how CloudFront
handles header forwarding, see HTTP Request Headers and CloudFront Behavior (Custom and S3
Origins) (p. 273).

For more information about how to configure caching in CloudFront by using request headers, see
Caching Content Based on Request Headers (p. 246).

Whitelist Headers
Specify the headers that you want CloudFront to consider when caching your objects. Select headers
from the list of available headers and choose Add. To forward a custom header, enter the name of the
header in the field, and choose Add Custom.

For the current maximum number of headers that you can whitelist for each cache behavior, or to
request a higher quota (formerly known as limit), see Quotas on Custom Headers (Web Distributions
Only) (p. 499).

Object Caching
If your origin server is adding a Cache-Control header to your objects to control how long the objects
stay in the CloudFront cache and if you don't want to change the Cache-Control value, choose Use
Origin Cache Headers.

To specify a minimum and maximum time that your objects stay in the CloudFront cache regardless
of Cache-Control headers, and a default time that your objects stay in the CloudFront cache when
the Cache-Control header is missing from an object, choose Customize. Then specify values in the
Minimum TTL, Default TTL, and Maximum TTL fields.

For more information, see Managing How Long Content Stays in an Edge Cache (Expiration) (p. 236).

Minimum TTL
Specify the minimum amount of time, in seconds, that you want objects to stay in CloudFront caches
before CloudFront forwards another request to your origin to determine whether the object has been
updated. The default value for Minimum TTL is 0 seconds.
If you configure CloudFront to forward all headers to your origin for a cache behavior,
CloudFront never caches the associated objects. Instead, CloudFront forwards all requests for
those objects to the origin. In that configuration, the value of Minimum TTL must be 0.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Values That You Specify

To specify a value for Minimum TTL, you must choose the Customize option for the Object Caching

For more information, see Managing How Long Content Stays in an Edge Cache (Expiration) (p. 236).

Maximum TTL
Specify the maximum amount of time, in seconds, that you want objects to stay in CloudFront caches
before CloudFront queries your origin to see whether the object has been updated. The value that you
specify for Maximum TTL applies only when your origin adds HTTP headers such as Cache-Control
max-age, Cache-Control s-maxage, or Expires to objects. For more information, see Managing
How Long Content Stays in an Edge Cache (Expiration) (p. 236).

To specify a value for Maximum TTL, you must choose the Customize option for the Object Caching

The default value for Maximum TTL is 31536000 seconds (one year). If you change the value of
Minimum TTL or Default TTL to more than 31536000 seconds, then the default value of Maximum TTL
changes to the value of Default TTL.

Default TTL
Specify the default amount of time, in seconds, that you want objects to stay in CloudFront caches
before CloudFront forwards another request to your origin to determine whether the object has been
updated. The value that you specify for Default TTL applies only when your origin does not add HTTP
headers such as Cache-Control max-age, Cache-Control s-maxage, or Expires to objects. For
more information, see Managing How Long Content Stays in an Edge Cache (Expiration) (p. 236).

To specify a value for Default TTL, you must choose the Customize option for the Object Caching

The default value for Default TTL is 86400 seconds (one day). If you change the value of Minimum TTL
to more than 86400 seconds, then the default value of Default TTL changes to the value of Minimum

Forward Cookies
This option applies to only Amazon S3 buckets that are configured as a website endpoint.

Specify whether you want CloudFront to forward cookies to your origin server and, if so, which ones.
If you choose to forward only selected cookies (a whitelist of cookies), enter the cookie names in the
Whitelist Cookies field. If you choose All, CloudFront forwards all cookies regardless of how many your
application uses.

Amazon S3 doesn't process cookies, and forwarding cookies to the origin reduces cacheability. For cache
behaviors that are forwarding requests to an Amazon S3 origin, choose None for Forward Cookies.

For more information about forwarding cookies to the origin, go to Caching Content Based on
Cookies (p. 244).

Whitelist Cookies
This option applies to only Amazon S3 buckets that are configured as a website endpoint.

If you chose Whitelist in the Forward Cookies list, then in the Whitelist Cookies field, enter the names
of cookies that you want CloudFront to forward to your origin server for this cache behavior. Enter each
cookie name on a new line.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Values That You Specify

You can specify the following wildcards to specify cookie names:

• * matches 0 or more characters in the cookie name

• ? matches exactly one character in the cookie name

For example, suppose viewer requests for an object include a cookie named:


Where each of your users has a unique value for member-number. You want CloudFront to cache a
separate version of the object for each member. You could accomplish this by forwarding all cookies
to your origin, but viewer requests include some cookies that you don't want CloudFront to cache.
Alternatively, you could specify the following value as a cookie name, which causes CloudFront to
forward to the origin all of the cookies that begin with userid_:


For the current maximum number of cookie names that you can whitelist for each cache behavior, or to
request a higher quota (formerly known as limit), see Quotas on Whitelisted Cookies (Web Distributions
Only) (p. 498).

Query String Forwarding and Caching

CloudFront can cache different versions of your content based on the values of query string parameters.
Choose one of the following options:

None (Improves Caching)

Choose this option if your origin returns the same version of an object regardless of the values of
query string parameters. This increases the likelihood that CloudFront can serve a request from the
cache, which improves performance and reduces the load on your origin.
Forward all, cache based on whitelist

Choose this option if your origin server returns different versions of your objects based on one or
more query string parameters. Then specify the parameters that you want CloudFront to use as a
basis for caching in the Query String Whitelist (p. 52) field.
Forward all, cache based on all

Choose this option if your origin server returns different versions of your objects for all query string

For more information about caching based on query string parameters, including how to improve
performance, see Caching Content Based on Query String Parameters (p. 241).

Query String Whitelist

If you chose Forward all, cache based on whitelist for Query String Forwarding and Caching (p. 52),
specify the query string parameters that you want CloudFront to use as a basis for caching.

Smooth Streaming
Choose Yes if you want to distribute media files in the Microsoft Smooth Streaming format and you do
not have an IIS server.

Choose No if you have a Microsoft IIS server that you want to use as an origin to distribute media files in
the Microsoft Smooth Streaming format, or if you are not distributing Smooth Streaming media files.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Values That You Specify

If you specify Yes, you can still distribute other content using this cache behavior if that content
matches the value of Path Pattern.

For more information, see Configuring Video on Demand for Microsoft Smooth Streaming (p. 298).

Restrict Viewer Access (Use Signed URLs or Signed Cookies)

If you want requests for objects that match the PathPattern for this cache behavior to use public URLs,
choose No.

If you want requests for objects that match the PathPattern for this cache behavior to use signed
URLs, choose Yes. Then specify the AWS accounts that you want to use to create signed URLs; these
accounts are known as trusted signers.

For more information about trusted signers, see Specifying the AWS Accounts That Can Create Signed
URLs and Signed Cookies (Trusted Signers) (p. 150).

Trusted Signers
Choose which AWS accounts you want to use as trusted signers for this cache behavior:

• Self: Use the account with which you're currently signed into the AWS Management Console as a
trusted signer. If you're currently signed in as an IAM user, the associated AWS account is added as a
trusted signer.
• Specify Accounts: Enter account numbers for trusted signers in the AWS Account Numbers field.

To create signed URLs, an AWS account must have at least one active CloudFront key pair.
If you're updating a distribution that you're already using to distribute content, add trusted
signers only when you're ready to start generating signed URLs for your objects. After you add
trusted signers to a distribution, users must use signed URLs to access the objects that match
the PathPattern for this cache behavior.

AWS Account Numbers

If you want to create signed URLs using AWS accounts in addition to or instead of the current account,
enter one AWS account number per line in this field. Note the following:

• The accounts that you specify must have at least one active CloudFront key pair. For more information,
see Creating CloudFront Key Pairs for Your Trusted Signers (p. 151).
• You can't create CloudFront key pairs for IAM users, so you can't use IAM users as trusted signers.
• For information about how to get the AWS account number for an account, see How Do I Get Security
Credentials? in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.
• If you enter the account number for the current account, CloudFront automatically checks the Self
check box and removes the account number from the AWS Account Numbers list.

Compress Objects Automatically

If you want CloudFront to automatically compress files of certain types when viewers support
compressed content, choose Yes. When CloudFront compresses your content, downloads are faster
because the files are smaller, and your webpages render faster for your users. For more information, see
Serving compressed files (p. 116).

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Values That You Specify

CloudFront Event
You can choose to run a Lambda function when one or more of the following CloudFront events occur:

• When CloudFront receives a request from a viewer (viewer request)

• Before CloudFront forwards a request to the origin (origin request)
• When CloudFront receives a response from the origin (origin response)
• Before CloudFront returns the response to the viewer (viewer response)

For more information, see How to Decide Which CloudFront Event to Use to Trigger a Lambda
Function (p. 341).

Lambda Function ARN

Specify the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Lambda function that you want to add a trigger for.
To learn how to get the ARN for a function, see step 1 of the procedure Adding Triggers by Using the
CloudFront Console.

Distribution Settings
The following values apply to the entire distribution.

Price Class
Choose the price class that corresponds with the maximum price that you want to pay for CloudFront
service. By default, CloudFront serves your objects from edge locations in all CloudFront Regions.

For more information about price classes and about how your choice of price class affects CloudFront
performance for your distribution, see Choosing the price class for a CloudFront distribution (p. 10). For
information about CloudFront pricing, including how price classes map to CloudFront Regions, go to
Amazon CloudFront Pricing.


If you want to use AWS WAF to allow or block requests based on criteria that you specify, choose the web
ACL to associate with this distribution.

AWS WAF is a web application firewall that lets you monitor the HTTP and HTTPS requests that are
forwarded to CloudFront, and lets you control access to your content. Based on conditions that you
specify, such as the IP addresses that requests originate from or the values of query strings, CloudFront
responds to requests either with the requested content or with an HTTP 403 status code (Forbidden).
You can also configure CloudFront to return a custom error page when a request is blocked. For more
information about AWS WAF, see the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

Alternate Domain Names (CNAMEs)

Optional. Specify one or more domain names that you want to use for URLs for your objects instead of
the domain name that CloudFront assigns when you create your distribution. You must own the domain
name, or have authorization to use it, which you verify by adding an SSL/TLS certificate.

For example, if you want the URL for the object:


To look like this:

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Values That You Specify

Instead of like this:

Add a CNAME for

If you add a CNAME for to your distribution, you also must do the following:

• Create (or update) a CNAME record with your DNS service to route queries for to
• Add a certificate to CloudFront from a trusted certificate authority (CA) that covers the
domain name (CNAME) that you add to your distribution, to validate your authorization to use
the domain name.

You must have permission to create a CNAME record with the DNS service provider for the
domain. Typically, this means that you own the domain, or that you're developing an application
for the domain owner.

For the current maximum number of alternate domain names that you can add to a distribution, or to
request a higher quota (formerly known as limit), see General Quotas on Web Distributions (p. 497).

For more information about alternate domain names, see Using Custom URLs for Files by Adding
Alternate Domain Names (CNAMEs) (p. 71). For more information about CloudFront URLs, see
Customizing the URL Format for Files in CloudFront (p. 106).

SSL Certificate
If you specified an alternate domain name to use with your distribution, choose Custom SSL Certificate,
and then, to validate your authorization to use the alternate domain name, choose a certificate that
covers it. If you want viewers to use HTTPS to access your objects, choose the settings that support that.
Before you can specify a custom SSL certificate, you must specify a valid alternate domain
name. For more information, see Requirements for Using Alternate Domain Names (p. 78)
and Using Alternate Domain Names and HTTPS (p. 132).

• Default CloudFront Certificate (* – Choose this option if you want

to use the CloudFront domain name in the URLs for your objects, such as https://
• Custom SSL Certificate – Choose this option if you want to use your own domain name in the URLs
for your objects as an alternate domain name, such as Then
choose a certificate to use that covers the alternate domain name. The list of certificates can include
any of the following:
• Certificates provided by AWS Certificate Manager
• Certificates that you purchased from a third-party certificate authority and uploaded to ACM
• Certificates that you purchased from a third-party certificate authority and uploaded to the IAM
certificate store

If you choose this setting, we recommend that you use only an alternate domain name in your object
URLs ( If you use your CloudFront distribution domain name (https:// and a client uses an older viewer that doesn't support SNI,
how the viewer responds depends on the value that you choose for Clients Supported:
• All Clients: The viewer displays a warning because the CloudFront domain name doesn't match the
domain name in your SSL/TLS certificate.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Values That You Specify

• Only Clients that Support Server Name Indication (SNI): CloudFront drops the connection with the
viewer without returning the object.

Custom SSL Client Support

If you specified one or more alternate domain names and a custom SSL certificate for the distribution,
choose how you want CloudFront to serve HTTPS requests:

• Clients that Support Server Name Indication (SNI) - (Recommended) – With this setting, virtually all
modern web browsers and clients can connect to the distribution, because they support SNI. However,
some viewers might use older web browsers or clients that don’t support SNI, which means they can’t
connect to the distribution.

To apply this setting using the CloudFront API, specify sni-only in the SSLSupportMethod field. In
AWS CloudFormation, the field is named SslSupportMethod (note the different capitalization).
• Legacy Clients Support – With this setting, older web browsers and clients that don’t support SNI
can connect to the distribution. However, this setting incurs additional monthly charges. For the exact
price, go to the Amazon CloudFront Pricing page, and search the page for Dedicated IP custom SSL.

To apply this setting using the CloudFront API, specify vip in the SSLSupportMethod field. In AWS
CloudFormation, the field is named SslSupportMethod (note the different capitalization).

For more information, see Choosing How CloudFront Serves HTTPS Requests (p. 132).

Security Policy
Specify the security policy that you want CloudFront to use for HTTPS connections with viewers (clients).
A security policy determines two settings:

• The minimum SSL/TLS protocol that CloudFront uses to communicate with viewers.
• The ciphers that CloudFront can use to encrypt the content that it returns to viewers.

For more information about the security policies, including the protocols and ciphers that each one
includes, see Supported protocols and ciphers between viewers and CloudFront (p. 128).

The security policies that are available depend on the values that you specify for SSL Certificate and
Custom SSL Client Support (known as CloudFrontDefaultCertificate and SSLSupportMethod in
the CloudFront API):

• When SSL Certificate is Default CloudFront Certificate (* (when

CloudFrontDefaultCertificate is true in the API), CloudFront automatically sets the security
policy to TLSv1.
• When SSL Certificate is Custom SSL Certificate ( and Custom SSL Client
Support is Clients that Support Server Name Indication (SNI) - (Recommended) (when
CloudFrontDefaultCertificate is false and SSLSupportMethod is sni-only in the API), you
can choose from the following security policies:
• TLSv1.2_2019
• TLSv1.2_2018
• TLSv1.1_2016
• TLSv1_2016
• TLSv1
• When SSL Certificate is Custom SSL Certificate ( and Custom SSL Client
Support is Legacy Clients Support (when CloudFrontDefaultCertificate is false and
SSLSupportMethod is vip in the API), you can choose from the following security policies:

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Values That You Specify

• TLSv1
• SSLv3

In this configuration, the TLSv1.2_2019, TLSv1.2_2018, TLSv1.1_2016, and TLSv1_2016 security

policies aren’t available in the CloudFront console or API. If you want to use one of these security
policies, you have the following options:
• Evaluate whether your distribution needs Legacy Clients Support with dedicated IP addresses. If your
viewers support server name indication (SNI), we recommend that you update your distribution’s
Custom SSL Client Support setting to Clients that Support Server Name Indication (SNI) (set
SSLSupportMethod to sni-only in the API). This enables you to use any of the available TLS
security policies, and it can also reduce your CloudFront charges.
• If you must keep Legacy Clients Support with dedicated IP addresses, you can request one of
the other TLS security policies (TLSv1.2_2019, TLSv1.2_2018, TLSv1.1_2016, or TLSv1_2016) by
creating a case in the AWS Support Center.
Before you contact AWS Support to request this change, consider the following:
• When you add one of these security policies (TLSv1.2_2019, TLSv1.2_2018,
TLSv1.1_2016, or TLSv1_2016) to a Legacy Clients Support distribution, the security
policy is applied to all non-SNI viewer requests for all Legacy Clients Support
distributions in your AWS account. However, when viewers send SNI requests to a
distribution with Legacy Clients Support, the security policy of that distribution applies.
To make sure that your desired security policy is applied to all viewer requests sent to all
Legacy Clients Support distributions in your AWS account, add the desired security policy
to each distribution individually.
• By definition, the new security policy doesn’t support the same ciphers and protocols
as the old one. For example, if you chose to upgrade a distribution’s security policy
from TLSv1 to TLSv1.1_2016, that distribution will no longer support the DES-
CBC3-SHA cipher. For more information about the ciphers and protocols that each
security policy supports, see Supported protocols and ciphers between viewers and
CloudFront (p. 128).

Supported HTTP Versions

Choose the HTTP versions that you want your distribution to support when viewers communicate with
CloudFront. For viewers and CloudFront to use HTTP/2, viewers must support TLS 1.2 or later, and must
support Server Name Identification (SNI).

In general, configuring CloudFront to communicate with viewers using HTTP/2 reduces latency. You can
improve performance by optimizing for HTTP/2. For more information, do an internet search for "http/2

Default Root Object

Optional. The object that you want CloudFront to request from your origin (for example, index.html)
when a viewer requests the root URL of your distribution ( instead of an
object in your distribution ( Specifying a
default root object avoids exposing the contents of your distribution.

The maximum length of the name is 255 characters. The name can contain any of the following

• A-Z, a-z
• 0-9
• _-.*$/~"'

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Values That You Specify

• &, passed and returned as &amp;

When you specify the default root object, enter only the object name, for example, index.html. Do not
add a / before the object name.

For more information, see Specifying a Default Root Object (p. 107).

Whether you want CloudFront to log information about each request for an object and store the log files
in an Amazon S3 bucket. You can enable or disable logging at any time. There is no extra charge if you
enable logging, but you accrue the usual Amazon S3 charges for storing and accessing the files in an
Amazon S3 bucket. You can delete the logs at any time. For more information about CloudFront access
logs, see Configuring and Using Standard Logs (Access Logs) (p. 439).

Bucket for Logs

If you chose On for Logging, the Amazon S3 bucket that you want CloudFront to store access logs in, for
Don’t choose an Amazon S3 bucket in any of the following Regions, because CloudFront doesn’t
deliver access logs to buckets in these Regions:

• Africa (Cape Town)  af-south-1
• Asia Pacific (Hong Kong)  ap-east-1
• Europe (Milan)  eu-south-1
• Middle East (Bahrain)  me-south-1

The Amazon S3 console shows the bucket’s Region.

If you enable logging, CloudFront records information about each end-user request for an object and
stores the files in the specified Amazon S3 bucket. You can enable or disable logging at any time. For
more information about CloudFront access logs, see Configuring and Using Standard Logs (Access
Logs) (p. 439).
You must have the permissions required to get and update Amazon S3 bucket ACLs, and the
S3 ACL for the bucket must grant you FULL_CONTROL. This allows CloudFront to give the
awsdatafeeds account permission to save log files in the bucket. For more information, see
Permissions Required to Configure Standard Logging and to Access Your Log Files (p. 440).

Log Prefix
Optional. If you chose On for Logging, specify the string, if any, that you want CloudFront to prefix to
the access log file names for this distribution, for example, exampleprefix/. The trailing slash ( / ) is
optional but recommended to simplify browsing your log files. For more information about CloudFront
access logs, see Configuring and Using Standard Logs (Access Logs) (p. 439).

Cookie Logging
If you want CloudFront to include cookies in access logs, choose On. If you choose to include cookies
in logs, CloudFront logs all cookies regardless of how you configure the cache behaviors for this
distribution: forward all cookies, forward no cookies, or forward a specified list of cookies to the origin.

Amazon S3 doesn't process cookies, so unless your distribution also includes an Amazon EC2 or other
custom origin, we recommend that you choose Off for the value of Cookie Logging.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Values That You Specify

For more information about cookies, go to Caching Content Based on Cookies (p. 244).

Enable IPv6
IPv6 is a new version of the IP protocol. It's the eventual replacement for IPv4 and uses a larger
address space. CloudFront always responds to IPv4 requests. If you want CloudFront to respond
to requests from IPv4 IP addresses (such as and requests from IPv6 addresses (such as
2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334), select Enable IPv6.

In general, you should enable IPv6 if you have users on IPv6 networks who want to access your content.
However, if you're using signed URLs or signed cookies to restrict access to your content, and if you're
using a custom policy that includes the IpAddress parameter to restrict the IP addresses that can access
your content, do not enable IPv6. If you want to restrict access to some content by IP address and not
restrict access to other content (or restrict access but not by IP address), you can create two distributions.
For information about creating signed URLs by using a custom policy, see Creating a Signed URL Using
a Custom Policy (p. 166). For information about creating signed cookies by using a custom policy, see
Setting Signed Cookies Using a Custom Policy (p. 182).

If you're using a Route 53 alias resource record set to route traffic to your CloudFront distribution, you
need to create a second alias resource record set when both of the following are true:

• You enable IPv6 for the distribution

• You're using alternate domain names in the URLs for your objects

For more information, see Routing Traffic to an Amazon CloudFront Web Distribution by Using Your
Domain Name in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide.

If you created a CNAME resource record set, either with Route 53 or with another DNS service, you
don't need to make any changes. A CNAME record routes traffic to your distribution regardless of the IP
address format of the viewer request.

If you enable IPv6 and CloudFront access logs, the c-ip column includes values in IPv4 and IPv6 format.
For more information, see Configuring and Using Standard Logs (Access Logs) (p. 439).
To maintain high customer availability, CloudFront responds to viewer requests by using IPv4 if
our data suggests that IPv4 will provide a better user experience. To find out what percentage
of requests CloudFront is serving over IPv6, enable CloudFront logging for your distribution
and parse the c-ip column, which contains the IP address of the viewer that made the request.
This percentage should grow over time, but it will remain a minority of traffic as IPv6 is not yet
supported by all viewer networks globally. Some viewer networks have excellent IPv6 support,
but others don't support IPv6 at all. (A viewer network is analogous to your home internet or
wireless carrier.)
For more information about our support for IPv6, see the CloudFront FAQ. For information
about enabling access logs, see the fields Logging (p. 58), Bucket for Logs (p. 58), and Log
Prefix (p. 58).

Optional. When you create a distribution, you can include a comment of up to 128 characters. You can
update the comment at any time.

Distribution State
Indicates whether you want the distribution to be enabled or disabled once it's deployed:

• Enabled means that as soon as the distribution is fully deployed you can deploy links that use the
distribution's domain name and users can retrieve content. Whenever a distribution is enabled,

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Values That You Specify

CloudFront accepts and handles any end-user requests for content that use the domain name
associated with that distribution.

When you create, modify, or delete a CloudFront distribution, it takes time for your changes to
propagate to the CloudFront database. An immediate request for information about a distribution
might not show the change. Propagation usually completes within minutes, but a high system load or
network partition might increase this time.
• Disabled means that even though the distribution might be deployed and ready to use, users can't
use it. Whenever a distribution is disabled, CloudFront doesn't accept any end-user requests that use
the domain name associated with that distribution. Until you switch the distribution from disabled to
enabled (by updating the distribution's configuration), no one can use it.

You can toggle a distribution between disabled and enabled as often as you want. Follow the process for
updating a distribution's configuration. For more information, see Updating a Distribution (p. 63).

Custom Error Pages and Error Caching

You can have CloudFront return an object to the viewer (for example, an HTML file) when your Amazon
S3 or custom origin returns an HTTP 4xx or 5xx status code to CloudFront. You can also specify how long
an error response from your origin or a custom error page is cached in CloudFront edge caches. For more
information, see Creating a Custom Error Page for Specific HTTP Status Codes (p. 291).
The following values aren't included in the Create Distribution wizard, so you can configure
custom error pages only when you update a distribution.

HTTP Error Code

The HTTP status code for which you want CloudFront to return a custom error page. You can configure
CloudFront to return custom error pages for none, some, or all of the HTTP status codes that CloudFront

Error Caching Minimum TTL (seconds)

The minimum amount of time that you want CloudFront to cache error responses from your origin

Response Page Path

The path to the custom error page (for example, /4xx-errors/403-forbidden.html) that you want
CloudFront to return to a viewer when your origin returns the HTTP status code that you specified for
Error Code (for example, 403). If you want to store your objects and your custom error pages in different
locations, your distribution must include a cache behavior for which the following is true:

• The value of Path Pattern matches the path to your custom error messages. For example, suppose you
saved custom error pages for 4xx errors in an Amazon S3 bucket in a directory named /4xx-errors.
Your distribution must include a cache behavior for which the path pattern routes requests for your
custom error pages to that location, for example, /4xx-errors/*.
• The value of Origin specifies the value of Origin ID for the origin that contains your custom error

HTTP Response Code

The HTTP status code that you want CloudFront to return to the viewer along with the custom error

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Values That Are Displayed

If you need to prevent users in selected countries from accessing your content, you can configure your
CloudFront distribution either to allow users in a whitelist of specified countries to access your content or
to not allow users in a blacklist of specified countries to access your content. For more information, see
Restricting the Geographic Distribution of Your Content (p. 217).
The following values aren't included in the Create Distribution wizard, so you can configure geo
restrictions only when you update a distribution.

Enable Geo-Restriction
Whether you want to prevent users in selected countries from accessing your content. There is no
additional charge for configuring geo restriction.

Restriction Type
How you want to specify the countries from which your users can access your content:

• Whitelist: The Countries list includes all of the countries from which you do want your users to access
your content.
• Blacklist: The Countries list includes all of the countries from which you do not want your users to
access your content.

The countries that you want to add to your whitelist or blacklist. To add a country, select it in the list on
the left and choose Add. Note the following:

• To add multiple consecutive countries, select the first country, press and hold the Shift key, select the
last country, and choose Add.
• To add multiple non-consecutive countries, select the first country, press and hold the Ctrl key, select
the remaining countries, and choose Add.
• To find a country in the left list, enter the first few characters of the country's full name.
• The two-letter code before the name of each country is the value that you enter if you want to create
or update a distribution by using the CloudFront API. We use the International Organization for
Standardization country codes. For an easy-to-use list, sortable by code and by country name, see the
Wikipedia entry ISO 3166-1 alpha-2.

Values That CloudFront Displays in the Console

When you create a new distribution or update an existing distribution, CloudFront displays the following
information in the CloudFront console.
Active trusted signers, the AWS accounts that have an active CloudFront key pair and can be
used to create valid signed URLs, are currently not visible in the CloudFront console.

Distribution ID (General Tab)

When you perform an action on a distribution using the CloudFront API, you use the distribution ID to
specify which distribution to use, for example, EDFDVBD6EXAMPLE. You can't change a distribution's
distribution ID.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Testing a Distribution

Distribution Status (General Tab)

The possible status values for a distribution are listed in the following table.

Value Description

InProgress The distribution is still being created or updated, and the changes have not yet
fully propagated to edge servers.

Deployed The distribution has been created or updated and the changes have been fully
propagated through the CloudFront system.

In addition to ensuring that the status for a distribution is Deployed, you must enable the
distribution before users can use CloudFront to access your content. For more information, see
Distribution State (p. 59).

Last Modified (General Tab)

The date and time that the distribution was last modified, using ISO 8601 format, for example,
2012-05-19T19:37:58Z. For more information, see

Domain Name (General Tab)

You use the distribution's domain name in the links to your objects. For example, if your distribution's
domain name is, the link to /images/image.jpg would be You can't change the CloudFront
domain name for your distribution. For more information about CloudFront URLs for links to your
objects, see Customizing the URL Format for Files in CloudFront (p. 106).

If you specified one or more alternate domain names (CNAMEs), you can use your own domain names
for links to your objects instead of using the CloudFront domain name. For more information about
CNAMEs, see Alternate Domain Names (CNAMEs) (p. 54).
CloudFront domain names are unique. Your distribution's domain name was never used for a
previous distribution and will never be reused for another distribution in the future.

Testing a Distribution
After you've created your distribution, CloudFront knows where your origin server is, and you know the
domain name associated with the distribution. You can create links to your objects using the CloudFront
domain name, and CloudFront will serve the objects to your webpage or application.
You must wait until the status of the distribution changes to Deployed before you can test your

To create links to objects in a web distribution

1. Copy the following HTML code into a new file, replace domain-name with your distribution's
domain name, and replace object-name with the name of your object.

<head>My CloudFront Test</head>
<p>My text content goes here.</p>
<p><img src="http://domain-name/object-name" alt="my test image"

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Updating a Distribution


For example, if your domain name were and your object were
image.jpg, the URL for the link would be:

If your object is in a folder on your origin server, then the folder must also be included in the URL.
For example, if image.jpg were located in the images folder on your origin server, then the URL
would be:
2. Save the HTML code in a file that has an .html file name extension.
3. Open your webpage in a browser to ensure that you can see your object.

The browser returns your page with the embedded image file, served from the edge location that
CloudFront determined was appropriate to serve the object.

Updating a Distribution
In the CloudFront console, you can see the CloudFront distributions that are associated with your AWS
account, view the settings for a distribution, and update most settings. Be aware that settings changes
that you make won't take effect until the distribution has propagated to the AWS edge locations.

To Update a CloudFront Distribution

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CloudFront console at https://
2. Select the ID of a distribution. The list includes all of the distributions associated with the AWS
account that you used to sign in to the CloudFront console.
3. To edit settings for a distribution, choose the Distribution Settings tab.
4. To make updates, do one of the following:

a. To update general settings, choose Edit. Otherwise, choose the tab for the settings that you
want to update: Origins or Behaviors.
b. For settings for an RTMP distribution, choose Edit, and then update values.

For information about the fields, see Values that You Specify When You Create or Update an
RTMP Distribution (p. 309).
5. Make the updates, and then, to save your changes, choose Yes, Edit. For information about the
fields, see the following topics:

• General settings: Distribution Settings (p. 54)

• Origin settings: Origin Settings (p. 40)
• Cache behavior settings: Cache Behavior Settings (p. 46)
6. If you want to delete an origin in your distribution, do the following:

a. Choose Behaviors, and then make sure you have moved any default cache behaviors associated
with the origin to another origin.
b. Choose Origins, and then select an origin.
c. Choose Delete.

You can also update a distribution by using the CloudFront API:

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Tagging a Distribution

• To update a distribution, see UpdateDistribution in the Amazon CloudFront API Reference.

When you update your distribution, be aware that a number of additional fields are required
that are not required to create a distribution. For a summary of the fields required for
when you create or update a distribution, see Required fields for creating and updating
distributions (p. 34). To help make sure that all of the required fields are included
when you update a distribution by using the CloudFront API, follow the steps described in
UpdateDistribution in the Amazon CloudFront API Reference.

When you save changes to your distribution configuration, CloudFront starts to propagate the changes
to all edge locations. Until your configuration is updated in an edge location, CloudFront continues to
serve your content from that location based on the previous configuration. After your configuration is
updated in an edge location, CloudFront immediately starts to serve your content from that location
based on the new configuration.

Your changes don't propagate to every edge location instantaneously. When propagation is complete,
the status of your distribution changes from InProgress to Deployed. While CloudFront is propagating
your changes, we unfortunately can't determine whether a given edge location is serving your content
based on the previous configuration or the new configuration.

Tagging Amazon CloudFront Distributions

Tags are words or phrases that you can use to identify and organize your AWS resources. You can add
multiple tags to each resource, and each tag includes a key and a value that you define. For example, the
key might be "domain" and the value might be "". You can search and filter your resources
based on the tags you add.

The following are two examples of how it can be useful to work with tags in CloudFront:

• Use tags to track billing information in different categories. When you apply tags to CloudFront
distributions or other AWS resources (such as Amazon EC2 instances or Amazon S3 buckets) and
activate the tags, AWS generates a cost allocation report as a comma-separated value (CSV file) with
your usage and costs aggregated by your active tags. You can apply tags that represent business
categories (such as cost centers, application names, or owners) to organize your costs across multiple
services. For more information about using tags for cost allocation, see Use Cost Allocation Tags in the
AWS Billing and Cost Management User Guide.
• Use tags to enforce tag-based permissions on CloudFront distributions. For more information, see
Tag-Based Policies (p. 480).

Note the following:

• You can tag web and RTMP distributions, but you can't tag origin access identities or invalidations.
• Tag Editor and Resource Groups are currently not supported for CloudFront.

For the current maximum number of tags that you can add to a distribution, see Quotas (p. 496). To
request a higher quota (formerly known as limit), create a case with the AWS Support Center.

You can also apply tags to resources by using the CloudFront API, AWS CLI, SDKs, and AWS Tools for
Windows PowerShell. For more information, see the following documentation:

• CloudFront API – See the following operations in the Amazon CloudFront API Reference:
• ListTagsForResource
• TagResource
• UntagResource

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Deleting a Distribution

• AWS CLI – See cloudfront in the AWS CLI Command Reference

• SDKs – See the applicable SDK documentation on the AWS Documentation page
• Tools for Windows PowerShell – See Amazon CloudFront in the AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet

• Tag Restrictions (p. 65)
• Adding, Editing, and Deleting Tags for Distributions (p. 65)

Tag Restrictions
The following basic restrictions apply to tags:

• Maximum number of tags per resource – 50

• Maximum key length – 128 Unicode characters
• Maximum value length – 256 Unicode characters
• Valid values for key and value – a-z, A-Z, 0-9, space, and the following characters: _ . : / = + - and @
• Tag keys and values are case sensitive
• Don't use aws: as a prefix for keys; it's reserved for AWS use

Adding, Editing, and Deleting Tags for Distributions

The following procedure explains how to add, edit, and delete tags for your distributions in the
CloudFront console.

To add tags, edit, or delete tags for a distribution

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CloudFront console at https://
2. Choose the ID for the distribution that you want to update.
3. Choose the Tags tab.
4. Choose Add or edit tags.
5. On the Add or edit tags page, you can do the following:

Add a tag

Enter a key and, optionally, a value for the tag.

Edit a tag

Change the key, the value, or both. You can also delete the value for a tag, but the key is
Delete a tag

Choose the X on the right side of the value field.

6. Choose Save.

Deleting a Distribution
If you no longer want to use a distribution, you can delete it by using the CloudFront console or by using
the CloudFront API.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Different Origins

Be aware that before you can delete a distribution, you must disable it, which requires permission to
update the distribution. For more information about setting permissions for working with CloudFront,
including setting UpdateDistribution and DeleteDistribution permissions, see Customer Managed Policy
Examples (p. 485).
If you disable a distribution that has an alternate domain name associated with it, CloudFront
stops accepting traffic for that domain name (such as, even if another
distribution has an alternate domain name with a wildcard (*) that matches the same domain
(such as *

To Delete a CloudFront Distribution

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CloudFront console at https://
2. In the right pane of the CloudFront console, find the distribution that you want to delete.
3. If the value of the State column is Disabled, skip to Step 7.

If the value of State is Enabled and the value of Status is Deployed, continue with Step 4 to disable
the distribution before deleting it.

If the value of State is Enabled and the value of Status is InProgress, wait until Status changes to
Deployed. Then continue with Step 4 to disable the distribution before deleting it.
4. In the right pane of the CloudFront console, select the check box for the distribution that you want
to delete.
5. Choose Disable to disable the distribution, and choose Yes, Disable to confirm. Then choose Close.
Because CloudFront must propagate this change to all edge locations, it might take a few
minutes before the update is complete and you can delete your distribution.
6. The value of the State column immediately changes to Disabled. Wait until the value of the Status
column changes to Deployed.
7. Check the check box for the distribution that you want to delete.
8. Choose Delete, and choose Yes, Delete to confirm. Then click Close.
If you have just marked your distribution as disabled, CloudFront might still need a few
more minutes to propagate that change to the edge locations. Until propagation is
complete, the Delete option isn't available.

You can also delete a distribution using the CloudFront API:

• To delete a distribution, see DeleteDistribution in the Amazon CloudFront API Reference.

• To delete an RTMP distribution, see DeleteStreamingDistribution in the Amazon CloudFront API

Using Amazon S3 Origins, MediaPackage Channels,

and Custom Origins for Web Distributions
When you create a distribution, you specify where CloudFront sends requests for the files. CloudFront
supports using several AWS resources as origins. For example, you can specify an Amazon S3 bucket or a
MediaStore container, a MediaPackage channel, or a custom origin, such as an Amazon EC2 instance or
your own HTTP web server.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Amazon S3 Buckets for Your Origin

• Using Amazon S3 Buckets for Your Origin (p. 67)
• Using Amazon S3 Buckets Configured as Website Endpoints for Your Origin (p. 68)
• Using a MediaStore Container or a MediaPackage Channel for Your Origin (p. 68)
• Using Amazon EC2 or Other Custom Origins (p. 68)
• Using CloudFront Origin Groups (p. 69)
• Adding CloudFront When You're Already Distributing Content from Amazon S3 (p. 69)
• Moving an Amazon S3 Bucket to a Different Region (p. 71)

Using Amazon S3 Buckets for Your Origin

When you use Amazon S3 as an origin for your distribution, you place any objects that you want
CloudFront to deliver in an Amazon S3 bucket. You can use any method that is supported by Amazon S3
to get your objects into Amazon S3, for example, the Amazon S3 console or API, or a third-party tool.
You can create a hierarchy in your bucket to store the objects, just as you would with any other Amazon
S3 bucket.

Using an existing Amazon S3 bucket as your CloudFront origin server doesn't change the bucket in any
way; you can still use it as you normally would to store and access Amazon S3 objects at the standard
Amazon S3 price. You incur regular Amazon S3 charges for storing the objects in the bucket. For more
information about the charges to use CloudFront, see CloudFront Reports in the Console (p. 405).
For your bucket to work with CloudFront, the name must conform to DNS naming requirements.
For more information, go to Bucket Restrictions and Limitations in the Amazon Simple Storage
Service Developer Guide.

When you specify the Amazon S3 bucket that you want CloudFront to get objects from, we recommend
that you use the following format to access the bucket:

Another option might be to use the following more general format, but be aware that this format
doesn't work for Regions launched in 2019 or later:

When you specify the bucket name in this format, you can use the following CloudFront features:

• Configure CloudFront to communicate with your Amazon S3 bucket using SSL. For more information,
see Using HTTPS with CloudFront (p. 121).
• Use an origin access identity to require that your users access your content using CloudFront URLs,
not by using Amazon S3 URLs. For more information, see Restricting Access to Amazon S3 Content by
Using an Origin Access Identity (p. 209).
• Update the content of your bucket by submitting POST and PUT requests to CloudFront. For more
information, see HTTP Methods (p. 265) in the topic How CloudFront Processes and Forwards
Requests to Your Amazon S3 Origin Server (p. 263).

Do not specify the bucket using the following formats:

• The Amazon S3 path style,

• The Amazon S3 CNAME, if any

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Amazon S3 Buckets Configured
as Website Endpoints for Your Origin

Using Amazon S3 Buckets Configured as Website

Endpoints for Your Origin
You can set up an Amazon S3 bucket that is configured as a website endpoint as custom origin with

• When you configure your CloudFront distribution, for the origin, enter the Amazon S3 static website
hosting endpoint for your bucket. This value appears in the Amazon S3 console, on the Properties tab,
in the Static website hosting pane. For example:

For more information about specifying Amazon S3 static website endpoints, see Website endpoints in
the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide.

When you specify the bucket name in this format as your origin, you can use Amazon S3 redirects and
Amazon S3 custom error documents. For more information about Amazon S3 features, see the Amazon
S3 documentation. (CloudFront also provides custom error pages. For more information, see Creating a
Custom Error Page for Specific HTTP Status Codes (p. 291).)

Using an Amazon S3 bucket as your CloudFront origin server doesn’t change it in any way. You can still
use it as you normally would and you incur regular Amazon S3 charges. For more information about the
charges to use CloudFront, see CloudFront Pricing.
If you use the CloudFront API to create your distribution with an Amazon S3 bucket that is
configured as a website endpoint, you must configure it by using CustomOriginConfig, even
though the website is hosted in an Amazon S3 bucket. For more information about creating
distributions by using the CloudFront API, see CreateDistribution in the Amazon CloudFront API

Using a MediaStore Container or a MediaPackage

Channel for Your Origin
To stream video by using CloudFront, you can set up an Amazon S3 bucket that is configured as a
MediaStore container, or create a channel and endpoints with MediaPackage. Then you create and
configure a distribution in CloudFront to stream the video.

For more information and step-by-step instructions, see the following topics:

• Serving Video Using AWS Elemental MediaStore as the Origin (p. 300)
• Serving Live Video Formatted with AWS Elemental MediaPackage (p. 301)

Using Amazon EC2 or Other Custom Origins

A custom origin is an HTTP server, for example, a web server. The HTTP server can be an Amazon Elastic
Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance or an HTTP server that you manage privately. An Amazon S3
origin configured as a website endpoint is also considered a custom origin.

When you use a custom origin that is your own HTTP server, you specify the DNS name of the server,
along with the HTTP and HTTPS ports and the protocol that you want CloudFront to use when fetching
objects from your origin.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Origin Groups

Most CloudFront features are supported when you use a custom origin with the following exceptions:

• RTMP distributions—Not supported.

• Private content—Although you can use a signed URL to distribute content from a custom origin,
for CloudFront to access the custom origin, the origin must remain publicly accessible. For more
information, see Serving Private Content with Signed URLs and Signed Cookies (p. 145).

Follow these guidelines for using Amazon EC2 instances and other custom origins with CloudFront.

• Host and serve the same content on all servers that are serving content for the same CloudFront
origin. For more information, see Origin Settings (p. 40) in the Values That You Specify When You
Create or Update a Distribution (p. 38) topic.
• Log the X-Amz-Cf-Id header entries on all servers; CloudFront requires this information for
• Restrict access requests to the HTTP and HTTPS ports that your custom origin listens on.
• Synchronize the clocks of all servers in your implementation. Note that CloudFront uses Coordinated
Universal Time (UTC) for signed URLs and signed cookies, for access logs, and reports. In addition, if
you monitor CloudFront activity using CloudWatch metrics, note that CloudWatch also uses UTC.
• Use redundant servers to handle failures.
• For information about using a custom origin to serve private content, see Restricting Access to Files on
Custom Origins (p. 148).
• For information about request and response behavior and about supported HTTP status codes, see
Request and Response Behavior (p. 263).

If you use Amazon EC2 for your custom origins, we recommend that you do the following:

1. Use an Amazon Machine Image that automatically installs the software for a web server. For more
information, see the Amazon EC2 documentation.
2. Use an Elastic Load Balancing load balancer to handle traffic across multiple Amazon EC2 instances
and to isolate your application from changes to Amazon EC2 instances. For example, if you use a
load balancer, you can add and delete Amazon EC2 instances without changing your application. For
more information, see the Elastic Load Balancing documentation.
3. When you create your CloudFront distribution, specify the URL of the load balancer for the domain
name of your origin server. For more information, see Creating a Distribution (p. 37).

Using CloudFront Origin Groups

You can specify an origin group for your CloudFront origin if, for example, you want to configure origin
failover for scenarios when you need high availability. Use origin failover to designate a primary origin
for CloudFront plus a second origin that CloudFront automatically switches to when the primary origin
returns specific HTTP status code failure responses.

To see the steps for setting up an origin group and for more information, see Optimizing High
Availability with CloudFront Origin Failover (p. 231).

Adding CloudFront When You're Already Distributing

Content from Amazon S3
If you store your objects in an Amazon S3 bucket, you can either have users get your objects directly
from S3, or you can configure CloudFront to get your objects from S3 and then distribute them to your

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Adding CloudFront When You Have Amazon S3 Content

To learn more about using Amazon S3 buckets for your origin with CloudFront, including when
you have an Amazon S3 bucket configured as a website endpoint, see Using Amazon S3 Origins,
MediaPackage Channels, and Custom Origins for Web Distributions (p. 66).

Using CloudFront can be more cost effective if your users access your objects frequently because, at
higher usage, the price for CloudFront data transfer is lower than the price for Amazon S3 data transfer.
In addition, downloads are faster with CloudFront than with Amazon S3 alone because your objects are
stored closer to your users.
If you want CloudFront to respect Amazon S3 cross-origin resource sharing settings, configure
CloudFront to forward the Origin header to Amazon S3. For more information, see Caching
Content Based on Request Headers (p. 246).

If you currently distribute content directly from your Amazon S3 bucket using your own domain
name (such as instead of the domain name of your Amazon S3 bucket (such as, you can add CloudFront with no disruption by using the
following procedure.

To add CloudFront when you're already distributing your content from Amazon S3

1. Create a CloudFront distribution using one of the following procedures:

• Steps for Creating a Distribution (Overview) (p. 36)

• Task List for Streaming Media Files Using RTMP (p. 307)

When you create the distribution, specify the name of your Amazon S3 bucket as the origin server.
For your bucket to work with CloudFront, the name must conform to DNS naming
requirements. For more information, see Bucket Restrictions and Limitations in the Amazon
Simple Storage Service Developer Guide.

If you're using a CNAME with Amazon S3, specify the CNAME for your distribution, too.
2. Create a test webpage that contains links to publicly readable objects in your Amazon S3 bucket,
and test the links. For this initial test, use the CloudFront domain name of your distribution in the
object URLs, for example,

For more information about the format of CloudFront URLs, see Customizing the URL Format for
Files in CloudFront (p. 106).
3. If you're using Amazon S3 CNAMEs, your application uses your domain name (for example, to reference the objects in your Amazon S3 bucket instead of using the name of your
bucket (for example, To continue using your domain
name to reference objects instead of using the CloudFront domain name for your distribution (for
example,, you need to update your settings with your DNS service

For Amazon S3 CNAMEs to work, your DNS service provider must have a CNAME resource record
set for your domain that currently routes queries for the domain to your Amazon S3 bucket. For
example, if a user requests this object:

The request is automatically rerouted, and the user sees this object:

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Moving an Amazon S3 Bucket to a Different Region

To route queries to your CloudFront distribution instead of your Amazon S3 bucket, you need to
use the method provided by your DNS service provider to update the CNAME resource record set
for your domain. This updated CNAME record starts to redirect DNS queries from your domain to
the CloudFront domain name for your distribution. For more information, see the documentation
provided by your DNS service provider.
If you're using Route 53 as your DNS service, you can use either a CNAME resource record
set or an alias resource record set. For information about editing resource record sets, see
Editing Resource Record Sets. For information about alias resource record sets, see Choosing
Between Alias and Non-Alias Resource Record Sets. Both topics are in the Amazon Route 53
Developer Guide.

For more information about using CNAMEs with CloudFront, see Using Custom URLs for Files by
Adding Alternate Domain Names (CNAMEs) (p. 71).

After you update the CNAME resource record set, it can take up to 72 hours for the change to
propagate throughout the DNS system, although it usually happens faster. During this time, some
requests for your content will continue to be routed to your Amazon S3 bucket, and others will be
routed to CloudFront.

Moving an Amazon S3 Bucket to a Different Region

If you're using Amazon S3 as the origin for a CloudFront distribution and you move the bucket to a
different Region, CloudFront can take up to an hour to update its records to include the change of
Region when both of the following are true:

• You're using a CloudFront origin access identity (OAI) to restrict access to the bucket.
• You move the bucket to an Amazon S3 Region that requires Signature Version 4 for authentication.

When you're using OAIs, CloudFront uses the Region (among other values) to calculate the signature
that it uses to request objects from your bucket. For more information about OAIs, see Restricting Access
to Amazon S3 Content by Using an Origin Access Identity (p. 209). For a list of Amazon S3 Regions
and the signature versions that they support, see Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) in the
"Regions and Endpoints" chapter of the Amazon Web Services General Reference.

To force a faster update to CloudFront's records, you can update your CloudFront distribution, for
example, by updating the Comment field on the General tab in the CloudFront console. When you
update a distribution, CloudFront immediately checks on the Region that your bucket is in; propagation
of the change to all edge locations should take less than 15 minutes.

Using Custom URLs for Files by Adding Alternate

Domain Names (CNAMEs)
In CloudFront, an alternate domain name, also known as a CNAME, lets you use your own domain name
(for example, in your files’ URLs instead of using the domain name that CloudFront
assigns to your distribution. Both web and RTMP distributions support alternate domain names.

When you create a distribution, CloudFront returns a domain name for the distribution, for example:

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Adding an Alternate Domain Name

When you use the CloudFront domain name for your files, the URL for a file called /images/image.jpg

If you want to use your own domain name, such as, instead of the
domain name, you can add an alternate domain name to your distribution, like You
can then use the following URL to view /images/image.jpg:

• Adding an Alternate Domain Name (p. 72)
• Moving an Alternate Domain Name to a Different CloudFront Distribution (p. 74)
• Removing an Alternate Domain Name (p. 77)
• Using Wildcards in Alternate Domain Names That You Add to CloudFront (p. 78)
• Requirements for Using Alternate Domain Names (p. 78)
• Restrictions on Using Alternate Domain Names (p. 80)

Adding an Alternate Domain Name

The following task list describes how to use the CloudFront console to add an alternate domain name
to your distribution so that you can use your own domain name in your links instead of the CloudFront
domain name. For information about updating your distribution using the CloudFront API, see Working
with distributions (p. 33).
If you want viewers to use HTTPS with your alternate domain name, see Using Alternate Domain
Names and HTTPS (p. 132).

Before you begin: Make sure that you do the following before you update your distribution to add an
alternate domain name:

• Register the domain name with Route 53 or another domain provider.

• Add a certificate from an authorized certificate authority (CA) to CloudFront that covers the domain
name you plan to use with the distribution, to validate that you are authorized to use the domain. For
more information, see Requirements for Using Alternate Domain Names (p. 78).

Adding an Alternate Domain Name

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CloudFront console at https://
2. Choose the ID for the distribution that you want to update.
3. On the General tab, choose Edit.
4. Update the following values:

Alternate Domain Names (CNAMEs)

Add your alternate domain names. Separate domain names with commas, or type each domain
name on a new line.
SSL Certificate (Web Distributions Only)

Choose the following setting:

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Adding an Alternate Domain Name

• Use HTTPS – Choose Custom SSL Certificate, and then choose a certificate from the list. The
list includes certificates provisioned by AWS Certificate Manager (ACM), certificates that you
purchased from another CA and uploaded to ACM, and certificates that you purchased from
another CA and uploaded to the IAM certificate store.

If you uploaded a certificate to the IAM certificate store but it doesn’t appear in the list,
review the procedure Importing an SSL/TLS Certificate (p. 140) to confirm that you correctly
uploaded the certificate.

If you choose this setting, we recommend that you use only an alternate domain name in
your object URLs ( If you use your CloudFront
distribution domain name (,
a viewer might behave as follows, depending on the value that you choose for Clients
• All Clients: If the viewer doesn’t support SNI, it displays a warning because the CloudFront
domain name doesn’t match the domain name in your TLS/SSL certificate.
• Only Clients that Support Server Name Indication (SNI): CloudFront drops the connection
with the viewer without returning the object.
Clients Supported (Web Distributions Only)

Choose an option:
• All Clients: CloudFront serves your HTTPS content using dedicated IP addresses. If you select
this option, you incur additional charges when you associate your SSL/TLS certificate with a
distribution that is enabled. For more information, see Amazon CloudFront Pricing.
• Only Clients that Support Server Name Indication (SNI) (Recommended): Older browsers or
other clients that don't support SNI must use another method to access your content.

For more information, see Choosing How CloudFront Serves HTTPS Requests (p. 132).
5. Choose Yes, Edit.
6. On the General tab for the distribution, confirm that Distribution Status has changed to Deployed.
If you try to use an alternate domain name before the updates to your distribution have been
deployed, the links that you create in the following steps might not work.
7. Configure the DNS service for the domain to route traffic for the domain, such as, to the CloudFront domain name for your distribution, such as The method that you use depends on whether you’re using
Route 53 as the DNS service provider for the domain or another provider.
If your DNS record already points to a distribution that is not the distribution that you
are updating, then you only add the alternate domain name to your distribution after
you update your DNS. For more information, see Restrictions on Using Alternate Domain
Names (p. 80).

Route 53

Create an alias resource record set. With an alias resource record set, you don’t pay for Route 53
queries. In addition, you can create an alias resource record set for the root domain name
(, which DNS doesn’t allow for CNAMEs. For more information, see Routing traffic
to an Amazon CloudFront web distribution by using your domain name in the Amazon Route 53
Developer Guide.
Another DNS service provider

Use the method provided by your DNS service provider to add a CNAME record for your
domain. This new CNAME record will redirect DNS queries from your domain (for example, to the CloudFront domain name for your distribution (for example,

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Moving an Alternate Domain Name
to a Different CloudFront Distribution For more information, see the documentation provided by

your DNS service provider.
If you already have an existing CNAME record for your domain name, update that
record or replace it with a new one that points to the CloudFront domain name for your
In addition, confirm that your CNAME resource record set points to your distribution’s
domain name and not to one of your origin servers.
8. Using dig or a similar DNS tool, confirm that the resource record set that you created in step 7
points to the domain name for your distribution.

The following example shows a dig request on the domain, as well as the
relevant part of the response.


; <<> DiG 9.3.3rc2 <<>

;; global options: printcmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 15917
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 9, AUTHORITY: 2, ADDITIONAL: 0

; IN A


The answer section shows a CNAME record that routes queries for to the
CloudFront distribution domain name If the name on the right
side of CNAME is the domain name for your CloudFront distribution, the CNAME record is configured
correctly. If that is any other value, for example, the domain name for your Amazon S3 bucket, then
the CNAME record is configured incorrectly. In that case, go back to step 4 and correct the CNAME
record to point to the domain name for your distribution.
9. Test the alternate domain name by visiting URLs with your domain name instead of the CloudFront
domain name for your distribution.
10. In your application, change the URLs for your objects to use your alternate domain name instead of
the domain name of your CloudFront distribution.

Moving an Alternate Domain Name to a Different

CloudFront Distribution
If you want to move an alternate domain name from one CloudFront distribution to another distribution,
the steps you must take depend on the domain name that you want to move:

• For a subdomain like, you can move the domain yourself. For detailed steps, see
Move a subdomain name to another distribution (p. 74).
• For a domain like (an apex domain), you must work with AWS Support to move the
domain to another distribution Move an apex domain name to another distribution (p. 76).

Move a subdomain name to another distribution

Follow these steps to move a subdomain name, for example

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Moving an Alternate Domain Name
to a Different CloudFront Distribution

To move a subdomain name to a new distribution

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CloudFront console at https://
2. If you don’t have a new distribution to move the domain name to, create one. For more information,
see Creating a Distribution (p. 37).
3. Add to the distribution an alternate domain name that includes a wildcard for the alias record set or
CNAME record. For example, if the subdomain name that you want to move to the new distribution
is, add the alternate domain name * For more information, see
Using Wildcards in Alternate Domain Names That You Add to CloudFront (p. 78).
You can’t add a wildcard to a top-level domain name, such as *.com, so if you want to
move a domain name like to a new distribution, see Move an apex domain
name to another distribution (p. 76).
4. Update the DNS configuration for your subdomain to point to the new distribution. For example,
you would update the DNS service for the subdomain to route traffic to the
CloudFront domain name for your distribution,

To update the configuration, do one of the following:

• If you’re using Route 53, update alias records or CNAME records, depending how you set up the
alternate domain name originally. For more information, see Editing records in the Amazon Route
53 Developer Guide.
• If you’re using another DNS service provider, use the method provided by the DNS service
provider to update the CNAME record that directs traffic to CloudFront. For more information, see
the documentation provided by your DNS service provider.
At this point, the subdomain is still served by the original distribution because that is
where the alternate domain is currently configured.
5. Using dig or a similar DNS tool, confirm that the resource record set that you created in step 4
points to the domain name for your distribution.

The following example shows a dig request on the domain, as well as the
relevant part of the response.


; <<> DiG 9.3.3rc2 <<>

;; global options: printcmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 15917
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 9, AUTHORITY: 2, ADDITIONAL: 0

; IN A


The answer section shows a CNAME record that routes queries for to the
CloudFront distribution domain name If the name on the right
side of CNAME is the domain name for your CloudFront distribution, the CNAME record is configured
correctly. If that is any other value, for example, the domain name for your Amazon S3 bucket, then
the CNAME record is configured incorrectly. In that case, go back to step 4 and correct the CNAME
record to point to the domain name for your distribution.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Moving an Alternate Domain Name
to a Different CloudFront Distribution

When using Route 53 alias records, it is not possible to use dig to confirm that the resource
record points to the new distribution. In this case, you can either change the type of the
resource record from alias to CNAME, or wait until the record’s time to live (TTL) value has
6. Remove the CNAME from the existing distribution and then add it to the new CloudFront
distribution where the wildcard alternate name was added previously.
While these changes propagate, the alternate domain name may be served by either the
original or new distribution at random. This behavior may persist for a few minutes after
both distributions have reached status Deployed.
7. Test the alternate domain name by visiting some URLs that use your domain name instead of the
CloudFront domain name for your distribution.
8. (Optional) The wildcard alternate name may now be removed from the new distribution.
9. If you’re no longer using the original distribution, delete it. For more information, see Deleting a
Distribution (p. 65).

Move an apex domain name to another distribution

For apex domain names, like, you must contact AWS Support to move the domain name
to another CloudFront distribution. The extra steps are required because moving a domain yourself, as
described in the previous procedure, requires setting up domain routing using a wildcard for part of the
domain name. For apex domains, for this step, you would have to set up routing as *.com, which isn’t

Before you get started, if you don’t have a new distribution to move the domain name to, create one. For
more information, see Creating a Distribution (p. 37).

Moving a domain name like to a new distribution takes two steps:

Step 1: Provide proof to AWS Support that you own the domain name by creating a TXT record for your
domain at your DNS service provider. This helps prevent someone else from making changes to your
distribution configuration.

Step 2: Request that AWS Support move your domain to the new CloudFront distribution.

Here are the specific steps to take.

Step 1: Create a TXT record for your domain

1. Sign in to your DNS service provider website.

If your service provider is Route 53, sign in to the Route 53 console.

2. Create a TXT record for your domain like the following:

domain name TXT CloudFrontdistribution domain name

For example: TXT

• If your DNS service provider is Route 53, go to step 3 for detailed steps.

• If your domain is hosted by another DNS service provider, see the documentation at the DNS
service provider. You might need to request that your service provider create the TXT record for
If your service provider does not allow a TXT record for a domain to have the same
information as a CNAME record, consider creating a TXT record that uses your domain

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Removing an Alternate Domain Name

name with an underscore (_) prepended to it. For an example, see the following
Knowledge Center article: Resolve CNAME Already Exists Error.
3. If your DNS service provider is Route 53, use the following steps to create a TXT record to prove
domain ownership:

a. On the Hosted Zones page, double-click the row for the hosted zone in which you want to edit
b. Choose Create Record Set.
c. Enter the following values:

• Name: The domain name you want to move to a new CloudFront distribution
• Type: TXT
• Alias: No
• TTL: 60 seconds
• Value: The name of the CloudFront distribution that you want to add this domain name to,
such as
• Routing policy: Simple
d. Choose Create.

Step 2: Request that AWS Support move your domain to the new CloudFront distribution

• Sign in to AWS and contact AWS support to request that they verify that you own the domain, and
move the domain to the new CloudFront distribution.
AWS Support can’t verify your domain ownership until they can view the TXT record that you
created for your domain. Be aware that records that you create at your DNS provider can take
a while (up to several days) to propagate through the DNS system.

Removing an Alternate Domain Name

If you want to stop routing traffic for a domain or subdomain to a CloudFront distribution, follow the
steps in this section to update both the DNS configuration and the CloudFront distribution.

It’s important that you remove the alternate domain names from the distribution as well as update
your DNS configuration. This helps prevent issues later if you want to associate the domain name with
another CloudFront distribution. If an alternate domain name is already associated with one distribution,
it can’t be set up with another.
If you want to remove the alternate domain name from this distribution so you can add it to
another one, follow the steps in Moving an Alternate Domain Name to a Different CloudFront
Distribution (p. 74). If you follow the steps here instead (to remove a domain) and then add
the domain to another distribution, there will be a period of time during which the domain
won’t link to the new distribution because CloudFront is propagating to the updates to edge

To remove an alternate domain name from a distribution

1. To start, route internet traffic for your domain to another resource that isn’t your CloudFront
distribution, such as an Elastic Load Balancing load balancer. Or you can delete the DNS record that’s
routing traffic to CloudFront.

Do one of the following, depending on the DNS service for your domain:

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Wildcards in Alternate Domain
Names That You Add to CloudFront

• If you’re using Route 53, update or delete alias records or CNAME records. For more information,
see Editing records or Deleting records.
• If you’re using another DNS service provider, use the method provided by the DNS service
provider to update or delete the CNAME record that directs traffic to CloudFront. For more
information, see the documentation provided by your DNS service provider.
2. After you update your domain’s DNS records, wait until the changes have propagated and DNS
resolvers are routing traffic to the new resource. You can check to see when this is complete by
creating some test links that use your domain in the URL.
3. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CloudFront console at https://, and update your CloudFront distribution to remove the
domain name by doing the following:

a. Choose the ID for the distribution that you want to update.

b. On the General tab, choose Edit.
c. In Alternate Domain Names (CNAMEs), remove the alternate domain name (or domain names)
that you no longer want to use for your distribution.
d. Choose Yes, Edit.

Using Wildcards in Alternate Domain Names That You

Add to CloudFront
When you add alternate domain names, you can use the * wildcard at the beginning of a domain
name instead of adding subdomains individually. For example, with an alternate domain name
of *, you can use any domain name that ends with in your object
URLs, such as,, and marketing.product- The name of an object is the same regardless of the domain name, for example:

Follow these requirements for alternate domain names that include wildcards:

• The alternate domain name must begin with an asterisk and a dot ( *. ).
• You cannot use a wildcard to replace part of a subdomain name, like this: *
• You cannot replace a subdomain in the middle of a domain name, like this:
• All alternate domain names, including alternate domain names that use wildcards, must be covered by
the subject alternative name (SAN) on the certificate.

A wildcard alternate domain name, such as *, can include another alternate domain
name, such as, as long as they’re both in the same CloudFront distribution or they’re in
distributions that were created by using the same AWS account.

Requirements for Using Alternate Domain Names

When you add an alternate domain name, such as, to a CloudFront distribution, the
following are requirements:

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Requirements for Using Alternate Domain Names

Alternate domain names must be lowercase

All alternate domain names (CNAMEs) must be lowercase to be valid.

Alternate domain names must be covered by a valid SSL/TLS certificate

To add an alternate domain name (CNAME) to use with a CloudFront distribution, you must attach
to your distribution a trusted, valid SSL/TLS certificate that covers the alternate domain name. This
ensures that only people with access to your domain’s certificate can associate with CloudFront a
CNAME related to your domain.

A trusted certificate is one that is issued by AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) or by another valid
certificate authority (CA); you can’t use a self-signed certificate. CloudFront supports the same
certificate authorities as Mozilla. For the current list, see Mozilla Included CA Certificate List.

To verify an alternate domain name by using the certificate that you attach, including alternate
domain names that include wildcards, CloudFront checks the subject alternative name (SAN) on the
certificate. The alternate domain name that you’re adding must be covered by the SAN.
Only one certificate can be attached to a CloudFront distribution at a time.

You prove that you are authorized to add a specific alternate domain name to your distribution by
doing one of the following:
• Attaching a certificate that includes the alternate domain name, like product-
• Attaching a certificate that includes a * wildcard at the beginning of a domain name, to cover
multiple subdomains with one certificate. When you specify a wildcard, you can add multiple
subdomains as alternate domain names in CloudFront.

The following examples illustrate how using wildcards in domain names in a certificate work to
authorize you to add specific alternate domain names in CloudFront.
• You want to add as an alternate domain name. You list in your
certificate the following domain name: * When you attach this certificate to
CloudFront, you can add any alternate domain name for your distribution that replaces the
wildcard at that level, including You can also, for example, add the
following alternate domain names:

However, you can’t add alternate domain names that are at levels higher or lower than
the wildcard. For example, you can’t add the alternate domain names or
• You want to add as an alternate domain name. To do this, you must list the domain
name itself on the certificate that you attach to your distribution.
• You want to add as an alternate domain name.
To do this, you can list * on the certificate, or you can list itself on the certificate.
Permission to change DNS configuration

When you add alternate domain names, you must create CNAME records to route DNS queries for
the domain names to your CloudFront distribution. To do this, you must have permission to create
CNAME records with the DNS service provider for the alternate domain names that you’re using.
Typically, this means that you own the domains, but you might be developing an application for the
domain owner.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Restrictions on Using Alternate Domain Names

Alternate Domain Names and HTTPS

If you want viewers to use HTTPS with an alternate domain name, you must complete some
additional configuration. For more information, see Using Alternate Domain Names and
HTTPS (p. 132).

Restrictions on Using Alternate Domain Names

Note the following restrictions on using alternate domain names:

Maximum number of alternate domain names

For the current maximum number of alternate domain names that you can add to a
distribution, or to request a higher quota (formerly known as limit), see General Quotas on Web
Distributions (p. 497).
Duplicate and overlapping alternate domain names

You cannot add an alternate domain name to a CloudFront distribution if the alternate domain
name already exists in another CloudFront distribution, even if your AWS account owns the other

However, you can add a wildcard alternate domain name, such as *, that includes
(that overlaps with) a non-wildcard alternate domain name, such as
Overlapping alternate domain names can be in the same distribution or in separate distributions as
long as both distributions were created by using the same AWS account.

If you have overlapping alternate domain names in two distributions, CloudFront sends the request
to the distribution with the more specific name match, regardless of the distribution that the DNS
record points to. For example, is more specific than *
Alternate domain names that already point to a distribution

If your DNS record points to a distribution that is not the distribution that you are creating or
modifying, then you can’t add the alternate domain name to your distribution. In this scenario,
you must update your DNS at your DNS provider before you can add the domain name for your
CloudFront distribution.

To correct this, sign in to your DNS provider and remove the existing DNS record, or contact your
DNS provider to remove it for you. Then create the correct DNS record for your distribution,
following the steps for adding or changing the alternate domain name for a distribution. For more
information, see Adding an Alternate Domain Name (p. 72) or Moving an Alternate Domain
Name to a Different CloudFront Distribution (p. 74).
Domain fronting

CloudFront includes protection against domain fronting occurring across different AWS accounts.
Domain fronting is a scenario in which a non-standard client creates a TLS/SSL connection to a
domain name in one AWS account, but then makes an HTTPS request for an unrelated name in
another AWS account. For example, the TLS connection might connect to, and
then issue a request for

To prevent cases where domain fronting crosses different AWS accounts, CloudFront makes sure that
the AWS account that owns the certificate that it serves for a specific connection always matches the
AWS account that owns the request that it handles on that same connection.

If the two AWS account numbers do not match, CloudFront responds with an HTTP 421 Misdirected
Request response to give the client a chance to connect using the correct domain.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Websockets

Adding an alternate domain name at the top node (zone apex) for a domain

When you add an alternate domain name to a distribution, you typically create a CNAME record in
your DNS configuration to route DNS queries for the domain name to your CloudFront distribution.
However, you can’t create a CNAME record for the top node of a DNS namespace, also known
as the zone apex; the DNS protocol doesn’t allow it. For example, if you register the DNS name, the zone apex is You can’t create a CNAME record for,
but you can create CNAME records for,, and so on.

If you’re using Route 53 as your DNS service, you can create an alias resource record set, which has
two advantages over CNAME records. You can create an alias resource record set for a domain name
at the top node ( In addition, when you use an alias resource record set, you don’t pay
for Route 53 queries.
If you enable IPv6, you must create two alias resource record sets: one to route IPv4 traffic
(an A record) and one to route IPv6 traffic (an AAAA record). For more information, see
Enable IPv6 (p. 59) in the topic Values That You Specify When You Create or Update a
Distribution (p. 38).

For more information, see Routing traffic to an Amazon CloudFront web distribution by using your
domain name in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide.

Using WebSocket with CloudFront Distributions

Amazon CloudFront supports using WebSocket, a TCP-based protocol that is useful when you need
long-lived bidirectional connections between clients and servers. A persistent connection is often a
requirement with real-time applications. The scenarios in which you might use Websockets include social
chat platforms, online collaboration workspaces, multi-player gaming, and services that provide real-
time data feeds like financial trading platforms. Data over a WebSocket connection can flow in both
directions for full-duplex communication.

CloudFront supports WebSocket connections globally with no required additional configuration. All
CloudFront distributions have built-in WebSocket protocol support, as long as the client and server also
both support the protocol.

How the WebSocket Protocol Works

The WebSocket protocol is an independent, TCP-based protocol that allows you to avoid some of the
overhead—and potentially increased latency—of HTTP.

To establish a WebSocket connection, the client sends a regular HTTP request that uses HTTP's upgrade
semantics to change the protocol. The server can then complete the handshake. The WebSocket
connection remains open and either the client or server can send data frames to each other without
having to establish new connections each time.

By default, the WebSocket protocol uses port 80 for regular WebSocket connections and port 443 for
WebSocket connections over TLS/SSL. The options that you choose for your CloudFront Viewer Protocol
Policy (p. 49) and Origin Protocol Policy (p. 45) apply to WebSocket connections as well as to HTTP

WebSocket Requirements
WebSocket requests must comply with RFC 6455 ( in the following
standard formats.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
WebSocket Requirements

Sample client request:

GET /chat HTTP/1.1

Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Key: dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBub25jZQ==
Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: chat, superchat
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13

Sample server response:

HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols

Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Accept: s3pPLMBiTxaQ9kYGzzhZRbK+xOo=
Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: chat

If the WebSocket connection is disconnected by the client or server, or by a network disruption, client
applications are expected to re-initiate the connection with the server.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Controlling the cache key

Working with policies

With CloudFront policies, you can control the values that are included in the cache key for objects that are
cached at CloudFront edge locations. These values can include HTTP request query strings, headers, and
cookies. The cache key determines whether a viewer request results in a cache hit (the object is served to
the viewer from a CloudFront edge location).

When there’s a cache miss (the requested object is not cached at the edge location), CloudFront sends
a request to the origin to retrieve the object. This is called an origin request. You can separately control
which of these values (query strings, headers, and cookies) are included in the origin request.

You control the cache key with a cache policy and the origin request with an origin request policy. By
controlling the cache key and the origin request separately, you can forward request values to your origin
without duplicating cached content when the content doesn’t differ based on those values.

For more information, see the following.

• Controlling the cache key (p. 83)
• Understanding cache policies (p. 84)
• Policy information (p. 84)
• Time to live (TTL) settings (p. 85)
• Cache key settings (p. 85)
• Creating cache policies (p. 88)
• Using the managed cache policies (p. 91)
• Attaching a managed cache policy (p. 92)
• Understanding the managed cache policies (p. 92)
• Understanding the cache key (p. 93)
• The default cache key (p. 94)
• Customizing the cache key (p. 94)
• Controlling origin requests (p. 95)
• Understanding origin request policies (p. 96)
• Policy information (p. 96)
• Origin request settings (p. 96)
• Creating origin request policies (p. 97)
• Using the managed origin request policies (p. 100)
• Attaching a managed origin request policy (p. 101)
• Understanding the managed origin request policies (p. 101)
• Using the CloudFront HTTP headers (p. 102)
• Headers for determining the viewer’s device type (p. 102)
• Headers for determining the viewer’s location (p. 103)
• Other CloudFront headers (p. 103)

Controlling the cache key

With Amazon CloudFront, you can control the cache key for objects that are cached at CloudFront edge
locations. The cache key is the unique identifier for every object in the cache, and it determines whether

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Understanding cache policies

a viewer request results in a cache hit. A cache hit occurs when a viewer request generates the same
cache key as a prior request, and the object for that cache key is in the edge location’s cache and valid.
When there’s a cache hit, the object is served to the viewer from a CloudFront edge location, which has
the following benefits:

• Reduced load on your origin server

• Reduced latency for the viewer

You can get better performance from your website or application when you have a higher cache hit ratio
(a higher proportion of viewer requests result in a cache hit). One way to improve your cache hit ratio is
to include only the minimum necessary values in the cache key. For more information, see Understanding
the cache key (p. 93).

To control the cache key, you use a CloudFront cache policy. You attach a cache policy to one or more
cache behaviors in a CloudFront distribution.

• Understanding cache policies (p. 84)
• Policy information (p. 84)
• Time to live (TTL) settings (p. 85)
• Cache key settings (p. 85)
• Creating cache policies (p. 88)
• Using the managed cache policies (p. 91)
• Attaching a managed cache policy (p. 92)
• Understanding the managed cache policies (p. 92)
• Understanding the cache key (p. 93)
• The default cache key (p. 94)
• Customizing the cache key (p. 94)

Understanding cache policies

You can use a cache policy to improve your cache hit ratio by controlling the values (URL query strings,
HTTP headers, and cookies) that are included in the cache key. CloudFront provides some predefined
cache policies, known as managed policies, for common use cases. You can use these managed policies,
or you can create your own cache policy that’s specific to your needs. For more information about the
managed policies, see Using the managed cache policies (p. 91).

A cache policy contains the following settings, which are categorized into policy information, time to live
(TTL) settings, and cache key settings.

Policy information

A name to identify the cache policy. In the console, you use the name to attach the cache policy to a
cache behavior.

A comment to describe the cache policy. This is optional, but it can help you identify the purpose of
the cache policy.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Understanding cache policies

Time to live (TTL) settings

The time to live (TTL) settings work together with the Cache-Control and Expires HTTP headers (if
they’re in the origin response) to determine how long objects in the CloudFront cache remain valid.

Minimum TTL

The minimum amount of time, in seconds, that you want objects to stay in the CloudFront
cache before CloudFront checks with the origin to see if the object has been updated. For more
information, see Managing How Long Content Stays in an Edge Cache (Expiration) (p. 236).
Maximum TTL

The maximum amount of time, in seconds, that objects stay in the CloudFront cache before
CloudFront checks with the origin to see if the object has been updated. CloudFront uses this
setting only when the origin sends Cache-Control or Expires headers with the object. For more
information, see Managing How Long Content Stays in an Edge Cache (Expiration) (p. 236).
Default TTL

The default amount of time, in seconds, that you want objects to stay in the CloudFront cache
before CloudFront checks with the origin to see if the object has been updated. CloudFront uses this
setting’s value as the object’s TTL only when the origin does not send Cache-Control or Expires
headers with the object. For more information, see Managing How Long Content Stays in an Edge
Cache (Expiration) (p. 236).

Cache key settings

Cache key settings specify the values in viewer requests that CloudFront includes in the cache key.
The values can include URL query strings, HTTP headers, and cookies. The values that you include in
the cache key are automatically included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin, known as
origin requests. For information about controlling origin requests without affecting the cache key, see
Controlling origin requests (p. 95).

Cache key settings include:

• Query strings (p. 85)

• Headers (p. 86)
• Cookies (p. 86)
• Cache compressed objects (uses the Accept-Encoding header) (p. 86)

Query strings

The URL query strings in viewer requests that CloudFront includes in the cache key and in origin
requests. For query strings, you can choose one of the following settings:
• None – The query strings in viewer requests are not included in the cache key and are not
automatically included in origin requests.
• All – All query strings in viewer requests are included in the cache key and are also automatically
included in origin requests.
• Whitelist – You specify which of the query strings in viewer requests are included in the cache key
and automatically included in origin requests.
• All-Except – You specify which of the query strings in viewer requests are not included in the
cache key and are not automatically included in origin requests. All other query strings, expect for
the ones you specify, are included in the cache key and automatically included in origin requests.

When you use the Whitelist or All-Except setting, you specify query strings by their name, not their
value. For example, consider the following URL path:

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Understanding cache policies


In this case, you specify the query string as split-pages, not as split-pages=false. However,
CloudFront includes the full query string, including its value, in the cache key and in origin requests.

The HTTP headers in viewer requests that CloudFront includes in the cache key and in origin
requests. For headers, you can choose one of the following settings:
• None – The HTTP headers in viewer requests are not included in the cache key and are not
automatically included in origin requests.
• Whitelist – You specify which of the HTTP headers in viewer requests are included in the cache key
and automatically included in origin requests.

When you use the Whitelist setting, you specify HTTP headers by their name, not their value. For
example, consider the following HTTP header:

Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5

In this case, you specify the header as Accept-Language, not as Accept-Language: en-
US,en;q=0.5. However, CloudFront includes the full header, including its value, in the cache key
and in origin requests.

You can also include certain headers generated by CloudFront in the cache key. For more
information, see Using the CloudFront HTTP headers (p. 102).

The cookies in viewer requests that CloudFront includes in the cache key and in origin requests. For
cookies, you can choose one of the following settings:
• None – The cookies in viewer requests are not included in the cache key and are not automatically
included in origin requests.
• All – All cookies in viewer requests are included in the cache key and are automatically included in
origin requests.
• Whitelist – You specify which of the cookies in viewer requests are included in the cache key and
automatically included in origin requests.
• All-Except – You specify which of the cookies in viewer requests are not included in the cache key
and are not automatically included in origin requests. All other cookies, expect for the ones you
specify, are included in the cache key and automatically included in origin requests.

When you use the Whitelist or All-Except setting, you specify cookies by their name, not their value.
For example, consider the following Cookie header:

Cookie: session_ID=abcd1234

In this case, you specify the cookie as session_ID, not as session_ID=abcd1234. However,
CloudFront includes the full cookie, including its value, in the cache key and in origin requests.
Cache compressed objects (uses the Accept-Encoding header)

These settings enable CloudFront to request and cache objects that are compressed in the Gzip or
Brotli compression formats, when the viewer supports it. Viewers indicate their support for these
compression formats with the Accept-Encoding HTTP header.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Understanding cache policies

The Chrome and Firefox web browsers support Brotli compression only when the request is
sent using HTTPS. These browsers do not support Brotli with HTTP requests.

Enable these settings when any of the following are true:

• Your origin returns Gzip compressed objects when viewers support them (requests contain the
Accept-Encoding HTTP header with gzip as a value). In this case, enable the Cache Gzip
objects setting (set EnableAcceptEncodingGzip to true in the CloudFront API, AWS SDKs,
AWS CLI, or AWS CloudFormation).
• Your origin returns Brotli compressed objects when viewers support them (requests contain the
Accept-Encoding HTTP header with br as a value). In this case, enable the Cache Brotli objects
setting (set EnableAcceptEncodingBrotli to true in the CloudFront API, AWS SDKs, AWS CLI,
or AWS CloudFormation).
• The cache behavior that this cache policy is attached to is configured with CloudFront edge
compression (p. 116). In this case, you can enable caching for either Gzip or Brotli, or both. When
CloudFront edge compression is enabled, enabling caching for both formats can help to reduce
your costs for data transfer out to the internet.
If you enable caching for one or both of these compression formats, do not include the
Accept-Encoding header in an origin request policy (p. 95) that’s associated with
the same cache behavior. CloudFront always includes this header in origin requests when
caching is enabled for either of these formats, so including Accept-Encoding in an origin
request policy has no effect.

If your origin server does not return Gzip or Brotli compressed objects, or the cache behavior is not
configured with CloudFront edge compression, don’t enable caching for compressed objects. If you
do, it might cause a decrease in your cache hit ratio (p. 228).

The following explains how these settings affect a CloudFront distribution. All of the following
scenarios assume that the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding header. When the viewer
request does not include the Accept-Encoding header, CloudFront doesn’t include this header in
the cache key and doesn’t include it in the corresponding origin request.
When caching compressed objects is enabled for both compression formats

If the viewer supports both Gzip and Brotli—that is, if the gzip and br values are both in the
Accept-Encoding header in the viewer request—CloudFront does the following:
• Normalizes the header to Accept-Encoding: br,gzip and includes the normalized
header in the cache key. The cache key doesn’t include other values that were in the Accept-
Encoding header sent by the viewer.
• If the edge location has a Brotli or Gzip compressed object in the cache that matches the
request and is not expired, the edge location returns the object to the viewer.
• If the edge location doesn’t have a Brotli or Gzip compressed object in the cache that
matches the request and is not expired, CloudFront includes the normalized header (Accept-
Encoding: br,gzip) in the corresponding origin request. The origin request doesn’t include
other values that were in the Accept-Encoding header sent by the viewer.

If the viewer supports one compression format but not the other—for example, if gzip is a
value in the Accept-Encoding header in the viewer request but br is not—CloudFront does
the following:
• Normalizes the header to Accept-Encoding: gzip and includes the normalized header in
the cache key. The cache key doesn’t include other values that were in the Accept-Encoding
header sent by the viewer.
• If the edge location has a Gzip compressed object in the cache that matches the request and is
not expired, the edge location returns the object to the viewer.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Creating cache policies

• If the edge location doesn’t have a Gzip compressed object in the cache that matches the
request and is not expired, CloudFront includes the normalized header (Accept-Encoding:
gzip) in the corresponding origin request. The origin request doesn’t include other values
that were in the Accept-Encoding header sent by the viewer.

To understand what CloudFront does if the viewer supports Brotli but not Gzip, replace the two
compression formats with each other in the preceding example.

If the viewer does not support Brotli or Gzip—that is, the Accept-Encoding header in the
viewer request does not contain br or gzip as values—CloudFront:
• Doesn’t include the Accept-Encoding header in the cache key.
• Includes Accept-Encoding: identity in the corresponding origin request. The origin
request doesn’t include other values that were in the Accept-Encoding header sent by the
When caching compressed objects is enabled for one compression format, but not the other

If the viewer supports the format for which caching is enabled—for example, if caching
compressed objects is enabled for Gzip and the viewer supports Gzip (gzip is one of the values
in the Accept-Encoding header in the viewer request)—CloudFront does the following:
• Normalizes the header to Accept-Encoding: gzip and includes the normalized header in
the cache key.
• If the edge location has a Gzip compressed object in the cache that matches the request and is
not expired, the edge location returns the object to the viewer.
• If the edge location doesn’t have a Gzip compressed object in the cache that matches the
request and is not expired, CloudFront includes the normalized header (Accept-Encoding:
gzip) in the corresponding origin request. The origin request doesn’t include other values
that were in the Accept-Encoding header sent by the viewer.

This behavior is the same when the viewer supports both Gzip and Brotli (the Accept-
Encoding header in the viewer request includes both gzip and br as values), because in this
scenario, caching compressed objects for Brotli is not enabled.

To understand what CloudFront does if caching compressed objects is enabled for Brotli but not
Gzip, replace the two compression formats with each other in the preceding example.

If the viewer does not support the compression format for which caching is enabled (the
Accept-Encoding header in the viewer request doesn’t contain the value for that format),
• Doesn’t include the Accept-Encoding header in the cache key.
• Includes Accept-Encoding: identity in the corresponding origin request. The origin
request doesn’t include other values that were in the Accept-Encoding header sent by the
When caching compressed objects is disabled for both compression formats

When caching compressed objects is disabled for both compression formats, CloudFront treats
the Accept-Encoding header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By
default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. You can include
it in the headers whitelist in a cache policy or an origin request policy like any other HTTP

Creating cache policies

You can use a cache policy to improve your cache hit ratio by controlling the values (URL query strings,
HTTP headers, and cookies) that are included in the cache key. You can create a cache policy in the
CloudFront console, with the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), or with the CloudFront API.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Creating cache policies

After you create a cache policy, you attach it to one or more cache behaviors in a CloudFront distribution.

Creating cache policies (console)

To create a cache policy (console)

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Policies page in the CloudFront console at
2. Choose Create cache policy.
3. Choose the desired setting for this cache policy. For more information, see Understanding cache
policies (p. 84).
4. When finished, choose Create cache policy.

After you create a cache policy, you can attach it to a cache behavior.

To attach a cache policy to an existing distribution (console)

1. Open the Distributions page in the CloudFront console at

2. Choose the distribution to update, then choose the Behaviors tab.
3. Choose the cache behavior to update, then choose Edit.

Or, to create a new cache behavior, choose Create Behavior.

4. For Cache and origin request settings, make sure that Use a cache policy and origin request policy
is chosen.
5. For Cache Policy, choose the cache policy to attach to this cache behavior.
6. At the bottom of the page, choose Yes, Edit.

To attach a cache policy to a new distribution (console)

1. Open the CloudFront console at

2. Choose Create Distribution, then for Web, choose Get Started.
3. For Cache and origin request settings, make sure that Use a cache policy and origin request policy
is chosen.
4. For Cache Policy, choose the cache policy to attach to this distribution’s default cache behavior.
5. Choose the desired settings for the origin, default cache behavior, and distribution. For more
information, see Values That You Specify When You Create or Update a Distribution (p. 38).
6. When finished, choose Create Distribution.

Creating cache policies (AWS CLI)

To create a cache policy with the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), use the aws cloudfront
create-cache-policy command. You can use an input file to provide the command’s input parameters,
rather than specifying each individual parameter as command line input.

To create a cache policy (CLI with input file)

1. Use the following command to create a file named cache-policy.yaml that contains all of the
input parameters for the create-cache-policy command.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Creating cache policies

aws cloudfront create-cache-policy --generate-cli-skeleton yaml-input > cache-


The yaml-input option is available only in version 2 of the AWS CLI. With version 1 of
the AWS CLI, you can generate an input file in JSON format. For more information, see
Generating AWS CLI skeleton and input parameters from a JSON or YAML input file in the
AWS Command Line Interface User Guide.
2. Open the file named cache-policy.yaml that you just created. Edit the file to specify the cache
policy settings that you want, then save the file. You can remove optional fields from the file, but
don’t remove the required fields.

For more information about the cache policy settings, see Understanding cache policies (p. 84).
3. Use the following command to create the cache policy using input parameters from the cache-
policy.yaml file.

aws cloudfront create-cache-policy --cli-input-yaml file://cache-policy.yaml

Make note of the Id value in the command’s output. This is the cache policy ID, and you need it to
attach the cache policy to a CloudFront distribution’s cache behavior.

To attach a cache policy to an existing distribution (CLI with input file)

1. Use the following command to save the distribution configuration for the CloudFront distribution
that you want to update. Replace distribution_ID with the distribution’s ID.

aws cloudfront get-distribution-config --id distribution_ID --output yaml > dist-


The --output yaml option is available only in version 2 of the AWS CLI. With version 1
of the AWS CLI, you can generate the output in JSON format. For more information, see
Controlling command output from the AWS CLI in the AWS Command Line Interface User
2. Open the file named dist-config.yaml that you just created. Edit the file, making the following
changes to each cache behavior that you are updating to use a cache policy.

• In the cache behavior, add a field named CachePolicyId. For the field’s value, use the cache
policy ID that you noted after creating the policy.
• Remove the MinTTL, MaxTTL, DefaultTTL, and ForwardedValues fields from the cache
behavior. These settings are specified in the cache policy, so you can’t include these fields and a
cache policy in the same cache behavior.
• Rename the ETag field to IfMatch, but don’t change the field’s value.

Save the file when finished.

3. Use the following command to update the distribution to use the cache policy. Replace
distribution_ID with the distribution’s ID.

aws cloudfront update-distribution --id distribution_ID --cli-input-yaml file://dist-


Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using the managed cache policies

To attach a cache policy to a new distribution (CLI with input file)

1. Use the following command to create a file named distribution.yaml that contains all of the
input parameters for the create-distribution command.

aws cloudfront create-distribution --generate-cli-skeleton yaml-input >


The yaml-input option is available only in version 2 of the AWS CLI. With version 1 of
the AWS CLI, you can generate an input file in JSON format. For more information, see
Generating AWS CLI skeleton and input parameters from a JSON or YAML input file in the
AWS Command Line Interface User Guide.
2. Open the file named distribution.yaml that you just created. In the default cache behavior,
in the CachePolicyId field, enter the cache policy ID that you noted after creating the policy.
Continue editing the file to specify the distribution settings that you want, then save the file when

For more information about the distribution settings, see Values That You Specify When You Create
or Update a Distribution (p. 38).
3. Use the following command to create the distribution using input parameters from the
distribution.yaml file.

aws cloudfront create-distribution --cli-input-yaml file://distribution.yaml

Creating cache policies (API)

To create a cache policy with the CloudFront API, use CreateCachePolicy. For more information about the
fields that you specify in this API call, see Understanding cache policies (p. 84) and the API reference
documentation for your AWS SDK or other API client.

After you create a cache policy, you can attach it to a cache behavior, using one of the following API calls:

• To attach it to a cache behavior in an existing distribution, use UpdateDistribution.

• To attach it to a cache behavior in a new distribution, use CreateDistribution.

For both of these API calls, provide the cache policy’s ID in the CachePolicyId field, inside a cache
behavior. For more information about the other fields that you specify in these API calls, see Values That
You Specify When You Create or Update a Distribution (p. 38) and the API reference documentation for
your AWS SDK or other API client.

Using the managed cache policies

CloudFront provides a set of managed cache policies that you can attach to any of your distribution’s
cache behaviors. With a managed cache policy, you don’t need to write or maintain your own cache
policy. The managed policies use settings that are optimized for specific use cases.

• Attaching a managed cache policy (p. 92)
• Understanding the managed cache policies (p. 92)

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using the managed cache policies

Attaching a managed cache policy

To use a managed cache policy, you attach it to a cache behavior in your distribution. The process is the
same as when you create a cache policy, but instead of creating a new one, you just attach one of the
managed cache policies. You attach the policy either by name (with the console) or by ID (with the AWS
CLI or SDKs). The names and IDs are listed in the following section.

For more information, see Creating cache policies (p. 88).

Understanding the managed cache policies

The following list describes the managed cache policies.

Name: Managed-CachingOptimized, ID: 658327ea-f89d-4fab-a63d-7e88639e58f6

This policy is designed to optimize cache efficiency by minimizing the values that CloudFront
includes in the cache key. CloudFront doesn’t include any query strings or cookies in the cache key,
and only includes the normalized Accept-Encoding header. This enables CloudFront to separately
cache objects in the Gzip and Brotli compressions formats when the origin returns them or when
CloudFront edge compression (p. 116) is enabled.

Policy settings
• MinTTL: 1 second.
• MaxTTL: 31,536,000 seconds (365 days).
• DefaultTTL: 86,400 seconds (24 hours).
• Query strings included in cache key: None.
• Headers included in cache key: None are explicitly included. The normalized Accept-Encoding
header is included because the cache compressed objects setting is enabled. For more information,
see Cache compressed objects (uses the Accept-Encoding header) (p. 86).
• Cookies included in cache key: None.
• Cache compressed objects setting: Enabled. For more information, see Cache compressed objects
(uses the Accept-Encoding header) (p. 86).
Name: Managed-CachingOptimizedForUncompressedObjects, ID: b2884449-e4de-46a7-

This policy is designed to optimize cache efficiency by minimizing the values included in the cache
key. No query strings, headers, or cookies are included. This policy is identical to the previous one,
but it disables the cache compressed objects setting.

Policy settings
• MinTTL: 1 second
• MaxTTL: 31,536,000 seconds (365 days)
• DefaultTTL: 86,400 seconds (24 hours)
• Query strings included in cache key: None
• Headers included in cache key: None
• Cookies included in cache key: None
• Cache compressed objects setting: Disabled
Name: Managed-CachingDisabled, ID: 4135ea2d-6df8-44a3-9df3-4b5a84be39ad

This policy disables caching. This policy is useful for dynamic content and for requests that are not

Policy settings

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Understanding the cache key

• MinTTL: 0 seconds
• MaxTTL: 0 seconds
• DefaultTTL: 0 seconds
• Query strings included in cache key: None
• Headers included in cache key: None
• Cookies included in cache key: None
• Cache compressed objects setting: Disabled
Name: Managed-Elemental-MediaPackage, ID: 08627262-05a9-4f76-9ded-b50ca2e3a84f

This policy is designed for use with an origin that is an AWS Elemental MediaPackage endpoint.

Policy settings
• MinTTL: 0 seconds
• MaxTTL: 31,536,000 seconds (365 days)
• DefaultTTL: 86,400 seconds (24 hours)
• Query strings included in cache key:
• m
• start
• end
• aws.manifestfilter
• Headers included in cache key:
• Origin
• Cookies included in cache key: None
• Cache compressed objects setting: Enabled. For more information, see Cache compressed objects
(uses the Accept-Encoding header) (p. 86).

Understanding the cache key

The cache key determines whether a viewer request to a CloudFront edge location results in a cache hit.
The cache key is the unique identifier for an object in the cache. Each object in the cache has a unique
cache key.

A cache hit occurs when a viewer request generates the same cache key as a prior request, and the object
for that cache key is in the edge location’s cache and valid. When there’s a cache hit, the requested object
is served to the viewer from a CloudFront edge location, which has the following benefits:

• Reduced load on your origin server

• Reduced latency for the viewer

You can get better performance from your website or application when you have a higher cache hit ratio
(a higher proportion of viewer requests that result in a cache hit). One way to improve your cache hit
ratio is to include only the minimum necessary values in the cache key. For more information, see the
following sections.

You can modify the values (URL query strings, HTTP headers, and cookies) in the cache key by using a
cache policy (p. 83). (You can also modify the cache key using a Lambda@Edge function (p. 318).)
Before modifying the cache key, it’s important to understand how your application is designed and when
and how it might serve different responses based on characteristics of the viewer request. When a value
in the viewer request determines the response that your origin returns, you should include that value in
the cache key. But if you include a value in the cache key that doesn’t affect the response that your origin
returns, you might end up caching duplicate objects.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Understanding the cache key

The default cache key

By default, the cache key for a CloudFront distribution includes the following information:

• The domain name of the CloudFront distribution (for example,

• The URL path of the requested object (for example, /content/stories/example-story.html)

Other values from the viewer request are not included in the cache key, by default. Consider the
following HTTP request from a web browser.

GET /content/stories/example-story.html?ref=0123abc&split-pages=false HTTP/1.1

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 Gecko/20100101 Firefox/68.0
Accept: text/html,*/*
Accept-Language: en-US,en
Cookie: session_id=01234abcd

When a viewer request like this one comes in to a CloudFront edge location, CloudFront uses the cache
key to determine if there’s a cache hit. By default, only the information shown in bold is included in the
cache key. If the requested object is not in the cache (a cache miss), then CloudFront sends a request to
the origin to get the object. After getting the object, CloudFront returns it to the viewer and stores it in
the edge location’s cache.

When CloudFront receives another request for the same object, as determined by the cache key,
CloudFront serves the cached object to the viewer immediately, without sending a request to the origin.
For example, consider the following HTTP request that comes in after the previous request.

GET /content/stories/example-story.html?ref=xyz987&split-pages=true HTTP/1.1

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 Chrome/83.0.4103.116
Accept: text/html,*/*
Accept-Language: en-US,en
Cookie: session_id=wxyz9876

This request is for the same object as the previous request, but is different from the previous request.
It has a different URL query string, different User-Agent and Referer headers, and a different
session_id cookie. However, none of these values are part of the cache key by default, so this second
request results in a cache hit.

Customizing the cache key

In some cases, you might want to include more information in the cache key, even though doing
so might result in fewer cache hits. You specify what to include in the cache key by using a cache
policy (p. 83).

For example, if your origin server uses the Accept-Language HTTP header in viewer requests to return
different content based on the viewer’s language, you might want to include this header in the cache key.
When you do that, CloudFront uses this header to determine cache hits, and includes the header in origin
requests (requests that CloudFront sends to the origin when there’s a cache miss).

One potential consequence of including additional values in the cache key is that CloudFront might end
up caching duplicate objects because of the variation that can occur in viewer requests. For example,
viewers might send any of the following values for the Accept-Language header:

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Controlling origin requests

• en-US,en
• en,en-US
• en-US, en
• en-US

All of these different values indicate that the viewer’s language is English, but the variation can cause
CloudFront to cache the same object multiple times. This can reduce cache hits and increase the number
of origin requests. You could avoid this duplication by not including the Accept-Language header in
the cache key, and instead configuring your website or application to use different URLs for content in
different languages (for example, /en-US/content/stories/example-story.html).

For any given value that you intend to include in the cache key, you should make sure that you
understand how many different variations of that value might appear in viewer requests. For certain
request values, it rarely makes sense to include them in the cache key. For example, the User-Agent
header can have thousands of unique variations, so it’s generally not a good candidate for including in
the cache key. Cookies that have user-specific or session-specific values and are unique across thousands
(or even millions) of requests are also not good candidates for cache key inclusion. If you do include
these values in the cache key, each unique variation results in another copy of the object in the cache. If
these copies of the object are not unique, or if you end up with such a large number of slightly different
objects that each object only gets a small number of cache hits, you might want to consider a different
approach. You can exclude these highly variable values from the cache key, or you can mark objects as

Use caution when customizing the cache key. Sometimes it’s desirable, but it can have unintended
consequences such as caching duplicate objects, lowering your cache hit ratio, and increasing the number
of origin requests. If your origin website or application needs to receive certain values from viewer
requests for analytics, telemetry, or other uses, but these values don’t change the object that the origin
returns, use an origin request policy (p. 95) to include these values in origin requests but not include
them in the cache key.

Controlling origin requests

When a viewer request to CloudFront results in a cache miss (the requested object is not cached at the
edge location), CloudFront sends a request to the origin to retrieve the object. This is called an origin
request. The origin request always includes the following information from the viewer request:

• The URL path (the path only, without URL query strings or the domain name)
• The request body (if there is one)
• The HTTP headers that CloudFront automatically includes in every origin request, including Host,
User-Agent, and X-Amz-Cf-Id.

Other information from the viewer request, such as URL query strings, HTTP headers, and cookies, is not
included in the origin request by default. But you might want to receive some of this other information
at the origin, for example to collect data for analytics or telemetry. You can use an origin request policy to
control the information that’s included in an origin request.

Origin request policies are separate from cache policies (p. 83), which control the cache key. This
separation enables you to receive additional information at the origin and also maintain a good cache hit
ratio (the proportion of viewer requests that result in a cache hit). You do this by separately controlling
which information is included in origin requests (using the origin request policy) and which is included in
the cache key (using the cache policy).

Although the two kinds of policies are separate, they are related. All URL query strings, HTTP headers,
and cookies that you include in the cache key (using a cache policy) are automatically included in origin

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Understanding origin request policies

requests. Use the origin request policy to specify the information that you want to include in origin
requests, but not include in the cache key. Just like a cache policy, you attach an origin request policy to
one or more cache behaviors in a CloudFront distribution.

You can also use an origin request policy to add additional HTTP headers to an origin request that were
not included in the viewer request. These additional headers are added by CloudFront before sending the
origin request, with header values that are determined automatically based on the viewer request. For
more information, see Using the CloudFront HTTP headers (p. 102).

• Understanding origin request policies (p. 96)
• Policy information (p. 96)
• Origin request settings (p. 96)
• Creating origin request policies (p. 97)
• Using the managed origin request policies (p. 100)
• Attaching a managed origin request policy (p. 101)
• Understanding the managed origin request policies (p. 101)

Understanding origin request policies

CloudFront provides some predefined origin request policies, known as managed policies, for common
use cases. You can use these managed policies, or you can create your own origin request policy that’s
specific to your needs. For more information about the managed policies, see Using the managed origin
request policies (p. 100).

An origin request policy contains the following settings, which are categorized into policy information
and origin request settings.

Policy information

A name to identify the origin request policy. In the console, you use the name to attach the origin
request policy to a cache behavior.

A comment to describe the origin request policy. This is optional.

Origin request settings

Origin request settings specify the values in viewer requests that are included in requests that
CloudFront sends to the origin (known as origin requests). The values can include URL query strings,
HTTP headers, and cookies. The values that you specify are included in origin requests, but are not
included in the cache key. For information about controlling the cache key, see Controlling the cache
key (p. 83).

Query strings

The URL query strings in viewer requests that CloudFront includes in origin requests. For query
strings, you can choose one of the following settings:
• None – The query strings in viewer requests are not included in origin requests.
• All – All query strings in viewer requests are included in origin requests.
• Whitelist – You specify which of the query strings in viewer requests are included in origin

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Creating origin request policies

When you use the Whitelist setting, you specify query strings by their name, not their value. For
example, consider the following URL path:


In this case, you specify the query string as split-pages, not as split-pages=false. However,
CloudFront includes the full query string, including its value, in origin requests.

The HTTP headers in viewer requests that CloudFront includes in origin requests. For headers, you
can choose one of the following settings:
• None – The HTTP headers in viewer requests are not included in origin requests.
• All viewer headers – All HTTP headers in viewer requests are included in origin requests.
• Whitelist – You specify which HTTP headers are included in origin requests.
• All viewer headers and whitelisted CloudFront-* headers – All HTTP headers in viewer requests
are included in origin requests. Additionally, you specify which of the CloudFront headers you
want to add to origin requests. For more information about the CloudFront headers, see Using the
CloudFront HTTP headers (p. 102).

When you use the Whitelist or All viewer headers and whitelisted CloudFront-* headers setting,
you specify HTTP headers by their name, not their value. For example, consider the following HTTP

Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5

In this case, you specify the header as Accept-Language, not as Accept-Language: en-
US,en;q=0.5. However, CloudFront includes the full header, including its value, in origin requests.

The cookies in viewer requests that CloudFront includes in origin requests. For cookies, you can
choose one of the following settings:
• None – The cookies in viewer requests are not included in origin requests.
• All – All cookies in viewer requests are included in origin requests.
• Whitelist – You specify which of the cookies in viewer requests are included in origin requests.

When you use the Whitelist setting, you specify cookies by their name, not their value. For example,
consider the following Cookie header:

Cookie: session_ID=abcd1234

In this case, you specify the cookie as session_ID, not as session_ID=abcd1234. However,
CloudFront includes the full cookie, including its value, in origin requests.

Creating origin request policies

You can use an origin request policy to control the values (URL query strings, HTTP headers, and cookies)
that are included in requests that CloudFront sends to your origin. You can create an origin request policy
in the CloudFront console, with the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), or with the CloudFront API.

After you create an origin request policy, you attach it to one or more cache behaviors in a CloudFront

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Creating origin request policies

Origin request policies are not required. When a cache behavior does not have an origin request policy
attached, the origin request includes all the values that are specified in the cache policy (p. 84), but
nothing more.
To use an origin request policy, the cache behavior must also use a cache policy (p. 83). You
cannot use an origin request policy in a cache behavior without a cache policy.

Creating origin request policies (console)

To create an origin request policy (console)

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Policies page in the CloudFront console at
2. Choose Origin request policy, then choose Create origin request policy.
3. Choose the desired setting for this origin request policy. For more information, see Understanding
origin request policies (p. 96).
4. When finished, choose Create origin request policy.

After you create an origin request policy, you can attach it to a cache behavior.

To attach an origin request policy to an existing distribution (console)

1. Open the Distributions page in the CloudFront console at

2. Choose the distribution to update, then choose the Behaviors tab.
3. Choose the cache behavior to update, then choose Edit.

Or, to create a new cache behavior, choose Create Behavior.

4. For Cache and origin request settings, make sure that Use a cache policy and origin request policy
is chosen.
5. For Origin Request Policy, choose the origin request policy to attach to this cache behavior.
6. At the bottom of the page, choose Yes, Edit.

To attach an origin request policy to a new distribution (console)

1. Open the CloudFront console at

2. Choose Create Distribution, then for Web, choose Get Started.
3. For Cache and origin request settings, make sure that Use a cache policy and origin request policy
is chosen.
4. For Origin Request Policy, choose the origin request policy to attach to this distribution’s default
cache behavior.
5. Choose the desired settings for the origin, default cache behavior, and distribution. For more
information, see Values That You Specify When You Create or Update a Distribution (p. 38).
6. When finished, choose Create Distribution.

Creating origin request policies (AWS CLI)

To create an origin request policy with the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), use the aws
cloudfront create-origin-request-policy command. You can use an input file to provide the command’s
input parameters, rather than specifying each individual parameter as command line input.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Creating origin request policies

To create an origin request policy (CLI with input file)

1. Use the following command to create a file named origin-request-policy.yaml that contains
all of the input parameters for the create-origin-request-policy command.

aws cloudfront create-origin-request-policy --generate-cli-skeleton yaml-input >


The yaml-input option is available only in version 2 of the AWS CLI. With version 1 of
the AWS CLI, you can generate an input file in JSON format. For more information, see
Generating AWS CLI skeleton and input parameters from a JSON or YAML input file in the
AWS Command Line Interface User Guide.
2. Open the file named origin-request-policy.yaml that you just created. Edit the file to specify
the origin request policy settings that you want, then save the file. You can remove optional fields
from the file, but don’t remove the required fields.

For more information about the origin request policy settings, see Understanding origin request
policies (p. 96).
3. Use the following command to create the origin request policy using input parameters from the
origin-request-policy.yaml file.

aws cloudfront create-origin-request-policy --cli-input-yaml file://origin-request-


Make note of the Id value in the command’s output. This is the origin request policy ID, and you
need it to attach the origin request policy to a CloudFront distribution’s cache behavior.

To attach an origin request policy to an existing distribution (CLI with input file)

1. Use the following command to save the distribution configuration for the CloudFront distribution
that you want to update. Replace distribution_ID with the distribution’s ID.

aws cloudfront get-distribution-config --id distribution_ID --output yaml > dist-


The --output yaml option is available only in version 2 of the AWS CLI. With version 1
of the AWS CLI, you can generate the output in JSON format. For more information, see
Controlling command output from the AWS CLI in the AWS Command Line Interface User
2. Open the file named dist-config.yaml that you just created. Edit the file, making the following
changes to each cache behavior that you are updating to use an origin request policy.

• In the cache behavior, add a field named OriginRequestPolicyId. For the field’s value, use the
origin request policy ID that you noted after creating the policy.
• Rename the ETag field to IfMatch, but don’t change the field’s value.

Save the file when finished.

3. Use the following command to update the distribution to use the origin request policy. Replace
distribution_ID with the distribution’s ID.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using the managed origin request policies

aws cloudfront update-distribution --id distribution_ID --cli-input-yaml file://dist-


To attach a cache policy to a new distribution (CLI with input file)

1. Use the following command to create a file named distribution.yaml that contains all of the
input parameters for the create-distribution command.

aws cloudfront create-distribution --generate-cli-skeleton yaml-input >


The yaml-input option is available only in version 2 of the AWS CLI. With version 1 of
the AWS CLI, you can generate an input file in JSON format. For more information, see
Generating AWS CLI skeleton and input parameters from a JSON or YAML input file in the
AWS Command Line Interface User Guide.
2. Open the file named distribution.yaml that you just created. In the default cache behavior, in
the OriginRequestPolicyId field, enter the origin request policy ID that you noted after creating
the policy. Continue editing the file to specify the distribution settings that you want, then save the
file when finished.

For more information about the distribution settings, see Values That You Specify When You Create
or Update a Distribution (p. 38).
3. Use the following command to create the distribution using input parameters from the
distribution.yaml file.

aws cloudfront create-distribution --cli-input-yaml file://distribution.yaml

Creating origin request policies (API)

To create an origin request policy with the CloudFront API, use CreateOriginRequestPolicy. For
more information about the fields that you specify in this API call, see Understanding origin request
policies (p. 96) and the API reference documentation for your AWS SDK or other API client.

After you create an origin request policy, you can attach it to a cache behavior, using one of the following
API calls:

• To attach it to a cache behavior in an existing distribution, use UpdateDistribution.

• To attach it to a cache behavior in a new distribution, use CreateDistribution.

For both of these API calls, provide the origin request policy’s ID in the OriginRequestPolicyId field,
inside a cache behavior. For more information about the other fields that you specify in these API calls,
see Values That You Specify When You Create or Update a Distribution (p. 38) and the API reference
documentation for your AWS SDK or other API client.

Using the managed origin request policies

CloudFront provides a set of managed origin request policies that you can attach to any of your
distribution’s cache behaviors. With a managed origin request policy, you don’t need to write or maintain

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using the managed origin request policies

your own origin request policy. The managed policies use settings that are optimized for specific use

• Attaching a managed origin request policy (p. 101)
• Understanding the managed origin request policies (p. 101)

Attaching a managed origin request policy

To use a managed origin request policy, you attach it to a cache behavior in your distribution. The
process is the same as when you create an origin request policy, but instead of creating a new one, you
just attach one of the managed origin request policies. You attach the policy either by name (with the
console) or by ID (with the AWS CLI or SDKs). The names and IDs are listed in the following section.

For more information, see Creating origin request policies (p. 97).

Understanding the managed origin request policies

The following list describes the managed origin request policies.

Name: Managed-UserAgentRefererHeaders, ID: acba4595-bd28-49b8-b9fe-13317c0390fa

This policy includes only the User-Agent and Referer headers. It doesn’t include any query strings
or cookies.

Policy settings
• Query strings included in origin requests: None
• Headers included in origin requests:
• User-Agent
• Referer
• Cookies included in origin requests: None
Name: Managed-CORS-CustomOrigin, ID: 59781a5b-3903-41f3-afcb-af62929ccde1

This policy includes the header that enables cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) requests when the
origin is a custom origin.

Policy settings
• Query strings included in origin requests: None
• Headers included in origin requests:
• Origin
• Cookies included in origin requests: None
Name: Managed-CORS-S3Origin, ID: 88a5eaf4-2fd4-4709-b370-b4c650ea3fcf

This policy includes the headers that enable cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) requests when the
origin is an Amazon S3 bucket.

Policy settings
• Query strings included in origin requests: None
• Headers included in origin requests:
• Origin
• Access-Control-Request-Headers
• Access-Control-Request-Method
• Cookies included in origin requests: None

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using the CloudFront HTTP headers

Name: Managed-AllViewer, ID: 216adef6-5c7f-47e4-b989-5492eafa07d3

This policy includes all values (query strings, headers, and cookies) in the viewer request.

Policy settings
• Query strings included in origin requests: All
• Headers included in origin requests: All headers in the viewer request
• Cookies included in origin requests: All
Name: Managed-Elemental-MediaTailor-PersonalizedManifests, ID: 775133bc-15f2-49f9-abea-

This policy is designed for use with an origin that is an AWS Elemental MediaTailor endpoint.

Policy settings
• Query strings included in origin requests: All
• Headers included in origin requests:
• Origin
• Access-Control-Request-Headers
• Access-Control-Request-Method
• User-Agent
• X-Forwarded-For
• Cookies included in origin requests: None

Using the CloudFront HTTP headers

You can configure CloudFront to add specific HTTP headers based on characteristics of the viewer
request. With these headers, your origin can receive information about the viewer’s device type,
geographic location, and more, without the need for custom code to determine this information. If your
origin returns different responses based on the information in these headers, you can include them in the
cache key so that CloudFront caches the different responses separately.

To receive these headers at your origin, use an origin request policy. For more information, see Controlling
origin requests (p. 95).

To include these headers in the cache key, use a cache policy. For more information, see Controlling the
cache key (p. 83) and Understanding the cache key (p. 93).

• Headers for determining the viewer’s device type (p. 102)
• Headers for determining the viewer’s location (p. 103)
• Other CloudFront headers (p. 103)

Headers for determining the viewer’s device type

Use the following headers to determine the viewer’s device type. Based on the value of the User-Agent
header, CloudFront sets the value of these headers to true or false. If a device falls into more than one
category, more than one value might be true. For example, for some tablet devices, CloudFront might
set both CloudFront-Is-Mobile-Viewer and CloudFront-Is-Tablet-Viewer to true.

• CloudFront-Is-Android-Viewer – Set to true when CloudFront determines that the viewer is a

device with the Android operating system.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Headers for determining the viewer’s location

• CloudFront-Is-Desktop-Viewer – Set to true when CloudFront determines that the viewer is a

desktop device.
• CloudFront-Is-IOS-Viewer – Set to true when CloudFront determines that the viewer is a device
with an Apple operating system.
• CloudFront-Is-Mobile-Viewer – Set to true when CloudFront determines that the viewer is a
mobile device.
• CloudFront-Is-SmartTV-Viewer – Set to true when CloudFront determines that the viewer is a
smart TV.
• CloudFront-Is-Tablet-Viewer – Set to true when CloudFront determines that the viewer is a

Headers for determining the viewer’s location

Use the following headers to determine the viewer’s location. CloudFront determines the values for
these headers based on the viewer’s IP address.
For non-ASCII characters in these headers’ values, CloudFront percent encodes the character
according to section 1.2 of RFC 3986.

• CloudFront-Viewer-City – Contains the name of the viewer’s city.

• CloudFront-Viewer-Country – Contains the two-letter country code for the viewer’s country. For a
list of country codes, see ISO 3166-1 alpha-2.
• CloudFront-Viewer-Country-Name – Contains the name of the viewer’s country.
• CloudFront-Viewer-Country-Region – Contains a code (up to three characters) that represent
the viewer’s region. The region is the most specific subdivision of the ISO 3166-2 code.
• CloudFront-Viewer-Country-Region-Name – Contains the name of the viewer’s region. The
region is the most specific subdivision of the ISO 3166-2 code.
• CloudFront-Viewer-Latitude – Contains the viewer’s approximate latitude.
• CloudFront-Viewer-Longitude – Contains the viewer’s approximate longitude.
• CloudFront-Viewer-Metro-Code – Contains the viewer’s metro code. This is present only when the
viewer is in the United States.
• CloudFront-Viewer-Postal-Code – Contains the viewer’s postal code.
• CloudFront-Viewer-Time-Zone Contains the viewer’s time zone, in IANA time zone database
format (for example, America/Los_Angeles).

Other CloudFront headers

Use the following headers to determine the protocol and HTTP version of the viewer’s request.

• CloudFront-Forwarded-Proto – Contains the protocol of the viewer’s request (HTTP or HTTPS).

• CloudFront-Viewer-Http-Version – Contains the HTTP version of the viewer’s request.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Adding and Accessing Content

Adding, Removing, or Replacing

Content That CloudFront Distributes
This section explains how to make sure CloudFront can access the content that you want to be served
to your viewers, how to specify the objects in your website or in your application, and how to remove or
replace content.

• Adding and Accessing Content That CloudFront Distributes (p. 104)
• Updating Existing Content with a CloudFront Distribution (p. 104)
• Removing Content so CloudFront Won't Distribute It (p. 106)
• Customizing the URL Format for Files in CloudFront (p. 106)
• Specifying a Default Root Object (p. 107)
• Invalidating Files (p. 110)
• Serving compressed files (p. 116)

Adding and Accessing Content That CloudFront

When you want CloudFront to distribute content (objects), you add files to one of the origins that you
specified for the distribution, and you expose a CloudFront link to the files. A CloudFront edge location
doesn't fetch the new files from an origin until the edge location receives viewer requests for them. For
more information, see How CloudFront delivers content (p. 5).

When you add a file that you want CloudFront to distribute, make sure that you add it to one of the
Amazon S3 buckets specified in your distribution or, for a custom origin, to a directory in the specified
domain. In addition, confirm that the path pattern in the applicable cache behavior sends requests to the
correct origin.

For example, suppose the path pattern for a cache behavior is *.html. If you don't have any other cache
behaviors configured to forward requests to that origin, CloudFront will only forward *.html files.
In this scenario, for example, CloudFront will never distribute .jpg files that you upload to the origin,
because you haven't created a cache behavior that includes .jpg files.

CloudFront servers don't determine the MIME type for the objects that they serve. When you upload a
file to your origin, we recommend that you set the Content-Type header field for it.

Updating Existing Content with a CloudFront

There are two ways to update existing content that CloudFront is set up to distribute for you:

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Updating Existing Files Using Versioned File Names

• Update files by using the same name

• Update by using a version identifier in the file name

We recommend that you use a version identifier in file names or in folder names, to help give you more
control over managing the content that CloudFront serves.

Updating Existing Files Using Versioned File Names

When you update existing files in a CloudFront distribution, we recommend that you include some sort
of version identifier either in your file names or in your directory names to give yourself better control
over your content. This identifier might be a date-time stamp, a sequential number, or some other
method of distinguishing two versions of the same object.

For example, instead of naming a graphic file image.jpg, you might call it image_1.jpg. When you want to
start serving a new version of the file, you'd name the new file image_2.jpg, and you'd update the links
in your web application or website to point to image_2.jpg. Alternatively, you might put all graphics in
an images_v1 directory and, when you want to start serving new versions of one or more graphics, you'd
create a new images_v2 directory, and you'd update your links to point to that directory. With versioning,
you don't have to wait for an object to expire before CloudFront begins to serve a new version of it, and
you don't have to pay for object invalidation.

Even if you version your files, we still recommend that you set an expiration date. For more information,
see Managing How Long Content Stays in an Edge Cache (Expiration) (p. 236).
Specifying versioned file names or directory names is not related to Amazon S3 object

Updating Existing Content Using the Same File

Although you can update existing files in a CloudFront distribution and use the same file names, we don't
recommend it. CloudFront distributes files to edge locations only when the files are requested, not when
you put new or updated files in your origin. If you update an existing file in your origin with a newer
version that has the same name, an edge location won't get that new version from your origin until both
of the following occur:

• The old version of the file in the cache expires. For more information, see Managing How Long Content
Stays in an Edge Cache (Expiration) (p. 236).
• There's a user request for the file at that edge location.

If you use the same names when you replace files, you can't control when CloudFront starts to serve
the new files. By default, CloudFront caches files in edge locations for 24 hours. (For more information,
see Managing How Long Content Stays in an Edge Cache (Expiration) (p. 236).) For example, if you're
replacing all of the files on an entire website:

• Files for the less popular pages may not be in any edge locations. The new versions of these files will
start being served on the next request.
• Files for some pages may be in some edge locations and not in others, so your end users will see
different versions depending on which edge location they're served from.
• New versions of the files for the most popular pages might not be served for up to 24 hours because
CloudFront might have retrieved the files for those pages just before you replaced the files with new

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Removing Content so CloudFront Won't Distribute It

Removing Content so CloudFront Won't Distribute

You can remove files from your origin that you no longer want to be included in your CloudFront
distribution. However, CloudFront will continue to show viewers content from the edge cache until the
files expire.

If you want to remove a file right away, you must do one of the following:

• Invalidate the file. For more information, see Invalidating Files (p. 110).
• Use file versioning. When you use versioning, different versions of a file have different names that
you can use in your CloudFront distribution, to change which file is returned to viewers. For more
information, see Updating Existing Files Using Versioned File Names (p. 105).

Customizing the URL Format for Files in

After you set up your origin with the objects (content) that you want CloudFront to serve to your viewers,
you must use the correct URLs to reference those objects in your website or application code so that
CloudFront can serve it.

The domain name that you use in the URLs for objects on your web pages or in your web application can
be either of the following:

• The domain name, such as, that CloudFront automatically

assigns when you create a distribution
• Your own domain name, such as

For example, you might use one of the following URLs to return the file image.jpg:

You use the same URL format whether you store the content in Amazon S3 buckets or at a custom origin,
like one of your own web servers.
The URL format depends in part on the value that you specify for Origin Path in your
distribution. This value gives CloudFront a top directory path for your objects. For more
information about setting the origin path when you create a web distribution, see Origin
Path (p. 42).

For more information about URL formats, see the following sections.

Using Your Own Domain Name (

Instead of using the default domain name that CloudFront assigns for you when you create a
distribution, you can add an alternate domain name that's easier to work with, like
By setting up your own domain name with CloudFront, you can use a URL like this for objects in your

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using a Trailing Slash (/) in URLs

If you plan to use HTTPS between viewers and CloudFront, see Using Alternate Domain Names and
HTTPS (p. 132).

Using a Trailing Slash (/) in URLs

When you specify URLs for directories in your CloudFront distribution, choose either to always use a
trailing slash or to never use a trailing slash. For example, choose only one of the following formats for
all of your URLs:

Why does it matter?

Both formats work to link to CloudFront objects, but being consistent can help prevent issues when you
want to invalidate a directory later. CloudFront stores URLs exactly as they are defined, including trailing
slashes. So if your format is inconsistent, you'll need to invalidate directory URLs with and without the
slash, to ensure that CloudFront removes the directory.

It’s inconvenient to have to invalidate both URL formats, and it can lead to additional costs. That’s
because if you must double up invalidations to cover both types of URLs, you might exceed the
maximum number of free invalidations allowed for the month. And if that happens, you'll have to pay for
all the invalidations, even if only one format for each directory URL exists in CloudFront.

Creating Signed URLs for Restricted Content

If you have content that you want to restrict access to, you can create signed URLs. For example, if you
want to distribute your content only to users who have authenticated, you can create URLs that are
valid only for a specified time period or that are available only from a specified IP address. For more
information, see Serving Private Content with Signed URLs and Signed Cookies (p. 145).

Creating URLs for RTMP Distribution Media Files

If you use an RTMP distribution to serve streaming content, you must include additional characters in the
URLs for your files. For more information, see Configuring the Media Player (p. 314).

Specifying a Default Root Object

You can configure CloudFront to return a specific object (the default root object) when a user requests
the root URL for your web distribution instead of requesting an object in your distribution. Specifying a
default root object lets you avoid exposing the contents of your distribution.

• How to Specify a Default Root Object (p. 107)
• How Headers Work With Default Root Objects (p. 108)
• How CloudFront Works if You Don't Define a Root Object (p. 109)

How to Specify a Default Root Object

To avoid exposing the contents of your web distribution or returning an error, specify a default root
object for your distribution by completing the following steps.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
How Headers Work With Default Root Objects

To specify a default root object for your distribution

1. Upload the default root object to the origin that your distribution points to.

The file can be any type supported by CloudFront. For a list of constraints on the file name, see the
description of the DefaultRootObject element in DistributionConfig Complex Type.
If the file name of the default root object is too long or contains an invalid character,
CloudFront returns the error HTTP 400 Bad Request - InvalidDefaultRootObject.
In addition, CloudFront caches the code for 10 seconds (by default) and writes the results to
the access logs.
2. Confirm that the permissions for the object grant CloudFront at least read access.

For more information about Amazon S3 permissions, see Access Control in the Amazon Simple
Storage Service Developer Guide. For information on using the Amazon S3 console to update
permissions, go to the Amazon Simple Storage Service Console User Guide.
3. Update your distribution to refer to the default root object using the CloudFront console or the
CloudFront API.

To specify a default root object using the CloudFront console:

a. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CloudFront console at https://
b. In the list of distributions in the top pane, select the distribution to update.
c. In the Distribution Details pane, on the General tab, choose Edit.
d. In the Edit Distribution dialog box, in the Default Root Object field, enter the file name of the
default root object.

Enter only the object name, for example, index.html. Do not add a / before the object name.
e. To save your changes, choose Yes, Edit.

To update your configuration using the CloudFront API, you specify a value for the
DefaultRootObject element in your distribution. For information about using the CloudFront API
to specify a default root object, see PUT Distribution Config in the Amazon CloudFront API Reference.
4. Confirm that you have enabled the default root object by requesting your root URL. If your browser
doesn't display the default root object, perform the following steps:

a. Confirm that your distribution is fully deployed by viewing the status of your distribution in the
CloudFront console.
b. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to verify that you granted the correct permissions and that you correctly
updated the configuration of your distribution to specify the default root object.

How Headers Work With Default Root Objects

Here's an example of how a default root object works. Suppose the following request points to the
object image.jpg:

In contrast, the following request points to the root URL of the same distribution instead of to a specific
object, as in the first example:

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
How CloudFront Works if You Don't Define a Root Object

When you define a default root object, an end-user request that calls the root of your distribution
returns the default root object. For example, if you designate the file index.html as your default root
object, a request for:


However, if you define a default root object, an end-user request for a subdirectory of your distribution
does not return the default root object. For example, suppose index.html is your default root object
and that CloudFront receives an end-user request for the install directory under your CloudFront

CloudFront does not return the default root object even if a copy of index.html appears in the
install directory.

If you configure your distribution to allow all of the HTTP methods that CloudFront supports, the default
root object applies to all methods. For example, if your default root object is index.php and you write
your application to submit a POST request to the root of your domain (, CloudFront
sends the request to

The behavior of CloudFront default root objects is different from the behavior of Amazon S3 index
documents. When you configure an Amazon S3 bucket as a website and specify the index document,
Amazon S3 returns the index document even if a user requests a subdirectory in the bucket. (A copy
of the index document must appear in every subdirectory.) For more information about configuring
Amazon S3 buckets as websites and about index documents, see the Hosting Websites on Amazon S3
chapter in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide.
Remember that a default root object applies only to your CloudFront distribution. You still need
to manage security for your origin. For example, if you are using an Amazon S3 origin, you still
need to set your Amazon S3 bucket ACLs appropriately to ensure the level of access you want on
your bucket.

How CloudFront Works if You Don't Define a Root

If you don't define a default root object, requests for the root of your distribution pass to your origin
server. If you are using an Amazon S3 origin, any of the following might be returned:

• A list of the contents of your Amazon S3 bucket—Under any of the following conditions, the
contents of your origin are visible to anyone who uses CloudFront to access your distribution:
• Your bucket is not properly configured.
• The Amazon S3 permissions on the bucket associated with your distribution and on the objects in
the bucket grant access to everyone.
• An end user accesses your origin using your origin root URL.
• A list of the private contents of your origin—If you configure your origin as a private distribution
(only you and CloudFront have access), the contents of the Amazon S3 bucket associated with
your distribution are visible to anyone who has the credentials to access your distribution through
CloudFront. In this case, users are not able to access your content through your origin root URL. For
more information about distributing private content, see Serving Private Content with Signed URLs
and Signed Cookies (p. 145).

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Invalidating Files

• Error 403 Forbidden—CloudFront returns this error if the permissions on the Amazon S3 bucket
associated with your distribution or the permissions on the objects in that bucket deny access to
CloudFront and to everyone.

Invalidating Files
If you need to remove a file from CloudFront edge caches before it expires, you can do one of the

• Invalidate the file from edge caches. The next time a viewer requests the file, CloudFront returns to the
origin to fetch the latest version of the file.
• Use file versioning to serve a different version of the file that has a different name. For more
information, see Updating Existing Files Using Versioned File Names (p. 105).

You cannot invalidate objects that are served by an RTMP distribution.

To invalidate files, you can specify either the path for individual files or a path that ends with the *
wildcard, which might apply to one file or to many, as shown in the following examples:

• /images/image1.jpg
• /images/image*
• /images/*

If you use the AWS command line interface (CLI) for invalidating files and you specify a path that
includes the * wildcard, you must use quotes (") around the path.
For example: aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id
distribution_ID --paths "/*"

You can submit a certain number of invalidation paths each month for free. If you submit more
than the allotted number of invalidation paths in a month, you pay a fee for each invalidation
path that you submit. For more information about the charges for invalidation, see Paying for File
Invalidation (p. 116).

• Choosing Between Invalidating Files and Using Versioned File Names (p. 110)
• Determining Which Files to Invalidate (p. 111)
• Specifying the Files to Invalidate (p. 111)
• Invalidating Files Using the Console (p. 113)
• Invalidating Files Using the CloudFront API (p. 115)
• Concurrent Invalidation Request Maximum (p. 116)
• Paying for File Invalidation (p. 116)

Choosing Between Invalidating Files and Using

Versioned File Names
To control the versions of files that are served from your distribution, you can either invalidate files or
give them versioned file names. If you want to update your files frequently, we recommend that you
primarily use file versioning for the following reasons:

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Determining Which Files to Invalidate

• Versioning enables you to control which file a request returns even when the user has a version cached
either locally or behind a corporate caching proxy. If you invalidate the file, the user might continue to
see the old version until it expires from those caches.
• CloudFront access logs include the names of your files, so versioning makes it easier to analyze the
results of file changes.
• Versioning provides a way to serve different versions of files to different users.
• Versioning simplifies rolling forward and back between file revisions.
• Versioning is less expensive. You still have to pay for CloudFront to transfer new versions of your files
to edge locations, but you don't have to pay for invalidating files.

For more information about file versioning, see Updating Existing Files Using Versioned File
Names (p. 105).

Determining Which Files to Invalidate

If you want to invalidate multiple files such as all of the files in a directory or all files that begin with
the same characters, you can include the * wildcard at the end of the invalidation path. For more
information about using the * wildcard, see Invalidation paths.

If you want to invalidate selected files but your users don’t necessarily access every file on your origin,
you can determine which files viewers have requested from CloudFront and invalidate only those files. To
determine which files viewers have requested, enable CloudFront access logging. For more information
about access logs, see Configuring and Using Standard Logs (Access Logs) (p. 439).

Specifying the Files to Invalidate

Note the following about specifying the files that you want to invalidate.

Case sensitivity

Invalidation paths are case sensitive, so /images/image.jpg and /images/Image.jpg specify

two different files.
Changing the URI Using a Lambda Function

If your CloudFront distribution triggers a Lambda function on viewer request events, and if the
function changes the URI of the requested file, we recommend that you invalidate both URIs to
remove the file from CloudFront edge caches:
• The URI in the viewer request
• The URI after the function changed it

For example, suppose your Lambda function changes the URI for a file from this:

to a URI that includes a language directory:

To invalidate the file, you must specify the following paths:

• /index.html
• /en/index.html

For more information, see Invalidation paths.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Specifying the Files to Invalidate

Default root object

To invalidate the default root object (file), specify the path the same way that you specify the path
for any other file.
Distribution types

You can invalidate only files that are associated with a web distribution. You cannot invalidate
objects that are served by an RTMP distribution.
Forwarding cookies

If you configured CloudFront to forward cookies to your origin, CloudFront edge caches might
contain several versions of the file. When you invalidate a file, CloudFront invalidates every cached
version of the file regardless of its associated cookies. You can’t selectively invalidate some versions
and not others based on the associated cookies. For more information, see Caching Content Based
on Cookies (p. 244).
Forwarding headers

If you configured CloudFront to forward a whitelist of headers to your origin and to cache based on
the values of the headers, CloudFront edge caches might contain several versions of the file. When
you invalidate a file, CloudFront invalidates every cached version of the file regardless of the header
values. You can’t selectively invalidate some versions and not others based on header values. (If you
configure CloudFront to forward all headers to your origin, CloudFront doesn't cache your files.) For
more information, see Caching Content Based on Request Headers (p. 246).
Forwarding query strings

If you configured CloudFront to forward query strings to your origin, you must include the query
strings when invalidating files, as shown in the following examples:
• /images/image.jpg?parameter1=a
• /images/image.jpg?parameter1=b

If client requests include five different query strings for the same file, you can either invalidate the
file five times, once for each query string, or you can use the * wildcard in the invalidation path, as
shown in the following example:


For more information about using wildcards in the invalidation path, see Invalidation paths.
For more information about query strings, see Caching Content Based on Query String
Parameters (p. 241). To determine which query strings are in use, you can enable CloudFront
logging. For more information, see Configuring and Using Standard Logs (Access Logs) (p. 439).
Maximum Allowed

For information about the maximum number of invalidations allowed, see Concurrent Invalidation
Request Maximum (p. 116).
Microsoft Smooth Streaming files

You cannot invalidate media files in the Microsoft Smooth Streaming format when you have enabled
Smooth Streaming for the corresponding cache behavior.
Non-ASCII or unsafe characters in the path

If the path includes non-ASCII characters or unsafe characters as defined in RFC 1783, URL-encode
those characters. Do not URL-encode any other characters in the path, or CloudFront will not
invalidate the old version of the updated file.
Invalidation paths

The path is relative to the distribution. For example, to invalidate the file at https://, you would specify the following:

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Invalidating Files Using the Console

In the CloudFront console, you can omit the leading slash in the path, like this: images/
image2.jpg. When you use the CloudFront API directly, invalidation paths must begin with
a leading slash.

You can also invalidate multiple files simultaneously by using the * wildcard. The *, which replaces
0 or more characters, must be the last character in the invalidation path. Also, if you use the
AWS command line interface (CLI) for invalidating files and you specify a path that includes the *
wildcard, you must use quotes (") around the path (like this: "/*").

The following are some examples:

• To invalidate all of the files in a directory:

• To invalidate a directory, all of its subdirectories, and all of the files in the directory and

• To invalidate all files that have the same name but different file name extensions, such as logo.jpg,
logo.png, and logo.gif:

• To invalidate all of the files in a directory for which the file name starts with the same characters
(such as all of the files for a video in HLS format), regardless of the file name extension:

• When you configure CloudFront to cache based on query string parameters and you want to
invalidate every version of a file:

• To invalidate all of the files in a distribution:


The maximum length of a path is 4,000 characters. You can’t use a wildcard within the path; only at
the end of the path.

For information about invalidating files if you use a Lambda function to change the URI, see
Changing the URI Using a Lambda Function.

The charge to submit an invalidation path is the same regardless of the number of files you’re
invalidating: a single file (/images/logo.jpg) or all of the files that are associated with a
distribution (/*). For more information, see Amazon CloudFront Pricing.

If the invalidation path is a directory and if you have not standardized on a method for specifying
directories—with or without a trailing slash (/)—we recommend that you invalidate the directory
both with and without a trailing slash, for example, /images and /images/.
Signed URLs

If you are using signed URLs, invalidate a file by including only the portion of the URL before the
question mark (?).

Invalidating Files Using the Console

You can use the CloudFront console to create and run an invalidation, display a list of the invalidations
that you submitted previously, and display detailed information about an individual invalidation. You

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Invalidating Files Using the Console

can also copy an existing invalidation, edit the list of file paths, and run the edited invalidation. You can't
remove invalidations from the list.

• Invalidating Files (p. 114)

• Copying, Editing, and Rerunning an Existing Invalidation (p. 114)
• Canceling Invalidations (p. 115)
• Listing Invalidations (p. 115)
• Displaying Information about an Invalidation (p. 115)

Invalidating Files
To invalidate files using the CloudFront console, do the following.

To invalidate files

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CloudFront console at https://
2. Select the distribution for which you want to invalidate files.
3. Choose Distribution Settings.
4. Choose the Invalidations tab.
5. Choose Create Invalidation.
6. For the files that you want to invalidate, enter one invalidation path per line. For information about
specifying invalidation paths, see Specifying the Files to Invalidate (p. 111).
Specify file paths carefully. You can’t cancel an invalidation request after you start it.
7. Choose Invalidate.

Copying, Editing, and Rerunning an Existing Invalidation

You can copy an invalidation that you created previously, update the list of invalidation paths, and run
the updated invalidation. You cannot copy an existing invalidation, update the invalidation paths, and
then save the updated invalidation without running it.
If you copy an invalidation that is still in progress, update the list of invalidation paths, and
then run the updated invalidation, CloudFront will not stop or delete the invalidation that you
copied. If any invalidation paths appear in the original and in the copy, CloudFront will try to
invalidate the files twice, and both invalidations will count against your maximum number
of free invalidations for the month. If you’ve already reached the maximum number of free
invalidations, you'll be charged for both invalidations of each file. For more information, see
Concurrent Invalidation Request Maximum (p. 116).

To copy, edit, and rerun an existing invalidation

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CloudFront console at https://
2. Select the distribution that contains the invalidation that you want to copy.
3. Choose Distribution Settings.
4. Choose the Invalidations tab.
5. Choose the invalidation that you want to copy.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Invalidating Files Using the CloudFront API

If you aren’t sure which invalidation you want to copy, you can choose an invalidation and choose
Details to display detailed information about that invalidation.
6. Choose Copy.
7. Update the list of invalidation paths if applicable.
8. Choose Invalidate.

Canceling Invalidations
When you submit an invalidation request to CloudFront, CloudFront forwards the request to all edge
locations within a few seconds, and each edge location starts processing the invalidation immediately. As
a result, you can’t cancel an invalidation after you submit it.

Listing Invalidations
You can display a list of the last 100 invalidations that you’ve created and run for a distribution
by using the CloudFront console. If you want to get a list of more than 100 invalidations, use the
ListInvalidations API action. For more information, see ListInvalidations in the Amazon CloudFront
API Reference.

To list invalidations

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CloudFront console at https://
2. Select the distribution for which you want to display a list of invalidations.
3. Choose Distribution Settings.
4. Choose the Invalidations tab.

You can’t remove invalidations from the list.

Displaying Information about an Invalidation

You can display detailed information about an invalidation, including distribution ID, invalidation ID, the
status of the invalidation, the date and time that the invalidation was created, and a complete list of the
invalidation paths.

To display information about an invalidation

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CloudFront console at https://
2. Select the distribution that contains the invalidation that you want to display detailed information
3. Choose Distribution Settings.
4. Choose the Invalidations tab.
5. Choose the applicable invalidation.
6. Choose Details.

Invalidating Files Using the CloudFront API

For information about invalidating objects and about displaying information about invalidations using
the CloudFront API, see the following topics in the Amazon CloudFront API Reference:

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Concurrent Invalidation Request Maximum

• Invalidating files: CreateInvalidation

• Getting a list of your invalidations: ListInvalidations
• Getting information about a specific invalidation: GetInvalidation

Concurrent Invalidation Request Maximum

If you’re invalidating files individually, you can have invalidation requests for up to 3,000 files per
distribution in progress at one time. This can be one invalidation request for up to 3,000 files, up to
3,000 requests for one file each, or any other combination that doesn’t exceed 3,000 files. For example,
you can submit 30 invalidation requests that invalidate 100 files each. As long as all 30 invalidation
requests are still in progress, you can’t submit any more invalidation requests. If you exceed the
maximum, CloudFront returns an error message.

If you’re using the * wildcard, you can have requests for up to 15 invalidation paths in progress at
one time. You can also have invalidation requests for up to 3,000 individual files per distribution in
progress at the same time; the maximum on wildcard invalidation requests allowed is independent of the
maximum on invalidating files individually.

Paying for File Invalidation

The first 1,000 invalidation paths that you submit per month are free; you pay for each invalidation path
over 1,000 in a month. An invalidation path can be for a single file (such as /images/logo.jpg) or
for multiple files (such as /images/*). A path that includes the * wildcard counts as one path even if it
causes CloudFront to invalidate thousands of files.

The maximum of 1,000 free invalidation paths per month applies to the total number of invalidation
paths across all of the distributions that you create with one AWS account. For example, if you use the
AWS account [email protected] to create three distributions, and you submit 600 invalidation paths
for each distribution in a given month (for a total of 1,800 invalidation paths), AWS will charge you for
800 invalidation paths in that month. For specific information about invalidation pricing, see Amazon
CloudFront Pricing. For more information about invalidation paths, see Invalidation paths.

Serving compressed files

You can use CloudFront to automatically compress files of certain types and serve the compressed files
when viewers support them (viewers indicate their support for compressed files with the Accept-
Encoding HTTP header). CloudFront can compress files using the Gzip and Brotli compression formats.
When the viewer supports both formats, CloudFront uses Brotli.
The Chrome and Firefox web browsers support Brotli compression only when the request is sent
using HTTPS. These browsers do not support Brotli with HTTP requests.

CloudFront only compresses content using Brotli when both of the following are true:

• You configure the distribution to compress content. See the following section.
• You enable the Cache Brotli objects setting (set EnableAcceptEncodingBrotli to true). For more
information, see Cache compressed objects (p. 86).

CloudFront compresses content using Gzip when just the first of the previous items is true.

When content is compressed, downloads can be faster because the files are smaller—in some cases, less
than a quarter the size of the original. Especially for JavaScript and CSS files, faster downloads can result

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Configuring a CloudFront distribution to compress content

in faster rendering of webpages for your users. In addition, because the cost of CloudFront data transfer
is based on the total amount of data served, serving compressed files can be less expensive than serving
uncompressed files.

If you’re using a custom origin, you can configure your origin to compress files. Your origin might
be able to compress files that CloudFront doesn’t compress (see File types that CloudFront
compresses (p. 119)). If your origin returns a compressed file to CloudFront, CloudFront detects that
the file is compressed based on the value of the Content-Encoding header and doesn’t compress the
file again.

If you configure CloudFront to serve compressed content, you should also cache compressed
objects (p. 86).

Configuring a CloudFront distribution to compress

To configure a distribution to compress your content, update the cache behaviors that you want to serve
the compressed content by using one of the following methods:

• CloudFront console – Update the Compress objects automatically setting. For more information, see
Creating a Distribution (p. 37).
• CloudFront API, AWS SDKs, AWS CLI, or AWS CloudFormation – In a CacheBehavior, set
the value of the Compress element to true. For more information, see CreateDistribution or

If you configure CloudFront to serve compressed content, you should also cache compressed
objects (p. 86).

Using CloudFront to compress your content

CloudFront can compress files both for Amazon S3 origins and for custom origins. When you configure
CloudFront to compress your content, you specify the setting in one or more cache behaviors.

When you configure CloudFront to compress your content, here’s how CloudFront serves your content:

1. You create or update a CloudFront distribution and configure CloudFront to compress content. You
also configure CloudFront to cache compressed objects (p. 86).
2. A viewer requests a file. The viewer includes the Accept-Encoding HTTP header in the request,
and the header values include gzip, br, or both. This indicates that the viewer supports compressed
content. When the viewer supports both formats, CloudFront uses Brotli.
The Chrome and Firefox web browsers support Brotli compression only when the request is
sent using HTTPS. These browsers do not support Brotli with HTTP requests.

CloudFront only compresses content using Brotli when both of the following are true:
• You configure the distribution to compress content. See the previous section.
• You enable the Cache Brotli objects setting (set EnableAcceptEncodingBrotli to true). For
more information, see Cache compressed objects (p. 86).

CloudFront compresses content using Gzip when just the first of the previous items is true.
3. At the edge location, CloudFront checks the cache for a compressed version of the requested file.
4. If the compressed file is already in the cache, CloudFront returns the file to the viewer and skips the
remaining steps.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using CloudFront to compress your content

5. If the compressed file is not in the cache, CloudFront sends the request to the origin server, which can
be either an Amazon S3 bucket or a custom origin.
If CloudFront has an uncompressed version of the file in the cache, it still sends a request to
the origin.
6. The origin server returns an uncompressed version of the requested file to CloudFront.
7. CloudFront determines whether the file is compressible:
• The file must be of a type that CloudFront compresses. For more information, see File types that
CloudFront compresses (p. 119).
• The file size must be between 1,000 and 10,000,000 bytes.
• The response must include a Content-Length header so CloudFront can determine whether
the size of the file is in the range that CloudFront compresses. If the Content-Length header is
missing, CloudFront won’t compress the file.
• The response must not include a Content-Encoding header.
8. If the file is compressible, CloudFront compresses it, returns the compressed file to the viewer, and
adds it to the cache.
9. The viewer uncompresses the file.

Note the following:

File types that CloudFront compresses

CloudFront compresses files for a large number of file types. For a complete list, see File types that
CloudFront compresses (p. 119).
Size of files that CloudFront compresses

CloudFront compresses files that are between 1,000 bytes and 10,000,000 bytes in size.
Content-Length header

The origin must include a Content-Length header in the response so CloudFront can determine
whether the size of the file is in the range that CloudFront compresses. If the Content-Length
header is missing, CloudFront won’t compress the file.
ETag header

When the uncompressed object from the origin includes a valid, strong ETag HTTP header,
CloudFront converts the strong ETag header value to a weak ETag, and returns the weak ETag
value to the viewer. Viewers can store the weak ETag value and use it to send conditional requests
with the If-None-Match HTTP header. This allows viewers, CloudFront, and the origin to treat
the compressed and uncompressed versions of an object as semantically equivalent, which reduces
unnecessary data transfer.

A valid, strong ETag header value begins with a double quote character ("). To convert the strong
ETag value to a weak one, CloudFront adds the characters W/ to the beginning of the strong ETag

When the object from the origin includes a weak ETag header value (a value that begins with the
characters W/), CloudFront does not modify this value, and returns it to the viewer as received from
the origin.

When the object from the origin includes an invalid ETag header value (the value does not begin
with " or with W/), CloudFront removes the ETag header and returns the object to the viewer
without the ETag response header.

For more information, see the following pages in the MDN web docs:
• Directives (ETag HTTP header)

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using CloudFront to compress your content

• Weak validation (HTTP conditional requests)

• If-None-Match HTTP header
Content already in edge locations when you configure CloudFront to compress files

CloudFront compresses files in each edge location when it gets the files from your origin. When you
configure CloudFront to compress your content, CloudFront doesn’t compress files that are already
cached in edge locations. In addition, when a file expires in an edge location and CloudFront sends
another request for the file to your origin, CloudFront doesn’t compress the file if your origin returns
an HTTP status code 304, which means that the edge location already has the latest version of the
file. If you want CloudFront to compress the files that are already cached in edge locations, you need
to invalidate those files. For more information, see Invalidating Files (p. 110).
Origin is already configured to compress files

If you configure CloudFront to compress files and the origin also compresses files, the origin includes
a Content-Encoding header, which indicates that the file is already compressed. CloudFront
returns the cached file to the viewer and caches it in the edge location.
CloudFront does not compress a file if the response includes a Content-Encoding header,
regardless of the header’s value.
Request doesn’t include the Accept-Encoding header

If the Accept-Encoding header is missing from the viewer request, CloudFront serves
uncompressed content. If the Accept-Encoding header includes additional values such as
deflate or sdch, CloudFront removes them before forwarding the request to the origin server.
Request uses HTTP 1.0

If a request to CloudFront uses HTTP 1.0, CloudFront removes the Accept-Encoding header and
serves uncompressed content.
CloudFront is busy

In rare cases, when a CloudFront edge location is unusually busy, some files might not be

File types that CloudFront compresses

If you configure CloudFront to compress your content, CloudFront compresses files that have the
following values in the Content-Type header:

• application/dash+xml
• application/eot
• application/font
• application/font-sfnt
• application/javascript
• application/json
• application/opentype
• application/otf
• application/pkcs7-mime
• application/protobuf
• application/rss+xml
• application/truetype
• application/ttf
• application/

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using CloudFront to compress your content

• application/
• application/xhtml+xml
• application/xml
• application/x-font-opentype
• application/x-font-truetype
• application/x-font-ttf
• application/x-httpd-cgi
• application/x-javascript
• application/x-mpegurl
• application/x-opentype
• application/x-otf
• application/x-perl
• application/x-ttf
• font/eot
• font/opentype
• font/otf
• font/ttf
• image/svg+xml
• text/css
• text/csv
• text/html
• text/javascript
• text/js
• text/plain
• text/richtext
• text/tab-separated-values
• text/xml
• text/x-component
• text/x-java-source
• text/x-script

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using HTTPS with CloudFront

Configuring Secure Access and

Restricting Access to Content
For web distributions, CloudFront provides several options for securing content that it delivers. The
following are some ways you can use CloudFront to secure and restrict access to content:

• Configure HTTPS connections

• Prevent users in specific geographic locations from accessing content
• Require users to access content using CloudFront signed URLs or signed cookies
• Set up field-level encryption for specific content fields
• Use AWS WAF to control access to your content

• Using HTTPS with CloudFront (p. 121)
• Using Alternate Domain Names and HTTPS (p. 132)
• Serving Private Content with Signed URLs and Signed Cookies (p. 145)
• Restricting Access to Amazon S3 Content by Using an Origin Access Identity (p. 209)
• Using AWS WAF to Control Access to Your Content (p. 216)
• Restricting the Geographic Distribution of Your Content (p. 217)
• Using Field-Level Encryption to Help Protect Sensitive Data (p. 219)

Using HTTPS with CloudFront

For web distributions, you can configure CloudFront to require that viewers use HTTPS to request your
objects, so that connections are encrypted when CloudFront communicates with viewers. You also can
configure CloudFront to use HTTPS to get objects from your origin, so that connections are encrypted
when CloudFront communicates with your origin.

If you configure CloudFront to require HTTPS both to communicate with viewers and to communicate
with your origin, here's what happens when CloudFront receives a request for an object:

1. A viewer submits an HTTPS request to CloudFront. There's some SSL/TLS negotiation here between
the viewer and CloudFront. In the end, the viewer submits the request in an encrypted format.
2. If the object is in the CloudFront edge cache, CloudFront encrypts the response and returns it to the
viewer, and the viewer decrypts it.
3. If the object is not in the CloudFront cache, CloudFront performs SSL/TLS negotiation with your
origin and, when the negotiation is complete, forwards the request to your origin in an encrypted
4. Your origin decrypts the request, encrypts the requested object, and returns the object to
5. CloudFront decrypts the response, re-encrypts it, and forwards the object to the viewer. CloudFront
also saves the object in the edge cache so that the object is available the next time it's requested.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Requiring HTTPS Between Viewers and CloudFront

6. The viewer decrypts the response.

The process works basically the same way whether your origin is an Amazon S3 bucket, MediaStore, or a
custom origin such as an HTTP/S server.
To help thwart SSL renegotiation-type attacks, CloudFront does not support renegotiation for
viewer and origin requests.

For information about how to require HTTPS between viewers and CloudFront, and between CloudFront
and your origin, see the following topics.

• Requiring HTTPS for Communication Between Viewers and CloudFront (p. 122)
• Requiring HTTPS for Communication Between CloudFront and Your Custom Origin (p. 123)
• Requiring HTTPS for Communication Between CloudFront and Your Amazon S3 Origin (p. 127)
• Supported protocols and ciphers between viewers and CloudFront (p. 128)
• Supported protocols and ciphers between CloudFront and the origin (p. 130)
• Charges for HTTPS connections (p. 132)

Requiring HTTPS for Communication Between

Viewers and CloudFront
You can configure one or more cache behaviors in your CloudFront distribution to require HTTPS for
communication between viewers and CloudFront. You also can configure one or more cache behaviors to
allow both HTTP and HTTPS, so that CloudFront requires HTTPS for some objects but not for others. The
configuration steps depend on which domain name you're using in object URLs:

• If you're using the domain name that CloudFront assigned to your distribution, such as, you change the Viewer Protocol Policy setting for one or more cache
behaviors to require HTTPS communication. In that configuration, CloudFront provides the SSL/TLS

To change the value of Viewer Protocol Policy by using the CloudFront console, see the procedure
later in this section.

For information about how to use the CloudFront API to change the value of the
ViewerProtocolPolicy element, see UpdateDistribution in the Amazon CloudFront API Reference.
• If you're using your own domain name, such as, you need to change several CloudFront
settings. You also need to use an SSL/TLS certificate provided by AWS Certificate Manager (ACM), or
import a certificate from a third-party certificate authority into ACM or the IAM certificate store. For
more information, see Using Alternate Domain Names and HTTPS (p. 132).

If you want to ensure that the objects that viewers get from CloudFront were encrypted when
CloudFront got them from your origin, always use HTTPS between CloudFront and your origin. If
you recently changed from HTTP to HTTPS between CloudFront and your origin, we recommend
that you invalidate objects in CloudFront edge locations. CloudFront will return an object to
a viewer regardless of whether the protocol used by the viewer (HTTP or HTTPS) matches
the protocol that CloudFront used to get the object. For more information about removing or
replacing objects in a distribution, see Adding, Removing, or Replacing Content That CloudFront
Distributes (p. 104).

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Requiring HTTPS to a Custom Origin

To require HTTPS between viewers and CloudFront for one or more cache behaviors, perform the
following procedure.

To configure CloudFront to require HTTPS between viewers and CloudFront

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CloudFront console at https://
2. In the top pane of the CloudFront console, choose the ID for the distribution that you want to
3. On the Behaviors tab, choose the cache behavior that you want to update, and then choose Edit.
4. Specify one of the following values for Viewer Protocol Policy:

Redirect HTTP to HTTPS

Viewers can use both protocols. HTTP GET and HEAD requests are automatically redirected to
HTTPS requests. CloudFront returns HTTP status code 301 (Moved Permanently) along with the
new HTTPS URL. The viewer then resubmits the request to CloudFront using the HTTPS URL.
If you send POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS, or PATCH over HTTP with an HTTP to HTTPS
cache behavior and a request protocol version of HTTP 1.1 or above, CloudFront
redirects the request to a HTTPS location with a HTTP status code 307 (Temporary
Redirect). This guarantees that the request is sent again to the new location using the
same method and body payload.
If you send POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS, or PATCH requests over HTTP to HTTPS
cache behavior with a request protocol version below HTTP 1.1, CloudFront returns a
HTTP status code 403 (Forbidden).

When a viewer makes an HTTP request that is redirected to an HTTPS request, CloudFront
charges for both requests. For the HTTP request, the charge is only for the request and for the
headers that CloudFront returns to the viewer. For the HTTPS request, the charge is for the
request, and for the headers and the object that are returned by your origin.

Viewers can access your content only if they're using HTTPS. If a viewer sends an HTTP request
instead of an HTTPS request, CloudFront returns HTTP status code 403 (Forbidden) and does
not return the object.
5. Choose Yes, Edit.
6. Repeat steps 3 through 5 for each additional cache behavior that you want to require HTTPS for
between viewers and CloudFront.
7. Confirm the following before you use the updated configuration in a production environment:

• The path pattern in each cache behavior applies only to the requests that you want viewers to use
HTTPS for.
• The cache behaviors are listed in the order that you want CloudFront to evaluate them in. For
more information, see Path Pattern (p. 47).
• The cache behaviors are routing requests to the correct origins.

Requiring HTTPS for Communication Between

CloudFront and Your Custom Origin
If you want to require HTTPS for communication between CloudFront and your custom origin,
the steps you take depend on whether you're using the domain name that CloudFront assigned to

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Requiring HTTPS to a Custom Origin

your distribution (like or your own alternate domain name (like
If your custom origin is an Amazon S3 bucket that’s configured as a website endpoint, you can’t
configure CloudFront to use HTTPS with your origin because Amazon S3 doesn’t support HTTPS
for website endpoints.

Use the default CloudFront domain name

If you're using the domain name that CloudFront assigned to your distribution in the URLs for your
objects (for example,, you can require HTTPS by
following the procedures in this topic to do the following:
• Change the Origin Protocol Policy setting for specific origins in your distribution
• Install an SSL/TLS certificate on your custom origin server (this isn't required when you use an
Amazon S3 origin)
Use an alternate domain name

Instead of using the default domain name with your distribution, you can add an alternate domain
name that's easier to work with, like

To require HTTPS for communication when you use an alternate domain name, follow the steps and
guidance in Using Alternate Domain Names and HTTPS (p. 132).

• Changing CloudFront Settings (p. 124)
• Installing an SSL/TLS Certificate on Your Custom Origin Server (p. 125)
• About RSA and ECDSA Ciphers (p. 126)

Changing CloudFront Settings

The following procedure explains how to configure CloudFront to use HTTPS to communicate with an
Elastic Load Balancing load balancer, an Amazon EC2 instance, or another custom origin. For information
about using the CloudFront API to update a web distribution, see UpdateDistribution in the Amazon
CloudFront API Reference.

To configure CloudFront to require HTTPS between CloudFront and your custom origin

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CloudFront console at https://
2. In the top pane of the CloudFront console, choose the ID for the distribution that you want to
3. On the Origins tab, choose the origin that you want to update, and then choose Edit.
4. Update the following settings:

Origin Protocol Policy

Change the Origin Protocol Policy for the applicable origins in your distribution:
• HTTPS Only – CloudFront uses only HTTPS to communicate with your custom origin.
• Match Viewer – CloudFront communicates with your custom origin using HTTP or HTTPS,
depending on the protocol of the viewer request. For example, if you choose Match Viewer
for Origin Protocol Policy and the viewer uses HTTPS to request an object from CloudFront,
CloudFront also uses HTTPS to forward the request to your origin.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Requiring HTTPS to a Custom Origin

Choose Match Viewer only if you specify Redirect HTTP to HTTPS or HTTPS Only for Viewer
Protocol Policy.

CloudFront caches the object only once even if viewers make requests using both HTTP and
HTTPS protocols.
Origin SSL Protocols

Choose the Origin SSL Protocols for the applicable origins in your distribution. The SSLv3
protocol is less secure, so we recommend that you choose SSLv3 only if your origin doesn’t
support TLSv1 or later. The TLSv1 handshake is both backwards and forwards compatible with
SSLv3, but TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2 are not. When you choose SSLv3, CloudFront only sends SSLv3
handshake requests.
5. Choose Yes, Edit.
6. Repeat steps 3 through 5 for each additional origin that you want to require HTTPS for between
CloudFront and your custom origin.
7. Confirm the following before you use the updated configuration in a production environment:

• The path pattern in each cache behavior applies only to the requests that you want viewers to use
HTTPS for.
• The cache behaviors are listed in the order that you want CloudFront to evaluate them in. For
more information, see Path Pattern (p. 47).
• The cache behaviors are routing requests to the origins that you changed the Origin Protocol
Policy for.

Installing an SSL/TLS Certificate on Your Custom Origin Server

You can use an SSL/TLS certificate from the following sources on your custom origin:

• If your origin is an Elastic Load Balancing load balancer, you can use a certificate provided by AWS
Certificate Manager (ACM). You also can use a certificate that is signed by a trusted third-party
certificate authority and imported into ACM.
• For origins other than Elastic Load Balancing load balancers, you must use a certificate that is signed
by a trusted third-party certificate authority (CA), for example, Comodo, DigiCert, or Symantec.

When CloudFront uses HTTPS to communicate with your origin, CloudFront verifies that the certificate
was issued by a trusted certificate authority. CloudFront supports the same certificate authorities that
Mozilla does. For the current list, see Mozilla Included CA Certificate List. You can't use a self-signed
certificate for HTTPS communication between CloudFront and your origin.
If the origin server returns an expired certificate, an invalid certificate, or a self-signed
certificate, or if the origin server returns the certificate chain in the wrong order, CloudFront
drops the TCP connection, returns HTTP status code 502 (Bad Gateway), and sets the X-Cache
header to Error from cloudfront. Also, if the full chain of certificates, including the
intermediate certificate, is not present, CloudFront drops the TCP connection.

The certificate returned from the origin must cover the domain that you specified for Origin Domain
Name for the corresponding origin in your distribution. In addition, if you configured CloudFront to
forward the Host header to your origin, the origin must respond with a certificate matching the domain
in the Host header.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Requiring HTTPS to a Custom Origin

About RSA and ECDSA Ciphers

The encryption strength of a communications connection depends on the key size and strength of the
algorithm that you choose for your origin server’s certificate. The two options that CloudFront supports
for connections with a custom origin are RSA and Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA).

For lists of the RSA and ECDSA ciphers supported by CloudFront, see Supported protocols and ciphers
between CloudFront and the origin (p. 130).

How RSA Ciphers Work

CloudFront and origin servers typically use RSA 2048-bit asymmetric keys for SSL/TLS termination. RSA
algorithms use the product of two large prime numbers, with another number added to it to create a
public key. The private key is a related number. The strength of RSA relies on the presumed difficulty of
breaking a key that requires factoring the product of two large prime numbers. However, improvements
in computer technology have weakened RSA algorithms because faster computer calculations mean that
it’s now easier to break the encryption.

If you want to maintain encryption strength while continuing to use RSA, one option would be to
increase the size of your RSA keys. However, this approach isn’t easily scalable because using larger keys
increases the compute cost for cryptography.

How ECDSA Ciphers Work

Alternatively, you could use an ECDSA certificate. ECDSA bases its security on a more complex
mathematical problem than RSA that is harder to solve, which means that it takes more computer
processing time to break ECDSA encryption. ECDSA is built on the principle that it is difficult to solve for
the discrete logarithm of a random elliptic curve when its base is known, also known as the Elliptic Curve
Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP). This means that you can use shorter key lengths to achieve the
equivalent security of using RSA with much larger key sizes.

In addition to providing better security, using ECDSA's smaller keys enables faster computing of
algorithms, smaller digital certificates, and fewer bits to transmit during the SSL/TLS handshake. As a
result, the smaller keys reduce the time that it takes for you to create and sign digital certificates for
SSL/TLS termination on origin servers. Using a smaller key size therefore can increase throughput by
reducing the compute cycles needed for cryptography, freeing up server resources to process other work.

Choosing Between RSA and ECDSA Ciphers

Sample tests that we have run to compare, for example, 2048-bit RSA to 256-bit ECDSA (nistp256) have
indicated that the nistp256 option was 95% faster than 2048-bit RSA while providing the same security
strength as 3072-bit RSA.

CloudFront continues to support RSA for SSL/TLS connections. However, if you have concerns about the
strength of your current encryption for SSL/TLS authentication for your origin servers, ECDSA could be
a better option. The effort to enable ECDSA digital certificates compared to the security benefit that
ECDSA brings is a trade-off that you will have to weigh in making your decision. In addition to enabling
stronger encryption, the reduction in computational cost of cryptography while using ECDSA at your
origin servers is an added advantage.

Using ECDSA Ciphers

To use ECDSA for communications between CloudFront and your origin, do the following:

1. Generate a private key by using one of the supported curves (prime256v1, secp384r1, or X25519).
2. Generate an ECDSA Digital Certificate in the X.509 PEM format with a trusted certificate authority.
3. Set up your origin to prefer the ECDSA certificate.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Requiring HTTPS to an Amazon S3 Origin

Using ECDSA doesn't require any settings changes in the CloudFront console or APIs, and there is no
additional fee.

Requiring HTTPS for Communication Between

CloudFront and Your Amazon S3 Origin
When your origin is an Amazon S3 bucket, your options for using HTTPS for communications with
CloudFront depend on how you're using the bucket. If your Amazon S3 bucket is configured as a website
endpoint, you can't configure CloudFront to use HTTPS to communicate with your origin because
Amazon S3 doesn't support HTTPS connections in that configuration.

When your origin is an Amazon S3 bucket that supports HTTPS communication, CloudFront always
forwards requests to S3 by using the protocol that viewers used to submit the requests. The default
setting for the Origin Protocol Policy (p. 45) setting is Match Viewer and can't be changed.

If you want to require HTTPS for communication between CloudFront and Amazon S3, you must change
the value of Viewer Protocol Policy to Redirect HTTP to HTTPS or HTTPS Only. The procedure later
in this section explains how to use the CloudFront console to change Viewer Protocol Policy. For
information about using the CloudFront API to update the ViewerProtocolPolicy element for a web
distribution, see UpdateDistribution in the Amazon CloudFront API Reference.

When you use HTTPS with an Amazon S3 bucket that supports HTTPS communication, Amazon S3
provides the SSL/TLS certificate, so you don't have to.

To configure CloudFront to require HTTPS to your Amazon S3 origin

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CloudFront console at https://
2. In the top pane of the CloudFront console, choose the ID for the distribution that you want to
3. On the Behaviors tab, choose the cache behavior that you want to update, and then choose Edit.
4. Specify one of the following values for Viewer Protocol Policy:

Redirect HTTP to HTTPS

Viewers can use both protocols, but HTTP requests are automatically redirected to HTTPS
requests. CloudFront returns HTTP status code 301 (Moved Permanently) along with the new
HTTPS URL. The viewer then resubmits the request to CloudFront using the HTTPS URL.
CloudFront doesn't redirect DELETE, OPTIONS, PATCH, POST, or PUT requests from
HTTP to HTTPS. If you configure a cache behavior to redirect to HTTPS, CloudFront
responds to HTTP DELETE, OPTIONS, PATCH, POST, or PUT requests for that cache
behavior with HTTP status code 403 (Forbidden).

When a viewer makes an HTTP request that is redirected to an HTTPS request, CloudFront
charges for both requests. For the HTTP request, the charge is only for the request and for the
headers that CloudFront returns to the viewer. For the HTTPS request, the charge is for the
request, and for the headers and the object returned by your origin.

Viewers can access your content only if they're using HTTPS. If a viewer sends an HTTP request
instead of an HTTPS request, CloudFront returns HTTP status code 403 (Forbidden) and does
not return the object.
5. Choose Yes, Edit.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Supported protocols and ciphers
between viewers and CloudFront

6. Repeat steps 3 through 5 for each additional cache behavior that you want to require HTTPS for
between viewers and CloudFront, and between CloudFront and S3.
7. Confirm the following before you use the updated configuration in a production environment:

• The path pattern in each cache behavior applies only to the requests that you want viewers to use
HTTPS for.
• The cache behaviors are listed in the order that you want CloudFront to evaluate them in. For
more information, see Path Pattern (p. 47).
• The cache behaviors are routing requests to the correct origins.

Supported protocols and ciphers between viewers

and CloudFront
When you require HTTPS between viewers and your CloudFront distribution (p. 49), you must choose a
security policy (p. 56), which determines the following settings.

• The minimum SSL/TLS protocol that CloudFront uses to communicate with viewers.
• The ciphers that CloudFront can use to encrypt the communication with viewers.

To choose a security policy, specify the applicable value for Security Policy (p. 56). The following table
lists the protocols and ciphers that CloudFront can use for each security policy.

A viewer must support at least one of the supported ciphers to establish an HTTPS connection with
CloudFront. If you’re using an SSL/TLS certificate in AWS Certificate Manager, a viewer must support one
of the *-RSA-* ciphers. CloudFront chooses a cipher in the listed order from among the ciphers that the
viewer supports. See also OpenSSL, s2n, and RFC cipher names (p. 129).

  Security policy

SSL/TLS protocols supported

TLSv1.3¹ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

TLSv1.2 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

TLSv1.1 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦    

TLSv1 ♦ ♦ ♦      

SSLv3 ♦          

Ciphers supported

TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM- ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦    

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Supported protocols and ciphers
between viewers and CloudFront

  Security policy

ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM- ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

ECDHE-RSA-CHACHA20- ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦    

AES128-GCM-SHA256 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦  

AES256-GCM-SHA384 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦  

AES128-SHA256 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦  

AES256-SHA ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦    

AES128-SHA ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦    

DES-CBC3-SHA ♦ ♦        

RC4-MD5 ♦          

¹CloudFront supports one round trip time (1-RTT) handshakes for TLSv1.3, but does not support zero
round trip time (0-RTT) handshakes.

OpenSSL, s2n, and RFC cipher names

OpenSSL and s2n use different names for ciphers than the TLS standards use (RFC 2246, RFC 4346, RFC
5246, and RFC 8446). The following table maps the OpenSSL and s2n names to the RFC name for each

For all elliptic curve ciphers, CloudFront supports the following elliptic curves:

• prime256v1
• secp384r1
• X25519

OpenSSL and s2n cipher name RFC cipher name









Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Supported protocols and ciphers
between CloudFront and the origin

OpenSSL and s2n cipher name RFC cipher name










Supported signature schemes between viewers and CloudFront

CloudFront supports the following signature schemes for connections between viewers and CloudFront.


Supported protocols and ciphers between CloudFront

and the origin
If you choose to require HTTPS between CloudFront and your origin, you can decide which SSL/TLS
protocol to allow for the secure connection, and then pick any supported cipher for CloudFront (see the
following tables) to establish an HTTPS connection to your origin.

CloudFront can forward HTTPS requests to the origin server by using the ECDSA or RSA ciphers listed
in the following tables. Your origin server must support at least one of these ciphers for CloudFront
to establish an HTTPS connection to your origin. To learn more about the two types of ciphers that
CloudFront supports, see About RSA and ECDSA Ciphers (p. 126).

OpenSSL and s2n use different names for ciphers than the TLS standards use (RFC 2246, RFC 4346, RFC
5246, and RFC 8446). The following tables map the OpenSSL and s2n names to the RFC name for each

Supported RSA ciphers

CloudFront supports the following RSA ciphers for connections with an origin.

For all elliptic curve ciphers, CloudFront supports the following elliptic curves:

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Supported protocols and ciphers
between CloudFront and the origin

• prime256v1
• secp384r1
• X25519

OpenSSL and s2n cipher name RFC cipher name











Supported ECDSA ciphers

CloudFront supports the following ECDSA ciphers for connections with an origin.

For all elliptic curve ciphers, CloudFront supports the following elliptic curves:

• prime256v1
• secp384r1
• X25519

OpenSSL and s2n cipher name RFC cipher name







Supported signature schemes between CloudFront and the origin

CloudFront supports the following signature schemes for connections between CloudFront and the


Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Charges for HTTPS connections


Charges for HTTPS connections

You always incur a surcharge for HTTPS requests. For more information, see Amazon CloudFront Pricing.

Using Alternate Domain Names and HTTPS

If you want to use your own domain name in the URLs for your files (for example, https:// and you want your viewers to use HTTPS, you must complete the steps
in this topic. (If you use the default CloudFront distribution domain name in your URLs, for example,, follow the guidance in the following topic
instead: Requiring HTTPS for Communication Between Viewers and CloudFront (p. 122).)
When you add a certificate to your distribution, CloudFront immediately propagates the
certificate to all of its edge locations. As new edge locations become available, CloudFront
propagates the certificate to those locations, too. You can't restrict the edge locations that
CloudFront propagates the certificates to.

• Choosing How CloudFront Serves HTTPS Requests (p. 132)
• Requirements for Using SSL/TLS Certificates with CloudFront (p. 134)
• Quotas on Using SSL/TLS Certificates with CloudFront (HTTPS Between Viewers and CloudFront
Only) (p. 137)
• Configuring Alternate Domain Names and HTTPS (p. 139)
• Determining the Size of the Public Key in an SSL/TLS Certificate (p. 142)
• Increasing the Quotas for SSL/TLS Certificates (p. 142)
• Rotating SSL/TLS Certificates (p. 143)
• Reverting from a Custom SSL/TLS Certificate to the Default CloudFront Certificate (p. 144)
• Switching from a Custom SSL/TLS Certificate with Dedicated IP Addresses to SNI (p. 145)

Choosing How CloudFront Serves HTTPS Requests

If you want your viewers to use HTTPS and to use alternate domain names for your files, choose one of
the following options for how CloudFront serves HTTPS requests:

• Use Server Name Indication (SNI) – Recommended

• Use a dedicated IP address in each edge location

This section explains how each option works.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Choosing How CloudFront Serves HTTPS Requests

Using SNI to Serve HTTPS Requests (Works for Most Clients)

Server Name Indication (SNI) is an extension to the TLS protocol that is supported by browsers and
clients released after 2010. If you configure CloudFront to serve HTTPS requests using SNI, CloudFront
associates your alternate domain name with an IP address for each edge location. When a viewer submits
an HTTPS request for your content, DNS routes the request to the IP address for the correct edge
location. The IP address to your domain name is determined during the SSL/TLS handshake negotiation;
the IP address isn't dedicated to your distribution.

The SSL/TLS negotiation occurs early in the process of establishing an HTTPS connection. If CloudFront
can't immediately determine which domain the request is for, it drops the connection. When a viewer
that supports SNI submits an HTTPS request for your content, here's what happens:

1. The viewer automatically gets the domain name from the request URL and adds it to a field in the
request header.
2. When CloudFront receives the request, it finds the domain name in the request header and responds
to the request with the applicable SSL/TLS certificate.
3. The viewer and CloudFront perform SSL/TLS negotiation.
4. CloudFront returns the requested content to the viewer.

For a current list of the browsers that support SNI, see the Wikipedia entry Server Name Indication.

If you want to use SNI but some of your users' browsers don't support SNI, you have several options:

• Configure CloudFront to serve HTTPS requests by using dedicated IP addresses instead of SNI. For
more information, see Using a Dedicated IP Addresses to Serve HTTPS Requests (Works for All
Clients) (p. 133).
• Use the CloudFront SSL/TLS certificate instead of a custom certificate. This requires that you use
the CloudFront domain name for your distribution in the URLs for your files, for example, https://

If you use the default CloudFront certificate, viewers must support the SSL protocol TLSv1 or later.
CloudFront doesn't support SSLv3 with the default CloudFront certificate.

You also must change the SSL/TLS certificate that CloudFront is using from a custom certificate to the
default CloudFront certificate:
• If you haven't used your distribution to distribute your content, you can just change the
configuration. For more information, see Updating a Distribution (p. 63).
• If you have used your distribution to distribute your content, you must create a new CloudFront
distribution and change the URLs for your files to reduce or eliminate the amount of time that your
content is unavailable. For more information, see Reverting from a Custom SSL/TLS Certificate to
the Default CloudFront Certificate (p. 144).
• If you can control which browser your users use, have them upgrade their browser to one that supports
• Use HTTP instead of HTTPS.

Using a Dedicated IP Addresses to Serve HTTPS Requests (Works

for All Clients)
Server Name Indication (SNI) is one way to associate a request with a domain. Another way is to use a
dedicated IP address. If you have users who can't upgrade to a browser or client released after 2010, you
can use a dedicated IP address to serve HTTPS requests. For a current list of the browsers that support
SNI, see the Wikipedia entry Server Name Indication.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Requirements for Using SSL/
TLS Certificates with CloudFront

If you configure CloudFront to serve HTTPS requests using dedicated IP addresses, you incur
an additional monthly charge. The charge begins when you associate your SSL/TLS certificate
with a distribution and you enable the distribution. For more information about CloudFront
pricing, see Amazon CloudFront Pricing. In addition, see Using the Same Certificate for Multiple
CloudFront Distributions (p. 138).

When you configure CloudFront to serve HTTPS requests using dedicated IP addresses, CloudFront
associates your alternate domain name with a dedicated IP address in each CloudFront edge location.
When a viewer submits an HTTPS request for your content, here's what happens:

1. DNS routes the request to the IP address for your distribution in the applicable edge location.
2. CloudFront uses the IP address to identify your distribution and to determine which SSL/TLS
certificate to return to the viewer.
3. The viewer and CloudFront perform SSL/TLS negotiation using your SSL/TLS certificate.
4. CloudFront returns the requested content to the viewer.

This method works for every HTTPS request, regardless of the browser or other viewer that the user is

Requirements for Using SSL/TLS Certificates with

The requirements for SSL/TLS certificates are described in this topic. They apply, except as noted, to
both of the following:

• Certificates for using HTTPS between viewers and CloudFront

• Certificates for using HTTPS between CloudFront and your origin

• Certificate Issuer (p. 134)
• AWS Region that You Request a Certificate In (for AWS Certificate Manager) (p. 135)
• Certificate Format (p. 135)
• Intermediate Certificates (p. 135)
• Key Type (p. 136)
• Private Key (p. 136)
• Permissions (p. 136)
• Size of the Public Key (p. 136)
• Supported Types of Certificates (p. 136)
• Certificate Expiration Date and Renewal (p. 137)
• Domain Names in the CloudFront Distribution and in the Certificate (p. 137)
• Minimum SSL Protocol Version (p. 137)
• Supported HTTP Versions (p. 137)

Certificate Issuer
The certificate issuer you must use depends on whether you want to require HTTPS between viewers and
CloudFront or between CloudFront and your origin:

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Requirements for Using SSL/
TLS Certificates with CloudFront

• HTTPS between viewers and CloudFront – You can use a certificate that was issued by a trusted
certificate authority (CA) such as Comodo, DigiCert, or Symantec, or you can use a certificate provided
by AWS Certificate Manager (ACM).
If you want to use an alternate domain name with your CloudFront distribution, you must
verify to CloudFront that you have authorized rights to use the alternate domain name. To do
this, you must attach a valid certificate to your distribution, and make sure that the certificate
comes from a trusted CA that is listed on the Mozilla Included CA Certificate List. CloudFront
does not allow you to use a self-signed certificate to verify your authorized rights to use an
alternate domain name.
• HTTPS between CloudFront and a custom origin – If the origin is not an Elastic Load Balancing (ELB)
load balancer, such as Amazon EC2, the certificate must be issued by a trusted CA such as Comodo,
DigiCert, or Symantec. If your origin is an ELB load balancer, you can also use a certificate provided by
When CloudFront uses HTTPS to communicate with your origin, CloudFront verifies that the
certificate was issued by a trusted CA. CloudFront supports the same certificate authorities
as Mozilla; for the current list, see Mozilla Included CA Certificate List. You cannot use a self-
signed certificate for HTTPS communication between CloudFront and your origin.

For more information about getting and installing an SSL/TLS certificate, refer to the documentation
for your HTTP server software and to the documentation for the certificate authority. For information
about ACM, see the AWS Certificate Manager User Guide.

AWS Region that You Request a Certificate In (for AWS

Certificate Manager)
If you want to require HTTPS between viewers and CloudFront, you must change the AWS Region to US
East (N. Virginia) in the AWS Certificate Manager console before you request or import a certificate.

If you want to require HTTPS between CloudFront and your origin, and you're using an ELB load balancer
as your origin, you can request or import a certificate in any Region.

Certificate Format
The certificate must be in X.509 PEM format. This is the default format if you're using AWS Certificate

Intermediate Certificates
If you're using a third-party certificate authority (CA), in the .pem file, list all of the intermediate
certificates in the certificate chain, beginning with one for the CA that signed the certificate for your
domain. Typically, you'll find a file on the CA website that lists intermediate and root certificates in the
proper chained order.
Do not include the following: the root certificate, intermediate certificates that are not in the
trust path, or your CA's public key certificate.

Here's an example:

Intermediate certificate 2

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Requirements for Using SSL/
TLS Certificates with CloudFront

Intermediate certificate 1

Key Type
CloudFront supports only RSA public/private key pairs.

Private Key
If you're using a certificate from a third-party certificate authority (CA), note the following:

• The private key must match the public key that is in the certificate.
• The private key also must be an RSA private key in PEM format, where the PEM header is BEGIN RSA
• The private key cannot be encrypted with a password.

If AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) provided the certificate, ACM doesn't release the private key. The
private key is stored in ACM for use by AWS services that are integrated with ACM.

You must have permission to use and import the SSL/TLS certificate. If you're using AWS Certificate
Manager (ACM), we recommend that you use AWS Identity and Access Management permissions
to restrict access to the certificates. For more information, see Permissions and Policies in the AWS
Certificate Manager User Guide.

Size of the Public Key

The length of the public key for a certificate depends on where you're storing it.

• Importing a certificate into AWS Certificate Manager (ACM): public key length must be 1024 bits
or 2048 bits. The maximum length for a certificate that you use with CloudFront is 2048 bits, even
though ACM supports larger keys.
• Uploading a certificate to the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) certificate store: maximum
size of the public key is 2048 bits.

We recommend using 2048 bits.

For information about the public keys for certificates provided by ACM, see ACM Certificate
Characteristics in the AWS Certificate Manager User Guide.

For information about how to determine the size of the public key, see Determining the Size of the
Public Key in an SSL/TLS Certificate (p. 142).

Supported Types of Certificates

CloudFront supports all types of certificates, including the following:

• Domain-validated certificates
• Extended validation (EV) certificates
• High-assurance certificates
• Wildcard certificates (*
• Subject alternative name (SAN) certificates ( and

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Quotas on Using SSL/TLS Certificates with CloudFront
(HTTPS Between Viewers and CloudFront Only)

Certificate Expiration Date and Renewal

If you're using certificates that you get from a third-party certificate authority (CA), you must monitor
certificate expiration dates and renew SSL/TLS certificates that you import into AWS Certificate Manager
(ACM) or upload to the AWS Identity and Access Management certificate store.

If you're using ACM-provided certificates, ACM manages certificate renewals for you. For more
information, see Managed Renewal in the AWS Certificate Manager User Guide.

Domain Names in the CloudFront Distribution and in the

When you're using a custom origin, the SSL/TLS certificate on your origin includes a domain name in the
Common Name field, and possibly several more in the Subject Alternative Names field. (CloudFront
supports wildcard characters in certificate domain names.)
When you add an alternate domain name to a distribution, CloudFront checks that the alternate
domain name is covered by the certificate that you've attached. The certificate must cover the
alternate domain name in the subject alternate name (SAN) field of the certificate. This means
the SAN field must contain an exact match for the alternate domain name, or contain a wildcard
at the same level of the alternate domain name that you're adding.
For more information, see Requirements for Using Alternate Domain Names (p. 78).

One of the domain names in the certificate must match the domain name that you specify for Origin
Domain Name. If no domain name matches, CloudFront returns HTTP status code 502 (Bad Gateway)
to the viewer.

Minimum SSL Protocol Version

If you're using dedicated IP addresses, set the minimum SSL protocol version for the connection between
viewers and CloudFront by choosing a security policy.

For more information, see Security Policy (p. 56) in the topic Values That You Specify When You Create or
Update a Distribution (p. 38).

Supported HTTP Versions

If you associate one certificate with more than one CloudFront distribution, all the distributions
associated with the certificate must use the same option for Supported HTTP Versions (p. 57). You
specify this option when you create or update a CloudFront distribution.

Quotas on Using SSL/TLS Certificates with

CloudFront (HTTPS Between Viewers and CloudFront
Note the following quotas (formerly known as limits) on using SSL/TLS certificates with CloudFront.
These quotas apply only to the SSL/TLS certificates that you provision by using AWS Certificate Manager
(ACM), that you import into ACM, or upload to the IAM certificate store for HTTPS communication
between viewers and CloudFront.

Maximum Number of Certificates per CloudFront Distribution

You can associate a maximum of one SSL/TLS certificate with each CloudFront distribution.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Quotas on Using SSL/TLS Certificates with CloudFront
(HTTPS Between Viewers and CloudFront Only)

Maximum Number of Certificates that You Can Import into ACM or Upload to the IAM Certificate

If you obtained your SSL/TLS certificates from a third-party CA, you must store the certificates in
one of the following locations:
• AWS Certificate Manager – For the current quota on the number of ACM certificates, see Quotas
in the AWS Certificate Manager User Guide. The listed quota is a total that includes certificates that
you provision by using ACM and certificates that you import into ACM.
• IAM certificate store – For the current quota (formerly known as limit) on the number of
certificates that you can upload to the IAM certificate store for an AWS account, see IAM and STS
Limits in the IAM User Guide. You can request a higher quota in the AWS Management Console.
Maximum Number of Certificates per AWS Account (Dedicated IP Addresses Only)

If you want to serve HTTPS requests by using dedicated IP addresses, note the following:
• By default, CloudFront gives you permission to use two certificates with your AWS account, one for
everyday use and one for when you need to rotate certificates for multiple distributions.
• If you need more than two custom SSL/TLS certificates for your AWS account, go to the Support
Center and create a case. Indicate how many certificates that you need permission to use, and
describe the circumstances in your request. We'll update your account as soon as possible.
Using the Same Certificate for CloudFront Distributions that Were Created by Using Different AWS

If you're using a third-party CA and you want to use the same certificate with multiple CloudFront
distributions that were created by using different AWS accounts, you must import the certificate into
ACM or upload it to the IAM certificate store once for each AWS account.

If you're using certificates provided by ACM, you can't configure CloudFront to use certificates that
were created by a different AWS account.
Using the Same Certificate for CloudFront and for Other AWS Services (IAM Certificate Store Only)

If you bought a certificate from a trusted certificate authority such as Comodo, DigiCert, or
Symantec, you can use the same certificate for CloudFront and for other AWS services. If you're
importing the certificate into ACM, you need to import it only once to use it for multiple AWS

If you're using certificates provided by ACM, the certificates are stored in ACM.
Using the Same Certificate for Multiple CloudFront Distributions

You can use the same certificate for any or all of the CloudFront distributions that you're using to
serve HTTPS requests. Note the following:
• You can use the same certificate both for serving requests using dedicated IP addresses and for
serving requests using SNI.
• You can associate only one certificate with each distribution.
• Each distribution must include one or more alternate domain names that also appear in the
Common Name field or the Subject Alternative Names field in the certificate.
• If you're serving HTTPS requests using dedicated IP addresses and you created all of your
distributions by using the same AWS account, you can significantly reduce your cost by using
the same certificate for all distributions. CloudFront charges for each certificate, not for each

For example, suppose you create three distributions by using the same AWS account, and you
use the same certificate for all three distributions. You would be charged only one fee for using
dedicated IP addresses.

However, if you're serving HTTPS requests using dedicated IP addresses and using the same
certificate to create CloudFront distributions in different AWS accounts, each account is charged

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Configuring Alternate Domain Names and HTTPS

the fee for using dedicated IP addresses. For example, if you create three distributions by using
three different AWS accounts and you use the same certificate for all three distributions, each
account is charged the full fee for using dedicated IP addresses.

Configuring Alternate Domain Names and HTTPS

To use alternate domain names in the URLs for your files and to use HTTPS between viewers and
CloudFront, perform the applicable procedures.

• Requesting Permission to Use Three or More Dedicated IP SSL/TLS Certificates (p. 139)
• Getting an SSL/TLS Certificate (p. 139)
• Importing an SSL/TLS Certificate (p. 140)
• Updating Your CloudFront Distribution (p. 140)

Requesting Permission to Use Three or More Dedicated IP SSL/

TLS Certificates
If you need permission to permanently associate three or more SSL/TLS dedicated IP certificates with
CloudFront, perform the following procedure. For more details about HTTPS requests, see Choosing How
CloudFront Serves HTTPS Requests (p. 132).
This procedure is for using three or more dedicated IP certificates across your CloudFront
distributions. The default value is 2. Keep in mind you cannot bind more than one SSL certificate
to a distribution.
You can only associate a single SSL/TLS certificate to a CloudFront distribution at a time. This
number is for the total number of dedicated IP SSL certificates you can use across all of your
CloudFront distributions.

To request permission to use three or more certificates with a CloudFront distribution

1. Go to the Support Center and create a case.

2. Indicate how many certificates you need permission to use, and describe the circumstances in your
request. We'll update your account as soon as possible.
3. Continue with the next procedure.

Getting an SSL/TLS Certificate

Get an SSL/TLS certificate if you don’t already have one. For more information, see the applicable

• To use a certificate provided by AWS Certificate Manager (ACM), see the AWS Certificate Manager User
Guide. Then skip to Updating Your CloudFront Distribution (p. 140).
We recommend that you use ACM to provision, manage, and deploy SSL/TLS certificates on
AWS managed resources. You must request an ACM certificate in the US East (N. Virginia)
• To get a certificate from a third-party certificate authority (CA), see the documentation provided by
the certificate authority. When you have the certificate, continue with the next procedure.
• To create a self-signed certificate, see the documentation for the application that you're using to
create and sign the certificate. Then continue with the next procedure.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Configuring Alternate Domain Names and HTTPS

Importing an SSL/TLS Certificate

If you got your certificate from a third-party CA, import the certificate into ACM or upload it to the IAM
certificate store:

ACM (Recommended)

ACM lets you import third-party certificates from the ACM console, as well as programmatically. For
information about importing a certificate to ACM, see Importing Certificates into AWS Certificate
Manager in the AWS Certificate Manager User Guide. You must import the certificate in the US East
(N. Virginia) Region.
IAM certificate store

If ACM is not available in your Region, use the following AWS CLI command to upload your third-
party certificate to the IAM certificate store. (For a list of the Regions where ACM is available, see
AWS Certificate Manager in the "AWS Regions and Endpoints" chapter of the Amazon Web Services
General Reference.)

aws iam upload-server-certificate --server-certificate-name CertificateName --

certificate-body file://public_key_certificate_file --private-key file://privatekey.pem
--certificate-chain file://certificate_chain_file --path /cloudfront/path/

Note the following:

• AWS account – You must upload the certificate to the IAM certificate store using the same AWS
account that you used to create your CloudFront distribution.
• --path parameter – When you upload the certificate to IAM, the value of the --path parameter
(certificate path) must start with /cloudfront/, for example, /cloudfront/production/ or /
cloudfront/test/. The path must end with a /.
• Existing certificates – You must specify values for the --server-certificate-name and --
path parameters that are different from the values that are associated with existing certificates.
• Using the CloudFront console – The value that you specify for the --server-certificate-
name parameter in the AWS CLI, for example, myServerCertificate, appears in the SSL
Certificate list in the CloudFront console.
• Using the CloudFront API – Make note of the alphanumeric string that the AWS CLI returns,
for example, AS1A2M3P4L5E67SIIXR3J. This is the value that you will specify in the
IAMCertificateId element. You don't need the IAM ARN, which is also returned by the CLI.

For more information about the AWS CLI, see the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide and the
AWS CLI Command Reference.

Updating Your CloudFront Distribution

To update settings for your distribution, perform the following procedure:

To configure your CloudFront distribution for alternate domain names

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CloudFront console at https://
2. Choose the ID for the distribution that you want to update.
3. On the General tab, choose Edit.
4. Update the following values:

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Configuring Alternate Domain Names and HTTPS

Alternate Domain Names (CNAMEs)

Add the applicable alternate domain names. Separate domain names with commas, or type
each domain name on a new line.
SSL Certificate (Web Distributions Only)

Choose Custom SSL Certificate, and choose a certificate from the list.

Up to 100 certificates are listed here. If you have more than 100 certificates and you don't see
the certificate that you want to add, you can type a certificate ARN in the field to choose it.

If you uploaded a certificate to the IAM certificate store but it's not listed, and you can't
choose it by typing the name in the field, review the procedure Importing an SSL/TLS
Certificate (p. 140) to confirm that you correctly uploaded the certificate.
After you associate your SSL/TLS certificate with your CloudFront distribution, do
not delete the certificate from ACM or the IAM certificate store until you remove the
certificate from all distributions and until the status of the distributions has changed to
Clients Supported (Web Distributions Only)

Choose the applicable option:

• All clients: CloudFront serves your HTTPS content using dedicated IP addresses. If you select
this option, you incur additional charges when you associate your SSL/TLS certificate with a
distribution that is enabled. For more information, see Amazon CloudFront Pricing.
• Only clients that Support Server Name Indication (SNI): Older browsers or other clients that
don't support SNI must use another method to access your content.

For more information, see Choosing How CloudFront Serves HTTPS Requests (p. 132).
5. Choose Yes, Edit.
6. Configure CloudFront to require HTTPS between viewers and CloudFront:

a. On the Behaviors tab, choose the cache behavior that you want to update, and choose Edit.
b. Specify one of the following values for Viewer Protocol Policy:

Redirect HTTP to HTTPS

Viewers can use both protocols, but HTTP requests are automatically redirected to HTTPS
requests. CloudFront returns HTTP status code 301 (Moved Permanently) along with
the new HTTPS URL. The viewer then resubmits the request to CloudFront using the HTTPS
CloudFront doesn't redirect DELETE, OPTIONS, PATCH, POST, or PUT requests from
HTTP to HTTPS. If you configure a cache behavior to redirect to HTTPS, CloudFront
responds to HTTP DELETE, OPTIONS, PATCH, POST, or PUT requests for that cache
behavior with HTTP status code 403 (Forbidden).

When a viewer makes an HTTP request that is redirected to an HTTPS request, CloudFront
charges for both requests. For the HTTP request, the charge is only for the request and for
the headers that CloudFront returns to the viewer. For the HTTPS request, the charge is for
the request, and for the headers and the file returned by your origin.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Determining the Size of the Public
Key in an SSL/TLS Certificate


Viewers can access your content only if they're using HTTPS. If a viewer sends an
HTTP request instead of an HTTPS request, CloudFront returns HTTP status code 403
(Forbidden) and does not return the file.
c. Choose Yes, Edit.
d. Repeat steps a through c for each additional cache behavior that you want to require HTTPS for
between viewers and CloudFront.
7. Confirm the following before you use the updated configuration in a production environment:

• The path pattern in each cache behavior applies only to the requests that you want viewers to use
HTTPS for.
• The cache behaviors are listed in the order that you want CloudFront to evaluate them in. For
more information, see Path Pattern (p. 47).
• The cache behaviors are routing requests to the correct origins.

Determining the Size of the Public Key in an SSL/TLS

When you're using CloudFront alternate domain names and HTTPS, the maximum size of the public key
in an SSL/TLS certificate is 2048 bits. (This is the key size, not the number of characters in the public
key.) If you use AWS Certificate Manager for your certificates, although ACM supports larger keys, you
cannot use the larger keys with CloudFront.

You can determine the size of the public key by running the following OpenSSL command:

openssl x509 -in path and filename of SSL/TLS certificate -text -noout


• -in specifies the path and file name of your SSL/TLS certificate.
• -text causes OpenSSL to display the length of the public key in bits.
• -noout prevents OpenSSL from displaying the public key.

Example output:

Public-Key: (2048 bit)

Increasing the Quotas for SSL/TLS Certificates

There are quotas (formerly known as limits) on the number of SSL/TLS certificates that you can import
into AWS Certificate Manager or upload to AWS Identity and Access Management. There also is a quota
on the number of SSL/TLS certificates that you can use with an AWS account when you configure
CloudFront to serve HTTPS requests by using dedicated IP addresses. However, you can request higher

• Certificates That You Can Import into ACM (p. 143)
• Certificates That You Can Upload to IAM (p. 143)
• Certificates That You Can Use with Dedicated IP Addresses (p. 143)

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Rotating SSL/TLS Certificates

Certificates That You Can Import into ACM

For the quota on the number of certificates that you can import into ACM, see Quotas in the AWS
Certificate Manager User Guide.

To request a higher quota, create a case in the AWS Support Center. Specify the following values:

• Accept the default value of Service limit increase.

• For Limit type, choose Certificate Manager.
• For Region, choose the AWS Region where you want to import certificates.
• For Limit, choose Number of ACM certificates.

Then fill out the rest of the form and submit it.

Certificates That You Can Upload to IAM

For the quota (formerly known as limit) on the number of certificates that you can upload to IAM, see
IAM and STS Limits in the IAM User Guide.

To request a higher quota, create a case in the AWS Support Center. Specify the following values:

• Accept the default value of Service limit increase.

• For Limit type, choose Certificate Manager.
• For Region, choose the AWS Region where you want to import certificates.
• For Limit, choose Server Certificate Limit (IAM).

Then fill out the rest of the form and submit it.

Certificates That You Can Use with Dedicated IP Addresses

For the quota (formerly known as limit) on the number of SSL certificates that you can use for each AWS
account when serving HTTPS requests using dedicated IP addresses, see Quotas on SSL Certificates (Web
Distributions Only) (p. 499).

To request a higher quota, create a case in the AWS Support Center. Specify the following values:

• Accept the default value of Service limit increase.

• For Limit Type, choose CloudFront Distributions.
• For Limit, choose Dedicated IP SSL Certificate Limit per Account.

Then fill out the rest of the form and submit it.

Rotating SSL/TLS Certificates

If you're using certificates provided by AWS Certificate Manager (ACM), you don't need to rotate SSL/TLS
certificates. ACM manages certificate renewals for you. For more information, see Managed Renewal in
the AWS Certificate Manager User Guide.
ACM does not manage certificate renewals for certificates that you acquire from third-party
certificate authorities and import into ACM.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Reverting from a Custom SSL/TLS Certificate
to the Default CloudFront Certificate

If you're using a third-party certificate authority and you imported certificates into ACM (recommended)
or uploaded them to the IAM certificate store, you must occasionally replace one certificate with another.
For example, you must replace a certificate when the expiration date on the certificate approaches.
If you configured CloudFront to serve HTTPS requests by using dedicated IP addresses, you
might incur an additional, pro-rated charge for using one or more additional certificates while
you're rotating certificates. We recommend that you update your distributions promptly to
minimize the additional charge.

To rotate certificates, perform the following procedure. Viewers can continue to access your content
while you rotate certificates as well as after the process is complete.

To rotate SSL/TLS certificates

1. Increasing the Quotas for SSL/TLS Certificates (p. 142) to determine whether you need permission
to use more SSL certificates. If so, request permission and wait until permission is granted before
you continue with step 2.
2. Import the new certificate into ACM or upload it to IAM. For more information, see Importing an
SSL/TLS Certificate in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
3. Update your distributions one at a time to use the new certificate. For more information, see Listing,
Viewing, and Updating CloudFront Distributions in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
4. (Optional) After you have updated all of your CloudFront distributions, you can delete the old
certificate from ACM or from IAM.
Do not delete an SSL/TLS certificate until you remove it from all distributions and until the
status of the distributions that you have updated has changed to Deployed.

Reverting from a Custom SSL/TLS Certificate to the

Default CloudFront Certificate
If you configured CloudFront to use HTTPS between viewers and CloudFront, and you configured
CloudFront to use a custom SSL/TLS certificate, you can change your configuration to use the default
CloudFront SSL/TLS certificate. The process depends on whether you've used your distribution to
distribute your content:

• If you have not used your distribution to distribute your content, you can just change the
configuration. For more information, see Updating a Distribution (p. 63).
• If you have used your distribution to distribute your content, you must create a new CloudFront
distribution and change the URLs for your files to reduce or eliminate the amount of time that your
content is unavailable. To do that, perform the following procedure.

To revert to the default CloudFront certificate

1. Create a new CloudFront distribution with the desired configuration. For SSL Certificate, choose
Default CloudFront Certificate (*

For more information, see Steps for Creating a Distribution (Overview) (p. 36).
2. For files that you're distributing using CloudFront, update the URLs in your application to use the
domain name that CloudFront assigned to the new distribution. For example, change https:// to

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Switching from a Custom SSL/TLS Certificate
with Dedicated IP Addresses to SNI

3. Either delete the distribution that is associated with a custom SSL/TLS certificate, or update
the distribution to change the value of SSL Certificate to Default CloudFront Certificate
(* For more information, see Updating a Distribution (p. 63).
Until you complete this step, AWS continues to charge you for using a custom SSL/TLS
4. (Optional) Delete your custom SSL/TLS certificate.

a. Run the AWS CLI command list-server-certificates to get the certificate ID of the
certificate that you want to delete. For more information, see list-server-certificates in the AWS
CLI Command Reference.
b. Run the AWS CLI command delete-signing-certificate to delete the certificate. For
more information, see delete-signing-certificate in the AWS CLI Command Reference.

Switching from a Custom SSL/TLS Certificate with

Dedicated IP Addresses to SNI
If you configured CloudFront to use a custom SSL/TLS certificate with dedicated IP addresses, you can
switch to using a custom SSL/TLS certificate with SNI instead and eliminate the charge that is associated
with dedicated IP addresses. The following procedure shows you how.
This update to your CloudFront configuration has no effect on viewers that support SNI.
Viewers can access your content before and after the change, as well as while the change is
propagating to CloudFront edge locations. Viewers that don't support SNI cannot access your
content after the change. For more information, see Choosing How CloudFront Serves HTTPS
Requests (p. 132).

To switch from a custom SSL/TLS certificate with dedicated IP addresses to SNI

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CloudFront console at https://
2. Choose the ID of the distribution that you want to view or update.
3. Choose Distribution Settings.
4. On the General tab, choose Edit.
5. Change the setting of Custom SSL Client Support to Only Clients that Support Server Name
Indication (SNI).
6. Choose Yes, Edit.

Serving Private Content with Signed URLs and

Signed Cookies
Many companies that distribute content over the internet want to restrict access to documents, business
data, media streams, or content that is intended for selected users, for example, users who have paid a
fee. To securely serve this private content by using CloudFront, you can do the following:

• Require that your users access your private content by using special CloudFront signed URLs or signed
• Require that your users access your content by using CloudFront URLs, not URLs that access content
directly on the origin server (for example, Amazon S3 or a private HTTP server). Requiring CloudFront

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Overview of Serving Private Content

URLs isn't necessary, but we recommend it to prevent users from bypassing the restrictions that you
specify in signed URLs or signed cookies.

• Overview of Serving Private Content (p. 146)
• Task List: Serving Private Content (p. 149)
• Specifying the AWS Accounts That Can Create Signed URLs and Signed Cookies (Trusted
Signers) (p. 150)
• Choosing Between Signed URLs and Signed Cookies (p. 156)
• Using Signed URLs (p. 157)
• Using Signed Cookies (p. 175)
• Using a Linux Command and OpenSSL for Base64-Encoding and Encryption (p. 189)
• Code Examples for Creating a Signature for a Signed URL (p. 189)

Overview of Serving Private Content

You can control user access to your private content in two ways, as shown in the following illustration:

1. Restrict access to files in CloudFront edge caches

2. Restrict access to files in your origin by doing one of the following:
• Set up an origin access identity (OAI) for your Amazon S3 bucket
• Configure custom headers for a private HTTP server (a custom origin)

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Overview of Serving Private Content

Restricting Access to Files in CloudFront Edge Caches

You can configure CloudFront to require that users access your files using either signed URLs or signed
cookies. You then develop your application either to create and distribute signed URLs to authenticated
users or to send Set-Cookie headers that set signed cookies on the viewers for authenticated users. (To
give a few users long-term access to a small number of files, you can also create signed URLs manually.)

When you create signed URLs or signed cookies to control access to your files, you can specify the
following restrictions:

• An ending date and time, after which the URL is no longer valid.
• (Optional) The date and time that the URL becomes valid.
• (Optional) The IP address or range of addresses of the computers that can be used to access your

One part of a signed URL or a signed cookie is hashed and signed using the private key from a public/
private key pair. When someone uses a signed URL or signed cookie to access a file, CloudFront compares
the signed and unsigned portions of the URL or cookie. If they don't match, CloudFront doesn't serve the

You must use RSA-SHA1 for signing URLs or cookies. CloudFront doesn't accept other algorithms.

Restricting Access to Files in Amazon S3 Buckets

You can optionally secure the content in your Amazon S3 bucket so that users can access it through
CloudFront but cannot access it directly by using Amazon S3 URLs. This prevents someone from

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Overview of Serving Private Content

bypassing CloudFront and using the Amazon S3 URL to get content that you want to restrict access to.
This step isn't required to use signed URLs, but we recommend it.

To require that users access your content through CloudFront URLs, you do the following tasks:

• Create a special CloudFront user called an origin access identity and associate it with your CloudFront
• Give the origin access identity permission to read the files in your bucket.
• Remove permission for anyone else to use Amazon S3 URLs to read the files.

For more information, see Restricting Access to Amazon S3 Content by Using an Origin Access
Identity (p. 209).

Restricting Access to Files on Custom Origins

If you use a custom origin, you can optionally set up custom headers to restrict access. For CloudFront to
get your files from a custom origin, the files must be publicly accessible. But by using custom headers,
you can restrict access to your content so that users can access it only through CloudFront, not directly.
This step isn't required to use signed URLs, but we recommend it.

To require that users access content through CloudFront, change the following settings in your
CloudFront distributions:

Origin Custom Headers

Configure CloudFront to forward custom headers to your origin. See Configuring CloudFront to Add
Custom Headers to Origin Requests (p. 283).
Viewer Protocol Policy

Configure your distribution to require viewers to use HTTPS to access CloudFront. See Viewer
Protocol Policy (p. 49).
Origin Protocol Policy

Configure your distribution to require CloudFront to use the same protocol as viewers to forward
requests to the origin. See Origin Protocol Policy (p. 45).

After you've made these changes, update your application on your custom origin to only accept requests
that include these headers.

The combination of Viewer Protocol Policy and Origin Protocol Policy ensure that your custom headers
are encrypted between the viewer and your origin. However, we recommend that you periodically do the
following to rotate the custom headers that CloudFront forwards to your origin:

1. Update your CloudFront distribution to begin forwarding a new header to your custom origin.
2. Update your application to accept the new header as confirmation that the request is coming from
3. When viewer requests no longer include the header that you're replacing, update your application to
no longer accept the old header as confirmation that the request is coming from CloudFront.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Task List: Serving Private Content

Task List: Serving Private Content

To configure CloudFront to serve private content, do the following tasks:

1. (Optional but recommended) Require your users to access your content only through CloudFront.
The method that you use depends on whether you're using Amazon S3 or custom origins:

• Amazon S3 – See Restricting Access to Amazon S3 Content by Using an Origin Access

Identity (p. 209).
• Custom origin – See Restricting Access to Files on Custom Origins (p. 148).

Custom origins include Amazon EC2, Amazon S3 buckets configured as website endpoints, Elastic
Load Balancing, and your own HTTP web servers.
2. Specify the AWS accounts that you want to use to create signed URLs or signed cookies. For more
information, see Specifying the AWS Accounts That Can Create Signed URLs and Signed Cookies
(Trusted Signers) (p. 150).
3. Write your application to respond to requests from authorized users either with signed URLs or with
Set-Cookie headers that set signed cookies. Follow the steps in one of the following topics:

• Using Signed URLs (p. 157)

• Using Signed Cookies (p. 175)

If you're not sure which method to use, see Choosing Between Signed URLs and Signed
Cookies (p. 156).

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Specifying Your Trusted Signers

Specifying the AWS Accounts That Can Create Signed

URLs and Signed Cookies (Trusted Signers)
• Creating CloudFront Key Pairs for Your Trusted Signers (p. 151)
• Reformatting the CloudFront Private Key (.NET and Java Only) (p. 152)
• Adding Trusted Signers to Your Distribution (p. 152)
• Verifying that Trusted Signers Are Active (Optional) (p. 154)
• Rotating CloudFront Key Pairs (p. 155)

To create signed URLs or signed cookies, you need at least one AWS account that has an active
CloudFront key pair. This account is known as a trusted signer. The trusted signer has two purposes:

• As soon as you add the AWS account ID for your trusted signer to your distribution, CloudFront starts
to require that users use signed URLs or signed cookies to access your files.
• When you create signed URLs or signed cookies, you use the private key from the trusted signer's key
pair to sign a portion of the URL or the cookie. When someone requests a restricted file, CloudFront
compares the signed portion of the URL or cookie with the unsigned portion to verify that the URL or
cookie hasn't been tampered with. CloudFront also verifies that the URL or cookie is valid, meaning, for
example, that the expiration date and time hasn't passed.

When you specify trusted signers, you also indirectly specify the files that require signed URLs or signed

• Web distributions – You add trusted signers to cache behaviors. If your distribution has only one
cache behavior, users must use signed URLs or signed cookies to access any file associated with the
distribution. If you create multiple cache behaviors and add trusted signers to some cache behaviors
and not to others, you can require that users use signed URLs or signed cookies to access some files
and not others.
• RTMP distributions (signed URLs only) – You add trusted signers to a distribution. After you add
trusted signers to an RTMP distribution, users must use signed URLs to access any file associated with
the distribution.

To specify trusted signers for a distribution, you must use the CloudFront console or CloudFront
API version 2009-09-09 or later.

To specify the accounts that are allowed to create signed URLs or signed cookies and to add the accounts
to your CloudFront distribution, do the following tasks:

1. Decide which AWS accounts you want to use as trusted signers. Most CloudFront customers use the
account that they used to create the distribution.
2. For each of the accounts that you selected in Step 1, create a CloudFront key pair. For more
information, see Creating CloudFront Key Pairs for Your Trusted Signers (p. 151).
3. If you're using .NET or Java to create signed URLs or signed cookies, reformat the CloudFront
private key. For more information, see Reformatting the CloudFront Private Key (.NET and Java
Only) (p. 152).
4. In the distribution for which you're creating signed URLs or signed cookies, specify the AWS
account IDs of your trusted signers. For more information, see Adding Trusted Signers to Your
Distribution (p. 152).

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Specifying Your Trusted Signers

5. (Optional) Verify that CloudFront recognizes that your trusted signers have active CloudFront key
pairs. For more information, see Verifying that Trusted Signers Are Active (Optional) (p. 154).

Creating CloudFront Key Pairs for Your Trusted Signers

Each of the AWS accounts that you use to create CloudFront signed URLs or signed cookies—your trusted
signers—must have its own CloudFront key pair, and the key pair must be active. Note that you can't
substitute an Amazon EC2 key pair for a CloudFront key pair. When you create a CloudFront signed URL
or signed cookie, you include the key pair ID for the trusted signer's key pair in the URL. Amazon EC2
does not make key pair IDs available.

To help secure your applications, we recommend that you change CloudFront key pairs every 90 days or
more often. For more information, see Rotating CloudFront Key Pairs (p. 155).

You can create a key pair in the following ways:

• Create a key pair in the AWS Management Console and download the private key. See the procedure
To create CloudFront key pairs in the AWS Management Console (p. 151).
• Create an RSA key pair by using an application such as OpenSSL, and upload the public key to the AWS
Management Console. See the procedure To create an RSA key pair and upload the public key in the
AWS Management Console (p. 151).

To create CloudFront key pairs in the AWS Management Console

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console using the root credentials for an AWS account.
IAM users can't create CloudFront key pairs. You must log in using root credentials to create
key pairs.
2. On the account-name menu, click Security Credentials.
3. Expand CloudFront Key Pairs.
4. Confirm that you have no more than one active key pair. You can't create a key pair if you already
have two active key pairs.
5. Click Create New Key Pair.
6. In the Create Key Pair dialog box, click Download Private Key File.
7. In the Opening <filename> dialog box, accept the default value of Save File, and click OK to
download and save the private key for your CloudFront key pair.
Save the private key for your CloudFront key pair in a secure location, and set permissions
on the file so that only the desired administrator users can read it. If someone gets your
private key, they can generate valid signed URLs and signed cookies and download your
content. You cannot get the private key again, so if you lose or delete it, you must create a
new CloudFront key pair.
8. Record the key pair ID for your key pair. (In the AWS Management Console, this is called the access
key ID.) You'll use it when you create signed URLs or signed cookies.

To create an RSA key pair and upload the public key in the AWS Management Console

1. Use OpenSSL or another tool to create a key pair.

For example, if you're using OpenSSL, you can use the following command to generate a key pair
with a length of 4096 bits and save it in the file private_key.pem:

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Specifying Your Trusted Signers

openssl genrsa -out private_key.pem 4096

The resulting file contains both the public and the private key. To extract the public key from that
file, run the following command:

openssl rsa -pubout -in private_key.pem -out public_key.pem

The public key (public_key.pem) is the file that you upload later in this procedure.

Note the following requirements for the key:

• The key pair must be an SSH-2 RSA key pair.

• The key pair must be in base64 encoded PEM format.
• The supported key lengths are 1024, 2048, and 4096 bits.
2. Sign in to the AWS Management Console using the root credentials for an AWS account.
IAM users can't create CloudFront key pairs. You must log in using root credentials to create
key pairs.
3. On the account-name menu, click Security Credentials.
4. Expand CloudFront Key Pairs.
5. Confirm that you have no more than one active key pair. You can't upload your own key pair if you
already have two active key pairs.
6. Click Upload Your Own Key Pair.
7. In the Upload Your Own Key Pair dialog box, click Choose File and choose the public key file that
you created in step 1.
8. Click Upload.
The Upload Key Pair dialog box clears, and the new key pair appears at the top of the list of
CloudFront key pairs.
9. Record the key pair ID for your key pair. (In the AWS Management Console, this is called the access
key ID.) You'll use it when you create signed URLs or signed cookies.

Reformatting the CloudFront Private Key (.NET and Java Only)

If you're using .NET or Java to create signed URLs or signed cookies, you cannot use the private key from
your key pair in the default .pem format to create the signature:

• .NET framework – Convert the private key to the XML format that the .NET framework uses. Several
tools are available.
• Java – Convert the private key to DER format. To do this, you can use OpenSSL:

$ openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -in origin.pem -inform PEM -out new.der -
outform DER

To ensure that the encoder works correctly, add the jar for the Bouncy Castle Java cryptography APIs
to your project and then add the Bouncy Castle provider.

Adding Trusted Signers to Your Distribution

Trusted signers are the AWS accounts that can create signed URLs and signed cookies for a distribution.
By default, no account, not even the account that created the distribution, is allowed to create signed

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Specifying Your Trusted Signers

URLs or signed cookies. To specify the AWS accounts that you want to use as trusted signers, add the
accounts to your distribution:

• Web distributions – Trusted signers are associated with cache behaviors. This allows you to require
signed URLs or signed cookies for some files and not for others in the same distribution. Trusted
signers can only create signed URLs or cookies for files that are associated with the corresponding
cache behaviors. For example, if you have one trusted signer for one cache behavior and a different
trusted signer for a different cache behavior, neither trusted signer can create signed URLs or cookies
for files that are associated with the other cache behavior.
• RTMP distributions (signed URLs only) – Trusted signers are associated with the distribution. After
you add trusted signers to an RTMP distribution, users must use signed URLs or signed cookies to
access any of the objects associated with the distribution.

Define path patterns and their sequence carefully so you don't either give users unintended
access to your content or prevent them from accessing content that you want to be available to
everyone. For example, suppose a request matches the path pattern for two cache behaviors.
The first cache behavior does not require signed URLs or signed cookies and the second cache
behavior does. Users will be able to access the files without using signed URLs or signed cookies
because CloudFront processes the cache behavior that is associated with the first match.

For more information about path patterns, see Path Pattern (p. 47).
If you're updating a distribution that you're already using to distribute content, add trusted
signers only when you're ready to start generating signed URLs or signed cookies for your files,
or CloudFront will reject the requests:

• Web distributions – After you add trusted signers to a cache behavior for a web distribution,
users must use signed URLs or signed cookies to access the files that are associated with the
cache behavior.
• RTMP distributions (signed URLs only) – After you add trusted signers to an RTMP
distribution, users must use signed URLs to access any of the files associated with the

The maximum number of trusted signers depends on the type of distribution:

• Web distributions – A maximum of five for each cache behavior

• RTMP distributions – A maximum of five for the distribution

You can add trusted signers to your distribution using either the CloudFront console or the CloudFront
API. See the following topic:

• Adding Trusted Signers to Your Distribution Using the CloudFront Console (p. 153)
• Adding Trusted Signers to Your Distribution Using the CloudFront API (p. 154)

Adding Trusted Signers to Your Distribution Using the CloudFront Console

To add trusted signers to your distribution using the CloudFront console

1. If you want to use only the AWS account that created the distribution as a trusted signer, skip to
Step 2.

If you want to use other AWS accounts, get the AWS account ID for each account:

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Specifying Your Trusted Signers

a. Sign in to the AWS Management Console at

using an account that you want to use as a trusted signer.
b. In the upper-right corner of the console, click the name associated with the account, and click
My Account.
c. Under Account Settings, make note of the account ID.
d. Sign out of the AWS Management Console.
e. Repeat steps a through d for the other accounts that you want to use as trusted signers.
2. Open the Amazon CloudFront console at, and sign in
using the account that you used to create the distribution that you want to add trusted signers to.
3. Click the distribution ID.
4. Change to edit mode:

• Web distributions – Click the Behaviors tab, click the behavior that you want to edit, and click
• RTMP distributions – Click Edit.
5. For Restrict Viewer Access (Use Signed URLs or Signed Cookies), click Yes.
6. For Trusted Signers, select the check boxes for your scenario:

• Self – Select this check box if you want to use the current account (the account that you used to
create the distribution).
• Specify Accounts – Select this check box if you want to use other AWS accounts.
7. If you selected the Specify Accounts check box, enter AWS account IDs in the AWS Account Number
field. These are the account IDs that you got in the first step of this procedure. Enter one account ID
per line.
8. Click Yes, Edit.
9. If you're adding trusted signers to a web distribution and you have more than one cache behavior,
repeat steps 4 through 8.

Adding Trusted Signers to Your Distribution Using the CloudFront API

You can use the CloudFront API to add the AWS account IDs for trusted signers to an existing distribution
or to create a new distribution that includes trusted signers. In either case, specify the values in the
TrustedSigners element. For web distributions, add the TrustedSigners element to one or more
cache behaviors. For RTMP distributions, add the TrustedSigners element to the distribution.

See the following topics in the Amazon CloudFront API Reference:

• Create a new web distribution – CreateDistribution

• Update an existing web distribution – UpdateDistribution
• Create a new RTMP distribution – CreateStreamingDistribution
• Update an existing RTMP distribution – UpdateStreamingDistribution

Verifying that Trusted Signers Are Active (Optional)

After you add trusted signers to your distribution, you might want to verify that the signers are active.
For a trusted signer to be active, the following must be true:

• The AWS account must have at least one active key pair. If you're rotating key pairs, the account will
temporarily have two active key pairs, the old key pair and the new one.
• CloudFront must be aware of the active key pair. After you create a key pair, there can be a short
period of time before CloudFront is aware that the key pair exists.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Specifying Your Trusted Signers

To display a list of active trusted signers for a distribution, you currently must use the
CloudFront API. A list of active trusted signers is not available in the CloudFront console.

Verifying that Trusted Signers Are Active Using the CloudFront API
To determine which trusted signers have active key pairs (are active trusted signers), you get the
distribution and review the values in the ActiveTrustedSigners element. This element lists the AWS
account ID of each account that the distribution identifies as a trusted signer. If the trusted signer has
one or more active CloudFront key pairs, the ActiveTrustedSigners element also lists the key pair
IDs. For more information, see the following topics in the Amazon CloudFront API Reference:

• Web distributions – GetDistribution

• RTMP distributions – GetStreamingDistribution

Rotating CloudFront Key Pairs

AWS recommends that you rotate (change) your active CloudFront key pairs every 90 days. To rotate
CloudFront key pairs that you're using to create signed URLs or signed cookies without invalidating URLs
or cookies that haven't expired yet, do the following tasks:

1. Create a new key pair for each of the accounts that you're using to create signed URLs. For more
information, see Creating CloudFront Key Pairs for Your Trusted Signers (p. 151).
2. Verify that CloudFront is aware of the new key pairs. For more information, see Verifying that
Trusted Signers Are Active (Optional) (p. 154).
3. Update your application to create signatures using the private keys from the new key pairs.
4. Confirm that URLs or cookies that you're signing using the new private keys are working.
5. Wait until the expiration date has passed in URLs or cookies that were signed using the old
CloudFront key pairs.
6. Change the old CloudFront key pairs to Inactive:

a. Sign in to the AWS Management Console using the root credentials for an AWS account for
which you want to make key pairs inactive.
b. On the account-name menu, click Security Credentials.
c. Expand CloudFront Key Pairs.
d. Choose specific key pairs, and then choose Make Inactive.
e. Repeat steps a through d for each of the AWS accounts for which you want to make key pairs
7. Reconfirm that URLs or cookies that you're signing using the new private keys are working.
8. Delete the old CloudFront key pairs:

a. Go to the Your Security Credentials page.

b. Expand CloudFront Key Pairs.
c. Choose specific key pairs, and then choose Delete.
9. Delete the old private keys from the location where you stored them.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Choosing Between Signed URLs and Signed Cookies

Choosing Between Signed URLs and Signed Cookies

CloudFront signed URLs and signed cookies provide the same basic functionality: they allow you to
control who can access your content. If you want to serve private content through CloudFront and you're
trying to decide whether to use signed URLs or signed cookies, consider the following.

Use signed URLs in the following cases:

• You want to use an RTMP distribution. Signed cookies aren't supported for RTMP distributions.
• You want to restrict access to individual files, for example, an installation download for your
• Your users are using a client (for example, a custom HTTP client) that doesn't support cookies.

Use signed cookies in the following cases:

• You want to provide access to multiple restricted files, for example, all of the files for a video in HLS
format or all of the files in the subscribers' area of website.
• You don't want to change your current URLs.

If you are not currently using signed URLs, and if your (unsigned) URLs contain any of the following
query string parameters, you cannot use either signed URLs or signed cookies:

• Expires
• Policy
• Signature
• Key-Pair-Id

CloudFront assumes that URLs that contain any of those query string parameters are signed URLs, and
therefore won't look at signed cookies.

Using Both Signed URLs and Signed Cookies

If you use both signed URLs and signed cookies to control access to the same files and a viewer uses a
signed URL to request a file, CloudFront determines whether to return the file to the viewer based only
on the signed URL.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Signed URLs

Using Signed URLs

• Choosing Between Canned and Custom Policies for Signed URLs (p. 157)
• How Signed URLs Work (p. 158)
• Choosing How Long Signed URLs Are Valid (p. 158)
• When Does CloudFront Check the Expiration Date and Time in a Signed URL? (p. 159)
• Sample Code and Third-Party Tools (p. 159)
• Creating a Signed URL Using a Canned Policy (p. 160)
• Creating a Signed URL Using a Custom Policy (p. 166)

A signed URL includes additional information, for example, an expiration date and time, that gives you
more control over access to your content. This additional information appears in a policy statement,
which is based on either a canned policy or a custom policy. The differences between canned and custom
policies are explained in the next two sections.
You can create some signed URLs using canned policies and create some signed URLs using
custom policies for the same distribution.

Choosing Between Canned and Custom Policies for Signed URLs

When you create a signed URL, you write a policy statement in JSON format that specifies the
restrictions on the signed URL, for example, how long the URL is valid. You can use either a canned policy
or a custom policy. Here's how canned and custom policies compare:

Description Canned Policy Custom Policy

You can reuse the policy statement for multiple No Yes

files. To reuse the policy statement, you must use
wildcard characters in the Resource object. For more
information, see Values that You Specify in the Policy
Statement for a Signed URL That Uses a Custom
Policy (p. 169).)

You can specify the date and time that users can begin No Yes (optional)
to access your content.

You can specify the date and time that users can no Yes Yes
longer access your content.

You can specify the IP address or range of IP addresses No Yes (optional)

of the users who can access your content.

The signed URL includes a base64-encoded version of No Yes

the policy, which results in a longer URL.

For information about creating signed URLs using a canned policy, see Creating a Signed URL Using a
Canned Policy (p. 160).

For information about creating signed URLs using a custom policy, see Creating a Signed URL Using a
Custom Policy (p. 166).

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Signed URLs

How Signed URLs Work

Here's an overview of how you configure CloudFront and Amazon S3 for signed URLs and how
CloudFront responds when a user uses a signed URL to request a file.

1. In your CloudFront distribution, specify one or more trusted signers, which are the AWS accounts
that you want to have permission to create signed URLs.

For more information, see Specifying the AWS Accounts That Can Create Signed URLs and Signed
Cookies (Trusted Signers) (p. 150).
2. You develop your application to determine whether a user should have access to your content and
to create signed URLs for the files or parts of your application that you want to restrict access to. For
more information, see the following topics:

• Creating a Signed URL Using a Canned Policy (p. 160)

• Creating a Signed URL Using a Custom Policy (p. 166)
3. A user requests a file for which you want to require signed URLs.
4. Your application verifies that the user is entitled to access the file: they've signed in, they've paid for
access to the content, or they've met some other requirement for access.
5. Your application creates and returns a signed URL to the user.
6. The signed URL allows the user to download or stream the content.

This step is automatic; the user usually doesn't have to do anything additional to access the content.
For example, if a user is accessing your content in a web browser, your application returns the
signed URL to the browser. The browser immediately uses the signed URL to access the file in the
CloudFront edge cache without any intervention from the user.
7. CloudFront uses the public key to validate the signature and confirm that the URL hasn't been
tampered with. If the signature is invalid, the request is rejected.

If the signature is valid, CloudFront looks at the policy statement in the URL (or constructs one if
you're using a canned policy) to confirm that the request is still valid. For example, if you specified
a beginning and ending date and time for the URL, CloudFront confirms that the user is trying to
access your content during the time period that you want to allow access.

If the request meets the requirements in the policy statement, CloudFront does the standard
operations: determines whether the file is already in the edge cache, forwards the request to the
origin if necessary, and returns the file to the user.

Signed CloudFront URLs cannot contain extra query string arguments. If you add a query string
to a signed URL after you create it, the URL returns an HTTP 403 status.

Choosing How Long Signed URLs Are Valid

You can distribute private content using a signed URL that is valid for only a short time—possibly for
as little as a few minutes. Signed URLs that are valid for such a short period are good for distributing
content on-the-fly to a user for a specific purpose, such as distributing movie rentals or music downloads
to customers on demand. If your signed URLs will be valid for just a short period, you'll probably want to
generate them automatically using an application that you develop. When the user starts to download
a file or starts to play a media file, CloudFront compares the expiration time in the URL with the current
time to determine whether the URL is still valid.

You can also distribute private content using a signed URL that is valid for a longer time, possibly for
years. Signed URLs that are valid for a longer period are useful for distributing private content to known

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Signed URLs

users, such as distributing a business plan to investors or distributing training materials to employees.
You can develop an application to generate these longer-term signed URLs for you.

When Does CloudFront Check the Expiration Date and Time in a

Signed URL?
When CloudFront checks the expiration date and time in a signed URL to determine whether the URL is
still valid depends on whether the URL is for a web distribution or an RTMP distribution:

• Web distributions – CloudFront checks the expiration date and time in a signed URL at the time of
the HTTP request. If a client begins to download a large file immediately before the expiration time,
the download should complete even if the expiration time passes during the download. If the TCP
connection drops and the client tries to restart the download after the expiration time passes, the
download will fail.

If a client uses Range GETs to get a file in smaller pieces, any GET request that occurs after the
expiration time passes will fail. For more information about Range GETs, see How CloudFront
Processes Partial Requests for an Object (Range GETs) (p. 285).
• RTMP distributions – CloudFront checks the expiration time in a signed URL at the start of a play
event. If a client starts to play a media file before the expiration time passes, CloudFront allows the
entire media file to play. However, depending on the media player, pausing and restarting might
trigger another play event. Skipping to another position in the media file will trigger another play
event. If the subsequent play event occurs after the expiration time passes, CloudFront won't serve the
media file.
Adobe designated Flash as end-of-life at the end of 2020. As a result, Amazon CloudFront will
no longer support Adobe Flash Media Server and will be deprecating Real-Time Messaging
Protocol (RTMP) distributions by December 31, 2020. For more information, read the full
announcement on the Amazon CloudFront discussion forum.

Sample Code and Third-Party Tools

For sample code that creates the hashed and signed part of signed URLs, see the following topics:

• Create a URL Signature Using Perl (p. 190)

• Create a URL Signature Using PHP (p. 198)
• Create a URL Signature Using C# and the .NET Framework (p. 203)
• Create a URL Signature Using Java (p. 208)

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Signed URLs

Creating a Signed URL Using a Canned Policy

To create a signed URL using a canned policy, do the following procedure.

To create a signed URL using a canned policy

1. If you're using .NET or Java to create signed URLs, and if you haven't reformatted the private key
for your key pair from the default .pem format to a format compatible with .NET or with Java,
do so now. For more information, see Reformatting the CloudFront Private Key (.NET and Java
Only) (p. 152).
2. Concatenate the following values in the specified order, and remove the whitespace (including tabs
and newline characters) between the parts. You might have to include escape characters in the
string in application code. All values have a type of String. Each part is keyed by number ( ) to the
two examples that follow.

Base URL for the file

The base URL is the CloudFront URL that you would use to access the file if you were not
using signed URLs, including your own query string parameters, if any. For more information
about the format of URLs for web distributions, see Customizing the URL Format for Files in
CloudFront (p. 106).

The following examples show values that you specify for web distributions.
• The following CloudFront URL is for a file in a web distribution (using the CloudFront domain
name). Note that image.jpg is in an images directory. The path to the file in the URL must
match the path to the file on your HTTP server or in your Amazon S3 bucket.
• The following CloudFront URL includes a query string:
• The following CloudFront URLs are for files in a web distribution. Both use an alternate
domain name; the second one includes a query string:
• The following CloudFront URL is for files in a web distribution that uses an alternate domain
name and the HTTPS protocol:

For RTMP distributions, the following examples are for files in two different video formats, MP4
and FLV:
• MP4 – mp4:sydney-vacation.mp4
• FLV – sydney-vacation
• FLV – sydney-vacation.flv
For .flv files, whether you include the .flv filename extension depends on your player.
To serve MP3 audio files or H.264/MPEG-4 video files, you might need to prefix the
file name with mp3: or mp4:. Some media players can be configured to add the prefix
automatically. The media player might also require you to specify the file name without
the file extension (for example, sydney-vacation instead of sydney-vacation.mp4).

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Signed URLs

The ? indicates that query string parameters follow the base URL. Include the ? even if you don't
have any query string parameters of your own.

Your query string parameters, if any&

This value is optional. If you want to add your own query string parameters, for example:


then add the parameters after the ? (see ) and before the Expires parameter. In certain
rare circumstances, you might need to put your query string parameters after Key-Pair-Id.
Your parameters cannot be named Expires, Signature, or Key-Pair-Id.

If you add your own parameters, append an & after each one, including the last one.

Expires=date and time in Unix time format (in seconds) and Coordinated
Universal Time (UTC)

The date and time that you want the URL to stop allowing access to the file.

Specify the expiration date and time in Unix time format (in seconds) and Coordinated Universal
Time (UTC). For example, January 1, 2013 10:00 am UTC converts to 1357034400 in Unix
time format. To use epoch time, use a 32-bit integer for a date which can be no later than
2147483647 (January 19th, 2038 at 03:14:07 UTC). For information about UTC, see RFC 3339,
Date and Time on the Internet: Timestamps,

&Signature=hashed and signed version of the policy statement

A hashed, signed, and base64-encoded version of the JSON policy statement. For more
information, see Creating a Signature for a Signed URL That Uses a Canned Policy (p. 162).

&Key-Pair-Id=active CloudFront key pair Id for the key pair that you're
using to generate the signature

The ID for an active CloudFront key pair, for example, APKA9ONS7QCOWEXAMPLE. The
CloudFront key pair ID tells CloudFront which public key to use to validate the signed URL.
CloudFront compares the information in the signature with the information in the policy
statement to verify that the URL has not been tampered with.

The key pair ID that you include in CloudFront signed URLs must be the ID of an active key pair
for one of your trusted signers:
• Web distributions – The key pair must be associated with an AWS account that is one of the
trusted signers for the cache behavior.
• RTMP distributions – The key pair must be associated with an AWS account that is one of the
trusted signers for the distribution.

For more information, see Specifying the AWS Accounts That Can Create Signed URLs and
Signed Cookies (Trusted Signers) (p. 150).

If you make a key pair inactive while rotating CloudFront key pairs, and if you're generating
signed URLs programmatically, you must update your application to use a new active key pair
for one of your trusted signers. If you're generating signed URLs manually, you must create
new signed URLs. For more information about rotating key pairs, see Rotating CloudFront Key
Pairs (p. 155).
Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Signed URLs

Example signed URL for a web distribution:
? color=red&size=medium& Expires=1357034400

Example signed URL for an RTMP distribution:

videos/mediafile.flv ? color=red&size=medium&
Expires=1357034400 &Signature=nitfHRCrtziwO2HwPfWw~yYDhUF5EwRunQA-

Creating a Signature for a Signed URL That Uses a Canned Policy

To create the signature for a signed URL that uses a canned policy, you do the following procedures:

1. Create a policy statement. See Creating a Policy Statement for a Signed URL That Uses a Canned
Policy (p. 162).
2. Sign the policy statement to create a signature. See Creating a Signature for a Signed URL That Uses
a Canned Policy (p. 164).

Creating a Policy Statement for a Signed URL That Uses a Canned Policy

When you create a signed URL using a canned policy, the Signature parameter is a hashed and signed
version of a policy statement. For signed URLs that use a canned policy, you don't include the policy
statement in the URL, as you do for signed URLs that use a custom policy. To create the policy statement,
do the following procedure.

To create the policy statement for a signed URL that uses a canned policy

1. Construct the policy statement using the following JSON format and using UTF-8 character
encoding. Include all punctuation and other literal values exactly as specified. For information about
the Resource and DateLessThan parameters, see Values that You Specify in the Policy Statement
for a Signed URL That Uses a Canned Policy (p. 163).

"Resource":"base URL or stream name",
"AWS:EpochTime":ending date and time in Unix time format and UTC

2. Remove all whitespace (including tabs and newline characters) from the policy statement. You might
have to include escape characters in the string in application code.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Signed URLs

Values that You Specify in the Policy Statement for a Signed URL That Uses a Canned Policy
When you create a policy statement for a canned policy, you specify the following values.


The value that you specify depends on whether you're creating the signed URL for a web distribution
or an RTMP distribution.
You can specify only one value for Resource.
Web distributions

The base URL including your query strings, if any, but excluding the CloudFront Expires,
Signature, and Key-Pair-Id parameters, for example:

Note the following:

• Protocol – The value must begin with http:// or https://.
• Query string parameters – If you have no query string parameters, omit the question mark.
• Alternate domain names – If you specify an alternate domain name (CNAME) in the URL,
you must specify the alternate domain name when referencing the file in your web page or
application. Do not specify the Amazon S3 URL for the object.
RTMP distributions

Include only the stream name. For example, if the full URL for a streaming video is:


then use the following value for Resource:


Do not include a prefix such as mp3: or mp4:. Also, depending on the player you're using, you
might have to omit the file extension from the value of Resource. For example, you might need
to use sydney-vacation instead of sydney-vacation.flv.

The expiration date and time for the URL in Unix time format (in seconds) and Coordinated Universal
Time (UTC). For example, January 1, 2013 10:00 am UTC converts to 1357034400 in Unix time

This value must match the value of the Expires query string parameter in the signed URL. Do not
enclose the value in quotation marks.

For more information, see When Does CloudFront Check the Expiration Date and Time in a Signed
URL? (p. 159).

Example Policy Statement for a Signed URL That Uses a Canned Policy
When you use the following example policy statement in a signed URL, a user can access the file until January 1, 2013 10:00 am UTC:


Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Signed URLs


Creating a Signature for a Signed URL That Uses a Canned Policy

To create the value for the Signature parameter in a signed URL, you hash and sign the policy
statement that you created in Creating a Policy Statement for a Signed URL That Uses a Canned
Policy (p. 162). There are two versions of this procedure. Follow the procedure for your scenario:

• Option 1: To create a signature for a web distribution or for an RTMP distribution (without Adobe Flash
Player) by using a canned policy (p. 164)
• Option 2: To create a signature for an RTMP distribution by using a canned policy (Adobe Flash
Player) (p. 165)

For additional information and examples of how to hash, sign, and encode the policy statement, see:

• Using a Linux Command and OpenSSL for Base64-Encoding and Encryption (p. 189)
• Code Examples for Creating a Signature for a Signed URL (p. 189)

Option 1: To create a signature for a web distribution or for an RTMP distribution (without
Adobe Flash Player) by using a canned policy

1. Use the SHA-1 hash function and RSA to hash and sign the policy statement that you created in the
procedure To create the policy statement for a signed URL that uses a canned policy (p. 162). Use
the version of the policy statement that no longer includes whitespace.

For the private key that is required by the hash function, use the private key that is associated with
the active trusted signer.
The method that you use to hash and sign the policy statement depends on your
programming language and platform. For sample code, see Code Examples for Creating a
Signature for a Signed URL (p. 189).
2. Remove whitespace (including tabs and newline characters) from the hashed and signed string.
3. Base64-encode the string using MIME base64 encoding. For more information, see Section 6.8,
Base64 Content-Transfer-Encoding in RFC 2045, MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) Part
One: Format of Internet Message Bodies.
4. Replace characters that are invalid in a URL query string with characters that are valid. The following
table lists invalid and valid characters.

Replace these invalid characters With these valid characters

+ - (hyphen)

= _ (underscore)

/ ~ (tilde)

5. Append the resulting value to your signed URL after &Signature=, and return to To create a signed
URL using a canned policy (p. 160) to finish concatenating the parts of your signed URL.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Signed URLs

Option 2: To create a signature for an RTMP distribution by using a canned policy (Adobe
Flash Player)

1. Use the SHA-1 hash function and RSA to hash and sign the policy statement that you created in the
To create the policy statement for a signed URL that uses a canned policy (p. 162) procedure. Use
the version of the policy statement that no longer includes whitespace.

For the private key that is required by the hash function, use the private key that is associated with
the active trusted signer.
The method that you use to hash and sign the policy statement depends on your
programming language and platform. For sample code, see Code Examples for Creating a
Signature for a Signed URL (p. 189).
2. Remove whitespace (including tabs and newline characters) from the hashed and signed string.

Continue on to Step 3 if you're using Adobe Flash Player and the stream name is passed in from a
web page.

If you're using Adobe Flash Player and if the stream name is not passed in from a web page, skip the
rest of this procedure. For example, if you wrote your own player that fetches stream names from
within the Adobe Flash .swf file, skip the rest of this procedure.
3. Base64-encode the string using MIME base64 encoding. For more information, see Section 6.8,
Base64 Content-Transfer-Encoding in RFC 2045, MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) Part
One: Format of Internet Message Bodies.
4. Replace characters that are invalid in a URL query string with characters that are valid. The following
table lists invalid and valid characters.

Replace these invalid characters With these valid characters

+ - (hyphen)

= _ (underscore)

/ ~ (tilde)
5. Some versions of Adobe Flash Player require that you URL-encode the characters ?, =, and &. For
information about whether your version of Adobe Flash Player requires this character substitution,
refer to the Adobe website.

If your version of Flash does not require URL-encoding those character, skip to Step 6.

If your version of Flash requires URL-encoding those characters, replace them as indicated in the
following table. (You already replaced = in the previous step.)

Replace these invalid characters With this URL encoding

? %3F

& %26
6. Append the resulting value to your signed URL after &Signature=, and return to To create a signed
URL using a canned policy (p. 160) to finish concatenating the parts of your signed URL.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Signed URLs

Creating a Signed URL Using a Custom Policy

• Creating a Policy Statement for a Signed URL That Uses a Custom Policy (p. 168)
• Example Policy Statements for a Signed URL That Uses a Custom Policy (p. 171)
• Creating a Signature for a Signed URL That Uses a Custom Policy (p. 172)

To create a signed URL using a custom policy, do the following procedure.

To create a signed URL using a custom policy

1. If you're using .NET or Java to create signed URLs, and if you haven't reformatted the private key
for your key pair from the default .pem format to a format compatible with .NET or with Java,
do so now. For more information, see Reformatting the CloudFront Private Key (.NET and Java
Only) (p. 152).
2. Concatenate the following values in the specified order, and remove the whitespace (including tabs
and newline characters) between the parts. You might have to include escape characters in the
string in application code. All values have a type of String. Each part is keyed by number ( ) to the
two examples that follow.

Base URL for the file

The base URL is the CloudFront URL that you would use to access the file if you were not
using signed URLs, including your own query string parameters, if any. For more information
about the format of URLs for web distributions, see Customizing the URL Format for Files in
CloudFront (p. 106).

The following examples show values that you specify for web distributions.
• The following CloudFront URL is for a file in a web distribution (using the CloudFront domain
name). Note that image.jpg is in an images directory. The path to the file in the URL must
match the path to the file on your HTTP server or in your Amazon S3 bucket.
• The following CloudFront URL includes a query string:
• The following CloudFront URLs are for files in a web distribution. Both use an alternate
domain name; the second one includes a query string:
• The following CloudFront URL is for files in a web distribution that uses an alternate domain
name and the HTTPS protocol:

For RTMP distributions, the following examples are for files in two different video formats, MP4
and FLV:
• MP4 – mp4:sydney-vacation.mp4
• FLV – sydney-vacation
• FLV – sydney-vacation.flv

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Signed URLs

For .flv files, whether you include the .flv filename extension depends on your player.
To serve MP3 audio files or H.264/MPEG-4 video files, you might need to prefix the
file name with mp3: or mp4:. Some media players can be configured to add the prefix
automatically. The media player might also require you to specify the file name without
the file extension (for example, sydney-vacation instead of sydney-vacation.mp4).

The ? indicates that query string parameters follow the base URL. Include the ? even if you don't
have any query string parameters of your own.

Your query string parameters, if any&

This value is optional. If you want to add your own query string parameters, for example:


then add them after the ? (see ) and before the Policy parameter. In certain rare
circumstances, you might need to put your query string parameters after Key-Pair-Id.
Your parameters cannot be named Policy, Signature, or Key-Pair-Id.

If you add your own parameters, append an & after each one, including the last one.

Policy=base64 encoded version of policy statement

Your policy statement in JSON format, with white space removed, then base64 encoded. For
more information, see Creating a Policy Statement for a Signed URL That Uses a Custom
Policy (p. 168).

The policy statement controls the access that a signed URL grants to a user: the URL of the file
(for web distributions) or the stream name (for RTMP distributions), an expiration date and time,
an optional date and time that the URL becomes valid, and an optional IP address or range of IP
addresses that are allowed to access the file.

&Signature=hashed and signed version of the policy statement

A hashed, signed, and base64-encoded version of the JSON policy statement. For more
information, see Creating a Signature for a Signed URL That Uses a Custom Policy (p. 172).

&Key-Pair-Id=active CloudFront key pair Id for the key pair that you're
using to sign the policy statement

The ID for an active CloudFront key pair, for example, APKA9ONS7QCOWEXAMPLE. The
CloudFront key pair ID tells CloudFront which public key to use to validate the signed URL.
CloudFront compares the information in the signature with the information in the policy
statement to verify that the URL has not been tampered with.

The key pair ID that you include in CloudFront signed URLs must be the ID of an active key pair
for one of your trusted signers:
• Web distributions – The key pair must be associated with an AWS account that is one of the
trusted signers for the cache behavior.
• RTMP distributions – The key pair must be associated with an AWS account that is one of the
trusted signers for the distribution.

For more information, see Specifying the AWS Accounts That Can Create Signed URLs and
Signed Cookies (Trusted Signers) (p. 150).
Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Signed URLs

If you make a key pair inactive while rotating CloudFront key pairs, and if you're generating
signed URLs programmatically, you must update your application to use a new active key pair
for one of your trusted signers. If you're generating signed URLs manually, you must create
new signed URLs. For more information about rotating key pairs, see Rotating CloudFront Key
Pairs (p. 155).

Example signed URL for a web distribution: ?
EXAMPLE3ReXySpLSMj0yCd3ZAB4UcBCAqEijkytL6f3fVYNGQI6 &Key-Pair-

Example signed URL for an RTMP distribution:

videos/mediafile.flv ? color=red&size=medium&
EXAMPLE3ReXySpLSMj0yCd3ZAB4UcBCAqEijkytL6f3fVYNGQI6 &Key-Pair-

Creating a Policy Statement for a Signed URL That Uses a Custom Policy
To create a policy statement for a custom policy, do the following procedure. For several example policy
statements that control access to files in a variety of ways, see Example Policy Statements for a Signed
URL That Uses a Custom Policy (p. 171).

To create the policy statement for a signed URL that uses a custom policy

1. Construct the policy statement using the following JSON format. For more information, see Values
that You Specify in the Policy Statement for a Signed URL That Uses a Custom Policy (p. 169).

"Statement": [
"Resource":"URL or stream name of the file",
"DateLessThan":{"AWS:EpochTime":required ending date and time in Unix time
format and UTC},

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Signed URLs

"DateGreaterThan":{"AWS:EpochTime":optional beginning date and time in Unix

time format and UTC},
"IpAddress":{"AWS:SourceIp":"optional IP address"}

Note the following:

• You can include only one statement.

• Use UTF-8 character encoding.
• Include all punctuation and parameter names exactly as specified. Abbreviations for parameter
names are not accepted.
• The order of the parameters in the Condition section doesn't matter.
• For information about the values for Resource, DateLessThan, DateGreaterThan, and
IpAddress, see Values that You Specify in the Policy Statement for a Signed URL That Uses a
Custom Policy (p. 169).
2. Remove all whitespace (including tabs and newline characters) from the policy statement. You might
have to include escape characters in the string in application code.
3. Base64-encode the policy statement using MIME base64 encoding. For more information, see
Section 6.8, Base64 Content-Transfer-Encoding in RFC 2045, MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail
Extensions) Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies.
4. Replace characters that are invalid in a URL query string with characters that are valid. The following
table lists invalid and valid characters.

Replace these invalid characters With these valid characters

+ - (hyphen)

= _ (underscore)

/ ~ (tilde)
5. Append the resulting value to your signed URL after Policy=.
6. Create a signature for the signed URL by hashing, signing, and base64-encoding the policy
statement. For more information, see Creating a Signature for a Signed URL That Uses a Custom
Policy (p. 172).

Values that You Specify in the Policy Statement for a Signed URL That Uses a Custom Policy
When you create a policy statement for a custom policy, you specify the following values.


The value that you specify depends on whether you're creating signed URLs for web or RTMP
You can specify only one value for Resource.
Web distributions (optional but recommended)

The base URL including your query strings, if any, but excluding the CloudFront Policy,
Signature, and Key-Pair-Id parameters, for example:

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Signed URLs

If you omit the Resource parameter for a web distribution, users can access all of the
files associated with any distribution that is associated with the key pair that you use to
create the signed URL.

Note the following:

• Protocol – The value must begin with http://, https://, or *.
• Query string parameters – If you have no query string parameters, omit the question mark.
• Wildcard characters – You can use the wildcard character that matches zero or more
characters (*) or the wild-card character that matches exactly one character (?) anywhere in
the string. For example, the value:**

would include (for example) the following files:

• Alternate domain names – If you specify an alternate domain name (CNAME) in the URL,
you must specify the alternate domain name when referencing the file in your web page or
application. Do not specify the Amazon S3 URL for the file.
RTMP distributions

Include only the stream name. For example, if the full URL for a streaming video is:


then use the following value for Resource:


Do not include a prefix such as mp3: or mp4:. Also, depending on the player you're using, you
might have to omit the file extension from the value of Resource. For example, you might need
to use sydney-vacation instead of sydney-vacation.flv.

The expiration date and time for the URL in Unix time format (in seconds) and Coordinated Universal
Time (UTC). Do not enclose the value in quotation marks. For information about UTC, see RFC 3339,
Date and Time on the Internet: Timestamps,

For example, January 1, 2013 10:00 am UTC converts to 1357034400 in Unix time format.

This is the only required parameter in the Condition section. CloudFront requires this value to
prevent users from having permanent access to your private content.

For more information, see When Does CloudFront Check the Expiration Date and Time in a Signed
URL? (p. 159)
DateGreaterThan (Optional)

An optional start date and time for the URL in Unix time format (in seconds) and Coordinated
Universal Time (UTC). Users are not allowed to access the file before the specified date and time. Do
not enclose the value in quotation marks.
IpAddress (Optional)

The IP address of the client making the GET request. Note the following:

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Signed URLs

• To allow any IP address to access the file, omit the IpAddress parameter.
• You can specify either one IP address or one IP address range. For example, you can't set the policy
to allow access if the client's IP address is in one of two separate ranges.
• To allow access from a single IP address, you specify:

"IPv4 IP address/32"
• You must specify IP address ranges in standard IPv4 CIDR format (for example,
For more information, see RFC 4632, Classless Inter-domain Routing (CIDR): The Internet Address
Assignment and Aggregation Plan,
IP addresses in IPv6 format, such as 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334, are not

If you're using a custom policy that includes IpAddress, do not enable IPv6 for the distribution.
If you want to restrict access to some content by IP address and support IPv6 requests for other
content, you can create two distributions. For more information, see Enable IPv6 (p. 59) in the
topic Values That You Specify When You Create or Update a Distribution (p. 38).

Example Policy Statements for a Signed URL That Uses a Custom Policy
The following example policy statements show how to control access to a specific file, all of the files in a
directory, or all of the files associated with a key pair ID. The examples also show how to control access
from an individual IP address or a range of IP addresses, and how to prevent users from using the signed
URL after a specified date and time.

If you copy and paste any of these examples, remove any whitespace (including tabs and newline
characters), replace the values with your own values, and include a newline character after the closing
brace ( } ).

For more information, see Values that You Specify in the Policy Statement for a Signed URL That Uses a
Custom Policy (p. 169).

• Example Policy Statement: Accessing One File from a Range of IP Addresses (p. 171)
• Example Policy Statement: Accessing All Files in a Directory from a Range of IP Addresses (p. 172)
• Example Policy Statement: Accessing All Files Associated with a Key Pair ID from One IP
Address (p. 172)

Example Policy Statement: Accessing One File from a Range of IP Addresses

The following example custom policy in a signed URL specifies that a user can access the file http:// from IP addresses in the range until January 1, 2013 10:00 am UTC:

"Statement": [

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Signed URLs

Example Policy Statement: Accessing All Files in a Directory from a Range of IP Addresses
The following example custom policy allows you to create signed URLs for any file in the training
directory, as indicated by the * wildcard character in the Resource parameter. Users can access the file
from an IP address in the range until January 1, 2013 10:00 am UTC:

"Statement": [

Each signed URL in which you use this policy includes a base URL that identifies a specific file, for

Example Policy Statement: Accessing All Files Associated with a Key Pair ID from One IP Address
The following sample custom policy allows you to create signed URLs for any file associated with any
distribution, as indicated by the * wildcard character in the Resource parameter. The user must use the
IP address (The value in CIDR notation refers to a single IP address, The files are available only from January 1, 2013 10:00 am UTC until January 2, 2013
10:00 am UTC:

"Statement": [

Each signed URL in which you use this policy includes a base URL that identifies a specific file in a specific
CloudFront distribution, for example:

The signed URL also includes a key pair ID, which must be associated with a trusted signer in the
distribution ( that you specify in the base URL.

Creating a Signature for a Signed URL That Uses a Custom Policy

The signature for a signed URL that uses a custom policy is a hashed, signed, and base64-encoded
version of the policy statement. To create a signature for a custom policy, follow the procedure for your
scenario. The version that you choose depends on your distribution type (web or RTMP) and, for RTMP
distributions, the media player that you're using (Adobe Flash Player or another media player):

• Option 1: To create a signature for a web distribution or for an RTMP distribution (without Adobe Flash
Player) by using a custom policy (p. 173)

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Signed URLs

• Option 2: To create a signature for an RTMP distribution by using a custom policy (Adobe Flash
Player) (p. 173)

For additional information and examples of how to hash, sign, and encode the policy statement, see:

• Using a Linux Command and OpenSSL for Base64-Encoding and Encryption (p. 189)
• Code Examples for Creating a Signature for a Signed URL (p. 189)

Option 1: To create a signature for a web distribution or for an RTMP distribution (without
Adobe Flash Player) by using a custom policy

1. Use the SHA-1 hash function and RSA to hash and sign the JSON policy statement that you
created in the procedure To create the policy statement for a signed URL that uses a custom
policy (p. 168). Use the version of the policy statement that no longer includes whitespace but that
has not yet been base64-encoded.

For the private key that is required by the hash function, use the private key that is associated with
the active trusted signer.
The method that you use to hash and sign the policy statement depends on your
programming language and platform. For sample code, see Code Examples for Creating a
Signature for a Signed URL (p. 189).
2. Remove whitespace (including tabs and newline characters) from the hashed and signed string.
3. Base64-encode the string using MIME base64 encoding. For more information, see Section 6.8,
Base64 Content-Transfer-Encoding in RFC 2045, MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) Part
One: Format of Internet Message Bodies.
4. Replace characters that are invalid in a URL query string with characters that are valid. The following
table lists invalid and valid characters.

Replace these invalid characters With these valid characters

+ - (hyphen)

= _ (underscore)

/ ~ (tilde)
5. Append the resulting value to your signed URL after &Signature=, and return to To create a signed
URL using a custom policy (p. 166) to finish concatenating the parts of your signed URL.

Option 2: To create a signature for an RTMP distribution by using a custom policy (Adobe
Flash Player)

1. Use the SHA-1 hash function and RSA to hash and sign the JSON policy statement that you
created in the To create the policy statement for a signed URL that uses a custom policy (p. 168)
procedure. Use the version of the policy statement that no longer includes whitespace but that has
not yet been base64-encoded.

For the private key that is required by the hash function, use the private key that is associated with
the active trusted signer.
The method that you use to hash and sign the policy statement depends on your
programming language and platform. For sample code, see Code Examples for Creating a
Signature for a Signed URL (p. 189).

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Signed URLs

2. Remove whitespace (including tabs and newline characters) from the hashed and signed string.

Continue on to Step 3 if the stream name is passed in from a web page.

If the stream name is not passed in from a web page, skip the rest of this procedure. For example, if
you wrote your own player that fetches stream names from within the Adobe Flash .swf file, skip the
rest of this procedure.
3. Base64-encode the string using MIME base64 encoding. For more information, see Section 6.8,
Base64 Content-Transfer-Encoding in RFC 2045, MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) Part
One: Format of Internet Message Bodies.
4. Replace characters that are invalid in a URL query string with characters that are valid. The following
table lists invalid and valid characters.

Replace these invalid characters With these valid characters

+ - (hyphen)

= _ (underscore)

/ ~ (tilde)
5. Some versions of Adobe Flash Player require that you URL-encode the characters ?, =, and &. For
information about whether your version of Adobe Flash Player requires this character substitution,
refer to the Adobe website.

If your version of Adobe Flash Player does not require that you URL-encode the characters ?, =, and
&, skip to Step 6.

If your version of Adobe Flash Player requires URL-encoding those characters, replace them as
indicated in the following table. (You already replaced = in the previous step.)

Replace these invalid characters With this URL encoding

? %3F

& %26
6. Append the resulting value to your signed URL after &Signature=, and return to To create a signed
URL using a custom policy (p. 166) to finish concatenating the parts of your signed URL.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Signed Cookies

Using Signed Cookies

CloudFront signed cookies allow you to control who can access your content when you don't want to
change your current URLs or when you want to provide access to multiple restricted files, for example, all
of the files in the subscribers' area of a website. This topic explains the considerations when using signed
cookies and describes how to set signed cookies using canned and custom policies.

• Choosing Between Canned and Custom Policies for Signed Cookies (p. 175)
• How Signed Cookies Work (p. 175)
• Preventing Misuse of Signed Cookies (p. 176)
• When Does CloudFront Check the Expiration Date and Time in a Signed Cookie? (p. 177)
• Sample Code and Third-Party Tools (p. 177)
• Setting Signed Cookies Using a Canned Policy (p. 177)
• Setting Signed Cookies Using a Custom Policy (p. 182)

Choosing Between Canned and Custom Policies for Signed

When you create a signed cookie, you write a policy statement in JSON format that specifies the
restrictions on the signed cookie, for example, how long the cookie is valid. You can use canned policies
or custom policies. The following table compares canned and custom policies:

Description Canned Policy Custom Policy

You can reuse the policy statement for multiple No Yes

files. To reuse the policy statement, you must use
wildcard characters in the Resource object. For
more information, see Values That You Specify in
the Policy Statement for a Custom Policy for Signed
Cookies (p. 185).)

You can specify the date and time that users can begin No Yes (optional)
to access your content

You can specify the date and time that users can no Yes Yes
longer access your content

You can specify the IP address or range of IP addresses No Yes (optional)

of the users who can access your content

For information about creating signed cookies using a canned policy, see Setting Signed Cookies Using a
Canned Policy (p. 177).

For information about creating signed cookies using a custom policy, see Setting Signed Cookies Using a
Custom Policy (p. 182).

How Signed Cookies Work

Here's an overview of how you configure CloudFront for signed cookies and how CloudFront responds
when a user submits a request that contains a signed cookie.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Signed Cookies

1. In your CloudFront distribution, you specify one or more trusted signers, which are the AWS accounts
that you want to have permission to create signed URLs and signed cookies.

For more information, see Specifying the AWS Accounts That Can Create Signed URLs and Signed
Cookies (Trusted Signers) (p. 150).
2. You develop your application to determine whether a user should have access to your content and,
if so, to send three Set-Cookie headers to the viewer. (Each Set-Cookie header can contain only
one name-value pair, and a CloudFront signed cookie requires three name-value pairs.) You must
send the Set-Cookie headers to the viewer before the viewer requests your private content. If you
set a short expiration time on the cookie, you might also want to send three more Set-Cookie
headers in response to subsequent requests, so that the user continues to have access.

Typically, your CloudFront distribution will have at least two cache behaviors, one that doesn't
require authentication and one that does. The error page for the secure portion of the site includes a
redirector or a link to a login page.

If you configure your distribution to cache files based on cookies, CloudFront doesn't cache separate
files based on the attributes in signed cookies.
3. A user signs in to your website and either pays for content or meets some other requirement for
4. Your application returns the Set-Cookie headers in the response, and the viewer stores the name-
value pairs.
5. The user requests a file.

The user's browser or other viewer gets the name-value pairs from step 4 and adds them to the
request in a Cookie header. This is the signed cookie.
6. CloudFront uses the public key to validate the signature in the signed cookie and to confirm that the
cookie hasn't been tampered with. If the signature is invalid, the request is rejected.

If the signature in the cookie is valid, CloudFront looks at the policy statement in the cookie (or
constructs one if you're using a canned policy) to confirm that the request is still valid. For example,
if you specified a beginning and ending date and time for the cookie, CloudFront confirms that the
user is trying to access your content during the time period that you want to allow access.

If the request meets the requirements in the policy statement, CloudFront serves your content as
it does for content that isn't restricted: it determines whether the file is already in the edge cache,
forwards the request to the origin if necessary, and returns the file to the user.

Preventing Misuse of Signed Cookies

If you specify the Domain parameter in a Set-Cookie header, specify the most precise value possible
to reduce the potential for access by someone with the same root domain name. For example, is preferable to, especially when you don't control This
helps prevent someone from accessing your content from

To help prevent this type of attack, do the following:

• Exclude the Expires and Max-Age cookie attributes, so that the Set-Cookie header creates a
session cookie. Session cookies are automatically deleted when the user closes the browser, which
reduces the possibility of someone getting unauthorized access to your content.
• Include the Secure attribute, so that the cookie is encrypted when a viewer includes it in a request.
• When possible, use a custom policy and include the IP address of the viewer.
• In the CloudFront-Expires attribute, specify the shortest reasonable expiration time based on how
long you want users to have access to your content.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Signed Cookies

When Does CloudFront Check the Expiration Date and Time in a

Signed Cookie?
To determine whether a signed cookie is still valid, CloudFront checks the expiration date and time in the
cookie at the time of the HTTP request. If a client begins to download a large file immediately before the
expiration time, the download should complete even if the expiration time passes during the download.
If the TCP connection drops and the client tries to restart the download after the expiration time passes,
the download will fail.

If a client uses Range GETs to get a file in smaller pieces, any GET request that occurs after the expiration
time passes will fail. For more information about Range GETs, see How CloudFront Processes Partial
Requests for an Object (Range GETs) (p. 285).

Sample Code and Third-Party Tools

The sample code for private content shows only how to create the signature for signed URLs. However,
the process for creating a signature for a signed cookie is very similar, so much of the sample code is still
relevant. For more information, see the following topics:

• Create a URL Signature Using Perl (p. 190)

• Create a URL Signature Using PHP (p. 198)
• Create a URL Signature Using C# and the .NET Framework (p. 203)
• Create a URL Signature Using Java (p. 208)

Setting Signed Cookies Using a Canned Policy

To set a signed cookie by using a canned policy, complete the following steps. To create the signature,
see Creating a Signature for a Signed Cookie That Uses a Canned Policy.

To set a signed cookie using a canned policy

1. If you're using .NET or Java to create signed cookies, and if you haven't reformatted the private
key for your key pair from the default .pem format to a format compatible with .NET or with Java,
do so now. For more information, see Reformatting the CloudFront Private Key (.NET and Java
Only) (p. 152).
2. Program your application to send three Set-Cookie headers to approved viewers. You need
three Set-Cookie headers because each Set-Cookie header can contain only one name-value
pair, and a CloudFront signed cookie requires three name-value pairs. The name-value pairs are:
CloudFront-Expires, CloudFront-Signature, and CloudFront-Key-Pair-Id. The values
must be present on the viewer before a user makes the first request for an file that you want to
control access to.
In general, we recommend that you exclude Expires and Max-Age attributes. Excluding
the attributes causes the browser to delete the cookie when the user closes the browser,
which reduces the possibility of someone getting unauthorized access to your content. For
more information, see Preventing Misuse of Signed Cookies (p. 176).

The names of cookie attributes are case sensitive.

Line breaks are included only to make the attributes more readable.

CloudFront-Expires=date and time in Unix time format (in seconds) and Coordinated
Universal Time (UTC);
Domain=optional domain name;

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Signed Cookies

Path=/optional directory path;


CloudFront-Signature=hashed and signed version of the policy statement;
Domain=optional domain name;
Path=/optional directory path;

CloudFront-Key-Pair-Id=active CloudFront key pair Id for the key pair that you are
using to generate the signature;
Domain=optional domain name;
Path=/optional directory path;

(Optional) Domain

The domain name for the requested file. If you don't specify a Domain attribute, the default
value is the domain name in the URL, and it applies only to the specified domain name, not to
subdomains. If you specify a Domain attribute, it also applies to subdomains. A leading dot in
the domain name (for example, is optional. In addition, if you specify
a Domain attribute, the domain name in the URL and the value of the Domain attribute must

You can specify the domain name that CloudFront assigned to your distribution, for example,, but you can't specify * for the domain name.

If you want to use an alternate domain name such as in URLs, you must add the
alternate domain name to your distribution regardless of whether you specify the Domain
attribute. For more information, see Alternate Domain Names (CNAMEs) (p. 54) in the topic
Values That You Specify When You Create or Update a Distribution (p. 38).
(Optional) Path

The path for the requested file. If you don't specify a Path attribute, the default value is the
path in the URL.

Requires that the viewer encrypt cookies before sending a request. We recommend that you
send the Set-Cookie header over an HTTPS connection to ensure that the cookie attributes
are protected from man-in-the-middle attacks.

Requires that the viewer send the cookie only in HTTP or HTTPS requests.

Specify the expiration date and time in Unix time format (in seconds) and Coordinated Universal
Time (UTC). For example, January 1, 2013 10:00 am UTC converts to 1357034400 in Unix
time format. To use epoch time, use a 32-bit integer for a date which can be no later than
2147483647 (January 19th, 2038 at 03:14:07 UTC). For information about UTC, see RFC 3339,
Date and Time on the Internet: Timestamps,

A hashed, signed, and base64-encoded version of a JSON policy statement. For more
information, see Creating a Signature for a Signed Cookie That Uses a Canned Policy (p. 179).

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Signed Cookies


The ID for an active CloudFront key pair, for example, APKA9ONS7QCOWEXAMPLE. The
CloudFront key pair ID tells CloudFront which public key to use to validate the signed cookie.
CloudFront compares the information in the signature with the information in the policy
statement to verify that the URL has not been tampered with.

The key pair ID that you include in CloudFront signed cookies must be associated with an AWS
account that is one of the trusted signers for the cache behavior.

For more information, see Specifying the AWS Accounts That Can Create Signed URLs and
Signed Cookies (Trusted Signers) (p. 150).

If you make a key pair inactive while rotating CloudFront key pairs, you must update your
application to use a new active key pair for one of your trusted signers. For more information
about rotating key pairs, see Rotating CloudFront Key Pairs (p. 155).

The following example shows Set-Cookie headers for one signed cookie when you're using the domain
name that is associated with your distribution in the URLs for your files:

Set-Cookie: CloudFront-Expires=1426500000;; Path=/

images/*; Secure; HttpOnly
Set-Cookie: CloudFront-Signature=yXrSIgyQoeE4FBI4eMKF6ho~CA8_;; Path=/images/*; Secure; HttpOnly
Set-Cookie: CloudFront-Key-Pair-Id=APKA9ONS7QCOWEXAMPLE;; Path=/images/*; Secure; HttpOnly

The following example shows Set-Cookie headers for one signed cookie when you're using the
alternate domain name in the URLs for your files:

Set-Cookie: CloudFront-Expires=1426500000;; Path=/images/*; Secure;

Set-Cookie: CloudFront-Signature=yXrSIgyQoeE4FBI4eMKF6ho~CA8_;; Path=/
images/*; Secure; HttpOnly
Set-Cookie: CloudFront-Key-Pair-Id=APKA9ONS7QCOWEXAMPLE;; Path=/images/
*; Secure; HttpOnly

If you want to use an alternate domain name such as in URLs, you must add the alternate
domain name to your distribution regardless of whether you specify the Domain attribute. For more
information, see Alternate Domain Names (CNAMEs) (p. 54) in the topic Values That You Specify When
You Create or Update a Distribution (p. 38).

Creating a Signature for a Signed Cookie That Uses a Canned Policy

To create the signature for a signed cookie that uses a canned policy, do the following:

1. Create a policy statement. See Creating a Policy Statement for a Signed Cookie That Uses a Canned
Policy (p. 179).
2. Sign the policy statement to create a signature. See Signing the Policy Statement to Create a
Signature for a Signed Cookie That Uses a Canned Policy (p. 181).

Creating a Policy Statement for a Signed Cookie That Uses a Canned Policy
When you set a signed cookie that uses a canned policy, the CloudFront-Signature attribute is a
hashed and signed version of a policy statement. For signed cookies that use a canned policy, you don't
include the policy statement in the Set-Cookie header, as you do for signed cookies that use a custom
policy. To create the policy statement, do the following procedure.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Signed Cookies

To create a policy statement for a signed cookie that uses a canned policy

1. Construct the policy statement using the following JSON format and using UTF-8 character
encoding. Include all punctuation and other literal values exactly as specified. For information about
the Resource and DateLessThan parameters, see Values That You Specify in the Policy Statement
for a Canned Policy for Signed Cookies (p. 180).

"Resource":"base URL or stream name",
"AWS:EpochTime":ending date and time in Unix time format and UTC

2. Remove all whitespace (including tabs and newline characters) from the policy statement. You might
have to include escape characters in the string in application code.

Values That You Specify in the Policy Statement for a Canned Policy for Signed Cookies
When you create a policy statement for a canned policy, you specify the following values:


The base URL including your query strings, if any, for example:

You can specify only one value for Resource.

Note the following:

• Protocol – The value must begin with http:// or https://.
• Query string parameters – If you have no query string parameters, omit the question mark.
• Alternate domain names – If you specify an alternate domain name (CNAME) in the URL,
you must specify the alternate domain name when referencing the file in your web page or
application. Do not specify the Amazon S3 URL for the file.

The expiration date and time for the URL in Unix time format (in seconds) and Coordinated Universal
Time (UTC). Do not enclose the value in quotation marks.

For example, March 16, 2015 10:00 am UTC converts to 1426500000 in Unix time format.

This value must match the value of the CloudFront-Expires attribute in the Set-Cookie header.
Do not enclose the value in quotation marks.

For more information, see When Does CloudFront Check the Expiration Date and Time in a Signed
Cookie? (p. 177).

Example Policy Statement for a Canned Policy

When you use the following example policy statement in a signed cookie, a user can access the file until March 16, 2015 10:00 am UTC:

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Signed Cookies


Signing the Policy Statement to Create a Signature for a Signed Cookie That Uses a Canned
To create the value for the CloudFront-Signature attribute in a Set-Cookie header, you hash and
sign the policy statement that you created in To create a policy statement for a signed cookie that uses a
canned policy (p. 180).

For additional information and examples of how to hash, sign, and encode the policy statement, see the
following topics:

• Using a Linux Command and OpenSSL for Base64-Encoding and Encryption (p. 189)
• Code Examples for Creating a Signature for a Signed URL (p. 189)

To create a signature for a signed cookie using a canned policy

1. Use the SHA-1 hash function and RSA to hash and sign the policy statement that you created in the
procedure To create a policy statement for a signed cookie that uses a canned policy (p. 180). Use
the version of the policy statement that no longer includes whitespace.

For the private key that is required by the hash function, use the private key that is associated with
the active trusted signer.
The method that you use to hash and sign the policy statement depends on your
programming language and platform. For sample code, see Code Examples for Creating a
Signature for a Signed URL (p. 189).
2. Remove whitespace (including tabs and newline characters) from the hashed and signed string.
3. Base64-encode the string using MIME base64 encoding. For more information, see Section 6.8,
Base64 Content-Transfer-Encoding in RFC 2045, MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) Part
One: Format of Internet Message Bodies.
4. Replace characters that are invalid in a URL query string with characters that are valid. The following
table lists invalid and valid characters.

Replace these invalid characters With these valid characters

+ - (hyphen)

= _ (underscore)

/ ~ (tilde)
5. Include the resulting value in the Set-Cookie header for the CloudFront-Signature name-
value pair. Then return to To set a signed cookie using a canned policy (p. 177) add the Set-
Cookie header for CloudFront-Key-Pair-Id.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Signed Cookies

Setting Signed Cookies Using a Custom Policy

• Creating a Policy Statement for a Signed Cookie That Uses a Custom Policy (p. 184)
• Example Policy Statements for a Signed Cookie That Uses a Custom Policy (p. 186)
• Creating a Signature for a Signed Cookie That Uses a Custom Policy (p. 188)

To set a signed cookie that uses a custom policy, do the following procedure.

To set a signed cookie using a custom policy

1. If you're using .NET or Java to create signed URLs, and if you haven't reformatted the private key
for your key pair from the default .pem format to a format compatible with .NET or with Java,
do so now. For more information, see Reformatting the CloudFront Private Key (.NET and Java
Only) (p. 152).
2. Program your application to send three Set-Cookie headers to approved viewers. You need
three Set-Cookie headers because each Set-Cookie header can contain only one name-value
pair, and a CloudFront signed cookie requires three name-value pairs. The name-value pairs are:
CloudFront-Policy, CloudFront-Signature, and CloudFront-Key-Pair-Id. The values
must be present on the viewer before a user makes the first request for a file that you want to
control access to.
In general, we recommend that you exclude Expires and Max-Age attributes. This causes
the browser to delete the cookie when the user closes the browser, which reduces the
possibility of someone getting unauthorized access to your content. For more information,
see Preventing Misuse of Signed Cookies (p. 176).

The names of cookie attributes are case sensitive.

Line breaks are included only to make the attributes more readable.

CloudFront-Policy=base64 encoded version of the policy statement;
Domain=optional domain name;
Path=/optional directory path;

CloudFront-Signature=hashed and signed version of the policy statement;
Domain=optional domain name;
Path=/optional directory path;

CloudFront-Key-Pair-Id=active CloudFront key pair Id for the key pair that you are
using to generate the signature;
Domain=optional domain name;
Path=/optional directory path;

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Signed Cookies

(Optional) Domain

The domain name for the requested file. If you don't specify a Domain attribute, the default
value is the domain name in the URL, and it applies only to the specified domain name, not to
subdomains. If you specify a Domain attribute, it also applies to subdomains. A leading dot in
the domain name (for example, is optional. In addition, if you specify
a Domain attribute, the domain name in the URL and the value of the Domain attribute must

You can specify the domain name that CloudFront assigned to your distribution, for example,, but you can't specify * for the domain name.

If you want to use an alternate domain name such as in URLs, you must add the
alternate domain name to your distribution regardless of whether you specify the Domain
attribute. For more information, see Alternate Domain Names (CNAMEs) (p. 54) in the topic
Values That You Specify When You Create or Update a Distribution (p. 38).
(Optional) Path

The path for the requested file. If you don't specify a Path attribute, the default value is the
path in the URL.

Requires that the viewer encrypt cookies before sending a request. We recommend that you
send the Set-Cookie header over an HTTPS connection to ensure that the cookie attributes
are protected from man-in-the-middle attacks.

Requires that the viewer send the cookie only in HTTP or HTTPS requests.

Your policy statement in JSON format, with white space removed, then base64 encoded.
For more information, see Creating a Signature for a Signed Cookie That Uses a Custom
Policy (p. 188).

The policy statement controls the access that a signed cookie grants to a user: the files that the
user can access, an expiration date and time, an optional date and time that the URL becomes
valid, and an optional IP address or range of IP addresses that are allowed to access the file.

A hashed, signed, and base64-encoded version of the JSON policy statement. For more
information, see Creating a Signature for a Signed Cookie That Uses a Custom Policy (p. 188).

The ID for an active CloudFront key pair, for example, APKA9ONS7QCOWEXAMPLE. The
CloudFront key pair ID tells CloudFront which public key to use to validate the signed cookie.
CloudFront compares the information in the signature with the information in the policy
statement to verify that the URL has not been tampered with.

The key pair ID that you include in CloudFront signed cookies must be associated with an AWS
account that is one of the trusted signers for the cache behavior.

For more information, see Specifying the AWS Accounts That Can Create Signed URLs and
Signed Cookies (Trusted Signers) (p. 150).

If you make a key pair inactive while rotating CloudFront key pairs, you must update your
application to use a new active key pair for one of your trusted signers. For more information
about rotating key pairs, see Rotating CloudFront Key Pairs (p. 155).
Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Signed Cookies

Example Set-Cookie headers for one signed cookie when you're using the domain name that is
associated with your distribution in the URLs for your files:

Set-Cookie: CloudFront-
Policy=eyJTdGF0ZW1lbnQiOlt7IlJlc291cmNlIjoiaHR0cDovL2QxMTExMTFhYmNkZWY4LmNsb3VkZnJvbnQubmV0L2dhbWVfZG93; Path=/; Secure; HttpOnly
Set-Cookie: CloudFront-Signature=dtKhpJ3aUYxqDIwepczPiDb9NXQ_;; Path=/; Secure; HttpOnly
Set-Cookie: CloudFront-Key-Pair-Id=APKA9ONS7QCOWEXAMPLE;; Path=/; Secure; HttpOnly

Example Set-Cookie headers for one signed cookie when you're using the alternate domain name in the URLs for your files:

Set-Cookie: CloudFront-
Policy=eyJTdGF0ZW1lbnQiOlt7IlJlc291cmNlIjoiaHR0cDovL2QxMTExMTFhYmNkZWY4LmNsb3VkZnJvbnQubmV0L2dhbWVfZG93; Path=/; Secure; HttpOnly
Set-Cookie: CloudFront-Signature=dtKhpJ3aUYxqDIwepczPiDb9NXQ_;; Path=/;
Secure; HttpOnly
Set-Cookie: CloudFront-Key-Pair-Id=APKA9ONS7QCOWEXAMPLE;; Path=/;
Secure; HttpOnly

If you want to use an alternate domain name such as in URLs, you must add the alternate
domain name to your distribution regardless of whether you specify the Domain attribute. For more
information, see Alternate Domain Names (CNAMEs) (p. 54) in the topic Values That You Specify When
You Create or Update a Distribution (p. 38).

Creating a Policy Statement for a Signed Cookie That Uses a Custom Policy
To create a policy statement for a custom policy, do the following procedure. For several example policy
statements that control access to files in a variety of ways, see Example Policy Statements for a Signed
Cookie That Uses a Custom Policy (p. 186).

To create the policy statement for a signed cookie that uses a custom policy

1. Construct the policy statement using the following JSON format.

"Statement": [
"Resource":"URL of the file",
"DateLessThan":{"AWS:EpochTime":required ending date and time in Unix time
format and UTC},
"DateGreaterThan":{"AWS:EpochTime":optional beginning date and time in Unix
time format and UTC},
"IpAddress":{"AWS:SourceIp":"optional IP address"}

Note the following:

• You can include only one statement.

• Use UTF-8 character encoding.
• Include all punctuation and parameter names exactly as specified. Abbreviations for parameter
names are not accepted.
• The order of the parameters in the Condition section doesn't matter.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Signed Cookies

• For information about the values for Resource, DateLessThan, DateGreaterThan, and
IpAddress, see Values That You Specify in the Policy Statement for a Custom Policy for Signed
Cookies (p. 185).
2. Remove all whitespace (including tabs and newline characters) from the policy statement. You might
have to include escape characters in the string in application code.
3. Base64-encode the policy statement using MIME base64 encoding. For more information, see
Section 6.8, Base64 Content-Transfer-Encoding in RFC 2045, MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail
Extensions) Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies.
4. Replace characters that are invalid in a URL query string with characters that are valid. The following
table lists invalid and valid characters.

Replace these invalid characters With these valid characters

+ - (hyphen)

= _ (underscore)

/ ~ (tilde)

5. Include the resulting value in your Set-Cookie header after CloudFront-Policy=.

6. Create a signature for the Set-Cookie header for CloudFront-Signature by hashing, signing,
and base64-encoding the policy statement. For more information, see Creating a Signature for a
Signed Cookie That Uses a Custom Policy (p. 188).

Values That You Specify in the Policy Statement for a Custom Policy for Signed Cookies

When you create a policy statement for a custom policy, you specify the following values.


The base URL including your query strings, if any:
If you omit the Resource parameter, users can access all of the files associated with any
distribution that is associated with the key pair that you use to create the signed URL.

You can specify only one value for Resource.

Note the following:

• Protocol – The value must begin with http:// or https://.
• Query string parameters – If you have no query string parameters, omit the question mark.
• Wildcards – You can use the wildcard character that matches zero or more characters (*) or the
wild-card character that matches exactly one character (?) anywhere in the string. For example, the

would include (for example) the following files:


Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Signed Cookies

• Alternate domain names – If you specify an alternate domain name (CNAME) in the URL,
you must specify the alternate domain name when referencing the file in your web page or
application. Do not specify the Amazon S3 URL for the file.

The expiration date and time for the URL in Unix time format (in seconds) and Coordinated Universal
Time (UTC). Do not enclose the value in quotation marks.

For example, March 16, 2015 10:00 am UTC converts to 1426500000 in Unix time format.

For more information, see When Does CloudFront Check the Expiration Date and Time in a Signed
Cookie? (p. 177).
DateGreaterThan (Optional)

An optional start date and time for the URL in Unix time format (in seconds) and Coordinated
Universal Time (UTC). Users are not allowed to access the file before the specified date and time. Do
not enclose the value in quotation marks.
IpAddress (Optional)

The IP address of the client making the GET request. Note the following:
• To allow any IP address to access the file, omit the IpAddress parameter.
• You can specify either one IP address or one IP address range. For example, you can't set the policy
to allow access if the client's IP address is in one of two separate ranges.
• To allow access from a single IP address, you specify:

"IPv4 IP address/32"
• You must specify IP address ranges in standard IPv4 CIDR format (for example,
For more information, go to RFC 4632, Classless Inter-domain Routing (CIDR): The Internet Address
Assignment and Aggregation Plan,
IP addresses in IPv6 format, such as 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334, are not

If you're using a custom policy that includes IpAddress, do not enable IPv6 for the distribution.
If you want to restrict access to some content by IP address and support IPv6 requests for other
content, you can create two distributions. For more information, see Enable IPv6 (p. 59) in the
topic Values That You Specify When You Create or Update a Distribution (p. 38).

Example Policy Statements for a Signed Cookie That Uses a Custom Policy
The following example policy statements show how to control access to a specific file, all of the files in a
directory, or all of the files associated with a key pair ID. The examples also show how to control access
from an individual IP address or a range of IP addresses, and how to prevent users from using the signed
cookie after a specified date and time.

If you copy and paste any of these examples, remove any whitespace (including tabs and newline
characters), replace the values with your own values, and include a newline character after the closing
brace ( } ).

For more information, see Values That You Specify in the Policy Statement for a Custom Policy for
Signed Cookies (p. 185).

• Example Policy Statement: Accessing One File from a Range of IP Addresses (p. 187)
• Example Policy Statement: Accessing All Files in a Directory from a Range of IP Addresses (p. 187)

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Signed Cookies

• Example Policy Statement: Accessing All Files Associated with a Key Pair ID from One IP
Address (p. 187)

Example Policy Statement: Accessing One File from a Range of IP Addresses

The following example custom policy in a signed cookie specifies that a user can access the file from IP addresses in the range until January 1, 2013 10:00 am UTC:

"Statement": [

Example Policy Statement: Accessing All Files in a Directory from a Range of IP Addresses

The following example custom policy allows you to create signed cookies for any file in the training
directory, as indicated by the * wildcard character in the Resource parameter. Users can access the file
from an IP address in the range until January 1, 2013 10:00 am UTC:

"Statement": [

Each signed cookie in which you use this policy includes a base URL that identifies a specific file, for

Example Policy Statement: Accessing All Files Associated with a Key Pair ID from One IP Address

The following sample custom policy allows you to set signed cookies for any file associated with any
distribution, as indicated by the * wildcard character in the Resource parameter. The user must use the
IP address (The value in CIDR notation refers to a single IP address, The files are available only from January 1, 2013 10:00 am UTC until January 2, 2013
10:00 am UTC:

"Statement": [

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Signed Cookies


Each signed cookie in which you use this policy includes a base URL that identifies a specific file in a
specific CloudFront distribution, for example:

The signed cookie also includes a key pair ID, which must be associated with a trusted signer in the
distribution ( that you specify in the base URL.

Creating a Signature for a Signed Cookie That Uses a Custom Policy

The signature for a signed cookie that uses a custom policy is a hashed, signed, and base64-encoded
version of the policy statement.

For additional information and examples of how to hash, sign, and encode the policy statement, see:

• Using a Linux Command and OpenSSL for Base64-Encoding and Encryption (p. 189)
• Code Examples for Creating a Signature for a Signed URL (p. 189)

To create a signature for a signed cookie by using a custom policy

1. Use the SHA-1 hash function and RSA to hash and sign the JSON policy statement that you created
in the procedure To create the policy statement for a signed URL that uses a custom policy (p. 168).
Use the version of the policy statement that no longer includes whitespace but that has not yet been

For the private key that is required by the hash function, use the private key that is associated with
the active trusted signer.
The method that you use to hash and sign the policy statement depends on your
programming language and platform. For sample code, see Code Examples for Creating a
Signature for a Signed URL (p. 189).
2. Remove whitespace (including tabs and newline characters) from the hashed and signed string.
3. Base64-encode the string using MIME base64 encoding. For more information, see Section 6.8,
Base64 Content-Transfer-Encoding in RFC 2045, MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) Part
One: Format of Internet Message Bodies.
4. Replace characters that are invalid in a URL query string with characters that are valid. The following
table lists invalid and valid characters.

Replace these invalid characters With these valid characters

+ - (hyphen)

= _ (underscore)

/ ~ (tilde)
5. Include the resulting value in the Set-Cookie header for the CloudFront-Signature= name-
value pair, and return to To set a signed cookie using a custom policy (p. 182) to add the Set-
Cookie header for CloudFront-Key-Pair-Id.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using a Linux Command and OpenSSL
for Base64-Encoding and Encryption

Using a Linux Command and OpenSSL for Base64-

Encoding and Encryption
You can use the following Linux command-line command and OpenSSL to hash and sign the policy
statement, base64-encode the signature, and replace characters that are not valid in URL query string
parameters with characters that are valid.

For information about OpenSSL, go to

cat policy | tr -d "\n" | tr -d " \t\n\r" | openssl sha1 -sign

private-key.pem | openssl base64 | tr -- '+=/' '-_~'


cat reads the policy file.

tr -d "\n" | tr -d " \t\n\r" removes the white spaces and newline character that were
added by cat.

OpenSSL hashes the file using SHA-1 and signs it using RSA and the private key file private-

OpenSSL base64-encodes the hashed and signed policy statement.

tr replaces characters that are not valid in URL query string parameters with characters that are

For code examples that demonstrate creating a signature in several programming languages see Code
Examples for Creating a Signature for a Signed URL (p. 189).

Code Examples for Creating a Signature for a Signed

This section includes downloadable application examples that demonstrate how to create signatures for
signed URLs. Examples are available in Perl, PHP, C#, and Java. You can use any of the examples to create
signed URLs. The Perl script runs on Linux/Mac platforms. The PHP example will work on any server that
runs PHP. The C# example uses the .NET Framework.

This post on a third-party blog shows an example of CloudFront signed cookies in Ruby: Using
Cloudfront Signed Cookies.

This post on the AWS Developer Blog shows an example of CloudFront signed URLs in Node.js, using a
third-party npm module called aws-cloudfront-sign: Creating Amazon CloudFront Signed URLs in Node.js

You can find example code for signed URLs and for signed cookies in a variety of programming
languages. Do an internet search on sample app language cloudfront signed URLs or on sample
app language cloudfront signed cookies.

• Create a URL Signature Using Perl (p. 190)
• Create a URL Signature Using PHP (p. 198)

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Code Examples for Signed URLs

• Create a URL Signature Using C# and the .NET Framework (p. 203)
• Create a URL Signature Using Java (p. 208)

Create a URL Signature Using Perl

This section includes a Perl script for Linux/Mac platforms that you can use to create the signature for
private content. To create the signature, run the script with command line arguments that specify the
CloudFront URL, the path to the private key of the signer, the key ID, and an expiration date for the URL.
The tool can also decode signed URLs.
Creating a URL signature is just one part of the process of serving private content using a signed
URL. For more information about the end-to-end process, see Using Signed URLs (p. 157).

• Example of Using a Perl Script to Create a Signed URL (p. 190)
• Source for the Perl Script to Create a Signed URL (p. 191)

Example of Using a Perl Script to Create a Signed URL

The following example shows how you can use the Perl script provided in this topic to create an RTMP
distribution signature. To start, save the script as a file called Then run the script using the
following command line arguments:

$ --action encode --stream example/video.mp4 --private-key

/path/to/my-private-key.pem --key-pair-id PK12345EXAMPLE --expires 1265838202

This script generates the policy statement from the command line arguments. The signature that it
generates is an SHA1 hash of the policy statement.

The following is an example base64-encoded stream name:


This signature authenticates the request to stream the private content example/video.mp4.

If you're using Adobe Flash Player and the stream name is passed in from a web page using JavaScript,
you must base64-encode the signature and replace characters that are invalid in a URL request
parameter (+, =, /) with characters that are valid (-, _, and ~, respectively).

If the stream name is not passed in from a web page, you don't need to base64-encode the signature.
For example, you would not base64-encode the signature if you write your own player and the stream
names are fetched from within the Adobe Flash .swf file.

The following example uses jwplayer with CloudFront.

<script type='text/javascript'>
var so1 = new SWFObject

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Code Examples for Signed URLs

'mpl', '640', '360', '9');

When you retrieve a stream to play from within an Adobe Flash .swf file, do not URL-encode the stream
name. For example:


For more information about the command line switches and features of this tool, see the comments in
the Perl source code, included in the next section.

See also

• Create a URL Signature Using PHP (p. 198)

• Create a URL Signature Using C# and the .NET Framework (p. 203)
• Create a URL Signature Using Java (p. 208)

Source for the Perl Script to Create a Signed URL

The following Perl source code can be used to create a signed URL for CloudFront. Comments in the code
include information about the command line switches and the features of the tool.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# Copyright 2008 Amazon Technologies, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
(the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
the License at:
KIND, either express or implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the

=head1 - A tool to generate and verify AWS CloudFront signed URLs

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Code Examples for Signed URLs


This script uses an existing RSA key pair to sign and verify AWS CloudFront signed URLs

View the script source for details as to which CPAN packages are required beforehand.

For help, try: --help

URL signing examples: --action encode --url --policy

sample_policy.json --private-key privkey.pem --key-pair-id mykey --action encode --url --expires

1257439868 --private-key privkey.pem --key-pair-id mykey

Stream signing example: --action encode --stream videos/myvideo.mp4 --expires 1257439868 --private-key

privkey.pem --key-pair-id mykey

URL decode example: --action decode --url "http//


To generate an RSA key pair, you can use openssl and the following commands:

# Generate a 1024bit key pair

openssl genrsa -out private-key.pem 1024
openssl rsa -in private-key.pem -pubout -out public-key.pem

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 8

=item B<--help>

Print a help message and exits.

=item B<--action> [action]

The action to execute. action can be one of:

encode - Generate a signed URL (using a canned policy or a user policy)

decode - Decode a signed URL

=item B<--url>

The URL to en/decode

=item B<--stream>

The stream to en/decode

=item B<--private-key>

The path to your private key.

=item B<--key-pair-id>

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Code Examples for Signed URLs

The AWS Portal assigned key pair identifier.

=item B<--policy>

The CloudFront policy document.

=item B<--expires>

The Unix epoch time when the URL is to expire. If both this option and
the --policy option are specified, --policy will be used. Otherwise, this
option alone will use a canned policy.



use strict;
use warnings;

# you might need to use CPAN to get these modules.

# run perl -MCPAN -e "install <module>" to get them.
# The openssl command line will also need to be in your $PATH.
use File::Temp qw/tempfile/;
use File::Slurp;
use Getopt::Long;
use IPC::Open2;
use MIME::Base64 qw(encode_base64 decode_base64);
use Pod::Usage;
use URI;

= '{"Statement":[{"Resource":"<RESOURCE>","Condition":{"DateLessThan":

my $POLICY_PARAM = "Policy";
my $EXPIRES_PARAM = "Expires";
my $SIGNATURE_PARAM = "Signature";
my $KEY_PAIR_ID_PARAM = "Key-Pair-Id";

my $verbose = 0;
my $policy_filename = "";
my $expires_epoch = 0;
my $action = "";
my $help = 0;
my $key_pair_id = "";
my $url = "";
my $stream = "";
my $private_key_filename = "";

my $result = GetOptions("action=s" => \$action,

"policy=s" => \$policy_filename,
"expires=i" => \$expires_epoch,
"private-key=s" => \$private_key_filename,
"key-pair-id=s" => \$key_pair_id,
"verbose" => \$verbose,
"help" => \$help,
"url=s" => \$url,
"stream=s" => \$stream,

if ($help or !$result) {

if ($url eq "" and $stream eq "") {

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Code Examples for Signed URLs

print STDERR "Must include a stream or a URL to encode or decode with the --stream or
--url option\n";

if ($url ne "" and $stream ne "") {

print STDERR "Only one of --url and --stream may be specified\n";

if ($url ne "" and !is_url_valid($url)) {


if ($stream ne "") {
exit unless is_stream_valid($stream);

# The signing mechanism is identical, so from here on just pretend we're

# dealing with a URL
$url = $stream;

if ($action eq "encode") {
# The encode action will generate a private content URL given a base URL,
# a policy file (or an expires timestamp) and a key pair id parameter
my $private_key;
my $public_key;
my $public_key_file;

my $policy;
if ($policy_filename eq "") {
if ($expires_epoch == 0) {
print STDERR "Must include policy filename with --policy argument or an
expires" .
"time using --expires\n";

$policy = $CANNED_POLICY;
$policy =~ s/<EXPIRES>/$expires_epoch/g;
$policy =~ s/<RESOURCE>/$url/g;
} else {
if (! -e $policy_filename) {
print STDERR "Policy file $policy_filename does not exist\n";
$expires_epoch = 0; # ignore if set
$policy = read_file($policy_filename);

if ($private_key_filename eq "") {
print STDERR "You must specific the path to your private key file with --private-

if (! -e $private_key_filename) {
print STDERR "Private key file $private_key_filename does not exist\n";

if ($key_pair_id eq "") {
print STDERR "You must specify an AWS portal key pair id with --key-pair-id\n";

my $encoded_policy = url_safe_base64_encode($policy);

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Code Examples for Signed URLs

my $signature = rsa_sha1_sign($policy, $private_key_filename);

my $encoded_signature = url_safe_base64_encode($signature);

my $generated_url = create_url($url, $encoded_policy, $encoded_signature, $key_pair_id,


if ($stream ne "") {
print "Encoded stream (for use within a swf):\n" . $generated_url . "\n";
print "Encoded and escaped stream (for use on a webpage):\n" .
escape_url_for_webpage($generated_url) . "\n";
} else {
print "Encoded URL:\n" . $generated_url . "\n";
} elsif ($action eq "decode") {
my $decoded = decode_url($url);
if (!$decoded) {
print STDERR "Improperly formed URL\n";

} else {
# No action specified, print help. But only if this is run as a program (caller will
be empty)
pod2usage(1) unless caller();

# Decode a private content URL into its component parts

sub decode_url {
my $url = shift;

if ($url =~ /(.*)\?(.*)/) {
my $base_url = $1;
my $params = $2;

my @unparsed_params = split(/&/, $params);

my %params = ();
foreach my $param (@unparsed_params) {
my ($key, $val) = split(/=/, $param);
$params{$key} = $val;

my $encoded_signature = "";
if (exists $params{$SIGNATURE_PARAM}) {
$encoded_signature = $params{"Signature"};
} else {
print STDERR "Missing Signature URL parameter\n";
return 0;

my $encoded_policy = "";
if (exists $params{$POLICY_PARAM}) {
$encoded_policy = $params{$POLICY_PARAM};
} else {
if (!exists $params{$EXPIRES_PARAM}) {
print STDERR "Either the Policy or Expires URL parameter needs to be
return 0;

my $expires = $params{$EXPIRES_PARAM};

my $policy = $CANNED_POLICY;
$policy =~ s/<EXPIRES>/$expires/g;

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Code Examples for Signed URLs

my $url_without_cf_params = $url;
$url_without_cf_params =~ s/$SIGNATURE_PARAM=[^&]*&?//g;
$url_without_cf_params =~ s/$POLICY_PARAM=[^&]*&?//g;
$url_without_cf_params =~ s/$EXPIRES_PARAM=[^&]*&?//g;
$url_without_cf_params =~ s/$KEY_PAIR_ID_PARAM=[^&]*&?//g;

if ($url_without_cf_params =~ /(.*)\?$/) {
$url_without_cf_params = $1;

$policy =~ s/<RESOURCE>/$url_without_cf_params/g;

$encoded_policy = url_safe_base64_encode($policy);

my $key = "";
if (exists $params{$KEY_PAIR_ID_PARAM}) {
$key = $params{$KEY_PAIR_ID_PARAM};
} else {
print STDERR "Missing $KEY_PAIR_ID_PARAM parameter\n";
return 0;

my $policy = url_safe_base64_decode($encoded_policy);

my %ret = ();
$ret{"base_url"} = $base_url;
$ret{"policy"} = $policy;
$ret{"key"} = $key;

return \%ret;
} else {
return 0;

# Print a decoded URL out

sub print_decoded_url {
my $decoded = shift;

print "Base URL: \n" . $decoded->{"base_url"} . "\n";

print "Policy: \n" . $decoded->{"policy"} . "\n";
print "Key: \n" . $decoded->{"key"} . "\n";

# Encode a string with base 64 encoding and replace some invalid URL characters
sub url_safe_base64_encode {
my ($value) = @_;

my $result = encode_base64($value);
$result =~ tr|+=/|-_~|;

return $result;

# Decode a string with base 64 encoding. URL-decode the string first

# followed by reversing any special character ("+=/") translation.
sub url_safe_base64_decode {
my ($value) = @_;

$value =~ s/%([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})/chr(hex($1))/eg;
$value =~ tr|-_~|+=/|;

my $result = decode_base64($value);

return $result;

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Code Examples for Signed URLs

# Create a private content URL

sub create_url {
my ($path, $policy, $signature, $key_pair_id, $expires) = @_;

my $result;
my $separator = $path =~ /\?/ ? '&' : '?';
if ($expires) {
$result = "$path$separator$EXPIRES_PARAM=$expires&$SIGNATURE_PARAM=$signature&
} else {
$result = "$path$separator$POLICY_PARAM=$policy&$SIGNATURE_PARAM=$signature&
$result =~ s/\n//g;

return $result;

# Sign a document with given private key file.

# The first argument is the document to sign
# The second argument is the name of the private key file
sub rsa_sha1_sign {
my ($to_sign, $pvkFile) = @_;
print "openssl sha1 -sign $pvkFile $to_sign\n";

return write_to_program($pvkFile, $to_sign);


# Helper function to write data to a program

sub write_to_program {
my ($keyfile, $data) = @_;
unlink "temp_policy.dat" if (-e "temp_policy.dat");
unlink "temp_sign.dat" if (-e "temp_sign.dat");

write_file("temp_policy.dat", $data);

system("openssl dgst -sha1 -sign \"$keyfile\" -out temp_sign.dat temp_policy.dat");

my $output = read_file("temp_sign.dat");

return $output;

# Read a file into a string and return the string

sub read_file {
my ($file) = @_;

open(INFILE, "<$file") or die("Failed to open $file: $!");

my $str = join('', <INFILE>);
close INFILE;

return $str;

sub is_url_valid {
my ($url) = @_;

# HTTP distributions start with http[s]:// and are the correct thing to sign
if ($url =~ /^https?:\/\//) {
return 1;
} else {
print STDERR "CloudFront requires absolute URLs for HTTP distributions\n";
return 0;

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Code Examples for Signed URLs

sub is_stream_valid {
my ($stream) = @_;

if ($stream =~ /^rtmp:\/\// or $stream =~ /^\/?cfx\/st/) {

print STDERR "Streaming distributions require that only the stream name is signed.
print STDERR "The stream name is everything after, but not including, cfx/st/\n";
return 0;
} else {
return 1;

# flash requires that the query parameters in the stream name are url
# encoded when passed in through javascript, etc. This sub handles the minimal
# required url encoding.
sub escape_url_for_webpage {
my ($url) = @_;

$url =~ s/\?/%3F/g;
$url =~ s/=/%3D/g;
$url =~ s/&/%26/g;

return $url;


Create a URL Signature Using PHP

Any web server that runs PHP can use this PHP example code to create policy statements and signatures
for private CloudFront distributions. The full example creates a functioning web page with signed URL
links that play a video stream using CloudFront streaming. You can download the full example at https://

You can also create signed URLs by using the UrlSigner class in the AWS SDK for PHP. For more
information, see Class UrlSigner in the AWS SDK for PHP API Reference.
Creating a URL signature is just one part of the process of serving private content using a signed
URL. For more information about the entire process, see Using Signed URLs (p. 157).

• Sample: RSA SHA-1 Signature (p. 198)
• Sample: Create Canned Policy (p. 199)
• Sample: Create a Custom Policy (p. 199)
• Full Code Example (p. 200)

Sample: RSA SHA-1 Signature

In the following code sample, the function rsa_sha1_sign hashes and signs the policy statement.
The arguments required are a policy statement and the private key for an AWS account that is a trusted
signer for your distribution. Next, the url_safe_base64_encode function creates a URL-safe version
of the signature.

function rsa_sha1_sign($policy, $private_key_filename) {

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Code Examples for Signed URLs

$signature = "";

// load the private key

$fp = fopen($private_key_filename, "r");
$priv_key = fread($fp, 8192);
$pkeyid = openssl_get_privatekey($priv_key);

// compute signature
openssl_sign($policy, $signature, $pkeyid);

// free the key from memory


return $signature;

function url_safe_base64_encode($value) {
$encoded = base64_encode($value);
// replace unsafe characters +, = and / with
// the safe characters -, _ and ~
return str_replace(
array('+', '=', '/'),
array('-', '_', '~'),

Sample: Create Canned Policy

The following sample code constructs a canned policy statement for the signature. For more information
about canned policies, see Creating a Signed URL Using a Canned Policy (p. 160).
The $expires variable is a date/time stamp that must be an integer, not a string.

function get_canned_policy_stream_name($video_path, $private_key_filename, $key_pair_id,

$expires) {
// this policy is well known by CloudFront, but you still need to sign it,
// since it contains your parameters
$canned_policy = '{"Statement":[{"Resource":"' . $video_path . '","Condition":
{"DateLessThan":{"AWS:EpochTime":'. $expires . '}}}]}';

// sign the canned policy

$signature = rsa_sha1_sign($canned_policy, $private_key_filename);
// make the signature safe to be included in a url
$encoded_signature = url_safe_base64_encode($signature);

// combine the above into a stream name

$stream_name = create_stream_name($video_path, null, $encoded_signature, $key_pair_id,
// url-encode the query string characters to work around a flash player bug
return encode_query_params($stream_name);

Sample: Create a Custom Policy

The following sample code constructs a custom policy statement for the signature. For more information
about custom policies, see Creating a Signed URL Using a Custom Policy (p. 166).

function get_custom_policy_stream_name($video_path, $private_key_filename, $key_pair_id,

$policy) {
// sign the policy

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Code Examples for Signed URLs

$signature = rsa_sha1_sign($policy, $private_key_filename);

// make the signature safe to be included in a url
$encoded_signature = url_safe_base64_encode($signature);

// combine the above into a stream name

$stream_name = create_stream_name($video_path, $encoded_policy, $encoded_signature,
$key_pair_id, null);
// url-encode the query string characters to work around a flash player bug
return encode_query_params($stream_name);

Full Code Example

The following example code provides a complete demonstration of creating CloudFront signed URLs with
PHP. You can download this full example at


function rsa_sha1_sign($policy, $private_key_filename) {

$signature = "";

// load the private key

$fp = fopen($private_key_filename, "r");
$priv_key = fread($fp, 8192);
$pkeyid = openssl_get_privatekey($priv_key);

// compute signature
openssl_sign($policy, $signature, $pkeyid);

// free the key from memory


return $signature;

function url_safe_base64_encode($value) {
$encoded = base64_encode($value);
// replace unsafe characters +, = and / with the safe characters -, _ and ~
return str_replace(
array('+', '=', '/'),
array('-', '_', '~'),

function create_stream_name($stream, $policy, $signature, $key_pair_id, $expires) {

$result = $stream;
// if the stream already contains query parameters, attach the new query parameters to
the end
// otherwise, add the query parameters
$separator = strpos($stream, '?') == FALSE ? '?' : '&';
// the presence of an expires time means we're using a canned policy
if($expires) {
$result .= $path . $separator . "Expires=" . $expires . "&Signature=" .
$signature . "&Key-Pair-Id=" . $key_pair_id;
// not using a canned policy, include the policy itself in the stream name
else {
$result .= $path . $separator . "Policy=" . $policy . "&Signature=" . $signature .
"&Key-Pair-Id=" . $key_pair_id;

// new lines would break us, so remove them

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Code Examples for Signed URLs

return str_replace('\n', '', $result);


function encode_query_params($stream_name) {
// Adobe Flash Player has trouble with query parameters being passed into it,
// so replace the bad characters with their URL-encoded forms
return str_replace(
array('?', '=', '&'),
array('%3F', '%3D', '%26'),

function get_canned_policy_stream_name($video_path, $private_key_filename, $key_pair_id,

$expires) {
// this policy is well known by CloudFront, but you still need to sign it, since it
contains your parameters
$canned_policy = '{"Statement":[{"Resource":"' . $video_path . '","Condition":
{"DateLessThan":{"AWS:EpochTime":'. $expires . '}}}]}';
// the policy contains characters that cannot be part of a URL, so we base64 encode it
$encoded_policy = url_safe_base64_encode($canned_policy);
// sign the original policy, not the encoded version
$signature = rsa_sha1_sign($canned_policy, $private_key_filename);
// make the signature safe to be included in a URL
$encoded_signature = url_safe_base64_encode($signature);

// combine the above into a stream name

$stream_name = create_stream_name($video_path, null, $encoded_signature, $key_pair_id,
// URL-encode the query string characters to support Flash Player
return encode_query_params($stream_name);

function get_custom_policy_stream_name($video_path, $private_key_filename, $key_pair_id,

$policy) {
// the policy contains characters that cannot be part of a URL, so we base64 encode it
$encoded_policy = url_safe_base64_encode($policy);
// sign the original policy, not the encoded version
$signature = rsa_sha1_sign($policy, $private_key_filename);
// make the signature safe to be included in a URL
$encoded_signature = url_safe_base64_encode($signature);

// combine the above into a stream name

$stream_name = create_stream_name($video_path, $encoded_policy, $encoded_signature,
$key_pair_id, null);
// URL-encode the query string characters to support Flash Player
return encode_query_params($stream_name);

// Path to your private key. Be very careful that this file is not accessible
// from the web!

$private_key_filename = '/home/test/secure/example-priv-key.pem';
$key_pair_id = 'AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE';

$video_path = 'example.mp4';

$expires = time() + 300; // 5 min from now

$canned_policy_stream_name = get_canned_policy_stream_name($video_path,
$private_key_filename, $key_pair_id, $expires);

$client_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$policy =

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Code Examples for Signed URLs

'"Resource":"'. $video_path . '",'.

'"IpAddress":{"AWS:SourceIp":"' . $client_ip . '/32"},'.
'"DateLessThan":{"AWS:EpochTime":' . $expires . '}'.
']' .
$custom_policy_stream_name = get_custom_policy_stream_name($video_path,
$private_key_filename, $key_pair_id, $policy);



<script type='text/javascript' src=''></

<h1>Amazon CloudFront</h1>
<h2>Canned Policy</h2>
<h3>Expires at <?= gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s T', $expires) ?></h3>
<br />

<div id='canned'>The canned policy video will be here</div>

<h2>Canned Policy</h2>
<h3>Expires at <?= gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s T', $expires) ?> only viewable by IP <?=
$client_ip ?></h3>
<div id='custom'>The custom policy video will be here</div>

<!-- ************** Have to update the player.swf path to a real JWPlayer instance.
The fake one means that external people cannot watch the video right now -->
<script type='text/javascript'>
var so_canned = new SWFObject('
so_canned.addVariable('file','<?= $canned_policy_stream_name ?>');

var so_custom = new SWFObject('

so_custom.addVariable('file','<?= $custom_policy_stream_name ?>');


See also:

• Create a URL Signature Using Perl (p. 190)

• Create a URL Signature Using C# and the .NET Framework (p. 203)
• Create a URL Signature Using Java (p. 208)

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Code Examples for Signed URLs

Create a URL Signature Using C# and the .NET Framework

The C# examples in this section implement an example application that demonstrates how to create
the signatures for CloudFront private distributions using canned and custom policy statements. The
examples includes utility functions based on the AWS .NET SDK that can be useful in .NET applications.

You can also create signed URLs and signed cookies by using the AWS SDK for .NET. In the AWS SDK
for .NET API Reference, see the following topics:

• Signed URLs – Amazon.CloudFront > AmazonCloudFrontUrlSigner

• Signed cookies – Amazon.CloudFront > AmazonCloudFrontCookieSigner

Creating a URL signature is just one part of the process of serving private content using a signed
URL. For more information about the entire process, see Using Signed URLs (p. 157).

To download the code, go to Signature Code in C#.

To use the RSA keys provided by AWS Account/Security in the .NET framework, you must convert the
AWS-supplied .pem files to the XML format that the .NET framework uses.

After conversion, the RSA private key file is in the following format:

Example RSA Private Key in the XML .NET Framework Format


The following C# code creates a signed URL that uses a canned policy by doing the following:

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Code Examples for Signed URLs

• Creates a policy statement.

• Hashes the policy statement using SHA1, and signs the result using RSA and the private key for your
AWS account or for a trusted AWS account that you specify.
• Base64-encodes the hashed and signed policy statement and replaces special characters to make the
string safe to use as a URL request parameter.
• Concatenates the values.

For the complete implementation, see the example at Signature Code in C#.

Example Canned Policy Signing Method in C#

public static string ToUrlSafeBase64String(byte[] bytes)

return System.Convert.ToBase64String(bytes)
.Replace('+', '-')
.Replace('=', '_')
.Replace('/', '~');

public static string CreateCannedPrivateURL(string urlString,

string durationUnits, string durationNumber, string pathToPolicyStmnt,
string pathToPrivateKey, string privateKeyId)
// args[] 0-thisMethod, 1-resourceUrl, 2-seconds-minutes-hours-days
// to expiration, 3-numberOfPreviousUnits, 4-pathToPolicyStmnt,
// 5-pathToPrivateKey, 6-PrivateKeyId

TimeSpan timeSpanInterval = GetDuration(durationUnits, durationNumber);

// Create the policy statement.

string strPolicy = CreatePolicyStatement(pathToPolicyStmnt,
if ("Error!" == strPolicy) return "Invalid time frame." +
"Start time cannot be greater than end time.";

// Copy the expiration time defined by policy statement.

string strExpiration = CopyExpirationTimeFromPolicy(strPolicy);

// Read the policy into a byte buffer.

byte[] bufferPolicy = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(strPolicy);

// Initialize the SHA1CryptoServiceProvider object and hash the policy data.

using (SHA1CryptoServiceProvider
cryptoSHA1 = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider())
bufferPolicy = cryptoSHA1.ComputeHash(bufferPolicy);

// Initialize the RSACryptoServiceProvider object.

RSACryptoServiceProvider providerRSA = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();
XmlDocument xmlPrivateKey = new XmlDocument();

// Load PrivateKey.xml, which you created by converting your

// .pem file to the XML format that the .NET framework uses.
// Several tools are available.

// Format the RSACryptoServiceProvider providerRSA and

// create the signature.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Code Examples for Signed URLs

RSAPKCS1SignatureFormatter rsaFormatter =
new RSAPKCS1SignatureFormatter(providerRSA);
byte[] signedPolicyHash = rsaFormatter.CreateSignature(bufferPolicy);

// Convert the signed policy to URL-safe base64 encoding and

// replace unsafe characters + = / with the safe characters - _ ~
string strSignedPolicy = ToUrlSafeBase64String(signedPolicyHash);

// Concatenate the URL, the timestamp, the signature,

// and the key pair ID to form the signed URL.
return urlString +
"?Expires=" +
strExpiration +
"&Signature=" +
strSignedPolicy +
"&Key-Pair-Id=" +

The following C# code creates a signed URL that uses a custom policy by doing the following:

1. Creates a policy statement.

2. Base64-encodes the policy statement and replaces special characters to make the string safe to use as
a URL request parameter.
3. Hashes the policy statement using SHA1, and encrypts the result using RSA and the private key for
your AWS account or for a trusted AWS account that you specify.
4. Base64-encodes the hashed policy statement and replacing special characters to make the string safe
to use as a URL request parameter.
5. Concatenates the values.

For the complete implementation, see the example at Signature Code in C#.

Example Custom Policy Signing Method in C#

public static string ToUrlSafeBase64String(byte[] bytes)

return System.Convert.ToBase64String(bytes)
.Replace('+', '-')
.Replace('=', '_')
.Replace('/', '~');

public static string CreateCustomPrivateURL(string urlString,

string durationUnits, string durationNumber, string startIntervalFromNow,
string ipaddress, string pathToPolicyStmnt, string pathToPrivateKey,
string PrivateKeyId)
// args[] 0-thisMethod, 1-resourceUrl, 2-seconds-minutes-hours-days
// to expiration, 3-numberOfPreviousUnits, 4-starttimeFromNow,
// 5-ip_address, 6-pathToPolicyStmt, 7-pathToPrivateKey, 8-privateKeyId

TimeSpan timeSpanInterval = GetDuration(durationUnits, durationNumber);

TimeSpan timeSpanToStart = GetDurationByUnits(durationUnits,
if (null == timeSpanToStart)
return "Invalid duration units." +
"Valid options: seconds, minutes, hours, or days";

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Code Examples for Signed URLs

string strPolicy = CreatePolicyStatement(

pathToPolicyStmnt, urlString, DateTime.Now.Add(timeSpanToStart),
DateTime.Now.Add(timeSpanInterval), ipaddress);

// Read the policy into a byte buffer.

byte[] bufferPolicy = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(strPolicy);

// Convert the policy statement to URL-safe base64 encoding and

// replace unsafe characters + = / with the safe characters - _ ~

string urlSafePolicy = ToUrlSafeBase64String(bufferPolicy);

// Initialize the SHA1CryptoServiceProvider object and hash the policy data.

byte[] bufferPolicyHash;
using (SHA1CryptoServiceProvider cryptoSHA1 =
new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider())
bufferPolicyHash = cryptoSHA1.ComputeHash(bufferPolicy);

// Initialize the RSACryptoServiceProvider object.

RSACryptoServiceProvider providerRSA = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();
XmlDocument xmlPrivateKey = new XmlDocument();

// Load PrivateKey.xml, which you created by converting your

// .pem file to the XML format that the .NET framework uses.
// Several tools are available.

// Format the RSACryptoServiceProvider providerRSA

// and create the signature.
RSAPKCS1SignatureFormatter RSAFormatter =
new RSAPKCS1SignatureFormatter(providerRSA);
byte[] signedHash = RSAFormatter.CreateSignature(bufferPolicyHash);

// Convert the signed policy to URL-safe base64 encoding and

// replace unsafe characters + = / with the safe characters - _ ~
string strSignedPolicy = ToUrlSafeBase64String(signedHash);

return urlString +
"?Policy=" +
urlSafePolicy +
"&Signature=" +
strSignedPolicy +
"&Key-Pair-Id=" +

Example Utility Methods for Signature Generation

The following methods get the policy statement from a file and parse time intervals for signature

public static string CreatePolicyStatement(string policyStmnt,

string resourceUrl,
DateTime startTime,
DateTime endTime,
string ipAddress)

// Create the policy statement.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Code Examples for Signed URLs

FileStream streamPolicy = new FileStream(policyStmnt, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);

using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(streamPolicy))
string strPolicy = reader.ReadToEnd();

TimeSpan startTimeSpanFromNow = (startTime - DateTime.Now);

TimeSpan endTimeSpanFromNow = (endTime - DateTime.Now);
TimeSpan intervalStart =
(DateTime.UtcNow.Add(startTimeSpanFromNow)) -
new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
TimeSpan intervalEnd =
(DateTime.UtcNow.Add(endTimeSpanFromNow)) -
new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);

int startTimestamp = (int)intervalStart.TotalSeconds; // START_TIME

int endTimestamp = (int)intervalEnd.TotalSeconds; // END_TIME

if (startTimestamp > endTimestamp)

return "Error!";

// Replace variables in the policy statement.

strPolicy = strPolicy.Replace("RESOURCE", resourceUrl);
strPolicy = strPolicy.Replace("START_TIME", startTimestamp.ToString());
strPolicy = strPolicy.Replace("END_TIME", endTimestamp.ToString());
strPolicy = strPolicy.Replace("IP_ADDRESS", ipAddress);
strPolicy = strPolicy.Replace("EXPIRES", endTimestamp.ToString());
return strPolicy;

public static TimeSpan GetDuration(string units, string numUnits)

TimeSpan timeSpanInterval = new TimeSpan();
switch (units)
case "seconds":
timeSpanInterval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, int.Parse(numUnits));
case "minutes":
timeSpanInterval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, int.Parse(numUnits), 0);
case "hours":
timeSpanInterval = new TimeSpan(0, int.Parse(numUnits), 0 ,0);
case "days":
timeSpanInterval = new TimeSpan(int.Parse(numUnits),0 ,0 ,0);
Console.WriteLine("Invalid time units;" +
"use seconds, minutes, hours, or days");
return timeSpanInterval;

private static TimeSpan GetDurationByUnits(string durationUnits,

string startIntervalFromNow)
switch (durationUnits)
case "seconds":
return new TimeSpan(0, 0, int.Parse(startIntervalFromNow));
case "minutes":
return new TimeSpan(0, int.Parse(startIntervalFromNow), 0);
case "hours":
return new TimeSpan(int.Parse(startIntervalFromNow), 0, 0);

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Code Examples for Signed URLs

case "days":
return new TimeSpan(int.Parse(startIntervalFromNow), 0, 0, 0);
return new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0);

public static string CopyExpirationTimeFromPolicy(string policyStatement)

int startExpiration = policyStatement.IndexOf("EpochTime");
string strExpirationRough = policyStatement.Substring(startExpiration +
char[] digits = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' };

List<char> listDigits = new List<char>(digits);

StringBuilder buildExpiration = new StringBuilder(20);

foreach (char c in strExpirationRough)

if (listDigits.Contains(c))
return buildExpiration.ToString();

See also

• Create a URL Signature Using Perl (p. 190)

• Create a URL Signature Using PHP (p. 198)
• Create a URL Signature Using Java (p. 208)

Create a URL Signature Using Java

In addition to the following code example, you can use the CloudFrontUrlSigner utility class in the
AWS SDK for Java (version 1) to create CloudFront signed URLs (p. 157).
Creating a signed URL is just one part of the process of serving private content with
CloudFront (p. 145). For more information about the entire process, see Using Signed
URLs (p. 157).

The following example shows how to create a CloudFront signed URL. You must convert the private key
from PEM to DER format for Java implementations to use it.

Example Java Policy and Signature Encryption Methods

// Signed URLs for a private distribution

// Note that Java only supports SSL certificates in DER format,
// so you will need to convert your PEM-formatted file to DER format.
// To do this, you can use openssl:
// openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -in origin.pem -inform PEM -out new.der
// -outform DER
// So the encoder works correctly, you should also add the bouncy castle jar
// to your project and then add the provider.

Security.addProvider(new org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider());

String distributionDomain = "";

String privateKeyFilePath = "/path/to/rsa-private-key.der";
String s3ObjectKey = "s3/object/key.txt";

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Restricting Access to Amazon S3 Content

String policyResourcePath = "https://" + distributionDomain + "/" + s3ObjectKey;

// Convert your DER file into a byte array.

byte[] derPrivateKey = ServiceUtils.readInputStreamToBytes(new


// Generate a "canned" signed URL to allow access to a

// specific distribution and file

String signedUrlCanned = CloudFrontService.signUrlCanned(

"https://" + distributionDomain + "/" + s3ObjectKey, // Resource URL or Path
keyPairId, // Certificate identifier,
// an active trusted signer for the distribution
derPrivateKey, // DER Private key data
ServiceUtils.parseIso8601Date("2011-11-14T22:20:00.000Z") // DateLessThan

// Build a policy document to define custom restrictions for a signed URL.

String policy = CloudFrontService.buildPolicyForSignedUrl(

// Resource path (optional, can include '*' and '?' wildcards)
// DateLessThan
// CIDR IP address restriction (optional, means everyone)
// DateGreaterThan (optional)

// Generate a signed URL using a custom policy document.

String signedUrl = CloudFrontService.signUrl(

// Resource URL or Path
"https://" + distributionDomain + "/" + s3ObjectKey,
// Certificate identifier, an active trusted signer for the distribution
// DER Private key data
// Access control policy

See also:

• Create a URL Signature Using Perl (p. 190)

• Create a URL Signature Using PHP (p. 198)
• Create a URL Signature Using C# and the .NET Framework (p. 203)

Restricting Access to Amazon S3 Content by Using

an Origin Access Identity
To restrict access to content that you serve from Amazon S3 buckets, follow these steps:

1. Create a special CloudFront user called an origin access identity (OAI) and associate it with your

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Overview of OAI Setup

2. Configure your S3 bucket permissions so that CloudFront can use the OAI to access the files in your
bucket and serve them to your users. Make sure that users can’t use a direct URL to the S3 bucket to
access a file there.

After you take these steps, users can only access your files through CloudFront, not directly from the S3

In general, if you’re using an Amazon S3 bucket as the origin for a CloudFront distribution, you can either
allow everyone to have access to the files there, or you can restrict access. If you restrict access by using,
for example, CloudFront signed URLs or signed cookies, you also won’t want people to be able to view
files by simply using the direct Amazon S3 URL for the file. Instead, you want them to only access the
files by using the CloudFront URL, so your protections work. For more information about using signed
URLs and signed cookies, see Serving Private Content with Signed URLs and Signed Cookies (p. 145).

This topic explains in detail how to set up the OAI and grant permissions to maintain secure access to
your S3 files.
If you use an Amazon S3 bucket configured as a website endpoint, you must set it up with
CloudFront as a custom origin. You can’t use the origin access identity feature described in
this topic. However, you can restrict access to content on a custom origin by setting up custom
headers and configuring your origin to require them. For more information, see Restricting
Access to Files on Custom Origins (p. 148).

• Overview of OAI Setup (p. 210)
• Creating a CloudFront OAI and Adding it to Your Distribution (p. 211)
• Granting the OAI Permission to Read Files in Your Amazon S3 Bucket (p. 212)
• Using an OAI in Amazon S3 Regions that Support Only Signature Version 4 Authentication (p. 215)

Overview of OAI Setup

When you first set up an Amazon S3 bucket as the origin for a CloudFront distribution, you grant
everyone permission to read the files in your bucket. This allows anyone to access your files either
through CloudFront or using the Amazon S3 URL. CloudFront doesn't expose Amazon S3 URLs, but your
users might have those URLs if your application serves any files directly from Amazon S3 or if anyone
gives out direct links to specific files in Amazon S3.

If you use CloudFront signed URLs or signed cookies to restrict access to files in your Amazon S3 bucket,
you probably also want to prevent users from accessing your Amazon S3 files by using Amazon S3 URLs.
If users access your files directly in Amazon S3, they bypass the controls provided by CloudFront signed
URLs or signed cookies. This includes control over the date and time that a user can no longer access
your content, and control over which IP addresses can be used to access content. In addition, if users
access files both through CloudFront and directly by using Amazon S3 URLs, CloudFront access logs are
less useful because they're incomplete.

To ensure that your users access your files using only CloudFront URLs, regardless of whether the URLs
are signed, do the following:

1. Create an origin access identity, which is a special CloudFront user, and associate the origin access
identity with your distribution. You associate the origin access identity with origins, so that you can
secure all or just some of your Amazon S3 content. You can also create an origin access identity and
add it to your distribution when you create the distribution. For more information, see Creating a
CloudFront OAI and Adding it to Your Distribution (p. 211).
2. Change the permissions either on your Amazon S3 bucket or on the files in your bucket so that only
the origin access identity has read permission (or read and download permission). When your users

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Creating a CloudFront OAI and
Adding it to Your Distribution

access your Amazon S3 files through CloudFront, the CloudFront origin access identity gets the
files on behalf of your users. If your users request files directly by using Amazon S3 URLs, they're
denied access. The origin access identity has permission to access files in your Amazon S3 bucket,
but users don't. For more information, see Granting the OAI Permission to Read Files in Your Amazon
S3 Bucket (p. 212).

Creating a CloudFront OAI and Adding it to Your

An AWS account can have up to 100 CloudFront origin access identities (OAIs) (p. 497). However, you
can add an OAI to as many distributions as you want, so one OAI is usually sufficient.

If you didn’t create an OAI and add it to your distribution when you created the distribution, you can
create and add one now by using either the CloudFront console or the CloudFront API:

• To use the CloudFront console – You can create an OAI and add it to your distribution at the same
time. For step-by-step instructions, see Creating an OAI and Adding it to Your Distribution (p. 211).
• To use the CloudFront API – You create an OAI, and then you add it to your distribution. For step-by-
step instructions, see the following:
• Creating an OAI Using the CloudFront API (p. 212)
• Adding an OAI to Your Distribution Using the CloudFront API (p. 212)

To create OAIs, you must use the CloudFront console, or CloudFront API version 2009-09-09 or

Creating an OAI and Adding it to Your Distribution

If you didn’t create an OAI when you created your distribution, do the following.

To create a CloudFront OAI using the CloudFront console

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CloudFront console at https://
2. Choose the ID of a distribution that has an S3 origin.
3. Choose the Origins and Origin Groups tab.
4. Choose the check box next to an origin, and then choose Edit.
5. For Restrict Bucket Access, choose Yes.
6. If you already have an OAI that you want to use, choose Use an Existing Identity. Then choose the
OAI in the Your Identities list.
If you already have an OAI, we recommend that you reuse it to simplify maintenance.

If you want to create an OAI, choose Create a New Identity. You can replace the bucket name in the
Comment field with a custom description.
7. If you want CloudFront to automatically give the OAI permission to read the files in the Amazon S3
bucket specified in Origin Domain Name, choose Yes, Update Bucket Policy.
If you choose Yes, Update Bucket Policy, CloudFront updates bucket permissions to grant
the specified OAI permission to read files in your bucket. However, CloudFront does not

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Granting the OAI Permission to Read
Files in Your Amazon S3 Bucket

remove existing permissions. If users currently have permission to access the files in your
bucket using Amazon S3 URLs, they will still have that permission after CloudFront updates
your bucket permissions. To view or remove existing bucket permissions, use a method
provided by Amazon S3.

If you want to manually update permissions on your Amazon S3 bucket, choose No, I Will Update
Permissions. For more information, see Granting the OAI Permission to Read Files in Your Amazon
S3 Bucket (p. 212).
8. Choose Yes, Edit.
9. If you have more than one origin, repeat the steps to add an OAI for each one.

Creating an OAI Using the CloudFront API

If you already have an origin access identity and you want to reuse it instead of creating another one,
skip to Adding an OAI to Your Distribution Using the CloudFront API (p. 212).

To create a CloudFront OAI using the CloudFront API, use the POST Origin Access Identity API
action. The response includes an Id and an S3CanonicalUserId for the new OAI. Make note of these
values because you use them later in the process:

• Id element – You use the value of the Id element to associate the OAI with your distribution.
• S3CanonicalUserId element – You use the value of the S3CanonicalUserId element when you use
Amazon S3 object ACLs to give the OAI access to your Amazon S3 objects.

For more information, see CreateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity in the Amazon CloudFront API


Adding an OAI to Your Distribution Using the CloudFront API

You can use the CloudFront API to add a CloudFront OAI to an existing distribution or to create a new
distribution that includes an OAI. In either case, include an OriginAccessIdentity element. This
element contains the value of the Id element that the POST Origin Access Identity API action
returned when you created the OAI. You can add the OriginAccessIdentity element to one or more

See the following topics in the Amazon CloudFront API Reference:

• Create a new web distribution – CreateDistribution

• Update an existing web distribution – UpdateDistribution

Granting the OAI Permission to Read Files in Your

Amazon S3 Bucket
When you create or update a distribution, you can add an origin access identity (OAI) and automatically
update the Amazon S3 bucket policy to give the OAI permission to access your bucket. Alternatively,
you can choose to manually create or update the bucket policy, or use object ACLs that control access to
individual files in the bucket.

Whichever method you use, you should still review the permissions to make sure that:

• Your CloudFront OAI can access files in the bucket on behalf of viewers who are requesting them
through CloudFront.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Granting the OAI Permission to Read
Files in Your Amazon S3 Bucket

• Viewers can’t use Amazon S3 URLs to access your files outside of CloudFront.

If you configure CloudFront to accept and forward all of the HTTP methods that CloudFront
supports, make sure you give your CloudFront OAI the desired permissions. For example, if you
configure CloudFront to accept and forward requests that use the DELETE method, configure
your bucket policy or object ACLs to handle DELETE requests appropriately so viewers can
delete only files that you want them to.

Note the following:

• You might find it easier to use Amazon S3 bucket policies than object ACLs because you can add
files to the bucket without updating permissions. However, ACLs give you more fine-grained control
because you’re granting permissions on each individual file.
• By default, your Amazon S3 bucket and all of the files in it are private. Only the AWS account that
created the bucket has permission to read or write the files in it.
• If another AWS account uploads files to your bucket, that account is the owner of those files. Bucket
policies only apply to files that the bucket owner owns. This means that if another account uploads
files to your bucket, the bucket policy that you created for your OAI not evaluated for those files. In
that case, use object ACLs to give permissions to your OAI.
• If you’re adding an OAI to an existing distribution, modify the bucket policy or any object ACLs as
appropriate to ensure that the files are not publicly available outside of CloudFront.
• Grant additional permissions to one or more secure administrator accounts so you can continue to
update the contents of the Amazon S3 bucket.

There might be a brief delay between when you save your changes to Amazon S3 permissions
and when the changes take effect. Until the changes take effect, you might get “permission
denied” errors when you try to access files in your bucket.

Using Amazon S3 Bucket Policies

You can give a CloudFront OAI access to files in an Amazon S3 bucket by creating or updating the bucket
policy in the following ways:

• Using the Amazon S3 bucket’s Permissions tab in the Amazon S3 console.

• Using PutBucketPolicy in the Amazon S3 API.
• Using the CloudFront console. When you add an OAI to your origin settings in the CloudFront console,
you can choose Yes, Update Bucket Policy to tell CloudFront to update the bucket policy on your

If you update the bucket policy manually, make sure that you:

• Specify the correct OAI as the Principal in the policy.

• Give the OAI the permissions it needs to access objects on behalf of viewers.

For more information, see the following sections.

Specify an OAI as the Principal

To specify an OAI as the Principal in an Amazon S3 bucket policy, use the OAI’s Amazon Resource
Name (ARN), which includes the OAI’s ID. For example:

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Granting the OAI Permission to Read
Files in Your Amazon S3 Bucket

"Principal": {
"AWS": "arn:aws:iam::cloudfront:user/CloudFront Origin Access Identity EH1HDMB1FH2TC"

To use the preceding example, replace EH1HDMB1FH2TC with the OAI’s ID. To find the OAI’s ID, see the
Origin Access Identity page in the CloudFront console, or use ListCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentities in the
CloudFront API.

You can also specify an OAI as the Principal by using its Amazon S3 canonical ID. For example:

"Principal": {
"CanonicalUser": "79a59df900b949e55d96a1e698fbacedfd6e09d98eacf8f8d5218e7cd47ef2be"

To use the preceding example, replace

79a59df900b949e55d96a1e698fbacedfd6e09d98eacf8f8d5218e7cd47ef2be with the OAI’s
canonical ID. You can find the OAI’s canonical ID in the same ways that you find its ID.
One advantage of using the OAI’s ARN to specify it as the Principal is that it’s easier to
understand who the bucket policy is granting access to. Amazon S3 canonical IDs can refer to
different kinds of AWS identities, not just CloudFront OAIs, and it can be difficult to determine
which identity a canonical ID refers to. Using the OAI’s ARN can make it easier to understand the
bucket policy.
Also, when you use the OAI’s canonical ID in a bucket policy, AWS replaces the canonical ID with
the OAI’s ARN. When you write a policy that specifies an OAI’s canonical ID and then later view
the same policy, you’ll see that the canonical ID has been replaced by the corresponding ARN.
For this reason, it might make sense to just write the policy using the OAI’s ARN.

Give Permissions to an OAI

To give the OAI the permissions to access objects in your Amazon S3 bucket, use keywords in the policy
that relate to specific Amazon S3 API operations. For example, the s3:GetObject permission allows the
OAI to read objects in the bucket. For more information, see the examples in the following section, or see
Specifying Permissions in a Policy in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide.

Amazon S3 Bucket Policy Examples

The following examples show Amazon S3 bucket policies that grant access to a CloudFront OAI. To use
these examples:

• Replace EH1HDMB1FH2TC with the OAI’s ID. To find the OAI’s ID, see the Origin Access Identity page in
the CloudFront console, or use ListCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentities in the CloudFront API.
• Replace awsexamplebucket with the name of your Amazon S3 bucket.

Example Amazon S3 bucket policy that gives the OAI read access
The following example allows the OAI to read objects in the specified bucket (s3:GetObject).

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Id": "PolicyForCloudFrontPrivateContent",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "arn:aws:iam::cloudfront:user/CloudFront Origin Access
Identity EH1HDMB1FH2TC"

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using an OAI in Amazon S3 Regions that
Support Only Signature Version 4 Authentication

"Action": "s3:GetObject",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::awsexamplebucket/*"

Example Amazon S3 bucket policy that gives the OAI read and write access

The following example allows the OAI to read and write objects in the specified bucket (s3:GetObject
and s3:PutObject). This allows viewers to upload files to your Amazon S3 bucket through CloudFront.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Id": "PolicyForCloudFrontPrivateContent",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "arn:aws:iam::cloudfront:user/CloudFront Origin Access
Identity EH1HDMB1FH2TC"
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::aws-example-bucket/*"

Updating Amazon S3 Object ACLs

You can give a CloudFront OAI access to files in an Amazon S3 bucket by creating or updating the file’s
ACL in the following ways:

• Using the Amazon S3 object’s Permissions tab in the Amazon S3 console.

• Using PutObjectAcl in the Amazon S3 API.

When you grant access to an OAI using an ACL, you must specify the OAI using its Amazon S3 canonical
user ID. This is the value of Amazon S3 Canonical User ID on the Origin Access Identity page in the
CloudFront console. If you’re using the CloudFront API, use the value of the S3CanonicalUserId
element that was returned when you created the OAI, or call ListCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentities in the
CloudFront API.

For more information about Amazon S3 object ACLs, see Managing Access with ACLs in the Amazon
Simple Storage Service Developer Guide.

Using an OAI in Amazon S3 Regions that Support

Only Signature Version 4 Authentication
Newer Amazon S3 Regions require that you use Signature Version 4 for authenticated requests. (For
the versions of signature supported in each Amazon S3 Region, see Amazon Simple Storage Service
(S3) in the topic Regions and Endpoints in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.) However, when
you create an origin access identity and add it to a CloudFront distribution, CloudFront typically uses
Signature Version 4 for authentication when it requests files in your Amazon S3 bucket. If you're using

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using AWS WAF to Control Access to Your Content

an origin access identity and if your bucket is in one of the Regions that requires Signature Version 4 for
authentication, note the following:

• DELETE, GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, and PATCH requests are supported without qualifications.
• If you want to submit PUT requests to CloudFront to upload files to your Amazon S3 bucket, you must
add an x-amz-content-sha256 header to the request.The header value must contain an SHA256
hash of the body of the request. For more information, see the documentation about the x-amz-
content-sha256 header on the Common Request Headers page in the Amazon Simple Storage
Service API Reference.
• POST requests are not supported.

Using AWS WAF to Control Access to Your Content

AWS WAF is a web application firewall that lets you monitor the HTTP and HTTPS requests that are
forwarded to CloudFront, and lets you control access to your content. Based on conditions that you
specify, such as the values of query strings or the IP addresses that requests originate from, CloudFront
responds to requests either with the requested content or with an HTTP status code 403 (Forbidden).
You can also configure CloudFront to return a custom error page when a request is blocked. For more
information about AWS WAF, see the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

After you create an AWS WAF web access control list (web ACL), create or update a web distribution
to associate the distribution with the web ACL. You can associate as many CloudFront distributions as
you want with the same web ACL or with different web ACLs. For information about creating a web
distribution and associating it with a web ACL, see Creating a Distribution (p. 37).

To associate or disassociate a web ACL and an existing distribution, or change the web ACL that is
associated with a distribution, perform the following procedure.

To associate or disassociate an AWS WAF web ACL and an existing CloudFront distribution by
using the CloudFront console

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CloudFront console at https://
2. Choose the ID for the distribution that you want to update.
3. On the General tab, choose Edit.
4. On the Distribution Settings page, in the AWS WAF Web ACL list, choose the web ACL that you
want to associate with this distribution.

If you want to disassociate the distribution from all web ACLs, choose None. If you want to associate
the distribution with a different web ACL, choose the new web ACL.
5. Choose Yes, Edit.
6. Repeat steps 2 through 5 for other distributions, if any, for which you want to add, delete, or change
associations with AWS WAF web ACLs.
7. After you change settings, the value of the Status column for the distributions that you updated
changes to InProgress while CloudFront propagates the changes to edge locations. When Status
changes to Deployed for a distribution, the distribution is ready to use AWS WAF when it processes
requests. (The value of the State column for the distribution must also be Enabled.) This should take
less than 15 minutes after you save the last change to a distribution.

AWS Firewall Manager is a security management service that makes it easier to centrally
configure and manage AWS WAF rules across your accounts and applications. Using Firewall
Manager, you can roll out AWS WAF rules to your CloudFront distributions across accounts in
AWS Organizations. For more information, see the AWS Firewall Manager Developer Guide.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Geo-Restricting Content

Restricting the Geographic Distribution of Your

You can use geo restriction, also known as geo blocking, to prevent users in specific geographic locations
from accessing content that you're distributing through a CloudFront web distribution. To use geo
restriction, you have two options:

• Use the CloudFront geo restriction feature. Use this option to restrict access to all of the files that are
associated with a distribution and to restrict access at the country level.
• Use a third-party geolocation service. Use this option to restrict access to a subset of the files that are
associated with a distribution or to restrict access at a finer granularity than the country level.

• Using CloudFront Geo Restriction (p. 217)
• Using a Third-Party Geolocation Service (p. 218)

Using CloudFront Geo Restriction

When a user requests your content, CloudFront typically serves the requested content regardless of
where the user is located. If you need to prevent users in specific countries from accessing your content,
you can use the CloudFront geo restriction feature to do one of the following:

• Allow your users to access your content only if they're in one of the countries on a whitelist of
approved countries.
• Prevent your users from accessing your content if they're in one of the countries on a blacklist of
banned countries.

For example, if a request comes from a country where, for copyright reasons, you are not authorized to
distribute your content, you can use CloudFront geo restriction to block the request.
CloudFront determines the location of your users by using a third-party GeoIP database. The
accuracy of the mapping between IP addresses and countries varies by Region. Based on recent
tests, the overall accuracy is 99.8%. If CloudFront can't determine a user's location, CloudFront
serves the content that the user has requested.

Here's how geo restriction works:

1. Suppose you have rights to distribute your content only in Liechtenstein. You update your CloudFront
web distribution and add a whitelist that contains only Liechtenstein. (Alternatively, you could add a
blacklist that contains every country except Liechtenstein.)
2. A user in Monaco requests your content, and DNS routes the request to the CloudFront edge location
in Milan, Italy.
3. The edge location in Milan looks up your distribution and determines that the user in Monaco is not
allowed to download your content.
4. CloudFront returns an HTTP status code 403 (Forbidden) to the user.

You can optionally configure CloudFront to return a custom error message to the user, and you can
specify how long you want CloudFront to cache the error response for the requested file. The default
value is 10 seconds. For more information, see Creating a Custom Error Page for Specific HTTP Status
Codes (p. 291).

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using a Third-Party Geolocation Service

Geo restriction applies to an entire web distribution. If you need to apply one restriction to part of your
content and a different restriction (or no restriction) to another part of your content, you must either
create separate CloudFront web distributions or use a third-party geolocation service.

If you enable CloudFront access logging, you can identify the requests that CloudFront rejected by
searching for the log entries for which the value of sc-status (the HTTP status code) is 403. However,
using only the access logs, you can't distinguish a request that CloudFront rejected based on the location
of the user from a request that CloudFront rejected because the user didn't have permission to access the
file for another reason. If you have a third-party geolocation service such as Digital Element or MaxMind,
you can identify the location of requests based on the IP address in the c-ip (client IP) column in the
access logs. For more information about CloudFront access logs, see Configuring and Using Standard
Logs (Access Logs) (p. 439).

The following procedure explains how to use the CloudFront console to add geo restriction to an existing
web distribution. For information about how to use the console to create a web distribution, see Creating
a Distribution (p. 37).

To add geo restriction to your CloudFront web distribution (console)

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CloudFront console at https://
2. Select the distribution that you want to update.
3. In the Distribution Settings pane, choose the Restrictions tab.
4. Choose Edit.
5. Enter the applicable values. For more information, see Restrictions (p. 61).
6. Choose Yes, Edit.

Using a Third-Party Geolocation Service

The CloudFront geo restriction feature lets you control distribution of your content at the country level
for all files that you're distributing with a given web distribution. If you have geographic restrictions
on where your content can be distributed and the restrictions don't follow country boundaries, or if
you want to restrict access to only some of the files that you're distributing through CloudFront, you
can combine CloudFront with a third-party geolocation service. This can allow you to control access to
your content based not only on country but also based on city, zip or postal code, or even latitude and

When you're using a third-party geolocation service, we recommend that you use CloudFront signed
URLs, which let you specify an expiration date and time after which the URL is no longer valid. In
addition, we recommend that you use an Amazon S3 bucket as your origin because you can then use a
CloudFront origin access identity to prevent users from accessing your content directly from the origin.
For more information about signed URLs and origin access identities, see Serving Private Content with
Signed URLs and Signed Cookies (p. 145).

The following steps explain how to control access to your files by using a third-party geolocation service.

To use geographic location to restrict access to files in a CloudFront distribution

1. Get an account with a geolocation service.

2. Upload your content to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) bucket. For more information, see
the Amazon S3 documentation.
3. Configure Amazon CloudFront and Amazon S3 to serve private content. For more information, see
Serving Private Content with Signed URLs and Signed Cookies (p. 145).
4. Write your web application to do the following:

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Field-Level Encryption to Help Protect Sensitive Data

a. Send the IP address for each user request to the geolocation service.
b. Evaluate the return value from the geolocation service to determine whether the user is in a
location to which you want CloudFront to distribute your content.
c. If you want to distribute your content to the user's location, generate a signed URL for your
CloudFront content. If you don't want to distribute content to that location, return HTTP status
code 403 (Forbidden) to the user. Alternatively, you can configure CloudFront to return a
custom error message. For more information, see Creating a Custom Error Page for Specific
HTTP Status Codes (p. 291).

For more information, refer to the documentation for the geolocation service that you're using.

You can use a web server variable to get the IP addresses of the users who are visiting your website. Note
the following caveats:

• If your web server is not connected to the internet through a load balancer, you can use a web server
variable to get the remote IP address. However, this IP address isn't always the user's IP address. It can
also be the IP address of a proxy server, depending on how the user is connected to the internet.
• If your web server is connected to the internet through a load balancer, a web server variable might
contain the IP address of the load balancer, not the IP address of the user. In this configuration, we
recommend that you use the last IP address in the X-Forwarded-For HTTP header. This header
typically contains more than one IP address, most of which are for proxies or load balancers. The last
IP address in the list is the one most likely to be associated with the user's geographic location.

If your web server is not connected to a load balancer, we recommend that you use web server variables
instead of the X-Forwarded-For header to avoid IP address spoofing.

Using Field-Level Encryption to Help Protect

Sensitive Data
With Amazon CloudFront, you can enforce secure end-to-end connections to origin servers by using
HTTPS. Field-level encryption adds an additional layer of security that lets you protect specific data
throughout system processing so that only certain applications can see it.

Field-level encryption allows you to enable your users to securely upload sensitive information to your
web servers. The sensitive information provided by your users is encrypted at the edge, close to the
user, and remains encrypted throughout your entire application stack. This encryption ensures that only
applications that need the data—and have the credentials to decrypt it—are able to do so.

To use field-level encryption, when you configure your CloudFront distribution, specify the set of fields
in POST requests that you want to be encrypted, and the public key to use to encrypt them. You can
encrypt up to 10 data fields in a request. (You can’t encrypt all of the data in a request with field-level
encryption; you must specify individual fields to encrypt.)

When the HTTPS request with field-level encryption is forwarded to the origin, and the request is routed
throughout your origin application or subsystem, the sensitive data is still encrypted, reducing the risk of
a data breach or accidental data loss of the sensitive data. Components that need access to the sensitive
data for business reasons, such as a payment processing system needing access to a credit number, can
use the appropriate private key to decrypt and access the data.
To use field-level encryption, your origin must support chunked encoding.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Field-Level Encryption to Help Protect Sensitive Data

CloudFront field-level encryption uses asymmetric encryption, also known as public key encryption. You
provide a public key to CloudFront, and all sensitive data that you specify is encrypted automatically. The
key you provide to CloudFront cannot be used to decrypt the encrypted values; only your private key can
do that.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Overview of Field-Level Encryption

• Overview of Field-Level Encryption (p. 221)
• Setting Up Field-Level Encryption (p. 222)
• Decrypting Data Fields at Your Origin (p. 225)

Overview of Field-Level Encryption

The following steps provide an overview of setting up field-level encryption. For specific steps, see
Setting Up Field-Level Encryption (p. 222).

1. Get a public key-private key pair. You must obtain and add the public key before you start setting
up field-level encryption in CloudFront.
2. Create a field-level encryption profile. Field-level encryption profiles, which you create in
CloudFront, define the fields that you want to be encrypted.
3. Create a field-level encryption configuration. A configuration specifies the profiles to use, based on
the content type of the request or a query argument, for encrypting specific data fields. You can also
choose the request-forwarding behavior options that you want for different scenarios.For example,
you can set the behavior for when the profile name specified by the query argument in a request
URL doesn’t exist in CloudFront.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Setting Up Field-Level Encryption

4. Link to a cache behavior. Link the configuration to a cache behavior for a distribution, to specify
when CloudFront should encrypt data.

Setting Up Field-Level Encryption

Follow these steps to get started using field-level encryption. To learn about quotas (formerly known as
limits) on field-level encryption, see Quotas (p. 496).

• Step 1: Create an RSA Key Pair (p. 222)

• Step 2: Add Your Public Key to CloudFront (p. 222)
• Step 3: Create a Profile for Field-Level Encryption (p. 223)
• Step 4: Create a Configuration (p. 223)
• Step 5: Add a Configuration to a Cache Behavior (p. 225)

Step 1: Create an RSA Key Pair

To get started, you must create an RSA key pair that includes a public key and a private key. The public
key enables CloudFront to encrypt data, and the private key enables components at your origin to
decrypt the fields that have been encrypted. You can use OpenSSL or another tool to create a key pair.
The key size must be 2048 bits.

For example, if you’re using OpenSSL, you can use the following command to generate a key pair with a
length of 2048 bits and save it in the file private_key.pem:

openssl genrsa -out private_key.pem 2048

The resulting file contains both the public and the private key. To extract the public key from that file,
run the following command:

openssl rsa -pubout -in private_key.pem -out public_key.pem

The public key file (public_key.pem) contains the encoded key value that you paste in the following

Step 2: Add Your Public Key to CloudFront

After you get your RSA key pair, add your public key to CloudFront.

To add your public key to CloudFront (console)

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CloudFront console at https://
2. In the navigation pane, choose Public key.
3. Choose Add public key.
4. For Key name, type a unique name for the key. The name can't have spaces and can include only
alphanumeric characters, underscores (_), and hyphens (-). The maximum number of characters is
5. For Key value, paste the encoded key value for your public key, including the -----BEGIN PUBLIC
KEY----- and -----END PUBLIC KEY----- lines.
6. For Comment, add an optional comment. For example, you could include the expiration date for the
public key.
7. Choose Add.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Setting Up Field-Level Encryption

You can add more keys to use with CloudFront by repeating the steps in the procedure.

Step 3: Create a Profile for Field-Level Encryption

After you add at least one public key to CloudFront, create a profile that tells CloudFront which fields to

To create a profile for field-level encryption (console)

1. In the navigation pane, choose Field-level encryption.

2. Choose Create profile.
3. Fill in the following fields:

Profile name

Type a unique name for the profile. The name can't have spaces and can include only
alphanumeric characters, underscores (_), and hyphens (-). The maximum number of characters
is 128.
Public key name

In the drop-down list, choose the name of a public key that you added to CloudFront in step 2.
CloudFront uses the key to encrypt the fields that you specify in this profile.
Provider name

Type a phrase to help identify the key, such as the provider where you got the key pair. This
information, along with the private key, is needed when applications decrypt data fields. The
provider name can't have spaces and can include only alphanumeric characters, colons (:),
underscores (_), and hyphens (-). The maximum number of characters is 128.
Field name pattern to match

Type the names of the data fields, or patterns that identify data field names in the request,
that you want CloudFront to encrypt. Choose the + option to add all the fields that you want to
encrypt with this key.

For the field name pattern, you can type the entire name of the data field, like DateOfBirth,
or just the first part of the name with a wildcard character (*), like CreditCard*. The field name
pattern must include only alphanumeric characters, square brackets ([ and ]), periods (.),
underscores (_), and hyphens (-), in addition to the optional wildcard character (*).

Make sure that you don’t use overlapping characters for different field name patterns. For
example, if you have a field name pattern of ABC*, you can’t add another field name pattern
that is AB*. In addition, field names are case-sensitive and the maximum number of characters
that you can use is 128.

(Optional) Type a comment about this profile. The maximum number of characters that you can
use is 128.
4. After you fill in the fields, choose Create profile.
5. If you want to add more profiles, choose Add profile.

Step 4: Create a Configuration

After you create one or more field-level encryption profiles, create a configuration that specifies the
content type of the request that includes the data to be encrypted, the profile to use for encryption, and
other options that specify how you want CloudFront to handle encryption.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Setting Up Field-Level Encryption

For example, when CloudFront can’t encrypt the data, you can specify whether CloudFront should block
or forward a request to your origin in the following scenarios:

• When a request’s content type isn’t in a configuration – If you haven’t added a content type to a
configuration, you can specify whether CloudFront should forward the request with that content type
to the origin without encrypting data fields, or block the request and return an error.
If you add a content type to a configuration but haven’t specified a profile to use with that
type, CloudFront always forwards requests with that content type to the origin.
• When the profile name provided in a query argument is unknown – When you specify the fle-
profile query argument with a profile name that doesn’t exist for your distribution, you can specify
whether CloudFront should send the request to the origin without encrypting data fields, or block the
request and return an error.

In a configuration, you can also specify whether providing a profile as a query argument in a URL
overrides a profile that you’ve mapped to the content type for that query. By default, CloudFront uses
the profile that you’ve mapped to a content type, if you specify one. This lets you have a profile that’s
used by default but decide for certain requests that you want to enforce a different profile.

So, for example, you might specify (in your configuration) SampleProfile as the query
argument profile to use. Then you could use the URL
profile=SampleProfile instead of, to have CloudFront use
SampleProfile for this request, instead of the profile you’d set up for the content type of the request.

You can create up to 10 configurations for a single account, and then associate one of the configurations
to the cache behavior of any distribution for the account.

To create a configuration for field-level encryption (console)

1. On the Field-level encryption page, choose Create configuration.

Note: If you haven’t created at least one profile, you won’t see the option to create a configuration.
2. Fill in the following fields to specify the profile to use. (Some fields can’t be changed.)

Content type (can’t be changed)

The content type is set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded and can’t be changed.

Default profile ID (optional)

In the drop-down list, choose the profile that you want to map to the content type in the
Content type field.
Content format (can’t be changed)

The content format is set to URLencoded and can’t be changed.

3. If you want to change the CloudFront default behavior for the following options, select the
appropriate check box.

Forward request to origin when request’s content type is not configured

Select the check box if you want to allow the request to go to your origin if you have not
specified a profile to use for the content type of the request.
Override the profile for a content type with a provided query argument

Select the check box if you want to allow a profile provided in a query argument to override the
profile that you’ve specified for a content type.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Decrypting Data Fields at Your Origin

4. If you select the check box to allow a query argument to override the default profile, you must
complete the following additional fields for the configuration. You can create up to five of these
query argument mappings to use with queries.

Query argument

Type the value that you want to include in URLs for the fle-profile query argument. This
value tells CloudFront to use the profile ID (that you specify in the next field) associated with
this query argument for field-level encryption for this query.

The maximum number of characters that you can use is 128. The value can’t include spaces,
and must use only alphanumeric or the following characters: dash (-), period (.), underscore (_),
asterisk (*), plus-sign (+), percent (%).
Profile ID

In the drop-down list, choose the profile that you want to associate with the value that you
typed for Query argument.
Forward request to origin when the profile specified in a query argument does not exist

Select the check box if you want to allow the request to go to your origin if the profile specified
in a query argument isn't defined in CloudFront.

Step 5: Add a Configuration to a Cache Behavior

To use field-level encryption, link a configuration to a cache behavior for a distribution by adding the
configuration ID as a value for your distribution.
To link a field-level encryption configuration to a cache behavior, the distribution must be
configured to always use HTTPS, and to accept HTTP POST and PUT requests from viewers. That
is, the following must be true:

• The cache behavior’s Viewer Protocol Policy must be set to Redirect HTTP to HTTPS or
HTTPS Only. (In AWS CloudFormation or the CloudFront API, ViewerProtocolPolicy must
be set to redirect-to-https or https-only.)
• The cache behavior’s Allowed HTTP Methods must bet set to GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, PUT,
POST, PATCH, DELETE. (In AWS CloudFormation or the CloudFront API, AllowedMethods
must be set to GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, PUT, POST, PATCH, DELETE. These can be specified in any
• The origin setting’s Origin Protocol Policy must be set to Match Viewer or HTTPS Only.
(In AWS CloudFormation or the CloudFront API, OriginProtocolPolicy must be set to
match-viewer or https-only.)

For more information, see Values That You Specify When You Create or Update a Distribution (p. 38).

Decrypting Data Fields at Your Origin

CloudFront encrypts data fields by using the AWS Encryption SDK. The data remains encrypted
throughout your application stack and can be accessed only by applications that have the credentials to
decrypt it.

After encryption, the ciphertext is base64 encoded. When your applications decrypt the text at the
origin, they must first decode the ciphertext, and then use the AWS Encryption SDK to decrypt the data.

The following code example illustrates how applications can decrypt data at your origin. Note the

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Decrypting Data Fields at Your Origin

• To simplify the example, this sample loads public and private keys (in DER format) from files in the
working directory. In practice, you would store the private key in a secure offline location, such as an
offline hardware security module, and distribute the public key to your development team.
• CloudFront uses specific information while encrypting the data, and the same set of parameters
should be used at the origin to decrypt it. Parameters CloudFront uses while initializing the MasterKey
include the following:
• PROVIDER_NAME: You specified this value when you created a field-level encryption profile. Use the
same value here.
• KEY_NAME: You created a name for your public key when you uploaded it to CloudFront, and then
specified the key name in the profile. Use the same value here.
• ALGORITHM: CloudFront uses RSA/ECB/OAEPWithSHA-256AndMGF1Padding as the algorithm for
encrypting, so you must use the same algorithm to decrypt the data.
• If you run the following sample program with ciphertext as input, the decrypted data is output to your
console. For more information, see the Java Example Code in the AWS Encryption SDK.

Sample Code

import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;

import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;

import com.amazonaws.encryptionsdk.AwsCrypto;
import com.amazonaws.encryptionsdk.CryptoResult;
import com.amazonaws.encryptionsdk.jce.JceMasterKey;

* Sample example of decrypting data that has been encrypted by CloudFront Field-Level
public class DecryptExample {

private static final String PRIVATE_KEY_FILENAME = "private_key.der";

private static final String PUBLIC_KEY_FILENAME = "public_key.der";
private static PublicKey publicKey;
private static PrivateKey privateKey;

// CloudFront uses the following values to encrypt data, and your origin must use same
values to decrypt it.
// In your own code, for PROVIDER_NAME, use the provider name that you specified when
you created your Field Level
// Encryption Profile. This sample uses 'DEMO' for the value.
private static final String PROVIDER_NAME = "DEMO";
// In your own code, use the Key name that you specified when you added your public key
to CloudFront. This sample
// uses 'DEMOKEY' for the Key name.
private static final String KEY_NAME = "DEMOKEY";
// Cloudfront uses this algorithm when encrypting data.
private static final String ALGORITHM = "RSA/ECB/OAEPWithSHA-256AndMGF1Padding";

public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception {

final String dataToDecrypt = args[0];

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Decrypting Data Fields at Your Origin

// This sample uses files to get public and private keys.

// In practice, you should distribute the public key and save the private key in
secure storage.


private static String decrypt(final byte[] bytesToDecrypt) throws Exception {

// You can decrypt the stream only by using the private key.

// 1. Instantiate the SDK

final AwsCrypto crypto = new AwsCrypto();

// 2. Instantiate a JCE master key

final JceMasterKey masterKey = JceMasterKey.getInstance(

// 3. Decrypt the data

final CryptoResult <byte[], ? > result = crypto.decryptData(masterKey,
return new String(result.getResult());

// Function to decode base64 cipher text.

private static byte[] debase64(final String value) {
return Base64.decodeBase64(value.getBytes());

private static void populateKeyPair() throws Exception {

final byte[] PublicKeyBytes = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(PUBLIC_KEY_FILENAME));
final byte[] privateKeyBytes = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(PRIVATE_KEY_FILENAME));
publicKey = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA").generatePublic(new
privateKey = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA").generatePrivate(new

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Caching with Edge Caches

Optimizing Content Caching and

This section describes how to set up and manage the caching of objects to improve performance and
meet your business requirements.

To learn about adding and removing the content that you want CloudFront to serve, see Adding,
Removing, or Replacing Content That CloudFront Distributes (p. 104).

• How Caching Works with CloudFront Edge Caches (p. 228)
• Increasing the Proportion of Requests that Are Served from CloudFront Edge Caches (Cache Hit
Ratio) (p. 228)
• Optimizing High Availability with CloudFront Origin Failover (p. 231)
• Managing How Long Content Stays in an Edge Cache (Expiration) (p. 236)
• Caching Content Based on Query String Parameters (p. 241)
• Caching Content Based on Cookies (p. 244)
• Caching Content Based on Request Headers (p. 246)

How Caching Works with CloudFront Edge Caches

One of the purposes of using CloudFront is to reduce the number of requests that your origin server
must respond to directly. With CloudFront caching, more objects are served from CloudFront edge
locations, which are closer to your users. This reduces the load on your origin server and reduces latency.

The more requests that CloudFront can serve from edge caches, the fewer viewer requests that
CloudFront must forward to your origin to get the latest version or a unique version of an object.

The proportion of requests that are served from caches to all requests is called the cache hit ratio. You
can view the percentage of viewer requests that are hits, misses, and errors in the CloudFront console.
For more information, see CloudFront Cache Statistics Reports (p. 407).

A number of factors affect the cache hit ratio. You can adjust your CloudFront distribution configuration
to improve the cache hit ratio by following the guidance in Increasing the Proportion of Requests that
Are Served from CloudFront Edge Caches (Cache Hit Ratio) (p. 228).

Increasing the Proportion of Requests that Are

Served from CloudFront Edge Caches (Cache Hit
You can improve performance by increasing the proportion of your viewer requests that are served from
CloudFront edge caches instead of going to your origin servers for content. This is known as improving
the cache hit ratio for your distribution.

The following sections explain how to improve your cache hit ratio.


Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Specifying How Long CloudFront Caches Your Objects

• Specifying How Long CloudFront Caches Your Objects (p. 229)

• Caching Based on Query String Parameters (p. 229)
• Caching Based on Cookie Values (p. 229)
• Caching Based on Request Headers (p. 230)
• Remove Accept-Encoding Header When Compression is Not Needed (p. 231)
• Serving Media Content by Using HTTP (p. 231)

Specifying How Long CloudFront Caches Your

To increase your cache hit ratio, you can configure your origin to add a Cache-Control max-age
directive to your objects, and specify the longest practical value for max-age. The shorter the cache
duration, the more frequently CloudFront forwards requests to your origin to determine if an object has
changed and to get the latest version. For more information, see Managing How Long Content Stays in
an Edge Cache (Expiration) (p. 236).

Caching Based on Query String Parameters

If you configure CloudFront to cache based on query string parameters, you can improve caching if you
do the following:

• Configure CloudFront to forward only the query string parameters for which your origin will return
unique objects.
• Use the same case (uppercase or lowercase) for all instances of the same parameter. For example, if
one request contains parameter1=A and another contains parameter1=a, CloudFront forwards
separate requests to your origin when a request contains parameter1=A and when a request contains
parameter1=a. CloudFront then separately caches the corresponding objects returned by your origin
separately even if the objects are identical. If you use just A or a, CloudFront forwards fewer requests
to your origin.
• List parameters in the same order. As with differences in case, if one request for an object contains
the query string parameter1=a&parameter2=b and another request for the same object contains
parameter2=b&parameter1=a, CloudFront forwards both requests to your origin and separately
caches the corresponding objects even if they're identical. If you always use the same order for
parameters, CloudFront forwards fewer requests to your origin.

For more information, see Caching Content Based on Query String Parameters (p. 241). If you want to
review the query strings that CloudFront forwards to your origin, see the values in the cs-uri-query
column of your CloudFront log files. For more information, see Configuring and Using Standard Logs
(Access Logs) (p. 439).

Caching Based on Cookie Values

If you configure CloudFront to cache based on cookie values, you can improve caching if you do the

• Configure CloudFront to forward only specified cookies instead of forwarding all cookies. For
the cookies that you configure CloudFront to forward to your origin, CloudFront forwards every
combination of cookie name and value. It then separately caches the objects that your origin returns,
even if they're all identical.

For example, suppose that viewers include two cookies in every request, that each cookie has three
possible values, and that all combinations of cookie values are possible. CloudFront forwards up to six

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Caching Based on Request Headers

different requests to your origin for each object. If your origin returns different versions of an object
based on only one of the cookies, then CloudFront is forwarding more requests to your origin than
necessary and is needlessly caching multiple identical versions of the object.
• Create separate cache behaviors for static and dynamic content, and configure CloudFront to forward
cookies to your origin only for dynamic content.

For example, suppose you have just one cache behavior for your distribution and that you're using
the distribution both for dynamic content, such as .js files, and for .css files that rarely change.
CloudFront caches separate versions of your .css files based on cookie values, so each CloudFront
edge location forwards a request to your origin for every new cookie value or combination of cookie

If you create a cache behavior for which the path pattern is *.css and for which CloudFront doesn't
cache based on cookie values, then CloudFront forwards requests for .css files to your origin for only
the first request that an edge location receives for a given .css file and for the first request after a
.css file expires.
• If possible, create separate cache behaviors for dynamic content when cookie values are unique for
each user (such as a user ID), and dynamic content that varies based on a smaller number of unique

For more information, see Caching Content Based on Cookies (p. 244). If you want to review the
cookies that CloudFront forwards to your origin, see the values in the cs(Cookie) column of
your CloudFront log files. For more information, see Configuring and Using Standard Logs (Access
Logs) (p. 439).

Caching Based on Request Headers

If you configure CloudFront to cache based on request headers, you can improve caching if you do the

• Configure CloudFront to forward and cache based on only specified headers instead of forwarding and
caching based on all headers. For the headers that you specify, CloudFront forwards every combination
of header name and value. It then separately caches the objects that your origin returns even if they're
all identical.
CloudFront always forwards to your origin the headers specified in the following topics:
• How CloudFront Processes and Forwards Requests to Your Amazon S3 Origin Server > HTTP
Request Headers That CloudFront Removes or Updates (p. 266)
• How CloudFront Processes and Forwards Requests to Your Custom Origin Server > HTTP
Request Headers and CloudFront Behavior (Custom and S3 Origins) (p. 273)

When you configure CloudFront to cache based on request headers, you don't change the headers that
CloudFront forwards, only whether CloudFront caches objects based on the header values.
• Try to avoid caching based on request headers that have large numbers of unique values.

For example, if you want to serve different sizes of an image based on the user's device, then don't
configure CloudFront to cache based on the User-Agent header, which has an enormous number
of possible values. Instead, configure CloudFront to cache based on the CloudFront device-type
headers CloudFront-Is-Desktop-Viewer, CloudFront-Is-Mobile-Viewer, CloudFront-
Is-SmartTV-Viewer, and CloudFront-Is-Tablet-Viewer. In addition, if you're returning the
same version of the image for tablets and desktops, then forward only the CloudFront-Is-Tablet-
Viewer header, not the CloudFront-Is-Desktop-Viewer header.

For more information, see Caching Content Based on Request Headers (p. 246).

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Remove Accept-Encoding Header
When Compression is Not Needed

Remove Accept-Encoding Header When Compression

is Not Needed
If compression is not enabled—because the origin doesn’t support it, CloudFront doesn’t support it, or
the content is not compressible—you can increase the cache hit ratio by associating a cache behavior in
your distribution to an origin that sets the Custom Origin Header as follows:

• Header name: Accept-Encoding

• Header value: (Keep blank)

When you use this configuration, CloudFront removes the Accept-Encoding header from the cache
key and doesn’t include the header in origin requests. This configuration applies to all content that
CloudFront serves with the distribution from that origin.

Serving Media Content by Using HTTP

For information about optimizing video on demand (VOD) and streaming video content, see Video on
Demand and Live Streaming Video with CloudFront (p. 297).

Optimizing High Availability with CloudFront

Origin Failover
You can set up CloudFront with origin failover for scenarios that require high availability. To get
started, you create an origin group with two origins: a primary and a secondary. If the primary origin
is unavailable, or returns specific HTTP response status codes that indicate a failure, CloudFront
automatically switches to the secondary origin.

To set up origin failover, you must have a distribution with at least two origins. Next, you create an origin
group for your distribution that includes two origins, setting one as the primary. Finally, you create or
update a cache behavior to use the origin group.

To see the steps for setting up origin groups and configuring specific origin failover options, see Creating
an Origin Group (p. 232).

After you configure origin failover for a cache behavior, CloudFront does the following for viewer

• When there’s a cache hit, CloudFront returns the requested file.

• When there’s a cache miss, CloudFront routes the request to the primary origin in the origin group.
• When the primary origin returns a status code that is not configured for failover, such as an HTTP 2xx
or 3xx status code, CloudFront serves the requested content to the viewer.
• When any of the following occur:
• The primary origin returns an HTTP status code that you’ve configured for failover
• CloudFront fails to connect to the primary origin
• The response from the primary origin takes too long (times out)

Then CloudFront routes the request to the secondary origin in the origin group.
For some use cases, like streaming video content, you might want CloudFront to fail over to
the secondary origin quickly. To adjust how quickly CloudFront fails over to the secondary
origin, see Controlling Origin Timeouts and Attempts (p. 233).

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Creating an Origin Group

CloudFront routes all incoming requests to the primary origin, even when a previous request failed over
to the secondary origin. CloudFront only sends requests to the secondary origin after a request to the
primary origin fails.

CloudFront fails over to the secondary origin only when the HTTP method of the viewer request is GET,
HEAD, or OPTIONS. CloudFront does not fail over when the viewer sends a different HTTP method (for
example POST, PUT, and so on).

The following diagram illustrates how origin failover works.

For more information, see the following:

• Cache hits and misses: How Caching Works with CloudFront Edge Caches (p. 228)
• Request and response behavior with origin failover: Request and Response Behavior for Origin
Groups (p. 282)

• Creating an Origin Group (p. 232)
• Controlling Origin Timeouts and Attempts (p. 233)
• Use Origin Failover with Lambda@Edge Functions (p. 234)
• Use Custom Error Pages with Origin Failover (p. 236)

Creating an Origin Group

To create an origin group

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CloudFront console at https://
2. Choose the distribution that you want to create the origin group for.
3. Choose the Origins and Origin Groups tab.
4. On the Origin and Origin Groups tab, choose Create Origin Group.
5. Choose the origins for the origin group. After you add origins, use the arrows to set the priority—
that is, which origin is primary and which is secondary.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Controlling Origin Timeouts and Attempts

6. Choose the HTTP status codes to use as failover criteria. You can choose any combination of the
following status codes: 500, 502, 503, 504, 404, or 403. When CloudFront receives a response with
one of the status codes that you specify, it fails over to the secondary origin.
CloudFront fails over to the secondary origin only when the HTTP method of the viewer
request is GET, HEAD, or OPTIONS. CloudFront does not fail over when the viewer sends a
different HTTP method (for example POST, PUT, and so on).
7. Enter a unique identifier for the origin group. You can’t use an identifier that’s already in use for a
different origin or origin group in your AWS account.

For information about specifying an origin group for a distribution, see Origin ID (p. 42).

Controlling Origin Timeouts and Attempts

By default, CloudFront tries to connect to the primary origin in an origin group for as long as 30 seconds
(3 connection attempts of 10 seconds each) before failing over to the secondary origin. For some use
cases, like streaming video content, you might want CloudFront to fail over to the secondary origin
more quickly. You can adjust the following settings to affect how quickly CloudFront fails over to the
secondary origin. If the origin is a secondary origin, or an origin that is not part of an origin group, these
settings affect how quickly CloudFront returns an HTTP 504 response to the viewer.

To fail over more quickly, specify a shorter connection timeout, fewer connection attempts, or both. For
custom origins (including Amazon S3 bucket origins that are configured with static website hosting), you
can also adjust the origin response timeout.

Origin connection timeout

The origin connection timeout setting affects how long CloudFront waits when trying to establish a
connection to the origin. By default, CloudFront waits 10 seconds to establish a connection, but you
can specify 1–10 seconds (inclusive). For more information, see Origin Connection Timeout (p. 43).
Origin connection attempts

The origin connection attempts setting affects the number of times that CloudFront attempts
to connect to the origin. By default, CloudFront tries 3 times to connect, but you can specify 1–3
(inclusive). For more information, see Origin Connection Attempts (p. 42).

For a custom origin (including an Amazon S3 bucket that’s configured with static website hosting),
this setting also affects the number of times that CloudFront attempts to get a response from the
origin in the case of an origin response timeout.
Origin response timeout
This applies only to custom origins.

The origin response timeout setting affects how long CloudFront waits to receive a response (or to
receive the complete response) from the origin. By default, CloudFront waits for 30 seconds, but you
can specify 1–60 seconds (inclusive). For more information, see Origin Response Timeout (p. 45).

How to change these settings

To change these settings in the CloudFront console

• For a new origin or a new distribution, you specify these values when you create the resource.
• For an existing origin in an existing distribution, you specify these values when you edit the origin.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Use Origin Failover with Lambda@Edge Functions

For more information, see Values That You Specify When You Create or Update a Distribution (p. 38).

Use Origin Failover with Lambda@Edge Functions

You can use Lambda@Edge functions with CloudFront distributions that you’ve set up with origin
groups. To use a Lambda function, specify it in an origin request or origin response trigger (p. 339) for
an origin group when you create the cache behavior. When you use a Lambda@Edge function with an
origin group, the function can be triggered twice for a single viewer request. For example, consider this

1. You create a Lambda@Edge function with an origin request trigger.

2. The Lambda function is triggered once when CloudFront sends a request to the primary origin (on a
cache miss).
3. The primary origin responds with an HTTP status code that’s configured for failover.
4. The Lambda function is triggered again when CloudFront sends the same request to the secondary

The following diagram illustrates how origin failover works when you include a Lambda@Edge function
in an origin request or response trigger.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Use Origin Failover with Lambda@Edge Functions

For more information about using Lambda@Edge triggers, see Adding Triggers for a Lambda@Edge
Function (p. 339).

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Use Custom Error Pages with Origin Failover

Use Custom Error Pages with Origin Failover

You can use custom error pages with origin groups similarly to how you use them with origins that are
not set up for origin failover.

When you use origin failover, you can configure CloudFront to return a custom error page for the primary
or secondary origin (or both):

• Return a custom error page for the primary origin – If the primary origin returns an HTTP status code
that’s not configured for failover, CloudFront returns the custom error page to viewers.
• Return a custom error page for the secondary origin – If CloudFront receives a failure status code
from the secondary origin, CloudFront returns the custom error page.

For more information about using custom error pages with CloudFront, see Generating Custom Error
Responses (p. 291).

Managing How Long Content Stays in an Edge

Cache (Expiration)
You can control how long your files stay in a CloudFront cache before CloudFront forwards another
request to your origin. Reducing the duration allows you to serve dynamic content. Increasing the
duration means that your users get better performance because your files are more likely to be served
directly from the edge cache. A longer duration also reduces the load on your origin.

Typically, CloudFront serves a file from an edge location until the cache duration that you specified
passes—that is, until the file expires. After it expires, the next time the edge location gets a user request
for the file, CloudFront forwards the request to the origin server to verify that the cache contains the
latest version of the file. The response from the origin depends on whether the file has changed:

• If the CloudFront cache already has the latest version, the origin returns a status code 304 Not
• If the CloudFront cache does not have the latest version, the origin returns a status code 200 OK and
the latest version of the file.

If a file in an edge location isn't frequently requested, CloudFront might evict the file—remove the file
before its expiration date—to make room for files that have been requested more recently.

By default, each file automatically expires after 24 hours, but you can change the default behavior in two

• To change the cache duration for all files that match the same path pattern, you can change the
CloudFront settings for Minimum TTL, Maximum TTL, and Default TTL for a cache behavior. For
information about the individual settings, see Minimum TTL, Maximum TTL, and Default TTL in
Values That You Specify When You Create or Update a Distribution (p. 38). To use these settings, you
must choose the Customize option for the Object Caching setting when you create or update your
CloudFront distribution. For more information, see Object Caching in Values That You Specify When
You Create or Update a Distribution (p. 38).
• To change the cache duration for an individual file, you can configure your origin to add a Cache-
Control max-age or Cache-Control s-maxage directive, or an Expires header field to the file.
For more information, see Using Headers to Control Cache Duration for Individual Objects (p. 237).

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Headers to Control Cache
Duration for Individual Objects

For more information about how Minimum TTL, Default TTL, and Maximum TTL interact with Cache-
Control max-age and Cache-Control s-maxage directives and the Expires header field, see
Specifying the Amount of Time that CloudFront Caches Objects for Web Distributions (p. 238).

You can also control how long errors (for example, 404, Not Found) stay in a CloudFront cache before
CloudFront tries again to get the requested object by forwarding another request to your origin. For
more information, see How CloudFront Processes and Caches HTTP 4xx and 5xx Status Codes from Your
Origin (p. 286).

• Using Headers to Control Cache Duration for Individual Objects (p. 237)
• Specifying the Amount of Time that CloudFront Caches Objects for Web Distributions (p. 238)
• Specifying the Minimum Time that CloudFront Caches Objects for RTMP Distributions (p. 240)
• Adding Headers to Your Objects Using the Amazon S3 Console (p. 241)

Using Headers to Control Cache Duration for

Individual Objects
You can use the Cache-Control and Expires headers to control how long objects stay in the cache.
Settings for Minimum TTL, Default TTL, and Maximum TTL also affect cache duration, but here's an
overview of how headers can affect cache duration:

• The Cache-Control max-age directive lets you specify how long (in seconds) that you want an
object to remain in the cache before CloudFront gets the object again from the origin server. The
minimum expiration time CloudFront supports is 0 seconds for web distributions and 3600 seconds for
RTMP distributions. The maximum value is 100 years. Specify the value in the following format:

Cache-Control: max-age=seconds

For example, the following directive tells CloudFront to keep the associated object in the cache for
3600 seconds (one hour):

Cache-Control: max-age=3600

If you want objects to stay in CloudFront edge caches for a different duration than they stay in browser
caches, you can use the Cache-Control max-age and Cache-Control s-maxage directives
together. For more information, see Specifying the Amount of Time that CloudFront Caches Objects
for Web Distributions (p. 238).
• The Expires header field lets you specify an expiration date and time using the format specified in
RFC 2616, Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1 Section 3.3.1, Full Date, for example:

Sat, 27 Jun 2015 23:59:59 GMT

We recommend that you use the Cache-Control max-age directive instead of the Expires header
field to control object caching. If you specify values both for Cache-Control max-age and for
Expires, CloudFront uses only the value of Cache-Control max-age.

For more information, see Specifying the Amount of Time that CloudFront Caches Objects for Web
Distributions (p. 238).

You cannot use the HTTP Cache-Control or Pragma header fields in a GET request from a viewer to
force CloudFront to go back to the origin server for the object. CloudFront ignores those header fields in
viewer requests.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Specifying the Amount of Time that CloudFront
Caches Objects for Web Distributions

For more information about the Cache-Control and Expires header fields, see the following sections
in RFC 2616, Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1:

• Section 14.9 Cache Control

• Section 14.21 Expires

For an example of how to add Cache-Control and Expires header fields using the AWS SDK for PHP,
see Upload an Object Using the AWS SDK for PHP in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide.
Some third-party tools are also able to add these fields.

Specifying the Amount of Time that CloudFront

Caches Objects for Web Distributions
For web distributions, you can use Cache-Control or Expires headers, and CloudFront minimum,
maximum, and default TTL values to control the amount of time in seconds that CloudFront keeps an
object in the cache before forwarding another request to the origin. Header values also determine how
long a browser keeps an object in the cache before forwarding another request to CloudFront.
If you configure CloudFront to forward all headers to your origin for a cache behavior,
CloudFront never caches the associated objects. Instead, CloudFront forwards all requests for
those objects to the origin. In that configuration, the value of minimum TTL must be 0. For more
information, see Caching Content Based on Request Headers (p. 246).

To specify values for Minimum TTL, Maximum TTL, and Default TTL, you must choose the Customize
option for the Object Caching setting.

Origin Configuration Minimum TTL = 0 Seconds Minimum TTL > 0 Seconds

The origin adds a Cache- CloudFront caching CloudFront caching

Control max-age directive to
objects CloudFront caches objects for CloudFront caching depends on
the lesser of the value of the the values of the CloudFront
Cache-Control max-age minimum TTL and maximum
directive or the value of the TTL and the Cache-Control
CloudFront maximum TTL. max-age directive:

Browser caching • Minimum TTL < max-age <

maximum TTL
Browsers cache objects for the
value of the Cache-Control CloudFront caches objects
max-age directive. for the value of the Cache-
Control max-age directive.
• max-age < minimum TTL

CloudFront caches objects for

the value of the CloudFront
minimum TTL.
• max-age > maximum TTL

CloudFront caches objects for

the value of the CloudFront
maximum TTL.

Browser caching

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Specifying the Amount of Time that CloudFront
Caches Objects for Web Distributions

Origin Configuration Minimum TTL = 0 Seconds Minimum TTL > 0 Seconds

Browsers cache objects for the
value of the Cache-Control
max-age directive.

The origin does not add a CloudFront caching CloudFront caching

Cache-Control max-age
directive to objects CloudFront caches objects for CloudFront caches objects for
the value of the CloudFront the greater of the value of the
default TTL. CloudFront minimum TTL or
default TTL.
Browser caching
Browser caching
Depends on the browser.
Depends on the browser.

The origin adds Cache- CloudFront caching CloudFront caching

Control max-age and Cache-
Control s-maxage directives CloudFront caches objects for CloudFront caching depends on
to objects the lesser of the value of the the values of the CloudFront
Cache-Control s-maxage minimum TTL and maximum
directive or the value of the TTL and the Cache-Control
CloudFront maximum TTL. s-maxage directive:

Browser caching • Minimum TTL < s-maxage <

maximum TTL
Browsers cache objects for the
value of the Cache-Control CloudFront caches objects
max-age directive. for the value of the Cache-
Control s-maxage
• s-maxage < minimum TTL

CloudFront caches objects for

the value of the CloudFront
minimum TTL.
• s-maxage > maximum TTL

CloudFront caches objects for

the value of the CloudFront
maximum TTL.

Browser caching

Browsers cache objects for the

value of the Cache-Control
max-age directive.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Specifying the Minimum Time that CloudFront
Caches Objects for RTMP Distributions

Origin Configuration Minimum TTL = 0 Seconds Minimum TTL > 0 Seconds

The origin adds an Expires CloudFront caching CloudFront caching

header to objects
CloudFront caches objects CloudFront caching depends on
until the date in the Expires the values of the CloudFront
header or for the value of the minimum TTL and maximum
CloudFront maximum TTL, TTL and the Expires header:
whichever is sooner.
• Minimum TTL < Expires <
Browser caching maximum TTL

Browsers cache objects until the CloudFront caches objects

date in the Expires header. until the date and time in the
Expires header.
• Expires < minimum TTL

CloudFront caches objects for

the value of the CloudFront
minimum TTL.
• Expires > maximum TTL

CloudFront caches objects for

the value of the CloudFront
maximum TTL.

Browser caching

Browsers cache objects until the

date and time in the Expires

Origin adds Cache-Control: CloudFront and browsers respect CloudFront caching

no-cache, no-store, and/or the headers.
private directives to objects CloudFront caches objects for
For an exception to how the value of the CloudFront
CloudFront handles the Cache- minimum TTL.
Control: no-cache header,
see Simultaneous Requests Browser caching
for the Same Object (Traffic
Spikes) (p. 278). Browsers respect the headers.

For information about how to change settings for web distributions using the CloudFront console, see
Updating a Distribution (p. 63). For information about how to change settings for web distributions using
the CloudFront API, see PUT Config.

Specifying the Minimum Time that CloudFront

Caches Objects for RTMP Distributions
For RTMP distributions, CloudFront keeps objects in edge caches for 24 hours by default. You can add
Cache-Control or Expires headers to your objects to change the amount of time that CloudFront
keeps objects in edge caches before it forwards another request to the origin. The minimum duration is
3600 seconds (one hour). If you specify a lower value, CloudFront uses 3600 seconds.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Adding Headers to Your Objects
Using the Amazon S3 Console

Adding Headers to Your Objects Using the Amazon

S3 Console
On the Amazon S3 console, you can only add headers to one object at a time, but with some
third-party tools, you can add headers to multiple Amazon S3 objects at a time. For more
information about third-party tools that support Amazon S3, search on the web for AWS S3
third party tools.

To add a Cache-Control or Expires header field to Amazon S3 objects using the Amazon
S3 console

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon S3 console at https://
2. In the Amazon S3 console, in the Bucket name list, choose the name of the bucket that contains the
3. In the Name list, choose the name of the object that you want to add a header to.
4. Choose Properties, and then choose Metadata.
5. Choose Add Metadata, and then in the Key menu, choose Cache-Control or Expires.
6. In the Value field, type one of the following:

• For a Cache-Control field, type:

max-age=number of seconds that you want objects to stay in a CloudFront

edge cache
• For an Expires field, type a date and time in HTML format.
7. Choose Save.

Caching Content Based on Query String

Some web applications use query strings to send information to the origin. A query string is the part of a
web request that appears after a ? character; the string can contain one or more parameters, separated
by & characters. In the following example, the query string includes two parameters, color=red and

For web distributions, you can choose if you want CloudFront to forward query strings to your origin and
whether to cache your content based on all parameters or on selected parameters. Why might this be
useful? Consider the following example.

Suppose that your website is available in five languages. The directory structure and file names for all
five versions of the website are identical. As a user views your website, requests that are forwarded to
CloudFront include a language query string parameter based on the language that the user chose. You
can configure CloudFront to forward query strings to the origin and to cache based on the language
parameter. If you configure your web server to return the version of a given page that corresponds with
the selected language, CloudFront caches each language version separately, based on the value of the
language query string parameter.

In this example, if the main page for your website is main.html, the following five requests cause
CloudFront to cache main.html five times, once for each value of the language query string parameter:

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Caching and Query String Parameters


Note the following:

• For RTMP distributions, you cannot configure CloudFront to forward query string parameters to your
origin. If you have an RTMP distribution, before CloudFront forwards a request to the origin server, it
removes any query string parameters.
• Some HTTP servers don't process query string parameters and, therefore, don't return different
versions of an object based on parameter values. For these origins, if you configure CloudFront to
forward query string parameters to the origin, CloudFront still caches based on the parameter values
even though the origin returns identical versions of the object to CloudFront for every parameter
• For query string parameters to work as described in the example above with the languages, you must
use the & character as the delimiter between query string parameters. If you use a different delimiter,
you may get unexpected results, depending on which parameters you specify for CloudFront to use as
a basis for caching, and the order in which the parameters appear in the query string.

The following examples show what happens if you use a different delimiter and you configure
CloudFront to cache based only on the color parameter:
• In the following request, CloudFront caches your content based on the value of the color
parameter, but CloudFront interprets the value as red;size=large:;size=large
• In the following request, CloudFront caches your content but doesn't base caching on the query
string parameters. This is because you configured CloudFront to cache based on the color
parameter, but CloudFront interprets the following string as containing only a size parameter that
has a value of large;color=red:;color=red

You can configure CloudFront do one of the following:

• Don't forward query strings to the origin at all. If you don't forward query strings, CloudFront doesn't
cache based on query string parameters.
• Forward query strings to the origin, and cache based on all parameters in the query string.
• Forward query strings to the origin, and cache based on specified parameters in the query string.

For more information, see Optimizing Caching (p. 243).

• Console and API Settings for Query String Forwarding and Caching (p. 243)
• Optimizing Caching (p. 243)
• Query String Parameters and CloudFront Access Logs (p. 244)

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Console and API Settings for Query
String Forwarding and Caching

Console and API Settings for Query String

Forwarding and Caching
To configure query string forwarding and caching in the CloudFront console, see the following settings in
Values That You Specify When You Create or Update a Distribution (p. 38):

• Query String Forwarding and Caching (p. 52)

• Query String Whitelist (p. 52)

To configure query string forwarding and caching with the CloudFront API, see the following settings
in DistributionConfig Complex Type and in DistributionConfigWithTags Complex Type in the Amazon
CloudFront API Reference:

• QueryString
• QueryStringCacheKeys

Optimizing Caching
When you configure CloudFront to cache based on query string parameters, you can take the following
steps to reduce the number of requests that CloudFront forwards to your origin. When CloudFront edge
locations serve objects, you reduce the load on your origin server and reduce latency because objects are
served from locations that are closer to your users.

Cache Based Only on Parameters for Which Your Origin Returns Different Versions of an Object

For each query string parameter that your web application forwards to CloudFront, CloudFront
forwards requests to your origin for every parameter value and caches a separate version of the
object for every parameter value. This is true even if your origin always returns the same object
regardless of the parameter value. For multiple parameters, the number of requests and the number
of objects multiply. For example, if requests for an object include two parameters that each have
three different values, CloudFront caches six versions of that object, assuming you follow the other
recommendations in this section.

We recommend that you configure CloudFront to cache based only on the query string parameters
for which your origin returns different versions, and that you carefully consider the merits of caching
based on each parameter. For example, suppose you have a retail website. You have pictures of
a jacket in six different colors, and the jacket comes in 10 different sizes. The pictures that you
have of the jacket show the different colors but not the different sizes. To optimize caching, you
should configure CloudFront to cache based only on the color parameter, not on the size parameter.
This increases the likelihood that CloudFront can serve a request from the cache, which improves
performance and reduces the load on your origin.
Always List Parameters in the Same Order

The order of parameters matters in query strings. In the following example, the query strings are
identical except that the parameters are in a different order. This causes CloudFront to forward two
separate requests for image.jpg to your origin and to cache two separate versions of the object:

We recommend that you always list parameter names in the same order, such as alphabetical order.
Always Use the Same Case for Parameter Names and Values

CloudFront considers the case of parameter names and values when caching based on query
string parameters. In the following example, the query strings are identical except for the case

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Query String Parameters and CloudFront Access Logs

of parameter names and values. This causes CloudFront to forward four separate requests for
image.jpg to your origin and to cache four separate versions of the object:

We recommend that you use case consistently for parameter names and values, such as all
Don't Use Parameter Names that Conflict with Signed URLs

If you're using signed URLs to restrict access to your content (if you added trusted signers to your
distribution), CloudFront removes the following query string parameters before forwarding the rest
of the URL to your origin:
• Expires
• Key-Pair-Id
• Policy
• Signature

If you're using signed URLs and you want to configure CloudFront to forward query strings to your
origin, your own query string parameters cannot be named Expires, Key-Pair-Id, Policy, or

Query String Parameters and CloudFront Access Logs

For web and RTMP distributions, if you enable logging, CloudFront logs the full URL, including query
string parameters. For web distributions, this is true regardless of whether you have configured
CloudFront to forward query strings to the origin. For more information about CloudFront logging, see
Configuring and Using Standard Logs (Access Logs) (p. 439).

Caching Content Based on Cookies

By default, CloudFront doesn’t consider cookies when processing requests and responses, or when
caching your objects in edge locations. If CloudFront receives two requests that are identical except for
what’s in the Cookie header, then, by default, CloudFront treats the requests as identical and returns the
same object for both requests.

You can configure CloudFront to forward to your origin some or all of the cookies in viewer requests, and
to cache separate versions of your objects based on the cookie values that it forwards. When you do this,
CloudFront uses some or all of the cookies in viewer requests—whichever ones it’s configured to forward
—to uniquely identify an object in the cache. (For RTMP distributions, you cannot configure CloudFront
to process cookies and CloudFront does not cache cookies in edge caches.)

For example, suppose that requests for locations.html contain a country cookie that has a value
of either uk or fr. When you configure CloudFront to cache your objects based on the value of the
country cookie, CloudFront forwards requests for locations.html to the origin and includes the
country cookie and its value. Your origin returns locations.html, and CloudFront caches the object
once for requests in which the value of the country cookie is uk and once for requests in which the
value is fr.
Amazon S3 and some HTTP servers don’t process cookies. Don’t configure CloudFront to
forward cookies to an origin that doesn’t process cookies or doesn’t vary its response based on
cookies. That can cause CloudFront to forward more requests to the origin for the same object,

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Caching Content Based on Cookies

which slows performance and increases the load on the origin. If, considering the previous
example, your origin doesn’t process the country cookie or always returns the same version of
locations.html to CloudFront regardless of the value of the country cookie, don’t configure
CloudFront to forward that cookie.
Conversely, if your custom origin depends on a particular cookie or sends different responses
based on a cookie, make sure you configure CloudFront to forward that cookie to the origin.
Otherwise, CloudFront removes the cookie before forwarding the request to your origin.

To configure cookie forwarding, you update your distribution’s cache behavior. For more information
about cache behaviors, see Cache Behavior Settings (p. 46), particularly the Forward Cookies (p. 51) and
Whitelist Cookies (p. 51) sections.

You can configure each cache behavior to do one of the following:

• Forward all cookies to your origin – CloudFront includes all cookies sent by the viewer when it
forwards requests to the origin. When your origin returns a response, CloudFront caches the response
using the cookie names and values in the viewer request. If the origin response includes Set-Cookie
headers, CloudFront returns them to the viewer with the requested object. CloudFront also caches the
Set-Cookie headers with the object returned from the origin, and sends those Set-Cookie headers
to viewers on all cache hits.
• Forward a whitelist of cookies that you specify – CloudFront removes any cookies that the viewer
sends that aren’t on the whitelist before it forwards a request to the origin. CloudFront caches the
response using the whitelisted cookies names and values in the viewer request. If the origin response
includes Set-Cookie headers, CloudFront returns them to the viewer with the requested object.
CloudFront also caches the Set-Cookie headers with the object returned from the origin, and sends
those Set-Cookie headers to viewers on all cache hits.

For information about specifying wildcards in cookie names in a whitelist, see Whitelist Cookies (p. 51).

For the current quota on the number of cookie names that you can whitelist for each cache
behavior, or to request a higher quota, see Quotas on Whitelisted Query Strings (Web Distributions
Only) (p. 499).
• Don’t forward cookies to your origin – CloudFront doesn’t cache your objects based on cookie sent
by the viewer. In addition, CloudFront removes cookies before forwarding requests to your origin, and
removes Set-Cookie headers from responses before returning responses to your viewers.

Note the following about specifying the cookies that you want to forward:

Access logs

If you configure CloudFront to log requests and to log cookies, CloudFront logs all cookies and all
cookie attributes, even if you configure CloudFront not to forward cookies to your origin or if you
configure CloudFront to forward only a whitelist of specific cookies. For more information about
CloudFront logging, see Configuring and Using Standard Logs (Access Logs) (p. 439).
Case sensitivity

Cookie names and values are both case-sensitive. For example, if CloudFront is configured to
forward all cookies, and two viewer requests for the same object have cookies that are identical
except for case, CloudFront caches the object twice.
CloudFront sorts cookies

If CloudFront is configured to forward cookies (all or a whitelist), CloudFront sorts the cookies in
natural order by cookie name before forwarding the request to your origin.
If-Modified-Since and If-None-Match

If-Modified-Since and If-None-Match conditional requests are not supported when

CloudFront is configured to forward cookies (all or a whitelist).

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Caching Content Based on Request Headers

Standard name–value pair format is required

CloudFront forwards a cookie header only if the value conforms to the standard name–value pair
format, for example: "Cookie: cookie1=value1; cookie2=value2"
Disable caching of Set-Cookie headers

If CloudFront is configured to forward cookies to the origin (all or a whitelist), it also caches the
Set-Cookie headers received in the origin response. CloudFront includes these Set-Cookie
headers in its response to the original viewer, and also includes them in subsequent responses that
are served from the CloudFront cache.

If you want to receive cookies at your origin but you don’t want CloudFront to cache the Set-
Cookie headers in your origin’s responses, configure your origin to add a Cache-Control header
with a no-cache directive that specifies Set-Cookie as a field name. For example: Cache-
Control: no-cache="Set-Cookie". For more information, see Response Cache-Control
Directives in the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Caching standard.
Maximum length of cookie names

If you configure CloudFront to forward a whitelist of specific cookies to your origin, the total number
of bytes in all of the cookie names that you configure CloudFront to forward can’t exceed 512 minus
the number of cookies that you’re forwarding. For example, if you configure CloudFront to forward
10 cookies to your origin, the combined length of the names of the 10 cookies can’t exceed 502
bytes (512 – 10).

If you configure CloudFront to forward all cookies to your origin, the length of cookie names doesn’t

For information about using the CloudFront console to update a distribution so CloudFront forwards
cookies to the origin, see Updating a Distribution (p. 63). For information about using the CloudFront API
to update a distribution, see UpdateDistribution in the Amazon CloudFront API Reference.

Caching Content Based on Request Headers

For web distributions, CloudFront lets you choose whether you want CloudFront to forward headers to
your origin and to cache separate versions of a specified object based on the header values in viewer
requests. This allows you to serve different versions of your content based on the device the user is using,
the location of the viewer, the language the viewer is using, and a variety of other criteria. For RTMP
distributions, you cannot configure CloudFront to cache based on header values.
For RTMP distributions, you cannot configure CloudFront to cache your content based on the
headers in viewer requests.

• Headers and Distributions - Overview (p. 247)
• Selecting the Headers to Base Caching On (p. 247)
• Configuring CloudFront to Respect CORS Settings (p. 248)
• Configuring Caching Based on the Device Type (p. 248)
• Configuring Caching Based on the Language of the Viewer (p. 249)
• Configuring Caching Based on the Location of the Viewer (p. 249)
• Configuring Caching Based on the Protocol of the Request (p. 249)
• Configuring Caching For Compressed Files (p. 249)
• How Caching Based on Headers Affects Performance (p. 249)

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Headers and Distributions - Overview

• How the Case of Headers and Header Values Affects Caching (p. 250)
• Headers that CloudFront Returns to the Viewer (p. 250)

Headers and Distributions - Overview

By default, CloudFront doesn't consider headers when caching your objects in edge locations. If your
origin returns two objects and they differ only by the values in the request headers, CloudFront caches
only one version of the object.

You can configure CloudFront to forward headers to the origin, which causes CloudFront to cache
multiple versions of an object based on the values in one or more request headers. To configure
CloudFront to cache objects based on the values of specific headers, you specify cache behavior settings
for your distribution. For more information, see Cache Based on Selected Request Headers.

For example, suppose viewer requests for logo.jpg contain a custom Product header that has a value
of either Acme or Apex. When you configure CloudFront to cache your objects based on the value of the
Product header, CloudFront forwards requests for logo.jpg to the origin and includes the Product
header and header values. CloudFront caches logo.jpg once for requests in which the value of the
Product header is Acme and once for requests in which the value is Apex.

You can configure each cache behavior in a web distribution to do one of the following:

• Forward all headers to your origin

If you configure CloudFront to forward all headers to your origin, CloudFront doesn't cache
the objects associated with this cache behavior. Instead, it sends every request to the origin.
• Forward a whitelist of headers that you specify. CloudFront caches your objects based on the values
in all of the specified headers. CloudFront also forwards the headers that it forwards by default, but it
caches your objects based only on the headers that you specify.
• Forward only the default headers. In this configuration, CloudFront doesn't cache your objects based
on the values in the request headers.

For the current quota on the number of headers that you can whitelist for each cache behavior or to
request a higher quota, see Quotas on Custom Headers (Web Distributions Only) (p. 499).

For information about using the CloudFront console to update a distribution so CloudFront forwards
headers to the origin, see Updating a Distribution (p. 63). For information about using the CloudFront API
to update an existing distribution, see Update Distribution in the Amazon CloudFront API Reference.

Selecting the Headers to Base Caching On

The headers that you can forward to the origin and that CloudFront bases caching on depend on
whether your origin is an Amazon S3 bucket or a custom origin.

• Amazon S3 – You can configure CloudFront to forward and to cache your objects based on a number
of specific headers (see the following list of exceptions). However, we recommend that you avoid
whitelisting headers with an Amazon S3 origin unless you need to implement cross-origin resource
sharing (CORS) or you want to personalize content by using Lambda@Edge in origin-facing events.
• To configure CORS, you must forward headers that allow CloudFront to distribute content for
websites that are enabled for cross-origin resource sharing (CORS). For more information, see
Configuring CloudFront to Respect CORS Settings (p. 248).
• To personalize content by using headers that you forward to your Amazon S3 origin, you write and
add Lambda@Edge functions and associate them with your CloudFront distribution to be triggered

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Configuring CloudFront to Respect CORS Settings

by an origin-facing event. For more information about working with headers to personalize content,
see Personalize Content by Country or Device Type Headers - Examples (p. 377).

We recommend that you avoid whitelisting headers that you aren’t using to personalize content
because forwarding extra headers can reduce your cache hit ratio. That is, CloudFront can’t serve as
many requests from edge caches, as a proportion of all requests.
• Custom origin – You can configure CloudFront to cache based on the value of any request header
except the following:
• Connection
• Cookie – If you want to forward and cache based on cookies, you use a separate setting in your
distribution. For more information, see Caching Content Based on Cookies (p. 244).
• Host (for Amazon S3 origins)
• Proxy-Authorization
• TE
• Upgrade

You can configure CloudFront to cache objects based on values in the Date and User-Agent headers,
but we don’t recommend it. These headers have numerous possible values, and caching based on their
values could cause CloudFront to forward significantly more requests to your origin.

For a full list of HTTP request headers and how CloudFront processes them, see HTTP Request Headers
and CloudFront Behavior (Custom and S3 Origins) (p. 273).

Configuring CloudFront to Respect CORS Settings

If you have enabled cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) on an Amazon S3 bucket or a custom origin,
you must choose specific headers to forward, to respect the CORS settings. The headers that you must
forward differ depending on the origin (Amazon S3 or custom) and whether you want to cache OPTIONS

Amazon S3

• If you want OPTIONS responses to be cached, do the following:

• Choose the options for default cache behavior settings that enable caching for OPTIONS responses.
• Configure CloudFront to forward the following headers: Origin, Access-Control-Request-
Headers, and Access-Control-Request-Method.
• If you don't want OPTIONS responses to be cached, configure CloudFront to forward the Origin
header, together with any other headers required by your origin (for example, Access-Control-
Request-Headers, Access-Control-Request-Method, or others).

Custom origins – Forward the Origin header along with any other headers required by your origin.

You configure CloudFront to forward headers by whitelisting the headers in a cache behavior for your
CloudFront distribution. For more information about working with header forwarding, see Headers and
Distributions - Overview (p. 247).

For more information about CORS and Amazon S3, see Enabling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing in the
Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide.

Configuring Caching Based on the Device Type

If you want CloudFront to cache different versions of your objects based on the device a user is using to
view your content, configure CloudFront to forward the applicable headers to your custom origin:

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Configuring Caching Based on the Language of the Viewer

• CloudFront-Is-Desktop-Viewer
• CloudFront-Is-Mobile-Viewer
• CloudFront-Is-SmartTV-Viewer
• CloudFront-Is-Tablet-Viewer

Based on the value of the User-Agent header, CloudFront sets the value of these headers to true
or false before forwarding the request to your origin. If a device falls into more than one category,
more than one value might be true. For example, for some tablet devices, CloudFront might set both
CloudFront-Is-Mobile-Viewer and CloudFront-Is-Tablet-Viewer to true.

Configuring Caching Based on the Language of the

If you want CloudFront to cache different versions of your objects based on the language specified in the
request, configure CloudFront to forward the Accept-Language header to your origin.

Configuring Caching Based on the Location of the

If you want CloudFront to cache different versions of your objects based on the country that the request
came from, configure CloudFront to forward the CloudFront-Viewer-Country header to your origin.
CloudFront automatically converts the IP address that the request came from into a two-letter country
code. For an easy-to-use list of country codes, sortable by code and by country name, see the Wikipedia
entry ISO 3166-1 alpha-2.

Configuring Caching Based on the Protocol of the

If you want CloudFront to cache different versions of your objects based on the protocol of the request,
HTTP or HTTPS, configure CloudFront to forward the CloudFront-Forwarded-Proto header to your

Configuring Caching For Compressed Files

If your origin supports brotli compression, you can whitelist the Accept-Encoding header and cache
based on the header. Configure caching based on Accept-Encoding only if your origin serves different
content based on the header.

How Caching Based on Headers Affects Performance

When you configure CloudFront to cache based on one or more headers and the headers have more than
one possible value, CloudFront forwards more requests to your origin server for the same object. This
slows performance and increases the load on your origin server. If your origin server returns the same
object regardless of the value of a given header, we recommend that you don't configure CloudFront to
cache based on that header.

If you configure CloudFront to forward more than one header, the order of the headers in viewer
requests doesn't affect caching as long as the values are the same. For example, if one request contains
the headers A:1,B:2 and another request contains B:2,A:1, CloudFront caches just one copy of the object.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
How the Case of Headers and
Header Values Affects Caching

How the Case of Headers and Header Values Affects

When CloudFront caches based on header values, it doesn't consider the case of the header name, but it
does consider the case of the header value:

• If viewer requests include both Product:Acme and product:Acme, CloudFront caches an object only
once. The only difference between them is the case of the header name, which doesn't affect caching.
• If viewer requests include both Product:Acme and Product:acme, CloudFront caches an object
twice, because the value is Acme in some requests and acme in others.

Headers that CloudFront Returns to the Viewer

Configuring CloudFront to forward and cache headers does not affect which headers CloudFront returns
to the viewer. CloudFront returns all of the headers that it gets from the origin with a few exceptions. For
more information, see the applicable topic:

• Amazon S3 origins – See HTTP Response Headers That CloudFront Removes or Updates (p. 268).
• Custom origins – See HTTP Response Headers that CloudFront Removes or Replaces (p. 280).

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Troubleshooting Distribution Issues

Troubleshoot common problems you might encounter when setting up Amazon CloudFront to distribute
your content or when using Lambda@Edge, and find possible solutions.

• Troubleshooting Distribution Issues (p. 251)
• Troubleshooting Error Responses from Your Origin (p. 254)
• Load Testing CloudFront (p. 262)

Troubleshooting Distribution Issues

Use the information here to help you diagnose and fix certificate errors, access-denied issues, or other
common issues that you might encounter when setting up your website or application with Amazon
CloudFront distributions.

• CloudFront Returns an InvalidViewerCertificate Error When I Try to Add an Alternate Domain
Name (p. 251)
• I Can't View the Files in My Distribution (p. 252)
• Error Message: Certificate: <certificate-id> Is Being Used by CloudFront (p. 253)

CloudFront Returns an InvalidViewerCertificate Error

When I Try to Add an Alternate Domain Name
If CloudFront returns an InvalidViewerCertificate error when you try to add an alternate domain
name (CNAME) to your distribution, review the following information to help troubleshoot the problem.
This error can indicate that one of the following issues must be resolved before you can successfully add
the alternate domain name.

The following errors are listed in the order in which CloudFront checks for authorization to add
an alternate domain name. This can help you troubleshoot issues because based on the error that
CloudFront returns, you can tell which verification checks have completed successfully.

There's no certificate attached to your distribution.

To add an alternate domain name (CNAME), you must attach a trusted, valid certificate to your
distribution. Please review the requirements, obtain a valid certificate that meets them, attach it to
your distribution, and then try again. For more information, see Requirements for Using Alternate
Domain Names (p. 78).
There are too many certificates in the certificate chain for the certificate that you've attached.

You can only have up to five certificates in a certificate chain. Reduce the number of certificates in
the chain, and then try again.
The certificate chain includes one or more certificates that aren't valid for the current date.

The certificate chain for a certificate that you have added has one or more certificates that aren't
valid, either because a certificate isn't valid yet or a certificate has expired. Check the Not Valid
Before and Not Valid After fields in the certificates in your certificate chain to make sure that all of
the certificates are valid based on the dates that you’ve listed.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
I Can't View the Files in My Distribution

The certificate that you've attached isn't signed by a trusted Certificate Authority (CA).

The certificate that you attach to CloudFront to verify an alternate domain name cannot be a self-
signed certificate. It must be signed by a trusted CA. For more information, see Requirements for
Using Alternate Domain Names (p. 78).
The certificate that you've attached isn't formatted correctly

The domain name and IP address format that are included in the certificate, and the format of the
certificate itself, must follow the standard for certificates.
There was a CloudFront internal error.

CloudFront was blocked by an internal issue and couldn't make validation checks for certificates.
In this scenario, CloudFront returns an HTTP 500 status code and indicates that there is an internal
CloudFront problem with attaching the certificate. Wait a few minutes, and then try again to add the
alternate domain name with the certificate.
The certificate that you've attached doesn't cover the alternate domain name that you’re trying to

For each alternate domain name that you add, CloudFront requires that you attach a valid SSL/TLS
certificate from a trusted Certificate Authority (CA) that covers the domain name, to validate your
authorization to use it. Please update your certificate to include a domain name that covers the
CNAME that you’re trying to add. For more information and examples of using domain names with
wildcards, see Requirements for Using Alternate Domain Names (p. 78).

I Can't View the Files in My Distribution

If you can't view the files in your CloudFront distribution, see the following topics for some common

Did You Sign Up for Both CloudFront and Amazon S3?

To use Amazon CloudFront with an Amazon S3 origin, you must sign up for both CloudFront and Amazon
S3, separately. For more information about signing up for CloudFront and Amazon S3, see Setting up
Amazon CloudFront (p. 11).

Are Your Amazon S3 Bucket and Object Permissions Set

If you are using CloudFront with an Amazon S3 origin, the original versions of your content are stored in
an S3 bucket. The easiest way to use CloudFront with Amazon S3 is to make all of your objects publicly
readable in Amazon S3. To do this, you must explicitly enable public read privileges for each object that
you upload to Amazon S3.

If your content is not publicly readable, you must create a CloudFront origin access identity (OAI) so that
CloudFront can access it. For more information about CloudFront origin access identities, see Restricting
Access to Amazon S3 Content by Using an Origin Access Identity (p. 209).

Object properties and bucket properties are independent. You must explicitly grant privileges to each
object in Amazon S3. Objects do not inherit properties from buckets, and object properties must be set
independently of the bucket.

Is Your Alternate Domain Name (CNAME) Correctly Configured?

If you already have an existing CNAME record for your domain name, update that record or replace it
with a new one that points to your distribution's domain name.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Error Message: Certificate: <certificate-
id> Is Being Used by CloudFront

Also, make sure that your CNAME record points to your distribution's domain name, not your Amazon S3
bucket. You can confirm that the CNAME record in your DNS system points to your distribution's domain
name. To do so, use a DNS tool like dig. For information about dig, see

The following example shows a dig request for a domain name called and
the relevant part of the response. Under ANSWER SECTION, see the line that contains CNAME. The
CNAME record for your domain name is set up correctly if the value on the right side of CNAME is your
CloudFront distribution's domain name. If it's your Amazon S3 origin server bucket or some other domain
name, then the CNAME record is set up incorrectly.


; <<> DiG 9.3.3rc2 <<>

;; global options: printcmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 15917
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 9, AUTHORITY: 2, ADDITIONAL: 0
; IN A

For more information about CNAMEs, see Using Custom URLs for Files by Adding Alternate Domain
Names (CNAMEs) (p. 71).

Are You Referencing the Correct URL for Your CloudFront

Make sure that the URL that you're referencing uses the domain name (or CNAME) of your CloudFront
distribution, not your Amazon S3 bucket or custom origin.

Do You Need Help Troubleshooting a Custom Origin?

If you need AWS to help you troubleshoot a custom origin, we probably will need to inspect the X-Amz-
Cf-Id header entries from your requests. If you are not already logging these entries, you might want to
consider it for the future. For more information, see Using Amazon EC2 or Other Custom Origins (p. 68).
For further help, see the AWS Support Center.

I Can't View the Files in My RTMP Distribution

If you can't view the files in your RTMP distribution, are your URL and your playback client correctly
configured? RTMP distributions require you to use an RTMP protocol instead of HTTP, and you must
make a few minor configuration changes to your playback client. For information about creating RTMP
distributions, see Task List for Streaming Media Files Using RTMP (p. 307).

Error Message: Certificate: <certificate-id> Is Being

Used by CloudFront
Problem: You're trying to delete an SSL/TLS certificate from the IAM certificate store, and you're getting
the message "Certificate: <certificate-id> is being used by CloudFront."

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Troubleshooting Error Responses from Your Origin

Solution: Every CloudFront web distribution must be associated either with the default CloudFront
certificate or with a custom SSL/TLS certificate. Before you can delete an SSL/TLS certificate, you
must either rotate the certificate (replace the current custom SSL/TLS certificate with another custom
SSL/TLS certificate) or revert from using a custom SSL/TLS certificate to using the default CloudFront
certificate. To fix that, complete the steps in one of the following procedures:

• Rotating SSL/TLS Certificates (p. 143)

• Reverting from a Custom SSL/TLS Certificate to the Default CloudFront Certificate (p. 144)

Troubleshooting Error Responses from Your Origin

If CloudFront requests an object from your origin, and the origin returns an HTTP 4xx or 5xx status
code, there's a problem with communication between CloudFront and your origin. The following topics
describe common causes for some of these HTTP status codes, and some possible solutions.

• HTTP 400 Status Code (Bad Request) (p. 254)
• HTTP 500 Status Code (Lambda Execution Error) (p. 255)
• HTTP 502 Status Code (Bad Gateway) (p. 255)
• HTTP 502 Status Code (Lambda Validation Error) (p. 258)
• HTTP 503 Status Code (Lambda Limit Exceeded) (p. 258)
• HTTP 503 Status Code (Service Unavailable) (p. 258)
• HTTP 504 Status Code (Gateway Timeout) (p. 259)

HTTP 400 Status Code (Bad Request)

Your CloudFront distribution might send error responses with HTTP status code 400 Bad Request, and a
message similar to the following:

The authorization header is malformed; the region '<AWS Region>' is wrong; expecting '<AWS Region>'

For example:

The authorization header is malformed; the region 'us-east-1' is wrong; expecting 'us-west-2'

This problem can occur in the following scenario:

1. Your CloudFront distribution's origin is an Amazon S3 bucket.

2. You moved the S3 bucket from one AWS Region to another. That is, you deleted the S3 bucket, then
later you created a new bucket with the same bucket name, but in a different AWS Region than where
the original S3 bucket was located.

To fix this error, update your CloudFront distribution so that it finds the S3 bucket in the bucket's current
AWS Region.

To update your CloudFront distribution

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CloudFront console at https://
2. Choose the distribution that produces this error.
3. Choose Origins and Origin Groups.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
HTTP 500 Status Code (Lambda Execution Error)

4. Find the origin for the S3 bucket that you moved. Select the check box next to this origin, then
choose Edit.
5. Choose Yes, Edit. You do not need to change any settings before choosing Yes, Edit.

When you complete these steps, CloudFront redeploys your distribution. The distribution's status
in the CloudFront console changes to In Progress while the distribution is deploying. When the
deployment is complete, the distribution's status changes to Deployed, and you should stop receiving
the AuthorizationHeaderMalformed error responses. Even after the status changes to Deployed, it might
take some time before you stop receiving this error.

HTTP 500 Status Code (Lambda Execution Error)

If you’re using Lambda@Edge, an HTTP 500 status code can indicate that your Lambda function returned
an execution error. For more information about troubleshooting Lambda@Edge errors, see Testing and
Debugging Lambda@Edge Functions (p. 343).

HTTP 502 Status Code (Bad Gateway)

An HTTP 502 status code (Bad Gateway) indicates that CloudFront wasn't able to serve the requested
object because it couldn't connect to the origin server.

• SSL/TLS Negotiation Failure Between CloudFront and a Custom Origin Server (p. 255)
• Origin Is Not Responding with Supported Ciphers/Protocols (p. 256)
• SSL/TLS Certificate on the Origin Is Expired, Invalid, Self-signed, or the Certificate Chain Is in the
Wrong Order (p. 257)
• Origin Is Not Responding on Specified Ports in Origin Settings (p. 257)
• CloudFront Was Not Able to Resolve Your Origin Domain Due to DNS Issues (p. 257)
• Lambda@Edge Function Validation Errors (p. 258)

SSL/TLS Negotiation Failure Between CloudFront and a Custom

Origin Server
If you use a custom origin and you configured CloudFront to require HTTPS between CloudFront and
your origin, the problem might be mismatched domain names. The SSL/TLS certificate that is installed
on your origin includes a domain name in the Common Name field and possibly several more in the
Subject Alternative Names field. (CloudFront supports wildcard characters in certificate domain names.)
One of the domain names in the certificate must match one or both of the following values:

• The value that you specified for Origin Domain Name for the applicable origin in your distribution.
• The value of the Host header if you configured CloudFront to forward the Host header to your origin.
For more information about forwarding the Host header to your origin, see Caching Content Based on
Request Headers (p. 246).

If the domain names don't match, the SSL/TLS handshake fails, and CloudFront returns an HTTP status
code 502 (Bad Gateway) and sets the X-Cache header to Error from cloudfront.

To determine whether domain names in the certificate match the Origin Domain Name in the
distribution or the Host header, you can use an online SSL checker or OpenSSL. If the domain names
don't match, you have two options:

• Get a new SSL/TLS certificate that includes the applicable domain names.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
HTTP 502 Status Code (Bad Gateway)

If you use AWS Certificate Manager (ACM), see Request a Certificate in the AWS Certificate Manager
User Guide to request a new certificate.
• Change the distribution configuration so CloudFront no longer tries to use SSL to connect with your

Online SSL Checker

To find an SSL test tool, search the internet for "online ssl checker." Typically, you specify the name of
your domain, and the tool returns a variety of information about your SSL/TLS certificate. Confirm that
the certificate contains your domain name in the Common Name or Subject Alternative Names fields.

To help troubleshoot HTTP 502 errors from CloudFront, you can use OpenSSL to try to make an SSL/
TLS connection to your origin server. If OpenSSL is not able to make a connection, that can indicate
a problem with your origin server’s SSL/TLS configuration. If OpenSSL is able to make a connection,
it returns information about the origin server’s certificate, including the certificate’s common name
(Subject CN field) and subject alternative name (Subject Alternative Name field).

Use the following OpenSSL command to test the connection to your origin server (replace origin
domain name with your origin server’s domain name, such as

openssl s_client –connect origin domain name:443

If the following are true:

• Your origin server supports multiple domain names with multiple SSL/TLS certificates
• Your distribution is configured to forward the Host header to the origin

Then add the -servername option to the OpenSSL command, as in the following example (replace
CNAME with the CNAME that’s configured in your distribution):

openssl s_client –connect origin domain name:443 -servername CNAME

Origin Is Not Responding with Supported Ciphers/Protocols

CloudFront connects to origin servers using ciphers and protocols. For a list of the ciphers and protocols
that CloudFront supports, see Supported Ciphers and Protocols (p. 128). If your origin does not respond
with one of these ciphers or protocols in the SSL/TLS exchange, CloudFront fails to connect. You can
validate that your origin supports the ciphers and protocols by using SSL Labs:

• SSL Labs

Type the domain name of your origin in the Hostname field, and then choose Submit. Review the
Common names and Alternative names fields from the test to see if they match your origin's domain

After the test is finished, find the Protocols and Cipher Suites sections in the test results to see which
ciphers or protocols are supported by your origin. Compare them with the list of Supported Ciphers
and Protocols (p. 128).

If you're using Elastic Load Balancing, see SSL Security Policies for Elastic Load Balancing in
the Elastic Load Balancing User Guide to learn how to set the ciphers and protocols. Using the
Predefined Security Policy ELBSecurityPolicy-2016-08 gives CloudFrontaccess to your elastic

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
HTTP 502 Status Code (Bad Gateway)

load balancer. If you want to restrict it further using a custom policy, you must allow the ciphers
that CloudFront supports.

SSL/TLS Certificate on the Origin Is Expired, Invalid, Self-signed,

or the Certificate Chain Is in the Wrong Order
If the origin server returns the following, CloudFront drops the TCP connection, returns HTTP status code
502 (Bad Gateway), and sets the X-Cache header to Error from cloudfront:

• An expired certificate
• Invalid certificate
• Self-signed certificate
• Certificate chain in the wrong order

If the full chain of certificates, including the intermediate certificate, is not present, CloudFront
drops the TCP connection.

For information about installing an SSL/TLS certificate on your custom origin server, see Requiring
HTTPS for Communication Between CloudFront and Your Custom Origin (p. 123).

Origin Is Not Responding on Specified Ports in Origin Settings

When you create an origin on your CloudFront distribution, you can set the ports that CloudFront
connects to the origin with for HTTP and HTTPS traffic. By default, these are TCP 80/443. You have the
option to modify these ports. If your origin is rejecting traffic on these ports for any reason, or if your
backend server isn't responding on the ports, CloudFront will fail to connect.

To troubleshoot these issues, check any firewalls running in your infrastructure and validate that they are
not blocking the supported IP ranges. For more information, see AWS IP Address Ranges in the Amazon
Web Services General Reference. Additionally, verify whether your web server is running on the origin.

CloudFront Was Not Able to Resolve Your Origin Domain Due to

DNS Issues
When CloudFront receives a request for an object that is expired or is not stored in its cache, it makes a
request to the origin to get the updated object. To make a successful request to the origin, CloudFront
performs a DNS resolution on the origin domain name. However, when the DNS service that hosts
your domain is experiencing issues, CloudFront cannot resolve the domain name to get the IP address,
resulting in a 502 error. To fix this issue, contact your DNS provider, or, if you are using Amazon Route 53,
see Amazon Route 53 DNS.

To further troubleshoot this issue, ensure that the authoritative name servers of your origin's root
domain or zone apex (such as are functioning correctly. Your authoritative name servers
then receive the request and return the IP address that is associated with the domain, and are the same
as the DNS servers that you used to set up your CloudFront distribution. Use the following commands to
find the name servers for your apex origin:

dig OriginAPEXDomainName NS +short

nslookup –query=NS OriginAPEXDomainName

When you have the names of your name servers, use the following commands to query the domain
name of your origin against them to make sure that each responds with an answer:

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
HTTP 502 Status Code (Lambda Validation Error)

dig OriginDomainName @NameServerFromAbove

nslookup OriginDomainName NameServerFromAbove

Lambda@Edge Function Validation Errors

If you’re using Lambda@Edge, an HTTP 502 status code can indicate that your Lambda function
response was incorrectly formed or included invalid content. For more information about
troubleshooting Lambda@Edge errors, see Testing and Debugging Lambda@Edge Functions (p. 343).

HTTP 502 Status Code (Lambda Validation Error)

If you’re using Lambda@Edge, an HTTP 502 status code can indicate that your Lambda function
response was incorrectly formed or included invalid content. For more information about
troubleshooting Lambda@Edge errors, see Testing and Debugging Lambda@Edge Functions (p. 343).

HTTP 503 Status Code (Lambda Limit Exceeded)

If you’re using Lambda@Edge, an HTTP 503 status code can indicate that the Lambda service returned
an error. The error might be caused by one of the following:

• The number of function executions exceeded one of the quotas (formerly known as limits) that
Lambda sets to throttle executions in an AWS Region (concurrent executions or invocation frequency).
• The function exceeded the Lambda function timeout quota.

For more information about the AWS Lambda quotas, see AWS Lambda Limits in the AWS Lambda
Developer Guide. For more information about troubleshooting Lambda@Edge errors, see Testing and
Debugging Lambda@Edge Functions (p. 343).

HTTP 503 Status Code (Service Unavailable)

An HTTP 503 status code (Service Unavailable) typically indicates a performance issue on the origin
server. In rare cases, it indicates that CloudFront temporarily can’t satisfy a request because of resource
constraints at an edge location.

• Origin Server Does Not Have Enough Capacity to Support the Request Rate (p. 258)
• CloudFront Caused the Error Due to Resource Constraints at the Edge Location (p. 259)

Origin Server Does Not Have Enough Capacity to Support the

Request Rate
CloudFront generates this error when the origin server is overwhelmed with incoming requests.
CloudFront then relays the error back to the user. To resolve this issue, try the following solutions:

• If you use Amazon S3 as your origin server, optimize the performance of Amazon S3 by following
the best practices for key naming. For more information, see Request Rate and Performance
Considerations in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide.
• If you use Elastic Load Balancing as your origin server, see 503 Error Classic.
• If you use a custom origin, examine the application logs to ensure that your origin has sufficient
resources, such as memory, CPU, and disk size. If you use Amazon EC2 as the backend, make sure that

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
HTTP 504 Status Code (Gateway Timeout)

the instance type has the appropriate resources to fulfill the incoming requests. For more information,
see Instance Types in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances.

CloudFront Caused the Error Due to Resource Constraints at the

Edge Location
You will receive this error in the rare situation that CloudFront can’t route requests to the next
best available edge location, and so can’t satisfy a request. This error is common when you
perform load testing on your CloudFront distribution. To help prevent this, follow the Load Testing
CloudFront (p. 262) guidelines for avoiding 503 (Capacity Exceeded) errors.

If this happens in your production environment, contact AWS Support.

HTTP 504 Status Code (Gateway Timeout)

An HTTP 504 status code (Gateway Timeout) indicates that when CloudFront forwarded a request to the
origin (because the requested object wasn’t in the edge cache), one of the following happened:

• The origin returned an HTTP 504 status code to CloudFront.

• The origin didn’t respond before the request expired.

CloudFront will return an HTTP 504 status code if traffic is blocked to the origin by a firewall or security
group, or if the origin isn’t accessible on the internet. Check for those issues first. Then, if access isn’t the
problem, explore application delays and server timeouts to help you identify and fix the issues.

• Configure the Firewall on Your Origin Server to Allow CloudFront Traffic (p. 259)
• Configure the Security Groups on Your Origin Server to Allow CloudFront Traffic (p. 260)
• Make Your Custom Origin Server Accessible on the Internet (p. 260)
• Find and Fix Delayed Responses from Applications on Your Origin Server (p. 260)

Configure the Firewall on Your Origin Server to Allow

CloudFront Traffic
If the firewall on your origin server blocks CloudFront traffic, CloudFront returns an HTTP 504 status
code, so it's good to make sure that isn’t the issue before checking for other problems.

The method that you use to determine if this is an issue with your firewall depends on what system your
origin server uses:

• If you use an IPTable firewall on a Linux server, you can search for tools and information to help you
work with IPTables.
• If you use Windows Firewall on a Windows server, see Add or Edit Firewall Rule on Microsoft Technet.

When you evaluate the firewall configuration on your origin server, look for any firewalls or security rules
that block traffic from CloudFront edge locations, based on the published IP address range.

If the CloudFront IP address range is whitelisted on your origin server, make sure to update your
server’s security rules to incorporate changes. You can subscribe to an Amazon Simple Notification
Service (SNS) topic and receive notifications when the IP address range file is updated. After you receive

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
HTTP 504 Status Code (Gateway Timeout)

the notification, you can use code to retrieve the file, parse it, and make adjustments for your local
environment." For more information, see Subscribe to AWS Public IP Address Changes via Amazon SNS.

Configure the Security Groups on Your Origin Server to Allow

CloudFront Traffic
If your origin uses Elastic Load Balancing, review the ELB security groups and make sure that the security
groups allow inbound traffic from CloudFront.

You can also use AWS Lambda to automatically update your security groups to allow inbound traffic
from CloudFront.

Make Your Custom Origin Server Accessible on the Internet

If CloudFront can’t access your custom origin server because it isn’t publicly available on the internet,
CloudFront returns an HTTP 504 error.

CloudFront edge locations connect to origin servers through the internet. If your custom origin is on
a private network, CloudFront can’t reach it. Because of this, you can’t use private servers, including
internal Classic Load Balancers, as origin servers with CloudFront.

To check that internet traffic can connect to your origin server, run the following commands (where
OriginDomainName is the domain name for your server):

For HTTPS traffic:

• nc -zv OriginDomainName 443

• telnet OriginDomainName 443

For HTTP traffic:

• nc -zv OriginDomainName 80
• telnet OriginDomainName 80

Find and Fix Delayed Responses from Applications on Your

Origin Server
Server timeouts are often the result of either an application taking a very long time to respond, or a
timeout value that is set too low.

A quick fix to help avoid HTTP 504 errors is to simply set a higher CloudFront timeout value for your
distribution. But we recommend that you first make sure that you address any performance and latency
issues with the application and origin server. Then you can set a reasonable timeout value that helps
prevent HTTP 504 errors and provides good responsiveness to users.

Here’s an overview of the steps you can take to find performance issues and correct them:

1. Measure the typical and high-load latency (responsiveness) of your web application.
2. Add additional resources, such as CPU or memory, if needed. Take other steps to address issues, such
as tuning database queries to accommodate high-load scenarios.
3. If needed, adjust the timeout value for your CloudFront web distribution.

Following are details about each step.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
HTTP 504 Status Code (Gateway Timeout)

Measure typical and high-load latency

To determine if one or more backend web application servers are experiencing high latency, run the
following Linux curl command on each server:

curl -w "Connect time: %{time_connect} Time to first byte:

%{time_starttransfer} Total time: %{time_total} \n" -o /dev/null https://
If you run Windows on your servers, you can search for and download curl for Windows to run a
similar command.

As you measure and evaluate the latency of an application that runs on your server, keep in mind the

• Latency values are relative to each application. However, a Time to First Byte in milliseconds rather
than seconds or more, is reasonable.
• If you measure the application latency under normal load and it’s fine, be aware that viewers might
still experience timeouts under high load. When there is high demand, servers can have delayed
responses or not respond at all. To help prevent high-load latency issues, check your server’s resources
such as CPU, memory, and disk reads and writes to make sure that your servers have the capacity to
scale for high load.

You can run the following Linux command to check the memory that is used by Apache processes:

watch -n 1 "echo -n 'Apache Processes: ' && ps -C apache2 --no-headers | wc -

l && free -m"
• High CPU utilization on the server can significantly reduce an application’s performance. If you use
an Amazon EC2 instance for your backend server, review the CloudWatch metrics for the server to
check the CPU utilization. For more information, see the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide. Or if you’re
using your own server, refer to the server Help documentation for instructions on how to check CPU
• Check for other potential issues under high loads, such as database queries that run slowly when
there’s a high volume of requests.

Add resources, and tune servers and databases

After you evaluate the responsiveness of your applications and servers, make sure that you have
sufficient resources in place for typical traffic and high load situations:

• If you have your own server, make sure it has enough CPU, memory, and disk space to handle viewer
requests, based on your evaluation.
• If you use an Amazon EC2 instance as your backend server, make sure that the instance type has the
appropriate resources to fulfill incoming requests. For more information, see Instance Types in the
Amazon EC2 User Guide.

In addition, consider the following tuning steps to help avoid timeouts:

• If the Time to First Byte value that is returned by the curl command seems high, take steps to improve
the performance of your application. Improving application responsiveness will in turn help reduce
timeout errors.
• Tune database queries to make sure that they can handle high request volumes without slow
• Set up keep-alive (persistent) connections on your backend server. This option helps to avoid latencies
that occur when connections must be re-established for subsequent requests or users.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Load Testing CloudFront

• If you use ELB as your origin, learn how you can reduce latency by reviewing the suggestions in the
following Knowledge Center article: How to troubleshoot ELB high latency.

If needed, adjust the CloudFront timeout value

If you have evaluated and addressed slow application performance, origin server capacity, and other
issues, but viewers are still experiencing HTTP 504 errors, then you should consider changing the time
that is specified in your web distribution for origin response timeout. To learn more, see Origin Response

Load Testing CloudFront

Traditional load testing methods don't work well with CloudFront because CloudFront uses DNS to
balance loads across geographically dispersed edge locations and within each edge location. When a
client requests content from CloudFront, the client receives a DNS response that includes a set of IP
addresses. If you test by sending requests to just one of the IP addresses that DNS returns, you're testing
only a small subset of the resources in one CloudFront edge location, which doesn't accurately represent
actual traffic patterns. Depending on the volume of data requested, testing in this way may overload and
degrade the performance of that small subset of CloudFront servers.

CloudFront is designed to scale for viewers that have different client IP addresses and different
DNS resolvers across multiple geographic regions. To perform load testing that accurately assesses
CloudFront performance, we recommend that you do all of the following:

• Send client requests from multiple geographic regions.

• Configure your test so each client makes an independent DNS request; each client will then receive a
different set of IP addresses from DNS.
• For each client that is making requests, spread your client requests across the set of IP addresses that
are returned by DNS, which ensures that the load is distributed across multiple servers in a CloudFront
edge location.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Request and Response Behavior for Amazon S3 Origins

Request and Response Behavior

The following sections explain how CloudFront processes viewer requests and forwards the requests to
your Amazon S3 or custom origin, and how CloudFront processes responses from your origin, including
how CloudFront processes and caches 4xx and 5xx HTTP status codes.

• Request and Response Behavior for Amazon S3 Origins (p. 263)
• Request and Response Behavior for Custom Origins (p. 269)
• Request and Response Behavior for Origin Groups (p. 282)
• Adding Custom Headers to Origin Requests (p. 282)
• How CloudFront Processes Partial Requests for an Object (Range GETs) (p. 285)
• How CloudFront Processes HTTP 3xx Status Codes from Your Origin (p. 285)
• How CloudFront Processes and Caches HTTP 4xx and 5xx Status Codes from Your Origin (p. 286)

Request and Response Behavior for Amazon S3

• How CloudFront Processes HTTP and HTTPS Requests (p. 263)
• How CloudFront Processes and Forwards Requests to Your Amazon S3 Origin Server (p. 263)
• How CloudFront Processes Responses from Your Amazon S3 Origin Server (p. 268)

How CloudFront Processes HTTP and HTTPS

For Amazon S3 origins, CloudFront accepts requests in both HTTP and HTTPS protocols for objects in a
CloudFront distribution by default. CloudFront then forwards the requests to your Amazon S3 bucket
using the same protocol in which the requests were made.

For custom origins, when you create your distribution, you can specify how CloudFront accesses your
origin: HTTP only, or matching the protocol that is used by the viewer. For more information about how
CloudFront handles HTTP and HTTPS requests for custom origins, see Protocols (p. 277).

For information about how to restrict your web distribution so that end users can only access
objects using HTTPS, see Using HTTPS with CloudFront (p. 121). (This option doesn't apply to RTMP
distributions, which use the RTMP protocol.)
The charge for HTTPS requests is higher than the charge for HTTP requests. For more
information about billing rates, go to the CloudFront pricing plan.

How CloudFront Processes and Forwards Requests to

Your Amazon S3 Origin Server
This topic contains information about how CloudFront processes viewer requests and forwards the
requests to your Amazon S3 origin.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
How CloudFront Processes and Forwards
Requests to Your Amazon S3 Origin Server

• Caching Duration and Minimum TTL (p. 264)
• Client IP Addresses (p. 264)
• Conditional GETs (p. 264)
• Cookies (p. 265)
• Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) (p. 265)
• GET Requests That Include a Body (p. 265)
• HTTP Methods (p. 265)
• HTTP Request Headers That CloudFront Removes or Updates (p. 266)
• Maximum Length of a Request and Maximum Length of a URL (p. 266)
• OCSP Stapling (p. 266)
• Protocols (p. 266)
• Query Strings (p. 267)
• Origin Connection Timeout and Attempts (p. 267)
• Origin Response Timeout (p. 267)
• Simultaneous Requests for the Same Object (Traffic Spikes) (p. 267)

Caching Duration and Minimum TTL

For web distributions, to control how long your objects stay in a CloudFront cache before CloudFront
forwards another request to your origin, you can:

• Configure your origin to add a Cache-Control or an Expires header field to each object.
• Specify a value for Minimum TTL in CloudFront cache behaviors.
• Use the default value of 24 hours.

For more information, see Managing How Long Content Stays in an Edge Cache (Expiration) (p. 236).

Client IP Addresses
If a viewer sends a request to CloudFront and does not include an X-Forwarded-For request header,
CloudFront gets the IP address of the viewer from the TCP connection, adds an X-Forwarded-For
header that includes the IP address, and forwards the request to the origin. For example, if CloudFront
gets the IP address from the TCP connection, it forwards the following header to the origin:


If a viewer sends a request to CloudFront and includes an X-Forwarded-For request header,

CloudFront gets the IP address of the viewer from the TCP connection, appends it to the end of the X-
Forwarded-For header, and forwards the request to the origin. For example, if the viewer request
includes X-Forwarded-For:, and CloudFront gets the IP address
from the TCP connection, it forwards the following header to the origin:

The X-Forwarded-For header contains IPv4 addresses (such as and IPv6 addresses
(such as 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334).

Conditional GETs
When CloudFront receives a request for an object that has expired from an edge cache, it forwards the
request to the Amazon S3 origin either to get the latest version of the object or to get confirmation from

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
How CloudFront Processes and Forwards
Requests to Your Amazon S3 Origin Server

Amazon S3 that the CloudFront edge cache already has the latest version. When Amazon S3 originally
sent the object to CloudFront, it included an ETag value and a LastModified value in the response. In
the new request that CloudFront forwards to Amazon S3, CloudFront adds one or both of the following:

• An If-Match or If-None-Match header that contains the ETag value for the expired version of the
• An If-Modified-Since header that contains the LastModified value for the expired version of
the object.

Amazon S3 uses this information to determine whether the object has been updated and, therefore,
whether to return the entire object to CloudFront or to return only an HTTP 304 status code (not

Amazon S3 doesn't process cookies. If you configure a cache behavior to forward cookies to an Amazon
S3 origin, CloudFront forwards the cookies, but Amazon S3 ignores them. All future requests for the
same object, regardless if you vary the cookie, are served from the existing object in the cache.

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)

If you want CloudFront to respect Amazon S3 cross-origin resource sharing settings, configure
CloudFront to forward selected headers to Amazon S3. For more information, see Caching Content Based
on Request Headers (p. 246).

GET Requests That Include a Body

If a viewer GET request includes a body, CloudFront returns an HTTP status code 403 (Forbidden) to the

HTTP Methods
If you configure CloudFront to process all of the HTTP methods that it supports, CloudFront accepts the
following requests from viewers and forwards them to your Amazon S3 origin:


CloudFront always caches responses to GET and HEAD requests. You can also configure CloudFront to
cache responses to OPTIONS requests. CloudFront does not cache responses to requests that use the
other methods.

If you use an Amazon S3 bucket as the origin for your distribution and if you use CloudFront origin
access identities, POST requests aren't supported in some Amazon S3 Regions and PUT requests in those
Regions require an additional header. For more information, see Using an OAI in Amazon S3 Regions that
Support Only Signature Version 4 Authentication (p. 215).

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
How CloudFront Processes and Forwards
Requests to Your Amazon S3 Origin Server

If you want to use multi-part uploads to add objects to an Amazon S3 bucket, you must add a
CloudFront origin access identity to your distribution and grant the origin access identity the needed
permissions. For more information, see Restricting Access to Amazon S3 Content by Using an Origin
Access Identity (p. 209).
If you configure CloudFront to accept and forward to Amazon S3 all of the HTTP methods that
CloudFront supports, you must create a CloudFront origin access identity to restrict access
to your Amazon S3 content and grant the origin access identity the required permissions.
For example, if you configure CloudFront to accept and forward these methods because you
want to use PUT, you must configure Amazon S3 bucket policies or ACLs to handle DELETE
requests appropriately so viewers can't delete resources that you don't want them to. For
more information, see Restricting Access to Amazon S3 Content by Using an Origin Access
Identity (p. 209).

For information about the operations supported by Amazon S3, see the Amazon S3 documentation.

HTTP Request Headers That CloudFront Removes or Updates

CloudFront removes or updates some headers before forwarding requests to your Amazon S3 origin. For
most headers this behavior is the same as for custom origins. For a full list of HTTP request headers and
how CloudFront processes them, see HTTP Request Headers and CloudFront Behavior (Custom and S3
Origins) (p. 273).

Maximum Length of a Request and Maximum Length of a URL

The maximum length of a request, including the path, the query string (if any), and headers, is 20,480

CloudFront constructs a URL from the request. The maximum length of this URL is 8192 bytes.

If a request or a URL exceeds these maximums, CloudFront returns HTTP status code 413, Request Entity
Too Large, to the viewer, and then terminates the TCP connection to the viewer.

OCSP Stapling
When a viewer submits an HTTPS request for an object, either CloudFront or the viewer must confirm
with the certificate authority (CA) that the SSL certificate for the domain has not been revoked. OCSP
stapling speeds up certificate validation by allowing CloudFront to validate the certificate and to cache
the response from the CA, so the client doesn't need to validate the certificate directly with the CA.

The performance improvement of OCSP stapling is more pronounced when CloudFront receives a lot
of HTTPS requests for objects in the same domain. Each server in a CloudFront edge location must
submit a separate validation request. When CloudFront receives a lot of HTTPS requests for the same
domain, every server in the edge location soon has a response from the CA that it can "staple" to a
packet in the SSL handshake; when the viewer is satisfied that the certificate is valid, CloudFront can
serve the requested object. If your distribution doesn't get much traffic in a CloudFront edge location,
new requests are more likely to be directed to a server that hasn't validated the certificate with the CA
yet. In that case, the viewer separately performs the validation step and the CloudFront server serves the
object. That CloudFront server also submits a validation request to the CA, so the next time it receives a
request that includes the same domain name, it has a validation response from the CA.

CloudFront forwards HTTP or HTTPS requests to the origin server based on the protocol of the viewer
request, either HTTP or HTTPS.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
How CloudFront Processes and Forwards
Requests to Your Amazon S3 Origin Server

If your Amazon S3 bucket is configured as a website endpoint, you cannot configure CloudFront
to use HTTPS to communicate with your origin because Amazon S3 doesn't support HTTPS
connections in that configuration.

Query Strings
For web distributions, you can configure whether CloudFront forwards query string parameters to your
Amazon S3 origin. For RTMP distributions, CloudFront does not forward query string parameters. For
more information, see Caching Content Based on Query String Parameters (p. 241).

Origin Connection Timeout and Attempts

Origin connection timeout is the number of seconds that CloudFront waits when trying to establish a
connection to the origin.

Origin connection attempts is the number of times that CloudFront attempts to connect to the origin.

Together, these settings determine how long CloudFront tries to connect to the origin before failing over
to the secondary origin (in the case of an origin group) or returning an error response to the viewer. By
default, CloudFront waits as long as 30 seconds (3 attempts of 10 seconds each) before attempting to
connect to the secondary origin or returning an error response. You can reduce this time by specifying a
shorter connection timeout, fewer attempts, or both.

For more information, see Controlling Origin Timeouts and Attempts (p. 233).

Origin Response Timeout

The origin response timeout, also known as the origin read timeout or origin request timeout, applies to
both of the following:

• The amount of time, in seconds, that CloudFront waits for a response after forwarding a request to the
• The amount of time, in seconds, that CloudFront waits after receiving a packet of a response from the
origin and before receiving the next packet.

CloudFront behavior depends on the HTTP method of the viewer request:

• GET and HEAD requests – If the origin doesn’t respond within 30 seconds or stops responding
for 30 seconds, CloudFront drops the connection. If the specified number of origin connection
attempts (p. 42) is more than 1, CloudFront tries again to get a complete response. CloudFront tries up
to 3 times, as determined by the value of the origin connection attempts setting. If the origin doesn’t
respond during the final attempt, CloudFront doesn’t try again until it receives another request for
content on the same origin.
• DELETE, OPTIONS, PATCH, PUT, and POST requests – If the origin doesn’t respond within 30 seconds,
CloudFront drops the connection and doesn’t try again to contact the origin. The client can resubmit
the request if necessary.

You can’t change the response timeout for an Amazon S3 origin (an S3 bucket that is not configured with
static website hosting).

Simultaneous Requests for the Same Object (Traffic Spikes)

When a CloudFront edge location receives a request for an object and either the object isn't currently
in the cache or the object has expired, CloudFront immediately sends the request to your Amazon S3
origin. If there's a traffic spike—if additional requests for the same object arrive at the edge location

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
How CloudFront Processes Responses
from Your Amazon S3 Origin Server

before Amazon S3 responds to the first request—CloudFront pauses briefly before forwarding additional
requests for the object to your origin. Typically, the response to the first request will arrive at the
CloudFront edge location before the response to subsequent requests. This brief pause helps to reduce
unnecessary load on Amazon S3. If additional requests are not identical because, for example, you
configured CloudFront to cache based on request headers or query strings, CloudFront forwards all of
the unique requests to your origin.

When the response from the origin includes a Cache-Control: no-cache header, CloudFront
typically forwards the next request for the same object to the origin to determine whether the object
has been updated. However, when there's a traffic spike and CloudFront pauses after forwarding the first
request to your origin, multiple viewer requests might arrive before CloudFront receives a response from
the origin. When CloudFront receives a response that contains a Cache-Control: no-cache header,
it sends the object in the response to the viewer that made the original request and to all of the viewers
that requested the object during the pause. After the response arrives from the origin, CloudFront
forwards the next viewer request for the same object to the origin. In CloudFront access logs, the first
request is identified as a Miss in the x-edge-result-type column, and all subsequent requests that
CloudFront received during the pause are identified as a Hit. For more information about access log file
format, see Web Distribution Standard Log File Format (p. 445).

How CloudFront Processes Responses from Your

Amazon S3 Origin Server
This topic contains information about how CloudFront processes responses from your Amazon S3 origin.

• Canceled Requests (p. 268)
• HTTP Response Headers That CloudFront Removes or Updates (p. 268)
• Maximum File Size (p. 269)
• Redirects (p. 269)

Canceled Requests
If an object is not in the edge cache, and if a viewer terminates a session (for example, closes a browser)
after CloudFront gets the object from your origin but before it can deliver the requested object,
CloudFront does not cache the object in the edge location.

HTTP Response Headers That CloudFront Removes or Updates

CloudFront removes or updates the following header fields before forwarding the response from your
Amazon S3 origin to the viewer:

• Set-Cookie – If you configure CloudFront to forward cookies, it will forward the Set-Cookie header
field to clients. For more information, see Caching Content Based on Cookies (p. 244).
• Trailer
• Transfer-Encoding – If your Amazon S3 origin returns this header field, CloudFront sets the value
to chunked before returning the response to the viewer.
• Upgrade
• Via – CloudFront sets the value to the following in the response to the viewer:

Via: http-version (CloudFront)

For example, if the client makes a request over HTTP/1.1, the value is something like the following:

Via: 1.1 (CloudFront)

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Request and Response Behavior for Custom Origins

Maximum File Size

The maximum size of a response body that CloudFront will return to the viewer is 20 GB. This includes
chunked transfer responses that don't specify the Content-Length header value.

You can configure an Amazon S3 bucket to redirect all requests to another host name; this can be
another Amazon S3 bucket or an HTTP server. If you configure a bucket to redirect all requests and if
the bucket is the origin for a CloudFront distribution, we recommend that you configure the bucket to
redirect all requests to a CloudFront distribution using either the domain name for the distribution (for
example, or an alternate domain name (a CNAME) that is associated
with a distribution (for example, Otherwise, viewer requests bypass CloudFront, and the
objects are served directly from the new origin.
If you redirect requests to an alternate domain name, you must also update the DNS service for
your domain by adding a CNAME record. For more information, see Using Custom URLs for Files
by Adding Alternate Domain Names (CNAMEs) (p. 71).

Here's what happens when you configure a bucket to redirect all requests:

1. A viewer (for example, a browser) requests an object from CloudFront.

2. CloudFront forwards the request to the Amazon S3 bucket that is the origin for your distribution.
3. Amazon S3 returns an HTTP status code 301 (Moved Permanently) as well as the new location.
4. CloudFront caches the redirect status code and the new location, and returns the values to the
viewer. CloudFront does not follow the redirect to get the object from the new location.
5. The viewer sends another request for the object, but this time the viewer specifies the new location
that it got from CloudFront:

• If the Amazon S3 bucket is redirecting all requests to a CloudFront distribution, using either the
domain name for the distribution or an alternate domain name, CloudFront requests the object
from the Amazon S3 bucket or the HTTP server in the new location. When the new location
returns the object, CloudFront returns it to the viewer and caches it in an edge location.
• If the Amazon S3 bucket is redirecting requests to another location, the second request bypasses
CloudFront. The Amazon S3 bucket or the HTTP server in the new location returns the object
directly to the viewer, so the object is never cached in a CloudFront edge cache.

Request and Response Behavior for Custom

• How CloudFront Processes and Forwards Requests to Your Custom Origin Server (p. 269)
• How CloudFront Processes Responses from Your Custom Origin Server (p. 279)

How CloudFront Processes and Forwards Requests to

Your Custom Origin Server
This topic contains information about how CloudFront processes viewer requests and forwards the
requests to your custom origin.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
How CloudFront Processes and Forwards
Requests to Your Custom Origin Server

• Authentication (p. 270)
• Caching Duration and Minimum TTL (p. 270)
• Client IP Addresses (p. 271)
• Client-Side SSL Authentication (p. 271)
• Compression (p. 271)
• Conditional Requests (p. 271)
• Cookies (p. 272)
• Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) (p. 272)
• Encryption (p. 272)
• GET Requests That Include a Body (p. 272)
• HTTP Methods (p. 272)
• HTTP Request Headers and CloudFront Behavior (Custom and S3 Origins) (p. 273)
• HTTP Version (p. 276)
• Maximum Length of a Request and Maximum Length of a URL (p. 276)
• OCSP Stapling (p. 276)
• Persistent Connections (p. 277)
• Protocols (p. 277)
• Query Strings (p. 277)
• Origin Connection Timeout and Attempts (p. 277)
• Origin Response Timeout (p. 278)
• Simultaneous Requests for the Same Object (Traffic Spikes) (p. 278)
• User-Agent Header (p. 278)

For DELETE, GET, HEAD, PATCH, POST, and PUT requests, if you configure CloudFront to forward
the Authorization header to your origin, you can configure your origin server to request client

For OPTIONS requests, you can configure your origin server to request client authentication only if you
use the following CloudFront settings:

• Configure CloudFront to forward the Authorization header to your origin.

• Configure CloudFront to not cache the response to OPTIONS requests.

You can configure CloudFront to forward requests to your origin using either HTTP or HTTPS; for more
information, see Using HTTPS with CloudFront (p. 121).

Caching Duration and Minimum TTL

For web distributions, to control how long your objects stay in a CloudFront cache before CloudFront
forwards another request to your origin, you can:

• Configure your origin to add a Cache-Control or an Expires header field to each object.
• Specify a value for Minimum TTL in CloudFront cache behaviors.
• Use the default value of 24 hours.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
How CloudFront Processes and Forwards
Requests to Your Custom Origin Server

For more information, see Managing How Long Content Stays in an Edge Cache (Expiration) (p. 236).

Client IP Addresses
If a viewer sends a request to CloudFront and does not include an X-Forwarded-For request header,
CloudFront gets the IP address of the viewer from the TCP connection, adds an X-Forwarded-For
header that includes the IP address, and forwards the request to the origin. For example, if CloudFront
gets the IP address from the TCP connection, it forwards the following header to the origin:


If a viewer sends a request to CloudFront and includes an X-Forwarded-For request header,

CloudFront gets the IP address of the viewer from the TCP connection, appends it to the end of the X-
Forwarded-For header, and forwards the request to the origin. For example, if the viewer request
includes X-Forwarded-For:, and CloudFront gets the IP address
from the TCP connection, it forwards the following header to the origin:


Some applications, such as load balancers (including Elastic Load Balancing), web application firewalls,
reverse proxies, intrusion prevention systems, and API Gateway, append the IP address of the CloudFront
edge server that forwarded the request onto the end of the X-Forwarded-For header. For example,
if CloudFront includes X-Forwarded-For: in a request that it forwards to ELB and if the
IP address of the CloudFront edge server is, the request that your EC2 instance receives
contains the following header:

The X-Forwarded-For header contains IPv4 addresses (such as and IPv6 addresses
(such as 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334).

Client-Side SSL Authentication

CloudFront does not support client authentication with client-side SSL certificates. If an origin requests a
client-side certificate, CloudFront drops the request.

For more information, see Serving compressed files (p. 116).

Conditional Requests
When CloudFront receives a request for an object that has expired from an edge cache, it forwards the
request to the origin either to get the latest version of the object or to get confirmation from the origin
that the CloudFront edge cache already has the latest version. Typically, when the origin last sent the
object to CloudFront, it included an ETag value, a LastModified value, or both values in the response.
In the new request that CloudFront forwards to the origin, CloudFront adds one or both of the following:

• An If-Match or If-None-Match header that contains the ETag value for the expired version of the
• An If-Modified-Since header that contains the LastModified value for the expired version of
the object.

The origin uses this information to determine whether the object has been updated and, therefore,
whether to return the entire object to CloudFront or to return only an HTTP 304 status code (not

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
How CloudFront Processes and Forwards
Requests to Your Custom Origin Server

You can configure CloudFront to forward cookies to your origin. For more information, see Caching
Content Based on Cookies (p. 244).

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)

If you want CloudFront to respect cross-origin resource sharing settings, configure CloudFront to
forward the Origin header to your origin. For more information, see Caching Content Based on Request
Headers (p. 246).

You can require viewers to use HTTPS to send requests to CloudFront and require CloudFront to forward
requests to your custom origin by using the protocol that is used by the viewer. For more information,
see the following distribution settings:

• Viewer Protocol Policy (p. 49)

• Origin Protocol Policy (p. 45)

CloudFront forwards HTTPS requests to the origin server using the SSLv3, TLSv1.0, TLSv1.1, and TLSv1.2
protocols. For custom origins, you can choose the SSL protocols that you want CloudFront to use when
communicating with your origin:

• If you're using the CloudFront console, choose protocols by using the Origin SSL Protocols check
boxes. For more information, see Creating a Distribution (p. 37).
• If you're using the CloudFront API, specify protocols by using the OriginSslProtocols element.
For more information, see OriginSslProtocols and DistributionConfig in the Amazon CloudFront API

If the origin is an Amazon S3 bucket, CloudFront always uses TLSv1.2.

Other versions of SSL and TLS are not supported.

For more information about using HTTPS with CloudFront, see Using HTTPS with CloudFront (p. 121).
For lists of the ciphers that CloudFront supports for HTTPS communication between viewers and
CloudFront, and between CloudFront and your origin, see Supported protocols and ciphers between
viewers and CloudFront (p. 128).

GET Requests That Include a Body

If a viewer GET request includes a body, CloudFront returns an HTTP status code 403 (Forbidden) to the

HTTP Methods
If you configure CloudFront to process all of the HTTP methods that it supports, CloudFront accepts the
following requests from viewers and forwards them to your custom origin:


Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
How CloudFront Processes and Forwards
Requests to Your Custom Origin Server


CloudFront always caches responses to GET and HEAD requests. You can also configure CloudFront to
cache responses to OPTIONS requests. CloudFront does not cache responses to requests that use the
other methods.

For information about configuring whether your custom origin processes these methods, see the
documentation for your origin.
If you configure CloudFront to accept and forward to your origin all of the HTTP methods that
CloudFront supports, configure your origin server to handle all methods. For example, if you
configure CloudFront to accept and forward these methods because you want to use POST, you
must configure your origin server to handle DELETE requests appropriately so viewers can't
delete resources that you don't want them to. For more information, see the documentation for
your HTTP server.

HTTP Request Headers and CloudFront Behavior (Custom and

S3 Origins)
The following table lists HTTP request headers that you can forward to both custom and Amazon S3
origins (with the exceptions that are noted). For each header, the table includes information about the

• CloudFront behavior if you don't configure CloudFront to forward the header to your origin, which
causes CloudFront to cache your objects based on header values.
• Whether you can configure CloudFront to cache objects based on header values for that header.

You can configure CloudFront to cache objects based on values in the Date and User-Agent headers,
but we don't recommend it. These headers have many possible values, and caching based on their
values would cause CloudFront to forward significantly more requests to your origin.

For more information about caching based on header values, see Caching Content Based on Request
Headers (p. 246).

Header Behavior If You Don't Configure CloudFront to Cache Caching

Based on Header Values Based on
Values Is

Other-defined headers CloudFront forwards the headers to your origin. Yes

Accept CloudFront removes the header. Yes

Accept-Charset CloudFront removes the header. Yes

Accept-Encoding If the value contains gzip or br, CloudFront forwards Yes

a normalized Accept-Encoding header to your

For more information, see Cache compressed objects

(uses the Accept-Encoding header) (p. 86) and
Serving compressed files (p. 116).

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
How CloudFront Processes and Forwards
Requests to Your Custom Origin Server

Header Behavior If You Don't Configure CloudFront to Cache Caching

Based on Header Values Based on
Values Is

Accept-Language CloudFront removes the header. Yes

Authorization • GET and HEAD requests – CloudFront removes the Yes

Authorization header field before forwarding
the request to your origin.
• OPTIONS requests – CloudFront removes the
Authorization header field before forwarding
the request to your origin if you configure
CloudFront to cache responses to OPTIONS

CloudFront forwards the Authorization

header field to your origin if you do not configure
CloudFront to cache responses to OPTIONS
• DELETE, PATCH, POST, and PUT requests –
CloudFront does not remove the header field before
forwarding the request to your origin.

Cache-Control CloudFront forwards the header to your origin. No

CloudFront-Forwarded- CloudFront does not add the header before Yes

Proto forwarding the request to your origin.

For more information, see Configuring Caching Based

on the Protocol of the Request (p. 249).

CloudFront-Is-Desktop- CloudFront does not add the header before Yes

Viewer forwarding the request to your origin.

For more information, see Configuring Caching Based

on the Device Type (p. 248).

CloudFront-Is-Mobile- CloudFront does not add the header before Yes

Viewer forwarding the request to your origin.

For more information, see Configuring Caching Based

on the Device Type (p. 248).

CloudFront-Is-Tablet- CloudFront does not add the header before Yes

Viewer forwarding the request to your origin.

For more information, see Configuring Caching Based

on the Device Type (p. 248).

CloudFront-Viewer- CloudFront does not add the header before Yes

Country forwarding the request to your origin.

Connection CloudFront replaces this header with Connection: No

Keep-Alive before forwarding the request to your

Content-Length CloudFront forwards the header to your origin. No

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
How CloudFront Processes and Forwards
Requests to Your Custom Origin Server

Header Behavior If You Don't Configure CloudFront to Cache Caching

Based on Header Values Based on
Values Is

Content-MD5 CloudFront forwards the header to your origin. Yes

Content-Type CloudFront forwards the header to your origin. Yes

Cookie If you configure CloudFront to forward cookies, it will No

forward the Cookie header field to your origin. If you
don't, CloudFront removes the Cookie header field.
For more information, see Caching Content Based on
Cookies (p. 244).

Date CloudFront forwards the header to your origin. Yes, but not

Expect CloudFront removes the header. Yes

From CloudFront forwards the header to your origin. Yes

Host CloudFront sets the value to the domain name of the Yes (custom)
origin that is associated with the requested object.
No (S3 and
You can't cache based on the Host header for Amazon MediaStore)
S3 or MediaStore origins.

If-Match CloudFront forwards the header to your origin. Yes

If-Modified-Since CloudFront forwards the header to your origin. Yes

If-None-Match CloudFront forwards the header to your origin. Yes

If-Range CloudFront forwards the header to your origin. Yes

If-Unmodified-Since CloudFront forwards the header to your origin. Yes

Max-Forwards CloudFront forwards the header to your origin. No

Origin CloudFront forwards the header to your origin. Yes

Pragma CloudFront forwards the header to your origin. No

Proxy-Authenticate CloudFront removes the header. No

Proxy-Authorization CloudFront removes the header. No

Proxy-Connection CloudFront removes the header. No

Range CloudFront forwards the header to your origin. For Yes, by

more information, see How CloudFront Processes default
Partial Requests for an Object (Range GETs) (p. 285).

Referer CloudFront removes the header. Yes

Request-Range CloudFront forwards the header to your origin. No

TE CloudFront removes the header. No

Trailer CloudFront removes the header. No

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
How CloudFront Processes and Forwards
Requests to Your Custom Origin Server

Header Behavior If You Don't Configure CloudFront to Cache Caching

Based on Header Values Based on
Values Is

Transfer-Encoding CloudFront forwards the header to your origin. No

Upgrade CloudFront removes the header, unless you've No (except for

established a WebSocket connection. WebSocket

User-Agent CloudFront replaces the value of this header field Yes, but not
with Amazon CloudFront. If you want CloudFront recommended
to cache your content based on the device the user is
using, see Configuring Caching Based on the Device
Type (p. 248).

Via CloudFront forwards the header to your origin. Yes

Warning CloudFront forwards the header to your origin. Yes

X-Amz-Cf-Id CloudFront adds the header to the viewer request No

before forwarding the request to your origin. The
header value contains an encrypted string that
uniquely identifies the request.

X-Edge-* CloudFront removes all X-Edge-* headers. No

X-Forwarded-For CloudFront forwards the header to your origin. For Yes

more information, see Client IP Addresses (p. 271).

X-Forwarded-Proto CloudFront removes the header. No

X-Real-IP CloudFront removes the header. No

HTTP Version
CloudFront forwards requests to your custom origin using HTTP/1.1.

Maximum Length of a Request and Maximum Length of a URL

The maximum length of a request, including the path, the query string (if any), and headers, is 20,480

CloudFront constructs a URL from the request. The maximum length of this URL is 8192 bytes.

If a request or a URL exceeds these maximums, CloudFront returns HTTP status code 413, Request Entity
Too Large, to the viewer, and then terminates the TCP connection to the viewer.

OCSP Stapling
When a viewer submits an HTTPS request for an object, either CloudFront or the viewer must confirm
with the certificate authority (CA) that the SSL certificate for the domain has not been revoked. OCSP
stapling speeds up certificate validation by allowing CloudFront to validate the certificate and to cache
the response from the CA, so the client doesn't need to validate the certificate directly with the CA.

The performance improvement of OCSP stapling is more pronounced when CloudFront receives
numerous HTTPS requests for objects in the same domain. Each server in a CloudFront edge location

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
How CloudFront Processes and Forwards
Requests to Your Custom Origin Server

must submit a separate validation request. When CloudFront receives a lot of HTTPS requests for the
same domain, every server in the edge location soon has a response from the CA that it can "staple" to
a packet in the SSL handshake; when the viewer is satisfied that the certificate is valid, CloudFront can
serve the requested object. If your distribution doesn't get much traffic in a CloudFront edge location,
new requests are more likely to be directed to a server that hasn't validated the certificate with the CA
yet. In that case, the viewer separately performs the validation step and the CloudFront server serves the
object. That CloudFront server also submits a validation request to the CA, so the next time it receives a
request that includes the same domain name, it has a validation response from the CA.

Persistent Connections
When CloudFront gets a response from your origin, it tries to maintain the connection for several
seconds in case another request arrives during that period. Maintaining a persistent connection saves the
time required to re-establish the TCP connection and perform another TLS handshake for subsequent

For more information, including how to configure the duration of persistent connections, see Origin
Keep-alive Timeout (p. 46) in the section Values That You Specify When You Create or Update a
Distribution (p. 38).

CloudFront forwards HTTP or HTTPS requests to the origin server based on the following:

• The protocol of the request that the viewer sends to CloudFront, either HTTP or HTTPS.
• The value of the Origin Protocol Policy field in the CloudFront console or, if you're using the
CloudFront API, the OriginProtocolPolicy element in the DistributionConfig complex type.
In the CloudFront console, the options are HTTP Only, HTTPS Only, and Match Viewer.

If you specify HTTP Only or HTTPS Only, CloudFront forwards requests to the origin server using the
specified protocol, regardless of the protocol in the viewer request.

If you specify Match Viewer, CloudFront forwards requests to the origin server using the protocol in the
viewer request. Note that CloudFront caches the object only once even if viewers make requests using
both HTTP and HTTPS protocols.
If CloudFront forwards a request to the origin using the HTTPS protocol, and if the origin server
returns an invalid certificate or a self-signed certificate, CloudFront drops the TCP connection.

For information about how to update a distribution using the CloudFront console, see Updating a
Distribution (p. 63). For information about how to update a distribution using the CloudFront API, go to
UpdateDistribution in the Amazon CloudFront API Reference.

Query Strings
You can configure whether CloudFront forwards query string parameters to your origin. For more
information, see Caching Content Based on Query String Parameters (p. 241).

Origin Connection Timeout and Attempts

Origin connection timeout is the number of seconds that CloudFront waits when trying to establish a
connection to the origin.

Origin connection attempts is the number of times that CloudFront attempts to connect to the origin.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
How CloudFront Processes and Forwards
Requests to Your Custom Origin Server

Together, these settings determine how long CloudFront tries to connect to the origin before failing over
to the secondary origin (in the case of an origin group) or returning an error response to the viewer. By
default, CloudFront waits as long as 30 seconds (3 attempts of 10 seconds each) before attempting to
connect to the secondary origin or returning an error response. You can reduce this time by specifying a
shorter connection timeout, fewer attempts, or both.

For more information, see Controlling Origin Timeouts and Attempts (p. 233).

Origin Response Timeout

The origin response timeout, also known as the origin read timeout or origin request timeout, applies to
both of the following:

• The amount of time, in seconds, that CloudFront waits for a response after forwarding a request to the
• The amount of time, in seconds, that CloudFront waits after receiving a packet of a response from the
origin and before receiving the next packet.

CloudFront behavior depends on the HTTP method of the viewer request:

• GET and HEAD requests – If the origin doesn’t respond or stops responding within the duration of
the response timeout, CloudFront drops the connection. If the specified number of origin connection
attempts (p. 42) is more than 1, CloudFront tries again to get a complete response. CloudFront tries up
to 3 times, as determined by the value of the origin connection attempts setting. If the origin doesn’t
respond during the final attempt, CloudFront doesn’t try again until it receives another request for
content on the same origin.
• DELETE, OPTIONS, PATCH, PUT, and POST requests – If the origin doesn’t respond within 30 seconds,
CloudFront drops the connection and doesn’t try again to contact the origin. The client can resubmit
the request if necessary.

For more information, including how to configure the origin response timeout, see Origin Response
Timeout (p. 45).

Simultaneous Requests for the Same Object (Traffic Spikes)

When a CloudFront edge location receives a request for an object and either the object isn't currently in
the cache or the object has expired, CloudFront immediately sends the request to your origin. If there's
a traffic spike—if additional requests for the same object arrive at the edge location before your origin
responds to the first request—CloudFront pauses briefly before forwarding additional requests for
the object to your origin. Typically, the response to the first request will arrive at the CloudFront edge
location before the response to subsequent requests. This brief pause helps to reduce unnecessary
load on your origin server. If additional requests are not identical because, for example, you configured
CloudFront to cache based on request headers or cookies, CloudFront forwards all of the unique requests
to your origin.

User-Agent Header
If you want CloudFront to cache different versions of your objects based on the device that a user is
using to view your content, we recommend that you configure CloudFront to forward one or more of the
following headers to your custom origin:

• CloudFront-Is-Desktop-Viewer
• CloudFront-Is-Mobile-Viewer
• CloudFront-Is-SmartTV-Viewer
• CloudFront-Is-Tablet-Viewer

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
How CloudFront Processes Responses
from Your Custom Origin Server

Based on the value of the User-Agent header, CloudFront sets the value of these headers to true
or false before forwarding the request to your origin. If a device falls into more than one category,
more than one value might be true. For example, for some tablet devices, CloudFront might set
both CloudFront-Is-Mobile-Viewer and CloudFront-Is-Tablet-Viewer to true. For more
information about configuring CloudFront to cache based on request headers, see Caching Content
Based on Request Headers (p. 246).

You can configure CloudFront to cache objects based on values in the User-Agent header, but we don't
recommend it. The User-Agent header has many possible values, and caching based on those values
would cause CloudFront to forward significantly more requests to your origin.

If you do not configure CloudFront to cache objects based on values in the User-Agent header,
CloudFront adds a User-Agent header with the following value before it forwards a request to your

User-Agent = Amazon CloudFront

CloudFront adds this header regardless of whether the request from the viewer includes a User-Agent
header. If the request from the viewer includes a User-Agent header, CloudFront removes it.

How CloudFront Processes Responses from Your

Custom Origin Server
This topic contains information about how CloudFront processes responses from your custom origin.

• 100-Continue Responses (p. 279)
• Caching (p. 279)
• Canceled Requests (p. 280)
• Content Negotiation (p. 280)
• Cookies (p. 280)
• Dropped TCP Connections (p. 280)
• HTTP Response Headers that CloudFront Removes or Replaces (p. 280)
• Maximum File Size (p. 281)
• Origin Unavailable (p. 281)
• Redirects (p. 281)
• Transfer Encoding (p. 282)

100-Continue Responses
Your origin cannot send more than one 100-Continue response to CloudFront. After the first 100-
Continue response, CloudFront expects an HTTP 200 OK response. If your origin sends another 100-
Continue response after the first one, CloudFront will return an error.

• Ensure that the origin server sets valid and accurate values for the Date and Last-Modified header
• If requests from viewers include the If-Match or If-None-Match request header fields, set the ETag
response header field. If you do not specify an ETag value, CloudFront ignores subsequent If-Match
or If-None-Match headers.
• CloudFront normally respects a Cache-Control: no-cache header in the response from the origin.
For an exception, see Simultaneous Requests for the Same Object (Traffic Spikes) (p. 278).

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
How CloudFront Processes Responses
from Your Custom Origin Server

Canceled Requests
If an object is not in the edge cache, and if a viewer terminates a session (for example, closes a browser)
after CloudFront gets the object from your origin but before it can deliver the requested object,
CloudFront does not cache the object in the edge location.

Content Negotiation
If your origin returns Vary:* in the response, and if the value of Minimum TTL for the corresponding
cache behavior is 0, CloudFront caches the object but still forwards every subsequent request for the
object to the origin to confirm that the cache contains the latest version of the object. CloudFront
doesn't include any conditional headers, such as If-None-Match or If-Modified-Since. As a result,
your origin returns the object to CloudFront in response to every request.

If your origin returns Vary:* in the response, and if the value of Minimum TTL for the corresponding
cache behavior is any other value, CloudFront processes the Vary header as described in HTTP Response
Headers that CloudFront Removes or Replaces (p. 280).

If you enable cookies for a cache behavior, and if the origin returns cookies with an object, CloudFront
caches both the object and the cookies. Note that this reduces cacheability for an object. For more
information, see Caching Content Based on Cookies (p. 244).

Dropped TCP Connections

If the TCP connection between CloudFront and your origin drops while your origin is returning an object
to CloudFront, CloudFront behavior depends on whether your origin included a Content-Length
header in the response:

• Content-Length header – CloudFront returns the object to the viewer as it gets the object from your
origin. However, if the value of the Content-Length header doesn't match the size of the object,
CloudFront doesn't cache the object.
• Transfer-Encoding: Chunked – CloudFront returns the object to the viewer as it gets the object from
your origin. However, if the chunked response is not complete, CloudFront does not cache the object.
• No Content-Length header – CloudFront returns the object to the viewer and caches it, but the object
may not be complete. Without a Content-Length header, CloudFront cannot determine whether the
TCP connection was dropped accidentally or on purpose.

We recommend that you configure your HTTP server to add a Content-Length header to prevent
CloudFront from caching partial objects.

HTTP Response Headers that CloudFront Removes or Replaces

CloudFront removes or updates the following header fields before forwarding the response from your
origin to the viewer:

• Set-Cookie – If you configure CloudFront to forward cookies, it will forward the Set-Cookie header
field to clients. For more information, see Caching Content Based on Cookies (p. 244).
• Trailer
• Transfer-Encoding – If your origin returns this header field, CloudFront sets the value to chunked
before returning the response to the viewer.
• Upgrade
• Vary – Note the following:

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
How CloudFront Processes Responses
from Your Custom Origin Server

• If you configure CloudFront to forward any of the device-specific headers to your origin
(CloudFront-Is-Desktop-Viewer, CloudFront-Is-Mobile-Viewer, CloudFront-Is-
SmartTV-Viewer, CloudFront-Is-Tablet-Viewer) and you configure your origin to return
Vary:User-Agent to CloudFront, CloudFront returns Vary:User-Agent to the viewer. For more
information, see Configuring Caching Based on the Device Type (p. 248).
• If you configure your origin to include either Accept-Encoding or Cookie in the Vary header,
CloudFront includes the values in the response to the viewer.
• If you configure CloudFront to forward a whitelist of headers to your origin, and if you configure
your origin to return the header names to CloudFront in the Vary header (for example,
Vary:Accept-Charset,Accept-Language), CloudFront returns the Vary header with those
values to the viewer.
• For information about how CloudFront processes a value of * in the Vary header, see Content
Negotiation (p. 280).
• If you configure your origin to include any other values in the Vary header, CloudFront removes the
values before returning the response to the viewer.
• Via – CloudFront sets the value to the following in the response to the viewer:

Via: http-version (CloudFront)

For example, if the client makes a request over HTTP/1.1, the value is something like the following:

Via: 1.1 (CloudFront)

Maximum File Size

The maximum size of a response body that CloudFront will return to the viewer is 20 GB. This includes
chunked transfer responses that don't specify the Content-Length header value.

Origin Unavailable
If your origin server is unavailable and CloudFront gets a request for an object that is in the edge cache
but that has expired (for example, because the period of time specified in the Cache-Control max-
age directive has passed), CloudFront either serves the expired version of the object or serves a custom
error page. For more information about CloudFront behavior when you've configured custom error
pages, see How CloudFront Processes Errors When You Have Configured Custom Error Pages (p. 287).

In some cases, an object that is seldom requested is evicted and is no longer available in the edge cache.
CloudFront can't serve an object that has been evicted.

If you change the location of an object on the origin server, you can configure your web server to redirect
requests to the new location. After you configure the redirect, the first time a viewer submits a request
for the object, CloudFront Front sends the request to the origin, and the origin responds with a redirect
(for example, 302 Moved Temporarily). CloudFront caches the redirect and returns it to the viewer.
CloudFront does not follow the redirect.

You can configure your web server to redirect requests to one of the following locations:

• The new URL of the object on the origin server. When the viewer follows the redirect to the new URL,
the viewer bypasses CloudFront and goes straight to the origin. As a result, we recommend that you
not redirect requests to the new URL of the object on the origin.
• The new CloudFront URL for the object. When the viewer submits the request that contains the new
CloudFront URL, CloudFront gets the object from the new location on your origin, caches it at the edge
location, and returns the object to the viewer. Subsequent requests for the object will be served by the

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Request and Response Behavior for Origin Groups

edge location. This avoids the latency and load associated with viewers requesting the object from the
origin. However, every new request for the object will incur charges for two requests to CloudFront.

Transfer Encoding
CloudFront supports only the chunked value of the Transfer-Encoding header. If your origin returns
Transfer-Encoding: chunked, CloudFront returns the object to the client as the object is received at
the edge location, and caches the object in chunked format for subsequent requests.

If the viewer makes a Range GET request and the origin returns Transfer-Encoding: chunked,
CloudFront returns the entire object to the viewer instead of the requested range.

We recommend that you use chunked encoding if the content length of your response cannot be
predetermined. For more information, see Dropped TCP Connections (p. 280).

Request and Response Behavior for Origin Groups

Requests to an origin group work the same as requests to an origin that is not set up as an origin group,
except when there is an origin failover. As with any other origin, when CloudFront receives a request and
the content is already cached in an edge location, the content is served to viewers from the cache. When
there’s a cache miss and the origin is an origin group, viewer requests are forwarded to the primary
origin in the origin group.

The request and response behavior for the primary origin is the same as it is for an origin that isn’t in an
origin group. For more information, see Request and Response Behavior for Amazon S3 Origins (p. 263)
and Request and Response Behavior for Custom Origins (p. 269).

The following describes the behavior for origin failover when the primary origin returns specific HTTP
status codes:

• HTTP 2xx status code (success): CloudFront caches the file and returns it to the viewer.
• HTTP 3xx status code (redirection): CloudFront returns the status code to the viewer.
• HTTP 4xx or 5xx status code (client/server error): If the returned status code has been configured for
failover, CloudFront sends the same request to the secondary origin in the origin group.
• HTTP 4xx or 5xx status code (client/server error): If the returned status code has not been configured
for failover, CloudFront returns the error to the viewer.

CloudFront fails over to the secondary origin only when the HTTP method of the viewer request is GET,
HEAD, or OPTIONS. CloudFront does not fail over when the viewer sends a different HTTP method (for
example POST, PUT, and so on).

When CloudFront sends a request to a secondary origin, the response behavior is the same as for a
CloudFront origin that’s not in an origin group.

For more information about origin groups, see Optimizing High Availability with CloudFront Origin
Failover (p. 231).

Adding Custom Headers to Origin Requests

You can configure CloudFront to add custom headers to the requests that it sends to your origin. These
custom headers enable you to send and gather information from your origin that you don’t get with
typical viewer requests. These headers can even be customized for each origin. CloudFront supports
custom headers for both for custom and Amazon S3 origins.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Use Cases for Origin Custom Headers

Adding custom headers applies only to web distributions.

• Use Cases for Origin Custom Headers (p. 283)
• Configuring CloudFront to Add Custom Headers to Origin Requests (p. 283)
• Custom Headers that CloudFront Can’t Add to Origin Requests (p. 284)
• Configure CloudFront to Forward Authorization Headers (p. 284)

Use Cases for Origin Custom Headers

You can use custom headers for a variety of things, such as the following:

Identifying requests from CloudFront

You can identify the requests that your origin receives from CloudFront. This can be useful if you
want to know if users are bypassing CloudFront, or if you’re using more than one CDN and you want
information about which requests are coming from each CDN.
If you’re using an Amazon S3 origin and you enable Amazon S3 server access logging, the
logs don’t include header information.
Determining which requests come from a particular distribution

If you configure more than one CloudFront distribution to use the same origin, you can add different
custom headers in each distribution. You can then use the logs from your origin to determine which
requests came from which CloudFront distribution.
Enabling cross-origin resource sharing (CORS)

If some of your viewers don’t support cross-origin resource sharing (CORS), you can configure
CloudFront to always add the Origin header to requests that it sends to your origin. Then you can
configure your origin to return the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header for every request. You
must also configure CloudFront to respect CORS settings (p. 248).
Controlling access to content

You can use custom headers to control access to content. By configuring your origin to respond to
requests only when they include a custom header that gets added by CloudFront, you prevent users
from bypassing CloudFront and accessing your content directly on the origin. For more information,
see Restricting Access to Files on Custom Origins (p. 148).

Configuring CloudFront to Add Custom Headers to

Origin Requests
To configure a web distribution to add custom headers to requests that it sends to your origin, update
the origin configuration using one of the following methods:

• CloudFront console – When you create or update a distribution, specify header names and values
in the Origin Custom Headers settings. For more information, see Creating a Distribution (p. 37) or
Updating a Distribution (p. 63).
• CloudFront API – For each origin that you want to add custom headers to, specify the header names
and values in the CustomHeaders field inside Origin. For more information, see CreateDistribution
or UpdateDistribution.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Custom Headers that CloudFront
Can’t Add to Origin Requests

If the header names and values that you specify are not already present in the viewer request,
CloudFront adds them to the origin request. If a header is present, CloudFront overwrites the header
value before forwarding the request to the origin.

For the quotas (formerly known as limits) that apply to origin custom headers, see Quotas on Custom
Headers (Web Distributions Only) (p. 499).

Custom Headers that CloudFront Can’t Add to Origin

You can’t configure CloudFront to add any of the following headers to requests that it sends to your

• Cache-Control
• Connection
• Content-Length
• Cookie
• Host
• If-Match
• If-Modified-Since
• If-None-Match
• If-Range
• If-Unmodified-Since
• Max-Forwards
• Pragma
• Proxy-Authorization
• Proxy-Connection
• Range
• Request-Range
• TE
• Trailer
• Transfer-Encoding
• Upgrade
• Via
• Headers that begin with X-Amz-
• Headers that begin with X-Edge-
• X-Real-Ip

Configure CloudFront to Forward Authorization

When it forwards requests to your origin, CloudFront removes some viewer headers by default, including
authorization headers. To always forward authorization headers for a specific cache behavior, whitelist
the headers for that cache behavior. To learn more, see Whitelist Headers (p. 50).

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
How Range GETs Are Processed

How CloudFront Processes Partial Requests for an

Object (Range GETs)
For a large object, an end user's browser or client might make multiple GET requests and use the Range
request header to download the object in smaller units. These requests for ranges of bytes, sometimes
known as Range GET requests, improve the efficiency of partial downloads and the recovery from
partially failed transfers.

When CloudFront receives a Range GET request, it checks the cache in the edge location that received
the request. If the cache in that edge location already contains the entire object or the requested portion
of the object, CloudFront immediately serves the requested range from the cache.

If the cache doesn't contain the requested range, CloudFront forwards the request to the origin. (To
optimize performance, CloudFront may request a larger range than the client requested in the Range
GET.) What happens next depends on whether the origin supports Range GET requests:

• If the origin supports Range GET requests: It returns the requested range. CloudFront serves the
requested range and also caches it for future requests. (Amazon S3 supports Range GET requests, as
do some HTTP servers, for example, Apache and IIS. For information about whether your HTTP server
does, see the documentation for your HTTP server.)
• If the origin doesn't support Range GET requests: It returns the entire object. CloudFront serves the
current request by sending the entire object while also caching it for future requests. After CloudFront
caches the entire object in an edge cache, it responds to new Range GET requests by serving the
requested range.

In either case, CloudFront begins to serve the requested range or object to the end user as soon as the
first byte arrives from the origin.
If the viewer makes a Range GET request and the origin returns Transfer-Encoding:
chunked, CloudFront returns the entire object to the viewer instead of the requested range.

CloudFront generally follows the RFC specification for the Range header. However, if your Range
headers don’t adhere to the following requirements, CloudFront returns HTTP status code 200 with the
full object instead of status code 206 with the specified ranges:

• The ranges must be listed in ascending order. For example, 100-200,300-400 is valid,
300-400,100-200 is not valid.
• The ranges must not overlap. For example, 100-200,150-250 is not valid.
• All of the ranges specifications must be valid. For example, you can't specify a negative value as part of
a range.

For more information about the Range request header, see "Section 14.35 Range" in Hypertext Transfer
Protocol -- HTTP/1.1 at

How CloudFront Processes HTTP 3xx Status Codes

from Your Origin
When CloudFront requests an object from your Amazon S3 bucket or custom origin server, your origin
sometimes returns an HTTP 3xx status code. This typically indicates one of the following:

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
How CloudFront Processes and Caches HTTP
4xx and 5xx Status Codes from Your Origin

• The object’s URL has changed (for example, status codes 301, 302, 307, or 308)
• The object hasn’t changed since the last time CloudFront requested it (status code 304)

CloudFront caches 3xx responses according to the settings in your CloudFront distribution and the
headers in the response. For more information, see Managing How Long Content Stays in an Edge Cache
(Expiration) (p. 236).

If your origin returns a redirect status code (for example, 301 or 307), CloudFront doesn’t follow the
redirect. CloudFront passes along the 301 or 307 response to the viewer, who can follow the redirect by
sending a new request.

How CloudFront Processes and Caches HTTP 4xx

and 5xx Status Codes from Your Origin
• How CloudFront Processes Errors When You Have Configured Custom Error Pages (p. 287)
• How CloudFront Processes Errors When You Have Not Configured Custom Error Pages (p. 288)
• HTTP 4xx and 5xx Status Codes that CloudFront Caches (p. 289)

When CloudFront requests an object from your Amazon S3 bucket or custom origin server, your
origin sometimes returns an HTTP 4xx or 5xx status code, which indicates that an error has occurred.
CloudFront behavior depends on:

• Whether you have configured custom error pages.

• Whether you have configured how long you want CloudFront to cache error responses from your origin
(error caching minimum TTL).
• The status code.
• For 5xx status codes, whether the requested object is currently in the CloudFront edge cache.
• For some 4xx status codes, whether the origin returns a Cache-Control max-age or Cache-
Control s-maxage header.

CloudFront always caches responses to GET and HEAD requests. You can also configure CloudFront to
cache responses to OPTIONS requests. CloudFront does not cache responses to requests that use the
other methods.

If the origin doesn't respond, the CloudFront request to the origin times out which is considered an
HTTP 5xx error from the origin, even though the origin didn't respond with that error. In that scenario,
CloudFront continues to serve cached content. For more information, see Origin Unavailable (p. 281).

If you have enabled logging, CloudFront writes the results to the logs regardless of the HTTP status code.

For more information about features and options that relate to the error message returned from
CloudFront, see the following:

• For information about settings for custom error pages in the CloudFront console, see Custom Error
Pages and Error Caching (p. 60).
• For information about the error caching minimum TTL in the CloudFront console, see Error Caching
Minimum TTL (seconds) (p. 60).
• For a list of the HTTP status codes that CloudFront caches, see HTTP 4xx and 5xx Status Codes that
CloudFront Caches (p. 289).

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
How CloudFront Processes Errors When
You Have Configured Custom Error Pages

How CloudFront Processes Errors When You Have

Configured Custom Error Pages
If you have configured custom error pages, CloudFront behavior depends on whether the requested
object is in the edge cache.

The Requested Object Is Not in the Edge Cache

CloudFront continues to try to get the requested object from your origin when all of the following are

• A viewer requests an object.

• The object isn't in the edge cache.
• Your origin returns an HTTP 4xx or 5xx status code and one of the following is true:
• Your origin returns an HTTP 5xx status code instead of returning a 304 status code (Not Modified) or
an updated version of the object.
• Your origin returns an HTTP 4xx status code that is not restricted by a cache control header and is
included in the following list of status codes: HTTP 4xx and 5xx Status Codes that CloudFront Always
Caches (p. 289).
• Your origin returns an HTTP 4xx status code without a Cache-Control max-age header or
a Cache-Control s-maxage header, and the status code is included in the following list of
status codes: Control HTTP 4xx Status Codes that CloudFront Caches Based on Cache Control
Headers (p. 290).

CloudFront does the following:

1. In the CloudFront edge cache that received the viewer request, CloudFront checks your distribution
configuration and gets the path of the custom error page that corresponds with the status code that
your origin returned.
2. CloudFront finds the first cache behavior in your distribution that has a path pattern that matches the
path of the custom error page.
3. The CloudFront edge location sends a request for the custom error page to the origin that is specified
in the cache behavior.
4. The origin returns the custom error page to the edge location.
5. CloudFront returns the custom error page to the viewer that made the request, and also caches the
custom error page for the maximum of the following:
• The amount of time specified by the error caching minimum TTL (10 seconds by default)
• The amount of time specified by a Cache-Control max-age header or a Cache-Control s-
maxage header that is returned by the origin when the first request generated the error
6. After the caching time (determined in Step 5) has elapsed, CloudFront tries again to get the requested
object by forwarding another request to your origin. CloudFront continues to retry at intervals
specified by the error caching minimum TTL.

The Requested Object Is in the Edge Cache

CloudFront continues to serve the object that is currently in the edge cache when all of the following are

• A viewer requests an object.

• The object is in the edge cache but it has expired.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
How CloudFront Processes Errors When You
Have Not Configured Custom Error Pages

• Your origin returns an HTTP 5xx status code instead of returning a 304 status code (Not Modified) or
an updated version of the object.

CloudFront does the following:

1. If your origin returns a 5xx status code, CloudFront serves the object even though it has expired. For
the duration of the error caching minimum TTL, CloudFront continues to respond to viewer requests
by serving the object from the edge cache.

If your origin returns a 4xx status code, CloudFront returns the status code, not the requested object,
to the viewer.
2. After the error caching minimum TTL has elapsed, CloudFront tries again to get the requested object
by forwarding another request to your origin. Note that if the object is not requested frequently,
CloudFront might evict it from the edge cache while your origin server is still returning 5xx responses.
For information about how long objects stay in CloudFront edge caches, see Managing How Long
Content Stays in an Edge Cache (Expiration) (p. 236).

How CloudFront Processes Errors When You Have Not

Configured Custom Error Pages
If you have not configured custom error pages, CloudFront behavior depends on whether the requested
object is in the edge cache.

The Requested Object Is Not in the Edge Cache

CloudFront continues to try to get the requested object from your origin when all of the following are

• A viewer requests an object.

• The object isn't in the edge cache.
• Your origin returns an HTTP 4xx or 5xx status code and one of the following is true:
• Your origin returns an HTTP 5xx status code instead of returning a 304 status code (Not Modified) or
an updated version of the object.
• Your origin returns an HTTP 4xx status code that is not restricted by a cache control header and is
included in the following list of status codes: HTTP 4xx and 5xx Status Codes that CloudFront Always
Caches (p. 289)
• Your origin returns an HTTP 4xx status code without a Cache-Control max-age header or
a Cache-Control s-maxage header and the status code is included in the following list of
status codes: Control HTTP 4xx Status Codes that CloudFront Caches Based on Cache Control
Headers (p. 290).

CloudFront does the following:

1. CloudFront returns the 4xx or 5xx status code to the viewer, and also caches status code in the edge
cache that received the request for the maximum of the following:
• The amount of time specified by the error caching minimum TTL (10 seconds by default)
• The amount of time specified by a Cache-Control max-age header or a Cache-Control s-
maxage header that is returned by the origin when the first request generated the error
2. For the duration of the caching time (determined in Step 1), CloudFront responds to subsequent
viewer requests for the same object with the cached 4xx or 5xx status code.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
HTTP 4xx and 5xx Status Codes that CloudFront Caches

3. After the caching time (determined in Step 1) has elapsed, CloudFront tries again to get the requested
object by forwarding another request to your origin. CloudFront continues to retry at intervals
specified by the error caching minimum TTL.

The Requested Object Is in the Edge Cache

CloudFront continues to serve the object that is currently in the edge cache when all of the following are

• A viewer requests an object.

• The object is in the edge cache but it has expired.
• Your origin returns an HTTP 5xx status code instead of returning a 304 status code (Not Modified) or
an updated version of the object.

CloudFront does the following:

1. If your origin returns a 5xx error code, CloudFront serves the object even though it has expired. For the
duration of the error caching minimum TTL (10 seconds by default), CloudFront continues to respond
to viewer requests by serving the object from the edge cache.

If your origin returns a 4xx status code, CloudFront returns the status code, not the requested object,
to the viewer.
2. After the error caching minimum TTL has elapsed, CloudFront tries again to get the requested object
by forwarding another request to your origin. Note that if the object is not requested frequently,
CloudFront might evict it from the edge cache while your origin server is still returning 5xx responses.
For information about how long objects stay in CloudFront edge caches, see Managing How Long
Content Stays in an Edge Cache (Expiration) (p. 236).

HTTP 4xx and 5xx Status Codes that CloudFront

CloudFront caches HTTP 4xx and 5xx status codes returned by your origin, depending on the specific
status code that is returned and whether your origin returns specific headers in the response.

HTTP 4xx and 5xx Status Codes that CloudFront Always Caches
CloudFront always caches the following HTTP 4xx and 5xx status codes returned by your origin. If you
have configured a custom error page for an HTTP status code, CloudFront caches the custom error page.

404 Not Found

405 Method Not Allowed

414 Request-URI Too Large

500 Internal Server Error

501 Not Implemented

502 Bad Gateway

503 Service Unavailable

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
HTTP 4xx and 5xx Status Codes that CloudFront Caches

504 Gateway Time-out

HTTP 4xx Status Codes that CloudFront Caches Based on Cache

Control Headers
CloudFront only caches the following HTTP 4xx status codes returned by your origin if your origin returns
a Cache-Control max-age or Cache-Control s-maxage header. If you have configured a custom
error page for one of these HTTP status codes—and your origin returns one of the cache control headers
—CloudFront caches the custom error page.

400 Bad Request

403 Forbidden

412 Precondition Failed

415 Unsupported Media Type

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Creating a Custom Error Page
for Specific HTTP Status Codes

Generating Custom Error Responses

If the objects that you're serving through CloudFront are unavailable for some reason, your web server
typically returns an HTTP status code to CloudFront. For example, if a viewer specifies an invalid URL,
your web server returns a 404 status code to CloudFront, and CloudFront returns that status code to the
viewer. The viewer displays a brief and sparsely formatted default message similar to this:

Not Found: The requested URL /myfilename.html was not found on this server.

But you can display a custom error message instead, if you like. You also have several options for
managing how CloudFront responds when there's an error. To specify options for custom error messages,
you update your CloudFront distribution to specify those values. For more information, see Custom
Error Pages and Error Caching (p. 60) in the topic Values That You Specify When You Create or Update a
Distribution (p. 38).

• Creating a Custom Error Page for Specific HTTP Status Codes (p. 291)
• Storing Objects and Custom Error Pages in Different Locations (p. 293)
• Changing Response Codes Returned by CloudFront (p. 293)
• Controlling How Long CloudFront Caches Errors (p. 294)
• How CloudFront Responds When a Custom Error Page Is Unavailable (p. 294)
• Pricing for Custom Error Pages (p. 295)
• Configuring Error Response Behavior (p. 295)

Creating a Custom Error Page for Specific HTTP

Status Codes
If you'd rather display a custom error message instead of the default message—for example, a page that
uses the same formatting as the rest of your website—you can have CloudFront return to the viewer an
object (such as an HTML file) that contains your custom error message.

To specify the specific file that you want to return and the errors for which the file should be returned,
you update your CloudFront distribution to specify those values. For more information, see Custom
Error Pages and Error Caching (p. 60) in the topic Values That You Specify When You Create or Update a
Distribution (p. 38).

For example, the following is a customized error message:

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Creating a Custom Error Page
for Specific HTTP Status Codes

You can specify a different object for each supported HTTP status code, or you can use the same object
for all of the supported status codes. You can also choose to specify objects for some status codes and
not for others.

The objects that you're serving through CloudFront can be unavailable for a variety of reasons. These fall
into two broad categories:

• Client errors indicate a problem with the request. For example, an object with the specified name isn't
available, or the user doesn't have the permissions required to get an object in your Amazon S3 bucket.
When a client error occurs, the origin returns an HTTP status code in the 400 range to CloudFront.
• Server errors indicate a problem with the origin server. For example, the HTTP server is busy or
unavailable. When a server error occurs, either your origin server returns an HTTP status code in the
500 range to CloudFront, or CloudFront doesn't get a response from your origin server for a certain
period of time and assumes a 504 status code (gateway timeout).

The HTTP status codes for which CloudFront can return a custom error page include the following:

• 400, 403, 404, 405, 414, 416

• 500, 501, 502, 503, 504

You can create a custom error page for HTTP status code 416 (Requested Range Not Satisfiable),
and you can change the HTTP status code that CloudFront returns to viewers when your
origin returns a status code 416 to CloudFront. (For more information, see Changing Response
Codes Returned by CloudFront (p. 293).) However, CloudFront doesn't cache status code 416
responses, so you can specify a value for Error Caching Minimum TTL for status code 416, but
CloudFront doesn't use it.

For a detailed explanation of how CloudFront handles error responses from your origin, see How
CloudFront Processes and Caches HTTP 4xx and 5xx Status Codes from Your Origin (p. 286).

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Storing in Different Locations

Storing Objects and Custom Error Pages in

Different Locations
If you want to store your objects and your custom error pages in different locations, your distribution
must include a cache behavior for which the following is true:

• The value of Path Pattern matches the path to your custom error messages. For example, suppose you
saved custom error pages for 4xx errors in an Amazon S3 bucket in a directory named /4xx-errors.
Your distribution must include a cache behavior for which the path pattern routes requests for your
custom error pages to that location, for example, /4xx-errors/*.
• The value of Origin specifies the value of Origin ID for the origin that contains your custom error

For more information, see Cache Behavior Settings (p. 46) in the topic Values That You Specify When You
Create or Update a Distribution (p. 38).

Changing Response Codes Returned by CloudFront

You can choose the HTTP status code CloudFront returns along with a custom error page for a given
HTTP status code. For example, if your origin returns a 500 status code to CloudFront, you might want
CloudFront to return a custom error page and a 200 status code (OK) to the viewer. There are a variety of
reasons that you might want CloudFront to return a status code to the viewer that is different from the
one that your origin returned to CloudFront:

• Some internet devices (some firewalls and corporate proxies, for example) intercept HTTP 4xx and
5xx and prevent the response from being returned to the viewer. If you substitute 200, the response
typically won't be intercepted.
• If you don't care about distinguishing among different client errors or server errors, you can specify
400 or 500 as the value that CloudFront returns for all 4xx or 5xx status codes.
• You might want to return a 200 status code (OK) and static website so your customers don't know that
your website is down.

If you enable CloudFront access logs and you configure CloudFront to change the HTTP status code in
the response, the value of the sc-status column in access logs will contain the status code that you
specify. However, the value of the x-edge-result-type column will not be affected; it will still contain
the result type of the response from the origin. For example, suppose you configure CloudFront to return
a status code of 200 to the viewer when the origin returns 404 (Not Found) to CloudFront. When the
origin responds to a request with a 404 status code, the value in the sc-status column in the access
log will be 200, but the value in the x-edge-result-type column will be Error.

You can configure CloudFront to return any of the following HTTP status codes along with a custom
error page:

• 200
• 400, 403, 404, 405, 414, 416
• 500, 501, 502, 503, 504

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Controlling How Long Errors are Cached

Controlling How Long CloudFront Caches Errors

By default, when your origin returns an HTTP 4xx or 5xx status code, CloudFront caches these error
responses for 10 seconds. CloudFront then submits the next request for the object to your origin to see
whether the problem that caused the error has been resolved and the requested object is now available.
You can create a custom error page for HTTP status code 416 (Requested Range Not Satisfiable),
and you can change the HTTP status code that CloudFront returns to viewers when your
origin returns a status code 416 to CloudFront. (For more information, see Changing Response
Codes Returned by CloudFront (p. 293).) However, CloudFront doesn't cache status code 416
responses, so although you can specify a value for Error Caching Minimum TTL for status code
416, CloudFront doesn't use it.

You can specify the error-caching duration—the Error Caching Minimum TTL—for each 4xx and 5xx
status code that CloudFront caches. For a procedure, see Configuring Error Response Behavior (p. 295).
When you specify a duration, note the following:

• If you specify a short error-caching duration, CloudFront forwards more requests to your origin than
if you specify a longer duration. For 5xx errors, this may aggravate the problem that originally caused
your origin to return an error.
• When your origin returns an error for an object, CloudFront responds to requests for the object either
with the error response or with your custom error page until the error-caching duration elapses. If you
specify a long error-caching duration, CloudFront might continue to respond to requests with an error
response or your custom error page for a long time after the object becomes available again.

If you want to control how long CloudFront caches errors for individual objects, you can configure your
origin server to add the applicable header to the error response for that object:

• If the origin adds a Cache-Control max-age or Cache-Control s-maxage directive, or an

Expires header: CloudFront caches error responses for the greater of the value in the header or the
value of Error Caching Minimum TTL.

Be aware that Cache-Control max-age and Cache-Control s-maxage values cannot be greater
than the Maximum TTL value set for the cache behavior for which the error page is being fetched.
• If the origin adds other Cache-Control directives or adds no headers: CloudFront caches error
responses for the value of Error Caching Minimum TTL.

If the expiration time for a 4xx or 5xx status code for an object is longer than you want to wait, you can
invalidate the status code by using the URL of the requested object. If your origin is returning an error
response for multiple objects, you need to invalidate each object separately. For more information about
invalidating objects, see Invalidating Files (p. 110).

How CloudFront Responds When a Custom Error

Page Is Unavailable
If you configure CloudFront to return a custom error page for an HTTP status code but the custom error
page isn't available, CloudFront returns to the viewer the status code that CloudFront received from
the origin that contains the custom error pages. For example, suppose your custom origin returns a 500
status code and you have configured CloudFront to get a custom error page for a 500 status code from
an Amazon S3 bucket. However, someone accidentally deleted the custom error page from your bucket.
CloudFront will return an HTTP 404 status code (not found) to the viewer that requested the object.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Pricing for Custom Error Pages

Pricing for Custom Error Pages

When CloudFront returns a custom error page to a viewer, you pay the standard CloudFront charges for
the custom error page, not the charges for the requested object. For more information about CloudFront
charges, see Amazon CloudFront Pricing.

Configuring Error Response Behavior

You can use either the CloudFront API or console to configure CloudFront error responses. For
information about using the CloudFront API to configure error responses, go to PUT Distribution Config
in the Amazon CloudFront API Reference, and see the CustomErrorResponses element.

To configure CloudFront error responses using the console

1. Create the custom error pages that you want CloudFront to return to viewers when your origin
returns HTTP 4xx or 5xx errors. Save the pages in a location that is accessible to CloudFront.

We recommend that you store custom error pages in an Amazon S3 bucket even if you're using a
custom origin. If you store custom error pages on an HTTP server and the server starts to return 5xx
errors, CloudFront can't get the files that you want to return to viewers because the origin server is
2. Confirm that you have granted CloudFront at least read permission to your custom error page

For more information about Amazon S3 permissions, see Access Control in the Amazon Simple
Storage Service Developer Guide. For information on using the Amazon S3 console to update
permissions, go to the Amazon Simple Storage Service Console User Guide.
3. (Optional) Configure your origin server to add Cache-Control directives or an Expires
header along with the error response for specific objects, if applicable. For more information, see
Controlling How Long CloudFront Caches Errors (p. 294).
4. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CloudFront console at https://
5. In the list of distributions, select the distribution to update and choose Distribution Settings.
6. Choose the Error Pages tab. Then either choose Create Custom Error Response, or choose an
existing error code and choose Edit.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Configuring Error Response Behavior

7. Enter the applicable values. For more information, see Custom Error Pages and Error Caching (p. 60).
8. If you configured CloudFront to return custom error pages, add or update the applicable cache
behaviors. For more information, see Storing Objects and Custom Error Pages in Different
Locations (p. 293).
9. To save your changes, choose Yes, Edit.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
About Streaming Video: Video
on Demand and Live Streaming

Video on Demand and Live

Streaming Video with CloudFront
You can use CloudFront to deliver video on demand (VOD) or live streaming video using any HTTP origin.
One way you can set up video workflows in the cloud is by using CloudFront together with AWS Media

• About Streaming Video: Video on Demand and Live Streaming (p. 297)
• Delivering Video on Demand (VOD) with CloudFront (p. 298)
• Delivering Live Streaming Video with CloudFront and AWS Media Services (p. 300)
• Working with RTMP Distributions (p. 305)

About Streaming Video: Video on Demand and

Live Streaming
You must use an encoder to package video content before CloudFront can distribute the content.
The packaging process creates segments that contain your audio, video, and captions content. It also
generates manifest files, which describe in a specific order what segments to play and when. Common
package formats are MPEG DASH, Apple HLS, Microsoft Smooth Streaming, and CMAF.

Video on demand (VOD) streaming

For video on demand (VOD) streaming, your video content is stored on a server and viewers can
watch it at any time. To make an asset that viewers can stream, use an encoder, such as AWS
Elemental MediaConvert, to format and package your media files.

After your video is packaged into the right formats, you can store it on a server or in an Amazon S3
bucket, and then deliver it with CloudFront as viewers request it.
Live video streaming

For live video streaming, your video content is streamed real time as live events happen, or is set up
as a 24x7 live channel. To create live outputs for broadcast and streaming delivery, use an encoder
such as AWS Elemental MediaLive, to compress the video and format it for viewing devices.

After your video is encoded, you can store it in AWS Elemental MediaStore or convert it into
different delivery formats by using AWS Elemental MediaPackage. Use either of these origins to
set up a CloudFront distribution to deliver the content. For specific steps and guidance for creating
distributions that work together with these services, see Serving Video Using AWS Elemental
MediaStore as the Origin (p. 300) and Serving Live Video Formatted with AWS Elemental
MediaPackage (p. 301).

Wowza and Unified Streaming also provide tools that you can use for streaming video with CloudFront.
For more information about using Wowza with CloudFront, see Bring your Wowza Streaming Engine
license to CloudFront live HTTP streaming on the Wowza documentation website. For information about

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Delivering Video on Demand

using Unified Streaming with CloudFront for VOD streaming, see Amazon CloudFront on the Unified
Streaming documentation website.

Delivering Video on Demand (VOD) with

To deliver video on demand (VOD) streaming with CloudFront, use the following services:

• Amazon S3 to store the content in its original format and to store the transcoded video.
• An encoder (such as AWS Elemental MediaConvert) to transcode the video into streaming formats.
• CloudFront to deliver the transcoded video to viewers. For Microsoft Smooth Streaming, see
Configuring Video on Demand for Microsoft Smooth Streaming (p. 298).

To create a VOD solution with CloudFront

1. Upload your content to an Amazon S3 bucket. To learn more about working with Amazon S3, see
the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide.
2. Transcode your content by using a MediaConvert job. The job converts your video into the formats
required by the players that your viewers use. You can also use the job to create assets that vary in
resolution and bitrate. These assets are used for adaptive bitrate (ABR) streaming, which adjusts the
viewing quality depending on the viewer’s available bandwidth. MediaConvert stores the transcoded
video in an S3 bucket.
3. Deliver your converted content by using a CloudFront distribution. Viewers can watch the content on
any device, at any time.

You can explore how to use an AWS CloudFormation template to deploy a VOD AWS solution
together with all the associated components. To see the steps for using the template, see
Automated Deployment in the Video on Demand on AWS guide.

Configuring Video on Demand for Microsoft Smooth

You have the following options for using CloudFront to distribute video on demand (VOD) content that
you’ve transcoded into the Microsoft Smooth Streaming format:

• Specify a web server that runs Microsoft IIS and supports Smooth Streaming as the origin for your
• Enable Smooth Streaming in the cache behaviors of a CloudFront distribution. Because you can use
multiple cache behaviors in a distribution, you can use one distribution for Smooth Streaming media
files as well as other content.

If you specify a web server running Microsoft IIS as your origin, do not enable Smooth Streaming
in the cache behaviors of your CloudFront distribution. CloudFront can’t use a Microsoft IIS
server as an origin if you enable Smooth Streaming as a cache behavior.

If you enable Smooth Streaming in a cache behavior (that is, you do not have a server that is running
Microsoft IIS), note the following:

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Configuring Video on Demand
for Microsoft Smooth Streaming

• You can still distribute other content using the same cache behavior if the content matches the value
of Path Pattern for that cache behavior.
• CloudFront can use either an Amazon S3 bucket or a custom origin for Smooth Streaming media files.
CloudFront cannot use a Microsoft IIS Server as an origin if you enable Smooth Streaming for the
cache behavior.
• You cannot invalidate media files in the Smooth Streaming format. If you want to update files before
they expire, you must rename them. For more information, see Adding, Removing, or Replacing
Content That CloudFront Distributes (p. 104).

For information about Smooth Streaming clients, see Smooth Streaming Primer on the Microsoft
documentation website.

To use CloudFront to distribute Smooth Streaming files when a Microsoft IIS web server isn’t
the origin

1. Transcode your media files into Smooth Streaming fragmented MP4 format.
2. Do one of the following:

• If you’re using the CloudFront console: When you create or update a web distribution, enable
Smooth Streaming in one or more of the distribution’s cache behaviors.
• If you’re using the CloudFront API: Add the SmoothStreaming element to the
DistributionConfig complex type for one or more of the distribution’s cache behaviors.
3. Upload the Smooth Streaming files to your origin.
4. Create either a clientaccesspolicy.xml or a crossdomainpolicy.xml file, and add
it to a location that is accessible at the root of your distribution, for example, https:// The following is an example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<allow-from http-request-headers="*">
<domain uri="*"/>
<resource path="/" include-subpaths="true"/>

For more information, see Making a Service Available Across Domain Boundaries on the Microsoft
Developer Network website.
5. For links in your application (for example, a media player), specify the URL for the media file in the
following format:

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Delivering Live Streaming Video

Delivering Live Streaming Video with CloudFront

and AWS Media Services
To use AWS Media Services with CloudFront to deliver live content to a global audience, follow the
guidance included in this section.

Use AWS Elemental MediaLive to encode live video streams in real time. To encode a large video stream,
MediaLive compresses it into smaller versions (encodes) that can be distributed to your viewers.

After you compress a live video stream, you can use either of the following two main options to prepare
and serve the content:

• Convert your content into required formats, and then serve it: If you require content in multiple
formats, use AWS Elemental MediaPackage to package the content for different device types. When
you package the content, you can also implement extra features and add digital rights management
(DRM) to prevent unauthorized use of your content. For step-by-step instructions for using CloudFront
to serve content that MediaPackage formatted, see Serving Live Video Formatted with AWS Elemental
MediaPackage (p. 301).
• Store and serve your content using scalable origin: If MediaLive encoded content in the formats
required by all of the devices that your viewers use, use a highly scalable origin like AWS Elemental
MediaStore to serve the content. For step-by-step instructions for using CloudFront to serve content
that is stored in a MediaStore container, see Serving Video Using AWS Elemental MediaStore as the
Origin (p. 300).

After you’ve set up your origin by using one of these options, you can distribute live streaming video to
viewers by using CloudFront.
You can learn about an AWS solution that automatically deploys services for building a highly
available real-time viewing experience. To see the steps to automatically deploy this solution,
see Live Streaming Automated Deployment.

• Serving Video Using AWS Elemental MediaStore as the Origin (p. 300)
• Serving Live Video Formatted with AWS Elemental MediaPackage (p. 301)

Serving Video Using AWS Elemental MediaStore as

the Origin
If you have video stored in an AWS Elemental MediaStore container, you can create a CloudFront
distribution to serve the content.

To get started, you grant CloudFront access to your MediaStore container. Then you create a CloudFront
distribution and configure it to work with MediaStore.

To serve content from an AWS Elemental MediaStore container

1. Follow the procedure at Allowing Amazon CloudFront to Access Your MediaStore Container, and
then return to these steps to create your distribution.
2. Create a distribution with the following settings:

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Serving Live Video Formatted with
AWS Elemental MediaPackage

Origin Domain Name

The data endpoint that is assigned to your MediaStore container. From the dropdown
list, choose the MediaStore container for your live video. The format of a MediaStore
origin is Container-OriginEndpointURL. For example, For more information, see Origin Domain Name (p. 40).
Origin Path

The folder structure in the MediaStore container where your objects are stored. For more
information, see Origin Path (p. 42).
Origin Custom Headers

Add header names and values if you want CloudFront to include custom headers when it
forwards requests to your origin.
Viewer Protocol Policy

Choose Redirect HTTP to HTTPS. For more information, see Viewer Protocol Policy (p. 49).
Object Caching

If the encoder that you use can’t set cache controls on all objects, choose Customize. If your
encoder can set cache controls on all objects, choose Origin Cache Headers.
Minimum TTL, Maximum TTL, and Default TTL

Set as appropriate for your caching needs and segment durations.

Error Caching Minimum TTL

Set to 5 seconds or less, to help prevent serving stale content.

For the other settings, you can set specific values based on other technical requirements or the
needs of your business. For a list of all the options for web distributions and information about
setting them, see Values That You Specify When You Create or Update a Distribution (p. 38).
3. After CloudFront provisions your distribution, edit the cache behavior to set up cross-origin resource
sharing (CORS) for your origin:

1. Select the distribution, and then choose Distribution Settings.

2. Choose Behaviors, select your origin, and then choose Edit.
3. Under Cache Based on Selected Request Headers, choose Whitelist, and then, under Whitelist
Headers, select Origin.

To learn more about CORS, see Configuring CloudFront to Respect Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
(CORS) Settings in Caching Content Based on Request Headers (p. 246).
4. For links in your application (for example, a media player), specify the name of the media file in the
same format that you use for other objects that you're distributing using CloudFront.

Serving Live Video Formatted with AWS Elemental

If you formatted a live stream by using AWS Elemental MediaPackage, you can create a CloudFront
distribution and configure cache behaviors to serve the live stream. The following process assumes that
you have already created a channel and added endpoints for your live video using MediaPackage.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Serving Live Video Formatted with
AWS Elemental MediaPackage

Instead of using the following process, you can choose to automatically create a CloudFront
distribution when you save a channel in MediaPackage. For more information, see Creating a
Distribution from AWS Elemental MediaPackage in the AWS Elemental MediaPackage User Guide.

To create a CloudFront distribution for MediaPackage manually, follow these steps:

• Step 1: Create and configure a CloudFront distribution (p. 302)
• Step 2: Add the other endpoints as origins (p. 303)
• Step 3: Configure cache behaviors for all endpoints (p. 303)
• Step 4: Use CloudFront to serve the live stream channel (p. 305)

Step 1: Create and configure a CloudFront distribution

Complete the following procedure to set up a CloudFront distribution for the live video channel that you
created with MediaPackage.

To create a distribution for your live video channel

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CloudFront console at https://
2. Choose Create Distribution.
3. On the Select a delivery method for your content page, in the Web section, choose Get Started.
4. Choose the settings for the distribution, including the following:

Origin Domain Name

The origin where your MediaPackage live video channel and endpoints are. Choose the text
field, then from the dropdown list, choose the MediaPackage channel for your live video. You
can map one channel to several origin endpoints.

If you created your channel using another AWS account, type the origin URL value into the field.
The origin must be an HTTPS URL.

For more information, see Origin Domain Name (p. 40) in the Values That You Specify When You
Create or Update a Distribution (p. 38).
Origin Path

The path to the MediaPackage endpoint from where the content is served. When you choose an
origin domain name, CloudFront populates the origin path.

If you used a channel from another AWS account for Origin Domain Name, the Origin Path
field is not filled in for you. You must get the correct origin path from the other account so that
you can enter it manually.

For more information about how an origin path works, see Origin Path (p. 42) in Values That You
Specify When You Create or Update a Distribution (p. 38).

For the other distribution settings, set specific values based on other technical requirements or the
needs of your business. For a list of all the options for distributions and information about setting
them, see Values That You Specify When You Create or Update a Distribution (p. 38).

When you finish choosing the other distribution settings, choose Create Distribution.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Serving Live Video Formatted with
AWS Elemental MediaPackage

5. Choose the distribution that you just created, then choose the Behaviors tab.
6. Choose the default cache behavior, and specify the correct cache behavior settings for the channel
that you chose for the origin. Later, you’ll add one or more additional origins and edit cache
behavior settings for them.
7. Go to the CloudFront Distributions page.
8. Wait until the value of the Status column for your distribution has changed from In Progress to
Deployed, indicating that CloudFront has created your distribution.

Step 2: Add the other endpoints as origins

Repeat the steps here to add each of your MediaPackage channel endpoints to your distribution.

To add other endpoints as origins

1. On the CloudFront console, choose the distribution that you created for your channel.
2. Choose the Origins and Origin Groups tab, then choose Create Origin.
3. For Origin Domain Name, in the dropdown list, choose a MediaPackage endpoint for your channel.
CloudFront automatically completes the Origin Path field.
4. For the other settings, set the values based on other technical requirements or the needs of your
business. For more information, see Origin Settings (p. 40) in Values That You Specify When You
Create or Update a Distribution (p. 38).
5. Choose Create.

Step 3: Configure cache behaviors for all endpoints

For each endpoint, you must configure cache behaviors to add path patterns that route requests
correctly. The path patterns that you specify depend on the video format that you’re serving. The
following procedure includes the path pattern information to use for Apple HLS, CMAF, DASH, and
Microsoft Smooth Streaming formats.

You typically set up two cache behaviors for each endpoint:

• The parent manifest, which is the index to your files.

• The segments, which are the files of the video content.

To create a cache behavior for an endpoint

1. On the CloudFront console, choose the distribution that you created for your channel.
2. Choose the Behaviors tab, then choose Create Behavior.
3. In the Cache Behavior Settings section, populate Path Pattern with the first pattern indicated in the
following guidance for each endpoint type. For example, for a DASH endpoint, type *.mpd for Path

Path Patterns

For an HLS endpoint, create the following two cache behaviors:

• For parent and child manifests, use *.m3u8.
• For the content segments, use *.ts.

For a CMAF endpoint, create the following two cache behaviors:

• For parent and child manifests, use *.m3u8.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Serving Live Video Formatted with
AWS Elemental MediaPackage

• For the content segments, use *.mp4.

For a DASH endpoint, create the following two cache behaviors:

• For the parent manifest, use *.mpd.
• For the content segments, use *.mp4.

For a Microsoft Smooth Streaming endpoint, only a manifest is served, so you create only one
cache behavior: index.ism/*.
4. For each cache behavior, specify values for the following settings:

Viewer Protocol Policy

Choose Redirect HTTP to HTTPS.

Cache Based on Selected Request Headers

Choose None (improves caching).

For more information about improving caching, see Increasing the Proportion of Requests that
Are Served from CloudFront Edge Caches (Cache Hit Ratio) (p. 228).
Object Caching

MediaPackage sets default Cache-Control headers that ensure correct playback behavior. If
you want to use those values, choose Use Origin Cache Headers. However, you can increase
cache times for video segments. For more information about customizing the time that objects
stay in the CloudFront cache, see Object Caching (p. 50) in the Values That You Specify When
You Create or Update a Distribution (p. 38).
Minimum TTL

Set to 5 seconds or less, to help prevent serving stale content.

Query String Forwarding and Caching

Choose Forward all, cache based on whitelist.

Query String Whitelist

Specify m as the query string parameter that you want CloudFront to use as the basis for
caching. The MediaPackage response always includes the tag ?m=### to capture the modified
time of the endpoint. If content is already cached with a different value for this tag, CloudFront
requests a new manifest instead of serving the cached version.

If you’re using the time-shifted viewing functionality in MediaPackage, specify start and end
as additional query string parameters on the cache behavior for manifest requests (*.m3u8,
*.mpd, and index.ism/*). This way, content is served that’s specific to the requested
time period in the manifest request. For more information about time-shifted viewing and
formatting content start and end request parameters, see Time-shifted Viewing in the AWS
Elemental MediaPackage User Guide.

If you’re using the manifest filtering feature in MediaPackage, specify aws.manifestfilter

as an additional query string parameter on the cache behavior for manifest requests
(*.m3u8, *.mpd, and index.ism/*). This configures your distribution to forward the
aws.manifestfilter query string to your MediaPackage origin, which is required for the
manifest filtering feature to work. For more information, see Manifest Filtering in the AWS
Elemental MediaPackage User Guide.
5. Choose Create.
6. If your endpoint is not a Microsoft Smooth Streaming endpoint, choose Create Behavior, and then
repeat these steps to create a second cache behavior.
Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Working with RTMP Distributions

Step 4: Use CloudFront to serve the live stream channel

After you create the distribution, add the origins, and create the cache behaviors, you can serve the live
stream channel using CloudFront. CloudFront routes requests from viewers to the correct MediaPackage
endpoints based on the settings that you configured for the cache behaviors.

For links in your application (for example, a media player), specify the URL for the media file in the
standard format for CloudFront URLs. For more information, see Customizing the URL Format for Files in
CloudFront (p. 106).

Working with RTMP Distributions

Adobe designated Flash as end-of-life at the end of 2020. As a result, Amazon CloudFront will
no longer support Adobe Flash Media Server and will be deprecating Real-Time Messaging
Protocol (RTMP) distributions by December 31, 2020. For more information, read the full
announcement on the Amazon CloudFront discussion forum.

This section describes how you configure and manage RTMP distributions. RTMP distributions stream
media files using Adobe Media Server and the Adobe Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP). For
information about how to create an RTMP distribution, see Task List for Streaming Media Files Using
RTMP (p. 307).

• RTMP Distributions (p. 305)
• How RTMP Distributions Work (p. 306)
• Task List for Streaming Media Files Using RTMP (p. 307)
• Creating an RTMP Distribution Using the CloudFront Console (p. 308)
• Values that You Specify When You Create or Update an RTMP Distribution (p. 309)
• Values that CloudFront Displays in the Console When You Create or Update an RTMP
Distribution (p. 313)
• Configuring the Media Player (p. 314)
• Using an Amazon S3 Bucket as the Origin for an RTMP Distribution (p. 315)
• Creating Multiple RTMP Distributions for an Origin Server (p. 316)
• Restricting Access Using Crossdomain.xml (p. 316)
• Error Codes for RTMP Distributions (p. 316)
• Troubleshooting RTMP Distributions (p. 316)

RTMP Distributions
Adobe designated Flash as end-of-life at the end of 2020. As a result, Amazon CloudFront will
no longer support Adobe Flash Media Server and will be deprecating Real-Time Messaging
Protocol (RTMP) distributions by December 31, 2020. For more information, read the full
announcement on the Amazon CloudFront discussion forum.

RTMP distributions stream media files using Adobe Media Server and the Adobe Real-Time Messaging
Protocol (RTMP). An RTMP distribution must use an Amazon S3 bucket as the origin.

For information about the values you specify when you create an RTMP distribution, see Working with
RTMP Distributions (p. 305). For information about creating an RTMP distribution, see Task List for
Streaming Media Files Using RTMP (p. 307).

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
How RTMP Distributions Work

How RTMP Distributions Work

Adobe designated Flash as end-of-life at the end of 2020. As a result, Amazon CloudFront will
no longer support Adobe Flash Media Server and will be deprecating Real-Time Messaging
Protocol (RTMP) distributions by December 31, 2020. For more information, read the full
announcement on the Amazon CloudFront discussion forum.

To stream media files using CloudFront, you provide two types of files to your end users:

• Your media files

• A media player, for example, JW Player, Flowplayer, or Adobe Flash

End users view your media files using the media player that you provide for them; they do not use the
media player (if any) that is already installed on their computer or other device.

When an end user streams your media file, the media player begins to play the content of the file while
the file is still being downloaded from CloudFront. The media file is not stored locally on the end user's

To use CloudFront to serve both the media player and the media files, you need two types of
distributions: a web distribution for the media player, and an RTMP distribution for the media files. Web
distributions serve files over HTTP, while RTMP distributions stream media files over RTMP (or a variant
of RTMP).

The following example assumes that your media files and your media player are stored in different
buckets in Amazon S3, but that isn't required—you can store media files and your media player in the
same Amazon S3 bucket. You can also make the media player available to end users in other ways, for
example, using CloudFront and a custom origin. However, the media files must use an Amazon S3 bucket
as the origin.

In the following diagram, your site serves a cached copy of the media player to each end user through
the domain. The media player then accesses cached copies of your media files
through the domain.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Task List for Streaming Media Files Using RTMP

1. Your media player bucket holds the media player and is the origin server for a regular HTTP
distribution. In this example, the domain name for the distribution is (The
d in indicates that this is a web distribution.)
2. Your streaming media bucket holds your media files and is the origin server for an RTMP distribution.
In this example, the domain name for the distribution is (The s in indicates that this is an RTMP distribution.)

When you configure CloudFront to distribute media files, CloudFront uses Adobe Flash Media Server as
the streaming server and streams your media files using Adobe's Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP).
CloudFront accepts RTMP requests over port 1935 and port 80.

CloudFront supports the following variants of the RTMP protocol:

• RTMP – Adobe's Real-Time Message Protocol

• RTMPT – Adobe streaming tunneled over HTTP
• RTMPE – Adobe encrypted
• RTMPTE – Adobe encrypted tunneled over HTTP

Task List for Streaming Media Files Using RTMP

Adobe designated Flash as end-of-life at the end of 2020. As a result, Amazon CloudFront will
no longer support Adobe Flash Media Server and will be deprecating Real-Time Messaging
Protocol (RTMP) distributions by December 31, 2020. For more information, read the full
announcement on the Amazon CloudFront discussion forum.

The following task list summarizes the process for creating a distribution for video on demand (VOD)
streaming using the Adobe RTMP protocol for any media player.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Creating an RTMP Distribution
Using the CloudFront Console

To Create an RTMP Distribution

1. Create an Amazon S3 bucket for your media files. If you are using a different Amazon S3 bucket for
your media player, create an Amazon S3 bucket for the media player files, too.

The names of your buckets must be all lowercase and cannot contain spaces.
2. Choose and configure a media player to play your media files. For more information, refer to the
documentation for the media player.
3. Upload the files for your media player to the origin from which you want CloudFront to get the files.
If you are using an Amazon S3 bucket as the origin for the media player, make the files (not the
bucket) publicly readable.
4. Create a web distribution for your media player. (You can also use an existing distribution.) For more
information, see Steps for Creating a Distribution (Overview) (p. 36).
5. Upload your media files to the Amazon S3 bucket that you created for the media files, and make the
content (not the bucket) publicly readable.
Media files in a Flash Video container must include the .flv filename extension, or the media
will not stream.

You can put media player files and media files in the same bucket.
6. Create an RTMP distribution for your media files:

• For more information about creating an RTMP distribution using the CloudFront console, see
Creating an RTMP Distribution Using the CloudFront Console (p. 308).
• For information about creating an RTMP distribution using the CloudFront API, see
CreateStreamingDistribution in the Amazon CloudFront API Reference.
7. Configure your media player. For more information, see Configuring the Media Player (p. 314).

If you have trouble getting your content to play, see Troubleshooting RTMP Distributions (p. 316).

Creating an RTMP Distribution Using the CloudFront

Adobe designated Flash as end-of-life at the end of 2020. As a result, Amazon CloudFront will
no longer support Adobe Flash Media Server and will be deprecating Real-Time Messaging
Protocol (RTMP) distributions by December 31, 2020. For more information, read the full
announcement on the Amazon CloudFront discussion forum.

The following procedure explains how to create an RTMP distribution using the CloudFront console. If
you want to create an RTMP distribution using the CloudFront API, go to CreateStreamingDistribution in
the Amazon CloudFront API Reference.

For the current quota (formerly known as limit) on the number of RTMP distributions that
you can create for each AWS account, see Quotas (p. 496). To request a higher quota, go

To create an RTMP distribution using the CloudFront console

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CloudFront console at https://
2. Click Create Distribution.
3. On the first page of the Create Distribution Wizard, in the RTMP section, choose Get Started.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Values that You Specify When You
Create or Update an RTMP Distribution

4. Specify settings for the distribution. For more information, see Values that You Specify When You
Create or Update an RTMP Distribution (p. 309).
5. Click Create Distribution.
6. After CloudFront creates your distribution, the value of the Status column for your distribution will
change from InProgress to Deployed. If you chose to enable the distribution, it will then be ready to
process requests. This should take less than 15 minutes.

The domain name that CloudFront assigns to your distribution appears in the list of distributions.
The domain name also appears on the General tab for a selected distribution.

Values that You Specify When You Create or Update

an RTMP Distribution
Adobe designated Flash as end-of-life at the end of 2020. As a result, Amazon CloudFront will
no longer support Adobe Flash Media Server and will be deprecating Real-Time Messaging
Protocol (RTMP) distributions by December 31, 2020. For more information, read the full
announcement on the Amazon CloudFront discussion forum.

To stream media files using CloudFront, you create an RTMP distribution and specify the following

• Origin Domain Name (Amazon S3 Bucket) (p. 309)
• Restrict Bucket Access (Amazon S3 Only) (p. 310)
• Origin Access Identity (Amazon S3 Only) (p. 310)
• Comment for New Identity(Amazon S3 Only) (p. 310)
• Your Identities (Amazon S3 Only) (p. 310)
• Grant Read Permissions on Bucket (Amazon S3 Only) (p. 310)
• Price Class (p. 311)
• Alternate Domain Names (CNAMEs) (p. 311)
• Logging (p. 311)
• Bucket for Logs (p. 311)
• Log Prefix (p. 311)
• Comment (p. 312)
• Distribution State (p. 312)
• Restrict Viewer Access (Use Signed URLs) (p. 312)
• Trusted Signers (p. 312)
• AWS Account Numbers (p. 313)

Origin Domain Name (Amazon S3 Bucket)

The DNS domain name of the Amazon S3 bucket from which you want CloudFront to get objects for this
origin, for example, In the CloudFront console, click in
the Origin Domain Name field, and a list enumerates the Amazon S3 buckets that are associated with
the current AWS account. To use a bucket from a different AWS account, type the domain name of the
bucket in the following format:

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Values that You Specify When You
Create or Update an RTMP Distribution

If you configured Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration for your bucket, do not specify the s3-accelerate
endpoint for Origin Domain Name.

The files must be publicly readable unless you secure your content in Amazon S3 by using a CloudFront
origin access identity. For more information, see Restricting Access to Amazon S3 Content by Using an
Origin Access Identity (p. 209).
The bucket name must conform to DNS naming requirements. For more information, go to
Bucket Restrictions and Limitations in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide.

When you change the bucket from which CloudFront gets objects for the current origin, CloudFront
immediately begins replicating the change to CloudFront edge locations. Until the distribution
configuration is updated in a given edge location, CloudFront will continue to forward requests to the
previous Amazon S3 bucket. As soon as the distribution configuration is updated in that edge location,
CloudFront begins to forward requests to the new Amazon S3 bucket.

Changing the bucket does not require CloudFront to repopulate edge caches with objects from the new
origin. As long as the viewer requests in your application have not changed, CloudFront will continue
to serve objects that are already in an edge cache until the TTL on each object expires or until seldom-
requested objects are evicted.

For more information, see Using an Amazon S3 Bucket as the Origin for an RTMP Distribution (p. 315).

Restrict Bucket Access (Amazon S3 Only)

Click Yes if you want to require end users to access objects in an Amazon S3 bucket by using only
CloudFront URLs, not by using Amazon S3 URLs. Then specify the applicable values.

Click No if you want end users to be able to access objects using either CloudFront URLs or Amazon S3

For more information, see Restricting Access to Amazon S3 Content by Using an Origin Access
Identity (p. 209).

Origin Access Identity (Amazon S3 Only)

If you chose Yes for Restrict Bucket Access, choose whether to create a new origin access identity or use
an existing one that is associated with your AWS account. If you already have an origin access identity,
we recommend that you reuse it to simplify maintenance. For more information about origin access
identities, see Restricting Access to Amazon S3 Content by Using an Origin Access Identity (p. 209).

Comment for New Identity(Amazon S3 Only)

If you chose Create a New Identity for Origin Access Identity, enter a comment that identifies the new
origin access identity. CloudFront will create the origin access identity when you create this distribution.

Your Identities (Amazon S3 Only)

If you chose Use an Existing Identity for Origin Access Identity, choose the origin access identity that
you want to use. You cannot use an origin access identity that is associated with another AWS account.

Grant Read Permissions on Bucket (Amazon S3 Only)

If you want CloudFront to automatically grant the origin access identity the permission to read objects in
your Amazon S3 bucket, click Yes, Update Bucket Policy.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Values that You Specify When You
Create or Update an RTMP Distribution

If you click Yes, Update Bucket Policy, CloudFront updates the bucket policy to grant the
specified origin access identity the permission to read objects in your bucket. However,
CloudFront does not remove existing permissions in the bucket policy or permissions on
individual objects. If users currently have permission to access the objects in your bucket using
Amazon S3 URLs, they will still have that permission after CloudFront updates your bucket
policy. To view or change the existing bucket policy and the existing permissions on the objects
in your bucket, use a method provided by Amazon S3. For more information, see Granting the
OAI Permission to Read Files in Your Amazon S3 Bucket (p. 212).

If you want to update permissions manually, for example, if you want to update ACLs on your objects
instead of updating bucket permissions, click No, I will Update Permissions.

Price Class
The price class that corresponds with the maximum price that you want to pay for CloudFront service. By
default, CloudFront serves your objects from edge locations in all CloudFront regions.

For more information about price classes and about how your choice of price class affects CloudFront
performance for your distribution, see Choosing the price class for a CloudFront distribution (p. 10). For
information about CloudFront pricing, including how price classes map to CloudFront regions, go to
Amazon CloudFront Pricing.

Alternate Domain Names (CNAMEs)

Optional. You can associate one or more CNAME aliases with a distribution so that you can use your
domain name (for example, in the URLs for your objects instead of using the domain name
that CloudFront assigned when you created your distribution. For more information, see Using Custom
URLs for Files by Adding Alternate Domain Names (CNAMEs) (p. 71).

Whether you want CloudFront to log information about each request for an object and store the log files
in an Amazon S3 bucket. You can enable or disable logging at any time. There is no extra charge if you
enable logging, but you accrue the usual Amazon S3 charges for storing and accessing the files in an
Amazon S3 bucket. You can delete the logs at any time. For more information about CloudFront access
logs, see Configuring and Using Standard Logs (Access Logs) (p. 439).

Bucket for Logs

If you chose On for Logging, the Amazon S3 bucket that you want CloudFront to store access logs
in, for example, If you enable logging,
CloudFront records information about each end-user request for an object and stores the files in the
specified Amazon S3 bucket. You can enable or disable logging at any time. For more information about
CloudFront access logs, see Configuring and Using Standard Logs (Access Logs) (p. 439).
You must have the permissions required to get and update Amazon S3 bucket ACLs, and the
S3 ACL for the bucket must grant you FULL_CONTROL. This allows CloudFront to give the
awsdatafeeds account permission to save log files in the bucket. For more information, see
Permissions Required to Configure Standard Logging and to Access Your Log Files (p. 440).

Log Prefix
Optional. If you chose On for Logging, specify the string, if any, that you want CloudFront to prefix to
the access log filenames for this distribution, for example, exampleprefix/. The trailing slash ( / ) is

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Values that You Specify When You
Create or Update an RTMP Distribution

optional but recommended to simplify browsing your log files. For more information about CloudFront
access logs, see Configuring and Using Standard Logs (Access Logs) (p. 439).

Optional. When you create a distribution, you can include a comment of up to 128 characters. You can
update the comment at any time.

Distribution State
When you create a distribution, you must specify whether you want the distribution to be enabled or
disabled after it's created:

• Enabled means that as soon as the distribution is fully deployed you can deploy links that use the
distribution's domain name and end users can retrieve content. Whenever a distribution is enabled,
CloudFront accepts and processes any end-user requests for content that use the domain name
associated with that distribution.

When you create, modify, or delete a CloudFront distribution, it takes time for your changes to
propagate to the CloudFront database. An immediate request for information about a distribution
might not show the change. Propagation usually completes within minutes, but a high system load or
network partition might increase this time.
• Disabled means that even though the distribution might be deployed and ready to use, end users can't
use it. When a distribution is disabled, CloudFront doesn't accept any end-user requests that use the
domain name associated with that distribution. Until you switch the distribution from disabled to
enabled (by updating the distribution's configuration), no one can use it.

You can toggle a distribution between disabled and enabled as often as you want. For information about
updating a distribution's configuration, see Updating a Distribution (p. 63).

Restrict Viewer Access (Use Signed URLs)

If you want requests for objects served by this distribution to use public URLs, click No. If you want
requests to use signed URLs, click Yes. Then specify the AWS accounts that you want to use to create
signed URLs; these accounts are known as trusted signers.

For more information about trusted signers, see Specifying the AWS Accounts That Can Create Signed
URLs and Signed Cookies (Trusted Signers) (p. 150).

Trusted Signers
Choose which AWS accounts you want to use as trusted signers for this distribution:

• Self: Use the account with which you're currently signed into the AWS Management Console as a
trusted signer. If you're currently signed in as an IAM user, the associated AWS account is added as a
trusted signer.
• Specify Accounts: Enter account numbers for trusted signers in the AWS Account Numbers field.

To create signed URLs, an AWS account must have at least one active CloudFront key pair.
If you're updating a distribution that you're already using to distribute content, add trusted
signers only when you're ready to start generating signed URLs for your objects. After you add
trusted signers to a distribution, users must use signed URLs to access the objects served by this

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Values that CloudFront Displays in the Console
When You Create or Update an RTMP Distribution

AWS Account Numbers

If you want to create signed URLs using AWS accounts in addition to or instead of the current account,
enter one AWS account number per line in this field. Note the following:

• The accounts that you specify must have at least one active CloudFront key pair. For more information,
see Creating CloudFront Key Pairs for Your Trusted Signers (p. 151).
• You can't create CloudFront key pairs for IAM users, so you can't use IAM users as trusted signers.
• For information about how to get the AWS account number for an account, see How Do I Get Security
Credentials? in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.
• If you enter the account number for the current account, CloudFront automatically checks the Self
checkbox and removes the account number from the AWS Account Numbers list.

Values that CloudFront Displays in the Console When

You Create or Update an RTMP Distribution
Adobe designated Flash as end-of-life at the end of 2020. As a result, Amazon CloudFront will
no longer support Adobe Flash Media Server and will be deprecating Real-Time Messaging
Protocol (RTMP) distributions by December 31, 2020. For more information, read the full
announcement on the Amazon CloudFront discussion forum.

When you create a new RTMP distribution or update an existing distribution, CloudFront displays the
following information in the CloudFront console.
Active trusted signers, the AWS accounts that have an active CloudFront key pair and can be
used to create valid signed URLs, are currently not visible in the CloudFront console.

Distribution ID
When you perform an action on a distribution using the CloudFront API, you use the distribution ID to
specify which distribution you want to perform the action on, for example, EDFDVBD6EXAMPLE. You
can't change the distribution ID.

The possible status values for a distribution are listed in the following table.

Value Description

InProgress The distribution is still being created or updated.

Deployed The distribution has been created or updated and the changes have been fully
propagated through the CloudFront system.

In addition to ensuring that the status for a distribution is Deployed, you must enable the distribution
before end users can use CloudFront to access your content. For more information, see Distribution
State (p. 312).

Last Modified
The date and time that the distribution was last modified, using ISO 8601 format, for example,
2012-05-19T19:37:58Z. For more information, go to

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Configuring the Media Player

Domain Name
You use the distribution's domain name in the links to your objects, unless you're using
alternate domain names (CNAMEs). For example, if your distribution's domain name is, the link to the example /images/image.jpg file would be You can't change the CloudFront
domain name for your distribution. For more information about CloudFront URLs for links to your
objects, see Customizing the URL Format for Files in CloudFront (p. 106).

If you specified one or more alternate domain names (CNAMEs), you can use your own domain names
for links to your objects instead of using the CloudFront domain name. For more information about
CNAMEs, see Alternate Domain Names (CNAMEs) (p. 54).
CloudFront domain names are unique. Your distribution's domain name was never used for a
previous distribution and will never be reused for another distribution in the future.

Configuring the Media Player

Adobe designated Flash as end-of-life at the end of 2020. As a result, Amazon CloudFront will
no longer support Adobe Flash Media Server and will be deprecating Real-Time Messaging
Protocol (RTMP) distributions by December 31, 2020. For more information, read the full
announcement on the Amazon CloudFront discussion forum.

To play a media file, you must configure the media player with the correct path to the file. How you
configure the media depends on which media player you're using and how you're using it.

When you configure the media player, the path you specify to the media file must contain the characters
cfx/st immediately after the domain name, for example:

CloudFront follows Adobe's FMS naming requirements. Different players have their own
rules about how to specify streams. The example above is for JW Player. Check your player's
documentation. For example, Adobe's Flash Media Server does not allow the .flv extension to
be present on the play path. Many players remove the .flv extension for you.

Your media player might ask for the path separate from the file name. For example, with JW Player, you
specify a streamer and file variable:

• streamer – rtmp:// (with no trailing slash)

• file – mediafile.flv

If you've stored the media files in a directory in your bucket (for example, videos/mediafile.flv),
then the variables for JW Player would be:

• streamer – rtmp:// (with no trailing slash)

• file – videos/mediafile.flv

For more information about JW Player, go to the JW Player website.

MPEG Files
To serve MP3 audio files or H.264/MPEG-4 video files, you might need to prefix the file name with mp3:
or mp4:. Some media players can be configured to add the prefix automatically. The media player might

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using an Amazon S3 Bucket as the
Origin for an RTMP Distribution

also require you to specify the file name without the file extension (for example, magicvideo instead of

Using an Amazon S3 Bucket as the Origin for an

RTMP Distribution
Adobe designated Flash as end-of-life at the end of 2020. As a result, Amazon CloudFront will
no longer support Adobe Flash Media Server and will be deprecating Real-Time Messaging
Protocol (RTMP) distributions by December 31, 2020. For more information, read the full
announcement on the Amazon CloudFront discussion forum.

When you create a distribution, you specify where CloudFront gets the files that it distributes to
edge locations. For an RTMP distribution, you must use an Amazon S3 bucket; custom origins are not
supported. To get your objects into your bucket, you can use any method supported by Amazon S3, for
example, the Amazon S3 API or a third-party tool. You can create a hierarchy in your bucket just as you
would with any other Amazon S3 bucket. You incur regular Amazon S3 charges for storing the objects
in the bucket. For more information about the charges to use CloudFront, see CloudFront Reports in the
Console (p. 405).

Using an existing Amazon S3 bucket as your CloudFront origin server doesn't change the bucket in any
way; you can still use it as you normally would to store and access Amazon S3 objects (at the normal
Amazon S3 prices).

You can use the same Amazon S3 bucket for both RTMP and web distributions.
After you create an RTMP distribution, you can't change its origin server. If you need to change
the Amazon S3 bucket for an RTMP distribution, you must create a new distribution that uses
the new bucket and update either your links or your DNS records to use the domain name for
the new distribution. You can then delete the original distribution. For more information, see
Deleting a Distribution (p. 65).

When you specify the Amazon S3 bucket that you want CloudFront to get objects from, we recommend
that you use the following format to access the bucket:

Another option might be to use the following more general format, but be aware that this format
doesn't work for Regions launched in 2019 or later:

Do not specify the name of the bucket using the following values:

• The Amazon S3 path style,

• The Amazon S3 CNAME, if any

For your bucket to work with CloudFront, the name must conform to DNS naming requirements.
For more information, go to Bucket Restrictions and Limitations in the Amazon Simple Storage
Service Developer Guide.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Creating Multiple RTMP Distributions for an Origin Server

Creating Multiple RTMP Distributions for an Origin

Adobe designated Flash as end-of-life at the end of 2020. As a result, Amazon CloudFront will
no longer support Adobe Flash Media Server and will be deprecating Real-Time Messaging
Protocol (RTMP) distributions by December 31, 2020. For more information, read the full
announcement on the Amazon CloudFront discussion forum.

You typically create one RTMP distribution per Amazon S3 bucket, but you can choose to create multiple
RTMP distributions for the same bucket. For example, if you had two distributions for an Amazon S3
bucket, you could reference a single media file using either distribution. In this case, if you had a media
file called media.flv in your origin server, CloudFront would work with each distribution as though it
referenced an individual media.flv object: one media.flv accessible through one distribution, and
another media.flv accessible through the other distribution.

Restricting Access Using Crossdomain.xml

Adobe designated Flash as end-of-life at the end of 2020. As a result, Amazon CloudFront will
no longer support Adobe Flash Media Server and will be deprecating Real-Time Messaging
Protocol (RTMP) distributions by December 31, 2020. For more information, read the full
announcement on the Amazon CloudFront discussion forum.

The Adobe Flash Media Server crossdomain.xml file specifies which domains can access media files
in a particular domain. CloudFront supplies a default file that allows all domains to access the media
files in your RTMP distribution, and you cannot change this behavior. If you include a more restrictive
crossdomain.xml file in your Amazon S3 bucket, CloudFront ignores it.

Error Codes for RTMP Distributions

Adobe designated Flash as end-of-life at the end of 2020. As a result, Amazon CloudFront will
no longer support Adobe Flash Media Server and will be deprecating Real-Time Messaging
Protocol (RTMP) distributions by December 31, 2020. For more information, read the full
announcement on the Amazon CloudFront discussion forum.

The following table lists the error codes that CloudFront can send to your media player. The errors are
part of the string returned with or

Error Description

DistributionNotFound The distribution was not found.

DistributionTypeMismatch The distribution is not an RTMP distribution.

InvalidInstance The instance is invalid.

InvalidURI The URI is invalid.

Troubleshooting RTMP Distributions

Adobe designated Flash as end-of-life at the end of 2020. As a result, Amazon CloudFront will
no longer support Adobe Flash Media Server and will be deprecating Real-Time Messaging

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Troubleshooting RTMP Distributions

Protocol (RTMP) distributions by December 31, 2020. For more information, read the full
announcement on the Amazon CloudFront discussion forum.

If you're having trouble getting your media files to play, check the following items.

Item to Check Description

Separate distributions The media player must be served by a regular HTTP distribution (for
for the media player example, domain name, and media
files and media files files must be served by an RTMP distribution (for example, domain name Make sure you're not using the same
distribution for both.

/cfx/st in the file Confirm that the path for the file includes /cfx/st. You don't need to
path include /cfx/st in the path to the object in the Amazon S3 bucket. For
more information, see Configuring the Media Player (p. 314).

File names in the file Some media players require that you include the file name extension (for
path example, mp4:) before the file name in the file path. Some media players
also require that you exclude the file name extension (for example, .mp4)
from the file path. For more information, see MPEG Files (p. 314).
The names of the media files in your Amazon S3 bucket must
always include the applicable file name extension.

Port 1935 on your Adobe Flash Media Server uses port 1935 for RTMP. Make sure your firewall
firewall has this port open. If it doesn't, the typical message returned is "Unable to
play video." You can also switch to RTMPT to tunnel over HTTP using port

Adobe Flash Player By default, the Adobe Flash Player won't display a message if the video
messaging file it's trying to play is missing. Instead, it waits for the file to show up.
You might want to change this behavior to give your end users a better

To instead have the player send a message if the video is missing, use
play("vid",0,-1) instead of play("vid").

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide

Customizing Content at the Edge

with Lambda@Edge
Lambda@Edge is an extension of AWS Lambda, a compute service that lets you execute functions that
customize the content that CloudFront delivers. You can author Node.js or Python functions in one
Region, US-East-1 (N. Virginia), and then execute them in AWS locations globally that are closer to
the viewer, without provisioning or managing servers. Lambda@Edge scales automatically, from a few
requests per day to thousands per second. Processing requests at AWS locations closer to the viewer
instead of on origin servers significantly reduces latency and improves the user experience.

When you associate a CloudFront distribution with a Lambda@Edge function, CloudFront intercepts
requests and responses at CloudFront edge locations. You can execute Lambda functions when the
following CloudFront events occur:

• When CloudFront receives a request from a viewer (viewer request)

• Before CloudFront forwards a request to the origin (origin request)
• When CloudFront receives a response from the origin (origin response)
• Before CloudFront returns the response to the viewer (viewer response)

There are many uses for Lambda@Edge processing. For example:

• A Lambda function can inspect cookies and rewrite URLs so that users see different versions of a site
for A/B testing.
• CloudFront can return different objects to viewers based on the device they're using by checking the
User-Agent header, which includes information about the devices. For example, CloudFront can
return different images based on the screen size of their device. Similarly, the function could consider
the value of the Referer header and cause CloudFront to return the images to bots that have the
lowest available resolution.
• Or you could check cookies for other criteria. For example, on a retail website that sells clothing, if you
use cookies to indicate which color a user chose for a jacket, a Lambda function can change the request
so that CloudFront returns the image of a jacket in the selected color.
• A Lambda function can generate HTTP responses when CloudFront viewer request or origin request
events occur.
• A function can inspect headers or authorization tokens, and insert a header to control access to your
content before CloudFront forwards the request to your origin.
• A Lambda function can also make network calls to external resources to confirm user credentials, or
fetch additional content to customize a response.

For sample code and additional examples, see Lambda@Edge Example Functions (p. 367).

• Get Started Creating and Using Lambda@Edge Functions (p. 319)
• Setting IAM Permissions and Roles for Lambda@Edge (p. 329)
• Writing and Creating a Lambda@Edge Function (p. 335)

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Get Started Creating and Using Lambda@Edge Functions

• Adding Triggers for a Lambda@Edge Function (p. 339)

• Testing and Debugging Lambda@Edge Functions (p. 343)
• CloudWatch Metrics and CloudWatch Logs for Lambda Functions (p. 351)
• Deleting Lambda@Edge Functions and Replicas (p. 352)
• Lambda@Edge Event Structure (p. 353)
• Working with Requests and Responses (p. 363)
• Lambda@Edge Example Functions (p. 367)
• Requirements and Restrictions on Lambda Functions (p. 393)

Get Started Creating and Using Lambda@Edge

You can use Lambda@Edge functions to do lots of useful things, but it can seem a little complicated
when you're getting started. This section explains, at a high level, how Lambda@Edge works with
CloudFront and provides a tutorial that steps through a simple example.
After you're familiar with how Lambda@Edge works and you've created a Lambda@Edge
function, learn more about how you can use Lambda@Edge for your own custom solutions.
Learn more about creating and updating functions, the event structure, and adding
CloudFront triggers. You can also find more ideas and get code samples in Lambda@Edge
Example Functions (p. 367).

Here's an overview of how to create and use Lambda functions with CloudFront:

1. In the AWS Lambda console, create a Lambda function in the US East (N. Virginia) Region. (Or you can
create the function programmatically, for example, by using one of the AWS SDKs.)
2. Save and publish a numbered version of the function.

If you want to change the function, you must edit the $LATEST version of the function in the US East
(N. Virginia) Region. Then, before you set it up to work with CloudFront, you publish a new numbered
3. Choose the CloudFront distribution and cache behavior that the function applies to. Then specify one
or more CloudFront events (triggers) that cause the function to execute. For example, you can create a
trigger for the function to execute when CloudFront receives a request from a viewer.
4. When you create a trigger, Lambda replicates the function to AWS locations around the world.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Tutorial: Creating a Simple Function

• Tutorial: Creating a Simple Lambda@Edge Function (p. 320)

Tutorial: Creating a Simple Lambda@Edge Function

This tutorial shows you how to get started with Lambda@Edge by helping you create and add a sample
Node.js function that runs in CloudFront. The example that we walk through adds HTTP security headers
to a response, which can improve security and privacy for a website. You don’t need a website for this
walkthrough. In it, we simply add security headers to a response when CloudFront retrieves a file.

This example describes the steps to create and configure a Lambda@Edge function. When you create
your own Lambda@Edge solution, you follow similar steps and choose from the same options.

• Step 1: Sign Up for an AWS Account (p. 321)
• Step 2: Create a CloudFront Distribution (p. 321)
• Step 3: Create Your Function (p. 321)

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Tutorial: Creating a Simple Function

• Step 4: Add a CloudFront Trigger to Run the Function (p. 325)

• Step 5: Verify that the Function Runs (p. 327)
• Step 6: Troubleshoot Issues (p. 328)
• Step 7: Clean Up Your Example Resources (p. 328)
• Resources for Learning More (p. 329)

Step 1: Sign Up for an AWS Account

If you haven't already done so, sign up for Amazon Web Services at Choose
Sign Up Now and enter the required information.

Step 2: Create a CloudFront Distribution

Before you create the example Lambda@Edge function, you must have a CloudFront environment to
work with that includes an origin to serve content from.

Are you new to CloudFront? CloudFront delivers content through a worldwide network of edge
locations. When you set up a Lambda function with CloudFront, the function can customize content
closer to viewers, improving performance. If you’re not familiar with CloudFront, take a few minutes
before you complete the tutorial to read a short overview and learn a bit about how CloudFront caches
and serves content.

For this example, you create a CloudFront distribution that uses an Amazon S3 bucket as the origin for
the distribution. If you already have an environment to use, you can skip this step.

To create a CloudFront distribution with an Amazon S3 origin

1. Create an Amazon S3 bucket with a file or two, such as image files, for sample content. For help,
follow the steps in Upload your content to Amazon S3. Make sure that you set permissions to grant
public read access to the objects in your bucket.
2. Create a CloudFront distribution and add your S3 bucket as an origin, by following the steps in
Create a CloudFront web distribution. If you already have a distribution, you can add the bucket as
an origin for that distribution instead.
Make a note of your distribution ID. Later in this tutorial when you add a CloudFront trigger
for your function, you must choose the ID for your distribution in a drop-down list—for
example, E653W22221KDDL.

Step 3: Create Your Function

In this step, you create a Lambda function, starting with a blueprint template that's provided in the
Lambda Console. The function adds code to update security headers in your CloudFront distribution.

Are you new to Lambda or Lambda@Edge? Lambda@Edge lets you use CloudFront triggers to invoke
a Lambda function. When you associate a CloudFront distribution with a Lambda function, CloudFront
intercepts requests and responses at CloudFront edge locations and runs the function. Lambda functions
can improve security or customize information close to your viewers, to improve performance. In this
tutorial, the function that we create updates the security headers in a CloudFront response.

There are several steps to take when you create a Lambda function. In this tutorial, you use a blueprint
template as the basis for your function, and then update the function with code that sets the security
headers. Finally, you add and deploy a CloudFront trigger to run the function.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Tutorial: Creating a Simple Function

To create a Lambda function

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AWS Lambda console at https://
Make sure that you’re in the US-East-1 (N. Virginia) Region (us-east-1). You must be in this
Region to create Lambda@Edge functions.
2. Choose Create function.
3. On the Create function page, choose Use a blueprint, and then filter for the CloudFront blueprints
by entering cloudfront in the search field. The Keyword : cloudfront is shown, and all the
blueprints that are tagged for CloudFront are listed.
CloudFront blueprints are available only in the US-East-1 (N. Virginia) Region (us-east-1).
4. Choose the cloudfront-modify-response-header blueprint as the template for your function.
5. Enter the following information about your function:


Enter a name for your function.

Execution role

Choose how to set the permissions for your function. To use the recommended basic
Lambda@Edge permissions policy template, choose Create a new role from AWS policy
Role name

Enter a name for the role that the policy template creates.
Policy templates

Lambda automatically adds the policy template Basic Edge Lambda permissions because you
chose a CloudFront blueprint as the basis for your function. This policy template adds execution
role permissions that allow CloudFront to run your Lambda function for you in CloudFront
locations around the world. For more information, see Setting IAM Permissions and Roles for
Lambda@Edge (p. 329).
6. Choose Create function. Lambda creates the function, and on the next page you see your function
7. In the Designer section of the page, choose your function name, as shown in the following image. In
this example, the function name is ExampleFunction.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Tutorial: Creating a Simple Function

8. Scroll down to the Function code section of the page, as shown in the following image.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Tutorial: Creating a Simple Function

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Tutorial: Creating a Simple Function

Replace the template code with a function that modifies the security headers that your origin
returns. For example, you could use code similar to the following:

'use strict';
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {

//Get contents of response

const response = event.Records[0].cf.response;
const headers = response.headers;

//Set new headers

headers['strict-transport-security'] = [{key: 'Strict-Transport-Security', value:
'max-age= 63072000; includeSubdomains; preload'}];
headers['content-security-policy'] = [{key: 'Content-Security-Policy', value:
"default-src 'none'; img-src 'self'; script-src 'self'; style-src 'self'; object-src
headers['x-content-type-options'] = [{key: 'X-Content-Type-Options', value:
headers['x-frame-options'] = [{key: 'X-Frame-Options', value: 'DENY'}];
headers['x-xss-protection'] = [{key: 'X-XSS-Protection', value: '1; mode=block'}];
headers['referrer-policy'] = [{key: 'Referrer-Policy', value: 'same-origin'}];

//Return modified response

callback(null, response);

9. Choose Save to save your updated code.

Proceed to the next section to add a CloudFront trigger to run the function.

Step 4: Add a CloudFront Trigger to Run the Function

Now that you have a Lambda function to update security headers, configure the CloudFront trigger to
run your function to add the headers in any response that CloudFront receives from the origin for your

To configure the CloudFront trigger for your function

1. In the Designer section of the page, choose CloudFront, as shown in the following image.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Tutorial: Creating a Simple Function

2. Scroll down to the Configure triggers section of the page, then choose Deploy to Lambda@Edge.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Tutorial: Creating a Simple Function

3. On the Deploy to Lambda@Edge page, under Configure CloudFront trigger, enter the following


The CloudFront distribution ID to associate with your function. In the drop-down list, choose the
distribution ID.
Cache behavior

The cache behavior to use with the trigger. For this example, leave the value set to *, which
means your distribution’s default cache behavior. For more information, see Cache Behavior
Settings (p. 46) in the Values That You Specify When You Create or Update a Distribution (p. 38)
CloudFront event

The trigger that specifies when your function runs. We want the security headers function
to run whenever CloudFront returns a response from the origin. So in the drop-down list,
choose Origin response. For more information, see Adding Triggers for a Lambda@Edge
Function (p. 339).
4. Under Confirm deploy to Lambda@Edge, select the check box to acknowledge that the trigger will
be deployed and run your function in all AWS locations.
5. Choose Deploy to add the trigger and replicate the function to AWS locations worldwide. Then, if
necessary, close the Deploy to Lambda@Edge page.
6. Wait for the function to replicate. This typically takes several minutes.

You can check to see if replication is finished by going to the CloudFront console and viewing your
distribution. Wait for the distribution status to change from In Progress back to Deployed, which
means that your function has been replicated. To verify that the function works, follow the steps in
the next section.

Step 5: Verify that the Function Runs

Now that you've created your Lambda function and configured a trigger to run it for a CloudFront
distribution, check to make sure that the function is accomplishing what you expect it to. In this example,
we check the HTTP headers that CloudFront returns, to make sure that the security headers are added.

To verify that your Lambda@Edge function adds security headers

1. In a browser, enter the URL for a file in your S3 bucket. For example, you might use a URL similar to

For more information about the CloudFront domain name to use in the file URL, see Customizing
the URL Format for Files in CloudFront (p. 106).
2. Open your browser’s Web Developer toolbar. For example, in your browser window in Chrome, open
the context (right-click) menu, and then choose Inspect.
3. Choose the Network tab.
4. Reload the page to view your image, and then choose an HTTP request on the left pane. You see the
HTTP headers displayed in a separate pane.
5. Look through the list of HTTP headers to verify that the expected security headers are included in
the list. For example, you might see headers similar to those shown in the following screenshot.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Tutorial: Creating a Simple Function

If the security headers are included in your headers list, great! You've successfully created your first
Lambda@Edge function. If CloudFront returns errors or there are other issues, continue to the next step
to troubleshoot the issues.

Step 6: Troubleshoot Issues

If CloudFront returns errors or doesn't add the security headers as expected, you can investigate your
function’s execution by looking at CloudWatch Logs. Be sure to use the logs stored in the AWS location
that is closest to the location where the function is executed.

For example, if you view the file from London, try changing the Region in the CloudWatch console to
Europe (London).

To examine CloudWatch logs for your Lambda@Edge function

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CloudWatch console at https://
2. Change Region to the location that is shown when you view the file in your browser. This is where
the function is executing.
3. In the left pane, choose Logs to view the logs for your distribution.

For more information, see Monitoring CloudFront with Amazon CloudWatch (p. 428).

Step 7: Clean Up Your Example Resources

If you created an Amazon S3 bucket and CloudFront distribution just for this tutorial, delete the AWS
resources that you allocated so that you no longer accrue charges. After you delete your AWS resources,
any content that you added is no longer available.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Setting IAM Permissions and Roles


• Delete the S3 Bucket (p. 329)

• Delete the CloudFront Distribution (p. 329)

Delete the S3 Bucket

Before you delete your Amazon S3 bucket, make sure that logging is disabled for the bucket. Otherwise,
AWS continues to write logs to your bucket as you delete it.

To disable logging for a bucket

1. Open the Amazon S3 console at

2. Select your bucket, and then choose Properties.
3. From Properties, choose Logging.
4. Clear the Enabled check box.
5. Choose Save.

Now, you can delete your bucket. For more information, see How Do I Delete an S3 Bucket? in the
Amazon Simple Storage Service Console User Guide.

Delete the CloudFront Distribution

Before you delete a CloudFront distribution, you must disable it. A disabled distribution is no longer
functional and does not accrue charges. You can enable a disabled distribution at any time. After you
delete a disabled distribution, it's no longer available.

To disable and delete a CloudFront distribution

1. Open the CloudFront console at

2. Select the distribution that you want to disable, and then choose Disable.
3. When prompted for confirmation, choose Yes, Disable.
4. Select the disabled distribution, and then choose Delete.
5. When prompted for confirmation, choose Yes, Delete.

Resources for Learning More

Now that you have a basic idea of how Lambda@Edge functions work, learn more by reading the

• Lambda@Edge Example Functions (p. 367)

• Lambda@Edge Design Best Practices
• Reducing Latency and Shifting Compute to the Edge with Lambda@Edge

Setting IAM Permissions and Roles for

To configure Lambda@Edge, you must set up specific IAM permissions and an IAM execution role.
Lambda@Edge also creates service-linked roles to replicate Lambda functions to CloudFront Regions and
to enable CloudWatch to use CloudFront log files.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
IAM Permissions Required to Associate Lambda
Functions with CloudFront Distributions

• IAM Permissions Required to Associate Lambda Functions with CloudFront Distributions (p. 330)
• Function Execution Role for Service Principals (p. 330)
• Service-Linked Roles for Lambda@Edge (p. 331)

IAM Permissions Required to Associate Lambda

Functions with CloudFront Distributions
In addition to the IAM permissions that you need to use AWS Lambda, the IAM user needs the following
IAM permissions to associate Lambda functions with CloudFront distributions:

• lambda:GetFunction

Allows the user to get configuration information for the Lambda function and a presigned URL to
download a .zip file that contains the function.

For the resource, specify the ARN of the function version that you want to execute when a CloudFront
event occurs, as shown in the following example:

• lambda:EnableReplication*

Adds a permission to the resource policy that gives the Lambda replication service permission to get
function code and configuration.
The asterisk (*) at the end of the permission is required: lambda:EnableReplication*

For the resource, specify the ARN of the function (without the version number) that you want to
execute when a CloudFront event occurs, as shown in the following example:

• iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole

Allows the user to create a service linked role that is used by Lambda@Edge to replicate Lambda
functions in CloudFront. After this role has been created by the first distribution you use with
Lambda@Edge, you don’t need to add permission to other distributions that you use with
• cloudfront:UpdateDistribution or cloudfront:CreateDistribution

Use cloudfront:UpdateDistribution to update a distribution or

cloudfront:CreateDistribution to create a distribution.

For more information, see the following documentation:

• Identity and Access Management in CloudFront (p. 476) in this guide.

• Authentication and Access Control for AWS Lambda in the AWS Lambda Developer Guide

Function Execution Role for Service Principals

You must create an IAM role that can be assumed by the service principals
and This role is assumed by the service principals when they execute

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Service-Linked Roles for Lambda@Edge

your function. For more information, see Creating the Roles and Attaching the Policies (Console) in the
topic "AWS Managed Policies for Job Functions" in the IAM User Guide.

You add this role under the Trust Relationship tab in IAM (do not add it under the Permissions tab).

Here's an example role trust policy:

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Service": [
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole"

For information about the permissions that you need to grant to the execution role, see Manage
Permissions: Using an IAM Role (Execution Role) in the AWS Lambda Developer Guide. Note the following:

• By default, whenever a CloudFront event triggers a Lambda function, data is written to CloudWatch
Logs. If you want to use these logs, the execution role needs permission to write data to CloudWatch
Logs. You can use the predefined AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole to grant permission to the execution

For more information about CloudWatch Logs, see CloudWatch Metrics and CloudWatch Logs for
Lambda Functions (p. 351).
• If your Lambda function code accesses other AWS resources, such as reading an object from an S3
bucket, the execution role needs permission to perform that operation.

Service-Linked Roles for Lambda@Edge

Lambda@Edge uses AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) service-linked roles. A service-linked
role is a unique type of IAM role that is linked directly to a service. Service-linked roles are predefined by
the service and include all of the permissions that the service requires to call other AWS services on your

Lambda@Edge uses the following IAM service-linked role:

• AWSServiceRoleForLambdaReplicator–Lambda@Edge uses this role to allow Lambda@Edge to

replicate functions to AWS Regions.
• AWSServiceRoleForCloudFrontLogger–CloudFront uses this role to push log files into your
CloudWatch account, to help you to debug Lambda@Edge validation errors.

When you first add a Lambda@Edge trigger in CloudFront, a role named

AWSServiceRoleForLambdaReplicator is automatically created to allow Lambda@Edge to replicate
functions to AWS Regions. This role is required for using Lambda@Edge functions. The ARN for the
AWSServiceRoleForLambdaReplicator role looks like this:


Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Service-Linked Roles for Lambda@Edge

The second role, named AWSServiceRoleForCloudFrontLogger, is created automatically when you

add Lambda@Edge function association to allow CloudFront to push Lambda@Edge error log files to
CloudWatch. The ARN for the AWSServiceRoleForCloudFrontLogger role looks like this:


A service-linked role makes setting up and using Lambda@Edge easier because you don’t have to
manually add the necessary permissions. Lambda@Edge defines the permissions of its service-linked
roles, and only Lambda@Edge can assume the roles. The defined permissions include the trust policy
and the permissions policy. The permissions policy cannot be attached to any other IAM entity.

You must remove any associated CloudFront or Lambda@Edge resources before you can delete a service-
linked role. This helps protect your Lambda@Edge resources by making sure that you don't remove a
service-linked role that is still required to access active resources.

For information about other services that support service-linked roles, see AWS Services That Work with
IAM and look for the services that have Yes in the Service-Linked Role column.

Service-Linked Role Permissions for Lambda@Edge

Lambda@Edge uses two service-linked roles, named AWSServiceRoleForLambdaReplicator and
AWSServiceRoleForCloudFrontLogger. The following sections describe the permissions for each of
these roles.

Service-Linked Role Permissions for Lambda Replicator

This service-linked role allows Lambda to replicate Lambda@Edge functions to AWS Regions.

The AWSServiceRoleForLambdaReplicator service-linked role trusts the following service to assume the


The role permissions policy allows Lambda@Edge to complete the following actions on the specified

• Action: lambda:CreateFunction on arn:aws:lambda:*:*:function:*

• Action: lambda:DeleteFunction on arn:aws:lambda:*:*:function:*
• Action: lambda:DisableReplication on arn:aws:lambda:*:*:function:*
• Action: iam:PassRole on all AWS resources
• Action: cloudfront:ListDistributionsByLambdaFunction on all AWS resources

Service-Linked Role Permissions for CloudFront Logger

This service-linked role allows CloudFront to push log files into your CloudWatch account, to help you to
debug Lambda@Edge validation errors.

The AWSServiceRoleForCloudFrontLogger service-linked role trusts the following service to assume the


The role permissions policy allows Lambda@Edge to complete the following actions on the specified

• Action: logs:CreateLogGroup on arn:aws:logs:*:*:log-group:/aws/cloudfront/*

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Service-Linked Roles for Lambda@Edge

• Action: logs:CreateLogStream on arn:aws:logs:*:*:log-group:/aws/cloudfront/*

• Action: logs:PutLogEvents on arn:aws:logs:*:*:log-group:/aws/cloudfront/*

You must configure permissions to allow an IAM entity (such as a user, group, or role) to delete the
Lambda@Edge service-linked roles. For more information, see Service-Linked Role Permissions in the
IAM User Guide.

Creating Service-Linked Roles for Lambda@Edge

You don’t typically manually create the service-linked roles for Lambda@Edge. The service creates the
roles for you automatically in the following scenarios:

• When you first create a trigger, the service creates a role, AWSServiceRoleForLambdaReplicator, if the
role doesn’t already exist, that allows Lambda to replicate Lambda@Edge functions to AWS Regions.

If you delete the service-linked role, the role will be created again when you add a new trigger for
Lambda@Edge in a distribution.
• When you update or create a CloudFront distribution that has a Lambda@Edge association, the service
creates a role, AWSServiceRoleForCloudFrontLogger, if the role doesn’t already exist, that allows
CloudFront to push your log files to CloudWatch.

If you delete the service-linked role, the role will be created again when you update or create a
CloudFront distribution that has a Lambda@Edge association.

If you must manually create these service-linked roles, run the following commands using the AWS CLI:

To create the AWSServiceRoleForLambdaReplicator role

aws iam create-service-linked-role --aws-service-name
To create the AWSServiceRoleForCloudFrontLogger role

aws iam create-service-linked-role --aws-service-name

Editing Lambda@Edge Service-Linked Roles

Lambda@Edge does not allow you to edit the AWSServiceRoleForLambdaReplicator or
AWSServiceRoleForCloudFrontLogger service-linked roles. After the service has created a service-linked
role, you cannot change the name of the role because various entities might reference the role. However,
you can edit the description of a role by using IAM. For more information, see Editing a Service-Linked
Role in the IAM User Guide.

Deleting Lambda@Edge Service-Linked Roles

If you no longer need to use Lambda@Edge, we recommend that you delete the service-linked roles.
That way you don’t have unused entities that are not actively monitored or maintained. However, you
must clean up the Lambda@Edge resources in your account before you can manually delete the roles.

To remove all Lambda@Edge associations from your distributions, update your distributions to remove
all Lambda@Edge function triggers, or remove the distributions that use Lambda@Edge functions. For
more information, see Deleting Lambda@Edge Functions and Replicas (p. 352).

After you have removed all Lambda@Edge function associations from your distributions and CloudFront
has removed the function replicas from AWS locations, then you can delete the service-linked roles.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Service-Linked Roles for Lambda@Edge

If CloudFront hasn't finished updating, service-linked role deletion might fail. If that happens,
wait for a few minutes, and then try the deletion steps again.

You must follow separate procedures to manually delete each service-linked role:

• You delete the AWSServiceRoleForLambdaReplicator role by using the CloudFront console.

• You delete the AWSServiceRoleForCloudFrontLogger role by using the IAM console.

To manually delete the AWSServiceRoleForLambdaReplicator service-linked role

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CloudFront console at https://
2. On the CloudFront Distributions page, click the avatar in the upper right.

3. Choose Delete.

To manually delete the AWSServiceRoleForCloudFrontLogger service-linked roles

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the IAM console at https://
2. In the navigation pane of the IAM console, choose Roles. Then select the check box next to the role
name that you want to delete, not the name or row itself.
3. For Role actions at the top of the page, choose Delete role.
4. In the confirmation dialog box, review the service last accessed data, which shows when each of the
selected roles last accessed an AWS service. This helps you to confirm whether the role is currently
active. If you want to proceed, choose Yes, Delete to submit the service-linked role for deletion.
5. Watch the IAM console notifications to monitor the progress of the service-linked role deletion.
Because the IAM service-linked role deletion is asynchronous, after you submit the role for deletion,
the deletion task can succeed or fail. For more information, see Deleting a Service-Linked Role in the
IAM User Guide.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Writing and Creating Functions

Supported Regions for CloudFront Service-Linked Roles

CloudFront supports using service-linked roles for Lambda@Edge in the following Regions:

• US East (Ohio) – us-east-2

• US East (N. Virginia) – us-east-1
• US West (Oregon) – us-west-2
• Asia Pacific (Mumbai) – ap-south-1
• Asia Pacific (Seoul) – ap-northeast-2
• Asia Pacific (Singapore) – ap-southeast-1
• Asia Pacific (Sydney) – ap-southeast-2
• Asia Pacific (Tokyo) – ap-northeast-1
• Europe (Frankfurt) – eu-central-1
• Europe (Ireland) – eu-west-1
• Europe (London) – eu-west-2
• South America (São Paulo) – sa-east-1

Writing and Creating a Lambda@Edge Function

To use Lambda@Edge, you write the code for your Lambda function, then set up AWS Lambda to run the
function based on specific CloudFront events (triggers). To set up Lambda to run your function, you use
the create function option in Lambda.

You can use the AWS console to work with Lambda functions and CloudFront triggers, or you can work
with Lambda@Edge programmatically by using APIs.

• If you use the console, be aware that you can use only the AWS Lambda console to create Lambda
functions. You can't use the Amazon CloudFront console to create a function.
• If you want to work with Lambda@Edge programmatically, there are several resources to
help you. For more information, see Creating Lambda Functions and CloudFront Triggers
Programmatically (p. 338).

You can use either the AWS Lambda console or CloudFront console to add triggers for
Lambda@Edge functions.

• Writing Functions for Lambda@Edge (p. 335)
• Creating a Lambda@Edge Function in the Lambda Console (p. 336)
• Editing a Lambda Function for Lambda@Edge (p. 337)
• Creating Lambda Functions and CloudFront Triggers Programmatically (p. 338)

Writing Functions for Lambda@Edge

There are several resources to help you with writing Lambda@Edge functions:

• For more information about writing Lambda functions that you can use with Lambda@Edge, see
Requirements and Restrictions on Lambda Functions (p. 393).
• To learn about the event structure to use with Lambda@Edge functions, see Lambda@Edge Event
Structure (p. 353).

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Creating a Lambda@Edge Function in the Lambda Console

• To see examples of Lambda@Edge functions, such as functions for A/B testing and generating an
HTTP redirect, see Lambda@Edge Example Functions (p. 367).

The programming model for using Node.js or Python with Lambda@Edge is the same as using Lambda
in an AWS Region. For more information, see Building Lambda Functions with Node.js or Building
Lambda Functions with Python.

In your Lambda@Edge code, include the callback parameter and return the applicable object for
request or response events:

• Request events – Include the cf.request object in the response.

If you're generating a response, include the cf.response object in the response. For more
information, see Generating HTTP Responses in Request Triggers (p. 364).
• Response events – Include the cf.response object in the response.

Creating a Lambda@Edge Function in the Lambda

To set up AWS Lambda to run Lambda functions that are based on CloudFront events, follow this

To create a Lambda@Edge function

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AWS Lambda console at https://
2. If you already have one or more Lambda functions, choose Create function.

If you've don't have any functions, choose Get Started Now.

3. In the Region list at the top of the page, choose US East (N. Virginia).
4. Create a function using your own code or create a function starting with a CloudFront blueprint.

• To create a function using your own code, choose Author from scratch.
• To display a list of blueprints for CloudFront, type cloudfront in the filter field, and then press

If you find a blueprint that you want to use, choose the name of the blueprint.
5. In the Basic information section, specify the following values:


Type a name for your function.


Choose Create new role from template(s).

Choosing this value will get you started quickly. Or you can choose Choose an existing
role or Create a custom role. If you choose one of these, follow the prompts to
complete the information for this section.
Role name

Type a name for the role.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Editing a Lambda Function for Lambda@Edge

Policy templates

Choose Basic Edge Lambda permissions.

6. If you chose Author from scratch in step 4, skip to step 7.

If you chose a blueprint in step 4, the cloudfront section lets you create one trigger, which
associates this function with a cache in a CloudFront distribution and a CloudFront event. We
recommend that you choose Remove at this point, so there isn't a trigger for the function when it's
created. Then you can add triggers later.
Why add triggers later? Generally it's best to test and debug the function before you add
triggers. If you choose instead to add a trigger now, the function will start to run as soon as
you create the function and it finishes replicating to AWS locations around the world, and
the corresponding distribution is deployed.
7. Choose Create function.

Lambda creates two versions of your function: $LATEST and Version 1. You can edit only the
$LATEST version, but the console initially displays Version 1.
8. To edit the function, choose Version 1 near the top of the page, under the ARN for the function.
Then, on the Versions tab, choose $LATEST. (If you left the function and then returned to it, the
button label is Qualifiers.)
9. On the Configuration tab, choose the applicable Code entry type. Then follow the prompts to edit
or upload your code.
10. For Runtime, choose the value based on your function's code.
11. In the Tags section, add any applicable tags.
12. Choose Actions, and then choose Publish new version.
13. Type a description for the new version of the function.
14. Choose Publish.
15. Test and debug the function. For more information about testing in the Lambda console, see
the Invoke the Lambda Function and Verify Results, Logs, and Metrics section in Create a Lambda
Function with the Console in the AWS Lambda Developer Guide.
16. When you're ready to have the function execute for CloudFront events, publish another version and
edit the function to add triggers. For more information, see Adding Triggers for a Lambda@Edge
Function (p. 339).

Editing a Lambda Function for Lambda@Edge

When you want to edit a Lambda function, note the following:

• The original version is labeled $LATEST.

• You can edit only the $LATEST version.
• Each time you edit the $LATEST version, you must publish a new numbered version.
• You can't create triggers for $LATEST.
• When you publish a new version of a function, Lambda doesn't automatically copy triggers from the
previous version to the new version. You must reproduce the triggers for the new version.
• When you add a trigger for a CloudFront event to a function, if there's already a trigger for the same
distribution, cache behavior, and event for an earlier version of the same function, Lambda deletes the
trigger from the earlier version.
• After you make updates to a CloudFront distribution, like adding triggers, you must wait for the
changes to propagate to edge locations before the functions you've specified in the triggers will work.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Creating Lambda Functions and
CloudFront Triggers Programmatically

To edit a Lambda function (AWS Lambda console)

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AWS Lambda console at https://
2. In the Region list at the top of the page, choose US East (N. Virginia).
3. In the list of functions, choose the name of the function that you want to edit.

By default, the console displays the $LATEST version. You can view earlier versions (choose
Qualifiers), but you can only edit $LATEST.
4. On the Code tab, for Code entry type, choose to edit the code in the browser, upload a .zip file, or
upload a file from Amazon S3.
5. Choose either Save or Save and test.
6. Choose Actions, and choose Publish new version.
7. In the Publish new version from $LATEST dialog box, enter a description of the new version. This
description appears in the list of versions, along with an automatically generated version number.
8. Choose Publish.

The new version automatically becomes the latest version. The version number appears on the
Version button in the upper-left corner of the page.
9. Choose the Triggers tab.
10. Choose Add trigger.
11. In the Add trigger dialog box, choose the dotted box, and then choose CloudFront.
If you've already created one or more triggers for a function, CloudFront is the default
12. Specify the following values to indicate when you want the Lambda function to execute.

Distribution ID

Choose the ID of the distribution that you want to add the trigger to.
Cache behavior

Choose the cache behavior that specifies the objects that you want to execute the function on.
CloudFront event

Choose the CloudFront event that causes the function to execute.

Enable trigger and replicate

Select this check box so Lambda replicates the function to Regions globally.
13. Choose Submit.
14. To add more triggers for this function, repeat steps 10 through 13.

Creating Lambda Functions and CloudFront Triggers

You can set up Lambda@Edge functions and CloudFront triggers programmatically by using API actions
instead of by using the AWS console. For more information, see the following:

• API Reference in the AWS Lambda Developer Guide

• Amazon CloudFront API Reference

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Adding Triggers

• Lambda create-function command
• CloudFront create-distribution command
• CloudFront create-distribution-with-tags command
• CloudFront update-distribution command
• AWS SDKs (See the SDKs & Toolkits section.)
• AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference

Adding Triggers for a Lambda@Edge Function

A Lambda@Edge trigger is one combination of CloudFront distribution, cache behavior, and event that
causes a function to execute. You can specify one or more CloudFront triggers that cause the function to
run. For example, you can create a trigger that causes the function to execute when CloudFront receives
a request from a viewer for a specific cache behavior you set up for your distribution.
If you're not familiar with CloudFront cache behaviors, here's a brief overview. When you create
a CloudFront distribution, you specify settings that tell CloudFront how to respond when it
receives different requests. The default settings are called the default cache behavior for the
distribution. You can set up additional cache behaviors that define how CloudFront responds
under specific circumstances, for example, when it receives a request for a specific file type. For
more information, see Cache Behavior Settings.

At the time that you create a Lambda function, you can specify only one trigger. But you can add more
triggers to the same function later in one of two ways: by using the Lambda console or by editing the
distribution in the CloudFront console.

• Using the Lambda console works well if you want to add more triggers to a function for the same
CloudFront distribution.
• Using the CloudFront console can be better if you want to add triggers for multiple distributions
because it's easier to find the distribution that you want to update. You can also update other
CloudFront settings at the same time.

If you want to work with Lambda@Edge programmatically, there are several resources to
help you. For more information, see Creating Lambda Functions and CloudFront Triggers
Programmatically (p. 338).

• CloudFront Events That Can Trigger a Lambda Function (p. 339)
• How to Decide Which CloudFront Event to Use to Trigger a Lambda Function (p. 341)
• Adding Triggers by Using the Lambda Console (p. 341)
• Adding Triggers by Using the CloudFront Console (p. 342)

CloudFront Events That Can Trigger a Lambda

For each cache behavior in a CloudFront distribution, you can add up to four triggers (associations) that
cause a Lambda function to execute when specific CloudFront events occur. CloudFront triggers can be
based on one of four CloudFront events, as shown in the following diagram.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
CloudFront Events That Can Trigger a Lambda Function

The CloudFront events that can be used to trigger Lambda@Edge functions are the following:

Viewer Request

The function executes when CloudFront receives a request from a viewer, before it checks to see
whether the requested object is in the CloudFront cache.
Origin Request

The function executes only when CloudFront forwards a request to your origin. When the requested
object is in the CloudFront cache, the function doesn’t execute.
Origin Response

The function executes after CloudFront receives a response from the origin and before it caches the
object in the response. Note that the function executes even if an error is returned from the origin.

The function doesn’t execute in the following cases:

• When the requested file is in the CloudFront cache and is not expired.
• When the response is generated from a function that was triggered by an origin request event.
Viewer Response

The function executes before returning the requested file to the viewer. Note that the function
executes regardless of whether the file is already in the CloudFront cache.

The function doesn’t execute in the following cases:

• When the origin returns an HTTP status code of 400 or higher.
• When a custom error page is returned.
• When the response is generated from a function that was triggered by a viewer request event.
• When CloudFront automatically redirects an HTTP request to HTTPS (when the value of Viewer
Protocol Policy (p. 49) is Redirect HTTP to HTTPS).

When you add multiple triggers to the same cache behavior, you can use them to run the same function
or run different functions for each trigger. You can also associate the same function with more than one
When a CloudFront event triggers the execution of a Lambda function, the function must finish
before CloudFront can continue. For example, if a Lambda function is triggered by a CloudFront
viewer request event, CloudFront won’t return a response to the viewer or forward the request
to the origin until the Lambda function finishes running. This means that each request that
triggers a Lambda function increases latency for the request, so you’ll want the function to
execute as fast as possible.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
How to Decide Which CloudFront Event
to Use to Trigger a Lambda Function

How to Decide Which CloudFront Event to Use to

Trigger a Lambda Function
When you're deciding which CloudFront event you want to use to trigger a Lambda function, consider
the following:

Do you want CloudFront to cache objects that are changed by a Lambda function?

If you want CloudFront to cache an object that was modified by a Lambda function so that
CloudFront can serve the object from the edge location the next time it's requested, use the origin
request or origin response event. This reduces the load on the origin, reduces latency for subsequent
requests, and reduces the cost of invoking Lambda@Edge on subsequent requests.

For example, if you want to add, remove, or change headers for objects that are returned by the
origin and you want CloudFront to cache the result, use the origin response event.
Do you want the function to execute for every request?

If you want the function to execute for every request that CloudFront receives for the distribution,
use the viewer request or viewer response events. Origin request and origin response events occur
only when a requested object isn't cached in an edge location and CloudFront forwards a request to
the origin.
Does the function change the cache key?

If you want the function to change a value that you're using as a basis for caching, use the viewer
request event. For example, if a function changes the URL to include a language abbreviation in
the path (for example, because the user chose their language from a dropdown list), use the viewer
request event:
• URL in the viewer request –
• URL when the request comes from an IP address in Germany –

You also use the viewer request event if you're caching based on cookies or request headers.
If the function changes cookies or headers, configure CloudFront to forward the applicable
part of the request to the origin. For more information, see the following topics:
• Caching Content Based on Cookies (p. 244)
• Caching Content Based on Request Headers (p. 246)
Does the function affect the response from the origin?

If you want the function to change the request in a way that affects the response from the origin,
use the origin request event. Typically, most viewer request events aren't forwarded to the origin;
CloudFront responds to a request with an object that's already in the edge cache. If the function
changes the request based on an origin request event, CloudFront caches the response to the
changed origin request.

Adding Triggers by Using the Lambda Console

To add triggers to a Lambda@Edge function (AWS Lambda console)

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AWS Lambda console at https://

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Adding Triggers by Using the CloudFront Console

2. In the Region list at the top of the page, choose US East (N. Virginia).
3. On the Functions page, choose the name of the function that you want to add triggers for.
4. Choose Qualifiers, and then choose the Versions tab.
5. Choose the version that you want to add triggers to.
You can't create triggers for the $LATEST version, you must create them for a numbered

After you choose a version, the name of the button changes to Version: $LATEST or Version: version
6. Choose the Triggers tab.
7. Choose Add triggers.
8. In the Add trigger dialog box, choose the dotted box, and then choose CloudFront.
If you've already created one or more triggers, CloudFront is the default service.
9. Specify the following values to indicate when you want the Lambda function to execute.

Distribution ID

Choose the ID of the distribution that you want to add the trigger to.
Cache behavior

Choose the cache behavior that specifies the objects that you want to execute the function on.
If you specify * for the cache behavior, the Lambda function deploys to the default
cache behavior.
CloudFront event

Choose the CloudFront event that causes the function to execute.

Include body

Select this check box if you want to access the request body in your function.
Enable trigger and replicate

Select this check box so that AWS Lambda replicates the function to Regions globally.
10. Choose Submit.

The function starts to process requests for the specified CloudFront events when the updated
CloudFront distribution is deployed. To determine whether a distribution is deployed, choose
Distributions in the navigation pane. When a distribution is deployed, the value of the Status
column for the distribution changes from In Progress to Deployed.

Adding Triggers by Using the CloudFront Console

To add triggers for CloudFront events to a Lambda function (CloudFront console)

1. Get the ARN of the Lambda function that you want to add triggers for:

a. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AWS Lambda console at https://
b. In the list of Regions at the top of the page, choose US East (N. Virginia).
c. In the list of functions, choose name of the function that you want to add triggers to.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Testing and Debugging

d. Choose Qualifiers, choose the Versions tab, and choose the numbered version that you want to
add triggers to.
You can add triggers only to a numbered version, not to $LATEST.
e. Copy the ARN that appears at the top of the page, for example:


The number at the end (2 in this example) is the version number of the function.
2. Open the CloudFront console at
3. In the list of distributions, choose the ID of the distribution that you want to add triggers to.
4. Choose the Behaviors tab.
5. Select the check box for the cache behavior that you want to add triggers to, and then choose Edit.
6. At Lambda Function Associations, in the Event Type list, choose when you want the function to
execute: for viewer requests, viewer responses, origin requests, or origin responses.

For more information, see How to Decide Which CloudFront Event to Use to Trigger a Lambda
Function (p. 341).
7. Paste the ARN of the Lambda function that you want to execute when the chosen event occurs. This
is the value that you copied in step 1.
8. Select Include Body if you want to access the request body in your function.

If you just want to replace the request body, you don't need to select this option.
9. To execute the same function for more event types, choose + and repeat steps 6 and 7.
10. Choose Yes, Edit.
11. To add triggers to more cache behaviors for this distribution, repeat steps 5 through 9.

The function starts to process requests for the specified CloudFront events when the updated
CloudFront distribution is deployed. To determine whether a distribution is deployed, choose
Distributions in the navigation pane. When a distribution is deployed, the value of the Status
column for the distribution changes from In Progress to Deployed.

Testing and Debugging Lambda@Edge Functions

This topic includes sections that describe strategies for testing and debugging Lambda@Edge functions.
It's important to test your Lambda@Edge function code standalone, to make sure that it completes
the intended task, and to do integration testing, to make sure that the function works correctly with

During integration testing or after your function has been deployed, you might need to debug
CloudFront errors, such as HTTP 5xx errors. Errors can be an invalid response returned from the Lambda
function, execution errors when the function is triggered, or errors due to execution throttling by the
Lambda service. Sections in this topic share strategies for determining which type of failure is the issue,
and then steps you can take to correct the problem.
When you review CloudWatch log files or metrics when you're troubleshooting errors, be aware
that they are displayed or stored in the Region closest to the location where the function
executed. So, if you have a website or web application with users in the United Kingdom, and
you have a Lambda function associated with your distribution, for example, you must change
the Region to view the CloudWatch metrics or log files for the London AWS Region. For more
information, see Determining the Lambda@Edge Region later in this topic.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Testing your Lambda@Edge Functions

• Testing your Lambda@Edge Functions (p. 344)
• Identifying Lambda Function Errors in CloudFront (p. 344)
• Troubleshooting Invalid Lambda Function Responses (Validation Errors) (p. 349)
• Troubleshooting Lambda Function Execution Errors (p. 350)
• Determining the Lambda@Edge Region (p. 350)
• Determining if Your Account Pushes Logs to CloudWatch (p. 351)

Testing your Lambda@Edge Functions

There are two steps to testing your Lambda function: standalone testing and integration testing.

Test standalone functionality

Before you add your Lambda function to CloudFront, make sure to test the functionality first
by using the testing capabilities in the Lambda console or by using other methods. For more
information about testing in the Lambda console, see the Invoke the Lambda Function and Verify
Results, Logs, and Metrics section in Create a Lambda Function with the Console in the AWS Lambda
Developer Guide.
Test your function's operation in CloudFront

It's important to complete integration testing, where your function is associated with a distribution
and runs based on a CloudFront event. Make sure that the function is triggered for the right event,
and returns a response that is valid and correct for CloudFront. For example, make sure that the
event structure correct, that only valid headers are included, and so on.

As you iterate on integration testing with your function in the Lambda console, refer to the steps in
the Lambda@Edge tutorial as you modify your code or change the CloudFront trigger that calls your
function. For example, make sure that you're working in a numbered version of your function, as
described in this step of the tutorial: Step 4: Add a CloudFront Trigger to Run the Function (p. 325).

As you make changes and deploy them, be aware that it will take several minutes for your updated
function and CloudFront triggers to replicate across all Regions. This typically takes a few minutes
but can take up to 15 minutes.

You can check to see if replication is finished by going to the CloudFront console and viewing your
• Go to the CloudFront console at

Check for the distribution status to change from In Progress back to Deployed, which means that
your function has been replicated. Then follow the steps in the next section to verify that the
function works.

Be aware that testing in the console only validates your function’s logic, and does not apply any
service quotas (formerly known as limits) that are specific to Lambda@Edge.

Identifying Lambda Function Errors in CloudFront

After you’ve verified that your function logic works correctly, you might still see HTTP 5xx errors when
your function runs in CloudFront. HTTP 5xx errors can be returned for a variety of reasons, which can
include Lambda function errors or other issues in CloudFront.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Identifying Lambda Function Errors in CloudFront

• If you use Lambda@Edge functions, you can use graphs in the CloudFront console to help track down
what's causing the error, and then work to fix it. For example, you can see if HTTP 5xx errors are caused
by CloudFront or by Lambda functions, and then, for specific functions, you can view related log files
to investigate the issue.
• To troubleshoot HTTP errors in general in CloudFront, see the troubleshooting steps in the following
topic: Troubleshooting Error Responses from Your Origin (p. 254).

What Causes Lambda Function Errors in CloudFront

There are several reasons why a Lambda function might cause an HTTP 5xx error, and the
troubleshooting steps you should take depend on the type of error. Errors can be categorized as the

A Lambda function execution error

An execution error results when CloudFront doesn’t get a response from Lambda because there
are unhandled exceptions in the function or there’s an error in the code. For example, if the code
includes callback(Error). For more information, see Lambda Function Errors in the AWS Lambda
Developer Guide.
An invalid Lambda function response is returned to CloudFront

After the function runs, CloudFront receives a response from Lambda. An error is returned if the
object structure of the response doesn't conform to the Lambda@Edge Event Structure (p. 353), or
the response contains invalid headers or other invalid fields.
The execution in CloudFront is throttled due to Lambda service quotas (formerly known as limits)

The Lambda service throttles executions in each Region, and returns an error if you exceed the

How to Determine the Type of Failure

To help you decide where to focus as you debug and work to resolve errors returned by CloudFront, it's
helpful to identify why CloudFront is returning an HTTP error. To get started, you can use the graphs
provided in the Monitoring section of the CloudFront console on the AWS Management Console. For
more information about viewing graphs in the Monitoring section of the CloudFront console, see
Monitoring CloudFront with Amazon CloudWatch (p. 428).

The following graphs can be especially helpful when you want to track down whether errors are being
returned by origins or by a Lambda function, and to narrow down the type of issue when it's an error
from a Lambda function.

Error rates graph

One of the graphs that you can view on the Overview tab for each of your distributions is an Error
rates graph. This graph displays the rate of errors as a percentage of total requests coming to your
distribution. The graph shows the total error rate, total 4xx errors, total 5xx errors, and total 5xx
errors from Lambda functions. Based on the error type and volume, you can take steps to investigate
and troubleshoot the cause.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Identifying Lambda Function Errors in CloudFront

• If you see Lambda errors, you can investigate further by looking at the specific types of errors
that the function returns. The Lambda@Edge errors tab includes graphs that categorize function
errors by type to help you pinpoint the issue for a specific function.
• If you see CloudFront errors, you can troubleshoot and work to fix origin errors or change your
CloudFront configuration. For more information, see Troubleshooting Error Responses from Your
Origin (p. 254).
Execution errors and invalid function responses graphs

The Lambda@Edge errors tab includes graphs that categorize the Lambda@Edge errors for a
specific distribution, by type. For example, one graph shows all execution errors by AWS Region.
To make it easier to troubleshoot issues, on the same page, you can look for specific problems by
opening and examining the log files for specific functions by Region. Under View execution error
logs or View invalid function response logs, choose a Region (and, for execution errors, a function),
and then choose View logs.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Identifying Lambda Function Errors in CloudFront

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Identifying Lambda Function Errors in CloudFront

In addition, read the following sections in this chapter for more recommendations about
troubleshooting and fixing errors.
Throttles graph

The Lambda@Edge errors tab also includes a Throttles graph. On occasion, the Lambda service
throttles your function invocations on per Region basis, if you reach the regional concurrency quota
(formerly known as limit). If you see a limit exceeded error, your function has reached a quota that
the Lambda service imposes on executions in a Region. For more information, including how to
request an increase in the quota, see Quotas on Lambda@Edge (p. 500).

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Troubleshooting Invalid Lambda
Function Responses (Validation Errors)

For an example about how to use this information in troubleshooting HTTP errors, see Four steps for
debugging your content delivery on AWS.

Troubleshooting Invalid Lambda Function Responses

(Validation Errors)
If you identify that your problem is a Lambda validation error, it means that your Lambda function is
returning an invalid response to CloudFront. Follow the guidance in this section to take steps to review
your function and make sure that your response conforms to CloudFront requirements.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Troubleshooting Lambda Function Execution Errors

CloudFront validates the response from a Lambda function in two ways:

• The Lambda response must conform to the required object structure. Examples of bad object
structure include the following: unparsable JSON, missing required fields, and an invalid object in the
response. For more information, see the Lambda@Edge Event Structure (p. 353).
• The response must include only valid object values. An error will occur if the response includes
a valid object but has values that are not supported. Examples include the following: adding or
updating blacklisted or read-only headers (see Headers (p. 394) in the Requirements and Restrictions
on Lambda Functions topic), exceeding the maximum body size (see Restrictions on the Size of the
Generated Response in the Lambda Response Errors (p. 366) topic), and invalid characters or values
(see the Lambda@Edge Event Structure (p. 353)).

When Lambda returns an invalid response to CloudFront, error messages are written to log files which
CloudFront pushes to CloudWatch in the Region of where the Lambda function executed. It's the default
behavior to send the log files to CloudWatch when there's an invalid response. However, if you associated
a Lambda function with CloudFront before the functionality was released, it might not be enabled for
your function. For more information, see Determine if Your Account Pushes Logs to CloudWatch later in
the topic.

CloudFront pushes log files to the Region corresponding to where your function executed, in the
log group that’s associated with your distribution. Log groups have the following format: /aws/
cloudfront/LambdaEdge/DistributionId, where DistributionId is your distribution’s ID. To
determine the Region where you can find the CloudWatch log files, see Determining the Lambda@Edge
Region later in this topic.

If the error is reproducible, you can create a new request that results in the error and then find the
request id in a failed CloudFront response (X-Amz-Cf-Id header) to locate a single failure in log files.
The log file entry includes information that can help you identify why the error is being returned, and
also lists the corresponding Lambda request id so you can analyze the root cause in the context of a
single request.

If an error is intermittent, you can use CloudFront access logs to find the request id for a request that has
failed, and then search CloudWatch logs for the corresponding error messages. For more information,
see the previous section, Determining the Type of Failure.

Troubleshooting Lambda Function Execution Errors

If the problem is a Lambda execution error, it can be helpful to create logging statements for Lambda
functions, to write messages to CloudWatch log files that monitor the execution of your function in
CloudFront and determine if it's working as expected. Then you can search for those statements in the
CloudWatch log files to verify that your function is working.
Even if you haven't changed your Lambda@Edge function, updates to the Lambda function
execution environment might affect it and could return an execution error. For information
about testing and migrating to a later version, see Upcoming updates to the AWS Lambda and
AWS Lambda@Edge execution environment.

Determining the Lambda@Edge Region

To see the Regions where your Lambda@Edge function is receiving traffic, view metrics for the function
on the CloudFront console on the AWS Management Console. Metrics are displayed for each AWS Region.
On the same page, you can choose a Region and view log files for that Region so you can investigate
issues. You must review CloudWatch log files in the correct AWS Region to see the log files created when
CloudFront executed your Lambda function.

For more information about viewing graphs in the Monitoring section of the CloudFront console, see
Monitoring CloudFront with Amazon CloudWatch (p. 428).

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Determining if Your Account Pushes Logs to CloudWatch

Determining if Your Account Pushes Logs to

By default, CloudFront enables logging invalid Lambda function responses, and pushes the log files
to CloudWatch by using one of the Service-Linked Roles for Lambda@Edge (p. 331). If you have
Lambda@Edge functions that you added to CloudFront before the invalid Lambda function response log
feature was released, logging is enabled when you next update your Lambda@Edge configuration, for
example, by adding a CloudFront trigger.

You can verify that pushing the log files to CloudWatch is enabled for your account by doing the

• Check to see if the logs appear in CloudWatch. Make sure that you look in the Region where the
Lambda@Edge function executed. For more information, see Determining the Lambda@Edge
Region (p. 350).
• Determine if the related service-linked role exists in your account in IAM. To do this, open the IAM
console at, and then choose Roles to view the list of service-
linked roles for your account. Look for the following role: AWSServiceRoleForCloudFrontLogger.

CloudWatch Metrics and CloudWatch Logs for

Lambda Functions
You can use CloudWatch metrics to monitor, in real time, problems with your Lambda@Edge functions.
You can also use CloudWatch Logs to get the function logs. There’s no additional charge for metrics or

• CloudWatch Metrics (p. 351)
• CloudWatch Logs (p. 351)

CloudWatch Metrics
When you create a trigger for a CloudFront event, Lambda begins to send metrics to CloudWatch
automatically. Metrics are available for all Lambda Regions, but to view metrics in the CloudWatch
console or get the metric data from the CloudWatch API, you must use the US East (N. Virginia)
Region (us-east-1). The metric group name is formatted as: AWS/CloudFront/distribution-ID,
where distribution-ID is the ID of the CloudFront distribution that the Lambda@Edge function is
associated with.

For more information about CloudWatch metrics, see the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

CloudWatch Logs
Lambda automatically sends function logs to CloudWatch Logs. You can access the log files using the
CloudWatch console or the CloudWatch Logs API.

Lambda creates CloudWatch Logs log streams in the AWS Regions closest to the location where the
function is executed. The log group name is formatted as: /aws/lambda/us-east-1.function-name,
where function-name is the name that you gave to the function when you created it.
Lambda@Edge throttles logs based on the request volume and the size of logs.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Deleting Functions and Replicas

You must review CloudWatch log files in the correct AWS Region to see your Lambda@Edge function log
files. To see the Regions where your Lambda@Edge function is receiving traffic, view graphs of metrics
for the function on the CloudFront console. Metrics are displayed for each AWS Region. On the same
page, you can choose a Region and then view log files for that Region so that you can investigate issues.

To learn more about how to use CloudWatch Logs with Lambda@Edge functions, see the following:

• For more information about viewing graphs in the Monitoring section of the CloudFront console, see
Monitoring CloudFront with Amazon CloudWatch (p. 428).
• For information about the permissions required to send data to CloudWatch Logs, see Setting IAM
Permissions and Roles for Lambda@Edge in the IAM User Guide.
• For information about adding logging to a Lambda function, see Function Logging in Node.js or
Function Logging in Python in the AWS Lambda Developer Guide.
• For information about CloudWatch Logs quotas (formerly known as limits), see CloudWatch Logs
quotas in the Amazon CloudWatch Logs User Guide.

Deleting Lambda@Edge Functions and Replicas

You can delete a Lambda@Edge function only when the replicas of the function have been deleted by
CloudFront. Replicas of a Lambda function are automatically deleted in the following situations:

• After you remove the last association for the function from all of your CloudFront distributions. If
more than one distribution uses a function, the replicas are deleted only after you remove the function
association from the last distribution.
• After you delete the last distribution that a function was associated with.

Replicas are typically deleted within a few hours. You cannot manually delete Lambda@Edge function
replicas. This helps prevent a situation where a replica is deleted that is still in use, which would result in
an error.

Don’t build applications that use Lambda@Edge function replicas outside of CloudFront. These replicas
are deleted when their associations with distributions are removed, or when distributions themselves are
deleted. The replica that an outside application depends on might be removed without warning, causing
it to fail.

To delete a Lambda@Edge function association from a CloudFront distribution (console)

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CloudFront console at https://
2. Choose the ID of the distribution that has the Lambda@Edge function association that you want to
3. Choose the Behaviors tab.
4. Choose the check box next to the cache behavior that has the Lambda@Edge function association
that you want to delete, and then choose Edit.
5. Scroll down to Lambda Function Associations, and then choose the X icon next to each
Lambda@Edge function association that you want to delete.
6. Choose Yes, Edit to save your changes.

After you delete a Lambda@Edge function association from a CloudFront distribution, you can optionally
delete the Lambda function or function version from AWS Lambda. You can also delete a specific version
of a Lambda function if the version doesn’t have any CloudFront distributions associated with it. If you
remove all the associations for a Lambda function version, you can typically delete the function version a
few hours later.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Event Structure

Lambda@Edge Event Structure

The following topics describe the request and response event objects that CloudFront passes to a
Lambda@Edge function when it’s triggered.

• Dynamic Origin Selection (p. 353)
• Request Events (p. 353)
• Response Events (p. 358)

Dynamic Origin Selection

You can use the path pattern in a cache behavior (p. 47) to route requests to an origin based on the path
and name of the requested object, such as images/*.jpg. Using Lambda@Edge, you can also route
requests to an origin based on other characteristics, such as the values in request headers.

There are a number of ways that this dynamic origin selection can be useful. For example, you can
distribute requests across origins in different geographic areas to help with global load balancing. Or you
can selectively route requests to different origins that each serve a particular function: bot handling, SEO
optimization, authentication, and so on. For code examples that demonstrate how to use this feature,
see Content-Based Dynamic Origin Selection - Examples (p. 381).

In the CloudFront origin request event, the origin object in the event structure contains information
about the origin that the request would be routed to, based on the path pattern. You can update the
values in the origin object to route a request to a different origin. When you update the origin object,
you don’t need to define the origin in the distribution. You can also replace an Amazon S3 origin object
with a custom origin object, and vice versa. You can only specify a single origin per request, though;
either a custom origin or an Amazon S3 origin, but not both.

Request Events
The following topics show the structure of the object that CloudFront passes to a Lambda function for
viewer and origin request events (p. 339). These examples show a GET request with no body. Following
the examples is a list of all the possible fields in viewer and origin request events.

• Example Viewer Request (p. 353)
• Example Origin Request (p. 354)
• Request Event Fields (p. 355)

Example Viewer Request

The following example shows a viewer request event object.

"Records": [
"cf": {
"config": {
"distributionDomainName": "",
"distributionId": "EDFDVBD6EXAMPLE",
"eventType": "viewer-request",
"requestId": "4TyzHTaYWb1GX1qTfsHhEqV6HUDd_BzoBZnwfnvQc_1oF26ClkoUSEQ=="

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Request Events

"request": {
"clientIp": "",
"headers": {
"host": [
"key": "Host",
"value": ""
"user-agent": [
"key": "User-Agent",
"value": "curl/7.66.0"
"accept": [
"key": "accept",
"value": "*/*"
"method": "GET",
"querystring": "",
"uri": "/"

Example Origin Request

The following example shows an origin request event object.

"Records": [
"cf": {
"config": {
"distributionDomainName": "",
"distributionId": "EDFDVBD6EXAMPLE",
"eventType": "origin-request",
"requestId": "4TyzHTaYWb1GX1qTfsHhEqV6HUDd_BzoBZnwfnvQc_1oF26ClkoUSEQ=="
"request": {
"clientIp": "",
"headers": {
"x-forwarded-for": [
"key": "X-Forwarded-For",
"value": ""
"user-agent": [
"key": "User-Agent",
"value": "Amazon CloudFront"
"via": [
"key": "Via",
"value": "2.0 (CloudFront)"

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Request Events

"host": [
"key": "Host",
"value": ""
"cache-control": [
"key": "Cache-Control",
"value": "no-cache, cf-no-cache"
"method": "GET",
"origin": {
"custom": {
"customHeaders": {},
"domainName": "",
"keepaliveTimeout": 5,
"path": "",
"port": 443,
"protocol": "https",
"readTimeout": 30,
"sslProtocols": [
"querystring": "",
"uri": "/"

Request Event Fields

Request event object data is contained in two subobjects: config ( and request
( The following lists describe each subobject’s fields.

Fields in the Config Object

The following list describes the fields in the config object (

distributionDomainName (read-only)

The domain name of the distribution that’s associated with the request.
distributionID (read-only)

The ID of the distribution that’s associated with the request.

eventType (read-only)

The type of trigger that’s associated with the request: viewer-request or origin-request.
requestId (read-only)

An encrypted string that uniquely identifies a viewer-to-CloudFront request. The requestId

value also appears in CloudFront access logs as x-edge-request-id. For more information, see

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Request Events

Configuring and Using Standard Logs (Access Logs) (p. 439) and Web Distribution Standard Log
File Format (p. 445).

Fields in the Request Object

The following list describes the fields in the request object (

clientIp (read-only)

The IP address of the viewer that made the request. If the viewer used an HTTP proxy or a load
balancer to send the request, the value is the IP address of the proxy or load balancer.
headers (read/write)

The headers in the request. Note the following:

• The keys in the headers object are lowercase versions of standard HTTP header names. Using
lowercase keys gives you case-insensitive access to the header values.
• Each header object (for example, headers["accept"] or headers["host"]) is an array of key–
value pairs. For a given header, the array contains one key–value pair for each value in the request.
• key contains the case-sensitive name of the header as it appeared in the HTTP request; for
example, Host, User-Agent, X-Forwarded-For, and so on.
• value contains the header value as it appeared in the HTTP request.
• When your Lambda function adds or modifies request headers and you don’t include the header
key field, Lambda@Edge automatically inserts a header key using the header name that you
provide. Regardless of how you’ve formatted the header name, the header key that’s inserted
automatically is formatted with initial capitalization for each part, separated by hyphens (-).

For example, you can add a header like the following, without a header key:

"user-agent": [
"value": "ExampleCustomUserAgent/1.X.0"

In this example, Lambda@Edge automatically inserts "key": "User-Agent".

For information about restrictions on header usage, see Headers (p. 394).
method (read-only)

The HTTP method of the request.

querystring (read/write)

The query string, if any, in the request. If the request doesn’t include a query string, the event object
still includes querystring with an empty value. For more information about query strings, see
Caching Content Based on Query String Parameters (p. 241).
uri (read/write)

The relative path of the requested object. If your Lambda function modifies the uri value, note the
• The new uri value must begin with a forward slash (/).
• When a function changes the uri value, that changes the object that the viewer is requesting.
• When a function changes the uri value, that doesn’t change the cache behavior for the request or
the origin that the request is sent to.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Request Events

body (read/write)

The body of the HTTP request. The body structure can contain the following fields:
inputTruncated (read-only)

A Boolean flag that indicates whether the body was truncated by Lambda@Edge. For more
information, see Size Quotas on Request Body with the Include Body Option (p. 398).
action (read/write)

The action that you intend to take with the body. The options for action are the following:
• read-only: This is the default. When returning the response from the Lambda function, if
action is read-only, Lambda@Edge ignores any changes to encoding or data.
• replace: Specify this when you want to replace the body sent to the origin.
encoding (read/write)

The encoding for the body. When Lambda@Edge exposes the body to the Lambda function, it
first converts the body to base64-encoding. If you choose replace for the action to replace
the body, you can opt to use base64 (the default) or text encoding. If you specify encoding as
base64 but the body is not valid base64, CloudFront returns an error.
data (read/write)

The request body content.

origin (read/write) (origin events only)

The origin to send the request to. The origin structure must contain exactly one origin, which can
be a custom origin or an Amazon S3 origin. The origin structure can contain the following fields:
customHeaders (read/write) (custom and Amazon S3 origins)

You can include custom headers with the request by specifying a header name and value pair
for each custom header. You can’t add headers that are blacklisted, and a header with the
same name can’t be present in The notes about request
headers (p. 356) also apply to custom headers. For more information, see Custom Headers that
CloudFront Can’t Add to Origin Requests (p. 284) and Blacklisted Headers (p. 394).
domainName (read/write) (custom and Amazon S3 origins)

The domain name of the origin. The domain name can’t be empty.
• For custom origins – Specify a DNS domain name, such as The domain
name can’t include a colon (:), and can’t be an IP address. The domain name can be up to 253
• For Amazon S3 origins – Specify the DNS domain name of the Amazon S3 bucket, such
as The name can be up to 128
characters, and must be all lowercase.
path (read/write) (custom and Amazon S3 origins)

The directory path at the origin where the request should locate content. The path should
start with a forward slash (/) but shouldn’t end with one (for example, it shouldn’t end with
example-path/). For custom origins only, the path should be URL encoded and have a
maximum length of 255 characters.
keepaliveTimeout (read/write) (custom origins only)

How long, in seconds, that CloudFront should try to maintain the connection to the origin after
receiving the last packet of the response. The value must be a number from 1–60, inclusive.
port (read/write) (custom origins only)

The port that CloudFront should connect to at your custom origin. The port must be 80, 443, or
a number in the range of 1024–65535, inclusive.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Response Events

protocol (read/write) (custom origins only)

The connection protocol that CloudFront should use when connecting to your origin. The value
can be http or https.
readTimeout (read/write) (custom origins only)

How long, in seconds, CloudFront should wait for a response after sending a request to your
origin. This also specifies how long CloudFront should wait after receiving a packet of a response
before receiving the next packet. The value must be a number from 4–60, inclusive.
sslProtocols (read/write) (custom origins only)

The minimum SSL/TLS protocol that CloudFront can use when establishing an HTTPS
connection with your origin. Values can be any of the following: TLSv1.2, TLSv1.1, TLSv1, or
authMethod (read/write) (Amazon S3 origins only)

If you’re using an origin access identity (OAI) (p. 209), set this field to origin-access-
identity, or set it to none if you aren’t using an OAI. If you set authMethod to origin-
access-identity, there are several requirements:
• You must specify the region (see the following field).
• You must use the same OAI when you change the request from one Amazon S3 origin to
• You can’t use an OAI when you change the request from a custom origin to an Amazon S3
region (read/write) (Amazon S3 origins only)

The AWS Region of your Amazon S3 bucket. This is required only when you set authMethod to

Response Events
The following topics show the structure of the object that CloudFront passes to a Lambda function for
viewer and origin response events (p. 339). Following the examples is a list of all the possible fields in
viewer and origin response events.

• Example Origin Response (p. 358)
• Example Viewer Response (p. 360)
• Response Event Fields (p. 362)

Example Origin Response

The following example shows an origin response event object.

"Records": [
"cf": {
"config": {
"distributionDomainName": "",
"distributionId": "EDFDVBD6EXAMPLE",
"eventType": "origin-response",
"requestId": "4TyzHTaYWb1GX1qTfsHhEqV6HUDd_BzoBZnwfnvQc_1oF26ClkoUSEQ=="

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Response Events

"request": {
"clientIp": "",
"headers": {
"x-forwarded-for": [
"key": "X-Forwarded-For",
"value": ""
"user-agent": [
"key": "User-Agent",
"value": "Amazon CloudFront"
"via": [
"key": "Via",
"value": "2.0 (CloudFront)"
"host": [
"key": "Host",
"value": ""
"cache-control": [
"key": "Cache-Control",
"value": "no-cache, cf-no-cache"
"method": "GET",
"origin": {
"custom": {
"customHeaders": {},
"domainName": "",
"keepaliveTimeout": 5,
"path": "",
"port": 443,
"protocol": "https",
"readTimeout": 30,
"sslProtocols": [
"querystring": "",
"uri": "/"
"response": {
"headers": {
"access-control-allow-credentials": [
"key": "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials",
"value": "true"
"access-control-allow-origin": [
"key": "Access-Control-Allow-Origin",
"value": "*"

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Response Events

"date": [
"key": "Date",
"value": "Mon, 13 Jan 2020 20:12:38 GMT"
"referrer-policy": [
"key": "Referrer-Policy",
"value": "no-referrer-when-downgrade"
"server": [
"key": "Server",
"value": "ExampleCustomOriginServer"
"x-content-type-options": [
"key": "X-Content-Type-Options",
"value": "nosniff"
"x-frame-options": [
"key": "X-Frame-Options",
"value": "DENY"
"x-xss-protection": [
"key": "X-XSS-Protection",
"value": "1; mode=block"
"content-type": [
"key": "Content-Type",
"value": "text/html; charset=utf-8"
"content-length": [
"key": "Content-Length",
"value": "9593"
"status": "200",
"statusDescription": "OK"

Example Viewer Response

The following example shows a viewer response event object.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Response Events

"Records": [
"cf": {
"config": {
"distributionDomainName": "",
"distributionId": "EDFDVBD6EXAMPLE",
"eventType": "viewer-response",
"requestId": "4TyzHTaYWb1GX1qTfsHhEqV6HUDd_BzoBZnwfnvQc_1oF26ClkoUSEQ=="
"request": {
"clientIp": "",
"headers": {
"host": [
"key": "Host",
"value": ""
"user-agent": [
"key": "User-Agent",
"value": "curl/7.66.0"
"accept": [
"key": "accept",
"value": "*/*"
"method": "GET",
"querystring": "",
"uri": "/"
"response": {
"headers": {
"access-control-allow-credentials": [
"key": "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials",
"value": "true"
"access-control-allow-origin": [
"key": "Access-Control-Allow-Origin",
"value": "*"
"date": [
"key": "Date",
"value": "Mon, 13 Jan 2020 20:14:56 GMT"
"referrer-policy": [
"key": "Referrer-Policy",
"value": "no-referrer-when-downgrade"
"server": [
"key": "Server",
"value": "ExampleCustomOriginServer"

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Response Events

"x-content-type-options": [
"key": "X-Content-Type-Options",
"value": "nosniff"
"x-frame-options": [
"key": "X-Frame-Options",
"value": "DENY"
"x-xss-protection": [
"key": "X-XSS-Protection",
"value": "1; mode=block"
"age": [
"key": "Age",
"value": "2402"
"content-type": [
"key": "Content-Type",
"value": "text/html; charset=utf-8"
"content-length": [
"key": "Content-Length",
"value": "9593"
"status": "200",
"statusDescription": "OK"

Response Event Fields

Response event object data is contained in three subobjects: config (, request
(, and response ( For more information about the
fields in the request object, see Fields in the Request Object (p. 356). The following lists describe the
fields in the config and response subobjects.

Fields in the Config Object

The following list describes the fields in the config object (

distributionDomainName (read-only)

The domain name of the distribution that’s associated with the response.
distributionID (read-only)

The ID of the distribution that’s associated with the response.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Working with Requests and Responses

eventType (read-only)

The type of trigger that’s associated with the response: origin-response or viewer-response.
requestId (read-only)

An encrypted string that uniquely identifies the viewer-to-CloudFront request that this response is
associated with. The requestId value also appears in CloudFront access logs as x-edge-request-
id. For more information, see Configuring and Using Standard Logs (Access Logs) (p. 439) and Web
Distribution Standard Log File Format (p. 445).

Fields in the Response Object

The following list describes the fields in the response object ( For
information about using a Lambda@Edge function to generate an HTTP response, see Generating HTTP
Responses in Request Triggers (p. 364).

headers (read/write)

The headers in the response. Note the following:

• The keys in the headers object are lowercase versions of standard HTTP header names. Using
lowercase keys gives you case-insensitive access to the header values.
• Each header object (for example, headers["content-type"] or headers["content-
length"]) is an array of key–value pairs. For a given header, the array contains one key–value pair
for each value in the response.
• key contains the case-sensitive name of the header as it appears in the HTTP response; for
example, Content-Type, Content-Length, and so on.
• value contains the header value as it appears in the HTTP response.
• When your Lambda function adds or modifies response headers and you don’t include the header
key field, Lambda@Edge automatically inserts a header key using the header name that you
provide. Regardless of how you’ve formatted the header name, the header key that’s inserted
automatically is formatted with initial capitalization for each part, separated by hyphens (-).

For example, you can add a header like the following, without a header key:

"content-type": [
"value": "text/html;charset=UTF-8"

In this example, Lambda@Edge automatically inserts "key": "Content-Type".

For information about restrictions on header usage, see Headers (p. 394).

The HTTP status code of the response.


The HTTP status description of the response.

Working with Requests and Responses

You can use Lambda@Edge to work with requests and responses in several ways:

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Lambda@Edge Functions with Origin Failover

• Generating HTTP Responses in Request Triggers (p. 364)

• Updating HTTP Responses in Origin-Response Triggers (p. 366)
• Accessing the Request Body by Choosing the Include Body Option (p. 367)
• Using Lambda@Edge Functions with Origin Failover (p. 364)

Using Lambda@Edge Functions with Origin Failover

You can use Lambda@Edge functions with CloudFront distributions that you’ve set up with origin
groups, for example, for origin failover that you configure to help ensure high availability. To use a
Lambda function with an origin group, specify the function in an origin request or origin response trigger
for an origin group when you create the cache behavior.

For more information, see the following:

• Creating origin groups: Creating an Origin Group (p. 232)

• How origin failover works with Lambda@Edge: Use Origin Failover with Lambda@Edge
Functions (p. 234)

Generating HTTP Responses in Request Triggers

When CloudFront receives a request, you can use a Lambda function to generate an HTTP response that
CloudFront returns directly to the viewer without forwarding the response to the origin. Generating
HTTP responses reduces the load on the origin, and typically also reduces latency for the viewer.

Some common scenarios for generating HTTP responses include the following:

• Returning a small webpage to the viewer

• Returning an HTTP 301 or 302 status code to redirect the user to another webpage
• Returning an HTTP 401 status code to the viewer when the user hasn't authenticated

A Lambda@Edge function can generate an HTTP response when the following CloudFront events occur:

Viewer request events

When a function is triggered by a viewer request event, CloudFront returns the response to the
viewer and doesn't cache it.
Origin request events

When a function is triggered by an origin request event, CloudFront checks the edge cache for a
response that was previously generated by the function.
• If the response is in the cache, the function isn't executed and CloudFront returns the cached
response to the viewer.
• If the response isn't in the cache, the function is executed, CloudFront returns the response to the
viewer, and also caches it.

To see some sample code for generating HTTP responses, see Lambda@Edge Example
Functions (p. 367). You can also replace the HTTP responses in response triggers. For more information,
see Updating HTTP Responses in Origin-Response Triggers (p. 366).

Programming Model
This section describes the programming model for using Lambda@Edge to generate HTTP responses.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Generating HTTP Responses in Request Triggers

• Response Object (p. 365)
• Errors (p. 366)
• Required Fields (p. 366)

Response Object
The response you return as the result parameter of the callback method should have the following
structure (note that only the status field is required).

const response = {
body: 'content',
bodyEncoding: 'text' | 'base64',
headers: {
'header name in lowercase': [{
key: 'header name in standard case',
value: 'header value'
status: 'HTTP status code',
statusDescription: 'status description'

The response object can include the following values:


The body, if any, that you want CloudFront to return in the generated response.

The encoding for the value that you specified in the body. The only valid encodings are text and
base64. If you include body in the response object but omit bodyEncoding, CloudFront treats
the body as text.

If you specify bodyEncoding as base64 but the body is not valid base64, CloudFront returns an

Headers that you want CloudFront to return in the generated response. Note the following:
• The keys in the headers object are lowercase versions of standard HTTP header names. Using
lowercase keys gives you case-insensitive access to the header values.
• Each header (for example, headers["accept"] or headers["host"]) is an array of key-value
pairs. For a given header, the array contains one key-value pair for each value in the generated
• key (optional) is the case-sensitive name of the header as it appears in an HTTP request; for
example, accept or host.
• Specify value as a header value.
• If you do not include the header key portion of the key-value pair, Lambda@Edge automatically
inserts a header key using the header name that you provide. Regardless of how you've
formatted the header name, the header key that is inserted is automaticallyformatted with initial
capitalization for each part, separated by hyphens (-).

For example, you can add a header like the following, without a header key: 'content-type':
[{ value: 'text/html;charset=UTF-8' }]

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Updating HTTP Responses in Origin-Response Triggers

In this example, Lambda@Edge creates the following header key: Content-Type.

For information about restrictions on header usage, see Headers (p. 394).

The HTTP status code that you want CloudFront to use for the following:
• Return in the response
• Cache in the CloudFront edge cache, when the response was generated by a function that was
triggered by an origin request event
• Log in CloudFront Configuring and Using Standard Logs (Access Logs) (p. 439)

If the status value isn't between 200 and 599, CloudFront returns an error to the viewer.

The description that you want CloudFront to return in the response, to accompany the HTTP status
code. You don't need to use standard descriptions, such as OK for an HTTP status code of 200.

The following are possible errors for generated HTTP responses.

Response Contains a Body and Specifies 204 (No Content) for Status

When a function is triggered by a viewer request, CloudFront returns an HTTP 502 status code (Bad
Gateway) to the viewer when both of the following are true:
• The value of status is 204 (No Content)
• The response includes a value for body

This is because Lambda@Edge imposes the optional restriction found in RFC 2616, which states that
an HTTP 204 response does not need to contain a message body.
Restrictions on the Size of the Generated Response

The maximum size of a response that is generated by a Lambda function depends on the event that
triggered the function:
• Viewer request events – 40 KB
• Origin request events – 1 MB

If the response is larger than the allowed size, CloudFront returns an HTTP 502 status code (Bad
Gateway) to the viewer.

Required Fields
The status field is required.

All other fields are optional.

Updating HTTP Responses in Origin-Response

When CloudFront receives an HTTP response from the origin server, if there is an origin-response trigger
associated with the cache behavior, you can modify the HTTP response to override what was returned
from the origin.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Accessing the Request Body by
Choosing the Include Body Option

Some common scenarios for updating HTTP responses include the following:

• Changing the status to set an HTTP 200 status code and creating static body content to return to the
viewer when an origin returns an error status code (4xx or 5xx). For sample code, see Example: Using
an Origin-Response Trigger to Update the Error Status Code to 200-OK (p. 388).
• Changing the status to set an HTTP 301 or HTTP 302 status code, to redirect the user to another
website when an origin returns an error status code (4xx or 5xx). For sample code, see Example: Using
an Origin-Response Trigger to Update the Error Status Code to 302-Found (p. 389).

You can also replace the HTTP responses in viewer and origin request events. For more information, see
Generating HTTP Responses in Request Triggers (p. 364).

When you’re working with the HTTP response, Lambda@Edge does not expose the HTML body that is
returned by the origin server to the origin-response trigger. You can generate a static content body by
setting it to the desired value, or remove the body inside the function by setting the value to be empty.
If you don’t update the body field in your function, the original body returned by the origin server is
returned back to viewer.

Accessing the Request Body by Choosing the Include

Body Option
You can opt to have Lambda@Edge expose the body in a request for writable HTTP methods (POST, PUT,
DELETE, and so on), so that you can access it in your Lambda function. You can choose read-only access,
or you can specify that you’ll replace the body.

To enable this option, choose Include Body when you create a CloudFront trigger for your function
that's for a viewer request or origin request event. For more information, see Adding Triggers for
a Lambda@Edge Function (p. 339), or to learn about using Include Body with your function, see
Lambda@Edge Event Structure (p. 353).

Scenarios when you might want to use this feature include the following:

• Processing web forms, like "contact us" forms, without sending customer input data back to origin
• Gathering web beacon data that's sent by viewer browsers and processing it at the edge.

For sample code, see Lambda@Edge Example Functions (p. 367).

If the request body is large, Lambda@Edge truncates it. For detailed information about
the maximum size and truncation, see Maximum Size for Body with the Include Body
Option (p. 399).

Lambda@Edge Example Functions

See the following sections for examples of using Lambda functions with CloudFront.
For Node.js functions, each function must call the callback parameter to successfully process
a request or return a response. For more information, see Writing and Creating a Lambda@Edge
Function (p. 335).


Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
General Examples

• General Examples (p. 368)

• Generating Responses - Examples (p. 371)
• Working with Query Strings - Examples (p. 373)
• Personalize Content by Country or Device Type Headers - Examples (p. 377)
• Content-Based Dynamic Origin Selection - Examples (p. 381)
• Updating Error Statuses - Examples (p. 388)
• Accessing the Request Body - Examples (p. 390)

General Examples
The examples in this section illustrate some common ways to use Lambda@Edge in CloudFront.

• Example: A/B Testing (p. 368)
• Example: Overriding a Response Header (p. 370)

Example: A/B Testing

You can use the following example to test two different versions of an image without creating redirects
or changing the URL. This example reads the cookies in the viewer request and modifies the request URL
accordingly. If the viewer doesn’t send a cookie with one of the expected values, the example randomly
assigns the viewer to one of the URLs.


'use strict';

exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {

const request = event.Records[0].cf.request;
const headers = request.headers;

if (request.uri !== '/experiment-pixel.jpg') {

// do not process if this is not an A-B test request
callback(null, request);

const cookieExperimentA = 'X-Experiment-Name=A';

const cookieExperimentB = 'X-Experiment-Name=B';
const pathExperimentA = '/experiment-group/control-pixel.jpg';
const pathExperimentB = '/experiment-group/treatment-pixel.jpg';

* Lambda at the Edge headers are array objects.
* Client may send multiple Cookie headers, i.e.:
* > GET /viewerRes/test HTTP/1.1
* > User-Agent: curl/7.18.1 (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.18.1
OpenSSL/1.0.1u zlib/1.2.3
* > Cookie: First=1; Second=2
* > Cookie: ClientCode=abc
* > Host:
* You can access the first Cookie header at headers["cookie"][0].value
* and the second at headers["cookie"][1].value.
* Header values are not parsed. In the example above,

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
General Examples

* headers["cookie"][0].value is equal to "First=1; Second=2"

let experimentUri;
if (headers.cookie) {
for (let i = 0; i < headers.cookie.length; i++) {
if (headers.cookie[i].value.indexOf(cookieExperimentA) >= 0) {
console.log('Experiment A cookie found');
experimentUri = pathExperimentA;
} else if (headers.cookie[i].value.indexOf(cookieExperimentB) >= 0) {
console.log('Experiment B cookie found');
experimentUri = pathExperimentB;

if (!experimentUri) {
console.log('Experiment cookie has not been found. Throwing dice...');
if (Math.random() < 0.75) {
experimentUri = pathExperimentA;
} else {
experimentUri = pathExperimentB;

request.uri = experimentUri;
console.log(`Request uri set to "${request.uri}"`);
callback(null, request);


import json
import random

def lambda_handler(event, context):

request = event['Records'][0]['cf']['request']
headers = request['headers']

if request['uri'] != '/experiment-pixel.jpg':
# Not an A/B Test
return request

cookieExperimentA, cookieExperimentB = 'X-Experiment-Name=A', 'X-Experiment-

pathExperimentA, pathExperimentB = '/experiment-group/control-pixel.jpg', '/

Lambda at the Edge headers are array objects.

Client may send multiple cookie headers. For example:

> GET /viewerRes/test HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.18.1 (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.18.1 OpenSSL/1.0.1u
> Cookie: First=1; Second=2
> Cookie: ClientCode=abc
> Host:

You can access the first Cookie header at headers["cookie"][0].value

and the second at headers["cookie"][1].value.

Header values are not parsed. In the example above,

headers["cookie"][0].value is equal to "First=1; Second=2"

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
General Examples


experimentUri = ""

for cookie in headers.get('cookie', []):

if cookieExperimentA in cookie['value']:
print("Experiment A cookie found")
experimentUri = pathExperimentA
elif cookieExperimentB in cookie['value']:
print("Experiment B cookie found")
experimentUri = pathExperimentB

if not experimentUri:
print("Experiment cookie has not been found. Throwing dice...")
if random.random() < 0.75:
experimentUri = pathExperimentA
experimentUri = pathExperimentB

request['uri'] = experimentUri
print(f"Request uri set to {experimentUri}")
return request

Example: Overriding a Response Header

The following example shows how to change the value of a response header based on the value of
another header.


'use strict';

exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {

const response = event.Records[0].cf.response;
const headers = response.headers;

const headerNameSrc = 'X-Amz-Meta-Last-Modified';

const headerNameDst = 'Last-Modified';

if (headers[headerNameSrc.toLowerCase()]) {
headers[headerNameDst.toLowerCase()] = [
console.log(`Response header "${headerNameDst}" was set to ` +

callback(null, response);


import json

def lambda_handler(event, context):

response = event["Records"][0]["cf"]["response"]
headers = response["headers"]

headerNameSrc = "X-Amz-Meta-Last-Modified"

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Generating Responses - Examples

headerNameDst = "Last-Modified"

if headers.get(headerNameSrc.lower(), None):
headers[headerNameDst.lower()] = [headers[headerNameSrc.lower()][0]]
print(f"Response header {headerNameDst.lower()} was set to

return response

Generating Responses - Examples

The examples in this section show how you can use Lambda@Edge to generate responses.

• Example: Serving Static Content (Generated Response) (p. 371)
• Example: Generating an HTTP Redirect (Generated Response) (p. 372)

Example: Serving Static Content (Generated Response)

The following example shows how to use a Lambda function to serve static website content, which
reduces the load on the origin server and reduces overall latency.
You can generate HTTP responses for viewer request and origin request events. For more
information, see Generating HTTP Responses in Request Triggers (p. 364). You can also replace
the HTTP response in origin and viewer response events. For more information, see Updating
HTTP Responses in Origin-Response Triggers (p. 366).


'use strict';

const content = `
<\!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Simple Lambda@Edge Static Content Response</title>
<p>Hello from Lambda@Edge!</p>

exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {

* Generate HTTP OK response using 200 status code with HTML body.
const response = {
status: '200',
statusDescription: 'OK',
headers: {
'cache-control': [{
key: 'Cache-Control',
value: 'max-age=100'
'content-type': [{
key: 'Content-Type',

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Generating Responses - Examples

value: 'text/html'
body: content,
callback(null, response);


import json

<\!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Simple Lambda@Edge Static Content Response</title>
<p>Hello from Lambda@Edge!</p>

def lambda_handler(event, context):

# Generate HTTP OK response using 200 status code with HTML body.
response = {
'status': '200',
'statusDescription': 'OK',
'headers': {
'cache-control': [
'key': 'Cache-Control',
'value': 'max-age=100'
"content-type": [
'key': 'Content-Type',
'value': 'text/html'
'body': CONTENT
return response

Example: Generating an HTTP Redirect (Generated Response)

The following example shows how to generate an HTTP redirect.
You can generate HTTP responses for viewer request and origin request events. For more
information, see Generating HTTP Responses in Request Triggers (p. 364).


'use strict';

exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {


Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Working with Query Strings - Examples

* Generate HTTP redirect response with 302 status code and Location header.
const response = {
status: '302',
statusDescription: 'Found',
headers: {
location: [{
key: 'Location',
value: '',
callback(null, response);


def lambda_handler(event, context):

# Generate HTTP redirect response with 302 status code and Location header.

response = {
'status': '302',
'statusDescription': 'Found',
'headers': {
'location': [{
'key': 'Location',
'value': '

return response

Working with Query Strings - Examples

The examples in this section include ways that you can use Lambda@Edge with query strings.

• Example: Adding a Header Based on a Query String Parameter (p. 373)
• Example: Normalizing Query String Parameters to Improve the Cache Hit Ratio (p. 374)
• Example: Redirecting Unauthenticated Users to a Sign-In Page (p. 376)

Example: Adding a Header Based on a Query String Parameter

The following example shows how to get the key-value pair of a query string parameter, and then add a
header based on those values.


'use strict';

const querystring = require('querystring');

exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
const request = event.Records[0].cf.request;

/* When a request contains a query string key-value pair but the origin server

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Working with Query Strings - Examples

* expects the value in a header, you can use this Lambda function to
* convert the key-value pair to a header. Here's what the function does:
* 1. Parses the query string and gets the key-value pair.
* 2. Adds a header to the request using the key-value pair that the function got
in step 1.

/* Parse request querystring to get javascript object */

const params = querystring.parse(request.querystring);

/* Move auth param from querystring to headers */

const headerName = 'Auth-Header';
request.headers[headerName.toLowerCase()] = [{ key: headerName, value:
params.auth }];
delete params.auth;

/* Update request querystring */

request.querystring = querystring.stringify(params);

callback(null, request);


from urllib.parse import parse_qs, urlencode

def lambda_handler(event, context):

request = event['Records'][0]['cf']['request']

When a request contains a query string key-value pair but the origin server
expects the value in a header, you can use this Lambda function to
convert the key-value pair to a header. Here's what the function does:
1. Parses the query string and gets the key-value pair.
2. Adds a header to the request using the key-value pair that the function got
in step 1.

# Parse request querystring to get dictionary/json

params = {k : v[0] for k, v in parse_qs(request['querystring']).items()}

# Move auth param from querystring to headers

headerName = 'Auth-Header'
request['headers'][headerName.lower()] = [{'key': headerName, 'value':
del params['auth']

# Update request querystring

request['querystring'] = urlencode(params)

return request

Example: Normalizing Query String Parameters to Improve the

Cache Hit Ratio
The following example shows how to improve your cache hit ratio by making the following changes to
query strings before CloudFront forwards requests to your origin:

• Alphabetize key-value pairs by the name of the parameter.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Working with Query Strings - Examples

• Change the case of key-value pairs to lowercase.

For more information, see Caching Content Based on Query String Parameters (p. 241).


'use strict';

const querystring = require('querystring');

exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {

const request = event.Records[0].cf.request;
/* When you configure a distribution to forward query strings to the origin and
* to cache based on a whitelist of query string parameters, we recommend
* the following to improve the cache-hit ratio:
* - Always list parameters in the same order.
* - Use the same case for parameter names and values.
* This function normalizes query strings so that parameter names and values
* are lowercase and parameter names are in alphabetical order.
* For more information, see:

console.log('Query String: ', request.querystring);

/* Parse request query string to get javascript object */

const params = querystring.parse(request.querystring.toLowerCase());
const sortedParams = {};

/* Sort param keys */

Object.keys(params).sort().forEach(key => {
sortedParams[key] = params[key];

/* Update request querystring with normalized */

request.querystring = querystring.stringify(sortedParams);

callback(null, request);


from urllib.parse import parse_qs, urlencode

def lambda_handler(event, context):

request = event['Records'][0]['cf']['request']
When you configure a distribution to forward query strings to the origin and
to cache based on a whitelist of query string parameters, we recommend
the following to improve the cache-hit ratio:
Always list parameters in the same order.
- Use the same case for parameter names and values.

This function normalizes query strings so that parameter names and values
are lowercase and parameter names are in alphabetical order.

For more information, see:

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Working with Query Strings - Examples

print("Query string: ", request["querystring"])

# Parse request query string to get js object

params = {k : v[0] for k, v in parse_qs(request['querystring'].lower()).items()}

# Sort param keys

sortedParams = sorted(params.items(), key=lambda x: x[0])

# Update request querystring with normalized

request['querystring'] = urlencode(sortedParams)

return request

Example: Redirecting Unauthenticated Users to a Sign-In Page

The following example shows how to redirect users to a sign-in page if they haven't entered their


'use strict';

function parseCookies(headers) {
const parsedCookie = {};
if (headers.cookie) {
headers.cookie[0].value.split(';').forEach((cookie) => {
if (cookie) {
const parts = cookie.split('=');
parsedCookie[parts[0].trim()] = parts[1].trim();
return parsedCookie;

exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {

const request = event.Records[0].cf.request;
const headers = request.headers;

/* Check for session-id in request cookie in viewer-request event,

* if session-id is absent, redirect the user to sign in page with original
* request sent as redirect_url in query params.

/* Check for session-id in cookie, if present then proceed with request */

const parsedCookies = parseCookies(headers);
if (parsedCookies && parsedCookies['session-id']) {
callback(null, request);

/* URI encode the original request to be sent as redirect_url in query params */

const encodedRedirectUrl = encodeURIComponent(`https://
const response = {
status: '302',
statusDescription: 'Found',
headers: {
location: [{
key: 'Location',
value: `

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Personalize Content by Country or
Device Type Headers - Examples

callback(null, response);


import urllib

def parseCookies(headers):
parsedCookie = {}
if headers.get('cookie'):
for cookie in headers['cookie'][0]['value'].split(';'):
if cookie:
parts = cookie.split('=')
parsedCookie[parts[0].strip()] = parts[1].strip()
return parsedCookie

def lambda_handler(event, context):

request = event['Records'][0]['cf']['request']
headers = request['headers']

Check for session-id in request cookie in viewer-request event,
if session-id is absent, redirect the user to sign in page with original
request sent as redirect_url in query params.

# Check for session-id in cookie, if present, then proceed with request

parsedCookies = parseCookies(headers)

if parsedCookies and parsedCookies['session-id']:

return request

# URI encode the original request to be sent as redirect_url in query params

redirectUrl = "https://%s%s?%s" % (headers['host'][0]['value'], request['uri'],
encodedRedirectUrl = urllib.parse.quote_plus(redirectUrl.encode('utf-8'))

response = {
'status': '302',
'statusDescription': 'Found',
'headers': {
'location': [{
'key': 'Location',
'value': '' %
return response

Personalize Content by Country or Device Type

Headers - Examples
The examples in this section illustrate how you can use Lambda@Edge to customize behavior based on
location or the type of device used by the viewer.

• Example: Redirecting Viewer Requests to a Country-Specific URL (p. 378)

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Personalize Content by Country or
Device Type Headers - Examples

• Example: Serving Different Versions of an Object Based on the Device (p. 379)

Example: Redirecting Viewer Requests to a Country-Specific URL

The following example shows how to generate an HTTP redirect response with a country-specific
URL and return the response to the viewer. This is useful when you want to provide country-specific
responses. For example:

• If you have country-specific subdomains, such as and, you can
generate a redirect response when a viewer requests
• If you're streaming video but you don't have rights to stream the content in a specific country, you can
redirect users in that country to a page that explains why they can't view the video.

Note the following:

• You must configure your distribution to cache based on the CloudFront-Viewer-Country header.
For more information, see Cache Based on Selected Request Headers (p. 50).
• CloudFront adds the CloudFront-Viewer-Country header after the viewer request event. To use
this example, you must create a trigger for the origin request event.


'use strict';

/* This is an origin request function */

exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
const request = event.Records[0].cf.request;
const headers = request.headers;

* Based on the value of the CloudFront-Viewer-Country header, generate an
* HTTP status code 302 (Redirect) response, and return a country-specific
* URL in the Location header.
* NOTE: 1. You must configure your distribution to cache based on the
* CloudFront-Viewer-Country header. For more information, see
* 2. CloudFront adds the CloudFront-Viewer-Country header after the viewer
* request event. To use this example, you must create a trigger for the
* origin request event.

let url = '';

if (headers['cloudfront-viewer-country']) {
const countryCode = headers['cloudfront-viewer-country'][0].value;
if (countryCode === 'TW') {
url = '';
} else if (countryCode === 'US') {
url = '';

const response = {
status: '302',
statusDescription: 'Found',
headers: {
location: [{
key: 'Location',
value: url,

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Personalize Content by Country or
Device Type Headers - Examples

callback(null, response);


# This is an origin request function

def lambda_handler(event, context):

request = event['Records'][0]['cf']['request']
headers = request['headers']

Based on the value of the CloudFront-Viewer-Country header, generate an
HTTP status code 302 (Redirect) response, and return a country-specific
URL in the Location header.
NOTE: 1. You must configure your distribution to cache based on the
CloudFront-Viewer-Country header. For more information, see
2. CloudFront adds the CloudFront-Viewer-Country header after the viewer
request event. To use this example, you must create a trigger for the
origin request event.

url = ''
viewerCountry = headers.get('cloudfront-viewer-country')
if viewerCountry:
countryCode = viewerCountry[0]['value']
if countryCode == 'TW':
url = ''
elif countryCode == 'US':
url = ''

response = {
'status': '302',
'statusDescription': 'Found',
'headers': {
'location': [{
'key': 'Location',
'value': url

return response

Example: Serving Different Versions of an Object Based on the

The following example shows how to serve different versions of an object based on the type of device
that the user is using, for example, a mobile device or a tablet. Note the following:

• You must configure your distribution to cache based on the CloudFront-Is-*-Viewer headers. For
more information, see Cache Based on Selected Request Headers (p. 50).
• CloudFront adds the CloudFront-Is-*-Viewer headers after the viewer request event. To use this
example, you must create a trigger for the origin request event.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Personalize Content by Country or
Device Type Headers - Examples


'use strict';

/* This is an origin request function */

exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
const request = event.Records[0].cf.request;
const headers = request.headers;

* Serve different versions of an object based on the device type.
* NOTE: 1. You must configure your distribution to cache based on the
* CloudFront-Is-*-Viewer headers. For more information, see
* the following documentation:
* 2. CloudFront adds the CloudFront-Is-*-Viewer headers after the viewer
* request event. To use this example, you must create a trigger for the
* origin request event.

const desktopPath = '/desktop';

const mobilePath = '/mobile';
const tabletPath = '/tablet';
const smarttvPath = '/smarttv';

if (headers['cloudfront-is-desktop-viewer']
&& headers['cloudfront-is-desktop-viewer'][0].value === 'true') {
request.uri = desktopPath + request.uri;
} else if (headers['cloudfront-is-mobile-viewer']
&& headers['cloudfront-is-mobile-viewer'][0].value === 'true') {
request.uri = mobilePath + request.uri;
} else if (headers['cloudfront-is-tablet-viewer']
&& headers['cloudfront-is-tablet-viewer'][0].value === 'true') {
request.uri = tabletPath + request.uri;
} else if (headers['cloudfront-is-smarttv-viewer']
&& headers['cloudfront-is-smarttv-viewer'][0].value === 'true') {
request.uri = smarttvPath + request.uri;
console.log(`Request uri set to "${request.uri}"`);

callback(null, request);


# This is an origin request function

def lambda_handler(event, context):
request = event['Records'][0]['cf']['request']
headers = request['headers']

Serve different versions of an object based on the device type.
NOTE: 1. You must configure your distribution to cache based on the
CloudFront-Is-*-Viewer headers. For more information, see
the following documentation:
2. CloudFront adds the CloudFront-Is-*-Viewer headers after the viewer
request event. To use this example, you must create a trigger for the
origin request event.

desktopPath = '/desktop';

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Content-Based Dynamic Origin Selection - Examples

mobilePath = '/mobile';
tabletPath = '/tablet';
smarttvPath = '/smarttv';

if 'cloudfront-is-desktop-viewer' in headers and headers['cloudfront-is-desktop-

viewer'][0]['value'] == 'true':
request['uri'] = desktopPath + request['uri']
elif 'cloudfront-is-mobile-viewer' in headers and headers['cloudfront-is-mobile-
viewer'][0]['value'] == 'true':
request['uri'] = mobilePath + request['uri']
elif 'cloudfront-is-tablet-viewer' in headers and headers['cloudfront-is-tablet-
viewer'][0]['value'] == 'true':
request['uri'] = tabletPath + request['uri']
elif 'cloudfront-is-smarttv-viewer' in headers and headers['cloudfront-is-smarttv-
viewer'][0]['value'] == 'true':
request['uri'] = smarttvPath + request['uri']

print("Request uri set to %s" % request['uri'])

return request

Content-Based Dynamic Origin Selection - Examples

The examples in this section show how you can use Lambda@Edge to route to different origins based on
information in the request.

• Example: Using an Origin-Request Trigger to Change From a Custom Origin to an Amazon S3
Origin (p. 381)
• Example: Using an Origin-Request Trigger to Change the Amazon S3 Origin Region (p. 382)
• Example: Using an Origin-Request Trigger to Change From an Amazon S3 Origin to a Custom
Origin (p. 385)
• Example: Using an Origin-Request Trigger to Gradually Transfer Traffic From One Amazon S3 Bucket
to Another (p. 386)
• Example: Using an Origin-Request Trigger to Change the Origin Domain Name Based on the Country
Header (p. 387)

Example: Using an Origin-Request Trigger to Change From a

Custom Origin to an Amazon S3 Origin
This function demonstrates how an origin-request trigger can be used to change from a custom origin to
an Amazon S3 origin from which the content is fetched, based on request properties.


'use strict';

const querystring = require('querystring');

exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {

const request = event.Records[0].cf.request;

* Reads query string to check if S3 origin should be used, and
* if true, sets S3 origin properties.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Content-Based Dynamic Origin Selection - Examples

const params = querystring.parse(request.querystring);

if (params['useS3Origin']) {
if (params['useS3Origin'] === 'true') {
const s3DomainName = '';

/* Set S3 origin fields */

request.origin = {
s3: {
domainName: s3DomainName,
region: '',
authMethod: 'none',
path: '',
customHeaders: {}
request.headers['host'] = [{ key: 'host', value: s3DomainName}];

callback(null, request);


from urllib.parse import parse_qs

def lambda_handler(event, context):

request = event['Records'][0]['cf']['request']
Reads query string to check if S3 origin should be used, and
if true, sets S3 origin properties
params = {k: v[0] for k, v in parse_qs(request['querystring']).items()}
if params.get('useS3Origin') == 'true':
s3DomainName = ''

# Set S3 origin fields

request['origin'] = {
's3': {
'domainName': s3DomainName,
'region': '',
'authMethod': 'none',
'path': '',
'customHeaders': {}
request['headers']['host'] = [{'key': 'host', 'value': s3DomainName}]
return request

Example: Using an Origin-Request Trigger to Change the

Amazon S3 Origin Region
This function demonstrates how an origin-request trigger can be used to change the Amazon S3 origin
from which the content is fetched, based on request properties.

In this example, we use the value of the CloudFront-Viewer-Country header to update the S3 bucket
domain name to a bucket in a Region that is closer to the viewer. This can be useful in several ways:

• It reduces latencies when the Region specified is nearer to the viewer's country.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Content-Based Dynamic Origin Selection - Examples

• It provides data sovereignty by making sure that data is served from an origin that's in the same
country that the request came from.

To use this example, you must do the following:

• Configure your distribution to cache based on the CloudFront-Viewer-Country header. For more
information, see Cache Based on Selected Request Headers (p. 50).
• Create a trigger for this function in the origin request event. CloudFront adds the CloudFront-Viewer-
Country header after the viewer request event, so to use this example, you must make sure that the
function executes for an origin request.


'use strict';

exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {

const request = event.Records[0].cf.request;

* This blueprint demonstrates how an origin-request trigger can be used to
* change the origin from which the content is fetched, based on request
* In this example, we use the value of the CloudFront-Viewer-Country header
* to update the S3 bucket domain name to a bucket in a Region that is closer to
* the viewer.
* This can be useful in several ways:
* 1) Reduces latencies when the Region specified is nearer to the viewer’s
* country.
* 2) Provides data sovereignty by making sure that data is served from an
* origin that’s in the same country that the request came from.
* NOTE: 1. You must configure your distribution to cache based on the
* CloudFront-Viewer-Country header. For more information, see
* 2. CloudFront adds the CloudFront-Viewer-Country header after the viewer
* request event. To use this example, you must create a trigger for the
* origin request event.

const countryToRegion = {
'DE': 'eu-central-1',
'IE': 'eu-west-1',
'GB': 'eu-west-2',
'FR': 'eu-west-3',
'JP': 'ap-northeast-1',
'IN': 'ap-south-1'

if (request.headers['cloudfront-viewer-country']) {
const countryCode = request.headers['cloudfront-viewer-country'][0].value;
const region = countryToRegion[countryCode];

* If the viewer's country is not in the list you specify, the request
* goes to the default S3 bucket you've configured.
if (region) {
* If you’ve set up OAI, the bucket policy in the destination bucket
* should allow the OAI GetObject operation, as configured by default
* for an S3 origin with OAI. Another requirement with OAI is to provide

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Content-Based Dynamic Origin Selection - Examples

* the Region so it can be used for the SIGV4 signature. Otherwise, the
* Region is not required.
request.origin.s3.region = region;
const domainName = `my-bucket-in-${region}`;
request.origin.s3.domainName = domainName;
request.headers['host'] = [{ key: 'host', value: domainName }];

callback(null, request);


def lambda_handler(event, context):

request = event['Records'][0]['cf']['request']

This blueprint demonstrates how an origin-request trigger can be used to
change the origin from which the content is fetched, based on request properties.
In this example, we use the value of the CloudFront-Viewer-Country header
to update the S3 bucket domain name to a bucket in a Region that is closer to
the viewer.

This can be useful in several ways:

1) Reduces latencies when the Region specified is nearer to the viewer’s
2) Provides data sovereignty by making sure that data is served from an
origin that’s in the same country that the request came from.

NOTE: 1. You must configure your distribution to cache based on the

CloudFront-Viewer-Country header. For more information, see
2. CloudFront adds the CloudFront-Viewer-Country header after the viewer
request event. To use this example, you must create a trigger for the
origin request event.

countryToRegion = {
'DE': 'eu-central-1',
'IE': 'eu-west-1',
'GB': 'eu-west-2',
'FR': 'eu-west-3',
'JP': 'ap-northeast-1',
'IN': 'ap-south-1'

viewerCountry = request['headers'].get('cloudfront-viewer-country')
if viewerCountry:
countryCode = viewerCountry[0]['value']
region = countryToRegion.get(countryCode)

# If the viewer's country in not in the list you specify, the request
# goes to the default S3 bucket you've configured
if region:
If you’ve set up OAI, the bucket policy in the destination bucket
should allow the OAI GetObject operation, as configured by default
for an S3 origin with OAI. Another requirement with OAI is to provide
the Region so it can be used for the SIGV4 signature. Otherwise, the
Region is not required.
request['origin']['s3']['region'] = region
domainName = '' % region

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Content-Based Dynamic Origin Selection - Examples

request['origin']['s3']['domainName'] = domainName
request['headers']['host'] = [{'key': 'host', 'value': domainName}]

return request

Example: Using an Origin-Request Trigger to Change From an

Amazon S3 Origin to a Custom Origin
This function demonstrates how an origin-request trigger can be used to change the custom origin from
which the content is fetched, based on request properties.


'use strict';

const querystring = require('querystring');

exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {

const request = event.Records[0].cf.request;

* Reads query string to check if custom origin should be used, and
* if true, sets custom origin properties.

const params = querystring.parse(request.querystring);

if (params['useCustomOrigin']) {
if (params['useCustomOrigin'] === 'true') {

/* Set custom origin fields*/

request.origin = {
custom: {
domainName: '',
port: 443,
protocol: 'https',
path: '',
sslProtocols: ['TLSv1', 'TLSv1.1'],
readTimeout: 5,
keepaliveTimeout: 5,
customHeaders: {}
request.headers['host'] = [{ key: 'host', value: ''}];
callback(null, request);


from urllib.parse import parse_qs

def lambda_handler(event, context):

request = event['Records'][0]['cf']['request']

# Reads query string to check if custom origin should be used, and

# if true, sets custom origin properties

params = {k: v[0] for k, v in parse_qs(request['querystring']).items()}

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Content-Based Dynamic Origin Selection - Examples

if params.get('useCustomOrigin') == 'true':
# Set custom origin fields
request['origin'] = {
'custom': {
'domainName': '',
'port': 443,
'protocol': 'https',
'path': '',
'sslProtocols': ['TLSv1', 'TLSv1.1'],
'readTimeout': 5,
'keepaliveTimeout': 5,
'customHeaders': {}
request['headers']['host'] = [{'key': 'host', 'value': ''}]

return request

Example: Using an Origin-Request Trigger to Gradually Transfer

Traffic From One Amazon S3 Bucket to Another
This function demonstrates how you can gradually transfer traffic from one Amazon S3 bucket to
another, in a controlled way.


'use strict';

function getRandomInt(min, max) {

/* Random number is inclusive of min and max*/
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;

exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {

const request = event.Records[0].cf.request;

* This Lambda function demonstrates how to gradually transfer traffic from
* one S3 bucket to another in a controlled way.
* We define a variable BLUE_TRAFFIC_PERCENTAGE which can take values from
* 1 to 100. If the generated randomNumber less than or equal to
* is re-directed to blue-bucket. If not, the default bucket that we've configured
* is used.

const randomNumber = getRandomInt(1, 100);

if (randomNumber <= BLUE_TRAFFIC_PERCENTAGE) {

const domainName = '';
request.origin.s3.domainName = domainName;
request.headers['host'] = [{ key: 'host', value: domainName}];
callback(null, request);


import math
import random

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Content-Based Dynamic Origin Selection - Examples

def getRandomInt(min, max):

# Random number is inclusive of min and max
return math.floor(random.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min

def lambda_handler(min, max):

request = event['Records'][0]['cf']['request']

This Lambda function demonstrates how to gradually transfer traffic from
one S3 bucket to another in a controlled way.
We define a variable BLUE_TRAFFIC_PERCENTAGE which can take values from
1 to 100. If the generated randomNumber less than or equal to
is re-directed to blue-bucket. If not, the default bucket that we've configured
is used.

randomNumber = getRandomInt(1, 100)


domainName = ''
request['origin']['s3']['domainName'] = domainName
request['heaaders']['host'] = [{'key': 'host', 'value': domainName}]

return request

Example: Using an Origin-Request Trigger to Change the Origin

Domain Name Based on the Country Header
This function demonstrates how you can change the origin domain name based on the CloudFront-
Viewer-Country header, so content is served from an origin closer to the viewer's country.

Implementing this functionality for your distribution can have advantages such as the following:

• Reducing latencies when the Region specified is nearer to the viewer's country
• Providing data sovereignty by making sure that data is served from an origin that's in the same
country that the request came from

Note that to enable this functionality you must configure your distribution to cache based on the
CloudFront-Viewer-Country header. For more information, see Cache Based on Selected Request
Headers (p. 50).


'use strict';

exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {

const request = event.Records[0].cf.request;

if (request.headers['cloudfront-viewer-country']) {
const countryCode = request.headers['cloudfront-viewer-country'][0].value;
if (countryCode === 'GB' || countryCode === 'DE' || countryCode === 'IE' ) {
const domainName = '';
request.origin.custom.domainName = domainName;
request.headers['host'] = [{key: 'host', value: domainName}];

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Updating Error Statuses - Examples

callback(null, request);


def lambda_handler(event, context):

request = event['Records'][0]['cf']['request']

viewerCountry = request['headers'].get('cloudfront-viewer-country')
if viewerCountry:
countryCode = viewerCountry[0]['value']
if countryCode == 'GB' or countryCode == 'DE' or countryCode == 'IE':
domainName = ''
request['origin']['custom']['domainName'] = domainName
request['headers']['host'] = [{'key': 'host', 'value': domainName}]
return request

Updating Error Statuses - Examples

The examples in this section provide guidance for how you can use Lambda@Edge to change the error
status that is returned to users.

• Example: Using an Origin-Response Trigger to Update the Error Status Code to 200-OK (p. 388)
• Example: Using an Origin-Response Trigger to Update the Error Status Code to 302-Found (p. 389)

Example: Using an Origin-Response Trigger to Update the Error

Status Code to 200-OK
This function demonstrates how you can update the response status to 200 and generate static body
content to return to the viewer in the following scenario:

• The function is triggered in an origin response.

• The response status from the origin server is an error status code (4xx or 5xx).


'use strict';

exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {

const response = event.Records[0].cf.response;

* This function updates the response status to 200 and generates static
* body content to return to the viewer in the following scenario:
* 1. The function is triggered in an origin response
* 2. The response status from the origin server is an error status code (4xx or

if (response.status >= 400 && response.status <= 599) {

response.status = 200;
response.statusDescription = 'OK';
response.body = 'Body generation example';

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Updating Error Statuses - Examples

callback(null, response);


def lambda_handler(event, context):

response = event['Records'][0]['cf']['response']

This function updates the response status to 200 and generates static
body content to return to the viewer in the following scenario:
1. The function is triggered in an origin response
2. The response status from the origin server is an error status code (4xx or 5xx)

if int(response['status']) >= 400 and int(response['status']) <= 599:

response['status'] = 200
response['statusDescription'] = 'OK'
response['body'] = 'Body generation example'
return response

Example: Using an Origin-Response Trigger to Update the Error

Status Code to 302-Found
This function demonstrates how you can update the HTTP status code to 302 to redirect to another path
(cache behavior) that has a different origin configured. Note the following:

• The function is triggered in an origin response.

• The response status from the origin server is an error status code (4xx or 5xx).


'use strict';

exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {

const response = event.Records[0].cf.response;
const request = event.Records[0].cf.request;

* This function updates the HTTP status code in the response to 302, to redirect
to another
* path (cache behavior) that has a different origin configured. Note the
* 1. The function is triggered in an origin response
* 2. The response status from the origin server is an error status code (4xx or

if (response.status >= 400 && response.status <= 599) {

const redirect_path = `/plan-b/path?${request.querystring}`;

response.status = 302;
response.statusDescription = 'Found';

/* Drop the body, as it is not required for redirects */

response.body = '';
response.headers['location'] = [{ key: 'Location', value: redirect_path }];

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Accessing the Request Body - Examples

callback(null, response);


def lambda_handler(event, context):

response = event['Records'][0]['cf']['response']
request = event['Records'][0]['cf']['request']

This function updates the HTTP status code in the response to 302, to redirect to
path (cache behavior) that has a different origin configured. Note the following:
1. The function is triggered in an origin response
2. The response status from the origin server is an error status code (4xx or 5xx)

if int(response['status']) >= 400 and int(response['status']) <= 599:

redirect_path = '/plan-b/path?%s' % request['querystring']

response['status'] = 302
response['statusDescription'] = 'Found'

# Drop the body as it is not required for redirects

response['body'] = ''
response['headers']['location'] = [{'key': 'Location', 'value':

return response

Accessing the Request Body - Examples

The examples in this section illustrate how you can use Lambda@Edge to work with POST requests.
To use these examples, you must enable the include body option in the distribution’s Lambda
function association. It is not enabled by default.

• To enable this setting in the CloudFront console, select the check box for Include Body in the
Lambda Function Association.
• To enable this setting in the CloudFront API or with AWS CloudFormation, set the
IncludeBody field to true in LambdaFunctionAssociation.

• Example: Using a Request Trigger to Read an HTML Form (p. 390)
• Example: Using a Request Trigger to Modify an HTML Form (p. 392)

Example: Using a Request Trigger to Read an HTML Form

This function demonstrates how you can process the body of a POST request generated by an HTML
form (web form), such as a "contact us" form. For example, you might have an HTML form like the

<form action="" method="post">
Param 1: <input type="text" name="name1"><br>

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Accessing the Request Body - Examples

Param 2: <input type="text" name="name2"><br>

input type="submit" value="Submit">

For the example function that follows, the function must be triggered in a CloudFront viewer request or
origin request.


'use strict';

const querystring = require('querystring');

* This function demonstrates how you can read the body of a POST request
* generated by an HTML form (web form). The function is triggered in a
* CloudFront viewer request or origin request event type.

exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {

const request = event.Records[0].cf.request;

if (request.method === 'POST') {

/* HTTP body is always passed as base64-encoded string. Decode it. */
const body = Buffer.from(, 'base64').toString();

/* HTML forms send the data in query string format. Parse it. */
const params = querystring.parse(body);

/* For demonstration purposes, we only log the form fields here.

* You can put your custom logic here. For example, you can store the
* fields in a database, such as AWS DynamoDB, and generate a response
* right from your Lambda@Edge function.
for (let param in params) {
console.log(`For "${param}" user submitted "${params[param]}".\n`);
return callback(null, request);


import base64
from urllib.parse import parse_qs

Say there is a POST request body generated by an HTML such as:

<form action="" method="post">
Param 1: <input type="text" name="name1"><br>
Param 2: <input type="text" name="name2"><br>
input type="submit" value="Submit">


This function demonstrates how you can read the body of a POST request
generated by an HTML form (web form). The function is triggered in a

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Accessing the Request Body - Examples

CloudFront viewer request or origin request event type.


def lambda_handler(event, context):

request = event['Records'][0]['cf']['request']

if request['method'] == 'POST':
# HTTP body is always passed as base64-encoded string. Decode it
body = base64.b64decode(request['body']['data'])

# HTML forms send the data in query string format. Parse it

params = {k: v[0] for k, v in parse_qs(body).items()}

For demonstration purposes, we only log the form fields here.
You can put your custom logic here. For example, you can store the
fields in a database, such as AWS DynamoDB, and generate a response
right from your Lambda@Edge function.
for key, value in params.items():
print("For %s use submitted %s" % (key, value))

return request

Example: Using a Request Trigger to Modify an HTML Form

This function demonstrates how you can modify the body of a POST request generated by an HTML
form (web form). The function is triggered in a CloudFront viewer request or origin request.


'use strict';

const querystring = require('querystring');

exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {

var request = event.Records[0].cf.request;
if (request.method === 'POST') {
/* Request body is being replaced. To do this, update the following
/* three fields:
* 1) body.action to 'replace'
* 2) body.encoding to the encoding of the new data.
* Set to one of the following values:
* text - denotes that the generated body is in text format.
* Lambda@Edge will propagate this as is.
* base64 - denotes that the generated body is base64 encoded.
* Lambda@Edge will base64 decode the data before sending
* it to the origin.
* 3) to the new body.
request.body.action = 'replace';
request.body.encoding = 'text'; = getUpdatedBody(request);
callback(null, request);

function getUpdatedBody(request) {
/* HTTP body is always passed as base64-encoded string. Decode it. */
const body = Buffer.from(, 'base64').toString();

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Requirements and Restrictions

/* HTML forms send data in query string format. Parse it. */

const params = querystring.parse(body);

/* For demonstration purposes, we're adding one more param.

* You can put your custom logic here. For example, you can truncate long
* bodies from malicious requests.
params['new-param-name'] = 'new-param-value';
return querystring.stringify(params);


import base64
from urllib.parse import parse_qs, urlencode

def lambda_handler(event, context):

request = event['Records'][0]['cf']['request']
if request['method'] == 'POST':
Request body is being replaced. To do this, update the following
three fields:
1) body.action to 'replace'
2) body.encoding to the encoding of the new data.

Set to one of the following values:

text - denotes that the generated body is in text format.

Lambda@Edge will propagate this as is.
base64 - denotes that the generated body is base64 encoded.
Lambda@Edge will base64 decode the data before sending
it to the origin.
3) to the new body.
request['body']['action'] = 'replace'
request['body']['encoding'] = 'text'
request['body']['data'] = getUpdatedBody(request)
return request

def getUpdatedBody(request):
# HTTP body is always passed as base64-encoded string. Decode it
body = base64.b64decode(request['body']['data'])

# HTML forms send data in query string format. Parse it

params = {k: v[0] for k, v in parse_qs(body).items()}

# For demonstration purposes, we're adding one more param

# You can put your custom logic here. For example, you can truncate long
# bodies from malicious requests
params['new-param-name'] = 'new-param-value'
return urlencode(params)

Requirements and Restrictions on Lambda

See the following sections for requirements and restrictions on using Lambda functions with CloudFront.


Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
CloudFront Distributions and Associations

• CloudFront Distributions and Associations (p. 394)

• CloudFront Triggers for Lambda Functions (p. 394)
• CloudWatch Logs (p. 394)
• Headers (p. 394)
• HTTP Status Codes (p. 396)
• Lambda Function Supported Runtimes and Configuration (p. 397)
• Quotas (p. 397)
• Microsoft Smooth Streaming (p. 399)
• Network Access (p. 399)
• Query String Parameters (p. 399)
• Maximum Size for Body with the Include Body Option (p. 399)
• Tagging (p. 399)
• URI (p. 400)
• URI and Query String Encoding (p. 400)

CloudFront Distributions and Associations

• You cannot associate a Lambda function with a CloudFront distribution owned by another AWS

CloudFront Triggers for Lambda Functions

• You can add triggers only for a numbered version, not for $LATEST or for aliases.
• You can add triggers only for functions in the US East (N. Virginia) Region.
• To add triggers, the IAM execution role associated with your Lambda function must be assumable
by the service principals and For more
information, Setting IAM Permissions and Roles for Lambda@Edge (p. 329).

CloudWatch Logs
For information about Amazon CloudWatch Logs quotas (formerly known as limits), see CloudWatch
Logs quotas in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

Note the following requirements and restrictions on using headers with Lambda@Edge.

• Blacklisted Headers (p. 394)
• Read-only Headers (p. 395)
• CloudFront-* Headers (p. 396)

Blacklisted Headers
Blacklisted headers aren't exposed and can't be added by Lambda@Edge functions. If your Lambda
function adds a blacklisted header, the request fails CloudFront validation. CloudFront returns HTTP
status code 502 (Bad Gateway) to the viewer.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide

• Connection
• Expect
• Keep-Alive
• Proxy-Authenticate
• Proxy-Authorization
• Proxy-Connection
• Trailer
• Upgrade
• X-Accel-Buffering
• X-Accel-Charset
• X-Accel-Limit-Rate
• X-Accel-Redirect
• X-Amz-Cf-*
• X-Amzn-*
• X-Cache
• X-Edge-*
• X-Forwarded-Proto
• X-Real-IP

Read-only Headers
Read-only headers can be read but not edited. You can use them as input to CloudFront caching logic,
and your Lambda function can read the header values, but it can't change the values. If your Lambda
function adds or edits a read-only header, the request fails CloudFront validation. CloudFront returns
HTTP status code 502 (Bad Gateway) to the viewer.

Read-only Headers for CloudFront Viewer Request Events

• Content-Length
• Host
• Transfer-Encoding
• Via

Read-only Headers for CloudFront Origin Request Events

• Accept-Encoding
• Content-Length
• If-Modified-Since
• If-None-Match
• If-Range
• If-Unmodified-Since
• Transfer-Encoding
• Via

Read-only Headers for CloudFront Origin Response Events

• Transfer-Encoding

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
HTTP Status Codes

• Via

Read-only Headers for CloudFront Viewer Response Events

• Content-Encoding
• Content-Length
• Transfer-Encoding
• Warning
• Via

CloudFront-* Headers
A Lambda function can read, edit, remove, or add any of the following headers.

• CloudFront-Forwarded-Proto
• CloudFront-Is-Desktop-Viewer
• CloudFront-Is-Mobile-Viewer
• CloudFront-Is-SmartTV-Viewer
• CloudFront-Is-Tablet-Viewer
• CloudFront-Viewer-Country

Note the following:

• If you want CloudFront to add these headers, you must configure CloudFront to cache based on these
headers. For information about configuring CloudFront to cache based on specified headers, see Cache
Based on Selected Request Headers (p. 50) in the topic Values That You Specify When You Create or
Update a Distribution (p. 38).
• CloudFront adds the headers after the viewer request event.
• If the viewer adds headers that have these names, CloudFront overwrites the header values.
• For viewer events, CloudFront-Viewer-Country is blacklisted. Blacklisted headers aren't exposed
and can't be added by Lambda@Edge functions. If your Lambda function adds a blacklisted header,
the request fails CloudFront validation, and CloudFront returns HTTP status code 502 (Bad Gateway)
to the viewer.

For more information, see the following examples:

• Example: Redirecting Viewer Requests to a Country-Specific URL (p. 378)

• Example: Serving Different Versions of an Object Based on the Device (p. 379)

HTTP Status Codes

CloudFront doesn't execute Lambda functions for viewer response events if the origin returns HTTP
status code 400 or higher. You also can't modify the HTTP status code from a viewer response event for a
successful request.

You can, however, execute Lambda functions for origin response errors, including HTTP status codes 4xx
and 5xx. For more information, see Updating HTTP Responses in Origin-Response Triggers (p. 366).

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Lambda Function Supported Runtimes and Configuration

Lambda Function Supported Runtimes and

• Lambda@Edge supports Lambda functions with the following runtimes:
• Python 3.8
• Python 3.7
• Node.js 12
• Node.js 10
• Node.js 8 and Node.js 6
Node.js versions 8 and 6 have reached end of life. You can’t create or update functions
with these runtimes. If you have an existing function with one of these runtimes you can
still associate it with a CloudFront distribution, and functions that are already associated
with a distribution will still run. However, we recommend moving your function to a newer
version of Node.js. For more information, see Runtime Support Policy in the AWS Lambda
Developer Guide and the Node.js release schedule on GitHub.
• You can’t configure your Lambda function to access resources inside your VPC.
• You can’t associate your Lambda function with a CloudFront distribution owned by another AWS
• AWS Lambda function dead letter queues are not supported.
• AWS Lambda environment variables are not supported.
• Functions with AWS Lambda layers are not supported.
• Using AWS X-Ray is not supported.
• AWS Lambda reserved concurrency and provisioned concurrency are not supported.

The quotas in this section apply to Lambda@Edge. These quotas are in addition to the default
CloudFront and Lambda quotas, which also apply. For the default quotas, see Quotas (p. 496) in this
guide and Quotas in the AWS Lambda Developer Guide.
Lambda dynamically scales capacity in response to increased traffic, within your account’s
quotas. For more information, see Function Scaling in the AWS Lambda Developer Guide.

In addition, be aware that there are some other restrictions when using Lambda@Edge functions. For
more information, see Requirements and Restrictions on Lambda Functions (p. 393).

Quotas that differ by event type

Entity Origin request and Viewer request and

response event quotas response event quotas

Function memory size Same as Lambda 128 MB


Function timeout. The function can make network 30 seconds 5 seconds

calls to resources such as Amazon S3 buckets,
DynamoDB tables, or Amazon EC2 instances in
AWS Regions.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide

Entity Origin request and Viewer request and

response event quotas response event quotas

Size of a response that is generated by a Lambda 1 MB 40 KB

function, including headers and body

Maximum compressed size of a Lambda function 50 MB 1 MB

and any included libraries

Other quotas

Entity Default quota

Distributions per AWS account that you can create triggers for 25

Request a higher quota

Triggers per distribution 100

Request a higher quota

Requests per second 10,000 (in each Region)

Request a higher quota

Concurrent executions 1000 (in each Region)

For more information, see Function Scaling in the AWS Lambda Developer Request a higher quota

Size Quotas on URI and Query String

When accessing or updating a URI or query string in a Lambda@Edge function, the total length of the
URI including the query string must be less than 8,192 characters.

Size Quotas on Request Body with the Include Body Option

When you choose the Include Body option to expose the request body to your Lambda@Edge function,
the following size quotas apply to the portions of the body that are exposed or replaced.
The body is always base64 encoded by Lambda@Edge before it is exposed.

Size Quotas when Exposing the Body to a Lambda Function

If the request body is large, Lambda@Edge truncates it before exposing it, as follows:

• For viewer requests, the body is truncated at 40 KB.

• For origin requests, the body is truncated at 1 MB.

Size Quotas when Returning a Request Body from a Lambda Function

If you access the request body as read-only, the full original request body is sent to the origin. However,
if you choose to replace the request body, the following body size quotas apply when it’s returned from a
Lambda function:

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Microsoft Smooth Streaming

Type of body encoding Allowed body size: Allowed body size:

Viewer request Origin request

text 40 KB 1 MB

base64 53.2 KB 1.33 MB

Microsoft Smooth Streaming

You can’t create triggers for a CloudFront distribution that you’re using for video on demand (VOD)
streaming of media files that you’ve transcoded into the Microsoft Smooth Streaming format.

Network Access
Functions triggered by origin request and response events as well as functions triggered by viewer
request and response events can make network calls to resources on the internet, and to AWS services
such as Amazon S3 buckets, DynamoDB tables, or Amazon EC2 instances.

Query String Parameters

• To access a query string in a Lambda function, use event.Records[0].cf.request.querystring.
• A function can update a query string for viewer and origin request events. The updated query string
can't include spaces, control characters, or the fragment identifier (#).
• A function can read a query string only for origin and viewer response events.
• Configuring CloudFront to cache based on query string parameters affects whether a function can
access the query string:
• Viewer request and response events – A function can access a query string regardless of the setting
for Query String Forwarding and Caching (p. 52).
• Origin request and response events – A function can access a query string only if Query String
Forwarding and Caching (p. 52) is set either to Forward All, Cache Based on Whitelist or to
Forward All, Cache Based on All.
• We recommend that you use percent encoding for the URI and query string. For more information, see
URI and Query String Encoding (p. 400).
• The total size of the URI (event.Records[0].cf.request.uri) and the query string
(event.Records[0].cf.request.querystring) must be less than 8,192 characters.

For more information, see Caching Content Based on Query String Parameters (p. 241).

Maximum Size for Body with the Include Body Option

For all Lambda@Edge quotas (formerly known as limits), including size quotas, see Quotas (p. 397).

Some AWS services, including Amazon CloudFront and AWS Lambda, support adding tags to resources
within the service. However, at this time, you cannot apply tags to Lambda@Edge resources. To learn
more about tagging in CloudFront, see Tagging Amazon CloudFront Distributions (p. 64).

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide

If a function changes the URI for a request, that doesn't change the cache behavior for the request or the
origin that the request is forwarded to.

URI and Query String Encoding

Lambda functions require the URI and query string to be UTF-8 encoded. (Percent encoding is
compatible with UTF-8 encoding.) The behavior of CloudFront and Lambda depends on the following:

• The encoding of the URI and query string that CloudFront received in the request from the viewer
• Whether the URI or query string is changed by a function that is triggered by a viewer request or origin
request event

Values Are UTF-8 Encoded

CloudFront forwards the values to your Lambda function without changing them.
Values Are ISO 8859-1 Encoded

CloudFront converts ISO 8859-1 character encoding to UTF-8 encoding before forwarding the values
to your Lambda function.
Values Are Encoded Using Some Other Character Encoding

If the values are encoded using any other character encoding, CloudFront assumes that they're ISO
8859-1 encoded and tries to convert from ISO 8859-1 encoding to UTF-8 encoding.
The converted version might be an inaccurate interpretation of the values in the original
request. This can cause a Lambda function or your origin to produce an unintended result.

The value that CloudFront forwards to your origin server depends on whether functions that are
triggered by viewer request or origin request events change the URI or query string:

• If the functions don't change the URI or query string – CloudFront forwards the values that
CloudFront received in the request from the viewer to your origin server.
• If the functions do change the URI or query string – CloudFront forwards the UTF-8 encoded value.

In both cases, the behavior is unaffected by the character encoding of the request from the viewer.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
AWS Billing and Usage Reports for CloudFront

Reports, Metrics, and Logs

This section includes topics that provide details on your options for reports and monitoring for
CloudFront. A variety of reports are available for you to see usage and activity for your CloudFront
distributions, including billing reports, cache statistics, popular content, and top referrers. In addition,
you can monitor and track CloudFront—including Lambda@Edge activity—directly in the CloudFront
console, and by using tools such as CloudTrail and CloudWatch.

• AWS Billing and Usage Reports for CloudFront (p. 401)
• CloudFront Reports in the Console (p. 405)
• Monitoring CloudFront with Amazon CloudWatch (p. 428)
• CloudFront logging (p. 438)
• Tracking Configuration Changes with AWS Config (p. 472)

AWS Billing and Usage Reports for CloudFront

AWS provides two usage reports for CloudFront:

• The billing report is a high-level view of all of the activity for the AWS services that you're using,
including CloudFront. For more information, see AWS Billing Report for CloudFront (p. 401).
• The usage report is a summary of activity for a specific service, aggregated by hour, day, or month. It
also includes usage charts the provide a graphical representation of your CloudFront usage. For more
information, see AWS Usage Report for CloudFront (p. 402).

To help you understand these reports, see the detailed information in Interpreting Your AWS Bill and the
AWS Usage Report for CloudFront (p. 403).
Like other AWS services, CloudFront charges you for only what you use. For more information,
see CloudFront pricing (p. 8).

• AWS Billing Report for CloudFront (p. 401)
• AWS Usage Report for CloudFront (p. 402)
• Interpreting Your AWS Bill and the AWS Usage Report for CloudFront (p. 403)

AWS Billing Report for CloudFront

You can view a summary of your AWS usage and charges, listed by service, on the Bills page in the AWS
Management Console.

You can also download a more detailed version of the report in CSV format. The detailed billing report
includes the following values that apply to CloudFront:

• ProductCode — AmazonCloudFront

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
AWS Usage Report for CloudFront

• UsageType — One of the following values

• A code that identifies the type of data transfer
• Invalidations
• SSL-Cert-Custom

For more information, see Interpreting Your AWS Bill and the AWS Usage Report for
CloudFront (p. 403).
• ItemDescription — A description of the billing rate for the UsageType.
• Usage Start Date/Usage End Date — The day that the usage applies to, in Coordinated Universal Time
• Usage Quantity — One of the following values:
• The number of requests during the specified time period
• The amount of data transferred in gigabytes
• The number of objects invalidated
• The sum of the prorated months that you had SSL certificates associated with enabled CloudFront
distributions. For example, if you have one certificate associated with an enabled distribution for an
entire month and another certificate associated with an enabled distribution for half of the month,
this value will be 1.5.

To display summary billing information and download the detailed billing report

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console at

2. In the title bar, click your IAM user name, and click Billing & Cost Management.
3. In the navigation pane, click Bills.
4. To view summary information for CloudFront, under Details, click CloudFront.
5. To download a detailed billing report in CSV format, click Download CSV, and follow the on-screen
prompts to save the report.

AWS Usage Report for CloudFront

AWS provides a CloudFront usage report that is more detailed than the billing report but less detailed
than CloudFront access logs. The usage report provides aggregate usage data by hour, day, or month;
and it lists operations by region and usage type, such as data transferred out of the Australia region.

The CloudFront usage report includes the following values:

• Service — AmazonCloudFront
• Operation — HTTP method. Values include DELETE, GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, PATCH, POST, and PUT.
• UsageType — One of the following values
• A code that identifies the type of data transfer
• Invalidations
• SSL-Cert-Custom

For more information, see Interpreting Your AWS Bill and the AWS Usage Report for
CloudFront (p. 403).
• Resource — Either the ID of the CloudFront distribution associated with the usage or the certificate ID
of an SSL certificate that you have associated with a CloudFront distribution.
• StartTime/EndTime — The day that the usage applies to, in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
• UsageValue — (1) The number of requests during the specified time period or (2) the amount of data
transferred in bytes.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Interpreting Your AWS Bill and the
AWS Usage Report for CloudFront

If you're using Amazon S3 as the origin for CloudFront, consider running the usage report for Amazon
S3, too. However, if you use Amazon S3 for purposes other than as an origin for your CloudFront
distributions, it might not be clear what portion applies to your CloudFront usage.
For detailed information about every request that CloudFront receives for your objects, turn on
CloudFront access logs for your distribution. For more information, see Configuring and Using
Standard Logs (Access Logs) (p. 439).

To download the usage report for CloudFront or Amazon S3

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console at

2. In the title bar, click your IAM user name, and click Billing & Cost Management.
3. In the navigation pane, click Reports.
4. Under AWS Usage Report, click AWS Usage Report.
5. In the Service list, click CloudFront or Amazon Simple Storage Service.
6. Select the settings to use:

• Usage Types — For a detailed explanation of CloudFront usage types, see the section called
“Interpreting Your AWS Bill and the AWS Usage Report for CloudFront” (p. 403).

For Amazon S3, select All Usage Types.

• Operation — Select All Operations.
• Time Period — Select the time period that you want the report to cover.
• Report Granularity — Select whether you want the report to include subtotals by the hour, by the
day, or by the month.
7. Click the download button for the desired format.
8. Follow the on-screen prompts to view or save the report.

Interpreting Your AWS Bill and the AWS Usage Report

for CloudFront
Your AWS bill for CloudFront service includes codes and abbreviations that might not be immediately
obvious. The first column in the following table lists items that appear in your bill and explains what
each means.

In addition, you can get an AWS usage report for CloudFront that contains more detail than the AWS bill
for CloudFront. The second column in the table lists items that appear in the usage report and shows the
correlation between bill items and usage report items.

Most codes in both columns include a two-letter abbreviation that indicates the location of the activity.
In the following table, region in a code is replaced in your AWS bill and in the usage report by one of
the following two-letter abbreviations :

• AP: Hong Kong, Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore (Asia Pacific)
• AU: Australia
• CA: Canada
• EU: Europe and Israel
• IN: India
• JP: Japan
• ME: Middle East

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Interpreting Your AWS Bill and the
AWS Usage Report for CloudFront

• SA: South America

• US: United States
• ZA: South Africa

For more information about pricing by region, see Amazon CloudFront Pricing.
This table doesn't include charges for transferring your objects from an Amazon S3 bucket to
CloudFront edge locations. These charges, if any, appear in the AWS Data Transfer portion of
your AWS bill.

Items in Your CloudFront Bill Values in the Usage Type Column in the CloudFront Usage

region-DataTransfer-Out-Bytes Web distributions:

Sum of bytes that CloudFront served • region-Out-Bytes-HTTP-Static: Bytes served via HTTP
for web and RTMP distributions: for objects with TTL ≥ 3600 seconds
• region-Out-Bytes-HTTPS-Static: Bytes served via HTTPS
• Web distributions: Total bytes
for objects with TTL ≥ 3600 seconds
served from CloudFront edge
locations in region in response to • region-Out-Bytes-HTTP-Dynamic: Bytes served via
user GET and HEAD requests HTTP for objects with TTL < 3600 seconds
• RTMP distributions: Total bytes • region-Out-Bytes-HTTPS-Dynamic: Bytes served via
transferred from CloudFront edge HTTPS for objects with TTL < 3600 seconds
locations in region to end users • region-Out-Bytes-HTTP-Proxy: Bytes returned from
CloudFront to viewers via HTTP in response to DELETE,
OPTIONS, PATCH, POST, and PUT requests.
• region-Out-Bytes-HTTPS-Proxy: Bytes returned from
CloudFront to viewers via HTTPS in response to DELETE,
OPTIONS, PATCH, POST, and PUT requests.

RTMP distributions:

• region-FMS-Out-Bytes

region-DataTransfer-Out-OBytes region-Out-OBytes-HTTP-Proxy

Web distributions only: Total bytes Total bytes transferred via HTTP from CloudFront edge
transferred from CloudFront edge locations to your origin in response to DELETE, OPTIONS,
locations to your origin in response to PATCH, POST, and PUT requests.
PUT requests. The charges include data region-Out-OBytes-HTTPS-Proxy
transfer for WebSocket data from client
to server. Total bytes transferred via HTTPS from CloudFront edge
locations to your origin in response to DELETE, OPTIONS,
PATCH, POST, and PUT requests.

region-Requests-Tier1 region-Requests-HTTP-Static

Web distributions only: Number of Number of HTTP GET and HEAD requests served for objects
HTTP GET and HEAD requests with TTL ≥ 3600 seconds


Number of HTTP GET and HEAD requests served for objects

with TTL < 3600 seconds

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
CloudFront Console Reports

Items in Your CloudFront Bill Values in the Usage Type Column in the CloudFront Usage

region-Requests-Tier2-HTTPS region-Requests-HTTPS-Static

Web distributions only: Number of Number of HTTPS GET and HEAD requests served for objects
HTTPS GET and HEAD requests with TTL ≥ 3600 seconds


Number of HTTPS GET and HEAD requests served for objects

with TTL < 3600 seconds

region-Requests-HTTP-Proxy region-Requests-HTTP-Proxy

Web distributions only: Number of Same as the corresponding item in your CloudFront bill
and PUT requests that CloudFront
forwards to your origin

region-Requests-HTTPS-Proxy region-Requests-HTTPS-Proxy

Web distributions only: Number Same as the corresponding item in your CloudFront bill
PATCH, POST, and PUT requests that
CloudFront forwards to your origin

region-Requests-HTTPS-Proxy-FLE region-Requests-HTTPS-Proxy-FLE

Web distributions only: Number of Same as the corresponding item in your CloudFront bill
and POST requests that CloudFront
forwards to your origin which were
processed with field-level encryption.

Invalidations Invalidations

Web distributions only: The charge Same as the corresponding item in your CloudFront bill
for invalidating objects (removing
the objects from CloudFront edge
locations); for more information, see
Paying for File Invalidation (p. 116).

SSL-Cert-Custom SSL-Cert-Custom

Web distributions only: The charge Same as the corresponding item in your CloudFront bill
for using an SSL certificate with a
CloudFront alternate domain name
such as instead of using
the default CloudFront SSL certificate
and the domain name that CloudFront
assigned to your distribution.

CloudFront Reports in the Console

The CloudFront console includes a variety of reports about your CloudFront activity, including the

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
CloudFront Console Reports

• CloudFront Cache Statistics Reports (p. 406)

• CloudFront Popular Objects Report (p. 406)
• CloudFront Top Referrers Report (p. 406)
• CloudFront Usage Reports (p. 406)
• CloudFront Viewers Reports (p. 407)

Most of these reports are based on the data in CloudFront access logs, which contain detailed
information about every user request that CloudFront receives. You don't need to enable access
logs to view the reports. For more information, see Configuring and Using Standard Logs (Access
Logs) (p. 439). The CloudFront usage report is based on the AWS usage report for CloudFront,
which also doesn't require any special configuration. For more information, see AWS Usage Report for
CloudFront (p. 402).

CloudFront Cache Statistics Reports

The CloudFront cache statistics report includes the following information:

• Total Requests – Shows the total number of requests for all HTTP status codes (for example, 200 or
404) and all methods (for example, GET, HEAD, or POST).
• Percentage of Viewer Requests by Result Type – Shows hits, misses, and errors as a percentage of
total viewer requests for the selected CloudFront distribution.
• Bytes Transferred to Viewers – Shows total bytes and bytes from misses.
• HTTP Status Codes – Shows viewer requests by HTTP status code.
• Percentage of GET Requests that Didn't Finish Downloading– Shows viewer GET requests that didn't
finish downloading the requested object as a percentage of total requests.

For more information, see CloudFront Cache Statistics Reports (p. 407).

CloudFront Popular Objects Report

The CloudFront popular objects report lists the 50 most popular objects and statistics about those
objects, including the number of requests for the object, the number of hits and misses, the hit ratio, the
number of bytes served for misses, the total bytes served, the number of incomplete downloads, and the
number of requests by HTTP status code (2xx, 3xx, 4xx, and 5xx).

For more information, see CloudFront Popular Objects Report (p. 411).

CloudFront Top Referrers Report

The CloudFront top referrers report includes the top 25 referrers, the number of requests from a referrer,
and the number of requests from a referrer as a percentage of the total number of requests during the
specified period.

For more information, see CloudFront Top Referrers Report (p. 414).

CloudFront Usage Reports

The CloudFront usage reports include the following information:

• Number of Requests – Shows the total number of requests that CloudFront responds to from edge
locations in the selected region during each time interval for the specified CloudFront distribution.
• Data Transferred by Protocol and Data Transferred by Destination – Both show the total amount of
data transferred from CloudFront edge locations in the selected region during each time interval for
the specified CloudFront distribution. They separate the data differently, as follows:
• By Protocol – Separates the data by protocol: HTTP or HTTPS.
• By Destination – Separates the data by destination: to your users or to your origin.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
CloudFront Cache Statistics Reports

For more information, see CloudFront Usage Reports (p. 416).

CloudFront Viewers Reports

The CloudFront viewers reports include the following information:

• Devices – Shows the types of devices (for example, Desktop or Mobile) that your users use to access
your content
• Browsers – Shows the name (or the name and version) of the browsers that your users use most
frequently to access your content, for example, Chrome or Firefox
• Operating Systems – Shows the name (or the name and version) of the operating system that viewers
run on most frequently when accessing your content, for example, Linux, Mac OS X, or Windows
• Locations – Shows the locations, by country or by U.S. state/territory, of the viewers that access your
content most frequently

For more information, see CloudFront Viewers Reports (p. 421).

CloudFront Cache Statistics Reports

You can use the Amazon CloudFront console to display a graphical representation of statistics related to
CloudFront edge locations. Data for these statistics are drawn from the same source as CloudFront access
logs. You can display charts for a specified date range in the last 60 days, with data points every hour or
every day. You can usually view data about requests that CloudFront received as recently as an hour ago,
but data can occasionally be delayed by as much as 24 hours.
You don't need to enable access logging to view cache statistics.

To display CloudFront cache statistics

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CloudFront console at https://
2. In the navigation pane, click Cache Statistics.
3. In the CloudFront Cache Statistics Reports pane, for Start Date and End Date, select the date range
for which you want to display cache statistics charts. Available ranges depend on the value that you
select for Granularity:

• Daily – To display charts with one data point per day, select any date range in the previous 60
• Hourly – To display charts with one data point every hour, select any date range of up to 14 days
within the previous 60 days.

Dates and times are in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

4. For Granularity, specify whether to display one data point per day or one data point per hour in the
charts. If you specify a date range greater than 14 days, the option to specify one data point per
hour is not available.
5. For Viewer Location, choose the continent from which viewer requests originated, or choose All
Locations. Cache statistics charts include data for requests that CloudFront received from the
specified location.
6. In the Distribution list, select the distributions for which you want to display data in the usage

• An individual web distribution – The charts display data for the selected CloudFront web
distribution. The Distribution list displays the distribution ID and alternate domain names

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
CloudFront Cache Statistics Reports

(CNAMEs) for the distribution, if any. If a distribution has no alternate domain names, the list
includes origin domain names for the distribution.
• All Web Distributions – The charts display summed data for all web distributions that are
associated with the current AWS account, excluding web distributions that you have deleted.
7. Click Update.
8. To view data for a daily or hourly data point within a chart, move your mouse pointer over the data
9. For charts that show data transferred, note that you can change the vertical scale to gigabytes,
megabytes, or kilobytes for each chart.

• Downloading Data in CSV Format (p. 408)
• How Cache Statistics Charts Are Related to Data in the CloudFront Access Logs (p. 410)

Downloading Data in CSV Format

You can download the Cache Statistics report in CSV format. This section explains how to download the
report and describes the values in the report.

To download the Cache Statistics report in CSV format

1. While viewing the Cache Statistics report, click CSV.

2. In the Opening file name dialog box, choose whether to open or save the file.

Information About the Report

The first few rows of the report include the following information:


The version of the format for this CSV file.


The name of the report.


The ID of the distribution that you ran the report for, or ALL if you ran the report for all

The beginning of the date range for which you ran the report, in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

The end of the date range for which you ran the report, in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

The date and time on which you ran the report, in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Whether each row in the report represents one hour or one day.

The continent that viewer requests originated from, or ALL, if you chose to download the report for
all locations.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
CloudFront Cache Statistics Reports

Data in the Cache Statistics Report

The report includes the following values:


The ID of the distribution that you ran the report for, or ALL if you ran the report for all

An alternate domain name (CNAME) for the distribution, if any. If a distribution has no alternate
domain names, the list includes an origin domain name for the distribution.

The continent that viewer requests originated from, or ALL, if you chose to download the report for
all locations.

The hour or the day that data applies to, in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

The total number of requests for all HTTP status codes (for example, 200 or 404) and all methods
(for example, GET, HEAD, or POST).

The number of viewer requests for which the object is served from a CloudFront edge cache.

The number of viewer requests for which the object isn't currently in an edge cache, so CloudFront
must get the object from your origin.

The number of viewer requests that resulted in an error, so CloudFront didn't serve the object.

The number of viewer requests for which the viewer started but didn't finish downloading the

The number of viewer requests for which the HTTP status code was a 2xx value (succeeded).

The number of viewer requests for which the HTTP status code was a 3xx value (additional action is

The number of viewer requests for which the HTTP status code was a 4xx value (client error).

The number of viewer requests for which the HTTP status code was a 5xx value (server error).

The total number of bytes served to viewers by CloudFront in response to all requests for all HTTP

The number of bytes served to viewers for objects that were not in the edge cache at the time of the
request. This value is a good approximation of bytes transferred from your origin to CloudFront edge

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
CloudFront Cache Statistics Reports

caches. However, it excludes requests for objects that are already in the edge cache but that have

How Cache Statistics Charts Are Related to Data in the

CloudFront Access Logs
The following table shows how cache statistics charts in the CloudFront console correspond with values
in CloudFront access logs. For more information about CloudFront access logs, see Configuring and Using
Standard Logs (Access Logs) (p. 439).

Total Requests

This chart shows the total number of requests for all HTTP status codes (for example, 200 or 404)
and all methods (for example, GET, HEAD, or POST). Total requests shown in this chart equal the
total number of requests in the access log files for the same time period.
Percentage of Viewer Requests by Result Type

This chart shows hits, misses, and errors as a percentage of total viewer requests for the selected
CloudFront distribution:
• Hit – A viewer request for which the object is served from a CloudFront edge cache. In access logs,
these are requests for which the value of x-edge-response-result-type is Hit.
• Miss – A viewer request for which the object isn't currently in an edge cache, so CloudFront must
get the object from your origin. In access logs, these are requests for which the value of x-edge-
response-result-type is Miss.
• Error – A viewer request that resulted in an error, so CloudFront didn't serve the object. In access
logs, these are requests for which the value of x-edge-response-result-type is Error,
LimitExceeded, or CapacityExceeded.

The chart does not include refresh hits—requests for objects that are in the edge cache but that
have expired. In access logs, refresh hits are requests for which the value of x-edge-response-
result-type is RefreshHit.
Bytes Transferred to Viewers

This chart shows two values:

• Total Bytes – The total number of bytes served to viewers by CloudFront in response to all
requests for all HTTP methods. In CloudFront access logs, Total Bytes is the sum of the values in
the sc-bytes column for all of the requests during the same time period.
• Bytes from Misses – The number of bytes served to viewers for objects that were not in the edge
cache at the time of the request. In CloudFront access logs, Bytes from Misses is the sum of the
values in the sc-bytes column for requests for which the value of x-edge-result-type is
Miss. This value is a good approximation of bytes transferred from your origin to CloudFront edge
caches. However, it excludes requests for objects that are already in the edge cache but that have
HTTP Status Codes

This chart shows viewer requests by HTTP status code. In CloudFront access logs, status codes
appear in the sc-status column:
• 2xx – The request succeeded.
• 3xx – Additional action is required. For example, 301 (Moved Permanently) means that the
requested object has moved to a different location.
• 4xx – The client apparently made an error. For example, 404 (Not Found) means that the client
requested an object that could not be found.
• 5xx – The origin server didn't fill the request. For example, 503 (Service Unavailable) means that
the origin server is currently unavailable.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
CloudFront Popular Objects Report

Percentage of GET Requests that Didn't Finish Downloading

This chart shows viewer GET requests that didn't finish downloading the requested object as a
percentage of total requests. Typically, downloading an object doesn't complete because the
viewer canceled the download, for example, by clicking a different link or by closing the browser. In
CloudFront access logs, these requests have a value of 200 in the sc-status column and a value of
Error in the x-edge-result-type column.

CloudFront Popular Objects Report

The Amazon CloudFront console can display a list of the 50 most popular objects for a distribution
during a specified date range in the previous 60 days.

Data for the Popular Objects report is drawn from the same source as CloudFront access logs. To get an
accurate count of the top 50 objects, CloudFront counts the requests for all of your objects in 10-minute
intervals beginning at midnight and keeps a running total of the top 150 objects for the next 24 hours.
(CloudFront also retains daily totals for the top 150 objects for 60 days.) Near the bottom of the list,
objects constantly rise onto or drop off of the list, so the totals for those objects are approximations. The
fifty objects at the top of the list of 150 objects may rise and fall within the list, but they rarely drop off
of the list altogether, so the totals for those objects typically are more reliable.

When an object drops off of the list of the top 150 objects and then rises onto the list again over the
course of a day, CloudFront adds an estimated number of requests for the period that the object was
missing from the list. The estimate is based on the number of requests received by whichever object
was at the bottom of the list during that time period. If the object rises into the top 50 objects later in
the day, the estimates of the number of requests that CloudFront received while the object was out of
the top 150 objects usually causes the number of requests in the Popular Objects report to exceed the
number of requests that appear in the access logs for that object.
You don't need to enable access logging to view a list of popular objects.

To display popular objects for a distribution

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CloudFront console at https://
2. In the navigation pane, click Popular Objects.
3. In the CloudFront Popular Objects Report pane, for Start Date and End Date, select the date
range for which you want to display a list of popular objects. You can choose any date range in the
previous 60 days.

Dates and times are in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

4. In the Distribution list, select the distribution for which you want to display a list of popular objects.
5. Click Update.

• Downloading Data in CSV Format (p. 411)
• How Data in the Popular Objects Report Is Related to Data in the CloudFront Access Logs (p. 413)

Downloading Data in CSV Format

You can download the Popular Objects report in CSV format. This section explains how to download the
report and describes the values in the report.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
CloudFront Popular Objects Report

To download the Popular Objects report in CSV format

1. While viewing the Popular Objects report, click CSV.

2. In the Opening file name dialog box, choose whether to open or save the file.

Information About the Report

The first few rows of the report include the following information:


The version of the format for this CSV file.


The name of the report.


The ID of the distribution that you ran the report for.


The beginning of the date range for which you ran the report, in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

The end of the date range for which you ran the report, in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

The date and time on which you ran the report, in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Data in the Popular Objects Report

The report includes the following values:


The ID of the distribution that you ran the report for.


An alternate domain name (CNAME) for the distribution, if any. If a distribution has no alternate
domain names, the list includes an origin domain name for the distribution.

The last 500 characters of the URL for the object.


The total number of requests for this object.


The number of viewer requests for which the object is served from a CloudFront edge cache.

The number of viewer requests for which the object isn't currently in an edge cache, so CloudFront
must get the object from your origin.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
CloudFront Popular Objects Report


The value of HitCount as a percentage of the value of RequestCount.


The number of bytes served to viewers for this object when the object was not in the edge cache at
the time of the request.

The total number of bytes served to viewers by CloudFront for this object in response to all requests
for all HTTP methods.

The number of viewer requests for this object for which the viewer started but didn't finish
downloading the object.

The number of viewer requests for which the HTTP status code was a 2xx value (succeeded).

The number of viewer requests for which the HTTP status code was a 3xx value (additional action is

The number of viewer requests for which the HTTP status code was a 4xx value (client error).

The number of viewer requests for which the HTTP status code was a 5xx value (server error).

How Data in the Popular Objects Report Is Related to Data in

the CloudFront Access Logs
The following list shows how values in the Popular Objects report in the CloudFront console correspond
with values in CloudFront access logs. For more information about CloudFront access logs, see
Configuring and Using Standard Logs (Access Logs) (p. 439).


The last 500 characters of the URL that viewers use to access the object.

The total number of requests for the object. This value generally corresponds closely with the
number of GET requests for the object in CloudFront access logs.

The number of viewer requests for which the object was served from a CloudFront edge cache. In
access logs, these are requests for which the value of x-edge-response-result-type is Hit.

The number of viewer requests for which the object wasn't in an edge cache, so CloudFront retrieved
the object from your origin. In access logs, these are requests for which the value of x-edge-
response-result-type is Miss.
Hit Ratio

The value of the Hits column as a percentage of the value of the Requests column.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
CloudFront Top Referrers Report

Bytes from Misses

The number of bytes served to viewers for objects that were not in the edge cache at the time of
the request. In CloudFront access logs, Bytes from Misses is the sum of the values in the sc-bytes
column for requests for which the value of x-edge-result-type is Miss.
Total Bytes

The total number of bytes that CloudFront served to viewers in response to all requests for the
object for all HTTP methods. In CloudFront access logs, Total Bytes is the sum of the values in the
sc-bytes column for all of the requests during the same time period.
Incomplete Downloads

The number of viewer requests that did not finish downloading the requested object. Typically, the
reason that a download doesn't complete is that the viewer canceled it, for example, by clicking a
different link or by closing the browser. In CloudFront access logs, these requests have a value of 200
in the sc-status column and a value of Error in the x-edge-result-type column.

The number of requests for which the HTTP status code is 2xx, Successful. In CloudFront access
logs, status codes appear in the sc-status column.

The number of requests for which the HTTP status code is 3xx, Redirection. 3xx status codes
indicate that additional action is required. For example, 301 (Moved Permanently) means that the
requested object has moved to a different location.

The number of requests for which the HTTP status code is 4xx, Client Error. 4xx status codes
indicate that the client apparently made an error. For example, 404 (Not Found) means that the
client requested an object that could not be found.

The number of requests for which the HTTP status code is 5xx, Server Error. 5xx status codes
indicate that the origin server didn't fill the request. For example, 503 (Service Unavailable) means
that the origin server is currently unavailable.

CloudFront Top Referrers Report

The CloudFront console can display a list of the 25 domains of the websites that originated the most
HTTP and HTTPS requests for objects that CloudFront is distributing for a specified distribution. These
top referrers can be search engines, other websites that link directly to your objects, or your own
website. For example, if links to 10 graphics, is the referrer
for all 10 graphics. You can display the Top Referrers report for any date range in the previous 60 days.
If a user enters a URL directly into the address line of a browser, there is no referrer for the
requested object.

Data for the Top Referrers report is drawn from the same source as CloudFront access logs. To get an
accurate count of the top 25 referrers, CloudFront counts the requests for all of your objects in 10-
minute intervals and keeps a running total of the top 75 referrers. Near the bottom of the list, referrers
constantly rise onto or drop off of the list, so the totals for those referrers are approximations. The 25
referrers at the top of the list of 75 referrers may rise and fall within the list, but they rarely drop off of
the list altogether, so the totals for those referrers typically are more reliable.
You don't need to enable access logging to view a list of top referrers.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
CloudFront Top Referrers Report

To display top referrers for a distribution

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CloudFront console at https://
2. In the navigation pane, click Top Referrers.
3. In the CloudFront Top Referrers Report pane, for Start Date and End Date, select the date range
for which you want to display a list of top referrers.

Dates and times are in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

4. In the Distribution list, select the distribution for which you want to display a list of top referrers.
5. Click Update.

• Downloading Data in CSV Format (p. 415)
• How Data in the Top Referrers Report Is Related to Data in the CloudFront Access Logs (p. 416)

Downloading Data in CSV Format

You can download the Top Referrers report in CSV format. This section explains how to download the
report and describes the values in the report.

To download the Top Referrers report in CSV format

1. While viewing the Top Referrers report, click CSV.

2. In the Opening file name dialog box, choose whether to open or save the file.

Information About the Report

The first few rows of the report include the following information:


The version of the format for this CSV file.


The name of the report.


The ID of the distribution that you ran the report for, or ALL if you ran the report for all

The beginning of the date range for which you ran the report, in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

The end of the date range for which you ran the report, in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

The date and time on which you ran the report, in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Data in the Top Referrers Report

The report includes the following values:

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
CloudFront Usage Reports


The ID of the distribution that you ran the report for, or ALL if you ran the report for all

An alternate domain name (CNAME) for the distribution, if any. If a distribution has no alternate
domain names, the list includes an origin domain name for the distribution.

The domain name of the referrer.

The total number of requests from the domain name in the Referrer column.

The number of requests submitted by the referrer as a percentage of the total number of requests
during the specified period.

How Data in the Top Referrers Report Is Related to Data in the

CloudFront Access Logs
The following list shows how values in the Top Referrers report in the CloudFront console correspond
with values in CloudFront access logs. For more information about CloudFront access logs, see
Configuring and Using Standard Logs (Access Logs) (p. 439).


The domain name of the referrer. In access logs, referrers are listed in the cs(Referer) column.
Request Count

The total number of requests from the domain name in the Referrer column. This value generally
corresponds closely with the number of GET requests from the referrer in CloudFront access logs.
Request %

The number of requests submitted by the referrer as a percentage of the total number of requests
during the specified period. If you have more than 25 referrers, then you can't calculate Request
% based on the data in this table because the Request Count column doesn't include all of the
requests during the specified period.

CloudFront Usage Reports

The Amazon CloudFront console can display a graphical representation of your CloudFront usage that
is based on a subset of the usage report data. You can display charts for a specified date range in the
last 60 days, with data points every hour or every day. You can usually view data about requests that
CloudFront received as recently as four hours ago, but data can occasionally be delayed by as much as 24

For more information, see How the Usage Charts Are Related to Data in the CloudFront Usage
Report (p. 419).

To display CloudFront usage charts

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CloudFront console at https://
2. In navigation pane, click Usage Reports.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
CloudFront Usage Reports

3. In the CloudFront Usage Reports pane, for Start Date and End Date, select the date range for
which you want to display usage charts. Available ranges depend on the value that you select for

• Daily — To display charts with one data point per day, select any date range in the previous 60
• Hourly — To display charts with one data point every hour, select any date range of up to 14 days
within the previous 60 days.

Dates and times are in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

4. For Granularity, specify whether to display one data point per day or one data point per hour in the
charts. If you specify a date range greater than 14 days, the option to specify one data point per
hour is not available.
5. For Billing Region, choose the CloudFront billing region that has the data you want to view, or
choose All Regions. Usage charts include data for requests that CloudFront processes in edge
locations in the specified region. The region where CloudFront processes requests might or might
not correspond with the location of your users.

Select only regions that are included in the price class for your distribution; otherwise, the
usage charts probably won't contain any data. For example, if you chose Price Class 200 for your
distribution, the South America and Australia billing regions are not included, so CloudFront
generally won't process your requests from those regions. For more information about price classes,
see Choosing the price class for a CloudFront distribution (p. 10).
6. In the Distribution list, select the distributions for which you want to display data in the usage

• An individual web distribution — The charts display data for the selected CloudFront
distribution. The Distribution list displays the distribution ID and alternate domain names
(CNAMEs) for the distribution, if any. If a distribution has no alternate domain names, the list
includes origin domain names for the distribution.
• All Web Distributions (excludes deleted) — The charts display summed data for all web
distributions that are associated with the current AWS account, excluding web distributions that
you have deleted.
• All Deleted Distributions — The charts display summed data for all web distributions that are
associated with the current AWS account and that were deleted in the last 60 days.
7. Click Update Graphs.
8. To view data for a daily or hourly data point within a chart, move your mouse pointer over the data
9. For charts that show data transferred, note that you can change the vertical scale to gigabytes,
megabytes, or kilobytes for each chart.

• Downloading Data in CSV Format (p. 417)
• How the Usage Charts Are Related to Data in the CloudFront Usage Report (p. 419)

Downloading Data in CSV Format

You can download the Usage report in CSV format. This section explains how to download the report and
describes the values in the report.

To download the Usage report in CSV format

1. While viewing the Usage report, click CSV.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
CloudFront Usage Reports

2. In the Opening file name dialog box, choose whether to open or save the file.

Information About the Report

The first few rows of the report include the following information:


The version of the format for this CSV file.


The name of the report.


The ID of the distribution that you ran the report for, ALL if you ran the report for all distributions,
or ALL_DELETED if you ran the report for all deleted distributions.

The beginning of the date range for which you ran the report, in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

The end of the date range for which you ran the report, in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

The date and time on which you ran the report, in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Whether each row in the report represents one hour or one day.

The continent that viewer requests originated from, or ALL, if you chose to download the report for
all billing regions.

Data in the Usage Report

The report includes the following values:


The ID of the distribution that you ran the report for, ALL if you ran the report for all distributions,
or ALL_DELETED if you ran the report for all deleted distributions.

An alternate domain name (CNAME) for the distribution, if any. If a distribution has no alternate
domain names, the list includes an origin domain name for the distribution.

The CloudFront billing region that you ran the report for, or ALL.

The hour or the day that data applies to, in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

The number of HTTP requests that CloudFront responded to from edge locations in the selected
region during each time interval for the specified CloudFront distribution. Values include:

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
CloudFront Usage Reports

• The number of GET and HEAD requests, which cause CloudFront to transfer data to your users
• The number of DELETE, OPTIONS, PATCH, POST, and PUT requests, which cause CloudFront to
transfer data to your origin

The number of HTTPS requests that CloudFront responded to from edge locations in the selected
region during each time interval for the specified CloudFront distribution. Values include:
• The number of GET and HEAD requests, which cause CloudFront to transfer data to your users
• The number of DELETE, OPTIONS, PATCH, POST, and PUT requests, which cause CloudFront to
transfer data to your origin

The total amount of data transferred over HTTP from CloudFront edge locations in the selected
billing region during the time period for the specified CloudFront distribution. Values include:
• Data transferred from CloudFront to your users in response to GET and HEAD requests
• Data transferred from CloudFront to your origin for DELETE, OPTIONS, PATCH, POST, and PUT
• Data transferred from CloudFront to your users in response to DELETE, OPTIONS, PATCH, POST,
and PUT requests

The total amount of data transferred over HTTPS from CloudFront edge locations in the selected
billing region during the time period for the specified CloudFront distribution. Values include:
• Data transferred from CloudFront to your users in response to GET and HEAD requests
• Data transferred from CloudFront to your origin for DELETE, OPTIONS, PATCH, POST, and PUT
• Data transferred from CloudFront to your users in response to DELETE, OPTIONS, PATCH, POST,
and PUT requests

The total amount of data transferred from CloudFront to your origin for DELETE, OPTIONS, PATCH,
POST, and PUT requests in the selected region during each time interval for the specified CloudFront

The total amount of data transferred over HTTP and HTTPS from CloudFront to your users in the
selected region during each time interval for the specified CloudFront distribution. Values include:
• Data transferred from CloudFront to your users in response to GET and HEAD requests
• Data transferred from CloudFront to your users in response to DELETE, OPTIONS, PATCH, POST,
and PUT requests

How the Usage Charts Are Related to Data in the CloudFront

Usage Report
The following list shows how the usage charts in the CloudFront console correspond with values in the
Usage Type column in the CloudFront usage report.

• Number of Requests (p. 420)
• Data Transferred by Protocol (p. 420)
• Data Transferred by Destination (p. 420)

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
CloudFront Usage Reports

Number of Requests
This chart shows the total number of requests that CloudFront responds to from edge locations in the
selected region during each time interval for the specified CloudFront distribution, separated by protocol
(HTTP or HTTPS) and type (static, dynamic, or proxy).

Number of HTTP Requests

• region-Requests-HTTP-Static: Number of HTTP GET and HEAD requests served for objects with
TTL ≥ 3600 seconds
• region-Requests-HTTP-Dynamic: Number of HTTP GET and HEAD requests served for objects
with TTL < 3600 seconds
• region-Requests-HTTP-Proxy: Number of HTTP DELETE, OPTIONS, PATCH, POST, and PUT
requests that CloudFront forwards to your origin
Number of HTTPS Requests
• region-Requests-HTTPS-Static: Number of HTTPS GET and HEAD requests served for objects
with TTL ≥ 3600 seconds
• region-Requests-HTTPS-Dynamic: Number of HTTPS GET and HEAD requests served for objects
with TTL < 3600 seconds
• region-Requests-HTTPS-Proxy: Number of HTTPS DELETE, OPTIONS, PATCH, POST, and PUT
requests that CloudFront forwards to your origin

Data Transferred by Protocol

This chart shows the total amount of data transferred from CloudFront edge locations in the selected
region during each time interval for the specified CloudFront distribution, separated by protocol (HTTP
or HTTPS), type (static, dynamic, or proxy), and destination (users or origin).

Data Transferred over HTTP

• region-Out-Bytes-HTTP-Static: Bytes served via HTTP for objects with TTL ≥ 3600 seconds
• region-Out-Bytes-HTTP-Dynamic: Bytes served via HTTP for objects with TTL < 3600 seconds
• region-Out-Bytes-HTTP-Proxy: Bytes returned from CloudFront to viewers via HTTP in response
• region-Out-OBytes-HTTP-Proxy: Total bytes transferred via HTTP from CloudFront edge
locations to your origin in response to DELETE, OPTIONS, PATCH, POST, and PUT requests
Data Transferred over HTTPS
• region-Out-Bytes-HTTPS-Static: Bytes served via HTTPS for objects with TTL ≥ 3600 seconds
• region-Out-Bytes-HTTPS-Dynamic: Bytes served via HTTPS for objects with TTL < 3600 seconds
• region-Out-Bytes-HTTPS-Proxy: Bytes returned from CloudFront to viewers via HTTPS in
response to DELETE, OPTIONS, PATCH, POST, and PUT requests
• region-Out-OBytes-HTTPS-Proxy: Total bytes transferred via HTTPS from CloudFront edge
locations to your origin in response to DELETE, OPTIONS, PATCH, POST, and PUT requests

Data Transferred by Destination

This chart shows the total amount of data transferred from CloudFront edge locations in the selected
region during each time interval for the specified CloudFront distribution, separated by destination
(users or origin), protocol (HTTP or HTTPS), and type (static, dynamic, or proxy).

Data Transferred from CloudFront to Your Users

• region-Out-Bytes-HTTP-Static: Bytes served via HTTP for objects with TTL ≥ 3600 seconds
• region-Out-Bytes-HTTPS-Static: Bytes served via HTTPS for objects with TTL ≥ 3600 seconds

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
CloudFront Viewers Reports

• region-Out-Bytes-HTTP-Dynamic: Bytes served via HTTP for objects with TTL < 3600 seconds
• region-Out-Bytes-HTTPS-Dynamic: Bytes served via HTTPS for objects with TTL < 3600 seconds
• region-Out-Bytes-HTTP-Proxy: Bytes returned from CloudFront to viewers via HTTP in response
• region-Out-Bytes-HTTPS-Proxy: Bytes returned from CloudFront to viewers via HTTPS in
response to DELETE, OPTIONS, PATCH, POST, and PUT requests
Data Transferred from CloudFront to Your Origin
• region-Out-OBytes-HTTP-Proxy: Total bytes transferred via HTTP from CloudFront edge
locations to your origin in response to DELETE, OPTIONS, PATCH, POST, and PUT requests
• region-Out-OBytes-HTTPS-Proxy: Total bytes transferred via HTTPS from CloudFront edge
locations to your origin in response to DELETE, OPTIONS, PATCH, POST, and PUT requests

CloudFront Viewers Reports

The CloudFront console can display four reports about the physical devices (desktop computers, mobile
devices) and about the viewers (typically web browsers) that are accessing your content:

• Devices – The type of the devices that your users use most frequently to access your content, for
example, Desktop or Mobile.
• Browsers – The name (or the name and version) of the browsers that your users use most frequently to
access your content, for example, Chrome or Firefox. The report lists the top 10 browsers.
• Operating Systems – The name (or the name and version) of the operating system that viewers run on
most frequently when accessing your content, for example, Linux, Mac OS X, or Windows. The report
lists the top 10 operating systems.
• Locations – The locations, by country or by U.S. state/territory, of the viewers that access your content
most frequently. The report lists the top 50 countries or U.S. states/territories.

You can display all four Viewers reports for any date range in the previous 60 days. For the Locations
report, you can also display the report with data points every hour for any date range of up to 14 days in
the previous 60 days.
You don't need to enable access logging to view Viewers charts and reports.

• Displaying Viewers Charts and Reports (p. 421)
• Downloading Data in CSV Format (p. 422)
• How Data in the Locations Report Is Related to Data in the CloudFront Access Logs (p. 427)

Displaying Viewers Charts and Reports

To display CloudFront Viewers charts and reports, perform the following procedure.

To display CloudFront Viewers charts and reports

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CloudFront console at https://
2. In the navigation pane, click Viewers.
3. In the CloudFront Viewers pane, for Start Date and End Date, select the date range for which you
want to display viewer charts and reports.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
CloudFront Viewers Reports

For the Locations chart, available ranges depend on the value that you select for Granularity:

• Daily – To display charts with one data point per day, select any date range in the previous 60
• Hourly – To display charts with one data point every hour, select any date range of up to 14 days
within the previous 60 days.

Dates and times are in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

4. (Browsers and Operating Systems charts only) For Grouping, specify whether you want to group
browsers and operating systems by name (Chrome, Firefox) or by name and version (Chrome 40.0,
Firefox 35.0).
5. (Locations chart only) For Granularity, specify whether to display one data point per day or one data
point per hour in the charts. If you specify a date range greater than 14 days, the option to specify
one data point per hour is not available.
6. (Locations chart only) For Details, specify whether to display the top locations by countries or by
U.S. states.
7. In the Distribution list, select the distribution for which you want to display data in the usage charts:

• An individual web distribution – The charts display data for the selected CloudFront web
distribution. The Distribution list displays the distribution ID and an alternate domain name
(CNAME) for the distribution, if any. If a distribution has no alternate domain names, the list
includes an origin domain name for the distribution.
• All Web Distributions (excludes deleted) – The charts display summed data for all web
distributions that are associated with the current AWS account, excluding web distributions that
you have deleted.
8. Click Update.
9. To view data for a daily or hourly data point within a chart, move your mouse pointer over the data

Downloading Data in CSV Format

You can download each of the Viewer reports in CSV format. This section explains how to download the
reports and describes the values in the report.

To download the Viewer reports in CSV format

1. While viewing the Viewer report, click CSV.

2. Choose the data that you want to download, for example, Devices or Devices Trends.
3. In the Opening file name dialog box, choose whether to open or save the file.

• Information About the Reports (p. 423)
• Devices Report (p. 423)
• Device Trends Report (p. 424)
• Browsers Report (p. 424)
• Browser Trends Report (p. 425)
• Operating Systems Report (p. 425)
• Operating System Trends Report (p. 426)
• Locations Report (p. 426)

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
CloudFront Viewers Reports

• Location Trends Report (p. 427)

Information About the Reports

The first few rows of each report includes the following information:


The version of the format for this CSV file.


The name of the report.


The ID of the distribution that you ran the report for, or ALL if you ran the report for all web

The beginning of the date range for which you ran the report, in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

The end of the date range for which you ran the report, in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

The date and time on which you ran the report, in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
Grouping (Browsers and Operating Systems Reports Only)

Whether the data is grouped by the name or by the name and version of the browser or operating

Whether each row in the report represents one hour or one day.
Details (Locations Report Only)

Whether requests are listed by country or by U.S. state.

Devices Report
The report includes the following values:


The ID of the distribution that you ran the report for, or ALL if you ran the report for all

An alternate domain name (CNAME) for the distribution, if any. If a distribution has no alternate
domain names, the list includes an origin domain name for the distribution.

The number of requests that CloudFront received from each type of device.

The number of requests that CloudFront received from each type of device as a percentage of the
total number of requests that CloudFront received from all devices.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
CloudFront Viewers Reports

Device Trends Report

The report includes the following values:


The ID of the distribution that you ran the report for, or ALL if you ran the report for all

An alternate domain name (CNAME) for the distribution, if any. If a distribution has no alternate
domain names, the list includes an origin domain name for the distribution.

The hour or the day that the data applies to, in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

The number of requests that CloudFront received from desktop computers during the period.

The number of requests that CloudFront received from mobile devices during the period. Mobile
devices can include both tablets and mobile phones. If CloudFront can't determine whether a
request originated from a mobile device or a tablet, it's counted in the Mobile column.

The number of requests that CloudFront received from smart TVs during the period.

The number of requests that CloudFront received from tablets during the period. If CloudFront can't
determine whether a request originated from a mobile device or a tablet, it's counted in the Mobile

Requests for which the value of the User-Agent HTTP header was not associated with one of the
standard device types, for example, Desktop or Mobile.

The number of requests that CloudFront received that didn't include a value in the HTTP User-
Agent header during the period.

Browsers Report
The report includes the following values:


The ID of the distribution that you ran the report for, or ALL if you ran the report for all

An alternate domain name (CNAME) for the distribution, if any. If a distribution has no alternate
domain names, the list includes an origin domain name for the distribution.

The browser or the browser and version that CloudFront received requests from, depending on the
value of Grouping. In addition to browser names, possible values include the following:

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
CloudFront Viewers Reports

• Bot/Crawler – primarily requests from search engines that are indexing your content.
• Empty – requests for which the value of the User-Agent HTTP header was empty.
• Other – browsers that CloudFront identified but that aren't among the most popular. If Bot/
Crawler, Empty, and/or Unknown don't appear among the first nine values, then they're also
included in Other.
• Unknown – requests for which the value of the User-Agent HTTP header was not associated
with a standard browser. Most requests in this category come from custom applications or scripts.

The number of requests that CloudFront received from each type of browser.

The number of requests that CloudFront received from each type of browser as a percentage of the
total number of requests that CloudFront received during the time period.

Browser Trends Report

The report includes the following values:


The ID of the distribution that you ran the report for, or ALL if you ran the report for all

An alternate domain name (CNAME) for the distribution, if any. If a distribution has no alternate
domain names, the list includes an origin domain name for the distribution.

The hour or the day that the data applies to, in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

The remaining columns in the report list the browsers or the browsers and their versions, depending
on the value of Grouping. In addition to browser names, possible values include the following:
• Bot/Crawler – primarily requests from search engines that are indexing your content.
• Empty – requests for which the value of the User-Agent HTTP header was empty.
• Other – browsers that CloudFront identified but that aren't among the most popular. If Bot/
Crawler, Empty, and/or Unknown don't appear among the first nine values, then they're also
included in Other.
• Unknown – requests for which the value of the User-Agent HTTP header was not associated
with a standard browser. Most requests in this category come from custom applications or scripts.

Operating Systems Report

The report includes the following values:


The ID of the distribution that you ran the report for, or ALL if you ran the report for all

An alternate domain name (CNAME) for the distribution, if any. If a distribution has no alternate
domain names, the list includes an origin domain name for the distribution.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
CloudFront Viewers Reports


The operating system or the operating system and version that CloudFront received requests from,
depending on the value of Grouping. In addition to operating system names, possible values
include the following:
• Bot/Crawler – primarily requests from search engines that are indexing your content.
• Empty – requests for which the value of the User-Agent HTTP header was empty.
• Other – operating systems that CloudFront identified but that aren't among the most popular. If
Bot/Crawler, Empty, and/or Unknown don't appear among the first nine values, then they're
also included in Other.
• Unknown – requests for which the value of the User-Agent HTTP header was not associated
with a standard browser. Most requests in this category come from custom applications or scripts.

The number of requests that CloudFront received from each type of operating system.

The number of requests that CloudFront received from each type of operating system as a
percentage of the total number of requests that CloudFront received during the time period.

Operating System Trends Report

The report includes the following values:


The ID of the distribution that you ran the report for, or ALL if you ran the report for all

An alternate domain name (CNAME) for the distribution, if any. If a distribution has no alternate
domain names, the list includes an origin domain name for the distribution.

The hour or the day that the data applies to, in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
(Operating systems)

The remaining columns in the report list the operating systems or the operating systems and their
versions, depending on the value of Grouping. In addition to operating system names, possible
values include the following:
• Bot/Crawler – primarily requests from search engines that are indexing your content.
• Empty – requests for which the value of the User-Agent HTTP header was empty.
• Other – operating systems that CloudFront identified but that aren't among the most popular. If
Bot/Crawler, Empty, and/or Unknown don't appear among the first nine values, then they're
also included in Other.
• Unknown – requests for which the operating system isn't specified in the User-Agent HTTP

Locations Report
The report includes the following values:

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
CloudFront Viewers Reports


The ID of the distribution that you ran the report for, or ALL if you ran the report for all

An alternate domain name (CNAME) for the distribution, if any. If a distribution has no alternate
domain names, the list includes an origin domain name for the distribution.

The abbreviation for the location that CloudFront received requests from. For more information
about possible values, see the description of Location in How Data in the Locations Report Is Related
to Data in the CloudFront Access Logs (p. 427).

The name of the location that CloudFront received requests from.


The number of requests that CloudFront received from each location.


The number of requests that CloudFront received from each location as a percentage of the total
number of requests that CloudFront received from all locations during the time period.

The number of bytes that CloudFront served to viewers in this country or state, for the specified
distribution and period.

Location Trends Report

The report includes the following values:


The ID of the distribution that you ran the report for, or ALL if you ran the report for all

An alternate domain name (CNAME) for the distribution, if any. If a distribution has no alternate
domain names, the list includes an origin domain name for the distribution.

The hour or the day that the data applies to, in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

The remaining columns in the report list the locations that CloudFront received requests from.
For more information about possible values, see the description of Location in How Data in the
Locations Report Is Related to Data in the CloudFront Access Logs (p. 427).

How Data in the Locations Report Is Related to Data in the

CloudFront Access Logs
The following list shows how data in the Locations report in the CloudFront console corresponds with
values in CloudFront access logs. For more information about CloudFront access logs, see Configuring
and Using Standard Logs (Access Logs) (p. 439).

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Monitoring CloudFront with Amazon CloudWatch


The country or U.S. state that the viewer is in. In access logs, the c-ip column contains the IP
address of the device that the viewer is running on. We use geolocation data to identify the
geographic location of the device based on the IP address.

If you're displaying the Locations report by country, note that the country list is based on ISO
3166-2, Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions – Part 2: Country
subdivision code. The country list includes the following additional values:
• Anonymous Proxy – The request originated from an anonymous proxy.
• Satellite Provider – The request originated from a satellite provider that provides internet service
to multiple countries. Users might be in countries with a high risk of fraud.
• Europe (Unknown) – The request originated from an IP in a block that is used by multiple
European countries. The country that the request originated from cannot be determined.
CloudFront uses Europe (Unknown) as the default.
• Asia/Pacific (Unknown) – The request originated from an IP in a block that is used by multiple
countries in the Asia/Pacific region. The country that the request originated from cannot be
determined. CloudFront uses Asia/Pacific (Unknown) as the default.

If you display the Locations report by U.S. state, note that the report can include U.S. territories and
U.S. Armed Forces regions.
If CloudFront can't determine a user's location, the location will appear as Unknown in
viewer reports.
Request Count

The total number of requests from the country or U.S. state that the viewer is in, for the specified
distribution and period. This value generally corresponds closely with the number of GET requests
from IP addresses in that country or state in CloudFront access logs.
Request %

One of the following, depending on the value that you selected for Details:
• Countries – The requests from this country as a percentage of the total number of requests.
• U.S. States – The requests from this state as a percentage of the total number of requests from
the United States.

If requests came from more than 50 countries, then you can't calculate Request % based on the
data in this table because the Request Count column doesn't include all of the requests during the
specified period.

The number of bytes that CloudFront served to viewers in this country or state, for the specified
distribution and period. To change the display of data in this column to KB, MB, or GB, click the link
in the column heading.

Monitoring CloudFront with Amazon CloudWatch

Amazon CloudFront is integrated with Amazon CloudWatch, and automatically publishes six operational
metrics per distribution, which are displayed in a set of graphs in the CloudFront console, or accessible
by using the CloudFront API or CLI. Each Lambda@Edge function associated with a distribution also
publishes operational metrics, some of which you can view in the CloudFront console. The CloudFront
metrics don’t count against CloudWatch quotas (formerly known as limits) and don’t incur any additional

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Viewing CloudFront and Lambda@Edge metrics

In addition to the default metrics, you can enable additional metrics for an additional cost. The
additional metrics apply to CloudFront distributions, and must be enabled for each distribution
separately. For more information about the cost, see Estimating cost for the additional CloudFront
metrics (p. 432).

Viewing these metrics can help you troubleshoot, track, and debug issues. To view these metrics in the
CloudFront console, see the Monitoring page. To view graphs about the activity for a specific CloudFront
distribution or Lambda@Edge function, choose one, and then choose to view the metrics.

You can also set alarms based on these metrics in the CloudFront console, or in the CloudWatch
console, API, or CLI (standard CloudWatch pricing applies). For example, you can set an alarm based
on the 5xxErrorRate metric, which represents the percentage of all viewer requests for which the
response’s HTTP status code is in the range of 500 to 599, inclusive. When the error rate reaches a
certain value for a certain amount of time—for example, 5% of requests for 5 continuous minutes—the
alarm is triggered. You specify the alarm’s value and its time unit when you create the alarm. For more
information, see Setting alarms (p. 432).

• Viewing CloudFront and Lambda@Edge metrics (p. 429)
• Setting alarms to receive notifications (p. 432)
• Downloading data in CSV format (p. 433)
• Getting metrics using the CloudWatch API (p. 435)

Viewing CloudFront and Lambda@Edge metrics

You can view operational metrics about your CloudFront distributions and Lambda@Edge functions in
the CloudFront console. To view these metrics, see the Monitoring page in the CloudFront console. To
view graphs about the activity for a specific CloudFront distribution or Lambda@Edge function, choose
one, and then choose to view the metrics.

• Viewing the default CloudFront distribution metrics (p. 429)
• Viewing additional CloudFront distribution metrics (p. 430)
• Viewing the default Lambda@Edge function metrics (p. 432)

Viewing the default CloudFront distribution metrics

The following default metrics are included for all CloudFront distributions, at no additional cost:


The total number of viewer requests received by CloudFront, for all HTTP methods and for both
HTTP and HTTPS requests.
Bytes downloaded

The total number of bytes downloaded by viewers for GET, HEAD, and OPTIONS requests.
Bytes uploaded

The total number of bytes that viewers uploaded to your origin with CloudFront, using POST and
PUT requests.
4xx error rate

The percentage of all viewer requests for which the response’s HTTP status code is 4xx.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Viewing CloudFront and Lambda@Edge metrics

5xx error rate

The percentage of all viewer requests for which the response’s HTTP status code is 5xx.
Total error rate

The percentage of all viewer requests for which the response’s HTTP status code is 4xx or 5xx.

These metrics are shown in graphs for each CloudFront distribution on the Monitoring page in the
CloudFront console. On each graph, the totals are displayed at 1-minute granularity. In addition to
viewing the graphs, you can also download metrics reports as CSV files (p. 433).

You can customize the graphs by doing the following:

• To change the time range for the information displayed in the graphs, choose 1h (1 hour), 3h (3 hours),
or another range, or specify a custom range.
• To change how often CloudFront updates the information in the graph, choose the down arrow next
to the refresh icon, and then choose a refresh rate. The default refresh rate is 1 minute, but you can
choose 10 seconds, 2 minutes, or other options.

To view CloudFront graphs in the CloudWatch console, choose Add to dashboard.

Viewing additional CloudFront distribution metrics

In addition to the default metrics, you can enable additional metrics for an additional cost. For more
information about the cost, see Estimating cost for the additional CloudFront metrics (p. 432).

These additional metrics must be enabled for each distribution separately:

Cache hit rate

The percentage of all cacheable requests for which CloudFront served the content from its cache.
HTTP POST and PUT requests, and errors, are not considered cacheable requests.
Origin latency

The total time spent from when CloudFront receives a request to when it starts providing a response
to the network (not the viewer), for requests that are served from the origin, not the CloudFront
cache. This is also known as first byte latency, or time-to-first-byte.
Error rate by status code

The percentage of all viewer requests for which the response’s HTTP status code is a particular code
in the 4xx or 5xx range. This metric is available for all of the following error codes: 401, 403, 404,
502, 503, and 504.

Enabling additional metrics

You can enable additional metrics in the CloudFront console, with the AWS Command Line Interface
(AWS CLI), or with the CloudFront API.

Enabling additional metrics (console)

To enable additional metrics

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Monitoring page in the CloudFront console.
2. Choose the distribution to enable additional metrics for, and then choose View distribution metrics.
3. Choose Enable additional metrics.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Viewing CloudFront and Lambda@Edge metrics

4. In the Enable additional metrics window, choose Enable, and then choose Save.

After you enable the additional metrics, they are shown in graphs. On each graph, the totals are
displayed at 1-minute granularity. In addition to viewing the graphs, you can also download metrics
reports as CSV files (p. 433).

You can customize the graphs by doing the following:

• To change the time range for the information displayed in the graphs, choose 1h (1 hour), 3h (3 hours),
or another range, or specify a custom range.
• To change how often CloudFront updates the information in the graph, choose the down arrow next
to the refresh icon, and then choose a refresh rate. The default refresh rate is 1 minute, but you can
choose 10 seconds, 2 minutes, or other options.

To view CloudFront graphs in the CloudWatch console, choose Add to dashboard.

Enabling additional metrics (AWS CLI)

To manage additional metrics with the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), use one of the following

To enable additional metrics for a distribution

• Use the create-monitoring-subscription command, as in the following example. Replace

EDFDVBD6EXAMPLE with the ID of the distribution that you are enabling additional metrics for.

aws cloudfront create-monitoring-subscription --

distribution-id EDFDVBD6EXAMPLE --monitoring-subscription

To see whether additional metrics are enabled for a distribution

• Use the get-monitoring-subscription command, as in the following example. Replace

EDFDVBD6EXAMPLE with the ID of the distribution that you are checking.

aws cloudfront get-monitoring-subscription --distribution-id EDFDVBD6EXAMPLE

To disable additional metrics for a distribution

• Use the delete-monitoring-subscription command, as in the following example. Replace

EDFDVBD6EXAMPLE with the ID of the distribution that you are disabling additional metrics for.

aws cloudfront delete-monitoring-subscription --distribution-id EDFDVBD6EXAMPLE

Enabling additional metrics (API)

To manage additional metrics with the CloudFront API, use one of the following API operations.

• To enable additional metrics for a distribution, use CreateMonitoringSubscription.

• To see whether additional metrics are enabled for a distribution, use GetMonitoringSubscription.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Setting alarms

• To disable additional metrics for a distribution, use DeleteMonitoringSubscription.

For more information about these API calls, see the API reference documentation for your AWS SDK or
other API client.

Estimating cost for the additional CloudFront metrics

When you enable additional metrics for a distribution, CloudFront sends up to 8 metrics to CloudWatch
in the US East (N. Virginia) Region. CloudWatch charges a low, fixed rate for each metric. This rate
is charged only once per month, per metric (up to 8 metrics per distribution). This is a fixed rate, so
your cost remains the same regardless of the number of requests or responses that the CloudFront
distribution receives or sends. For the per-metric rate, see the Amazon CloudWatch pricing page and
the CloudWatch pricing calculator. Additional API charges apply when you retrieve the metrics with the
CloudWatch API.

Viewing the default Lambda@Edge function metrics

The following default metrics are shown in graphs for each Lambda@Edge function on the Monitoring
page in the CloudFront console:

• 5xx error rate for Lambda@Edge

• Lambda execution errors
• Lambda invalid responses
• Lambda throttles

The graphs include the number of invocations, errors, throttles, and so on. On each graph, the totals are
displayed at 1-minute granularity, grouped by AWS Region.

If you see a spike in errors that you want to investigate, you can choose a function and then view log files
by AWS Region, until you determine which function is causing the problems and in which AWS Region.
For more information about troubleshooting Lambda@Edge errors, see:

• How to Determine the Type of Failure (p. 345)

• Four Steps for Debugging your Content Delivery on AWS

You can customize the graphs by doing the following:

• To change the time range for the information displayed in the graphs, choose 1h (1 hour), 3h (3 hours),
or another range, or specify a custom range.
• To change how often CloudFront updates the information in the graph, choose the down arrow next
to the refresh icon, and then choose a refresh rate. The default refresh rate is 1 minute, but you can
choose 10 seconds, 2 minutes, or other options.

To view the graphs in the CloudWatch console, choose Add to dashboard. You must use the US East (N.
Virginia) Region (us-east-1) to view the graphs in the CloudWatch console.

Setting alarms to receive notifications

In the CloudFront console, you can set alarms to notify you by Amazon Simple Notification Service
(Amazon SNS) based on specific CloudFront metrics. You can set an alarm on the Alarms page in the
CloudFront console.

When you create an alarm in the console, you specify the following values:

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Downloading data


The metric for which you are creating the alarm.


The CloudFront distribution for which you are creating the alarm.
Name of alarm

A name for the alarm.

Send a notification to

The Amazon SNS topic to send notification to if this metric triggers an alarm.
Whenever <metric> <operator> <value>

Specify when CloudWatch should trigger an alarm and send a notification to the Amazon SNS topic.
For example, to receive a notification when the 5xx error rate exceeds 1%, specify the following:

Whenever Average of 5xxErrorRate > 1

Note the following about specifying values:

• Enter only whole numbers without punctuation. For example, to specify one thousand, enter
• For 4xx, 5xx, and total error rates, the value that you specify is a percentage.
• For requests, bytes downloaded, and bytes uploaded, the value that you specify is units. For
example, 1073742000 bytes.
For at least <number> consecutive periods of <time period>

Specify how many consecutive time periods of the specified duration the metric must meet the
criteria before CloudWatch triggers an alarm. When you choose a value, aim for an appropriate
balance between a value that does not alarm for temporary or fleeting problems, but does alarm for
sustained or real problems.

Downloading data in CSV format

You can download the CloudWatch metrics data for a CloudFront distribution in CSV format. You can
download the data when you View distribution metrics for a particular distribution in the CloudFront

Information about the report

The first few rows of the report include the following information:


The CloudFront reporting version.


The name of the report.


The ID of the distribution for which you ran the report.


The beginning of the date range for which you ran the report, in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

The end of the date range for which you ran the report, in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Downloading data


The date and time on which you ran the report, in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

The time period for each row in the report, for example, ONE_MINUTE.

Data in the metrics report

The report includes the following values:


The ID of the distribution for which you ran the report.


An alternate domain name (CNAME) for the distribution, if any. If a distribution has no alternate
domain names, the list includes an origin domain name for the distribution.

The hour or the day that the data applies to, in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

The total number of requests for all HTTP status codes (for example, 200, 404, and so on) and all
methods (for example, GET, HEAD, POST, and so on) during the time period.

The number of bytes that viewers downloaded for the specified distribution during the time period.

The number of bytes that viewers uploaded for the specified distribution during the time period.

The percentage of requests for which the HTTP status code was a 4xx or 5xx error for the specified
distribution during the time period.

The percentage of requests for which the HTTP status code was a 4xx error for the specified
distribution during the time period.

The percentage of requests for which the HTTP status code was a 5xx error for the specified
distribution during the time period.

If you have enabled additional metrics (p. 430) for your distribution, then the report also includes the
following additional values:


The percentage of requests for which the HTTP status code was a 401 error for the specified
distribution during the time period.

The percentage of requests for which the HTTP status code was a 403 error for the specified
distribution during the time period.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Getting metrics using the API


The percentage of requests for which the HTTP status code was a 404 error for the specified
distribution during the time period.

The percentage of requests for which the HTTP status code was a 502 error for the specified
distribution during the time period.

The percentage of requests for which the HTTP status code was a 503 error for the specified
distribution during the time period.

The percentage of requests for which the HTTP status code was a 504 error for the specified
distribution during the time period.

The total time spent, in milliseconds, from when CloudFront received a request to when it started
providing a response to the network (not the viewer), for requests that were served from the origin,
not the CloudFront cache. This is also known as first byte latency, or time-to-first-byte.

The percentage of all cacheable requests for which CloudFront served the content from its cache.
HTTP POST and PUT requests, and errors, are not considered cacheable requests.

Getting metrics using the CloudWatch API

You can use the Amazon CloudWatch API or CLI to get the CloudFront metrics in programs or
applications that you build. You can use the raw data to build your own custom dashboards, your own
alarming tools, and so on. To get the CloudFront metrics from the CloudWatch API, you must use the US
East (N. Virginia) Region (us-east-1). You also need to know certain values and types for each metric.

• Values for all CloudFront metrics (p. 435)
• Values for individual CloudFront metrics (p. 436)

Values for all CloudFront metrics

The following values apply to all CloudFront metrics:


The value for Namespace is always AWS/CloudFront.


Each CloudFront metric has the following two dimensions:


The value for DistributionId is the ID of the CloudFront distribution for which you want to
get metrics.

The value for Region is always Global, because CloudFront is a global service.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Getting metrics using the API

To get the CloudFront metrics from the CloudWatch API, you must use the US East (N. Virginia)
Region (us-east-1).

Values for individual CloudFront metrics

Use information from the following list to get details about specific CloudFront metrics from the
CloudWatch API. Some of these metrics are available only when you have enabled additional metrics for
the distribution.
Only one statistic, Average or Sum, is applicable for each metric. The following list specifies
which statistic is applicable to that metric.

4xx error rate

The percentage of all viewer requests for which the response’s HTTP status code is 4xx.
• Metric name: 4xxErrorRate
• Valid statistic: Average
• Unit: Percent
401 error rate

The percentage of all viewer requests for which the response’s HTTP status code is 401. To get this
metric, you must first enable additional metrics (p. 430).
• Metric name: 401ErrorRate
• Valid statistic: Average
• Unit: Percent
403 error rate

The percentage of all viewer requests for which the response’s HTTP status code is 403. To get this
metric, you must first enable additional metrics (p. 430).
• Metric name: 403ErrorRate
• Valid statistic: Average
• Unit: Percent
404 error rate

The percentage of all viewer requests for which the response’s HTTP status code is 404. To get this
metric, you must first enable additional metrics (p. 430).
• Metric name: 404ErrorRate
• Valid statistic: Average
• Unit: Percent
5xx error rate

The percentage of all viewer requests for which the response’s HTTP status code is 5xx.
• Metric name: 5xxErrorRate
• Valid statistic: Average
• Unit: Percent
502 error rate

The percentage of all viewer requests for which the response’s HTTP status code is 502. To get this
metric, you must first enable additional metrics (p. 430).
• Metric name: 502ErrorRate
• Valid statistic: Average
• Unit: Percent

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Getting metrics using the API

503 error rate

The percentage of all viewer requests for which the response’s HTTP status code is 503. To get this
metric, you must first enable additional metrics (p. 430).
• Metric name: 503ErrorRate
• Valid statistic: Average
• Unit: Percent
504 error rate

The percentage of all viewer requests for which the response’s HTTP status code is 504. To get this
metric, you must first enable additional metrics (p. 430).
• Metric name: 504ErrorRate
• Valid statistic: Average
• Unit: Percent
Bytes downloaded

The total number of bytes downloaded by viewers for GET, HEAD, and OPTIONS requests.
• Metric name: BytesDownloaded
• Valid statistic: Sum
• Unit: None
Bytes uploaded

The total number of bytes that viewers uploaded to your origin with CloudFront, using POST and
PUT requests.
• Metric name: BytesUploaded
• Valid statistic: Sum
• Unit: None
Cache hit rate

The percentage of all cacheable requests for which CloudFront served the content from its cache.
HTTP POST and PUT requests, and errors, are not considered cacheable requests. To get this metric,
you must first enable additional metrics (p. 430).
• Metric name: CacheHitRate
• Valid statistic: Average
• Unit: Percent
Origin latency

The total time spent, in milliseconds, from when CloudFront receives a request to when it starts
providing a response to the network (not the viewer), for requests that are served from the origin,
not the CloudFront cache. This is also known as first byte latency, or time-to-first-byte. To get this
metric, you must first enable additional metrics (p. 430).
• Metric name: OriginLatency
• Valid statistic: Percentile
• Unit: Milliseconds
To get a Percentile statistic from the CloudWatch API, use the ExtendedStatistics
parameter, not Statistics. For more information, see GetMetricStatistics in the Amazon
CloudWatch API Reference, or the reference documentation for the AWS SDKs.

The total number of viewer requests received by CloudFront, for all HTTP methods and for both
HTTP and HTTPS requests.
• Metric name: Requests

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
CloudFront logging

• Valid statistic: Sum

• Unit: None
Total error rate

The percentage of all viewer requests for which the response’s HTTP status code is 4xx or 5xx.
• Metric name: TotalErrorRate
• Valid statistic: Average
• Unit: Percent

CloudFront logging
Amazon CloudFront provides different kinds of logging. You can log the requests that come to your
CloudFront distributions, or you can log the CloudFront service activity in your AWS account.

Logging requests
CloudFront provides the following ways to log the requests that come to your distributions.

Standard logs (access logs)

CloudFront standard logs provide detailed records about every request that’s made to a distribution.
These logs are useful for many scenarios, including security and access audits.

CloudFront standard logs are delivered to the Amazon S3 bucket of your choice. CloudFront doesn’t
charge for standard logs, though you incur Amazon S3 charges for storing and accessing the log

For more information, see Using Standard Logs (Access Logs) (p. 439).
Real-time logs

CloudFront real-time logs provide information about requests made to a distribution, in real time
(log records are delivered within seconds of receiving the requests). You can choose the sampling
rate for your real-time logs—that is, the percentage of requests for which you want to receive real-
time log records. You can also choose the specific fields that you want to receive in the log records.

CloudFront real-time logs are delivered to the data stream of your choice in Amazon Kinesis Data
Streams. CloudFront charges for real-time logs, in addition to the charges you incur for using Kinesis
Data Streams.

For more information, see Real-time logs (p. 457).

Logging service activity

You can use AWS CloudTrail to log the CloudFront service activity in your AWS account. CloudTrail
provides a record of actions taken by a user, role, or AWS service in CloudFront. Using the information
collected by CloudTrail, you can determine the request that was made to CloudFront, the IP address from
which the request was made, who made the request, when it was made, and additional details.

For more information, see Capturing API Requests with CloudTrail (p. 466).

• Configuring and Using Standard Logs (Access Logs) (p. 439)
• Real-time logs (p. 457)
• Using AWS CloudTrail to Capture Requests Sent to the CloudFront API (p. 466)

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Standard Logs (Access Logs)

Configuring and Using Standard Logs (Access Logs)

You can configure CloudFront to create log files that contain detailed information about every user
request that CloudFront receives. These are called standard logs, also known as access logs. These
standard logs are available for both web and RTMP distributions. If you enable standard logs, you can
also specify the Amazon S3 bucket that you want CloudFront to save files in.

You can enable standard logs when you create or update a distribution. For more information, see Values
That You Specify When You Create or Update a Distribution (p. 38).

CloudFront also offers real-time logs, which give you information about requests made to a distribution
in real time (logs are delivered within seconds of receiving the requests). You can use real-time logs to
monitor, analyze, and take action based on content delivery performance. For more information, see
Real-time logs (p. 457).

• How Standard Logging Works (p. 439)
• Choosing an Amazon S3 Bucket for Your Standard Logs (p. 440)
• Permissions Required to Configure Standard Logging and to Access Your Log Files (p. 440)
• Required CMK Key Policy for Use with SSE-KMS Buckets (p. 441)
• File Name Format (p. 442)
• Timing of Standard Log File Delivery (p. 442)
• How Requests Are Logged When the Request URL or Headers Exceed the Maximum Size (p. 442)
• Analyzing Standard Logs (p. 443)
• Editing Your Standard Logging Settings (p. 443)
• Deleting Standard Log Files from an Amazon S3 Bucket (p. 443)
• Standard Log File Format (p. 444)
• Charges for Standard Logs (p. 456)

How Standard Logging Works

The following diagram shows how CloudFront logs information about requests for your objects.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Standard Logs (Access Logs)

The following explains how CloudFront logs information about requests for your objects, as illustrated in
the previous diagram.

1. In this diagram, you have two websites, A and B, and two corresponding CloudFront distributions.
Users request your objects using URLs that are associated with your distributions.
2. CloudFront routes each request to the appropriate edge location.
3. CloudFront writes data about each request to a log file specific to that distribution. In this example,
information about requests related to Distribution A goes into a log file just for Distribution A, and
information about requests related to Distribution B goes into a log file just for Distribution B.
4. CloudFront periodically saves the log file for a distribution in the Amazon S3 bucket that you specified
when you enabled logging. CloudFront then starts saving information about subsequent requests in a
new log file for the distribution.

If no users access your content during a given hour, you don't receive any log files for that hour.

Each entry in a log file gives details about a single request. For more information about log file format,
see Standard Log File Format (p. 444).
We recommend that you use the logs to understand the nature of the requests for your content,
not as a complete accounting of all requests. CloudFront delivers access logs on a best-effort
basis. The log entry for a particular request might be delivered long after the request was
actually processed and, in rare cases, a log entry might not be delivered at all. When a log entry
is omitted from access logs, the number of entries in the access logs won't match the usage that
appears in the AWS usage and billing reports.

Choosing an Amazon S3 Bucket for Your Standard Logs

When you enable logging for a distribution, you specify the Amazon S3 bucket that you want CloudFront
to store log files in. If you’re using Amazon S3 as your origin, we recommend that you don’t use the same
bucket for your log files; using a separate bucket simplifies maintenance.
Don’t choose an Amazon S3 bucket in any of the following Regions, because CloudFront doesn’t
deliver access logs to buckets in these Regions:

• Africa (Cape Town)  af-south-1
• Asia Pacific (Hong Kong)  ap-east-1
• Europe (Milan)  eu-south-1
• Middle East (Bahrain)  me-south-1

The Amazon S3 console shows the bucket’s Region.

You can store the log files for multiple distributions in the same bucket. When you enable logging, you
can specify an optional prefix for the file names, so you can keep track of which log files are associated
with which distributions.

Permissions Required to Configure Standard Logging and to

Access Your Log Files
Your AWS account must have the following permissions for the bucket that you specify for log files:

• The S3 access control list (ACL) for the bucket must grant you FULL_CONTROL. If you're the bucket
owner, your account has this permission by default. If you're not, the bucket owner must update the
ACL for the bucket.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Standard Logs (Access Logs)

• s3:GetBucketAcl
• s3:PutBucketAcl

Note the following:

ACL for the bucket

When you create or update a distribution and enable logging, CloudFront uses these permissions to
update the ACL for the bucket to give the awslogsdelivery account FULL_CONTROL permission.
The awslogsdelivery account writes log files to the bucket. If your account doesn't have the
required permissions to update the ACL, creating or updating the distribution will fail.

In some circumstances, if you programmatically submit a request to create a bucket but a bucket
with the specified name already exists, S3 resets permissions on the bucket to the default value.
If you configured CloudFront to save access logs in an S3 bucket and you stop getting logs in that
bucket, check permissions on the bucket to ensure that CloudFront has the necessary permissions.
Restoring the ACL for the bucket

If you remove permissions for the awslogsdelivery account, CloudFront won't be able to save
logs to the S3 bucket. To enable CloudFront to start saving logs for your distribution again, restore
the ACL permission by doing one of the following:
• Disable logging for your distribution in CloudFront, and then enable it again. For more
information, see Values That You Specify When You Create or Update a Distribution (p. 38).
• Add the ACL permission for awslogsdelivery manually by navigating to the S3 bucket in the
Amazon S3 console and adding permission. To add the ACL for awslogsdelivery, you must
provide the canonical ID for the account, which is the following:


For more information about adding ACLs to S3 buckets, see How Do I Set ACL Bucket Permissions?
in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Console User Guide.
ACL for each log file

In addition to the ACL on the bucket, there's an ACL on each log file. The bucket owner has
FULL_CONTROL permission on each log file, the distribution owner (if different from the bucket
owner) has no permission, and the awslogsdelivery account has read and write permissions.
Disabling logging

If you disable logging, CloudFront doesn't delete the ACLs for either the bucket or the log files. If
you want, you can do that yourself.

Required CMK Key Policy for Use with SSE-KMS Buckets

If you enabled server-side encryption for your Amazon S3 bucket using AWS KMS-managed keys (SSE-
KMS) with a customer-managed Customer Master Key (CMK), you must add the following to the key
policy for your CMK to enable writing log files to the bucket. You cannot use the default CMK because
CloudFront won't be able to upload the log files to the bucket.

"Sid": "Allow CloudFront Flow Logs to use the key",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Service": ""
"Action": "kms:GenerateDataKey*",

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Standard Logs (Access Logs)

"Resource": "*"

File Name Format

The name of each log file that CloudFront saves in your Amazon S3 bucket uses the following file name

<optional prefix>/<distribution ID>.YYYY-MM-DD-HH.unique-ID.gz

The date and time are in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

For example, if you use example-prefix as the prefix, and your distribution ID is EMLARXS9EXAMPLE,
your file names look similar to this:


When you enable logging for a distribution, you can specify an optional prefix for the file names, so you
can keep track of which log files are associated with which distributions. If you include a value for the log
file prefix and your prefix doesn't end with a forward slash (/), CloudFront appends one automatically. If
your prefix does end with a forward slash, CloudFront doesn't add another one.

The .gz at the end of the file name indicates that CloudFront has compressed the log file using gzip.

Timing of Standard Log File Delivery

CloudFront delivers standard logs for a distribution up to several times an hour. In general, a log file
contains information about the requests that CloudFront received during a given time period. CloudFront
usually delivers the log file for that time period to your Amazon S3 bucket within an hour of the events
that appear in the log. Note, however, that some or all log file entries for a time period can sometimes
be delayed by up to 24 hours. When log entries are delayed, CloudFront saves them in a log file for which
the file name includes the date and time of the period in which the requests occurred, not the date and
time when the file was delivered.

When creating a log file, CloudFront consolidates information for your distribution from all of the edge
locations that received requests for your objects during the time period that the log file covers.

CloudFront can save more than one file for a time period depending on how many requests CloudFront
receives for the objects associated with a distribution.

CloudFront begins to reliably deliver access logs about four hours after you enable logging. You might
get a few access logs before that time.
If no users request your objects during the time period, you don't receive any log files for that

CloudFront also offers real-time logs, which give you information about requests made to a distribution
in real time (logs are delivered within seconds of receiving the requests). You can use real-time logs to
monitor, analyze, and take action based on content delivery performance. For more information, see
Real-time logs (p. 457).

How Requests Are Logged When the Request URL or Headers

Exceed the Maximum Size
If the total size of all request headers, including cookies, exceeds 20 KB, or if the URL exceeds 8192
bytes, CloudFront can't parse the request completely and can't log the request. Because the request isn't
logged, you won't see in the log files the HTTP error status code returned.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Standard Logs (Access Logs)

If the request body exceeds the maximum size, the request is logged, including the HTTP error status

Analyzing Standard Logs

Because you can receive multiple access logs per hour, we recommend that you combine all the log files
you receive for a given time period into one file. You can then analyze the data for that period more
accurately and completely.

One way to analyze your access logs is to use Amazon Athena. Athena is an interactive query service that
can help you analyze data for AWS services, including CloudFront. To learn more, see Querying Amazon
CloudFront Logs in the Amazon Athena User Guide.

In addition, the following AWS blog posts discuss some ways to analyze access logs.

• Amazon CloudFront Request Logging (for content delivered via HTTP)

• Amazon CloudFront Now Supports Streaming Access Logs (for content delivered via RTMP)
• Enhanced CloudFront Logs, Now With Query Strings

We recommend that you use the logs to understand the nature of the requests for your content,
not as a complete accounting of all requests. CloudFront delivers access logs on a best-effort
basis. The log entry for a particular request might be delivered long after the request was
actually processed and, in rare cases, a log entry might not be delivered at all. When a log entry
is omitted from access logs, the number of entries in the access logs won't match the usage that
appears in the AWS usage and billing reports.

Editing Your Standard Logging Settings

You can enable or disable logging, change the Amazon S3 bucket where your logs are stored, and change
the prefix for log files by using the CloudFront console or the CloudFront API. Your changes to logging
settings take effect within 12 hours.

For more information, see the following topics:

• To update a web or RTMP distribution using the CloudFront console, see Updating a
Distribution (p. 63).
• To update a web distribution using the CloudFront API, see UpdateDistribution in the Amazon
CloudFront API Reference.
• To update an RTMP distribution using the CloudFront API, see UpdateStreamingDistribution in the
Amazon CloudFront API Reference.

To use the CloudFront API to change access log settings for web distributions, you must use API version
2009-04-02 or later. To use the CloudFront API to change access log settings for RTMP distributions,
you must use API version 2010-05-01 or later.

Deleting Standard Log Files from an Amazon S3 Bucket

CloudFront does not automatically delete log files from your Amazon S3 bucket. For information about
deleting log files from an Amazon S3 bucket, see the following topics:

• Using the Amazon S3 console: Deleting Objects in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Console User
• Using the REST API: DeleteObject in the Amazon Simple Storage Service API Reference.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Standard Logs (Access Logs)

Standard Log File Format

• Web Distribution Standard Log File Format (p. 445)
• RTMP Distribution Log File Format (p. 455)

Each entry in a log file gives details about a single viewer request. The log files for web and for RTMP
distributions are not identical, but they share the following characteristics:

• Use the W3C extended log file format.

• Contain tab-separated values.
• Contain records that are not necessarily in chronological order.
• Contain two header lines: one with the file format version, and another that lists the W3C fields
included in each record.
• Contain URL-encoded equivalents for spaces and certain other characters in field values.

URL-encoded equivalents are used for the following characters:

• ASCII character codes 0 through 32, inclusive
• ASCII character codes 127 and higher
• All characters in the following table

The URL encoding standard is defined in RFC 1738.

URL-Encoded Value Character

%3C <

%3E >

%22 "

%23 #

%25 %

%7B {

%7D }

%7C |

%5C \

%5E ^

%7E ~

%5B [

%5D ]

%60 `

%27 '

%20 space

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Standard Logs (Access Logs)

Web Distribution Standard Log File Format

The log file for a web distribution includes the following fields in the listed order.

Field Field Name Description


1 date The date on which the event occurred in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
For example, 2019-06-30. The date and time are in Coordinated
Universal Time (UTC). For WebSocket connections, this is the date
when the connection closed.

2 time The time when the CloudFront server finished responding to

the request (in UTC), for example, 01:42:39. For WebSocket
connections, this is the time when the connection is closed.

3 x-edge- The edge location that served the request. Each edge location is
location identified by a three-letter code and an arbitrarily assigned number,
for example, DFW3. The three-letter code typically corresponds
with the International Air Transport Association airport code for
an airport near the edge location. (These abbreviations might
change in the future.) For a list of edge locations, see the Amazon
CloudFront Infrastructure page.

4 sc-bytes The total number of bytes that CloudFront served to the viewer in
response to the request, including headers, for example, 1045619.
For WebSocket connections, this is the total number of bytes sent
from the server to the client through the connection.

5 c-ip The IP address of the viewer that made

the request, for example, or
2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334. If the viewer
used an HTTP proxy or a load balancer to send the request, the
value of c-ip is the IP address of the proxy or load balancer. See
also X-Forwarded-For in field 20.

6 cs-method The HTTP request method: DELETE, GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, PATCH,

7 cs(Host) The domain name of the CloudFront distribution, for example,

8 cs-uri-stem The portion of the URI that identifies the path and object, for
example, /images/cat.jpg. Question marks (?) in URLs and query
strings are not included in the log.

9 sc-status One of the following values:

• An HTTP status code (for example, 200). For a list of HTTP status
codes, see RFC 2616 section 10. For more information, see How
CloudFront Processes and Caches HTTP 4xx and 5xx Status Codes
from Your Origin (p. 286).
• 000, which indicates that the viewer closed the connection
(for example, closed the browser tab) before CloudFront could
respond to a request. If the viewer closes the connection after
CloudFront starts to send the response, the log contains the
applicable HTTP status code.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Standard Logs (Access Logs)

Field Field Name Description


10 cs(Referer) The name of the domain that originated the request. Common
referrers include search engines, other websites that link directly to
your objects, and your own website.

11 cs(User- The value of the User-Agent header in the request. The User-
Agent) Agent header identifies the source of the request, such as the
type of device and browser that submitted the request and, if the
request came from a search engine, which search engine. For more
information, see User-Agent Header (p. 278).

12 cs-uri-query The query string portion of the URI, if any. When a URI doesn't
contain a query string, this field's value is a hyphen (-).

For more information, see Caching Content Based on Query String

Parameters (p. 241).

13 cs(Cookie) The cookie header in the request, including name-value pairs and
the associated attributes. If you enable cookie logging, CloudFront
logs the cookies in all requests regardless of which cookies you
choose to forward to the origin. When a request doesn't include a
cookie header, this field's value is a hyphen (-).

For more information about cookies, see Caching Content Based on

Cookies (p. 244).

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Standard Logs (Access Logs)

Field Field Name Description


14 x-edge- How CloudFront classifies the response after the last byte left the
result-type edge location. In some cases, the result type can change between
the time that CloudFront is ready to send the response and the time
that CloudFront has finished sending the response. See also x-
edge-response-result-type in field 23.

For example, in HTTP streaming, suppose CloudFront finds a

segment in the edge cache. In that scenario, the value of this
field would ordinarily be Hit. However, if the viewer closes the
connection before CloudFront has delivered the entire segment, the
final result type, and thus the value of this field, is Error.

As another example, WebSocket connections will have a value of

Miss for this field because the content is not cacheable and is
proxied directly back to the origin server.

Possible values include:

• Hit – CloudFront served the object to the viewer from the edge

For information about a situation in which CloudFront classifies

the result type as Hit even though the response from the
origin contains a Cache-Control: no-cache header,
see Simultaneous Requests for the Same Object (Traffic
Spikes) (p. 278).
• RefreshHit – CloudFront found the object in the edge cache but
it had expired, so CloudFront contacted the origin to determine
whether the cache has the latest version of the object and, if not,
to get the latest version.
• Miss – The request could not be satisfied by an object in the edge
cache, so CloudFront forwarded the request to the origin server
and returned the result to the viewer.
• LimitExceeded – The request was denied because a CloudFront
quota (formerly referred to as a limit) was exceeded.
• CapacityExceeded – CloudFront returned an HTTP 503 status
code (Service Unavailable) because the CloudFront edge server
was temporarily unable to respond to requests.
• Error – Typically, this means the request resulted in a client error
(sc-status is 4xx) or a server error (sc-status is 5xx). If sc-
status is 200, it means the HTTP request was successful but the
client disconnected before they downloaded all of the bytes.

If the value of this field is Error and the value of x-edge-

response-result-type is not Error, it means the client
disconnected before finishing the download.
• Redirect – CloudFront redirects from HTTP to HTTPS.

If sc-status is 403 and you configured CloudFront to restrict

the geographic distribution of your content, the request might
have come from a restricted location. For more information about
geo restriction, see Restricting the Geographic Distribution of
Your Content (p. 217).

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Standard Logs (Access Logs)

Field Field Name Description


15 x-edge- An encrypted string that uniquely identifies a request. In the

request-id response header, this is x-amz-cf-id.

16 x-host- The value that the viewer included in the Host header for this
header request. This is the domain name in the request:

• If you're using the CloudFront domain name in your object URLs,

such as, this
field contains that domain name.
• If you're using alternate domain names in your object URLs,
such as, this field contains the
alternate domain name, such as To use alternate
domain names, you must add them to your distribution. For more
information, see Using Custom URLs for Files by Adding Alternate
Domain Names (CNAMEs) (p. 71).

If you're using alternate domain names, see cs(Host) in field 7

for the domain name that is associated with your distribution.

17 cs-protocol The protocol that the viewer specified in the request: http, https,
ws, or wss.

18 cs-bytes The number of bytes of data that the viewer included in the
request, including headers. For WebSocket connections, this is the
total number of bytes sent from the client to the server on the

19 time-taken The number of seconds (to the thousandth of a second, for example,
0.002) between the time that a CloudFront edge server receives a
viewer's request and the time that CloudFront writes the last byte of
the response to the edge server's output queue as measured on the
server. From the perspective of the viewer, the total time to get the
full object will be longer than this value due to network latency and
TCP buffering.

20 x-forwarded- If the viewer used an HTTP proxy or a load balancer to send

for the request, the value of c-ip in field 5 is the IP address of the
proxy or load balancer. In that case, this field is the IP address
of the viewer that originated the request. This field contains
IPv4 addresses (such as and IPv6 addresses (such as
2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334), as applicable.

If the viewer did not use an HTTP proxy or a load balancer, the value
of x-forwarded-for is a hyphen (-).

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Standard Logs (Access Logs)

Field Field Name Description


21 ssl-protocol When cs-protocol in field 17 is https, this field contains the

SSL/TLS protocol that the client and CloudFront negotiated for
transmitting the request and response.

Possible values include the following:

• SSLv3
• TLSv1
• TLSv1.1
• TLSv1.2

When cs-protocol in field 17 is http, the value for this field is a

hyphen (-).

22 ssl-cipher When cs-protocol in field 17 is https, this field contains the

SSL/TLS cipher that the client and CloudFront negotiated for
encrypting the request and response.

Possible values include the following:

• AES128-GCM-SHA256
• AES256-GCM-SHA384
• AES128-SHA256
• AES256-SHA
• AES128-SHA
• RC4-MD5

When cs-protocol in field 17 is http, the value for this field is a

hyphen (-).

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Standard Logs (Access Logs)

Field Field Name Description


23 x-edge- How CloudFront classified the response just before returning the
response- response to the viewer. See also x-edge-result-type in field 14.
Possible values include:

• Hit – CloudFront served the object to the viewer from the edge
• RefreshHit – CloudFront found the object in the edge cache but
it had expired, so CloudFront contacted the origin to verify that
the cache has the latest version of the object.
• Miss – The request could not be satisfied by an object in the edge
cache, so CloudFront forwarded the request to the origin server
and returned the result to the viewer.
• LimitExceeded – The request was denied because a CloudFront
quota (formerly referred to as a limit) was exceeded.
• CapacityExceeded – CloudFront returned a 503 error because
the edge location didn't have enough capacity at the time of the
request to serve the object.
• Error – Typically, this means the request resulted in a client error
(sc-status is 4xx) or a server error (sc-status is 5xx).

If the value of x-edge-result-type is Error and the value of

this field is not Error, the client disconnected before finishing
the download.
• Redirect – CloudFront redirects from HTTP to HTTPS.

If sc-status is 403 and you configured CloudFront to restrict

the geographic distribution of your content, the request might
have come from a restricted location. For more information about
geo restriction, see Restricting the Geographic Distribution of
Your Content (p. 217).

24 cs-protocol- The HTTP version that the viewer specified in the request. Possible
version values include:

• HTTP/0.9
• HTTP/1.0
• HTTP/1.1
• HTTP/2.0

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Standard Logs (Access Logs)

Field Field Name Description


25 fle-status When field-level encryption is configured for a distribution, this

field contains a code that indicates whether the request body was
successfully processed. If field-level encryption is not configured for
the distribution, the value of this field is a hyphen (-).

When CloudFront successfully processes the request body, encrypts

values in the specified fields, and forwards the request to the origin,
the value of this field is Processed. The value of x-edge-result-
type, field 14, can still indicate a client-side or server-side error in
this case.

If the request exceeds a field-level encryption quota, fle-status

contains one of the following error codes, and CloudFront returns
HTTP status code 400 to the viewer. For a list of the current
quotas on field-level encryption, see Quotas on Field-Level
Encryption (p. 500).

• FieldLengthLimitClientError – A field that is configured to

be encrypted exceeded the maximum length allowed.
• FieldNumberLimitClientError – A request that CloudFront
is configured to encrypt contains more than the number of fields
• RequestLengthLimitClientError – The length of the request
body exceeded the maximum length allowed when field-level
encryption is configured.

Other possible values for this field include the following:

• ForwardedByContentType – CloudFront forwarded the request

to the origin without parsing or encryption because no content
type was configured.
• ForwardedByQueryArgs – CloudFront forwarded the request
to the origin without parsing or encryption because the request
contains a query argument that wasn't in the configuration for
field-level encryption.
• ForwardedDueToNoProfile – CloudFront forwarded the
request to the origin without parsing or encryption because
no profile was specified in the configuration for field-level
• MalformedContentTypeClientError – CloudFront rejected
the request and returned an HTTP 400 status code to the viewer
because the value of the Content-Type header was in an invalid
• MalformedInputClientError – CloudFront rejected the
request and returned an HTTP 400 status code to the viewer
because the request body was in an invalid format.
• MalformedQueryArgsClientError – CloudFront rejected
the request and returned an HTTP 400 status code to the viewer
because a query argument was empty or in an invalid format.
• RejectedByContentType – CloudFront rejected the request
and returned an HTTP 400 status code to the viewer because no

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Standard Logs (Access Logs)

Field Field Name Description

content type was specified in the configuration for field-level
• RejectedByQueryArgs – CloudFront rejected the request and
returned an HTTP 400 status code to the viewer because no
query argument was specified in the configuration for field-level
• ServerError – The server returned an error.

26 fle- The number of fields that CloudFront encrypted and forwarded

encrypted- to the origin. CloudFront streams the processed request to the
fields origin as it encrypts data, so fle-encrypted-fields can have
a value even if the value of fle-status is an error. If field-level
encryption is not configured for the distribution, the value of fle-
encrypted-fields is a hyphen (-).

27 c-port The port number of the request from the viewer.

28 time-to- The number of seconds between receiving the request and writing
first-byte the first byte of the response, as measured on the server.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Standard Logs (Access Logs)

Field Field Name Description


29 x-edge- When x-edge-result-type (field 14) is not Error, this field

detailed- contains the same value as x-edge-result-type. When x-edge-
result-type result-type is Error, this field contains the specific type of error.

Possible error type values for this field include the following:

• AbortedOrigin – CloudFront encountered an issue with the

• ClientCommError – The response to the viewer was interrupted
due to a communication problem between CloudFront and the
• ClientGeoBlocked – The distribution is configured to refuse
requests from the viewer’s geographic location.
• ClientHungUpRequest – The viewer stopped prematurely while
sending the request.
• Error – An error occurred for which the error type doesn’t fit
any of the other categories. This error type can occur when
CloudFront serves an error response from the CloudFront cache.
• InvalidRequest – CloudFront received an invalid request from
the viewer.
• InvalidRequestBlocked – Access to the requested resource is
• InvalidRequestCertificate – The distribution doesn’t match
the SSL/TLS certificate for which the HTTPS connection was
• InvalidRequestHeader – The request contained an invalid
header field or value.
• InvalidRequestMethod – The distribution is not configured to
handle the HTTP request method that was used. This can happen
when the distribution supports only cacheable requests.
• OriginConnectError – CloudFront couldn’t connect to the
• OriginContentRangeLengthError – The Content-Length
header in the origin’s response doesn’t match the length in the
Content-Range header.
• OriginDnsError – CloudFront couldn’t resolve the origin’s
domain name.
• OriginError – The origin returned an incorrect response.
• OriginHeaderTooBigError – A header returned by the origin is
too big for CloudFront to process.
• OriginInvalidResponseError – The origin returned an invalid
• OriginReadError – CloudFront couldn’t read from the origin.
• OriginWriteError – CloudFront couldn’t write to the origin.
• OriginZeroSizeObjectError – A zero size object sent from
the origin resulted in an error.
• SlowReaderOriginError – The viewer was slow to read the
message that caused the origin error.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Standard Logs (Access Logs)

Field Field Name Description


30 sc-content- The value of the HTTP Content-Type header of the response.


31 sc-content- The value of the HTTP Content-Length header of the response.


32 sc-range- When the response contains the HTTP Content-Range header, this
start field contains the range start value.

33 sc-range-end When the response contains the HTTP Content-Range header, this
field contains the range end value.

The following is an example log file for a web distribution:

#Version: 1.0
#Fields: date time x-edge-location sc-bytes c-ip cs-method cs(Host) cs-uri-stem sc-status
cs(Referer) cs(User-Agent) cs-uri-query cs(Cookie) x-edge-result-type x-edge-request-id
x-host-header cs-protocol cs-bytes time-taken x-forwarded-for ssl-protocol ssl-cipher x-
edge-response-result-type cs-protocol-version fle-status fle-encrypted-fields c-port time-
to-first-byte x-edge-detailed-result-type sc-content-type sc-content-len sc-range-start sc-
2019-12-04 21:02:31 LAX1 392 GET /index.html
200 - Mozilla/5.0%20(Windows%20NT%2010.0;%20Win64;%20x64)%20AppleWebKit/537.36%20(KHTML,
%20like%20Gecko)%20Chrome/78.0.3904.108%20Safari/537.36 - - Hit
https 23 0.001 - TLSv1.2 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 Hit HTTP/2.0 - - 11040 0.001 Hit
text/html 78 - -
2019-12-04 21:02:31 LAX1 392 GET /index.html
200 - Mozilla/5.0%20(Windows%20NT%2010.0;%20Win64;%20x64)%20AppleWebKit/537.36%20(KHTML,
%20like%20Gecko)%20Chrome/78.0.3904.108%20Safari/537.36 - - Hit
https 23 0.000 - TLSv1.2 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 Hit HTTP/2.0 - - 11040 0.000 Hit
text/html 78 - -
2019-12-04 21:02:31 LAX1 392 GET /index.html
200 - Mozilla/5.0%20(Windows%20NT%2010.0;%20Win64;%20x64)%20AppleWebKit/537.36%20(KHTML,
%20like%20Gecko)%20Chrome/78.0.3904.108%20Safari/537.36 - - Hit
https 23 0.001 - TLSv1.2 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 Hit HTTP/2.0 - - 11040 0.001 Hit
text/html 78 - -
2019-12-13 22:36:27 SEA19-C1 900 GET /
favicon.ico 502 Mozilla/5.0%20(Windows
%20like%20Gecko)%20Chrome/78.0.3904.108%20Safari/537.36 - - Error
1pkpNfBQ39sYMnjjUQjmH2w1wdJnbHYTbag21o_3OfcQgPzdL2RSSQ== http 675 0.102 -
- - Error HTTP/1.1 - - 25260 0.102 OriginDnsError text/html 507 - -
2019-12-13 22:36:26 SEA19-C1 900 GET / 502
- Mozilla/5.0%20(Windows%20NT%2010.0;%20Win64;%20x64)%20AppleWebKit/537.36%20(KHTML,
%20like%20Gecko)%20Chrome/78.0.3904.108%20Safari/537.36 - - Error
3AqrZGCnF_g0-5KOvfA7c9XLcf4YGvMFSeFdIetR1N_2y8jSis8Zxg== http 735 0.107 -
- - Error HTTP/1.1 - - 3802 0.107 OriginDnsError text/html 507 - -
2019-12-13 22:37:02 SEA19-C2 900 GET / 502
- curl/7.55.1 - - Error kBkDzGnceVtWHqSCqBUqtA_cEs2T3tFUBbnBNkB9El_uVRhHgcZfcw== http 387 0.103 - - - Error HTTP/1.1 - - 12644 0.103 OriginDnsError text/
html 507 - -

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Standard Logs (Access Logs)

RTMP Distribution Log File Format

Each record in an RTMP access log represents a playback event, for example, connect, play, pause, stop,
disconnect, and so on. As a result, CloudFront generates multiple log records each time a viewer watches
a video. To relate log records that stem from the same stream ID, use the x-sid field.
Some fields have values for all events, and some have values only for play, stop, pause, unpause,
and seek events. Usually, when the log file contains a hyphen (-) for a field, it means that field
isn't relevant for the corresponding event.

The following table describes the fields that are present in each record in the RTMP distribution log file,
regardless of the type of event. The fields appear in the log in the order listed.

Field Number Field Name Description

1 date The date on which the event occurred in the format YYYY-MM-DD,
for example, 2019-05-23. The date and time are in Coordinated
Universal Time (UTC).

2 time The time when the server received the request (in UTC), for example,

3 x-edge- The edge location where the playback event occurred. Each edge
location location is identified by a three-letter code and an arbitrarily
assigned number, for example, DFW3. The three-letter code typically
corresponds with the International Air Transport Association airport
code for an airport near the edge location. (These abbreviations
might change in the future.) For a list of edge locations, see the
Amazon CloudFront Infrastructure page.

4 c-ip Client IP, for example,

5 x-event The event type. This is a Connect, Disconnect, Play, Stop, Pause,
Unpause, or Seek event.

6 sc-bytes The running total number of bytes sent from the server to the client,
up to the time of the event.

7 x-cf-status A code indicating the status of the event. Currently, "OK" is the only
value for this field. New functionality in the future could require new
status codes.

8 x-cf- An opaque string identifier that can be used to differentiate clients.

This value is unique for each connection.

9 cs-uri-stem The stem portion of the URI, including the application

and the application instance. This is sometimes referred
to as the FMS connect string. For example, rtmp:// Question marks (?)
in URLs and query strings are not included in the log.

10 cs-uri- The query string portion of the URI that is included on the connect
query string. Question marks (?) in URLs and query strings are not included
in the log.

11 c-referrer The URI of the referrer.

12 x-page-url The URL of the page from which the SWF is linked.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using Standard Logs (Access Logs)

Field Number Field Name Description

13 c-user- The value of the User-Agent header in the request. The User-
agent Agent header identifies the type of device that submitted the
request. For more information, see User-Agent Header (p. 278).

The following fields usually have values only for Play, Stop, Pause, Unpause, and Seek events. For other
events, they contain a single hyphen (-). These fields appear in the log after the fields in the preceding
table and in the order listed.

Field Number Field Name Description

14 x-sname The stream name.

15 x-sname- The stream query string, if any.


16 x-file-ext The stream type, for example, FLV.

17 x-sid The stream ID. This is a unique integer identifier for the connection.

The following is an example of a log file for an RTMP distribution:

#Version: 1.0
#Fields: date time x-edge-location c-ip x-event sc-bytes x-cf-status x-cf-client-id cs-uri-
stem cs-uri-query c-referrer x-page-url c-user-agent x-sname x-sname-query x-file-ext x-sid
2010-03-12 23:51:20 SEA4 connect 2014 OK
bfd8a98bee0840d9b871b7f6ade9908f rtmp:// key=value
wizard?example=204 LNX%2010,0,32,18 - - - -
2010-03-12 23:51:21 SEA4 play 3914 OK bfd8a98bee0840d9b871b7f6ade9908f
rtmp:// key=value
player.swf LNX
%2010,0,32,18 myvideo p=2&q=4 flv 1
2010-03-12 23:53:44 SEA4 stop 323914 OK bfd8a98bee0840d9b871b7f6ade9908f
rtmp:// key=value
player.swf LNX
%2010,0,32,18 dir/other/myvideo p=2&q=4 flv 1
2010-03-12 23:53:44 SEA4 play 8783724 OK
bfd8a98bee0840d9b871b7f6ade9908f rtmp:// key=value
wizard?example=204 LNX%2010,0,32,18 dir/favs/myothervideo p=42&q=14 mp4 2
2010-03-12 23:56:21 SEA4 stop 429822014 OK
bfd8a98bee0840d9b871b7f6ade9908f rtmp:// key=value
wizard?example=204 LNX%2010,0,32,18 dir/favs/myothervideo p=42&q=14 mp4 2
2010-03-12 23:59:44 SEA4 disconnect 429824092 OK
bfd8a98bee0840d9b871b7f6ade9908f rtmp:// key=value
wizard?example=204 LNX%2010,0,32,18 - - - -

Charges for Standard Logs

Standard logging is an optional feature of CloudFront. There is no extra charge for enabling standard
logging. However, you accrue the usual Amazon S3 charges for storing and accessing the files on Amazon
S3 (you can delete them at any time).

For more information about Amazon S3 pricing, see Amazon S3 Pricing.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Real-time logs

For more information about CloudFront pricing, see CloudFront Pricing.

Real-time logs
With CloudFront real-time logs, you can get information about requests made to a distribution in real
time (logs are delivered within seconds of receiving the requests). You can use real-time logs to monitor,
analyze, and take action based on content delivery performance.

CloudFront real-time logs are configurable. You can choose:

• The sampling rate for your real-time logs—that is, the percentage of requests for which you want to
receive real-time log records.
• The specific fields that you want to receive in the log records.
• The specific cache behaviors (path patterns) that you want to receive real-time logs for.

CloudFront real-time logs are delivered to the data stream of your choice in Amazon Kinesis Data
Streams. You can build your own Kinesis data stream consumer, or use Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose
to send the log data to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), Amazon Redshift, Amazon
Elasticsearch Service (Amazon ES), or a third-party log processing service.

CloudFront charges for real-time logs, in addition to the charges you incur for using Kinesis Data
Streams. For more information about pricing, see Amazon CloudFront Pricing and Amazon Kinesis Data
Streams pricing.

Understanding real-time log configurations

To use CloudFront real-time logs, you start by creating a real-time log configuration. The real-time log
configuration contains information about which log fields you want to receive, the sampling rate for log
records, and the Kinesis data stream where you want to deliver the logs.

Specifically, a real-time log configuration contains the following settings:

• Name (p. 457)

• Sampling rate (p. 457)
• Fields (p. 457)
• Endpoint (Kinesis data stream) (p. 461)
• IAM role (p. 462)


A name to identify the real-time log configuration.

Sampling rate

The sampling rate is a whole number between 1 and 100 (inclusive) that determines the percentage
of viewer requests that are sent to Kinesis Data Streams as real-time log records. To include every
viewer request in your real-time logs, specify 100 for the sampling rate. You might choose a lower
sampling rate to reduce costs while still receiving a representative sample of request data in your
real-time logs.

A list of the fields that are included in each real-time log record. You can choose to receive all of the
available fields, or only the fields that you need for monitoring and analyzing performance.

The following list describes each of the available fields. The fields are listed in the order in which
they appear in the log records that are delivered to Kinesis Data Streams.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Real-time logs

• timestamp – The date and time at which the edge server finished responding to the request.
• c-ip – The IP address of the viewer that made the request, for example, or
2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334. If the viewer used an HTTP proxy or a load balancer to
send the request, the value of this field is the IP address of the proxy or load balancer.
• time-to-first-byte – The number of seconds between receiving the request and writing the first
byte of the response, as measured on the edge server.
• sc-status – Contains one of the following values:
• The HTTP status code of the edge server’s response (for example, 200).
• 000, which indicates that the viewer closed the connection before the edge server could respond to
the request. If the viewer closes the connection after the edge server starts to send the response,
this field contains the applicable HTTP status code.
• sc-bytes – The total number of bytes that the edge server sent to the viewer in response to the
request, including headers.
• cs-method – The HTTP request method received from the viewer.
• cs-protocol – The protocol of the viewer request (http, https, ws, or wss).
• cs-host – The domain name of the CloudFront distribution (for example,
• cs-uri-stem – The portion of the request URL that identifies the path and object (for example, /
images/cat.jpg). Question marks (?) in URLs and query strings are not included in the log.
• cs-bytes – The total number of bytes of data that the viewer included in the request, including
• x-edge-location – The edge location that served the request. Each edge location is identified by
a three-letter code and an arbitrarily assigned number (for example, DFW3). The three-letter code
typically corresponds with the International Air Transport Association (IATA) airport code for an airport
near the edge location’s geographic location. (These abbreviations might change in the future.)
• x-edge-request-id – An opaque string that uniquely identifies a request. This string is also sent in
the x-amz-cf-id response header.
• x-host-header – The value that the viewer included in the Host header of the request. If you’re
using the CloudFront domain name in your object URLs (such as, this
field contains that domain name. If you’re using alternate domain names (CNAMEs) in your object URLs
(such as, this field contains the alternate domain name.
• time-taken – The number of seconds (to the thousandth of a second, for example, 0.082) from
when the edge server receives the viewer’s request to when the edge server writes the last byte of the
response to the output queue, as measured on the edge server. From the perspective of the viewer, the
total time to get the full response will be longer than this value because of network latency andTCP
• cs-protocol-version – The HTTP version that the viewer specified in the request. Possible values
include HTTP/0.9, HTTP/1.0, HTTP/1.1, and HTTP/2.0.
• c-ip-version – The IP version of the request (IPv4 or IPv6).
• cs-user-agent – The value of the User-Agent header in the request. The User-Agent header
identifies the source of the request, such as the type of device and browser that submitted the request
or, if the request came from a search engine, which search engine.
• cs-referer – The value of the Referer header in the request. This is the name of the domain that
originated the request. Common referrers include search engines, other websites that link directly to
your objects, and your own website.
• cs-cookie – The Cookie header in the request, including name—value pairs and the associated
This field is truncated to 800 bytes.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Real-time logs

• cs-uri-query – The query string portion of the URL, if any.

• x-edge-response-result-type – How the edge server classified the response just before
returning the response to the viewer. Possible values include:
• Hit – The edge server served the object to the viewer from the cache.
• RefreshHit – The edge server found the object in the edge cache but the object had expired, so
the edge server contacted the origin to verify that the cache had the latest version of the object.
• Miss – The request could not be satisfied by an object in the edge cache, so the edge server
forwarded the request to the origin server and returned the result to the viewer.
• LimitExceeded – The request was denied because a CloudFront quota (formerly referred to as a
limit) was exceeded.
• CapacityExceeded – The edge server returned a 503 error because it didn’t have enough capacity
at the time of the request to serve the object.
• Error – Typically, this means the request resulted in a client error or a server error.
• Redirect – The edge server redirected the viewer from HTTP to HTTPS according to the
distribution settings.
• x-forwarded-for – If the viewer used an HTTP proxy or a load balancer to send the request, the
value of the c-ip field is the IP address of the proxy or load balancer. In that case, this field is the IP
address of the viewer that originated the request.
• ssl-protocol – When the request used HTTPS, this field contains the SSL/TLS protocol that the
viewer and edge server negotiated for transmitting the request and response. For a list of possible
values, see the supported SSL/TLS protocols in Supported protocols and ciphers between viewers and
CloudFront (p. 128).
• ssl-cipher – When the request used HTTPS, this field contains the SSL/TLS cipher that the viewer
and edge server negotiated for encrypting the request and response. For a list of possible values,
see the supported SSL/TLS protocols in Supported protocols and ciphers between viewers and
CloudFront (p. 128).
• x-edge-result-type – How the edge server classified the response after the last byte left the
edge location. In some cases, the result type can change between the time that the edge server is
ready to send the response and the time that it finishes sending the response. (See also the x-edge-
response-result-type field).

For example, in HTTP streaming, suppose the edge server finds a segment of the stream in the edge
cache. In that scenario, the value of this field would ordinarily be Hit. However, if the viewer closes
the connection before the edge server has delivered the entire segment, the final result type (and the
value of this field) is Error.

Possible values include:

• Hit – The edge server served the object to the viewer from the cache.
• RefreshHit – The edge server found the object in the edge cache but the object had expired, so
the edge server contacted the origin to verify that the cache had the latest version of the object.
• Miss – The request could not be satisfied by an object in the edge cache, so the edge server
forwarded the request to the origin server and returned the result to the viewer.
• LimitExceeded – The request was denied because a CloudFront quota (formerly referred to as a
limit) was exceeded.
• CapacityExceeded – The edge server returned a 503 error because it didn’t have enough capacity
at the time of the request to serve the object.
• Error – Typically, this means the request resulted in a client error or a server error.
• Redirect – The edge server redirected the viewer from HTTP to HTTPS according to the
distribution settings.
• fle-encrypted-fields – The number of field-level encryption (p. 219) fields that the edge server
encrypted and forwarded to the origin. Edge servers stream the processed request to the origin as they
encrypt data, so this field can have a value even if the value of fle-status is an error.
Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Real-time logs

• fle-status – When field-level encryption is configured for a distribution, this field contains a code
that indicates whether the request body was successfully processed. When the edge server successfully
processes the request body, encrypts values in the specified fields, and forwards the request to the
origin, the value of this field is Processed. The value of x-edge-result-type can still indicate a
client-side or server-side error in this case.

If the request exceeds a field-level encryption quota (formerly referred to as a limit), this field contains
one of the following error codes, and the edge server returns HTTP status code 400 to the viewer.
• FieldLengthLimitClientError – A field that is configured to be encrypted exceeded the
maximum length allowed.
• FieldNumberLimitClientError – A request that the distribution is configured to encrypt
contains more than the number of fields allowed.
• RequestLengthLimitClientError – The length of the request body exceeded the maximum
length allowed when field-level encryption is configured.

Other possible values for this field include the following:

• ForwardedByContentType – The edge server forwarded the request to the origin without parsing
or encryption because no content type was configured.
• ForwardedByQueryArgs – The edge server forwarded the request to the origin without parsing or
encryption because the request contains a query argument that wasn’t in the configuration for field-
level encryption.
• ForwardedDueToNoProfile – The edge server forwarded the request to the origin without
parsing or encryption because no profile was specified in the configuration for field-level encryption.
• MalformedContentTypeClientError – The edge server rejected the request and returned an
HTTP 400 status code to the viewer because the value of the Content-Type header was in an
invalid format.
• MalformedInputClientError – The edge server rejected the request and returned an HTTP 400
status code to the viewer because the request body was in an invalid format.
• MalformedQueryArgsClientError – The edge server rejected the request and returned an HTTP
400 status code to the viewer because a query argument was empty or in an invalid format.
• RejectedByContentType – The edge server rejected the request and returned an HTTP 400
status code to the viewer because no content type was specified in the configuration for field-level
• RejectedByQueryArgs – The edge server rejected the request and returned an HTTP 400 status
code to the viewer because no query argument was specified in the configuration for field-level
• ServerError – The origin server returned an error.
• sc-content-type – The value of the HTTP Content-Type header of the response.
• sc-content-len – The value of the HTTP Content-Length header of the response.
• sc-range-start – When the response contains the HTTP Content-Range header, this field contains
the range start value.
• sc-range-end – When the response contains the HTTP Content-Range header, this field contains
the range end value.
• c-port – The port number of the request from the viewer.
• x-edge-detailed-result-type – When the x-edge-result-type field is not Error, this field
contains the same value as x-edge-result-type. When x-edge-result-type is Error, this field
contains the specific type of error. Possible values include:
• AbortedOrigin – The edge server encountered an issue with the origin.
• ClientCommError – The response to the viewer was interrupted due to a communication problem
between the edge server and the viewer.
• ClientGeoBlocked – The distribution is configured to refuse requests from the viewer’s
geographic location.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Real-time logs

• ClientHungUpRequest – The viewer stopped prematurely while sending the request.

• Error – An error occurred for which the error type doesn’t fit any of the other categories. This error
type can occur when the edge server serves an error response from the cache.
• InvalidRequest – The edge server received an invalid request from the viewer.
• InvalidRequestBlocked – Access to the requested resource is blocked.
• InvalidRequestCertificate – The distribution doesn’t match the SSL/TLS certificate for which
the HTTPS connection was established.
• InvalidRequestHeader – The request contained an invalid header.
• InvalidRequestMethod – The distribution is not configured to handle the HTTP request method
that was used. This can happen when the distribution supports only cacheable requests.
• OriginConnectError – The edge server couldn’t connect to the origin.
• OriginContentRangeLengthError – The Content-Length header in the origin’s response
doesn’t match the length in the Content-Range header.
• OriginDnsError – The edge server couldn’t resolve the origin’s domain name.
• OriginError – The origin returned an incorrect response.
• OriginHeaderTooBigError – A header returned by the origin is too big for the edge server to
• OriginInvalidResponseError – The origin returned an invalid response.
• OriginReadError – The edge server couldn’t read from the origin.
• OriginWriteError – The edge server couldn’t write to the origin.
• OriginZeroSizeObjectError – A zero size object sent from the origin resulted in an error.
• SlowReaderOriginError – The viewer was slow to read the message that caused the origin error.
• c-country – A country code that represents the viewer’s geographic location, as determined by the
viewer’s IP address.
• cs-accept-encoding – The value of the Accept-Encoding header in the viewer request.
• cs-accept – The value of the Accept header in the viewer request.
• cache-behavior-path-pattern – The path pattern that identifies the cache behavior that
matched the viewer request.
• cs-headers – The HTTP headers (names and values) in the viewer request.
This field is truncated to 800 bytes.
• cs-header-names – The names of the HTTP headers (not values) in the viewer request.
This field is truncated to 800 bytes.
• cs-headers-count – The number of HTTP headers in the viewer request.

Endpoint (Kinesis data stream)

The endpoint contains information about the Kinesis data stream where you want to send real-time
logs. You provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the data stream.

For more information about creating a Kinesis data stream, see the following topics in the Amazon
Kinesis Data Streams Developer Guide.
• Managing Streams Using the Console
• Perform Basic Kinesis Data Stream Operations Using the AWS CLI
• Creating a Stream (uses the AWS SDK for Java)

When you create a data stream, you need to specify the number of shards. Use the following
information to help you estimate the number of shards you need.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Real-time logs

To estimate the number of shards for your Kinesis data stream

1. Calculate (or estimate) the number of requests per second that your CloudFront distribution

You can use the CloudFront usage reports (in the CloudFront console) and the CloudFront
metrics (p. 429) (in the CloudFront and Amazon CloudWatch consoles) to help you calculate
your requests per second.
2. Determine the typical size of a single real-time log record.

In general, a single log record is around 500 bytes. A large record that includes all available
fields is around 1 KB.

If you’re not sure what your log record size is, you can enable real-time logs with a low sampling
rate (for example, 1%), and then calculate the average record size using monitoring data in
Kinesis Data Streams (total number of records divided by total incoming bytes).
3. Multiply the number of requests per second (from step 1) by the size of a typical real-time
log record (from step 2) to determine the amount of data per second that your real-time log
configuration is likely to send to the Kinesis data stream.
4. Using the data per second, calculate the number of shards that you need. A single shard can
handle no more than 1 MB per second and 1,000 requests (log records) per second. When
calculating the number of shards that you need, we recommend adding 10-25% as a buffer.

For example, assume your distribution receives 50,000 requests per second, and that your real-
time log records size is typically 500 bytes. This means that your real-time log configuration could
generate 25,000,000 bytes (50,000 multiplied by 500), or 23.84 MB, per second. In this scenario you
would need at least 24 shards. To add a buffer of about 20%, you would specify 29 shards.
IAM role

The AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that gives CloudFront permission to deliver
real-time logs to your Kinesis data stream.

When you create a real-time log configuration with the CloudFront console, you can choose Create
new service role to let the console create the IAM role for you.

When you create a real-time log configuration with AWS CloudFormation or the CloudFront API
(AWS CLI or SDK), you must create the IAM role yourself and provide the role ARN. To create the IAM
yourself, use the following policies.

IAM role trust policy

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Service": ""
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole"

IAM role permissions policy for an unencrypted data stream

To use the following policy, replace Kinesis data stream ARN with the ARN of your Kinesis data

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Real-time logs

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Kinesis data stream ARN"

IAM role permissions policy for an encrypted data stream

To use the following policy, replace Kinesis data stream ARN with the ARN of your Kinesis
data stream and AWS KMS key with the ARN of your customer master key in AWS Key Management
Service (AWS KMS).

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Kinesis data stream ARN"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"AWS KMS key"

Creating and using real-time log configurations

You can use a real-time log configurations to get information about requests made to a distribution in
real time (logs are delivered within seconds of receiving the requests). You can create a real-time log
configuration in the CloudFront console, with the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), or with the
CloudFront API.

To use a real-time log configuration, you attach it to one or more cache behaviors in a CloudFront

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Real-time logs

Create a real-time log configuration (console)

To create a real-time log configuration (console)

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Logs page in the CloudFront console at
2. Choose Real-time log configurations.
3. Choose Create configuration.
4. Choose the desired setting for the real-time log configuration. Note the following:

• By default, all Fields are chosen. To remove a field, do one of the following:
• Use the Choose fields drop-down menu to remove the selection from the fields that you don’t
want to include in the real-time log configuration.
• Use the expand button ( ) to view all fields, then use the remove button ( ) to remove the
fields that you don’t want to include in the real-time log configuration.
• For IAM role, you can choose Create new service role to let the console create the IAM role for
you. You must have permission to create IAM roles.
• You can use the setting in the Distribution section to choose a CloudFront distribution and cache
behavior to attach to the real-time log configuration.

For more information, see Understanding real-time log configurations (p. 457).
5. When finished, choose Create configuration.

If successful, the console shows the details of the real-time log configuration that you just created.

Create a real-time log configuration (AWS CLI)

To create a real-time log configuration with the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), use the aws
cloudfront create-realtime-log-config command. You can use an input file to provide the command’s
input parameters, rather than specifying each individual parameter as command line input.

To create a real-time log configuration (CLI with input file)

1. Use the following command to create a file named rtl-config.yaml that contains all of the input
parameters for the create-realtime-log-config command.

aws cloudfront create-realtime-log-config --generate-cli-skeleton yaml-input > rtl-


The yaml-input option is available only in version 2 of the AWS CLI. With version 1 of
the AWS CLI, you can generate an input file in JSON format. For more information, see
Generating AWS CLI skeleton and input parameters from a JSON or YAML input file in the
AWS Command Line Interface User Guide.
2. Open the file named rtl-config.yaml that you just created. Edit the file to specify the real-time
log configuration settings that you want, then save the file. Note the following:

• For StreamType, the only valid value is Kinesis.

For more information about the real-time long configuration settings, see Understanding real-time
log configurations (p. 457).

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Real-time logs

3. Use the following command to create the real-time log configuration using input parameters from
the rtl-config.yaml file.

aws cloudfront create-realtime-log-config --cli-input-yaml file://rtl-config.yaml

If successful, the command’s output shows the details of the real-time log configuration that you just

To attach a real-time log configuration to an existing distribution (CLI with input file)

1. Use the following command to save the distribution configuration for the CloudFront distribution
that you want to update. Replace distribution_ID with the distribution’s ID.

aws cloudfront get-distribution-config --id distribution_ID --output yaml > dist-


The --output yaml option is available only in version 2 of the AWS CLI. With version 1
of the AWS CLI, you can generate the output in JSON format. For more information, see
Controlling command output from the AWS CLI in the AWS Command Line Interface User
2. Open the file named dist-config.yaml that you just created. Edit the file, making the following
changes to each cache behavior that you are updating to use a real-time log configuration.

• In the cache behavior, add a field named RealtimeLogConfigArn. For the field’s value, use the
ARN of the real-time log configuration that you want to attach to this cache behavior.
• Rename the ETag field to IfMatch, but don’t change the field’s value.

Save the file when finished.

3. Use the following command to update the distribution to use the real-time log configuration.
Replace distribution_ID with the distribution’s ID.

aws cloudfront update-distribution --id distribution_ID --cli-input-yaml file://dist-


If successful, the command’s output shows the details of the distribution that you just updated.

Create a real-time log configuration (API)

To create a real-time log configuration with the CloudFront API, use CreateRealtimeLogConfig. For more
information about the parameters that you specify in this API call, see Understanding real-time log
configurations (p. 457) and the API reference documentation for your AWS SDK or other API client.

After you create a real-time log configuration, you can attach it to a cache behavior, using one of the
following API calls:

• To attach it to a cache behavior in an existing distribution, use UpdateDistribution.

• To attach it to a cache behavior in a new distribution, use CreateDistribution.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Capturing API Requests with CloudTrail

For both of these API calls, provide the ARN of the real-time log configuration in the
RealtimeLogConfigArn field, inside a cache behavior. For more information about the other
fields that you specify in these API calls, see Values That You Specify When You Create or Update a
Distribution (p. 38) and the API reference documentation for your AWS SDK or other API client.

Creating a Kinesis Data Streams consumer

To read and analyze your real-time logs, you build or use a Kinesis Data Streams consumer. When you
build a consumer for CloudFront real-time logs, it’s important to know that the fields in every real-time
log record are always delivered in the same order, as listed in the Fields (p. 457) section. Make sure that
you build your consumer to accommodate this fixed order.

For example, consider a real-time log configuration that includes only these three fields: time-to-
first-byte, sc-status, and c-country. In this scenario, the last field, c-country, is always field
number 3 in every log record. However, if you later add fields to the real-time log configuration, the
placement of each field in a record can change.

For example, if you add the fields sc-bytes and time-taken to the real-time log configuration, these
fields are inserted into each log record according to the order shown in the Fields (p. 457) section. The
resulting order of all five fields is time-to-first-byte, sc-status, sc-bytes, time-taken, and c-
country. The c-country field was originally field number 3, but is now field number 5. Make sure that
your consumer application can handle fields that change position in a log record, in case you add fields
to your real-time log configuration.

Troubleshooting real-time logs

After you create a real-time log configuration, you might find that no records (or not all records) are
delivered to Kinesis Data Streams. In this case, you should first verify that your CloudFront distribution is
receiving viewer requests. If it is, you can check the following setting to continue troubleshooting.

IAM role permissions

To deliver real-time log records to your Kinesis data stream, CloudFront uses the IAM role in the real-
time log configuration. Make sure that the role trust policy and the role permissions policy match
the policies shown in IAM role (p. 462).
Kinesis Data Streams throttling

If CloudFront writes real-time log records to your Kinesis data stream faster than the stream can
handle, Kinesis Data Streams might throttle the requests from CloudFront. In this case, you can
increase the number of shards in your Kinesis data stream. Each shard can support writes up to
1,000 records per second, up to a maximum data write of 1 MB per second.

Using AWS CloudTrail to Capture Requests Sent to

the CloudFront API
CloudFront is integrated with CloudTrail, an AWS service that captures information about every request
that is sent to the CloudFront API by your AWS account, including your IAM users. CloudTrail periodically
saves log files of these requests to an Amazon S3 bucket that you specify. CloudTrail captures
information about all requests, whether they were made using the CloudFront console, the CloudFront
API, the AWS SDKs, the CloudFront CLI, or another service, for example, AWS CloudFormation.

You can use information in the CloudTrail log files to determine which requests were made to
CloudFront, the source IP address from which each request was made, who made the request, when it
was made, and so on. To learn more about CloudTrail, including how to configure and enable it, see the
AWS CloudTrail User Guide.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Capturing API Requests with CloudTrail

CloudFront is a global service. To view CloudFront requests in CloudTrail logs, you must update
an existing trail to include global services. For more information, see Updating a Trail and About
Global Service Events in the AWS CloudTrail User Guide.

• CloudFront Information in CloudTrail (p. 467)
• Understanding CloudFront Log File Entries (p. 467)

CloudFront Information in CloudTrail

CloudTrail is enabled on your AWS account when you create the account. When activity occurs in
CloudFront, that activity is recorded in a CloudTrail event along with other AWS service events in Event
history. You can view, search, and download recent events in your AWS account. Because CloudFront
is a global service, events for the service are logged in US East (N. Virginia). For more information, see
Viewing Events with CloudTrail Event History.

For an ongoing record of events in your AWS account, including events for CloudFront, create a trail.
Your trail must include global service events. A trail enables CloudTrail to deliver log files to an Amazon
S3 bucket. By default, when you create a trail in the console, the trail applies to all regions and includes
global service events. The trail logs events from all regions in the AWS partition and delivers the log files
to the Amazon S3 bucket that you specify. Additionally, you can configure other AWS services to further
analyze and act upon the event data collected in CloudTrail logs. For more information, see:

• Overview for Creating a Trail

• CloudTrail Supported Services and Integrations
• Configuring Amazon SNS Notifications for CloudTrail
• Receiving CloudTrail Log Files from Multiple Regions and Receiving CloudTrail Log Files from Multiple

All CloudFront API actions are logged by CloudTrail and are documented in the Amazon CloudFront
API Reference. For example, calls to the CreateDistribution, GetDistribution and
ListInvalidations APIs generate entries in the CloudTrail log files.

Every event or log entry contains information about who generated the request. The identity
information helps you determine the following:

• Whether the request was made with root or IAM user credentials.
• Whether the request was made with temporary security credentials for a role or federated user.
• Whether the request was made by another AWS service.

For more information, see the CloudTrail userIdentity Element.

Understanding CloudFront Log File Entries

Each JSON-formatted CloudTrail log file can contain one or more log entries. A log entry represents
a single request from any source and includes information about the requested action, including any
parameters, the date and time of the action, and so on. The log entries are not guaranteed to be in any
particular order; they are not an ordered stack trace of API calls.

The eventName element identifies the action that occurred and the API version that was used to
perform that action. For example, the following eventName value indicates that a web distribution was
updated, and the 2014-01-31 API version was used to perform the action:

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Capturing API Requests with CloudTrail


The following example shows a CloudTrail log entry that demonstrates five actions:

• Updating a web distribution configuration. The value of eventName is UpdateDistribution.

• Listing web distributions that are associated with the current account. The value of eventName is
• Getting the configuration for a specific web distribution. The value of eventName is
• Creating an invalidation batch request. The value of eventName is CreateInvalidation.
• Listing origin access identities that are associated with the current account. The value of eventName is

"Records": [{
"eventVersion": "1.01",
"userIdentity": {
"type": "IAMUser",
"principalId": "A1B2C3D4E5F6G7EXAMPLE",
"arn": "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:user/smithj",
"accountId": "111122223333",
"userName": "smithj"
"eventTime": "2014-05-06T18:00:32Z",
"eventName": "UpdateDistribution2014_01_31",
"sourceIPAddress": "",
"userAgent": "aws-sdk-ruby/1.39.0 ruby/1.9.3 x86_64-linux",
"requestParameters": {
"ifMatch": "E9LHASXEXAMPLE",
"distributionConfig": {
"restrictions": {
"geoRestriction": {
"quantity": 0,
"restrictionType": "none"
"customErrorResponses": {
"quantity": 0
"defaultRootObject": "index.html",
"aliases": {
"quantity": 1,
"items": [""]
"logging": {
"bucket": "",
"enabled": false,
"prefix": "",
"includeCookies": false
"viewerCertificate": {
"iAMCertificateId": "A1B2C3D4E5F6G7EXAMPLE",
"sSLSupportMethod": "sni-only"
"callerReference": "2014-05-06 64832",
"defaultCacheBehavior": {
"targetOriginId": "Images",
"allowedMethods": {
"items": ["GET",

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Capturing API Requests with CloudTrail

"quantity": 2
"forwardedValues": {
"cookies": {
"forward": "none"
"queryString": false
"minTTL": 300,
"trustedSigners": {
"enabled": false,
"quantity": 0
"viewerProtocolPolicy": "redirect-to-https",
"smoothStreaming": false
"origins": {
"items": [{
"customOriginConfig": {
"hTTPSPort": 443,
"originProtocolPolicy": "http-only",
"hTTPPort": 80
"domainName": "",
"id": "Web page origin"
"customOriginConfig": {
"hTTPSPort": 443,
"originProtocolPolicy": "http-only",
"hTTPPort": 80
"domainName": "",
"id": "Images"
"quantity": 2
"enabled": true,
"cacheBehaviors": {
"allowedMethods": {
"items": ["GET",
"quantity": 2
"trustedSigners": {
"enabled": false,
"quantity": 0
"targetOriginId": "Web page origin",
"smoothStreaming": false,
"viewerProtocolPolicy": "redirect-to-https",
"minTTL": 300,
"forwardedValues": {
"cookies": {
"forward": "none"
"queryString": false
"pathPattern": "*.html"
"quantity": 1
"priceClass": "PriceClass_All",
"comment": "Added an origin and a cache behavior"

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Capturing API Requests with CloudTrail

"responseElements": {
"distribution": {
"domainName": "",
"status": "InProgress",
"distributionConfig": {
distributionConfig response omitted
"lastModifiedTime": "May 6, 2014 6:00:32 PM",
"activeTrustedSigners": {
"quantity": 0,
"enabled": false
"inProgressInvalidationBatches": 0
"requestID": "4e6b66f9-d548-11e3-a8a9-73e33example",
"eventID": "5ab02562-0fc5-43d0-b7b6-90293example"
"eventVersion": "1.01",
"userIdentity": {
"type": "IAMUser",
"principalId": "A1B2C3D4E5F6G7EXAMPLE",
"arn": "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:user/smithj",
"accountId": "111122223333",
"userName": "smithj"
"eventTime": "2014-05-06T18:01:35Z",
"eventName": "ListDistributions2014_01_31",
"sourceIPAddress": "",
"userAgent": "aws-sdk-ruby/1.39.0 ruby/1.9.3 x86_64-linux",
"requestParameters": null,
"responseElements": null,
"requestID": "52de9f97-d548-11e3-8fb9-4dad0example",
"eventID": "eb91f423-6dd3-4bb0-a148-3cdfbexample"
"eventVersion": "1.01",
"userIdentity": {
"type": "IAMUser",
"principalId": "A1B2C3D4E5F6G7EXAMPLE",
"arn": "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:user/smithj",
"accountId": "111122223333",
"userName": "smithj"
"eventTime": "2014-05-06T18:01:59Z",
"eventName": "GetDistribution2014_01_31",
"sourceIPAddress": "",
"userAgent": "aws-sdk-ruby/1.39.0 ruby/1.9.3 x86_64-linux",
"requestParameters": {
"responseElements": null,
"requestID": "497b3622-d548-11e3-8fb9-4dad0example",
"eventID": "c32289c7-005a-46f7-9801-cba41example"
"eventVersion": "1.01",
"userIdentity": {
"type": "IAMUser",
"principalId": "A1B2C3D4E5F6G7EXAMPLE",
"arn": "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:user/smithj",

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Capturing API Requests with CloudTrail

"accountId": "111122223333",
"userName": "smithj"
"eventTime": "2014-05-06T18:02:27Z",
"eventName": "CreateInvalidation2014_01_31",
"sourceIPAddress": "",
"userAgent": "aws-sdk-ruby/1.39.0 ruby/1.9.3 x86_64-linux",
"requestParameters": {
"invalidationBatch": {
"callerReference": "2014-05-06 64947",
"paths": {
"quantity": 3,
"items": ["/images/new.jpg",
"distributionId": "EDFDVBD6EXAMPLE"
"responseElements": {
"invalidation": {
"createTime": "May 6, 2014 6:02:27 PM",
"invalidationBatch": {
"callerReference": "2014-05-06 64947",
"paths": {
"quantity": 3,
"items": ["/images/banner.jpg",
"status": "InProgress",
"location": "
"requestID": "4e200613-d548-11e3-a8a9-73e33example",
"eventID": "191ebb93-66b7-4517-a741-92b0eexample"
"eventVersion": "1.01",
"userIdentity": {
"type": "IAMUser",
"principalId": "A1B2C3D4E5F6G7EXAMPLE",
"arn": "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:user/smithj",
"accountId": "111122223333",
"userName": "smithj"
"eventTime": "2014-05-06T18:03:08Z",
"eventName": "ListCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentities2014_01_31",
"sourceIPAddress": "",
"userAgent": "aws-sdk-ruby/1.39.0 ruby/1.9.3 x86_64-linux",
"requestParameters": null,
"responseElements": null,
"requestID": "42ca4299-d548-11e3-8fb9-4dad0example",
"eventID": "7aeb434f-eb55-4e2a-82d8-417d5example"

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Tracking Configuration Changes with AWS Config

Tracking Configuration Changes with AWS Config

You can use AWS Config to record configuration changes for CloudFront distribution settings changes.
For example, you can capture changes to distribution states, price classes, origins, geo restriction
settings, and Lambda@Edge configurations.
AWS Config does not record key–value tags for CloudFront distributions.

Set up AWS Config with CloudFront

When you set up AWS Config, you can choose to record all supported AWS resources, or you can specify
only certain resources to record configuration changes for, such as just recording changes for CloudFront.
To see the specific resources supported for CloudFront, see the list of Supported AWS Resource Types in
the AWS Config Developer Guide.

To track configuration changes to your CloudFront distribution, you must log in to the AWS Console in
the US East (N. Virginia) public region.
There might be a delay in recording resources with AWS Config. AWS Config records resources
only after it discovers the resources.

Set up AWS Config with CloudFront by using the AWS Management Console

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AWS Config console at https://
2. Choose Get Started Now.
3. On the Settings page, for Resource types to record, specify the AWS resource types that you want
AWS Config to record. If you want to record only CloudFront changes, choose Specific types, and
then, under CloudFront, choose the distribution or streaming distribution that you want to track
changes for.

To add or change which distributions to track, choose Settings on the left, after completing your
initial setup.
4. Specify additional required options for AWS Config: set up a notification, specify a location for the
configuration information, and add rules for evaluating resource types.

For more information, see Setting up AWS Config with the Console in the AWS Config Developer Guide.

To set up AWS Config with CloudFront by using the AWS CLI or by using an API, see one of the following:

• Use the AWS CLI: Setting up AWS Config with the AWS CLI in the AWS Config Developer Guide
• Use an API: The StartConfigurationRecorder action and other information in the AWS Config API

View CloudFront Configuration History

After AWS Config starts recording configuration changes to your distributions, you can get the
configuration history of any distribution that you have configured for CloudFront.

You can view configuration histories in any of the following ways:

• Use the AWS Config console. For each recorded resource, you can view a timeline page, which
provides a history of configuration details. To view this page, choose the gray icon in the Config

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
View CloudFront Configuration History

Timeline column of the Dedicated Hosts page. For more information, see Viewing Configuration
Details in the AWS Config Console in the AWS Config Developer Guide.
• Run AWS CLI commands. To get a list of all your distributions, use the list-discovered-resources
command. To get the configuration details of a distribution for a specific time interval, use the get-
resource-config-history command. For more information, see View Configuration Details Using the CLI
in the AWS Config Developer Guide.
• Use the AWS Config API in your applications. To get a list of all your distributions use the
ListDiscoveredResources action. To get the configuration details of a distribution for a specific time
interval, use the GetResourceConfigHistory action. For more information, see the AWS Config API

For example, to get a list of all of your distributions from AWS Config, you could run a CLI command such
as the following:

aws configservice list-discovered-resources --resource-type


Or, to get a list of all of your RTMP streaming distributions from AWS Config, run a CLI command such as
the following:

aws configservice list-discovered-resources --resource-type


Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Data Protection

Security in Amazon CloudFront

Cloud security at AWS is the highest priority. As an AWS customer, you benefit from a data center and
network architecture that is built to meet the requirements of the most security-sensitive organizations.

Security is a shared responsibility between AWS and you. The shared responsibility model describes this
as security of the cloud and security in the cloud:

• Security of the cloud – AWS is responsible for protecting the infrastructure that runs AWS services in
the AWS Cloud. AWS also provides you with services that you can use securely. Third-party auditors
regularly test and verify the effectiveness of our security as part of the AWS compliance programs. To
learn about the compliance programs that apply to Amazon CloudFront, see AWS Services in Scope by
Compliance Program.
• Security in the cloud – Your responsibility is determined by the AWS service that you use. You are also
responsible for other factors including the sensitivity of your data, your organization’s requirements,
and applicable laws and regulations.

This documentation helps you understand how to apply the shared responsibility model when using
CloudFront. The following topics show you how to configure CloudFront to meet your security and
compliance objectives. You also learn how to use other AWS services that help you to monitor and secure
your CloudFront resources.

• Data Protection in Amazon CloudFront (p. 474)
• Identity and Access Management in CloudFront (p. 476)
• Logging and Monitoring in Amazon CloudFront (p. 493)
• Compliance Validation for Amazon CloudFront (p. 493)
• Resilience in Amazon CloudFront (p. 495)
• Infrastructure Security in Amazon CloudFront (p. 495)

Data Protection in Amazon CloudFront

Amazon CloudFront conforms to the AWS shared responsibility model, which includes regulations and
guidelines for data protection. AWS is responsible for protecting the global infrastructure that runs all
the AWS services. AWS maintains control over data hosted on this infrastructure, including the security
configuration controls for handling customer content and personal data. AWS customers and APN
partners, acting either as data controllers or data processors, are responsible for any personal data that
they put in the AWS Cloud.

For data protection purposes, we recommend that you protect AWS account credentials and set up
individual user accounts with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), so that each user is given only
the permissions necessary to fulfill their job duties. We also recommend that you secure your data in the
following ways:

• Use multi-factor authentication (MFA) with each account.

• Use SSL/TLS to communicate with AWS resources.
• Set up API and user activity logging with AWS CloudTrail.
• Use AWS encryption solutions, along with all default security controls within AWS services.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Encryption in Transit

• Use advanced managed security services such as Amazon Macie, which assists in discovering and
securing personal data that is stored in Amazon S3.

We strongly recommend that you never put sensitive identifying information, such as your customers'
account numbers, into free-form fields such as a Name field. This includes when you work with
CloudFront or other AWS services using the console, API, AWS CLI, or AWS SDKs. Any data that you enter
into CloudFront or other services might get picked up for inclusion in diagnostic logs. When you provide
a URL to an external server, don't include credentials information in the URL to validate your request to
that server.

For more information about data protection, see the AWS Shared Responsibility Model and GDPR blog
post on the AWS Security Blog.

Amazon CloudFront provides several options that you can use to help secure the content that it delivers:

• Configure HTTPS connections.

• Configure field-level encryption to encrypt data during transit.
• Restrict access to content so that only specific people, or people in a specific area, can view it.

The following topics explain the options in more detail.

• Encryption in Transit (p. 475)
• Encryption at Rest (p. 475)
• Restrict Access to Content (p. 475)

Encryption in Transit
To encrypt your data during transit, you configure Amazon CloudFront to require that viewers use HTTPS
to request your files, so that connections are encrypted when CloudFront communicates with viewers.
You also can configure CloudFront to use HTTPS to get files from your origin, so that connections are
encrypted when CloudFront communicates with your origin.

For more information, see Using HTTPS with CloudFront (p. 121).

Field-level encryption adds an additional layer of security along with HTTPS that lets you protect specific
data throughout system processing so that only certain applications can see it. By configuring field-level
encryption in CloudFront, you can securely upload user-submitted sensitive information to your web
servers. The sensitive information provided by your clients is encrypted at the edge closer to the user. It
remains encrypted throughout your entire application stack, ensuring that only applications that need
the data—and have the credentials to decrypt it—are able to do so.

For more information, see Using Field-Level Encryption to Help Protect Sensitive Data (p. 219).

Encryption at Rest
CloudFront uses SSDs which are encrypted for edge location points of presence (POPs), and encrypted
EBS volumes for Regional Edge Caches (RECs).

Restrict Access to Content

Many companies that distribute content over the internet want to restrict access to documents, business
data, media streams, or content that is intended for a subset of users. To securely serve this content by
using Amazon CloudFront, you can do one or more of the following:

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Identity and Access Management

Use signed URLs or cookies

You can restrict access to content that is intended for selected users—for example, users who have
paid a fee—by serving this private content through CloudFront using signed URLs or signed cookies.
For more information, see Serving Private Content with Signed URLs and Signed Cookies (p. 145).
Restrict access to content in Amazon S3 buckets

If you restrict access to your content by using, for example, CloudFront signed URLs or signed
cookies, you also won’t want people to view files by using the direct URL for the file. Instead, you
want them to access the files only by using the CloudFront URL, so that your protections work.

If you use an Amazon S3 bucket as the origin for a CloudFront distribution, you can set up an origin
access identity (OAI) to manage direct access to your content. An origin access identity is a special
CloudFront user identity that you can associate with your distribution so that you can secure all
or just some of your Amazon S3 content. For more information about how to configure this, see
Restricting Access to Amazon S3 Content by Using an Origin Access Identity (p. 209).
Use AWS WAF web ACLs

You can use AWS WAF, a web application firewall service, to create a web access control list (web
ACL) to restrict access to your content. Based on conditions that you specify, such as the IP addresses
that requests originate from or the values of query strings, CloudFront responds to requests either
with the requested content or with an HTTP 403 status code (Forbidden). For more information, see
Using AWS WAF to Control Access to Your Content (p. 216).
Use geo restriction

You can use geo restriction, also known as geoblocking, to prevent users in specific geographic
locations from accessing content that you serve through a CloudFront distribution. There are several
options to choose from when you configure geo restrictions. For more information, see Restricting
the Geographic Distribution of Your Content (p. 217).

Identity and Access Management in CloudFront

To perform any operation on CloudFront resources, such as creating a distribution or invalidating an
object, AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) requires you to authenticate that you're an approved
AWS user. If you're using the CloudFront console, you authenticate your identity by providing your
AWS user name and a password. If you're accessing CloudFront programmatically, your application
authenticates your identity for you by using access keys or by signing requests.

After you authenticate your identity, IAM controls your access to AWS by verifying that you have
permissions to perform operations and access resources. If you are an account administrator, you can use
IAM to control the access of other users to the resources that are associated with your account.

This chapter explains how to use AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) and CloudFront to help
secure your resources.


• Authentication (p. 476)

• Access Control (p. 478)

You can access AWS as any of the following types of identities:

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide

• AWS account root user – When you first create an AWS account, you begin with a single sign-in
identity that has complete access to all AWS services and resources in the account. This identity is
called the AWS account root user and is accessed by signing in with the email address and password
that you used to create the account. We strongly recommend that you do not use the root user for
your everyday tasks, even the administrative ones. Instead, adhere to the best practice of using the
root user only to create your first IAM user. Then securely lock away the root user credentials and use
them to perform only a few account and service management tasks.
• IAM user – An IAM user is an identity within your AWS account that has specific custom permissions
(for example, permissions to create a web distribution in CloudFront). You can use an IAM user name
and password to sign in to secure AWS webpages like the AWS Management Console, AWS Discussion
Forums, or the AWS Support Center.

In addition to a user name and password, you can also generate access keys for each user. You can
use these keys when you access AWS services programmatically, either through one of the several
SDKs or by using the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI). The SDK and CLI tools use the access keys
to cryptographically sign your request. If you don’t use AWS tools, you must sign the request yourself.
CloudFront supports Signature Version 4, a protocol for authenticating inbound API requests. For more
information about authenticating requests, see Signature Version 4 Signing Process in the AWS General

• IAM role – An IAM role is an IAM identity that you can create in your account that has specific
permissions. An IAM role is similar to an IAM user in that it is an AWS identity with permissions policies
that determine what the identity can and cannot do in AWS. However, instead of being uniquely
associated with one person, a role is intended to be assumable by anyone who needs it. Also, a role
does not have standard long-term credentials such as a password or access keys associated with it.
Instead, when you assume a role, it provides you with temporary security credentials for your role
session. IAM roles with temporary credentials are useful in the following situations:

• Federated user access – Instead of creating an IAM user, you can use existing identities from AWS
Directory Service, your enterprise user directory, or a web identity provider. These are known as
federated users. AWS assigns a role to a federated user when access is requested through an identity
provider. For more information about federated users, see Federated Users and Roles in the IAM User

• AWS service access – A service role is an IAM role that a service assumes to perform actions in your
account on your behalf. When you set up some AWS service environments, you must define a role
for the service to assume. This service role must include all the permissions that are required for
the service to access the AWS resources that it needs. Service roles vary from service to service, but
many allow you to choose your permissions as long as you meet the documented requirements
for that service. Service roles provide access only within your account and cannot be used to grant
access to services in other accounts. You can create, modify, and delete a service role from within
IAM. For example, you can create a role that allows Amazon Redshift to access an Amazon S3 bucket
on your behalf and then load data from that bucket into an Amazon Redshift cluster. For more
information, see Creating a Role to Delegate Permissions to an AWS Service in the IAM User Guide.

• Applications running on Amazon EC2 – You can use an IAM role to manage temporary credentials
for applications that are running on an EC2 instance and making AWS CLI or AWS API requests. This
is preferable to storing access keys within the EC2 instance. To assign an AWS role to an EC2 instance
and make it available to all of its applications, you create an instance profile that is attached to
the instance. An instance profile contains the role and enables programs that are running on the

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Access Control

EC2 instance to get temporary credentials. For more information, see Using an IAM Role to Grant
Permissions to Applications Running on Amazon EC2 Instances in the IAM User Guide.

Access Control
To create, update, delete, or list CloudFront resources, you need permissions to perform the operation,
and you need permissions to access the corresponding resources. In addition, to perform the operation
programmatically, you need valid access keys.

The following sections describe how to manage permissions for CloudFront:

• Overview of Managing Access Permissions to Your CloudFront Resources (p. 478)

• Using Identity-Based Policies (IAM Policies) for CloudFront (p. 483)
• CloudFront API Permissions: Actions, Resources, and Conditions Reference (p. 487)

Overview of Managing Access Permissions to Your

CloudFront Resources
Every AWS resource is owned by an AWS account, and permissions to create or access a resource are
governed by permissions policies.
An account administrator (or administrator user) is a user that has administrator privileges. For
more information about administrators, see IAM Best Practices in the IAM User Guide.

When you grant permissions, you decide who gets the permissions, the resources they get permissions
for, and the actions that they get permission to perform.

• ARNs for CloudFront Resources (p. 478)
• Understanding Resource Ownership (p. 478)
• Managing Access to Resources (p. 479)
• Specifying Policy Elements: Resources, Actions, Effects, and Principals (p. 482)
• Specifying Conditions in a Policy (p. 482)

ARNs for CloudFront Resources

All CloudFront resources—web and RTMP distributions, invalidations, and origin access identities—use
the same format for Amazon Resource Names (ARNs):


CloudFront provides API actions to work with each of these types of resources. For more information,
see the Amazon CloudFront API Reference. For a list of actions and the ARN that you specify to grant or
deny permission to use each action, see CloudFront API Permissions: Actions, Resources, and Conditions
Reference (p. 487).

Understanding Resource Ownership

An AWS account owns the resources that are created in the account, regardless of who created the
resources. Specifically, the resource owner is the AWS account of the principal entity (that is, the root
account, an IAM user, or an IAM role) that authenticates the resource creation request.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Overview of Managing Access

The following examples illustrate how this works:

• If you use the root account credentials of your AWS account to create a web distribution, your AWS
account is the owner of the distribution.
• If you create an IAM user in your AWS account and grant permissions to create a web distribution to
that user, the user can create a web distribution. The AWS account that created the user owns the
• If you create an IAM role in your AWS account with permissions to create a web distribution, anyone
who can assume the role can create a web distribution. Your AWS account, to which the role belongs,
owns the distribution.

Managing Access to Resources

A permissions policy specifies who has access to what. This section explains the options for creating
permissions policies for CloudFront. For general information about IAM policy syntax and descriptions,
see the AWS IAM Policy Reference in the IAM User Guide.

Policies attached to an IAM identity are referred to as identity-based policies (IAM policies), and policies
attached to a resource are referred to as resource-based policies. CloudFront does not support resource-
based policies, but it does support resource-level policies. For more information about the types of
permissions policies that CloudFront supports, see Managing Access to Resources (p. 479).

• Identity-Based Policies (IAM Policies) (p. 479)
• Resource-Level Policies (p. 480)
• Tag-Based Policies (p. 480)

Identity-Based Policies (IAM Policies)

You can attach policies to IAM identities. For example, you can do the following:

• Attach a permissions policy to a user or a group in your account – An account administrator can
use a permissions policy that is associated with a particular user to grant permissions for that user to
create a web distribution.
• Attach a permissions policy to a role (grant cross-account permissions) – You can grant permissions
to perform CloudFront actions to a user that was created in another AWS account. To do so, you attach
a permissions policy to an IAM role, and then you allow the user in the other account to assume the
role. The following example explains how this works for two AWS accounts, account A and account B:
1. Account A administrator creates an IAM role and attaches to the role a permissions policy that
grants permissions to create or access resources that are owned by account A.
2. Account A administrator attaches a trust policy to the role. The trust policy identifies account B as
the principal that can assume the role.
3. Account B administrator can then delegate permissions to assume the role to users or groups in
account B. This allows users in account B to create or access resources in account A.

For more information about how to delegate permissions to users in another AWS account, see Access
Management in the IAM User Guide.

The following example policy allows a user to perform the CreateDistribution action to
programmatically create a web distribution for your AWS account:

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Overview of Managing Access

"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [

For information about the permissions required to perform operations by using the CloudFront console,
see Permissions Required to Use the CloudFront Console (p. 483). For more information about
attaching policies to identities for CloudFront, see Using Identity-Based Policies (IAM Policies) for
CloudFront (p. 483). For more information about users, groups, roles, and permissions, see Identities
(Users, Groups, and Roles) in the IAM User Guide.

Resource-Level Policies
In some scenarios, you might want to grant a specific level of access to a resource that you specify; for
example, access to only specific actions on that resource. One way that some AWS services implement
this is to allow you to directly attach a policy on the resource. For example, that’s how Amazon S3
and Elasticsearch implement resource access control. CloudFront allows the same flexibility but uses a
different method. Instead of attaching a policy to a resource, you specify the resource in a policy.

For example, the following policy shows how you might allow update, delete, and create invalidations
access to a distribution that you specify by the distribution’s ARN. This policy grants the permissions
necessary to complete these actions from the AWS API or AWS CLI only. (To use this policy, replace the
italicized text in the example policy with your own resource information.)

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "VisualEditor0",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
"Sid": "VisualEditor1",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [

"Resource": "arn:aws:cloudfront::123456789012:distribution/EDFDVBD6EXAMPLE"

Tag-Based Policies
When you design IAM policies, you might set granular permissions by granting access to specific
resources. As the number of resources that you manage grows, this task becomes more difficult. Tagging

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Overview of Managing Access

resources and using tags in policy statement conditions can make this task easier. You grant access in
bulk to any resource with a certain tag. Then you repeatedly apply this tag to relevant resources, during
creation or later.
Using tags in conditions is one way to control access to resources and requests. For information
about tagging in CloudFront, see Tagging Amazon CloudFront Distributions (p. 64).

Tags can be attached to the resource or passed in the request to services that support tagging. In
CloudFront, resources can have tags, and some actions can include tags. When you create an IAM policy,
you can use tag condition keys to control:

• Which users can perform actions on a distribution, based on tags that it already has.
• What tags can be passed in an action's request.
• Whether specific tag keys can be used in a request.

For the complete syntax and semantics of tag condition keys, see Control Access Using IAM Tags in the
IAM User Guide.

For example, the AWSCloudFrontFullAccess managed user policy gives users unrestricted permission
to perform any CloudFront action on any resource. The following policy restricts this power and denies
unauthorized users permission to create CloudFront production distributions.

To implement the restriction using tags, it denies the CreateDistribution action if the request
specifies a tag named stage with one of the values gamma or prod. In addition, the policy prevents
these unauthorized users from tampering with the stage of production environments by not allowing
tag modification actions to include these same tag values or to completely remove the stage tag. A
customer’s administrator must attach this IAM policy to unauthorized IAM users, in addition to the
managed user policy.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Deny",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*",
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"aws:RequestTag/stage": [
"Effect": "Deny",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*",
"Condition": {
"ForAnyValue:StringEquals": {
"aws:TagKeys": [

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Overview of Managing Access

"StringEquals": {
"aws:ResourceTag/stage": [

Specifying Policy Elements: Resources, Actions, Effects, and

CloudFront includes API actions (see Amazon CloudFront API Reference) that you can use on each
CloudFront resource (see ARNs for CloudFront Resources (p. 478)). You can grant a user or a federated
user permission to perform any or all of these actions.

The following are the basic policy elements:

• Resource – You use an Amazon Resource Name (ARN) to identify the resource that the policy applies
to. For more information, see ARNs for CloudFront Resources (p. 478).
• Action – You use action keywords to identify resource operations that you want to allow or deny. For
example, depending on the specified Effect, the cloudfront:CreateDistribution permission
allows or denies the user permissions to perform the CloudFront CreateDistribution action.
• Effect – You specify the effect, either allow or deny, when a user tries to perform the action on the
specified resource. If you don't explicitly grant access to an action, access is implicitly denied. You can
also explicitly deny access to a resource, which you might do to make sure that a user cannot access it,
even if a different policy grants access.
• Principal – In identity-based policies (IAM policies), the user that the policy is attached to is the
implicit principal. For resource-based policies, you specify the user, account, service, or other entity
that you want to receive permissions (applies to resource-based policies only).

CloudFront does not support resource-based policies, but it does support resource-level policies. For
more information about the types of permissions policies that CloudFront supports, see Managing
Access to Resources (p. 479).

For more information about IAM policy syntax and descriptions, see the AWS IAM Policy Reference in the
IAM User Guide.

For a list showing all of the CloudFront API operations and the resources that they apply to, see
CloudFront API Permissions: Actions, Resources, and Conditions Reference (p. 487).

Specifying Conditions in a Policy

When you grant permissions, you can use the IAM policy language to specify when a policy should
take effect. For example, you might want a policy to be applied only after a specific date. For more
information about specifying conditions in a policy language, see Condition in the IAM User Guide.

To express conditions, you use predefined condition keys. There are no condition keys specific to
CloudFront. However, there are AWS-wide condition keys that you can use as appropriate. For a complete
list of AWS-wide keys, see Available Keys for Conditions in the IAM User Guide.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using IAM Policies for CloudFront

Using Identity-Based Policies (IAM Policies) for

This topic provides examples of identity-based policies that demonstrate how an account administrator
can attach permissions policies to IAM identities (that is, users, groups, and roles) and thereby grant
permissions to perform operations on CloudFront resources.
We recommend that you first review the introductory topics that explain the basic concepts and
options to manage access to your CloudFront resources. For more information, see Overview of
Managing Access Permissions to Your CloudFront Resources (p. 478).

• Permissions Required to Use the CloudFront Console (p. 483)
• AWS Managed (Predefined) Policies for CloudFront (p. 485)
• Customer Managed Policy Examples (p. 485)

The following shows a permissions policy. The Sid, or statement ID, is optional.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "AllowAllCloudFrontPermissions",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": ["cloudfront:*"],
"Resource": "*"

The policy grants permissions to perform all CloudFront operations, which is sufficient to access
CloudFront programmatically. If you're using the console to access CloudFront, see Permissions Required
to Use the CloudFront Console (p. 483).

For a list of actions and the ARN that you specify to grant or deny permission to use each action, see
CloudFront API Permissions: Actions, Resources, and Conditions Reference (p. 487).

Permissions Required to Use the CloudFront Console

To grant full access to the CloudFront console, you grant the permissions in the following permissions

"Version": "2012-10-17",

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using IAM Policies for CloudFront


Here's why the permissions are required:


When you're creating and updating web distributions by using the CloudFront console and you
want to configure CloudFront to require HTTPS between the viewer and CloudFront or between
CloudFront and the origin, lets you view a list of ACM certificates.

This permission isn't required if you aren't using the CloudFront console.

Lets you perform all CloudFront actions.

cloudwatch:DescribeAlarms and cloudwatch:PutMetricAlarm

Let you create and view CloudWatch alarms in the CloudFront console. See also
sns:ListSubscriptionsByTopic and sns:ListTopics.

These permissions aren't required if you aren't using the CloudFront console.

Lets CloudFront render CloudWatch metrics in the CloudFront console.

This permission isn't required if you aren't using the CloudFront console.

When creating and updating web distributions, lets you view a list of Elastic Load Balancing load
balancers in the list of available origins.

This permission isn't required if you aren't using the CloudFront console.

When you're creating and updating web distributions by using the CloudFront console and you
want to configure CloudFront to require HTTPS between the viewer and CloudFront or between
CloudFront and the origin, lets you view a list of certificates in the IAM certificate store.

This permission isn't required if you aren't using the CloudFront console.

When you're creating and updating web and RTMP distributions, lets you perform the following
• View a list of S3 buckets in the list of available origins

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using IAM Policies for CloudFront

• View a list of S3 buckets that you can save access logs in

This permission isn't required if you aren't using the CloudFront console.

When you're creating or updating distributions that restrict access to S3 buckets, lets a user update
the bucket policy to grant access to the CloudFront origin access identity. For more information, see
Restricting Access to Amazon S3 Content by Using an Origin Access Identity (p. 209).

This permission isn't required if you aren't using the CloudFront console.
sns:ListSubscriptionsByTopic and sns:ListTopics

When you create CloudWatch alarms in the CloudFront console, lets you choose an SNS topic for

These permissions aren't required if you aren't using the CloudFront console.
waf:GetWebACL and waf:ListWebACLs

Lets you view a list of AWS WAF web ACLs in the CloudFront console.

These permissions aren't required if you aren't using the CloudFront console.

AWS Managed (Predefined) Policies for CloudFront

AWS addresses many common use cases by providing standalone IAM policies that are created and
administered by AWS. These AWS managed policies grant necessary permissions for common use cases
so that you can avoid having to investigate what permissions are needed. For more information, see AWS
Managed Policies in the IAM User Guide. For CloudFront, IAM provides two managed policies:

• CloudFrontFullAccess – Grants full access to CloudFront resources.

If you want CloudFront to create and save access logs, you need to grant additional
permissions. For more information, see Permissions Required to Configure Standard Logging
and to Access Your Log Files (p. 440).
• CloudFrontReadOnlyAccess – Grants read-only access to CloudFront resources.

You can review these permissions policies by signing in to the IAM console and searching for
specific policies there. You can also create your own custom IAM policies to allow permissions
for CloudFront API operations. You can attach these custom policies to the IAM users or groups
that require those permissions.

Customer Managed Policy Examples

You can create your own custom IAM policies to allow permissions for CloudFront API actions. You can
attach these custom policies to the IAM users or groups that require the specified permissions. These
policies work when you are using the CloudFront API, the AWS SDKs, or the AWS CLI. The following
examples show permissions for a few common use cases. For the policy that grants a user full access to
CloudFront, see Permissions Required to Use the CloudFront Console (p. 483).

• Example 1: Allow Read Access to All Web Distributions (p. 486)
• Example 2: Allow Creation, Updating, and Deletion of Web Distributions (p. 486)
• Example 3: Allow Creation and Listing of Invalidations (p. 487)

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Using IAM Policies for CloudFront

Example 1: Allow Read Access to All Web Distributions

The following permissions policy grants the user permissions to view all web distributions in the
CloudFront console:

"Version": "2012-10-17",

Example 2: Allow Creation, Updating, and Deletion of Web Distributions

The following permissions policy allows users to create, update, and delete web distributions by using
the CloudFront console:

"Version": "2012-10-17",

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
CloudFront API Permissions Reference


The cloudfront:ListCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentities permission allows users to

automatically grant to an existing origin access identity the permission to access objects in an Amazon
S3 bucket. If you also want users to be able to create origin access identities, you also need to allow the
cloudfront:CreateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity permission.

Example 3: Allow Creation and Listing of Invalidations

The following permissions policy allows users to create and list invalidations. It includes read access
to CloudFront distributions because you create and view invalidations by first displaying settings for a

"Version": "2012-10-17",

CloudFront API Permissions: Actions, Resources, and

Conditions Reference
When you are setting up Access Control (p. 478) and writing a permissions policy that you can attach
to an IAM identity (identity-based policies), you can use the following lists as a reference. The lists

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
CloudFront API Permissions Reference

include each CloudFront API operation, the corresponding actions for which you can grant permissions
to perform the action, and the AWS resource for which you can grant the permissions. You specify the
actions in the policy's Action field, and you specify the resource value in the policy's Resource field.

You can use AWS-wide condition keys in your CloudFront policies to express conditions. For a complete
list of AWS-wide keys, see Available Keys in the IAM User Guide.

• Required Permissions for Actions on Web Distributions (p. 488)
• Required Permissions for Actions on RTMP Distributions (p. 489)
• Required Permissions for Actions on Invalidations (p. 490)
• Required Permissions for Actions on Origin Access Identities (p. 491)
• Required Permissions for CloudFront Actions Related to Lambda@Edge (p. 491)
• Required Permissions for Actions on Tags (p. 492)

Required Permissions for Actions on Web Distributions


Required Permissions (API Action):

• cloudfront:CreateDistribution
• acm:ListCertificates (CloudFront console only)
• Only if you configure CloudFront to save access logs:
• s3:GetBucketAcl
• s3:PutBucketAcl
• The S3 ACL for the bucket must grant you FULL_CONTROL

• CloudFront: *
• ACM: *
• Amazon S3: If you configure CloudFront to save access logs, you can optionally restrict access to a
specified bucket.

Required Permissions (API Action):

• cloudfront:CreateDistribution, cloudfront:TagResource
• acm:ListCertificates (CloudFront console only)
• Only if you configure CloudFront to save access logs:
• s3:GetBucketAcl
• s3:PutBucketAcl
• The S3 ACL for the bucket must grant you FULL_CONTROL

• CloudFront: *
• ACM: *
• Amazon S3: If you configure CloudFront to save access logs, you can optionally restrict access to a
specified bucket.

Required Permissions (API Action): cloudfront:GetDistribution, acm:ListCertificates

(CloudFront console only)

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
CloudFront API Permissions Reference

Resources: *

Required Permissions (API Action): cloudfront:GetDistributionConfig,

acm:ListCertificates (CloudFront console only)

Resources: *

Required Permissions (API Action): cloudfront:ListDistributions

Resources: *

Required Permissions (API Action):

• cloudfront:UpdateDistribution
• acm:ListCertificates (CloudFront console only)
• Only if you configure CloudFront to save access logs:
• s3:GetBucketAcl
• s3:PutBucketAcl
• The S3 ACL for the bucket must grant you FULL_CONTROL

• CloudFront: *
• ACM: *
• Amazon S3: If you configure CloudFront to save access logs, you can optionally restrict access to a
specified bucket.

Required Permissions (API Action): cloudfront:DeleteDistribution

Resources: *

Required Permissions for Actions on RTMP Distributions


Required Permissions (API Action): cloudfront:CreateStreamingDistribution

Only if you configure CloudFront to save access logs:

• s3:GetBucketAcl
• s3:PutBucketAcl
• The S3 ACL for the bucket must grant you FULL_CONTROL

Resources: *

If you configure CloudFront to save access logs, you can optionally restrict access to a specified

Required Permissions (API Action): cloudfront:CreateStreamingDistribution,


Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
CloudFront API Permissions Reference

Only if you configure CloudFront to save access logs:

• s3:GetBucketAcl
• s3:PutBucketAcl
• The S3 ACL for the bucket must grant you FULL_CONTROL

Resources: *

If you configure CloudFront to save access logs, you can optionally restrict access to a specified

Required Permissions (API Action): cloudfront:GetStreamingDistribution

Resources: *

Required Permissions (API Action): cloudfront:GetStreamingDistributionConfig

Resources: *

Required Permissions (API Action): cloudfront:ListStreamingDistributions

Resources: *

Required Permissions (API Action): cloudfront:UpdateStreamingDistribution

Only if you configure CloudFront to save access logs:

• s3:GetBucketAcl
• s3:PutBucketAcl
• The S3 ACL for the bucket must grant you FULL_CONTROL

Resources: *

If you configure CloudFront to save access logs, you can optionally restrict access to a specified

Required Permissions (API Action): cloudfront:DeleteDistribution

Resources: *

Required Permissions for Actions on Invalidations


Required Permissions (API Action): cloudfront:CreateInvalidation

Resources: *

Required Permissions (API Action): cloudfront:GetInvalidation

Resources: *

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
CloudFront API Permissions Reference


Required Permissions (API Action): cloudfront:ListInvalidations

Resources: *

Required Permissions for Actions on Origin Access Identities


Required Permissions (API Action): cloudfront:CreateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity

Resources: *

Required Permissions (API Action): cloudfront:GetCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity

Resources: *

Required Permissions (API Action):


Resources: *

Required Permissions (API Action): cloudfront:ListCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentities

Resources: *

Required Permissions (API Action): cloudfront:UpdateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity

Resources: *

Required Permissions (API Action): cloudfront:DeleteCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity

Resources: *

Required Permissions for CloudFront Actions Related to

To use Lambda@Edge, you need the following CloudFront permissions so you can create or update a
distribution that includes triggers for Lambda functions. For information about the Lambda permissions
that you need, see Setting IAM Permissions in the "AWS Lambda@Edge" chapter in the AWS Lambda
Developer Guide.


Required Permissions (API Action):

• cloudfront:CreateDistribution
• acm:ListCertificates (CloudFront console only)
• Only if you configure CloudFront to save access logs:
• s3:GetBucketAcl

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
CloudFront API Permissions Reference

• s3:PutBucketAcl
• The S3 ACL for the bucket must grant you FULL_CONTROL

• CloudFront: *
• ACM: *
• Amazon S3: If you configure CloudFront to save access logs, you can optionally restrict access to a
specified bucket.

Required Permissions (API Action):

• cloudfront:CreateDistribution, cloudfront:TagResource
• acm:ListCertificates (CloudFront console only)
• Only if you configure CloudFront to save access logs:
• s3:GetBucketAcl
• s3:PutBucketAcl
• The S3 ACL for the bucket must grant you FULL_CONTROL

• CloudFront: *
• ACM: *
• Amazon S3: If you configure CloudFront to save access logs, you can optionally restrict access to a
specified bucket.

Required Permissions (API Action):

• cloudfront:UpdateDistribution
• acm:ListCertificates (CloudFront console only)
• Only if you configure CloudFront to save access logs:
• s3:GetBucketAcl
• s3:PutBucketAcl
• The S3 ACL for the bucket must grant you FULL_CONTROL

• CloudFront: *
• ACM: *
• Amazon S3: If you configure CloudFront to save access logs, you can optionally restrict access to a
specified bucket.

Required Permissions for Actions on Tags


Required Permissions (API Action): cloudfront:TagResource

Resources: *

Required Permissions (API Action): cloudfront:UntagResource

Resources: *

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Logging and Monitoring


Required Permissions (API Action): cloudfront:ListTagsForResource

Resources: *

Logging and Monitoring in Amazon CloudFront

Monitoring is an important part of maintaining the availability and performance of CloudFront and your
AWS solutions. You should collect monitoring data from all of the parts of your AWS solution so that you
can more easily debug a multi-point failure if one occurs. AWS provides several tools for monitoring your
CloudFront resources and activity, and responding to potential incidents:

Amazon CloudWatch Alarms

Using CloudWatch alarms, you watch a single metric over a time period that you specify. If the
metric exceeds a given threshold, a notification is sent to an Amazon SNS topic or AWS Auto Scaling
policy. CloudWatch alarms do not invoke actions when a metric is in a particular state. Rather
the state must have changed and been maintained for a specified number of periods. For more
information, see Monitoring CloudFront with Amazon CloudWatch (p. 428).
AWS CloudTrail Logs

CloudTrail provides a record of actions taken by a user, role, or an AWS service in CloudFront.
Using the information collected by CloudTrail, you can determine the request that was made to
CloudFront, the IP address from which the request was made, who made the request, when it was
made, and additional details. For more information, see Using AWS CloudTrail to Capture Requests
Sent to the CloudFront API (p. 466).
CloudFront Access Logs

Server access logs provide detailed records about requests that are made to a distribution. Server
access logs are useful for many applications. For example, access log information can be useful in
security and access audits. For more information, see Configuring and Using Standard Logs (Access
Logs) (p. 439).
CloudFront Console Reports

The CloudFront console includes a variety of reports, including the cache statistics report, the
popular objects report, and the top referrers report. Most CloudFront console reports are based on
the data in CloudFront access logs, which contain detailed information about every user request that
CloudFront receives. However, you don't need to enable access logs to view the reports. For more
information, see CloudFront Reports in the Console (p. 405).

Compliance Validation for Amazon CloudFront

Third-party auditors assess the security and compliance of Amazon CloudFront as part of multiple AWS
compliance programs. These include SOC, PCI, HIPAA, and others.

For a list of AWS services in scope of specific compliance programs, see AWS Services in Scope by
Compliance Program. For general information, see AWS Compliance Programs.

You can download third-party audit reports using AWS Artifact. For more information, see Downloading
Reports in AWS Artifact.

Your compliance responsibility when using CloudFront is determined by the sensitivity of your data,
your company’s compliance objectives, and applicable laws and regulations. AWS provides the following
resources to help with compliance:

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
CloudFront Compliance Best Practices

• Security and Compliance Quick Start Guides – These deployment guides discuss architectural
considerations and provide steps for deploying security- and compliance-focused baseline
environments on AWS.
• Architecting for HIPAA Security and Compliance Whitepaper – This whitepaper describes how
companies can use AWS to create HIPAA-compliant applications.

The AWS HIPAA compliance program includes CloudFront as a HIPAA eligible service. If you have an
executed Business Associate Addendum (BAA) with AWS, you can use CloudFront to deliver content
that contains protected health information (PHI). For more information, see HIPAA Compliance.
• AWS Compliance Resources – This collection of workbooks and guides might apply to your industry
and location.
• AWS Config – This AWS service assesses how well your resource configurations comply with internal
practices, industry guidelines, and regulations.
• AWS Security Hub – This AWS service provides a comprehensive view of your security state within AWS
that helps you check your compliance with security industry standards and best practices.

CloudFront Compliance Best Practices

This section provides best practices and recommendations for compliance when you use Amazon
CloudFront to serve your content.

If you run PCI-compliant or HIPAA-compliant workloads that are based on the AWS shared responsibility
model, we recommend that you log your CloudFront usage data for the last 365 days for future auditing
purposes. To log usage data, you can do the following:

• Enable CloudFront access logs. For more information, see Configuring and Using Standard Logs (Access
Logs) (p. 439).
• Capture requests that are sent to the CloudFront API. For more information, see Using AWS CloudTrail
to Capture Requests Sent to the CloudFront API (p. 466).

In addition, see the following for details about how CloudFront is compliant with the PCI DSS and SOC

CloudFront supports the processing, storage, and transmission of credit card data by a merchant or
service provider, and has been validated as being compliant with Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data
Security Standard (DSS). For more information about PCI DSS, including how to request a copy of the
AWS PCI Compliance Package, see PCI DSS Level 1.

As a security best practice, we recommend that you don't cache credit card information in CloudFront
edge caches. For example, you can configure your origin to include a Cache-Control:no-
cache="field-name" header in responses that contain credit card information, such as the last four
digits of a credit card number and the card owner's contact information.

AWS System and Organization Controls

CloudFront is compliant with System and Organization Controls (SOC) measures, including SOC 1, SOC
2, and SOC 3. SOC reports are independent, third-party examination reports that demonstrate how AWS
achieves key compliance controls and objectives. These audits ensure that the appropriate safeguards
and procedures are in place to protect against risks that might affect the security, confidentiality, and
availability of customer and company data. The results of these third-party audits are available on the
AWS SOC Compliance website, where you can view the published reports to get more information about
the controls that support AWS operations and compliance.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide

Resilience in Amazon CloudFront

The AWS global infrastructure is built around AWS Regions and Availability Zones. AWS Regions provide
multiple physically separated and isolated Availability Zones, which are connected with low-latency,
high-throughput, and highly redundant networking. With Availability Zones, you can design and operate
applications and databases that automatically fail over between Availability Zones without interruption.
Availability Zones are more highly available, fault tolerant, and scalable than traditional single or
multiple data center infrastructures.

For more information about AWS Regions and Availability Zones, see AWS Global Infrastructure.

CloudFront Origin Failover

In addition to the support of AWS global infrastructure, Amazon CloudFront offers an origin failover
feature to help support your data resiliency needs. CloudFront is a global service that delivers your
content through a worldwide network of data centers called edge locations or points of presence (POPs).
If your content is not already cached in an edge location, CloudFront retrieves it from an origin that
you've identified as the source for the definitive version of the content.

You can improve resiliency and increase availability for specific scenarios by setting up CloudFront
with origin failover. To get started, you create an origin group in which you designate a primary origin
for CloudFront plus a second origin. CloudFront automatically switches to the second origin when the
primary origin returns specific HTTP status code failure responses. For more information, see Optimizing
High Availability with CloudFront Origin Failover (p. 231).

Infrastructure Security in Amazon CloudFront

As a managed service, Amazon CloudFront is protected by the AWS global network security procedures
that are described in the Amazon Web Services: Overview of Security Processes whitepaper.

You use AWS published API calls to access CloudFront through the network. Clients must support
Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.0 or later. We recommend TLS 1.2 or later. Clients must also support
cipher suites with perfect forward secrecy (PFS) such as Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman (DHE) or Elliptic Curve
Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman (ECDHE). Most modern systems such as Java 7 and later support these modes.
Additionally, requests must be signed by using an access key ID and a secret access key that is associated
with an IAM principal. Or you can use the AWS Security Token Service (AWS STS) to generate temporary
security credentials to sign requests.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
General Quotas

CloudFront is subject to the following quotas (formerly referred to as limits). Note that Lambda@Edge
has specific quotas as well, that are in addition to the default CloudFront quotas.

• General Quotas (p. 496)
• General Quotas on Web Distributions (p. 497)
• General Quotas on Policies (p. 497)
• Quotas on WebSocket Connections (p. 498)
• Quotas on Whitelisted Cookies (Web Distributions Only) (p. 498)
• Quotas on Whitelisted Query Strings (Web Distributions Only) (p. 499)
• Quotas on Custom Headers (Web Distributions Only) (p. 499)
• Quotas on SSL Certificates (Web Distributions Only) (p. 499)
• Quotas on Invalidations (p. 500)
• Quotas on Field-Level Encryption (p. 500)
• Quotas on Lambda@Edge (p. 500)
• Request Timeout (p. 502)
• Quotas on RTMP Distributions (p. 502)

General Quotas
Entity Default quota

Data transfer rate per distribution 150 Gbps

Request a higher quota

Requests per second per distribution 250,000

Request a higher quota

Tags that can be added to a distribution 50

Files that you can serve per distribution No quota

Maximum length of a request, including headers and query strings, but not 20,480 bytes
including the body content

Maximum length of a URL 8,192 bytes

Active CloudFront key pairs for trusted signers 2

For more information, see Specifying the AWS Accounts That Can Create
Signed URLs and Signed Cookies (Trusted Signers) (p. 150).

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
General Quotas on Web Distributions

General Quotas on Web Distributions

Entity Default quota

Web distributions per AWS account 200

For more information, see Creating a Distribution (p. 37). Request a higher quota

Maximum file size for HTTP GET, POST, and PUT requests 20 GB

Response timeout per origin 1-60 seconds

For more information, see Origin Response Timeout (p. 45). Request a higher quota

Connection timeout per origin 1-10 seconds

For more information, see Origin Connection Timeout (p. 43).

Connection attempts per origin 1-3

For more information, see Origin Connection Attempts (p. 42).

File compression: range of file sizes that CloudFront compresses 1,000 to 10,000,000
For more information, see Serving compressed files (p. 116).

Alternate domain names (CNAMEs) per distribution 100

For more information, see Using Custom URLs for Files by Adding Alternate Request a higher quota
Domain Names (CNAMEs) (p. 71).

Origins per distribution 25

Request a higher quota

Origin groups per distribution 10

Request a higher quota

Origin access identities per account 100

Request a higher quota

Cache behaviors per distribution 25

Request a higher quota

General Quotas on Policies

Entity Default quota

Cache policies per AWS account 20

Distributions associated with the same cache policy 100

Query strings per cache policy 10

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Quotas on WebSocket Connections

Entity Default quota

Request a higher quota

Headers per cache policy 10

Request a higher quota

Cookies per cache policy 10

Request a higher quota

Origin request policies per AWS account 20

Distributions associated with the same origin request policy 100

Query strings per origin request policy 10

Request a higher quota

Headers per origin request policy 10

Request a higher quota

Cookies per origin request policy 10

Request a higher quota

Quotas on WebSocket Connections

Entity Default quota

Origin response timeout (idle timeout) 10 minutes

If CloudFront hasn’t
detected any bytes
sent from the origin to
the client within the
past 10 minutes, the
connection is assumed
to be idle and is closed.

Quotas on Whitelisted Cookies (Web Distributions

Entity Default quota

Whitelisted cookies per cache behavior 10

For more information, see Caching Content Based on Cookies (p. 244). Request a higher quota

Total number of bytes in whitelisted cookie names (doesn’t apply if you 512 minus the number
configure CloudFront to forward all cookies to the origin) of whitelisted cookies

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Quotas on Whitelisted Query
Strings (Web Distributions Only)

Quotas on Whitelisted Query Strings (Web

Distributions Only)
Entity Default quota

Maximum number of characters in a whitelisted query string 128 characters

Maximum number of characters total for all whitelisted query strings in the 512 characters
same parameter

Whitelisted query strings per cache behavior 10

For more information, see Caching Content Based on Query String Request a higher quota
Parameters (p. 241).

Quotas on Custom Headers (Web Distributions

Entity Default quota

Whitelisted headers per cache behavior 10

For more information, see Caching Content Based on Request Request a higher quota
Headers (p. 246).

Custom headers: maximum number of custom headers that you can 10 name/value pairs
configure CloudFront to add to origin requests
Request a higher quota
For more information, see Adding Custom Headers to Origin
Requests (p. 282).

Custom headers: maximum length of a header name 256 characters

Custom headers: maximum length of a header value 1,783 characters

Custom headers: maximum length of all header values and names combined 10,240 characters

Quotas on SSL Certificates (Web Distributions

Entity Default quota

SSL certificates per AWS account when serving HTTPS requests using 2
dedicated IP addresses (no quota when serving HTTPS requests using SNI)
Request a higher quota
For more information, see Using HTTPS with CloudFront (p. 121).

SSL certificates that can be associated with a CloudFront web distribution 1

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Quotas on Invalidations

Quotas on Invalidations
Entity Default quota

File invalidation: maximum number of files allowed in active invalidation 3,000

requests, excluding wildcard invalidations

For more information, see Invalidating Files (p. 110).

File invalidation: maximum number of active wildcard invalidations allowed 15

File invalidation: maximum number of files that one wildcard invalidation No quota
can process

Quotas on Field-Level Encryption

Entity Default quota

Maximum length of a field to encrypt 16 KB

For more information, see Using Field-Level Encryption to Help Protect

Sensitive Data (p. 219).

Maximum number of fields in a request body when field-level encryption is 10


Maximum length of a request body when field-level encryption is configured 1 MB

Maximum number of field-level encryption configurations that can be 10

associated with one AWS account

Maximum number of field-level encryption profiles that can be associated 10

with one AWS account

Maximum number of public keys that can be added to one AWS account 10

Maximum number of fields to encrypt that can be specified in one profile 10

Maximum number of CloudFront distributions that can be associated with a 20

field-level encryption configuration

Maximum number of query argument profile mappings that can be included 5

in a field-level encryption configuration

Quotas on Lambda@Edge
The quotas in this section apply to Lambda@Edge. These quotas are in addition to the default
CloudFront and Lambda quotas, which also apply. For the default quotas, see Quotas (p. 496) in this
guide and Quotas in the AWS Lambda Developer Guide.
Lambda dynamically scales capacity in response to increased traffic, within your account’s
quotas. For more information, see Function Scaling in the AWS Lambda Developer Guide.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Size Quotas on URI and Query String

In addition, be aware that there are some other restrictions when using Lambda@Edge functions. For
more information, see Requirements and Restrictions on Lambda Functions (p. 393).

Quotas that differ by event type

Entity Origin request and Viewer request and

response event quotas response event quotas

Function memory size Same as Lambda 128 MB


Function timeout. The function can make network 30 seconds 5 seconds

calls to resources such as Amazon S3 buckets,
DynamoDB tables, or Amazon EC2 instances in
AWS Regions.

Size of a response that is generated by a Lambda 1 MB 40 KB

function, including headers and body

Maximum compressed size of a Lambda function 50 MB 1 MB

and any included libraries

Other quotas

Entity Default quota

Distributions per AWS account that you can create triggers for 25

Request a higher quota

Triggers per distribution 100

Request a higher quota

Requests per second 10,000 (in each Region)

Request a higher quota

Concurrent executions 1000 (in each Region)

For more information, see Function Scaling in the AWS Lambda Developer Request a higher quota

Size Quotas on URI and Query String

When accessing or updating a URI or query string in a Lambda@Edge function, the total length of the
URI including the query string must be less than 8,192 characters.

Size Quotas on Request Body with the Include Body

When you choose the Include Body option to expose the request body to your Lambda@Edge function,
the following size quotas apply to the portions of the body that are exposed or replaced.
The body is always base64 encoded by Lambda@Edge before it is exposed.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Request Timeout

Size Quotas when Exposing the Body to a Lambda Function

If the request body is large, Lambda@Edge truncates it before exposing it, as follows:

• For viewer requests, the body is truncated at 40 KB.

• For origin requests, the body is truncated at 1 MB.

Size Quotas when Returning a Request Body from a Lambda

If you access the request body as read-only, the full original request body is sent to the origin. However,
if you choose to replace the request body, the following body size quotas apply when it’s returned from a
Lambda function:

Type of body encoding Allowed body size: Allowed body size:

Viewer request Origin request

text 40 KB 1 MB

base64 53.2 KB 1.33 MB

Request Timeout
Entity Default quota

Request timeout 30 seconds

For more information, see Origin Response Timeout (p. 278). Request a higher quota

Quotas on RTMP Distributions

Entity Default quota

RTMP distributions per AWS account 100

For more information, see Working with RTMP Distributions (p. 305). Request a higher quota

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Additional Amazon CloudFront Documentation

Amazon CloudFront Related

The information and resources listed here can help you learn more about CloudFront.

• Additional Amazon CloudFront Documentation (p. 503)
• Getting Support (p. 503)
• CloudFront Developer Tools and SDKs (p. 503)
• Tips from the Amazon Web Services Blog (p. 504)

Additional Amazon CloudFront Documentation

The following related resources can help you as you work with this service.

• Amazon CloudFront API Reference – Gives complete descriptions of the API actions, parameters, and
data types, and a list of errors that the service returns.
• CloudFront What's New – Announcements of new CloudFront features and recently added edge
• Amazon CloudFront product information – The primary web page for information about CloudFront,
including features and pricing information.

Getting Support
Support for CloudFront is available in a number of forms.

• Discussion forums – A community-based forum for developers to discuss technical questions related to
• AWS Support Center – This site brings together information about your recent support cases and
results from AWS Trusted Advisor and health checks, as well as providing links to discussion forums,
technical FAQs, the service health dashboard, and information about AWS support plans.
• AWS Premium Support Information – The primary web page for information about AWS Premium
Support, a one-on-one, fast-response support channel to help you build and run applications on AWS
Infrastructure Services.
• AWS IQ – Get help from AWS Certified professionals and experts.
• Contact Us – Links for inquiring about your billing or account. For technical questions, use the
discussion forums or support links above.

CloudFront Developer Tools and SDKs

See the Developer Tools page for links to developer resources that provide documentation, code
samples, release notes, and other information to help you build innovative applications with AWS.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide
Tips from the Amazon Web Services Blog

In addition, Amazon Web Services provides software development kits for accessing CloudFront
programmatically. The SDK libraries automate a number of common tasks, including cryptographically
signing your service requests, retrying requests, and handling error responses.

Tips from the Amazon Web Services Blog

The AWS Blog has a number of posts to help you use CloudFront. For example, see the following blog
posts about using CloudFront with WordPress: Accelerating WordPress with CloudFront using the AWS
for WordPress Plugin.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide

Document history
The following entries describe important changes made to the CloudFront documentation.

Change Description Date changed

New CloudFront now supports the Brotli compression formation when September 14,
compression you configure CloudFront to compress objects at CloudFront 2020
format edge locations. You can also configure CloudFront to cache Brotli
objects using a normalized Accept-Encoding header. For more
information, see Serving compressed files (p. 116) and Cache
compressed objects (uses the Accept-Encoding header) (p. 86).

New TLS CloudFront now supports the TLS 1.3 protocol for HTTPS September 3,
protocol connections between viewers and CloudFront distributions. TLS 2020
1.3 is enabled by default in all CloudFront security policies. For
more information, see Supported protocols and ciphers between
viewers and CloudFront (p. 128).

New real-time CloudFront now supports configurable real-time logs. With real- August 31, 2020
logs time logs, you can get information about requests made to a
distribution in real time. You can use real-time logs to monitor,
analyze, and take action based on content delivery performance.
For more information, see Real-time logs (p. 457).

API support CloudFront now supports enabling eight additional real-time August 28, 2020
for additional metrics with the CloudFront API. For more information, see
metrics Enabling additional metrics (p. 430).

New CloudFront added additional HTTP headers for determining July 23, 2020
CloudFront information about the viewer such as device type, geographic
HTTP headers location, and more. For more information, see Using the
CloudFront HTTP headers (p. 102).

New feature CloudFront now supports cache policies and origin request polices, July 22, 2020
which give you more granular control over the cache key and origin
requests for your CloudFront distributions. For more information,
see Working with policies (p. 83).

New security CloudFront now supports a new security policy, TLSv1.2_2019, July 8, 2020
policy with a smaller set of supported ciphers. For more information,
see Supported protocols and ciphers between viewers and
CloudFront (p. 128).

New settings CloudFront added new settings that control origin timeouts and June 5, 2020
to control attempts. For more information, see Controlling Origin Timeouts
origin timeouts and Attempts (p. 233).
and attempts

New Get started with CloudFront by creating a secure static website June 2, 2020
documentation using Amazon S3, CloudFront, Lambda@Edge, and more, all
for getting deployed with AWS CloudFormation. For more information, see
started with Getting started with a secure static website (p. 28).
by creating a

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide

Change Description Date changed

secure static

Lambda@Edge Lambda@Edge now supports Lambda functions with the Node.js February 27,
supports 12 and Python 3.8 runtimes. For more information, see Lambda 2020
newer runtime Function Supported Runtimes and Configuration (p. 397).

New real-time Amazon CloudFront now offers eight additional real-time metrics December 19,
metrics in in Amazon CloudWatch. For more information, see Viewing 2019
CloudWatch additional CloudFront distribution metrics (p. 430).

New fields in CloudFront adds seven new fields to access logs. For December 12,
access logs more information, see Web Distribution Standard Log File 2019
Format (p. 445).

AWS for You can use the AWS for WordPress plugin to provide visitors to October 30,
WordPress your WordPress website an accelerated viewing experience using 2019
plugin CloudFront. For more information, see Getting started with a
simple distribution (p. 19).

Tag-based CloudFront now supports two additional ways of specifying August 8, 2019
and resource- IAM permission policies: tag-based and resource-level policy
level IAM permissions. For more information, see Managing Access to
permissions Resources.

Support You can now use the Python programming language to develop August 1, 2019
for Python functions in Lambda@Edge, in addition to Node.js. For example
programming functions that cover a variety of scenarios, see Lambda@Edge
language Example Functions.

Updated Content updates to describe new ways for you to monitor Lambda June 20, 2019
monitoring functions associated with your CloudFront distributions directly
graphs from the CloudFront console to more easily track and debug
errors. For more information, see Monitoring CloudFront.

Consolidated A new Security chapter consolidates information about May 24, 2019
security CloudFront's features around and implementation of data
content protection, IAM, logging, compliance, and more. For more
information, see Security.

Domain CloudFront now requires that you use an SSL certificate to verify April 9, 2019
validation is that you have permission to use an alternate domain name with
now required a distribution. For more information, see Using Alternate Domain
Names and HTTPS.

Updated PDF The new filename for the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide is: January 7, 2019
filename AmazonCloudFront_DevGuide. The previous name was: cf-dg.

New features CloudFront now supports WebSocket, a TCP-based protocol November 20,
that is useful when you need long-lived connections between 2018
clients and servers. You can also now set up CloudFront with
origin failover for scenarios that require high availability. For more
information, see Using WebSocket with CloudFront Distributions
and Optimizing High Availability with CloudFront Origin Failover.

Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide

Change Description Date changed

New feature CloudFront now supports detailed error logging for HTTP requests October 8, 2018
that run Lambda functions. You can store the logs in CloudWatch
and use them to help troubleshoot HTTP 5xx errors when your
function returns an invalid response. For more information, see
CloudWatch Metrics and CloudWatch Logs for Lambda Functions.

New feature You can now opt to have Lambda@Edge expose the body in a August 14, 2018
request for writable HTTP methods (POST, PUT, DELETE, and so
on), so that you can access it in your Lambda function. You can
choose read-only access, or you can specify that you’ll replace the
body. For more information, see Accessing the Request Body by
Choosing the Include Body Option.

New feature CloudFront now supports serving content compressed by using July 25, 2018
brotli or other compression algorithms, in addition to or instead of
gzip. For more information, see Serving Compressed Files.

Reorganization The Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide has been reorganized to June 28, 2018
simplify finding related content, and to improve scanability and

New Feature Lambda@Edge now enables you to further customize the delivery March 20, 2018
of content stored in an Amazon S3 bucket, by allowing you to
access additional whitelisted headers, including custom headers,
within origin-facing events. For more information, see these
examples showing personalization of content based on viewer
location and viewer device type.

New Feature You can now use Amazon CloudFront to negotiate HTTPS March 15, 2018
connections to origins using Elliptic Curve Digital Signature
Algorithm (ECDSA). ECDSA uses smaller keys that are faster, yet,
just as secure, as the older RSA algorithm. For more information,
see Supported SSL/TLS Protocols and Ciphers for Communication
Between CloudFront and Your Origin and About RSA and ECDSA

New Feature Lambda@Edge enables you to customize error responses from December 21,
your origin, by allowing you to execute Lambda functions in 2017
response to HTTP errors that Amazon CloudFront receives from
your origin. For more information, see these examples showing
redirects to another location and response generation with 200
status code (OK).

New Feature A new CloudFront capability, field-level encryption, helps you December 14,
to further enhance the security of sensitive data, like credit card 2017
numbers or personally identifiable information (PII) like social
security numbers. For more information, see Using Field-Level
Encryption to Help Protect Sensitive Data (p. 219).

Doc history Older doc history was archived. December, 2017


Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide

AWS glossary
For the latest AWS terminology, see the AWS glossary in the AWS General Reference.


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