Ay Include Cursory Information Such As Gender, Age, Income and Marital Status
Ay Include Cursory Information Such As Gender, Age, Income and Marital Status
Ay Include Cursory Information Such As Gender, Age, Income and Marital Status
Functional Need - Rolly ran out of water while jogging and he went out to buy one at
a sari-sari store.
Emotional need - Jessa has a lot of skirt and she still bought a new one because it is
very pretty.
Tangible Needs - a building, vehicle, or gadget. Most goods are tangible products
Intangible Needs - virtual digital goods like MP3’s.
3. Profit is the metric used to determine the scope of a company's profit in relation to
the size of the business.
Profitability is a measurement of efficiency – and ultimately its success or failure.
Profit - Company A has P100,000 in sales and a COGS of P60,000, it means the
gross profit is P40,000, or $100,000 minus P60,000. Divide gross profit by sales for
the gross profit margin, which is 40%, or P40,000 divided by P100,000.
Profitability - If crops and livestock are produced and sold, income is generated.
3. Specific demographic to target - Figure out not only who has a need for your
product or service, but also who is most likely to buy it. May include cursory
information such as gender, age, income and marital status.
Psychographics of your target - are the more personal characteristics of a person
Specific Demographic - young people (eg. age 18-24), both female and male from
towns with a population larger than 20,000.
1. I always wanted to put up a business and I am doing my best to realize it in the
futute. I was encouraged when I worked as a sales lady to a ukay-ukay store. My
employeer told me that if I want to put up a business like hers she will help me.
2. I
am doing my best to finish my studies and want to have a good job and then if I
will have enough money I will put up a business and be an entreprenuer.