Chapter 2

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Chapter 2



Ajoc Jouriel
Alcosaba kenn
Principle of Generator Action

• The presence of magnetic lines of force
• motion of conductors cutting the flux
• (before) voltage is generated
Faraday’s law

• The magnitude of the generated

voltage is directly proportional to the
rate at which a conductor cuts
magnetic lines of force.
Maximum voltage result in:

• A. By moving conductors more rapidly across

the line of flux,
• B. Increasing the number of flux lines across,
which the conductor s move
• C. By increasing both the speed of the
conductor and flux across which they move.
The amount of voltage generated depends on:

• 1. The strength of magnetic field

• 2. The angle at which the conductor cuts the
magnetic field,
• 3. The speed at which the conductor is moved, and
• 4.The length of the conductor within the magnetic
• It was found that when a conductor moves at a
constant speed across a uniformly dense magnetic
field, that is, a field in which the flux density in lines of
force per square inch is constant, 1 volt is generated for
every 100,000,000(10^8) lines cut per second.

• If the flux density is not constant, the generated

voltage will be an average value determined by the
total number of lines of force that are cut and the
length of time it takes to do so.

Eave = average generated voltage in a conductor
Φ = total flux cut
t = time (s), during which cutting takes place

• A four-pole d-c generator has an armature

winding containing a total of 648 conductors
connected in two parallel paths. If the flux per
pole is 0.321 x 108 maxwells and the speed of
rotation of the armature is 1,800 rpm, calculate
the average generated voltage .
General Voltage Equation for DC Generator

Eg = total generated voltage
Φ = flux per pole, maxwells
P = number of poles
rpm = speed of armature, revolution per minute
Z = total no. of armature conductor effectively used to add to resulting voltage
a = no. of armature paths connected in parallel (determined by type of armature

• An 85-kw six-pole generator has an armature

containing 66 slots, in each of which are 12
The armature winding is connected so that
there are six parallel paths.
If each pole produces 2.18 x 108 maxwells and
the speed is 870 rpm, determine the generated
Direction of a Generated Voltage

The direction of the generated voltage in a

conductor, or more correctly in a coil of wire, as it is
rotated to cut the lines of force produced by the
electromagnet in the generator will depend upon two
factors only :

• 1. the direction of the flux, which is determined by

the magnet polarity, and

• 2. the direction of motion of the conductor or coil

Induced emf of Alternating Current Generator
Induced emf of Direct-Current Generator
Waveform graph of emf in a DC Generator with many coils
Typical Brushed Motor in Cross-section
Lenz’s law
• States that, the direction of the
generated voltage in the coil is such
that it tends to produce a current flow
opposing a change of flux through the
The elementary alternating-current

• The armature of a generator contains a large

number of coils of wire, all connected together
in such a manner as to contribute to the
desired terminal voltage.

• Each one of these coils will actually generate an

alternating voltage as it is rotated on the
laminated slotted steel core inside the several
north and south poles.
Elementary two-pole Generator
The Commutation Process

• The D-C generator is fundamentally an A-C

generator because, internally, in the armature
conductors, the current reverses periodically as
the wires move to cut lines of forces
successively under the north and south pole

• Absolutely nothing can be done to change this

action in the modern type of generator
Principle of Motor Action
• When an electric motor is in operation, it develops a
torque, which in turn, can produce mechanical rotation.

• Electric motor converts electric energy into mechanical

• 1. The presence of magnetic lines of

• 2. Current through conductors lying in

the magnetic field before,
• 3. Force, and therefore torque is
Direction of force produced by magnet poles
and current- carrying conductors

• The direction of the of the magnetic field, the

direction of the motion of the conductors,
and the direction of the resulting generated
voltage are all mutually perpendicular with
respect to one another.
Important point to be made with the
study of motor action

• If a current-bearing wire is in a non-uniform

magnetic field so that the flux density on one
side of the conductor is greater than the
other side, the conductor will experience a
force action in a direction away form the
higher density; if however, the wire carries no
current and his in uniform magnetic field
nothing will happen.
Non-uniform flux distribution results
• Interaction of two magnetic fields one being
the field produced by the stationary main
poles and the other the field created by a
large number of current-carrying conductors
on the armature core.
Resultant force produced by combined armature
and field magnetic lines of force
• The direction of rotation of a d-c motor can be
reversed by changing either the direction of
current flow through the armature conductors
or the polarity of the field
Force and torque developed by
direct-current motors

• The force action exerted by a current-carrying

conductor placed in a magnetic field depends
among other things, upon:
– 1. the strength of the main field
– 2. the value of the current through the
Force and Torque developed by
D-C Motors

• B’ = flux density, lines per square
• I = current in conductor, amp
• L’ = length of conductor, cm
Force and Torque developed by
D-C Motors

◻ B = flux density, lines per square inch

◻ I = current I conductor, amp

◻ L = length of conductor, in.

• The armature of a d-c motor has 648
conductors, 65 percent of which are directly
under the poles where the flu density is
48,000 lines per square inch. If the core
diameter is 7 in. and its length 4 in. and the
current in each conductor is 20 amp,
calculate: (a) the total force tending to rotate
the armature; (b) the torque exerted by the
armature in pound-feet.
• A force of one dyne will be exerted upon a
conductor 1 cm long carrying a current of 10
amp when placed under a pole the area of which
is sq cm and producing one line of force (flux
density = one line per sq cm )
Commutation in Direct-Current motors

• For any given position of the armature, the

current directions adjust themselves so that
in those conductors under the north poles,
the flow is in one direction.
• In the dc-generator the commutator and
brushes function to change the internally
generated alternating current to a load
applied direct-current, and

• In the dc-motor the commutator and brushes

perform an inverse function by changing the
externally applied directly current flowing in
the armature conductors.
Main fields in D-C Machines

• The poles are either permanent magnets or

electromagnets excited with direct current.

• Some small generators and motor it has

sometimes been found desirable to use
extremely powerful alnico permanent magnets
for the field poles.
Advantage of electromanet

• The main field flux is constant in magnitude;

no flux control is possible.

• When the main poles are electromagnets,

the excitation current can be varied by
using a rheostat in the field winding circuit;
the flux can therefore be varied over wide
The several electromagnet

• The excitation of each pole may be produced

by a single coil of many turns of comparatively
fine wires.

• Excitation may be produced by a single coil of

few turns of comparatively heavy wire.
• The flux depends upon the product of the
number of turns of wire and the current.
• Winding with the fine wires and many
turns carry a relatively low current.
• Winding with the heavy wire and few turns
will a rather high current
First case

• The winding resistance is always high enough

so that full line voltage may be applied to it
without exceeding the normal low value of
Second case

• The resistance of the winding is always low

enough so that, when the winding is
connected in series in the armature circuit
or directly in series in one of the line wires,
the low voltage drop across the winding
does not subtract appreciably from the
source voltage.
Shunt machine
• A generator or motor that has a main field
winding with many turns of fine wire, the
winding is connected directly across the brush
terminals where full voltage exist.
Series machine
• The generator or motor has a main field winding
with few turns of heavy wire, the winding is
connected in series in one of the line wires where
the all armature current flows.
Compound machine
• Combination of shunt and series.

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