CHCECE003 - Provide Care For Children

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CHCECE003 - Provide care for children

Summative assessment 1

Question 1 - According to National Regulations what are some of the physical

needs that education care services must cater for?

In accordance with the “National Regulations”, some relevant physical needs related to
education care services are:

 The design of the facilities premises must be appropriate for the kind service
 The environment must be inclusive, promoting competence and supports exploration
and play-based learning;
 All Premises, furniture and equipment in the facility must be safe, clean and well
 Outdoor and indoor spaces, buildings, fixtures and fittings must appropriate for the
purpose by allowing the access of all children.

Question 2 - Where can you access copies of the National quality framework
(NQF), National Quality standards (NQS) and the early years learning
framework (EYLF)? Where can you find more advice, support and information
about the NQS, NQF and EYLF? When navigating the EYLF what are the 5
outcome that you will find information about?

The copy of NQF, NQS and EYLF can be accessed through:

 Government website: “”;

 e-mail through [email protected];
 ACECQA website: and;
It is possible to get advice and more information about NQF, NQS and EYLF through
ACECQA websites, by phone 1300 422 327 and through States Regulatory Authority.

The learning outcomes relate to EYFL are:

 Learning Outcome 1: Children have a strong sense of identity

 Learning Outcome 2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world
 Learning Outcome 3: Children have a strong sense of wellbeing;
 Learning Outcome 4: Children are confident and involved
 Learning Outcome 5: Children are effective communicator

Question 3 - How would you encourage children to follow appropriate hygiene


Methods of encouraging children to follow appropriate hygiene practices are:

 Explaining carefully the procedure to the child;
 Keep relevant images on how they must to proceed;
 Congratulating when they behave appropriately, encouraging them to follow the
correct procedures.
It is required to encourage children to wash hands when:
 hands are dirty;
 before meals;
 After touch food;
 After touch animals;
 After have contact with any kind of fluid;
 after blowing nose.
In addition to that, it is necessary to encourage them to:
 cover mouth when they cough
 regular baths or showers
 Brush teeth regularly, especially after meals.
Question 4 - Describe the United Convention of the Rights of the child (150-
200 words)
The United Convention on the Rights of the Child is a treaty on the protection of children
and teenagers throughout the world, adopted in United Nations General Assembly
Resolution 44/25 on 20 November 1989. In order to ensure all young people to have access
to minimum conditions of life and being protected. It is used as guidelines to ensure that all
children have their rights guaranteed regardless background, social position, etc.
It is the most accepted human rights instrument in world history. It has been ratified by 196
Many standards, codes and legislation related to childhood are based in this convention
in order to ensure the compliance with what was established by the nations that compound
We can conclude that United Convention of the Rights of the Child is basically an
instrument that must be used to ensure that all children have access to minimum life
conditions which allows them to grow and develop physically and mentally based in their
basic needs.

Question 5 - What are some of the tasks that young children want and need to
learn to do by themselves?

Some of basic tasks that young children must need to learn to do by themselves are
related to self-care:
 Having Shower;
 Brush teeth;
 Use toilet;
 Wash hands;
 Refuse food from strangers;
 Capacity of negotiating;
 Persist when face with challenges;
 Recognize their own achievements.

Question 6 - Approved frameworks encourage belonging being and becoming

for children n education and care services.
Explain why it is important to stand back and allow children to make the
attempt to complete tasks without interference and what frameworks are
concerned with this.
The children must to learn basic tasks and carry out by themselves. The providers must
to firstly show and explain what is the desired behavior and on how to proceed. However, it
is necessary to give children some autonomy, inter-dependence, face new challenges,
increase capacity for self-regulation, recognize their achievement
Give some autonomy for children will stimulate their confidence and help them to learn
with their mistakes.
This is related to outcome of Children have a strong sense of identity.

Question 7 - Research what a code of ethics is and describe its

importance in a child care setting
It is a code of ethics developed for early childhood education and care environments and
based in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (1991). It provides a
framework to ensure ethical behavior when providing services for childhood and families in
early childhood settings. It was designed to work as a guideline for professional behavior,
and principles to give support for individual and collective decision-making.

Question 8 - Explain the sun protection procedures that should be

followed in an education and care setting
The policy and procedures related to sun protection are:
 Outdoor activities:
From October to March: It is advisable to reduce outdoor activity between 11 am and 3 pm.
Appropriated protection must be used at all times.
From April to September: Outdoor activities can be carried out during any time of the day;
however, protection is required between 10 am and 2 pm.

 Shade:
It is advisable to use natural or artificial shade in order to keep all children safe.
 Hats:
It is required that all personnel and children involved to use hats as protection from the
sun. If children have no hat protection, then should play in protected areas, with shade.
Also, it is necessary to evaluate the size of hat to protect face, neck and ears.
 Clothing:
All personnel involved, including children in the activities must wear appropriated clothes
that protect from the sun light, especially the shoulders, back and stomach.
 Sunscreen:
It is required to use at least SPF 30+ sunscreen by all people involved in the outdoor
activities, applied 20 minutes before the exposure to the sun. Also, it is necessary to
reapply every 2 hours.
 Babies:
Babies under 12 months should not be exposed to direct sunlight and are to remain in full
shade. They must use hat and clothes that protects from sun and appropriated sunscreen
of at least SPF 30+.
 Role modeling:
Usually, children copy the behavior of adults. Based on that, Staff and educators must be
the role model by:
- Wear sunglasses;
- wear hat;
- Comply with any required procedure;
- encourage others to behave appropriately.

Summative assessment 2

Part 1
To complete this activity, you will need access to an education
and care setting to observe the facilities that they offer. Describe the
service and the physical facilities (room, equipment etc). Draw up a
plan of the facility.
Explain how:
 The design of the facility provides for the physical care of
 Nutritional requirements of children and babies in care are met
 Clothing and temperature controls are monitored to ensure that
children are comfortable
 Hygiene procedures are explained for children
 Safety issues are explained, practiced and enforced
 The need of exercise is communicated for children in care
 Children are encouraged to learn to do things by themselves
 Children are encouraged to participate in food preparation and
 The emotional needs of children are cared for
 Temper tantrums and unacceptable behaviors are modified
 Children and parents are made comfortable about using the care
(1000-2000 words)

Plan of the facility

It was observed and evaluated an education and care facility. The facility
evaluated in this activity is a provider which is based learning framework from 6
months to 5 years of age. The facility premises are compounded basically by the
 Reception;
 Kitchen;
 2 bathrooms;
 playground;
 dinner room;
 Sleep room;
 Classroom;

The design of the facility provides for the physical care of children
All premises were built and organized in order to provide comfort and
safety for children. From sockets, furniture, drains, floors and corners, everything
has been designed and adapted for the safety of babies and children.
In addition to that, all children are supervised at all times by a skilled staff
team. Basically, the premises are equipped with some features:

 Rubber protection on all corners up to approx. 1 meter high;

 Gates adapted with special hinges and correct space in the gaps;
 Mosquito screens in enclosed spaces;
 Non-slip floors;
 Automatic emergency lights;
 Window and stairway safety net;
 Furniture with rounded edges;
 Drains of plastic material;
 Stairway with continuous railing;
 Age-appropriate furniture;
 Furniture without external handles;
 Indoor Security Cameras;
 Filtered Water Treatment;
 Playground sand treated and cleaned daily.

Nutritional requirements of children and babies in care are met

The provider has developed food meals with support of a nutritionist to

ensure that all food provided fulfill the requirements of the children based in the
The meals are prepared with health and fresh food in compliance with all
food standards, avoiding any kind of poisoning problems.
The meals may vary according to period of year and availability of
ingredients, but will focus in fulfill the nutritional and calories requirements of the
Clothing and temperature controls are monitored to ensure that
children are comfortable

Some areas are featured with air conditioning, which is monitored and
managed by the staff in order to provide temperature that is appropriate for the
children. In addition, the air conditioning system is cleaned regularly to avoid any
kind of disease.
In the outdoor areas, the children is required to wear appropriated clothes
to protect from the sun and/or lower temperatures (depending of the period of
year). The staff will monitor the children to ensure the compliance with the
needed requirements based in the circumstances presented.

Hygiene procedures are explained for children

The policy of the provider is to ensure that all children receive appropriate
information about personal hygiene. In addition to that, children are encouraged
to take care themselves.
There will be pictures which are self-explained on how to proceed with the
different tasks which the children must perform. Also, the staff will be ready to
give support for children in the different tasks, including:
 Washing hands;
 Preparing and eating food;
 Having shower;

Safety issues are explained, practiced and enforced

The premises were previously evaluated to find hazards that can harm
children and personnel involved. For that, a risk management plan was developed
and is updated regularly.
All risks related to safety of children are explained to them and skilled staff
are aware of it. Also, the parents or children's responsible are communicated
about the potential risks.
In addition to that, any food allergies, medicines that must be taken,
existing diseases must be communicated by the parents.
The provider keeps a first aid kit which the staff is able to use in emergency
The need of exercise is communicated for children in care

In order to ensure the health of children, it is very important to promote

aerobic exercises for expend energy. It will support weight control and avoid
children obesity, which is a great issue in Australia.
Specific plays and exercises are included in the daily activities.

Children are encouraged to learn to do things by themselves

Some of basic tasks that young children must need to learn to do by

themselves are related to self-care:
 Having Shower;
 Brush teeth;
 Use toilet;
 Wash hands;
All of these procedures are explained daily in order to ensure they are able to do
by themselves. The staff will be available at all times to give support.

Children are encouraged to participate in food preparation and

In order to incentive children to learn new tasks, the provider encourages
them to participate in the food preparation process by mixing ingredients, always
ensuring correct hygiene procedures, avoiding poisoning. It increases the children
engagement, creativity and satisfaction.
In addition to that, children can be taken in excursions to shops to help
choosing ingredients that are required for the food preparation, including
vegetables, fruits, etc.

The emotional needs of children are cared for

The staff work in order to ensure that all children feel safe, loved, accepted
and have a feeling of positive self-esteem.
For that, we encourage diversity and avoid any kind of discrimination from
any part. All children are treated equally and any kind of problem experienced is
communicated to the parents or responsible to find the best solution to address
any emotional problem faced.
Temper tantrums and unacceptable behaviors are modified
It is necessary to discourage any kind of behavior that is not acceptable. For
example, children who cry or be angry to get something that they want, must be
teach that this kind of behavior is ineffective. The staff is experienced on how to
deal with this kind of situation, showing the children what is the most
appropriated behavior.

Children and parents are made comfortable about using the care

The provider created an environment where both children and parents are
welcome. The parents are active listened to check what are their desires and are
provided with all relevant information about safety, hygiene, procedures and any
other important aspect to ensure their confidence.
The child care will provide the parents with phone contact to ensure easy
communication if required in order to strengthen the relationship between the
parents and the provider.
Part 2

A mother has phoned the service for which you work for to
arrange for her child to start attending. You organize a start date and
the mother tells you that both she and her child are feeling quite
anxious about the care situation.
She asks you to explain what the daily routines at the center are,
and to describe the meals that are produced, the hygiene practices
that will be followed, safety procedures and how children are handled
if they become emotional or upset.
She tells you that her child is very independent, likes to play with
puzzles and to paint but also enjoys outdoor activities.
What information will you give to the parent and how will you
ensure that she feels safe and secure leaving her child at the provider?
Explain in details how you would describe the service provider’s
facilities and its practices and how you would accommodate this child
(500-1500 words).
Firstly, it would be necessary to request all details of the children, including
if the children have any health problem, medicines that must be taken and/or
psychological barriers. After the collection of the personal data and evaluation of
the case, I would provide relevant information about the service provided to her
If she requires, I could meet her previously in person to explain the services
and the daily routine and presents the premises to ensure both child and mother
are confident with the provider's environment and service.
In order to ensure the health of children, meals are produced with fresh
and low-fat food. Basically, the meals are compounded by:
 Breakfast (from 9 am to 10 am): 1 fruit (banana, apple, papaya, orange or
grapefruit), milk, cereals, bread;
 Lunch (from 12 pm to 1 pm): meat soup/rice with baked potato and salad
or health sandwich;
 Afternoon tea (from 3 pm to 4 pm): Milk, cream cracker and one fruit
(banana, apple, papaya, orange or grapefruit)
The meals may vary according to season and availability of the ingredients
but will provide the same nutritional level.
Children will have at least 2 outdoor activities per week, including
excursions, beach activities, etc. For that, the provider will request previous
authorization from the responsible for take the child to the activity. All required
safety actions will be taken, including care about sun protection. A copy of the
safety procedures for outdoor activities can be provided to the mother in order to
ensure confidence. Also, the phone contact number of the providers will be
Indoor activities will vary, encouraging the sociability, learning skills and
creativity of the children. Activities such painting, puzzle, storytelling, etc, will be
provided daily.
Another important aspect is related to hygiene. The children will have
complete support from the skilled staff, which will be able to help them to make
the required activities, including:
 shower;
 brush teeth;
 wash hands;
 eat;
However, the staff will have instructions to encourage the children to learn
on how to proceed by themselves with the basic tasks to increase their level of
All children will be supervised at all times by a skilled staff team in order to
ensure their safety at the whole period which they are in the provider's premises.
If the staff find a child having any emotional problem, then the staff has ability to
handle the situation. However, if required, the parents or responsible can be
contacted in specific cases.
The provider has a reasonably safe environment, keep an first aid kit if
necessary and a skilled staff team specialized in childcare. The whole premise was
built in order to attend all requirements for provide services to children.
In order to ensure that mother and child feels confident and safe, both can
stay together in the first day for few hours, then they can know and socialize with
the environment and other people. The mother must to know all aspects of the
providers, including what is the daily activities, the premises where the child will
stay, play, the kind of food that will be provided, the safety procedures applied to
any activity carried out and on how to contact the providers if necessary. All this
information will give support for strengthen the relationship between mother
child and provider, ensuring confidence.

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