CO4703 Assignment Brief 2020-2021

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UCLan Coursework Assessment Brief
Module Title: Database Implementation
School of Psychology and
Computer Science Module Code: CO4703 Level 7
This assessment is
worth 100% of the
Database Implementation overall module mark


Assessment Release date: 19 March 2021

Assessment Deadline Date and time: Friday 7 May 2021 20:00

Please note that this is the final time you can submit – not the time to submit!


Assignment work submissions must be word-processed with a footer comprising: your registration
number; module code; date; page number. Work should be submitted before the deadline specified
via the assignment box for CO4703 in Blackboard.

You are required to submit one single word-processed file including both tasks below. You must also
complete and add the cover sheet (separate file on Blackboard) to your assignment submission.

You must retain SQL script and Form files in case you are required to submit in future or in case you
are required to demonstrate your work. Staff reserve the right to interview individual students in
order to determine final marks.


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the deadline.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this assessment brief is correct at time of publication. In the Version:
unlikely event that any changes are deemed necessary, they will be communicated clearly via e-mail 1
and a new version of this assessment brief will be circulated.

Learning Outcome
On completion of this assignment you will be expected to be able to:
1. Implement a functional relational database, giving consideration to integrity and
validation constraints, using appropriate database environment
2. Apply and justify database design techniques for the construction of a conceptual data
3. Critically review work with respect to underpinning theories

Task 1 (50 marks)

Use Oracle Forms to create a database application. This application is based on the following
table types, with primary keys underlined and foreign keys in italics:

Student (netId, surname, forenames, cCode, cYear, dob)

BookCopy (accessionNo, bookTitle, purchasePrice, loanType)
Loan (loanNo, netId, accessionNo, dateOfBorrow, dateOfReturn)

netId 20 char maximum (e.g. Bond_J)
surname 15 char maximum
forenames 20 char maximum
cCode 5 char (e.g. C1001) (course code)
cYear 1 digit number (range 1,2,3,4) (course year)
dob date (must be over 18) (date of birth)

accessionNo number (7 digits)
bookTitle 50 char maximum
purchasePrice number (e.g. 15.99); always below 100
loanType normal, short, daily

loanNo number (5 digits)
netId 20 char maximum
accessionNo number (7 digits)
dateOfBorrow date
dateOfReturn date

You are expected to create these tables using SQL and then populate them with appropriate and
sufficient test data of your own (hint: use varchar2 for netId and other variable length character

To gain a pass mark for task 1 you will achieve basic functionality for forms A, B and C as
outlined below. To gain higher marks you will create more user-friendly forms (e.g. good
layout, use of buttons and clear messages) ), and will achieve the functionality as italicised for
each form.

Form A – Create/Amend a student (20 marks)

1. Enter details; all alphabets should be in upper case automatically

2. Save a new record
3. Year should be 1 to 4 only (inclusive)
4. Date of birth (they should be on or past their 18th birthday)
5. Buttons that perform functions (SAVE, CLEAR, DELETE etc.)
6. A list of values for the course code (based on existing codes in your data)
7. Any other functionality you deem to be appropriate

Form B – Display a student’s loan details (20 marks)

A two block form showing full details of a student and all the loans they have.
1. Enter a netId and the basic loan details should be displayed
2. This form is read-only (no data displayed on the screen can be changed)
3. netID is selected from a list of values
4. For each loan, the book title should be displayed
5. For each loan that a student has taken, the duration of the loan should be displayed if
the book has been returned
6. Addition of functional buttons
7. Any other functionality that you deem to be appropriate

Form C – Menu (10 Marks)

1. Two buttons which call up Forms A and B

2. When Forms A and B are exited, control should pass back to the menu
3. A password is required for form A (but not B). Form A should be accessed only if the
correct password is entered.
4. Any other functionality that you deem to be appropriate.

For Task 1, you should submit relevant and detailed documentation in a word-processed file
demonstrating the design and implementation of the above three forms. The documentation
should have the following; you may include additional items that you deem to be appropriate.

1. SQL table creation and insertion statements for all tables.

2. For each of the functions listed above under Form A, B and C, explain how the function
is implemented. Show and explain trigger codes and other techniques (list of values, alert
etc.) wherever appropriate.
3. Include screenshots to illustrate your explanation wherever appropriate.

Because Task 1 is assessed through this documentation only, anything that is not included in it
will not be given marks.

Task 2 (50 marks)

(a) Design a relational database for the table fragment shown on the next page.

You should assume that the data shown in the table is a typical snapshot of data for these
records and demonstrates all the enterprise rules which apply, even though some rules may
be simpler than those in reality.

Normalise this table into Third Normal Form showing the intermediary stages of First and
Second Normal Form. Primary keys and foreign keys in all the three forms should be
indicated clearly. You are expected to start the normalisation process by first choosing the
customer number as a primary key. Your normalised tables should only include the
attributes shown in the table fragment; do not add any new attribute.

Justify your solution to this problem.

(30 marks)

(b) Critically evaluate normalisation as a technique for database design. For each advantage
or disadvantage identified, you should use the First Bank data to illustrate and explain it.
You may extend these data in order to identify suitable examples to illustrate your point,
however you should only do so if the current data do not provide for such examples.

The evaluation should not exceed 500 words (excluding the list of references).

References must be listed in the end and cited within your evaluation using a consistent
format such as Harvard Refencing.
(20 marks)

First Bank
Account Payment Instruction Records
Customer Account Payment Instruction

number name address number dateOf type type number dateOf type type creditor description
Open Code Instruction Code

C14 G. Brown 2 Liverpool Road 12346768 12/04/17 A1 saving

C14 G. Brown 2 Liverpool Road 67896377 20/02/18 A3 credit 2356 01/05/19 1 Direct BT quarterly
card debit

C14 G. Brown 2 Liverpool Road 67896377 20/02/18 A3 credit 2447 04/02/20 1 Direct British Gas monthly
card debit

C16 L. Gray 7 Corporation 23574879 25/03/19 A1 saving 3000 01/05/19 2 Standing BT £30
Street order monthly

C16 L. Gray 7 Corporation 34565767 25/03/19 A2 current 3000 01/05/19 1 Direct TV Licence annually
Street debit

C16 L. Gray 7 Corporation 34565767 25/03/19 A2 current 6555 10/06/19 2 Standing Car £20
Street Order Warehouse weekly

C16 L. Gray 7 Corporation 86573526 30/05/19 A3 credit 6555 10/06/19 1 Direct North Water quarterly
Street card debit

C20 G. Black 6 Walnut Tree 15657868 10/06/19 A2 current 7452 10/06/19 1 Direct North Water monthly

C23 J. White 5 Moorside 45765768 10/06/19 A1 saving


C24 D. White 5 Moorside 58878779 15/11/19 A2 current 7684 10/02/20 1 Direct HSBC monthly
Close debit Mortgage

Note: No two customers shown above have the same name, and no two properties have the same address.

CO4703 Assignment
Mark Sheet

Name: Overall Mark:

Fail Mid/Marginal Fail Pass Merit Distinction Weight
0, 10, 25, 30, 35 40, 42, 45 52, 55, 58 62, 65, 68 74, 80, 87, 94, 100
Task 1
Form A Little or no attempt, Some valid attempt has been Some sensible implementation Most aspects of the Complete and accurate 20%
(including SQL table or really does not made. and explanation. Perhaps some requirements are implemented implementation with excellent
creation and insertion understand the Perhaps some serious flaws or work is inappropriate or accurately with good explanation and screenshots
statements) technique omissions. missing. explanation and screenshots
Task 1 20%
Form B Little or no attempt, Some valid attempt has been Some sensible implementation Most aspects of the
(including SQL table or really does not made. and explanation. Perhaps some requirements are implemented Complete and accurate
creation and insertion understand the Perhaps some serious flaws or work is inappropriate or accurately with good implementation with excellent
statements) technique omissions. missing. explanation and screenshots explanation and screenshots

Task1 10%
Form C Little or no attempt, Some valid attempt has been Some sensible implementation Most aspects of the Complete and accurate
or really does not made. and explanation. Perhaps some requirements are implemented implementation with excellent
understand the Perhaps some serious flaws or work is inappropriate or accurately with good explanation and screenshots
technique omissions. missing. explanation and screenshots

Task 2 Little or no attempt, Some valid attempt has been Some sensible design and
(a) or really does not made. discussions. Perhaps some Most aspects of the design are Complete and accurate model 30%
understand Perhaps some serious flaws or essential relationship or key is done accurately with good with excellent justifications
normalisation omissions. inappropriate or missing justifications.

Task 2 Hardly any or An attempt has been made to A partially successful attempt at Nearly all significant The level of evaluation shows a
(b) very superficial perform limited evaluation, some evaluation. Evidence of statements have been deep and thorough grasp of the 20%
evaluation but this shows some serious applying background reading to subjected to some analysis. subject
misunderstandings the current set of data Background reading has been
applied to the current set of
data effectively.

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