Effects of Pre-Treatment and Addition of Calamansi Juice Extract On Oyster Mushroom Kropek Sensory and Physicochemical Properties
Effects of Pre-Treatment and Addition of Calamansi Juice Extract On Oyster Mushroom Kropek Sensory and Physicochemical Properties
Effects of Pre-Treatment and Addition of Calamansi Juice Extract On Oyster Mushroom Kropek Sensory and Physicochemical Properties
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- This study investigated the effects of brine Keywords:- Oyster Mushroom, Calamansi, Kropek, Pre-
solution pre-treatment and addition of calamansi juice Treatment, Physicochemical Properties, Sensory Properties.
extract on oyster mushroom kropek sensory and
physicochemical (pH, color, moisture, water activity) I. INTRODUCTION
properties. Results revealed, that the pre-treatment and
addition of calamansi juice extract significantly affected Mushroom is a fleshy, spore-bearing fruiting body of
(p<0.05) the appearance (3.44 ±1.43 - 5.21 ±1.71), salty a macro-fungi, usually cultivated on soil or its growth
taste (3.35 ±2.29 - 4.92 ±2.17), sour taste (2.51 ±1.98 - medium. Generally, mushroom refers to the cultured white
5.42 ±2.51), and spicy taste (2.98 ±2.35 - 4.56 ±2.60) of the button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) from Basidiomycota
kropek. The acceptability test also revealed a significant or Agaricomycetes that have a stem (stipe), a cap (pileus),
difference (p<0.05) on product appearance (7.09 ±1.22 - and gills (lamella) on the underside of the cap. The most
7.47 ±1.46) and overall acceptability (6.40 ±1.18 - 7.18 primitive mushroom production was documented in China,
±1.07). Although, in terms of consumer preference, no which remains among the top global mushroom producers,
differences were noted among sample ranks (p>0.05). along with the United States, Italy, The Netherlands, and
However, treatment 1 was chosen as the most preferred Poland [1]. Mushrooms have been utilized in sub-Saharan
since it had the lowest rank among samples, hence was Africa during the Paleolithic period (7000–9000 B.P.),
subjected to laboratory tests along with the control. where their application has been customarily related to
Physicochemical tests revealed a significant decrease religion [2].
(p<0.05) in the pH of both raw (6.17 ±0.02 - 4.17 ±.01)
and cooked (7.01 ±0.02 - 5.44 ±0.02) kropek with the The mostly grown edible mushrooms in the world are
increased amount of calamansi juice extract. Also, color Agaricus bisporus, Lentinus edodes, Pleurotus spp., and
parameters such as L* (67.03 ±0.84 - 71.60 ±1.04), a* Flammulina velutipes. In the Philippines, the mushroom
(5.63 ±0.55 - 9.30 ±0.36), b* (21.90 ±0.62 - 24.07 ± 0.55) industry has intensified during 1995, although in 2009, the
and Hue° (1.20 ±0.01 - 1.32 ±0.02) values were affected lowest production volume equivalent to 355 metric tons
significantly. Generally, the increase in brine solution (MT) was recorded. Majority of the mushrooms produced
and calamansi juice extract resulted in a lighter color were imported from neighboring countries namely China,
(red-yellow), as displayed by treatment 4 (15% brine and Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, Korea, and Japan. Cultivating
20ml calamansi juice extract), although treatment 3 mushrooms in the country is economically feasible due to
(15% brine and 20ml calamansi juice extract) exhibited inexpensive production cost from the use of low-priced
darker color. Nevertheless, the moisture content (1.08 growth media from agro wastes, and its increasing demand,
±0.07 - 1.13 ±0.35) and water activity (0.53 ±0.09 - 0.54 which will be an additional livelihood to the mushroom
±0.01) of the most preferred sample and the control were farmers [3], [4].
considered low and not significantly different (p>0.05),
indicating longer shelf stability. Therefore, results of this Oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus spp.) were firstly
study are important as they give baseline information cultivated in Germany in 1917 on tree stumps and wood logs
about the effect of pre-treatment and addition of [5]. They are a part of the genus Pleurotus and a good
calamansi juice extract on product key parameters that source of non‑starchy carbohydrates, containing high
would help solve problems during its processing, amount of dietary fiber and a moderate quantity of proteins,
preservation, storage, distribution, and even food including most amino acids, minerals, and vitamins [6].
consumption. However, it is recommended that further According to Croan (2004), protein content varies from 1.6
studies may be conducted, particularly in terms of the to 2.5%, and the niacin content is about ten times higher
correlation of some physicochemical properties with the than that of any other vegetable [7]. Moreover, Randive
results of sensory tests. (2012) reported that oyster mushrooms are rich in Vitamin
C, B complex, and mineral salts required by the human body
Combining osmotic dehydration and drying contribute The main objective of this study was to investigate the
to a food product with longer shelf-life. Hence, the effect of pre-treatment and addition of calamansi juice
processing of oyster mushrooms utilizing these methods can extract on oyster mushroom kropek properties. Specifically,
be useful in food processing and food product development this study aimed to;
such as in kropek production. 1. Determine the sensory characteristics, acceptability level,
and consumer preference of oyster mushroom kropek.
Kropek is a traditional dried crispy food product 2. Determine the pH and color of the oyster mushroom
mostly popular in South-East Asian countries, particularly in kropek.
Indonesia and Malaysia, hence has a high potential 3. Determine and compare the water activity and moisture
economic impact. This low-density snack is prepared from a content of the most preferred sample of oyster mushroom
mixture of fish and starch or flour, seasonings, and other kropek and the control.
protein-rich ingredients which give its distinct flavor. In
kropek production, starch is usually mixed with ground fish III. MATERIALS AND METHODS
and other protein-rich ingredients and then kneaded
manually to obtain a dough. The dough is formed to a A. Raw Materials and Equipment
cylindrical shape (with a diameter around 5 to 10 cm) and Oyster mushrooms (Fig. 1) were procured from
then cooked by boiling or steaming. The cooked dough is Calamba City, Laguna. Other ingredients such as cornstarch,
cooled and cut into thin slices (3 mm thickness) and then water, ground white pepper, salt, sugar, and MSG were
dried. The dried product obtained is considered an bought from a supermarket in Los Baños, Laguna.
Equipment used for the processing and analyses of
The formulation above was also used for the kropek b∗ (1)
samples with oyster mushroom pre-treated with brine
Hue° = tan−1
solution, and mixture with added calamansi juice extract.
The mushroom was first soaked in the brine solution for 30 E. Determination of pH and Water Activity (aw).
minutes and adding calamansi extract during blending and For the pH determination, 1 gram of uncooked and 1
mixing. The varying concentrations of brine solution and gram cooked of kropek samples were dissolved in 10 ml
amounts of calamansi juice extract added for different water separately and analyzed using a pH pen (Apera
treatments are shown in Table 2. Instruments). For the water activity (aw) determination,
crushed uncooked kropek was analyzed using a water
TABLE 2. TREATMENTS OF OYSTER MUSHROOM KROPEK activity meter (Novasina) until constant aw values were
Treatment Brine Solution Calamansi Juice obtained.
(%) Extract (ml)
Control 0 0
Treatment 1 5 10 F. Moisture Content Determination
Treatment 2 15 10 Using oven (Memmert) set at 100 ±5°C, tared crucibles
Treatment 3 5 20 with an initial weight of approximately two (2) grams of
Treatment 4 15 20 uncooked kropek samples were dried until constant weights
Parameters* Sample**
Control T1 T2 T3 T4
Appearance 3.44 ±1.43c 4.38 ±1.53ab 4.43 ±1.62ab 5.21 ±1.71a 3.57 ±1.45bc
Aroma 2.87 ±2.18a 3.53 ±2.60a 3.82 ±2.42a 3.59 ±2.44a 3.82 ±2.77a
Texture 6.26 ±2.13a 6.45 ±2.09a 5.84 ±2.30a 5.70 ±2.55a 6.36 ±6.40a
Salty Taste 3.35 ±2.29b 3.86 ±2.26ab 4.62 ±2.57ab 4.79 ±2.38a 4.92 ±2.17a
Sour Taste 2.51 ±1.98c 3.94 ±2.55b 4.14 ±2.55ab 5.24 ±2.52ab 5.42 ±2.51a
Spicy Taste 2.98 ±2.35b 3.82 ±2.54ab 4.56 ±2.60a 3.96 ±2.51ab 3.60 ±2.55ab
Mushroom Taste 4.29 ±1.61a 4.02 ±2.27a 4.01 ±2.45a 3.30 ±2.29a 3.68 ±2.26a
Off-flavor 2.59 ±2.49a 2.52 ±2.27a 3.27 ±2.47a 3.40 ±2.86a 3.02 ±2.60a
*Description: 0-3.49 (white surface color, weak aroma/taste, soft texture/crunchiness), 3.5-6.99 (light brown surface color, moderately strong aroma/taste/crunchiness-loud), 7.0-10.0 (dark brown,
strong aroma/taste, loud/texture/crunchiness).
** Values in the same row followed by the same letter (a,b,c) are not significantly different (p> 0.05).
Sample Control T1 T2 T3 T4
Average Rank* 2.93a 2.80a 2.87a 3.27a 3.13a
*Lowest rank means most preferred. Values in the same row followed by the same letter are not significantly different (p> 0.05) using Kendall Coefficient of Concordance.
Therefore, it can be recognized that the pre-treatment According to the Food and Agriculture Organization
and addition of calamansi juice extract resulted in a lighter (FAO), a shelf-stable dehydrated kropek or chips must have
color (red-yellow), as exhibited by treatment 4 (15% brine a water activity of ≤0.60 [38]. Besides, Fontana (1998)
and 20ml calamansi) although treatment 3 (15% brine and stated that foods with aw values less than 0.3 are largely
20ml calamansi) had the darker color. However, generally, protected against lipid oxidation, non-enzymatic browning,
the frying process would result in the loss of the lighter color enzymatic activity, and microbial spoilage [39]. Hence,
of the fried product. For instance, in the case of fish based on the results of analysis (Table 8), control (0.54
crackers, the frying process at high temperatures contributes ±0.01) and the most preferred sample (0.53 ±0.09) have
to the denaturation and oxidation of fish protein which leads water activity within the required values, indicating
to the darker color of the product [22]. Likewise, the conformance with the requirement. Also, results further
formation of colored compounds can be related to revealed, that the aw values of the two samples are not
involvements of H2O released from amino acids and in significantly different ( p>0.05), emphasizing that the pre-
Maillard-type reactions [30]. Moreover, Ngadi et al. (2007) treatment by soaking in 5% brine solution and the addition
stated the decrease in the L* value in the fried food sample of 10 ml calamansi juice extract did not significantly affect
may be attributed to caramelization at a high frying the aw content in the sample, considering the similar
temperature aside from Maillard browning [31]. conditions such as drying time, temperature and
conditioning. Therefore, the low amount of moisture and a w
C. Moisture Content and Water Activity (aw) of Oyster values of oyster mushroom kropek indicates high shelf
Mushroom Kropek stability.
The water activity and moisture content of the
uncooked control and most preferred formulation (treatment V. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS
1) of kropek are summarized in Table 8. Based on the
results, the moisture content of the control (1.13 ±0.35) and This study revealed that varying concentrations of
most preferred sample (1.08 ±0.07) were both low and not brine solution for pre-treatment and amount of calamansi
significantly different at p>0.05. Moisture content is the juice extract significantly affected the oyster mushroom
quantity or the percentage of water contained in a matrix that kropek sensory properties, particularly in terms of
influences the taste, texture, appearance, weight, and shelf appearance and taste. However, despite the differences in
life of food products [32]. For dehydrated kropek, it must several properties, it did not significantly affect the product
have the moisture of ≤10.00%. Controlled reconditioning, acceptability and consumer preference. Besides, increasing
appropriate packaging, and storage must be performed to the concentration of brine solution and amount of calamansi
prevent the re-absorption of moisture into the food substrate. juice extract significantly increased the acidity of kropek,
Also, efficient drying time, temperature, and humidity are while after frying it was slightly reduced. On the other hand,
important to acquire balance drying and prevent surface the color of kropek became lighter with the increasing
hardening of kropek. As specified by Mohamaddan (2016), concentration of brine and amount of calamansi juice
the drying rate of kropek is relatively dependent on humidity extract, although other factors such as the composition of
value [33]. food, pH, and temperature during frying might also have
contributed. In general, oyster mushroom kropek with and
without pre-treatment and added calamansi juice extract is
TABLE 8. WATER ACTIVITY AND MOISTURE CONTENT OF RAW considered as low moisture food, which suggests good shelf-
KROPEK. stability. Therefore, this study demonstrated that
Parameter Sample* incorporating calamansi juice extracts and the use of pre-
Control Most Preferred treatment have a beneficial (improves properties) or
Water Activity (aw) 0.54 ±0.01a 0.53 ±0.09a detrimental (alter good qualities) effects on food product
Moisture Content (%) 1.13 ±0.35a 1.08 ±0.07a properties. Hence, it is recommended that careful
*Reported values are averages of at least 3 trials ±standard deviation. Values in the same row
followed by the same letter are not significantly different (p> 0.05). manipulation of product and process variables should be
taken into account to maintain and improve key properties
However, the determination of water content is not critical to food products. Also, further studies may be
sufficiently informative to predict the stability of food conducted specifically in terms of the correlation of some
products. Thus, water activity (aw) brings a supplement of physicochemical properties with the results of sensory tests.
information as it accounts for the availability of water in the Nevertheless, the results of this study will serve as baseline