1 Pasado Simple

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Mg. Karina N.

Jiménez Padilla

Topic: Simple Past review

Support Material / Material de apoyo

Let’s review past in affirmative, negative and interrogative form.

Repasemos pasado simple en forma afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa.

Here's how to make the affirmative :

Aquí está como hacer la forma afirmativa:

Affirmative with 'be' - (afirmativa con el verbo To - be)

I was cold I was

you were tired You were

he was in the garden He was

She was
she was late
It was
it was sunny
We were
we were on holiday
You were
they were hungry
They were

To make the negative with 'be', just add 'not'.

Para hacer la forma negativa con “be” solo agregue “not”:

Negative with 'be' Negative Short Form

I was not sleepy I wasn't sleepy
you were not on the bus you weren't on the bus
he was not at school he wasn't at school
she was not home. she wasn't home.
it was not cold it wasn't cold
we were not at work we weren't at work
they were not tired they weren't tired
Mg. Karina N. Jiménez Padilla

Topic: Simple Past review

To make a question, we change the position of 'was / were' and the subject. / Para hacer una pregunta,
cambiamos la posición de “was/were” y el sujeto.

Here are the past simple 'yes / no' questions with 'be'. Estas son las preguntas yes/ no con “Be”:

'Yes / No' Questions with 'Be'

was I sleepy? Yes, I was. / No, I wasn’t.
were you late? Yes, I were. / No, I weren’t.
was he at the cinema? Yes, he was / No, he wasn’t.
was she kind? Yes, she was. / No, She wasn’t.
was it hot? Yes, it was, / No, it wasn’t.
were we hungry? Yes, we were / No, we weren’t.
were they at work? Yes, they were. / No, they weren’t.
And the 'wh' questions with 'be' (the question word just goes at the beginning, everything else is the
same). Y las preguntas “Wh” con “be” (La wh va al principio, el resto queda igual)

'Wh' Questions with 'Be'

why was I sleepy? I was sleepy because I was tired.
where were you? I was at the hospital.
when was he at the cinema? He was there at 8 o’clock.
how was she? She was happy.
how was it? It was fantastic
why were we hungry? We were hungry because we couldn’t have breakfast.
when were they at work? They were at work at 7 o’clock.

Exercises to practice affirmative form with “be”:




Mg. Karina N. Jiménez Padilla

Topic: Simple Past review

The Simple Past with Other Verbs

Pasado simple con otros verbos

Simple past is used to express actions that started and ended in the past. / El pasado simple es usado
para expresar acciones que iniciaron y terminaron en el pasado.


I went to Tumaco last year.

My father washed the car yesterday.

Affirmative form

In affirmative form we use regular and irregular verbs. It is important to study the verbs and learn the
past form. / En forma afirmativa usamos verbos regulare e irregulares. Es importante estudiar los
verbos y aprender su forma pasada.

Regular verbs / Verbos regulares

Many verbs are formed in past by simply adding -ed at the end of the verb. Those verbs are called
regular verbs. / Muchos verbos son formados en pasado, agregando simplemente -ed al final del
verbo. Esos verbos son llamados regulares.


Simple form / Forma Past form / Forma en

simple pasado
Wash Washed
Call Called
Cook Cooked
Open Opened
Close Closed
Watch Watched

There are some rules when adding -ed to a verb.

Hay algunas reglas cuando se agrega -ed al verbo.

Mg. Karina N. Jiménez Padilla

Topic: Simple Past review


I played basketball yesterday.

He watched TV last night.

The boy cried because he lost his ball.

Irregular verbs / Verbos irregulares

Irregular verbs don’t follow any of the above mentioned rules. You need to study them. / Los verbos
irregulres no siguen ninguna de las reglas mencionadas arriba. Deben estudiarlos. Examples:

Simple form / Forma Past form / Forma en

simple pasado
Be Was-were
Begin Began
Break Broke
Bring Brought
Mg. Karina N. Jiménez Padilla

Topic: Simple Past review

Build Built
Buy Bought
Choose Chose
Come Came
Do Did
Draw Drew
Eat Ate
Give Gave
Have Had


You ate a hamburger.

We had an apartment in Cali.

She drank lemonade.

Negative Form

We use 'did' in simple past. We use 'did' with all the subjects in negative and interrogative form.

Usamos “did” en pasado simple. Usamos “did” con todos los sujetos en forma negativa e interrogativa.

Long form: did not Short form: didn't + infinitive

We can use long or short form. Podemos usar forma larga o corta.

Negative Negative Short Form

I did not walk I didn't walk
you did not play you didn't play
he did not cook he didn't cook
she did not listen she didn't listen
it did not rain it didn't rain
we did not eat we didn't eat
they did not drink they didn't drink
Mg. Karina N. Jiménez Padilla

Topic: Simple Past review

Interrogative form / Forma interrogativa

Questions are also very easy. Just put 'did' at the beginning and use the infinitive of the verb. / Las
preguntas son fáciles de realizar solo se usa DID al inicio y el verbo en presente.

'Yes / No' Questions

did I walk?
did you play?
did he cook?
did she listen?
did it rain?
did we eat?
did they drink?
To make a 'wh' question, put the question word at the beginning of the sentence. Para hacer las
preguntas con WH, se debe poner la palabra WH al principio de la oración.

'Wh' Questions
where did I go?
what did you play?
what did he cook?
where did we eat?
how did they travel?

Exercises to practice simple past with different verbs:





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