Chispómetro Isl FP56 5G2

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The document provides an overview and user manual for the FP56 5G2 and FP170 5G2 flash point analyzers manufactured by Instrumentation Scientifique de Laboratoire.

The main components of the flash point analyzer include the test unit, control unit, sample temperature display, test flame adjusting knob, and pilot light adjusting knob.

The flash point analyzer heats an oil sample and measures the temperature at which the vapors above the sample ignite when exposed to an ignition source. It automatically performs this test according to various industry standards to determine the flash point of a substance.

Instrumentation Scientifique de Laboratoire








(4) (6)

(1) Sample temperature display (4) Test flame adjusting knob

(2) 7 function keys on each side of screen (5) Pilot light adjusting knob
(3) Control unit (6) Test unit


IP 170, EN/ISO 13736, NF T 66-009 (FP170 5G2)


Instrumentation Scientifique de Laboratoire - BP 70285 - 14653 CARPIQUET CEDEX FRANCE

Phone : (+33) Fax : (+33) Web:
FP56/170 5G2

Page 2 DOCV208A001-C
Revisions historical

Review index § concerned Modification Descriptive Date

A Creation 11/13/02
Complete revision of the manual
B § Adjustment of the pilot light setting 09/12/03
Original issue of the attached file for spare parts
Part I § 4.2.1 Updating of section “Text editing”: Use of the second cursor in the area of
Part I § 7.7 Removal of “trichloroethane” solvent
Part II § 2.2.2 Addition of safety parameter “Probe/cover missing safety” modifiable at
level 2
C 10/11/06
Part II § 3.3 Addition of section 3.3 “Alarm Review”
Part II § 3.5.16 Updating of section ““Check probe positioning” failure”: Duration is
programmable in the safety parameters
Part II § 3.5.18 Updating of section “Heating failure”: addition of a checking parameter
Part III § 3.1.2 Updating of “L” status flag definition

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ISL (C) copyright

The FP56 5G2 and FP170 5G2 Analyzers and this manual are protected by copyright.
Reproduction of the unit will result in prosecution.
All rights to the manual are reserved. Reproduction in any form, including in the form of excerpts, shall require written permission from the
copyright holder.

ISL FP56 5G2 and FP170 5G2 Software © 2002, ISL

This software is owned by ISL and is registered at the « Agence pour la Protection des Programmes », 119 Avenue de Flandre - 75019 Paris. It is
protected in France by the « Code de Propriété Intellectuelle » laws and internationally by international treaty provisions, and all other applicable
national laws. It must not be copied, reproduced, adapted, translated, rented or disassembled. This also applies to the accompanying manuals.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of ISL. ISL provides this
document "as is", without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the particular purpose. ISL may make
improvements and/or changes in this manual or in the product(s) and/or the program (s) described in this manual at any time. This product could
include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes may be
incorporated in new editions of the publication. Reproduction of any part of this manual without express written permission is forbidden.

Translation in foreign local language (other than French or English)

Translation in other language than French and English have no contractual value and have been performed under responsibility of the local
In any case the reference of the present literature will be the French and/or English release provided under ISL copyright.

Page 4 DOCV208A001-C
Reserved for public relations department
CUSTOMER N° ................................
REPORT Date .............................

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In the area of Hardware Software Manual

ANALYZER ENVIRONMENT (please be complete)

• HARDWARE Type of analyzer: ......................................
Serial N° : ...................................................
Options : Parallel printer Graphic printer Plotter
RS232C interface Current loop interface
Other : ......................................................

• SOFTWARE Version : ........................................................


Listing Diskette Drawing Text Other


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Phone : Fax : Date:

Send this report to your local Sales office or to Groupe ISL - Service Clients
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This ISL analyzer has been carefully designed, manufactured and inspected for
quality. It has been equipped with a number of safety features.
However, the use of this analyzer may involve the handling of solvents,
chemicals, and other potentially dangerous flammable, toxic, etc.) materials.
Please exercise caution when- handling these materials while operating the
• read the manual
• wear proper protective clothing
• perform all suggested service procedures
• use care to prevent accidents.

The manufacturer accepts no responsibility for any damage or liability arising

from the use of analyzers.

Use of Non-ISL Products and Accessories. Defects or damage that result from
the use of Non-ISL branded or certified Products, Accessories, Software or
other peripheral equipment are excluded from warranty.

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FP56/170 5G2


NOTE Statements which indicate important information and
advice for the use of the unit.

CAUTION, WARNING Statements indicating conditions or practices which

may be hazardous for the operator or equipment.

The values indicated in displays illustrated in this manual are given as examples and must not be
used by the operator for tests. ISL accepts no responsibility for accidents arising from the use of
values indicated in illustrations. This warning is particularly applicable (but not exclusively) to the
creation of a program.

Indications specific to only one of the two methods will be noted in bold italics with indication of
concerned equipment.

Example: Stirrer arm (FP170 5G2)

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PART I - USE OF FP56 5G2 AND FP170 5G2 ANALYZERS .....................................................................I-13

1.1 - ISL COMPANY PROFILE .................................................................................................................................. I-15
1.2 - GENERALITIES.................................................................................................................................................. I-16
1.3 - DEFINITIONS* ................................................................................................................................................... I-16
2.1 - THE ANALYZER................................................................................................................................................ I-18
2.1.1 - Control unit ..................................................................................................................................................... I-18
2.1.2 - The test unit..................................................................................................................................................... I-19
2.2 - PRESENTATION OF TAG AND ABEL COMPONENTS................................................................................. I-21
2.2.1 - The bath .......................................................................................................................................................... I-21
2.2.2 - Cooling system................................................................................................................................................ I-21
2.2.3 - Stirring system (FP170 5G2)........................................................................................................................... I-21
2.2.4 - Ignition system ................................................................................................................................................ I-22
2.2.5 - Flash detector .................................................................................................................................................. I-22
2.2.6 - Sample temperature probe............................................................................................................................... I-23
2.2.7 - Shutter ............................................................................................................................................................. I-23
2.2.8 - Diagnostics...................................................................................................................................................... I-23
2.3 - AVAILABLE ACCESSORIES ............................................................................................................................ I-23
2.4 - SOFTWARE CONFIGURATION ....................................................................................................................... I-23
3.1 - SPECIFICATIONS .............................................................................................................................................. I-24
3.2 - AFTER UNPACKING ......................................................................................................................................... I-26
3.3 - CONNECTIONS.................................................................................................................................................. I-26
3.3.1 - Connection of cooling supply ......................................................................................................................... I-26
3.3.2 - Gas connection ................................................................................................................................................ I-26
3.3.3 - FP / PC connection.......................................................................................................................................... I-26
3.3.4 - Printer connection ........................................................................................................................................... I-27
3.3.5 - Sample probe connection ................................................................................................................................ I-27
3.4 - INSTALLATION AND ADJUSTMENTS BY OPERATOR............................................................................... I-28
3.4.1 - Installation of the test thermocouple ............................................................................................................... I-28
3.4.2 - Installation and adjustment of the ignition device........................................................................................... I-29
3.5 - SWITCHING ON ................................................................................................................................................. I-32
3.5.1 - Language selection.......................................................................................................................................... I-32
3.5.2 - Self-test ........................................................................................................................................................... I-33
4.1 - KEYPAD.............................................................................................................................................................. I-34
4.2 - DISPLAY ............................................................................................................................................................. I-36
4.2.1 - Text editing (text entry)................................................................................................................................... I-36
4.2.2 - Entry of a numeric value ................................................................................................................................. I-37
4.2.3 - Flip-flop entries............................................................................................................................................... I-37
4.3 - ACCESS CONTROL - PASSWORDS ................................................................................................................ I-37
4.4 - FAMILIARISATION ........................................................................................................................................... I-38
4.5 - MAIN MENU TEST ............................................................................................................................................ I-38
4.5.1 - With the loaded test program .......................................................................................................................... I-38
4.5.2 - With modified loaded test program or another program ................................................................................. I-38
4.5.3 - Test details in Main menu ............................................................................................................................... I-39
4.5.4 - End of Main menu........................................................................................................................................... I-39
4.6 - SIGNIFICANCE OF THE VARIOUS DISPLAYED PHASES .......................................................................... I-39
5.1 - FAILURES AND OTHER ALARMS .................................................................................................................. I-40
5.1.1 - Fire detection................................................................................................................................................... I-40
5.1.2 - Consequences of switching to standby............................................................................................................ I-40
5.1.3 - Failures preventing the start of a test and stopping running tests.................................................................... I-40
5.1.4 - Report alarms .................................................................................................................................................. I-40
5.1.5 - Warning alarms for incompatibility corrections .............................................................................................. I-40
5.2 - ACCESS CODES................................................................................................................................................. I-41
5.3 - SAFETY PRECAUTIONS FOR LCD DEVICES ............................................................................................... I-41

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6.1 - SAMPLE TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT..................................................................................................I-42
6.1.1 - Temperature probe reading correction.............................................................................................................I-42
6.1.2 - Response time correction ................................................................................................................................I-42
6.2 - MEASUREMENT OF ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE ........................................................................................I-42
7.1 - DEFINITION AND SUMMARY OF THE METHOD ........................................................................................I-43
7.1.1 - Definition ........................................................................................................................................................I-43
7.1.2 - Specifications of the IP 170, EN/ISO 13736, NF T 66-009 and ASTM D 56 standards.................................I-43
7.2 - PREPARATION AND PROCEDURE.................................................................................................................I-43
7.2.1 - Sampling..........................................................................................................................................................I-43
7.2.2 - Preparation ......................................................................................................................................................I-43
7.3 - TEST PROCEDURE ............................................................................................................................................I-44
7.3.1 - TAG standard method .....................................................................................................................................I-44
7.3.2 - ABEL standard method ...................................................................................................................................I-44
7.3.3 - Ignition check after starting test ......................................................................................................................I-44
7.4 - TEST MODES......................................................................................................................................................I-45
7.4.1 - Run Menu using default test............................................................................................................................I-45
7.4.2 - Fast (using pre-programmed sample) ..............................................................................................................I-45
7.4.3 - Main menu.......................................................................................................................................................I-45
7.5 - TEST RUNNING .................................................................................................................................................I-46
7.6 - AUTOMATIC TEST STOP .................................................................................................................................I-46
7.6.1 - Standard test stop ............................................................................................................................................I-46
7.6.2 - Flash on first flame test ...................................................................................................................................I-47
7.6.3 - Detection before standard phase......................................................................................................................I-47
7.7 - CLEANING..........................................................................................................................................................I-47

PART II - ADVANCED USE OF FP56 5G2 AND FP170 5G2 ANALYZERS ..........................................II-49
1.1 - TEST PRINCIPLE ............................................................................................................................................. II-51
1.2 - TEST PROGRAM PARAMETERS ................................................................................................................... II-51
1.2.1 - Identification and definition parameters ........................................................................................................ II-52
1.2.2 - Initial phase ................................................................................................................................................... II-53
1.2.3 - Standard phase............................................................................................................................................... II-53
1.2.4 - Final phase .................................................................................................................................................... II-54
1.3 - PROGRAM CREATION (access level 1) .......................................................................................................... II-54
1.4 - MODIFICATION OF AN EXISTING TEST (access level 1)............................................................................ II-55
1.5 - SAMPLE EDITING (access level 1) .................................................................................................................. II-56
1.5.1 - Sample display .............................................................................................................................................. II-56
1.6 - EDITING SPECIFICATION PAGES (access level 1) ....................................................................................... II-56
1.6.1 - Page display................................................................................................................................................... II-57
1.7 - OPERATOR NAME EDIT (access level 1) ....................................................................................................... II-57
1.8 - CUSTOMIZE RUN MODE SCREEN (access level 1)...................................................................................... II-57
2.1 - PRINTER CONFIGURATION .......................................................................................................................... II-58
2.2 - RUN DEFAULT VALUES CONFIGURATION............................................................................................... II-59
2.2.1 - Power on parameters ..................................................................................................................................... II-59
2.2.2 - Safety parameters .......................................................................................................................................... II-59
2.3 - EXTERNAL LINKS SETUP ............................................................................................................................. II-60
2.3.1 - RS 232C link setup........................................................................................................................................ II-60
2.3.2 - External link test............................................................................................................................................ II-64
2.3.3 - RS 485 link – Alan network .......................................................................................................................... II-64
2.4 - TECHNICAL SETUP: INTERNAL PARAMETERS........................................................................................ II-65
2.5 - LABORATORY SETUP .................................................................................................................................... II-65
2.6 - REAL TIME CLOCK......................................................................................................................................... II-65
2.7 - ISL ADJUSTMENT ........................................................................................................................................... II-66
2.8 - CUSTOMIZE RUN MODE SCREEN (access level 1)...................................................................................... II-66

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3 - ALARMS II-67
3.1 - ALARM TYPES .................................................................................................................................................II-67
3.1.1 - Failure alarms.................................................................................................................................................II-67
3.1.2 - Report alarms .................................................................................................................................................II-67
3.1.3 - Warning alarms ..............................................................................................................................................II-67
3.2 - ALARM DISPLAY, ALARM STOP ..................................................................................................................II-68
3.3 - ALARM REVIEW ..............................................................................................................................................II-68
3.4 - ALARM HANDLING.........................................................................................................................................II-68
3.5 - FAILURE ALARMS...........................................................................................................................................II-68
3.5.1 - “Fire detection” ..............................................................................................................................................II-68
3.5.2 - Memory failure...............................................................................................................................................II-69
3.5.3 - “Signal conditioning” failure .........................................................................................................................II-69
3.5.4 - “No test flame” failure....................................................................................................................................II-69
3.5.5 - “Glow plug failure” ........................................................................................................................................II-69
3.5.6 - “Sample temperature failure” .........................................................................................................................II-70
3.5.7 - “Abnormal heating rate” ................................................................................................................................II-70
3.5.8 - “Flash detection failure” (thermocouple) .......................................................................................................II-70
3.5.9 - “Heating bath temperature failure”.................................................................................................................II-70
3.5.10 - “Heating bath temperature safety” failure ...................................................................................................II-70
3.5.11 - “Program checksum error”..........................................................................................................................II-71
3.5.12 - “Abnormal flash detection” ........................................................................................................................II-71
3.5.13 - “Abnormal atmospheric pressure” ..............................................................................................................II-71
3.5.14 - “Motor board link failure” ..........................................................................................................................II-71
3.5.15 - “Check test devices positioning” failure .....................................................................................................II-71
3.5.16 - “Check probe positioning” failure ..............................................................................................................II-71
3.5.17 - “Igniter arm unlock” failure ........................................................................................................................II-71
3.5.18 - “Heating failure”.........................................................................................................................................II-71
3.5.19 - “Low battery”..............................................................................................................................................II-72
3.5.20 - “Flame abnormally lit”................................................................................................................................II-72
3.6 - REPORT ALARMS ............................................................................................................................................II-72
3.6.1 - Pre-safety temperature reached ......................................................................................................................II-72
3.6.2 - Flash on first flame test ..................................................................................................................................II-72
3.6.3 - Result out of spec ...........................................................................................................................................II-72
3.6.4 - End of test: flash.............................................................................................................................................II-73
3.6.5 - End of test: no flash........................................................................................................................................II-73
3.6.6 - End of test: safety flash temperature ..............................................................................................................II-73
3.7 - WARNING ALARMS ........................................................................................................................................II-73
4.1 - RESULTS PAGES ..............................................................................................................................................II-74
4.1.1 - Organization of results in the pages ...............................................................................................................II-74
4.2 - RESULTS............................................................................................................................................................II-75
4.2.1 - Allocation of results pages .............................................................................................................................II-75
4.2.2 - Results display/printing..................................................................................................................................II-75
4.2.3 - Statistics .........................................................................................................................................................II-76
4.2.4 - Pages initialization .........................................................................................................................................II-77
4.3 - LAST RUN RESULTS........................................................................................................................................II-78
4.4 - PRINTOUT .........................................................................................................................................................II-78
4.4.1 - INITIALIZATION .........................................................................................................................................II-79
4.4.2 - ENVIRONMENT PRINTING .......................................................................................................................II-79
4.4.3 - One sample.....................................................................................................................................................II-79
4.4.4 - One specification page ...................................................................................................................................II-79
4.4.5 - One test program ............................................................................................................................................II-79
4.5 - PRINTER INTERFACE TEST ...........................................................................................................................II-79
5.1 - RS 232C LINK CHARACTERISTICS ...............................................................................................................II-80
5.2 - OUTLET CONNECTOR BROACHING ............................................................................................................II-80
5.3 - TRANSMITTED DATA .....................................................................................................................................II-81
5.3.1 - Examples of transmitted messages .................................................................................................................II-81
5.3.2 - RESULT MESSAGE FORMAT....................................................................................................................II-81
5.3.3 - Conditions of a test run ..................................................................................................................................II-82
5.3.4 - Test contents ..................................................................................................................................................II-82
5.4 - EXAMPLE OF USING THE RS-232C INTERFACE WITH A PC ...................................................................II-84
5.4.1 - Analyzer setup................................................................................................................................................II-84
5.4.2 - Software setup................................................................................................................................................II-84

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PART III - MAINTENANCE OF FP56 5G2 AND FP170 5G2 ANALYZERS.................................... III-87
2.1 - SAMPLE TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT ADJUSTMENT.................................................................... III-89
2.1.1 - Adjustment periodicity and test start refusal ................................................................................................ III-89
2.1.2 - Adjustment of sample temperature measurement circuit .............................................................................. III-90
2.2 - PROBE CORRECTION.................................................................................................................................... III-92
2.3 - BATH TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT ADJUSTMENT......................................................................... III-93
2.4 - ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE MEASUREMENT CALIBRATION................................................................ III-93
3.1 - DIAGNOSTICS AND MEASUREMENTS DISPLAY .................................................................................... III-94
3.1.1 - Diagnostics display....................................................................................................................................... III-94
3.1.2 - Measurement display.................................................................................................................................... III-95
3.2 - DIFFERENT DIAGNOSTICS .......................................................................................................................... III-96
3.2.1 - Heating ......................................................................................................................................................... III-96
3.2.2 - Cooling......................................................................................................................................................... III-96
3.2.3 - Printer........................................................................................................................................................... III-96
3.2.4 - RS-232C external link .................................................................................................................................. III-96
3.2.5 - Stirrer (FP170 5G2)...................................................................................................................................... III-97
3.2.6 - Ignition ......................................................................................................................................................... III-97
3.3 - SERVICE PRINTOUT...................................................................................................................................... III-98
3.3.1 - Internal parameters ....................................................................................................................................... III-98
3.3.2 - Measures....................................................................................................................................................... III-98
3.3.3 - Regulation check .......................................................................................................................................... III-98
3.3.4 - Printer reset .................................................................................................................................................. III-98
4.1 - PASSWORDS AND MASTER PASSWORDS ................................................................................................ III-99
4.2 - REGULATION PARAMETERS....................................................................................................................... III-99
4.3 - BUZZER PULSE WIDTH .............................................................................................................................. III-100
4.4 - MODIFICATION OF SAMPLE TEMPERATURE CALIBRATION VALUES............................................ III-100
4.5 - UPLOAD / DOWNLOAD............................................................................................................................... III-100
4.5.1 - Principle of Transfer Procedure.................................................................................................................. III-101
4.5.2 - Installation and Starting the Transfer Program........................................................................................... III-101
4.5.3 - Transfer requested by the operator ............................................................................................................. III-101
4.5.4 - Unsuccessful transfer to Analyzer or no display on switching on .............................................................. III-102
5.1 - ANALYZER HOUSING COVER................................................................................................................... III-103
5.1.1 - Dismounting the control unit housing cover .............................................................................................. III-103
5.1.2 - Dismounting the facing cover of the control unit ....................................................................................... III-103
5.1.3 - Dismounting the test unit housing cover .................................................................................................... III-104
5.2 - COMPONENTS LOCATION ......................................................................................................................... III-104
5.3 - COMPONENTS REPLACEMENT ................................................................................................................ III-106
5.3.1 - Sample temperature probe replacement...................................................................................................... III-106
5.3.2 - Flash point detector thermocouple replacement ......................................................................................... III-106
5.3.3 - Igniter replacement..................................................................................................................................... III-106
5.3.4 - Solenoid valve replacement........................................................................................................................ III-106
5.3.5 - Fuses replacement ...................................................................................................................................... III-107
5.3.6 - Battery trouble: replacing the battery ......................................................................................................... III-108
5.4 - EXTERNAL FIRE ALARM DEVICE CONNECTION ................................................................................. III-109
5.4.1 - Characteristics of the series contact provided............................................................................................. III-109
5.4.2 - Series contact connection ........................................................................................................................... III-110
5.4.3 - Fire detection test, thermofuse replacing.................................................................................................... III-110
7.1 - DRAUGHT PROTECTION ............................................................................................................................ III-113

INDEX ..................................................................................................................................................... 115


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PART I - USE OF FP56 5G2 AND FP170 5G2
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We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for choosing ISL product. We are confident that you will be
completely satisfied with your new Analyzer and we hope that you continue to call on us for all of your laboratory’s
petroleum testing needs. Before you begin, we ask you to take a few minutes to become acquainted with ISL and its

ISL’s beginnings go back to 1975, when a group of engineers and scientists from the heart of the Northern France’s
petrochemical industry began seeking ways to automate petroleum testing. The neighboring industry served as an
excellent research and development proving ground for their new equipment.

By the end of 70’s, several quality instruments had been developed and were being marketed in Europe under
ATPEM Trademark.

The most famous of these new instruments was the CPP 97, Automatic Cloud and Pour Point Analyzer. Introduced
in the early 1980’s, its successor, the CPP97-6, revolutionized cold flow testing enabling up to six tests automatically
and simultaneously.

Adding new automatic instruments each year, ATPEM soon became a world-wide leader in automatic petroleum test
instrumentation. In 1986, they expanded operations, reorganizing into the company now knows as ISL.

Striving to maintain close contact with customers in over 75 countries, ISL has since grown, founded Sales &
Service branches on each continent. With design, marketing, service and support operating together under the ISL
roof, the company reached “a new dimension” in 1993 by obtaining ISO 9002 certification from the BVQI. Working
hard to extend our quality assurance program, we received ISO 9001 certification in 1995.

Though best known for distillation, viscosity testing, cold behavior instrumentation, flash point, evaporation loss,
oxidation, and asphalt testing equipment, ISL's contributions to automated petroleum testing continue to grow. With
more than 10 patents to date, ISL's constant research into new technologies buttresses our precedent for ultimate
precision, performance and safety. The company now offers over 20 Automatic Analyzers for different applications
giving incontestable benefits to its users in increasing of test precision by elimination of operator subjectivity and
human errors, while increasing productivity and reduce operator time with highest level of safety.

A worldwide distribution network supports our customers with quick, efficient service, and our highly
knowledgeable service staff buttresses this relationship, providing solutions to product or application challenges.

Please visit our web site for more information:

DOCV208A001-C Page I-15

FP56/170 5G2


With the FP56 5G2 / FP170 5G2, ISL has once again developed an ergonomic and convivial petroleum product
Analyzer. Our committed customers will recognize ISL’s experience and reliability as well as the look and design of
the new generation of ISL instruments. The Analyzer you owned is the result of customer feedback and 20 years’
experience in the design and manufacture of petrochemical analysis equipment.

The FP56 5G2 Analyzers comply with ASTM D 56 standard methods and the FP170 5G2 comply with IP 170,
EN/ISO 13736, NF T 66-009 standard methods.

These standards do not define all associated safety procedures. It is therefore the responsibility
of the user to determine those procedures which are applicable.

A test sample is slowly heated at a constant rate in an enclosed chamber.

At the first flame application temperature, a small flame is applied by the opening of a shutter in the housing cover
(closed at all other times). The flame is lowered to just above the surface of the test sample where the vapors are
given off. The flame is then applied at regular temperature intervals to the lowest temperature at which the
application of the test flame produces the ignition of the vapors above the test sample.


Flash point, of petroleum product: The lowest temperature at which the application of a test flame results in the
ignition of a part of the vapor, under specific test conditions.

EFP: Expected Flash Point

The test sample is deemed to have flashed when an obvious flame appears and instantly
propagates across the sample’s surface.

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The ISL FP56 5G2 and FP170 5G2 can be used in two modes: Run menu or Main menu.

Run menu has been developed for the rapid start of a test. The operator can start a test simply by entering the
Expected Flash Temperature. He/she may also start a test simply by selecting a pre-programmed sample.
If necessary, a pre-programmed test and a pre-programmed operator can be entered. The laboratory manager may
associate a pre-programmed sample with a results specification page (see in PART II - chapter 1 -
PROGRAMMING: TESTS, PAGES, SAMPLES, OPERATORS, ETC. page II-51). The lab manager can thus
configure the Analyzer for a default test which will be proposed to the operator when selecting Run menu. Run menu
can be used in several different ways (see in PART I - chapter 7 - THE FLASH POINT TEST page I-43).

The main menu allows the operator to use all the Analyzer's functions. In particular, this mode allows the Analyzer
to be used for programs specific to the laboratory, provided that the related passwords are known.

The Analyzer is factory-set for the rapid selection of test programs compliant with all of the standards listed in the
section 1.2 - GENERALITIES of the previous chapter.

Function selection is performed directly from the screen using 2 groups of keys situated to the left and right of the
screen. A "TEST RUNNING" display can be selected. It allows the display of the sample temperature (large digits)
which is readable from a distance of 5 m. The EFP, Analyzer status and glow plug current (when used) are also

The other tactile-type keys, essentially used for data entry, are situated just below the screen.

The screen and keypad are resistant to most chemicals encountered in the petrochemical industry.

The sample temperature is measured in the cup by a Pt100 platinum probe.

The customer may choose between testing with a gas flame or an electrical igniter. Both types of ignition systems
can be installed (second as an accessory). Only one type of igniter may be assembled and connected at any given
time. Disassembly and assembly for the replacement of one igniter by the other is easily done.

The flash point detector is a thermocouple mounted on the test arm (swiveling). When the test arm is manually
positioned, the thermocouple is automatically placed on the test cup housing cover.

An intermittent audible alarm is triggered when the test is terminated. A continuous audible alarm is triggered if a
failure prevents a test from being started or from continuing a running test. The origin of these alarms can be
displayed, refer to PART II - section 3.2 - page II-68.

When a test is started, any detected minor anomalies which do not necessitate test termination are signaled as
"warnings" by an audible alarm and a "Warning No. XXX". The list of all possible warning numbers is given in
PART II - chapter 3 - ALARMS page II-67.

All failures are signaled by an audible alarm, the origin of which may be displayed. Certain failures switch the
Analyzer to standby (see the next chapter). All parts of the Analyzer having voltages greater than 24 V are not
accessible to the operator. The cup and cover are equipped with handles (except FP56 5G2 cup).

The Analyzer is equipped with a fire detection system which triggers an audible alarm. In this way, if a fire is
detected, the Analyzer switches power-consuming circuits to standby and disables the gas supply solenoid valve
command of the igniter. The customer may make use of the supplied safety relay to connect an additional fire alarm
and/or extinguisher as an accessory to the system.

The standard versions of the ISL FP56 5G2 and FP170 5G2 Analyzers are equipped with a parallel printer interface,
a RS 232C and a RS 485 interface (refer to section 3.3.3 - FP page I-26).

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FP56/170 5G2

The term "power-consuming device" is used in this manual to refer to electromechanical and
electrical components having a dedicated power supply. Purely electronic components are not
included in this category (for example, integrated circuits, LEDs, etc...).


The ISL FP56 5G2 and FP170 5G2 Analyzers are compact and self-contained units. They can essentially be divided
into 2 units, the control unit and the test unit.

2.1.1 - Control unit

The control unit, to the left, comprises:

The electronic boards,

In the front side (refer to the picture on the front page):

• The screen
• The keypad
• The contrast and the brightness adjusting knob
• The test flame and the pilot light adjusting knob of the gas igniter device

In the back side:

• The external link connectors (Printer, RS 232C, ALAN...)

• The mains supply connector and the ON/OFF switch
• The gas alimentation nozzle

Grommet for external

fire safety device ALAN network inlet
and outlet ports
RS232C serial link
(with adapter)


Printer parallel

General fuses

Mains switch

Mains socket

Gas supply

Inlet / outlet of the

heat exchanging
liquid circuit
Picture 1: Rear panel connectors

Page I-18 DOCV208A001-C


2.1.2 - The test unit

The test unit, on the right, comprises components specific to the flash point methods TAG and ABEL:
The bath – with well for holding the cup – and the cooling system,
Standby support for the cover assembly (it can also take the cup).

In standby, the stirrer transmission arm is disengaged (FP170 5G2). The test arm (igniter application / shutter
opening), swiveling on its axis, is placed at the rear of the test unit.

The igniter and its tilting mechanism are mounted on a test arm which serves the double purpose of opening the
shutter (of the cover) and igniter application. A caliber (4 mm) allows flame adjustment.

The test cup and the cover assembly are positioned in the test unit well during a test. Test cover accessories include
the following:
Stirrer (FP170 5G2)
Flash point detector connected to the test arm
Pt100 sample temperature probe connected to the connection panel

These accessories may be removed from the cover by the operator.

Test unit view of TAG

Test flame
caliber Flash point
Igniter (electrical
glow plug)
Test arm
Pilot light

Test flame
Thermofuse (fire
Sample probe

Cover cup
Test cover


Picture 2: Test unit of TAG

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FP56/170 5G2

Test unit view of ABEL



Picture 3: Test unit of ABEL

The following components are situated on the connection panel (in the lateral right side, see Picture 4
The connectors for the sample temperature probe, the flash detector and the ignition system
The gas supply connecting tubes (for the test flame and the pilot light)
The test arm
The stirrer transmission arm (FP170 5G2)
And the fire detection thermofuse (see Picture 2 page I-19)

connector of the
flash point detector
Left red LED: Heating
Sample control.
temperature probe
connector Right red LED: Flash point

Right green LED: Gas

flame detection.

Left green LED: Command

of heating block cooling
solenoid valve.

connector Gas igniter nozzle (test
(glow plug) flame)

Pilot light nozzle

Picture 4: Lateral right side connection panel

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2.2.1 - The bath

The cup well is heated by an incorporated heating element. During the test, the test cup is placed in the well. In
integrated thermocouple measures the temperature of the heating element.

Heating rates available:

FP56 5G2 :

ASTM D56 :
TP < 60°C : 1°C/mn
TP > 60°C : 3°C/mn
Rapid: 3°C/mn

FP170 5G2 :

ISO-IP : 1°C/mn
NF : 0,5°C/mn
Rapid: 3°C/mn

A “Diagnostic” mode allows the heater to be controlled (refer to the PART III - section 3 - DIAGNOSTICS AND
MEASURES: THE SERVICE MENU page III-94). The left red indicator light (see Picture 4 page I-20 ) on the test
unit connection panel illuminates to indicate when the heater is on.

2.2.2 - Cooling system

Cooling is obtained by circulating a fluid around the heating block. Various coolant fluids may be used:
Methanol (EFP < 60°C)
Water + ethylene glycol
Water (EFP > 20°C)
Water + glycerol (EFP > 50°C)

The Diagnostics mode can be used to control cooling (refer to the PART III - section 3 - DIAGNOSTICS AND

2.2.3 - Stirring system (FP170 5G2)

A stirring transmission arm is manually placed on the cover at the start of the test and returned to its holder at the end
of the test. During the test, the rod is driven by the transmission arm. The step-by-step motor which drives the
stirring system is situated on the test unit connection panel.
Several stirring speeds can be selected (ISO, NF or none):
30 (+/- 5) rpm - ISO standard
75 (+/- 5) rpm - NF standard
For this, refer to the PART II - section 1 - PROGRAMMING: TESTS, PAGES, SAMPLES, OPERATORS, ETC.
page II-51.
The Diagnostics mode can be used to control stirring speed (refer to the PART III - section 3 - DIAGNOSTICS

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FP56/170 5G2

2.2.4 - Ignition system

The igniter holder and the tilt mechanism are mounted on the test arm. Opening the shutter allows the igniter to be
lowered through the cover opening. A flame caliber allows test flame dimension to be adjusted by comparison.
The standard FP56 5G2 and FP170 5G2 models are equipped with a gas igniter but an additional electrical igniter
system can be ordered as an accessory. Replacing one ignition system by the other is easily done (refer to the section
3.4.2 - Installation and adjustment of the ignition device page I-29).
The ignition system connectors (see Picture 4 page I-20 ) are situated on the test unit connection panel. The system
automatically detects the type of igniter connected and indicates it with a letter in brackets in the display of the Run
- (E) for electric igniter
- (G) for gas igniter
If, at the start of a test, no igniter is connected, the test is stopped.
The application position of the igniter can be adjusted by the operator using the “FLAME DIAGNOSTIC” function
to apply the igniter (refer to the PART III - chapter 3 - DIAGNOSTICS AND MEASURES: THE SERVICE MENU
page III-94). Gas igniter

The gas test flame device is equipped with a test flame, a pilot light and it is equipped with a flame detector / igniter
(electric glow plug, see Picture 2 page I-19).
The test flame and the pilot light are automatically lit at the start of the test. The flame detection system allows the
flame to be automatically re-lit by the pilot light in the event of extinction, the two flames being in contact in
standby. If the test flame and the pilot light are off, the detection system light the igniter allowing the whole to be lit
again. During the test, if the test flame is absent for more than 2 minutes or if the flame is absent at the moment of
flame application, the test is stopped.
The Analyzer gas inlet is located at the rear of the control unit (see Picture 1 page I-18). Gas supply is controlled by
a solenoid valve which can be manually controlled in Diagnostic mode. Thus, the user can adjust the intensity of the
test flame and the pilot light (rapid reignition of the test flame). Refer to the section page I-30).
The gas supply tubes for the test flame and the pilot light and the connector for the igniter are situated on the lateral
connection panel of the test unit (see Picture 4 page I-20). Electrical igniter

The electrical igniter is made of an electric glow plug and a holder mechanism. The glow plug comes on for 10
seconds at the beginning of a test, then goes out. It will come on again about 30s before each test. The current may
be read on the "TEST RUN" screen - press <DISPLAY>. During a test, glow plug current is around 10 to 13 A. If
the glow plug current goes outside these limits (see in PART II - chapter 3 - ALARMS page II-67), the test will stop.
The glow plug and its movement may be manually controlled in Diagnostics mode (see in PART III - section 3.2.6 -
Ignition page III-97).

2.2.5 - Flash detector

The flash point is detected by a thermocouple. The detector is connected to the test unit connection panel.
Once the flash point has been detected, the test is stopped. The right red indicator light on the connection panel is lit
when the flash point is detected.
The detection thermocouple is fixed to the test arm which allows the cover to be cleaned without risk of damage to
the thermocouple.
The test arm is manually advanced on the cover and the thermocouple is automatically brought into position.

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2.2.6 - Sample temperature probe

The Pt100 temperature probe is placed in a holder/guide on the cover and is connected to the test unit connection
Measuring range: -100 to +110°C/-148 to +230°F.

2.2.7 - Shutter
In standby, the test flame (for a gas ignition, igniter for an electrical ignition) / shutter arm is placed next to the cover
and the test unit connection panel. As in the case of the stirrer arm, it is moved into position at the start of the test.
The shutter is automatically opened at the test flame application temperatures. Opening the shutter allows the test
flame to be lowered into the cover opening. The shutter is automatically shut after igniter presentation.

Test flame or igniter (for an electrical ignition) presentation above the shutter can be manually controlled in
Diagnostics mode (refer to the PART III - section 3.2.6 - Ignition page III-97).

2.2.8 - Diagnostics
All diagnostics are presented in the PART III - chapter 3 - DIAGNOSTICS AND MEASURES: THE SERVICE
MENU page III-94.


Glow plug for electrical igniter
Vase and cover
Anti-draught shield


The Analyzer's non-volatile memory contains pre-programmed test programs (in °C and °F) for all standard methods
listed in section 1.2 - GENERALITIES page I-16.

The standard version of the FP56 5G2 / FP170 5G2 Analyzers is supplied with:
a diskette containing:
Factory-set configuration (internal parameters).
“ISL UDS” PC software for:
• Download of the non-volatile backup memory (NvRam) from a host PC to the Analyzer.
• Upload of the Analyzer non-volatile backup memory to the PC
• Software update (programme code and software texts)
An external connection cable for data transmission (RS 232C serial link)
An external connection cable for connection to the ISL Alan Network (RS 485 serial link)
An RS 232C/RS485 converter

DOCV208A001-C Page I-23

FP56/170 5G2


Dimensions and weight
Height : 370 mm
Width : 360 mm
Depth : 550 mm
Weight: 25 Kg approx.


FP56 5G2 FP170 5G2

ASTM D 56 IP 170
EN/ISO 13736
NF T 66-009

Test temperature range: -30°C to 110°C (-22°F to 230°F)
Operating ambient condition: 15°C to 35°C (60°F to 95°F)
Storage ambient condition: -20°C to 35°C (-4°F to 95°F)
Atmospheric pressure: constant pressure
For safety precautions relating to the LCD screen, refer also to the section 5.3 - page I-41.

Power supply
Voltage: 110/115 VAC or 230/240 VAC (manual switching) 50-60 Hz
Power Consumption: 350W

The Analyzer is delivered with one of the above configurations at the request of the customer.

Before switching on the Analyzer, make sure the mains supply matches the specifications on the
identification plate at the rear of the Analyzer.
Serious damage may result from the using an incorrect voltage supply.

Note: The life duration of the Ram non-volatile memory (NVRam) memory battery (Analyzer switched off) is
approximately 5 to 8 years.

Heating element: 200 W, low voltage

The cooling of the control unit is ensured by a fan located at the rear of the Analyzer. Consequently leave sufficient
space behind the Analyzer for clear ventilation.

The standard Analyzer is equipped with a gas ignition device. An additional electrical ignition system is available as
an accessory (see the spare parts list, DOCV208X200).

Page I-24 DOCV208A001-C


Gas supply

Source: butane or propane

Nominal gas admission pressure: 40mbar
Maximum gas admission pressure: 100 mbar max.
Note: the test flame and pilot light adjusting will be less comfortable.
Connection on the gas solenoid valve (connection on rear panel, see Picture 1 page I-18): O. D. 10 mm
Test unit silicon gas tubing to igniter nozzle : D3.5 - D1.5 mm
Test unit silicon gas tubing to pilot light nozzle : D3.5 - D1.5 mm

An optional pressure regulator allows gas pressure reduction for gas supply pressures up to 10 bars.

External link

Centronics parallel printer interface

RS232C serial interface on “SERVICE” outlet connector – for Analyzer software upgrade and downloads/uploads
(results, programmes, internal parameters)
RS 485 serial interface on Alan inlet / outlet connectors for connection to the ISL Alan Network and to send
results to a PC.
RS 232C serial interface on Alan inlet / outlet connectors using a converter RS 485 / RS 232C – to send data to a
PC or a LIMS with configurable protocol: CTS, ENQ, ACK, XON, XOFF or none.

Fire detection

When fire is detected, an audible alarm is triggered and the Analyzer is switched to standby.
The Analyzer is equipped with a safety relay to which an external fire extinguisher system and/or alarm may be
Thermofuse: 75°C 250V AC 10A

Temperature measurement

Measuring probe : Pt 100 IEC 751 – class A probe

Correction available : in steps of 20°C / 36°F

LCD graphics display

Backlight : cold fluorescent cathode

Resolution : 320 * 240, 15 lines of 40 characters
Viewing area : 120 * 90 mm approx.
Pixel size : 0.33 * 0.33
Contrast and backlight : adjustable


Tactile type keys

The screen and the keypad are resistant to most chemicals employed in the petrochemical industry.

Stand-alone use

Can be used as stand-alone device and delivered as standard with a RS 232C and a RS 485 interface for transfer of
results (refer to the section 3.3.3 - FP page I-26).

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FP56/170 5G2


Once the Analyzer has been unpacked, it is best to leave it idle in the laboratory for several hours
(especially after storage at low temperatures).

The recommended laboratory temperature is between 15 and 35°C (60 to 86 °F).

The Analyzer must be installed on a steady horizontal benchtop. Turn the adjustable feet under the unit in order to
stabilize it.
It must be placed in a draught-free area and, if necessary, in an area which can be darkened to be able to observe
the flash point.
Leave a minimum gap of 100 mm at the rear and on the sides of the Analyzer.
Protect the Analyzer from being splashed by water (refer to the safety instructions for handling of LCD modules
further on).
Re-insert the thermofuse in its holder (see Picture 2 page I-19).


3.3.1 - Connection of cooling supply

Connect the cooling unit tubes (cryostat or other) to the Analyzer.
Connections are located at the rear of the Analyzer (rear panel, see Picture 1 page I-18):
Fluid inlet on IN connector
Fluid outlet on OUT connector

3.3.2 - Gas connection

Connect the gas tube to the inlet connector located at the rear of the unit (rear panel, see Picture 1 page I-18). If the
mains gas pressure is greater than 100 mB, use a pressure regulator (refer to the gas supply specifications, see
section 3.1 - SPECIFICATIONS page I-24).

NOTE: the connectors are designed for connection of flexible tubes of 10 mm internal diameter.

3.3.3 - FP / PC connection
The FP Analyzers are delivered as standard with a RS 232C and a RS 485 interface. ALAN® network

FP Analyzers allow stand-alone operation or multi-instrument network under ALAN® management software
developed by ISL. The Analyzer connects to the ALAN network via the RS 485 serial interface through two ports
(input/output) located on the back panel (see Picture 1: Rear panel connectors page I-18).

The ISL ALAN software (Automatic Laboratory Analyzer Network) is a true 32-bit multitasking software under
Windows 98, Windows NT4.0 , Windows 2000 Professional or Windows XP Professional . Allowing up to 31
ISL Analyzers to be connected to the same PC computer. It collects and stores the data coming from different ISL

Besides multi-Analyzers run control and results database management, the ISL ALAN software can automatically
export results directly to a LIMS system according to specific customized criteria and user defined protocol.

Note: The ALAN Kit is optional hardware and software package. Refer to the ALAN user’s manual.

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The ALAN network input and output ports can be connected through a special adapter supplied with the Analyzer to
form a RS 232C serial link for retrieving results on a PC (refer to the PART II - chapter 5 - RS 232C STANDARD
INTERFACE page II-80 for the (EOT-0) message significant) and for a connection to a LIMS. Use the adapter
supplied with the unit. This one has on the same side 2 RS485 series ports to be connected simultaneously to the
inlet and outlet of the ALAN network and a RS 232C series port to be connected to a PC.
When the instrument is connected to ALAN, the direct connection to a LIMS is no longer possible, it has to be done
via the PC.

Note: Alan and RS 232C communication modes must be set. Refer to the PART II - section 2.3 -
page II-60. “SERVICE” port

The FP Analyzers are delivered as standard with a serial “SERVICE” port and the PC service software “ISLUDS”
which allows FP internal software to be updated by a PC download. It also allows recovery of the contents of the
backup parameter memory (as well as the results) with a view to later reloading (refer to the PART III - section 4.5 -

3.3.4 - Printer connection

Connect the printer to the 25-pin parallel printer port (see Picture 1 page I-18) at the rear of the control unit (before
switching on the Analyzer and printer). After switching on the Analyzer and the printer, check the printer connection
(refer to the PART III - section 3.2.3 - Printer page III-96).
For printer configuration, refer to the PART II - section 2.1 - PRINTER CONFIGURATION page II-58.

3.3.5 - Sample probe connection

• Insert the probe in its holder on the cover (see Picture 2 page I-19) then screw it.
• Connect the probe to the connection board (lateral right side connection panel, see Picture 4 page I-20).

The probe can be corrected by the user using a temperature table from 0 to 400°C (32-752°F) at intervals of 20°C
(36°F). Refer to the PART III - section 2.2 - PROBE CORRECTION page III-92. This correction is applied only
during test.

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FP56/170 5G2


3.4.1 - Installation of the test thermocouple

Figure 1: Installation of thermocouple flash point detector

NOTE: The igniter and pilot light holder is not shown.

• Slide the thermocouple inside tube (rep. 11 Figure 1) located under the arm.
• Then push the thermocouple inside the hole (rep. 12 Figure 1).
• Loosen the screw of the stuffing box (rep. 9 Figure 1)
• Install the thermocouple in its hole and slide it down to the Teflon base (rep. 14), without overshooting, then re-
tighten the screw on the stuffing box (rep. 9).
• Connect the thermocouple to the connection board (lateral right side connection panel, see Picture 4 page I-20).

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3.4.2 - Installation and adjustment of the ignition device Gas ignition device

Flanging screw of
the pilot light

Flanging screw of
the igniter
Screws of the tilter

Test flame flanging

Igniter (glow plug) screw (on the side)

Test flame caliber

Pilot light
Tilter ring

Test flame

Strap of the tilter

Picture 5: Gas ignition device Installation of the igniter and the pilot light

• Insert the igniter (electrical glow plug) and the pilot light in the holder as they are visualized above:
The igniter shoulder come in abutment against the holder.
The fork serving as pilot light indexing is tighten between two plastic washers ensuring insulation of the flame
detection device.
• Tighten the flanging screws of the igniter and the pilot light holder.
• Connect the igniter to the lateral connection panel (see Picture 4 page I-20).
• Connect the flame detector plug (connected to the igniter connector) to the plug located behind the igniter and pilot
light holder, under the pilot light.
• Connect the gas supply silicone tube for the pilot light to the lateral connection panel.
• Refer to the section to adjust the diameter of the pilot light flame. Installation of the test flame

• Loosen if necessary the test flame flanging screw (hexagon socket screw) located on the right side of the tilter (see
Picture 5 above).
• Insert the test flame tube in the tilter arrangement anticipated with that in mind (lower part).
• Toggle the switch (Diagnostic mode, refer to the PART III - section 3.2.6 - Ignition page III-97 ) and adjust the
depth of the test flame.
• Tighten the test flame flanging screw.
• Press again the shutter maneuvering button (Diagnostic mode) to bring the switch into its initial position.
• Connect the silicon tube from the test flame to the connection panel (see Picture 4 page I-20).
• Refer to the following section to adjust the diameter of the test flame.

Important: Attach the gas supply tube of the test flame under the clip located on the test arm paying attention to
leave enough slack to allow correct movement of the glow plug without hindrance. Use the Diagnostic mode to
control the tilter (refer to the PART III - section 3.2.6 - Ignition page III-97). The gas supply tube of the test flame
must be directed toward the top and do not twist.

DOCV208A001-C Page I-29

FP56/170 5G2 Adjustment of the test flame and the pilot light flame
Two knobs in the front side of the analyzer allows the diameter of the test flame (TEST knob) and the pilot light
flame (PILOT knob) to be adjusted:

Test flame adjusting Pilot light adjusting

knob knob

Picture 6: Test flame and pilot light flame diameter adjusting knob

• Ignite the test flame. For this, first control the solenoid valve of the gas supply (in diagnostic mode, refer to the
PART III - section 3.2.6 - Ignition page III-97).
• Adjust the diameter of the test flame by comparison with the diameter of the test flame caliber on the igniter holder
(see Picture 5 page I-29).
Flame diameter: 3.2 to 4.2 mm
• Follow the same procedure to adjust the flame diameter of the pilot light. Adjustment of the pilot light setting

The position of the pilot light is factory adjusted. Welded to the indexing finger, the pilot light normally no need any
• Loosen the flanging screw of the igniter
and remove the igniter (electrical glow
• To modify the pilot light setting, hold the
part (A) of the tube then, using a flat pliers, A
modify the curved shape of the tube (B)
until the desired dimension is obtained.
Use a fitting block of 1 mm thick.

1.0 mm

Picture 7: Top view of the gas ignition device

Page I-30 DOCV208A001-C


• To modify the height of the pilot light,

maintain the part (A) of the tube then,
using a flat pliers, turn the tube until the
end of the pilot light is at the same level as
the test flame tube: the end of each tube A
must be at the same height.

Picture 8: Front view of the gas ignition device Electrical ignition device

Electrical igniter Electrical glow plug

setting screw

Test flame flanging

Stirrer arm screw (on the side)

Picture 9: Electrical igniter device

• Dismantle the gas test flame tube, the igniter/detector and the pilot light (if they are mounted on the analyzer).
• Activate the tilter (Diagnostic mode, refer to the PART III - section 3.2.6 - Ignition page III-97 ).
• Insert the electrical glow plug in the tilter arrangement anticipated with that in mind (top part) in abutment against
the positioning screw. Then tighten the test flame flanging screw (hexagon socket screw) located on the right side
of the tilter.
• Press again the shutter maneuvering button (Diagnostic mode) to bring the tilter into its rest position.
• Connect the glow plug to the lateral connection panel (see Picture 4 page I-20).

Important: Attach the glow plug wires under the clip located on the test arm paying attention to leave enough slack
to allow correct movement of the glow plug without hindrance.

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FP56/170 5G2


Before connecting the Analyzer to the mains supply, check that the mains voltage corresponds to that
indicated on the rating plate on the rear of the unit.

Serious damage may result from using an incorrect voltage supply.

Before connecting peripherals, both the Analyzer and the peripheral must be switched off.
• Press the main ON/OFF switch (see Picture 1 page I-18) at the rear of the control unit.
• The screen should light up. If not, first check the contrast and backlight settings.

3.5.1 - Language selection

At switching on the display becomes:

ISL FP170 5G2

14790 VERSON Tel. : (33)2 31 26 43 00
FRANCE Fax : (33)2 31 26 62 93



Press the key corresponding to the desired language. The screen displayed is the Run Menu mode:

Sample ID:
Sample No.: Next N°
EFP: °C Previous EFP
<Run start>
Test : 1 ISO/ISO °C
Operator: <Display>
<Exit> <Down>
Sample: 23.2 Bath : 23

It is possible to lock the language choice in the power-on parameters, refer to the PART II - section 2.2 - RUN

Page I-32 DOCV208A001-C


3.5.2 - Self-test
Selecting <Exit> results in the display of the following screen:

ISL FPxxx 5G2 S/N : XXX

Software V 5.2 V5.2 © ISL, 2002

Autotest : OK*
<Main menu> <Run Menu>

(*) "OK" or "ERROR"

The self-test applies to the PROM, RAM and Non-volatile RAM (NVRAM) memories.
• If a memory error is detected during power up, a test can only be started if, at least, the Analyzer is switched off
and on.

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FP56/170 5G2




(Test Display Screen)




(18) (6)


(15) (9)

(13) (10)

Picture 10: User interface

(1) Sample temperature display (11) Backlight adjust

(2) 7 function keys on each side (12) (RESET) key
(3) Bath temperature displaying (13) Alarm indicator LED
(4) Manual <Flame test> function (14) Arrow keys
(5) Glow plug current (electrical igniter only) (15) (PRINT STOP) key
(6) Time (16) (ALARM STOP) key
(7) (BACKSPACE) key (17) (STOP) key
(8) (ENT) key (18) "Test running" indicator LED
(9) Date (19) Status indicator
(10) Contrast adjust (20) EFP temperature

Page I-34 DOCV208A001-C


The universal type (not specific to any particular language) has been kept simple. It has no alphabetic keys and no
double function keys. It includes:

• Numeric keys,
• Arrow keys (2 vertical and 2 horizontal),
• Full stop and hyphen,
• Backspace: cursor left, delete,
• (ENT): for entry confirmation,
• A reset key,
• Stop keys for: a running test, alarm and printout,
• Function keys on each side of the screen. They relate to the functions displayed at any given time.
• Built-in indicator lights:
- "TEST": green, test running,
- "ALARM": red, failure, error and report alarms - continuous audible alarm.

The keypad is made watertight by a polyester film.

Text entries (sample ID, operator, etc.) are selected using the screen. When an entry requires text, the alphabet and 6
other characters are displayed. Text is then edited as explained in "Editing text" in section 4.2.1 - Text editing (text
entry) page I-36.

Function keys

(RESET) Abandons all data entry or quits creation/sample display, creation/page display and
creation/display of test program.
(PRINT STOP) Stops printout

(STOP ALARM) Displays the origin of the triggered alarm. The audible alarm can be muted (except in the
case of fire detection) using the screen.

(BACKSPACE) Delete preceding character

Full stop


(STOP) Abandons the running test - started using "TEST START". For further details, see the
relevant section in chapter 8.
(ENT) Confirmation of entry: a single letter, a block of text, a value, etc.

Direct selection of functions displayed on the screen.

(UP/ DOWN) - (LEFT/RIGHT) arrow keys: allows selection of letters of the

(UP/DOWN) - Also used for incrementing/decrementing numbers
(LEFT/RIGHT) - Also used for selecting the position of numbers

DOCV208A001-C Page I-35

FP56/170 5G2

The LCD graphics screen is incorporated in the keypad so that the functions displayed on the screen can be directly
selected. To do this, the operator uses the function keys situated to the left and right of the screen. The LCD screen
has its own protective film.

In the initial display, the operator should select either "Run Menu" or "Main menu ". For example, select <Run
Menu>. Several entries are available in Run Menu :

• Sample identifier (sample ID),

• Sample No.,
• EFP: expected flash point,
• The program - factory-set programs are available which comply with the following standards:
ASTM D 56 (FP56 5G2)
IP 170, EN/ISO 13736, NF T 66-009 (FP170 5G2)
• Operator name,

Sample ID, type of test and the operator name can be pre-programmed. On selecting these functions, a list is
displayed (maximum 20).

If not entered via a pre-programmed sample, the EFP is entered directly using the EFP key. See "ENTRY OF A

Accessory functions are available for rapid test start:

• "No ++": increments sample No.,

• "Previous EFP": Use the previous EFP.
• The temperature, "T", and the No. of igniter applications, "A", are displayed at the bottom of the screen. These
displayed values are updated as the test proceeds.

• The <Down> key allows the operator to display the page numbers allocated for the results - "in spec" and "out of
spec". The "SAMPLES EDIT" of "RUNS ENVIRONMENT" is used for allocating specification pages (restricted
to use by the laboratory manager - see chapter 6). If there are no page numbers displayed, results will be sent to the
default page 21.

• The <DISPLAY> function displays "TEST RUN" with 4-digit sample temperature (large size). The display can be
read at a distance of 5 meters. The EFP, Analyzer status (e.g., "--> tests"), the date, the time and the glow plug
current (if applicable) are also displayed. The <FLAME TEST> function starts a manual flame test.

4.2.1 - Text editing (text entry)

• Select the line directly on the screen (for example, "Sample ID", followed by <Other>. The alphabet is displayed.
A cursor appears in the edit box allowing entering numbers directly from the numeric keypad.
To insert letters:
• Select the <Alpha/Edit> function so as to display the second cursor allowing selecting a letter.
• Use the function keys besides the screen and/or the arrow keys (LEFT/RIGHT/UP/DOWN) to position the cursor
on the desired line and character.
• Press the (ENT) key to display the selected letter in the "Sample ID" edit box.
• To add another letter, select again the <Alpha/Edit> function.
To delete a character in the edit box, use the arrow keys to select the character then select <Del>. To insert a
character, select <Inser>.
In this way, confirm each character of the desired text. The complete text will be displayed in the "Edit box" :
• To confirm the entire block of displayed text, press (ENT) again.
The preceding screen reappears with the text displayed in the "Sample ID" line.
• To abandon editing, press (RESET).

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Entry of text and numeric values

Display the alphabet by selecting, for example, " Sample ID". You may now enter letters and numbers. When the
cursor is positioned in the "Sample ID" edit box, numbers may be entered directly from the keypad.

4.2.2 - Entry of a numeric value

• Using the appropriate function key, select the line directly on the screen (e.g. EFP). The cursor is positioned for
data entry.

• Use the horizontal arrow keys (LEFT/RIGHT) to select digit position and the vertical arrow keys (UP/DOWN) to
increment/decrement the value. The numeric keys on the keypad may also be used.

• Display the desired value by pressing (ENT) to confirm the value.

4.2.3 - Flip-flop entries

This is the simplest form of parameter setting, for example: "Y/N", "°C/°F" and stirring speed (FP170 5G2)
« ISO »/ « NF »/ « none ». The operator need only press the key until the desired setting is displayed.


The menus and functions have been classified according to access levels. The first level, level 0, can be accessed by
all users. The other levels, Levels 1 and 2, are password protected. If the operator attempts to access a function
whose access level is higher than the currently validated access level, the message "ACCESS DENIED" is displayed
and the user is asked to provide the password.
These access levels are explained in PART I - section 5.2 - page I-41. Factory set passwords are also given.

• Modification of the laboratory manager password is described in PART II - section 2.5 - LABORATORY
SETUP page II-65.

• Modification of the Service password is explained in PART III - section 4.1 - PASSWORDS page III-99.

To check current access level, select <Main menu> then select <Access> from the main menu. The "ACCESS
CONTROL" display appears.

• At power on, the default access level is "0". This parameter can be configured, refer to the PART II - section 2.2.1
- Power on parameters page II-59.

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FP56/170 5G2


In this manual, the term "select" means "press" the key corresponding to the indicated

• Enter the Flash Point test and the display shows:

Sample ID:
Sample No.: Next No
EFP: °C Previous EFP
Operator: <Display>
<Exit> <Down>
Sample: Bath:

Several entries are available via the keys to the left and right of the screen.

• Select "Sample ID" and choose one of the pre-programmed samples.

• Select "Operator" and choose one of the pre-programmed operator names.
• Select "Test" and choose one of the pre-programmed test programs.
• Select "Sample No.". Enter the sample number as explained in the "ENTRY OF TEXT AND NUMERIC
VALUES" section of the is chapter. You may also use the "No ++" function to increment the sample No. used for
the previous test.
• Select "EFP" and use the keypad to type in the Expected Flash Point. Press (ENT) to validate. You may also use
the "Previous EFP" to re-select the EFP from the previous run.

If the unit has been prepared correctly, and after having selected the required entries from those listed above, the test
may be started. To do this, select the "RUN START" function key. The type of igniter device connected is
indicated; (G) for gas and (E) for electrical. If no igniter is connected, ( ) is displayed. For the full test start
procedure, see chapter 7 - THE FLASH POINT TEST page I-43. Several Run Menu procedures are available.

Manual flame test

• Select <Display> from the "Main menu" or from "Run Menu" to activate the display of "CURRENT TEST".
• Select <Flame test> to identify the igniter at any point during the test.


• Select <Main menu>, then choose "FULL MODE RUN" from the main menu.

4.5.1 - With the loaded test program

If the operator decides to use the program loaded in the memory, he/she must select "DOWN..." and start the test
using the same procedure as for "Run Menu". Refer to section D of this chapter.

4.5.2 - With modified loaded test program or another program

If the operator wishes to modify the program loaded in the memory or would like to change any other program in the
memory, he/she must select "PREPARE THE RUN".

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The following must then be done:

• Modify the program in the memory (when "Full mode run" is selected),
• Load another program in the memory then modify it,
• Save the modified program,
• Select "DOWN..." and start the run using the same procedure as that used for "Run Menu" (refer to the previous

To print the program in the memory, select "PRINTING".

4.5.3 - Test details in Main menu

In Main menu, the operator can view all the details of the test program by selecting <Down> in the "Test start"

4.5.4 - End of Main menu

To end Main menu, so as to start a Run Menu test, the operator must select "END OF FULL MODE RUN". If a test
program has been created in Main menu (but not saved), it will be lost on quitting Main menu (when the operator
confirms by selecting <OK>). The context of the program in memory will be lost when quitting Main menu. To save
the program created in Main menu, "SAVE THE CURRENT TEST" from "PREPARE THE RUN" must be used
before quitting Main menu.


Idle The unit is in standby mode (no test).

Ignition Ignition of glow plug - about 15 seconds
Gas ignition - as long as the flame is not lit (within the limits imposed by the "No test flame"
failure alarm).
----> Tests Phase preceding the test start temperature.
Tests The test start temperature has been reached.
Presentation Automatic presentation of the igniter
Cooling Heating block cooling after test stop.

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All Analyzer parts with voltages exceeding 24 V are not accessible to the operator. The handles on the test cup and
cover allow both to be lifted without danger of burns.
Any failures trigger an audible alarm. The origin of failure, error or report alarms may be displayed. Certain failures
switch the Analyzer to standby. If the detection of one of these failures (refer to the list in PART II - section 3 -
ALARMS page II-67) does not result in the power circuits being switched off, the operator must immediately switch
off the Analyzer and disconnect it from the mains supply.
The system is equipped with a fire detector. On detection of fire, the system switches the Analyzer to standby. A
continuous audible alarm is triggered and remains activated until the Analyzer is switched off. The user may connect
an extinguishing accessory to the system’s safety relay. It is also possible to connect an external alarm device (refer
to the PART III - section 0page III-110).


5.1.1 - Fire detection

A continuous alarm is triggered and the type of alarm can be checked by pressing (ALARM STOP). Any external
alarm/fire extinguisher connected by the user will be triggered by the fire detection failure.

• Control of the gas supply Solenoid Valve, the igniter and the bath cooling fan is disabled. The alarm continues
until the Analyzer is switched off.

5.1.2 - Consequences of switching to standby

All "power circuits" are switched to standby.

5.1.3 - Failures preventing the start of a test and stopping running tests
These failures trigger a continuous audible alarm. Press (ALARM STOP) to display the type of alarm.

5.1.4 - Report alarms

The error alarms signal failures in the test run or the results. The only report alarm is the "End of test" alarm.
An intermittent audible alarm is triggered.

5.1.5 - Warning alarms for incompatibility corrections

This means that the system has corrected an anomaly in the test program. The conformity of the test run is however
guaranteed. An audible alarm is triggered and the corresponding warning number can be displayed by pressing
(ALARM STOP). The explanation for all warning alarms can be found in PART II - chapter 3 - ALARMS page II-
67 of this manual.

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There are 3 access levels (levels 1 and 2 are password-protected):

• Level 0: User level.

Standard information and functions are accessible without password entry.

• Level 1: Laboratory manager level.

Level 0 + information and functions relating to the calibration report, quality and operator configuration are
accessible at this level.

• Level 2: Service level.

Level 1 + information and functions relating to servicing and technical configuration are accessible at this level.

The selection of access levels is covered in section 4.3 - ACCESS CONTROL - PASSWORDS page I-37.

Once an access level has been confirmed by entering the correct password, it remains available until a lower access
level is explicitly requested (refer to the PART II - section 2.2.1 - Power on parameters page II-59 to configure the
access level). When the system is switched on, it defaults to access level 0.



• Avoid rubbing the screen with hard objects which may result in scratching.


• Water on the surface of a functioning LCD screen can cause damage. Wipe with a clean soft cloth or leave to dry
before switching on.


• The screen can be stained by fingerprints, saliva, starch, oil and fat. If it is stained, wipe with a clean soft cloth.

High temperatures and humidity

• LCD modules are sensitive to high temperatures. Follow the operating and storage recommendations given in the
"Technical specifications " section of this chapter.

Vacuum cleaners

If the laboratory is cleaned using a vacuum cleaner, keep it away from the LCD (risk of electrostatic discharge).

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FP56/170 5G2


To ensure that the results are reliable, your Analyzer’s results can be quickly checked. These checks must be
performed at regular intervals, in compliance with your organization’s quality system.


For this measurement, the operator requires a PS 100 probe simulator. Do not forget that it is not possible to carry
out temperature checks while a test is running.

• Disconnect the temperature probe from its connector (see Picture 4 page I-20) and replace it with the probe
• From the "RUN MENU" screen, select <Display>.
• Set the PS 100 switch to - 50°C.
• Wait for the temperature measurement to stabilize and check that it is - 50°C.
• Now set the PS 100 switch to 100°C and, after the temperature display has stabilized, check that it is 100°C.

If calibration is necessary, consult the PART III - section 2.1 - SAMPLE TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT

These checks must be performed at regular intervals, in compliance with your organization’s quality

6.1.1 - Temperature probe reading correction

A temperature probe correction function is available. This correction is performed using a temperature table from 0
to 400°C (32-752°F) at intervals of 20°C (36°F). Refer to the PART III - section 2.2 - PROBE CORRECTION page
III-92 "SERVICE PARAMETERS" chapter of the Service Manual. This correction is applied only during test.

6.1.2 - Response time correction

The probe response time is corrected so as to be equivalent to that of the thermometer. This correction is applied


The operator must have a reference barometer

• Select "SERVICE" in the main menu.

• Select "MEASURES DISPLAY" to display the current measurements from the Analyzer.
• Check that the "ATM PRS" reading is the same as the reference barometer reading.

If calibration is necessary, refer the PART III - section 2.4 - ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE MEASUREMENT

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7.1.1 - Definition
The flash point is the lowest temperature, corrected to a barometric pressure of 101.3 kPa (760 mmHg), at which the
application of a test flame causes ignition of a part of the sample’s vapors under specified test conditions.

7.1.2 - Specifications of the IP 170, EN/ISO 13736, NF T 66-009 and ASTM

D 56 standards

STANDARD IP 170 NF T 66-009 ASTM D 56

EN/ISO 13736

1st flame application EFP - 9 °C EFP - 10°C EFP - 5°C (10 °F)

Test frequency 0.5 °C (1 °F) 1 °C (2 °F) 0.5 °C (1°F) if EFP < 60 °C

1 °C (2 °F) if EFP \ 60 °C

Heating rate - °C/min 1 °C (2 °F) 0.5 °C (1 °F) 1 °C (2 °F)

(°F/min) if EFP < 60 °C (110 °F)
3 °C (5 °F)
if EFP \ 60 °C (110 °C)

Stirring speed - rpm 30 (± 5) 75 (± 5) No stirring


7.2.1 - Sampling
To avoid the loss of vapors from the test sample and to protect the test sample from contamination by humidity, do
not open the sample container. Do not handle the sample at temperatures above the EFP - 10°C (20°F). The flash
point test must be the first test subjected to the test sample.

Refer to the standard for other sampling recommendations.

7.2.2 - Preparation
The operator must be informed about the dangers relating to flash point testing. Some of these
dangers are indicated in the standards. Handle test samples and waste solvents in compliance with
applicable regulations.

The flame (gas ignition) is lit automatically at the start of the test. A device allows flame extinction to
be detected. In the event of extinction, the flame is automatically re-lit.

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FP56/170 5G2

• The flash point tests should be performed in a draft-free room (or in a fume cupboard). If the unit is equipped with
an anti-draught screen (supplied as an accessory), install it before starting the test.
• Make sure that the Analyzer is placed on a stable and horizontal benchtop.
• Thoroughly clean and dry all parts of the cup and its accessories before starting the test.
• Carry out the checks described in the preceding chapter regularly. See also chapter 8 - REGULAR

For other preparation procedures, refer to the standard.


7.3.1 - TAG standard method

1. Place the cup in the heating block. The two positioning (and clamping) mechanisms on the upper edge of the
heating block must engage in the two guides on the edge of the cup.
2. Fill the cup with the test sample, 50 mL of sample at least for each test.
3. Place the cover on the cup and turn clockwise to clamp onto the cup.
4. Connect the flash point detector and the temperature probe to the connection panel. Insert the probe in its holder
on the cover.
5. Lock the test arm in test position above the cover (see Picture 2 page I-19).
6. Install the draught protection screen (if the Analyzer is equipped with this option).

7.3.2 - ABEL standard method

1. Place the cup in the heating block. The two positioning (and clamping) mechanisms on the upper edge of the
heating block must engage in the two guides on the edge of the cup.
2. Fill the cup with the test sample until the level reaches the point of the index gauge on the wall of the test cup.
3. Place the cover on the cup and turn clockwise to clamp onto the cup.
4. Connect the flash point detector and the temperature probe to the connection panel. Insert the probe in its holder
on the cover.
7. Lock the test arm in test position above the cover (see Picture 3 page I-20).
5. Engage the stirrer transmission arm on the test cover cup (as it is represented in Appendix B2)
6. Install the draught protection screen (if the Analyzer is equipped with this option).

7.3.3 - Ignition check after starting test

A. If the Analyzer is equipped with a gas flame igniter, check by comparison that the flame dimension is the same as
that of the flame caliber on the gas igniter support. If not, use the test flame knob in the front side of the Analyzer
to adjust it (refer to the section page I-30).
Flame diameter: 3.2 to 4.2 mm
B. If the Analyzer is equipped with an electrical igniter, the "TEST RUN" screen appears allowing the glow plug
current to be read at the bottom of the screen

Several test start procedures are indicated in section 7.4 -TEST MODES page I-45. The operator can choose that
which best corresponds to his/her needs.

Between two tests, the cover and the probe can be cleaned together - after disconnecting the probe.
In this way, the probe can be positioned in its holder before placing the cover on the cup.

The glow plug current should be around 10 to 13 A, see section - Electrical igniter page I-22.
If the glow plug current is not within the limits (< 3A and > 15A), a failure alarm is triggered and the
test is abandoned.

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There are several procedures available in Run Menu:

7.4.1 - Run Menu using default test

The laboratory manager should enter a default program. Ultra fast (using default program)

The default test may be used without further configuration. From the initial screen:
• Enter the EFP or use the "EFP recall" function (to recall the previous EFP).
• Select "RUN START". Fast (using default program)

From the initial screen:

• Select a pre-programmed operator name.
• Enter the EFP or use the "EFP recall" function (to recall the previous EFP).
• Select "RUN START".

7.4.2 - Fast (using pre-programmed sample) Ultra fast

From the initial screen:

• Select "SAMPLE ID" then select a pre-programmed sample.
• Select "RUN START". Semi fast

From the initial screen:

• Select a pre-programmed sample.
• Select a pre-programmed operator name.
• Enter a "SAMPLE No." or use the "N°++" key (increment the sample No. from the previous test).
• Enter the EFP or use the "EFP recall" function (to recall the previous EFP).
• Select "RUN START".

7.4.3 - Main menu

From the initial screen select <Exit> then:
• Select <MAIN MENU>.
• Select "MAIN MENU RUN" in the main menu.
• Select "LOAD A TEST" and choose a test No. from the list.
• Enter/modify the parameters of the test program.
• After entering the parameters, select <Exit>.
• To save the program immediately, select "SAVE THE CURRENT TEST" and choose a program No. from the list.
• Select "READY FOR RUN" and the test start display appears.

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FP56/170 5G2

• Enter optional data from the keypad.

Sample ID
Sample No.
Operator name
• Enter the EFP or use the "EFP recall" function (to recall the previous EFP).
• Select "RUN START".

Before a test in Run Menu can be started, Main menu must be exited by selecting "END OF MAIN


The "TEST RUNNING" screen is displayed when the test is started. The EFP can be modified in the "TEST
RUNNING" screen or the "TEST START" screen during the test (refer to chapter 4 - KEYPAD AND LCD
SCREEN page I-34 for a description of the meaning of the "Analyzer :" indicators in the "TEST RUNNING"

When the igniter is applied, the large size temperature display is locked. The display is unlocked only if the flash
point is not detected.

In this way, when the flash point is detected, the temperature at which the flash point was detected remains displayed
after the test has been automatically stopped.

Manual flame test

The operator can manually apply the igniter at any time during the test (or in standby mode) by selecting <Flame
test> in the "TEST RUNNING" screen.

Manually stopping a test

• Press the (STOP) key on the keypad.

• Confirm that you wish to stop the running test.


7.6.1 - Standard test stop

• A intermittent audible alarm is triggered when the flash point is detected.
• The operator can use the (ALARM STOP) key on the keypad to display "END OF TEST: FLASH"
• To stop the audible alarm, select <STOP ALARM>.

Once the test is stopped :

• Cooling of the heating block is started depending on the temperature indicated in the program.
• The temperature of the flash point remains on display after the test has been stopped. The
observed/corrected/rounded result, depending on the program (see in PART II - section 1.2 - TEST PROGRAM
PARAMETERS page II-51), is displayed to the nearest first decimal.

The detected flash point temperature is replaced by the current temperature reading when one of the following is
done :

• A new test is started on the Analyzer,

• When the (STOP) key is pressed,
• After selecting "Sample ID", "Sample No." or "Program" in Run Menu,
• After selecting "Prepare the run" or "Exit full mode" in the main menu.

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• The expected flash point (EFP) which is displayed at the end of the test is the valid EFP at the first programmed
igniter application. After detection of the flash point, the first line under the large size display indicates the EFP,
the number of igniter applications, "FLASH" and an indicator of "in spec" results (see in PART II - section 4.2 -
RESULTS page II-75 for interpretation of this indicator). "FLASH" indicates that the flash point was correctly
detected. This information is also shown at the bottom of the "TEST RUNNING" screen until unlocked by one of
the actions listed above.

7.6.2 - Flash on first flame test

If the flash point is detected at the first igniter application (if the test is not programmed "GO-NO GO"), an report
alarm is triggered and the test is stopped. After having displayed the alarm origin, the operator will see that a
"FLASH ON FIRST FLAME TEST" error has been detected. In this way, the operator can repeat the test using a
new test sample, this time entering this flash point as the EFP.

7.6.3 - Detection before standard phase

If the flash point is detected before the standard phase, the running test is stopped and an abnormal detection alarm is

Clean the cup, cover, shutter, stirrer (FP170 5G2), flash point detector and sample temperature probe with a
suitable solvent.
In general, all accessories which may have an effect on the result, including the test flame nozzle or the flash point
detector must always be clean and the shutter must always be able to move freely.
Depending on the state of the various accessories, they may be disassembled for a thorough cleaning.

The recommended safe handling temperature is below 55°C (130°F).

Do not use a cleaning solvent in the presence of a flame.

If it is necessary to remove the flash point detector or the stirrer (FP170 5G2), refer to the PART III - section 5 -

• To remove the cup and the cover:

Turn the cover anticlockwise to unlock. Remove the cover, with the probe still in its holder, and place on the
standby holder provided.
Carefully remove the cup and its contents.

• Disassemble the temperature probe and the shutter:

Disconnect the temperature probe and remove from the Analyzer.
Unscrew the test arm centering pin (in center of cover) and remove the shutter.
Clean using a solvent then dry

The stand for the cup/cover (standby) can be removed for cleaning.

If the operator wishes, it is possible to dismount the stirrer propeller. The propeller blades must be held and the
driving pinion at the other end of the shaft unscrewed: the propeller can then be removed from below (FP170

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FP56/170 5G2


It is preferable that the maintenance checks and operations described in this chapter and in chapter 6 -
MEASUREMENT CHECKS AND SETTINGS page I-42 be performed by the operator. In this way, the operator
better understand the Analyzer.

It is recommended to carry out maintenance at regular intervals. The ideal interval will depend on the environment of
the Analyzer and its frequency of use and also will depend on the applied Quality Assurance System of the customer.
The following environmental conditions may need more maintenance.

• Ambient temperature above 25°C (77°F).

• Several operators.
• Dusty or dirty environment.
• Intensive use of the Analyzer.

Optimum periodicity for checks and maintenance is determined by the experience of the responsible for the

Here is a list of proposed checks and maintenance operations:

• Adjustment of the test flame: check at the start of a test and, if necessary, adjust gas flow using the regulator (refer
to the PART I - section page I-30).
• Check temperature measurement (refer to the PART I - section 6.1 - page I-42).
• Check atmospheric pressure measurement (refer to the PART I - section 6.2 - page I-42).
• Clean the cup, cover and accessories after each test. The flash point detector must always be clean (refer to the
PART I - section 7.7 - page I-47).
• Setting of real time clock (refer to the PART II - section 2.6 - page II-65).
• Replacement of temperature probe (refer to the PART III - section 5.3.1 - page III-106).
• Replacement of the flash point detector (refer to the PART III - section 5.3.2 - page III-106).
• Replacement of the glow plug (refer to the PART III - section 5.3.3 - page III-106).
• Transfer of service parameters to a PC (refer to the PART III - section 4.5 - page III-100).
• Test of the fire detection device (refer to the PART III - section 5.4.3 - page III-110).
• Replacement of paper and ribbon in printer. See the printer user manual.

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A test program consists of a name and a series of parameter guidelines. The laboratory manager can store up to 20
test programs, numbered from 1 to 20. The parameter values depend on the various standard methods (e.g., ASTM
D 56 (FP56 5G2) or ISO 13736 (FP170 5G2), etc.). A non-standard program can also be created.
The Analyzer is factory-configured for rapid selection of test programs according to all the standards listed in PART
I - chapter 1.2 - GENERALITIES PAGE I-16.

The customer can of course replace unneeded test programs by test programs specific to the laboratory. Any
modifications applied to an existing standard can be immediately applied by the customer by making modifications
to the corresponding test program, without having to wait for a software upgrade.

Having created test programs corresponding to the various standard and non-standard methods, up to 20 pre-
programmed sample types (defined by the laboratory manager) can be created. A test program can be associated with
each sample type created. Pre-programmed samples are saved with an identifier and under a number from 1 to 20.
Thus, when a pre-programmed sample type is selected by the user, the associated test program is called. Editing of
pre-programmed sample types is explained in the section 1.5 - SAMPLE EDITING (access level 1) PAGE II-56.


Before starting program creation, let us first consider the various parameters and the information which makes up a

• Select "DISPLAY A TEST" in the "RUNS ENVIRONMENT" menu.

Selected test: _
Show test list

<Display selected test>


• Select "SHOW TEST LIST" and the list of existing tests is displayed (1 to 20). Select one of the tests, e.g., test 1.
The previous display returns and "1" is displayed on the "SELECTED TEST" line.

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FP56/170 5G2

1.2.1 - Identification and definition parameters

NOTE: The values given in the screens below are only examples.

• Select <Display> and the screens below are displayed.

* FP56 5G2 :
Name: ASTM D 56 Tmp unit: °C
Bath setpoint at EFP - 10 °C
Barometric correction: 1 Rounded: N
Heating rate: LOW if EFP < 60 °C
Heating rate: HIGH if EFP \ 60 °C

* FP170 5G2 :
Name: ISO 13736 Tmp unit: °C
Bath setpoint at EFP - 17 °C
Barometric correction: 1 Rounded: N
Heating rate: ISO if EFP < 19 °C
Heating rate: ISO if EFP \ 19 °C
Stirring: ISO <Down>

Test name: This parameter allows the test to be identified. The user can thus check if the displayed test is that which
he/she intends to run before starting . A maximum of 12 characters may be entered.

Temperature units: Depending on whether you wish to work in Celsius or Fahrenheit, enter "C" or "F". Parameter
entry during creation is flip-flop.

Heating block set-point at EFP - °C: Depending on the standard used, the heating block must be at EFP - °C.

Barometric correction: An automatic barometric correction can be requested, which will be applied during the
calculation of the results. Entry of "1" or "2" or “none” is by flip-flop.

FP56 5G2 FP170 5G2

1 According to ASTM D56-01 According to ISO13736 / IP170-99
2 According to NF T66-009
none No correction No correction

Rounded: there are 2 possible entries: "Y" (Yes: rounded to the nearest 0,5°C or 1°F) or "N" (No: no rounded).
Entry is by flip-flop.

Heating rate:

• FP56 5G2:
There are 2 possibilities: " Low" (1 °C/min or 2 °F/min) or " High"(3 °C/min or 5 °F/min).

• FP170 5G2:
There are 3 possibilities: « NF » (0.5 °C/min), « ISO » (1°C/min) or « RAPID » (3 °C/min). Entry
is by flip-flop.

Stirring speed (FP170 5G2): There are 3 possibilities "None" - "ISO" (30 rpm), "NF" (75 rpm). Parameter entry
during creation is by flip-flop.

• Press <Down> to display the next page.

Page II-52 DOCV208A001-C


1.2.2 - Initial phase

This phase is optional. It allows presentation of the igniter before reaching the temperature defined in the standard
method - EFP - °C. This phase can be used to determine an approximate value for the sample EFP.


Test every 999.9 °C if EFP < 60 °C
Test every 999.9 °C if EFP \ 60 °C
Start tests at - 99 °C


Test every: This parameter defines test flame frequency. It can be programmed from 0,5 °C to 999.9 °C.

Tests start: If the initial phase is used, this parameter defines the temperature at which the flame is first applied.
This function is inhibited by the value 999.9.

For this phase, it is possible to define only one flame presentation at the beginning of the test, the following test
being the first of the standard phase. To achieve this, enter the following parameter:

• Test start at –99,9°C

• Test every 999,9°C
• Press <Down>.

1.2.3 - Standard phase

• FP56 5G2
Test every 0.5 °C if EFP < 60 °C
Test every 1.0 °C if EFP \ 60 °C
Start tests at EFP - 5 °C if EFP< 60 °C
Start tests at EFP - 5 °C if EFP \ 60 °C

• FP170 5G2
Test every 0.5 °C if EFP < 19 °C
Test every 0.5 °C if EFP \ 19 °C
Start tests at EFP - 9 °C if EFP < 19 °C
Start tests at EFP - 9 °C if EFP \ 19 °C

Test every: this parameter defines test flame frequency. It can be programmed from 0,5°C to 10°C.

Test start: This parameter defines the temperature at which the flame is first applied. Tests start at - 5°C (FP56
5G2) or - 9°C (FP170 5G2) before the EFP. This function is inhibited by the value 999.9.

• Press <Down>.

DOCV208A001-C Page II-53

FP56/170 5G2

1.2.4 - Final phase

Go - No Go : N (test at EFPonly)
Pre-safety at EFP: + 10 °C
Safety at EFP: + 15 °C


GO-NO GO: To program a single test flame at the EFP, this parameter must be "Y" for yes. Enter "N", for no, to
allow several flame presentations, depending on the standards. When this parameter is "Y", the test start temperature
(initial phase and standard phase) is not taken into account. Entry is by flip-flop.

Pre-safety alarm at EFP+: An intermittent audible alarm can be programmed for a given temperature above the

Safety alarm at EFP+: An intermittent audible alarm can be programmed to switch the Analyzer to standby at a
given temperature above the EFP. For the consequences of the Analyzer switching to standby mode, refer to the
PART I - section 5 - SAFETY FEATURES page I-40. The red alarm indicator is illuminated.

1.3 -PROGRAM CREATION (access level 1)

• Select "RUNS ENVIRONMENT" in Main menu.


Selected test: 1
Show test list
New one

<Edit selected test>


• Select "NEW ONE" and the first page of program entry is displayed. Enter the parameters for the various phases as
indicated in section 1.2 - TEST PROGRAM PARAMETERS page II-51.

When all the parameters have been entered and "FINAL PHASE" is displayed:


Go - No Go: N (1 only at EFP)
Pre-safety at EFP +: °C
Safety at EFP +: °C

<Cancel> <Ok>

• Press <Ok> and the following is displayed :

Page II-54 DOCV208A001-C



Save as...


• Select "SAVE AS" and the list of existing tests is displayed (1 to 20).

Save as...
1: 6:
2: 7:
3: 8:
4: 9:
5: 10:
<Exit> <Down>

• Select <Down> to display the next page (11 to 20).

• Select the number of the program displayed and the "TEST DISPLAY" screen appears. The test number which you
have just selected is displayed.

• To return to the first display of the section C without saving the program, select <Exit>.

The new program has therefore been saved under the displayed number. If, in the future, the user modifies the
program, "SAVE" can simply be selected to save the program under the same number.


• Select "RUNS ENVIRONMENT" in Main menu.


Selected test: 1
Show test list
New one

<Edit selected test >


• Select "SHOW TEST LIST".

• Select the program to be modified from the list and the previous screen is displayed. The "Prog No." must display
the selected number.

• Select <Edit selected test> and the program is displayed.

The modification and the saving of an existing program is carried out in the same way as for a new program, see
section 1.3 - PROGRAM CREATION (access level 1) page II-54. It can be saved under the same program No.
(modification) or under a new program No.

DOCV208A001-C Page II-55

1.5 -SAMPLE EDITING (access level 1)
As explain in chapter 1.1 - TEST PRINCIPLE page II-51, pre-programmed samples associated with a test program
make test starting easier.
To create or edit a pre-programmed sample, select " SAMPLES EDIT" in the "RUNS ENVIRONMENT" menu. The
user can list the existing pre-programmed samples by selecting <Show list>. A sample number must then be selected
- an existing sample number or a free number.

From the resulting "SAMPLE" display:

• Select <Edit> to go into editing mode. The screen title then becomes "SAMPLES EDIT"
• Select "Prog No.". The program selected must correspond to the selected sample type.
• Enter the name and the EFP (-30 to 110°C). The displayed temperature units is selected during test program
• Enter "in spec" and "out of spec" pages. The "out of spec" page can be either the same as the "in spec" page or
page 21.

The user must now save the sample. The principle is the same as for saving a test program.

1.5.1 - Sample display

• Select "SAMPLES DISPLAY" from the "RUNS ENVIRONMENT" menu.
• Select <Show list> to display the list of existing samples. (<Down> to display the second page)
• Select the number of the sample to be displayed.


The results pages 1 to 20 are reserved for the pre-programmed samples (the page 21 is also available and can receive
up to 50 results). The user can edit results specifications for the pages 1 to 20. Minimum and maximum
specifications can be associated with all the pre-programmed samples. The page numbers for the results of a given
pre-programmed sample are selected when this sample is edited (see section 1.5 -SAMPLE EDITING (access level
1) page II-56).

Editing of a specification page consists of entering a maximum permissible result and a minimum permissible result.
When a test is performed using a pre-programmed sample, the result (observed, corrected and/or rounded -
depending on program configuration) is compared with its limits.

If the result is "in spec" when compared with the associated results page, it is stored in this page.

If the result of a test using a pre-programmed sample is "out of spec", it is stored in the page defined during sample
editing. If no page has been specified, the result is stored in page 21 - the failure page for all "out of spec" results.

Select "PAGES EDIT" from the "RUNS ENVIRONMENT" menu to display a "OUTPUT PAGES EDIT". Select
<Show list> to display the list of "OUTPUT PAGES NAMES".


No.: Title:
Spec. min:
Spec. max.:
Storage: 25 results
*0 storage (s) still available*
<Exit> <Edit>

To display the list of existing pages, select <Show list> the select the page number.

Page II-56 DOCV208A001-C


• Select <Edit> to go to editing mode. The screen title changes to "RESULTS PAGE"

• Enter the title, "Spec. min.", the "Spec. max." and the maximum number of results spaces reserved for the page.
For further information on these spaces, refer to chapter 9, "RESULTS..."

• After displaying all entries, select <Ok> and save the page under a number (1 to 20).

1.6.1 - Page display

• Select "PAGES DISPLAY" from the "RUNS ENVIRONMENT" menu.
• Select <Show list> to display the list of existing samples (<Down> to display the second page).
• Select the number of the page to be displayed.

1.7 -OPERATOR NAME EDIT (access level 1)

To facilitate test start, 20 operator names can be prepared. In this way, the user does not need to edit an operator
name when starting a test.

• Select "OPERATOR EDIT" from the "RUNS ENVIRONMENT" menu to display the first page of the operators
list (<Down> to display the second page).

• Select the operator number and enter the operator name as explained in the PART I - section 4.2.1 - Text editing
(text entry) page I-36.

After validating the entry by pressing (ENT), the name is saved in the list. Select <Exit> to return to the previous

Display of the list of operators

• Select "OPERATORS DISPLAY" from the "RUNS ENVIRONMENT" menu to display the first page of the list of

1.8 -CUSTOMIZE RUN MODE SCREEN (access level 1)

It is possible from access level 1 to customize the Run Menu screen in terms of entry and display. Five of the
functions of this screen are left to the choice of the laboratory manager. Furthermore, if the laboratory manager
decides to display these functions, he/she can prevent their modification.


• Select “Y” or “No” opposite the function concerned to modify the screen display configuration ("Yes" to display
and "No" to hide). The selection is by flip-flop.

• Select “Y” or “No” opposite the function concerned to authorize or not the operator (level 0) to modify the field.

The concerned display items are:

• Sample ID
• Sample No.
• Test ID
• Operator name
• Second screen displaying (the <Down> key can be removed)

DOCV208A001-C Page II-57


The service parameters are stored in a non-volatile RAM. They define:

• Analyzer configuration,
• Service settings,
• Calibrations,
• Quality,
• ISL configuration.

Only service parameters accessible at access level 1 are covered in this part. The factory-set passwords for the
different access levels are indicated in the "TECHNICIAN SERVICING" chapter of the Service Manual.

With the exception of the ISL configuration, the other parameters accessible at access level 2 are covered in the
PART III - of this manual.

• Select " ANALYZER SETUP" from the main menu. The following screen is displayed:


Printer setup Run default values

Ext. link setup Lab. Manager setup
Technical setup Real time clock
ISL setup
About ISL FPxxx5G2


The printer setup requires having level 1 access authorization.

• Select "ANALYZER SETUP" in the main menu.

• Select "PRINTER SETUP" in the "ANALYZER SETUP" menu.


Paper width: AA Red ink code: BB

Automatic results printing: R
Degree symbol ASCII code: CCC
End of print out line feeds: D
Light format for results printout: R

“Paper width ”(flip-flop): 40/80

“Red ink code”: Ref Printer doc
“Automatic results printing” (flip-flop): Y/N
“Degree ASCII code”: Ref Printer doc
“Printer line feed”: 5 (for example)
“Light format for result printing” (flip-flop):Y/N

The values indicated are valid only for printers supplied by ISL. For other printers, refer to the
printer user manual.

Page II-58 DOCV208A001-C



The access to this menu needs the level 1 access password (modification of certain parameters requires having level
2 access).

• Select "ANALYZER SETUP" in the MAIN menu.



Power on parameters
Safety parameters


2.2.1 - Power on parameters

Select "POWER ON PARAMETERS" in the "RUN DEFAULT VALUES" submenu and the configuration screen
for power on parameters is displayed. Then:

• Select "Atmospheric pressure unit". It can be "mmHg" or "kPa". Selection is by flip-flop.

• Select "Default test" and select a test from the resulting list.
• Select “Screen saver after: _ min”: Time in minutes before the backlight is switched off (standby mode). The
duration before the screen standby mode can be set between 1 and 99 minutes. If it is set to 99 minutes the
backlight remains switched on. This function in not active during flash point tests. The standby mode is signaled by
a slow flashing of the green LED of the Analyzer front panel. By pressing any key the screen display is reactivated.
• Select “Language” and enter 1 or 2 to lock the language in French or in English. Switch off and switch on the
Analyzer for the new configuration to be taken into account.
• Select “Bath temperature” to configure the bath regulation temperature at power on. The regulation temperature
can be set between 1 and 999°C. If it is set to 999°C the function is inhibited and the bath is not regulated.

2.2.2 - Safety parameters

• Select "Heating power upper limit" and then enter the value as a percentage of the maximum power (250W).
Values allowed 1-100%.
• Select the "Upper limit maximum time". This is the maximum duration in seconds for the previous parameter, i.e.
the maximum time at the maxi. % entered.
• Select “Alarm if heating rate diff. >100%”. This parameter determine the acceptable difference between the
heating rate programmed and the heating rate observed.
• Select “Stop if heat rate alarm & tmp > EFP : N” (Y/N)
• Select “Probe/cover missing safety”. A warning message is displayed before modifying this parameter:
“CAUTION! This parameter allows the detection of the probe/cover missing on the cup. Modify it could be
dangerous!”. This parameter determine the maximal duration permitted in min without temperature increasing
programmable from 1 to 15 min. Beyond this delay, the failure alarm “Check probe positioning” is set off.

CAUTION ! The preconfigured duration, 4 min, is convenient for most of products. Increasing this
value could be dangerous.

DOCV208A001-C Page II-59

The FP56 5G2 and the FP170 5G2 can communicate with a PC through:
• The RS 232 C external ink (on the rear panel)
• The RS 485 external link (connection interface to Alan® local network)
• The service port.
Refer to the PART I - section 3.3.3 - FP / PC connection page I-26.

Each of these communication modes is specialized (refer to the section PART I - 3.3.3 - FP page I-26) and
parameters linked to them must be set.
By means of the RS 232 C or the RS 485 link, the FP can send test results to a data processing system. If the RS
232C link is used, result messages including test programme parameters (conditions of run) and the program (if
they are selected, refer to the section Transmitted data page II-61) are sent under the form of character
strings in delimited ASCII format (refer to the section 5 - RS 232C STANDARD INTERFACE page II-80 for the
meaning of the content of the message sent).
The Service port enables the upgrading of the control software by downloading. It also allows to upload /
download the content of the non-volatile safe memory (NVRam, refer to the PART III - section 4.5 - page III-

• Select “ANALYZER SETUP” from the main menu.

• Select “EXT.LINK SETUP” from the “ANALYZER SETUP”. The following screen is displayed:


RS232 link setup

PC link setup


2.3.1 - RS 232C link setup

If the RS 232C link is choose as communication mode, the appropriate adapter supplied with the unit is needed. This
has on the same side 2 RS485 series ports to be connected simultaneously to the inlet and outlet of the ALAN
network and a RS 232C series port to be connected to a PC. When the adapter is connected, the unit automatically
detects the presence of an RS 232 C link, the Analyzer can now be configured.

The ALAN/RS-232C adapter must be connected to allow the access to the «RS-232 LINK SETUP»

The access to the external link setup is possible with the access level 1.
• Select "ANALYZER SETUP" in the MAIN menu.
• Select "EXT. LINK SETUP" in the "ANALYZER SETUP" menu.
• Select "RS 232 link setup" to display the submenu of the same name.

The following screen appears:


Transmitted data
Hardware setup
Software setup
Data flow control
Computer on-line: N


The different commands displayed in this way are treated in the following sections.

Page II-60 DOCV208A001-C


• Select “Transmitted data” of the “RS-232 LINK SETUP” menu.

The display becomes:


Conditions of run: N
Test contents: N


As well as the result message, 2 other optional messages can be sent: the “test programme parameters” and the
programme. Messages are transmitted under a character string form in ASCII code. Refer to the section 5 - RS 232C
STANDARD INTERFACE page II-80 for the meaning of the content of the message sent).
All the selections are in Flip-flop mode and the possibilities are "Y"/"N", yes or no. Hardware setup - communication parameters

• Select "Hardware setup" in the "RS 232 LINK SETUP" submenu to do display :


Baud rate: 9600 baud

Data bits: 8
Stop bits: 1
Parity: None


All the parameter keys are of the flip-flop type with 2 or more possibilities.

• Select the desired configuration:

Baud rate: 110, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 baud
Data bits: 7 or 8
Parity: even, odd or none
Stop bits: 1 (always "1" for the standard RS-232C interface)

Configuration is automatically taken into account on selection. Software setup

• Select "Software setup" in the "RS 232 LINK SETUP" submenu. The display becomes:


Analyzer ID (0 - 99): NN
Automatic validation of results: N
End of transmission character: 0


DOCV208A001-C Page II-61 Analyzer ID / Analyzer identification number

• Select "Analyzer ID" and type in the Analyzer ID number (0 - 99) and confirm with (ENT). This number is sent
with each result message. Results Validation

Use the Flip-flop key "Automatic validation of results" to display "Y" or "N" :
If "Automatic validation of results" is set at "Y", for yes, then the result is automatically transmitted when
the test run is terminated.
If "Manual validation of results" is configured "N", for no, then the operator must manually validate the last
run result before it will be transmitted on the external link.

If another result is recorded before "validation for transmission" the result will be lost.

See the chapters 4.2 -RESULTS page II-75; 4.3 -LAST RUN RESULTS page II-78 and 4.4 -PRINTOUT page II-78
for more information. End of Transmission (EOT) Character

• Select "End of transmission character" (EOT), type in the numerical value and confirm with (ENT).

The EOT character falls into 2 categories : "0" or "> 0" (1 - 99).
EOT Character = 0
There is no EOT character at the end of transmission.

EOT Character > 0

The last character sent is the EOT character. Data flow control

• Select "Data flow control" in the "RS 232 LINK SETUP" submenu. The display becomes :


Hardware flow control (RTS/CTS): N

Software flow control (XON/XOFF): N
ENQ/ACK protocol: N
Time between two successive messages
if no protocol used: 0.5s

The first 3 parameters keys, for protocol selection, are Flip-flop with "Y"/"N" as choices. Only one of them can be
configured "Y".
• Select the desired configuration. which is automatically taken into account on selection. Transmission without protocol

The last parameter can be used when no protocol is used, i.e. when all of the "RS-232 Flow control" protocol
parameters are configured "N".

• Select the 4th parameter key and enter the value in seconds (see the screen above).
The time between each message will be as configured. It is not possible to request a second transmission of any

Page II-62 DOCV208A001-C

SETTINGS: THE “ANALYZER SETUP” MENU Transmission with protocol

If a "communication protocol" parameter is configured "Y" (for yes), then a dialogue protocol will be necessary
between the Analyzer and the external computer.
• The Analyzer must be authorized to transfer results.
• It is the external computer that controls the message transfer rate.
The operator can choose from 3 types of protocols.
(a) Hardware flow control
The interface controls CTS and RTS signals.
(b) Software flow control
If the Software Flow Control protocol is used, then transmission is started automatically by default on switching on
and continues until the Analyzer receives the XOFF code which instructs it to stop sending data. The Analyzer will
only resume sending data when it has received the XON code.
The values of the character codes are : 11H for XON and 13H for XOFF
(c) ENQ/ACK protocol
All messages from the Analyzer must be acknowledged by the external computer (transmission confirmed as security
Should communication be failure, only the external computer can decide whether or not to abort transmission.

Analyzer response time on receiving ENQ < 100 ms

Real waiting time for acknowledging a results message 2 sec
Results transfer delay after end of test Delay for ENQ not limited
Number of calls on receiving NAK after a results message Not limited (end with ACK or EOT)

Request and reception of results

The external computer uses the ENQ code (05H) to ask the Analyzer if any results are ready to be sent.
If the Analyzer has no results to send, it replies ACK (06H). If it has, the results are sent.
If there are several fruitless communications, the computer may decide to abort transmission by sending an EOT
(04H) character.


1 result message XXXXX (not properly received)
Same message e XXXXXX
Abandon result transfer EOT Abort
No result (ACK)
(ACK) If no result
Transfer of result

On receiving ACK, the computer need not reply. On receiving a results message, the latter must be checked
(checksum) and the computer must reply ACK (06H) or NAK (15H), depending on whether the message was correct
or not.


1 result message XXXXX (Not properly received)

Conserve the result message NAK

DOCV208A001-C Page II-63

On receiving NAK, the Analyzer waits for the next ENQ before sending the same message again:


1 result message XXXXX (Not properly received)
Same result message XXXXX (properly received)
Next result message XXXXX etc. Computer on-line

For the external link to be operational the "Computer on-line" parameter of the "RS-232 LINK SETUP" menu must
be set at "Y".
• Use the Flip-flop selection key to set the parameter "Y" / "N".

2.3.2 - External link test

The external link test message sent is:

(ISL FP93 5G2) 17 CR LF

See in PART III - section 3.2 - DIFFERENT DIAGNOSTICS page III-96 for the procedure. If the message is very
rapid, don't forget that when there isn't any protocol used, the time between successive messages can be set (see
section - Data flow control page II-62 of this chapter).

2.3.3 - RS 485 link – Alan network


Analyzer PC ID : Isl FPxxx G2

Analyzer network address: 30
PC on line: Y

Interface status: 0 (0: correct)

<Exit> <Init>

The configuration of this link needs to have the level one access authorization.
• Select "ANALYZER SETUP" in the MAIN menu.
• Select "EXT. LINK SETUP" in the "ANALYZER SETUP" menu.
• Select " PC link setup " to display the submenu of the same name.

The different commands displayed in this way are treated in the following sections. Analyzer PC ID / Analyzer identification number

Analyzer identification number, selected on the PC functioning on the Alan network with the Analyzer. Analyzer network address

• Select « Analyzer network address”, enter the Analyzer address number in the Alan network.

The address is the number allocated for the Analyzer in the network. This number can be from 1 to 31 inclusive. (the
maximum number of AD86 5G2 Analyzers on the network is 20). This number is then used to identify and control
the Analyzer from the PC.

Page II-64 DOCV208A001-C


Note: The operator should beware of entering the same address number for 2 Analyzers on
the same network. This will lead to incomprehensible messages being received by the PC. PC on line
For the external link to be operational the "PC on-line" parameter of the "PC LINK SETUP" menu must be set at
Use the Flip-flop selection key to set the parameter "Y" / "N". Interface status

The interface status is indicated by the Analyzer. If it is not correct (_ 0), check for connections.


The TECHNICAL SETUP menu’s function of the ANALYZER SETUP menu is Analyzer maintenance and it
requires having level 2 access authorization. It includes sub-menus for entering setting values of the Analyzer.
Configuration of level 2 internal parameters is explained in PART III - chapter 4 - TECHNICAL SETUP OF THE
It also features commands for upgrading software and uploading / downloading to a PC file the safe Ram memory
content. Refer to the PART III - section 4.5 -UPLOAD / DOWNLOAD page III-100).


The access to laboratory setup needs the level 1 access password. The Laboratory password (level 1) is 0.

• Select "ANALYZER SETUP" in the main menu.

• Select "Lab manager setup" in the "ANALYZER SETUP" menu.
• Fill out the "Lab manager setup" form :
Laboratory name - enter letters (12 characters),
Laboratory manager name - enter letters (12 characters),
Laboratory manager title - enter letters (12 characters),
Laboratory manager password - enter digits.

It is thus possible for the "Laboratory Manager" to modify the level 1 password.

The master password is given in the PART III - section 4.1 - page III-99.


• Select "ANALYZER SETUP" in the main menu.
• Select "REAL TIME CLOCK" in the "ANALYZER SETUP" menu to display the "Real time clock" form.

The following are flip-flop choices :

The date format - "DDMMYY" or "MMDDYY",
The clock format - "12" or "24",
The time format - "AM" or "PM".

The date and time should then be entered to correspond to the formats chosen. See the following example.

DOCV208A001-C Page II-65


Date format: DD-MM-YY

Date: 20-02-02
12/24: 12
Time: 09-45
<Cancel> <OK>

When all the entries are correctly displayed, press <OK> to confirm them. If there are any incoherent entries, they
will be indicated at this stage.


Access to this menu is reserved for ISL technicians and it requires having level 3 access authorization.

2.8 -CUSTOMIZE RUN MODE SCREEN (access level 1)

The Run Mode screen can be customized in terms of entries and display. Refer to the corresponding section in the
section 1.8 -CUSTOMIZE RUN MODE SCREEN (access level 1) page II-57.

Page II-66 DOCV208A001-C




There are 3 types of alarm.

• Failure alarms - continuous audible alarm,

• Report alarms - intermittent audible alarm,
• Warning alarms - intermittent audible alarm.

3.1.1 - Failure alarms

The detection of a failure alarm has at least one of the following consequences (see also table at the end of this

• A test cannot be started,

• A running test stopped,
• The Analyzer switches to standby.

A continuous alarm is triggered and the red indicator light on the keypad is illuminated. As long as the alarm
condition continues, even if the alarm has been acknowledged, the red indicator remains illuminated.

3.1.2 - Report alarms

A report alarm informs the user of the occurrence of:

a normal event: "END OF TEST"

or abnormal event: detection of the “FLASH ON FIRST FLAME TEST” presentation

In both cases, an intermittent audible alarm is triggered and the red indicator light on the keypad is illuminated. The
active buzzer pulse duration can be configured. When the alarm is acknowledged, the red indicator is extinguished.

3.1.3 - Warning alarms

A warning alarm indicates that the test has started correctly but the system had to intervene to correct an
incompatibility. This alarm can be triggered at the start of a test or during a test due to a modification of the EFP.
Test conformity is guaranteed in the standard test phase.

An intermittent alarm is triggered and the red indicator light on the keypad is illuminated. The active buzzer pulse
duration is half that defined for error alarms. When the alarm is acknowledged, the red indicator is extinguished.

A warning number can be displayed - "Warning: NN". The list of warning numbers is given at the end of this

DOCV208A001-C Page II-67

• When an audible alarm is triggered, press (ALARM STOP) to display the cause of the alarm.

In the case of failure or report alarms, the cause of the alarm is displayed. For example:


In the case of warning alarms, a warning number is displayed.

• Select <ACQUIT> to stop the audible alarm and return to the previous screen. Note that in the case of failure
alarms, if the failure is still present, the red "ALARM" indicator remains illuminated.


The FP56 5G2 / FP170 5G2 can register up to 10 alarm messages. These alarm messages can be displayed in the
alarm review and also printed.
• Select <REVIEW> from the “Faults and Alarms” screen (see previous section) to display the previous alarm
• Select <PRINT> to print the list of alarms registered.
• Select <EXIT> to return in the “Faults and Alarms” screen.


Certain alarms indicate danger. For this reason, the system has been designed so that it can be switched quickly to

However, this does not mean that an instrument of this type is not dangerous or that, if the Analyzer does not switch
to standby, there is no danger for the operator and/or the Analyzer. It is always important, in the event of an alarm, to
check what has happened.

For example, because of a failure component, a failure alarm which normally switches the Analyzer to standby may
not do so. In this case, the operator must intervene to switch off the Analyzer.

In general, when an audible alarm is triggered, the operator must display the cause
of the alarm to check that the unit is operating normally.


All failures are accompanied by an audible alarm and one of the consequences indicated in section 3.1.1 - Failure
alarms page II-67. Most of failure switch the Analyzer to standby, in this way the gas supply is cut and the heating is

3.5.1 - “Fire detection”

The system tests for fire via a self test until the unit is switched off. If this failure is detected, the system switches the
Analyzer to standby and if the customer has connected an external alarm system to the safety relay, it will be
triggered on fire detection.

To stop the audible alarm, the Analyzer must be switched off. After intervention of a qualified technician, replace the
fire detection thermofuse.

Page II-68 DOCV208A001-C


3.5.2 - Memory failure

At the Analyzer switching on, the content of the different memories is checked by the microprocessor. If an error
exists it will be detected by calculation and comparison of a checksum control. “Prom” failure

If this failure is signaled switch off the Analyzer and then switch it on again. If the failure still exists, call the ISL
Service Department. “Ram” failure

Switch off the Analyzer and then switch it on again. If the failure still exists, call the ISL Service Department. “Safe memory” failure

The life duration of the Ram non-volatile memory (NVRam) memory battery is approximately 7 to 8 years. This
alarm may be due to a failure battery.
The content of NVRam, where the Service Parameters are stored, is checked by the microprocessor. If an error
exists, the Analyzer automatically goes into download mode to restore the back-up memory content by loading a
backup file from a PC.
For this, a diskette containing the service parameters configuration (necessary if any upload had been carried out)
and an upload/download PC programme is provided with the standard FP 5G2 Analyzers. Refer to the PART III -
section 4.5 - UPLOAD / DOWNLOAD page III-100.

Note: So as to always have an updated version of the service parameters configuration,

the maintenance schedule of the Analyzer should include uploading of the service

When uploading the service parameters configuration, do not use the same file name as the file on the diskette
delivered with the Analyzer.

3.5.3 - “Signal conditioning” failure

This failure will be detected when a dialogue absence between the Central Unit and the digitizer is detected. Switch
off the Analyzer and then on again. If the failure still exists, contact the ISL Service Department.

3.5.4 - “No test flame” failure

The system checks for this failure if the gas flame igniter system is connected. At the start of a test, the system tests
for the presence of a test flame. If the flame is not detected, the system tries to light it for up to 10 minutes after the
start of the test. If the flame is still not detected, the alarm is triggered. At the test flame application temperature, the
system also tests for the presence of the flame and if it is not detected, the alarm is triggered. If this failure is
detected, the test is stopped and the Analyzer switched to standby.

3.5.5 - “Glow plug failure” Glow plug current failure – electrical igniter

The glow plug current is checked continuously by the system:

In test running status
At start of test, the glow plug is lit for 10 seconds to check functioning.
During tests, the glow-plug is lit 30 seconds before the application temperature (to allow the current to stabilize).
If the glow plug current is out of limits, (< 3A or >15 A), the audio alarm is triggered and the test is aborted.

DOCV208A001-C Page II-69

In idle status
If the glow-plug current is greater than 1A, this failure will be reported. Glow plug current failure – gas igniter

The glow-plug is first used to light the test flame and the pilot light at the beginning of the test.
In this case, if the glow plug is defective, the system tries to relight the test flame for 10 minutes. If during this time
the test flame is still not detected (manual lighting) the system stops the test.
The glow plug is also used to relight the test flame and the pilot light in the case of an unexpected loss of test flame
during the test. In this case the system tries to relight the test flame for 1 minute. After that duration, if a test flame is
not detected the system stops the test.
If the current is outside the specified limits (< 3A et > 15A) the alarm is triggered but the test is not aborted.

3.5.6 - “Sample temperature failure”

This failure is signaled if the temperature measured during the test is out of range (< -100°C and > 410°C). If this
failure is detected, the test is stopped. Check probe connection.

3.5.7 - “Abnormal heating rate”

During the test this fault is triggered if the heating rate is greater than the setpoint (this value can be set: between 10
and 150% Vc of the heating rate setpoint).
The test is not stopped if the sample temperature is less than the EFP.
If the deviation is greater than the setpoint, and if the temperature is greater than the EFP, the system stops the test if
the parameter “Stop if heat rate alarm & tmp > EFP : Y” (refer to the section 2.2.2 - Safety parameters page II-59).

3.5.8 - “Flash detection failure” (thermocouple)

This failure is signaled if the flash point detection thermocouple is not connected or is faulty. Check the connection
and the state of the thermocouple. To replace the thermocouple, refer to the PART III - section 5.3.2 - page III-106).
The system tests for this failure at the start of the test and during testing. If the failure is detected, the Analyzer does
not allow a test to be started and the current test will be stopped.

3.5.9 - “Heating bath temperature failure”

The heating block temperature is measured by a thermocouple built into the heating element. If the thermocouple is
not connected or if it is defective, this failure is signaled. A test run cannot be started and a run in progress is
stopped. The thermocouple connection should be checked. If after investigation it is found that the thermocouple is
defective, then the heating element / thermocouple assembly should be replaced. See the relevant section in the
Service Manual.

3.5.10 - “Heating bath temperature safety” failure

The system tests for this failure in standby mode and during test. The alarm is triggered if the heating block
temperature is less than - 90 °C or greater than 150 °C. The current test is stopped.
Check that the sample temperature measurement probe is correctly positioned in its holder in the cover. Check for
probe connection to the connection panel and under the control unit cover.

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3.5.11 - “Program checksum error”

The system checks for this failure at the start of the test. A test cannot be started if this failure is detected. If a
checksum error is detected, print the program and check it. If no errors are found, modify a parameter of the program
then save it again to force the microprocessor to recalculate the checksum.

3.5.12 - “Abnormal flash detection”

The system tests for this failure during test. The test is not stopped. This failure is signaled if a flash point is
detected before the flame application phase or between 2 igniter application temperatures.
Note: this failure is not triggered by a manual flame application by selecting <FLAME TEST> from the "RUNNING
TEST" screen.

3.5.13 - “Abnormal atmospheric pressure”

The system permanently tests for this failure. If the failure is detected, a test cannot be started, but a running test will
not be stopped. This failure is signaled if the pressure is not within limits: ` 400 mmHg or \ 830 mmHg
(` 53 kPa or \ 111 kPa).

3.5.14 - “Motor board link failure”

This failure is tested for permanently. If it is signaled, a test run cannot be started but a run in progress is not
stopped. It is signaled when there is a dialogue problem between the central unit microprocessor and the keyboard
microcontroller. Switch off the Analyzer and then on again. Have connections checked. If the failure still exists,
contact the ISL Service Department.

3.5.15 - “Check test devices positioning” failure

The system permanently tests for this failure. This fault is signaled by the motor board when the test arm is stuck or
unable to move. If this fault is signaled, the system prevent the test starting or stops the current test. Make an initial
check on the test cover position and locking.

3.5.16 - “Check probe positioning” failure

At test start, after a certain programmable duration (refer to the section 2.2.2 - page II-59) the system checks the
temperature raising. If this raising is not sufficient (superior to 20% of the theoretical variation) the system deduces
the probe or the cover misses.

3.5.17 - “Igniter arm unlock” failure

The system checks for this failure at the start of the test and during the test. A “limit of travel” pushbutton located
under the locking pin controls the test arm position: if it is not engaged the alarm is triggered and the test is stopped.

3.5.18 - “Heating failure”

The system tests for this failure during the test. If the failure is detected, the running test will be stopped. It is
signaled if the "max. power" is greater than that defined in the "Heating power upper limit" parameter setup for a
duration greater than that defined in the " Upper limit maximum time " parameter setup (1 to 300 s). Refer to the
section 2.2.2 - Safety parameters page II-59.

DOCV208A001-C Page II-71

3.5.19 - “Low battery”
The system permanently tests for this failure. If this failure is detected:
• Do not switch the Analyzer off: data will be lost.
• Print or upload to a PC file Analyzer internal parameters contained in the safe Ram memory.
Uploading: refer to the PART III - section 4.5.3 - Transfer requested by the operator page III-101.
Printing: of the test environment (test parameters for the various programs, sample parameters, specification
pages, operator names, refer to the PART II - section 4.4.2 - page II-79) and the internal parameters (sample
temperature adjustment, periodicity adjustment, bath temperature adjustment, atmospheric pressure adjustment,
probe correction table, Analyzer configurations: printer, RS232C link, PC link, service, laboratory and the Run
Mode screen, refer to the PART III - section 3.3 - page III-98).
• Power the Analyzer off and replace the battery (refer to the PART III - section 5.3.6 - page III-108).

Regular downloading of the service parameters should be programmed in the regular

maintenance of the Analyzer.
Use a new filename (for example, today’s date in the name - IPDDMMYY. NVM). . In
this way, the last version of the service parameters will be saved in a file.

3.5.20 - “Flame abnormally lit”

The system tests for this failure in standby mode. The operator must :

• Close the gas supply,

• Switch the unit off.


An intermittent audible alarm is triggered and the red indicator light on the keypad is illuminated. To configure the
buzzer pulse time, refer to the PART III - section 4.3 - page III-100. Stopping the alarm extinguishes the red
indicator on the keypad.

3.6.1 - Pre-safety temperature reached

An alarm is triggered at the pre-safety temperature defined in the final phase of the test program (see the
"PROGRAMMING..." chapter). This parameter is entered as a value above the EFP (EFP + T°C). The running test
continues. The origin of this error could be the entry of an erroneous EFP. The EFP value can be modified during a

3.6.2 - Flash on first flame test

With the exception of "GO NO-GO" tests, this error is signaled if the flash point is detected at the first flame
application. The test is stopped.

3.6.3 - Result out of spec

This error is signaled when the result is "out of spec", provided that :
• The sample has been pre-programmed,
• An "in spec" page has been designated during sample editing.
• A "max spec" and "min spec" have been entered during editing of the corresponding specification page.

Page II-72 DOCV208A001-C


3.6.4 - End of test: flash

This alarm signals the normal detection of a flash point .

3.6.5 - End of test: no flash

The "GO NO-GO" parameter must be programmed "Y" (yes) in the final phase of the test program (see

3.6.6 - End of test: safety flash temperature

An alarm is triggered at the safety temperature defined in the final phase of the test program (see
"PROGRAMMING..."chapter). This parameter is entered as a value above the EFP (EFP + T°C). The test is
stopped. Check the entered EFP value.


An intermittent audible alarm is triggered and the red indicator light on the keypad is illuminated. The buzzer pulse
duration is half of that for the error alarms. Stopping the alarm extinguishes the red indicator on the keypad.

Pressing (ALARM STOP) displays the cause of the alarm, indicated by a warning No. Refer to the following table
to find the corresponding alarm.

How to use the table below

In the event of a warning alarm, the displayed warning number is the sum of the numbers of all the signaled warning
alarms. For example, if the safety temperature is too high and the presentations frequency too high, the displayed
warning number will be the sum of 1 + 2, therefore "3".

Warning No. Description of problem

1 The frequency of flame application (the parameter "test every") is not

compatible with the heating rate

2 The safety temperature setpoint is too high

4 The pre-safety temperature is too high

DOCV208A001-C Page II-73



The pages 1 to 20 are reserved for the pre-programmed samples. The laboratory manager can edit the results
specifications for these pages. A results page 21 also exists but specifications cannot be edited for this page.

During sample editing (see section 1.5 -SAMPLE EDITING (access level 1) page II-56), the laboratory manager
selects the results page associated with the pre-programmed sample. A minimum specification and a maximum
specification are entered during "SPECIFICATION PAGE EDITING" (see section 1.6 -EDITING
SPECIFICATION PAGES (access level 1) page II-56). When a test performed with a pre-programmed sample, the
result (observed/corrected and/or rounded - depending on configuration defined during program creation) is
compared with the specifications (min. and max.).

If the result is "in spec", it is saved in the "IN SPEC" page defined for the pre-programmed sample (see section 1.5 -
SAMPLE EDITING (access level 1) page II-56).

If the result is "out of spec", it is saved in the "OUT OF SPEC" page defined for the pre-programmed sample as for
the tests stopped on "SAFETY" (see section 1.5 -SAMPLE EDITING (access level 1) page II-56).

The "out of spec" page can be the same page as the "in spec" page or it can be page 21. If no page is specified, the
results page will be page 21 by default.

In addition to the "out of spec" results sent to page 21, and the results received by default, page 21 receives all
results from tests not using pre-programmed samples.

The storage of results in all pages is governed by the FIFO principle (first in first out). No warning is given when a
result is deleted form a page.

When, on a given page, the maximum number of results is reached, the first result saved there will be
deleted from the page when a new result arrives. The tests for which no flash point was detected will
not be saved - for example when the pre-safety and safety alarms have been triggered (without flash
point detection).

4.1.1 - Organization of results in the pages

• A maximum of 550 results can be saved.
• Page 21 has a fixed size of 50 results.
• Pages 1 to 20 can be configured by the laboratory manager for between 5 and 50 results (in steps of 5: 5, 10 15,
20...45, 50), within the limit of the overall available space for 550 results.

Page II-74 DOCV208A001-C



4.2.1 - Allocation of results pages


• Select "RESULTS MEMORY" from the main menu.

• Select "PAGES RESULT ALLOCATION DISPLAY" to display the results pages from 1 to 21.

• Select <Exit> to return to the previous screen.

4.2.2 - Results display/printing

• Select "RESULTS EMORY" from the main menu.


• Select "SHOW LIST".

• Select a results page from the list - <Down> to display the 2nd page from the list. After selecting a page, the
previous screen is displayed with "SELECTED PAGE" indicated.

• Select <Show result> and the last result saved in this page is displayed.

• The information displayed can be divided into 5 parts:

1. The results page identifier (n/N) indicating the page number of the current results page out of the total
number of results pages available.
2. The runs environment:
Sample ID, Sample No., operator name, test No., Program No., the atmospheric pressure and the type of
igniter used ("G" for gas and "E" for electrical).
3. The EFP, the observed result and the corrected result,
4. Information concerning comparison with specification - "Yes", "No" or "SAFETY" ("_" indicates page
21) and the "*" indicator is shown if:
• The probe measurement values have been manually adjusted, i.e., without using the automatic
adjust function (refer to the PART III - section 4.4 - page III-100).
• The programmed date for the "next" adjustment has already passed.
5. The maximum, minimum and mean results for the page.

• To print this result, select <Print>.

• To display other results from this results page, use <Previous> or >Down>.

DOCV208A001-C Page II-75

4.2.3 - Statistics
• Select "RESULTS MEMORY" from the main menu.

• Select "STATISTICS".

• Select "SHOW LIST" to select the results page.

• Select a results page from the list.

Statistics are not available for page 21.

• Use "SELECTED ITEM" to make a flip-flop selection (for the displayed page) of one of the following:



• Select <Display> to show the statistics page.

Page: 2 Items: All results
Selected items: 8
In spec: 8 Out of spec: 0
Min. result: 62.0 Max. result: 64.0
Average: 63.00 Deviation: 0.71

Tests stopped on "SAFETY" are not taken into account by the statistics.

The "STATISTICS" screen indicates the selected results page and the type of results on which statistical analysis has
been performed. Indicated statistical details are:

• The number of results of the selected type,

• The number of "in spec" results,

• The number of "out of spec" results,

• The min. and max. values.,

• The mean value and the standard deviation.

Standard deviation is calculated as follows:

(xi - xa)2
( Dms )2 = ________

xi = all results
xa = mean result
N = number of items
Dms = standard deviation

Page II-76 DOCV208A001-C


Printing statistics

After selecting ("SELECTED ITEM"- see above) the type of results on which statistical calculations are to be
performed, the user can select <Print> to make a printout:

• Statistics only

• Statistics and selected items

4.2.4 - Pages initialization

• Select "RESULTS MEMORY" from the main menu.

• Select "PAGE CLEANUP".

• Select "SHOW LIST" to select the results page.

• Select a results page from the list. The pervious screen appears. Page contents delete

After selecting a results page:

• Select "DELETE PAGE CONTENTS ONLY". A warning screen is displayed.


Delete contents of the page: XX


<No> <Yes>

• Select <Yes> to delete the contents of the page.

• To abandon the operation, select <No>. Page name and contents delete

• Select "DELETE PAGE NAME AND CONTENTS". A warning screen is displayed.

• Select <Yes> to delete the pages contents and the page name.

• To abandon the operation, select <No>.

DOCV208A001-C Page II-77

If the RS-232C interface is configured "N" for the "AUTOMATIC RESULTS VALIDATION" function, the
operator must manually validate the result of the last test before it is transmitted on the external link. If a new result
is saved before "VALIDATION FOR TRANSMISSION", the result cannot be transmitted.

The "LAST RUN RESULT" menu allows the operator to display, print and validate the result of the last run for
transmission on the RS-232C interface. It is also possible to re-transmit the result (in the event of a failure, for

• Select "LAST RUN RESULT" from the main menu.

• To print the last run result, select "PRINT".

• To display the last run result, select "DISPLAY".

• To re-transmit the last run result, select "VALIDATE EXTERNAL LINK TRANSMISSION".

The "LAST RESULT DISPLAY" screen contains:

• The sample ID, sample No., program name, program No., operator name and EFP,

• The flash point (observed and corrected), date, time and atmospheric pressure,

• A "*" indicator is displayed if:

• The probe measurement values have been manually adjusted, i.e., without using the automatic adjust
function (refer to the PART III - section 4.4 - page III-100)
• The programmed date for the "next" adjustment has already passed.

To print the result from this screen, select <Print>.

Validation of last run result for transmission on the RS-232C interface

After checking the result of the last run:


The Analyzer is equipped with a standard Centronics printer interface with a 25-pin connector. An Epson compatible
printer (80 or 40 columns) can be connected.

These printers are available as accessories.

All print functions can be called from the "PRINTING" menu.

• Select "PRINTING" from the main menu.

Results obtained in the event of a SAFETY intervention can be printed.

Page II-78 DOCV208A001-C


Printer initialization allows the printer and its interface to be re-programmed.

• Select "Printer reset" from the "PRINTING" menu


• Select "ENVIRONMENT PRINTING" from the "PRINTING" menu.

The following lists can be printed by selecting the corresponding function key.

• Sample list,

• Page list,

• Tests list,

• Operators list.

4.4.3 - One sample

• Select "ONE SAMPLE CONTENTS" and the sample in memory is displayed.

• Select <Show list> and select a sample from the list.

• Select <Print> to print the displayed sample.

4.4.4 - One specification page

• Select "ONE PAGE CONTENTS" from the "ENVIRONMENT PRINTING" menu to display the specification
page in memory.

• Select <Show list> and select a page from the list.

• Select <Print> to print a specification page.

4.4.5 - One test program


• Select "SHOW TEST LIST" and select a test program from the list.

• The operator can check the program by selecting <Display>. The selected program is displayed. Select <Exit> to
return to the previous screen.

• Select <Print> to print the program.


Refer to the PART III - section 3.2.3 - Printer page III-96.

DOCV208A001-C Page II-79


The ISL FP56 5G2 and FP170 5G2 Analyzers standard versions are equipped with a simple RS-232C serial interface
for the results to be collected on a PC and sent to a LIMS (refer to the section 2.3.1 - RS 232C link setup page II-60
for the RS 232C link configuration).
Use the adapter supplied with the unit. This one has on the same side 2 RS485 series ports to be connected
simultaneously to the inlet and outlet of the ALAN network and a RS 232C series port to be connected to a PC.
When the Analyzer is connected to the Alan network, the direct connection to a LIMS is no longer possible, it must
be done via the PC.


Plug into the ALAN connectors with the aid of an adapter RS485/RS232C.
The software will automatically detect the presence of an RS232 link.
The results message is transmitted if it is (refer to the PART II - section Software setup page II-61), context
and program messages are transmitted if they were selected (refer to the PART II - section Transmitted data
page II-61). Character strings are enclosed within " ".
Messages are in ASCII
They start with “(“, they finish with “)” CK CR LF EOT
CK (2 characters) = checksum = the 2 least significant digits (expressed in ASCII) are the result of the hexadecimal
sum of all the preceding characters, including the brackets.
CR (1 character) = Carriage return =0Dh
LF (1 character) = Next line = 0Ah
EOT (1 character)= End of transmission character, programmable in the RS232 Configuration menu.
If = 0 no end of transmission character
If > 0 it will be transmitted at the end of the last message.


The RS 485 connector of the adapter is a 9-pin connector. The pin configuration is as shown below.


EIA RS 232C interface

Line status in standby: +12 V (MARK),

Input signals used: CTS/RTS.

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5.3.1 - Examples of transmitted messages

FP56 5G2:
( 1,"R ","CYCLO-HEX ","090498#1 ", 1,99,"C", 43.7, 42.7, 43.3,999.9,999.9,10," ")0C
( 1,"C ","LG ",21,21,"-", 98.7, 1,"G",999.9,"04/09/98 0", 1,"14:15 ")67
( 1,"T ","ASTM D56(C) ","N", 1, 0, 0,999.9,999,999, 1, 0.5, 38.7,"N", 53, 58,999)67

FP170 5G2:
( 1,"R ","CYCLO-HEXANON","090498#1 ", 1,99,"C", 43.7, 43.7, 44.3,999.9,999.9,10," ")AD
( 1,"C ","LG ",21,21,"-", 98.7, 1,"G",999.9,"09/04/98 ", 0,"13:16 ")64
( 1,"T ","ISO 13736(C)","N", 1, 1, 0,999.9,999,999, 1, 0.5, 34.7,"N", 53, 58,999)4F
Heating rate


Test start

Test end

The value 999 indicates that the field is not being used or is reserved for a future use.


(Code : ASCII - 90 characters)

( XY, " R" ," SSSSSSSSSSSS" ," NNNNNNNNNNNN" ,P P ,9 9 ," T " ,EEE.E,FFF.F,CCC.C,9 9 9 .9 ,
9 9 9 . 9 ,ZZ," A" ) CK CR LF

XY = Analyzer number
R = Result
S...S = Sample ID
N...N = Sample No
PP = Test No
99 Non used
EEE.E = Expected Flash Point
FFF.F = Flash point
CCC.C = Corrected flash point
999.9 = Non used
ZZ = Test stopped by flash point detection.
10: flash detection
13: flash safety detection
A = Calibration indicator

DOCV208A001-C Page II-81

5.3.3 - Conditions of a test run
The following details are transmitted if this parameter is set at "Y". The maximum number of characters
displayed/printed are indicated.

Identification Number of Description

Analyzer number 2
Type of message identifier 2 «C» (for contents)
Operator name 12
“In spec” page no. 2
“Out of spec” page no. 2
“In spec” indicator 1 «Y», «N» or «-»(yes , no or not requested)
Atmospheric pressure 5
Pressure unit 2 0 or 1 (mmHg ou kPa)
Type of igniter 1 «G» (gas)
Glow plug current 5 amperes
The date configured on the Analyzer 10 for example «JJ/MM/YY»
Format of the date 2 0, 1, 2 or 3 ( JJ/MM/YY, MM/JJ/YY,
Time of the end of the test run 6 for example «HH:MM»

5.3.4 - Test contents

If "Test contents" is configured "Y", all the test program parameters, as described in chapter 1 - PROGRAMMING:
TESTS, PAGES, SAMPLES, OPERATORS, ETC. page II-51 are transmitted. The maximum number of characters
displayed/printed are indicated.

FP56 5G2:

Number of
Identification Description
Analyzer number 2
Type of message identifier 2 «T» (for test)
Program name 12
Rounded 2 0, 1, 2 (None, ASTM D93 or ISO/NF/EN)
Barometric correction 1 «O» or «N»
Non used 2
Non used 2
"Test every" of initial phase 5
Start test temperature of initial phase 3
Non used 3
Heating rate standard phase 2 0, 1, 2 or 3 (low, A, B, or high)
"Test every" of standard phase 5
Start test temperature of standard phase 5 (the real temperature value is sent)
Go-No Go 1 «Y» or «N»
Pre-safety alarm 3 «Y» or «N»
Safety alarm 3 «Y» or «N»
Non used 3 Always 999

Page II-82 DOCV208A001-C


FP170 5G2:

Number of
Identification Description
Analyzer number 2
Type of message identifier 2 «T» (for test)
Program name 12
Rounded 2 0, 1, 2 (None, ASTM D93 or ISO/NF/EN)
Barometric correction 1 «O» or «N»
Stirring speed 2 0: None / 1: ISO / 2: NF
Non used 2
Heating rate initial phase 2 0, 1 or 2 (None, A or high)
"Test every" of initial phase 5
Start test temperature of initial phase 3
Non used 2
Heating rate standard phase 2 0, 1, 2 or 3 (low, A, B, or high)
"Test every" of standard phase 5
Start test temperature of standard phase 5 (the real temperature value is sent)
Go-No Go 1 «Y» or «N»
Pre-safety alarm 3 «Y» or «N»
Safety alarm 3 «Y» or «N»
Non used 3 Always 999

DOCV208A001-C Page II-83

It is possible to use a special program such as Software Winwedge™ pour Windows™ from TAL Enterprises. Such
a program allows data to be collected and saved in a specific file format or to transfer them directly into a Windows
application (spreadsheet, database, etc.) via DDE.


Reception of result and test context messages. Translation to delimited ASCII format using Wedge software (Version
3.0 Professional Edition).

5.4.1 - Analyzer setup

• Hardware setup: 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, parity - none.
• End of transmission character: EOT = 3
• Flow control: None, software flow control (XON/XOFF) or hardware flow control (RTS/CTS).
• Transmitted data: Results (always sent) and test context.

5.4.2 - Software setup "Port" Menu, "Settings" control

• Settings: 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, parity - none,

• Flow Control: Same as Analyzer,
• Input buffer size: 1024 octets

If hardware flow control is used, connect the PC COM port RTS to the Analyzer CTS. Start and End of Record

• Select "Input Data Record Structure" in the "Define" menu.

Start of record event: Any character received

End of record event: Special character received (3 = ETX) Input Record Structure

• Select the "CONTINUE" button and choose "Multiple fixed length data fields". Input Record Definition

• Select "CONTINUE". A maximum of 40 fields are allowed. In the example, 32 fields will be entered.
• Click on the "NEXT FIELD" button to go to the next field. There is also a "PREVIOUS FIELD" button.

The resulting file is delimited ASCII format, read by spreadsheets and database software (the fields are delimited by
commas, alphanumeric chains are in inverted commas and the end of record is by CR/LF).

The fields "None" above can be replaced by "Ignore this field", if they are not required.

Page II-84 DOCV208A001-C


Field Input Filter Length Note

1 Ignore this field 1
2 None 3
3 None 5
4 None 15
5 None 15
6 None 3
7 None 3
8 None 4
9 None 6
10 None 6
11 None 6
12 None 6
13 None 6
14 None 3
15 None 3
16 Ignore this field 6 Field Postamble Keystroke : , (virgule)
17 None 3
18 None 5
19 None 15
20 None 3
21 None 3
22 None 4
23 None 6
24 None 4
25 None 6
27 None 13
28 None 3
29 None 8
30 Ignore this field 3
31 None 2
32 Ignore this field 1

DOCV208A001-C Page II-85

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Regular maintenance operations have already been tackled in previous parts:

Cleaning the cup, the cover and their accessories (in PART I - section 7.7 - page I-47)
Adjusting the test flame and the pilot light (in PART I - section page I-30)
The temperature measurement check (in PART I - section 6.1 - page I-42)


After checking sample temperature measurements and atmospheric pressure, as described in PART I - chapter 6 -
MEASUREMENT CHECKS AND SETTINGS page I-40, it may be necessary to perform adjustments on the
corresponding measurement circuits.

No adjustments can be made during a test.

• Select "QUALITY" in the main menu.

Temperature measurement calibration
Next calibration date: DD/MM/YY

Probe correction table

Bath temperature calibration
Atmospheric pressure calibration



Temperature measure calibration
Calibration frequency: 365 days
Next calibration date: DD/MM/YY
Start test refusal: N


2.1.1 - Adjustment periodicity and test start refusal

• Select "CALIBRATION FREQUENCY" and enter the periodicity (0-365 days). "0" means that no calibration
periodicity has been programmed. Validate with (ENT).
• Use the "START TEST REFUSAL" key to display "Y" or "N" (Flip-Flop). If this parameter is configured "Y", no
test may be started after the period defined for "CALIBRATION FREQUENCY".

Entry in this menu requires that the entire calibration procedure be completed.
Consequently, before starting this procedure, make sure that you are in possession of the ISL
PS 100 probe simulator or certified resistors.

DOCV208A001-C Page III-89

2.1.2 - Adjustment of sample temperature measurement circuit
To adjust the sample temperature measurement, the operator must disconnect the temperature probe and replace it
with an ISL PS 100 probe simulator.



Operator: OP1
Calibration reference: REF
Use -50 / 100°C probe simulator
Use resistance values


• Enter the operator name and the calibration reference.

If the probe simulator has not been certified -50°C/+100°C, the resistance values must be certified
and the exact values must be entered. This certification can be performed by ISL or any other
authorized organization. Values of certified resistors - enter exact values



Resistance on position -50: 80.31 ohms

Resistance on position 100: 138.50 ohms


• Enter the exact values (with 2 decimal places) of the resistors placed in the -50 et 100°C positions. Typical values
for ISL probe simulator resistance values are given in the screen reproduction below.
• Select <Ok> to validate the values.

The "USE -50 / 100°C PROBE SIMULATOR" calibration screen appears.

Page III-90 DOCV208A001-C

QUALITY Certified probe simulator

The ISL PS 100 probe simulator is certified at - 50 and 100°C.

• Select " USE -50 / 100°C PROBE SIMULATOR".


CAUT I ON! B e sure the p r o b e simulato r

I s co nnected , then co ntinue.

- 50°C / - 58°F 100°C / 212 °F


• Select "- 50°C".


P o sitio n p r o b e simulato r r o tar y switch

o n -5 0 °C / -5 8 °F

Temperature: 0.X

<OK> when reading is stable

• Place the probe simulator switch in position "- 50°C".

• Wait for the "TEMPERATURE" and "A/D" displays to stabilize and select <OK>.

The previous screen appears.

• This time, select "100°C and the following screen is displayed :


Position probe simulator rotary switch

on 100°C / 212°F

Temperature: XXX.X

<OK> when reading is stable

• Place the probe simulator switch in position "100°C".

• Wait for the "TEMPERATURE" and "A/D" displays to stabilize and select <OK>.

The previous screen appears.

DOCV208A001-C Page III-91

• Select "QUALITY" in the main menu then select "PROBE CORRECTION TABLE".


Title: Name Tmp. unit: °C

Correction: (Reference - probe value)

* Please respect temperature unit *
<Edit table>

As indicated in the screen, probe correction is calculated by subtracting the probe temperature from
the temperature reading on the reference thermometer.

• Select "TITLE" and enter an identification title.

To modify the temperature units, use the "TMP. UNIT" key to display the correct units.

• Select <Edit table>.

There are 21 correction values between - 80°C / - 112°F and 320°C / 608°F at intervals of 20°C or 36°F. These
values are displayed over 2 pages. To display the second page, select <Down>.

The sign of the correction value (+/-) must be indicated and can be entered with one decimal place. A linearization
calculation is performed between the 21 values of the table.

For example:

Probe correction at 80°C = +0.1°C

Probe correction at 100°C = 0
Probe correction at 120°C = -0.2°C

At 110°C the corrected value will be 109.9°C (determined by a linearization calculation between 100 and 120°C).


- 80°C/- 112°F: 0.0 20°C/212°F : 0.0

- 60°C/- 76°F : 0.0 40°C/104°F : 0.0
- 40°C/- 40°F : 0.0 60°C/140°F : 0.0
- 20°C/ - 4°F : 0.0 80°C/176°F : 0.0
0°C/32°F : 0.0 100°C/212°F: 0.0

• To enter a correction, select a value, enter probe correction and select (ENT).
• For the second page of values, select <Down>.

If sample temperature is below - 50°C (- 58°F), the - 50°C temperature correction will be used. If the
sample temperature is 100°C (212°F), the 100°C temperature correction will be used. This
correction is applied during test only.

Page III-92 DOCV208A001-C



Bath temperature measurement circuit adjustment is done at ambient temperature and stable. So it is advised to
inhibit the bath temperature regulation (caused by EFP). For this:

• In the run menu, select another program than the one displayed that will lead to the EFP deleting and will stop the
bath temperature regulation or enter the value 999 as regulation temperature to inhibit the regulation function (refer
to the PART II - section 2.2.1 - Power on parameters page II-59).


Measured temperature : 25.8°CC

Ext read temperature : 25.8°C


• Use the sample temperature probe to measure the bath temperature: insert the probe in the drilling located at the
bottom of the bath.
• Press the “Measure” key of the “BATH TEMPERATURE TMP CALIBRATION” menu and wait for the sample
temperature measure stabilize.
• Read the sample temperature when it is stable.
• Press the <Exit> key to return to the previous screen.
• Select <Ext read temperature> and enter the value measured by the sample temperature probe.
• Select <Exit> to return to the “QUALITY” menu.


To adjust the atmospheric pressure, the operator must use a reference barometer.

• Select "QUALITY" in the main menu and then select "ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE CALIBRATION".


(Measured atm. pressure: PPP.P mmHg)

Ext. Barometric pressure: PPP.P

Pressure unit: kPa


• Select "ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE" and enter the value of atmospheric pressure read on the reference
barometer. Validate with (ENT).

To modify the pressure unit (mmHg/kPa), select "PRESSURE UNIT".

DOCV208A001-C Page III-93


This chapter describes how the "DIAGNOSTICS" sub-menu can be used to check the operation of the various parts
of the Analyzer. Refer also to the chapter 6 - TROUBLESHOOTING IDEAS page III-111 for additional
troubleshooting hints.

Any diagnostics cannot be performed on the Analyzer when a test is in progress. Similarly, a test
cannot be started on the Analyzer when in diagnostics mode.

• Select "SERVICE" in the main menu. The following screen is displayed:


Measures displayed Diagnostics

Service printing



3.1.1 - Diagnostics display

• Select "DIAGNOSTICS" in the "SERVICE" menu.

When the "DIAGNOSTICS" screen is displayed, the Analyzer is in diagnostics mode. The Analyzer remains in
diagnostics mode until <Exit> is selected.

FP56 5G2:

Flame RS-232 link: Off
Heating: Off Heating: 0 %
Cooling: Off Cooling: 0%


FP170 5G2:
Stirrer Printer
Flame RS-232 link: Off
Heating: A Heating: 0 %
Cooling: A Cooling: 0 %


When a diagnostic command is given, the operator can press <MEASURES> to check the device in question.

Page III-94 DOCV208A001-C


In general, the procedure is as follows:

1. Activate the command.

2. Check the corresponding displayed value (e.g., temperature of heating block, glow plug current, etc.) and/or
check the status of the corresponding device (e.g., the stirrer, the printout, the external interface, etc.).

When the heating and ignition devices (heating elements, gas supply SV, gas igniter and glow plug) are activated in
the diagnostics mode, they remain activated for 4 minutes.

3.1.2 - Measurement display

From the "DIAGNOSTICS" display select <MEASURES> or from the “SERVICE” select the “MEASURES


Sample tmp : SSS.S °T Bath tmp : BBB.B °T

A/D: sssss R: rrrr.rr A/D : bbbbb

Heating : C.C % Cooling : D.D %

Rate : R.R °C/min

Atm prs. : PPP.P KPa Glow plug :

A/D : ppppp A/D :


<Exit> <Print>

Display of "MEASURES" allows rapid verification of the various data and the corresponding A/D conversion. This
allows the detection of any anomalous values due to a faulty sensor or component.

• Press <Exit> to return to the "DIAGNOSTICS" screen.

Interpreting of status flags for input circuits

The "FLAGS" display in the "MEASUREMENTS" screen allows rapid verification of the status of the various input

A flag can have the value "0" or "1". The interpretation of flag values is as follows:

Letter Flag concerns Value Interpretation of flag

A Motor board status A=1 Fault signaled by the motor board soft
B Not used B=0
C Position of the stirrer arm C=1 Stirring in motion
D Position of the test flame arm D=1 Flame test in standby position
E Position of the test flame arm E=1 Application of flame test
F Shutter position F=1 Shutter security closed
G Flame test G=1 Flame test completed (impulse)
H Not used H=0
I Ignition type I=0 Gas ignition with glow plug
J Ignition type J=0 Electrical ignition
K Flash detection K=0 Flash point detection by thermocouple
L Not used L=0
M Gas flame M=1 Gas flame present
N Status of heating block thermocouple N=0 Heating block thermocouple present
O Fire detection O =1 Fire failure
P Position of the test arm P=0 Test arm locked above the cup

DOCV208A001-C Page III-95


3.2.1 - Heating
• Select "HEATING" on the right of the screen and enter a value corresponding to the power in percent to apply to
the heating block - between 50 and 100 in order to detect an increase in the measured temperature.
• Use "HEATING" on the left of the screen to display "ON", for power-on (Flip-flop).
• Select <MEASURES> to display the "MEASURES" screen and check the heating block temperature, "BATH
TMP" - the "HEATING" value (in %) will be the same as that entered in the "DIAGNOSTICS" screen.

An increase in the heating block temperature should be observed and the red heater light (see Picture 4 page I-20)
should be illuminated for the percentage of time requested for "HEATING" on the right of the screen in the

3.2.2 - Cooling
• Select "COOLING" to display "ON" (Flip-flop): the cooling solenoid valve of the heating block should be heard to
• Select <MEASURES> to display the "MEASURES" screen : the temperature displayed for "BATH TMP" should

3.2.3 - Printer
• Connect the printer and set to On-line.
• Select "PRINTER".

The following text should be printed.


Software VX.Y / Z.T Serial No.: NNN

Printer test



Software VX.Y / Z.T Serial No.: NNN

Printer test

3.2.4 - RS-232C external link

The host computer should be connected to the serial port and ready for data reception.

• Select "RS-232" to display "ON".

The external interface test message sent to the computer is:

(ISL FP56 5G2)


Page III-96 DOCV208A001-C


(ISL FP170 5G2)

3.2.5 - Stirrer (FP170 5G2)

• Select the following by Flip-Flop:
- "no" stirring,
- ISO standard stirring,
- NF standard stirring then return to "no" stirring.

3.2.6 - Ignition
• Select "FLAME" in the "DIAGNOSTICS" screen. The "FLAME DIAGNOSTIC" screen appears:


Gas SV: Off Glow plug: Off

Execute flame test


Each diagnostic function is independent, but before lighting the test flame or energizing the glow plug, cup and cover
must be in place and the igniter arm must be in the test position. Lighting the test flame

To light the test flame, the gas supply must be connected at the rear of the Analyzer.

• Select "Gas SV" to display "ON". The sound of the solenoid valve clicking open should be heard.
• Press the "GLOW PLUG" key to display "ON". The glow plug should light the pilot light and the test flame. After
lighting the test flame, select "OFF" to extinguish the igniter flame.
• To apply the flame, select "EXECUTE FLAME TEST".
• Select "OFF" at solenoid valve to extinguish the flame. Electrical igniter

• Press the "GLOW PLUG" key to display "ON" to energize the glow plug.
• Select <MEASURES> and check the displayed "GLOW PLUG" current. It should be about 7A and the "A/D"
conversion should display about 7000.
• To apply the igniter, select "EXECUTE FLAME TEST".

DOCV208A001-C Page III-97

It is recommended to keep copies of the internal parameters, measurements and adjustment check. The "SERVICE
PRINTING" menu of "SERVICE” menu allows printout of these parameters.

• Select "SERVICE" in the main menu then select "SERVICE PRINTING":


Internal parameters list

Regulation check: 0
Printer reset


3.3.1 - Internal parameters

On reception of the Analyzer, it is recommended to make a printout of the internal parameters.


3.3.2 - Measures
To printout the current measures, select "MEASURES" in the "SERVICE PRINTING" sub-menu.

The current measures may be displayed and also printed by selecting "MEASURES DISPLAY" in the "SERVICE"
menu or by selecting “MEASURES” in the “DIAGNOSTIC” menu (refer to the section 3.1.2 - Measurement display
page III-95).

3.3.3 - Regulation check

The "SERVICE PRINTING" sub-menu also allows printout of the regulation check during the heating and test
There are two possibilities for the "REGULATION CHECK" parameter of the "SERVICE PRINTING" sub-menu.

• "0": no regulation printing, the default value at test start.

• "1": Printing of regulation on printer (connected and on-line).

A printout in the format of titled columns is obtained.

3.3.4 - Printer reset

Select "PRINTER RESET" from the "SERVICE PRINTING" sub-menu.

Page III-98 DOCV208A001-C



This chapter covers service parameter configuration and service parameter functions specific to access level 2. If
access is denied, the system displays the required access level.
Service parameter configuration for access levels 0 and 1 is explained in PART II - section 2.2.2 - Safety
parameters page II-59.
On reception of the Analyzer, it is recommended to make a printout of the internal parameters (refer to the previous
section 3.3.1 - Internal parameters page III-98).
• Select "ANALYZER SETUP" from the main menu.
• Select "TECHNICAL SETUP" in the "ANALYZER SETUP" menu.

Service password:
Regulation parameters
Buzzer pulse width: W
Sample temperature calibration values
Upload / Download


Factory Set Passwords are the following :
The Laboratory password (level 1) is 0. The master password is 3174.
The Service password (level 2) is 0. The master password is 6216.
For Laboratory password (Access level 1) modification, refer to the PART II - section 2.5 - LABORATORY
SETUP page II-65.
For Service password (Access level 2) modification, proceed as follows:
• Enter the new password using a maximum of 5 digits.
• Validate using (ENT).


The PID regulation parameters can be adjusted by the Analyzer’s service engineer.


Kp: pp
Ti: iii s
Td: d s
Delta t: xx s


Normally these values are not modified.

DOCV208A001-C Page III-99

This parameter is used to modulate the active pulse of the error and report alarm buzzer (intermittent).

Fault alarms: continuous buzzer activation.

Error and report alarms: modulation of the buzzer activation with pulse width programmable using
this parameter.
Warning alarms: modulation of buzzer activation with pulse width half of that programmed.

• Select "BUZZER PULSE WIDTH" and enter a value between 1 and 100. Validate using (ENT).


The high and low reference resistance values relate to sample temperature. They are set by automatic calibration and
normally need not be subsequently modified (refer to the section 2.1.2 - Adjustment of sample temperature
measurement circuit page III-90).

If these values are manually modified, it will be indicated by the appearance of an asterisk when results are displayed
or printed out. Refer to section B of the "RESULTS AND PRINTING" chapter.


A PC program is provided with the standard Analyzer for uploading internal parameters to a host computer and
downloading of the internal parameters from a host computer using the Service port. It is also possible to upgrade the
Analyzer program and texts software in the same way. In the latter case an upgrading diskette is used.

An external link cable is provided for connection to the PC.

Modem signals are not provided during downloading. If necessary, transfer by modem should be carried out in 2
1. Transfer between 2 PCs by modem
2. Local transfer between PC and Analyzer without modem signals.

The transfer mode (uploading / downloading) is a specific Analyzer mode. The Analyzer switches to this mode:
Either by automatic detection of a transfer requirement (signaled on the PC screen),
Or on request by the operator from the Analyzer keypad.

In the former case, the Analyzer cannot leave transfer mode until it has succeeded in linking with the host PC.
In the latter case, it is best not to try to quit the transfer mode. If the downloading process has begun, then some of
the memory has probably been deleted. If an error has been made, the best method is to let the transfer continue its
course and start the transfer over again. When the Analyzer is switched off during downloading, on switching on
again, it will detect a transfer requirement and will signal this requirement to a connected PC on which the transfer
program is running.

Page III-100 DOCV208A001-C


4.5.1 - Principle of Transfer Procedure

The Analyzer goes into transfer mode, either by automatic detection or by operator request, it waits for transmission
from the PC.
Once the PC transfer program is loaded, it sends a message to the Analyzer.
The Analyzer indicates the type of transfer required. After a safety protection exchange between the PC and the
Analyzer, the PC sends the required information to the Analyzer, which treats this information.
The PC confirms the termination of the transfer.

4.5.2 - Installation and Starting the Transfer Program

Follow the instructions of file.

4.5.3 - Transfer requested by the operator

• Switch off the host PC and the Analyzer and connect the external link cable between the Service port at the rear of
the Analyzer and the host PC.
• Switch on the PC and the Analyzer.
On the Analyzer (if the transfer is requested b the operator)
• Select "Upload/download" in the "TECHNICAL SETUP" submenu.


Internal parameters upload

Internal parameters download

Analyzer software download


• Select the required command (the upload is performed towards the PC).

The Analyzer display indicates the type of transfer expected.

On the PC
• Start the transfer program on the PC as explained in the "" file - refer to the section 4.5.2 - page III-101.
• Enter the communications serial port (COM) as requested (1 or 2). Confirm by (ENT).
Analyzer Program and Texts Software Downloading
• Type in the name and extension of the information file named FP93.Vxx (xx being the software version) and
confirm by (ENT).
Service Parameters Uploading/Downloading
• Input the file name requested (the name and extension must be given) and press (ENT) to confirm.

During uploading of service parameters to the PC, do not use the original filename. A name
containing the date could be used, for example, SPDDMMYY.NVM.

DOCV208A001-C Page III-101

On the Analyzer
The Analyzer screen informs the operator of the function in progress.
End of transfer
If transfer has been completed successfully :
• The Analyzer is reset automatically.

4.5.4 - Unsuccessful transfer to Analyzer or no display on switching on

If the transfer (which has begun) has not been successful, the Analyzer should restart the process. Also, if there is no
display on switching on, this method may also be used and a transfer requirement should be signaled on the PC.

• Switch off the Analyzer and the PC

• Switch them both on again.
• Start up the transfer program as before (section 4.5.2 - page III-101). If a download is necessary, the Analyzer
automatically detects this need.

When the Analyzer is waiting for a download, the red LED will flash every second.
A downloading in progress is indicated by rapid flashing which is related to the rate of data transfer.

Page III-102 DOCV208A001-C



Switch off the Analyzer and disconnect it from the mains before removing the housing.
If the service operations require you to switch on the Analyzer, switch it off again before
disconnecting or removing any electrically powered components.

5.1.1 - Dismounting the control unit housing cover

• Remove the 2 mushroom head screws on the bottom left

corners of the Analyzer control unit.
• Remove the mushroom head screw on the top left corner
(near the LCD screen).
• Remove the mushroom head screw from the top right
rear corner of the control unit housing.
• From the rear, slid the housing cover to the rear so as to
disengage the positioning tabs in the rear of the LCD
screen housing. Remove the housing cover to the rear.

To reassemble the housing cover, proceed in the reverse


Always replace the housing cover before switching on the Analyzer.

5.1.2 - Dismounting the facing cover of the control unit

• Remove the 2 mushroom head screws securing the

facing cover of the control unit accessible from under
the Analyzer.

Page III-103 DOCV208A001-C

5.1.3 - Dismounting the test unit housing cover

Top ring of the

Grommet for
external fire
Stainless steel safety device

Lateral end-plate Gas supply


Securing screws of
the rear plate

Inlet / outlet of
Stainless steel
the heat
rear plate
exchanging liquid

Picture 11: Rear side view of the Analyzer

• Loosen the 2 securing screws of the stainless steel rear plate and remove it
• Pull the lateral end-plate towards the rear to remove it
• If necessary, unscrew the top ring of the bath
• Pull the stainless steel cover backwards then lift


Use the relevant photographs to locate the various components. Indications for the “side” of the Analyzer are given
when looking from the front of the Analyzer.

The spare part list, DOCV208X200, is attached to the user Manual. Open this file from the contents.


Safe Ram

Connector (J1)
for external fire

Control unit

Picture 12: Internal topview of the control unit

Page III-104 DOCV208A001-C


Central Unit
Board +

boards power
supply box

Screw for power

supply box

Picture 13: Left inside view – Control unit

Bath Fuse

regulation board

Picture 14: Right inside view – Test unit

DOCV208A001-C Page III-105


5.3.1 - Sample temperature probe replacement

• Disconnect the sample temperature probe from its connector (see Picture 4 page I-20) located on lateral right side
connection panel of the test unit.
• Replace it by the new probe: refer to PART I - section 3.3.5 - page I-27 for positioning.

5.3.2 - Flash point detector thermocouple replacement

• Disconnect the Flash point detector thermocouple from its connector (see Picture 4 page I-20) located on lateral
right side connection panel of the test unit.
• Replace it by the new thermocouple : refer to PART I - section 3.4.1 - page I-28 for positioning..

5.3.3 - Igniter replacement

• Disconnect the igniter (glow plug) from its connector (see Picture 4 page I-20) located on lateral right side
connection panel of the test unit.
• Replace it by the new igniter: refer to PART I - section 3.4.2 - page I-29 for positioning..

5.3.4 - Solenoid valve replacement Cooling bath S.V. replacement

• Switch off the Analyzer and disconnect the cooling fluid 1

from the inlet connector at the rear panel (see Picture 11
page III-104). 3
• Remove the stainless steel rear plate (refer to the section 0
page III-104).
• Remove the securing nut for the outlet connector fixing 2
device (4) for the cooling circuit.
• Unscrew the securing nut (2) for the inlet connector on the
solenoid valve. 5
• Remove the 2 securing screws for the solenoid valve
support (5) (accessible from under the Analyzer).
• Extract the solenoid valve and its support. 4

• Remove the screw or the clip securing the magnetizing coil

(1) on the solenoid valve to separate them.
• Remove the solenoid valve from its support unscrewing the
2 screws (6). 6
• Install the new solenoid valve on the support (5) then
proceed in reverse order to re-install the various

If it turned out that magnetizing coil should be replaced:

• Remove the Control Unit housing cover (refer to the section 5.1.1 - page III-103).
• On the Acquisition board, disconnect the connector for the magnetizing coil power supply wires (J17) for the
cooling solenoid valve (refer to the Picture 12 page III-104).
• Remove the screw or the clip securing the magnetizing coil (1) on the solenoid valve to separate them.
• Remove the magnetizing coil, wires and connector and replace it by a new one.
• Reassemble the new magnetizing coil proceeding in the reverse order.

Page III-106 DOCV208A001-C


• Cut the gas supply and disconnect the gas inlet tube from the rear of the Analyzer.
• Remove the Control unit housing cover (refer to the section 5.1.1 - page III-103).
• Remove the securing nut for the gas tube on the solenoid valve.
• Remove the 2 securing screws for the solenoid valve support accessible from the rear of the Analyzer.
• Extract the solenoid valve and its support.
• Remove the screw or the clip securing the magnetizing coil on the solenoid valve to separate them.
• Remove the solenoid valve from its support.
• Install the new solenoid valve on the support then proceed in reverse order to re-install the various components.

If it turned out that magnetizing coil should be replaced:

• Cut the gas supply.

• Remove the Control unit housing cover (refer to the section 5.1.1 - page III-103).
• On the Acquisition board, disconnect the connector for the magnetizing coil power supply wires (J11) (refer to the
Picture 12 page III-104).
• Remove the screw or the clip securing the magnetizing coil on the solenoid valve to separate them.
• Remove the magnetizing coil, wires and connector and replace it by a new one.
• Reassemble the new magnetizing coil proceeding in the reverse order. Pilot light and test flame adjusting valve

• Cut the gas supply.

• Remove the facing cover of the control unit (refer to the section 5.1.2 - page III-103).
• Unscrew the 2 fixing nuts of the gas tubes on the valve to replace and disconnect the gas tubes from the valve.
• Loosen the nuts securing the adjusting valve to its support.
• Remove the valve and replace it proceeding in the reverse order to assemble the new one and the gas tubes.
• Turn on the gas supply.
• Adjust the valve of the circuit concerned (refer to the PART I - section page I-30).

5.3.5 - Fuses replacement

Switch off the Analyzer and disconnect it from the mains before removing fuses.

Use only fuses of the correct type and rating as indicated in the list of spare parts, DOCV208X200 (see attached file
accessible from the content). Thermofuse

• Disconnect the thermofuse located on the lateral right side connection panel of the test unit (see Picture 4 page I-
• Replace the damaged thermofuse by a new one. General fuses

The 2 general fuses are situated at the rear of the unit under the power supply socket. To remove them:

• Use a screwdriver to open (downwards) the small protection cover. Use the screwdriver to unlock the
corresponding fuse holder.
• Remove the fuse holder and replace the fuse: 6,3A / 230V - 10A / 115V.

DOCV208A001-C Page III-107 Electronic boards power supply fuse

The power supply box K01069 for electronic boards contains a fuse. To replace it:
• Remove the control unit housing cover (refer to the section 5.1.1 - page III-103).
• Locate the power supply box for electronic boards under the Central Unit board and the Acquisition board (see
Picture 13 page III-105).
• Remove the 3 securing screws for the power supply box accessible from under the Analyzer.
• Extract the box without disconnecting it.
• Unscrew the 6 securing screws for the power supply box: 2 screws in the top of each side.
• Remove the fuse from its holder and replace it: 6,3A / 230V Heating control board protistor fuse

The electronic board Y20801 controlling the heating contains a fuse. To replace it:
• Remove the stainless steel rear plate then the lateral end plate (refer to the section 0page III-104).
• Locate the Heating control board next to the bath and the fuse (see Picture 14 page III-105).
• Remove the fuse from its support and replace it: 10x38 8A

5.3.6 - Battery trouble: replacing the battery

If a “low battery” failure is signaled when the Analyzer is switched on, proceed as explained in the PART II -
section 3.5.19 - “Low battery” page II-72.

Do not replace the battery before printing or uploading (towards a PC file) the internal
parameters of the Analyzer.
Before handling the processor board or any other electronic components, touch a grounded
metallic element to discharge yourself.


• Remove the control unit housing cover (refer to the section 5.1.1 - page III-103).
• Locate the safe Ram memory battery on the Control unit board (see Picture 12 page III-104) and replace it.
• Reassemble the Analyzer control unit housing cover.
• Power on the Analyzer: the alarm is triggered on.
• Display the origin of the triggered alarm: “Low battery” and acknowledge it.
• The following screen appears:

ISL FP56 5G2

Software V5.2/V5.2 (c) ISL, 2002

The safe memory is not valid.
Select the restore mode:
Download from PC (*)
Set default values (*)
(*) calibration is recommended

• Select the restore mode for internal parameters:

By downloading if they were beforehand saved by uploading to a PC file (refer to the section 4.5.3 - III-
101): select “Download from PC (*)”
By default values initialization if they were beforehand printed: select “Set default values (*)”. The
following screen appears:

Page III-108 DOCV208A001-C


Analyzer serial number : 0

<Cancel> <Set default values>

- Press the “Analyzer serial number:” key and enter the Analyzer serial number.
- Press the “Set default values” key: parameters are initialized.
- Check Analyzer parameters compared with ones printed (refer to the PART II - section 3.5.19 - “Low battery”
page II-72) and complete them.

• Carry out an automatic adjustment for sample temperature measurement, for bath temperature measurement and for
atmospheric pressure measurement.


It is possible to connect an external alarm device onto the Analyzer. The series contact provided for the connection
of the user’s external alarm device functions as an ON/OFF switch for the user’s device. The user must provide the
power supply for his alarm device.

To stop the alarm, the Analyzer must be switched off.

5.4.1 - Characteristics of the series contact provided

This connector has 2 connection positions such as (when a fire is detected):

Thermofuse OK and in place : 2 - 3 closed

1 - 2 opened
Thermofuse blown or removed : 2 - 3 opened
1 - 2 closed

Connector J1
1 2 3

Detail 1: Acquisition board detail – connector (J1)

Characteristics: Voltage 230 V

Contact ratings : 230 V AC 3A – 110 V DC 3A

DOCV208A001-C Page III-109

5.4.2 - Series contact connection
To connect an external alarm device, the control unit housing cover must be removed as described in the section
5.1.1 - page III-103.
At the rear of the Analyzer :
• Locate the grommet below the fan at the rear of the control unit (see Picture 11 page III-104).
• Pass the wiring of the external alarm device through this opening.
• In accordance with the requirements of the external alarm device and using the operation details given at the
beginning of this section, connect the wiring of the device to the connector (J1) on the Acquisition board (see
Picture 12 page III-104) – connector located near the ventilator – connection made by screw,.
• Reassemble the Analyzer housing cover.

5.4.3 - Fire detection test, thermofuse replacing

If an external fire extinguishing system has been connected by the user, disconnect
it before the following verification.

To test the Fire Detection alarm, switch off the Analyzer and remove the thermofuse by unplugging it. Switch on the
Analyzer without the thermofuse. The Fire Detection alarm should be triggered.

To stop the audio alarm, switch off the Analyzer.

Page III-110 DOCV208A001-C




Q1 I pressed the (STOP) key before noting the result. How can I recover the result?

A1 Select "Last run result" in the main menu and choose "Display" to display the last result.

Q2 There was a printer problem during automatic result printing at the end of the test. What can I do?
A2 Select " Last run result" in the main menu and choose "Print" to print out the result again.

Q3 Can I validate results before they are transmitted on the RS232 link?"

A3 The Analyzer must be configured to request validation before transmission, you can then simply select
"Last run result" from the main menu for each test.

Q4 Can I lock the Analyzer so that it performs only one given test, ISO 13736 for example? Is it
possible to make this test the failure test at power up?

A4 The failure test at power up can be configured (numbers 1 to 20). The test used in Run Menu can be
locked using "Customize Run Menu Screen".

Q5 I created a test in Main menu, can I use it whilst locking access to the Analyzer (i.e., access level 0)?

A5 It is possible if the test has been saved before leaving Main menu.

Q6 I am creating a test in Main menu. Can I run this test or another test in Run Menu?"

A6 It is always possible to leave Main menu to return to Run Menu. In all cases, it is necessary to save a test
created in Main menu if you wish to use it in Run Menu or simply keep it.

Q7 I have a sample which is seldom tested. Can I limit the memory allocation for saving this sample?

A7 Select the "Pages edit" function which allows the definition of the maximum number of results (5, 10, 15,
20, etc.) which can be saved in each of the pages. Select the "Results pages allocation" function to display
the current configuration.

Q8 I do not want to save results which our outside of the specifications I defined in the corresponding
results page. How can I do this?

A8 During creation of the pre-programmed sample, specify your page number as "in spec" and specify 21 as
the "out of spec" page number.

Q9 If I use an "in spec" page and define page 21 as the "out of spec" page, will I still get an end of test
alarm if the result is out of spec?

A9 Yes. The "End of test: flash" alarm will be triggered as usual. In addition, the test which allows detection
of the "Result out of spec" alarm is performed on the basis of the specifications in the "in spec" page.
Both alarms will be displayed on pressing (ALARM STOP).

DOCV208A001-C Page III-111

Q10 I would like to perform the In spec/Out of spec test but I don’t want to save the results. How can I
do this?

A10 The specification test is related to a page from 1 to 20. This test can only be performed if such a page has
been defined, a consequence of which is that the results will be saved there. Saving of results is an
Analyzer option which you can choose not to use. Results will be saved, the most recent overwriting the
oldest without any intervention required from the user.
Note: If you want to allocate the maximum space for saving results from other samples, you can limit the
allocation for this page to the minimum value of 5 results.

Q11 Is it possible in Run Menu to select a pre-programmed sample then change the test program
number on the Run Menu screen?

A11 A pre-programmed sample is always associated with a test program and possibly with a specification
(defined by an "in the spec" page). If the test program number is modified as suggested, the sample
identifier and the results page numbers will automatically be deleted.

Q12 Can I use the same results page for different samples?

A12 Yes. However, this may limit the relevance of the "Statistics" function, which would become redundant.

Q13 Why can I not define specifications for page 21?

A13 Page 21 is intended for saving:

• results from non pre-programmed samples,
• any out of spec results from pre-programmed samples, etc.
For this reason, no specification test is provided for this page, which receives results from different

Q14 Can I request statistical calculations on page 21?

A14 For the same reason given above, use of the "Statistics" function on results saved in page 21 would be

Q15 Can I configure the Analyzer for pressure units other than those used during the automatic
correction of atmospheric pressure?

A15 Yes. For example, if automatic correction is performed in mmHg, it is possible to run the Analyzer using

Page III-112 DOCV208A001-C




• Remove the test unit lateral end-plate (refer to the section 5.1.2 - Dismounting the facing cover of the control unit
page III-103) on the right side of the Analyzer.
• Install the draught protection accessories following the diagram below:

• Re-install the end-plate assembly of the Plexiglas protection on the side of the Analyzer proceeding in reverse

DOCV208A001-C Page III-113

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(ENT) 29
(RESET) 29
(STOP) 29
Flash point................................................................. I-22
A Diagnostics .................................................................... I-23
Dimensions .................................................................... I-24
Abnormal atmospheric pressure ................................... II-71 Display........................................................................... I-36
Abnormal heating rate .................................................. II-70 Download
Access codes ................................................................. I-41 Service parameters................................................ III-100
Accessories Download
Available for analyzer ............................................... I-23 Principle of transfer .............................................. III-101
Installation / using.................................................III-113 Download
Of the cover .............................................................. I-19 Installation and starting of program...................... III-101
Adjustment check........................................................III-98 Download
Adjustments Transfer requested by the operator ....................... III-101
The Quality menu ...................................................III-89 Download
ALAN............................................................................ I-26 Software code / Software texts...........................III-101
Alarms .......................................................................... II-67 Download
Error and signalization.............................................. I-40 Service parameters .............................................III-101
Types........................................................................ II-67 Download
Analyzer Unsuccessful transfer............................................ III-102
FP56 5G2 / FP170 5G2 ............................................ I-17 Draught
Arrow keys .................................................................... I-35 Protection ............................................................. III-113
ASTM D 56 (FP56 5G2) EN/ISO 13736, NF T 66-009
(FP170 5G2) E
Standards summary................................................... I-16
C Ignition ...................................................................... I-22
End of test
Calibration flash ..........................................................................II-73
Periodicity...............................................................III-89 End of test
Sample temperature measurement...........................III-89 no flash .....................................................................II-73
Cleaning ........................................................................ I-47 End of Transmission (EOT) Character
Computer on-line RS-232 .....................................................................II-62
RS-232 ..................................................................... II-64 ENQ/ACK protocol
Conditions of a test run RS-232 .....................................................................II-63
RS-232 ..................................................................... II-82 Entry
Configuration Flip-flop .................................................................... I-37
Software.................................................................... I-23 Environnement
Connections................................................................... I-26 Printing.....................................................................II-79
Control unit ................................................................... I-18 Examples of transmitted messages
Cooling.......................................................................... I-24 RS-232 .....................................................................II-81
Diagnostics .............................................................III-96 External link .................................................................. I-25
Cooling system.............................................................. I-21 External link test
Correction table...........................................................III-92 RS-232C...................................................................II-64
Run mode screen...................................................... II-57 F
D Failure
Safe memory.............................................................II-69
Data flow control Failure
RS-232 ..................................................................... II-62 Other alarms .............................................................. I-40
Definitions Failure
EFP Expected Flash Point ........................................ I-16 Glow plug current failure .........................................II-70
Flash point ................................................................ I-16 Failure
Delete Flat battery............................................................ III-108
Page contents ........................................................... II-77 Familiarization
Page name and contents ........................................... II-77 Utilization.................................................................. I-38
Detector Final phase

DOCV208A001-C Page 117

Test program ............................................................ II-54 O
Fire detection.........................................................I-25, I-40
Replacing thermofuse............................................III-110 Operators
Flame Display of the list..................................................... II-57
Setting ....................................................................... I-30
Flash detection failure .................................................. II-70 P
Flash on first flame test ................................................ II-72
Flash point..................................................................... I-16 Page display
Display..................................................................... II-57
Periodicity................................................................... III-89
G Power consumption........................................................I-24
Gas supply ..................................................................... I-25 Power-consuming device ...............................................I-17
GO-NO-GO .................................................................. II-54 Pre-safety alarm at EFP+
Program parameters ................................................. II-54 Program parameters ................................................. II-54
Graphics display Presentation
LCD .......................................................................... I-25 FP56 5G2 / FP170 5G2 .............................................I-17
Configuration........................................................... II-58
H Diagnostics ............................................................. III-96
Hardware flow control Initialization............................................................. II-79
RS-232 ..................................................................... II-63 Reset ....................................................................... III-98
Heating .......................................................................... I-24 Printer test.................................................................... II-79
Diagnostics..............................................................III-96 Printing
Heating element............................................................. I-21 Environnement ........................................................ II-79
Internal parameters ................................................. III-98
Measurements......................................................... III-98
Of regulation........................................................... III-98
Igniter ............................................................................ I-24 one sample ............................................................... II-79
Diagnostic ...............................................................III-97 One specification page............................................. II-79
Ignition .......................................................................... I-22 One test program ..................................................... II-79
Adjustment................................................................ I-29 Printing list
Electrical ignition...................................................... I-22 Operators ................................................................. II-79
Gas ignition............................................................... I-22 Results pages ........................................................... II-79
Installation ................................................................ I-29 Samples ................................................................... II-79
Initial phase Test programs .......................................................... II-79
Test program ............................................................ II-53 Probe
Installation and adjustment by operator......................... I-28 Connection ................................................................I-25
Internal parameters ......................................................III-98 Correction table ...................................................... III-92
Response time correction...........................................I-42
K Sample temperature ...................................................I-23
Probe correction.............................................................I-42
Keyboard ....................................................................... I-25 Program name
Keypad .......................................................................... I-34 Program parameters ................................................. II-52
Keys Programming................................................................ II-51
Function .................................................................... I-35
Regular maintenance......................................................I-48
Laboratory Request and reception of results
Configuration ........................................................... II-58 RS-232 .................................................................... II-63
Laboratory manager Results
Configuration ........................................................... II-58 Allocations of results pages ..................................... II-75
LCD............................................................................... I-25 Delete....................................................................... II-77
Dirt............................................................................ I-41 Display/printing....................................................... II-74
High temperatures and humidity ............................... I-41 Pages initialization................................................... II-77
Moisture / water ........................................................ I-41 Results out of spec ....................................................... II-72
Scratches ................................................................... I-41 RS 232 C........................................................................I-27
Vaccum cleaners ....................................................... I-41 RS 232C
External link setup................................................... II-60
M RS-232C
Connector ................................................................ II-80
Main menu..................................................................... I-45 Hardware setup ........................................................ II-61
Maintenance ................................................................III-89 Interface................................................................... II-80
Manual flame test ..................................................I-38, I-46 Software setup ......................................................... II-61
RS-232C interface
N Diagnostics ............................................................. III-96
RS-232C standard interface ......................................... II-80
No flame test ................................................................ II-69 Run menu
Using default program ...............................................I-45

Page 118 DOCV208A001-C


Using pre-programmed sample ................................. I-45 Program parameters..................................................II-52

Run mode screen Switching on .................................................................. I-32
Customize ................................................................ II-57
Temperature measurement ............................................. I-25
Safe battery Temperature unit
Troubles ................................................................III-108 Program parameters..................................................II-52
Safe memory Test contents
Failure...................................................................... II-69 RS-232 .....................................................................II-82
Safety Test every
Summary........................................................................ 8 Program parameters..................................................II-53
Safety alarm at EFP+ Test flame abnormally lit ..............................................II-72
Program parameter................................................... II-54 Test program
Safety features FP56 5G2 / FP170 5G2 system............. I-40 Identification and définition .....................................II-54
Safety orders Test running................................................................... I-46
LCD .......................................................................... I-41 Test starting
Safety parameters Preparation and procedure......................................... I-43
Setup ........................................................................ II-59 Test unit ......................................................................... I-19
Sample temperature measurement Tilting igniter................................................................. I-19
Calibration ..............................................................III-89 Transmission with protocol
Samples RS-232C...................................................................II-63
Display..................................................................... II-56 Transmission without protocol
Sampling ....................................................................... I-43 RS-232C...................................................................II-62
Do not switching on..............................................III-102 U
Flame ........................................................................ I-30 Unpacking
Shutter ........................................................................... I-23 After .......................................................................... I-26
Software code Utilization procedure
Download..............................................................III-100 With Run menu ......................................................... I-45
Software flow control
RS-232 ..................................................................... II-63 V
Software texts
Download..............................................................III-100 Validation
Specifications ................................................................ I-24 Automatic of results .................................................II-62
Stand-alone use ............................................................. I-25 Manual of results......................................................II-62
Standards....................................................................... I-24 Results ......................................................................II-62
Analyzers complied with standards........................... I-16 Values of certified resistors
Statistics ....................................................................... II-76 Temperature measurement calibration.................... III-90
Printing .................................................................... II-77
Status flags W
Input circuits, Measurement display .......................III-95
Stirrer Warning
Diagnostics .............................................................III-97 Alarms ....................................................................... I-40
Stirring .......................................................................... I-21
Stirring speed

DOCV208A001-C Page 119

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