Bottlenose Dolphins: 2 Questions 1 - 10

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Part 1

Questions 1 – 10

Read the text below, and for each number, circle the correct word on the next page.

Bottlenose Dolphins
Bottlenose dolphins live in oceans around the world where the climate is (0) .

They measure between two and four metres (1) length and their powerful tails

help them swim (2) fast. Bottlenose dolphins always (3) to be smiling, which is

because of the (4) of their mouths. Because they are sociable creatures, they live

in groups of between ten and fifteen dolphins. They hunt and play together and help

each other (5) after the baby dolphins.

(6) they live underwater, dolphins have to come up to breathe air at least once

every seven minutes. They can also jump up to five metres out of the water.

Scientists are not totally (7) why they do this. It (8) be just for fun or perhaps

they are trying to find food. Other possibilities are that they do it to (9) with other

dolphins, or even (10) a way of cleaning themselves.



0 mild calm light gentle

1 of on in at [1]

2 completely absolutely mostly extremely [1]

3 notice feel appear show [1]

4 frame pattern figure shape [1]

5 take look care keep [1]

6 Despite Although Unless Yet [1]

7 certain reliable correct definite [1]

8 need should ought could [1]

9 attract communicate accompany contact [1]

10 as by with like [1]

[Turn over

Part 3

Questions 21 – 25

Complete the conversation in a bookshop.

What does the boy say to the shop assistant?
For questions 21 – 25, write the correct letter A – H.


Shop Hello, how can I help you?


Boy: G
0 …………

Shop You need our art department. Are

Assistant: you looking for a special book?

Boy: 21 ………… [1] A That will be great with the book, thanks.

Shop Do you need information for a B That’s much better. Do you sell cards too?
Assistant: college project?
C I’d like one about painters.
Boy: 22 ………… [1]
D Do you sell many books on artists?
Shop This is a lovely book, very popular
Assistant: with customers. E Actually, it’s a special present for my father.

Boy: 23 ………… [1] F It’s expensive though! Do you have anything

Shop Well, we also sell a lot of this one
Assistant: over here. G Hi, I’m looking for a book about the history
of art.
Boy: 24 ………… [1]
H Painting is an interesting topic to study.
Shop You’ll find lots of different ones by
Assistant: the window – some have pictures by
famous artists.

Boy: 25 ………… [1]

Shop You’re welcome.


[Turn over

Part 4

Questions 26 – 35

Look at the text in each question.

What does it say?
For questions 26 – 35, circle the correct letter A, B or C.


0 A Andy would prefer to go sailing with Julia on

Saturday rather than on Sunday.

B Andy can go sailing with Julia on Friday if

she’s not free on Saturday.

C Andy wants to go sailing with Julia on both

Saturday and Sunday if possible.

26 Kyle wants his mum to

A take him and his friend to the pool.

B get his swimming kit ready for him.

C wake him up early for swimming.


27 A Gracie is asking if her brother can have

Lynda’s concert ticket.
About the concert.
It’s a shame your
parents won’t let B Gracie’s brother has offered to take the girls
you go. I’ve got if Lynda’s parents can’t go.
great seats, and my
brother will take
care of us. Can’t you C Gracie wants Lynda to try to change her
persuade them? parents’ minds about the concert.
Gracie [1]

28 A From next week there will be 50% off many


B You only have a week to take advantage of

the special 50% offer.
This week –
50% off many
shoes. Hurry – C The store is selling 50% of its products
offer ends in 7 cheaply at the moment.
days’ time! [1]

29 A Students need to take food but not money or

School trip: Please
remind your parents
that you require a B Students will not be allowed to buy food or
packed lunch. Drinks will drinks in the shop.
be provided. Cash is
unnecessary as you will
not be permitted to buy C Students should bring a drink as well as
souvenirs. something to eat.


30 Mrs Smith’s message is

Richard, A explaining why Richard’s granddad will be

Your mum called – her late.
car’s broken down so
your granddad will now B telling Richard about a change of plans.
pick you up after school.
He’ll be a little late, so
wait in Reception. C reminding Richard about some
Mrs Smith arrangements.

[Turn over

31 A Extra help with maths has been cancelled

until further notice.

B There must be a teacher present if you wish

to study after school.

C If you let the teacher know in advance, you

can get extra help.


32 What must students do?

A ask Emma to provide some material for the

school magazine

B get in touch with Emma before producing

anything for the magazine

C decide if Emma should be responsible for the

magazine this month

33 A To use the customer lift, you need to ask a

member of staff.

Customer lift
out of order. B If you have difficulties when using the
Staff lift customer lift, see staff for help.
available on
request if
C Staff can help customers reach other parts of
the building.

34 Marie is emailing to

A suggest a film to a friend.

B recommend a time to see the new film.

C check what time the film is on.


35 A The competition is open to people below a

certain age.
Short story competition
Great prizes! B You must be at least 14 to enter this
Entries only accepted from competition.
those under 14 on August 31.
C The age limit for this competition was
recently changed.

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